thestarhq · 10 months
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→ culture creative
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NAME: Sun Joo-Eun STAGE NAME: Jynx  FACECLAIM: Park Jihyo (twice) BIRTHDAY:  February 1st, 1997 DEBUT DATE: 2006 AGENCY:  Culture Creative OCCUPATION(S): Soloist, Songwriter/producer, Actress, Choreographer CAREER PAGE: Link
tw; vague mentions abuse
hot and cold. 
that had been most of her life. it still was her life. 
it started young. a struggling mother. a scorned mother. but a smart woman who saw talent in her young child. (not much in the looks department but they’d make do) the pageants started when she was young. her early memories are filled with makeup, lights and finding a trick to impress the crowd. 
her mom got married but joo-eun wasn’t gifted a family. it felt like she gained another manager. she had been pushed into her first drama. her first major role aside from the same cameo’s and one-off’s her parents could bag. it could’ve been considered her break out. joo-eun had talent, it was super steady but next year another role came her way. 
then her true break out role, she had won an award. one or two more people knew her name. all things considered it was a high but joo-eun? she was tired. tired of it all.
in the middle of another filming, she had been pulled out. meltdown. drama. a breaking point. 
finally, she got a break. though, the affection had been taken away. her flaws had been pointed out. guilt that she refused to let her parents help be the best. she wouldn’t make it on her own. it hurt but the most effective had been ignoring her. isolation in a sense.
so, she broke again. acting had been fine, there was something about getting lost in a script, in another life was appealing to her. but becoming a singer is what started to capture her heart. it wasn’t what her parents planned but it was something they agreed too.
the affection came back, twisted as it was but it was there. life had become another blur, there was training. returning home. she wasn’t allowed out much. by the time she finally debuted in a trio, joo-eun was sure her parents out-matched the companies strictness. still, it was a debut. only, joo-eun didn’t see the end coming but her parents did. 
she was lucky to have them right?
there was less than a month between her group’s disbandment and her getting signed to another label. right back to acting. honestly, they didn’t miss a beat.
but joo-eun found herself a little over it.
honestly, a lot over it. though she had grumbled in the past, joo-eun considered this the first big fight. she wanted to do music. acting was something she could bear but her dreams of being a singer had been barely short lived.
it was the first time she left home. pathetic as it was. her first stand. and her parents relented first. with calls of love and tears and promises and they’d follow her lead. she was their darling girl. and pathetic was it was, she accepted.
music was able to come first but after some poking and prodding, another contract was signed, this time for acting. under a company that could truly shape her future career. the next deal was, as long as she kept them happy and lavish, they’d leave her alone.
no pressure. everything was perfect. and if she told herself that lie enough…it’d come true at some point right?
diligent. if there was one word to sum her up, that would be the word. you’d hear it whispered in the general public. aside from her break, she had been working in the entertainment industry since she was a young girl. sensible, respectful. her pr leans on the professional, heavily so. each instagram photo is carefully selected. each word and interaction is preplanned as can be. sweet and nervous off-camera, that’s what most say about her. the image gap is also played up for her. on variety shows or interviews, quiet, loud when she needs to be but overall, the one to the side. it plays against her image on stage, her music or even the roles she selects for herself. there had been a few rumors when she first took a hiatus, she did pull out of a drama half-way through filming. that’s changed though, now, with staff and those behind the scenes, she’s a hard worker with a smile on her face. safe and predictable and while that has gone a way with the general public, it hasn’t something that attracted a strong fandom but she jynx finds herself proud of the little one she managed to gather in an world of personable idols. still, she has her space for her fans who can see a normally quiet girl come alive on stage or transform into an entirely different person. 
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lucielteo · 5 years
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VY2 Yuuma So, long story short, Yuuma is one of my favourite vocaloids, I used to give him more attention but Mikoto is my queen now. To compensate the fact I never actually posted a drawing of this baby I’ll post this original design I made.
Of course, this design will be in my store as stickers, shirts, mugs, clocks, and in the future, pins and much more.Don’t lose the opportunity to get this design on your favourite products. Store link: https://www.redbubble.com/people/thestarfollower
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thestarhq · 9 months
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→ secret garden
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NAME: An Daeul. STAGE NAME: N/A. FACECLAIM: Park Jihoon, actor/soloist. BIRTHDAY: March 21st, 2000. CANON: N/A. DEBUT DATE: October 2022. AGENCY: Secret Garden. OCCUPATION(S): Influencer, model, personality. CAREER PAGE: Epitome.
After she gave birth, Daeul’s mother decided she wasn’t ready to start a family, and in haste, she laid him in the arms of his father; trusting him with their son from that point onward. Young and clueless, An Ho-su had no choice but to grin and bear it; never wanting to send his son into a flawed and broken system.
Instead, he accepted the challenge, and dedicated his life to providing for his child. However, he couldn’t do it alone, and luckily for him, he had the help of his entire family, especially his beloved mother.
It took a village to raise An Daeul, one that molded him into the man he is today. He likes to say that he has all the best parts of his dad, and his grandmother, and even his uncles and aunts, but also, unbeknownst to him, he possesses parts of his mother, too.
He’ll discover more about that later on in life, though.
His first ever memory is watching his grandmother dive into the sea. He was terrified, and his father had to hold him back from diving in after her, but the instant he saw her come back up to the surface, all of his worries came to a screeching halt. It was right then, in that moment, that he realized that she is fearless, and her bravery cemented itself into his being right then and there.
If she can confidently charge into the water, then he could certainly do anything he set his mind to, too, and she drove that point home to him on a daily basis. It’s always been her philosophy that, life can only be lived to the fullest when a person experiences no fear. Sure, it’s human nature to be afraid of things, but forcing oneself to fight off the headlock of terror takes strength; tenacity. His grandmother taught him to be tough, and for that, he’s forever indebted to her.
However, what everyone forgot to realize is that, strength can manifest itself in many different ways, and in An Daeul, it equipped him with an independence, an individuality, that’s assertive, powerful, but at the same time, extraordinarily different, too—one that still forces him to stand up for what he believes is right even today. It has instilled in him an unrelenting fighting spirit, one he’s learned to manipulate into a sweet-talking charm.
This is where his mother’s influence comes in.
Much like the woman who birthed him, it’s impossible to dislike him, and it’s because he asserts himself with a certain romance, an almost poetic flair. This is a skill he mastered throughout his youth, and now as an adult, his speech is mellifluous, fine-tuned, and provocative.
His mouth has won him many arguments, has scored him many lovers, and has talked its way out of being punched in the face quite a few times, as well. It’s what got him through his military service, and what convinced his family that leaving Jeju Island for awhile would be a transformative experience for him; one to learn and grow from. Like his mother, he’s an adventurer, and his endless curiosity doesn’t want him confined to the familiarity his hometown; not forever.
His mouth also got his family to accept that he’s gay, and that he also likes dolling himself in dramatic makeup from time-to-time, despite their traditional beliefs. They make it no secret that he confuses them, and they worry about him being all alone in the city, but he is who he is, and he refuses to be anyone else, especially to the people who are supposed to love him no matter what. It’s their choice if they want to remain in his life, and adopting this state of mind has blessed him with a freedom seldom felt by many others in his country.
Daring to be an individual within a collectivist society is essentially selecting “hard mode” in the game of life, but he’s up for the challenge. In a way, he sort of just… does whatever he wants; acts first and learns from his mistakes later. Daeul thinks it’s a waste of time to worry, or to overthink, and he practices living dangerously in the moment. That’s why when he was direct-messaged by a casting agent for a reality TV program, one who promised him a legitimate opportunity to mingle with other single men in the area, he said yes with no hesitation whatsoever.
Now, he wasn’t expecting anything to come out of this. In truth, he thought it would be a fun, once-in-a-lifetime experience; a fond memory to look back on when he’s older; a way to introduce himself as the talented professional makeup artist he’s become. Would it put him beneath a microscope, to a degree? Sure, but he was fine with that, as he genuinely never thought the show would gain traction.
After the season aired, however, the response it received was highly positive; his presence in it, alone, enough to cause hearts to flutter all across the country. All at once, he experienced a rise in notoriety that he honestly never expected, and before he gave himself too much time to think about it, he signed a contract with Secret Garden.
They told him that they could help him build a career that only few lucky people get a chance at, and with the world at his fingertips, he thought, why the hell not? Overnight, his life transformed into one that he’s still wrapping his head around, and it’s all moved so fast, but he wouldn’t have it any other way. All he can hope is that he’s making a difference somehow; that he’s giving his life meaning.
If his existence in the world of entertainment helps normalize people like him to the general public of South Korea, even to a small degree, he’ll be satisfied. For now though, he’s trying not to get lost in the limelight; remaining strong against its ever-so-tempting dark-side. Let’s hope he can keep his head above water. If his grandmother taught him as well as he thinks she did, he’ll be just fine.
An Daeul is a sweet-talker; a charmer; a modern-day Casanova. He weaves poetic stanzas with his verbiage, and wins the hearts of all who he encounters. He’s also a painter, one who utilizes delicate palettes to create works of art on his preferred canvas: the facial structure of human beings. He’s a being that wows his viewers with striking visuals, and stuns even further when he unveils his bold and colorful personality.
To women, he’s the quintessential best friend; one who is beautiful enough to possibly steal your man if you don’t keep an eye on him.
To men, he’s very perplexing, yet teasing—poking enough fun at them for their wariness of him to get them to play into the joke; if they’re uncertain, that is. To men like him, he’s desirable; delectable; a voice that needs to be heard. He wears that title with pride, and uses his signature way-with-words to advocate for his community.
He’s multifaceted, an artist. He’s someone that’s easy to respect and grow fond of, even for the most conservative of people. He leans on his likability a lot, hoping it doesn’t falter, and so far, it’s worked rather well for him. He just hopes that no one unlocks his temper.
His mouth can turn into a dangerous weapon, it can be reckless, and he knows that one unfortunate slip of the tongue could be enough to land him in scalding hot water. So, for now, he’s careful, and kind, and only shows the best sides of himself—aiming to win literally everyone who tunes into his content over with his cozy, convivial vibe.
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thestarhq · 9 months
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NAME: isabelle baker STAGE NAME: belle FACECLAIM: jeon somi BIRTHDAY: 03/03/2001 CANON: tg1, main dancer / lead vocalist and leader DEBUT DATE: 2021 AGENCY: culture creative OCCUPATION(S): idol, variety personality, choreographer CAREER PAGE: https://bellessimo.tumblr.com/crr
triggers: talks of body image, negative comments
happy, warm and supportive.
those are the worlds that isabelle would like to use to describe her family and household. gentle parenting is what they did, always there for her, always knew what she could need. despite the travelling back and forth a lot, sometimes having to stay with her grandparents for months on end, they were loving. which is probably where the lack of being told no started.
they weren’t extremely rich, by any means upper middle class was a push and isabelle wasn’t spoiled per say. she just always knew when was the time to ask for something, backing down after a simple no, but there were days where if she played her cards just right, she’d get anything she wanted. as years passed by, she just learned how to use what he aunties and uncles would call pretty privilege, a bat of her eyelashes, a smile here, a pout there. isabelle learned the quick way of getting what she wanted with almost no needed effort. she was the queen of her school pretty much, the pretty girl with pretty privilege. that’s what she’d end up hearing later in life.
she was about twelve when her mother gets a bit too homesick and the idea of going back to seoul arises. a place at which isabelle hadn’t gone back to in so many years. she can’t even remember at that point. it’s exciting, it’s new, a breath of fresh air. she’s thrown into the hallyu wave, neck deep, indulges in everything new she learns about it. from classmates, to friends at her soccer practice, she can’t seem to get enough of it.
it’s a bit unfortunate that her parents have never said no to her about big decisions, but how could they? isabelle runs straight to her mother the day she gets handed a business card from culture creative. the shiny cardboard held tightly in between her fingers. she does get a firm no from her mum, a worried look from her dad, and the huffing and puffing her parents receive afterwards is beyond annoying. they manage to keep up a strict front, a few more no’s, but eventually they cave in, just like they have done before. if she didn’t know how to get her parents to agree, who would? a quieter approach, a bit more chores around the house, a bit more questions asked about it.
they cave in, like always.
she is fourteen when she gets signed.
training isn’t.. it isn’t what isabelle had thought it would be, sure the coaches and the other trainee’s liked her, but she lacked in everything else but her looks and personality. tall, skinny, big eyes and fair skin. she fit the checklist of visuals, but she failed at everything else. her singing was passable, never wrote a single rap in her life, her dancing was okay, she could hold her own. maybe if she had a few more years she would have been able to get a solid position. maybe hope for a lead rapper or vocal, maybe main dancer if she pushed herself a bit harder.
six years were a long time for her to pour her blood sweat and tears into debuting. she didn’t think it would take this long, so many of her friends either dropped or debuted, but she kept pushing and pushing. eventually to hear the day she was selected to be part of culture creative’s new girl group, set as their main dancer and lead vocalist. however, the years udner then had given her the extra burden of leader as well. she wasn’t sure if she desevred it, but she sure was trained for it. so many responsibilities fall on her shoulders, but she takes them on with ease it seems.
she is twenty when they debut.
surprisingly, variety shows were what paved the way for her, being able to show her personality rather than what she trained so hard for. she didn’t mind it, it gave her an enviroment where she could be herself and meet new people, interact, constantly improve. despite thve very rocky start she’s made it work, and if anything was sure, she planned on continuing to make it work as equinox had resigned for another seven years.
so she will be what she learned best from her parents,
happy, warm and supportive.
magnetic personality. the years abroad definitely made her shine in that area, variety shows left and right, exposure with industry seniors and always having an opportunity to show herself for who she is. belle still isn’t exactly a storm to be wreckon with in the entertainment industry but she sure is taking each and every opportunity to showcase herself and promote her group. she has garnered a lot of attention with her alcohol diary’s series on youtube, which has brought some sought out idols to come have a drink with her. at this point in time she doesn’t seem to stop her variety appearances and continues to promote with the girls without a sign to slow down her promotions.
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thestarhq · 11 months
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NAME: ash kwon STAGE NAME: grey FACECLAIM: jeon jungkook of bts BIRTHDAY: january 31, 1997 DEBUT DATE: 2015 AGENCY: culture creative OCCUPATION(S): singer, songwriter-producer, director, photographer  CAREER PAGE: here.
his upbringing is idyllic in a lot of ways. loving and supportive parents and the freedom to explore every childish whim of an interest. those interests are pretty singular at first . he takes up piano, then violin, then guitar. it seems that each year he decides a new instrument he wants to try, and on top of the dance classes he attends a few times a week, no one really doubts what ash kwon is going to grow up to be. his parents work long hours, and he spends the better part of his childhood jumping from country to country alongside his mom for her work. still, he persists in his love of music and his love of performance, and a love for the camera blossoms anew as he tries to find the memories in each new city.
come middle school, a love for songwriting rises to the top of the pack of his passions. writing songs becomes something of a journal to him, but with time, he opens up more to share his passion with others, enough so that he begins high school newly settled in los angeles with admission to a selective arts high school. everything he can do to get his music out there, he does. soundcloud and youtube become his outlet when he's not at open mics or jumping on every performance or recording opportunity he's presented with.
the end of high school comes, and with it comes an offer he can't turn down. when an american debut doesn't quite make the waves everyone involved would prefer, they give korea a try. seoul takes some getting used to again. he hasn't lived there in years and his korean needs some polishing, but there's something to be said for getting to go to work everyday to create music.
his music does better in the radios and streaming sites of seoul. here, he's not a forgotten newcomer, but a hot rising star. with just enough push from his label, he's getting gigs left and right and he's received with the kind of critical warmth he hadn't even been on the radar to be considered for back home. it's amazing, until it's not. it was bound to happen with how careless he was being, but one headline and it all comes crashing down.
with his budding career pulled out from under him, it takes time before he's seen again in front of a camera instead of behind one. when he comes back with his own sub-label under culture creative, it's as one part of a whole. it's like starting from ground zero, but there's no one else he'd rather do it with and, with time, he finds his way back to standing on stage on his own once again.
when he first entered the scene, grey was the trendy new r&b singer-producer with a voice like honey and the looks of an idol. every interview and every appearance seemed to revolve around some magic triangle of him being young, pretty, or talented. rebellion against the image started early, but nothing could dismantle it quite like a major scandal. now the name grey is associated less with promising young artist and more whatever headline best fits how one wants to see him. he's still got his artistry going for him and he's not the pariah he once felt he'd become, but the wire he walks is so much thinner than it used to be.
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thestarhq · 1 year
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→ adagio
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NAME: ko suji. STAGE NAME:  FACECLAIM: moon gayoung. BIRTHDAY: october 29th, 1997. DEBUT DATE: july 21st, 2012. LABEL: adagio. OCCUPATION(S): acting, directing. CAREER PAGE: link. BACKGROUND: 
ko suji doesn’t feel a sense of belonging. born the only girl in a family of two intelligent, closely-nurtured boys, suji grows up feeling like the odd one out. 
her feelings are only amplified when she realized the difference in the way she’s treated. the boys are showered with love and affection and enrolled in countless extracurriculars. their needs and wants are closely-nurtured, while suji finds herself often having to fight for even a second of her parents’ attention. she’s not asked about what she wants to do, nor is her education nurtured by her parents. while her family isn’t poor, they’re nowhere near being comfortable. suji’s given the necessities to succeed and to survive, but she’s not given much else. extra income is spent on her brothers’ education and her mother’s own selfish splurges, while suji finds herself dressed in hand-me-downs, trying to hide the holes in her clothing from the other kids. it’s clear to suji from a young age that she is and will never be their priority.
her mother drags her to the market one morning when she’s twelve. she’s dragged along to help her mother with the groceries, but they’re stopped by a smiling man in a fancy suit. suji finds him off-putting, but he hands her mother a business card which her mother happily accepts. the man goes on to shower suji with compliments. everything he says has to do with the way she looks and how he could plaster her face all over the city — no, the world — and, for some reason suji can’t quite understand at that age, her mother seems thrilled.
suji swears she sees dollar signs flashing in her mother’s eyes, but suji can’t remember ever seeing her mother give her such a big smile before. so, suji just accepts it when she hears her mother call the agent later that night — even though something in her gut makes her want to barge in and rip the phone out of her mother’s hand.
she’s pushed into beauty pageants and campaigns for a ridiculous amount of children’s clothing brands. she’s not really happy about it, but she continues to grin and bear it. when she’s fifteen, her agent pushes into auditioning for korea’s next top model. seeing how her mother’s face lights up at the idea, suji agrees to do it. she passes the auditions and manages to finish the gruelling competition as the runner-up. her mother is happy, even though she lost — because her daughter’s name is on everybody’s lips. suji isn’t that happy, but the attention from her parents is new. it’s nice.
she continues to work hard at modelling, even if she really isn’t that fond of it. it’s worth it to finally get some attention, after all. after she finishes with korea’s next top model, she starts getting regularly booked for fashion week, music video appearances, and several big campaigns. after a year of modelling exclusively in seoul, she starts getting booked for campaigns and shows in new york and london. 
suji doesn’t feel a spark of passion until she’s given a very specific instruction on the set of a music video. the director has instructed to cry, and to cry hard. he tells her it’s okay to look messy, to look crazy, to look broken. suji found the instructions strangely cathartic. having been instructed to always look prim, proper, and pretty, it was strangely freeing to be asked to let herself come completely undone. getting the chance to let her emotions overflow like that was healing, to say the least — and it inspired suji to consider a career in acting as she was desperate to feel that release again.
so, suji manages to land herself a couple small roles here and there in a couple upcoming films. while she’s still modelling and appearing in various music videos, her focus is now entirely on building a career in acting. her breakout role comes in 2017 as im sang-mi in save me, which she receives a nomination for a baeksang arts award. the role puts her on the map, bringing love calls from many directors — but it isn’t until late 2018 that her career begins to truly take off. cast in both sky castle and burning, she receives an outpour of praise when the two projects are released. adagio, wishing to capitalize on the moment, orchestrates an appearance for suji on a counselling-style variety show. they instruct her to play up her upbringing and lack of a real childhood for sympathy points with the general public. she doesn’t want to, but she has no choice but to oblige. adagio’s strategy worked, as the public appreciated her for her hardwork and the struggles she had overcome. they call her hardworking, humble, good-natured, and so much more — but no matter how many flourishing praises she reads, suji doesn’t feel that great about it.
her career continues to flourish over the next few years. she’s steadily booked, despite how carefully she cherry-picks her projects to find the projects that move her the most. however, her career seems to come crashing down overnight when she’s revealed to be a part of dispatch’s “new year’s couple”. revealed to be dating a conversational figure in the public’s eyes, she has no choice but to watch as the public turn their backs on her overnight. adagio quickly tries to deny it, claiming the pair had just been working on a “project” together — but their lies provoke dispatch to come out with even more receipts. the attempt to cover the relationship only sours suji further in the public’s eyes.
suji started her career with nothing, and with no one. and now — with very few projects lined up for 2023 — she’s back to having nothing and no one.
when suji first began her acting career, she was well-received within the public’s eyes. she had a pretty pristine, proper image, which was only amplified by adagio’s push for a “sob story”. the public considered suji hard-working, although she maintained a rather mysterious and cool image. she didn’t do many variety appearances and most of her “content” were vlogs, which barely ever feature much talking. people who met her spread stories about how kind and quiet she was, which only helped her look better in the public’s eyes.
her dating scandal tanked her reputation. after dispatch’s reveal, netizens tried to dig up anything and everything possible to tear suji down even further. the gritty, dark, and sometimes risqué nature of her short films — which were hardly known, prior to the scandal — were brought into question. they dug up photos of her tattoos, combed through her instagram for anything they could criticize, and shone a light on some of the gritty and questionable roles she chose to play throughout her career. adagio choosing to deny the relationship only backfired when dispatch came out with more proof — painting suji herself as a liar in the public’s eyes. 
since the scandal emerged, the public’s perception has remained rather poor and suji has opted to lay low — taking on just a few projects throughout the year. she’s had no variety or public appearances — other than a few fashion shows internationally. people still do sing praises about her modelling and her acting, but the public has lost a lot of trust and respect for her since the scandal. 
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lucielteo · 5 years
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V Flower Winter Outfit 2020
I simply love V Flower, and the winter mood made me do this winderful design.
Get yourself a warm and confy hoodie , a mug or a canvas with this design only on my merch store.
• Store Link:
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lucielteo · 5 years
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Hey! It’s me the Star Follower, Luciel for short! I came here to announce to you that I just opened my redbubble original design merchandise store where you can buy a variety of products with my drawings in it (Currently the selection of products is low but i’ll add at least 1 product a week). Even if you don’t wanna buy anything it would be nice and appreciated if you could just leave a like and share your favourite product with your friends; all the money earned is going to my art school supplies (which are not cheap to start with). I would start commisioning too but I still don’t feel confident enough for it ‘cause I know I still have to improve before commisioning people. https://www.redbubble.com/people/TheStarFollower?asc=u
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lucielteo · 5 years
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