#they also mainly go for the strongest ones so its not far fetched to think sarabi chose mufasa over scar
haveihitanerve · 4 months
okay question...
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sunnysidewrites · 7 years
Zombie Apocalypse Survivor!Hwiyoung
i feel very proud of the outcome of this scenario! I wrote this for my friend who will remain anonymous but you know who you are :))) i love writing in this style it’s my personal writing style that I am very proud of and I like how it distinguishes me from other writers. please take the time to read this and pretend it’s your bias if you have another preference other than hwiyoung. please please reblog and get your friends to read this i hold this scenario close to me even though hwi is not my bias it’s that special!!! remember that requests are open but read faq & rules first!!! happy reading from your favorite mom!! ITS GONNA BE A WILD RIDE!!! i would greatly appreciate any feedback!!!
warnings: includes a lot of fluff + angst incorporated together, angst part will rip out your heart and stomp on it to pieces, fluff will try to mend those pieces together, you might cry -- i certainly felt emotional while writing that part :’))
The whole country has been affected by zombies
It only started with one or two in a couple of states
Hours later it spread to the coast
Next thing you know it has reached your town
Almost everyone has been infected and you’re one of the lucky few who still have your humanity
And sanity
You and the other survivors have been in a hideout for weeks and you’re not sure how long it’s gonna last
Your crew went from 50 people to 20 people in a matter of 2 days
Now it’s down to 10
It’s been a rough month since all your family is gone as far as you know in just the blink of an eye
You’ve gotten super close with your now population of 10
You’re the one who gets to fetch food along with Hwiyoung, a fellow survivor
Prob one of the most dangerous tasks y’all have to do but everyone picked you two bc you’re the strongest and most capable
Hwiyoung is pretty soft but his aim of a gun is no joke and he can shield you while you quickly get the necessities
Not to mention he looks hAWT shooting the zombies but anyways
And i also don’t know how you kill off zombies but just roll with it
Imagine hwi with a gun!! a gUN THIS BABY WITH A GUN
Side note: I also imagine him in a headband or like a tied bandana
He wears some black ripped jeans with black combat boots
When going out he wears a v neck sweater with a black motorcycle jACKET YAS
But when he’s inside the hideout he either wears a fitted thermal shirt holy jesus or he is wearing a muSCLE TEE OH MYGODGHLDG ARE THE ZOMBIES KILLING US OR IS HWIYOUNG
Everyone is always terrified you both won’t make it alive but you always manage to bc you’re boss af
You both grow super close since you have to go on those dangerous missions every day
You know he tries to act tough despite the situation but he’s just as terrified as you
“I can protect you y/n”
“You cried when i ate your cookie”
“They’re running low!! :(((“
But you know underneath his joking exterior he’s trembling with fear
The fear of losing you, losing everything he’s ever known in just this month
But you guys treat each other with a lot of care and even more so since you don’t know what would happen to the other in just a minute
Lots of insults and jokes but only bc it’s the only way to lighten up the heavy atmosphere even if only temporarily
You actually have developed super strong feelings for him in such a short amount of time i mean who wouldn’t when he’s literally all you talk to
But you can’t afford to pursue anything in the midst of this
Hwiyoung also began to take a liking to you and is a Flustered Mess™ around you
There’s an unspoken pledge between you that you will not ever leave each other no matter what
His family has also left without a trace and that’s another reason why you were able to bond with him so quickly
You heavily lean on your small circle for support, especially between the both of you
He’s always looking out for you
When you sleep, he brings you a blanket and puts your head on his arm since there aren’t any pillows :’))
He always double checks your weapons to see if you have enough
“You have enough ammo right???”
A lovestruck look on his face every time you’re not glancing his way
He always says a silent prayer before he sleeps to thank the heavens he is alive and you’re alive with him and that he was able to meet you even though it had to be under these circumstances
There have been some scary close calls
One day the zombies advance on you when you’re coming back from getting food
Like i’m not talking about you escaping from them i’m talking about thEY HAVE REACHED YOUR HIDEOUT AND YOU AND HWI ARE THE ONLY ONES IN SIGHT
“hWIYOUNG WATCH OUT!!!!” you scream as you’re trying to fend off the zombies
Both of his hands are occupied with guns and the only sound in the air is the ringing of gunshots
He manages to stall for just enough time for the both of you to escape
You enter a deserted building while being careful to stay in the shadows
Once you’ve scouted the place thoroughly you and hwi huddle in a corner and start talking about your game plan
Ok so by now just pause reading and play a really sad ost song just do it
Do it
Play that sad song
Maybe with rain in the background
Maybe “still loving you” by sophia pae or secret garden’s ost bgm “guardian angel” or “tear stains” by oscar
Ok let’s continue
“Look y/n I don’t want you to be put in danger so what I’m about to say is only for your safety”
You do not like the sound of those words
“You’re gonna leave”
Hold on boi “what????”
“You heard me. You’re gonna escape from this place and not turn back. The state next to us is still in good shape compared to ours and you still have the west coast that’s barely infected. I have family in California, and they should be fine right now, hopefully anyway. They’re nice, so don’t worry about them. I’m sure they’ll accept you–”
“HWIYOUNG I’M NOT LEAVING YOU IF ANYTHING YOU SHOULD GO SINCE THEY’RE YOUR FAMILY and we can’t!!!! We can’t leave each other when we promised not to” tears start welling up in your eyes and your voice cracks you can’t even look him in the eyes anymore by the time your sentence ends
“Hwiyoung, you’re the only thing I have. You really expect me to leave you like our families did?”
Here come the waterworks
“Look y/n we’re running out of time” he quickly steals a glance outside of a window and sees them advancing super rapidly
You’re interrupted when there’s a loud bang on the closed door
He quietly curses and grabs your shoulders firmly
“y/n,,,,, I didn’t want to confess like this and this is probably the worst time ever to do it but I,,, have to let you know now” he’s running on adrenaline this would never happen in normal situations but when you’re on the brink of death this doesn’t really matter
“I’m really glad that we were able to meet and bond it’s been truly a wild ride with you and i’m really gonna miss you snoring loudly and making my arm numb and,,,, what I’m trying to say is that,,,, I’m in love with you” his cheeks flush a light pink and this would be pretty romantic if you didn’t hear the groans outside
His lips press on yours and it’s a very bittersweet taste with your tears mixed in the kiss
You look at him with tears continuously rolling down your cheeks
He pauses shooting for a split second to give you the most resolute and melancholic look ever and hastily gives you a forehead kiss that lasts for just as long
Since his arms are holding the guns, he uses his body to shove you out the window and thank god the height is not that high
“RUN Y/N!!!! DON’T LOOK BACK” you can hear him from above as he sounds like he’s struggling
Zombies outside have noticed you and you’re just like oHHohhoH this IS NOT GOOD
You scramble to your feet and run down a few blocks when you suddenly don’t hear gunshots anymore
“Don’t look back” his words echo in your ears
But you can’t help yourself and throw your head back to see the zombies mainly where the building is
You tear your eyes away and try to stifle a cry and tears blur your vision
Miraculously you’re able to fend off the zombies and pick up some last minute food on the way
You even managed to scoop up an abandoned car with sufficient gas
And you blast tf out of there
Your new destination is California and it takes you a week and a half to get there
You remember him mentioning his family in California and he once said they were in San Francisco but how tf are you gonna know where
You walk to a police station and just hope to god they understand
They’re a lil reluctant to hear you out and kick you out bc they have “better things to worry about” well jeez ok thx
You just aimlessly roam around the area and you stop by a beach
And you just SCREAM
You literally scream and bawl to make up for the time you couldn’t in the middle of your escape
A few minutes later you’re approached by someone and you’re like um can i help you
“Did you… just say Hwiyoung?”
You’re just
:O no way
“Are you a family member by chance?”
He shakes his head however he is a family friend and he can connect you with his family!!!! And he even shares you a family photo as proof bc i mean you have every right to doubt him and further proves himself when he facetimes Hwiyoung’s aunt and uncle
You soon meet up with his family and burst into tears again from their hospitality and the thought of Hwiyoung haunts you and spill the entire story about how your family left and hwiyoung’s family left and he forced you to leave him
Several weeks pass and you’re slowly transitioning into this new life
It still pains you every time you think about hwiyoung or anything you associate him with
One day you get a text from hwi’s aunt “can you pick up some flowers for me?? And dress a little nice too ;) meet me at the local cafe”
Wtf why would you wanna dress nice at a cafe
But you think there’s a good reason so you just follow her orders and meet her there
She begins walking along the street and talking to you so you’re distracted by whatever you’re talking about and you eventually end up at the nearest hospital
You’re just like the????? Why are we here
She stops in front of a room and you’re still really lost like
“So are you gonna go in or are we just gonna stand out here”
She laughs looking amused “I should be asking you that. I’ll be waiting out here” and she gestures to the chair outside
You’re just like ????? um ok
You can’t help but feel a little anxious as you quietly slide open the door
You turn around and start closing it when someone’s all-too-familiar voice fills the room
“I see you didn’t look back”
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