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Spanish Word Wheel - La Comarca
La Cormaca - The Shire
[For Lord of the Rings & The Hobbit Fans]
• Hobbits live in the Shire.
• Los hobbits viven en la Comarca.
• Bilbo Baggins lives in the Shire.
• Bilbo Bolsón vive en la Comarca.
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Extra: As someone who absolutely loves “The Hobbit” one of my main goals is to be fluent enough to read the book in Spanish.
I just found out that Bilbo Baggins is translated to “Bilbo Bolsón” in Spanish 💀
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Que tortura é a leitura deste livro! A injustiça parece reinar ao longo da trama! Que vontade de invadir o enredo e colocar os pingos nos "is" e dizer umas boas verdades na cara do cônsul!!! Uish!!! . . . . . #aflicao #dominioproprio #ajcronin #thespanishgardener #almasemconflito #oldbook #escritoresesquecidos #diplomacia #injustiça #conflitos #mentira #verdade #culpado #inocente (à Sebo do Portuga) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7i-LiWDlRG/?igshid=b7l96krnom3c
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Vía Láctea
La Vía Láctea - Milky Way
• We live in the Milky Way galaxy.
• Vivimos en la Vía Láctea.
• The Milky Way is our home.
• La Vía Láctea es nuestro hogar.
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Papiroflexia
La Papiroflexia - Origami
• Do you know how to do origami?
• Sabes hacer papiroflexia?
• Origami is a form of art.
• La papiroflexia es una forma de arte.
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Spanish Word Wheel - Whisky 🥃
Whisky - Whisky
Wait, how is “Whisky” a Spanish word?
Explanation: In English, when taking a picture it is common to say the word “cheese” to make the person smile. In Spanish speaking countries it is common to say “whisky” sometimes spelled as “güisqui” when taking a photo.
• Look at the camera and say “whisky!”.
• Mira a la cámara y di “whisky!”.
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🇲🇽 Spanish Word Wheel - El Berrinche
El Berrinche - Tantrum
• Tantrums are often a sign of unresolved frustration.
• Los berrinches suelen ser un signo de frustración no resuelta.
Hacer Berrinche - To Throw A Tantrum
• That little girl is always throwing tantrums.
• Esa niña siempre está haciendo berrinches.
• Only little kids throw tantrums. You’re an adult.
• Solo los niños hacen berrinches. Eres un adulto.
Berrinchudo | Berrinchuda (Adj.) - Prone to Tantrums | Spolied Brat | Bratty
• I was very bratty when I was a child.
• Era muy berrinchuda cuando era niña.
Tip: Another translation for tantrum is ���La Rabieta”.
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Quote 💚
Your mind is fertile land…
Sow in it that which you wish to see blossom.
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Spanish Phrase Guide - De Pies A Cabeza
De Pies A Cabeza - From Head to Toe | From Head to Foot
• She was soaked from head to toe.
• Estaba empapada de pies a cabeza.
• The man was dressed from head to toe in black.
• El hombre iba vestido de negro de pies a cabeza.
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🇲🇽 Spanish Word Wheel - Chimuelo 🦷
[For How To Train Your Dragon Fans]
Chimuelo | Chimuela - Toothless [Mexico]
Desdentado | Desdentada - Toothless [Standard Spanish 🇪🇸]
• The dragon’s name is Toothless.
• El dragón se llama chimuelo.
• Toothless is a black dragon.
• Chimuelo es un dragón negro.
Explanation: In Mexico, “Chimuelo/Chimuela” is used to describe someone “who has no teeth or is lacking teeth with many gaps.”
In the movie “How to Train Your Dragon” the dragon “Toothless” is fondly named “Chimuelo” in Mexico.
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Spanish Word Wheel - Orden de Alejamiento
La Orden De Alejamiento - Restraining Order
• The actress got a restraining order against her ex-husband.
• La actríz consiguió una orden de alejamiento contra su ex-marido.
• Do you know what a restraining order is?
• Sabes lo que es una orden de alejamiento?
Tip: “Restraining Order” can also be known as “Orden de Prohibición” or “Orden de Restricción”.
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Flor de Cerezo 🌸
La Flor de Cerezo - Cherry Blossom [Tree]
• Cherry blossoms are beautiful.
• Las flores de cerezo son hermosas.
• I saw a lot of cherry blossoms in Japan.
• Vi muchas flores de cerezo en Japón.
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Spanish Word Wheel - El Aullido
El Aullido - Howl
• I heard a howl.
• Oí un aullido.
Aullar - To Howl
• The man howled in pain.
• El hombre aulló de dolor.
• The wolves howled.
• Los lobos aullaron.
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Spanish Word Wheel - Níveo
Níveo | Nívea - Snow White [Color]
• The old woman’s hair was snow-white.
• El cabello de la anciana era níveo.
• Her skin was snow-white.
• Su piel era nívea.
Tip: This is a very useful word when you want to describe something “as white as snow”.
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Spanish Word Wheel - La Pesadilla
La Pesadilla - Nightmare
• I had a nightmare.
• Tuve una pesadilla.
• Please, wake me up from this nightmare.
• Por favor, despiértame de esta pesadilla.
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Spanish Word Wheel - El Arancel
El Arancel - Tariff
• What is a tariff?
• Qué es un arancel?
• Can tariffs cause a trade war?
• Los aranceles pueden provocar una guerra comercial?
[There’s been a lot of talk about tariffs lately in the news so I thought I might as well translate it to Spanish]
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Spanish Word Wheel - Negro Azabache
Negro Azabache - Jet-Black [Color]
• The car was jet-black.
• El carro era negro azabache.
• She had blue eyes and jet-black hair.
• Tenía los ojos azules y el pelo negro azabache.
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