thespanishgarden · 30 days
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Papiroflexia
La Papiroflexia - Origami
• Do you know how to do origami?
• Sabes hacer papiroflexia?
• Origami is a form of art.
• La papiroflexia es una forma de arte.
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omniavanitasblog · 5 years
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Que tortura é a leitura deste livro! A injustiça parece reinar ao longo da trama! Que vontade de invadir o enredo e colocar os pingos nos "is" e dizer umas boas verdades na cara do cônsul!!! Uish!!! . . . . . #aflicao #dominioproprio #ajcronin #thespanishgardener #almasemconflito #oldbook #escritoresesquecidos #diplomacia #injustiça #conflitos #mentira #verdade #culpado #inocente (à Sebo do Portuga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7i-LiWDlRG/?igshid=b7l96krnom3c
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thespanishgarden · 3 months
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Spanish Word Wheel - Ludopatía
Ludopatía [F] - Compulsive Gambling or Gambling Addiction 🎰 or Addiction to Gambling
• My son has a gambling addiction.
• Mi hijo tiene ludopatía.
• Compulsive gambling is a serious problem.
• La ludopatía es un problema grave.
She always goes to the casino because she has an addiction to gambling.
Ella siempre va al casino porque tiene ludopatía.
El Ludópata/La Ludópata - Compulsive Gambler or Gambling Addict
• Maria lost all her money because she is a compulsive gambler.
• María perdió todo su dinero porque es una ludópata.
• He is a gambling addict.
• Él es un ludópata.
Did you know these words?
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thespanishgarden · 3 days
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Spanish Word Wheel - Las Patillas
Las Patillas - Sideburns
• I am going to cut my sideburns.
• Voy a cortarme las patillas.
• Elvis Presley had long sideburns.
• Elvis Presley llevaba patillas largas.
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thespanishgarden · 2 months
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Spanish Word Wheel - Autodidacta
Autodidacta - Self-Taught [Adjective]
• She is a self-taught painter.
• Ella es una pintora autodidacta.
• He is a self-taught pianist.
• Él es un pianista autodidacta.
El/La Autodidacta - Self-Taught Person [Noun]
• The self-taught woman never stopped learning.
• La autodidacta nunca dejó a aprender.
• James, the self-taught person, wanted to learn French.
• James, el autodidacta, quería aprender francés.
• I am a self-taught person.
• Yo soy autodidacta.
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thespanishgarden · 2 months
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Quote 🤍
Voy a hacer lo que pueda con lo que tenga.
I am going to do what I can with what I have.
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thespanishgarden · 5 days
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Spanish Phrase Guide - Ir de Mal en Peor
Ir de Mal en Peor - To Go From Bad to Worse
• The situation went from bad to worse.
• La situación fue de mal en peor.
• The economy is going from bad to worse.
• La economía va de mal en peor.
Did you know?
There is another way to say “to go from bad to worse” in Spanish.
“Ir de Guatemala a Guatepeor”
Since “mala” means “bad” the ending of Guatemala is switched to “peor” which means “worse”.
The phrase translates to: To Go From Guatebad to Guateworse.
I noticed on some forums some Guatemalans either enjoying the phrase and others outright hating it. There has also been complaints that the phrase paints Guatemala in a negative light. Therefore, although the phrase is quite popular, I will suggest sticking with the formal translation above 😅.
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thespanishgarden · 6 days
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Nevisca
La Nevisca - Light Snowfall ❄️
• The light snowfall left the town in a layer of snow.
• La nevisca dejó la ciudad en una capa de nieve.
• A light snowfall fell this morning.
• Una nevisca cayó esta mañana.
Neviscar - To Snow Lightly
• It is snowing lightly outside.
• Está neviscando afuera.
• It started to snow lightly.
• Empiezó a neviscar.
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thespanishgarden · 3 months
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Spanish Word Wheel - El Alunizaje
El Alunizaje - The Moon Landing/Lunar Landing or Landing on the Moon 🌝
Was the moon landing fake?
Fue falso el alunizaje?
We watched the lunar landing in astronomy class today.
Hoy vimos el alunizaje en la clase de astronomía.
The landing on the moon was a spectacular event.
El alunizaje fue un acontecimiento espectacular.
Alunizar - To Land on the Moon 🌙
• The Apollo astronauts landed on the moon in 1969.
• Los astronautas del Apolo alunizaron en 1969.
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thespanishgarden · 20 days
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Ventisca
La Ventisca - Blizzard 🌨️
• The blizzard left the whole town covered in snow.
• La ventisca dejó toda la ciudad cubierta de nieve.
• The blizzard will be strong winds.
• La ventisca traerá vientos fuertes.
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thespanishgarden · 3 months
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Bird Terms Vocabulary in Spanish
Arboreal [Animals or species that live in trees] - Arborícola
Aerial [Existing or living or growing or operating in the air] - Aéreo/a
Avian [related to birds] - Aviar or Aviario/a
Avian Influenza/Bird Flu - La Gripe Aviar
Bird - El Pájaro [Masculine] / El Ave [Feminine]
Beak - El Pico
Birdhouse/Avivary - La Pajarera/La Casita para Pájaros
Bird Feed - El Alpiste
Birds of Prey/Raptor [A predatory bird that actively hunts for prey] - El Ave de Rapaz/Las Aves de Rapaz
- El Ave de Rapiña/Las Aves de Rapiña
Bird Feeder - El Comedero Para Pájaros
Chirp [Sound produced by birds] - El Pío
Cluck [Sound produced by chickens] - El Cloqueo/El Cacareo
Clutch/Brood - La Nidada
Endangered - En Peligro de Extinción
Extinction - La Extinción
Extinct [No Longer Exisiting] - Extinto/a or Extinguido/a
Eagle’s Nest - La Aguilera
Falconry - La Cetrería/La Halconería
Falconer - El Halconero/La Halconera
Feathers - Las Plumas
Flock of Birds - La Banada
Flapping of Wings [Wing's Flapping] - El Aleteo
Gobble [Sound produced by a Turkey] - El Gluglú
Hatching - La Eclosión/ La Salida Del Cascarón
Hatchling (Baby Bird) - El Pajarito/El Polluelo
Hoot [Sound produced by an Owl] - El Ululato
Migration - La Migración
Migratory - Migratorio/Migratoria
Nest - El Nido
Little Nest - El Nidito
Nesting - La Anidación/La Nidificación
Nectar - El Néctar
Ornithology [The study of birds] - La Ornitología
Ornithologist - El Ornitólogo/La Ornitóloga
Roost [A place where birds routinely settle to rest at night]- La Percha
Regurgitation [The act of bringing swallowed food back into the mouth] - La Regurgitación
Quack [Sound produced by a Duck] - El Graznido
Scarecrow - El Espantapájaros
Scavenger [A type of bird that feeds on dead animals] - El Carroñero/La Carroñera
Wings - Las Alas
Wingspan - La Envergadura
Wingless - Sin Alas
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thespanishgarden · 13 days
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Granizada ⛈️
La Granizada - Hailstorm
• The hailstorm damaged windows and cars.
• La granizada dañó ventanas y coches.
El Granizo - Hail
• There was a lot of hail on the ground.
• Había mucho granizo en el suelo.
Granizar - To Hail
• It is going to hail tonight.
• Esta noche va a granizar.
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thespanishgarden · 17 days
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Quote 🤎
Half of your beauty comes from the way you speak and treat others.
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thespanishgarden · 2 months
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Spanish Word Wheel - Estrellado
Estrellado | Estrellada - Starry ⭐️
• The painting “The Starry Night” is one of most famous paintings in the world.
• El cuadro "La Noche Estrellada" es una de las pinturas más famosas del mundo.
• He admired the starry sky.
• Admiraba el cielo estrellado.
Estrellar - To Fill With Stars ✨
The night filled the sky with stars.
La noche estrelló el cielo.
Estellarse - To Become Full of Stars or Shine With Stars
The ocean shined with stars as the night grew.
El océano se estrellaba mientras la noche crecía.
[Extra Info] The verbs "estrellar" and "estrellarse" have multiple definitions. However, they can be used when talking or referring to stars.
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thespanishgarden · 2 months
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Spanish Word Wheel - El Tuerto
El Tuerto/La Tuerta - One-Eyed Person | A Person Who Has Lost Sight in One Eye
• Aemond "One-Eye" Targaryen
• Aemond “El Tuerto” Targaryen
• Laurie is blind in one eye.
• Laurie es tuerta.
Popular Phrase: “En tierra de ciegos el tuerto es rey.”
“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”
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thespanishgarden · 2 months
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Quote 💛
Tengo demasiado amor.
I have too much love.
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