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hadenxcharm · 4 years ago
First Line Game Tag
I was tagged by @theshinsun.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
1. Flowers Come Out Of My Grave [wip] -  In the garden of Olympus, under a pink tree, Aomine lays in the shade, shining a golden apple on his tunic.
2. She's So Nice [wip] - “Apologize to me.”
3. Fuck Boys in America [wip] -  Kagami went and did something stupid.
4. Neighborhood Outreach - Garou’s gone again.
5. That Which You Know - If you’d told Aomine a year ago all the things that would go down over the course of this summer, he would’ve told you to go pound sand.
6. Once... - Once upon a time, there was a golden city.
7. What You Leave Behind - Kagami can remember the exact moment he first met Aomine.
8. The Boy in the Cage - Kagami’s had his hands tied for the last three days.
9. The Thing You Can't Replace - So, he and Kagami have actually gotten to be pretty good friends.
10. Eyes in the Woods - It’s school break, and that means Badd and Zenko have plans.
I don’t see much of a pattern other than I seem to like using opening lines that are either short or sarcastic.
Tagging: I think everyone I know has already been tagged.
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korok-no-ballsket · 6 years ago
All I want for Christmas is you.          
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sturlsons · 6 years ago
B, F, G, K, O
hi!! i hope you’re doing well
B: any of your stories inspired by personal experience? 
i don’t think i’ve ever based the plot of a story on something that happened to me, but 80% of the emotional situations in my fic are variations of real emotions i’ve felt. that being said, some scenes are just straight up lifted off my own life. tsukki and that hangover in jaywalkers (that whole mcdonald’s story is old now), when kuroo tells tsukki to take a shower in heretic, two scenes that come to mind first. other character backstories are often based on mine, just, not everything all at once. someone nearly gets killed in an accident, someone else loses family in one. etcetera. can’t go heaping all the angst on just one person, it’s not conducive to telling a clean story. on a lighter note, any stupid ass thing any character does was probably done by me or my friends in real life. 
F: share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
hmmmmmm. i’ve written some dialogue here and there that made me go HA when i wrote it but the one i can remember off the top of my head (i’m using “top off my head” as a general rule here otherwise i’ll start rereading all my fic and no one needs that) is this one from movers and shakers:
‘I somehow chased you down to this cafe after eight years,’ Youichi says. ‘I don’t know how that happened, but I’ll do it again. I will.’
‘Don’t make this about you,’ Ryousuke sighs, and he’s back to normal, eyes cold and voice cold, the combination that’s always gotten things done. ‘Because the extent to which it is not is going to be embarrassing for both of us.’
and i love it because like i don’t think i’ve ever delivered that sick of a burn in my entire life. THERE’S LEVELS TO IT. and i was like, 20 when i came up with it. i was so proud of myself. it’s so hurtful and cutting and humiliating. classic. 
G: do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write your scenes out of order?
i’m gonna say that a lot of my stories are born from one key scene (not even the climax most of the time) so i usually jot that down first, dialogue or bits of lines or whatever. once i have a plot i usually go chronologically because unless the narration is nonlinear it’s just a bitch to go back and edit in details in retrospect. that being said sometimes a scene is like tugging at my brain so hard that i just decide to write it down first to file it away and get back to work. i usually know the last line of a fic the moment i write the first one, because i almost always come full circle. it’s just one of those things about me that a highbrow critic would probably shit on as being Too Predictable. that being said, i haven’t the faintest how Big Boy is gonna end. never had an idea for s;b either. i hope that means good news. 
K: what’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Big Boy. :^) 
O: how do you begin a story - with the plot or with the characters?
good one. neither. 99% of the time the story starts with a song that i hear in the right place at the right time, and then the prompt and characters come in together. then i, hating myself and my pea-sized brain throughout the process, begin to plot. 
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kurokolovesakashi · 8 years ago
theshinsun replied to your post “apparently aomine’s birthstone is sapphires so where are all of the...”
wait isn't his birthstone a peridot since he was born in August?
Well depending on who you talk to your birthstone will be different. Like June has been said to be both moonstones and pearls, and as for August (*quickly googles*) apparently Sardonyx is also one. However, since I was making zodiac posts at the time, I was referring to zodiac birthstones. Going by those measures, Leos (Jul23-Aug21) are peridot while Virgos (Aug22-Sep23) are sapphires. You can see why they’d be skewed, since zodiacs cut months in half ^_^’’
As for me, I like the idea of sapphires being Aomine’s birthstone because it matches his hair and eyes so he’d look pretty in them *heart eyes* but you could also say peridot if you wanted. That was a good catch though! I can’t keep track of birthstones at all, so I had to look them up. X3
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fyaokaga · 4 years ago
thanks so much for hosting aoka month! i love them so much but the series is old and i always feel like the fandom is getting smaller and smaller and its harder to find stuff for them. do you think you could put together of some blogs or writers and artists i could follow that still make stuff for them and are active of the fandom? thank you so much for keeping aoka alive!
Hi! The pleasure is all ours! We have a great love for aokaga and hosting this years aokaga month is the least we could do~ Yes, unfortunately, the fandom is very small. Finding active blogs can be a bit of an issue, i totally agree with you on this!
I sure can list you some active aokaga blogs for you to follow! I hope it helps with your search for content creators!! @codepami, @ruluxe, @eisa96, @duonggggggya, @aokagafandomlastsurvivor, @yuu-daiiiii, @rhapshie, @artbyrobync, @waalpurgis, @hybristophilica, @anjizu, @ma-i-go, @gaytaiga, @roguewriting @panna-acida, @kuroosden, @una-tal-dashi, @spaztictwitch, @tenacityreturns, @korok-no-ballsket, @theshinsun, @recyciedtrash, @rainbowjunko, @furiosity, @monhiio, @cereatess, @matarsack, @cipain, @kyahgamis
If I've missed anyone who is still very active in the aokaga fandom, please feel free to reply on this post or reblog/mention!
All these blogs have been active in the "aokaga" tag and we regularly reblog from!
Honourable mentions: @knbzone @knbgfx are both general knb blogs that are still active if you want more knb content! ^_~
Hope this helps with your search for active blogs!
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hybristophilica · 4 years ago
Tell us a line from your latest wip then tag as many people as there are words.
Tagged by @theshinsun
“You’re such a little shit, you know?! Is it still fun?” He laughs, keeping Newt firm underneath him. Then he realizes they’ve never been this close before, close enough for him to count the freckles on his nose and cheek bones, and stops, pulling back carefully.
Newt doesn't like that, apparently. He flips Thomas on the bed, now sitting on his hips with the most feral grin Thomas has ever seen. “Yes Tommy, it’s very fun, actually,” he challenges, keeping his wrists mattress on the bed above his head.
from chapter 5 of 'Cause the fall sounds a lot like symphony cries
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ruluxe · 4 years ago
Tagged by @gaytaiga and @hkbs-world ! Thank you loves 💕
Name: Ru
Relationship status: love of my life @for-the-saba
Favorite color: blush pink, coral, mint green, black
Pets: Kujo
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Favorite food: any kind of pasta but i don't like marinara sauce at all
Coke or Pepsi: neither, but if i had to choose it would be coke with a lot of ice and a lemon/lime
Day or night: night definitely
Chapstick or Lipstick: cherry chapstick babey
Text or Call: id rather text than call unless it's smth long winded or needing a quick answer/explanation. being on a call can be socially taxing after a while, esp if ppl just keep talking -.-
Last song I listened to: Sweet Dreams by La Bouche (high energy songs for when im tired af lol)
Favorite band/artist/group: fear and loathing in las vegas, alexisonfire, poison the well, city and colour, halsey, hozier, juice wrld (sorry can't choose just one)
Any hobbies: uh i guess writing is one of them, reading, i like collecting shells/rocks/crystals/owl things, watching documentaries (crime/nature/space), learning race/gender/sex studies
Tagging: @kuroosden @explodoriot @for-the-saba @cheshagirl @jennyonthenet @amorastein @hadenxcharm @spaztictwitch @limitlessmonster and anyone else who wants to do it!
edit: also tagged by @theshinsun thnx 💕💖
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szivtalan · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @runn0ft and @fancykraken (Thank you for thinking of me, I love you guys so much!!! <3) to post seven -ish sentences from my current WIP and tag seven others. It’s been a while since I wrote anything but I found this in my KnB folder and I really want to finish this someday, the only AoMomo piece I’ve ever written yet? (spoilers: it’s not a happy ending)
‘Do you accept?’
‘Do I accept what?’ Daiki snorted, earning a sympathetic chuckle out of him.
‘Will you be Satsuki’s man of honor?’
He hated how Tetsu was allowed to call her that now.
He hated the whole situation, but most of all – most of all, he hated how comfortably Tetsu claimed her first name like that. It was such an intimate display of their bond, something Daiki grew hesitant to showcase over time. He was fine until Satsuki kissed him one night, and begged him to just try to be together. ‘Satsuki’ was just a name until then, but suddenly, it became so much more.
I’m tagging @grandebagliore @bakugoukatsuki-rising @geometricalien @homiro  @vanilla-daydreams @hkbs-world @theshinsun and @drinkablecoffee and everyone else who’d like to do it!
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choking-on-roses · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @theshinsun to post 5 songs I've been listening to on repeat lately
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My tastes might be a lil boring but hey.
Tagging @evamylee0 @squirrelmort @preusterreich @pixielle @clood and anyone else who wants to do it! I'm always looking for song recs 👍
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spaztictwitch · 4 years ago
First Line Game
@theshinsun tagged me because I’m starting to think this is how y’all are loopholing fic content out of me lol.
Numbers 5 through 20 are wips, so these aren’t necessarily first lines and more the first line that’s in the document.
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
[DGM] Two for One:  Allen hopped from the crowded train and onto the platform with a giant leap and skipped merrily across the wooden planks to the carriage that would take him back to the place he now called “Home”.
[SPN] These Days of Dust Will Blow Away:  It’s two days after Dean dies that you find it.
[KnB] There's a Time and a Place:  “Daiki…”
[KnB] Bank Shot:  Aomine thinks it was adrenaline that spurred him on.
[KnB] Shafted (excerpt): Sometimes a tiny spark—and it’s a very, very miniscule and spiteful spark, but it’s there all the same—of resentment towards the trauma staff that pulled him back from the precipice of death ignites in the back of Kagami’s mind.
[KnB] Picky Furry Fucker (same verse as #5): “I’m home—what the fuck is wrong with your face?”
[KnB] Single dad!Kagami: He’s had enough of tall, tan, and jackass for the rest of his life.
[KnB] witcher!Aokaga part 1: Aomine comes to feeling like absolute shit and thinks that death would have been the kinder option.
[KnB] witcher!Aokaga part 2: “Talented as you are, I don’t think you have the magical capacity to set him ablaze with your eyes alone,” Kagami says from over his shoulder, a chalice of wine materializing in Aomine’s peripheral before Aomine sees Kagami himself.
[KnB] witcher!Aokaga part 3: Aomine almost doesn’t recognize him when he spots Kagami standing at the tavern bar, broad back still clad in armor and turned towards the doorway Aomine’s just entered through.
[KnB] Aokaga ranch!AU: It’s stupid, Kagami thinks, that he let himself fall into such an obvious setup.
[KnB] hanahaki!Aokaga: Kagami is fully aware that he’s a little bit of an idiot sometimes.
[KnB] I Wanna Fuck You A Latte (aggressive coffee shop AU): Kagami watches Aomine make the bubbly blond’s drink, actually make it himself, and deliberately brush his fingers along Rich Boy’s knuckles after he completely bypasses Kagami to personally deliver the obnoxiously complicated latte.
[KnB] Love Me Tender (ABO but spitefully): “Are you fucking shitting me?” Aomine hisses, hastily yanking three of his fingers out of his asshole and wiping them dry on his bare thigh.
[KnB] Murphy’s Law (sequel to #3):  Leaning back on the heel of his palm, Aomine takes a moment to appreciate his handiwork, his other hand adhered to his husband’s bare ass underneath his boxer briefs.
[KnB] mute!Kagami: Taiga may be kind of young, but he isn’t stupid.
[KnB] Aokaga w/mechanic!Aomine:  Kagami’s calves were starting to burn from the strain, but he couldn’t stop himself from trying rise higher, bringing himself as close to standing on the tips of his toes as he could manage.
[KnB] Aokaga Pacific Rim AU: He’s watching his mom laugh through his dad’s eyes when the hazy blue of the Drift abruptly turns red and her laughter becomes something shrill and inhuman.
[KnB] Skip Class, Eat Ass: Aomine wakes with his ass bared and freezing.
[Gintama] GinHiji where Gintoki has a secret admirer: “Zenzou-san likes fuglies,” Shinpachi remarks ruthlessly, adding his suggestion to Gintoki’s growing list of potential admirers without breaking eye contact.
The only patterns I see are the inability to finish anything and curse words. I don’t know, what do y’all see? Also, I’m open to questions about any of these if you have ‘em.
Tagging: @ruluxe (I know you tagged yourself but I’m squeezing you for more if you want to), @whoevenknowsit, and anyone else who wants in on the action.
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bakugoukatsuki-rising · 5 years ago
hi!!! do u have any blog recs, by chance? preferably not specifically bkdk because i wanna branch out a little but if u only want to rec bkdk blogs thats fine too!!!!
Uuhh oh shit most everyone I follow is bkdk lmao
I wanna give you people that are pretty active, too. Ah shit.
@wolfcrunch is really good, pretty objective relating to BNHA and they have tons of fun takes.
@woolly9 is my Buttercup, they post bkdk but not only that!
I mean I also have @taigainside, and @theshinsun they're close friends and I love them. Also @meiyanaalexia who is a sweetheart.
Then there is @wahhchan, @thatpinkbetch, @jekacatrina, @mizuraisu, @katsukiski but there is a lot of bkdk on those blogs so just know that
I know I have so many more but it's early here and I can't remember names well 😩
But all of those are really good!! Some are less active but still very good!!!
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hybristophilica · 4 years ago
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags.
- aomine daiki, knb
- loki laufeyson, mcu
- octane, apex legends
- kaneki ken, tg
- derek morgan, criminal minds
- wade wilson, deadpool
- akutagawa ryunosuke, bsd
- chloe price & rachel amber, lis
- yoosung, mystic messenger
- will & jace herondale, shadowhunters
tagging @hkbs-world @geometricalien @theshinsun @ruluxe
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ruluxe · 4 years ago
10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Idk if the fandoms are supposed to be the same or separate and also there's not gonna be much diversity because i can only like one thing and one person at a time
1. Hayato Gokudera, Katekyo Hitman Reborn
2. Daiki Aomine, Kuroko no Basuke
3. Ryouta Kise, Kuroko no Basuke
4. Taiga Kagami, Kuroko no Basuke
5. Tooru Oikawa, Haikyuu!!
6. Gon Freecs, Hunter x Hunter
7. Klaus Hargreeves, The Umbrella Academy
8. Jotaro Kujo, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
9. Prompto Argentum, Final Fantasy XV
10. Itsuka Orga, Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans
My types are usually literal sunshines or characters that have been Through A Lot of Shit who desperately need some love. Either that or they're hated on bc people can't see past their arrogant facades. Anyway. Love my kids.
@explodoriot @kuroosden @for-the-saba @theshinsun @spaztictwitch @hadenxcharm @cheshagirl @jennyonthenet
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szivtalan · 4 years ago
Tell us a line from your latest wip then tag as many people as there are words.
guys I don’t have this many wips help
Tagged by @theshinsun thanks dude!!
‘Why do we keep doing this, Daiki?’
‘Because it feels good, and I’m a good lay. Can we not overthink this?’
(from chapter 2 of Teacups and Gunshots)
I’m tagging uh, anyone who sees this and would like to do it?? Folks gather round let’s make a group of [counts number of words] 22
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xianglingslesbian · 4 years ago
I was tagged by @theshinsun thank you <3
rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and interests you and i’ll post a little snippet of it or tell you something about it!
i - okay you asked for it. its mostly izuki tbh but what did anyone expect from me
everything i need (everything i don’t)
matched set
ewbts extras: best served cold, and you keep running like the sky is falling, shenpointigans
the way of kings
hyuuizu 100 fics project
children of steel and smoke 
satsuki’s moving castle
knb a:tla AU
in which a car from 1964 is shun izuki’s deadbeat dad (and other anecdotes) [fma x knb]
magic AU pt. 2
but you (you set my world on fire)
samurais over flowers [its a working title pls]
sad kise thing
midokaga crying
daiki’s basketball
oh no he’s hot
chemistry ;)
yueki babynapping
ocean’s daughter
sutara being gay
burn like (choose a fucking word @ me) [yes thats the actual title]
ok to be fair when do any of you fuckers ever read the damn title [see above]
healing hands
immovable object meets unstoppable force
an exercise in futility [fma]
roy vs birthdays [fma]
roy/riza randomised AU snippets [fma]
royai roleswap AU [fma]
north star [original]
all the lies you never told me [bleach]
heavy is the head that wears the crown [mdzs]
human lie detector [naruto]
all the moments you (don’t) remember [fairy tail]
and yeah thats about it :D
tagging: @shescassiopeia @serenesavagery @syches @junesbiceps @mdelpin @jaciserigala @shamelessllamapeanutthing and anyone else who wants to ^^
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ahobaka-trash · 5 years ago
Check in!
Thanks for the tag @disasterpersonified 💖
1. How has your day been?
It's been a pretty chill day and I spent it napping, playing games, reading fanfics. I however tried to get started on my assignment but I got distracted 😅
2. What was the last thing that made you smile?
Mmm talking to my friend on call. She tried to imitate and tease me for talking too much haha.
3. What is keeping you entertained these days?
Reading, thinking about aokaga lol/ all my ships, trying (and failing) to bake, watching movies/series/anime, my baby Frosty, spending time with fam, catching up with friends online.
4. If you are in some kind of quarantine/self-isolation: is there anything you'd like to achieve at this time?
Yesss. Try to complete some of my books from my reading shelf, watch the movie/series I have been wanting to watch for a while now, organize my room, try to write, succeed in at least one of my cooking/baking attempts 😅, learn more about astrology.
5. Post a selfie! OR post an image that best depicts you!! (Whatever you feel best with)
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(That's me with a fake pigeon on my head wishing it was a real pigeon 🐦)
What about all you guys? How have you been? @heyimbunnylmao @theshinsun @matarsack @anime-sexual @hammeredhelen @riellity @ceruleanshockwave @kuroi-kotoba and anyone else who wants to do it 💕
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