rougebangtan · 4 years
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pairing: jungkook | reader
genre: strangers to lovers, fluff
word count: 1.840
prompt: old rock + can fulfill the ghostie bingo prompt
warnings: there’s a little making out in the end, so if you don’t like that, please be warned.
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You roll your eyes in annoyance at the man in front of you. It is the third consecutive week that he has come to the store without making any purchases. The young man always wore all-black outfits, and would come by in the afternoons, granting you the honor of his visits. He would browse the store, flicking obnoxiously through the CD’s and records for hours on end.
One thing you had to give credits where the credit was due, however, was his impeccable sense of style. He dressed himself in a very unique and pristine manner; even as he tried to look badass, he most certainly looked soft and innocent. The amount of detail he put on his looks was nothing short of admirable. You caught yourself more than once enthralled by the way his earrings would dangle on his lobes.
The shop you work in is in a rundown spot of the city’s downtown which, in turn, had caused you to see all kind of people. Not many where as pretty as the handsome boy that was showing up so often, but you weren’t going to allow yourself to be biased; his pretty privilege had already cut him a lot of slack. You’ve grown impatient with waiting. It’s already been close to a month and the guy hasn’t bought anything.
Sucking in a breath, you think about your options. You have two: you either ignore him or finally set him straight. The choice is clear to you since your mama didn’t raise you to be a quitter. You feel yourself marching towards him before your mind processes the closeness between the two of you. You have your resting bitch face on and that’s what you attribute his stunned expression to as he gets even more wide-eyed.
With a silent sigh, you observe how he shifts in his spot, his legs alternating which one sustains his weight. Oh, boy, now he’s anxious? If anything, it’s you who should be.
“Hi,” you utter with a blank expression plastered on your face, adopting the most authentic salesperson persona you can. “We usually rather to let your customers pick what they want themselves, but you seem kinda lost. I’ve noticed you come to the shop often… I was wondering if you need help?”
He shifts under your gaze, looking absolutely caught off-guard. “Hmm, yeah,” he agrees while his hand goes to scratch his nape in a deflective move. “I could use some help… sorry about always leaving empty-handed. I’m just a very indecisive person.”
You chuckle lightly at that. The boy is super cute. “What are you looking for, pretty boy?”
“A gift.” He answers, and something evil stirs inside of you. You’re going to hell for the thoughts that swirls in your mind.
“A gift? For who? A significant other? A friend?” You query, subtly gauging his relationship status, and he seems to pick it up quite fast.
“It’s for a friend. We’re in a band together, and this store has many LPs that he’d like to add to his collection.” He explains, but he doesn’t keep eye contact for too long.
His cheeks heat up at how intently you pay attention to him. You figured that if he’d just waltz inside your workplace during three weeks to buy something, you had the prerogative to make him squirm.
“I like this one better,” you say as you pick up the Queen LP. “Their music definitely tells a story… I’m not quite sure about the words to describe it, but it just makes you feel nostalgic. In a good way, though. Makes your heart beat a little faster.”
As he stays quiet, you continue to go off about your favorite music in order to give him some insight in what to buy.
“Whereas this one,” you lay the LP in your hands down to grab another. “is kind of a little chaotic. I won’t say it doesn’t grow on you, but it’s a hard one to wrap your head around. At least for me.” You admit with a shrug.
“It’s hard to really get into it every time I try to listen.” His eyes were wide when you said that, and the pink shade that tainted his cheeks had started to creep up to his ears.
“I will take that one, then. Jimin will probably like it. He’s a chaotic person, so the concept suits him.” The man nodded.
“You sure? Don’t you want to hear a few tracks before you make a decision?” You question him, not wanting to be the one to blame in case the LP turns out to be a bad choice.
When he nods again in reassurance, you comply and walk back to the cash register, so you can ring up his purchase. What you don’t expect, however, is when he mutters: “What’s your name?”
You grin at the sheepish manner that he asks for it, and you wish you could hold his face between the palm of your hands seeing as he looks adorable, even with the pretense badass look. “Y/n. And yours?”
“Jungkook,” he replies earnestly.
“Well, Jungkook, it’s nice to meet you. Here’s your LP,” you announce and hand him the record. “It retails for a total of $15,99.”
He reaches on his pockets after taking the LP from you, and drops a 20-dollar bill on the counter. “Keep the change,” he whispers once he watches you moving around the register.
You gape at him briefly before you watch as he begins shifting again, and you could drool when he bites his already very pink lips. It’s not difficult to notice he wants to say something, but he doesn’t know how to, which is why you wait for him, Jungkook, with an expectant expression gracing your features.
“Thanks,” he settles on saying. Lifting the bag in hand, he clarifies. “For the LP, I mean.”
“You’re welcome,” you respond, a smile never leaving your face. “Thank you for your purchase. Hope you make good use of it.”
He still looks uncertain, but he nods and moves to the door to leave. “Yea, thanks again… Catch you a next time?”
It’s your turn to nod at his words. “Sure. See ya next time, Jungkook.”
When you return his hopeful sentiment, he beams, and as he makes his exit, you swear you could see a skip to his step.
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Today was insanely hot, not even your outfit was helping, and you had chosen a smaller tank top paired with some bike shorts because of the weather. It’s been two weeks since you’ve last seen Jungkook, and your days felt like clockwork. You hated that he spent weeks coming to the shop, but as soon as he was confronted about it (very nicely, you add), he stops passing by.
You weren’t sure if it was the sweltering heat, but what you knew for certain is that the day passed in an agonizingly slow pace. You could count in your two hands how many people had entered the stop, and for that reason, you decided to close earlier. It wasn’t super early to close, though; it was only 10 minutes before your actual schedule.
When you get to the door, however, you’re met with a pleasant surprise. A scarcely dressed Jungkook is sweating in front of you, gasping for air, and his eyes twinkle in street’s lighting. He looks delicious, and the neediness you often feel quickly rekindles at the glorious sight you were gifted with.
“Y/n, hi!” He greets you, but you can see he’s still a little breathless.
‘Hi,” you greet back, second-guessing what you should do. You cave to the needy part of you that wishes to eye the boy for a longer while. “I was just about to close up… but you’re sweating buckets. Do you want a glass of water?”
He only signals in consent, and you step out so he could enter. You close the shop regardless, since that way you’d spare yourself of the trouble of leaving it open and Jungkook stays behind, watching as you do so.
After you give him a huge glass of ice-cold water, you observe him suspiciously. Resting against the counter, you wonder what was he doing there? His eyes are mesmerizing, and even as he gulps the refreshing liquid down, they never stray from your figure. You smile smugly to yourself. Your tank top left your bountiful cleavage on display as well as your back tattoos, and you’ve been proved that such combo had an interesting effect in men.
“What are you doing here, Jungkook?” You finally speak up when he stays silent. He seems surprised because his eyes, which were glued to your chest, are suddenly looking back at yours.
“Like what you see?” You tease.
He blushes at your statement and his hand soon find his nape. You noticed his recurrent mannerisms relied a lot on body language, and you could sense how shy the boy actually is around you.
“I forgot…” He mumbles with uncertainty, then shakes his head. “I didn’t know how to… askforyournumber.”
“What?” You ask, your eyebrows furrowed.
“I didn’t know how to ask for your number.”
“Oh?” You gasp, then slowly stalk over to where he is. “Really? You should’ve told me… instead of coming to the show so many times, then vanishing.”
You watch in entertainment as his eyes widen so much, it looks like they could bulge out of their sockets. “Oh… I’m sorry about that.”
“How about this, Jungkook?” You say and your eyes flutter while staring at the beautiful boy, at the way his tongue moistens his lips. “You give me a kiss, and I give you my number. Would you like that?”
He nods repeatedly, eyeing your chest and tattoos wantonly. “Do you want to touch?”
Without saying anything, Jungkook touches the ink on your shoulders reverentially, his fingertips soon finding the crook of your boobs. You also put your hands on him, sneaking them underneath his shirt, and you swear you had to hold back a moan when you feel his pecs.
Needless of verbal communication, your lips brush against his, and he eagerly accepts the kiss. The pair of you kiss for minutes, his tongue brushes against yours sensually and you lose it when you feel Jungkook’s hard dick poke on your thigh. As you separate from one another, you realize you don’t want his manly hands to get off you.
Resting your hands on his chest while you gaze him through your lashes, you try to ask him out in the most nonchalant way. “Do you want to get out of here?”
His smile is blinding, and his hands grab your hips in reassurance. “I’d love to.”
The smile on your face is also uncontainable, so you rush to pick your stuff up and lock the backdoor. On your way out, you almost can’t believe you’re in fact walking hand-in-hand with the mysterious boy that thought dropping by at your work was a good flirting method.
If it was good, you didn’t know, but it was damn well effective.
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a/n: Sammy !!! here it is, i envisioned the reader as you @breadoffoxy ily! Jester, @youarejesting, thank you for borrowing me your prompt. I hope to have done it justice. 🤍
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rougebangtan · 4 years
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pairing: namjoon | gender neutral!reader
genre: fluff, a laughable attempt at crack
word count: 1.099
prompt: candle
a/n: @moccahobi​, lilli! this one is for you since you picked namu hahah. hope you like it. also, huge thanks to @youarejesting​ for supporting me in this effort, and acknowleding me. i appreciate you so much. i posted this last minute!! saved by the bell 🥱
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Walking inside of your home, you finally let yourself heave a grave sigh.
As you threw away your bag and keys and got rid of your high-heel shoes, there was only one thing on your mind: you needed a bath. You heeded your coworker’s advice after you couldn’t stop complaining about the tension and stiffness of your muscles, and she carefully told you that she usually did a nice session of hot yoga before soaking up in the bathtub when her body felt rusty.
You considered her advice to be quite useful; the idea sounded too relaxing to turn down, and you wanted nothing more than to loosen up. While still at work, you’d stare at the clock countless times, wistfully wishing the time would pass in a blink of an eye, so you could go home. Expect that hoping for something to happen doesn’t equate to it happening. The workhours had been painstaking torture, but you were free. Home, at last.
The laziness, however, began to cripple on you once your eyes spotted the coziest spot in your apartment – the living room. You see it every day when you get back from work, and the sight brings you an unshakable sense of peace. The sofa had been placed right beside the glass door, which led to your tiny balcony that was filled with plants and flowers. Resolute in your decision to actively get your body moving, you sigh as you march towards your room to freshen up.
If one thing adulthood had taught in your life, it’s that a proposed challenge is a challenge meant for solving, and that’s exactly what you aim for the evening. Just to do some hot yoga, and take a nice bath. Not only would you induce your brain into a serotonin frenzy, but also, you’d finally have the opportunity to use a scented candle you got as a birthday gift the previous year.
You spared the item for a long while because it was one of the most bougie presents you’ve ever received as of late. Besides, it had been given to you by the cute boy next door. Namjoon wasn’t a boy, he was probably a couple of years older than you, yet his dimpled smiles gave him a boyish type of charm. Said charm that you pleaded guilty of swooning over every single time.
Determined is how you feel when you go back to the living room, ready to rock the yoga class. With your phone in your hands, you swiftly mirror the video from the link sent earlier by your coworker on the TV. As the instructor begins her class with easy stretching movements, it gives you more confidence to follow her steps. To your dismay, that short start was a treacherous trick to bring you into a false sense you can, indeed, replicate her positions.
You’re in agony, holding your ankle to a height you never imagined possible when the yoga instructor calmly announces the class would end in 5 minutes. She looks so serene even as she twists her body yet again in another impossible pose for your unaccustomed body.
“Ugh!” You bemoan at the painful stretch. “Why doesn’t it end?”
Right when you’re about to switch positions again, you hear a thump coming from outside, and naturally, you look out on your balcony’s window, only to spot Namjoon arriving home. He sees you as well and waves at you from the distance, his signature smile graciously directed at you. The fact causes you to feel self-conscious. Your crush shouldn’t be able to see you looking all sweaty like this.
You jump on your feet at the silly, and uncalled for, moment of embarrassment. Wanting to take your relaxing bath, you decide to light the candle beside the tub, so it could scent your bathroom while you prep your skin and let the tub fill with hot water. It doesn’t take long, and soon you’re basking in pure bliss. Both your skin and body are taken care of.
The candle’s scent was of a delicious mixture of marshmallow and pumpkin spice. Everything was going great; you had music playing and started to fall asleep. That was until the smell of smoke began to waft into your nostrils. It causes you to jolt awake, and let out what you consider to be a shameful scream, as you promptly spot the causer of such mess. A small hand towel had caught on fire.
Climbing out the tub, and still a bit panicked, you carefully remove the towel from the hook, quickly throwing it into the water. Before you have any more time to process what happened and, maybe, to also dress (not that it was a big of a deal), you hear a knock on your door. 
Hurriedly, you wrap a towel around your body and run to answer it. It must be important, seeing as no one knocks on your door. You’re deeply surprised when you open it and encounter with your eye-candy of a neighbor, sweet and helpful Kim Namjoon. He smiles at first, but as he takes in your appearance, his eyes are fast to dodge yours.
Clearing his throat, he gestures towards you. “You are not wearing anything.”
Your eyes bulge out of their sockets as you realize it and you swear you had never closed a door shut so quickly in your life. “Oh my freaking goodness…”
“Seems like I caught you at a bad time,” He utters loudly, his voice trespassing through the wooden barrier.
“Yeah,” you trail off, just as loudly. “I just got off my bath. What did you want to talk about?”
“I wanted…” He begins to answer but then cuts his sentence in the middle. “I wanted to see if you’d be down for some dinner…? Sorry to have interrupted you, though.”
“It’s okay,” you giggle happily and you don’t know if you were cursed or blessed for the turn of events. “I’d love to. Just give me a few minutes to put something on and I meet you there, okay?”
You can’t see him, but you suppose he nods at your question. Barely do you know is that the man has the biggest smile on his face. “Alright, I’ll warm up the food! Don’t take too long!”
“Sure!” You shout as your feet run back to your room, your mind conjuring up the many possibilities of outfits you could wear. Even though, you’d know you’ll settle with a hoodie and sweater pants.
Chuckling to yourself, you shake your head in incredulity. If God existed, he sure did miracles.
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