For the anon looking for pirate fics: 'All Great Heroes' by Kirakiwi (on AO3) has Pirate!Kurt! :-)
All Great Heroes by Kirakiwi
Blaine Anderson is trapped into finding a wealthy lady to marry to save his estate that is father has run into the ground. The only problem: He likes men. He has resigned himself to his fate with only his books to escape reality. UNTIL he meets the alluring Kurt Hummel. The only problem: he's a pirate captain.
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klaineship2 · 3 years
I know Christmas is over, but
this post is specifically for @thethirdgarrideb and @limaloveglee who couldn't see the photos properly via my zoom camera and since it's still very wintery and cold and dark where I live it's just nice to see some lights
Christmas decorations from around the world that friends and family from various countries made me aware of
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from top to bottom
London, England -- Moskow, Russia -- Vienna, Austria
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lilyvandersteen · 6 years
Get to Know You Meme
Tagged by @lucy8675309. Thank you, sweetie!
Rules: Tag 9 people you want to get to know better and answer the questions!
Relationship status: Married
Favorite color: red
Top three ships: Klaine, Zimbits, Anne Shirley and Gilbert Blythe
Lipstick or chapstick: Chapstick
Last song: Lay Your Worry Down by Milow featuring Matt Simons
Last Movie: Bohemian Rhapsody.
Tagging @grlnxtdr30, @justasmallbloginabigklainefandom, @thethirdgarrideb, @perfectanomaly, @heartsmadeofbooks, @quirkyquantumqueen, @caramelcoffeeaddict, @xbeautifulunseenx, @theredandwhitequeen. Only if you want to, sweeties, no pressure!
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msalexiscriss · 7 years
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Dear all,
Another year is over and it’s time to start a new one, so let’s raise our glasses and make a toast to the new year!!!
May 2018 be better than the last one. I hope you all have a great year and a wonderful time ahead. I know that with every new year come greater challenges and obstacles in life, so I wish you all the courage, hope and faith to overcome all of the hurdles you may face. Let 2018 be the year where all your dreams come true. Stop worrying. Stop getting angry at things that aren’t worth the energy you put into staying angry. Do things that make you happy. Make some memories. Don’t forget that the most important things in life are free so love, live, smile, laugh, play, and be who you are. Make each day «the» day. Live your life with abandon. Be good to yourself. Fall in Love. Create happiness. Be courageous and wild at heart. Make new friends. Believe in your own power, strength and fortitude—you’re awesome, never doubt it. Surround yourself with love, take chances, and be spontaneous. This is your year…make it beautiful!!
Cheers to the New Year. May it be a memorable one.
**whispers** Thank you for making 2017 an amazing year…
@champagnemagnus, @harryshvm, @likemybonfireheart, @hail-andfarewell, @pavarottisrevenge, @princewarblersteenagedream, @nightfallgoddess, @whiskeybane, @malecbane-wood, @inmortalwarlock, @jacepunchesducks, @littleprincessshum, @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine, @lonelyimmortalsoul, @alec-gaywood, @gayndsoft, @refrescorojo, @wonderdaysoflunacy, @anonomonomous99, @lgbt-malec, @confidentalec, @howisalexander, @alecbaene, @immortal-husbands, @lausunicorn, @peaceandcows, @jimsox40, @prettywarlockk, @snifflyfists314, @s0ftmalec, @vlademetri, @lulusunicorn, @larlarinlalaland, @alec-gideons, @omg-daddario, @magnusbaneofbrooklyn, @alightwood, @patronuass, @spreadlovelikelegs, @responsibilititty, @bloodboneandmuscle, @oddieodelia, @bbmonarch, @jinglebanerock, @justalexanderlightwood, @kklainesmalec, @lecrit, @steph-luvs-klaine, @quizasvivamos, @wayhaughtheda, @grcfrgs, @captain-onyourleft, @thethirdgarrideb, @ineffable-vellichor
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 10 months
I'm going crazy because I know I read this on ao3 recently, but I cannot find it in my history, or on your blog. but there is a really fantastic story in which the boys (+finn and Rachel) get in a car crash, and years later Blaine dies and his ghost follows kurt for the rest of his life. it's really good.
Readers? Do you know this one? Please send it in if you do. Thanks!
ETA: @thethirdgarrideb believes it's this one:
Wake Up Now by DireDyre
Kurt and Blaine were just getting started on the rest of their lives, until Blaine gets into an accident. Now he's a ghost forced to watch his life happen without him as he struggles to get back to his body.
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Hiiii! Do you you know any fics where they can't touch each other?
These are probably the closest to what you're looking for. ~Lynne
A Touch of the Fingertips by poisonivy231
Kurt has barely ever made contact with anyone because he is a faerie. This is a creature, or person, which makes a connection when it touches another. When Kurt accidentally meets Blaine Anderson, this becomes an even greater problem than he predicted.
Shy by Salazarfalcon
From the Glee Angst Meme: Kurt and Blaine are both pretty touch-starved and it’s wearing down on them both. Kurt can’t initiate even though he’d absolutely kill for a decent hug and Blaine just wants to trust someone enough to be able to ask for it.
Hold My Hand by hereidreamtiwas
Kurt has never been comfortable with physical affection, and he’s never received any before Blaine. Four times Blaine helped Kurt be more at ease with being touched, and one time Kurt returned the favor.
Touch by HarmonyLover
After his painful conversation with Kurt in “Sexy,” and before he goes to talk with Burt Hummel, Blaine thinks about the meaning of touch. One-shot.
ETA:  Thanks for the suggestion, @thethirdgarrideb
Magic Spoken at Midnight by @gleefulpoppet
On the planet of Pantasia, magic users are in hiding, and the dragons—the wisest of all creatures—have seemingly disappeared. Whispers sweep the landscape of an ancient prophecy that will restore their world to its former splendor and allow peace to reign once more. What happens when a wanderer with raven curls has a chance encounter with an injured dragon? Desperate to help her, he feels a pull towards a mysterious place he often sees in his dreams. Can he discover the location—and the man with mesmerizing blue-green eyes that resides there—in time? And is he destined to save more than just the creature in his care?
Dragons. Prophecies. Magic. Duty. And above all, love.
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I read a fic where Kurt and Blaine talk online and don't know they are roommates. Any similar fanfics where they talk online and don't know they know each other in real life?
I suspect that you read the one I'm listing below. I couldn't find other fics with a similar premise. Readers, if you can recommend one, please let us know. - HKVoyage
I Hoped It Was You by @jayhawk-writes
Kurt is ready to immerse himself in New York and hopes that his college experience is amazing. The only problem, his roommate doesn't seem to want to interact with him much at all.
ETA:  Suggestions from anon and @thethirdgarrideb  ~Lynne
The Symphony Verse by shandyall
Blaine has spent most of his life feeling like the only thing people notice about him is that he stutters. He’s working hard to overcome his (mostly self created) roadblocks when he meets Kurt in an online class the summer after his freshman year of college.
Ebb and Flow by maanorchidee
Blaine Anderson is yet another anonymous New Yorker who's trying to get a job in the entertainment industry. His days are filled with auditions, bleak subway rides, piano lessons, and complaining about his annoying next-door-neighbour. But Blaine has a secret that he cannot share with his other friends: he dreams of playing competitive Splatoon 2. He already has a hard time justifying this music degree, so he doesn't need to add an interest in eSports to that. That's why the only person who knows about this, is yet another stranger on the internet named Kurt. The two met in an LGBT Splatoon 2 Discord and became fast friends. Little do they know that they also know each other offline.
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Hello friends I've been looking for 2 fics! One is a more serious one where Blaine is in witness protection. All I remember is that his name is Perfecto. And the other one is a cracky one where right after their first kiss, they both have to pee and they run into each other at the bathroom in Dalton. Awkwardness ensues! Thanks as usual for the blog.
I did a little searching, and unfortunately came up empty. Readers - these are good clues - perhaps you know these stories? ~Lynne
ETA:  @thethirdgarrideb said it’s this one - I skimmed it and apparently missed Perfecto! ~Lynne
The Secret by @ckofshadows
In retrospect, there were signs that Kurt had missed.
Sequel: Another Story
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For the anon looking for Burt being unhappy about K dating B: 'Heart Without a Home' by heartsmadeofbooks - B is homeless and overhears Burt voicing his doubts about Bs intentions and their relationship. And 'Hearts and Homes' by beautifulwhatsyourhurry has a similar scene.
Thank you for the suggestions @thethirdgarrideb. The homeless!Blaine fics work for the ask. - HKVoyage
Heart Without a Home by @heartsmadeofbooks
Kurt Hummel is just another Broadway star and fashion icon who doesn't care about anything around him. But on a cold winter night, he stumbles upon a man who makes him realize his perfect life isn't so perfect, after all.
Hearts and Homes by beautifulwhatsyourhurry [PDF and EPUB]
A cold winter night finds Kurt stranded after some car trouble, only to bring him face to face with a sick, shivering, homeless boy beneath a bridge. That boy, of course, turns out to be Blaine.
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For the anon looking for slave!Kurt: The 'Don't Look Back' verse by SkewedReality (AO3 /series/23761)
Thanks for the suggestion @thethirdgarrideb. - HKVoyage
Don't Look Back by SkewedReality
Blaine is in a slave market with his parents who went with the intention of browsing for a new slave to work around the house. Blaine splits away from them, disgusted, and sees Kurt.
Kurt is badly beaten, starved, and sick, and his slave trader is about to kill him because he won’t be able to make any money off of him. Blaine stops him and buys Kurt. Then he takes him home and starts Kurt on the long road to recovery.
Contains: slavery, hurt/comfort, past abuse, violence, and eventual depictions of non-con. Nothing especially explicit, but I tagged it anyway for the sake of a trigger warning. This is first and foremost a hurt/comfort story. (As posted on the GKM)
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For the anon looking for the fic where they met as kids, but don't keep in touch and years later they're dating, looking through old pics and realise they've met before: 'Of Little Boys and Found Memories' by littlehellspawn665 (AO3). (I'm not 100% sure it's the one the anon is looking for, because they don't meet at the zoo, but the premise is very similar.)
Thanks for the suggestion @thethirdgarrideb. - HKvoyage
Of Little Boys and Found Memories by littlehellspawn665
The year is 2001. Two young boys meet in a park on a sunny Thursday afternoon.
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For the anon looking for fics with Cooper/Kurt before Klaine: It's not a *new* fic, but I'd recommend 'Lottery' by sunshineoptimismandangels (on AO3)
Thanks for sharing. ~Lynne
Lottery by sunshineoptimismandangels
When it is the Government that chooses your Lifemate, the person you have to spend the rest or you life with, by drawing names from a national lottery there are a lot of things that can go wrong. Kurt however, has always dreamed about the day he'd met and hopefully fall in love with his Lifemate and when the government pairs Kurt with Cooper Anderson a handsome and charismatic older man Kurt can't wait to start their life together. Of course Kurt never dreamed that maybe his Lifemate wouldn't be right for him, or that he'd have a charming younger brother named Blaine who is everything Kurt has ever wanted. What do you do when the Government pairs you with the wrong Anderson brother? (Klaine centric romance with some Kurt/Cooper and Blaine/Sebastian)
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For the anon looking for fics where Kurt has a twin brother: 'The Other Half of Me' by TheOtherXOPrincess and 'Mixed Signals' by BlurglesmurfKlaine (both on AO3)!
Thanks for sharing! ~Lynne
The Other Half of Me by  TheOtherXOPrincess
Fashion journalist Kurt suddenly finds himself handcuffed to a bounty hunter, without even having done anything! He tries explaining to the admittedly attractive guy that he mistook him for his long-lost twin brother Caiden.
Of course, Blaine doesn’t believe one word he says, because seriously, who falls for the unoriginal ‘I have a criminal twin’ lie? Finally, he caught that annoying petty criminal, and he won’t let him get away this time, no matter how hard he will try to escape.
But frankly speaking, Blaine needs to admit that “Caiden” is different from all the other cases he had before, and not really in a negative way…
Mixed Signals by BlurglesmurfKlaine
Blaine Anderson is the new transfer at McKinley High. He quickly becomes fast friends with Kurt Hummel—Glee Club diva, straight A student, Cheerio extraordinaire. He plans to win his heart, but there’s just one problem: he can’t make heads or tails of Kurt Hummel.
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For the anon looking for less popular fics - I always felt that 'Too Late' by zavocado doesn't get the fandom-love it deserves. And maybe 'Unscripted' by Rainjoy?
Thanks for the suggestions! - HKVoyage
Too Late by @zavocado
When Blaine came out at sixteen, everything changed. Fifty years in the future, sixteen year old Kurt is still hiding himself away, lost in the misery of a friendless high school life with only the memories of a dark-haired, kind boy who helped him when his mother died. A story of lost chances, saviors, and how love transcends the limits of Time. soulmates!Klaine, AU
Unscripted by Rainjoy
1. They’re kids, and it’s the first serious decision they’ve ever had to make, and they’re not making it well. 2. In college they have crazy roommates and maybe it’s not second thoughts, for all Kurt knows Blaine’s having eighteenth thoughts. 3. Maybe Kurt’s a better actor than Blaine ever knew. 4. Why fight the inevitable?
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For the anon looking for fics where Klaines house is haunted: There is also 'Apartment 143' by idoltina on AO3.
Thank you, @thethirdgarrideb!
Readers, please heed the tags and warnings!
Apartment 143 by idoltina
Six years into their marriage, Kurt and Blaine are starting to be established enough in their careers to want to settle down into a more permanent residence. When they happen upon a refurbished apartment in an old building at a price that’s a steal, they immediately snatch it up. They settle into their new home over the summer, and after a fairly intoxicated and intimate Halloween, they find themselves expecting their family to grow by one more. But as the pregnancy progresses, so does the level of paranormal activity in their home. It doesn’t take long for them to bring in paranormal investigators to figure out what inhabits their home, if they can get rid of it, and how to protect themselves and their unborn child from it -- if they can.
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Hey! The Soulmate fic where Blaine is a teacher at Dalton is 'Heartlines' by an anon, it's on the klaineficspdfs tumblr and on LJ (gkmheartlines)
Thank you @thethirdgarrideb.
Heartlines by gkmhearlines
Kurt and Blaine have each other’s names written on their hands. Except in this they’re 10 years apart.
Note: PDF and EPUB files available to download here.
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