crazycoke-addict · 1 year
Island of the slaughtered *Spoilers*
On tik tok, somebody made a total drama horror au called Island of the slaughtered. Where Chris pretty much leaves the campers to fend themselves by a killer whom picks them off one by one. Chris returns and sees the horror. There are theories out there on who was the killer and whether or not, it could be someone we know. However my favourite theory that the killer or killers are Alejandro and Seirra. I decided that I wanted to expand this specific theory by guessing whom Alejandro and Seirra killed and why.
Before we start the theory, I have to mentioned whom were the victims and how they died. The victims are Ezekiel, his body parts was cut into pieces and are scattered around the island. His head was found by Geoff. Sadie who was attacked by the killer whom lured wolves to eat her alive while Katie is watching. Lindsay gets pushed off the cliff where Beth ends up finding her with her mouth sewn shut and her eye is hanging out of its socket. Beth is killed in the daylight where she sheepishly smiles at the killer, the killer grabs her by the ponytail and smashes her head on a rock. The killer also rips her braces off. Noah is stabbed and drowned in the lake. Heather gets decapitated and her head is put in the freezer. Bridgette is thrown in the pit of fire. Owen and Geoff are sewn together. Justin's face is peeled off. Harold gets his head smashed in a tv. Courtney's legs are broken and she is beaten to death. Tyler is put in a rack where he is stretched and ripped apart. Trent gets caught in a bear trap and is impaled by fish hooks. DJ is pushed by the killer where tumbles on his way there.
Now, we got the victims, let's start with whom would killed which camper by Alejandro or Seirra. The first victim we'll start with is Ezekiel. Zeke is chopped into pieces where his body parts is scattered around the island. Alejandro and Seirra don't have interactions with Ezekiel due to his first elimination and Alejandro used him to attack Heather when he feral during World Tour. The creator made these rules in a way to survive them. Ezekiel's one is him wanting to play hide and seek. Where he want someone to find specific body parts. It mentions something interesting where it says that Ezekiel's favourite game was hide and seek. Which feels like something that Seirra would know. I believe this is supposed to set in 2007 around the time Total Drama Island was aired. So, If Seirra is the killer, she can also be seen as a stalker. Also it's worth noting that Alejandro and Seirra can be seen as equally strong. I believe that Ezekiel's death was caused by Seirra.
The next victim is Lindsay. Lindsay only has a few interactions with Alejandro and even help him during the finals along with Courtney in World Tour. During the series, due to her naivety, Lindsay trusts people she shouldn't like how Heather treated her poorly but she didn't see the problem until Heather caused her elimination. Lindsay will trust people like Alejandro whom is attractive and was new to total drama which he used that as his advantage. When Lindsay is found, her mouth is sewn shut. This is possible dur to her accidentally telling things that she shouldn't since she doesn't think with her head. Like how I mentioned that Seirra would've had the information that Ezekiel's favourite game was hide and seek. Seirra probably analysing and looked into about Lindsay. Now, even though I kept mentioning Alejandro, I think this death would be caused by Seirra. The scenario involves a chase scene and to be honest, I see Seirra doing them mostly.
The third victim is Sadie and I'm going give this death to Alejandro. While yes, Sadie's one does involve a chase, her death consists of her being fed to the wolves. If you forgot during World Tour and All Stars , Alejandro is shown to be a charmer towards any species, this includes animals. So, Alejandro using animals to do his dirty work isn't that far off. Alejandro never had any interactions with Sadie, but she did root for him to win in World Tour. So that's only connection between them.
The four victim will be talking about is Justin and his death involves his face getting skinned alive. Since the moment, Justin stepped on the island, girls, animals and Owen was so memorised by him. Justin is eliminated earlier in total drama, ironically he was the fourth camper to be voted off. Justin has more scenes in Total Drama Action due to him being the 1 of 2 villains. Justin used his beauty to make Lindsay and Beth do his dirtywork. Until his face gets "deformed" and the magic he had fades away. I was going back and forth with one, but I am going to give this death to Alejandro. The scenario involves the group walking to the camp-site and the killer grabs Justin without anyone noticing. I feel like Alejandro would be more stealthy and quiet than Seirra.
The fifth victim is Beth and her death is pretty brutal because involves getting her braces being torn off. Beth dies in the middle of the day and is likely away from the group. Where she sees the killer and gives them a sheepishly smile which resulted them to grab her by the ponytail and smashes her head on a rock. Than it ends with her braces off. Like many, Beth is another character that Alejandro and Seirra never interacted with her since she never participated in World Tour or All stars. However I believe that this kill is Seirra's. I know that I said Alejandro and Seirra can be seen as equally strong but Seirra appears to have like superhuman strength. In the caption of the video, it mentions Chris not liking Beth which is shown in every scene that Beth has with Chris and the only person that would know this is Seirra. Seirra being the hyper obsessed fan watched island and action many times and has analysed the campers especially how Chris interacts with each of them.
The sixth victim is Tyler and his death involves a chase scene and I think this one a two person job not because Tyler would be strong that they need both but it seems like Tyler runs around the island so at some point he would trip over in front of the killer whom was just behind him. This could also be seen as the killer as having teleportation if you're expecting one killer. I think the killer that is chasing him is Seirra while Killer that actually catches him is Alejandro. Tyler is dragged to a shed and gets raked. This is in reference in the London episode in World Tour where Tyler is put on the rack in order to get the next clue for his team. Alejandro wasn't there but he did watched everything meanwhile Seirra was captured by Jack the Ripper with Cody during that time. So I think that Tyler was killed by Alejandro.
The seventh victim is Noah who gets strangled and stabbed by the killer than it ends with him being drown in the lake. When it comes to Noah's interaction. He most likely interacted with Alejandro due to them being on the same team in World Tour. Noah was one of the few next to Heather whom knew something was up about Alejandro and didn't trust him. Noah's interaction with Seirra involves whenever she shows her obsession with Cody like how she says that she called his aunt to find out that Cody sleeps with a toy animal. Seirra actually strangled Owen during the fight in Greece so I think this kill goes to Seirra.
The eighth victim is Bridgette. Her death involves a chase scene during it, Harold trips over and Bridgette goes and helps him since she's a nice person however the killer ends up grabbing Bridgette by the shoulder and throwing her in the fire pit resulting her to be burn alive. In World Tour, Bridgette was the first girl whom Alejandro manipulated and used to get further in the game. Alejandro leaves her where he tricked her into kissing again where her tongue gets stuck in a pole since they're in the Yukon. My reasoning as to why I would give Bridgette's death to Alejandro is because it's kind of reminiscing to what happened in Yukon except this time, instead of cold, it's fire.
The ninth and tenth victim is Geoff and Owen, yeah we have a duo this time. So the scenario goes Gwen gets an allergic reaction so Geoff and Owen volunteered to go the medical tent. Owen's stomach growls which alerts the killer. The killers knocks Owen unconscious while Geoff is stabbed and killed. While unconscious, the killers chop Geoff's head off and sew them together. Owen has a lot of interactions with Alejandro since they were in the same team during World Tour. During the series, Owen constantly called him 'Al' and due to hyper active and being excited all the time really annoyed Alejandro. When it comes to Seirra, they rarely have interactions and most of them involves Seirra physical hurting Owen. So I'm going to give Seirra to be the one to knock Owen's unconscious. Geoff never participated in World Tour but does not like Alejando since Bridgette cheated on him with Alejandro. However since Geoff is similar to Owen, it is likely that Alejandro would hate him. So I think that Alejandro killing Geoff would make the most sense.
The eleventh victim is DJ and his death is not that long to Geoff and Owen's. Worried that Geoff and Owen haven't returned, DJ along with Cody go and check out. When they get to the medical tent, the killer exists resulting a chase scene. The killer decide to go after DJ while running, he pushed and tumble over to his death. DJ'S most interaction is with Alejandro. In World Tour, at some point DJ is the only person on his team which gives Alejandro an opportunity to take down the last member of Team Victory. Seirra's interaction is her kicking him off a platform during the challenge in Germany, however I am going to give DJ'S death to Alejandro. For one, let's say there are two killers than Seirra is still in the medical tent finishing sewing Geoff's head on Owen's body and between the two killers, Seirra looks like the type that would excel in sewing. Which leaves Alejandro to chase DJ or Cody. I think he chose DJ out of random.
The twelve victim is Trent and his is a bit tricky. Trent and Gwen are walking, Trent's leg gets stuck in a bear trap and Gwen tries to get out, however she hears shuffling and her flight mode kicked in where she leaves Trent. Trent gets impaled by fish spears and hung by his fish hook through his neck. The reason why this is tricky is because Trent never had any interactions with Alejandro or Seirra nor has connections. The question we need to ask is who would most likely to put the bear trap because there's no way a bear trap is lying there. The bear trap was set to have one of the campers get caught in it and Trent ended up being the victim. Going back and forth, I am going to give this kill to Seirra. I'm not sure why, it's possible that Alejandro can also kill Trent.
The thirteen victim is Harold. Harold is tired and pretty much snaps while everyone is sleeping he goes to the toolshed to find weapon. While being there, the killer sneaks up on Harold and grabs him by the neck, struggling to get free, the killer slams Harold's head hard on the table possibly a few times and it ends with the killer shoving Harold's head in an old cable TV. Harold only had one interaction with Alejandro whom manipulated him into voting himself off in World Tour. It is most likely that this would be a kill that Alejandro would do especially how the killer was sneaking behind feels similar to how Justin got kidnapped.
The fourteenth victim is Courtney. The campers are sleeping where killer picks a camper to take and that camper being Courtney. The killer breaks both of her legs preventing her from running away. She is beaten to death than is hung on the stage with hooks. She's also in dance position. I am gonna give this kill to Alejandro. Courtney was another girl whom Alejandro manipulated in order to get further in the game. During the "this is how we would end it", you see a puppet Courtney whom is moved by force like she is dancing against her will.
The last victim is Heather. Heather’s death involves getting her head being cut off. Her head is put in a freezer because the killer believe she was too pretty. This killer has Alejandro written all over. I think you know why.
So that's my extended theory, Seirra killed Ezekiel, Lindsay, Beth,Noah, Owen and Geoff and Trent. While Alejandro killed Sadie, Justin, Tyler, Geoff and Owen, DJ, Harold, Courtney and Heather.
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thevast-suggestions · 2 years
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Hello, windwisps!
The moderator of this account is 20 years old, and uses He/Him pronouns! Though using Void pronouns is bound to get you in good graces~ If you haven’t caught on already, I, your moderator, am Vast aligned!  Be sure to follow my friends @thehunt-suggestions @thelonely-suggestions @theburied-suggestions @theflesh-suggestions @theeye-suggestions @thespiral-suggestions @theslaughter-suggestions @thecorruption-suggestions @thestranger-suggestions
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madamlaydebug · 5 months
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2014 Killings, Marches, Protestors.
2015 More Killings, More Marches, More Protestors, More Injustice. Change has got to come, we're at war, we are being slaughtered, it's the same theme playing over and over again.
#NoJustice #Nopeace #TheSlaughter
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halestonehyena · 1 year
as a gala apple truther unfortunately i have to endure tiny ass apples sometimes #appleposting #girl #blood #Killing #theslaughter
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theeye-suggestions · 2 years
Welcome to my Eye blog
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Follow my friends @thehunt-suggestions @thespiral-suggestions @thevast-suggestions @theburied-suggestions @thecorruption-suggestions @thestranger-suggestions
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Welcome to my Lonely blog
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Follow my friends @thehunt-suggestions @thespiral-suggestions @thevast-suggestions @theburied-suggestions @thecorruption-suggestions @thestranger-suggestions
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Behind The Scenes
- Mod is 22 and uses any pronouns (it/its get you bonus points though)
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jakecarson90 · 4 years
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 20mm | 1/800s | f/7.1 | ISO 100 {Photo 1}⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 35mm | 1/250s | f/7.1 | ISO 100 {Photo 2}⁣ Both taken on 18/08/2020.⁣ ⁣ Lower Slaughter is a classic Cotswold village, with lovely honey-coloured cottages beside the sleepy slow-moving River Eye, and has been called the most beautiful village in England.⁣ ⁣ While that claim is certainly open to debate, there's no questioning the quiet beauty of this small Cotswold village.⁣ ⁣ Indeed, it has remarkably remained unspoiled and free from hordes of tour buses that descend like swarms on neighbouring villages like Bourton-on-the-Water. This blessed tranquility may be to do with the fact that the lanes leading to the village are pretty narrow, which help to keep out large vehicles.⁣ ⁣ Or you may be forgiven for thinking that this picturesque, picture-book village isn't overwhelmed with tourists because of its somewhat disconcerting name. It actually stems from the Old English name for a wet land 'slough' or 'slothre' – the Old English for 'muddy place' – upon which the village lies.⁣ ⁣ Lower Slaughter truly is a beauty spot that deserves to be visited, at best during the winter months when there shouldn't be heavy traffic.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ Take the train from London Paddington station, Oxford or Reading for Great Malvern and get off at Moreton-in-Marsh. Then catch the nr. 801 bus to Lower Slaughter with 'Pulhams Coaches'. ⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #LowerSlaughter #TheSlaughters #TheCotswolds #Cotswolds #VisitTheCotswolds #England #Britain #UnitedKingdom #GreatBritain #Architecture #Gloucestershire #QuintessentiallyBritish #Kings_Villages #Alluring_Villages #Divine_Villages #VisitGreatBritain #Loves_Britain #InstaBritain #VisitGloucestershire #Tourism #TravelResponsibly #IgersBritain #CapturingBritain #PhotosOfBritain #LoveGreatBritain #England_Insta #EnglandTravel #EnglandTourism #TravelPhotography #BBCTravel (at Lower Slaughter, The Cotswolds) https://www.instagram.com/p/CMDblDkFfcF/?igshid=7oif3dwtnle5
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karenlaurew · 6 years
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miriba66 · 4 years
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Cotswold stone cottage @bittycottagecotswolds @the_onlycookiemonster #snowdrops #thecotswolds #cotswolds #cotswoldlife #upperslaughter #theslaughters #visitengland #january #spring #bulbs #floral #flowers #cotswoldstone #visitthecotswolds #cotswoldsoncamera #greatbritain #countrylife #england #holidayinthecotswolds #holidaycottage #escape #escapetothecotswolds (en The Cotswolds , England) https://www.instagram.com/p/CABtdxlAtCc/?igshid=xl15bs749fn2
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bun-bun-selfships · 2 years
I truly wonder if the me who had Nagito Komaeda as his main f/o could have seen Themanbehind Theslaughter coming
I should have, considering
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pokemon-shuffle-fcs · 7 years
YX74-867G NORTH AMERICA this is my friend's who doesn't have Tumblr and has 26 slots free
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veganlogicdinamo · 5 years
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Eid al-Adha, known as the Festival of the Sacrifice, is an internationally celebrated #Islamic holiday. It is due to begin on Sunday , August 11, and lasts four days. During the festival, thousands of sheep, lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels will be slaughtered in front of crowds. As the prominent theologists put it this is not an obligation! Stop theslaughter! Stop the #violence! Live and let live! #eidaladha #islam #muslim #religion #slaughter #kurban #kurbanbayramı #sacrifice #animal #animalrights https://www.instagram.com/p/B0-rjE4gBIE/?igshid=h0c201f4mxgr
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pityleaf · 8 years
@suffer-baby tagged me thank u hallie!<3
tag 15 of your followers you’d like to know better ** i tag @girlgoblins @relativereferenceframe @lemonplanter @theslaughter @flowerbirb @enervate @fuqyuu @brando-fett @helloseashell
but if you don’t want to that’s okie too! Name: taylor Nickname: A True Beacon of Death™ Gender: female Star sign: cancer Height: roughly 5′1" Sexual orientation: yes to all but also no Hogwarts house: slytherin 500% Fave color: foresty green! Fave animal: elephants Average hours of sleep: either 4 or 12 there is no in between Cat or dog person: cat for sure doggos are great but stress me o u t after a long time Fave fictional character: ahsoka tano but also shinji ikari bc he is literally me # of blankets i sleep with: 2! Fave singer/band: i rly like the front bottoms but idk what my fave is honestly Dream trip: japan but like in an alternate world where i’m not poor Dream job: making pretty things and selling them and staying home ;u; When was your blog created: i’ve been on tumblr since 2012 but this blog is only a few months old Current # of followers: 54 i luv u all What made you create a tumblr: i like aesthetic and complaining so this is the # placetobe
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slaughter29 · 9 years
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Forgot to post these yesterday 4/16/15 #TheSlaughters
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jakecarson90 · 4 years
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⁣ Canon EOS 250D | 35mm | 1/400s | f/7.1 | ISO 100⁣ Taken on 18/08/2020.⁣ ⁣ Pretty stone cottages, rose flower gardens, and gently flowing streams: if you���re looking to step back in time in the heart of the Cotswolds, then you simply must visit Lower Slaughter, a settlement which dates back over a thousand years and may well be the prettiest village in all of Gloucestershire!⁣ ⁣ At first glance, the word 'Slaughter' sounds like it would be the last place you'd want to visit—maybe even something out of Midsummer Murders! But 'Slaughter' actually derives from the Old English 'Slough' meaning 'Muddy Place'.⁣ ⁣ This quaint settlement was originally attested in the Domesday Book as ‘Scolstre,’ meaning that Lower Slaughter dates all the way back to the Middle Ages, and possibly even earlier.⁣ ⁣ Today, many of the houses in the village today find their roots in the 16th and 17th-centuries and the majority are made from local Cotswold sandstone, adding to the chocolate-box charm of the place.⁣ ⁣ I took this photograph from the Old Mill that dates back to the 19th century and was used right up until the late 1950s. Today, it is home to a local museum explaining the history of the area as well as a gift shop and café.⁣ ⁣ 𝗛𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗼 𝗴𝗲𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗲:⁣ ⁣ Take a train to Cheltenham or Moreton-in-Marsh, and then catch a bus to Lower Slaughter ('Pulhams Coaches route nr. 801) that passes through other picturesque villages like Stow-on-the-Wold and Bourton-on-the-Water. ⁣ ______________________________________⁣ ⁣ #Cotswolds #Gloucestershire #VisitGloucestershire #GuardianTravelSnaps #BritishSummer #LowerSlaughter #Divine_Villages #Alluring_Villages #InstaPortrait #InstaGood #MyInstagram #TravelBlog #Blogger #England #Britain #GreatBritain #TheSlaughters #QuintessentiallyBritish #VisitEngland #VisitBritain #CountryLife #RuralBritain #Rsa_Rural #Rsa_Outdoors #InstaBritain #EnglandsBigPicture #TheCotswolds #Architecture #Village #Unspoilt (at Lower Slaughter, The Cotswolds) https://www.instagram.com/p/CF1sPdhovnB/?igshid=ayzsvjn42gwp
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