#these poems will not be massively groundbreaking or anything. i am not claiming to be a good poet; i just wrote some stuff for school
fridayyy-13th · 6 days
tomorrow it's my peer review group's turn to go over our poems in class, which means aro poem two is gonna get read aloud and discussed, and all of a sudden i am Nervous About It.
what for? dunno! i just am.
i think i'm just worried that i worked too hard on making it mean This One Thing, when not many ppl are gonna get it and may even think it's nonsense bc of that. like, poetry is something you interpret, it's not meant to be something with a clear right or wrong answer, but this poem is about something Very Specific, and idk part of me is like "Friday that's a bad thing, it should be more metaphorical, you should have done something different, etc etc etc." not fun.
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So there’s a lot happening in the fandom right now, but I just wanted to throw my opinion about the final problem and all of this madness out there. Just getting this out of the way now, I am a hard core Johnlock shipper, and I wanted to see them finally together more than anything, but my opinion that the final problem wasn’t a good episode isn’t about that. Sherlock has never been a show that is good at representation, Moffat and Gatiss have never been stand out writers for representation, so I didn’t ever really expect them to do it for real. It would have been groundbreaking if they had and it would have been incredible. This being said, the queerbaiting is totally real, especially since I re-watched the early episodes, and everyone’s opinions in that regard are extremely valid, but, I’ve always loved the show for a lot more reasons than Johnlock. The plot, music, acting, and writing created the best show I had ever seen, until the final problem. But let’s get one thing clear, this episode does not ruin the rest of the show that came before it. The other episodes are all still amazing. What I’m upset about are the gaping unexplained plot holes in the final problem and from this whole season. I loved the Lying Detective, it was a great episode, but it stood alone in a season full of absolutely massive plot holes. Why I still have hope for the whole secret fourth episode theory is that I can’t imagine that Moffatt and Gatiss would really let their writing get this sloppy. I think their egos are too big. This whole season felt like something else was going on. They’ve always told us to dig in to every detail of the show to figure out what the plot twists and hidden clues are, and that’s what we did. Almost zero of those details were addressed in the final problem, which is why there has to be something else going on. Unless Moffat and Gatiss completely misjudged the fandom that they claim to know so much about. We know they’re on here reading all of our theories, and I can’t imagine that they really honestly think the “answers” they gave us in the final problem would satisfy us.Everything in this show has always been intricately woven together, and to just throw all of these new things in that obviously weren’t planned until this season makes no sense. We know they love the story, we know they love the characters. Reviewers and fans alike are dragging the episode, and Gatiss, who wrote a poem fighting back at slight criticism for tst, is completely silent not even trying to defend anything really? Not bloody likely. Something is still fucky. If Sunday comes and goes without the secret episode, then I’ll be the first to acknowledge that I gave them way too much credit for their work on this show, but until then, I’m tin hatting it all the way. To finish I just want to say that sending hate to the actors and Mofftiss and whoever else is completely unacceptable. You can criticize, you can tweet them a plot hole every day for the rest of your life, but do not send hate, it won’t be good for anyone, even if it feels good to send it at the time. In the end we all loved (and still love for most of us) the show, and the fandom needs to continue in a healthy, kind, and mature way. I’m still hoping for a season 5, and we won’t get it if the criticism is mean instead of productive. Honestly if I were Moftiss I would be flattered that people think there is another episode to explain the bad writing and inconsistency, because that means fans of the show place a lot of value on their writing and think the episode feels so wrong for a reason, I wouldn’t be hurt at all. They are the ones who’ve made us this paranoid, and if they didn’t see any of this coming after this season and the final problem and really have nothing else planned, then they really are blind to everything and have lost all sense of their show. Rant over. I just hope that once all this fuckery is finished with, fourth episode or not, we can go back to enjoying the first three seasons and even some of season four and put all of our theories out there again, because I miss that fandom and I still love Sherlock.
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