onlydarylnormanfic · 3 years
Keep Her Safe - (Next Up!)
Daryl Dixon x Reader
Summary: Reader and Daryl have been good friends for a long time. Daryl and the Reader’s boyfriend, who is now gone, were very close. After months of helping the Reader heal from her boyfriend’s sudden death Daryl finally reveals to her how much he cares about her and how much he wants to keep her safe. Season 9. After Rick leaves.
A/N: I need to start with some fresh ideas coming back. So this is not a request. It’s my own new story. I hope you will all enjoy it! 
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howlingmadlady · 4 years
Searching for a lost fanfic from years back!
Okay, so, I’ve literally been searching for this story for years now. The fic was originally posted on Quizilla (RIP) and was a multichapter Daryl Dixon x OC story. I can’t remember much about the storyline anymore because, as I’ve said, it’s been YEARS, but the story’s title was “Dying to Live” and it was written by a username “ButterMeSoftly”. That’s all I remember besides bits and pieces of a cliffhanger chapter that has literally haunted me all of this time... If anyone can help me find this story (I’m hoping it’s been cross posted on a site that I haven’t thought to check yet) I would be SO SO happy. 😭
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final-girl96 · 5 years
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The Rednecks First Love (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/gsvS2xQRl0 Daryl Dixon falls in love for the first time in his life after the world ends. He'll go to the ends of the earth to make sure she's safe. He's shy at first, sometimes harsh but that's only because he doesn't know what's going on he's never had these types of feelings before.
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lalaland1109 · 7 years
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Resilience [Daryl Dixon ♥] (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/nc6Kf2oKkK ❝You never know how strong you are until being strong is your only choice.❞ [Daryl Dixon FanFiction] Date Started: November 6, 2016 Date Finished: x All rights reserved. Season 1 - 2 I do not own AMC's the Walking Dead, or its characters and plot line. I simply own my character(s) and any differences my character(s) make to t…
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jade-island-lives · 2 years
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anarrowdippedinink · 8 years
Chapter 5
Rayne stirred and rolled over to find the space where Daryl was sleeping empty.  She opened up her eyes to make sure that he was really gone.  The tent was still filled with his smell.  It was a musky scent  with something else that she couldn't place.  She sat up and rubbed her eyes.  She figured since Daryl was no where to be found that he had gone to bed after she fell asleep.  She stood up and stretched since sleeping in her car and on the ground wasn't helping her back.  She stuck her head of of the tent.  The sun was just starting to rise.  The faint light of dawn was enough for her to see that people were still sleeping and Dale was on watch again.  He looked over in her direction nodding 'hello' and giving her a wink.  She wasn't sure what that was about but she shrugged it off.  She saw Daryl over by his tent helping Merle pack his stuff.  He was up early today.  It seemed unlike Merle to get up that early but he  must be itching to get out of camp.  She walked back in her tent to change.  She figured that when Daryl was done helping Merle that he would want to go out hunting like normal.  The days were getting hotter so she dug in her bag for a pair of shorts. All she could find was a pair of jeans that she had cut really short. Maybe they were a little too short for the end of the world but who cares, its hot as hell out in the woods.  She found a black halter top that had 'Slayer' written across it.  She emerged from the tent with her boots in hand.  She nodded to Daryl and Merle as she walked over to Daryl's tail gate.  
Merle said to Daryl, “I sure am gonna miss tha' ass while I'm gone.”
Daryl just shook his head.  Rayne tied up her boots and walked over to the Dixon boys.  
“G'mornin darlin'.” said Merle.
“Good Morning Merle.  Be careful out there alright.” she said to him with a smile.
“Don't worry darlin' ain’t not fucking walker gonna get me.”
Daryl looked over to Rayne and said, “Make sure you got a blanket and enough supplies to stay in the woods at night.”
“What?!  We are sleeping out in the woods tonight?”
“Ya damn right we are, girl.  I ain’t coming back without that deer.”
She walked back to her tent and grabbed her back pack.  She put a blanket and other supplies into it.  Rayne walked out of the tent and over to Dale.  Who had climbed down from the RV.
“Hey Dale”
“Hello Rayne.  What can I do ya for?”
“Daryl and I are going out again.  He doesn't want to come back without a deer we have been tracking so don't go sending a search party out if we don't come back tonight.”
“You think that's a wise idea?  Being alone in the woods with Daryl Dixon?”
“He isn't as bad as everyone thinks he is, Dale.  Don't be so quick to judge.  If I didn't think I was safe then I wouldn't be going out there with him.  Just don't worry too much old man ya might give yourself a stroke.”
Dale chuckled and gave her a hug goodbye reminding her to be careful.  Rayne headed back to the Dixon boys.  She gave Merle a quick hug goodbye and he grabbed at her ass while she did.  
She pushed him away, “Your such a pig, Merle”
“Oink oink baby doll.”
Daryl nodded to his brother as him and Rayne disappeared into the woods.  Daryl watched Rayne walking in front of him admiring her tiny, cut up shorts.  
He almost walked into her as she bent down and picked up fresh deer tracks, “These are fresh tracks.”
“Well then, let's go kill us a deer, Jersey.”
They tracked that deer for miles before they rested on a ridge.  They were looking out over the Atlanta sky line and saw clouds rolling in.
“Looks like they are gonna get a 'lil wet out there.” Rayne noted.
“Yeah,  probably”
Meanwhile back at camp...
Rick Grimes had finally joined the others and reunited with his wife and son.  Which happened to be Lori and Carl.  Everyone sat around a small campfire talking about what happened in Atlanta.  After Rick had finished his story Shane scolded Ed for putting another log on the fire.  Shane was the kind of man that when he felt threatened he would strut around with his chest puffed out.  
It was Dale that spoke up first, “Have you given any thought to Daryl Dixon?  He won't be happy to hear that his brother was left behind.”
T-Dog spoke up and said that it was on him because he dropped the key.  Rick also added that he was the one that handcuffed him to a pipe on a roof.  
Glenn spoke up, “Guys it's not a competition.  I don't mean to bring race into this but it might sound better coming from a white guy.”
The option of telling Daryl a lie was brought up but quickly thrown out.  Merle was out of control and endangered all of them.  Dale was concerned that when Daryl and Rayne came back that Daryl would lose it.  “Word to the wise, we are going to have our hands full when they come back from their hunt.”
Shane looked at Dale very concerned, “They?”
“Yea, Rayne went with him this morning like they always do.”
Lori was worried as well and said, “Why aren't they back yet?”
“Rayne came to me this morning and told me that they weren't leaving without bringing back a deer they have been tracking.  She told me not to worry if they didn't come back tonight.  I think that she can take care of herself.  Daryl saved her life.  I don't think he is going to hurt her.” Dale told the group.
The sun had set and it was getting darker by the minute.  Daryl found a huge rock, he cleared out the space near the base so they could light a small fire for warmth.  He rested his crossbow against the rock,  Rayne did the same with her bow.  He told her to stay behind while he gathered wood.  She sat against the rock and lit a cigarette.  She took a long drink from a water bottle that she packed with her.  Daryl returned and began lighting a small fire.  They didn't talk much while they were out hunting.  When he was finished he sat down beside her.  She handed him her pack of cigarettes and her lighter.  She knew that he didn't have any on him.  
She watched him as he smoked until he spoke, “What you staring at, Jersey?”
“You, is there a problem with that?” she said to him, in her usual sassy voice.
“Guess not.  Ya think they're gonna send the search party out for ya when ya don't come back tonight?”
“Nope.  I already told Dale that we might not be back tonight.”
“I bet he didn't like that idea.  You all alone out in the woods with the mean, angry redneck.”
“I don't care what they think.  They can talk all they want.  I know what I'm doing.  Besides you ain't as mean as people think you are.”
Despite the fire, Rayne was starting to get really cold.  She grabbed the blanket out of her backpack.  Then she realized that she only had one blanket.  She looked over at Daryl, who was wearing a sleeveless shirt like everyday.  He looked cold but would never say anything about it.  She thought for awhile and then crouched down in front of him.  She took the blanket and wrapped it around him.  He wanted to protest that he was a man and didn't need a fucking blanket.  Before he could say anything she put her hands on his knees and spread them apart.  She sat between his legs with her back pressed to his chest.  
“What are you doing?” he began to protest.
“Keeping both of us warm.  I know you don't like me being so close to you but I'm freezing my ass off.” She pulled her hair away from her neck so that it wouldn't get in his face.  It probably wasn't a good idea because she could feel him breathing down her neck now.  It sent shivers down her entire body.  
Then he spoke to her but because they were so close all he did was whisper into her ear, “I nev'a said I didn't like it.”
He heard her catch her breath as he whispered to her.  He could see her chest rising and falling faster than before.  He couldn't help but feel good that he was causing this reaction from her.  He grabbed the corners of the blanket and wrapped his arms around her.  He rested his elbows on his knees and continued to breathe down her neck.  
He felt her body shiver and again whispered into her neck, “Still cold?”
Her breathe caught in her throat again and this time it wasn't silent.  She knew that he heard her this time.  She couldn't control her body as she arched her back and pressed into him harder, “You're breathing down my neck Daryl.”
He smiled an evil grin and knew exactly what he was doing to her.  Maybe it was time for her to get a does of her own medicine.  “Don't like getting a dose of your own medicine do ya?”
“Oh my God Daryl you have to stop that.  Your driving me fucking crazy.”
He smiled and took a strand of her hair that she had missed.  He traced up her neck lightly and tucked it behind her ear.  “Now ya know how I feel.”
She turned her head to look over her shoulder at him, “Wait...What?!”
He pressed his head to hers and whispered only inches from his lips, “You think that you don't drive me crazy too.  The way you sway your hips when you walk.  The way you look at me with those eyes.  The way you kissed me that day. What really drives me crazy is the way you bite your lip and twist your lip ring around.”
She couldn't help but bite her bottom lip despite what he just said.  She never had someone talk to her like that before.  When she asked Daryl to open up she never expected him to be so bold.  
She heard him growl low and deep in his throat.  “Yea just like that.  Now knock it off.”
She adjusted herself sideways in his arms.  She reached for the back of his neck and pressed her lips to his.  He grabbed the side of her face under her jawline.  Her tongue caressed his bottom lip and he groaned into her mouth.  He parted his lips to deepen the kiss.  He wanted nothing more than to rip her clothes off and make love to her right there in the middle of the woods but Daryl wanted to take this slow, he didn't want to fuck it up.  He felt the metal bar through her tongue rubbing against his own tongue.  He reached into her hair and grabbed a handful.  She moaned and pulled back breathing heavily.  His eyes were locked on hers so she kissed him quickly and said, “Goodnight Daryl”
She curled up into his chest and listened to his rapid heartbeat.  He wrapped his arms around her tighter and rested his head on top of hers, “G'nigh' Rayne”
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50shadesofdaryldixon · 11 years
Chapter two
    I sat in the car as Glenn got out of it and his people emerged out of their tents.  I looked at all of them. There were a lot of them surprisingly. Glenn turned and opened the car door. I got out and looked at my feet brushing my hair behind my ear.
    “Everyone, this is Nicole. Nicole, this is everyone.” Glenn said
    I looked up at the blank faces and they looked irritated. I don’t think they liked that another person was here to take up space. After awhile they all disbanded and went back to what they were doing.  I turned and faced Glenn.
    “Lets go and introduce you to everyone,” he said taking my hand
    I walked behind him as we headed towards a RV.
    “Dale!” he hollered
    An old man emerged off the top of the RV. Looking down at us. “Yeah?”
    “This is Nicole. She’s new to the group,” he said
    Dale climbed down the ladder of the RV and walked over to us. He looked at me and extended his hand. “I’m Dale as you might have guessed.”
    I took it and shook it politely. “Nice to meet you.”
    He smiled at me and went inside the RV. A few minutes later he walked out of the RV with a tent case. “Here, you’re gonna need this.”
    “Thanks,” I said taking it gracefully
    “Come on there’s more to meet,” Glenn said walking away
    I waved to Dale and followed Glenn. We walked across the camp and past a few tents. There were 3 women. A brunette, a blonde, and a silver haired one.
    “This Lori, Andrea, and Carol,” he told me.
    I was confused on who was who but I smiled slightly anyways. They waved to me and said “Hello”, “Hi”, and a nod. A little girl ran up to who I presumed as Carol followed by a young boy.
    “Carl, Sophia. This is Nicole,” Glenn told them   
    “Hi!” exclaimed Carl
    Sophia stood in silence and got closer to Carol.
    “Hello,” I said softly
    “Carol, Sophia! Damnit stop socializing and get your asses over here.” A voice called
    “Thats Ed,” Glenn whispered to me and I saw Carol and Sophia go without hesitation.
    “Only a few more left to meet,” he told me
    I walked behind Glenn again. This time I was surrounded by men. I shifted awkwardly on my feet but stood tall so I wasn’t downsized.
    “Guys,” Glenn said
    They looked. There was 4 of them.
The first man was rather tall and buff, His hair dark and rough. He stood tall and firmly looking me up and down. “Hello,” the man said “I’m Shane.” Shane extended his hand and I took it. He kept eyeing me and I looked down slightly.
    The next man was odd looking. I couldn’t really explain it. “The fuck you lookin at?” he asked me
    I gulped and looked at Glenn. “That’s Merle”
    He pushed past me knocking me off my feet.
    “Bitch,” he spat
    I sprung up and glared at him. “Who the fuck you calling a bitch? Bitch.”
    He spun around and eyed me. “Excuse me?”
    “Merle get outta here. Go she ain’t worth it.” another man said
    He spat at me and walked away. I turned and faced the man that chimed in.
    He was tall too. Maybe around 5’ 8” or so. Then again, with me being 5 feet even, everyone seemed to be taller than me. His hair was scraggly and he stood there smoking a cigarette. His icy blue eyes stared at me.
    “Daryl,” he said to me
    I nodded and looked at the last man.
    “T-Dog’s the name,” he told me
    “Glenn,” Shane said
    “Yeah?” he asked
    “We need to go to the city. Ready to make a run with us?” he asked
    I looked at all them and wasn’t sure what to do with myself.
    “I’ll be back soon. I promise,” Glenn told me taking off with the guys
    “Alone again,” I thought to myself
End of Chapter~
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Chapter Sixteen
By the time we got back to camp, my entire vision was blurred and I was stumbling a lot. Daryl kept a strong hand on my arm, and it was the knowledge that he was there that kept the tears at bay. Another child…injured…damaged…in pain…afraid. As if losing Sophia wasn’t bad enough. Dixon was talking to Dale and T-Dog, with Andrea and Carol not far behind him. I sat on the hood of one of the cars, wanting to help, yet feeling useless all the same. My eyes continuously shifted between being focused and turning the world around me into a blur. The ever changing scenery began to make me dizzy, and I put my head between my knees.
I listened to Daryl tell them about a farm, where Carl was being treated for a bullet wound. He said we had to pack up camp and move on to go with them. Not even letting the words leave his lip, Carol spoke up, which actually surprised me. She hadn’t said much of anything since I met her, let alone after all she’s been through.
“We can’t just pack up and go. My little girl’s still out there. What if she finds her way back? And we’re not here?!” the panic she was feeling was practically dripping off of her tone. Daryl and everyone tried to reason with her, and told her that we’d leave a package for her, and a map as to where we were, just in case. Nothing would console her.
Seconds turned to minutes of them trying to reason with her, and with each passing minute, my temper began to grow. Finally, right as Dixon was about to talk, I spoke up for the first time since the news that Carl had been shot.
“Carol, we understand how worried you are about your little girl. None of us are exactly jumping for joy that we’re moving on. No one wants to leave her. But think for a moment. We’re running low on everything, including medicine.  There’s a place right now where there’s hope for all of us to survive. IF they live as close as Dixon says they do, guess what, they’ll have a map. Instead of us going blind through some God-forsaken forest in a God-forsaken world, we’ll have some clue as to what the fuck we’re doing.” I said, jumping up from the hood of the car, my face more than likely flushed from the heat of Atlanta and the fury burning beneath my skin.
I felt everyone’s stare on me, and I held my bow so tightly in my hands, my knuckles turned white.  Meeting each and every stare, I spoke with more strength in my voice, “A kid got shot! All because we’re running around like chickens without their heads, and probably putting Sophia more at risk. This is the safest thing for us as a group, and in the long run, I can pretty much guarantee you that it will help us find your little girl. I’m not giving up looking on her. No matter where we go. But if we die out here because we ran out of supplies, then who’s  gonna help her? We’re doing the best we can in a horrific situation. So stop fucking acting like we’re abandoning her.”
I didn’t give anyone time to comment on what I said, since I said the last sentence as I was walking away. I put my bow down and began to pack up camp. Not long after, everyone, including Carol, began to help me.  I kept my eyes on my work, not meeting anyone else’s although, through my perpetual vision, I could swear Dixon was staring at me. In less than an hour, the camp was loaded into all of the vehicles, and everyone was packed up.  When I went to go into the RV, I felt a hand grab my arm. Looking behid me, one foot in the RV, I saw Dixon, measuring me with his gorgeous eyes. As badly as I wanted to avoid his gaze, I kept my eyes on his before he held out something to me.
Looking down, I saw him holding my bow. When I grabbed the part right above his hand, I expected him to let go. When he didn’t, I looked at him and in his low, hoarse voice, he said, “I ain’t givin’ up that easy either.” In his eyes, I saw something that caused a smile to break out across my face. Determination. Pure, raw determination.
As he walked away, I called after him, “You’re gonna haveta teach me how to navigate. We’d cover more ground that way.” Climbing into the RV, I had a new spark of hope. In my mind, I kept repeating the mantra:  Carl will be fine. The doc’ll heal him. We’ll find Sophia, and the worse she’ll be is scared. We can do this...I can do this...I have Daryl.
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onlydarylnormanfic · 4 years
All of You - Part 9 (The Test)
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] [Part 5] [Part 6] [Part 7] [Part 8]
Summary: The people of Alexandria are still uneasy with her presence, despite now being Daryl’s wife. So, the Reader is determined to go on a run with Rick, Michonne, Aaron, and Daryl. She is determined to show the group that she can be of good use and try and calm the tensions between them. She goes on the run with them, despite feeling very under the weather, and helps the group salvage food and supplies from a nearby farmhouse. When she returns to Alexandria, Daryl insists on her going to see the doctor to see what is wrong. She finds out why she has been feeling under the weather, much to both of their surprise…
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You awoke to the sounds of the birds chirping and the town rising. You could hear voices here and there outside of your open window. You tossed and turned a few times, stretching out and groaning with discomfort as you felt your sore muscles. And then finally, you reluctantly opened your eyes.
“Ughh…” you groaned, closing them again and pulling the covers back over your head, trying to fall back asleep despite the sun rays beaming directly at you through the open window.
You heard Daryl’s footsteps walking down the hallway towards the bedroom. You heard the doorknob rattle and the door creak open. And then you heard a chuckle from Daryl’s throat fill the bedroom.
You forced your eyes open and flung the blankets down off of your face and upper body. You looked over at him with cranky, tired eyes.
“What?” you asked, with a slight edge in your voice.
This made Daryl chuckle again as he walked over with a cup of water for you to drink and a bowl of something else in his other hand.
Daryl shook his head and smiled, setting the glass of water and bowl down on your nightstand beside you.
“Nothin…” Daryl said with a knowing smile as he sat down on the bed beside you.
“What?” you asked again, smiling up at him as you started to awake to the dream that was your reality now, him.
He shook his head, looking away, unable to shake his smile as he watched you fall in love all over again with him as you slowly awoke.
It happened every day, and every day he wondered how he had gotten so lucky.
“Nothin’, it’s just…I never knew until we came here just how much you were *not* a morning person,” he said, chuckling again to himself.
You rolled your eyes and smiled sheepishly back up at him, pushing your arms to the bed and finally sitting up.
“Fine. I’m up. Happy?” you asked with another pout over at him.
He laughed softly to himself and nodded.
“Always,” he said reaching over and grabbing the bowl from the nightstand.
He grabbed one of the fresh strawberries inside of it and brought it to your lips.
“Here I brought ya some breakfast,” he said, gesturing to you to open your mouth.
Your lips smiled at him first, causing him to look up into your eyes again and admire the twinkle in them.
“You’re so sweet,” you said, looking over at him with thankful admiration for another few seconds before you focused on the strawberry and bit into it.
“Mmm…” you moaned happily to yourself as you closed your eyes and tasted the sweet fruit with a content smile on your face.
You swallowed it down and opened your eyes again to see Daryl smiling over at you with the sweetest smile on his lips as he watched you enjoy the fruit.
Life had been so damn good since you two had been married and settled down in Alexandria. Your dad had made good on his promise and let Alexandria survive on its own without his intrusive presence or demands.
You two had spent one full week in honeymoon heaven before starting your new life in this new community.
Since then, you had been trying to do as much as possible to prove your worth here. You couldn’t stand anyone thinking that you somehow thought you were above anyone or above the same hard work everyone else had to do to maintain this paradise in the middle of a deadly storm everywhere around you.
You grabbed a few more strawberries and popped them eagerly into your mouth, your stomach now alerting you to how famished you were.
You chopped away on them, grabbing more and popping them into your mouth. After you swallowed those you reached over, grabbed the water, and chugged it down. When you were finished you put the glass back on the nightstand and burrowed back down into your sleeping position. You looked up at him with a tired, but satisfied smile as your stomach and your eyes silently thanked him for the nourishment. But you couldn’t help but yawn, still feeling so tired.
Daryl looked over at you with concern for a moment. He brought his hand to your forehead, trying to feel if you had a fever. But you felt normal to him. So, he sighed with relief. He put the bowl down and walked around the bed, slipping into his side of the bed under the covers. He laid his arm out on the pillow above you.
You immediately lifted your head long enough to let him lay it beneath your head. You then laid back down and scooted into him, laying your arm over his chest as you settled into him.
He kissed your forehead a few times, smiling to himself as you turned into his body and cuddled into him. You two fit together like the perfect puzzle you were.
You smiled happily to yourself, closing your eyes as you burrowed into his neck, loving the scent of him.
Daryl wrapped both arms around you and held you close to him, watching as you closed your eyes and smiled, relaxing happily in his arms.
“You’ve been so tired lately,” Daryl said, kissing you on the forehead again and nuzzling into it as he closed his own eyes and held you tight.
“Maybe ya should stay here today and rest,” he said with sweet concern.
You shook your head, which laid on his chest, and nuzzled further into him, wrapping your arm around his body, underneath his arm.
“No, I can’t. I need to prove my worth here,” you said, opening your eyes and starring over at the open window opposite you with a wary look in your eyes.
As much as you did, you couldn’t help but feel like people were always judging your worth or your motives. You didn’t know if that was in your head or reality. All you knew was that’s how you felt most times you walked around here. The new world that you had desperately wanted for you and Daryl for as long as possible was turning out to be colder than you had imagined. Despite all of the anxiety you had for your own safety and insecurities you had pushed on, every single day as hard as you could. You did it for him, for your future together, and for the future of this safe haven.
“Ya don’t need to prove nothin’, Y/N. I’ll protect you,” Daryl said, hugging you as he said it.
He wanted nothing more than for you to finally be accepted her and put your mind at ease.
You smiled wider at his words, nuzzling into his neck and kissing it a few times before settling back into the crook.
“I know you can, baby. I just…I just need to prove myself as an equal here too. I have to,” you said, looking up at him with determined eyes.
Even though you didn’t often announce this worry out loud, he read it on your face every single time it crossed your mind. Which was more times than he had ever wanted when bringing you here. He wished like hell he could flash forward to a time when the people he knew and loved here would see how great you were. But all he could do was endure the first weeks of this new deal and hope that you and his family outside of you could somehow find common ground.
He looked back down into your eyes with worry, until he saw your resolve and nodded. He understood completely what that feeling was like and he admired how much you wanted to do this on your own merits. How could he say no?
So, he nodded, leaning down to kiss you softly. When he was done, he kissed your nose, then nuzzled it with his own, finally submitting to you.
“Alright. But, how about I let ya sleep a few more hours before we have to leave?” he asked, looking you over with loving concern again.
You looked up into his eyes and nodded, closing your eyes and then nuzzling into his body again, clinging onto him as if he was your only safety.
“Only if you stay here with me,” you said, starting to fall back asleep in his relaxing and loving arms.
Daryl smiled and settled his body further into yours until he was comfy, settling in to sleep next to you.
Once he did you smiled, and your eyes closed again. Daryl watched you fall quickly back asleep in his arms silently and contently. He dosed off soon after you did and you both fell into a peaceful slumber...
You awoke before Daryl about an hour later. You had tossed and turned until your brain finally woke you up. You sat up and covered your mouth, feeling your stomach turning like crazy. You quickly ripped off the blanket over you and ran to the bathroom, where you hit your knees right in front of the toilet. You gripped it just seconds before you threw up the water and strawberries you had just eaten not too long ago.
“Ugh!” you groaned with disgust, wiping your mouth clean and quickly flushing the toilet.
That’s strange. You thought to yourself. You rarely, if ever, got sick. Maybe the strawberries had been bad you thought as you stood up and walked over to the sink. But your stomach did seem to be more sensitive the past week or so. You ran some cold water and splashed over your face, trying to cool it down.
“Y/N?” Daryl called out from the bedroom.
“Y/N, you alright?” he asked, looking over at the open door with confusion.
He had heard and felt you spring out of bed to the bathroom, waking him from his slumber.
“Yeah!” you shouted back, grabbing your toothbrush.
“I just wanted to make sure we weren’t going to be late!”  you shouted back, shoving the toothbrush in your mouth and washing it clean.
Within seconds Daryl was at the doorway of the bathroom.
He leaned up against it, looking over at you with an in-awe smile as he took you in. Even doing such a basic thing you looked like the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
You leaned over and spit, rinsing your mouth, and then looked back over at him.
“What?” you asked self-consciously as you watched him take you in, hoping you looked better than you felt.
He walked over behind you and wrapped his arms around your body, looking at you in his arms, through the mirror in front of you two. He smiled to himself at the image of the two of you bonded together as if you were one. And from now on you were. He loved that. He still couldn’t believe how lucky he was to have you all to himself, forever.
“I was just thinkin’ about how happy ya make me,” Daryl replied with a smile over at you through the reflective mirror.
You smiled back at him, your heart melting at his words.
“Really?” you asked, nuzzling your head into his as you stared back at him through the mirror all feelings of discomfort leaving your body as suddenly as they had come on.
You wrapped your arms around his, that held you so securely, leaning back into his body with complete loving security as you fell back into him.
“So, you’re not sick of me yet?” you asked, looking up at him in the reflection with a happy, amused smile.
He leaned over and whispered into your ear.
“Not possible,” he said, focusing his eyes on yours this time as you two pivoted together.
“Yeah?” you asked as you turned around and into him.
You wrapped your arms loosely around his neck, smiling wider as he wrapped his arms protectively around your waist and pulled your body into his.
He smiled back at you, leaning over and nudging his nose up into yours, his lips ghosting yours as he stared deep into your eyes.
“I’ve never loved you more,” he admitted with a smile of pure admiration.
He then closed his eyes and pushed his lips to yours.
You sighed happily as he kissed your lips gently a few times and then pushed his tongue into your mouth. You melted into his kiss as his tongue swirled passionately around yours, feeling instantly better at the feeling of him.
His hands immediately started to roam your back as he kissed you with more hunger.
You could feel how hard he was as he walked the two of you back into the counter behind you. As soon as your ass hit the edge of the counter Daryl brought his hand down in between your legs. He pushed his hand down into your panties and began to rub your pussy up and down.
“Ohhh, baby…” you whimpered at the feeling, pulling your lips away from his as your body fell back at his touch.
He grunted to himself, rubbing his leg up and down your inner thigh, trying to give his hard cock some relief. He was always so ready for you.
You groaned with confused happiness as you felt his hard cock running up and down your thigh, turning you on even more as his fingers played with you.
He pushed his lips to the side of your neck and began to harshly kiss it.
“Daryl…” you whimpered, closing your eyes and smiling to yourself at the feeling of him loving up on you.
He pulled his fingers out of you and ran his hands over and cupped your ass, under the fabric of your nightshirt, pulling your core into his.
“I need you, baby,” he whispered into your ear as he ran his hands eagerly up and down your ass with pure need.
“Do you think we have time?” you asked, trying to stay logical while he drove you fucking crazy for him.
“They can wait,” he said, leaning back over and pushing his tongue back in your mouth. He grabbed ahold of your tongue and began to swirl it around as fast as he could this time, causing you to moan happily into his kiss, completely submitting to him.
He knew that was all the convincing you needed. He brought his hands to the sides of your panties. He pulled his lips from yours long enough to step back and push them down to the ground.
He brought his hands to his pants, unbuttoning and unzipping them in front of you.
You stepped out of your panties and watched as he popped open his pants and pushed them to the ground. He stood back up and your eyes went wide with excitement as you watched his throbbing cock pop up to the middle of his bare stomach.
No matter how many times you two were together you were always amazed at how much he always wanted you and how good he always felt inside of you.
He walked over to you and pulled your shirt up.
You quickly raised your arms and allowed him to pull it up and off of you.
He then slammed his hand down on the counter beside you, silently ordering you to hop up.
You obeyed, quickly hopping up onto the counter. You spread your legs and brought your hands to the sides of his body. You stared down and watched as he grabbed his cock, stroking it a few times before bringing it to your pussy.
He ran it up and down your folds a few times and then swiftly pushed himself inside of you.
“Ah!” you cried out in pure pleasure as he shoved himself inside of you so quick.
His hands came quickly to the sides of your hips and ass. He gripped them tightly and began to thrust into you with full fervor.
You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his lower back as quickly as you could to endure the brunt of his excited cock. You looked into his eyes with pure happy disbelief as he started to fuck you the way only he could.
His jaw clenched at the pure look of loving desire in your eyes as he started to thrust harshly into you.
You whimpered and locked eyes with his, looking back at him with happy disbelief at the feeling.
He got lost at the look in your eyes, and how beautiful you were loving every second of him inside you. He stopped his cock’s motion just as suddenly as he had started it. He then wrapped his arms firmly around your body and pulled you up into his arms.
You quickly adjusted, wrapping your arms tightly around his neck and resecuring your legs around his waist as he picked you up off the counter into his arms, still deep inside you.
“What are you doing?” you asked with a happy smile as he started to walk you out of the bathroom and back to the bedroom you shared.
“They can wait a few extra minutes…” Daryl said sweetly, walking you both back to your bed and laid you down onto it.
You two climbed up the bed in perfect unison until your head was back on your pillow and he was back on top of you, just the way you loved it.
He looked over into your eyes with a soft-hearted happy smile, pressing his lips sweetly to yours a few times before finishing his thought.
“…I wanna love my wife down right, just the way she deserves,” he finished with that sweet smile you loved so much.
You smiled back up at him, running your hand softly up and down his neck as you took him in. He was the most amazing man you had ever met and sometimes you still felt like meeting him had all been just a dream. But here he was every day reminding you that he was oh so very real and so very much in love with you. You felt the exact same way and you couldn’t believe that you had found such a love in the strangest of times.
“I love you, Daryl,” you said softly and with pure sincerity in your eyes, wishing you could freeze this moment in time forever.
His smile widened, and he nodded, nudging his nose up into yours and ghosting his lips with yours as he looked deep into your eyes.
“I love ya too, Y/N… Always,” he whispered, looking down at you and getting lost in all that you were and all that you had brought into his life since knowing you.
He couldn’t wait to spend every second of every day with you. He knew he would never get tired of having you by his side. You were his love, his rock, his everything. And he still couldn’t believe that he got to keep you for the rest of your lives.
You ran your hands down to the sides of his neck and placed them there, rocking your hips up and down his with a playful smile on your lips as you goaded him forward.
“Good. Now fuck me, baby,” you said with a slight whine in your voice.
He cocked his eyebrow at this as his eyes turned dark with desire for you again.
“With pleasure,” he said with another dark smile and then began to thrust his cock in and out of you again.
He started fast, hitting into you with pure driven lust-filled passion.
You moaned loudly, running your hands down to grip his shoulders as his cock pushed your body up and down with pure pleasurable force.
“Yeah? Ya like that?!” He grunted with pure excitement as he watched you loving his cock.
“Yes! Don’t stop!” you cried out loudly, rocking your hips up and down with more need as you felt your high coming.
He could tell you were close, so he sped up and increase his pressure on your core, just the way he knew you loved it.
“Ohh…Yes!! Don’t stop!” you moaned happily with every hit from his amazing cock.
He gave you everything he had, slamming harshly into you faster and harder until your hips locked up into his and you came so fast for him.
“Oh, God!? Yes, baby!!” you cried out as you hit your high, closing your eyes with a smile on your face as you enjoyed the amazing feeling buzzing through your body.
“Damn, girl!” Daryl grunted at the feeling of your pussy convulsing happily over his cock and the look on your face.
He sped up his cock, jackhammering into your hilt as fast as he could until he slammed into you and exploded deep inside you.
“Fuck!” Daryl growled, clenching his jaw shut and glaring you down as he came so hard because of you.
He growled again, slamming his cock into you again, pushing your threshold, prolonging his high.
You smiled up at him, bringing your hands back to his hair to massage it as he collapsed on top of you, burying his head safely into the side of your neck. You nuzzled your head into his lovingly, running fingertips softly up and down his back.
He was panting away his high into your neck, causing shivers of bliss to breakout across your skin.
You two enjoyed the post-coital bliss for a few minutes in happy silence. After a few minutes of silent bliss, he began to kiss your neck repeatedly, silently thanking you for the amazing feeling you had just given him.
You lightly patted his back.
“I think we should get going, baby. I don’t want to be late for my first run,” you said reluctantly.
He nodded into your neck, kissing your neck a few more times before leaning back to look back into your beautiful eyes.
“Are ya sure I can’t convince ya to stay here?” he asked, knowing the answer, but needing to ask one more time anyway.
You shook your head.
“I am coming with whether you like it or not, Dixon,” you said with a resolved smile.
He nodded, reluctantly, knowing that that would be your answer.
He then pulled himself out of you and rolled over onto his back. He watched as you got up off of the bed and walked over to your dresser. He watched as you pulled out an outfit to wear. He smiled to himself, rubbing his stomach absentmindedly as he watched you put on your panties, jean shorts, and your favorite black tank top. You looked over at him as you grabbed a pair of socks, noticing the dumfounding look on his face, watching you as you got dressed.
“What’s that look?” you asked curiously, hopping up onto the dresser as you put on your socks, looking over at him curiously again when you were done.
“Nothin’, it’s just… If it’s possible you look more beautiful than you ever have this morning,” he said looking over at you with pure loving admiration in his eyes.
You smiled and rolled your eyes, hopping off of the dresser and putting your hands on your hips.
“Don’t think that sweet talk is going to make me change my mind, mister,” you said with a pointed smile over at him.
He laughed and nodded in agreement. He got up and walked over to you, putting his hand on the side of your face as he looked over at you.
“So, damn, stubborn,” he said with a smile.
You brought your hands to rest on his hips and leaned into him.
“We wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t,” you said with another pointed smile, leaning up to kiss him.
You were swirling your tongues passionately around one another, getting lost again in one another when there was a rap on the front door. You pulled your lips from his.
“I told you!” you said, turning to walk towards the bedroom door to answer the front door.
You turned back around and looked his naked body up and down with admiration one more time before turning serious as your eyes came back to his.
“Get dressed, Romeo. We’ve got to get going,” you said, giving him another smile before turning and walking out of the door.
You walked down the hallway to the front door. You opened it to find Michonne standing on the other side of it.
She nodded a stern hello to you. She, along with most of Daryl’s family still hadn’t warmed up to you much since you had moved here. You guess you couldn’t blame them after what your father had done to them. But still, you were hopeful that one day they would accept you as one of their own. At least for Daryl’s sake.
“You ready?” Michonne asked, pure business on her face.
“Yeah, just give us a minute. We’ll meet you at the gate shortly,” you said with an apologetic smile.
If Michonne noticed, she didn’t let on that she did. She just nodded militantly and turned to walk towards the gate, her sword secured tightly on her back.
You grimaced and shut the door.
You turned back around to see Daryl now fully dressed, walking toward you with an awe-filled smile still on his face after your wonderful morning together.
You forced a small smile, trying to deny how nervous you were about today.
Daryl noticed the change in your demeanor and the look on his face turned to concern. He walked up to you and brought his hands up to cup your face.
“What’s wrong?” he asked with worry on his face.
You shook your head.
“It’s nothing…It’s just I don’t think they’ll ever accept me, Daryl,” you said looking up at him sadly.
He shook his head and then planted a few loving kisses on your lips before looking back into your eyes with resolve.
“Hey, don’t say that. They will. They just need time,” he said, trying to reassure you.
You looked away and shrugged, your confidence in that ever happening was obviously not very high.
“Y/N, they will come around. I know it. But right now? I need you to be focused on the job at hand. Because there is no way I’m allowing you out there if you aren’t focused on staying safe,” he said, dipping down and forcing your eyes back to his.
You smiled and nodded in agreement, taking a deep breath before answering him.
“You’re right. Alright, I’ll get my boots on,” you said.
Daryl nodded in agreement, breathing a sigh of relief. It was bad enough you insisted on coming out there where there was danger around every corner. He couldn’t have you distracted.
You two put your boots on in silence.
Daryl grabbed his crossbow, slinging it over his back, securing the strap around his chest. Daryl handed you your belt, which had two knife holsters on it. You quickly slipped the belt around your belt loops, buckling it tightly. He then handed you two knives that he had welded for you. You grabbed them and holstered them securely on both your sides.
Daryl brought his hand to your chin, grabbing it securely, and then looked seriously into your eyes.
“You stay by my side at all times, got it?” he asked, worry flashing across his face as he thought about all that could happen to you, the most precious thing he had ever cared about.
You nodded, smiling up at him with reassurance.
“I promise,” you said, knowing how worried he really was to have you out there.
You? You couldn’t wait to step foot outside and finally be free from any kind of walls. But you also didn’t want to die either. So, you would do as Daryl said. Even if you usually would fight him on it. You didn’t want to mess up anything. You wanted to be with this man, here at his home, for as long as you could. Hopefully, forever. So, you agreed to his terms with sincerity.
Daryl searched your face with worry on his, trying to find any ounce of defiance in his order in yours. When he was sure there was none and that you had fully agreed he took a deep breath and nodded. He dropped his hands from your face and grabbed your hand, holding it tightly in his.
He nudged his head towards the door.
“Come on,” he said and then pulled you away with him out of the house.
You shut the door behind you and then walked hand in hand with Daryl down the steps of your house and the streets of Alexandria.
You looked around nervously as you locked eyes with people as you passed. Most gave you a look of unease, some even hid their children behind them protectively as you walked past them.
Daryl noticed, his heart pinging with sadness at the look of uneasy sadness on your face as you tried your hardest not to feel it fully.
He nudged your shoulder with his.
“Hey,” he said, waiting for your eyes to come back to his at his behest.
“You here with me?” he asked with concern.
You smiled over at him, getting lost in his eyes as you always did, and nodded. You leaned your head onto his shoulder and squeezed his hand tightly as you forced your eyes forward towards the gate.
“Always,” you said, smiling genuinely as you remembered the love you had for this amazing man and why you chose to endure this.
You reminded yourself that nothing and no one would ever get in the way of you two being together.
He smiled happily to himself, kissing the top of your head sweetly before forcing his own eyes ahead to the gate and to the group you were going out with today.
You and Daryl walked up to Michonne, Rick, and Aaron, hand in hand. You straightened out as you grew closer to the group, noticing their wary eyes as they took the image of you two together in.
Rick was the first one to walk towards you two, looking over at Daryl and nodding seriously over at him.
“You ready?” Rick asked him,
Daryl nodded, squeezing your hand with silent support for you.
“Yeah, *we’re* ready,” Daryl replied, emphasizing the fact that you were also here to help.
Rick nodded again, looking over at you with a hard apology in his eyes and demeanor.
“Y/N,” he said politely and then turned and walked back towards Michonne and Aaron.
You looked over at Daryl with unsure eyes again, your nerves getting the better of you.
He leaned over, kissed your forehead, and then cupped the side of your cheek with his free hand before speaking to you again.
“Don’t worry, Y/N. Just stay with me,” he said with a comforting smile.
You smiled back, relaxing a little at just how much you loved this man.
“Okay,” you said, nodding in agreement back to him.
He nodded back and then you both gave your attention back to the others. Rick and Daryl nodded to one another and then Rick began to tell you all what the plan was for today’s run.
“Alright, today’s mission is like any other, to get as much supplies as we can to bring back for our people. Michonne and I found an old-abandoned farm not too far from here. It is fenced in and as far as we can tell is free from walkers. We have spotted a big garden with plenty of food on the vines. It looks like this place has been well-tended to up until now. Not sure what happened to the people living there, but we are going to use their absence to our advantage. Aaron, Michonne, and I will take the truck while Daryl and Y/N, follow behind us,” Rick stated, looking over at you warily for a moment and then over to Daryl.
“Daryl your job is to make sure you give us a heads up if you see anyone coming, dead or alive,” Rick ordered.
Daryl nodded in agreement.
“Keep your walkies on at all times. But only use them if you have to. We don’t know who’s out there listening,” Rick instructed everyone.
He reached into the back of the truck and pulled out a walkie, bringing it over and handing it to you.
You took it and secured it behind you, clipping it to your jean shorts.
Rick then looked around at everyone with his ever serious eyes and tone.
“Let’s get out there and start re-building what has been taken from us,” Rick said, clenching his jaw and resisting the urge to glance back over at you with his comment.
That didn’t stop Michonne though, she looked straight into your eyes with a wary harsh glare.
You looked away, trying to ignore her glare and focus on the mission at hand. Which would hopefully begin to earn you some trust with these people.
“Alright, let’s head out,” Rick said, twirling his finger around in the air as he walked over to the driver’s side door.
He opened it and hopped inside. Aaron went to the other side and hopped in. Michonne climbed up onto the back of the truck bed, sitting and leaning against the back of the truck’s cab. She slammed her hand on the window above her, signaling to Rick that she was secure and ready to go.
“Come on,” Daryl said and pulled you over to his bike.
He dropped your hand and slung his leg over, sitting easily on the big piece of metal.
You followed him and slung your leg over, settling in behind him. You put your hands on his sides to secure yourself to him and the bike.
He looked back at you silently asking you if you were ready. You nodded and looked forward towards the gate with resolve.
Daryl kicked up his kickstand and pushed his foot harshly down onto the pedal below, igniting the engine with a loud roar.
You quickly wrapped your arms around his body and leaned yours into his with slight fear. You had never ridden his bike with him before. So, this would be another new experience for the two of you.
Daryl felt your tight grip on him and looked back at you with a smirk.
“Hold on, darlin’,” he said, his smirk widening at the sight of you, of all people, being so nervous.
“Shut up and drive, Dixon,” you said with a playful smile, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach.
Daryl smiled sweetly back at you as your spitfire nature returned to your being.
“Yes, ma’am,” Daryl said with another sweet smile over at you before turning his eyes and attention back to the road ahead.
The bike jolted ahead, and you watched as you both followed the truck to the gate.
The gate opened and away you all went. You held onto Daryl tightly as you took off together after the truck. You looked back and watched as the people quickly closed and locked the gate behind you, but not before you saw the look of anger on Sasha and Rosita’s faces as they did so.
You forced your mind and attention forward to the task at hand, ignoring the sudden urge to throw up again at the look on their faces. You took a few deep breaths trying to calm your upset stomach as you tried to focus on the mission at hand.
Daryl noticed your wavering body behind him, your grip loosening for a moment before you gripped him even tighter than before.
He looked back at you with concern.
“Ya alright?” he asked with a look of worry on his face.
You gulped back the sensation to puke because of your nerves and nodded over at him with a look of resolve on your face.
“Yeah. I’m okay, let’s just get this over with,” you said, your voice breaking at the end of your sentence, now wishing you hadn’t agreed to come out with him, but knowing you needed to prove your worth to the people your dad had wronged so deeply.
He looked you over with concern again and then nodded, turning his head and mind back toward the mission, knowing how important this was to you and the group.
You held on tightly to him as you all drove forward on the dirt road. You looked around and noticed a few walkers staggering slowly toward the sound of your vehicles far off into the distance. Your heart started to race as you watched them stretch out their arms following you. You shivered a little at the sight. You hugged Daryl, laying your head on his back and closing your eyes, trying to calm your nausea at the sight of the monsters.
You kept your eyes closed, hugging him tightly as the bike sped along, turning here and there until you felt it come to a stop.
Daryl kicked the kickstand down and the bike leaned to the side as it settled into its parked position.
You opened your eyes and noticed a big white farmhouse to the right of you. It was at least two stories with an attic. It was fenced in by a beautiful wooden fence that wrapped all the way around the property. There was a big red barn behind the house with a huge overgrown garden. From here you could see ripe tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, and what looked like squash growing under the massive vines.
You smiled at the sight of what looked like a glimpse of the old world. You imagined children running around playing in the yard while their parents watched them from their rocking chairs that now were empty on the front porch.
“We’re here,” Daryl said, looking back towards you, noticing you were still hugging him so tightly.
You rested your chin on his shoulder and looked over at him with the same happy smile.
“It’s beautiful here,” you said to him, a glimmer of hope filling your eyes at your vision of the future.
Daryl smiled softly back at you, knowing that look in your eyes by now.
“Yeah. It is,” he said softly, getting lost in your eyes for a moment until he heard the sound of the truck doors slamming shut.
“Come on, Y/N. Let’s get this done so I can get you back home,” he said with a nod of his head.
You sighed, slumping a little but nodded in agreement.
You let unwrapped your arms around him, bringing your hands up to his shoulders to brace on them as you swung off of the bike. Once your feet hit the gravel, your head started to spin a little, causing you to brace your hand on the side of his arm for a moment.
“What’s wrong?” Daryl asked, looking you over with concern again.
He had never seen you so off-kilter as you had been the past few days. He was starting to worry there was something wrong with you. And that worried him more than anything else in the world.
You shook your head, closing your eyes as your dizziness slowly subsided, bringing your hands to your hips as you steadied yourself.
“Nothing. I’m okay. I must just have some vertigo from the bike,” you said, trying to shake the dizziness from your being.
Rick, Michonne, and Aaron walked over to you two as Daryl swung his leg quickly over his bike and came to your side.
“You two ready?” Rick asked, looking over at the state of you, and then looked over at Daryl with confusion in his eyes.
You nodded, forcing your eyes to Rick’s.
“Yeah, we’re ready,” you said with hard resolve in your eyes.
You looked back at Daryl with a reassuring yet weak smile.
Daryl narrowed his eyes, looking you over with uncertainty. If it was up to him, he would have taken you home this instant to get you checked out by the Doc. But this was important to you. So, he nodded back to you and then forced his eyes back over to Rick’s.
“Yeah,” Daryl concurred, nodding over to Rick.
Rick looked you over again, noticing how sickly you looked, and then looked over at Aaron.
“Why don’t you two take the garden. Aaron, drive the truck up to it and you two can start filling the buckets with any vegetables you can find,” Rick instructed.
Aaron nodded, looking over at you with wary but kind eyes.
You looked over at Aaron and then back at Daryl with unease. Daryl noticed and leaned over to kiss your cheek and then whisper into your ear.
“It’s alright, Y/N. Aaron’s good people. I trust him with you,” he whispered, looking over at you with another reassuring smile.
You smiled back and nodded, taking a few deep breaths of courage before looking back at Rick for further instructions.
“Michonne, Daryl, you’re with me. We’re going to case the house and if it is empty, we will scavenge everything useful we can find. Grab the bags from the back of the truck and let’s get going,” Rick ordered with another hard nod at Daryl and Michonne.
They both nodded back. Michonne went to grab a couple of big duffel bags from the back of the truck.
Daryl looked over at you unsurely one more time before walking in front of you, turning his back on the others. He looked you over as he cupped your face, softly caressing the sides of them with his thumbs as he leaned down to kiss your forehead sweetly.
When he was done, he leaned back, his hands still securely hold onto your face, and spoke.
“Ya need anything, just call,” he said with sweet concern in his eyes.
You nodded, bringing your hand down to pat the top of his walkie on his hip as you answered.
“I will. I promise,” you said, leaning up to give him one last sweet kiss on his lips before dropping back to your feet.
“Be safe,” you said, your turn to think about all the things that could go wrong here.
“I’m comin’ back to ya, always. I promise ya that,” he said with nothing but pure love and admiration in his eyes as he looked you over.
Even after all this time, you were still the most beautiful thing he had ever laid his eyes on.
He nodded slowly, dropping his hands reluctantly from you after one more sweet kiss on your forehead.
You two nodded your silent goodbyes to one another and then Daryl turned back towards the group.
Daryl looked over at Aaron silently telling him to take care of you.
Aaron picked up on it right away and nodded back to him, showing Daryl that he would do whatever he could to make sure he kept you safe.
Once Daryl was convinced, he took one more loving look at you and then walked to the truck, grabbing two more duffel bags, and followed Michonne away towards the house. Rick nodded a polite goodbye to you and Aaron before grabbing two bags himself and following the other two.
You watched them all easily hop the fence and walk towards the farmhouse. Daryl looked back at you several times before forcing his focus forward.
You watched him walk away from you with nothing but a sad longing in your eyes. Every step away from you made your heart ache more.
“Well, I guess we should get started. Rick really does run a tight ship,” Aaron said, looking over at you with a reassuring smile.
You looked back over at him and noticed his pleasant demeanor toward you.
You offered a small smile back and nodded in agreement.
“Why don’t I open the gate. You can drive through, I’ll close it, and we can head over to the garden,” he suggested.
“Sure. Sounds good,” you agreed.
You started to walk over to the driver’s side door of the truck when Aaron placed his hand gently on your shoulder. This caused you to stop and look over at him curiously at his touch.
Aaron smiled over at you again.
“For what it’s worth? I feel the same way every time I have to leave Eric behind,” he said with a nod of his head and dropped his hand.
“Thanks,” you said offering him a sweeter smile this time at his olive branch towards you.
He nodded again and began to walk towards the gate of the fence just a few yards away.
You followed suit and walked over to the driver’s side door. You opened it and climbed inside, shutting it and starting the ignition. As you did so, you looked out your window, scanning the area for any signs of danger. You saw none. Instead, all you heard was the peaceful whipping of the wind and the cawing of birds in the air above you.
You started the engine and put the truck into drive, looking over and watching as Aaron opened the gate.
He ushered you and the truck over with his hands.
You stepped onto the gas pedal and slowly drove the truck over and into the property. You pressed your foot onto the brake pedal, holding it there as you watched Aaron shutting the gate in your side mirror. After he was done, he walked over to the passenger side door and swung it open. He climbed easily up into the cab and sat down, shutting the door and then nodding over at you.
“Alright, let’s get us some food,” he said with an easy smile, looking happily over at the overly plentiful garden ahead of you.
You smiled over at his easy nature and nodded in agreement, your stomach growling at the thought of food. You pressed your foot to the gas pedal and drove the truck right up alongside the overgrown garden.
You two looked over at it with happy smiles on your faces.
“Wow! Look at all that!” you said with enthusiasm.
Aaron nodded in agreement.
“Looks like we will eat well tonight. Let’s start gathering,” Aaron said, opening the door and quickly climbing down to grab two of the buckets from the back and then walked over to the garden.
You did the same, climbing down from the truck, grabbing two buckets of your own, and following him into the generous garden. You were careful not to step on the vines and the plants as you made your way inside of it, behind Aaron.
You stopped at the tomatoes, putting your buckets down, careful to move the plants aside to do so. You began to pick them, placing them carefully inside the bucket. You looked over with worry every so often at the house that Daryl had disappeared into with Rick and Michonne.
Aaron went to work picking the cucumbers, looking over at you curiously every so often. He noticed your obvious worry and love for Daryl, shaking his head and smiling to himself as he bent down to pick a few more.
“You know…Not to brag. But I am an excellent judge of character…” Aaron started locking eyes with yours as you two worked together.
“…And I think people are wrong about you,” he finished with a smile over at you.
You looked over at him, surprised by his words, but smiled graciously back over at him before responding.
“Really?” you asked with a surprised smile over at him as you continued working together.
Aaron smiled again and nodded.
“Really,” he said, turning his attention back to the task at hand.
You smiled over at him one more time before doing the same. You two picked veggies together in comfortable silence, filling up bucket after bucket under the hot Georgia sun. You started to feel faint again after a while and stood up, putting a hand on your forehead. You closed your eyes and focused on your breathing, feeling nausea hit you again.
Aaron noticed and immediately came to your side.
He looked you over with concern. He leaned down and grabbed a ripe tomato and handed it to you.
“Here. Eat somethin’,” Aaron said as he offered you the tomato.
You opened your eyes and nodded, gratefully taking the tomato and biting into it with exhausted hunger.
“Thanks,” you said before taking another famished bite.
“Here, why don’t you sit down,” Aaron said, taking your arm timidly and guiding you to a nearby gardening chair.
You obliged, your head spinning again.
Aaron helped you sit down and then walked over to the back of the truck. He pulled out a bottle of water and brought it quickly back over to you.
“Here, take a drink,” Aaron said, kneeling down and handing it to you.
You took it, quickly opening the top of the bottle and guzzling it down quickly.
You pulled the bottle from your lips and wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, taking in a few deep breaths of relief as your body thanked you for the nourishment. You smiled to yourself at the sense of satisfaction a moment before remembering you weren’t alone. You looked up at Aaron with a grateful nod as you handed him back the nearly empty bottle back.
He held his palm out at you.
“No, no. It looks like you need it more than I do,” Aaron said looking you over with concern again.
“Have you been feeling sick?” Aaron asked as he took in your state.
You shrugged, gulping down the last of the bottle before resting your arms on your thighs and responding to him.
“I’m alright. I’ve just been a little dizzy and sick to my stomach lately,” you admitted to him, looking longingly over at the house where Daryl was busy at work, wishing he was here to comfort you.
Aaron followed your lovesick gaze and smiled to himself before looking over at you again.
“Well, I don’t want to tell you what to do by any means. But I’d definitely pay a visit to the Doc when we get back,” he said.
You looked over at him quizzically.
“Why? I don’t have a fever or anything. Maybe just some vertigo,” you said, looking up at him with question.
Aaron laughed a little to himself again and then looked over at you.
“There might be more than just a fever you should know about,” he said looking pointedly at you before walking back over to continue his task.
You looked back at the house, wishing you would see Daryl emerge already, completely confused at what Aaron meant.
You felt better after having something to eat and the water. After another few moments of rest, you walked back over and helped him finish salvaging the garden.
After a while longer, you looked up at the house and noticed the trio finally exiting the house, Daryl following Rick and Michonne out with what looked like full duffel bags in each of their hands.
You breathed a sigh of relief, standing up and smiling happily to yourself at the sight of him walking back to you.
He walked down the steps with the two bags in his hands and looked over at you from the distance between you two.
You quickly put the last few squash on the vines below your feet into the bucket beside you and walked over to him.
You ignored Rick and Michonne’s eyes on you completely as you two walked into the middle of the yard, finally reunited with one another. You walked swiftly into him and hugged him wholeheartedly, loving the feeling of your bodies and souls being reunited after what had seemed like forever to you.
He dropped his bags just in time, and wrapped his big, beautiful arms around you, lifting you up into him for a great big bear hug.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he did so, hugging him tightly as you kissed his neck and then rested your head on the side of his shoulder. You held onto him tightly, tighter than you ever had as you smiled to yourself at the feeling of being back in his arms.
He dropped you back to your feet and you looked up at him like he had been gone forever.
“I was only gone a little while,” he said with a small smile at the look of pure love in your eyes for his return to you.
“I know. I just missed you,” you said with a sweet smile, your nerves finally calming at the sight of him safe and okay.
He smiled sweetly over at your relief to have him back with you. He brought his hand up to cup the side of your face, silently telling you how much he loved you too with only his eyes, and then kissed your forehead.
“Come on. Let’s go home,” Daryl said with another sweet smile.
You nodded, trying to fight your nerves as you turned around to face the group again.
Daryl picked up the bags and followed you over to the truck parked near the garden. You looked over at Aaron and smiled gratefully over at him for being so kind to you today.
He smiled and nodded a silent your welcome before loading up the last two buckets that were filled with veggies from the garden.
Daryl, Rick, and Michonne all dropped their filled bags into the back of the truck. Rick looked over the harvested food and the filled bags with a hopeful smile on his face, the first time in a long time he had been able to do that.
He looked over at you for a second. He had to admit that all of this was theirs to keep because of you and what you had done for them and their community. He nodded a silent thank you to you, much to your surprise.
Daryl walked over and grabbed your hand holding it in his as he stood there protectively by your side.
Rick noticed this and nodded over at Daryl with a silent apology.
Daryl nodded back.
You watched as the two men made their apologies in complete silence, smiling to yourself as you watched Daryl’s shoulders relax a bit afterward.
“Alright, let’s get this back to Alexandria and start going through what we’ve found today. Good job, everyone,” Rick said, looking over at you with one last polite nod before he turned and walked to the driver’s side of the truck.
Michonne climbed into the back of the truck reclaiming her position at the back of the cab. Aaron was about to get into the truck when he looked over at you and Daryl.
“Daryl, you have a second?” Aaron asked him.
Daryl looked over at him curiously and nodded.
Daryl’s hand dropped away from yours and you watched Aaron and Daryl walk a few feet away from everyone. You couldn’t hear what they were saying, but they both looked over at you with concern in their eyes as they began to walk back over to the group. Daryl patted Aaron on the shoulder and then walked back over to you.
“Come on,” Daryl said, grabbing your hand and walking you back over to his bike.
“What was that about?” you asked as you walked away with him.
He looked you over with concern again before bringing his worried eyes back to yours.
“Aaron said we should get you to the Doc when we get back. Said he was worried ya might have somethin’,” he said.
You nodded in complete agreement with him for once. You held your hand to your stomach as another wave of nausea hit you.
“Yeah. I have been feeling pretty sick lately. Maybe that’s a good idea,” you said, taking a few deep breaths as you tried to calm your stomach.
“Ya alright to ride back with me?” he asked, noticing you were sick to your stomach again.
You nodded.
“Yeah, let’s just get home,” you said with a weak smile.
He nodded, looking over at you with concern again before forcing his eyes and feet forward. He walked you both back to his bike and slung himself over, sitting down on the seat. He moved forward to allow room for you and nudged his head back to you.
“Get one,” he instructed as he kicked up the kickstand and revved the engine to life.
You quickly got on behind him, wrapping your arms securely behind him and resting your head on his back. You closed your eyes as the bike jolted forward. You tried to focus on the cool air that blew across your face as you two rode back to Alexandria, following behind Rick and the truck.
When you got back to Alexandria, you opened your eyes, watching Daryl idle watching impatiently for the gate to open. Once it did, you all drove through. You heard the gate clink shut from behind you. Daryl drove you right up to the Doc’s house, parking the bike on the side of the road.
You sighed in relief at the feeling of the bike coming to a halt. Daryl put out the kickstand. You brought your hands back to his shoulders and braced on them as you weakly got down off the bike. You stood there in a haze for a moment before your hand came to your mouth and you gagged. You quickly walked over to some nearby bushes and threw up the water and tomato you had eaten.
“Ick…” you muttered to yourself as you wiped your mouth, your eyes watering with sick pain in your eyes.
Daryl was beside you in an instant, rubbing your back softly as you purged your system.
You looked over at him with an embarrassed smile.
“Well, that’s a new milestone for us. I’m sorry,” you said with another weak smile as you clutched your stomach.
“Don’t be. Let’s just get you in there and see how the Doc can help,” he said with nothing but sympathy for you in his eyes.
He didn’t like seeing you in pain or discomfort.
You nodded, letting him take your hand and walk you both to the front door. Daryl knocked loudly on the front door, pounding on it until it opened.
“Alright, alright, I’m coming,” the Doc said as he swung the door open, looking at Daryl with slight annoyance.
He then looked over at you and noticed the state of you. Your face was clammy, and you looked like you were about to fall over.
“Come in. Come in,” he said stepping aside and ushering you both inside.
Daryl helped guide you inside of the house, following the Doc as he walked you both to the backroom that was frequently used for examinations.
“She’s been feelin’ real sick lately, Doc. You’ve got to look her over,” Daryl said looking you over with worry again.
You noticed this and smiled up at him reassuringly.
“I’m sure it’s fine, Daryl. It’s probably just a stomach bug,” you said, squeezing his hand tighter.
Daryl licked his lips and nodded repeatedly, trying to believe that it was something minor. But in this world, he was too scared of losing you not to go to the extremes inside his head.
“Daryl, why don’t you wait outside while I look her over,” the Doc said, putting his black stethoscope around his neck.
“Go ahead, Daryl. I’m okay,” you said, noticing the look of defiance in his eyes.
He looked you over to make sure you meant your words. When he was sure you did, he nodded again and kissed your cheek.
“I’ll be right outside those doors,” he said, cupping your face as he stared deeply into your eyes.
You nodded, smiling sweetly back at him.
“Go,” you said softly, squeezing his hand one more time before dropping it from his.
He nodded, looking over at you warily one more time before he dropped his hands from you and turned to walk out the door. Before he left, he looked back at you again and said, “I’ll be right here.”
You nodded, smiling happily back at him before you turned your attention to the Doc. You heard Daryl close the door as you smiled politely over at the Doc.
“Why don’t you come sit down and I’ll take a look,” the Doc said, gesturing with his hand to sit on the cot set up in the middle of the room.
You obeyed and sat on the cot with your hands in your lap.
“So, how have you been feeling lately,” he asked, taking a look into each of your eyes before moving his hands down to your neck, checking your lymph nodes.
“I guess I have been more tired than usual, and I’ve been really sick to my stomach lately,” you said.
“Mhm,” the Doc said, putting the stethoscope earbuds into his ears, bringing the flat plate over to your chest.
“Take a few deep breaths,” he said, placing the plate on your chest.
You took a few slow deep breaths as he placed the plate around your chest, listening intently.
After a few more deep breaths, he dropped the plate and took the earbuds out of his ears, hanging it back around his neck. He brought his hands to your stomach, pressing on it near your side.
“Does this hurt?” he asked, checking the area where your appendix was located.
“No,” you answered.
“Have you been having any aches and pains lately?” he asked.
You shrugged.
“I mean aside from the usual wear and tear I guess my body has seemed more tender than usual,” you said.
“Where has it been tender?” he asked you.
You looked up at him embarrassed as you gestured to your breasts.
He nodded again, walking over to a big cabinet, opening the doors, and grabbing something inside of it.
“Any motion sickness?” he asked, holding something in his hand as he walked back over to you.
“Yes, definitely,” you said, nodding as you peered curiously over at whatever was in his hand.
“Here, I think you should take this test,” he said and handed you a box.
You took it from him and looked over at it curiously.
It was a pregnancy test.
You looked up at him in pure shock.
He laughed a little at your reaction.
“I don’t see any symptoms of inflamed lymph nodes or an inflamed appendix. The symptoms you are describing can also be the symptoms of a woman’s first trimester,” he said, matter-of-factly.
You stared down at the box in your hand and nodded, still in shock at this.
“When was the last time you had your period?” he asked.
You searched your mind.
“I guess it has been quite a while,” you admitted, just now realizing how late you were.
“You can use the bathroom back there if you would like,” the Doc said, gesturing to a door behind you.
You looked over at the closed door where Daryl had exited, wondering if you should tell him. You decided to wait until you yourself knew for sure. You slowly got up and walked over to the bathroom door in a haze.
You walked inside, closing and locking the door behind you. You unbuttoned your jean shorts and pulled them and your panties down as you sat down on the toilet. You opened the box, taking the test stick out from the packaging. You read the instructions carefully, one line meant no, and two lines meant yes.
You brought the stick down, shifting awkwardly as you tried to line it up, and then began peeing. You took the stick out after you had wettened it and set it on the edge of the sink next to you. You wiped and got up fastening your shorts and walking over to the sink. You stared at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands clean.
Were you really ready to be a mother? You wondered. You looked up at the clock on the wall, marking the time. The box said you had to wait five minutes. You walked over at sat down on the edge of the tub to wait, staring at your hands as your mind raced with so many thoughts and questions.
You tried to stay calm, reminding yourself that it could be negative. Then your thoughts turned to Daryl. You smiled to yourself at the thought of him holding your child making them laugh or smile. You thought about how much you had wanted a family with him. You just didn’t know it would happen so soon. Although would you really be that surprised with how active you two had been since day one?
You stared up at the clock every so often, lost in your confused thoughts until it was time to look.
The clock ticked to the five-minute mark. You ran your hands up and down your thighs a few times before you took a deep breath and got up. You walked over to the sink and picked up the stick.
It was Positive.
Your stomach did a flip at the sight of the positive result. You felt like you were in a dream as you set it back down on the sink and walked back out into the Doc’s exam room.
From the look of shock on your face, the Doc figured out the answer.
You didn’t even look at him as you slowly walked over to the door and opened it.
Daryl quickly rose to his feet, looking you over with concern. His hands came to your body, bringing them back to your face to cup it.
You had the strangest shocked look on your face, which immediately made him think something was wrong.
“What’s wrong, Y/N? Is everything alright?” he asked as he checked you over with anxious panic now.
You slowly nodded, bringing your in-shock eyes back to his.
“I’m-I’m pregnant,” you said, looking over at him in pure shock as you pushed out the words.
Daryl’s hands dropped from your face and he stepped back a bit, looking over at you with his own pure shock in his eyes.
“What?” he asked, feeling like he had misheard you.
“I’m pregnant,” you said with more conviction this time.
Daryl stared over at you in disbelief for a few seconds before walking into you and wrapping you up into his arms, giving you a big hug.
You smiled and laughed a little at the sheer force of his happy hug. After what seemed like a five-minute hug, he finally brought his hands to your shoulders, pulling you two apart just enough to be able to see your face again.
He had the happiest smile on his face that you had ever seen. You even thought you saw a few tears starting but he quickly pushed them away.
The Doc came over with a happy smile.
“Congratulations you two, you’re going to be parents,” he said, reaching his hand out to shake Daryl’s.
Daryl took it shaking it firmly as he brought his attention to the Doc.
“Is she gonna be okay? How far along is she? What do I need to do for her?” Daryl asked, suddenly having a million questions running through his mind.
The Doc chuckled a little before responding.
“She’s going to be just fine, Daryl. We’ll set up a weekly appointment for her to make sure we catch anything that could be problematic. In the meantime, she will need lots of rest. So, I would suggest no more runs for her unless it is absolutely necessary. Times have obviously changed. The body can fall prey easier to pregnancy without technology to help guide us. So, the less strain she puts on her body the better,” the Doc said to Daryl.
Daryl nodded, already making a list in his mind of all of the things you were no longer going to be doing.
“As for how far along, if I had to guess I would say you are around 5 or 6 weeks pregnant,” he said to you.
You looked down at your stomach, placing your hand on it. It was mind-boggling to you that you had been with this child for so long already and didn’t know it.
“Get plenty of rest and I’d suggest more soup-based meals until your morning sickness subsides. Your body will tell you what it needs with your cravings and we will do the best we can to accommodate that. I’ll also put prenatal vitamins on the next run list for you,” the Doctor said to you both.
“Just tell me where to look and I’ll get them,” Daryl said to the Doc.
The Doc nodded back to him.
“Very good, I’ll plot you out a map of places that could have them and get it to you by the morning,” he replied.
He then looked over at you two with another smile.
“I’ll let you two settle into the news. But if you have any more questions you know where to find me,” he said, nodding politely again before walking back into the exam room and closing the door behind him.
Daryl looked back at you.
You both stared at each other in shocked silence for a minute before you spoke, still holding your hand protectively over your stomach.
“Are you…okay with this?” you asked with slight worry on your face that he might not be.
He cupped the side of your face and looked lovingly back into your eyes.
“Are ya kidding me, Y/N? I can’t wait to meet our little creation,” he said with a sappy smile on his lips.
You smiled back up and him and nodded, imagining the spitfire that you two probably created.
“Ya just keep surprisin’ me, Y/N…” he said, tenderly caressing your cheek with his thumb as he looked at you in complete awe.
“I love you, Y/N. And I’m gonna love this kid just as much,” he said, with a happy dumbstruck smile.
You smiled sweetly back over at him. The look of pure love in his eyes squashed any doubt you had in your mind about this being a mistake. He was going to be a great dad.
“I love you, too, Daryl,” you said in awe of him, even more so now than ever before.
Whatever came next, you knew he would take care of you and this child so damn well…
Tagged: @katieswinforddiaries @rawr-bitches@jodiereedus22@whovianayesha @hearydaysquite @kal-kal28 @team-barry@simpledyiing@sesshomaru @khyharah @dashesoflipstick @tiquismiquis@dunne31@bryai003 @ketxo @justaclumsybrunette @clinicalkayla@teamfreewiffy@kawaiirepublic  @letusunalivethem @nicolesyneah25 @i-sing-the-body-elektra @deeindarkwonderland @reoccuringfate @imagine-all-the-imagines@megandrawsspace @professsionalsinner @kbnix23@maddybeck01@kingdixonreedus @isayweallgetdrunk@wadeyourebarelyalive@anna1012131@otakuforlife12@youandyourstupidrope @reedus87 @ass-kicker-daryl@benerchic @derpypenguin @bigbaldheadfangirl @daryldixon-addicted@shinydixon @blondielovesr5-blog @stilinskibarnes @alyisdead@addiction-survivor25 @isayweallgetdrunk @cleohalestilinski@reedusteinrambles @betty-rage527 @ladybuglolly @super-who-nerd@alaska00young@fiftypercentmoreintoyou   @mwesterfeld1985@sapphire1727   @the-moose-of-baskerville @purplejellybean @katiescrotch@coffeebooksandfandom@captainhopelessromantik-808 @kjs1939 @colagirl5@uniquewerewolfsuit@princessxpunk @toxic-ink @deepsouth @dixon-daryl@azanoni@lucilepiewhiskey @forsakensiren @kclark14love@girlyfandomfighter13@sweet-things-4-life @dragongirl420 @twd-daryl@cbarter @the-writingdead@sarahdearr  @redm81 @alyisdead @serfyan18@morphinetune@dragongirl420 @momc95 @art-flirt @evilangelqueen@chelbyswartz20  @serfyan18 @alyisdead @bitchassbecky691  @mtngirlforever@evilangelqueen @lokispunisher jules-ette lizzyhowie69@robindixon  redm81rhochradel @beegnc  heyitscam99 serfyan18 mrs-amendolarussosprettydiamondnow supernal-blyss rasax45 alilarkin99@simons-savior86 xbeckydixonx apricotlion sleepylunarwolf  colagirl5 pxstelinkazanonikatiebug0603 sassi-luna beltzboys2015-blog rivaille-the-shortsynestra88synestra88 lana-del-dick smoothdogsgirlmustbeaweasleygingerwilde-abandonlucacangettathisass   automaticstarlightcollectionl rivaille-the-short  russosprettydiamondnow  smoothdogsgirl  colagirl5  twisted-tasty14 @justgipsy  sizzlingcheesecakeglitterbomb @the-wintergirl  @justrepostandlove @risingphoenix761 @rhyatt-deauxtreve  awkwardlysexualvelociraptor  driszzle  natalie-reader  xqueenunicornxx  deliciousassafrasssandwich  littleblackwolf016  princessxpunk  lonewolf471  killer-mermaid93  chocolatealmondmillk  mblaqgi  jellyfishangel  dotslabyrinth @isayweallgetdrunk @baseballbitch116  lonewolf471 @jender123 @madamwhisper  @kazeouki-tan @nayyysa  rosa-berberifolia  @lady-dixon-riddick    paintballkid711  ly--canthrope  themonstermash-graveyardsmash  lonewolf471  @elisdays  @leej2468 sophia-gwendolyn  storybookhall  courtnytrash04  fuseburner  lucillethings
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onlydarylnormanfic · 5 years
OnlyDarylNormanFic’s Grand Master List:
Updated: 6/29/2020
Most Contain Smut. | * = Edited & Revised Stories
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ALL OF YOU (Series):
All of You (I Want All of You)*
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right. :) My first post-Negan era piece. Daryl is in the Sanctuary still and is approached by Negan’s daughter (Reader), she takes a liking to him and smut ensues. I didn’t get to the ‘Negan doesn’t approve’ part of the request, may have to make a second part if people like it.
All of You - Part 2 (Dad, This is Daryl)*
Summary: As requested, here is part 2. Post-Negan era smut piece. The reader (Negan’s Daughter) convinces Negan to allow Daryl to be her bodyguard while he is away in Alexandria for a few days. Smut and romance ensue. When Negan returns, he finds out that they are sleeping together and loses his shit.
All of You - Part 3 (So You Fucking Love Me, Huh?)
Summary: The reader and Daryl fall hard for one another at the sanctuary, as Negan struggles to get used to Daryl and his daughter together. Daryl x Reader smutty action, they are so in love yo! :) This got so smutty.. your welcome. ;)
All of You Part 4 (I Love Her, Rick)
Summary: Y/N convinces Daryl to let her come to Alexandria with him, after fighting with him. Makeup Smut ensues as she convinces him to take her along. They drive to Alexandria and meet Rosita and Rick, Rosita is pissed at Daryl and Rick contemplates how to deal with the new situation. Smut AF. Post-Negan AU.
All of You Part 5 (All Mine Now - A Proposal)
Summary: The Reader gets taken to the cell in Alexandria for questioning by Rick and Michonne. Daryl doesn’t leave her side. He spends the night in the cell with her and asks her to marry him. Meanwhile, Rick and the group need assurances from the reader to stay in Alexandria, regarding Negan, that she might not be able to pull off.
All of You Part 6 (To Us)
Summary: The reader and Daryl go back to the sanctuary to try and convince Negan to set Alexandria free. Daryl and the reader stop off for some fun before they go to the Sanctuary as Daryl tries to calm her nerves. The reader and Daryl tell Negan about the engagement. Lots and lots of loving, hot, smut between the reader and Daryl.
[NEW!] All of You Part 7 (I Do - The Wedding)
Summary: Daryl and the Reader get married with help from Negan and Daryl’s group of friends. Pure lovey-dovey.
[NEW!] All of You Part 8 (The Honeymoon)
Summary: Pure Honeymoon loving smut goodness as the newlyweds enjoy their carefree days together in their new home, Alexandria.
HOME (Series):
Summary: You have been dating Daryl for months before settling in Alexandria together. Daryl goes out on a run and you await his return impatiently and think about him as you await his return. Pre-Negan Era.
Chapter 1: Missing You
You anxiously await Daryl’s return and think about how much you miss him when he is away. (Smut)
Chapter 2: Promise
You and Michonne go out to hunt walkers and you think back to your very first walker kill and the first time you met Daryl. (Violence, Walker Death, Family Death)
Chapter 3: I’ll Watch Over You.
Michonne gives you a lesson in walker killing and you think back to your very first night with Daryl Dixon. (Walker Killing, Grief, Family Death, Fluff)
Chapter 4: No One’s Gonna Hurt You. I Promise.
The Reader reminisces about her first day in Alexandria and her first kiss with Daryl.
Chapter 5: My Mystery Man
The Reader reminisces about her first night in Alexandria; meeting Rick and Michonne, having dinner and drinks with Carol, and Her and Daryl’s first time together. (Smut)
Chapter 6: The Love Word
The reader thinks back to falling in love with Daryl, as she awaits his return. The reader reminisces about the day Daryl told her he must leave for a while and their last night together.
[NEW!] The Caged Animal - Part 1
Summary: The reader is curious about the man in the cage named Daryl. So, one night she sneaks out to meet the man everyone in the Sanctuary calls a monster. The two start talking and she convinces Negan to let him contribute at the Sanctuary. The two begin a friendship. Era Season 7. Sanctuary.
[NEW!] The Caged Animal - Part 2
Summary: Daryl and the Reader get to know each other as they work together at the Sanctuary. The Reader spends her days in the garden with Daryl. Daryl is offered a surprise offering from the ever surly Negan and the Reader takes a chance on what she has been feeling for Daryl.
[NEW!] Always In My Way
Summary: Daryl has a thing for the reader but won’t admit it. He is always putting her down and calling her ‘kid’ even though the reader is only a year younger than him. They can’t seem to escape each other and are always assigned night duty together. One night during night duty Daryl finally makes his move and shows the reader just how much he wants her.
[NEW!] Be Safe - Part 1
Summary: The reader is following Rick’s group, hoping to find scraps of food from them along the way. Daryl immediately realizes she is following him and starts dropping food for her. One night, he shows up at her campfire and they talk, slowly getting to know each other night by night when Daryl slips away from the group to see her. One night the reader makes her move and they sleep together. After that their relationship is hot and heavy every time, they are able to sneak away with each other. The reader tells Daryl she is scared of being in a relationship again after losing the man she loved. Daryl tells her she needs to figure out what she really wants from him. Season 3 Era – before they found the prison.
[NEW!] Be Safe - Part 2
Summary: The reader continues to follow Rick’s group, despite having a falling out of sorts with Daryl. Daryl still makes sure she doesn’t go hungry and allows her to follow them because he still loves her and wants to make sure she is safe. One night the reader is camped outside a house the group had found abandoned and when it starts pouring Daryl appears out of the shadows. He convinces her to sleep inside the house with them. She agrees and she finally admits her true love for him. She awakes the next morning to two men who have taken the group hostage. She saves them from the men, saving everyone’s lives. Happy, smutty ending…
Dirty Thoughts*
Summary: The Reader lives with Abraham and Rosita and has been in Alexandria for only a few weeks. Reader has a major crush on Daryl and Abe invites him to dinner one night. Daryl and Reader finally get what they want from each other. Smutty Smut. Daryl x Reader. Enjoy!
Don’t Touch Her
Summary: Daryl runs into the reader after her boyfriend has hit her. Daryl loses it and confront the guy. He comforts the reader and they become close. Smut ending, of course.
First Time
Summary: Hope I do these requests justice! :) Set season 3 in the prison. Pre-Governor era. The reader is new to the group and finds herself unusually attracted to the man they call Daryl. The reader is shy and unsure about all things that come along with the sex, as she is a virgin. Daryl and her get to talking one night and she asks him to take her virginity.  Reader is around 20 years old. Prepare for cute Daryl fluff in this one, I think he would be so sweet taking someone’s virginity. :)
Happy Birthday, Daryl
Summary: So I started this as a request, but it turned into just pure Daryl birthday smut. Daryl x Reader had been dating for a few months, in secret, when his birthday comes up. Reader surprises Daryl with morning sex. Smutty. Alexandria, Pre-Negan Era.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You
Summary: The reader is attracted to Spencer, until one night he tells her off and Daryl steps in and tells him to fuck off. The Daryl leads you to his house, where he tells you he his feelings for you and smut occurs.
He Doesn’t Deserve to Own You - Part 2
Summary: Started out as a one shot, but I ended up writing a second part to it. Takes place a week after yours and Daryl’s confrontation with Spencer. Spencer now won’t leave reader alone and Daryl has to tell him to back the fuck off, Y/N is his now.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 1
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can’t Lose You - Part 2
Summary: I hope I do this request justice. Season 6 Era. The reader wants to prove herself to the group and go with the group on a scouting mission to stake out Negan’s compound. Daryl is furious. He doesn’t want her anywhere near Negan or his men. But, the reader sneaks away with the group anyway. You are caught by one of Negan’s men and nearly captured when Daryl shows up and saves you. Ends in an argument about you running off, Daryl telling you he can’t lose you, and smutty make up love making.
I Can Treat You Better*
Summary: Another request, hope I do it justice. :) Daryl has feelings for the reader and has had to watch the reader be treated badly by her boyfriend for months. When the reader’s boyfriend is out on a run, Daryl makes his feelings known. Pre-Negan Era. Set in Alexandria. Smut AF.
I Can Treat You Better - Part 2*
Summary: I got a request to write a second part of this, so here it is! Daryl and the reader enjoy each other’s company after being intimate the night before. Luke comes home to find you have moved out and to find that Daryl has told you about him and Rosita.
I Couldn’t Protect You - Part 1
Summary: The reader and Daryl are taken prisoner by the governor and his men when they are caught on a scouting mission. Daryl has to watch helplessly while the reader is tortured by the governor. Daryl finds a way to escape and brings the reader home to the prison where they prepare to fight against the governor and his men. Meanwhile, the reader slowly heals from her wounds and helps the others get ready for the governor’s impending attack.
I Couldn’t Protect You - Part 2
Summary: The group fights the governor inside the prison walls and hunts the governor back to Woodbury. Only to find that the governor is nowhere to be seen and he has killed all his men. Rick and the group take the men, women, and children left in Woodbury to the prison for safe keeping. Meanwhile, the reader continues to heal from her capture by the governor. Daryl and the reader drift apart and the reader thinks Daryl doesn’t love her anymore. She tells Daryl it’s over and Daryl breaks down finally explaining the shame that he feels about not being able to protect her from the governor and what happened to her. The reader comforts him and they make up. Makeup smut ending.
I Fell For You 
Summary: The reader and Daryl have close friends since her and her girlfriend had found the group and the prison. The reader breaks up with her girlfriend and Daryl offers to talk her through it. One thing leads to another and the reader admits to her feelings about Daryl and they collide together, finally after months of wanting, finally letting each other know how much they have wanted one another for so long.
[NEW!] I’ll Show You
Summary: The reader and Daryl have been secretly in love with each other since she stumbled onto the farm. One day the reader catches Daryl looking at her and notices him checking her out. It dawns on her that he is into her too and they begin a long game of pretending like they are not into one another. One day the reader decides to be brave and tell him how much she wants him. Daryl forces himself to go to her tent and admits he isn’t very experienced with being intimate with a woman. Daryl and the reader take it real slow and she shows him just what she likes. Ending in hot smut and sweet loving declarations.
I Love My Redneck
Summary: Early Season 4. Prison Era. Daryl and the Reader have been dating for a while, they go out on a run to scavenge for supplies and the Reader turns Daryl on. Smut ensues. Reader finds a radio with some tapes including Daryl’s favorite band, Led Zeppelin. Reader takes it intending to treat Daryl with a lap dance later. Later that night they are around the campfire at the prison when to younger men ask the Reader why she is with an old redneck. The reader responds and later finds out Daryl is upset by it. The reader comforts Daryl and treats him to a lap dance. They make love afterwards, salty and sweetly.
Imagine Giving Daryl His First Blow Job
Summary: Reader gives Daryl his first blowjob, while out on a run, and it leads to rough sex.
I’m Here
Summary: Daryl and the reader are out on a run for supplies when they encounter a herd and have to hide in a near by cabin. The reader has a panic attack and Daryl comforts her and tells her it’s all going to be okay. Lovey Dovey Smutty ending. Season 4 Era, after the prison…
I’m Her Man
Summary: Daryl and the Reader have been dating since before the world ended and they, along with Merle have recently settled in with the group at the quarry. Daryl is a virgin and very inexperienced sexually. The Reader tries to get Daryl to open up and start to explore her and their sexual relationship. She overexcites him one night and Daryl walks out ashamed only to find Merle had seen and heard everything. They fight and Merle convinces Daryl to be a man and claim the Reader once and for all. Slow, sweet, first time for Daryl smut. Season 1 Era. (I really love how this one turned out. I hope you all enjoy it! :)
I Only Want You - Part 1
Summary: This one will be two parts. Part one we follow the reader as she awaits Daryl’s return from a run and reminisces about their last night together. Lovey-Dovey Smut. Daryl, Rick, and Glenn return with a woman who has been hurt who seems to have intentions towards Daryl.
I Only Want You - Part 2
Summary: Daryl begins to train Nina and she makes advances at him. The Reader becomes extremely jealous. Daryl proves to the Reader he only wants her. Ends in smutty loud love making.
It’s About Time
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and is saved by Shane after the outbreak. The reader and Shane shared a night together after the world ended. But, the reader isn’t in love with Shane. The reader and Daryl both have had a thang for each other since Daryl arrived to the group. Shane gets jealous of the reader paying attention to Daryl. Daryl protects her from Shane and the end up spending the night together. The next day the group travels to the CDC, where Rick talks to her about her choice in men. The reader sticks up for Daryl and they publicly make it known they are together. Shane just drunk and jealous at dinner and ends up trying to get back with the reader, only to be too harsh with her. Daryl walks in and punches him out, declaring she is his and he isn’t allowed to touch her. He brings her back to their room and lovey dovey end game smut happens.
It’s About Time Part 2
It’s About Time Part 3
Summary: Someone requested Part 2 of this. The prompt was what if Shane tried to convince Daryl he was cheating on her. It got a lot bigger than that. So, this after the CDC escape and right after finding Hershel’s farm. Daryl and the reader settle into life after being on the run for so long. They enjoy the new life they have found together. Shane apologizes to the reader and they try to be on better terms. I really wanted to redeem Shane a little bit after the last part. So, you see a softer side to him in this one.Shane tries to plant doubt into the reader’s mind about Daryl’s loyalties. Daryl shows her just who he belongs to.
[NEW!] It’s Over
Summary: Daryl and the group bring Negan back to Alexandria to lock him up after they capture him. The Reader and Daryl were very close before he was captured by Negan and before the war with Negan started. The Reader and Daryl finally reunite after capturing Negan. The Reader helps Daryl deal with what happened to him and then they finally admit their love for each other. Loving smut ending.
I’ll Be Back for You*
Summary: Daryl leave the reader to go on a run. The reader is sad and depressed about it. Daryl comes back from the run with a stray horse he found. The reader takes the horse in and loves her gift. Later that day Daryl and the reader reunite after days apart. Loving smut ensues.
I’ll Give You What You Want, Girl*
Summary: Uh, pure Daryl smut and AU/Pre-Apocalypse… The reader has crushed on Mr. Dixon for a long time, but he is her teacher. One the last day of class the reader seduces him and he teaches her how a real man does it.
I’ll Take Care of Ya*
Summary: I needed to write some Daryl and this is what came out after this prompt. Reader gets hurt and almost gets killed by a walker, going outside the walls of Alexandria on a run, against Daryl’s wishes. Daryl is furious with her and ends up fighting with her, only to expose the fact that he has a thing for the reader. Smut ensues.
I’m Not Jealous*
Summary: Daryl sees the reader talking to another man and gets jealous. The reader goes to bring him lunch and a fight ensues. Jealous, make-up, smut ensues. Season 3. Right after they find the prison. Prison Era.
I Thought You Were Gone*
Summary: Prison Era. The reader and Daryl get separated when the outbreak happens. One night while the reader is tucked away in a cave by the river, she hears a man being attacked by walkers. Seeing as he is without a weapon she assists him and kills the walkers attacking him, only to be met with Daryl - her long lost love. Daryl brings her back to the prison and sweet reunion smut happens.
Just Do It, Daryl*
Summary: Season 3 Prison Era. Daryl and the reader don’t get along and haven’t since she joined the group. Daryl thinks she wants Rick and he has a crush on her. Little does he know she feels the same way about him, she just doesn’t want to let him push her around. After yet another epic throw down fight, Rick has had enough and sends you two out on a run alone to figure your shit out. On the run Daryl finally decides to show you how he feels and angry, lovey-dovey smut occurs.
Just For You*
Summary: Daryl and Reader have been together for awhile. Reader goes on a run with Maggie and Rick and finds sexy lingerie. She takes it home to surprise Daryl. Pre-Negan. Season 5/6. Alexandria. Hope I got this one right! :) Smut Alert.
Just Friends - Part 1*
Summary: Daryl and the reader share a few drinks one night and the reader let’s her intentions be known. They get it on and Daryl tells her that it can only be sex between them; to him, love is illogical in this end-of-days world. The reader and Daryl carry on for a few weeks and start to get closer and more intimate with one another. Daryl wrestles with falling for the reader as he begins to realize he has deeper feelings for her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Friends - Part 2*
Summary: Second part to the request above. Reader becomes friends with the man Rick and Glenn saved, trying to help him get used to the group and his new surroundings. Daryl notices her spending more and more time with him and gets really jealous and angry. He claims her and finally admits he loves her. Beginning of Season 4. The Prison.
Just Shut Up*
Summary: This one sort of wrote itself. Angry smut alert! Daryl and the reader are off on a run, after finding the farm. The reader is wreckless and Daryl lays down the law with her, once and for all. He shows her what she needs. Smut ensues. ;)
Let Me Show You*
Summary: Daryl liked the reader, who is very new to Alexandria. One day Daryl sees the reader heading outside of the walls and decides to go with her to keep an eye on her. The two spend a nice day together and Daryl tries to show her in every way possible how into her he is. When she still doesn’t get it after a nice night out he tells her how he feels and lovey dovey smut ensues. Protective and Caring Daryl Smut Alert! Enjoy! :)
Let’s Play*
Summary: Season 6 Era. Rick has just taken over Alexandria. The reader is bored during one of the many town meetings that is being hosted at her and Daryl’s house. The reader seduces him, despite their house being full of the townspeople. Pure Smutty Smut.
Make Me Yours
Summary: Set in season 2, on Hershel’s farm. Rick’s group is just starting to settle into an easier life on the farm when Daryl and Glenn come across a woman in the woods (reader) and bring her to the farm. They hit it off. Smut ensues… of course. The rest of the request will be in there too! I hope you like it! (I did not get to the daddy issues, but I did give her major man issues… ;) )
[NEW!] Merry Christmas, Daryl
Summary: The reader makes sure Daryl has the best Christmas ever. Alexandria. Rough Smut Alert.
My Dirty Secret
Summary: The reader is Rick’s younger sister and has a thing for Daryl. Daryl has a thing for her too. But, he doesn’t want to betray Rick’s friendship. One day, they get stuck in a house after spotting a herd and have to spend the night there. The reader catches Daryl pleasuring himself to the thought of her and realizes he does want her. She finds a teddy and a vibrator in the dresser and decides to show him just how much she wants him too. Major smut ensues.
 My Name’s Daryl - Part 1
 My Name’s Daryl - Part 2
Summary: Daryl rescues the reader after her group has been attacked by Negan and his men. Daryl takes the reader back to Alexandria. The reader forms a quick attachment to Daryl and they end up spending every minute together. They slowly fall for one another, until one night Daryl admits how he feels to the reader and sweet smutty ending. Season 7 Era.
Quickie on a Run
Summary: I had to do this because I have been thinking about it and needed some quick, dirty, smut. Totally a creation of this dirty mind haha. Enjoy! Daryl and Reader are on a run with Rick, Glenn, and Maggie, and Reader seduces Daryl into quick, rough sex. Season 6. Pre-Negan.
Ready or Not
Summary: The Reader and Daryl have had an attraction to each other since the reader has joined the group at the prison. But, Daryl doesn’t think it is wise to act on it, even though he can’t stop thinking about her. One night the reader sneaks in to see Daryl pleasuring himself and smut ensues. After the Reader and Daryl struggle with what they will become afterward. Pure, hot, smut alert! End of Season 3 Prison Era.
[NEW!] Relax
Summary: The reader has a rough run and comes home exhausted and sore. Daryl comes home and decides to pamper her to make her feel better. ;)
Summary: Set in S.3 at the prison. Reader gets all hot and bothered watching Daryl chop wood and slips away to their cell for a release. Daryl finds you and smut ensues.
Summary: The reader gets hit with the fever that hits the prison. Daryl has to go find her some medicine to save her life. Once the fever breaks and she wakes up she doesn’t remember Daryl or anything since right before she met him months ago. Hershel instructs Daryl to take care of her and fill in the blanks as her memory slowly returns. Daryl’s deep love for the reader is very evident and as her memory slowly comes back she falls in love with him all over again. Ends in loving, sweet, smut.
Right Like That
Summary: I had to write this out. Early Season 2 era, at the farm, with Daryl’s old badass self. The reader constantly flirts with Daryl throughout the entire time they are together in the group, once they settle in to the farm, they are finally able to have a night they both have fantasized about, for so long. Smut AF. I needed a fic where Daryl takes a girl roughly in the barn. Enjoy! This turned out smuttier than expected.
Summary: Daryl rescues the reader from walkers and he ends up taking her in, in Alexandria. They become very close, but remain just friends. Until, one day Daryl makes his intentions known for her. The start dating, but she has never seen his scars. Because of this, it keeps him from being fully intimate with her. One day he decides to open up to her and show her. Daryl tells her how he got them and they both break down. Daryl comforts her and she comforts him. Ends in them finally making love at the end. Lovey-Dovey Smut and pretty damn fluffy for my stuff.  Alexandra. Season 6 Era.
She’s Mine
Summary: Season 1 Era. Before the pilot and before Merle is left on the roof. Daryl and his brother Merle keep to the outskirts of the camp, Reader is interested in Daryl and starts to try and act friendly toward him, only to end up dealing with Merle constantly hitting on her and trying to grab on her. Daryl finally has enough and tells Merle off. Smut ensues. Daryl claims her.
Summary: I just needed some pure Daryl smut. It is shorter than my usual pieces. 100% smut. Daryl and the Reader are scavenging a house with Rick and Michonne when Daryl pulls the reader away from some afternoon fun. ;)
So, You Want Me?
Summary: Daryl overhears the reader gushing to Maggie about her crush on Daryl. He overhears how much you want to know what fucking him would be like and what him going down on you would be like. The reader goes home to find Daryl waiting there for her, ready and willing to show her just what he’s made of. The reader is very submissive to Daryl and not very experienced. He takes care of her, in more ways than one. Dom!Daryl Smut. Season 6 Era.
Summary: The reader takes Daryl home and tells her that she wants him. Daryl is wary. But, finally asks her to stay over. Smutty Smut. Lots of Smut. With a touch of jealous anger when Daryl wakes up and thinks the reader has left him. Daryl questions the readers motives for sleeping with him. The fight. Make up smut ensues in the kitchen.
[NEW!] Sweet Thing
Summary: The Reader has a thing for Daryl. Daryl is the very reluctant leader of the Sanctuary and has a thing for her too. He catches the Reader in the showers pleasuring herself to the thought of him one day. He just can’t help himself and brings her to his trailer on the edge of the property. He makes her pleasure herself in front of him, needing her to get used to being loud and uninhibited with him. Daryl admits he would love to have her around more and naughty, loving, smut ensues…
Take Care of Her - Pt 1
Summary: Rick asks Daryl to take care of his younger sister, the reader, while he is away on a run for Negan and the Saviors. Both the reader and Daryl are shy about their feelings about each other. Slowly but surely you warm up to one another as you spend the days and nights together. One day Negan crashes into Daryl’s house after finding out you are Rick’s sister. You deal with him and at the end of it tell Daryl you love him. Then slow, sweet, first time smut between Daryl and the reader.
Take Care of Her - Pt 2
Summary: Rick asks Daryl to take care of his younger sister, the reader, while he is away on a run for Negan and the Saviors. Both the reader and Daryl are shy about their feelings about each other. Slowly but surely you warm up to one another as you spend the days and nights together. One day Negan crashes into Daryl’s house after finding out you are Rick’s sister. You deal with him and at the end of it tell Daryl you love him. Then slow, sweet, first time smut between Daryl and the reader.
Teach Me
Summary: The reader almost gets bit on a run and Daryl is furious with her. They get back to the prison and she asks him to teach her a thing or two about self-defense against walkers and people. Sweaty training ends in rough smut, Daryl style. ;)
Thank You
Summary: This was a request, hope I get it right! :) Daryl breaks free from the Sanctuary, only to run into Jesus on his way out. Jesus helps him escape and the two return to the hilltop where Daryl meets the reader. The reader helps nurse him back to health and eventually smut ensues. This one is really long, but I had to nurse Daryl back to health, figured it would be some time before he’d be up for any rough smut.
The Big Bad Wolf*
Summary: The reader convinces Michonne to have a costume party when they run into a costume store on a run. She asks Daryl to be her big bad wolf. He lives up to the challenge and shows the reader just how bad he wants her and just how bad he can be. Hot Halloween Smut. Season 6 Era. Pre-Negan.
The Bowman*
Summary: I don’t know this is just a random thought I needed to write out. Daryl is the bow instructor at the Hilltop and Reader has a crush on him. Daryl notices and puts the moves on her. Pure Daryl Smut. Enjoy. Post Season 7 Era.
The Game*
Summary: The reader and Daryl both secretly have had a thing for each other since Daryl’s group moved into Alexandria, but neither of them knows the other also feels the same way. After a while, Carol and Rick decide to take it upon themselves to make something happen between the two. So that they realize they both feel the same way. Rosita and Abe wander by and end up betting against Rick and Carol that they can get the reader and Daryl together. The two teams make a bet on who wins this game and the plotting begins. Eventually, it works and the reader and Daryl finally realize how each other feels the same and needy, passionate, smut to end. Season 5 Era.
The Night Before
Summary: Daryl and the reader sleep together the night before the group clears the prison, while everyone else is asleep. The reader worries for him when he goes off to help Rick, Glenn, Maggie, and T-Dog clear. When he returns more smut and end game lovey dovey smut when Daryl asks the reader to stay with him
They Can Wait
Summary: The reader plans a smutty night for her and Daryl, only to be interrupted by yet more Alexandria business when Daryl brings Rick and Glenn home for a meeting. The reader and Daryl haven’t had anytime alone since reaching Alexandria and the reader is desperate to reconnect with him. Daryl walks into the house to find the reader scantily clad in his favorite teddy. He quickly covers you up and the meeting happens. The reader teases Daryl with company in the house and smut ensues when they leave. Daryl pleases her in more ways than one, making up for lost time.
Welcome Home
Summary: Daryl Dixon and the reader enjoy their new house, once settling into Alexandria. Daryl and the reader are gifted their own house when the group moves to Alexandria. After being out there for so long with little to no privacy, the two enjoy their new found privacy and have a marathon day of smut throughout the house. (This was fun to right, hope it is just as fun to read).
What Do I Have To Do?
Summary: Daryl is very hot for the reader and can’t stop thinking about her, but he thinks she is into Spencer because Spencer is always hanging around her. The reader is in love with Daryl and tries to always initiate contact and find excuses to be around him. But Daryl is an asshole to her because he overhears her one night talking about a man she wants, and Daryl assumes it is Spencer. The reader decides to be more aggressive about spending time with Daryl, hoping he will understand that she is into him. But this just makes Daryl angrier because he thinks she isn’t into him and it kills him how bad he wants her but can’t have her. One day Daryl is particularly an ass to her, and she finally asks him why he is being such an asshole to her. Daryl lets his anger get the best of him and amid their fight, Daryl finally shows her how he feels. Angry and Loving Smut ending all in one… Season 6 Era. Alexandria.
What’s That About - Part 1
What’s That About - Part 2
Summary: The reader has had a major crush on Daryl since he has moved to Alexandria. But, she has never told him. One day, Daryl comes back from a run hurt. The reader falls apart and Maggie comforts her. Daryl sees her crying and asks Maggie about. The reader takes it upon herself to help Daryl heal from his injuries. Which leads to the two spending a lot of time together. When Daryl is finally healed he plans a surprise for the reader. They fall in love over this time and at the end, end game smut and happy ending.
[NEW!] You Alright?
Summary: The reader gets abruptly dumped by her long-time boyfriend, Robert. She is completely blindsided by this, especially when Robert starts making out with his new girlfriend in front of everyone at the camp and right in front of her. Daryl, who has always watched over her ever since she had come to the camp, saw the whole thing go down and asks the reader if she would like to stay with him for a while. The reader obliges and she ends up moving to Daryl’s camp. They slowly get to know each other and then one night Daryl tells her how he really feels about her. Slow burn, loving smut ending. Season 2. Hershel’s Farm Era.
You Could Stay - Pt 1
Summary: Daryl and Aaron are out scouting for people when they find the reader fighting off a group of walkers. They take them down and escort her back to Alexandria. Daryl takes ownership over watching over her for a while and things get heated between the two. Definitely turned into dominant Daryl smut. Enjoy!
You Could Stay - Pt 2
Summary: Some wanted a second part for this and these two were fun to write. So here is part two! Daryl and the Reader enjoy a smutty morning together and he asks her to go with him to guard duty. The Reader starts trying to adjust to Alexandria, still unsure that she belongs there. Daryl asks her to talk with Rick and Michonne, hoping she will decide to stay. Season 9 (after the first jump) Era.
[NEW!] You Could Stay - Pt 3
Summary: The Reader and Daryl talk with Rick and Michonne, trying to calm the Reader’s fears about staying in Alexandria. The reader makes friends with Michonne and they all have a nice dinner together, getting to know her. Afterward her and Daryl spend an amazing night together and the reader tells him where she stands on staying with him. Loving, smut.
You Want Better?
Summary: Daryl taunts the reader about her feelings for married Rick. She finds out it is because Daryl has feelings for her. They confront each other and smut/romance ensues. Season 2 / Hershel’s Farm Era.
You Want Better? – Part 2
Summary: I made a second part to this because I wanted to. Sort of felt like resolving the Rick-ness of it all. Daryl and the reader begin to sneak around and see each other, they go on a run with the group and Rick confronts the reader about his feelings and the reader has to decide between Rick or Daryl. I really love jealous Daryl. Smutty Daryl x Reader Goodness.
You Gotta Be Shittin’ Me, Right?
Summary: Reader goes on watch duty with Daryl (Season 3, Prison) and learns Daryl is a virgin. Things progress from there… Smut.
You Let Him Touch You?
Summary: Daryl decides to leave the prison with his brother, Merle. Daryl and the reader have been dating awhile and the reader is heartbroken. Daryl tells her to move on. The reader meets Axel and the two end up having a friends with benefits type of relationship. Daryl comes back to the prison over a month later. Daryl sees what you have with Axel and becomes possessive. He claims you. Smut and endgame ending.
Your Safe Here
Summary: The Reader is saved in the woods by Daryl. He brings her to Alexandria and helps her heal. She is accepted into the town. But, really only feels safe with Daryl. She witnesses Daryl having a dream about her (ahem) and she decides to make her move.
You’re the Reason
Summary: The reader thinks Daryl is gay. Daryl in fact can’t keep his mind off of her, which is why he doesn’t ever look at anyone else. One day the reader asks for his help going through some storage in the prison. The reader says too bad he is, because the women would love a chance at him. He gets awkward and quiet, tells the reader he isn’t and then confesses she is all he thinks about when he relieves himself. Passionate, smutty goodness ensues when he shows her just how much he wants her. This one wrote itself…
You Saved Me*
Summary: Daryl finds the reader in the woods after she has just shot her best friend who had been bitten and was turning. He helps her bury her friend and takes her back to the camp with him. They quickly become friends as Daryl helps her heal from her trauma. They both develop feelings for each other and one night, on the reader’s birthday, Daryl tells her how much he wants her. Endgame lovey-dovey smut ending. Season 1 Era.
You Should Be With Me - Part 1
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite desperately wanting her. But, he thinks it is better for you both if you don’t get attached, ending up breaking the reader’s heart.
You Should Be With Me - Part 2
Summary: Season 1 Era. After the outbreak. Daryl is with the group as is the reader. The reader has had a crush on him since the group joined together. One night the group is drinking late at a campfire and the reader and Daryl have a great night of smutty goodness. The morning after he tells her is was only a one-night thing, despite really wanting her. The reader is heartbroken, but she agrees. She soon strikes up a friendship with another man, Not Daryl, but nice enough. One day, on a run alone, Daryl can’t take anymore, and he claims what he wants – her.
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Sorry. He’s Busy Right Now
Summary: Reader meets Norman at a con and things get heated. The reader comes face to face with someone who has been seen with, who the reader thinks is a horrible person, after their encounter. Norman calls her into the shower.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 2
Summary: After the reader and Norman sleep together, Norman leaves for filming and the reader is forced to go back to reality. Norman keeps trying to contact her, but the reader thinks he has gone back to Brianna so she stops contacting him. She is forced to work a con with him a few months later and Norman confronts her, telling her she is the only one he wants.
Sorry, He’s Busy Right Now - Part 3
Summary: The story I can’t stop writing rn. Norman and the reader settle into this new life together, despite Brianna’s presence. The reader reaches out to a friend who might be able to help them out. Norman tells the reader for the first time he loves her. This one get pretty lovey-dovey at the end. But plenty of smut as well.
Summary: Norman has a crush on the reader and the reader digs him too. They work together on the show, the reader is Daryl’s love interest. When they are asked to film their first love scene things get heated. One night Norman invites her over and smut ensues.
Admit It
Summary: The reader gets mad at Norman when she sees him flirting with another woman. Norman shows the reader that she is all he wants. He loves her down and then they play out one of his fantasies. Makeup sex is the best…
Summary: Norman is jealous of the reader’s ex who is still in her life because he is best friends with her sister’s boyfriend. Her ex always talks to Norman about the two of you when you used to date and still has a thing for you. Norman gets angry as hell and the reader calms him down. The ex shows up and Norman laws down the law. Hungry, needy, smut ensues and Norman shows the reader just why she would never want another… And the reader shows him that he is the only one she ever wants…
Can I Come In?*
Summary: Pure smut. The Reader meets her new neighbor, Norman. They both like each other and flirt as time goes by. Norman is pretty shy about putting the moves on her, even though he wants to. One night the reader overhears him pleasuring himself and calling out her name, through her bedroom wall. The reader decides to take charge and show Norman just what she wants from him.
Guilty Pleasure - Part 1
Guilty Pleasure - Part 2
Guilty Pleasure - Part 3
Summary: Norman and the reader have been fuck buddies for a year or so. Norman goes off to film in GA and comes back to the city after months away to find that the reader has started dating someone else. The reader expects Norman to back off and go after someone else. But, instead Norman gets very territorial and ends up showing up more and more at the reader’s door. The reader tries to push him away. But, she can’t deny how much she wants him. Norman can’t take it anymore and tells the reader he is the one she should be with. Hot! Hot! Smut! With a sweet smutty ending.
Happy Birthday Norman
Summary: Norman and the reader enjoy some birthday smut.
I Just Can’t Help It
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for years and he asks her to go to Steven’s wedding with him. The reader agrees. When the reader spends most the night dancing with another guy, Norman gets jealous and decides he needs to have her all to himself. Rough smut ensues, followed by Norman confessing he wants her to himself.
I’m Home, Baby
Summary: So I’ve had this thing kicking around in my head for a while, needed to write it. Norman wakes the reader up in the middle of the night, for some loving smut, after being gone for weeks filming a movie. (My first Norman smut, let me know if you like it, constructive feedback welcome!) P.S. Pretty sure I could imagine Norman smut all day long every day… The man is pure love. This was super fun to write and I was nervous to write a Norman smut haha expect way more! ;) Enjoy!
I Need You, Now
Summary: I will say it again this man makes me trash. This is just a little fantasy I had that I needed to write out. Norman and his girlfriend (the reader) reunite at a con, after being apart for weeks. Norman has to have her now, so they race off to the basement to find a place where they can be alone. Smutty Smut ensues. Enjoy!
Summary: I had this brain child while writing my other Dom!Norman piece. This one just hammered itself out, no pun intended. lol! Norman is jealous of the reader and her co-worker. He lays down the law. Ends lovey-dovey.
Let Me Help
Summary: Pure Smut Alert. This one shot just sort of, happened. Reader sees Norman is upset and takes it into her hands to make sure he feels better. Marathon smut session does the trick. ;)
 My Sweet Girl
Summary: Norman asks the reader to pose for a photo shoot. The reader reluctantly agrees and finds herself in a sticky, smutty, situation… This is 100% pure smut.
Nobody’s but Mine*
Summary: Norman and the reader have been friends for over a year. Norman always hits on her but, she always turns him down because they have such a close friendship. One night she slips and they end up sleeping together. They become friends with benefits, until one night Norman gets jealous and tell the reader he only wants her. Setting is NYC.
Summary: So I had this idea where Norman and the reader have been dating for over a year now and the reader really loves Daryl’s character. She has asked Norman to roleplay Daryl in the bedroom before, but Norman always turns her down. It’s the reader’s birthday and Norman lures her onto the set of Alexandria one night and has a surprise for her. He roleplays Daryl and rough smut, that turns into some lovey dovey Norman smut happens. Sounded so fucking hot! So I had to write it!
[NEW!] The Right Guy
Summary: Norman lives next door to the reader and her boyfriend. Norman frequently hears the reader and her boyfriend in bed, who is definitely not fulfilling her sexual needs. One night after work, Norman is at a bar close to home when the reader comes in after having a fight with her boyfriend. Norman and her get to talking, one thing leads to another and ends with Norman taking her to his place to show her exactly how good the right guy, him, can give it to her. Hot Smut.
Treat You Right
Summary: Norman has had a long, hard week of filming and his girlfriend (the reader) loves him down right, making him forget about all his troubles. Pure smut.
We’ve Got Time
Summary: Norman comes home to the Reader and their 5 year old daughter after a couple weeks of being gone filming. They spend a relaxing night together as a family and Norman and the Reader reunite for some lovey dovey smutty time.
[NEW!] What Changed?
Summary: This was an idea that came to me. The Reader and Norman are fuck buddies with a casual relationship. One night he comes over and stays over. The next day he is acting very strange toward her until he finally tells her that he wants her and only her. A mix of rough smut and sweet, loving smut.
You Don’t See it Do You?
Summary: I needed some lovey-dovey smut between Norman and the reader, where the reader tells him how much she loves him just the way he is. So, this fic was born. The reader and Norman spend the day at a con and come home to be interrupted by work matters. Norman thinks the reader will grow tired of his busy lifestyle, between work and fans. The reader puts his mind at ease and loving smut ensues.
Your Pussycat*
Summary: The reader surprises Norman with a night of costume filled fun for Halloween… Nothing but pure smut goodness…
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All Mine Now
Summary: The reader catches Murphy’s eye at a bar and her friend Stacey picks up a liking to Connor. The two get friendly with the guys when someone at the bar makes a move on the reader. Murphy and Connor teach them a lesson and smutty smuttiness ensues. I didn’t get around to him asking her on a date at the end, but sort of implies they will be together. End game Murphy smut turned out a lot longer than intended,but I doubt I’ll hear complaints ;)
I’m Only Yours
Summary: Murphy and the reader are on their honeymoon in Ireland. Murphy is a virgin and the two haven’t done much sexual play at all, much less sex. The reader helps Murphy gain confidence on their first night together. He finally loses his virginity to his new wife. Smut. Happy Ending.
I Risked it All - Part 1
Summary: The reader is called on for her, “favor,” from Agent Smecker. It is to break Connor and Murphy Macmanus out of a high security prison. The reader breaks them out and leads them to a safe house. There is obvious tension and chemistry between the reader and Murphy. Smut ensues.
I Risked it All - Part 2
Summary: Picks up where Part 1 left off. The reader bonds with the brothers during their two day stint in the safe house. Lots and lots of Murphy x Reader smut. Basically, a chapter on these two falling for each other, hardcore. Murphy asks the reader to come with them when they relocate. And more clues about the reader’s past surface.
Summary: The reader is working late one night at a church in the city. The Macmanus Brothers show up late, wanting to pray. She locks them in and gives them a few minutes inside the church while she goes about cleaning up for the night. The boys meet the reader in the confessional and threesome smut ensues.
[NEW!] Smoldering
Summary: The Reader is a bartender at McGinty’s and has had a crush on Murphy since she started but she doesn’t want to risk losing her job. Murphy has liked the Reader from day one too. One night, a couple of men start harassing you and Murphy and Connor come to her rescue. Murphy escorts the Reader home and they finally admit to their feelings for each other. Loving, smutty, ending.
The Other Brother*
Summary: The reader and Murphy are home alone one night while the reader waits for Connor to come home. Murphy knows Connor screws around on her and the reader has suspicions too. Murphy has a secret thing for the reader and stays with her to keep her company. They end up drinking together as they wait for Connor to come home and Murphy’s feelings for the reader come out. The reader is shocked but loves Murphy for all the times he has been there for her when Connor was out. They sleep together and fall for each other. Connor comes home and Murphy berates him for how he treats the reader. You end up clearing the air when Connor and Murphy get into a fight over you, telling Connor that you are no longer his; you are Murphy’s now. Hot endgame smut where Murphy fucks the reader so hard, with Connor in the next room, branding you as his now.
The Power of Three
Summary: The reader and the Macmanus brothers have been a couple since high school. This piece is a day in the life of the reader and the brothers. Pure hot Murphy, Connor, and threesome smut smut smut!
You and Your Stupid, Fucking Rope
Summary: Murphy is propositioned by a female bartender (the reader) at McGinty’s one night. Connor intervenes and kinky rope smut ensues. This is more of a Murphy x Reader smut, but Connor also gets to use his stupid rope. ;) My first BDS Smut piece, hope you all like it! This honestly may be the longest pure smut piece I have ever written, rivaled only by All of You Part 2.
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