revellious · 1 year
Hi 👋🏼 @kneedles tagged me to share a song that gets me emotional
My brother sings this to his kids and every time I hear it I weep like a baby 😩😭
I tag @sulkysweetheart @azkachurro @theultimateetc @hypotheticalcrisis & anyone else who would like to play 😘
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alloverthegaf · 4 years
Have you seen How I met Your Mother? If so thoughts?
boiiiiiiii more thoughts than I could write in an answer
to summarise, I guess: I adored the show, I found the humour and storylines so fun and the writing so fresh and it was the comedy show of my generation, the one we all went to school talking about the latest episode
and I, like many, adored Barney and Robin’s relationship, from Barney’s first crush, their first failed attempt at a relationship, the relapses - we powered through the seasons of forced other relationships clearly meant to just drag on the drama of those two, which I do get but also, not fun. and then the entire. fucking. last. season. was based around the weekend of their wedding. the ENTIRE last season was set on the weekend of their wedding.
and also to be fair to people who were more invested in Ted and the mother, literally the entire SHOW was obviously supposed to be the story of how Ted met the mother of his children. that was how it was supposed to end. with Ted meeting the mother and falling in love and telling his kids, “THAT’S how I met you mother.”
and in like 30 minutes the writers decided to shatter everything the show had become. they destroyed the long awaited and obviously built up destined love of Robin and Barney by having them get divorced, because Robin was too focused on her career, something that had been a part of her character and one of the obstacles she dealt with in relationships from the beginning, something Barney had accepted her for.
they shattered the entire point of the show being about meeting the mother, because in those last 30 minutes she had died and Ted was for the fifth time in love with Robin, and the entire point of him telling his kids his story was because he was nervous about getting their approval for dating (their AUNT) Robin.
all the more insulting by the fact that the only reason the writers decided to go with these horrible decisions is because that was the plan when they created the show, NINE YEARS EARLIER, before like 80% of what ended up happening had been planned, and they had recorded the kids early based off the original ending and they were like “well, the kids look the right age here, we’re lazy, let’s fuck up like 5 years of character and story development.”
it’s the original game of thrones. no, seriously. it was a show with such popularity and hype and was so beloved, and right when they needed to stick the landing, the writers got impatient and lazy and messy and destroyed their entire work. himym was talked about and hyped so consistently and so enthusiastically for so many years and with one decision they wiped himym from the pop culture map. no one talks about it anymore, no one writes about it anymore. good luck finding merch. good luck finding a fan that doesn’t get angry just thinking about how it ended. even now I have himym cravings and still find it so hard to enjoy earlier episodes knowing how it ends. that show was one of my all time favourites and I still love it to pieces, but also literally FUCK that show don’t talk to me about it.
in conclusion sorry I guess I lied about summarising also I love himym but also fuck that goddamn show
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sheepbeard · 10 years
None of the colours suit so I am making my own: Violet: Your blog is awesome, you're awesome we speak on occasion more often wouldn't hurt. Keep it up
Y'know what. Let's change that one too. Hey. How's it going?
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borntosavethedoctor · 10 years
theultimateetc сказал(а): I don’t get why people dislike or even hate Moffat
Honey, they would give you a loooooooooong list, trust me. 
doctorwhee сказал(а): well I have the same reaction for anti-moffat post. If I don’t like the blog that much or if I don’t know the personn I just unfollow. I don’t need hate on my dashboard.
feuilledelierre сказал(а): It goes both ways, I’m unfollowing for Moffat hate… but the whole situation is ridiculous, sigh, the Doctor would be so disappointed
Yep, I get that, everybody's dash should be neat and nice. It's just that I don't post any hate?? I just praise things, but I guess that praising something they hate is equal? 
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dont-worry--baby · 11 years
top 5 ways to enjoy your free time
Hey, thanks! :D In no particular order:
1. Being nice to people.2. Doing internet things.3. Doing musical things.4. Playing video games, reading books, watching TV — basically doing stories.5. Cuddling.
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aburningforge · 11 years
We will always be our own biggest critics. Because we know the things we think that we do not verbalise or express. We are the ones that know that what we do is sometimes not the best we could probably do. But what would it take for you to realise that you are a lot better person than what you give your self credit for?
I consciously avoid lending those statements from myself the legitimacy of criticism - as much as I know about my motivations for anything I know that they're made solely intending to cause pain. What it would take is a basic change in the way I interpret things, and that's something I'll get to.
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alloverthegaf · 4 years
Did you get any games over the holidays? If so what? And if not what is the last thing you played?
not over the holidays, unfortunately as much as I love gaming it’s barely happened in years because of my depression. the last game I got, and the last game I played was last April when Ron got me the new Doom for my birthday. it’s absolutely incredible and so much fun (and crazy difficult but mostly cuz I’m a pretty shit gamer) but of course I didn’t get far before I just stopped playing. Ron has all kinds of plans for me to game once I move in lmao
also I know you didn’t ask this but my absolute best times gaming was Fable 2 (because WHAT a game) and the og titanfall because holy shit I enjoyed that game so much and played it so goddamn much it’s the one game (aside from DJ Hero) I feel confident in saying I legitimately got really good at it
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revellious · 7 years
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my best friends. forever grateful. 👊🏽🦋
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revellious · 7 years
I hope everyone in the world has a best friend as good as @theultimateetc is to me
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alloverthegaf · 6 years
Have you ever. Ever felt like this? When strange things happen are you going round the twist
please god no
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alloverthegaf · 6 years
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I almost wish this weren’t true but by god is it
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revellious · 8 years
We are well adjusted adults
@theultimateetc re: the two of us
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revellious · 8 years
People that make your heart go ! Those at the people you're supposed to keep.
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revellious · 8 years
when you've been on the phone for 35 minutes and they go "oh i have some gossip" like m8 this should've come up 35 minutes ago
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alloverthegaf · 8 years
Get to know your followers
tagged by @theultimateetc yo thanks dude!
Nickname: in life? Nic. On here? It seems to be gaffy. Which I love. Zodiac: Aries, fuck NASA Gender: female Fave colour: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯? Current time: 10:46pm Average hours of sleep: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯??? Last thing I googled: when did American carnivals come into being yeah no really Current number of followers: 8,996, I lose the 9,000 basically immediately but I don’t care CUZ I GOT TO MAKE THE JOKE Height: ???¯\_(ツ)_/¯???
tagging @mediaevallady, @quazooo, @ahambrose, @freeformtarsier and @klutzykat if you guys want, no pressure
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revellious · 8 years
she's as dumb as a chair
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