#they all looked so good........ innie had my jaw on the floor
teethbiased · 2 months
what was felix yongbok lee on last night at lolla and where can i get me some please
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kulabutterfly · 4 years
Joy Package: Toxic what? (M) JJK
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Joy package are stories that consist of 3 main characters which are Seokjin, Jungkook and Jimin. They were in a band called Black Swan, Jimin as a vocalist, Seokjin as their guitarist and song-writer, and Jungkook as their basist.
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader, SLIGHT reader x female housemate
Genre: Smut, uh slight angst? idek lmao 
Synopsis: It’s your first time meeting your new housemate and you’re kinda a bitch and then just Jungkook.. needs your help on something..
A/N: this story was set back then when you first meet your housemates. Also you can read: Joy Package: Cabin By The Lake
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“You’re leaving?”
I was buttoning my shirts when Jungkook woke up, rubbing his eyes.
“Yes, Jungkook. It’s almost 3.”
“In the morning???” He panicked and looked for his phone. “Fuck I have meeting at 8pm!”
I sighed and shook my head, annoyingly. “3 in the evening! God, are you still drunk?”
“Oh.” he laid back on his bed, releasing a sigh of relief. ”Thank God. Jin would’ve killed me. We have a new member joining.”
“You guys found a new drummer?” I asked and he shrugged. “Jimin found him.”
“Well, I hope he’s as good as Chanyeol.” 
“Don’t fucking mention his name!” He hissed. “And when you leave, lock the fucking door. I’m going back to sleep.” He turned his back against me and covered himself up to his face with a blanket.
I rolled my eyes, picked up my bag and left.
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I finally reached the house I rented, I changed to slippers as I entered the house.
“Ouch, Taehyung! That’s so fucking hurt, slow the fuck down!”
“Just fucking hold it, bitch.”
“Ouch! Stop it!
I frowned upon hearing the sound that came from the living room. Wait what the fuck? Did they had sex in the living room that is so fucking gross.
I huffed annoyingly and decided to just go for it and act like I don’t see them. Ugh, why did my room have to be across the living room?!
I quickly walked through behind them without even looking, disgusted to even think about it.
“Y/N?” I stopped. Shit.
“Or Chaewon?” 
I turned to look at the voice calling me and see a girl with pink hair, standing, facing me. I gave her my fakest smile ever.
“It’s Y/N.” Not intended to sound rude, but whatever, I guess. 
“Oh, hi. I’m Minjoo.” she smiled, pulling out her hands to shake mine. Ew do I have to shake her hand? Her hands probably filth with dick before.
“I just sneezed. Sorry.” I gave out an excuse. I looked over behind her and saw the guy she’s with.
“Oh, that’s Taehyung.” she said as if she knew what I’m looking at and the guy  waved his hand back at me, smiling slightly. I nodded. Not that I really care.
“You guys continue. I’ll just head back to my room.” 
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I was taking a nap because my work starts at 7pm when suddenly I heard a knock coming from the door. I tried to ignore it and figure, it’ll go away soon but it has been 30 fucking seconds! I sighed and started to walk towards the door.
“Yes?” Myr voice was kinda hoarse. I glare at the girl who’s looking at me that is smiling ever so happily.
“We’re drinking beers for our first meeting! Let’s go.” Chaewon pulled my hand before I got the chance to say anything and drag me to our shared living room.
“Who the fuck drinking beers at five-” my words was cut by Chaewon screaming, “Okay let’s start! Y/N come here sit beside me.” 
We all sat on the floor together.
“Uhh, I don’t drink.” Minjoo said and I widened my eyes, surprised. 
“You don’t? Wait, how old are you?” Chaewon asked. She looked like she's my age though. I think to myself.
Taehyung laughed when he heard Chaewon’s question and she frowned in confusion. Minjoo looks embarrassed. “She’s 24 but she just can’t drink.”
“Shut up, Tae.” Minjoo hissed. “Yeah I just choose not to.”
“But I thought you guys were playing drinking games before?” Chaewon ask frowning and knitting both of her eyebrows.
“Because he’s forcing me to.” She whined. “But you guys go on.”
“If everyone drinks it, you should drink it too.” I suddenly voiced out and everyone was kinda gasped. 
I don’t mean to sound rude but what is this girl doing ruining our fun? I slightly rolled my eyes and sighed. 
“Yeah Minjoo. Try it once, please?” Taehyung pleaded while making cute puppy eyes.
“You never drank before?” I scoffed. This girl is a loser.
“I don’t even want to try it before.” Minjoo rolled her eyes and I let out a sneer. 
“Why?” Chaewon asked, probably wanting to neutralize the solemn feelings she felt. She looks like she’s scared me and Minjoo are going to fight or whatever. 
“My uncle passed away due to excessive alcohol when I was 12. So, I don’t really find the need to drink those poison.” She rolled her eyes again.
“Oh, Minjoo. I’m sorry I didn’t know-” Chaewon said sorry and she cut her off.
“It’s fine he deserved it anyway.” She shrugged.
“You won’t die by just having a sip, Minjooh.” I said, emphasizing the H at the back, mocking her. 
“It’s Minjoo. And sure yea whatever.” She opened a can of beer, and gulped all of them in one shot.
Taehyung tried to stop her but before he could even say anything, she finished the whole can. 
“Cheers!” she waved the empty can and then burped. Gosh, she’s such a loser. 
I scoffed and opened a can of beer as well and took a sip lightly. “So, Chae. What do you want us to do now?” I raised my brows at her and took another sip. 
“Hmm since we all just met, why don’t we.. ummm play 20 questions?” she clasped her hands together, smiling excitedly. 
“That’s so lame.” I rolled my eyes. 
“Really? Hmmm then why don’t we play truth or dare?” She asked again. Still excited.
Minjoo burped one more time, her head lay on Taehyung’s shoulder. “Yesssss truth or dareeee.. Tae I wanna play truth or dare…” she whined at Taehyung and fiddled her fingers on his face. 
“Well, sounds good to me.” I shrugged.
“Okay so who’s going to start?” Chaewon asked and Minjoo poke her hands to the air screaming me me.
“Okay, Minjoo. You start.” she told her.
“Innie monnie moonie moorie uhh you.” she pointed her index finger directly to me. “I just met you but why do I feel that your bitch energy is too high?” She asked and I widened my eyes. Dang, this bitch is drunk.
“I didn’t say I’d choose the truth.” I fake a smile. “Dare.”
“I dare you to answer my question!”
“That’s not how it works. You’re lame.” 
“I’m lame?? Well, uh you’re a bitch and your black jacket that you wore earlier is so cool and ugh you’re a model and that’s cool too.” Minjoo groaned.
I look at her with both eyebrows knitted together. “Thanks?”
“You’re welcome!” She groaned again.
“I think she’s drunk.” Chaewon told Tae and Minjoo screamed, “No I’m not who’s next?!”
“My turn.” I smirk. “Minjoo. Truth or Dare?”
“Dare.” She rolled her eyes. “I’m not going to fall for your tricks.” She huffed and continued to lay her head on Taehyung’s shoulder. It’s like she’s in her own world.
“Okay I dare you to suck your Mr. Boyfriend’s tongue.” I said before releasing an evil laugh. Oh God, am I drunk too?
Taehyung almost choked upon hearing my dare. “Uh I’m not her-”
“I don’t care. Minjoo, suck his tongue.”
Minjoo frowned. “That is so disgusting.”
“A dare is a dare.” I smirk.
Minjoo shrugged. “Well, it’s better to suck his tongue than his dick. Come’re Tae.”
Tae pushed her slightly trying to stay away from Minjoo’s face. “No Minjoo you’re drun-”
Minjoo cut Taehyung’s words by plasting her lips on his. She palmed both sides of Taehyung’s face, trying to enter his mouth but he won’t give her the access.
Minjoo whined when she failed. “Tae.. do you want me to lose to her? Please..” She whined again. “Open your fucking mouth.” She grabbed Taehyung’s jaw and forced his mouth open and before Taehyung could close it she slid her tongue inside. She took him in the mouth and sucked slowly from the tip all the way to the base.
“Nghn tongue..” Minjoo’s voice was muffled inside Taehyung’s mouth and suddenly she pulled out Taehyung’s tongue from his mouth with her mouth and sucked it. Like, lollipop suck it. What the fuck did I just see?
“Done.” She finally pulled away and wiped her mouth with her palm heel. As if it was nothing to her. Taehyung looked kinda flustered but he tried to hide it.
“Hey boy, it’s your turn.” I tapped Taehyung’s shoulder, asking him to ask questions.
“It's my turn!” Minjoo drunkely screamed. “It’s my turn.. Tae.. it’s my turn.”
“Shit, Minjoo you are so fucking drunk.” Taehyung grabbed Minjoo’s shoulder when she was tumbling to the front. She can’t even find her balance when she's just sitting there on the floor!
“Tae it’s my turn!” She screamed and Taehyung jolted. “Geez okay it’s your turn.” he complied.
“Innie monnie innie minnie you.” She pointed her finger towards Chaewon. 
“Uhh.. truth.” she said.
“Boo! You’re a loser!” She showed her upside down thumb finger at me. “Choose dare!” She commanded.
“No.” Chaewon frowned, shaking her head. Who knows what she’ll dared her to do.
“CHOOSE DARE!!” She screamed again while stomping both of her feet. Oh my God.
“Chaewon, can you just choose dare. This is going nowhere.” Taehyung looked apologetic when he asked her and she sighed.
“Fine okay. Dare.” she gave up.
“Get yourself a love bite from anyone here. On the neck. I want it to be dark purple blooms. Dark. as dark as her heart!” she pointed at me and I rolled my eyes while sipping on another can of beer.
She looked at Tae, cause isn’t it obvious that he’s her only choice? But he won’t look at her. He avoided her eyes and pretended to check up on Minjoo. 
She finally turned to look at me, and I don’t know why it’s probably cause I am drunk but I was smiling at her seductively.
“Come here, Chaewon.” I called for her and she came to me after hesitating for a few moments.t I  reached out and cuppe one of her shoulders and urged her to come closer. 
I gently brushed her hair that’s covering her neck to the other side while tilting her head so that I can have access to her neck.
“You smelled good.” I whispered with a low voice. 
“Uhh.. Thanks..” she said with a shaky voice and I smiled as I traced the arch of one of her eyebrows with my forefingers. “Have you done anything like this with a girl before?” 
“No.. not even with a guy..” she panted. I smiled as my tongue touched her skin, and then I suck, hard! Her eyes flew open as I growled and bit into her. I took one last deep breath before I licked the dark blooms and pulled away. I smiled with satisfaction.
“Yay that was one big love bite!” Minjoo clapped her hands. For a while, I actually forgot that she’s here.
Chaewon rubbed her neck to soothe the sting. “Taehyung, truth or dare?” She cleared her throat. Can’t bring herself to look at me. 
“Truth.” Taehyung replied. Yeah, he saw everything that has happened so it’s a given he would choose the truth now.
“Uh..” she scratched the back of her head. “Oh, have you and Minjoo made out before? I mean, you guys say that you guys were friends, is it with benefits? Cause when you guys kissed earlier, uh… that’s look.. I don’t know.. You have right?”
“Minjoo hasn't even had her first kiss yet.” He pursed his lips. “Let alone sex.” He sighed while massaging his temple. Minjoo is now dead asleep on his lap.
“Wait but you guys just kiss-” Chaewon asked. Wow, I’m surprised.
“Yeah, that was her first kiss….”
“No way.” I don’t believe them. “You guys just fuck earlier, I heard you guys.” I scoffed.
“Huh? We didn’t?” Taehyung frowned. 
“Then why the fuck she sounds like she’s in pain earlier?” I asked again.
“We were practicing for party games tomorrow. I was flicking her forehead” 
“Oh.” I shrugged. “Oh well this turned out great.” I said as I got up from the floor. “It was nice spending time with you guys but I have work at 7. I gotta go and get ready.” I said and before I entered my room, I looked at Chaewon one last time and winked. Just to mess up with her. She’s so funny when she’s flustered.
“I have a meeting as well at 8.” Taehyung scratched his head.
“It’s okay I’ll clean up. Can you help Minjoo to her room?” Chaewon asked and he nodded.
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Jungkook: Y/N wya
Me: home
Jungkook: my meeting’s at 8 and im bored
Me: so
Jungkook: fuck r u dumb
Jungkook: i need to get off
Me: jungkook i hv work at 7
Jungkook: so?
Me: use ur hand
Jungkook: do u think i dont try that before asking u?
Me: no
Me: i cant make it sorry
Jungkook: whatever bitch
I rolled my eyes and didn't even bother to reply to him. We literally just did it a few hours ago and now he wants to do it again? I’m too drunk for this shit.
I checked out the clock, it’s half past six. Damn it, I need to sober up. I took a warm shower and got myself ready for the gig that’s coming up tonight.
I still felt a bit dizzy so I decided to go to the kitchen and drink some hot tea and I saw Chaewon organizing the trash cans on the bin and washing the leftover dishes.
“Hey” I said short, not wanting to make things awkward between us. I know it was a game but I was kinda tipsy at that time so I couldn’t really think straight. My inner hoe just came out without I even realized.
She turned to look at me and I can see her dark hickey plastered on her neck. Damn it was so purple. “Oh hey.” She says, still sounded a bit awkward as she looked away, continuing what she was doing before.
I quickly make a cup of hot tea with lashings of milk and sugar. I slowly lifted the cup to my lips as I watched Chawon focus on cleaning the not so messy kitchen.
“Hey Chae.” I called out for her again after a few minutes of an awkward silence.
She jolted a bit upon hearing me and turned to look at me. I could tell that she’s nervous. “Yeah?”
“About earlier, it was a just a dare, okay? I also was kinda tipsy at that time, I can’t even think.”
She quickly nodded. “Yes yes, of course. I’m sorry it was just that-”
“You never did it before?” I cut off her sentence.
She scratches her head and slowly nods. “Yeah…”
“You have so many things to learn.” I smirk and out of sudden, her eyes turned bright and shine. I was in confusion as I knitted both of my brows together.
“You will teach me?” She asked, clasping both of her hands together.
“Will you teach me?”
“Teach you what?”
“About those things!” She squeals. 
“What? No. What the fuck?”
“Nooo whyy I mean can you just tell me stories and how to do those things. I always wondered how it happened and you seems so pro at it and I just want to-”
“Chaewon, stop.” I put out a hand sign for her to stop talking.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked. “Or girlfriend?” 
“What’s your sexual orientation?” I asked again.
“I don’t know…”
“Hmm.. find that out first then maybe I’ll help you later.”
“Really?!” She squealed again, excited.
I just shrugged, took a last sip of my tea and left the house. Well, maybe living with housemates weren’t as lame as I imagined it would be.
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Jungkook: are u still shooting?
Me: i just finished
Me: so tired
Jungkook: good come here
Me: i said im tired 
Jungkook: come here please xx
I groaned upon seeing the texts from Jungkook. I stomped my feet as I walked to the bus stop nearest and waited for taxi to arrive.
10 minutes later, I reached Jungkook's apartment. He opened the door a few seconds after I pressed the doorbell with his brief and white t-shirt. That’s so Jungkook. I rolled my eyes as I entered the premises.
“Jungkook I just got back from shooting and I haven’t been sleeping-”
“I know! Sleep here please?” He pressed both of his hands together, pleading.
I rolled my eyes. “There’s no sleeping if I stayed here with you. I know you, babe.”
“I mean, yea after you helped me.”
“Help you with what?” I frowned, furrowing my eyebrows.
“This.” he pointed down, pointing to the boxer he’s wearing AKA his dick. “Help me with this. I can’t get it up.”
“What the fuck? You called me for this? Just use your hand.” I throw my hands in the air, annoyed.
“I’ve tried it since last night and I can’t. Please baby, we have a party tonight and I need to get into business.”
“Do you know that you’re so disgusting? And no. I’m going home.” I wanted to leave but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his bathroom, shifted his hands under my ass and then set me up on the counter. My arms fell to my sides as he stepped back. 
“Help me, Y/N. I’m desperate.”
“I have no idea how to help you, Jungkook. I mean, it’s not up to me to wake your member up.” I rolled my eyes again, for the 69th time.
“I do.” he says, his voice a little deeper. He removed his t-shirt. My eyes drop, take in his almost naked body. “I think it might be beneficial to us both.” 
My fingers go to the small buttons that lined my dress and play with the top button but don't open it.
He finally kicked off his boxers. My breathing changes as he takes his dick into his hand and starts stroking. I licked my lips as I stared at his dick and fuck I can see it harden few seconds after.
“There.. Jungkook.. he’s up now…”
“Well, yes..” he says, and steps up to me. He slid his hand up my thighs as he opened it wide, and pushed my panties to the side. “I think I need more…”
“More what..” I ask breathlessly, my hips moving, squirming, as my hot core craves for his touch.
He slid a finger into me. “An orgasm or two.”
“Jungkook..” I gasp, my hands going to his shoulders as he fuck my soaking wet cunt with his finger. My eyes slip shut and my lips part as I toss my head from side to side, my hair a tumbling mess over my shoulders.
With his finger moving in and out of me, he then slid his tongue over my bottom lip, and leaned in for a taste. I kiss him back, my moans of excitement making Jungkook’s dick twitches.
I reaches down, takes his hard dick in my hands and he lets loose a loud growl. “Are you hard cause of me?” I ask, and as I stroke him, my pussy grows wetter. He chuckles and slides another finger in, wanting to bring me to orgasm so he can taste me. 
He press his palm against my clit, and stimulate it as his finger fuck me and my hands grip his dick tighter. My pussy starts dripping as he pulls out of me. My hands fall from his cock as he lifts my body slightly and slides my panties down. He tosses them away, grip my legs and widen them even more.
He is desperate to taste me and to make me come all over his tongue. He buried his face between my legs, licked me, put his tongue inside and circle my clit with his thumb.
“Jungkook..” I cry out and a second later, my hot juice spills from my pussy. He growl and lap at me, drink me in, not wanting to miss a damn drop.
“You taste so good, Y/N.” he says as I continue to ripple and ride out the pleasure. My hips move, buck against his face, and when my body stops spasming, he stands and wipes his wet mouth.
“I’m still not done with you.” He carried me to his room and threw me lightly on his bed.
“Take off everything. I want to see your body.” he commanded and I quickly peel the dress and my bra off.
“I wanna fuck you in between here.” he climbed over me as he squeezed my breasts together. He then places a pillow under my head and angles it, so my mouth can take his dick as well.
“Perfect. Now squeeze it together, tightly. Okay baby?” He says, and straddles my body. He slid his cock between my tits, and I opened my mouth when his member’s head pressed against my lips with each forward thrust. He rocks into me, and I swirl my tongue over him.
“Yeah, just like that, baby.” He says. “Show me how much you want my cum.”
I quiver at his words. My tits are squeezing him so tight, and my mouth is doing crazy things to his dick. He thrusts into me harder, faster, chasing an orgasm as I moan around his head, the vibrations going right through him.
“Yes!” I cried out between each thrust.
“Ugh, Y/N” he growls, every muscle his body tightening as his orgasm mounts. “You ready to taste me?”
I nod and he pulls off my breast, slides his hand around the back of my neck and fills my mouth with his hot cum. I swallowed and drank him in, but he came so much I can’t take it all. It spills from my lips, and when he finally drys himself and pulls out, I licks my mouth, cleaning the bits of cum.
He can barely catch his breath as he watches me. When I licked the last of his release, he turned me around and lifted my ass. “I always want to fuck you here.” he say, and slide his finger between my ass. He circles my tight opening and inserts his finger inside my butthole slightly. “It won’t be tonight though. It will take time to prepare you properly.” I move against his finger, and squirms on the bed.
He literally just came, but seeing me on my knees like this makes his cock grow hard again. He slid a finger into my hot cunt, and I cried out his name. 
“Do you need my fat cock in here?” 
“Yes, Jungkook.. please..” I say, and he chuckles.
“My dick is hard for you again,” He say. “And this is exactly where it wants to be.”
I wiggled my ass and he pushed his finger in as he positioned his cock at my dripping entrance. In a hard thrust, he enters deep into me and I let loose a cry.
“Jungkook, yes.” I say, and reaches up to grab the headboard to hang in for the ride. He pulled out and pushed back in again. He slid his hand between my thighs to stroke my clit.
“You like that, baby? You like my cock in here?”
“Yes.. I like it so much..” I cry out, and he works his finger in my ass, stretching me, letting me get used to the new sensations.
“And my finger. You like my finger in this sweet ass of yours?” My reply is muffled as I bury my face in my pillow and come all over his cock. My muscles clenched tightly around him, and he can’t believe that he’s coming again. He spurted into me, and after filling everything inside me, he fell over my back.
He pushes my hair to the side, and presses kisses to my shoulder. I stayed still beneath him. Not wanting to crush me, he then rolled over and pulled me with him. I snuggle into Jungkook, and my hair tickles his face. 
I take deep breaths and let them out slowly as my heart rate settles to normal beforeI lifting my face to him, my gaze roaming over him, admiring his beautiful face. “Jungkook..”
“Mhmm..” he coils a strand of my hair around his finger and gives it a tug. “You can sleep now, baby. I’ll wake you up when it’s time for the party.”
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Down and Dirty in Nashville Pt. 2~ Dirty Little Secrets
loThis is another entry into the marvelous  Cordonians Gone Wild AU created by @speedyoperarascalparty @ao719 @cocomaxley and @leelee10898     . thanks again ladies for inviting me along! Catch up here.
Disclaimer: I don’t own the TRR characters, they own me.
My tags: @fullbeaumonty@brightpinkpeppercorn@hopefulmoonobject@itsstillnotwhatyouthink @blackwidow2721@choiceslife@dancetothestoriesinyoursoul
CGW tags: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds@give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @ooo-barff-ooo@tornbetweentwoloves@ownworldresident @lodberg
As always if you want to be added or deleted let me know!
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         Stephanie awoke with a sinful sensation coursing through her body. Peering over her shoulder she found Maxwell, chest pressed against her back as he planted gentle kisses to the back of her neck. She felt his fingers between her thighs gently stroking her core.
     He buried his face in the crook of her neck as he hummed “Happy Birthday.”
     “Did you think I forgot? It's your birthday, Red. I wanna start your day off special.” He pressed his lips to her shoulder, then her shoulder blade, and finally the top of her spine before she rolled to face him.
    “And what exactly did you have in mind?” she giggled.
         Stephanie and Maxwell joined their friends in the kitchen. Alicia and Leo were making pancakes while Liam was frying bacon.
    “So I've got bad news. Our dinner reservations are being pushed to tomorrow night. Something about a banquet...anyway we were double booked. So it looks like we need new plans for tonight.” Anitah told everyone as she came into the kitchen, phone in hand.
     “Don't think we've forgotten that you all lost last night's bet either.” Alicia said pointing at the guys with her spatula.
     “That's right! You all will still have to dress up like us for dinner tomorrow.” Gen reminded.
     “False. That wasn't a win. Maxwell cheated. The little turncoat. He went to perform with your team.” Leo scoffed.
     “Hey! They were having more fun than we did! I couldn't help myself.” Maxwell defended himself and Liam shook his head.
   “Leo's right. Maxwell voided the bet.”
     “No way, guys. A win is a win. We expect you all to look gorgeous tomorrow. You too, Maxie.” Stephanie grinned. The guys rolled their eyes.
      “Fine. But from here on out, you ladies can have Beaumont. We see where his loyalties lie. Stef, you can stick with us.” Drake commented.
            “Well it's my little Rosebud's birthday today. I say we go dancing to celebrate.” Maxwell chimed in.
    “It's your birthday, Stef? I had no idea. Happy birthday!” Pam exclaimed.
  A chorus of happy birthdays later and everyone agreed to a night of bar hopping and dancing in downtown Nashville.
         “More booze?” Rashad asked, already a little more than tipsy as they all stumbled into the rental house.
      “Hell yes! Drake you be bartender!” Stephanie shouted, the alcohol already coursing through her veins amplifying her voice.
    Drake rolled his eyes reluctantly letting go of his wife's waist to take his place behind the kitchen island. We waved his hand over the dozen or so bottles of liquor scattered on the counter.
   “The ladies each get ONE drink outta me, then it's someone else's turn to keep bar.”  he announced, already mixing the first drink. He dropped in a sprig of mint leaves and pushed it across the counter.
    “Here ya go, Brooks.” He laughed as Anitah grabbed the mojito with a smile.
   “Who's next? How about the birthday girl?” He nodded towards Stephanie.
    “Long island iced teeeeeeeeea.” She giggled leaning  so far over Maxwell's lap she nearly fell over.
      “Careful, Red. Let's try to stay up right.” Her fiance laughed. He'd seen Stephanie casually drink before. He'd even seen her a little tipsy, but this was like a whole new side of the love of his life and it amused him.
     Drake approached the couch where the couple sat a few moments later, long island iced tea in hand and an uncharacteristic smug grin on his lips.
    “This time it's my turn to get your girl white girl wasted, Beaumont. Think you can handle her?” He joked.
     “I am NOOOOOT white girl wasted, Drake. I'm birthday girl sauced thank you.” Stephanie clarified. Maxwell and Drake shared a look as the ladies laughed.
    A beer for Gen, a glass of Cabernet for Pam and a Malibu bay breeze for Alicia and Drake finally returned to the living room, taking his seat next to Pam, one arm around her shoulder.
   The fellas had filtered in and out of the kitchen already, pouring their own drinks and Leo was the last to return, with a bowl, some paper and pens, and his drink, completing their circle as he plopped down between Gen and Alicia on the floor.
      “Okay, okay..so the rules are you have to write a secret…” Stephanie explained, her speech slurred.  “Don't show innie-one then throw em in the bowl. We mix em up and take turns readin em. Everyone has to guess who wrote that secret. If you guess right good for you. If you guess wrong, even better cuz ya gotta drank.”
    “Anyone else notice how strong her accent is when she drinks?” Maxwell chuckled. Stephanie shushed him, playfully elbowing his side.
     “Oh yeah, we've noticed.” Gen laughed.
      Everyone scrawled down a secret, tossing the balled up papers into the bowl and Stephanie shook them around. She arched an eyebrow at Brad who stood in the corner, ever vigilant.
     “Hey there, cowboy. Will you do us a solid and read these? It's no fun if we can guess the handwriting.”
      Brad took the bowl, picking up a few balls and dropping them, further mixing the selections.
    “Okay first secret: my significant other and I had sex in Bastien's bed.” Brad read, his eyes going wide as some in the group began to snicker.
   “Hmmmm.its either Leo or Alicia...I'm bettin Leo.” Stephanie announced.
    “Look at his face! It's totally Leo!” Gen agreed.
After a few more  guesses Leo revealed that, yes it was his secret.
    Brad reached back into the bowl. “Okay, uh….” Brad's face had suddenly become a deep shade of crimson. His eyes flicked toward Rashad and he took a giant scissor step backwards, away from the group.
     “C'mon Brad. Read it already!” Anitah called. He gulped and finally read, “I slept with Anitah's security guard, Brad.”
      The ladies giggled wildly as Drake, Alicia and Pam all pointed at Gen.
       Rashad arched an eyebrow in his girlfriend's direction.
      “I totally did, okay? It's my secret!” She said taking a long pull of her beer.
     “Was he good? He looks like he'd be good in bed…” Pam giggled
    Gen narrowed her eyes at her friend, purposely avoiding Rashad's gaze as she turned a bright shade of red, before finally answering, “Mmmmhmm. Yep. Really good, Pam.”
     “Next secret!” Brad exclaimed speedily grabbing another paper. “It says ‘my golden number is 8. 8 people.”
     “Well we know it's not mine.” Leo laughed, hands up defensively. “Is it Liam?”
    “That's a.. how did Stephanie say it? That's a draaaank.” Liam poorly attempted a southern drawl. “It's not my secret, brother.”
   A few more incorrect guesses were shouted and finally Pam said, “We know it's not Anitah, Leo, Liam, Gen, or me. I know it isn't Drake…”
   “Wait why does it just say people?” Leo asked.
    “Obviously so it doesn't give away the answer by saying men or women.” Drake rolled his eyes.
    “Or perhaps because it means BOTH men and women.” Rashad chimed in.
   “My guess is Stephanie.” Leo said crossing his arms over his chest. “And I'm also willing to bet that Rashad is right. She's been with chicks AND dudes.”
    Stephanie raised her glass, gently bowing her head in Leo's direction. “Guilty as charged.” She drawled and took a sip of her long island iced tea, her fiance's bottom jaw smacking the floor.
      “No….not my Rosebud. I feel like this is something we should have already taken advantage of somehow.” He commented.
   “Wait, I'm...I'm confused. Stephanie has been with 8 guys? That's what we're talking about?” Drake chimed in.
    “No, Drake. Your cousin has been with 8 PEOPLE.” Pam tried to explain, but her husband just blinked at her, clearly still confused.
       “Drake it's because I'm-” Stephanie started but Pam cut her off.
    “I'll explain it to you later, baby. Let's move onto the next secret.”
     “This one says: I've slept with Olivia Nevrakis….multiple times.” Brad dutifully read the next paper.
    “That's Drake Walker! I know it, I know it!” Stephanie exclaimed, and Drake looked as if he were about to lunge across the room at her. Liam's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped momentarily. The king quickly corrected his features while Maxwell spit his drink in a wide spray all over Brad's legs. “S-sorry, Brad. Drake slept with Livvy?”
     Pam quirked an eyebrow. “Figured as much. Oh and by the way, remind me to thank her for all she taught you.”
      Drake looked at his feet, unable to meet Pam's eyes, even if she'd taken it in good humor.
    “Can we move on please?” He asked.
    “Moving on!” Brad declared. “I spit in Madeline's food.”
    Everyone pointed at Alicia who merely shrugged, proud of herself as she took a swig. “She deserved it.”
    “I slept with Kiara Castelsarreillan.” Brad said.
    The group exchanged glances. “Um...was that a confession, Brad? Because ew.” Anitah piped up, but the guard shook his head. “It's a secret, your majesty.”
    All eyes fell to Drake who scrunched his nose is disgust. “ You guys JUST read mine. I only put one secret in there.” Everyone took a drink, contemplating their next guesses.
      “Gotta be Rashad. That's my guess.” Maxwell announced, and Rashad sheepishly nodded.
     Pam threw her head back in the deepest belly laugh imaginable, finger thrust towards Genevieve in an accusatory fashion.
     Gen looked appalled as she glared at Rashad, screwing her face into a disgusted scowl.“Really? How long ago was this? Do I need to have my skin bleached?!”
    “Years ago! I was nineteen and drunk. It seemed like a good idea at the time.” Rashad explained.
     “Only a few left.” Brad stated uncrumpling the next paper. “Olivia Nevrakis took my v-card.”
     “Liam. If Drake slept with her, Liam definitely did.” Alicia guessed.
    “Sorry to disappoint, Alicia, but I did not give my virginity to the duchess.” Liam replied as Anitah smiled at him. Liam gulped inaudibly.
    “S'gotta be Maxie then. Was it you, baby? Who's this Olivia chick anyway?” Stephanie questioned.
    Pam reached for her phone and swiped a bit. “She has been really helpful with fundraising for the clinic, actually. Here's a pic of us at the last fundraiser we did.” She passed the device to Stef who looked over the tall, thin fiery haired woman standing next to Pam.
    “That must be where Maxwell's red hair kink started!” Gen bellowed, slapping her knee jovially. Stephanie handed Pam her phone and her head snapped in her fiance's direction. “What?” He asked defensively. “I do NOT have a red hair kink. That's not the only thing I love about you. It's just a coincidence.”
    “Coincidence my ass!” Anitah called, fingers flying over the screen of her smartphone. She thrust the screen in Stephanie's direction, a picture of Maxwell clearly intoxicated, dancing with a woman with bright red hair. Gen, Pam,and  Alicia had other shots of Max with various red headed women. Even Leo showed Stephanie a picture of Maxwell grinding on a rather handsome ginger man.
    “Looks like you're just full of secrets, aren't you Beaumont?” Stephanie asked, folding her arms across her chest, a smug look on her face.
   “It isn't...like...that….thanks a lot guys!” Max stammered, his cheeks flushing.
            “On to the next. I was in a brief but steamy relationship with Isaiah Domvallier.” Brad announced.
    “Steamy? What the hell does that mean?” Drake barked in Pam's direction.
   She sunk deeper into the couch. “How do you know it was my secret?” She asked innocently.
    “Well it certainly isn't Liam's.” He retorted.
    “ Okay, so it was me, but it was before you Drake, honest. It was very brief.”
    “And steamy...I heard. How many times?” Drake's jaw clenched.
    “Aw Drake, come on. Green ain't your color!” Stephanie chided.
    “A few. No more than ten.” Pam admitted and Drakes fists tightened into perfect balls.
   “I knew he was shady...no offense Rashad.”
    Rashad laughed, “ None taken. That relationship is actually how I met Pam in the first place.”
      “Final secret.” Brad began and all eyes turned to Liam, everyone knowing it had to be his.
   “I slept with Olivia Nevrakis.”
       Drake and Maxwell shared a look before turning back to Liam.
     Anitah was fuming.
      “When? How many times, Liam?!”
       Liam fumbled with his fingers nervously, looking directly at Anitah. “ I...well...it was a long time ago. Before my social season.”
     “You said you didn't sleep with her.” Anitah accused, poking the king in his chest, one hand on her hip.
   “I said she didn't take my virginity, Nitah. I never said I didn't sleep with her.”
   “Well there's another good question! If not Liv, then who? Who got the king's v-card?”
   You could practically see the steam rising from Anitah's ears as she crossed her arms.
   “Nitah…” Liam began, but his wife's raised eyebrows told him that he'd better find an answer.
   “If Drake leaves, I will gladly tell you.”
   “Oh, no way in hell am I leaving now, Li. I wanna hear this.” Drake smiled.
   Liam rolled his eyes. “Alright fine. But may I remind you, if you hit me it's treason. I lost my virginity to….Savannah Walker.” Liam squared his shoulders trying to look regal. “Are you happy now, Anitah?”
   The queen's jaw dropped open momentarily. “ Savannah I can live with, but Olivia..we will definitely be talking about this again.”
    “Well I'm sure as hell not happy now. What the fuck, Liam? My little sister? Really?” Drake snarled. His face was beet red and his jaw was clenched. Drake looked as if her we're a bomb about to explode. Pam placed a hand on his shoulder, silently calming her husband by measures.
    “I'm very sorry Drake. I should have told you sooner.” Liam replied, embarrassed.
       “Well I guess Duchess Lythikos has certainly made her rounds among the court.” Rashad laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
      “What about Anitahs secret?” Alicia asked as Brad placed the empty bowl on the table.
       Anitah looked like a doe in headlights.
     “I guess I forgot to throw one in.” She shrugged.
    “Well that's not fair. I want to know your secret.” Liam demanded.
   “How does it feel to want, my king?” Anitah asked.
    The ladies laughed as they watched Liam's famous vein pop out of his neck as he gritted his teeth.
     “ This isn't funny, my queen. Rules are rules. What's your secret?”
     The queen placed a finger to her chin, mock-thinking.
    “I know! Why don't you go find Olivia and ask her for a secret, Liam?”
       Although they had had a good time playing the secrets game, everyone was still just a little tense as the couples headed off to bed.
       Stephanie starfished atop the bed, tilting her head to the side as Maxwell slipped the shoes off of her feet.
     “Did you have a happy birthday, Rosebud?” He asked and she smiled against the sheets.
     “Mmmhmmm. Oh, but did you have fun too? It's your stag party weekend after all.” She questioned sitting up to face him.
   “As long as I'm with you I'm having fun.” He laughed, sliding her shirt over her head, replacing it with one of her silk nightgowns. She leaned back and drunkenly peeled her skin-tight jeans down her legs as Maxwell pulled off his jeans and t-shirt, crawling into bed beside her.
   “Good. And I can't wait to see how hot you and the guys will look tomorrow night for dinner.” She giggled, curling her body into him as the little spoon.
   “Are you sure you ladies can handle the competition? I mean we are totally gonna slay tomorrow night. It's been a long time since Leo and I busted out our high heels.”
   “A long time, huh? You have GOT to tell me that story, baby.”
   “All in good time, Red. You'll get to hear all of the stories.” Maxwell assured her, but she was already asleep.
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jasperrollswrites · 7 years
Monster: Whole Hog!!
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A commission done for @mfmonstah, the first of quite a few. He wanted a TF into Roadhog, from Overwatch, and I was very happy to provide, given the guy is one of my absolute favourite characters ever. It was a lot of fun.
The lights in the 7/11 felt harsh, almost blinding. Wolf felt exhausted, but he was almost subconsciously grateful for it. It had been a long, rough day at work, and he needed something to keep his eyes open for the half an hour left it would take to get home - otherwise he'd just fall over right there.
He didn't like this state he'd gotten into. Work feeling like it was taking almost all of his life, collapsing the moment he got home, then waking up about 2 hours before his alarm before it started all over again. It felt like there was no time any more to do anything he enjoyed. Working retail was a nightmare in itself, but the aftermath hurt just as bad.
Wolf stared blankly at the fridge containing a bevy of cold drinks. Something sharp enough to just keep him going. Coca Cola, Pepsi, Dr Pepper, Red Bull, Monster. He tried to consider the options, but his brain wasn't working properly. He rubbed his eyes, not caring if he smudged his glasses. Just pick something. Monster. He opened the door to take his choice, when he stopped.
Monster: Whole Hog!!
It was a new flavour. A bright yellow can, with the Monster logo alongside a familiar drawing of a pig. And that masked face on the cover...
Looked like Monster had done a branding deal with Blizzard, and it had resulted in...this. An Overwatch themed energy drink, and they'd chosen Roadhog to be the mascot to carry it. Seemed like a weird choice. Sure, Roadhog was just as popular as any of the other heroes in the game, but Reaper or McCree would've been a more recognisable one, even to people who don't play the game...oh, but who gave a shit. Wolf was tired and he didn't have the processing power to question Blizzard's marketing decisions. He grabbed it for the novelty, paid at the counter, and left.
There was a cold wind blowing - the kind of cold that went right through you, no matter how many layers you put on. Now that he was out here, Wolf wasn't sure of the wisdom of buying a refrigerated energy drink in a can. The cool metal made his ungloved hand feel frozen to it, and the liquid inside made it worse. But this was the only way he was going to stay awake at this point. He popped the tab and heard the slight carbonated hiss, then took a quick swig, rolling it around in his mouth slightly before swallowing. Nothing much to say about the flavour. It seemed like Monster as usual, not that he was about to complain. Just a bit disappointing for a branded can to really not be all that different. He felt gas bubbling up through his throat, before he let out a small burp.
He shook his shoulders to get his fleecy coat wrapped tighter around him. It was dark and foggy out, foggy to the point that he could only see as far as the next street lamp. This was the worst thing about winter, it got dark so quick. Wolf felt his vison blur slightly as he closed his eyes for a moment. He was so tired. He couldn't wait to flop into his bed and just sleep for...4 years would probably do it. Then he'd be ready to face the world again.
He took another drink from the can, a longer one this time. After a few seconds, he felt the gas bubbling up again before he let out a louder belch. He covered his mouth in surprise. This drink was definitely fizzy. Damn. He kept on walking, feeling the wind blow straight through him...especially on his lower stomach.
Wolf looked down to see that his belly had distended slightly. He had a pretty thin frame as body types went, but his stomach seemed to have spontaneously grown a bit - not hugely, but enough to expose his skin to the air. He grabbed his shirt and coat at the bottom and pulled it down to keep himself covered. Maybe he should lay off candy or something.
He took another swig of the drink, tipping his head back quite a way to drink a significantly larger amount. Wiping his lips, he began a yawn...which slowly evolved into yet another, loud belch, big enough to leave him in a coughing fit at the end of it. Damn, this drink was REALLY gassy.
The wind picked up again, and Wolf felt the chill go through him again...including on his stomach. He looked down in surprise to see his shirt had ridden up again - and his stomach was much bigger than before.
"I was...definitely not...this big...when I left the store" he murmured to himself, grabbing the sudden paunch he had gained and kneading it between his fingers. He wasn't entirely sure he minded - fat was as just as good as muscle - but the sudden gain was a little bit concerning. He poked his belly button. It was an outie, but he was fairly sure he'd been an innie a couple of minutes earlier.
The energy drink? It was the only thing that was really different than any other night he'd spent walking home, half asleep. He looked at the can. The image of Roadhog on it stared blankly back at him. "You're not much help..." Wolf said under his breath. He turned the can a bit, twisting his wrist, when he finally noticed that his fingernails had turned completely black.
Wolf nearly dropped the can in surprise. He was very confident he had not painted his nails today, or any other day before that. And now that he looked closely at his hand, he could see it was...bigger. Meatier. His fingers were thicker, more square, they had a bit of a rough look around them, like he hadn't bothered to wash them for a day or two.
He turned the can back to look at the render of Roadhog on the cover, and grinned. Of course. What else would it be? The whole thing was a cliché, but Wolf didn't really care. It felt good so far, he might as well roll with it. He felt wide awake now. Placing a thick thumb over the opening in the can so it didn't spill, he began running home.
The wallet and keys were roughly tossed on the counter as Wolf quickly shrugged off his coat and threw it over the back of the nearest chair. He briefly considered whether he should take his clothes off for this. He was wearing one of his favourite shirts but...hell, he had others, and it would feel so much better, bursting out of those. Besides, based on what he guessed was about to happen, he wouldn't give a damn by the end of it.
Picking up the can he'd placed rather gingerly on the counter in comparison to the other things he'd been carrying around, Wolf brushed his black hair back, to keep it out of his eyes. Raising the can slightly in a quiet toast to himself, he took a deep breath, then raised the can to his lips and tipped his head back as far as it could go.
There was about 7 seconds of silence as the drink slid down Wolf's throat. He closed his eyes, letting all of it drain away, until only little drops were left. With the drink finished, he lifted the can away and wiped his lips with the back of his hand, letting it drop to his side.
He looked down at himself to find that...nothing had changed.
Granted, he was still a bit pudgier than before, but that how he had looked before coming into the house. He didn't exactly expect it to have been over all at once, but...surely something was meant to happen? That was what he was lead to believe.
That was when he felt the rumbling in his stomach.
It wasn't the kind of rumbling you could audibly hear - it was pure feeling, the sensation of his gut twisting up as it tried to process what he'd just sent to it. It was coming now, he knew it. Wolf clenched a meaty fist, crushing the can easily, and threw it to the floor. Now that feeling was shooting upwards, rising up from the stomach, through the chest, up, up, bubbling through the esophagus. His entire body tensed in anticipation, as the feeling rose up through his throat.
This was gonna be a big one.
He felt the momentary resistance first, like it didn't quite want to come through, his mouth didn't want to open up. But it was too much - when was it ever not? - and it needed release. Almost forcefully, he opened up wide, and let out a loud, cacophonous belch, so powerful it actually knocked him off his feet.
It was a long one too. Stumbling back against the wall, surprised by the power, he watched as an inverse relationship happened to his belly. As the gas expelled itself from his mouth, his stomach expanded, fat piling on and on, bloating up on its own. He could feel the weight increasing, the belly beginning to hang over his waistline. His shirt rode up, now good for only covering his chest.
As the belch trailed off, he placed a hand on his ever-expanding belly, noticing that it too was changing, becoming even thicker and rougher. He felt little nicks of pain as tiny scars appeared all over his hand. He'd just gotten them, but they looked as if they had marked his skin for years. Wolf felt a grin spreading across his face, watching his previously small hands become big, heavy mitts that could crush a smaller man's head - and everyone was small to him now.
A sensation on his belly took his attention away, as a he saw a pair of black dots appear near his belly button. While the rest of his skin was taking on a sunburnt tinge, the area around his belly button turned pink. Black lines, drawn by invisible hand, outlined a pig's head. Following that, a motor, fully formed, slid out from behind the pigs ears, as an inky fire began to appear behind that, moving as if it was a real flame.
A loud tear pulled Wolf's attention to his chest, which was doing its own expanding. His modest flat breast had followed his belly's lead and bloated out into a pair of sizable moobs, tearing that shirt to shreds. Wolf reached up to pull the rags away, and took the chance to grope one. It was thick, but felt solid. He let out a sinister laugh, his voice coming out much lower and more guttural.
Suddenly, he felt a dull ache in his mouth. Raising a paw to his jaw, he opened his mouth as if he was yawning. He rolled the jaw around, and felt the click of bone. Beneath his large fingers, he could feel his jaw becoming broader, squarer, the face becoming overall larger. The little nicks of pain started up again, this time over his face - crossing an eyebrow, down his thick lips, scratching across his cheeks. Scars, newly formed, but looking like they had been there forever. As he closed his mouth, Wolf felt a slight tickle on his upper lip, and investigated with a fat index finger. His lower canines seemed to have grown enough to become tiny little tusks, breaking through his lips.
Wolf brushed through his hair again, and noticing something, grasped hold of a couple of strands. His previously dark black hair had turned grey, and it was now much longer. It fell flat on his head, cascading down across his shoulders - the hair of a much older man. And now, he was that much older man.
He could feel the memories pouring into his brain - long days in the endless wasteland of a country on the other side of the world, an old motorbike humming beneath him. Scenes of chaos and destruction, a hook and chain in his left hand, his scrap gun in his right. He closed his eyes, flexed his hands, remembering the feeling.
After a minute or so of low, heavy, tortured breathing, Mako Rutledge shifted his head, and clicked his neck.
He patted his belly, and did a quick check to make sure everything was in place. Tattoo fully formed, arms filled out and muscular, broad shoulders and back. The underwear the kid from before was wearing was still attached, covering him up, but it was stretched to its absolute limit. A single move and the waistband would probably snap. He looked at the torn up clothes on the floor. Whatever. Not like anyone would be seeing him like this.
He rolled his shoulders back, and began to walk. As predicted, the waistband pinged apart. Taking a few more heavy, thumping steps, Mako nonchalantly grabbed what was left of the pants and tore them away. Wouldn't be needing that. He'd be getting more fitting clothes somewhere else. Then after that, he'd need to head back to that 7/11. The kid had forgotten a couple of things.
It had been an hour or so since the last customer had come and gone - some guy who looked blazed out of his mind who had grabbed a drink. The clerk wiped his tired eyes and looked at the clock. 10:22pm. He looked at the mostly empty store. The only other person there was a guy with long messy hair, wearing a blue hoodie, who had been mithering around the soft drink/energy drink section. The clerk wished this guy would stop fucking around and pick something so he could start closing up shop.
He watched as the customer reached forward and took a yellow can of Monster, his eyes widening at what was on the can. Must be that video game character thing they got earlier this month - the guy looked like someone who never went out.
Both the clerk and customer were, however, broken out of their individual reveries when a large hook smashed violently through the window and planted itself in the counter, immediately destroying the silent alarm.
A long chain extended from the hook, and at the other end was an absolute mountain of a man. He was the fattest, largest man either of them had ever seen in real life. A tattoo of a pig face covered his enormous belly, and a gas mask shaped like a pig snout covered his face.
The customer dropped the can he'd been holding, with a combined look of fear and awe. The clerk, his back against the wall, was just scared.
The pig-man walked forward slowly, his heavy footsteps making loud thumps on the floor of the tiny store. He stopped next to the customer who was frozen still, and reached over his head to grab about 6 cans of the same kind of energy drink in one hand
"Y...you're...Roadhog..." the customer stammered out.
"Glad you noticed." Roadhog replied.
There were a few seconds of awkward silence, as the two innocents tried to process what was happening to them.
Roadhog grinned underneath the mask, and looked at the cans in his hand.
"Looks like you boys could use a drink."
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