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This is "'Berta 'Berta," a prison work song the men learned while in Parchman Farm (Penitentiary) in Mississippi.
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A people without the knowledge of their past, origin and culture is like a tree with no roots.
Marcus Garvey
I think this quote will interest Boy Willie because the book, his life and his family’s life is based on their past and their culture because of the piano and its origin and how it came to be all revolves around the story and their family’s lives.
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Watching this trailer, i got me really excited because i really like adventurous and thriller movies because they get my adrenaline hyped SO MUCH!! Even though, i don't really have anything to relate to, but the plot seems very interesting.
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I choose this article because I want to sell my water melons with a proper price so I could buy the land
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I chose Titanic as the song that Berniece would like most and get inspired by it.
I think Titanic is the song Berniece would be inspired by because it describes how keeping your loved ones in your heart can keep the memory of them alive. Also, if you truly love somebody, you will remember them forever.
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I wish someone would just buy me a boat, since it will be perfectly fine when i get rich with my own farm land.
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Article (The Piano Lesson)
It was interesting for me to read this article. I never thought that it was important to keep our family’s legacy, but from Bernice and this article, I could see how important it is.
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I think this song will inspire Boy willie alot Because as we observed from the movie and the book, boy willie likes to sing almost always moreover he has a very nice voice! There was a scene where all men sang Oh Berta in the kitchen and they were making thumping noises while singing, I think this song will be enjoyable for boy willie because there are alot of clapping sounds and other things ( like using a cup to make a thumping noise) that he will enjoy doing and singing to.
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I think that Boy Willie will care about this news article because it talks about places selling cheap lands that are for sale, and Boy Willie can buy them because they aren’t very expensive.
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We may place blame on, give reasons, and even have excuses; but in the end, it is an act of cowardice to not follow your dreams.
I can really relate to it, because if i didn't follow my dreams i would have ended up like my mother, sad, depressed,and afraid of my past.
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The love in our family flows strong and deep leaving us memories to treasure and keep
I posted this quote because this shows exactly why I disagree with Boy Willie because the piano has sentimental value to me.
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“The more you know about your legacy the more liberated you are” Berniece believes that the legacy is the base for a person’s future and it is what we should value most.
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Hey every single woman out there. I thought you might be interested on how i would look, so i posted my photo and my name is Boy Willie.And Everyone in this damned house is insane, because they actually believe that Sutter’s ghost is in that house. All of that is just inside my sister Bernice’s head. If anyone is going to bless anything there is no need to bless the house nor the piano the only thing that needs to be blessed is Bernice’s head. I am going to come back selling that piano, because no damn ghost will be able to push me or choke me again.
All that I am trying to do is sell that piano, and complete what father has always wanted to do. I am a good son, and that is why i will do what is proper to do. If my father knew that he would get such land he would sell that piano and even more if he could. Even if that piano was possessed with a ghost I don't care because I am not scared of no ghost. I am certainly coming back for that piano.
Bernice thinks i am insane for selling what our father and grandfather died for, but that piano made me finally understands that there is no escape from living my parents legacy and the only way to benefit from it is to learn from it. That piano is both precious in money and memory, but that doesn't mean i will not sell it. At some point I will have to sell that piano.
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Quote (The Piano Lesson)
“It is not the honor that you take with you, but the heritage you leave behind.” -Branch Rickey
This quote really explains the lesson I learned from Bernice and the piano.
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Journal Entry: BOY WILLIE
After leaving Doaker’s house once again, I felt a little at fault. If it was not for me bugging my sister about selling the piano nothing would have happened to her. However I still felt a little glad because now Bernice got the piano for her and she can play on it again. After all my family is worth much more than Sutter’s land. This piano will protect them, it’ll drive Sutter’s ghost away. This piano shall not be sold, it belongs to our family. It’s my family’s precious heritage, it has my papa’s and mama’s blood on it.
I hope Bernice will completely forgive me for trying to sell the piano by the time I see her again. I’ll make sure to get Sutter’s land with my own hard work and make Bernice proud of me. Bernice taught me a lesson and I wont ever forget it, family heirloom has a value that is deeper than money or land. I wont ever forget to protect my family and its heritage.
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What I Think About Berniece
This weird typewriter contraption thing is creeping me out.
I’m Boy Willie and today I’m going to talk about my feelings toward my sister Berniece.
I think her idea for keeping the piano at home is foolish because she doesn’t even use it. It just sits there with it’s high value and she’s getting mad at me for wanting to sell it. The piano is worth a lot of money and I said we would split it, but she’s just so stubborn.
Why not sell the piano? I won’t let her tell me it’s because our father sacrificed his life for it and our mother polished it until her hands bled is the reason we need to keep it.We need to sell it because we need the money so I can get land from the Sutter’s. We need to get revenge on them for owning us and that’s why we need to buy and own their land, but she just won’t agree with me.
Berniece doesn’t understand that by buying Sutter’s land we would be avenging our father for sacrificing his life for the piano. He didn’t sacrifice his life for us to just let the piano sit at home without anybody using it. Maybe she needs something to remember our family by, but buying Sutter’s land will give us something to remember our family by, and that is that our father sacrificed his life to get that piano so we can make use of it, like sell it so we can get revenge on the Sutter’s for what they did to our family. For owning them and making them work all day and all night because that’s what all white people do. They own us black people and make us work for them without considering our health and wellbeing.
Berniece is acting like a little girl. She needs to realize that selling the piano to get Sutter’s land is the best way to remember our family by. Like I said before we need to get revenge on the Sutter’s for owning our family and making them work against their will.
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