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felixethereal · 2 years ago
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breakfromyour-reality · 2 months ago
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we found each other
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green-mountainfolk18 · 2 years ago
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Bang Chan ✧ Tokyo Mission Performance
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aguyandhisrec0rds · 1 year ago
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The Sound
"From the lions mouth"
Tropeçei no talento do Adrian Borland! Este disco foi amor á primeira vista, curiosamente foi a ultima cancao do disco que me fez apaixonar pelos The Sound e recolher toda a sua discografia.
Comprei este disco numa tarde de sol á porta do Tivoli depois de algumas mensagens trocadas no Discogs com o ex-dono, em boa hora o fiz, pois conheci um dos mais subvalorizados genios do lado negro dos anos 80. "Borland pega no que Ian Curtis deixou"...nao sei, é capaz, so sei que ha nos The Sound uma melancólica que me fascina ate hoje.
Vida longa a Borland!!
I stumbled upon Adrian Borland's talent! This album was love at first sight, interestingly it was the last song on the album that made me fall in love with The Sound and collect their entire discography. I bought this album on a sunny afternoon outside the Tivoli (Lisboa) after some messages exchanged on Discogs with the former owner, at a good time, as I met one of the most undervalued geniuses of the dark side of the 80s. "Borland picks up on what Ian Curtis left "...I don't know, maybe... I just know that there is a melancholy in The Sound that fascinates me to this day.
Long live Borland!!
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scottfraserphotography · 2 years ago
The Pursuit of The Sound
By Scott Fraser
April 04, 2023
In a place  far, far away, in a time long, long ago musicians pursued a quest for the search of what was referred to as “The Sound”. It started somewhere in the late 1950’s. During the 1960’s musicians around the globe would tweak, hack, and modify their guitars, amplifiers, microphones and even begin the creation of effect pedals in pursuit of “The Sound”. Each musician had  their own idea of what exactly the sound really was, and what it meant to them. Recording studios, sound engineers, guitar techs and even artists from other fields contributed to this pursuit. The album Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys is perhaps the greatest example of this during the 1960’s. Everyone from The Beatles to The Who to individuals such as Jeff Beck, Jimmy Page, Toni Iommie went to great lengths to produce their version of The Sound.
Maybe it was the drugs these artists were consuming. Maybe it was the technology that was emerging. Maybe it was the changing of the social constructs of the era. Whatever the reason music became something that would dominate western society. The impacts were scene and heard everyone - from fashion, to art such as paintings, photography and the graphic arts, movies and television, even the political ideals of the time were impacted.
Corporations were also parts of this pursuit as they were not immune to the quest for The Sound. Companies such as Marshall Amplifiers, Shure, Tascam, AKAI, and Foster would refocus their corporate goals to align themselves with the artists. On the home front corporations such as Yamaha, Marantz, Sony, Pioneer, Rotel, JVC and Techniques would join in on this quest by producing home audio equipment that was based in professional studio audio engineering equipment. Out with the basic mono single tube under 5 watt home stereo equipment and in with the high end hi fidelity equipment. 
The seventies would see the peak of this pursuit on the one audio front. The drive by engineers and geeks to reproduce to the frequency and exact note without distortion, the exact sound that the musicians had mastered in the studio became the defining goal. Every company had their own idea how to achieve this and some did it better than others. The seventies saw the rise of the home multi-channel equalizer, the home cassette player, high-end turn tables, multi-channel multi-speaker home amplifiers, pre-amps and a whole slew of tech that would enable the home listening to experience what the musician had intended when they recorded it.
Brand loyalty became a thing. Brand snobbery soon followed. Unknown to most who laid down their hard earned cash for high-end equipment, a large percentage of gear was actually made by only a few companies. C.E.C. manufactured audio equipment for companies including Marantz, Sony, Toshiba, Alpine, Teac, Kenwood and Grundig. Others such as Foster produced studio, recording and high-end home audio components for companies such as Realistic (yeah, Radio Shack). And yet others were rebrand to in-house brands such as LXI (for Sears) which in fact were produced by Pioneer. Magazines emerged to educate and inform the public, as well as a means to generate revenue and showcase the latest and greatest home equipment. Manufactures in turn upped the game by producing home equipment that were pieces of art in their aesthetic beauty.
Home stereo equipment went from costing tens of dollars to thousands of dollars. Out with the big console pieces which were as much furniture as audio device, in with equipment that looked like it belonged in a rack in a recording studio. Out with just a volume and tuning (radio) dials, in with a multitude of dials and switches that enabled the home user to have mastery over everything from High’s and Lows, loudness control, bass and treble control, etc. By the end of the 1970’s you could spend as much on a home stereo as you could a well equipment automobile of the era.
The early eighties was the end of the visually artistically stunning home units (unless one was buying uber high end brands such as McIntosh). By the mid-eighties tubes had been replaced by solid state and computers and embedded chipsets were integrated into home stereo equipment as the “home theatre” became a thing. The mini-system was born, bookshelf speakers became a thing, and the CD had been born and began to replace the warm rich sound of vinyl.
It wasn’t that the tech had become that much better, it was that modern systems were cheaper to produce. CDs were way way cheaper to produce than vinyl. Like many things, profits became more important in the end to the corporations than producing quality old school gear. The solid wood cases with shiny steel and alloy polished fronts were replaced with black everything, including as much plastic as was possible. The glow of lights on dials and the radio dial were replaced with cold digital digits.
In 1988 CDs outsold vinyl. Like reel to reel tapes and 8-track tapes, vinyl was on the way out. The modern computer chipset home amplifiers focused more on things like replicating the sound of this or that music hall, and less on sounding like what the musicians mastered in the recording studio.
Thankfully there were geeks, hackers, and music lovers who refused to compromise on sound quality and the under-ground era of “vintage sound” began. From flea markets to thrift stores purists searched high and low for older equipment, often restoring them to their former glory. Repairing and restoring music components from decades gone by became a hobby. With some basic soldering skills one could restore a high end amp for pennies, and the unit was normally acquired for little to no money as people gave them away or sold them at garage sales. Boxes of records could be had for free as they were left on the street as people gave them away as they had transitioned to CDs.
Like many of my Generation X peers I held onto to my vinyl. I shopped at used record stores. I recused boxes of records from people downsizing. To my ears vinyl has always sounded better. As someone who has spent his fair share in recording studios and jam spaces with bands as they record and practice I appreciate the warmth that digital music has never held. I bought one of the last series of turntables from the Sony store in Bonnie Doon mall in 1994 as a friend working there at the time advised me that it was the last model Sony was making. I still have that turntable. It’s mated to an early Yamaha Natural Sound amp that was designed to do one thing and one thing only - play music load and clear - no Dobly, no theatre modes, just play music clear and with power. The amp in turn is connected to two mid-seventies JBL loud speakers. The amp is new enough to have a CD selector and old enough to have tape 1, tape 2 and phone as well. There is nothing wrong with it. It’s not black, but it isn’t polished alloy. It has a digital dial for AM/FM, not the old school dial with lights of the earlier models. It’s case is all alloy, no wood. It has brought me countless hours of joy and happiness. It’s the amp my children grew up experiencing classic rock records being played through. I still remember the day I bought it and what I first played it through it (The Ramones for the record, no pun intended). 
I didn’t grow up with high end audiophile equipment in the family home. Yes my father purchased an LXI system in 1984 (I was never allowed to touch the family unit have blown a speaker when I was younger), but prior to that the family owned the ever common all in one (8-track, record player and AM/FM receiver) from Consumers Distributing. In my room I had a similar system except mine had a cassette deck, and not an 8-track. Quality of sound, pure clean replication of music was not what these units were about. I think it took me two weeks to blow one of my speakers when I got it for Christmas from Santa Clause at the age of 11 (thanks mom). As a result of said blown speaker I began my hobby or repairing building speakers. Radio Shack was my best friend during this era. One could score high quality tweeters and woofers for pennies on the dollars compared to the brand name stuff that I so couldn’t afford. I learned how to solder. I learned how to swap out capacitors and such in order to build my home-grown version of a high end speaker. I learned why speaker wire thickness was important as well as keeping the runs even length and as short as possible.
Ever year I would grab the newest Radio Shack catalog when it came out. I’d spend too much time hanging out there and asking questions. I also became a pest at the high-end stereo sales stores. I dreamed of one day owning one of those pieces or art that could produce that beautiful warm sound I knew existed. 
My Uncle Jimmy was the first to own an audiophile quality home system. In 1983 he purchased a full AKAI system after a settlement paid out (he had been hit by a drunk driver and barely lived). Jimmy was more than happy to let me use his system. He taught me all about it. He even sent to me with the manuals for each component so that I would truly understand how it worked. He’d let me bring over my records to hear them on that beautiful and expensive system. To this day I still have a sentimental attachment to the vintage AKAI systems.
In my bedroom as a thirteen year old I would look through the Radio Shack catalog and circle what I wanted. The folks at RS would list setups from good, to better, to best - they would also mate components together and show the buyer how much they would save buying all together at once VS buying individually. Not that my parents or Santa Clause was ever going to buy me said home setup but I could dream.   
The older we get the more sentimental we become. At least this has been my observation. For the past few years I have been keeping my eye on FB Marketplace as well as the local Used goods website watching for a pre-80’s Yamaha or Marantz (or maybe get lucky and see an AKAI system). This late winter (late January 2023) an AKAI amplifier (AM-2400) and receiver came up on FB Marketplace. I clicked the Save button on the ad and told myself if it was still there come by birthday in April I would make an offer. Last week I made my offer only to find out it had sold. Dave G replied that he had a Realistic STA-960 in cherry condition and sent photos.  It was beautiful. Visuals and aesthetic are really important to me but this is an amp, how would it sound? So I started my research on said amplifier. Sources I trust in the audiophile community ranked it better than a Marantz 2045 which is an amp I know well, and it was being offered at half to a third of the price. Dave then mentioned he has the matching turntable and loudspeakers for it. My research indicated it was in the higher end range of Radio Shack offerings and manufactured by Foster (whom I respect).
Time to make arrangements to go view and hear it. When I arrived at Dave’s place the first thing I noticed was the two Volvos. I smiled, because myself I am also a Volvo fan. My gut right then and there told me I could trust this guy.
It was beyond beautiful to look at and sounded even better mated to the matched loud speakers. The silver finish makes the unit look far more expensive than it really is, and the solid metal knobs feel like they were machined with precision. What makes it really work is the beveled glass front cover which allows the warm orange glow of the tuner dial and meters to really stand out. I turned the lights off multiple times just to enjoy the effect. The large solid metal volume dial has a notch to each point on the faceplate giving a very satisfying tactical feel when adjusting the volume. From the local FM station to Black Sabbath’s Paranoid (first pressing) it was everything an audiophile could hope for.
For my 53rd birthday I purchased the amp I had stared at in that 1981 Radio Shack catalog all those times as a child. I’ll be picking up the matching turntable and speakers in the weeks to come. I have no idea when I’ll be able to set up the whole system as currently the speakers won’t work in my current space, but I have a pair of bookshelf which should be fine. The first album that will be played on it will be my recently acquired first pressing of Iron Maiden’s Somewhere In Time.
Who says dreams can’t come true?
PS: In the infamous words of Darby Mills (and the Headpins) Turn it Loud
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ctrl-alt-deleting-yr-face · 6 months ago
ooooohb. two banket
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feel likea this
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pretty-little-mind33 · 7 months ago
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Sergei Kravinoff x fem!reader
Summary: After being taken by his father, you find comfort in each other in an unconventional way.
Genre: SMUT (nsfm)
Warnings: rough quickie sex, dom!sergei, sub!reader, unprotected sex, penetration, riding, no foreplay, passionate, degradation, praise, reader cries, pain kink kinda? spanking, scratching, bleeding, blood, violence, insecurities, break down.
~ thank you @princesssunderworld for all the wonderful prompts as always!! hope you like this! ~
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His dad had crossed a line this time.
Sergei's dealt with so much bullshit from his dad as a kid and a teenager but this—capturing you? Hurting you? The one thing in his life that actually made sense? It was too much. His dad had crossed a line.
He didn't have any hesitation when he found the van, using all his strength to rip the driver in half. 
He could kill his father for this. He thinks he will. It wasn't helping that with every bullet that grazes his skin, he just becomes angrier. He throws one of the men to the side, snarling like an animal as his shoulders rise and fall rapidly.
That's when he sees you, curled up in the corner of the van, a chain bound to your ankle as you stare at him.  
"Малышка (Babygirl)," he grumbles, his voice husky and thick as he halts his movements. He drops the man he'd had in a chokehold. Sergei's body aches as blood drips down his arms and seeps through his shirt from the multiple bullet grazes and wounds. He stalks closer and when he sees you visibly flinch, his heart shatters. 
Luckily for anyone involved, you aren't hurt in significant any way just shaken up. His father hadn't gotten far with his plan, considering Sergei had found you almost immediately after he learned of your disappearance. 
You don't talk for a few hours as you're simply huddled on one of the armchairs in your shared living room, a warm blanket draped across thighs and a glass of Kissel, your favorite Russian drink Sergei makes so well, sits in your lap.
It isn't until your boyfriend finally walks in from the bathroom, shirtless and still dripping blood, that you snap into reality. He's grunting as he wraps a bandage around his arm, sitting down on the second armchair, and spreading his legs automatically. He sinks down and shuts his eyes, unaware of your disappearing into the bathroom for a moment. 
"You never take care of yourself," you whisper, causing him to open his eyes again and meet your gaze. You've come back and now you're examining the bruises on his hands. He yanks them away from you.
"Sit down, Y/n. You're hurt," he says harshly, shifting and then groaning in pain once more. 
You frown. It almost feels like all those walls you'd broken down over the last year had instantly built themselves back up, even stronger this time. Your heart sinks. You have minimal aches, mostly from the chains, and he's sitting here bleeding from bullet wounds and he insists you're the one who is hurt?
"Sergei," you whisper and lean over him, trying to see the new wounds mixed in with the old scars. "Please let me clean you up. You're hurt, not me," you say and bend over to dip some cotton balls in rubbing alcohol you'd found in the bathroom.
He stares at you, his eyes dark as you lean over and clean the blood from his face and his torso. He keeps grunting, thesounds deep from inside him. He isn't hissing in pain. No, he's grunting in anger, making almost animalistic sounds that cause a burning in your stomach.
You don't know how to help him when he's like this so you do the next best thing you can think of — you fall to your knees in front of him, your hands resting on his thighs.
"Stop," he warns as soon as he sees you do this, shaking his head. "Stand up."
You feel desperate as you run your hands up and down his jeans. 
"Малышка (Babygirl)," another warning, but this time he's leaning closer and grabbing your chin in his rough hand, squeezing. "You think dropping to your knees like a whore is going to make all this okay again? Make this normal? You could have died. I could have lost you," his voice wavers and he shuts his eyes, his chest heaves as he drops your chin and leans back.
"Stand up. Now," he orders again.
"I wanna make you feel better. You saved me," you say, reaching for the thick leather belt of his jeans, and that's when Sergei snaps.
His hand tightens in your hair suddenly, pulling you onto his lap as the dress you'd worn from last night, when his dad's men had taken you, still hugs your frame and the straps fall from your shoulders.
Sergei groans and grips your hips.
"You want me to fill you up? Is that what you want?" he accuses, unzipping his jeans in a frenzy now. He's achingly hard and he knows he shouldn't be but in his defense, all his emotions have had to build up somewhere. Your mind is fuzzy from desperate want and you nod, wrapping your arms around his neck as his hands become rougher on your skin.
You moan, feeling his hard cock underneath your ass. 
"You fuckin' slut," he grunts, dipping his hand underneath you, pulling aside your panties as he snaps them. He checks you. He wants to make sure you're wet so he won't hurt you. As much as he needs this and he wants to use you until you're a broken mess, it won't be fun for him if you're crying for all the wrong reasons. 
He grins and nips at your neck. "Your pussy is drenched, шлюха (whore)."
You whimper against his shoulder he sinks into you without any prior warning, his hands rough as he squeezes your ass and spanks you a few times. You bounce on him, your dress riding up your thighs as it bunches up at your hips, panties torn on the floor, as your eyes water.
It's overwhelming in the best way. Your pussy clenches around him, gripping his cock as his groans turn into moans.
"Shit, Sergei, please," you gasp as he fucks into you, his rhythm faster and harder than yours. You try and keep up. You cry out as he uses you, tears fall down your cheeks, and the room around you spins. Your eyes flutter. Your head drops onto his shoulders, your breathing becomes harder as he ruts into you.
"Черт, я люблю тебя. Я чертовски сильно люблю тебя, детка. (Fuck, I love you. I love you so damn much, baby)" he groans in your ear, chasing his high as his hands tighten on your skin and he presses harsh kisses on your cheeks to keep you staring up at him with that broken look in your eyes. You're making small whines from being unable to understand him when he speaks Russian and because he's making you feel so good. "Always so obedient, so willing to please me."
"Mhm, please," you groan, needing him. "Please, Sergei," you sob his name, clenching around him. "Can I come now? Need to come," you whimper. 
"No," he growls and you sob harder. He's enjoying your pain, relishing in your whines as you lose yourself in him. His movements become harsher, almost bruising as he takes you just the way he wants. 
"Please," your voice sounds weak and your moans have turned more painful. He hears the crying but he's too lost in his haze to stop now as he shakes his head and his nails dig into your skin.
You squeal when he thrusts particularly hard and with a small, shit, he's coming inside you, spilling himself to the brim as his body tightens. You're whining, small lines of blood trickling from your arms where he'd scratched you as you follow his orgasm, experiencing yours as well even without his permission.
Sergei is panting now, his eyes bleary as he removes his hand from your skin, his palms tainted in your blood. His eyes widen as some control returns and he pushes away from you much too violently, causing a his of pain as that emptiness overwhelms you and you look at him with tear stained cheeks.  
"Дорогой (Sweetheart)," he whispers and reaches for you after he tucks himself back into his jeans, stumbling back when he sees the mess he'd made of you. He falls to his knees, all these sensations he's feeling finally overwhelm him and he sobs quickly, his head bent to the floor. 
Your heart clenches at the sight. Your legs feel shaky and you wince from your soreness as you walk over to him. You hate seeing him like this; so broken.
You adjust your dress and wipe your tears as you kneel beside him. "Baby," you whisper, "hey."
He flinches as looks up, his eyes red-rimmed and he shakes his head. "Run. Run away from me, love, please," his hoarse voice sounds shaky as his eyes flicker to your arm and he sees the blood again. He clenches his jaw.
"It's only a scratch," you tell him honestly and wipe the blood away, showing him that he didn't leave any permanent scars. You reach for him and take him into your arms. Surprisingly, he lets you, and his arms wrap around your waist, holding you close as his sobs shake your body. 
"I'm sorry. I'm so damn sorry they took you," Sergei says, eyes softer than you've ever seen them. "You're so goddamn precious to me and–and goddamnit, I hurt you too— I'm just as bad as them." He holds you closer and sobs into your shoulder. "I'm a monster."
You shake your head and hold your hand in his hair, sinking further onto your heels as his weight overwhelms you. "No, no, you are not a monster. And you didn't hurt me. I'm okay. I promise. Sergei, I I love you," you say honestly.
He pulls away and cups your cheek so gently his touch is almost non-existent. "I love you too, Малышка (Babygirl), more than I've ever loved anyone." His hand smoothes down to the scratch marks he'd made in the heat of the passion and he bends down to kiss them better.
"My good girl," he breathes, relaxing a little, "even when she comes without permission."    
He looks up and holds your chin in his hand. "I mean what I said. You should run away from me, Y/n. Run so far and never look back. I need that for you, but even more, I want you to stay with me," he swallows thickly and after a pause he says, "Please. Don't leave me." 
Your stomach flutters at his words and you nod. "I won't leave you, Sergei. Never."
He growls that familiar animalistic growl and kisses your lips so gently, holding you in his arms as he vows to himself he'll keep you safe. 
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mya-stimz · 13 days ago
Hope you are doin' well. Might I request a cg! Techno stimboard with themes of gold/jewelry, the colour yellow and anythin' related to soft textures?
Techno @thesounder (We love your blog/gen)
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●☆ Cg!Technoblade - dsmp ☆●
☆● requested by @thesounder ●☆
●☆ with themes of gold jewelry, yellow, and soft textures ☆●
☆● erm.. jumps up and down!!! ^_^ [happy] I'm glad you love my blog :33!! ●☆
⭐️ • 🏆 • 🏵 | 🤍 • ● • 🍼 | 🎗 • ☀️ • 🌙
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digitally-absent · 3 months ago
…This took longer than needed…
New oc blog!! <33
( @moonvalley94 behold.. the new oc blog >:D)
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felixethereal · 2 years ago
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theelvenhaven · 2 years ago
Anniversary Proposals
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Glorfindel x Reader
2k Words
Request:  Greeting, I adore your blog and been here since the start, I want to attempt a request for the first time. Reader (fem  preferably or neutral) proposes to Glorfindel in marriage (in Gondolin), they were friends and pinning for eachother since so long but she is human with a limited life span, being anxious, she makes her mind up and does something unusual instead of waiting for him to make the move. Whether you do it or not, know that you're my fav Tolkien blog over here, thank you so much.
A/N: Hey anon! Wow how lucky am I that you have been here so long! I am so happy to still have you here with me on the blog! :) I stuck with neutral reader and I hope that is okay. But thank you so much for your continued support of my blog! It means so much to me! I hope you enjoy! &lt;3
* * * 
Today you were going to do it, finally having worked up the nerve and courage to do so. It was a beautiful and perfect day to do it finally. With the sky cloudless and Anor was shining brilliantly down into Gondolin. Making the white spires and walls sparkle and glitter under it’s light, the song birds sang and flitted overhead.
Spring was in full swing, with beautiful flowers in bloom. With trees of gray with leaves of green and silver glittering and swaying overhead. Thesound of fountains trickling met your ears, mingling with those birds and pollinators like bees and butterflies danced among Manwe’s wind. Yes today was absolutely perfect to propose.
To which you could thank Ecthelion for, for bolstering your confidence. Having grown far too impatient to wait any longer. It was either now- or at the pace Glorfindel was going- it would never happen. You would be a ripe one hundred-year-old on your deathbed before the words ever left his mouth and a ring was ever slipped onto your finger.
You loved him immensely and you understood the ravages of time didn’t work the same way for the elf that you grew to love so much. It was slow and long lasting, countless thousands of years he had to live before his fea consumed his body- as he explained to you- but you on the other hand. Your fea wouldn’t consume your body. You wouldn’t live for thousands of years let alone hundreds. 
You were mortal, you would age, grow weak and grow feeble. You would slip away from the world like so many of your ancestors had before you. It was inevitable, and you had come to terms with it, but what you weren’t coming to terms with was how long it was taking Glorfindel to propose. 
The first year you understood, it had only been a year into that relationship. It was so fresh and new; you would not have accepted if he had proposed then. The second year you were becoming more comfortable by the idea of getting married, but by the fourth year you were certainly ready for it. 
Yet Glorfindel never asked.  
Here you were on your sixth year of courting and still Glorfindel hadn’t asked for your hand in marriage. He hadn’t done anything that hinted to you that he was going to propose to you. Nothing to the effect that he wanted to spend the rest of your life together, and now you were downright impatient.  
Holding the little velvet box that held his ring if he couldn’t do it right. You weren’t afraid of the challenge, reminded daily that this forever wouldn’t be forever for you. 
There was no one else you wanted to spend the rest of your life with. What wasn’t to love about Glorfindel? He was kind, and cheerful, loving and funny. Yet just a tad forgetful about the fact that you were a mortal on occasion. This was certainly one of those occasions. 
Though he certainly didn’t forget anniversaries. 
Today marked your sixth anniversary, your seventh year being in Gondolin. Which had been a dream to be here, let alone meeting and being with your now partner. Save it felt like time was passing too quickly and your partner had yet to ask the question.
You hoped that when Glorfindel arrived that he didn’t have an inkling as to what it was you were planning, seeing as you had vented your frustrations to Ecthelion. Who, by all means, encouraged that you propose to him when the idea had left your lips, you made him promise to secrecy. Though there had been plenty of times in the past that Ecthelion had to breach those secrets, granted for good reasons of course.
Quietly you tucked the ring box back into your robe pockets as you heard hurried and quick footsteps begin to approach you on the veranda you stood on. Turning to find that it was Glorfindel who was approaching, with a bright and happy smile and a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
You couldn’t help but smile as you saw him, his smile was infectious as always. Warm and captivating, you took in the sight of your handsome partner. The way his long blond hair was left long with a circlet of silver sitting atop his head. Dressed in warm earthtones of browns and greens, that were embroidered with little celandines and ivy leaves.
As always your partner quite the vision and the sight for sore eyes, and you felt your nerves only begin to grow as you realized this was the ellon that you were going to propose too. For the love of Eru you prayed for courage to be able to do so.
“Y/N, meleth nin, it is good to see you. I apologize for running so behind.” Glorfindel began keeping his cheery grin as he climbed up the steps of the veranda outstretching his arms, inviting you to step in. You didn’t hesitate to hug him at the motion of the gesture, coming to rest your head against his chest and listening to the thrumming of his heart.
“It is alright, the important this is that you are here now.” You smiled and said with warmth as you lay contently there for a moment, before finally you pulled away. Wondering if now was the right time to propose to him, yet something in your gut told you to wait before you pulled out the ring box not ready to do so just yet.
“These are for you, meleth.” Glorfindel said in a soft voice, holding out the bouquet of roses towards you, you couldn’t help but grin wider as you accepted them. Taking them from his hands and bringing yourself to bury your nose in them to smell them.
There was nothing sweeter than Eldar grown roses, and the ones that the other Edain had tried to tame and grow themselves just simply couldn’t compare. Not to mention the shade of red that these were, there breathtakingly beautiful. You hummed inhaling their sweet scent,
“Glorfindel these are beautiful.” You mused to him thoughtfully before you moved cradle them gently and look up at him, seeing that his grin was certainly still there. Gently he leaned forward to capture your lips with his. Pressing a soft kiss to you,
“Not nearly as beautiful as you are… They pale in comparison.” He hummed out softly to you and you began to blush softly at his smooth and enticing words. Keeping your happy smile, before you reached for one of his hands with your free one, to pull him along further to sit down on one of the benches near the railing.
Glorfindel was happy to tag along behind you, before sitting down with you while you set the flowers aside. Glorfindel was the first to speak,
“How would you like for us to spend our day together, Y/N?” He asked with a big smile, and you couldn’t help but wear some surprise on your face. Usually for your anniversaries the two of you dedicated a lunch and your evenings together. Not really the whole day today.
“You have today off?” You asked him still with your surprise, but quickly a smile overtook you as excitement ran through you. Glorfindel mirrored your expression as he began to nod, jostling his blond hair. The rays of Anor shining down on him, making him even more ethereal and beautiful than he already was.
Yes today would be the perfect day to propose to him, damn any societal norms that said he must do it first due to his status as Lord. You were happy to do it first and knew it would all be worth it and you couldn’t wait to see the smile on his face when you did it.
“Yes I do, it is a big anniversary even if it isn’t our twelfth yet.” Glorfindel said, and ah yes you remembered how the elves had their affinity for six. A calendar that you were still adjusting too. Six days of the Week, Six Seasons, and so on. So you supposed this was a significant anniversary,
“Well then I want to give you your surprise.” You said with a big grin, and you watched the way his eyes began to sparkle with wonder and curiosity. Wondering what exactly the surprise could possibly be.
“A surprise? For me?” He said warmly and you could hear the eagerness in his voice as he spoke. Glorfindel wasn’t one for gifts, and you knew it. But every now and again when you did something on an important occasion he was always accepting of your gifts and excited to receive them.
“Mhmm I do!” You smiled to him with a big grin, before you stood up from your seat, now was the perfect time to propose to him. You had all day to do it, but you were simply full of jittering excitement and couldn’t wait to do it. That was the premise of why you wanted to propose to begin with, was because Glorfindel was taking too long.
“Now close your eyes.” You watched as he gave you a soft smile, clearly with a little hesitation in the air, as he wasn’t usually one for long drawn out surprises. Nonetheless he did exactly as he was instructed, closing his eyes, you quietly took the ring box out of your pocket. Moving to stand in front of him before kneeling down.
Opening the ring box the two of you waited in silence for a moment as you felt your heart pounding in your chest with excitement. With nervousness and even a tinge of worry finding him as you feared that he may reject you. But you hoped that wasn’t the case, you had faith that it wouldn’t be the case.
“You can open now.” You said with a bit of a shaky breath, and watched as he fluttered his eyes open to look at you and then immediately at the ring that was in the box. A look of surprise found his face and that surprise was indiscernible, you couldn’t tell if he was excited or not. If anything you were quickly growing concerned that he was going to reject you.
“Glorfindel, will you marry me?” You asked with confidence, or tried to with confidence that was dwindling down at the fact that he wasn’t answering you and the expression hadn’t left his face. Suddenly Glorfindel stood from his place on the bench, reaching out for your hands, and gently helping you to your feet.
You felt your heart sink at the fact that he hadn’t said anything- and you were utterly worried that he was about to reject you in full. As gently as he could, you knew the rejection would hurt regardless of how sweet and gentle he was. You were fully prepared for it, and you swallowed the lump in your throat.
Debating if you even wanted to hear him reject you or if you should just leave.
Before you could make a decision did his hands come to cup your face, his thumbs stroking your cheek before he dipped his head in to kiss you.
Glorfindel’s lips melded passionately with yours, stealing the air from your lungs as he did not hold back. His hands still holding your face so tenderly, lingering for the longest moment as he kissed you. You were reeling from the intensity of his kiss, hardly knowing how to react other than to kiss him back, and try and keep up with his pace.
Finally Glorfindel pulled away resting his forehead against yours, grinning widely as he continued to cradle your face.
“Of course, I will.” He breathed out joyfully, and you found yourself grinning alongside him. Your heart soaring in your chest grateful and happy that his answer was a resounding yes! That he would marry you! Praise Eru!
“There is no one I’d rather be with than you, Y/N.” Glorfindel continued, gushing with excitement, and you felt like you could breathe again. Relieved, happy, excited.
“I love you Glorfindel.” You said to him in a soft breath, and you felt his lips press back to yours again, but only for a moment.
“And I love you too.” He answered you warmly, finally all the right things had fallen into place and you couldn’t be anymore grateful with how they were turning out to be. You couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with him.
* * *
Tags: @saviorsong​@lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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thelittleaviary · 12 days ago
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Hello! My name is Vivere, Alvydas, or Philza ooorrr any of the other names in my page..
Welcome to my caregiving blog! It’s technically DSMP/MCYT/MC themed, but (most) anyone can interact!
I’m a caregiver in @cageandcanopy ‘s system! But I also like caring for others, hence the blog
For the sake of everyone’s sanity, my main name is Vivere, but Phil/Philza is fine as well. I’m also perfectly fine if you decide to use familial terms on me! Particularly biased to Vivi, Dad, and Bubba. But feel free to make up your own!
Again, for the sake of everyone, my main pronouns are he/him and fei/fem!
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Just about anything.. a lot of reblogs! I might share activities like colouring pages, word searches, this or thats, and stimboards! (For both caregivers and littles)
Feel free to request anything as well!
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Dream fans, WSS, radqueers, endogenics (and any other -genic), nsfw blogs, basic dni criteria.
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Hope to see you!
P.S. go follow @thesounder he’s so cool
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fundyfromlmanberg · 11 days ago
OH SHOULD PROOBABY CLARIFU THAT I DIDNT MEA N TO ABANDON THIS BLOG !!! i am omstly 6 or something and protectors and careigivers dont want me on tumb lr that much....
also just because i cant do most thinbgs when i am small..... SAD ! but i prosmise when i am big i will try to be active!!
and im also not host anymore. my uncle techno is host now hehehehe . you can dollow his blogs he is very active!
@em-duo - his main blog
@thesounder - his caregiver blog !!!
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em-duo · 24 days ago
how do people intro post. anyways. i am technoblade. i am a dsmp fictive. i will post here maybe. i use he/they pronouns, you can also see my pronouns.cc here.
fair warning, i tend to speak in a very dry tone and forget to use tonetags a lot (i don't understand how to use most of them very well). feel free to ask for a clarification on my tone anytime.
i tend to reblog art of me (technically), duos (bedrock bros or emerald duo) as well as occasionally postin' my own thoughts or maybe my art if I feel like it. I try my best to also speak in other's inboxes. If I don't reply it's entirely because I simply forgot.
Feel free to send me asks about whatever, I don't mind. Sourcemates are also free to interact granted you're not on our collective dni. For sourcemates I don't have a particular preference or dislike, interact as you wish.
cageandcanopy if you see this you are very cool.
please check out these other blogs by our collective (we interact from @champthing)
my very cool and extremely awesome age regression / caregiver blog: @thesounder
system blog - @nocturnal-collective host's blog - @fundyfromlmanberg wilbur's blog - @pogtopias-reprise rocket's blog - @1408rockets
icon by firexima: tumblr, twitter.
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honey-lets-fucking-run · 5 months ago
Thanks for tagging me @fadingdreamerdream!
Tagging @iamfirestarter @thesound-of-myvoice
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esdeeaygo · 5 months ago
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Jomanda - Got A Love For You (Hurley's House Mix) #np on The Sound-Box Saturday Night House & Garage Dance Party 10PM - 2AM EST
Listen & Lock in now 🎧✨️
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