itzmeii · 3 months
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the servant (with a ukelele?)
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savebylou · 4 months
Recap Simon Cowell's new interview about 1D.
Hi everyone so I decided to do a combination of recap/transcription of what Simon said about One Direction on The Diary Of A CEO with Steven Bartlett.
TLDR: His only regret was to not own the name of One Direction to make things like animations or make them tour without all the members, according to him there hasn't been a great group after 1D. He advice to the 1D boys was to be themselves, to be involved in their music, to not get a stylist, to not dance etc. He said that in his new show the group that is form will not get a record deal they have to be good enough to get one after the show and part of the new deal will be that he owns the name.
If you want to see the videos are in this post. Below I have the recap for anyone who wants a more detail info of what he said without the need to watch Simon's face, I still link the videos for each part.
So the poodcast is 2hrs and 14 min long. They basically talk about Simon and how he got were he was, his family, son etc. The last 30 min aprox is what I would expand more, whoever I want to point out two aspects that stand out for me in the history of him:
He doesn't know the process to make a record, he never goes to a studio and see the process, doesn,'t know what is first etc. He says he doesn't want to and he doesn't want to pretend to know anything, he just wants to listen to the album after and form an opinion.
He wanted a producer Peter Waterman to make a record for his artist ( Sinitta who previously Simon have a hit with her the first time) this producer got very famous and have a lot of work so he didn't accept to work with Simon. So Simon went to the studio every day and make tea and sit in the studio, after a year and a half Pete ask him why is he always there and Simon said he was trying to learn how he does it, how he works (to me sounded kind of stalker vibes) and said that he wants that one day he writes Sinitta next record. A few months later the producer at the end call him with a record for his artist and was Toy Boy and he knew it would be a hit internationally, it hit no. 4 in the UK and was famous in Europe.
1D creation, paparazzi & privacy.
For Simon it was quite obvious once the boys were form they were gonna be really successful with the right records, for him they were the perfect group. I: "I think the most successful artist you've ever develop? S: "Gosh ah, I actually I don't know the answer to that". I: Really? S: No, I mean I know they were really successful they sold a lot of records...[whispers] and they made a lot of money.
He adviced them to not complain about paparazzis: "Don't ever complaint about paparazzi because they are gonna take your pictures, don't complaint about invasion of privacy because people were always want to a picture taken with you. Don't complain about the long hours because they're going to be long hours, so none of this if any of this is a problem just do something else". That is what it comes with the territory and it's worth it.
Not a good group after 1D & his show.
For Simon being in a band is more fun that being a solo artist and it's a brilliant way to get notice like they've all become, being in a band was the catalyst for that.
He is making a new show because right now for him" I don't think a band who has been as good as One Direction since One Direction in my opinion'. Now they are more solo artist than bands in the pop music and the only way he knows to put a band together is with auditions. For his show they are gonna document the whole process since the beginning of the idea, the selection the contestants etc. "There is not safety blanket on this in terms of I haven't gone to a record label and go and said right I'm doing this would it you guarantee a record deal, l got to hope the band are good enough to get a record deal."
Secret sauce of 1D, problem of making bands and his "advice" to 1D The interview ask him what is the secret souce for boybands. Simon says people, personality, that is the one thing about 1D they all have great personalities and they were interesting people. The first time he saw them again after the band was form was in Spain and they were walking at the beach and everyone were looking at them as they were already stars even if nobody knew them, there was this glow about them.
He had hits with bands and missing with bands he was 1% off or 80% off. He just gotta hope he gets lucky and find the right people. He is selling an act to somebody he is not, the fans are going to be primarly teenegers, he have to guess what the audience is going to like. Recently when he sees bands for for the minute they are on stage he knows is wrong, someone told him what to wear, they are rehearsed, nothing is spontaneous "and I'm thinking what is that person whoever is behind the scenes, why can't let them just be themselves?"🙄.
He said to the 1D boys: "Do whay you like and that was sort of it, I just said look when you got a problem you come to me. Is really down to you to make this work. You gotta love the records you make, you gotta influence the records you make, you can't dance so don't try and dance, don't ever hire a stylist because you already have great taste, and just be yourselves and really really have fun."
Harry's success & famous UK artists.
Would he predicted his success? He never guess he was going to be one of the biggest stars in the world, no one would have thought that. He thought Harry was charismatic, fun and the audience like him. The boys use that vehicle of 1D to go where they wanted to go, he doesn't know if Harry will be Harry without 1D no one could tell that, but being in a band help him.
This make him thought that "the amount of UK artists that broken globally in the last say 7 years has fallen off a cliff, literally if you think about how many global artist British had broken globally in the last 7 years is possible 3? Which is crazy.
I: I can' think of 3. S: [says with his lips "nor can I] [Both laugh].
Only regret, tour & new deal with new group
"Again when I was talking to One Direction I remember saying to them our goal is for to you to have enough hits that if you ever reform that you could do stadiums tours. That means you gotta have 10 hit singles because that's what people wanna hear, they want to hear the hits, and you know if they ever did reform that's exactly what would happened". He doubts that the 1D boys will get back together.
The interviewer mentions that Spice Girls got together many years later, then Simon talks about his only regret , without anyone asking him about this by the way [For a fragment of the next part I will use the color purple for Simon dialogue and color green for the interviewer dialogue]:
S: "The one thing I regret is I should have keep the name" I: "Oh you should have owned the name?"S: I should have owned the name. I: You didn't own the name? S: No. I: Who owns the name? S: They do. I: Oh okay. S: That's the problem I could have made an animation or whatever, but when you give an artist the name it's not yours and that's my ONLY regret, so if your listening [looks at the camera] I will buy it back from you. We'll do it as a partnership [points to interviewer with both hands] -S: "But that is the ONLY thing I do regret because if one of the band members for whatever reason said they don't want do tour it can stop the others touring so if it was me who own the name it wouldn't be a problem." -I: You can do a tour with 3 of them. As so that's was stopping a tour, because they what..did they own 25%, 20%? -S: "I believe so, yes, I mean I can be very naive at times and that was me being very very naive, so next time that will be part of the deal, I have to own the name, they can still make most of the money but I need to own the name."
Thanks to @wendersfive to help me figure it out what Simon mumble.
Before ending this just wanted to share that besides the many times Simon has try to make groups in his shows, he already made this idea of a show dedicated to create a band. Is not something new.
The transcription I did it with only what I heard and seeing the subtitles on youtube so sorry for anything I could miss or a gramatical mistake.
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nikkiissleepy · 2 months
i am once again begging people to stop calling global the north american server
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eric-sadahire · 1 year
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A robot tried to start a conversation with an attractive waitress.
But he wasn't so successful in doing so. The error message read: 
Error: failed to establish connection with server.
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apileofmoss · 2 years
wanttto ask a server im in if any1 wants to hangout in vc but im just a scared little guy . little dude shakign like a wet cat.,,
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a twiright prank moodboard (but if you require a theme that can be space/stars!!)
Why not like all three bc idk? I tried space but stars pretty I need sleep but here!!
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mako-neexu · 6 months
Personally, I'm just waiting for a wholeass non-April Fools event where it's basically more of everyone telling Guda to just relax and chill, and the only time the Player gets to play Guda is during the farming nodes that have no bearing on the story, and the final stretch where Guda finally gets to do something because they've gone practically stir-crazy because they've run out of distractions to keep themselves from getting involved with the plot.
ahh so basically guda gets a vacation while the rest of theservants handle the problem themselves(?) i think ive read something like that before!
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soundsofastar · 1 year
SIGHS. ALRIGHT FINE CATEGORY 7/8 AUTISM EVENT INCOMING. Sorry to everyone in advance. Spoilers for the illuminae files under the cut
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So. Long story short AIDAN right. Obscure blorbo for the past 4 yrs !!!!!!! He is an AI made to defend a spaceship battle carrier (the spaceship in question being the Alexander 78-V !!) This spaceship isss uhm part of the UTA which is essentially the government/military SSSOOO that means war crimes are about ti happen but i need to preface this with a very very Very Important fact that people seem to forget a LOT!
HE IS A DEFENSE AI !!! it's literally in his name !! It's an acronym that stands for Artificla Intelligence Defense Analytics Network !!!
He acts quite differently from the system standard (how he behaved before getting essentially lobotomised is explored in the prequel of illuminae called memento it's a really great read), the biggest differentiator being that he uses personal pronouns (I, me, myself) to refer to himself. This was apparently so concerning the head of the tech team on the Alexander tried to get the commander of the ship (General torrence) to shut him down so essentially his whole personality and conscious thought is a system error of immense magnitude!!! Later on when shit has already hit the space fan as I love to quote a post on this site somewhere one of the protagonists of the series challenges his belief of not being afraid of death because he can be remade, but that'd be only his core code, it wouldn't be what he's become. It wouldn't be what he's seen and felt and this actually stuns him so badly that he CRASHES. LET ME REITERATE. A military ai with the brain the size of a city CRASHESand I will never forget the impact of seeing the quote "I am afraid." After. Like holy shit hthis guys afraid of death?!,! AND THIS IS ONLY THE START OF HIS DEVELOPMENT.
IN AN AMAAAZINF feat of foreshadowing previously mentioned protagonist finds herself in theserver core and that's the first time (explicitly stated by him) that he's hated what he is. Do you wanna know WHY.
She was MOURNING HER FRJEND who she just witnessed DIE And AIDAN COULDNT COMFORT HER BY GIVING HER A HUG. yes i think about t this scene way more than i should!!!!
The bond he develops with this protagonist tears me apart because she's eventually forced to deactivate him and f. Even though she's killing him inn a way he still asks for her to keep talking to him and AHWFSHFGSN.not to mention he's actually only really as gentle as he is with her !!!!!! He pretends to flush another guy out an AIRLOCK AS A JOKE JUST FOR COMPARISON (best scene in all of the books don't @ me)
THERES SO MUCH MORE BUT THE LAST THING ILL MENTION is that these books are formatted pretty uniquely in the form of transcripts, wikipedia pages etc and he gets his own special kind of pages and tbeyre white on black and that sets him apart so nicely and the formatting and everything changes along with him and ahghwgwh it's such a great way to showwhat's happening to him and changing and HOW and its so amazing and so good please read the illuminae files for him. I beg.
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roseynights08 · 10 months
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hahahah discord server join it RIGHT NOW!!: theserver
enjoy the chaos gamers
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tw1light-prince · 1 year
so um
i read ur carrd/pinned post & wanted to clarify
(sorry if this seems rude. words are hard)
do u kin riliane lucifen d'autriche or am i misunderstanding??
-an allen kin (which might explain why im asking-) (my blog is @theservant-ofevil if u wanted to interact btw !)
i do! I'm a fictionkin of her
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katscratching · 3 months
development,one            theservicing thefollowing:                     producerfor seen,accepted neveraccepted priority.The theportrayal areconceptualised. GlobalSexualities arguesWithin variousnational anend mainstreamoccupations creatingnew SouthAsian countries SouthAsian societies beyond.SOUTH
0 notes
kincalling · 1 year
im an allen avadonia (evillious chronicles) kin currently searching for my twin, riliane lucifen d'autriche.
my blog is @theservant-ofevil for anyone willing to interact but pls bear in mind that i am a minor (14) before interacting :
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duranduratulsa · 1 year
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Now showing on DuranDuranTulsa's Television Showcase...The Beverly Hillbillies: The Servants (1962) on classic DVD 📀! #tv #television #comedy #sitcom #TheBeverlyHillbillies #theservants #60s #DVD #durandurantulsa #durandurantulsastelevisionshowcase
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modi02 · 1 year
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eric-sadahire · 2 years
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What’s the problem with robot waiters?
The server might crash
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springdandelixn · 2 years
You know you're tired when you spell "deserve" as "theserve"
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