#these is a very chaotic ship y'all so please be careful
☆Some random ass prompts☆
Feel free to change the pronouns and stuff! Feel free to credit me or something, I don't really care???? Just make sure to claim them as your own.
Also maybe '@' me if you use these! I wanna see what y'all do!<3
"Who said you can have her? If you want her, you'll have to go through me!" "...disappointing but fine."
A is pregnant and B is dead. How is B dead? Who knows? However A is stressed and is still grieving for B. How does the child birth go? Who knows? All up to you.
B invites A to a midnight dinner to discuss some important matters and just what are these important matters that got A all horrified and shocked?
"Hmm...I guess it could work, but will it really?" "I don't know, I'm just going with my gut here." ".....we're all gonna die....."
"I will bite you!" "Oh fuck you!" "...the sexual tension between those two is unreal holy fuck.."
"Hey mama? What's papa doing?" "Your father is being stupid but at this point, I'm used to it." "Is that how you guys met? Him being silly?" "Haha, yes little one. Indeed so."
A is a bit chaotically unhinged and B is a tired workaholic that wants A to calm down for a second so B can confess their feelings to A.
A and B are dating and are planning on getting married very soon, however, C has been feeling very lonely since the two first started dated so they want to join in on the relationship but aren't sure how to bring it up to the two without sounding creepy or awkward or desperate.
C and B are snuggling and A joins in on the snuggling session. Poly ships go brrr!!!
^^^ "Who knew A can be this affectionate when snuggling, huh?" "Haha yeah." "I can hear you y'know? So shut up and let me enjoy this."
Smut prompts! (Read at your own risk)
"Mmm..that's it baby~ just moan for me and me only~"
"Aww~ you're so cute. Do you want your daddy to give you a reward for being such a good girl?~"
"Me. You. Bed. Now."
"Oh? You like it when I bite? Why didn't you say so sooner?"
A is horny as fuck and is usually the dominant one in the relationship but tonight B is horny as fuck and decides to show A how much of a dominant person they really can be.
^^^ A is so into that shit.
B wants to spend quality type with A privately but A is always at work so when they finally have a day off, B had decorated the room to "set the mood". Does A like it or not? All up to you.
B's boss comes to visit B and A, however, he ends up flirting with A while B is fuming with jealousy. However, B easily scoops A and starts aggressively making out with A to prove and show B's boss that A belongs to them only.
"I will fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for a few months! Understand?" "Mm kinky. Why not do it right here and now then babe?~"
"What the fuck are you?" "I'm a sex worker." "..oh-" "Got a problem with that?" "No...but can you fuck me?" "Heh, if that's what you want~"
Yandere prompts!
"You belong to me only darling!"
A shy innocent looking yandere x A tired asf college student
"Aww,,you're so cute and gorgeous when you are all dolled up like this! What's the occasion? You aren't going with that BITCH are you?"
"I love you! I love you! I love you! Wait- hold on- why aren't you saying it back? You do love me back right?" "O- Of course! I lo- I love you too." "Yay! But why are you crying? Who hurt you?!"
A emotionless yandere x A bright sunshine
A is a yandere and practically forced B into a relationship with them by using their secrets and loved ones against them. B is absolutely fucking miserable and probably beyond broken and saving (emotionally wise)
A werewolf yandere x A vampire
"Whoever said you can't leave? You can leave but all you gotta do is tell me where you're going on what day and at what time! Okay love?"
"No! You must stay with me! It's the only way that I can be truly happy! Please! I'm begging you! I love--no--I - I must love you!"
"I promise I'll always be with you but...you gave me no choice, I had to. I had to protect you from him. I'm sorry my love."
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hazbinhappy · 7 months
Hey just saw you had hazbin hotel match ups open! I’m a trans man (he/him pronouns) for sexuality I don’t really have a definite answer I’m open to all with a small preference to more feminine presenting people!
For personality and what not I’m told by friends I’m either chaotic neutral or chaotic evil lol, I’m decently slow to open up maybe saying one or two words and over all being pretty quiet but once I open up you gotta tape my mouth shut to get me to shut up (though actually I do enjoy the feeling of tape over my mouth I blame autism for that) I make a lot of sexual jokes (constant “that’s what he/she/they said and other stuff) along with that I have a pretty major sailor mouth as well I can be pretty sarcastic in addition I can be pretty slow as well I can be a bit all over the place which you might be able to see here idk lol! For stuff I enjoy doing I really love visual arts (I enjoy painting, been doing stuff with clay, digital art, trying to figure out animation) I also very much enjoy writing (I have I think it was 20+ unfinished fics on ao3 lol) been trying to figure out how to bake, and idk I have an obsession with plushies (please send help they completely cover my bed when I lay them all out) for stuff I enjoy it’s a bit harder since I constantly move around one thing to another like unless someone is with me I’ll start a show or movie watch the first five minutes then do something else unless I was already a fan of it, I will say I do enjoy the weird kid stuff like the bendy franchise and I know the lore of fnaf pretty well (until security breach when robot Gregory theory came out I gave up) tbh not much for stuff I hate I’m a pretty open person and don’t really hate a lot of stuff besides the word moist (it’s the one word that sounds like what it is and I hate the texture of that kinda stuff to and I can feel the word) it is the one thing I actively hate. For appearance while I don’t have an active drawing of my sinner look I don’t have much other then I picture being goat like (fucking love goats) and not really important but dying my hair constantly like how I do irl. Also even though yes I am a trans man I still like wearing skirts and dresses because damn it if I can’t be a pretty man then I don’t want to be a man (that is very much a lie I am still a man even if I won’t be able to wear my dresses and skirts)
Also one last important thing I don’t want to be matched up with Husk (I see him as a dad and I don’t want to deal with being paired up with my father) nor do I want to be paired up with Angel (I ship him and Husk so I don’t want to be paired up with other father) also no Lucifer I feel like if I get paired up my friend will kill me I wish I was joking she is only willing to threaten me when I do much as joke about taking them. Anyways have an amazing day/night I hope this was enough!
Your Matchup is.....
Velvette! You gotta here me out before I dish out the headcanons and mini-blurb!
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Looks at that cutie god I love her!
Anyways! I matched y'all up for multiple reasons! Have you seen the girl? She may be put together but Respectless just screamed out that she is chaos when need be and chaotic people love to be together (I mean look at Hell lmao). I think she wouldn't mind someone who is slow to open because she it lets her have more time for you to model and work with her! She wouldn't mind the sexual jokes and curses or sarcasm because that is up her alley (I mean Valentino is literally one of her colleagues I don't think she cares too much for him lmao).
okay onto the headcanons because those will explain better, no?
It may sound weird but I think Velvette would go to art shows to get inspiration! Fashion shows are actually a way to express and test what you can do with fashion so art shows are a great way to get inspiration
And wowie lookie there, a certain artist just happens to peak her interest a lot! She may either personally chat with you or send an email asking to collaborate on some pieces.
I wish in the show they played more with Velvette and the fashion instead of the social media. I think she'd be a boss in the artistic fashion and practical fashion
I swear this is important: Shae Bishop makes ceramic clothing and some of his work was in my school's art gallery!
why is that important? well i think it would be pretty cool if that was something you proposed to Velvette! She'd be unsure because "isn't that clay? isn't that breakable?" and it's a whole explanation about how it's for the art not actual long-time wear
so that brings you guys closer!
she did consider making a deal with you to permanently keep you around but you just kept coming back on your own so she didn't really feel the need if you just came back all the time
i think the dating would be a mutual understanding, but you'd ask and she'd be "of course, why wouldn't we be? (eyeroll)" (she was actually nervous to ask)
if/when you moved in with her she made space in her studio for you to do any kind of artwork because she wants to spend any kind of time even if she was too busy yelling at her models and artists
she may not always have her listening ears on but whenever you say something that catches her interest she'll respond (she'll remember bits of other things you say, she doesn't tune you out, she just cherry picks her responses)
She doesn't mind the plushie collection as long as there is room for her to cuddle with you. if not they are banished to the shelf.... maybe a couple on the bed.
she loves to dress you up in whatever is the latest fashion or even your preferred. she'd match in any way at any moment.
she will tease and bully at any moment but it's her love and she never means it. plus there is plenty of compliments that cancels it out.
idk why but you know how people like to have their oc's with horns have jewelry on them and even chains that connect? she'd find that so cute and would make some in different styles (like a bracelet for the day)
"Can you BELIEVE the nerve of these ladies! Prancing around like their ideas are any good! Wrist ruffles? Fifty layers? What are we? Doing a fuckin' blast to the past!" Velvette kept ranting on about her workers before you rolled her eyes.
"You're about to get a blast from the past if you don't get off my table. I was working." You gave her a deadpan look.
She gave you the middle finger before scooting you over on YOUR chair as you worked.
"Well, babe, I have no clue why they would think that is fashion? I mean, things from the past making a comeback? Neverrrr-"
"I know-! Oh Fuck You!"
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beanghostprincess · 11 months
I am so delighted to see we can send platonic ship and that you are insane about it!! (same here i love it so so much, tahat all my life) so what about Nami&Robin or/and Nami&Zoro
there are so many people asking me my opinions i can't believe y'all actually care about what i have to say ilysm <33
nami/robin: i love them and i wish they had more scenes together in canon :(( i love that they share a room and their beds are literally next to each other. i'm sure that they cuddle when they sleep. no doubt about it. robin reads out loud while nami does her nightly routine with makeup and stuff and then they talk for a bit before falling asleep. i love that they're the only girls in the crew but their role isn't just that. they both keep the guys in place but robin has that silly, satiric dark side that scares nami sometimes, and nami has that impulsive, thief side that robin loves too. and kjsdcjksdnjkasd they make me ill. they have girl nights. they go shopping. they talk shit about people together. they eat sanji's food together. nami talks about how much she misses her girlfriend (vivi, i miss you too. come back) and robin comforts her but instantly nami complains about her "not getting it" because she has her husband on the damn ship!!!!! then nami goes and hugs robin back again. i think they're the smartest and brightest girls ever and they deserve all the love. neither of them has ever had real friends and now that they have the chance to live freely, they finally can hang out together. robin is older and tbh i think she sees nami as this cute, young, brilliant girl with so so much potential. and nami sees robin as, like, this older, mature woman that's also her bestie and that's awesome!!! a lot of people ship them romantically but i personally see them as besties or sisters ngl. i think robin is still getting used to having friends like a normal person and nami teaching her how to enjoy life is so,,, so beautiful,,, they also have their own shenanigans and i need them to have wayyy more scenes together c'mon!!!
nami/zoro: i am so not shutting up about them i apologize- i love them. i am obsessed with them. we need to talk more and more about them. "they're overrated" they should be. they deserve it. i fucking love everything about these two. so, so much... the thing that makes me like them it's probably the fact that they're part of the romance dawn trio, and i'm very nostalgic about those three. they're all important to luffy, of course, all of his nakama are. but... there's just something about zoro and nami being the first ones that makes me insane. they're the ones that had to deal with luffy together when they first met, and ever since, they've just been sooo chaotic. i'm happy opla gave them scenes together (uhhh not so much the fact that people see them romantically. it's obvious they wanted to make them romantic. please don't, netflix, i'm watching you) because they mean so much to me! they have this lesbian/gay solidarity and hostility (yes, at the same time) that i LOVE. i'm obsessed with zoro being all edgy-wannabe (he's just quiet lmfao his dramatic gay ass wanting to be a dark swordsman is so funny) and nami like "??? shut up you're just dumb". the fact that they argue and zoro complains about her manipulative behavior but still always helps her and saves her every time,,, that's so,,, i love them. i know we all say zoro is luffy's guard dog, but that's not true. zoro is luffy's cat and nami's guard dog. he stays behind nami protectively with a dark stare and nobody dares to approach her bc they know they'll die if they try to hurt his navigator. he'd never admit it out loud, tho, but he cares for her an insane amount. and she loves him too. thinking about them cuddling when it's too cold and zoro's just the perfect pillow!! zoro braiding nami's hair!!! nami helping him clean his swords!! they look after the other all the time,, and they are the ones that know luffy the best, of course they're going to be the first ones to talk things out together if something's wrong with him. also, my zolu shipper heart needs to say that nami would be the first one to find out about them. in every universe. i love them.
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I'm sorry when did we start shipping Ronald Speirs and Lewis Nixon like was there a meeting y'all didn't tell me or what because shit I just keep seeing ronnix content out of no wear now and I want to know why like wtf
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yuujispinkhair · 3 years
Who do you ship your moots with?
Ooooh this was cute! I hope y'all are ok with the ships I picked for you! Sorry that I couldn't do all my moots, but this already got pretty long:
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@shameless-stan : Sukuna! In all forms! Whether he is in human form, curse form, or true form, you love him and want to please him in every way. And he is obsessed with you and so grateful for his perfect baby girl/pet!! You teach him how to love, and he falls hard for you! You're the only one Sukuna is soft for aww. He's your Daddy and definitely the boss in your relationship but also very gentle with you, and he always takes care of you like no other could!
@babe-im-bi : Megumi! You are very soft with each other. Lots of lazy days at home watching documentaries. You can be nerds together but also get really naughty with each other hehehe. He is the dominant one but in a very caring way. He always makes sure to help you when something is overwhelming to you, like he will make phone calls for you, get gas at the gas station, etc.
@brautschnitzel : Yuuji! You are both such sweethearts and make each other smile all the time. Yuuji is your biggest fan and hypeman! Lots of laughter and stupidness in the cutest way! And Yuuji makes sure to always wear grey sweatpants for you :) You're that couple that is always touching and kissing. Very crazy for each other!
@novaresque : Gojo!! Your funny and sweet husband who is kind of a malewife? He might be a bit chaotic sometimes, but the two of you can laugh about it! A very fun and playful relationship with lots of teasing and sexy moments! Gojo feels comfortable and safe enough with you to let you see behind his mask of arrogance, and he's a very loving and affectionate guy behind that mask! He also spoils you a lot You're his princess after all!
@cyancherub : Sukuna! A modern version of Sukuna, and the two of you are such a sexy power-couple aaaahhhh damnnnn!! You're turning heads everywhere! You adore each other. Sukuna worships you even more than you worship him! He has it bad! You're the only one he gets on his knees for.
@adelheidvonschicksal : Megumi! You are each other's safe space! A very supportive and caring relationship. Mutual respect and long deep conversations. But also lots of sex because those intellectual conversations are a big turn-on for Gumi :)
@yuujiskitten : Yuuji + Sukuna!! The Itadori twins are your perfect match. You get sweet boy Yuuji who reassures you when you feel insecure. And bad boy Sukuna who can just fuck all your stress away. They are such a fun combination and always keep you busy! Both are super protective over you and would do anything for you!
@mari-the-bimbo : Megumi! The rich Zenin heir who showers you with gifts and love! You are his precious princess, and he will always keep you safe and make sure to spoil you with anything you need!
@supervaca : Yuuji! You are the dominant one, and Yuuji is your sweet subby baby boy. You take such good care of him, and he's so happy and grateful and showers you with affection and love in return!!
@kodzucafe : Yuuji! Since I read your Yuuji fic, I always imagine you and Yuuji as the couple in that fic! A very sweet, soft, and fun relationship where extrovert Yuuji pulls you along to have fun!
@presidentmonica : Megumi! He's a bit of a mean boyfriend, but you know how to handle him, and you are both obsessed with each other. Very steamy relationship grrrr
@laudthingcat : Choso! You're a couple who likes to stay at home and indulge in your shared hobbies like gaming and movies and shows. Very gentle with each other but also very playful and can laugh so much together!
@venussins : Gojo! A super funny and lighthearted relationship! You tease each other all the time, lots of sarcastic jokes, and playful banter. An all-eyes-on-us-couple! But if it gets too much for you, Gojo always senses it and makes sure to take you home and give you some time to recharge. He's a sweetheart when it comes to you, after all!
@killerdabi : Yuuji! A very loving and supportive relationship! Yuuji always helps you feel better anytime you are anxious about something! He's your personal sunshine awww
@sora-tonin : Mikey! You are the perfect Queen next to King Mikey! He adores you and knows he can always trust you. In his eyes, there is no one else who is worthy of sitting on the throne by his side! A sexy, loyal and badass power couple!!
@yeagerbombs : Yuuji! I imagine you and Yuuji as a really sweet and affectionate couple who play video games and watch anime together! He is your boyfriend and best friend in the same person!
@fairyfuyu: Yuuji + Megumi! Two boyfriends who invite you into their relationship. It starts as a friends with benefits thing, but then all three of you fall in love with each other. You and Yuuji are the only ones who can make grumpy Gumi smile. And Gumi always makes sure to play Daddy and manage your lives lol. But in a very sweet way!
@yuki-no-akumu : Baji! You manage to tame the guy who likes to act so tough. He is a sweet and affectionate kitten for you :) A loving relationship based on mutual trust, taking care of each other, and really good sex!
@fuwushiguro : Toji! He's your Daddy and spoils you so much! He's really sweet with you only while he's pretty rough with other people. You're his baby girl and he loves seeing you smile when he takes care of you. Loves to show you off!
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I'm sorry that I can't include more of my lovely mutuals! I tried to think of as many as I could, but the list was getting VERY long, and with some of you, I don't know you well enough to ship you with a character. I hope I got all the people I interact with regularly at least aaahhhh
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pure-kirarin · 3 years
Who's the best Law ?
First of all thanks for taking part of this statistic. Now let's proceed to the results ! <3
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Statistic result : 1) Disappointed.exe 2) Torao + Pretty Boy Law 3) Law dono / Stoner Law / Tsundere Law 4) Luigi D. Law
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With a draw between Torao and Pretty Boy Law (12.5%)
I counted 40 votes, when someone answered with two Law I picked the first Law they went with (or the one they preferred when mentioned)
RESULT OF THE STATISTIC BY TYPE OF LAW: Disappointed.exe (35%) - With a majority of 35% people have a preference for Onigashima Law, current arc Law ! -Hypothesis: Could it be that people actually like the chaotic energy that Law is giving now that he has mingled with the strawhats ???? -I feel bad for my followers because apparently : They are disappointed and they lost hope in humanity. -Good point tho : They're hydrated !!
Torao (12.5%) -My followers still have some innocence left in them. -They love confused Law -Torao is precious because he represents the "shock" that Law had when meeting the strawhats :) :) :) which is comical. So my followers love to tease and torture Law.
Pretty boy Law (12.5%) -Probably Zoro x Law shippers. -Care a lot for Law's well being -They want to protecc law.
=> The draw between Pretty Boy Law & Torao represents 2 type of people who participated in this statistic :
* People who voted Pretty Boy Law want to protecc * People who voted Torao want to attacc * People who voted for disappointed.exe relate to Law and I'm worried for y'all, please take care of your mental health <3 -> Also you're probably a brat & a Law stan. /!\
People who voted for Law dono / Stoner Law / Tsundere Law -> Congrats ! You are a special snowflake. IF YOU VOTED.....Stoner Law -> You like memes -> "I loved him before all of you new stans that only like Law for his sexy looks" -> You like chaos -> You're sleep deprived go to sleep ffs -> You relate to this meme
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IF YOU VOTED...Tsundere Law -> I am genuinely surprised that there aren't more of you ! You're probably an uwu person. Very soft. Good good. -> You probably use this 🥺 a lot. -> You kin Bepo
-> Honestly I have nothing to say -> You're stressed & you like big tiddies ??? -> Your choice is based on that scene where Law is chained (you see what I'm talking about) IF YOU VOTED FOR...LUIGI D LAW
-> You're...weird ??? You have an amputee kink ??? You probably ship Law and Doflamingo 👀👀
if you voted mushroom Law I forgot about you and I am too lazy to edit this post sorry 😢 💕😌
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nxtsnw · 3 years
Lets do a game! Tag your moots and write with who they would be engaged to and why! Idk it seemed fun to do lmao🥰
hihii! pls it sounds so cute- i hope I did it right<33
HEEYHEYY TO ALL OF MY MOOTS⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ I hope y'all like it and I hope that I got the ship right lmao
@beljisuke absolutely w baji. my otp<3 (even though we are married) . she's always so sweet and super supportive, I think baji would always do everything possible to keep her safe. soulmates;) and they would be just cute together <3
@softshiin so bad with hanma:) I see them as a perfect couple because he's not too responsible, but! she wouldn't let herself get pushed around. He'd then get so soft with u pls- (always being annoying ofc)
@ttu-tmp inui. absolutely with him. he would be so caring with you, just always remembering when you need to take a break and above all not overloading yourself with work <3 also, he'd always support you a lot pls
@ranisastripperpole mikey!! he would fade every time, cause you are always so sweet and kind(tyssm bby). Please mikey would like someone to support him so badly <3 you two would be just so lovely
@hortensiyas ran!! I know he's not the romantic type, but he would take you on late-night dates around town<3 I feel he'll love to listen to you,, you're also always so kind(if he does something bad imma punch him ;)
@killuwut KAZUTORA. i'm sure he would love to hug you too <3 you are a such a kind person, he'd love to spend time with you pls. I love ur vibes and ur wiring sm fhufasas
@introvert--weeb ohh we didn't interact a lot:( but I love your works a lot!! For u i chose rindou. you always look so kind pls, he just would love it <3
@crispin-kreme IZANA. I'm so curious for ur story dnasjk. love ur writings!!, you're so kind please you two would be so cute as couple
@atsuwiee draken!! he would love your energy so much. plus there I see a lot him caring for u<3
@0risha shinichiro. you always have layouts so pretty, i love your vibes pls. And it makes me laugh at the idea of shin staring at you when you work to improve your profile, he also tries to help you but he doesn't understand us much (let's appreciate the effort-)
@yuile nishinoya:) you are so kind, i think he would bring chaos. but chaos good, he would love to cheer you up always<3
@kimaya2209 akaashi. I think that he'd match your vibes sm. he's such a perfect guy(perfect especially for u), and he would be so sweet to you hun <33
@n6hoya nahoya. you give me the same energy as him- Your dates would be so chaotic. please I would be one of your biggest fans (with souya too)
@chifuyusleftpiercing chifuyu!! you are very kind- he would love this and I swear he would be the type who cheers you up at all times<33
I also have other moots, maybe I'll do part two !! but I haven't interacted with others at all, so maybe I try to understand their vibes first
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toracius · 4 years
Ship your mutuals~✨✨
Oh? I'm gonna stick to Haikyuu, also, I think I've done some before, so I'll probably go with another option for those.
@taqoyaqui-chan and Kenma
Gaming buddies. Also, Kenma's really soft and perceptive, which balances out your *mildly chaotic energy* while also being able to get how you're feeling about stuff. (Plus he's super feline-like, you'd probably have such cute cuddles)😻😽😸
@fukoronoko and Akaashi
Chaotic parent figure and calm parent figure. I'll leave you to figure who's the parent I'd ask if I could stay up at night. 😝🥰🤗
Other than that, idk, your vibes just flow together??? If that makes sense???
@discountkiyoko and Asahi
Gentle giants. PLEASE, Y'ALL WOULD BE SO CUTE. I am very much imagining it and fböwxbwöf, so much soft wholesome energy💟💟💟
@paradise-creator and Yaku
I think you already know why. You're my current otp💕 He just exudes confidence, and your ability to flirt- power couple, anyone?
@catchmewiddershins and Sugawara
You're so soft and cute, he's gonna be all over you. And once you two get to know each other well? The things you could get up to together 💕💕💕 I want an invite to the wedding
@sydsbobashop and Aone
Gentle giant + Hyper, outspoken shortcake? You're fiercely loyal and value the people you care about so much. And you know who'd absolutely adore you for it? (We all know everyone would adore you, but just let me use this explanation ok?) He'd cherish you so much. And both of you just being mutually protective of each other❣️❣️❣️
@cerise-jolie-jennie and Osamu
You're both gorgeous, and look so calm. But the moment some asshole tried to pick a fight, they've sealed they're fate, because there's no winning against the two of you. An absolute unit and I stan💓💓💓
@strawberry-mentos-dreams and Bokuto
Your biggest fan. It doesn't matter if you think you're the worst person on the planet, he's going to convince you otherwise, and you're going to end up believing him (as you should) And when you're both energetic? Pure sunshine🌟🌟🌟
@boba-duckie and Suna
The one and only Rintaro. Why, you might ask? Soft, energetic baby, and apathetic, tired boyfriend. And he's so soft for you. Probably has a whole gallery on his phone for pictures with you because he wants to remember every moment he spends with his sweetie.
@pluvioseprince and Yamaguchi
Soft, wholesome, supportive, really, why are you both so cute??? I'm sobbing. It's so pure and uplifting. Vibes are on point. Yamayes ftw💕💕💕 bfwlxbw
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sakichi56 · 5 years
Poll I guess?
Okay, so, I wasn't originally going to do this, but then I realized this is the easiest way to do this. So here I am. After I finish my dumb little AU series for them on AO3, I am still planning to write more for them because they have so little and I feel horrible for all of y'all who ship them. I have a whole comp book full of ideas for the pairing and I am going to list a hand full of them that I have the most outline work done, and I would like anyone who is interested to tell me which ones you would like to see (if any) and specifically which one I should write first.
1.Omegaverse- Just a dumb little oneshot about Frieza being an omega who likes to mask his scent with that of an alpha because he wants people to think he is one, and Goku is totally cool with it. Vegeta is suspicious and decides to do some investigating into what Frieza really is.
2.Soulmate AU- Specifically the one about not being able to see color until you meet/touch your soulmate. Frieza never believed in or cared for the idea of soulmate, until he saw color for the first time during a fated battle with a certain Saiyan on a planet called Namek.
3."Zombie Flipper AU"- Frieza lives on Earth with his family. Cold is a politician, Cooler is the district chief prosecutor, and Frieza is in the business of flipping houses. But his latest project happens to be a bit tougher than he bargained for when he finds out that the property in question happens to be plagued by a terrible local gang, not to mention the people livijg in the home arent too open to talking with him. All except for the youngest member of the family, and boy is he something.
4.Highschool Au- Actually don't know which of the two ideas I want to go with for this one, so I guess I will just list both and let you guys vote on that too. The first is that Frieza is used to going to Private school all his life, but when the highschool he is slated to go to ends up being closed down, he gets thrown last minute into a public school and finds himself completely lost. Luckily, he happens to share gym class with a very friendly and helpful boy named Goku, who offers to show him the ropes, and the two hit it off. In this one, Frieza wouldn't necessarily be meek, but he would be a bit more shy than in canon. The other idea is just that Frieza is your typical snotty rich kid with high grades, student council president, head of disciplinary committee, etc. And he choose to go to a public school because he is bored with private schools. Goku is your friendly guy with awful grades (minus gym), shows up a bit late regularly, but all his teachers love him. When he gets in trouble and is sent to see Frieza, he shows no signs of fear or remorse, and is instead very chatty. Frieza is both infuriated by this brat not knowing his place and showing him the proper respect and fear he deserves, but also very intrigued because he is so different. So, he decides the boy's punishment will be to join the student council, that way he would be required to behave better, hoping this will give them more time together to learn and study one another.
5.Actor Au- Basically, everything that happened between all the characters in canon, it was all a show. Frieza and Goku are just actors playing their roles. And Frieza is ecstatic to be working with the man once again. He always had a crush on him, but he never worked up the courage to say anything back when they were recording Z, nor did he when they were filming his movie. So, with Super nearing it's end, Frieza decides he will finally confess his feelings to Goku and see what happens, since he has no idea if they will ever get to work together again.
6.New God Of U.7- Just a short oneshot about what could happen if Beerus either decides to retire and has Goku and Frieza compete for his position, or if something happens to him and Whis has to make a hasty decision to fill the position and it comes down to them. Goku would end up getting the job, and Frieza, having been brought up all his life to fear the God Of Destruction and be respectful to them, has a hard time knowing where they stand with eachother now. So he defaults to forced, reluctant politeness and submission. Which Goku does not like at all.
7.Idol AU- Just what it sounds like. The good guys are an idol group, and the villains are an idol group. With Goku and Frieza leading them respectively. The two groups end up competing for the right to perform at the World Musical Arts Convention, the two groups end up being forced closer than they ever thought possible by unforseen circumstances.
8.Servant AU- When Frieza has a fight with his father over an arranged marriage, he runs off in a rebellious huff and bumps into a servant around his age who begins talking with him. He is in a foul mood and considers killing the other boy, but something about the Broly soothes him, so he ends up taking a liking to the other male and tells him about the fight he had with his father. The two become something akin to friends, but only when they are alone, as his father would kill the other boy if he knew. Frieza appoints the Saiyan as his own personal servant and swiftly moves him into his wing of the palace, meaning they are closer and can get to know each other better. All goes well for the two, until King Cold springs a meeting with the Frieza's betrothed princess on him.
9. Kindergarten AU- What it sounds like, everyone is a child, Beerus and Whis are the teachers, there are cliques such as Goku, Krillen, Yamcha and Bulma, who are sometimes joined by Tien and Chiaotzu. 17 and 18, the twins who always stick together in their own world, but have recently been approached by Krillen. Piccolo is a loner, until the transfer student Gohan worms his way into his life. Vegeta is also a lone wolf, but he has a somewhat friendly, somewhat hateful friendship with Goku, and he and Bulma are quite sweet on each other. Then there are the trouble makers, Frieza and Cell. They are sometimes accompanied by Buu, as the child is quite chaotic, but not always since he is also fairly nice and he doesn't entirely fit in with them. Frieza has a crush on Goku, as he admires how the other boy stands up to him and is always called in by his friends to protect them from Cell or even Frieza himself. But, as they are both so young, Frieza does not know how to show the other how he feels, so he picks on him instead.
10.Chapter fic- I have an entire fic outlined from beginning to end, and have had it for a few months now. It's basically one of rhose dumb 'what if Goku brought an unconscious, cut in half Frieza back to Earth with him' story. Bulma ends up fixing him up instead and he has to undergo a lot of physical therapy and recovery to get used to the robotic limbs. Bulma and Goku keep him in check (as Goku spends the year at C.C. with Bulma and the tyrant) and along the way they all forge a friendship, even though Frieza would never admit it. Frieza is given the option by Goku of staying or leaving, as Bulma will build him a ship if that is what he wants. But before the year is up, the two have shown him such a good time, especially the Saiyan, that he does not know which option to choose. While he deliberates on the choice, trouble approaches the Earth.
So those are a handful of what I have, I still have a ton of other ideas, but those are the ones I have the most prepared for at this time. So yeah, please let me know what you all think. If you want me to try any of these, and if so which one should be first, or even if you think I should scrap any entirely from my book.
Much appreciated, and sorry for wasting anyone's time!~♡
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its-captain-sir · 5 years
for the characters ask meme-- could you do all of the clones from umbara? jesse, dogma, kix, etc
Hell YEAH I can!!
How I feel about this character
Ahhhhhh I get so many feels about him. I loved him all throughout The Clone Wars and and when he came back in Rebels I just ahhhh mY hEaRT. Seriously, I love this man, he's one of my favorite characters in star wars.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Idk I'll ship him with pretty much anyone if people can convince me it's a good ship, I'm not picky about that stuff. I won't do r*xsoka though.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Rex and Ahsoka, hands down. They are the BEST BROTP in my opinion.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Rex let Umbara get too far before doing something. He knew something was up with Krell and he should have confronted him about it. There was dissent among the ranks even in the beginning and if he decided to do something he would have had the support of the men. I understand he had an internal war going on with his loyalty at the time but I think he should have prioritized his men above all else.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Did he ever meet Luke and Leia?? Did he know who they were if he did??? Come on Lucasfilm, PLEASE LET THEM MEET
How I feel about this character
God I wish he was a real person cause I would love to be friends with him. His Chaotic™ energy is just the best.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Same thing as Rex honestly, though I really really really like Fives/Rabé.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Fives and Echo cause they're the best bros :)
My unpopular opinion about this character
Fives can't flirt to save his life XD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
This one's pretty obvious, it's that people actually listened to him about the chip and HE DIDN'T DIE.
How I feel about this character
He gives me puppy dog vibes aND I DON'T KNOW WHY. But anyways, I love him, he's great.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Again, I'll do anyone. That's basically the answer for everyone with this question XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase cause I love those three
My unpopular opinion about this character
Jesse's sarcasm and humor always tended towards the darker side of things, even before Umbara
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Just that we saw more of him??? He's not in that many episodes and he really should have been.
How I feel about this character
I have way too many feels about him too and most of them are SAD cause he lived till the time of The Force Awakens and he's all alone and his brothers never knew what happened to him and I just *cries*
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Same answer as the last few, next question
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase dude, they're just *chef's kiss*
My unpopular opinion about this character
He's not a angry-and-grumpy-at-people type of medic, he's actually a cares-a-lot-maybe-a-bit-too-much-even type of medic
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Lucusfilm. Lucusfilm please. Put Kix in the sequel trilogy, I BEG of you
How I feel about this character
This boy.... His hyperactivity and ADHD-ness speaks to my soul... I love him...
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Y'all know the answer XD
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Jesse, Kix, and Hardcase, the best OT3 there is :)
My unpopular opinion about this character
He actually makes a conscious effort to be so positive and happy about stuff
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
Another obvious one, that he didn't DIE
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Why am I still even putting this question here?
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Tup and Dogma! I LOVE writing their dynamics!
My unpopular opinion about this character
This ain't even that unpopular but HE DID NOTHING WRONG
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Honestly I just wish canon would tell uS WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, ANSWER ME FILONI
How I feel about this character
All the people I ship romantically with this character
You know the answer, we're skipping this, next!
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Tup and Dogma!!! Love those two <333
My unpopular opinion about this character
Once again, I don't think this is very unpopular but he's some form of nonbinary
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Send me a character and I'll break them down!
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[DIAMOND LIFE PODCASTS] Episode 1: Neighbours
[SUN 8/10/2017]
[2147PM SGT]
Wooed: Okay, so we were talking about shipping us with members of Seventeen the other day and somehow Scooped thinks I’d be compatible with Mingyu?
Scooped: I don’t know man, I just feel like your personality matches the best with him. Meanwhile, I don’t really see Coups and I getting along all that well.
Wooed: Dude, you’re like the mom of our group, and he’s the dad of Seventeen. You’d match perfectly
Hoshit: You’d both compete to see who can take care of each other better.
Wooed: You’d both compete to see who wakes up earlier to make breakfast for the other.
Scooped: And we end up sleeping for an hour per night. I’ll be like, “Hey, babe, what are you doing at 3AM in the morning?” and he replies, “Making breakfast.”
Scooped: Alright, I’ll make lunch at 3AM.
Wooed: Then Mingyu pops his head into your window and declares, “I’M MAKING DINNER :D” And you both go, “WTF Mingyu.”
Hoshit: And you both make enough food to last the entire week.
Jihooned: Guys, I leave to bathe and this happens.
Wooed: I’ll end up dragging Mingyu by the ear back into his apartment. GOD SCOOPED IMAGINE IF WE BOTH ENDED UP AS NEIGHBOURS THO. Mingyu and Coups would be chaotic, yelling at each other through their windows.
Wooed: “WHATCHU COOKIN’ THERE.” “PANCAKES.” “CAN I HAVE SOME.” “SURE.” All at like five freaking AM.
Hoshit: Dude, what if we all end up living on the same apartment floor.
Jihooned: Oh god, please no.
Wooed: One day, Mingyu gets the cold and it spreads throughout the floor because you all came over for dinner. I don’t get sick because I’d most probably be used to being around Kim Mingew already
Scooped: Or everyone just starves because Mingyu wouldn't be able to cook
Hoshit: Wait, who am I supposed to be married to in this scenario?
Wooed: I’m with Mingyu, Scooped is with Seungchul, you’re probably with Soonyoung.
Jihooned: I’ll take Seokmin then
Wooed: Seokmin starts every morning with an “ACHIM EUN MoOOOoOoOOOO~~~” and everyone in the whole floor jerks awake.
Scooped: Seungcheol screams at him to shut up.
Jihooned: The two of us will be the most childish shits
Wooed: Seokmin the type to do toilet paper pranks though. Mingyu sees him and be like, “Uh, what are you doing at my house?” Seokmin replies, “I’m… TP-ing it.” “Can I join you?” “Mingyu… this is your house…”
Scooped: Will Coups be the kinky one to leave early at our gatherings?
Jihooned: Scooped why.
Hoshit: Soonyoung and I will leave early too… to play Jenga
Wooed: I’LL LEAVE LAST BECAUSE YOU ASSES WOULD PROBABLY HAVE GATHERED AT MY PLACE FOR FOOD AND MINGYU AND I WILL CLEAN UP LIKE THE RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE WE ARE. But it’s okay if it means cuddle sessions at the couch when we’re too tired to move. “Should we bathe?” “Nah.”
Hoshit: DIRTY.
Wooed: Not as dirty as what Coups is doing next door HOOOOOooOOOoOOoOOO *blaring airhorns effect*
Hoshit: I want some bread.
Wooed: OMG. Baking days with Seokmin though can you imagine!!!
Jihooned: YAaAaAAAAAsSSS
Wooed: Mingyu goes over and they hole themselves in the kitchen for like hours on end. The two of us stand there just being like, “Uh… can we help?
Wooed: Mingyu says, “Jihooned, yes. Wooed, stay the hell out of the kitchen. You’ll burn it down.” “Yes sir.”
Jihooned: Omg, also, DOGS. YES. DOGS.
Hoshit: Y'all we can all get a different breed of dog each? So that we can kinda own 5 dogs.
Jihooned: I want corgis and shibas, and Seok can have his maltese
Scooped: Why do I feel like Coups and I will hardly mix around with you guys?
Wooed: Probably because Coups’ completely done with our shit. It’s okay, I’ll get Mingyu to yell at you through the balcony. Like, “HOYYYYYYYYYYY”
Jihooned: Holy shit I read that in his voice.
Scooped: ME TOO WTF.
Wooed: If all else fails, Mingyu’s body is definitely long enough to stretch across two apartments.
Hoshit: Soonyoung and I will dance our way into your house. We’ll jump from the balcony.
Jihooned: Please don’t jump. At least not you, Hoshit, you will trip.
Scooped: I can literally see them climbing through all the balconies like, “Sorry Seokmin, coming through!”
Wooed: Then at 5AM in the morning, Mingyu and I will go, “ESS COoOOoOOOOOuUuPS”
Wooed: Please put this convo on hold I need to go down for a meeting.
Wooed: I REPEAT. WE ARE NOT DONE TALKING ABOUT THIS. But before I start, can I just say how Mingyu and I will be the BEST birthday party planners of the group? We’ll like, keep notes of every person’s birthday including our kids if we have any. AND WE’LL THROW ALL THE SURPRISE BIRTHDAY PARTIES. We’ll invite Hansol so he doesn’t feel left out of the February 18th Squad
(Hoshit, Seokmin and Hansol share the same birthday)
Jihooned: Yeah, because Hoshit obviously will not be able to remember any of our birthdays.
Wooed: Imagine Mingyu and I making a huge fuss over Soonyoung’s kid’s first birthday because IT’S A FIRST BIRTHDAY WE NEED A CEREMONY. WHAT DO WE DO.
Hoshit: Dude, just buy a cake.
Wooed: *Narrows eyes* What kind of parent are you.
Hoshit: We can even have one balloon. One is enough, right? To be honest I’ll just give my child money. If we take into account inflation they’d be richer in the future.
Wooed: Your kid would just end up spending more time with their Uncle Mingyu and me. He’d be godfather to all of the kids, and I guess that makes me their godmum too?
Jihooned: God, have fun taking care of our kids then.
Hoshit: I’d be the chillest mom dude.
Scooped: Coups and I will just be doling out red packets to all of the kids. “Here you go”, “One for you”, “You get one too.”
(in Chinese customs, the elders would give red packets containing money to children during special occasions like New Year and birthdays WHICH IS A GREAT ALTERNATIVE IF YOU’RE LAZY TO GO OUT AND ACTUALLY BUY A GIFT COUGH COUGH)
Hoshit: OMG no, I know exactly which mum I'd be. The embarrassing one that shouts encouragements at like sports matches. My son, getting ready to serve, me: "OH YES THAT'S MY BABY BOY SLAY THEM!!!!!!! CRUSH THEM ALL!!!! SWEETIE YOU'RE DOING SO WELL"
Wooed: Then the staff in charge goes, "M'am I’m gonna have to ask you to sit down"
Wooed: Soonyoung screeches from the grandstand, "BITCH YOU DON’T TALK TO MAH WIFE LIKE THAT."
Wooed: Then Hoshit & Soonyoung’s future son: "Oh my god dad please". They both get subsequently banned from all the games, and Mingyu and I take their place because we are actual civil human beings.
Scooped: Hoshit and Soonyoung are going to get banned from everywhere. Like, EVERYWHERE. They can’t even go out in public without people around to supervise them.
Hoshit: Yeah, but we’d be like, the life of the party… Until we get kicked out.
Scooped: Meanwhile Coups and I will be the complete opposite because we are lazy old people.
Hoshit: I’d be disturbing S.Coups all day to be honest. Wonwoo too. Wait, does Wonwoo factor into any of this shit.
Scooped: I honestly wouldn’t like it if this happens.
Wooed: Yeah, Wonwoo would chill at our house pretty often, so he factors in. BUT, Mingyu and I would protect this boy with our life, so disturb him and DIE.
Jihooned: Aren’t you supposed to be having a meeting.
Wooed: It’s boring.
Hoshit: It’s okay, I live to disturb other people. I’m a professional disturber.
Jihooned: You’d be the first to die. Hoshit, I wonder how are you gonna survive with Soonyoung. You two will have trouble operating technology.
Wooed: Yeah, just because Mingyu lives next door doesn’t mean you can disturb us whenever you all need a lightbulb switch.
Jihooned: Do you want Hoshit to fix a lightbulb? I don’t think so. The whole apartment will have a blackout.
Scooped: It won’t even be a blackout. It would be an explosion. Boom. Dead.
Wooed: Mingyu and I be cuddling watching television when the electricity blows out. “GODDAMMIT KWON SOONYOUNG.”
Jihooned: Guys.
Jihooned: It's 12AM KST.
Hoshit: Shit.
Scooped: Shit.
Wooed: Shit.
Jihooned: Shit.
Junnie: /Reads the entire long ass convo at 2:00am/ Guys when this happens, when I marry Jun, please remember to cook dinner for me every night and tell me which door to knock on because I might starve if y’all don’t. Thank you very much ok goodnight
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seriously-claire · 8 years
An open letter to the fandom.
To begin with, I would like to say I don't usually get in the middle of all the fandom ship fights (or any fights really). But Teen Wolf is ending and it makes me beyond sad that there is so much fighting and hatred between some people instead of celebrating and enjoying every episode till the end. I'm not gonna say which ship is better or worse because it's not my place and I strongly believe everyone can like what they like and that's that. But I would like to adress some anger that I've seen here after 6x09. Not too spoilery but if you haven't seen the episode I don't want to ruin anything for you so I'm warning you 😊 First of all, to people saying that Lydia loving Stiles since season 3 is implausible because Lydia is the kind of girl who goes for what she wants. Let me tell you something. Yes. She does, but she goes for what she wants physically. She never had deeper feelings for Aiden (maybe she cared for him, but come on, she wasn't in love with him I hope we can all agree here). Her relationship with Parrish was a bit more complicated and arguably there was potential there to become something romantic, BUT with everything happening I don't think they had the time to do anything with that connection AND Stiles was already with Malia by then so she couldn't really go for him, could she? Moreover, what we have to remember is that between season 3 and season 6 not much time has passed. Having your life on the line every other episode they didn't have much time to focus on romance and feelings. And Lydia has always had issues with her feelings. Look at her relationship with her mother (yes it's different now, but they've been pretty cold towards each other even though they loved each other). This is the girl who has been pretending to be stupid and shallow for years. She's obviously not very good at being her real self (although she keeps getting better at it). As for those who say that Scott should have been the one to "bring back" Stiles, because they are like brothers and that trumps every other relationship on the show... Boy, do I love their relationship. I love Scott so much. BUT. What you have to remember is that they needed a very intense connection, strong feelings to get that "portal thingy" open. And as much as you love your brother, sister, mother or friend, it doesn't keep you awake at night. It doesn't make you think about them all the time. It doesn't give you butterflies. You know what I mean? That's what being in love is and the reason why Allison was Scott's anchor and Stiles is Malia's. Those feelings just bring something different, more intense. It makes sense. Lastly, to the people saying that it was unfair to Malia showing Stydia as a thing since season 3. That wasn't the point. When you have "the love of your life", a part of you will always love them no matter what happens. But it doesn't mean you can't love someone else. Besides, Stiles and Malia never exchanged "i love yous". I'm not saying they weren't in love with each other. Again, I just think there wasn't enough time for them to develop those feelings. And again, don't get me wrong. I love Malia. And I really enjoyed their relationship. They needed each other and they helped each other. Stiles and Lydia were quietly and slowly falling in love with each other for years and I understand if you don't ship it. I do. But when I see posts that are tagged "anti(your ship name)" and literally NOTHING ELSE I feel like some people are really sad and miserable. Why don't you just go and stay on your ship of choice tag and enjoy the content you have there. Seriously it's the last season let's try to make it count without all the hate. Nothing good ever comes of it. There sure are parts of the show I don't like but I would NEVER search to offend anyone or tell someone to go kill themselves. Just grow up. What is wrong with you people. Oh and by the way, You're not as anonymous as you think you are. If you made it till the end, I wish y'all have a great day! Please. Spread love not hate and try and love the show you're watching not just your ship ❤ Oh and sorry if it's a bit chaotic. I only had a couple of minutes to write this. Claire.
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