theuniversalfriend · 10 years
Chapter 3 :)
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crmnbrb-blog · 10 years
Les claques de la semaine : Part V
Hi friends, 
C'est bientôt Noël, right ? Je n'ai pas pour habitude d'être choyée par Santa Claus. Mais, perdue dans mes pensées, je m'imaginais qu'un généreux donateur m'offrait la discographie vinyle des Black Angels. Seriez-vous prêts à offrir un Noël de rêve à toutes ces personnes qui ne reçoivent jamais de cadeaux ?  Mes supplications s'arrêtent ici. 
Loin de moi l'idée de vous entourlouper. Il est vrai que cette semaine, mes recherches musicales sont miséreuses. Mais, la semaine prochaine, je reviens en force. Au menu : mon top chansons australiennes 2014 et mes chansons préférées de l'année sur le point de s"écouler. En attendant, ce n'est pas vendredi certes, mais le samedi, vous pouvez aussi régalez vos oreilles ! 
Mon premier coup de coeur est australien ! Velociraptorband (bonne chance pour prononcer le nom) nous vient tout droit de Brisbane et son dada, c'est le garage. La liste des contributeurs est aussi longue que celle d'une équipe de foot. Voyez un peu : Jeremy "Coach" Neale, Simon "Bob Evans" Ridley, Shane "Party Pie" Parsons, Julien "The Kid" James Lauren "Elizabeth Elizabeth" Jenkins, Rohan "Lone Wolf" Dodd, Daniel "Sand in your Eyes" Dunne, Corey "Harijuku" Herekiuha (of Hairy Mexican Corey & The Midnight Shits fame). Yuri "Y-Dog Unchained" Johnson George "Conan The Adventurer, Warrior without fear" Browning. Michael "Mickey Flip" Fletcher - Euro Division, Joshua "Fabio" Byrd - Euro Division, James X Boyd - Euro Division, Jesse "Hawkwind Foxington III" Hawkins - Hiatus. Well ! 
En cette matinée d'hiver, vous prendrez bien un peu d'indie mucic ? Breakfast in Fur, comme le nom de la sculpture de Meret Oppenheim, est un groupe new-yorkais dont la musique fraîche et douce est idéale pour les balades d'été, voire même les soirées d'hiver. Au choix. Les quatre compères s’apprêtent à sortir un EP intitulé Flyaway Garden. A suivre avec attention. 
The Levitation Room, c'est de la musique pour planer. Véridique. Son rock psychédélique est enivrant. Une petite pépite originaire de Californie. On ne se refait pas ! 
J'ai gardé le meilleur pour la fin. Cette chanson signée TheUniversalFriend, je l'ai en tête depuis la première écoute. Son riff régulier est s'ancre dans le cerveau. La recette est simple : une basse percutante, des passages lents suivis d'intermèdes plus soutenus. Simple et efficace. Malheureusement, les informations concernant le groupe sont presque inexistantes. Comptez sur moi pour vous éclairer davantage à l'occasion d'un post Alerte à la bombe. 
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magkaibatayo-blog · 13 years
Ako: Alam mo yung kwento nung robinsons snake?
Jhoanna: Oo pero hindi ko masyadong naintindihan kwento eh­­. Bakit ?­­
Ako: totoo kaya yun?
Jhoanna: ano ba ulit istorya? yung si medusa?­­ parang hindi nmn, baka tao yung gumagawa nun­­.
Ako: haha, gagu hindi. yung katawan ahas, tapos mukha tao.
Jhoanna: ano ba ? sabi sayo di ko naintindihan eh ahhahaha­­
Ako: kapatid nung anak nung may ari nun robinson
Jhoanna: edi anak din nung may-ari gagu ka­­ ahahahahahhaah­­
/Haha. Oo nga naman. Anak nga naman din sha. :))
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
We are born, We die. We speak the truth, We lie.
I am well acquainted with the fact that My assemblage is perishable, And my soul is immortal. Then why do I? Why do I never want to leave this body? Then why do I want to live on a lie?
I know nothing lasts forever, And that there is no end to the worldly pleasures. Then why do I crave for them? Then why do I want to live on a lie?
I know that people come and go, They are here today, but tomorrow, maybe no more. Then why do I want to hold onto them? Then why do I want to live on a lie?
I get hurt a million times, But still,…. I keep running on those lines. Knowing the fact that I’ll fall again. Then why do I rise fall all the time? Then why do I want to live on a lie?
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
All I ever wanted was to see you smile, all the time.
Now you do.
But the reason, not I.
It hurts, bit that’s okay.
Because I had made a promise to myself, 
To never come in your way.
So be it.
Love, I have no one by my side.
And the wounds just don’t heal.
Oh! Where do I go?
Whom should I be with?
Your absence has plated a sapling of void in me,
It is spreading all over my heart, my soul.
It is swallowing me from within.
Couldn’t you say a good bye?
But it doesn’t matter. I will pass.
Because all I ever wanted was to see you smile, all the time.
Now you do.
But the reason is not I.
But that’s okay.
Because all I ever wanted was to see you smile, all the time.
-Taniya Verma
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
I have been reduced to a million pieces and I do not seem to find most of them.
Some have flown away with the winds of the past, some have drowned in my tears and the rest? They are hoping to be collected by you because I still have a hope that you will pick those pieces of me and caress them with the same love and concern you had for me before you destroyed me to those million pieces.
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
No, I wont let you know if it will make you stay here with me, forever and if that’s what you wish. Because I can’t let you go for, you are my only wish.
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
I will always love you
All I ever wanted was to see you happy. Yes, you are happy. But it isn’t because of me. In fact, you never noticed that glitter in my eyes whenever I caught a glimpse of you. And the sound of my heart racing, and my flushed cheeks. Everyone knew I loved you more than my life. You knew it too. But you never cared to care about what I felt. Oh! I forgot! You never wanted to be near me. So why did you allow me to sow a seed of hope? And burn the land in the silent night, where that seed had germinated?
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theuniversalfriend · 10 years
You might part ways but we both know that your heart belongs with me and you will have to come back to me to have your heart back. I am just waiting for you to come back because then I will never let you go again because I will not give your heart back.
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