meowjaa · 2 years
we hugged.. oh fuc-
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warnings: season 7 spoilers ahead!! also blood warning and just gore mentioning! enjoy my loves <33
I would say this moment was not a good moment.. every single one of us were on our knees kneeling Infront of this dude named “Negan” he was a man in his mid 50s maybe even 40s he also wore this red scarf around his neck and a biker jacket.
He as well carried this baseball bat with wire wrapped around it, we we’re also circled by these people that looked very familiar too him, they all wore black biker jackets as what it seems.
I was sat next to carl but I was looking at everybody else not even myself for this exact moment, I didn't even think I was alive at this point there was just ringing in my ear.
“Well, well, well what do we have here!” Negan says as I see his feet walks towards me him dragging his bat along.
I look up as my eyebrows are furrowed my bangs falling down into my face covering just the slightest bit of my eye, Negan kneels down to get into my face level.
He sweeps the bangs out of my face as I try to dodge his fingers touching my hair and my face, he then lets out a sigh and turns to carl shaking his head then opening his mouth “You’re one lucky dude to have this beautiful girl!”
Negan says loudly in excitement looking at everybody as they’re fearing for their life's, “I might just take her home with me! what do you think gorgeous i’ll let you speak for this one!” He points his bat towards my face waiting for a reply.
“I think not” I look up at him as my face was prevously faced downwards a smirk was formed on my face and I just let out a small cackle letting Negan know his place and that im not just some girl that got forced to come along.
“And before you try anything.. you let me talk” I say as I force puppy dog eyes then rolling me eyes he smirked “I like you shes a keeper carl!” Negan says as he walks over to Rick.
I look over to Carl and just slowly look away as he is breathing in and out very heavily, his hair just falling on his face as well and his shirt just wrapping around him as he turns to face Negan once again.
a few moments later
The sound of blood splattering everywhere and the sound of flesh just being hit over and over again by a bat repeated in my head, as the bat hit glenn’s head over and over I flinched each time.
I didnt blink once I looked at the ground as I didnt want to see my once close friend.. family getting killed.. tears overfilled my eyes and they slowly started to drip down my cheek.
After Negan had killed both Abraham and Glenn he packed up his stuff and his army of men and just drove away, leaving all of us on our knees just staring at the lifeless bodies of them.
I sat there for a few moments wiping the tears off my face as my nose was red and puffy just trying to hold back and not break down in front of everybody I got up and dusted my knees from the dirt and ravel that was on my knees.
I walk over to maggie as I embrace her in a hug she wrapped her arms around me hugging me tightly and not letting go I started to get tears in my eyes as I hold them back.
Maggie let go and started to hug Michonne and Rick.. I walk over to Carl as I look up at him “Are you alright?”
He looks down at me and gives a small downturned smile he then pulls me in and hugs me tightly just placing his head on my shoulder as his hands just dug into my back.
I start crying as I think of maggie and glenn and all the great moments I had with the both of them, when I was younger and slightly older I truly felt bad for them but deep down I felt rage.
I want to kill Negan, no matter what it takes.. “Sorry.. I guess I just needed to uhh have a break..” I push back from carl as his arms glide off of me from when we we’re still connected and hugging.
“Its fine.. after everything that happended I still kind of need too as well..” Carl smiles softly but then we both realize whats going on “I- Uhm- i’m going to go talk to rosita and sasha..”
“Im going to help my dad.. also lets not speak about this moment to anybody” I nod my head as I turn around and start walking towards them trying to ignore the bodies Carl still watches as he starts walking towards his dad.
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bjorkzzor · 1 year
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A New World - A The Walking Dead Fanfic - Chapter 19 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1345325510-a-new-world-a-the-walking-dead-fanfic-chapter-19?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Bjorkis&wp_originator=L2EcTfAgNhzhfYMz957CsfOfN16YSGGaGzGBXnY1ZOh%2F70YR2q3wKE46zFHCAryBhVpPmJqkc0nW5e79M3P8aYPh754Z3zlJGH6ksD2sAv15dvwA%2F3MgaIovjeK9fTne In a world where everything has been turned upside down and where the dead roam the Earth, one tiny mistake can result in your death. Being alone is a bold option but when you've got no one else but yourself it's the only one there is. Growing up as a daughter of a man in the military, Sam had learned a thing or two. At the age of 12 she was fully capable of surviving on her own in the wilderness, although she never believed that knowledge would be useful one day. Nowadays she's grateful for what her father put her through as the dead walk the streets. But surviving on your own will only get you that far, so when she encounters a group of people living outside of Atlanta, what will she do? Is she going to trust a group of complete strangers that seem to have enough trouble as it is, and if so, will it be worth it? (I genuinely suck at descriptions so I suggest you read a chapter or two instead)
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trashcanband4 · 6 years
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Summary: Daryl surprises the unnamed oc one cold night. Set between seasons 2 and 3. Pairing: Daryl x Oc Word Count: 2,298 Warnings: None
 Staying warm when there's no electricity, no gas and no way to even start a fire is hard. That's where we were in life right now. Stuck in a six bedroom mansion that I would have killed for in the old world, but now it was just a brick structure that would protect us from the dead for the night. However finding housing was never the issue. Food, heat and water were the things we looked for most often. Luckily though, this house had a decent stock of food and water. So the only thing we lacked was heat.
 But this wasn't the first night we had gone without heat and we knew without discussion how to deal with it. We would forgo individual sleeping bags and sleep in pairs to share body heat. The pairings over time had preset themselves and rarely changed. Hershel shared with Beth. Lori with Carl. Maggie of course always shared with Glenn. Daryl usually shared with Carol or no one because he could be as stubborn as a horse. Rick usually shared with me or no one and T-Dog bounced between me and Carol.
 This night was particularly freezing. As I slid into my sleeping bag in one of the many rooms of the huge house I found myself wishing I had someone in the cold fabric with me, but Rick was on watch with Daryl. T had chosen Carol for the night. So I was stuck in the bag by myself...in a dark room only lit by the full moon outside. I couldn't tell you the last time I had been completely alone and to be honest I didn't like the feeling. So I decided to just push the feeling of unsettlement aside and forced myself to go to sleep.
 I woke up in the middle of the night to the rustling of clothing then a cold, obviously male figure sliding into the bag behind me. He lightly, almost hesitantly, slid his arm around my mostly exposed waist and pulled me back into his chest. He sighed as my body heat thawed his freezing skin. I assumed it was Rick, but had I been fully awake I would have realized otherwise. Rick always put his back to mine, as did T-Dog. This man was spooning with me. But being the middle of the night I thought nothing of it and went back to sleep.
 I was never very alert in the mornings, even back before the turn. I always woke up slowly, one sense at a time. The first sense that made it's way into my semi conscious state was smell. Rick usually smelled of himself and deodorant, but what assaulted my nose now was something new, yet oddly familiar. Dirt, manly musk and the very faint smell of cigarettes. Still more than half asleep I let it slide. The next sense to awaken? Touch. Hairs tickled my nose where my face was pressed into a nude, warm chest. My hands were tucked under my chin, our legs were intertwined and one heavy arm held me to this mystery man.
 Now fully aware that this was not Rick or T-Dog I opened my eyes. I didn't move for fear of waking the sleeping person. But as soon as I opened my eyes and saw the tattoo in front of them that said "Norman" I knew who was holding me, Daryl. But...Daryl? Why the hell was he in my bed? I mean, dudes hot as hell so I'm not complaining, but he had never come to me before despite me telling him that he could if the occasion ever arose.
 I never expected him to take me up on my offer, but I'm not going to lie I had thought about sharing with him and what it would be like. I never thought it would be like this. The only word for what we were doing is cuddling. When Daryl was awake he was anything but cuddly. As I tilted my head up to look at him now, sound asleep, he looked years younger and a lot less intimidating. I smirked softly to myself and pressed my face back into his chest.
 As the reality of the situation sank in, my heart started to race. I'd had a thing for him since he found me camped out in the woods near Hershel's farm, struggling to stay alive. He was attractive, gruff and somehow still sensitive and selfless and here I was cuddled up to him like my life depended on it.
 I took in a deep breath and let it out slowly in an attempted to slow my heart rate, all that did was cause Daryl to groan. I knew he was awake when his arm around me stiffened. In a silent request for him to not let go I snuggled in closer to him. Since my head was tucked below his chin he had no way of seeing that I was awake. Now his whole body was stiff, but he didn't let go.
 We laid there like that for what felt like forever and eventually I decided to see exactly how comfortable he was with our current position. He was uncomfortable with any show of affection. I knew because I rubbed his back once in a show of thanks after he shot a walker that was about to bite me and he acted like the simple loving touch burned him.
 My hands that were tucked under my chin had been clinched into fists, so I flattened them out on his taunt chest reveling in his warmth. He grunted, but otherwise didn't react. So after a few seconds I started rubbing his chest with my thumbs. It was obvious that I was awake and he pulled back, much to my dismay, to look me in the eyes. "Hi" was all I could think to say.
 "Hey" he replied, sleep making his voice even more gruff. 
 "So, uh whatcha doin'?" I drawled curiously.
 "Was sleeping till ya started movin'." He answered without a beat.
 "No I mean, whatcha doin’ here, in bed...with me?" I asked with a glance around not able to make myself look him in the eyes.
 "Ya said I could." His nonchalant tone didn't fool me.
 "Yeah, but I never expected you to take me up on my offer." I admitted.
 "I can leave if ya want me to." He said as he started to move away from me.
 "No!" I snapped a little too loud and too quickly. He quirked an almost cocky brow at me. "I mean, please don't?" I asked a lot calmer now. "I'm really warm and comfortable and if you leave we'll both be cold."
 He just settled back and pulled me close. We lay there for a few minutes comfortable and content lost in our thoughts. While I was thinking about where I was and who it was keeping me warm a smirk appeared on my face. "What ya smilin' at woman?" He asked with a glance down at me.
 "I know something no one else does." I told him with a grin and he cocked an eyebrow at me. "Unless you cuddle with Carol. If that's the case then she and I know something the rest of the group doesn't." I said my smirk growing into a grin. He scoffed and shook his head. "You're snuggly and you know it." I mocked in a sing song manner and instantly regretted it because his face turned red and he unzipped and threw the sleeping bag off of him. "I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry." I spat out quickly and grabbed his hand hoping to pull him back into bed. 
 Instead of coming back to bed he stared down at my hand in his. When he finally looked away from our hands his eyes connected with mine and I rubbed my thumb over the back of his hand before I have it a light tug. He obeyed and got back into the sleeping bag with me. Instead of cuddling with me face to face he put his back to me.
 I had pissed him off, or embarrassed him, or both. I hadn't meant to and I needed to apologize. So I gently slid my arm under his that lay on his side, to wrap around his waist. He stiffened, but didn't completely recoil at my touch. "I'm sorry." I told him more sincerely as I propped my head up with my elbow. From this view I could see the profile of his face. "I didn't mean to make fun. You just surprised me is all. You're always so...tough. It threw me off to see you go from a grizzly bear to a teddy bear." I said as I took in the side of his neck that was clean for once thanks to the spit baths we had all taken with solar warmed water from a nearby river.
 "Ain't no teddy bear." He grumbled.
 "No?" I asked rhetorically. "Are you sure?" I whispered as I leaned down and grazed his neck with the end of my nose gauging his reaction. He flinched a little but didn't pull away. "Because I think you can be when you want to." I grazed my lips over his neck until they got close to his ear. "And to be completely honest, I kinda have a thing for men who know how to cuddle." I admitted, but got no reaction from him. He simply remained stiff so instead of pushing him too far I decided to back off. I had made my point and made my intentions clear. If I kept going I feared I would come on too strong.
 I started to slide my arm out from under his but his hand suddenly grasped mine making me freeze. "Where ya think yer goin'?" He asked in a deep husky voice I'd never heard him use before.
 "I, uh, don't know." I stuttered as he turned over to look at me, keeping my arm over his waist as he did. His eyes were just slits illuminated by the pail morning light as he gazed at me.
 "I think you mean nowhere." He said with a small smirk as he moved to place his hand on my hip. "Come 'ere." It wasn't a question, but a demand and there was no way I could resist, not that I wanted to, when he pulled my hips into his and intertwined his legs with mine.  "How's this for cuddles?" He asked sounding cocky.
 I smirked to myself where my face was tucked into the bend of his neck. I kissed it enjoying his scent as I worked my way to his ear.  "Perfect." I whispered. Then gave his earlobe a nibble. He grunted and held me tighter.
 “You, uh,” he started to ask something but stopped.
 The sudden awkwardness in his tone had me curious. “I, uh, what?” I asked pulling back to look into his eyes.
 “You ever cuddle with anyone else?” he asked not looking me in the eyes.
 “You mean before the turn?” I asked and he still didn’t look at me or answer me. “or are you asking if I cuddle with Rick or T-dog on a regular basis?” his eyes finally met mine when I asked about Rick and T. So I knew that’s what he meant. “It’s strictly survival with them. We sleep back to back. T-dog tried something a few weeks ago, but he’s not really my type.” You answered. “What about you? Do you cuddle with anyone else?” I asked.
 “Na, we’re just friends.” He answered with a head shake.
 “Then what does that make us?” I asked without thinking that it might make things even more awkward. “Um, you don’t have to answer that if you don’t want to.”
 He simply placed his hand on the back of my head and pulled it into his chest. We stayed like this for a few minutes before we heard a knock on the bedroom door. “Daryl, you in there?” Rick’s voice came from the other side and I picked my head up to look at Daryl. “If you are, meet me on the porch, I need help checkin’ the traps before the eaters get to ‘em.”
 We just stared at each other until he heard Rick walk away. “As much as I don’t want you to, you should probably go.” I suggested.
 He nodded and set up as he tossed the sleeping back aside, letting cool air in. I quickly reached for my jacket and put it on as he grabbed his button up blue plaid shirt and shrugged it on. He stood up before me, and reached a hand out to help me up. I took it letting him haul me to my feet. I gave him a nod of thanks, getting a small nod and smile in return. After we had finished getting dressed he headed to the door and grabbed the knob, but stopped and looked back at me. He looked like he was thinking about something then all of a sudden he grabbed my hips, pulled me in and placed a light kiss on my lips. Within seconds the kisses deepened then softened before he pulled back and we opened our eyes. “Wanna share again tonight?” he asked with a glimmer in his eyes that I had never seen before.
 “Definitely.” I answered without even having to think about it.
 “Alright then.” Daryl grumbled with a nod then leaned down and pecked me on the lips. He smirked at me as he pulled the door open then turned and walked out.
 As I rolled up my sleeping bag, I thought about what was to come tonight when Daryl and I slept together again.
Authors note: And once again, sorry if this sucked. It’s been sitting incomplete on my phone for a year now so I figured it was time to finish it the best I can and post it. I am finding it hard to get inspired since losing my mother. It just has me in a weird mind set. So I apologize for the lack of updates. I’m still working on training sessions two. Hopefully I can get that finished tonight and posted tomorrow but don’t hold me to it.
As always if you asked to be tagged and didn’t, didn’t want to be tagged and did, or if you want to be tagged. Please let me know so that I can make those changes. I am horrible at staying up to date on my tag lists.
Daryl Story Tags: @jodiereedus22  @mtngirlforever   @zzeacat   @winchester-angel   @moodygrip   @beegnc   @hells-mistress   @lighthope08   @sapphire1727 @luisadontcurr   @Chloebabyboo @ilkaeliseb   @twdeadfanfic   @ravengalaxia   @1lluminaticonfirmed   @my-current-fandom-is   @Nikkiloves-bailey  @coffeebooksandfandom   @lonewolf471  @khloekiddo
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howlingmadlady · 4 years
Searching for a lost fanfic from years back!
Okay, so, I’ve literally been searching for this story for years now. The fic was originally posted on Quizilla (RIP) and was a multichapter Daryl Dixon x OC story. I can’t remember much about the storyline anymore because, as I’ve said, it’s been YEARS, but the story’s title was “Dying to Live” and it was written by a username “ButterMeSoftly”. That’s all I remember besides bits and pieces of a cliffhanger chapter that has literally haunted me all of this time... If anyone can help me find this story (I’m hoping it’s been cross posted on a site that I haven’t thought to check yet) I would be SO SO happy. 😭
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final-girl96 · 5 years
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The Rednecks First Love (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/gsvS2xQRl0 Daryl Dixon falls in love for the first time in his life after the world ends. He'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure she's safe. He's shy at first, sometimes harsh but that's only because he doesn't know what's going on he's never had these types of feelings before.
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thewalkingdeadmia · 4 years
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Hi everyone!
I love writing fanfics for The Walking Dead! I actually have a wattpad account with two stories currently published! I’ve never tried writing stories on tumblr, mostly because I always thought it was hard to do them...? I’ve actually never tried, not gonna lie. But still! It wouldn’t hurt to actually try to write them on tumblr!
If you’re interested in reading my wattpad stories, my username is Imagine-Ari, and I’ll have my stories down below!
Also I’m sorry if it seems like I’m trying to ‘promote’ my stories on wattpad, I’m sorry. I just figured maybe somebody from tumblr might wanna read a new story or something, I don’t know!😂
I hope you guys check out my stories and find them interesting, as well as you may, hopefully, enjoy the stories I plan to write on tumblr! Bare with me, I’ve gotta set up the story I plan to publish, haha. But I hope you’re excited to read my stories as well as I’m excited to write them!
Thank you!❤️
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dixonlovesrovia · 7 years
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melaniekingdom-blog · 7 years
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#wattpad #wattpadquotes #wattpadfanfic #wattpadspanish #thewalkingdeadfanfic
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bjorkzzor · 1 year
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Just published another chapter of A New World! Check it out
A New World - A The Walking Dead Fanfic - Chapter 18 (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1339834300-a-new-world-a-the-walking-dead-fanfic-chapter-18?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Bjorkis&wp_originator=3%2Bla0d8Ksq01oLs1PyfvSIq1ciEd8iRAsfEuvkwW7i6UiWHac6x2ruMDAbSGsgoxPjJDsV0z%2FvNMRiOWFxYIROVckw6rEloYncVGVnC5Tb7J%2Fe7MQUac14WGOelDHQIV In a world where everything has been turned upside down and where the dead roam the Earth, one tiny mistake can result in your death. Being alone is a bold option but when you've got no one else but yourself it's the only one there is. Growing up as a daughter of a man in the military, Sam had learned a thing or two. At the age of 12 she was fully capable of surviving on her own in the wilderness, although she never believed that knowledge would be useful one day. Nowadays she's grateful for what her father put her through as the dead walk the streets. But surviving on your own will only get you that far, so when she encounters a group of people living outside of Atlanta, what will she do? Is she going to trust a group of complete strangers that seem to have enough trouble as it is, and if so, will it be worth it? (I genuinely suck at descriptions so I suggest you read a chapter or two instead)
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wth-liv · 9 years
Just Updated (: May be updating again tonight.
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trashcanband4 · 5 years
Torn Chapter 2
Torn Masterlist
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Pairing: eventual DarylxOcxRick. Setting: Season 1. Warnings: None that i can think of. If I miss something let me know. Word Count: 5,100.
Lori, Carl, Shane and Cassie were sitting around in a waiting room hoping to hear something about Rick and how the surgery was coming along. It felt like they were taking their own sweet time and when a nurse finally came out she looked solemn. “How is he?” Lori stood up and asked as soon as they realized that the nurse had come out to talk to them and not one of the many other family’s sitting around the room.
“We need you to sign a consent form. He needs a blood transfusion.” Lori nodded and quickly signed the papers with a shaking hand.
“What blood type is he?” Cassie stood up and asked and the nurse answered. “I’m O negative. Can I donate the blood for Rick?”
“Sweetie you don’t have to do that.” Lori told Cassie with a tired head shake.
“Actually I might.” Cassie politely corrected her. “With the uprising of accidents here lately I’m sure the hospital is short on blood. They need to save what they have for people who don’t have a family that care’s about them like Rick does.”
“Are you family?” The nurse asked Cassie.
“Not by blood, no.” Cassie answered with a shake of her head.
“We’ll have to run some blood tests, but your donation would be greatly appreciated.” The nurse told Cassie then looked back at Lori, Shane and Carl. “I’m going to turn in this consent form then I’ll come get you.” the nurse told the young woman with a nod.
After the nurse left, Carl turned to his mom. “Mom, can I donate blood? I want to help Dad too.”
Lori as calmly as she could, turned the little boy down then looked at Cassie with wide eyes. “Thank you so much.”
“It’s really no big deal.” Cassie replied as Lori grabbed her up for a hug. “Seriously, it’s just blood.”
Lori pulled back to look the younger woman in the eyes. “It may just be blood, but it mean’s more than you know.” With that Lori sat back down and pulled her son into her side.
Cassie was on her way back up to the waiting room from donating blood when she saw the first signs of military in the hospital. A bad feeling took over her gut and she practically ran to waiting room. “Shane, can I talk to you?” Cassie asked as she entered the waiting room with her arms crossed over her chest.
“Is everything okay, did you find out something about Rick?” Lori asked as she stood up.
“No, everything’s fine.” Cassie told Lori then looked at her dad and waved him over.
“What’s wrong? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” He asked as he walked over, genuinely worried.
“The Marine’s are here.” She stated, sounding as panicked as she looked. “That can’t be good. Things are getting really bad out there and I feel like a sitting duck here.” Her quickly rambled on. “It’s only a matter of time before those crazy people come looking for more drugs or what ever they’re on. That has to be why the military’s here, right? I mean, they had guns…at the ready.”
“Cassie, calm down okay?” Shane said placing his hand on his daughters arm in an attempt to calm her down. “If the military is here it’s to make this place safe. We’re safe here, okay?”
Cassie nodded and took a deep breath. “Okay.”
“Now come on, let’s get back to waiting.” He jerked his head for her to follow him so she did.
She didn’t believe her father. Even though what he said made sense, she still had the gut wrenching feeling in the pit of her stomach.
Eventually, Rick was moved to ICU where one by one they were allowed to see him. When it was Cassie’s turn, she found it hard to leave. Rick’s pail skin and labored breathing was enough to make a new wave of tears slip down her face. She didn’t realize she had been standing beside his bed, staring down at him, until she heard her father’s voice. “Cass, you need to come out now. Lori and Carl need back in there.”
Hesitantly, she grabbed his warm, still hand and leaned down. She put her lips to his ear and whispered, “Please come back to me, Rick. I…we all need you.” Hesitantly, she placed a light kiss on his sandpapery cheek then let his hand go and walked out.
“I’m going to stay with him tonight.” Lori told Cassie and Shane.
“I wanna stay too mom.” Carl spoke up making everyone look down at him.
“No, Cassie is gonna take you home and stay with you so you can go to school in the morning.” Lori argued.
“School?” Shane asked with a head tilt.
“You really think he’s going to be able to concentrate knowing that his father is lying up in the hospital?” Cassie asked with wide eyes and a tilt of her head, looking so much like Shane it was unreal.
Lori sighed and looked down at her son. “Fine, but you’re goin’ after tomorrow and you’re still goin’ home tonight.” She told the little boy who looked disappointed, then she looked back up at Cassie. “Do you mind taking him home and staying with him?”
“No, not at all.” Cassie answered with a shake of her head then placed her hand on Carl’s back. “Go get your backpack, Bud.” As he ran off Cassie turned to her father. “Are you staying here or am I taking your car?”
“Im’ma stay here.” He said with a look at Lori who nodded.
Cassie did as asked and took Carl home even though what she really wanted to do was stay at the hospital. If she didn’t have to look after Carl she probably would’ve slept in the waiting room. It wouldn’t have been the first time. On her way out, military stormed through the front doors and Cassie knew that going home was the right thing. She just hoped that everyone still at the hospital would be alright. That Rick would be alright.
The next morning she woke up to Shane throwing a duffle bag on her bed. “Get up. We gotta go.” He told her harshly as he started throwing clothes on the bed for her to get dressed and pack.
“Go? Go where?” she asked, confused as to why she would need to pack a bag. “Are they moving Rick somewhere?” she got up off the bed and started packing her clothes.
“No, Cassie, Rick didn’t make it.” He kept tossing her clothes onto the bed.
Cassie froze. “What?”
“You were right about the military. It got bad, they were supposed to medivac Rick to Atlanta, but that didn’t happen. Military started gunning people down in the hallways.” He stopped to look at his daughter. Their wide brown eyes and matching panicked looks made it seem as if Shane was looking into a gender swapping mirror. “Lori and I were lucky to even get out of there alive.”
“What so, ya’ll just left Rick there?” she asked, stunned and confused.
“No, Cass, I was goin’ to carry him out myself, but he was hooked to all these tubes and wires. I put my ear to his chest and… I didn’t hear anything. He’s gone. I’m sorry.” Cassie was in shock when her father put some clothes in her hands. “Now get dressed, and pack. We gotta get to Atlanta. The radio says there’s a safe zone there.”
Numbly, Cassie packed, got dressed and met the others at the jeep. With a glance down the suburban street, Cassie saw other family’s packing up as well. Once everyone was packed and ready to go, Cassie climbed into the jeep and they took off.
—Two Days Later—
A traffic jam caused them and other’s to head up into the mountains and make camp. On the second day, Shane and a young Asian man who had followed them up from the road, went to a nearby camping and hunting shop and cleared the place of tents and other camping equipment. She was thankful that Glenn had also thought to grab what toilet paper the place had because the only place they had to use the restroom, other than the woods, was the bathroom of the RV. It was old, but the older man who was driving it was doing his best to keep it up and running. Slowly everyone got acquainted with each other. On the evening of the second day they realized that the canned food was going to run out in a few days.
The next morning as she sat at the dying camp fire, along with some of the other campers, she listened to the conversation about the lack of food. Once a summer her step father had brought her on a camping trip. Her mother went the first few times, but quickly decided that being in the woods, surrounded by bugs and wild life wasn’t for her. Most kids from the city like Cassie would have hated the idea of roughing it, but she loved being able to get away from all the noise and hustle and bustle.
When she looked around at all the people standing and sitting around the fire, she noticed a man with a crossbow on his back. He looked rough around the edges, and had been seen with a man she assumed to be his brother, the Dixon’s, she thought someone had called them. From what she had seen of the older of the two he was an asshole, but the younger man hadn’t said much. She was actually surprised that the younger was even at the fire considering they had set their tents up further away from the rest, but in attempt to do something helpful she decided to ask if the bowman had another bow, hopefully a recurve or compound like she was used to shooting. When she saw the man walk away, she got up to follow him. Shane caught her wrist in his hand, stopping her. “Where are you goin’?”
“I need to talk to someone. I’ll be right back.” She told him hoping he hadn’t seen her watching the unnamed guy and didn’t know where she was going. If he knew she was going off to talk to one of the Dixon’s, he wouldn’t let her go. He had made his opinion of the two men very clear. So when he didn’t let her go she came up with a lie that would make him uncomfortable and he would have to let her go. “Do the words feminine hygiene tell you enough?” It worked like a charm and he quickly let her go. She quickly caught up to the younger Dixon.
“What do you want?” the guy asked when he heard Cassie following him.
“To talk to you.” she stated as if her question had been dumb and he turned around to glare at her. “I have a few questions for you.”
“Like what, where the nearest shopping mall is?” he asked sarcastically after taking in the Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt, jean shorts and high top converse.
“First off, that’s a bit judgmental of you.” she stated as she placed her hands on her hips. “Second, I’m not as preppy as my clothing probably suggests. I know how to hunt and I’m assuming by the crossbow on your back and the knife on your hip that you do too.”
“What’s your point?” he asked with a glance down at his knife before he looked Cassie up and down.
“The camp is getting low on food. People could really use some fresh meat and I’m not brave enough to go hunting on my own with all of those things roaming around.”
“So get your policeman daddy to take ya.” He said with a dismissive wave to the camp and took off walking to his tent.
“Shane is not my daddy. He’s the asshole who knocked up my mom and he would kill me if he knew I was even thinking about goin’ into those woods.” She said as she ran around him to stand in front of him. “Look, you don’t like me, that’s fine, you don’t have to. All I’m asking is for a little help. We’ll half whatever we kill between you and your brother and me and the camp.” Daryl looked like he was thinking it over so Cassie gave him a little time before she asked, “So we have a deal?” and stuck out her hand.
Daryl glared at her before he finally gave in and slapped his hand into hers. “Deal.”
“I’m Cassie by the way.” She said still shaking his hand.
“Daryl.” He told her, still glaring at her, then finally dropped her hand. “I’m goin’ out now if ya wanna come.” He started off towards the woods.
“I was kind of hoping you had an extra bow or something.” She said and he turned to look at her with the glare that seemed to be his permanent expression. “All I have is a pistol and it would probably be a bad idea to be firing that off up here.”
Daryl sighed and jerked his head for her to follow him. He led her to his truck where he pulled a compound bow out of the back seat. “Don’t let Merle know you’ve got this.” He handed it to her and she gave him a small smile. “Ya do know how to shoot it right?”
“Yeah, as long as the draw weight’s not too much.” She surprised the shit out of Daryl when she gave the string a pull and actually managed to draw it back all the way. “It’s a little much, but I’ll get used to it.” She said as she eased the string back down. “Thanks.”
Instead of saying you’re welcome he jerked his head for her to follow him. The two didn’t talk much, but on that first hunting trip a silent friendship was formed.
Shane naturally freaked out when she showed up to camp with Daryl behind her and a bow in her hand. They were dividing up the kill when Shane stomped over with his hands on his hips. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Shane asked as he headed over to where the two of them were silently sorting their kill. “Runnin’ off like that, with a Dixon no less.”
“I didn’t run off, I went hunting.” She answered not looking up from the dead rabbit’s and squirrels that she and Daryl were lining up on the ground to be counted and split.
“You said you were goin’ lookin for feminine stuff.” He pointed out and Daryl snorted behind her making her smirk as well. Shane should’ve seen through the lie, even Daryl knew that. “What are you laughin’ at jackass?” Shane snapped at Daryl.
“I don’t have to tell you where I go or who I go there with.” She said as she and Daryl took turns picking up dead animals and placing them into their own pile until there was only one left. “I’m not a little kid anymore and you need to realize that.” Daryl motioned for her to take the last one so she took it then strung up her share of the meat and stood up.
“No matter how old you get you will still be my little girl.” Shane argued.
“I was never your little girl.” She stated. “I was just the burden you got stuck with.”
She walked around him to go skin the animals, leaving Shane and Daryl alone. “You lay and hand on her and I’ll murder your ass, you got that?” Shane said as he put his finger in Daryl’s face.
“Man, get your hand out my face.” Daryl grumbled and pushed Shane’s hand away as he walked around him back to his camp.
Shane knew that there was no stopping Cassie from going back out there with Daryl. She was too much like him, hard headed and stubborn. Neither of them had ever been one to let people tell them what to do. He also couldn’t deny that Cassie going hunting was bringing up the morale of the group and putting food in people’s mouths.
So Cassie and Daryl went hunting once a day. They managed to bring back enough for the whole camp to get full at dinner time.
(A Week Later)
“Hey, I’m goin’ out.” Daryl said as he walked up to stand by Cassie where she sat at the campfire. “You comin’?”
“Yeah.” He could tell by the off tone of her voice that something was different with her this evening. He chose to let it go, thinking she was just being a moody woman. “Do I ever not want to hang out with you?” she joked making her father give her a dirty look that she didn’t miss.
She grabbed her bow and the few arrows that she had left out of her tent then met Daryl and headed out. Things were going as usual until he noticed that she had stopped following him and moved to sit on a bolder that was half covered in moist moss. “What are you doin’?” Daryl asked walking back over to her with an arrow in his hand.
“I just need a minute, okay?” she asked not looking up from her hands in her lap. “Go hunting without me.”
“Na, I ain’t leavin’ you by yourself.” He argued as he walked over to stand a few feet across from her.
She just stared at the grass and how it curved up over his old brown combat boots. “I’ll be okay. I just…” she sighed and looked up at his ever glaring eyes. “I just need some time to myself. In the quiet, without Shane or Lori or Carl breathing down my neck.” For the first time his expression changed and she could actually see how pretty of a blue his eyes were. He started biting on his thumb, thinking about what he should do. “It’s always so noisy at camp, I never get a minute to myself and when I do I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow.” She didn’t want to say that she simply needed time to fall apart.
“Alright, but I ain’t goin’ far, holler if you need me.” She gave him a nod then watched him until she could no longer see the wings on the back of his black vest.
That’s when she finally broke. Her head fell forward as dark brown waves that used to be kept straight, fell around her face, hiding her tears from the world. Nimble fingers splayed out on the rock at her sides a contrast to the pink, chipped polish on her nails. Salt water splashed onto her jeans as her thin, athletic body shook. The evening sun, filtered through the coverage of trees, kissed her wet cheeks as she tilted her head backwards with closed eyes. “Why?” she asked the sky as she opened her dark eyes. “Why did you have to take him from me?” her whispered words fell on deaf ears. God was clearly angry with the world, why would he listen to his sheep now? “Rick was the one good thing in my life and you took him from me. I know that’s selfish of me, his family needs him too, but I feel like I’m the only one who misses him.” Her shiny waves fell back in her face when she looked down at the dewy grass. “I haven’t seen Lori or Shane shed a tear since we got here. Then again they haven’t see me cry either so what do I know?”
Eventually she realized that if Daryl found her talking to herself he would think she was crazy. So she settled for crying in silence, taking the time to let it all out while she had the chance. She was curled up top of the bolder, still crying softly when Daryl came back. She was so lost in her thoughts, memories of Rick, that she didn’t even know he was standing right next to her. Not until he bumped her freckled arm lightly causing her to jump so high she nearly fell off of the rock. Daryl didn’t give her the chance to hit the ground. He quickly grabbed her around the waist and under her legs and placed her back on the bolder. After he was sure she wasn’t going to fall he pulled a red shop rag out of his back pocket and a bottle of water out of his bag. She took the offered items without question. As she unscrewed the cap and took a drink he asked, “You good now?”
“Yeah.” she laughed then put the cap back on the bottle and handed it back. Then she started wiping her tears. “I’m good now. Thanks.” With an outstretched hand she offered him the oil stained material.
“Na.” he waved his hand at her. “You keep it. I got more back at camp.”
“Thanks.” She told him quietly as she slid down off of the rock.
He gave her a nod in return as he watched her tuck the rag in her right back pocket. He had to restrain a smile as the thought of what her father would think when he saw the rag in her pocket when they got back to camp. He’d probably try to tell Cassie that he was rubbing off of her or something. She started tromping through the overly tall grass back to camp when Daryl stopped her. “You might not wanna go back to camp just yet.”
“Why?” Cassie asked as she turned to see that he was still standing where she had left him. When he didn’t head her way she walked back over to him.
“You’re face is all red, tear stained.” He said as he motioned to her face with his pointer finger. “Shane would probably try to beat my ass if you went back lookin’ like that.” She nodded and wiped at her face as if there were still tears to be wiped. “Hmm.” Daryl hummed, leaned around her and pulled the rag out of her back pocket. She was about to as him what he was doing when he grabbed the bottle of water out of the bag and used it to wet the rag, turning it a darker shade. He twirled it around in the air to cool it off then held it out to her. “Wipe your face, cool down some.”
She just watched as he took the two steps over to the bolder and pulled himself up. After wiping her face she pulled herself up to sit beside him. She draped the rag over her face and laid back, letting the slight breeze cool the wet rag. “You know, in the whole, week or so that we’ve been hunting together I think this is the most you’ve said to me.”
"Yeah, I'm not exactly a man of many words." Daryl said with a glance over his shoulder at her even though she couldn't see him.
"Yeah," she laughed a little as she said the word, "I kinda figured that out." After a little while she sighed, at piece for the first time in a long time, as she stretched her arms out to the side. "You’re nice though." She paused to pick up the rag and twirl it around in the air, cooling it off again, then draped it back over her face. "Nicer than most people back at camp probably realize."
Uncomfortable with receiving compliments, he changed the subject. "You ain't so bad yourself." He couldn't see it, but Cassie smirked under the rag that was starting to dry out from the breeze. "Not nearly as mouthy and bitchy as ya looked like you'd be."
Cassie took the rag off of her face and sat up, looking at him across her shoulder. "Mouthy I get, but bitchy?" She asked only slightly offended. "I really came off as a bitch?"
"Na, you were guilty by association." Cassie's dark, tamed brows drew together as she tilted her head questioningly. "I don't much care for Lori and it's no secret that Shane's a prick."
"Ah," Cassie turned her eyes back to the trees. "Well I'm glad you gave me the chance to prove you wrong" she slid off of the rock then turn back toward Daryl. "It's gonna be getting dark soon. We should probably head back before Shane sends a search party." She watched him slide off the rock, landing on his feet with a thud, then move to stand across from her. "How do I look?"
He closed the gap between them to just a few inches as he inspected her practically flawless face. It surprised her when her pulse sped up at his nearness. For a split second when their eyes met, she thought he was going to kiss her. Thankfully though, he stepped back and said, "You're a little puffy under the eyes."
"You think anyone will notice?" She asked as the both started toward camp.
"Na, you're fine."
They were on their way back when they stumbled across Lori and Shane going at it in the grass. They were so into it that they didn't see Cassie slap her hand over her mouth and rush off in the other direction or Daryl follow behind her. "Oh my God." Cassie said when she finally came to a stop and leaned against a tree.
"I take it you didn't know about that?" Daryl asked standing across from her.
"You did?" She asked as she pushed off the tree and started walking around absentmindedly.
"They ain't exactly discreet." Daryl's words pulled Cassie to a stop.
"How long have you known?" Daryl just stared at her. Not sure if he should answer the question. She looked like she was about to snap. "I'm not gonna get mad at you. Just tell me how long?"
"Caught 'em bumpin’ uglies three or four days ago." He hesitantly answered. “They’ve been goin’ at it like rabbits.”
"Rick hasn't even been dead two weeks and their already hooking up." She said as she leaned on the tree again. "How can they be so disrespectful?"
"Some people ain’t got a conscience." Daryl said with a shrug.
"Yeah, apparently not." She said, still shocked.
"You gonna be alright?" He asked and she nodded then pushed herself off the tree. They walked back in comfortable silence, Cassie forcing herself to accept what she had no control over before she laid eyes on Shane.
When they got back Shane and Lori were already back, acting like they usually did. The first thing Shane noticed when Cassie and Daryl came walking back into camp was her red eyes and the slight puffiness under them. He wanted to talk to her about it, but he knew Cassie would blow up at him. So instead he sent Lori to talk to her.
So when the camp fire has dwindled down and everyone else had gone to bed, Lori moved to sit next to Cassie. "Hey, can I talk to you?" The younger woman didn't miss the fact that Lori looked around to make sure they were alone.
"Okay?" Cassie scooted away from Lori, getting her out of her personal space.
"I couldn't help but notice that you and Daryl didn't bring back as much as you usually do." Lori leaned forward to rest her elbows on her legs. Her thin brown hair fell around her face.
"We've been hunting in the same area for a while now. We're gonna switch it out tomorrow. Hunt over that way." Cassie pointed in a different direction, totally lying through her teeth.
"And when you came back you're eyes were red and puffy." Lorie looked at Cassie over her shoulder.
"My allergies have been acting up." Another lie.
"Cassie I've known you since you were seventeen. I know you don't have allergies." Lori sat up and turned toward her. "If he hurt you, or tried something, you need to tell someone."
The glare that Cassie cast at Lori could have killed. "We come out of the woods with fewer kills than normal and that's the first conclusion you jump to? That Daryl hurt me?"
"Well you were out there a long time, longer than usual so it's either that or you're doin more than hunting out there." Lori said with a judgmental shake of her head.
"Oh my god, seriously? That's what you think? That I'm screwing Daryl?" Cassie said as she pushed herself up off the log.
"Well you two have been spending so much ti-"
"Just shut up, Lori." Cassie snapped causing Lori to stare up at her like she had gone crazy. "I'm not a slut."
"Well, hanging around a guy like Daryl..." Lori said with a suggestive tilt of her head.
"A guy like Daryl?" Cassie asked and Lori shrugged. "You don't know a thing about him."
"I know enough to know he's not good for you." Cassie just glared at the ugly woman. "You're daddy feels the same way."
"Okay." Cassie put a hand on her hip and poured her finger at Lori. "First off, do not call Shane my daddy." Lori stood up and opened her mouth to protest but Cassie cut her off. "And second I'm not screwing Daryl. Unlike you and Shane I'm not stupid enough to have unprotected sex in the middle of the woods to get pregnant or eaten by a walker."
"You know?" Lori asked, her eyes even wider than before.
"Yeah, I know." Cassie said fighting back tears.
"Have you told anyone?" Fear was clear in Lori's eyes.
"No and I don't intend to." Cassie managed to keep her voice strong as she got her emotions under control.
"You don't?" Lori sounded relieved.
"No, because unlike you, I have morals." Cassie started to walk around her, but stopped and turned back to Lori. “Oh, and my eyes are all red and puffy because unlike you, I’m still grieving the loss of the honest, loyal man who was your husband…who I considered a very close friend.” Lori let a few tears slip down her cheek before she wiped them away. “So maybe you and Shane should focus more on your own choices and less on the one’s I’m making.”
That night, Cassie had a hard time going to sleep. Eventually after hours of tossing and turning, she finally drifted off to sleep.
Tags:  @jodiereedus22 @mtngirlforever @zzeacat @winchester-angel @moodygrip @hells-mistress @lighthope08 @sapphire1727 @luisadontcurr @ilkaeliseb @twdeadfanfic @ravengalaxia @1lluminaticonfirmed @my-current-fandom-is @coffeebooksandfandom @coffeebooksandfandomsohmy @lonewolf471 @gruffle1 @mblaqgi @calumstuffs @beltzboys2015-blog @neontiger007 @sourwolf-sterek32 @dixonluvv @dotslabyrinth @kayln97 @art-flirt @cbarter @chocolatealmondmilkk @chocolatealmondmilk-blog @daryldixonandfrogs @feartheendlesssummer @brooklynalpha @topsykretts926-blog
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final-girl96 · 5 years
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The Rednecks First Love (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/Tdt51uKou0 Daryl Dixon falls in love for the first time in his life after the world ends. He'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure she's safe. He's shy at first, sometimes harsh but that's only because he doesn't know what's going on he's never had these types of feelings before.
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melaniekingdom-blog · 7 years
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#wattpad #wattpadquotes #wattpadfanfic #wattpadspanish #thewalkingdeadfanfic
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bjorkzzor · 1 year
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Working on the next part of my story that’s getting published next week! Give it a read if you’ve got the time
A New World - A The Walking Dead Fanfic (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/55368405-a-new-world-a-the-walking-dead-fanfic?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks&wp_uname=Bjorkis&wp_originator=0K1I1kgupgFIzsbyJY%2FQ%2F4MadPZJLq0eaAITZc5yAyDj3H0nHeRaXPM0mSLt8tT3%2Fr19cAuZszaZdC9p%2FKfx6KQvkSi3rUm506bQZ3ssLPUlwZynYRMhHtnOWWYECw56 In a world where everything has been turned upside down and where the dead roam the Earth, one tiny mistake can result in your death. Being alone is a bold option but when you've got no one else but yourself it's the only one there is. Growing up as a daughter of a man in the military, Sam had learned a thing or two. At the age of 12 she was fully capable of surviving on her own in the wilderness, although she never believed that knowledge would be useful one day. Nowadays she's grateful for what her father put her through as the dead walk the streets. But surviving on your own will only get you that far, so when she encounters a group of people living outside of Atlanta, what will she do? Is she going to trust a group of complete strangers that seem to have enough trouble as it is, and if so, will it be worth it? (I genuinely suck at descriptions so I suggest you read a chapter or two instead)
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mizxsmokey · 10 years
Summer of Change- A Bethyl AU Update
Chapter twenty is now posted. Chapter twenty-one will be posted later today/evening.
Summer of Change link
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trashcanband4 · 6 years
Training Sessions: Session 1
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Summary: With the arrival of Rick and his group you, an Alexandrian, decide it’s time to learn how to protect yourselves outside the walls. Who better to teach you than the wild and mysterious Daryl Dixon?
Pairing: Daryl x Reader.
Warnings: Getting drunk? Embarrassing yourself? Idk I suck with warnings .
You had lived in Alexandria since the beginning of its construction and it had been a fairly peaceful life. You were no one special. You didn’t keep track of the armory and food or work in the infirmary. You didn’t have the muscle strength to help out with the walls or expansions. You were simply a citizen with nothing to offer the group. But when Rick and his people came to live in Alexandria your outlook on life started to change. It started with simply observing the new people. They weren’t like the people of Alexandria. They were more…wild and resourceful. They had witnessed the outside world and knew what it was like to live with no walls for protection. They knew everything you wished you could know. They opened your eyes and made you realized that you didn’t have what it would take to survive outside these walls. So after watching the new people for a while and after they got settled in you decided to ask Deanna if one of the new comers could teach me some survival skills. You knew exactly who you wanted to teach you and it was Daryl.
By studying him you had learned that Daryl Dixon was a quiet man. He only spoke when he had something important to say and eight out of ten times he was pissed about something when he finally did decide to speak. He was a no nonsense kind of person. Yes he was abrasive, but you could get over that. Deanna had picked him to go out and bring in new people for a reason. He could tell who was good and who was bad, just by studying them. So you knew he had to be the one to train you. If he could teach you all he had to offer then you just might have a chance out there.
With this purpose in mind you set out for Deanna’s house. Your hands shook as you knocked on the woman’s front door. Your whole time here, you had never sought her out. The longest conversation you’d had with the woman was when she made the tape of you, just like she had done everyone else. So when she answered the door you took a step back. “Y/n, how can I help you?”
You had prepared a speech on the way over, but now that you stood in front of her all the practiced words left your mind. “Um, I’d like to talk to you.” you told her and she simply smiled at you.
“I was just about to head over to Rick’s. We can talk on the walk over.” Deanna said as she walked around you and down the steps.
You quickly caught up with her. “So I’ve been thinking.” You started as you walked slowly by the mundane houses. “Since Rick and his people have shown up I’ve realized that I have no survival skills. I’ve never even killed a walker before.” You admitted as you uncomfortably placed your hands in the pockets of the shorts you were wearing. “If these walls are ever breached I’ll be the first to go. I want to be able to defend myself out there.”
“Well what do you suppose we should do about that?” she asked, clearly letting you lead the conversation.
“I want to go outside the walls.” You stated and Deanna stopped and looked at you. “I figured that the best way to learn to kill these things would be to face them head on.” You explained with a shrug.
“Well, you’re not wrong, but you don’t intend to go by yourself do you?” Deanna asked and you quickly shook your head. “Did you have anyone in mind you go with you?” she asked and you felt yourself blush despite your best attempts to keep your biased opinion of Daryl to yourself. Truthfully, you didn’t just want Daryl to go with you because you thought he would be the best fit. You also found the man to be incredibly attractive. You were pretty sure he was asking for the gazes of every woman in town to gawk at his always bare and amazingly toned arms.
Deanna just smirked and before you forced the blush away and she wiped the smile off of her face. “I was thinking Daryl would be best.”
“Daryl would be best for what?” you heard the gruff voice of Daryl behind you and turned to see him walking past. His arms were on display as always and you tried your best not to stare.
“Y/n, here wants to go outside the gates, learn how to take care of herself out there.” Deanna said and he glanced at you before he looked back at Deanna. “Think you can show her the ropes on your run tomorrow?” she asked.
Once again Daryl glanced down at you then back at Deanna, finally his eyes settled on you. “You know how to use any weapons?” he asked and you simply shook your head no.
“I’m leaving the decision up to Daryl. I need to speak to Rick.” Deanna told you as she started walking away leaving you to speak face to face with Daryl about your decision. You hadn’t expected to be talking to Daryl today, not right after mustering up the courage to talk to Deanna about it.
“Do you have any experience with walkers at all?” Daryl asked and you shook your head again. Daryl noticed that you not only hadn’t said a word since he showed up, but that you also had your arms crossed and were nervously fiddling with the hem of your shirt sleeve. “Are you a mute?” he asked confusing you into speaking.
“What? No.” you answered with creased brows and a shake of your head. You didn’t realize that he had been kidding until he smirked the slightest bit. “Oh.” You said with a blush at the ground before you looked back up at him.
He jerked his head to the side silently asking you to walk with him. “Did you have a weapon in mind?” Daryl asked and you just shrugged as you walked down the road beside him. “Ya know, if we’re gonna do this thing, you’re gonna have to learn to talk.”
“Sorry. I’m kinda used to keeping to myself here. Being social hasn’t really ever been my thing. I usually just sit back and people watch.” You said without looking at him. “But to answer your question no, I don’t have anything specific in mind, but I was hoping you would help me figure that one out. I don’t have a lot of arm strength, but I do have stamina. I run the perimeter every morning.”
“Yeah, I know.” he said catching your attention. “I’ve seen ya around.”
You looked up at him out of the corners of your eyes. “And here I was thinking I was pretty much invisible in this town.” Your comment made Daryl turn his gaze straight ahead. “So I was thinking something light and quiet, but effective.” Your tone made it sound more like a question than a statement.
“Alright.” He nodded and headed up the stairs to the building that had been turned into the armory. You hadn’t even realized that this was where you were headed. “We’ll try a hatchet, a knife and a bow.”
“A crossbow?” you asked taking in the bow that seemed to be permanently attached to his back.
“Na, recurve.” He stated as the two of you walked into the armory where Olivia sat at her desk. “Gonna be trainin’ Y/n here.” Daryl told her and she motioned him back. Daryl just looked around until he found the assortment of hatchets. “Pick one.” He said with a motion to where three different ones laid on a table. “Pick it up, hold it, make sure it feels good in your hand and ain’t too heavy.”
The first one you picked up had a dark hickory handle and a shiny blade. After holding it, playing with it and testing its weight you decided that it was too heavy. The second one looked sleeker with its black metal and plastic black handle with two silver rivets holding the handle on. The third one was pretty, you thought. Its silver blade continued into a wooden handle that had two white stripes with a black one between them on both the bottom and top. You liked it until you picked it up and realized that it was heavier than it looked. You sat it down now knowing that you wanted to try the sleek black hatchet. “I like this one.” You told Daryl who took it from you and set it on Olivia’s desk.
After that you went through the same process when picking out a bow and a knife. “Alright. Let’s get to work.” He said with a nod as you headed out of the armory with your weapons in hand. Daryl used a can of spray paint to draw a target on one of the trees. “What do you want to start with?” Daryl asked as he set the knife and hatchet on the table.
“The bow.” You said as he held up the quiver of arrows and the bow that you had in your hands.
“Alright. First things first. Bow. Arrow.” He pointed to the arrow and bow and you couldn’t help rolling your eyes at him. He smirked, but kept on talking. “You see this white feather here?” he asked walking closer to you so that you could get a good look at the arrow in his hand. You nodded. “That called the cock feather. You want it facing away from the bow when you nock the arrow. It doesn’t have to be, but it’s recommended. You don’t really have the time to pay attention to that when you’re out there with your back pressed against the wall.” He said as he held his hand out for the stuff.
You handed him the bow and an arrow then clipped the quiver of arrows onto the waist band of your shorts. You then watched him place the arrow under a little metal thing on the string. “What’s that little metal thing?” you asked making him smirk again.
Your question told him that you actually cared about learning everything there was to know about your weapon. “It’s called the nock or the knock point. You’re gonna wanna put your arrow under it every time.” He said then took the arrow off of the string then handed the bow and arrow back to you. “Your turn.” He said and you took the bow from him then did exactly as he had done. “Alright.” He said with an approving nod then took a few steps back. “Take your stance. And draw back the string, but don’t shoot yet.”
“But you haven’t shown me the right stance.” You argued and he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of the back pocket of his jeans.
He stuck one in his mouth. “Just do it.” he said talking around the cigarette as he pulled a lighter out of his shirt pocket. You blinked at him a few times before you looked straight forward at the tree and did as you were told. After bowing out a puff of smoke he looked you up and down. His appraising gaze made you blush as he walked over and kicked one of your feet with his, shortening the distance between your feet. “Ah, shit. I forgot somethin’.” He said walking over to the table. “Come ‘ere.” You eased the string back down then headed over to Daryl where he was pulling some stuff out of a bag that you hadn’t even noticed until then.
“What is that?” you asked as he pulled a weird looking glove and a strip of leather with buckles on it out of the bag.
He held up the glove and motioned for you to give him your shooting hand. “It’s a shooting glove. It’ll keep your fingers from getting sore.” He said as he slid the three fingers onto the tips of your fingers and secured the buckle around your wrist. Your skin tingled where his brushed yours and you couldn’t help but wonder if he felt the same sensation. If he did, he wasn’t showing it because he turned and picked up the strip of leather. He held his hand out for the other arm so you held it out to him. “It’s an arm guard.” He said as he turned your arm over and started buckling the guard onto your forearm. “Keeps you from tearing the hide off of your arm.” He explained and you just nodded. “Alright, get back into stance.” He said and you moved to stand in front of the target then adjusted your feet to the width that they were before then drew the sting back.
Daryl walked over, checked your feet then scanned up your body to your hand that rested under your chin. “Only Olympic shooters anchor to their chin.” He said as he grabbed your wrist and moved your hand so that your thumb was touching your lips. “Your mouth is the anchor point.” he said as he moved to stand behind you. “I’m gonna have to touch ya for this part. That alright?” he asked.
Your throat instantly went dry, but you managed to hum “uh huh.” and nodded.
So Daryl closed in on you from behind and placed his hand over yours on the grip of the bow. “You tryin’ to choke the damn thing?” he said and you tried your best to loosen your grip, but it got too lose and the bow wobbled in your hand. “Relax. I ain’t gonna bite ya.” He said and you closed your eyes and took a deep breath. You held it for a second before you let it out. “Not too loose, not too tight.” he said and you did as he instructed. “Almost done.” He said as he adjusted the tilt of the bow slightly. “Just like this.” his breath on your neck and the smoke coming from the cigarette in his mouth was driving you crazy and making it very hard to concentrate, but you reminded yourself that he was out of your league and was just doing his job. “Ya got it?” he asked and when you nodded he slowly pulled his hand off of yours and backed up. “Now just aim and shoot.”
You aimed and let the string go sending the arrow flying into the outer ring of the target. You let the bow drop and turned to look at Daryl where he was standing behind you. He took the cigarette out of his mouth and brew smoke. “Not bad. Try again.” You turned back around, adjusted your stance and nocked an arrow then pulled the string back, anchoring it to your mouth just as he said then aimed and let the arrow fly. This time it struck the center of the target. You turned around to see Daryl smiling at you and you smiled back. He clapped for you then took the smoking stick out of his mouth and tossed it on the ground not bothering to stomp it out. “Do you even want to bother with the hatchet today?” he asked.
“No, I like the bow.” You answered and he smirked at you. “But I probably should practice with a knife at some point, just in case the walker gets too close to shoot.” You suggested and he nodded.
“We’ll work on that before we leave tomorrow.” He said as he picked up the hatchet and knife. He jerked his head for you to follow him back to the armory before he started walking.
You returned the weapons and checked them back in with Olivia. When you walked back outside you noticed that the sun was starting to set and a sudden bout of bravery struck you. “Hey, Daryl?” you asked his retreating form and he stopped to look at you. “What are you doing for dinner?”
He walked back over to you and you suddenly felt timid again. “Ain’t got no plans.” He said and you looked down at your shoes.
“I have a bad habit of cooking too much for just me. Wanna join me?” you asked and he started biting his nails. “You don’t have to I just figured…”you started panicking, feeling like you were making him feel obligated.
“Na, na.” he said waving his hands at you dismissively. “I’ll come, whatcha cookin’?” he asked.
“Taco soup.” You answered and he nodded. “See you at my place at six?” you asked.
“See ya.” He said as he turned and started walking away.
When you got home you became a whirl wind making preparations. Your house was a mess. Company didn’t come over often so you never bothered with keeping the place up to code. But now that Daryl was coming over you felt the need to impress. So when five thirty rolled around you were dressed in your best, which was a white eyelet lace halter top sundress that stopped just above your knee and white flats. While cooking you wore an apron to keep the soup from splattering on your dress. It had just started to boil when you heard a knock on the door.
Your eyes snapped to the clock to see that it was just five forty. He was early. You cursed under your breath as you headed to the door. When you pulled the door open your eyes landed on Daryl where he stood, illuminated by the porch light. The first thing you noticed was that he wasn’t wearing his leather vest and instead wore a black long sleeved shirt with the arms pushed up to his elbows and dark jeans. You didn’t miss the fact that he had both a knife and a gun strapped to his belt; however his crossbow was missing from his back. He looked naked without it. “We just gonna stand here?” he asked shaking you out of the daze that you didn’t even realized that he had put you in.
“Oh, uh, no. Come on in.” you said as you stepped back and let him in then shut the door.
“Smells good.” He said as you walked around him and into the kitchen.
“Thanks.” You walked around the island in the kitchen to the stove that sat under the window. “I made it with some of the meat from the deer you killed this morning.” You said with your back turned as you stirred the pot then took it off of the stove. You got two bowls out of the cabinet then filled them with soup to cool.*
“Need any help?” Daryl asked when you turned around with silverware in your hands, ready to set the table.
“Na, I got it.” you told him as you set the place at one side of the small table then the opposing side. When you turned back around you came face to face with Daryl holding the glasses of ice that you had set out on the bar before he arrived. “I said I had it.” you said as he moved around you to place them on the table.
He just smirked at you. “I wanted to help.” He shrugged.
“You’ve helped enough just by training me.” you told him as you moved around him to grab the pitcher of sweet tea out of the fridge. “You want tea?” you asked and he gave you a nod so you poured some in his glass then yours. After setting the bowls of soup in place you took off your apron and set it in one of the barstools. You were about to motion Daryl over to the table, but when you looked at him you saw that he was staring at you. “Did I get something on my dress?” you asked looking down at your attire.
“Huh?” Daryl asked as if he had been snapped out of a trance. “No, you just…” he said trailing off. “You look…um.”
You now realized that he was trying to tell you that you looked nice. “Thanks?” you asked with a small laugh and he just gave you a slow nod. “Ready to eat?” you asked with a motion over to the table and he silently sat down. “Do you usually say grace?” you asked as you picked up your spoon and he shook his head. “Me either.” You took a bite of soup and Daryl followed suit.
“Damn, this is good.” Daryl said after taking slurping some off of the spoon.
You smiled down at your bowl. “Thanks.”
“You should give this recipe to Carol.” His words made your heart drop, but you tried not to let it show on your face.
Instead you smiled. “I don’t really use recipes. I just kinda wing it, but I can try to write it down for her.” Daryl just nodded and slurped more soup out of the spoon. You had a feeling he didn’t eat with a spoon and fork much. “Speaking of Carol…” you started and he just kept eating so you ate a bite of soup then continued “Can I ask you a personal question?” He just hummed a positive answer before he put down the spoon and started drinking the soup from the side if the bowl. “Are you and Carol, like, a thing?”
He stopped eating and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “A thing?” he asked clearly a little confused.
“Yeah, as in are you…together?” you asked and he just stared at you. “Romantically.”
“Ppfft.” He blew air out of his nose as if the question were ridiculous.
“Mkay then.” You said with a smirk before you finished off your tea and decided to switch to wine. So you got up from the table unaware that Daryl’s eyes were on you. “I’m gonna have a glass of wine. Do you want any?” you asked as you pulled a wine glass out of the cabinet and set it on the island in the kitchen. “I’ve also got rum if you prefer.” You pulled the rum out of the over head cabinet and turned to show it to him.
“Rum sounds good.” He said with a nod so you poured your glasses and headed over to the table.
After four glasses of wine for you and two servings of soup and four glasses of rum for Daryl, the two of you were feeling good. You grabbed your glass of wine and headed for the living room. “So, what are you planning on teaching me tomorrow?” you asked motioning to the knife on his belt. “I’m eventually gonna have to learn to defend myself against the living as well as the dead. I mean, I don’t even know how to throw a punch.” You said talking with your hands almost spilling your wine.
“You drunk?” Daryl asked rhetorically, but you were too far gone to realize that it wasn’t meant to be answered.
“Yep.” You turned around to look at him as you walked backwards toward the living room. “Otherwise I wouldn’t be talking this much, especially around you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Daryl asked from where he leaned against the archway that led from the kitchen to the living room. “Especially around me?”
“I don’t know.” you shrugged. You felt like you should be blushing, but the liquid courage was doing its job. “You’re…you.” you finally turned around when you bumped into the coffee table.
“What?” Daryl laughed at your drunkenness thinking you were cute when you’re tipsy.
“You’re sooo…” you drawled then took a drink and set it on the table. “quiet and surly.” You turned back around to face him.
“Surly?” Daryl asked, amused at your vocabulary.
“Yeah, you know? Gruff, abrupt, curt, hot.” You said and you noticed his eyes grew glaring all of a sudden. It took you a second to realize that one of the words you had said was wrong. “Shit, did I just say you were…?” you didn’t finish the question because you answered it in your head.
Daryl walked over to you, his rum in hand. He stopped a few feet away from you then tipped his glass back finishing the amber liquid. “Hot?” Daryl asked then leaned around you to set the glass on the table. “Yeah, ya did.” his gravelly answer made your heart sink into the pit of your stomach.
“Oh, god…” you groaned making Daryl smirk. “Please tell me you’re as drunk as I am and you probably won’t remember I said that.”
“No can do.” Daryl said with a shake of his head and you groaned and face palmed then let your hand slide down your face. “So you think I’m hot huh?” he asked letting his smirk reach his eyes and you could help but smile back.
“Well, I’ve already opened my mouth and made things awkward so what they hell.” You sighed. “Yes, I do. I also think you have nice arms.” you said before your brain could come out of its fog and stop your mouth from moving.
“Pfft.” Daryl shook his head like he didn’t believe you.
“Oh, come on, like you don’t know what you’re doing wearing those sleeveless shirts all the time?” you asked in an attempt to defend yourself and he just glared at you. “Okay, I’m gonna go get some water because I need to sober up as soon as possible. Maybe I’ll find some duct tape to put over my mouth.” You said in a rush as you attempted to walk around him and into the kitchen, but when you moved around him your foot got caught on his boot causing you to stumble. Daryl tried to catch you, but while he wasn’t drunk he was tipsy enough for his reflexes to be impaired. You ended up on the hardwood floor on your hands and knees.
When you didn’t move Daryl leaned down and offered you a hand. Too embarrassed to move, you didn’t take it. “You gonna stay down there all night?” Daryl asked quietly.
“If it keeps me from making an even bigger fool out of myself, yes.” You said moving around so that you were sitting on your butt with your feet tucked to the side.
“Come on.” He said tapping your shoulder with his still outstretched hand.
“Fine.” You sighed as you slapped your hand into his and he easily hauled you to your feet. He waved his hand for you to follow him so you did. He led you to the kitchen where he got you a glass of water and slid it over to you where you sat at the island. “Why are you being so nice to me?”
“’Cause I think you’re cute when you’re drunk.” Daryl answered with a glare at you.
“Pfft Yeah… right.” You said not looking at him, but at the water in the clear glass.
“You really think no one sees you runnin’ the perimeter in that sports bra every mornin’?” Daryl asked and you looked up at him still doubting that he actually meant what he was saying.
“How drunk are you?” you asked propping your chin up on your fist.
“I’m tipsy, I ain’t drunk.” Daryl said walking around the island to grab your hand and pull you up from the chair. “And you’re soberin’ up.”
“Really? How could you tell?” you asked sarcastically.
“Well, first off ya ain’t yackin’ my ears off.” He said as he wrapped his hand around yours and you felt your heart beat faster from the warmth of his skin on yours.
“And second?” you asked feeling sleepy as you looked from his hand in yours to his eyes.
“You’re gettin’ sleepy.” He said gruffly and you smirked. He wasn’t wrong and he knew it. “So I’m gonna head out and let you get some sleep. You’re gonna need it if you’re gonna go on a run with me tomorrow.” He kissed the back of your hand before he dropped it and you watched him walk out the door.
Authors note: Sorry if this sucked. I was in the mood to write, but didn’t feel any inspiration to work on the two requests I have sitting in my inbox. I couldn’t come up with anything off the top of my head so I picked up my laptop and this happened. *Shrugs*. Hope you liked it. Let me know if you want me to post the second part that I’m working on now.
Tags: @jodiereedus22 @mtngirlforever @zzeacat @winchester-angel @moodygrip @beegnc @hells-mistress @lighthope08 @sapphire1727 @luisadontcurr @chloebabyboo @ilkaeliseb @twdeadfanfic @ravengalaxia @1lluminaticonfirmed @my-current-fandom-is @nikkiloves-bailey @coffeebooksandfandom @lonewolf471
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