#thetaekswoon au
thetaekswoon · 7 years
NCT Lucas| Camp Counselor AU
You know I thought I would actually escape the bias wrecker trap that Lucas has put on all of us NCTzens for a minute there, but then whelp there he goes doing his dandy thing and I’m shook.
mentions of drinking 
Red Fox cabin: boys ages 7-8
Co-counselors with his bffl Mark LEE, so you can already tell that the Red Fox cabin that summer was quite a mess
It’s his first summer working at the sleepaway camp, and surprisingly, Lucas is one of the few counselors that weren’t actually campers before they became staff,
so that means that (besides mark who was the one who suggested that he put in a job application earlier that year) Lucas didn’t know anyone he was going to be working with at all.
At the start of staff training, Lucas began to feel really intimidated because practically everyone else knew their way around the camp grounds and already KNEW each other,
Lucas just kind of felt like an outsider, sometimes he even felt like quitting before the campers arrived for the first session.
, but then something changed after some wise words from seasoned camp director Leeteuk set Lucas in the right direction, and quickly he found himself opening up more to the rest of the staff and they adopted him into the camp family.
Lucas found himself befriending almost everyone at camp, even the CITs loved having him around!
 and Lucas really liked hanging out with them.  They were all close in age and they were required to stay for the whole summer just like the staff were, so he felt like he could connect even more with them,
That’s why as soon as cabin placement preferences opened up Lucas requested that he be a CIT leader.
sadly though, the reasons why he connected so well with the CITs was exactly why he wasn’t allowed to be their leader... In order to be a CIT leader you had to be several years older than the aged-out age of the CIT program, unfortunately Lucas was just too young.
He didn’t hang himself up over it though because he and Mark got placed into the same cabin together which was super freaking awesome, and he could still hang out with the CITs whenever he wanted really.
You can always see him giving CIT Chenle piggy back rides across the camp fields, goofing around and making fun of the other counselors 
*cough cough* Johnny *cough cough* 
When first moving their stuff into the Red Fox cabin, Lucas and Mark argued for what felt like an eternity over who got the top bunk, 
“I got here first so its MINE”
“You dumbass how the hell are you going to even sit up in the morning without banging your head on the ceiling you’re too tall!” mark shouts at him.
  Lucas did hit his head the next morning and then kindly asked Mark with as much dignity as he could find with the darkening purple bruise on his forehead, if they could switch beds.
... the whole time head counselor for the Red Fox cabin, Namjoon stands quietly in the back, shaking his head in his hands.
Lucas is one of the counselors that teaches the survival courses at the camp;
  teaching all the campers in the course how to find/build shelter, start a fire, what plants are edible and whatnot,
, and honestly... Lucas freaking loves it!
He loves playing around deep in the woods everyday with the campers and coming back covered in dirt head to toe for lunch.
Lucas is kind of crazy in the woodsy aspect... he does insane stunts that with one misstep could end him up in the hospital
, he pretends to be a crab with a flaming torch in each hand walking sideways, and covers his neck and face in mud when the summer heat becomes a little too much for him to handle
  lucas climbs up the trees like a monkey and isn’t afraid of going up too far
“It’s not fun unless you can see over anything” he tells Hani from the Mountain Lion cabin one day, and she gives him the look THAT look, you know what I’m talking about.
Everybody calls him the survival man and he just feeds into it... took on that whole aesthetic.
Lucas’ signature outfit is an open flannel shirt and tee, cargo shorts, and sunhat
not-so-hidden in a belt sheath, Lucas keeps his carving knives on him all the time as he walks around camp.  He uses them to help the campers cut down small tree branches when building shelters,
, and sometimes when he’s bored he’ll pull out the knife and start carving funky shapes into pieces of wood he just finds around.
All the little boys love him btw.
They see him as this crazy giant of a jungle man who climbs trees and can make them laugh with all his hilarious impersonations.
, but Lucas is not all goofy and horsing around.
He is also pretty sharp and can sense the danger in a situation before it gets out of hand,
Like when a little Golden Eagle girl and her friends start pushing each other a little too close to their fire for Lucas’ liking, and when one of them trips Lucas is up and present in an instant to catch her from stumbling into the smoking pit.
He is really serious about safety especially when it comes to the safety of the campers.
This boy THIS BOY will FIGHT to get ahead of you in the dining hall lunch line on chicken nugget day, THIS BOY WILL PUSH beware. beware of nugget day in general tbh everyone is a bit frisky
You like Lucas
not like... like-like, but like as a friend.
 See, when you met Lucas back during staff training you kind of felt bad for him, he was quick to make friends with people, but he had trouble getting into the camp spirit, accepting himself into the camp family
You couldn’t help but feel down when you saw that he would arrive to lunch late because he didn’t know the way to get back to the dining hall after morning sessions and how he sometimes looked awkward shifting on his feet, feeling like a giant in the room.
So of course, as in the camp spirit, you went ahead and introduced yourself to Lucas, even offered to help teach him some of the camp songs 
,  you noticed that he always stumbled through the words whenever a large group cheer broke out... which was often considering everyone was so excited to be back at camp for the summer.
and lucas was like, on his knees, bowing at you, thanking you so much because he doesn’t get it like whats with all the turtles, frogs and bees in camp songs like HOW DO YOU EVEN TELL THEM APART GOD
So after you manage to finally teach him some of the basic camp songs, you two kind of fall into a pleasant friendship with each other, but by no means are you guys super close or anything like that,
no, after staff training you two didn’t have as much time to spend together because you both taught different subject classes and survival skills and arts and crafts rarely had a need to interact with each other.
tbh Lucas is kind of popular and after that whole debacle during the start of the summer was overwith he started making a lot of really close friends with people all over camp, so he doesn’t always have the time to drop by and say hi,
, especially when Yuta, Jungkook and Rocky keep yelling out for him to join them on hikes across the ridge,
like how can he say no to that... he’s the jungleman, he revels in that kind of stuff.
That being said, Lucas still finds himself in the craft cabin every once and a while when he has his break, to come and sit with you and do some crafty things with the kids,
that boy can make a mean macaroni frame, can even put poor Eunwoo’s to shame
You never minded having Lucas visit you, it was nice to talk to him, Lucas could make anyone crack up with his facial expressions, though sometimes you’d get mad at him when he tracked in mud
Lucas liked doing crafts with you because it was a good change in scenery from the woods, and also... you know... he liked being able to hang out with you,
Though you could go HAM when people started cheering camp songs, overall you were a very chill person to be around, a real rock.
not to mention... you’re pretty.
  So that’s why when Lucas needed a bunch of counselors to volunteer to go out on the survival campout with him, he asked you, and of course you said yes, not knowing at all what you got yourself into.
You had figured that the survival campout would be just like any other overnight that the campers go on, heck you’ve been on those before and have had an awesome time!
However what you weren’t expecting was no tents.  no sleeping bags.  nothing.
It was literally like a survival show out there, the campers who had been preparing for this campout all week, struggling to build a shelter they were going to sleep in with the materials they found around them before the sun went down.
Lucas ran around the campsite, helping the kids, he didn’t mind the thought of sleeping bare to the elements, surrounded by ticks and mosquitos.
It took you a while to gather your bearings, but when you did, you set yourself to gathering firewood for the fire pit that the counselors attending the overnight would cook their hobo dinners on later that evening once all the campers whisked off to sleep.
It was dark by the time that you and the rest of the counselors on the trip could finally take a rest.
The campers, all full and resting peacefully in their shelters could finally be left alone for the rest of the night.
 The counselor campsite was within sight of the camper’s site, but far enough away that they could speak freely without worry of waking somebody up.
The campsite, much to your relief, looked quite different from the camper’s.  A truck bed was open and laid out with supplies and enough open space for at least two people to squish together and sleep on.  On trees surrounding the area, colorful hammocks were strung up so that you didn’t have to sleep on the cold ground.
Counselors Jungkook and Yuta, were loudly whispering and scheming with each other, shuffling through their packed knapsacks Irene, Lucas and yourself were confused on what the hell they were up to,
, that was until Yuta, finally finding what he was looking for pulled out a three quarters full bottle of whiskey from his bag, and Jungkook a half empty bottle from his.
Now all of you knew that if the camp had found out you were drinking on their property, so close to the campers, the consequences would be severe, you’d most likely be fired immediately and asked to pack your things.
, but with the threat of a camp director making a visit all the way down to the campsite several miles away from the camp itself dismissed after they had already came to check up on everything before the sunset,
you all felt at ease to take sips from the bottle being passed around the campfire.
 Before the whiskey, you had a few goosebumps over your arms and calves, but now you were warm and happy, drinking and joking around with your friends, you were suddenly happy that you accepted Lucas’ invitation to join the campout.
“How do y’all feel ‘bout goin down to the water, it’s close I think.” Jungkook stumbled over his words after downing a few shots worth of the liquor.
You were decently drunk by now, sitting around the campfire, you sat across from the two party boys, lucas and Irene on either side of you.
“You know I’m always down to try anythin Kook,” Yuta slurred as well, giving an overzealous wink to no one in particular.
“I don’t know if Irene can make it there guys...” You say, laughing at the senior counselor’s slumped over figure, she giggled and hiccuped at her name being mentioned.
“It’s ok guys I swear.  I’m good, besides, somebody... someone needs to stay behind in case one of the *hiccup* campers *hiccup* needs somethin’“ She says with a face full of dirt.
“How you feelin’ girlie?” Yuta laughs at Irene trying to sit up.
“I’m swell,,, thanks.”  She twirls her hair up into a ponytail and waves you all away, “You’re all good to go *hiccup* now.”
“Are you sure?” Lucas asks her. “You can handle it if someone needs help restarting their fire?”
Irene scoffs at him, “Leave me.” she says, and the four of you head down to the rocky beach area ten minutes away from the campsite.
The lake water looks pitch black, the moon shining brightly reflects down onto it, and you can can barely see the lights from the main camp waterfront across the lake.
You’re invisible.
Yuta and Jungkook take their shoes off and make for a running start into the freezing water.  You stand behind watching the drunk fools horse around in the lake, laughing at them when Jungkook gets pulled under by the other boy, 
You almost forget about him for a second there, until Lucas, besides you, starts taking off his clothes.
  you gasp, “oh my gawd you’re not getting naked right now right?  You know those fools will try and steal your clothes.”
He chuckles, “Nahhh, I just don’t wanna get my clothes wet.” he says and then, just in his underwear and socks, makes his way toward... the trees?
Only a second later he’s up in the air, climbing up one of the trees that line the lake so fast you almost missed it.
Lucas stretches out on the limb, testing its strength before shouting something you couldn’t quite hear and propelling himself into the water a few feet below.
 you can’t help, but laugh at the wildman, and start taking some of your clothes off as well, then with the confidence that only alcohol can give you, you sprint straight into the water and you keep running as far as you can in it
Up past your shoulders you stop and cry out at how bone-chilling the water is. 
You four drunken bastards goof around in the water for a while more together, at one point even attempting to play chicken,
you up on Lucas’ shoulders and staring Yuta, who was ready to pounce, in the eye, and alcohol wasn’t that smart of a mix.
Jungkook started to feel sick after Yuta, falling over, kicked him in the gut and requested that they go dry themselves off.
Sitting on the beach for a while you guys play in the sand, warming up and drying off from splashing around in the lake.
While before you were just slurring your words, by now drunk talk has commenced.
Yuta was spewing his and Jungkook’s cabin’s drama left and right, turns out a kid in Gray Wolf a few sessions ago was a proud bed wetter, used to show them the stains on his sheets before washing them out.
That story was followed by a bunch of ewws on your end, a bunch of laughs from Lucas, who then shared that Mark has apparently been known to on occasion complement his mother’s cooking in his sleep.
“I bet that she’s a phen-omen-al cook then.  Her food must’ taste so good.” you say to the group
and then Lucas says, “probably not as good as you.” and LICKS YOUR FREAKING CHEEK.  He freezes. and you’re for the lack of a better word right now shook af
“I need to collapse.” Jungkook states, clearly oblivious to what the hell just happened there... too drunk to even notice the commotion.  “I’m climbing back to bed before I won’t be able to get there.” 
“I’ll help yah from fallin’ on your face.” Yuta stands up after him, seemingly unknowing as well.
And now alone with Lucas, you’re speechless.  
“um..*coughs* that was weird and uncalled for.” he jokes trying to break the silence,
“it was,” you agree.
“I’m sorry?”
“It’s ok.” you tell him, still super confused.  You fall into another silence again, the only noise is the sound of the low lake tide sloshing up against the rocks.
“This is totally not the time to say this, but I think your hair looks really pretty when it’s wet.”  Lucas tells you, and when you turn to look at him you can’t help, but take in all of his handsome features.
He’s young, yes, but he’s built and toned.  His eyes wide like and owl’s and soft looking hair.
you feel compelled to touch his hair.
And, so carefully, as to not get any sand in it, you raise your hand and start twirling a strand of it in your fingers.  It’s really soft.
and then as things progress as they do when you are drunk and alone, suddenly you are half naked on a beach, kissing Lucas deeply on the mouth.
Theres sand and pebbles and his hands in your hair and it’s almost like you’re suffocating on each other’s tongues.
It doesn’t go much farther than that, not really.  You wake up only a few hours later, the sun hasn’t even truly shown itself yet, on the small beach tangled in Lucas’ arms,,, and your bra is somewhere by your feet.
After shaking him awake you two stumble to put your clothes back on and look like you hadn’t just woken up from a drunk hookup on a beach, as fast as you could.
Back at the campsite, Yuta and Jungkook are snoring in the back of the pickup truck, Irene doing the same on the ground next to the fire pit, and all the campers seem to remain undisturbed from any of the incidents that took place the previous night.
Turning around to look back at Lucas you stifle a gasp and point to his neck,
just visible from under his collar are several dark marks.
“You need to cover those up!” You tell him, “If Leeteuk or another director sees those you could get in serious trouble.”
“I’ll sling a towel or something over my shoulder don’t worry about it.” and you nod.
“This isn’t weird right?” you ask him quietly, in case someone were to wake up.
“No, I don’t think so.” Lucas says to you.
It wasn’t awkward between the two of you, you were coworkers, but more importantly friends, much closer than you had previously thought in fact.
Lucas and you started to take apart the campsite, fold up the hammocks and stir the embers to ashes, one of the bodies in the back of the truck groans and scratches their back before going still again.
“Before we leave though I think we should clear the air though.” You say to Lucas quietly, “are we a thing now?  Was that a one time thing or will it happen again?  I’m just trying to close the case kinda if you know what I mean.” He laughs at you and you groan... your head still hurts.
“I don’t know.” he shrugs.
“Well I don’t know.” you shrug, and he shrugs again, making a face.
“I guess it would be nice.”
“Nice to...what?”
“I don’t know, whatever it is, we’ll see.” he says, and he playfully shrugs again at you.
Suddenly, Yuta looking like a mess, very much hungover and probably moving too fast for being so, sits up with his hair in his face looking out at the two of you from the truck bed.
“WAIT!” he says, wincing then proceeding to grab his head before looking back at you two,
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
306 notes · View notes
thetaekswoon · 6 years
Does anyone have suggestions for good NCT historical AUs? I need more of that kind of shit in my life rn.
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
NCT Jungwoo| Camp Counselor AU
Ok so like we all know Lucas is hot af (and my age whoops I might as well go have a stroke now), but like Jungwoo... JUNGWOO MAN, that boy, that bOI.  I love him.  
Jungwoo is the counselor for the Coyote Cabin (boys ages 5 to 6) and he really loves working with the little kids!
Jungwoo is just so soft and kind and gentle and loving and wonderful and perfect, he was made to work with little kids, and that was why he was placed to work with the youngest cabin at the camp.
Like head counselor for the Coyote cabin is Yoongi and he was unfortunately placed in this cabin against his will (Yoongi wanted to be in a cabin for the older kids), and fellow counselor Sanha is too young to work in a cabin for any of the older kiddos, but like Jungwoo just genuinely enjoys working with all the little kids.
They all call him big brother or uncle Jungwoo because they all love him so much oh.
In a highkey bromance with fellow counselor Lucas, and everytime they walk by a group of middle-aged female campers they all go ooohhh and ahhhh and start humming “bromance” by nigahiga...
(I’m so sorry not sorry that i had to remind y’all about that, but yeah that was a necessity in this piece)
Jungwoo works down in the barn area at the camp and specializes in the little cuter animals like the chickens and geese, the rabbits, guinea pigs, and hedgehogs.  Basically all the small animals.
 and Jungwoo isn’t like a particular animal person, like he can’t really stand getting all down and dirty with the horses or alpacas like the counselors that specialize in those areas do...
or like Lucas who literally is always covered in dirt or mud
... but he does like working with the small animals, they’re cleaner and he thinks they’re nicer, but in reality all the animals just really like Jungwoo because he is incredibly soft and gentle with them, letting them do their own thing for the most part.
That and the fact that he always carries little treats in the pockets of his shorts.
Jungwoo has two favorite animals at the camp and they are this large Rex rabbit named Baby who likes to cuddle up into his chest and nap, and this older white goose he calls Blah Blah because it always likes to make a lot of noise whenever it realizes that food is around, but otherwise is rather quiet and likes to rest by the door of the barn, so it greets everybody.
People around the camp call Jungwoo many versions of his name, almost everyone has a cute petname for him.
many of the staff close to Jungwoo call him Woos, or something of the sort, while the campers in his cabin typically call him Zeus.
Jungwoo really likes it when the weather is cool enough so that he can walk around the camp wearing his shorts and his oversized camp sweatshirt.  he just looks so cute and soft and cuddly that everybody can’t help, but notice it and compliment him.
tbh Jungwoo just likes the feeling of oversized clothing... lol imagine wearing junwoo’s oversized clothes i would die hahaha ha... anyway...
love and protect this boy
basically everyone loves Jungwoo and thinks he’s the most perfect, loving, soft and kind boy...
... that is except you.
For whatever reason Jungwoo just rubs you the wrong way.
like there wasn’t anything in particular that he first did to annoy you, but essentially ever since you first met him you just couldn’t stand to be around him.
You didn’t understand why everybody loved him so much, yes he was nice, but HELL you were nice and you didn’t have a cult following you around all day saying how perfect and lovable you were.
, and you are pretty darn stinking cute too!!!
And it isn’t just that he’s popular that makes you dislike him, it’s just that he always seems to get his way, like every little situation ends up in his favor and he just seems to brush it off like... whatever.
and to be fair every time he has tried talking to you he’s been really nice and even kinda funny not that you would ever give in and laugh at one of his jokes but you just can’t help not liking this guy.
 At first Jungwoo was simply hurt by your “seething hatred” towards him, as your fellow Bobcat cabin counselor Joy put it, and he tried his best to make you like him.
Poor boy went so out of his way to try and make you feel better towards him that he even once offered to wash your car to which you replied, “Wash my car?!??  What are you crazy?  I can do that myself.” and then stormed off.
To be fair, that offer of his was a bit too much, but he just felt desperate to earn your approval at that point he felt miserable, no one had ever disliked him so much as you and he felt like he had tried everything within his power to fix that.
after many attempts to ease your hatred he just decided to back off and stay away.
, but you didn’t really hate Jungwoo, he just kinda annoyed you.  His presence irked you and made you do and say things that you wouldn’t normally say and do.
Maybe all it was, was that Jungwoo just was TOO nice.
One day it was hot and gross and sticky and overall miserable at the camp.  It was barely even noon and the sun already felt like too much on your backs.
Everyone was sweating and agitated and felt terrible because of the too hot weather, and Jungwoo was not an exception.
On the outside of course he looked relatively calm and collected, just like how he always is, and it pissed you off like how could someone be just as happy go lucky today as every other day.  
 Little did you know that Jungwoo was not so happy.  In fact he was kinda really angry.
See, everyone kind of expected Jungwoo to always be so soft and nice, so he tried to keep up that persona for everyone, especially the kids, but a lot had happened to him and he just wanted to vent off all this steam.
First of all, that morning one of the campers accidentally let all of the chickens out of their hutch so he had to run all around the barnyard trying to catch all of them. 
then, one of the kids got into a fight with another kid over how long their turn had been holding the hamsters and it got kind of physical kinda fast.  Too fast for Jungwoo to keep one kid from leaving a heavy black and blue mark on the other’s eye.
He hadn’t even been able to eat breakfast that morning because the staff member that typically fed the animals down at the barn in the mornings called in sick with the flu and Jungwoo had to step in to do it, however he was not entirely familiar with the feed schedules of the larger farm animals and ended up missing breakfast while he tried to dish out the food correctly.
Jungwoo was literally having one of the worst days ever, and he kept it all held in.
That was until the staff meeting during lunch, Jungwoo still hadn’t eaten and at this point it was looking like was wasn’t going to get anything for lunch or he’d have to skip chewing all together to finish eating in time, and to make matters worse... he was sitting next to you.
, now up until this point Jungwoo had had no problem with you despite your evident problem with him, but for whatever reason every time you tapped your pencil against the table it felt like he was getting a blow to the head.
When camp director Leeteuk asked for Jungwoo’s advice on how to solve a current camp issue, how to keep all the kids cool when it was a million and eight degrees outside, Jungwoo suggested that maybe they should give each cabin a time slot to go swimming in either the lake or the pool, you immediately raised your hand and said that his idea wasn’t good enough.
You said that a better solution would be to clear out the air conditioned buildings and put a projector up for them to watch a movie or two, at least until the sun went down.
Jungwoo was furious.  
at this moment he felt nothing more than hatred and disgust towards you, just like you towards him.
He was so angry, his idea was fine, it was good, why the hell were you such a bitch???
Your voice made him sick, he was so hot and gross and felt absolutely miserable that just looking at you made him feel vile and like he was going to explode.
and then he did.
As soon as the meeting ended he couldn’t stop himself from calling you out... louder than he had thought he was but at this point his voice’s pitch meant nothing to him.
He cursed and shouted about how you were being such a cold bitch towards him the whole summer and that he didn’t need to put up with all of your bs because “ALL I’VE EVER BEEN WAS NICE TO YOU, WHY THE HELL DO YOU HATE ME SO MUCH?  WHAT THE HELL DID I EVER DO TO YOU TO MAKE YOU SUCH A BITCH TOWARDS ME? HUH?”
he went on and on yelling at you, all the other counselors and staff standing around watching Jungwoo actually lose his shit for the first time in pure shock.
And then theres you, listening in absolute awe.
Why was it that you couldn’t stand Jungwoo when he was being nice, but that when he was angry and mean he.,.. turned you on?
You always recognized that he was attractive, you had to give him that, maybe that was one of the reasons why you didn’t like him, but he was never HOT to you,
, but now, Jungwoo standing over you cursing you out for being such a shitty person Jungwoo was H O T.
His hair was all sweaty and he had rolled up his sleeves because of the absurdly warm weather, exposing his shoulders, and he was just going for it.
and just like that he was gone.  Jungwoo vanished.
He had stormed out, and everyone was just silent.  Jungwoo never acted like that and thank god Leeteuk had already left the room otherwise someone could have gotten in big trouble.
Everyone there was staring at you in disbelief, and you were just as shocked yourself,
not knowing what to do you stand up and charge after him, quickly making eye contact with Joy, fellow counselor of the Bobcat cabin telling her that you’ll be out for a minute.
You didn’t know much about Jungwoo so when he was out of your sight you didn’t know where he may be off to.
 all you knew was that he worked down in the barns, so that was where you went to go look for him first, and lucky enough there he was.
He looked so angry, so blind sided, powerful and ANGRY back after the meeting, but now..., Jungwoo is sitting on the floor with his head in his hands between his legs and he just looks utterly exhausted.
You know that he hears you walking up to him, but jungwoo doesn’t bother lifting his head up.
almost as if his lash out took all of his energy away.
“Can I sit?” you ask him
, the poor boy flinches at the sound of your voice, but doesn’t say anything.
So you sit down next to him.  Surprising even yourself at how close you sit next to him, your shoulders touching.
To a stranger this scene may look like two close friends comforting one another, but in reality you two know practically nothing about each other, and you’re not exactly comforting one another.
It seems like Jungwoo is breaking down, his breathing is rough and fast and it is the only sound besides the rare flutter of feathers and cry of an animal in the barn, most of them out in their pasture anyway.
, so together you sit in the silence and it isn’t that bad, not that awkward or anything.  You’re just concerned over Jungwoo’s wellbeing at this point.
Once his breathing has calmed down a bit you finally open your mouth to say something, but you can’t think of the right words to say.
“Um, you know....” you start, and though he doesn’t look up from between his knees you can tell that he’s listening to you, “I don’t actually hate you.”
It’s the truth.  You haven’t really felt anything negative towards Jungwoo for a while now, but by this point in the summer it felt to strange to admit those feelings to him.  However, if you had known that it was eating away at him so badly then maybe you would have said something sooner.
Jungwoo sucks in a breath, he didn’t expect you to say that, he thought you were going to say something mean, that you had come here to take on some kind of revenge for humiliating you earlier like that in front of everybody.  
  he thought that you had come here to make him cry, to be fair at this point any bad words about him would probably have poor jungwoo crying into his hands, hes had such a terrible day.
, but maybe this was just your way of getting back at him, pretending that you’re no longer “enemies”
He stays quiet.
“I don’t know why I acted so awful towards you, all those times I’ve snapped back or made you feel worthless.  I don’t think I meant any of it, really.  I think I was just kind of trapped in this fake illusion of you that I created in my head - if that makes any sense.”
what you say next takes away any doubt in your sincerity in Jungwoo’s mind.
“I’m sorry.  I cannot say that enough, I’m so freaking sorry.”
And Jungwoo is so shocked that slowly, he begins to sit up and lean back against the wall.
his face is flushed you notice, turning to look right at him while he keeps his head faced forward, his cheeks and forehead are red and his eyes are a little puffy,,, you wonder if he’d been crying or if he was about to.
“I’m sorry too.” Jungwoo says eventually.  Very quiet, almost whispering.  “I’m sorry that I raised my voice.”
and with that you can’t help but let out a little laugh, looking forward.
for the first time he turns to look at you.  “What?”
“Nothing,,,. nothing.” you tell him, “It’s just that I really was such a freaking bitch.”
He chuckles.  and you push a little into his shoulder, a little playfully, and he does it back.
You two fall into another silence together, but this time it’s nice and calming.  You’re looking over a little above his shoulder and him kind of the same. and then you’re staring at his face, and it takes jungwoo a while to notice this, but when he does he looks up at you, his eyebrows asking whats going on,
 and you say to him quietly, “I have a weird feeling right now.”
“What kind of feeling?” he whispers, this all feels so scenic like from a movie with the light coming in from the open barn doors.
“I just really want to kiss you right now, I’m sorry I know that’s out of bounds.” you say, expecting him to move away from you or act any differently than he is now, but Jungwoo just stays where he is, silent, and watches you.
He seems to be thinking things over in his head, and after a few moments of him not moving away, you lean forward, just a little bit...
 Jungwoo doesn’t seem to be annoyed or move, so you reach up, placing your hands on either side of his face
his skin is smooth and warm
And you press your lips against his, lightly at first, and after he doesn’t make any moves to stop you, staying rather still, you kiss him slightly harder, and after a few moments of simply kissing him, Jungwoo starts kissing you back.
His hand behind your neck is firm and keeps you in place.
Kim Jungwoo is a much better kisser than you anticipate him to be, not that you had ever even thought about kissing him before 30 seconds ago. 
 the kiss doesn’t last long, it’s quick and sweet.  Neither of you can keep the smile from spreading across your face.
“I’m not asking if we’re good, cause well i don’t really know, but like... are we good?” you ask.
“Yeah, I think so.” He whispers, and rests his forehead on yours.
You two stay down at the barn just sitting there for about twenty minutes or so until you decide to head back up to the main camp together,
, and needless to say... everybody is shocked to see you two together... being so,, civil.
 like you’re not trying to make a spectacle of yourselves, you don’t hold hands or anything - though you couldn’t help but wonder what people’s reactions would be like if you two showed up and you were, probably similar but just a lot more hanging jaws - you just stand really close, talking like normal ass human beings, maybe even friends.
When you turn to head over to your cabin group which is resting in the shade at the end of the field, Jungwoo gives you slight shoulder squeeze and a nod before heading over to his group.
Approaching your group, Joy gives you the “wtf” look and you just shrug,
“Guess things just worked themselves out.” you say, sitting down next to her.
“That’s some magic stuff right there.... Wait.” she looks at you, takes your head in her hands and starts moving you around like a mother, “wait omg you’re glowing.  omg Y/N what the hell!??  Did you...” her voice is surprised, but low enough to stay out of earshot of the campers.
“No, no nothing like that.” you tell her.  “and besides it’s none of your business anyway.”
“he just hugged you.  Jungwoo hugged you are you’re not fuming? I just don’t understand.”
“pfff, he barely hugged me, I wouldn’t even call it that.”
“Whatever it was, you’re wild girl.” and you laugh.
For the rest of the summer there are no more conflicts between Jungwoo and yourself, but there are no more kisses either :( 
, however there was one time when a bunch of the staff went out hiking on their day off that you two sort of snuck off and vibed out by a small creek, listening to music and dare I say holding hands every once and a while.
Truth be told, you were much happier working at the camp with Jungwoo as a friend, he quickly became one of the closest people to you within the following weeks,
all those reasons why you hated him soon made you adore about him, he was more of a listener than I talker, he always made his words count, He was devoted and gentle and lovely, his oversized sweaters make him look so cute and huggable, the sweaters so very stealable,
, though nothing really continued to blossom between you two during the summer there is always the hope of next year, both of you already signed up to be counselors again for the following year,
, and besides you do have his number.
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
DAY6 Jae| Camp Counselor AU
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This isn’t a part 2, but I kind of want to make these camp counselor aus into a series or something I do for a lot of groups because it’s just so much fun to write, and I also have such strong roots back to my sleepaway camp from back in the day.  Shoutout to any ASITs if they’re reading this lol!
I hope this was what you wanted!
CIT (Counselor in Training) Boys Cabin Leader
Jae prefers to spend more time with the older campers than the young ones, he likes that he can feel and act more like himself around them and joke around more freely, he doesn’t feel trapped acting only as their babysitter.
Not only that but Jae is definitely a camp favorite among all of the older campers because he is just so cool and funny and chill, unlike many of the other counselors who prefer to keep their relationship with the campers primarily professional, Jae makes friends with every camper he sees.
 and it’s not just him being friendly or anything, Jae honestly tries to become best friends with every camper.
, but it’s still something about the older campers that draws him to hang out with them the most.
Like during meals Jae always sits at the CIT’s table and eats with all of his CITs, joking around while almost all of the other counselors are sitting with each other on the other side of the dining hall, away from the campers while they can,
, and hanging out with the kids never seemed like a chore or a job to Jae because, well.... they’re people???  And if you actually take the time to listen and interact with them they’re actually really funny, like seriously some of these kids in the CIT program are only a year or two younger than some of the counselors, so treating them any differently than you would your counselor friends is just stupid to Jae.
  Like have you ever heard CITs Chenle and Renjun make fun of first year counselor Mark of the Red Fox cabin?  It’s freaking hilarious and gets Jae rolling on the ground practically sobbing every time.
Speaking of the CITs, Jae prefers being a CIT Leader over a normal counselor any day, and is so glad that he got the job because working with the CITs is so much cooler than working with the small campers because they’re cooler they already have been attending the camp for several years (it’s a requirement to be in the CIT program that you have been at camp for at least 3 years), so they know everything about the place through and through, even more so than some of the counselors,
, there is a working xbox in the CIT Lounge while the one in the staff lounge broke months ago and no one wants to go pay for a new one,
, the CITs get to participate in exciting and different events that the other campers aren’t allowed to.
For example, the CITs don’t really have a set schedule for the day like all the campers do, so what Jae and his CITs do changes everyday, and one day he’ll take them fishing in the lake, but the next they’ll be baking small blueberry tarts for the girl CITs,
 and finally the CITs are granted permission to leave camp grounds once a week for a day out,
, and the day outs are always so much fun because they travel to fun places like the zoo, amusement and water parks, and go out for dinner before heading back to camp.
Jae is ALWAYS playing his guitar.
In between courses Jae will be chilling with his guitar under the sun in the center of the camp’s big grass field, and campers will just start surrounding him and one thing leads to another and they’re all singing Wonderwall and it sounds awful because everyone is making a joke out of it, but still ahhh (such a head canon of mine tbh messing around and singing wonderwall with jae)
around the campfire during the evening activity,
and other times he’ll just sing his CIT boys a lullaby to help them fall asleep after a long day of cleaning out storage shed out by the lakefront.
Though Jae is basically always with his CITs, he also manages to teach one class a day for all of the campers....
Can you guess what it is?....
Every day at around 11 am, Jae greets his guitar class in the theater building (it has the best acoustics) and has everyone sit in a circle and play what they had been practicing for the last few days.
 tbh Jae’s guitar class was such a popular class for the campers to take because he was such a good teacher that the class became overcrowded and it became evident that he couldn’t have just one guitar class anymore
, so counselor Sanha stepped in and helps Jae teach, and runs his own guitar classes during time slots that Jae is busy with his CITs.
Jae’s counselor is very summer, very much dealing with the heat.
He is almost always wearing a tie-dyed shirt and beige shorts.  A rope necklace and these shorts are his iconic look.
sometimes he wears a bucket hat because the forecast suggested that the sun is going to be stronger than usual, and CIT Kyla laughs endlessly at his ears sticking out from the sides when he does this.
Big glasses accidentally reflect the sun into people’s eyes while he talks to them outside... whoops.
Overall, Jae is the sleepaway camp’s lovable dork counselor who plays the guitar and eats too much pizza.
, and you’re one of the CIT Leaders for the girls, and have known Jae ever since you both started to come to the camp when you were 5 and 6, and were in the Coyote and Hare cabins.
Way back then Leeteuk was still a counselor for the Coyote Cabin, but know he has made his way up the ranks to be one of the camp directors, and is your BOSS!
Anyway, you’ve known Jae and have been friends literally since before you learned your multiplications tables, and now here you are serving your favorite place on earth as CIT Leaders.
  You and Jae are both a little over the top when it comes to camp cheers and the such because well, you’ve both been there for so long, this place is like your home, if you guys wanna shout the words to BLACK SOCKS you will.
(repeat several more times each getting louder and faster and more aggressive until you literally can’t keep up anymore)
Sometimes in the middle of the night when everyone is supposed to be sleeping you’ll gather all of the CITs and tell ghost stories to them, that may actually leave poor little Jeno weeping and begging Chenle not to do that dolphin laugh because he keeps getting scared.
, anyway you and Jae are basically as close as friends can be to each other and sometimes campers joke around that you two are like a married couple because of it, but every time they something like that you two can’t help, but laugh because it just all sounds so ridiculous...
.... doesn’t it?
that is until the CIT day out comes around, and this week you are all going to the waterpark and then a fireworks show because the Fourth of July is right around the corner, and how fun would it be to go out and run around with sparklers and actually see some good fireworks for a change?  Instead of the short and cheap fireworks show that the camp prepares for all the kids during this time of the summer.
So, you guys load all of the CITs into the camp vans and drive off to the waterpark which is two hours away.
 arriving at the waterpark is a bunch of madness because you, Jae and the other CIT Leaders need to organize all of the tickets for everyone, and then it becomes a matter of checking everybody in, and finally you can all relax.
It wasn’t seeing Jae shirtless that finally did it for you, you had seen him shirtless hundreds of times before, after all you two do both work at a summer camp.
For whatever stupid reason, it was seeing him walk out of the boys changing room wearing his bright violet swimming shorts, a bucket hat, floaties on both arms, and crocs.
like what kind of person? you thought, only Jae, your cute best friend, and then suddenly you realized you just called your best friend cute in your head, but you didn’t mean like cute cute like puppy-dog or stupid cute, you meant cute in a like-like kind of way and you slap yourself on your head.
“Y/N have you gone mad hitting yourself again?” Jae asks, pretending to be concerned and act like a doctor, looking into your eyes and asking for you to stick out you tongue and say ahhh, “I’d say it might be mad cow disease, but we can’t be sure until the test results co-”
“Quit it dumbass, I just realized I forgot something back in the van.” you say, pretending to look through your bag for something.
“It wasn’t sunscreen was it?  I can already feel the sun pelting down onto me.”
you were lying when you said you forgot something in the van, but then you realize that you really did forget your sunscreen, that or it must have fallen out of your bag because it wasn’t there anymore.
You nod,
“Dammit Y/N, the park people won’t let you back in if you leave, don’t worry, I won’t let you burn.” Jae says, “I still got some left.”
turns out Jae’s sunscreen wasn’t a strong enough spf for you, so by the time you and the CITs leave the waterpark and arrive at the place where the fireworks show is happening your shoulders are burnt bright red.
Jae keeps apologizing to you all throughout the fireworks show, but you keep telling him that it wasn’t his fault, that you probably should have reapplied the lotion when your shoulders started to feel hot.
, and somehow, by the time that you get back to camp, Jae somehow convinces you to let him lend you some of the aloe that he has in his cabin.
And then he... puts it on your himself?
tbh it was cold and awkward and giggly, and felt kind of strangely intimate,
and Jae is blushing all over, 
because he has always seen you as his gorgeous best friend in the whole wide world, but he’s been wanting to see you as more than just that recently and now you’re letting him put his hands on you kinda and you’re so close that he can smell your hair which still smells of chlorine from the waterpark 
,,, and it a moment of boldness Jae announces that he is going to kiss you.
And you let him.
Dating Jae is almost exactly the same as before, except now theres a lot more cuddling, and skinship in general.
Jae always greets you in the mornings with a quick peck on the cheek (staff aren’t allowed to show any form of pda around the campers) and a surprisingly sweaty hug, like come on the heat hasn’t even kicked up yet Jae.
Whenever you two go out on solo dates into town on your day off, which is almost never on the same day because you are both working with the CITs and there are a very limited number of CIT staff, but when you do you always make the most out of it.
, going to restaurants downtown and being able to hold your hands in public
The teasing never seems to stop coming from CITs Guanlin and Somi, who figured out that you two were dating in a matter of minutes, and constantly need to exert the small amount of power that they have over you.
“Hey Y/N is that a MOSQUITO BITE on your NECK *gasp* ???!!?!”  They’ll shout at you when you walk into the lounge after your breaks,
“Or maybe it was a vampire considering how obvious it is by the mark that they were out for blood.  What do you think Jae?  Doesn’t Y/N look like they were just attacked by a vampire teehee?”
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
I’m looking for a name to call the camp that my Camp Counselor AUs are featured in. It’s multi fandom and tbh I’m just stuck.
If you think you have any cool ideas please comment them! (Also check out my AUs they’re pretty swell)
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
ASTRO Cha Eunwoo| Camp Counselor AU
Just a little sleepaway camp counselor au for the one and only...  I’ve really been into astro ever since their comeback earlier this month, and I figured since I have time off from school this week that I’d write an au for all you lovely folk!
Brown Bear Cabin: boys ages 9-10 
Eunwoo is the Head Counselor for the Brown Bear cabin, and he takes his job very seriously,,, certainly trying to be the best role model for all the young boys he is in charge of looking after.
so that means... an early bedtime and little horseplay, Eunwoo has no tolerance for any rough play or hazing of any kind.
As soon as he sees any of his boys start pushing or kicking one another when playing some game, Eunwoo immediately steps in and stops the activity.  He tells the boys that true gentleman shouldn’t ever resort to kicking their friends in the shins for fun, and that if he sees them doing it again he’ll take away their free time for the next day.
 and every time this happens they all listen to him and stop, it probably has a little something to do with him mentioning that girls don’t like it when boys play rough and don’t like it when boys act childish teehee
And though he is sometimes seen as an annoying strict counselor, all of the kids still seem to admire Eunwoo and look up to him.  He always seems to be their favorite at the end of the day, the kids all begging him to sit next to them during the after dinner activities, and to tell them ghost stories during the evening campfires,
, even if he makes them go to bed at 9.
  Eunwoo also just so happens to be the staff member responsible for ringing the wake up bell every morning to wake up the entire camp.
He also has another side of him that makes all of the campers open up to him about their lives and problems, whether that be that they are being bullied by another camper (Eunwoo always hates hearing this kind of news and immediately gets to work fixing the situation) or that it is their first time away from home and are feeling a little homesick, Eunwoo is always there for any camper to talk to and he does his best to fix their issues the best that he can.
It’s kind of funny though, just how many campers come up to Eunwoo to confide in him when it comes to their problems, the ropes instructor JinJIn even jokes around that it is because of his face, that all the campers think he’s the most trust worthy because he has such a beautiful face haha.
  Eunwoo teaches all of the arts and crafts classes at the sleepaway camp and spends the day helping out all the kids with various different art projects.
Each day brings a different project in Eunwoo’s craft hut, so all the campers are super excited to drop by and spend some time making art.
, one day could be solely finger painting, but the next is friendship bracelet making, the day after is leather pressing and designs.
Eunwoo always tries to come up with new and different projects to keep all the campers interested.
Eunwoo is also the most decorated counselor at the camp.  Both of his arms are covered wrist to elbow in hundreds of colorful friendship bracelets from all of the campers, and even some of the counselors.  
Some of them took hours, maybe even days to make, having to tie knot after knot to create such complex and intricate designs, while there are others that took only two minutes for the camper to make him in his art class out of a piece of string and beads.
, either way all of the bracelets are very important to Eunwoo and he wouldn’t dare throw any of them away, though sometimes after each session he does take them off and allow his collection to grow back up again because otherwise they start to feel gross on his skin, and also he needs more room for all the new ones he’ll be getting.
Fun fact about Eunwoo!  He actually designed the camp’s logo that is on the front of all of the camp tshirts.  It’s a design printed across the chest of a tall pine tree, the camp’s lakefront shed and the camp’s name.
It’s simple, but the camp director saw it and immediately fell in love with it!  The next thing Eunwoo knows, it’s being printed onto every piece of camp merchandise in the trading post (the camp store) and the sign at the front of the driveway into camp has been changed to have his logo etched into the wood.
, it was a bit overwhelming at first, but after so many complements he’s proud of it now.
And I know I mentioned it before, but Eunwoo’s face almost always makes him be the center of attention, especially when he has to go on a quick mission into the girl’s village to drop something off to another cabin.
All of the female campers follow him around camp, signing up for as many arts and crafts classes as they can just to be around him and his shining face, and on his days off or when he is just resting in the staff lounge all of the female counselors try to make a move on him, and he’s just like....
.... oblivious.
, well, actually not.  Eunwoo is just acting like he has no idea that all these girls and even some of the guys are making moves on him because he truly doesn’t want to hurt anyones feelings because truth is he has his sight set on someone else.
Can you guess who that person is?
Eunwoo has liked you ever since staff training, when you met, and he sat down and taught you how to properly tie-dye a tshirt.
and though everyone thinks Eunwoo is really slick and smooth and confident when it comes to the people he likes, reality is tragically quite the opposite.
 every time you even walk into the arts and crafts hut, Eunwoo freezes up and becomes an awkward mess,
, and of course you’ve noticed Eunwoo being awkward, but you always kind of brushed that off as how he is as a person?  Like just because he’s so handsome doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s super confident, so maybe he’s just awkward.  And it never bothered you, and you still continued to be friends with him.
, little did Eunwoo know you also had a teeny tiny crush on him too.  Always blushing when he stumbled into a table or accidentally started using a sculpting tool as a pen before realizing his mistake.
tbh you two actually hang out a lot, often spending your days and nights off going out into town together to try out different restaurants and get away from dining hall food, sometimes even sneaking off to the other side of the camp lake with the other counselors and staff to go swimming.
, sometimes you go shopping together to this strip mall about half an hour away from camp and Eunwoo always ends up buying you a bag of sunflower seeds at the local convenience store, joking around that when you smile you brighten up so much you’re like his sunflower (cue a lot of blushing from both parties)
, and it’s a cute friendship, you two are both really comfortable with each other despite being so desperately awkward whenever you are alone together, and aren’t afraid to wrap each other into hugs or initiate skinship like holding hands when jumping off the dock into the lake, and sometimes on long car trips you two even fall asleep on each other’s shoulders.
Once you two did this, and Rocky the counselor from the Wolverine cabin was able to get a few pictures of you two both fast asleep, Eunwoo practically drooling into your hair, and managed to convince all of the other counselors to keep it as the lockscreen on their phones, so now every time someone opens up their phone you two are haunted by that one image.
 Friendship seemed like all it was going to be between you two...
Until finally, a few nights before the last campfire of the session you, Eunwoo, and some of the other counselors are hanging out after all of your campers have gone to bed, around the remaining embers of the night’s evening campfire, when you ask Eunwoo what he has in mind for the big art project that all the kids will work on and then present during the last campfire,
, and Eunwoo, usually so on top of all the ideas for all the projects that the campers in his art classes do, realizes that he hasn’t come up with any ideas yet.
Suddenly Eunwoo feels screwed, jumps up, and asks everyone to suggest some ideas because the closing campfire is only days away and he has no clue what to present.
 Sanha suggested that he works with the campers to create a giant poster or banner illustrating each camper’s favorite memory of that session.
 JinJin didn’t see any problem with repeating last session’s big project which was a giant map of the camp
 and MJ could only think of ideas that Eunwoo had already done or thought to do that he scrapped in the past for being too difficult, too expensive or time consuming.
Eunwoo was about to lose all hope and maybe just go with JinJin’s idea of repeating a project that had already been done when you finally spoke up about your idea.
“I know it may take a bit of time, but I think if you get as many campers as you can to work on it, and if you show up to the crafts hut a little early to work on it alone, I think it can be done by the closing campfire.” you say after explaining your idea, and Eunwoo is lifting you up into the air squeezing you tightly because your idea is perfect!
The very next morning Eunwoo wakes up even earlier than normal to run into town to pick up the extra supplies and fabrics that he will need to create what you suggested.
All of the kids immediately agree with smiling faces on the project and happily began their assigned roles, cutting out different pieces of fabric and drawing careful designs with special fabric pens.
 For the next few days Eunwoo works all day and into the late evening on the project, sewing together piece after piece, until finally, the afternoon before the closing campfire Eunwoo helps a little girl from the Golden Eagle cabin make the final stitch.
the whole rest of the day you try to get Eunwoo to show the final product to you, but the boy is insistent that you wait until the closing campfire to see it, and so finally after hours of begging him to see it you give up and agree to wait till it is presented to the whole camp.
By the time that the closing campfire finally comes around there are a lot of smiles and tears to be shared, tomorrow the campers will be picked up by their families and go home, waiting until next summer to be able to see the camp and all their friends they made again.  However, just because the summer is over for the campers doesn’t mean it is for the staff, there are still a few sessions left before the summer ends which means that in a few days a brand new group of campers will arrive, but it is sad nonetheless.
 There are plenty of acts that go on during the closing campfire, each cabin needs to present a small skit to share to the entire camp, and then there are also individual acts that campers themselves can perform or present, and then finally right before the evening comes to an end, Eunwoo steps in front of the fire with several of the campers revealing their final project.
What they produced is breathtaking.
 it’s a delicately stitched quilt, illustrating with various different patches and squares of fabric the things that the campers love and cherish the most about camp.
The border is made out of what looks to be a paisley pattern, a large map of the camp takes up the bottom left corner traveling up and into several different squares and spaces along the way.  In one square there is a landscape of the lake and lakefront shed, in another is a bunch of handprints that belong to a bunch of the campers, their names written in the middle of their palms.
  There are many more diverse and colorful squares and patches on the quilt, but their is one in particular that catches your eye.  Up in the top corner of the quilt there is an elegantly cut out yellow sunflower sewn into the design, and you know instantly that it is the result of Eunwoo’s handiwork.
all you can think back to are all of those times Eunwoo called you his sunflower, how your smile always seemed to brighten up his day even when he was in the worst of moods, and your heart begins to swell to three times its size.
Eunwoo is looking straight at you, and even as your eyes meet his he can’t do anything but smile at you for now from across the fire pit.
After the reveal of the quilt the camp director jumps up to say a few words about how amazing this session was, and how they wish everyone will come back next year, and then it’s over and everyone is rushing back to their cabins.
Everyone except Eunwoo and you.  
 and then you’re alone besides the extinguished fire, and suddenly you’re speechless.  You can’t think of anything to say to him.  Should you thank him?  What if you were just misinterpreting the sunflower thing because after all it is a popular flower--
Suddenly there is no need for words, no need for thank yous or praises because Eunwoo has crossed over to you and is pressing his lips tightly up against yours, and you’re melting into him.
After all this time you two are pressed up against each other, kissing each other like your lives depend on it and your lungs are burning, begging for air,  you are apart again.
“I like you Y/N.  I really really like you.” Eunwoo says in between his gasps for air.
“I really really like you too.”
“Really?” he says, “That’s a relief considering we just kissed and all.” 
and you can’t help but giggle, looking up at him.
“Do you really think I look like a sunflower?” You ask him, kissing his cheek.
“Like a bouquet of them.” He says as he takes your hand into his.  “I was wondering... after all the campers leave tomorrow morning, we have off.  Can I take you out on a date?”
And if the look on your face hasn’t already given him your answer, your face being held by the palm of his hand, “I would love to.”
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
Monsta X Wonho| Boyfriend AU
omg did you see the pictures of the Wonslut in Dallas?  Literally that was all it took for me to get the inspiration to write this, like goddamn I’m not even into buff guys (I prefer them tall and a little lanky tbh), but like nooooooooooo he just needs to chill ok?
Such a soft and loving boyfriend tbh.
I feel like Hoseok is very best friend boyfriendy if you know what I’m saying?
 like not only is he your boyfriend, but he’s also your best friend.
He’s such a gym hunk, he loves working out, and loves it even more when you come to the gym with him.
Let’s be real, the gym freaking sucks, some people just look amazing while working out, like their sweat just illuminates the whole experience *cough cough* Hoseok, but for you, a normal human being, it can be torture.
Hoseok always asks for you to accompany him to the gym and the only reason he actually manages to convince you to come with him sometimes is because he pulls some aegyo on you, and literally how low can he go?  How dirty can he play? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) very low very dirty
, but most of the time you go to the gym with him and don’t even work out, you just sit in the corner on your phone, watching your boyfriend when he does the bench press, occasionally being his motivator.
It makes Hoseok feel manly when you watch him work out.  He even goes so far as to push himself a little harder when you’re around.
Gets such a kick out of showing you his muscles.
“Which way’s the beach?  This way.” *Flexes biceps*
Sometimes when Hoseok does push ups in the living room you koala his back, and he doesn’t even seem affected by your extra weight on him!
Hoseok’s face is so red and puffy in the morning when he wakes up you can’t help but lean over and kiss his face all over.  When you do this he pulls you close into a bear hug and rolls over so that he’s on top of you.
He’ll put all of his weight on you just to be annoying or until you push him off, then you guys snooze through your alarm together.
He constantly seems amazed that when you wake up in the morning you look just as good as you do when you fall asleep, like how does someone so beautiful exist?  How is he the lucky man that gets to see their shining face in the morning?  To be their boyfriend?
LOVES taking baths with you.  He’s already a bathtime enthusiast, always coming home with bags of new bath bombs, oils, and epsom salts, why wouldn’t he want his favorite person there with him?
He’s not even looking for sex bathtime is just his relaxation time, and with you in there with him... all up against each other... naked... ok it may be about sex just a little bit.
Whenever you hang out with friends together Hoseok always has you sitting on his lap.  He practically cages you in with his arms.
Very protective of you, but not overly jealous, he trusts you with all his heart but not so much other men.  He might be the kind to linger around you if you go to a club or something together but it's not that bad.
Like when he noticed you becoming closer friends to Minhyuk, and that his friend had started to playfully put arms around your shoulders and punch you in the arm he jumped in.  
  he was actually really mature about it, like he sat you down and told you that though he trusted you with all his soul, it just made him a little uneasy seeing you act so close to Minhyuk.
He did the same with Minhyuk, but it went a little more like this:
  "Mini, you know Y/N's mine.  Stop being all touchy touchy."
  "Hyung, I literally just called her dudebro and pushed her for saying the word litimous."
  "Either way I respect your friendship but keep boundaries."
  "Hoseok Hyung she's literally trying to hook me up with one of her friends tonight."
  "Like I said."
Lots of hugs afterwards by both parties.
I swear though if another man went so far as to try and touch your butt or something he would roar.
Learn from your mistakes, NEVER EVER WATCH BAMBI WITH THIS BOY.
,  poor angel cried so hard, you had to pause the movie he was sobbing so much.  His face got all red and swollen, and he wrapped himself around you in the fetal position.  He wheezed and shook for what seemed to be like an hour, and all you could do was sit there and try your best to comfort him.
, Somehow this never stops him from wanting to keep watching sad movies though, like the Lion King, he always wants to watch the Lion King baby boy.
If you bring this boy to the pool or beach, just prepare yourself to be thrown into the water, he WILL use his strength against you and drag you into the water.
Definitely the kind to want to draw in the sand or make a sand castle.
I don't see Hoseok as someone who wants to get a pet right away, like he's in a stable point in his life, he has a great amazing career and an even more fantastic home life with his girl.  HE'S FINANCIALLY STABLE.  But like still he doesn't want to accept the responsibility of caring for another creature yet like omg what if he doesn't have the time for both you and a puppy?  Like fish are enough work as is.  Also he doesn't know if he could handle it when it dies like omg BAMBI!!! REMEMBER BAMBI?!?
Still definitely wants something in the future though, like a bunny or kitten
Very VERY good with his fingers, if you know what I mean...
You could just be having a bad day or something, maybe you don't even feel that we'll, and you're just laying on the couch wrapped in a blanket or something and he'll just lay down with you, snuggle his face into your neck.
He'll reach down innocently and unbutton your pants, Hoseok won't bother trying to tease you when you're like this, he'll go right to pumping his fingers in and out of you, curling them all in the right places.
Even if you felt gross in the beginning, Hoseok's fingers always seem to make you feel better, and he isn't one to care if you were on your period or not.
 he's almost always the one to start something, like he'll just start rubbing your thighs in the middle of a movie or playfully whine until you pay attention to him.
Loves to bite your lip.
Loves it even more when you bite his.
Boobs >>>>> Butt, well he likes both, but your butt is kind just more playful to him lol.  Like you'll be hanging out alone and he'll pretend they're bongos or something.
He'll smile and giggle and get all laughy and stuff.
When he eats you out, GOD BLESS YOU LUCKY FOOL, he'll reach up under your top and roughly grab at your breasts, pulling them out of your shirt.
Hoseok eats you out like your life depends on it, sucking hard and licking your thighs in between.  He starts pushing his fingers into you when he senses you're close to orgasm.
To him it's all about what leads up to sex that makes it so good, so he goes all out for foreplay.
When you go down on him, Hoseok bunches all your hair in his fist or pulls in back into a ponytail.  He'll hold the sides of your face, your cheekbones, your jaw, guiding you down onto him.
He's a little forceful tbh, like it's not the most enjoyable if you're not so into that kind of thing, but if he understands that you would be more willing to give him head if he was more gentle he'd compromise for you.
As for the main course... it's usually fast not going to lie.
Hoseok goes hard on foreplay so by the time you are actually doing it you are both a little worn out and more sensitive.
  that's not saying it still isn't good!!!
Though Hoseok may not be so into marriage or anything, he definitely doesn't want whatever you two have together to die.  He loves you and still wants to spend his life with you.
He'll probably consider marriage more seriously if you want it really badly or if and when you get pregnant (not for a long ass time hopefully), he does know that he wants children, and he understands how difficult it can be to have a none conventional home situation, so in that case you two will already practically be married, so maybe why not just have it actually happen?
It all depends on circumstance though.
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
DAY6 Jae| Boyfriend AU
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Others like this: | Sungjin |
I love Jae so much, he’s so funny!  Tbh this didn’t take that long for me to write, I kinda just sat down and wrote almost all of it in that one sitting haha.  Enjoy!
Slightly NSFW!
Essentially the super duper goofy and lovey dovey couple that everyone lowkey hates cause they’re just too cute together and in love like everyone wants this kind of relationship.
You think that you’re stealing his glasses all the time to annoy him, but in reality Jae places his glasses strategically so that you have the opportunity to use them. He just thinks you look all adorable when you wear them, and HE KNOWS that he looks adorable looking all pouty when he pretends to be mad at you. 
Loves seeing you in his clothes *flannels cough cough* but doesn’t so much obviously give them to you to wear like he does when he sets it up for you to steal his glasses. 
If you walk out of the bedroom the morning after and you’re only wearing his flannel be prepare to go back right where you came from, all of a sudden he’s been reenergized, screw breakfast. 
Doesn’t mind a girl that curses, in fact he thinks it’s super cute and funny when you do so. 
boyfriend that acts sassy and goofy, but is actually super caring and would cut off his arm for you if you asked him. 
Milkshakes and Italian ice kind of boyfriend. 
Lucky charms cereal and lilies on anniversaries. 
Really into calling you things like babe and sweetheart, but if you hear him call you baby girl you know he’s in the mood and should be expecting some love making soon. 
,,, also expect lots of playful name calling: Chicken Little, and Dumbo. But he loves you it’s all in good fun. 
Carelessly walks around the apartment in his underwear, like once you had friends over and he woke up and went to the kitchen for something to eat, and your friends got a better look than you would have preferred. 
Surprisingly easy to manipulate so that the situation can be in your favor. 
Example: “Babe let’s watch a movie, that new avenger movie is finally on demand.” 
 “Hm, I was really hoping that we could watch something else tonight.” *runs fingers up his chest* 
 “What are you thinking? Harry Potter? A horror movie?” 
 “How about something more gentle? There’s a new rom com that I have saved.” 
 “But babe…” 
 “Can’t we just watch your movie another time?” By this time you’d be whispering in his ear and Jae would be putty in your hands. 
 “I guess we’re watching some sappy romance tonight! If you make the popcorn I’ll scoop us up some ice cream!” 
Jae’s very affectionate and he doesn’t like to hide it. 
, dammit this boy will full on make out with you in front of all the other boys, maybe even go far enough that there might be a little groping going on. 
Butt >>=<< Boobs, he doesn’t prefer either, but boy can he grab your ass hard. 
Sex with Jae is actually really interesting and fun! He’s pretty much down for anything as long as you are, and is very generous in bed. 
Your safe word is Zeus’ Thunderbolt btw. 
While Jae prefers to be in control for the most part, he doesn’t mind switching it up every once and awhile and having you tell him what to do.
The only struggle is with his glasses, he needs the to SEE, but sometimes they make it harder to kiss you and just get in the way of things overall. Sometimes he thinks that he should just get contacts specifically to use while he has sex with you lol. 
Doesn’t really like serious sex, he thinks that’s how couples get into intimacy slumps. He’ll go out of his way to make you laugh while you’re making out, or even when he’s balls deep inside of you, Jae just loves hearing you laugh and tbh it’s also a little but if a turn on to him knowing that you’re not only feeling the pleasure but also having fun while doing it!
I can see Jae prematurely saying “I love you.” Like he kind of blurts it out one day and it takes you by surprise but you know it’s heartfelt, and even though it may be too early in the relationship for you to say it back to him, you still kiss him hard on the lips to show him that you feel the same.
Drunk karaoke, singing/screaming Don’t Stop Believing together and the people in the apartment next to yours bang on the wall.  
“Knock knock” 
 *waits for answer but gets none* “Knock knock” 
 *silence again* 
 “You’re supposed to ask ‘Who’s there?’ babe.” 
 “Jae I swear to god, it’s 4am shut up.” 
Jae always has so many date ideas up his sleeve, so your outings together are always adventures. 
Couples painting classes! Hiking up a mountain! 
Going to the zoo!
Horseback riding!!!
A wine and cheese tasting in the middle of nowhere in the countryside?!
Now Jae is no Sungjin, I’m pretty sure his alcohol preferences aren’t so lavish, I’m pretty sure he’s perfectly content with just a shitty beer in his hand.
Really goes out of his way to impress people.
Knows nothing about sports but always tries to watch big games on the TV because who knows who he’s going to meet and maybe need to impress with his invested knowledge of American football or Soccer?
, and goes all out for it too, like he’ll dress up wearing a sports jersey and have you invite all the boys over and make wings and whatever, and you’re there just like “Hey Chicken Little! Your American douchebag is showing!” (Not that he’s being a douche he just wants to impress people cute baby) 
For your first year anniversary, Jae took you to the most romantic restaurant he could find, a small joint with the lipstick lips of all the lovers that come through on the ceiling, you two graciously add to that, and it was so sweet and the food was so good that you continue coming back for each of your anniversaries.
(This is actually a real place in New York City if you are interested! I’ve been there before and it was really yummy!!! Too bad I don’t remember the name of it lol!)
Together you two actually do a lot of volunteer work together, in particularly at the local animal shelter.
It started off just as a hobby for both of you, and as a way to give back to the community while also making all these animals lives better, but then it kind of morphed into a slight obsession for both of you.
You’ve gone through all of your stuff gazillions of times looking for things to donate like towels and old blankets. You’ve called up all your friends asking to donate either with a physical donation or by joining you guys to walk a dog or something! And though all your friends are more than willing to donate because it is a good cause, enough is enough you know?
Anyway, there are always a lot of really cute animals going in and out of the animal shelter, kittens and puppies galore, but one day there is this small German Shepard mix puppy there, and you two just immediately fall In LOVE with her!!! She’s just so precious!
Do you see where I’m going with this?
You and Jae adopt this puppy and name her Cali (short for California for obvious reasons), and she is such a joy to have in your lives.
Cali loves to jump up on the couch with you two while you’re in the middle of a cuddle session, and just lay on top of both of you. This habit unfortunately continues as she grows up much bigger, and even as an adult dog she’ll try to climb over you guys on the couch and it’s such a mess.
Jae walks around your apartment wearing these huge headphones that are almost obnoxiously large and you always have to scream for him to hear anything.
And normally this would make you upset and frustrated, but you understand that with Jae music is not only his passion but his work as well, so he always needs to somehow be connected to music.
Loves to serenade you with his guitar, sometimes he’ll try to form a little band together, with you on the tambourine, and it’s always a disaster but it’s a happy one. Always ending in laughs.
Though Jae may love you with all his heart and body he doesn’t see the need to marry you so quickly. He’s very happy with his current situation and doesn’t see marriage as something that needs to happen immediately. After all you guys are living together and still so young, what’s the rush?!
Not that he has any plans or whatever to break up with you in the future or that he can’t see you as someone he can marry, he wants to spend the rest of his life with you, but maybe you guys aren’t ready for a big step like that while you’re still so young. 
 That’s not saying that he doesn’t know exactly how he is going to propose to you, where, when, the position of the moon in the sky, he’s got all this down to the socks that will be on his feet. Jae wants everything to be perfect when he finally asks the question.
Overall Jae is just a super sweet and goofy boyfriend that thinks the world shines just for you, and you’re his muse, the reason why he can push himself to become a better performer.  He loves you so much.
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
DAY6 Sungjin| Boyfriend AU
If you’ve been following my blog, recently you may have noticed my slight obsession with Day6, specifically Sungjin.  That’s only because I just suddenly realized that he is completely and utterly perfect in every way.  Like Jae was my bias, but now, who can be sure.
(btw I unintentionally wrote this AU with a female reader in mind, I usually try so hard to keep my AUs gender neutral so all my readers and enjoy them, this just kind of happened so I’m sorry for my male readers)
Sungjin is the sophisticated, mature, and sometimes slightly dorky, boyfriend that your parents absolutely adore.
  . like really the first time they meet him they are absolutely floored by his table manners and general politeness as soon as you got home they called and asked you when he would propose.
Flat out said, “I have deep regards for your daughter.” to your parents and you will never stop making fun of him for saying that to them, it wasn’t like you hadn’t said I love you yet or anything he could have just said that, but instead he just got all nervous and cute.
The kind of boyfriend who is super gentle and will protect you from all harm and is generally a gentleman, always holds open the door for you and makes sure you’re walking on the inside of the sidewalk.
The kind that will cook you dinner and bring home fancy wines for you two to try together.
Sungjin enjoys surprising you a lot for dinner and with dates and the such.  Sometimes you’ll just come home after a long day at work and he’ll be there in your apartment wearing an apron with a wooden spoon in hand, watching something like the Food Network trying to replicate some of the fancy recipes just to surprise you.
The only thing is that his surprise dinners are always either wonderful or a complete bust (sometimes you just need to heat up some ramen after only one bite, rip poor baby Sungjin he tried so hard).
,,, but you are always thankful that he put in so much effort to surprise you and be all romantic and stuff.
Boyfriend Sungjin will just text you on his off days and it will say something like ‘come hang out with me, I’m bored and I miss you <3′ so you go and show up at the studio or at his apartment, wherever he is tbh, and he’s there wearing a beanie with his guitar.
He’ll give you a quick kiss and then pats at a spot next to him for you to sit down and chill, and then he’ll serenade you.
Vinyl kinda man, if you know what I mean.
Leather couches and orchids on the living room window sil.
, but like no matter how mature Sungjin is he still has a carton of chocolate milk in the fridge.  It’s Tru Moo btw.
Before you two move in together there is already no real system of boundaries in place, he has a key to your apartment and vice versa.
And Sungjin also really likes to just show up unannounced and sleepover, and his motives are rarely sexual in those instances, if he was horny and had motives you would know.
nah, tbh Sungjin just loves falling asleep cuddled up next to you, your body curled into his.  Will totally rub your back and sing you to sleep...
He’s just so loving and wants to show you all of his affection, but has a hard time expressing it vocally because he doesn’t think a simple “I love you” or “I’m in love with you” cuts it, so he tries to make up for it with all of his actions.
And like he’s so romantic and stuff, but doesn’t even make a big deal about it because he thinks that’s what a boyfriend is supposed to do and act like, like it’s common courtesy.
Makes chocolate covered strawberries to specifically feed them to you... naked... in bed... looking like Adonis (after sexy times lol)
Going to the beach together when the weather is warm enough, and seeing him in just his swim trunks.
He’s kinda like a kid at the beach, splashing you with the water, wanting you to bury him in the sand.
Primarily just wears button ups with nice pants, looks super mature and so cute.
He loves nothing more than seeing you in his clothes, especially the morning after, and he always hands you his beanies/button ups/tees subtly giving you the signal that he wants to see you wearing whatever it is soon.
Sungjin rarely moves in his sleep, so you almost always wake up still in his arms and it’s just so warm and safe feeling (also his biceps are really nice whoops)
Takes you on cute dates that seem simple, but he really put a lot of thought into them.  Like the time he took you to a boardwalk where you just spent a few hours window shopping and holding each other’s hands, but then after the sun began to descend he went back to the car to grab a towel so you two could sit down on the beach and watch the sunset together.  After that he booked reservations at a seafood restaurant back on the boardwalk.
The kind of boyfriend to take you out for a classy and expensive dinner and then fuck you good.
Giver >>>>> Receiver 
I feel like Sungjin is more of a vanilla dom that occasionally likes to spice things up in the bedroom with the whole daddy thing (only in the bedroom, not as a lifestyle, though if you really want to rattle him or leave him embarrassed you whisper in his ear and call him daddy in public or in front of the boys)
*cough cough* romantic daddy *cough cough*
, he likes to be in control most of the time, but isn’t super into the idea of bdsm or anything besides more interesting positions
, whips and toys are a little intimidating for him to use on you.
Not going to lie, Sungjin doesn’t realize just how good at sex he is, especially when he goes down on you.
 tbh he is just responding to all of the noises you make, and no matter how much you praise him for it afterwards he just gets a little shy and blushy, like YOUR WETNESS IS ALL OVER HIS CHIN AND HE IS JUST SO HUMBLE and always is trying new things with his tongue that he think will feel good,
spoiler alert! THEY DO!
Like your legs are always shaking the next morning, so much so that you have to sit down, and he’s just so innocent and will say something like, “Oh sorry did I do that?  Sorry babe do you want me to cook breakfast today then?” 
Boobs >>>>> Butt
He’s the kind of man who says that he’s not that into blow jobs because he feels like it’s degrading to the woman, and actually means it.
It’s just frustrating sometimes because he makes you feel so amazing all of the time, you just want to make him feel good too, and if you insist that you really really want to go down on him he might be willing to compromise into 69ing you... lowkey is really into 69ing because he gets off giving you pleasure.
Though when you are able to fully convince him into letting you suck him he’ll forget all about how he thinks it’s wrong making you take him like that, and will become super dominant,,, like he’ll grab onto your hair and grab onto the back of your neck harshly to hold you against him.
the noises he makes,,... heavenly
not the kind of guy to care whether or not you shave/wax, so after you start becoming more comfortable with your relationship, sexual or not, you can just stop shaving so regularly and he won’t mind one bit.
As for PDA, I don’t see Sungjin as someone who feels restrained showing his affection towards you in public, but at the same time he doesn’t want to put on a show for random people and let them into your private life together.
  so he’ll be more than willing to hold your hand, wrap his arms around your waist, kiss your forehead, cheeks, and your lips, but he would never make out with you on a public bench or anything.  And public sex is just too risky and unhygienic for him to even consider.
However, once you guys went to a party that Jae was throwing and you two got surprisingly drunk off of all the wine, and hardcore made out in front of the whole party,,,  everyone has it on video.
Loves to shower with you.  Likes to wash your hair for you, and massage your shoulders in the bath tub.  Likes softer smells like lavender and shea butter.  (together you discovered sex in a bathtub is just too messy, the water gets everywhere, but sex in the shower... hm... Sungjin really enjoys that)
Ok so I can lowkey see Sungjin being a really good mechanix.  Like just imagine him wearing jeans and a black tee, leaning over into the open hood of your car working his magic or whatever and sweating.  idk maybe that’s just my American fantasy.
Sungjin is not that good at dancing in clubs no he’s amazing (not that you guys even go to those) and in general but for some reason really damn good at ballroom dancing.  Even if it’s just in your living room he is able to sweep you off your feet and into a waltz or something.
Sungjin has the record player on, with the lights dimmed, he dips in to give you a kiss, and it’s just so romantic...,,, he clutches you so close and tight.
On Saturday morning he likes to spread out on the couch in just his underwear and socks, and tbh he’s such a mess in the mornings, but a cute mess that you can’t help but snuggle up to him and watch whatever he has on the TV.
  his bare skin is hot against your, it takes the chill out of your bones and makes you feel sleepy again.
Coffee over tea guy, but doesn’t really mind either.  He loves waking up to the smell of coffee, and if you went out of your way to make bacon he might cry tears of joy.
For some reason I see Sungjin really into gummy bears, idk, and he only likes the green and clear ones and feeds the red ones to you.
(he likes them so much that he would make gummy bear Jell-O shots in college lol)
Not too keen on having children anytime soon, but would marry you in a heartbeat.
In fact he’s already talked to you about this as being the next big step in your relationship many times before, that or getting a dog.
Would definitely want to adopt a pet rather than buy one from a breeder.  I also see Sungjin as a big dog person so he’d probably want some kind of lab/hound mix.  (You might even be able to convince him to get a pitbull because he values loyal dogs like labs and retrievers)
omg this is me on a rant but just like imagine Sungjin owning a gray pitbull, sorry I tear up.  IMAGINE going on walks with your dog and Sungjin and him taking the dog into the studio and letting it chill in the recording studio while he works.
Ok ok so you guys need to get a dog asap.
tbh the perfect boyfriend that will protect you and is just a bit possessive, but just to the extent where it’ll make your heart flutter.
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
VIXX Ken| Warlock AU
Wow!  Two in one day???  Hope you guys love cutie college kenneth struggling to keep his powers hidden.
Present day wizard who is trying his very best to balance all the responsibilities of university and you know, not expose himself to the entire world.
See, over time people have become slightly more closed minded than they once were and refuse to believe in any magic.
And though Jaehwan knows that the trials were a long time ago and that times have changed, he's terrified of being exposed and then being sent to burn at the stake.  Like clearly people have moved on from burning people in public squares, but still...  he's seen Xmen.
Lowkey paranoid about the world, but he's doing his best.
But tbh, Jaehwan rarely uses his magic at all, only for the little things like warming up his coffee during late night study sessions after it went cold, and maybe every once and a while when he is really backed up from work he performs a little spell that makes his Professor come down with a little something that makes them cancel class for the day.
But he would NEVER, never EVER, use his magic to cheat his way through school.  He's heard stories from his parents and cousins, all magic folk, who may have cheated their way to success, but Jaehwan wants to earn his degree fairly and with dignity.
His familiar is a little gecko that he keeps in a little terrarium in his dorm room.
When he's studying he puts his little gecko on the back of his neck and he'll like watch over his shoulder at what he's doing.
If you put its face up to your nose it'll give a little reptilian lick lol.
Has a side job on campus fixing people's computer and other electronics, tbh it doesn't even have to be electronics if you need anything fixed he'll do it.  However, this he does use his magic for, like irl he has no clue how to fix computers, but he's gotten real good at pretending that he knows.  In reality he'll just do his little magic thingy while pressing a bunch of buttons and whatnot.
Now, this is actually how you meet Jaehwan.
See there's no way to explain how this really happened but... you literally dropped your laptop into a pool.  Like actually, it was the stupidest thing ever.  
And you've brought your laptop to literally everyone to try and fix it because you have some really important essays and stuff on there that are due at the end of the week that you haven't put on your flash drive and ughhhhh it's such a mess.
Everybody you've brought it to says that it is impossible to fix and that you should probably just get a new one, ha!  Like you could afford that!  
But you just aren't giving up on your laptop yet and that's when your friend suggests finding a boy named Lee Jaehwan.  That he supposedly is some kind of wizard when it comes to fixing computers and that he's another student so it's relatively cheap.
So you seek out this Lee Jaehwan and you find him in a little alcove in the library, a large mug of steaming coffee in his hand and he's studying on his laptop.
And you notice as you walk up to him that Lee Jaehwan is gorgeous, like almost angelic.  His lips are big and pouty, perfectly kissable and his nose is a smooth slope.
Carefully, you approach the attractive stranger and introduce yourself, saying that your computer is broken and that you heard he could help.
The boy agrees, and puts his stuff down, taking your laptop to look at it.
"What happened to it?  It doesn't even turn on?"
"Um it... uh,,, kind of was d-dropped into the ppool."
And Jaehwan just looks up at you and is like "omg that's rough, idk if I can fix this."  This is a complete lie he can no problem, but he knows that if he does so it'll seem so strange since it's impossible.  So he hands it back.
And you're like, "omg please please you're my last hope I'm a poor college student I can't afford another computer can you please like take it home and look at it?  Maybe you'll figure it out I'm desperate here."
Maybe it's the fact that you are literally begging him for your help, or maybe it's the fact that you are really cute and adorable, but Jaehwan agrees and is like "ok you know what?  No problem, consider it fixed."
And you're like, "here's my number please text me when you're done I have essays on there."
Later that evening Jaehwan uses a little spell and your laptop is back to normal, all he can think about is your cute smile and the way the skin between your eyes bunched up when you talked.
He finds you the next day and returns your laptop.
"Like brand new," he says.
And you're like, " omg you're my hero." And jump up to kiss him on the cheek.  Jaehwan blushes like a flower.
He just laughs it off, and now Jaehwan isn't an overly confident guy, but he somehow manages to strike up the courage to say,
"Now I wouldn't accept any payment from you anyway, but if you let me kiss you for real this time my services will be free for life."
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
VIXX N| Warlock AU
I do not write nearly enough for VIXX, I love them so much.  This became a little bit of a historical au rip, but that’s all ok cause I really enjoyed writing all of this.  It’s also more of a drabble than a full au but whatever.  Enjoy!
Hakyeon is totally the warlock that parades himself around in luxurious robes, capes and fancy leather boots.
, Always is the one that looks the best in the room, and always knows what to wear for each meeting - it's a trade secret.
Comes from a long family lineage of magical folks, this makes him very trustworthy and everybody thinks he's wise in the magic world even though he has no clue as to what he's doing half the time he just knows he looks good doing it.
*dramatic cape swoosh*
 part of a magic counsel that governs all the magic in the kingdom..., they meet every Thursday for tea and politics.
Hakyeon's eyes turn an icy blue whenever he uses his magic.
, his finger tips turn blue and ice cold, it's not even like he specializes in ice magic it's just something that happens.
His familiar is a small chocolate brown weasel that wraps itself around his shoulders like an accessory.
sometimes when Hakyeon is out and about like people, and even warlocks, do it scampers around on the ground picking up little sticks and things.
, made it's own nest in the workshop.
And you're not any kind of magic folk, just an ordinary human with a really big problem.
You make a meeting to see the wise warlock Hakyeon because all the crops in your village are dying from some rare plant virus and nothing is stopping the virus from taking all of the harvest.  If something doesn't stop the virus soon everybody in your village will starve and a famine will erupt.
You've been left with no other option than maybe see if magic will help.
The problem is is that Hakyeon lives kingdoms away from your village and the journey is quite dangerous.
,, everybody from your village packs you up with all the best supplies and enough rations to keep you comfortable from hunger (which is unfathomably more than anybody else gets, you wanted to refuse but they all insisted that you were their only hope) and you go off on your way to meet with the wise warlock.
The trek is much longer than anticipated, it takes you several weeks to get you and your cart there.  You had to fight off wolves and thieves, you barely slept for the entire trip.
, and once you even got there Hakyeon has a waiting list of meetings, so you have to wait another few weeks for him to even squeeze you into his busy schedule.
Not going to lie when all is said and done and you FINALLY make it into the warlock's chambers you are not only relieved but also kind of angry?  Like yes, you are certainly not the most important person that Hakyeon has to meet with, but your entire village is at stake, everybody you’ve ever known.
So that's why when you finally get in to see him you're kinda an angry looking mess, all dirty and your hair may be a literal animal nest.  Twigs are sticking out everywhere and you look like you may have slept in a pen with some swine.
 not going to lie, Hakyeon is a bit...,,, taken aback by your appearance.
here's one of the most fashionable people in the entire hemisphere and in his presence is this wary traveler who is exclaiming about death Death FAMINE, crops crops blah blah...
And Hakyeon puts his hand up silencing you.
"I can help."  He says, and you almost collapse to the floor.
Hakyeon gets to work on a potion that he says will cure all of the plants and will even revive the dead ones.
"But first, please please help yourself to my facilities."  He insists even when you refuse.  "Not to sound entitled and snobbish, but I can't stand to look at you like this please wash yourself.  For everyone's sake."
And so you do,,, use his facilities.
When you walk out, all fresh and wearing new clothes that magically materialized out of nowhere, Hakyeon is stunned because well...
You are much prettier clean than he had anticipated.
And the potion is done!
Hakyeon insists on traveling back to your village with you because he just knows that something will go wrong if he sends you away, alone, with a magic potion, so he enchants the wheels of your cart to move faster and smoother and you make it home in record time.
It takes a few hours applying the potion to all the crops but you can see them turn green again!
As a huge thank you the village throws a celebration for you and Hakyeon, the saviors.
At the celebration you end up dancing with Hakyeon the whole night.
"You know, even though I pride myself on all these luxuries, I will definitely spare sometime in my schedule to visit this little village and you again."
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
VIXX Leo BTS Jungkook
Stupid Things My Friends Have Said:
N | Warlock AU Leo | Zombie Apocalypse AU Ken | Warlock AU
BTS | Lifeguard AU Jin | Cast Away AU JHope | Shark Biologist AU Jimin | Dreamworld AU Jimin | Boyfriend AU V | Cast Away AU Jungkook | Stable Boy AU Jungkook | Cast Away AU Jungkook | Shadowhunter AU
Cha Eunwoo | Camp Counselor AU
Day6 AUs:
Sungjin | Boyfriend AU Jae | Boyfriend AU Jae | Camp Counselor AU
Taeyong | Boyfriend AU Jungwoo | Camp Counselor AU Lucas | Camp Counselor AU Chenle | CIT AU
Monsta X:
Monsta X as Parents Wonho | Boyfriend AU
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thetaekswoon · 7 years
VIXX Leo| Zombie Apocalypse AU
So I was struck with sudden inspiration to write this out of nowhere, so I just did?  I don’t know, hope you enjoy!!!
Leo isn’t really sure what to think when he first hears about the outbreak on the news, he doesn’t rush to stores like most people, he has enough in his apartment to keep him alive for a while.
he is very calm about the situation because it is contained in another country until a few days later all service goes out and the outbreak has spread all across the globe.
Leo hides out in his apartment for as long as he can, around two weeks, and survives by continuing to do domestic things like reading and watering the plants
Very strict with his rules and refuses to let any of the other survivors into the apartment, even goes so far as to nail a plank of wood across the door
Though before long Leo is starting to run out of food, and he isn’t stupid, he knew that he couldn’t stay there for much longer.
Leo only packed his absolute necessities into his travel backpack, his remaining food, a few clothes, shoe inserts, toothpaste and his toothbrush, kitchen knives, razor blades, anything sharp, etc.
His plan was to sneak around and hopefully stumble upon more food and supplies and return to his apartment,
this worked for a few days and Leo was able to skirt around all the zombies, however they caught onto him and started surrounding his apartment building,
He abandoned his apartment for good three weeks into the apocalypse.
Leo quickly learns how to run away from the zombies, but also how to fight them,
, honestly at first the only reason why he was able to win fights was because of his size and strength, but over time he quickly learned their weaknesses and how to properly wield a knife
looks so cool fighting tbh, he gets really mad and frustrated so he might scream and kick the body a few times even after he knows that it’s dead.
Leo wears this red flannel and jeans, and has this fleecy black hoodie that have practically grown on him, he doesn’t remember the last time he changed his clothes... or bathed and washed his hair.
Even though it’s the freaking ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE if Leo sees a plastic bag flying through the air or little bits of garbage laying around, he will literally pick it up and put it in the trash, like yeah the dead are alive and eating brains but gotta protect those sea turtles!
Likes spending the night inside old restaurants and stores,,, when he can’t sleep he’ll flip through the menus to see what they served and his stomach will rumble.
speaking of those restaurants, Leo has occasionally slept in convenience stores and found pistols and ammo behind the counter, so know he has better weapons to work with
, has surprisingly good aim and can kill a zombie almost thirty feet away with one shot.
Leo has only encountered other survivors handfuls of times and it seems like most of the population has turned into zombies, but even when they offer him safety in the group he refuses because he doesn’t want to be responsible for anything besides himself.
doesn’t always mind being alone, though of course being alone makes him even more lonely from time to time
when he feels like this Leo tries his best to keep himself sane, and though he will never admit it he has cried to himself on several occasions when he thought of his family
One of the ways he keeps himself going is telling himself that they are alive and well making it on their own
Prefers eating canned fruits like peaches and pears and is still really picky with his food
tbh Leo is really crafty too, like he knows that it is impossible for him to kill all the zombies but if he could make a trap and kill maybe five or ten, those numbers add up
And that is kind of how he finds you...
You are a college senior when the outbreak begins and almost instantly your campus becomes a death trap
You barely have any time to pack anything for yourself before you nearly get bit,
and so far you have managed to survive mainly by staying out of sight and locking yourself into basements and pantries because you have no real weapons and no weapon skills
And you think that maybe this system will continue working for you when all of a sudden... you start getting cramps and you’re like omg no no no this can’t be happening but of course it is and you can’t help that SHE’S BACK
you thought that maybe since you have been eating less and with all the stress of the last few weeks that maybe your period wouldn’t come this times, but you were wrong,
and you needed tampons,
So that’s how you quietly sneak into an old pharmacy to steal some tampons, and there is only one box left and it’s crumpled and stepped on, but it doesn’t even matter because you can finally breathe,
, but just as you are about to reach for it another hand goes to reach for it as well, and this hand is well... um, larger and definitely masculine.
And there’s Leo staring at you hard, if it the situation was different he would have absolutely let you take them, but this was the survival of the fittest and he wouldn’t risk himself for you, no offense.
but you’re just like, “Hey stranger, I need those.” and he just is quiet and stares and looks angry and eventually he’s like, “Well, so do I...”
“BUT I need them for their intended purpose!”
“AND I NEED THEM to make things explode!” And clearly he’s struggling because he really needs to make new bombs and tampons are the best things he’s found that absorb the alcohol.
“Why can’t you just use pads?  There are still a few boxes left on that shelf.” He points and you’re just like um.... “NO, I CAN’T BE WEARING A PAD WHILE RUNNING FROM FREAKING ZOMBIES LIKE SORRY BUT THAT JUST DOESN’T WORK BUDDY”
“... also those are scented and they cause infections sometimes... just please” before, you would never have begged for something like this, but things change and you’re desperate.
For some reason Leo gives in and hands the box over reluctantly, and you are about to thank him when all of a sudden he freezes,
“GET DOWN” he shouts and you barely have time to react when Leo pulls a gun from out of his jeans and shoots straight in front of him... the gun level to where your head just was.
You hear a body collapse onto the floor and you turn around to see bits of zombie brain splattered across the aisle.
“holy shit dude” you say even though your ears are ringing, and you try to stand up but just stumble right back down,
The stranger catches you and helps you sit up,
“you’re ear is bleeding,” he says, and you raise your fingers up to feel and when you bring them back they’re covered in blood, “Looks like I grazed the top of your ear, sorry.”
He is so embarrassed,
Thankfully you two are inside a pharmacy and he manages to find enough supplies to fix your wound, and his hands are so delicate when he is tending to you,
like his hands are calloused but still so soft, and he clearly hasn’t showered (not that you can blame him you haven’t showered since you left campus) and he doesn’t smell bad you know?  
And after that you kind of follow him along and he puts up a fight for a few hours saying that he prefers to be alone and that it’s nothing personal, but you don’t leave and are able to keep up with his quick movements, so when you finally prove that you can handle your own he doesn’t try to get you to leave him alone anymore.
Leo doesn’t talk much, so it is up to you for the most part to create conversation and even then it’s one-sided, but Leo is a really good listener
You are quick to open up to him so you spill all of your secrets and gossip about all of your friends from college, and you pretend like everything is normal when in reality those friends were probably one of the zombies that you guys were running from that morning...
Over time Leo’s hair goes much longer and he starts putting it in a ponytail (like it’s not that long and there's only like an inch of hair after the hair tie, but he just looks so uhhhhhhhhhh)
he also grows a little chin hair, but you didn’t hear that from me...
and he looks so manly like that with his hair tied up and his red flannel and jeans... kinda lumberjacky but at the same time more of a murdery lumberjack look since his clothes are splattered with blood here and there.
Leo is super possessive if you didn’t catch that before, and over time he starts to become even more possessive of you,
like if you two encounter a zombie or two he will immediately jump in front to try and protect you,
Once he is nearly bitten and you have to kick him out of the way to finish the job yourself.
,and you notice this but don’t ever bring it up because you find it really sweet that he wants to protect you,
Sometimes it worries you how close you are getting to Leo, like neither of you two are trying to be optimistic about this situation, you guys know that you won’t be able to survive like this forever and it could be any day now, every second of every day you are in danger.
You can’t think of surviving the rest of the apocalypse alone.
Together you two make traps for the zombies and bomb the hell out of them.  It’s more fun than you’d expect it to be, but then again your standards of fun have been minimized to anything that distracts you from the present.
One day you and Leo are scouting this house and you find this super old bottle of whiskey, so you are obviously thinking that you’ll be using it to make more bombs,
, but then Leo is like wait, no, that’s too expensive of a drink to just waste on exploding the undead, we need to savor this one.
So you and Leo sit on the rooftop and stare at the sky while drinking this ancient whiskey, and for some reason you keep looking over at Leo and watch the shape of his jaw, the lines of his eyes and mouth and throat as he takes another sip of the alcohol.
and maybe it’s the whiskey or maybe something more, but you see Leo different now, like you always saw that he was attractive, but you never HAD feelings... until maybe now.
Leo notices you glancing at him, but stays quiet, and takes his turns watching you.
You hiccup and he laughs, and it is almost like you can forget the danger around you for a moment.
You guys fall asleep wrapped in each other because the wind picked up and it got cold, and for the first time in awhile you actually feel rested.
Sometimes when you are walking between alleys and the such you will hold each other’s hand while Leo keeps the other on the hidden gun.
And you can’t help your growing feelings for Leo, he’s your rock, your outlet, he’s so considerate and kind, and tbh the only other person you’ve seen in a long time who hasn’t tried to eat you.
But at the same time you feel a little awkward about it, I mean he is almost five years older than you, and though in reality five years is nothing, when you’re young it feels like a lot because he has experienced so much more than you...
and you’ve never found yourself being attracted to older guys like some of your friends, not that Leo is old he’s just... older than you.
One day when you are walking around, talking, you mention how you used to have a dog growing up and then both of you get really sad because you haven’t really seen any pets since the outbreak began and though you haven’t seen any zombie cats or dogs around, you can still assume why.
most animals besides the rats and birds have disappeared.
tbh you had never really considered that your feelings about Leo, well he may have the same towards you...
That is until you guys manage to find what must be the one working shower in the entire city and Leo’s really quietly like, “Um hey y/n?”
and you’re like “what’s up?”
“I’m going into the shower and I know you are going to shower after me, but... I’m not sure if that’s a good idea,” and then a whisper, “I think you should shower now.”
And you’re thinking yeah that makes sense we don’t know how long the water will last.... “but wait I thought you were going to shower now?”
“I am.”
oh OH, he’s blushing a thousand shades of pink
The shower is small, barely able to fit one person let alone two.
Leo is polite, he doesn’t stare though he desperately wants to, and keeps his hands to himself for the most part.
His shoulders and arms look even better underneath his clothes, and he’s thin from the little food you’ve eaten this week but still incredibly muscular, 
, he looks like he could crack a person’s skull in his hands.
speaking of those hands, they’re so delicate lathering the little bit of soap in between your shoulder blades over the places you can’t reach.
Leo is so tall that he needs to duck his head to put it under the stream of water.
nothing happens in that shower.  Just two partners washing themselves, quietly.
But of course it changes things...
when it is time to sleep Leo will pull you up against his chest, into his jacket for warmth, and he can rest his chin atop your head.
He talks more, opens up about his family and what his life used to be.
Before you go to sleep you run your fingers over his face, chin, eyes and brows, cheekbones, his lips...
Leo teaches you how to shoot a gun properly, how to hold the weapon and steady it in a moment’s eye.
You kiss... sometimes.
Sometimes you do more...
You both start to cry the first time you see a dog.  You had begun to think that they were all gone, but seeing one alive, skinny with protruding bones, but alive nonetheless, made you both so emotional cause like DOGS
The dog ends up running away scared that you guys are probably zombies, but you don’t hold yourself to that.
Now that you are together Leo is even more possessive of you than before and never likes leaving you alone.
Leo shows you how to make the tampon bomb that brought you together, and then you use it to blow up a bank because why the hell not.
Though life totally seems bleak because you know... apocalypse... you and Leo are making it through, and it’s working well enough for you.
Really hope everyone who read this really enjoyed it!  There were probably many mistakes in there because I felt too lazy to edit, but yeah hope all of you have a great rest of the day/evening!
<><> do not edit/remove anything from the original post <><> this AU belongs to me <><>
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