#these happen and sena is happy
hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
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Something about how i owe them everything
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deus-ex-mona · 4 months
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no thoughts, just the way the narumi sisters are so different yet fundamentally similar at the same time yk?
#i love the functionally dysfunctional relationship of the narumi sisters to an unhealthy degree i think…#i’ve just been thinking about how both sisters put each other up on a high pedestal while having a less than high opinion of themselves and.#aaaaaaa just the way sena calls mona her angel while thinking of herself as a useless/subpar older sis#a n d how the main source of mona’s depression is her constant comparisons with her beloved big sis sena is just. aaaaa#just!!!! the way sena pushes herself past her limits in her attempts to portray herself as an ideal big sis for mona#even at the expense of her own health sometimes (see also: the beach sisters honeypre event)#i really feel like the way sena thinks she isn’t good enough of a big sis to mona is pretty glossed over for the most part tbh.. man.#(​i have many thoughts on this tbh. none of them coherent)#and just. aaaaaaaaaaaa im really happy that both of them have great support systems (their families + [midori for sena]/[monacas for mona])#like. even though they don’t personally think they’re good enough compared to their ideals…#at least they have people who are there to love them for who they truly are. their true selves (honto no watashi) if you will—#idk i just wish both of them could see themselves exactly how their sister sees them…#b ut man i really want idol sengen season 2 just so that we may be able to see how sena reacts upon finding out what happens to the bracelet#i doubt they’ll show it in an mv but. man. i really want to know how she’ll react…#im probably misremembering and misinterpreting a bunch of stuff about sena huh… i miss her thoughhh#i miss seeing the sisters together tbh. i think the gen 3 sibling pairs should sing together a la tokyo [season] session style
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chuluoyi · 7 months
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✩°。 ⋆ the most twisted curse
- fushiguro megumi x oc/reader - oc/reader's character name is hara sena, pronouns still refer to “you” and i won’t mention it often—just for the sake of aesthetic rather than repeatedly writing "y/n"
in another life, in which fate is still screwing his life over, Fushiguro Megumi finds himself in an arranged marriage―with you.
genre/warnings: arranged marriage au, drama, heavy angst, description of major injury and blood, hurt/comfort (or no comfort?), there is one fluff scene! :))
notes: next chapter will be the last <3
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series masterlist | next. seize your happiness
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Megumi stopped in his tracks in horror.
Blood. There was so much blood. It was everywhere, painting everything in angry scarlet―
And you. In the middle of it.
"Sena..." The pounding of his heart was deafening, drowning anything else. It started from his hands, and slowly but unmistakably, his entire body began to tremble with terror— "Sena!"
He was late. When he arrived to the Zen’in mansion, everything was in shambles. The disciplinary chamber reeked of blood and destruction, Naoya’s pallid corpse and—
He quickly made his way to where you were, and felt his throat closing in.
Your face was battered and bruised, your lips were torn and blood streamed down your torso as if it were a cascading waterfall. Your right leg was twisted into an unnatural angle, and everything else was simply—
You looked absolutely broken.
"Damn it, fuck—"
With panic seeping in, Megumi couldn't think straight. He brought you to his arms, and with the movement, he could feel the stickiness of your blood staining him, the stench filling his lungs, and he almost wheezed as a result.
“You… why…” the hands that were holding you trembled, both with fear and genuine fury.
Fear, because he was losing you with each second he wasn’t able to get you to the help faster. Fury, because he had left you so unprotected that you ended up in this state.
It was more towards himself. All things prior this day be damned. Megumi hated himself with each second. He would be able to stand against Naoya, and in case he couldn’t then he still had his final card through Mahoraga, but you?
You couldn’t go against him and he didn’t mean it in belittling way. Naoya was known for his speed and offensive prowess, and you weren’t built for that. He would totally wreck you first before you could unleash your fatal technique—which he assumed what happened since you were able to take him out in the end.
But that didn’t matter anymore. Not when you were dying like this, before Megumi was able to say anything to you.
Last time he saw you, you were crying for him not to go. He tried many times to banish that image away from his mind because it was so vivid. He remembered how sobs wracked your body as he left you with the most hurtful parting words:
“It’s done. We’re done. I don’t want to see you ever again.”
It was almost like a curse. He really never saw you again before now. And now, he wasn’t even sure if you were still alive at all.
No, that was indeed a curse.
The voice in his mind whispered many things he tried to mute the past few weeks. He had cursed you—and perhaps, himself too—and now he was left with the consequences.
“No, no...” he said in a broken whisper as he had a look over your state. "I'm begging you—"
In his arms was the only girl he had loved. He never wanted any harm to come to you, despite everything that had gone down. That decision to pull out the divorce papers too—a part of him had hoped that with cutting all ties with you, it would free you from all of this mess too.
“Hang in there—!”
But you weren’t responsive at all. He couldn’t even feel you breathing. He felt like picking up a doll, a destroyed one, with the way your head lolled lifelessly in his arms.
Megumi didn’t really know what was worse—the guilt or the pain in his chest. But he kept trekking forward even as the his eyes burned with tears, with your bloodied form in his hold.
Because for all he knew, no matter what happened onwards, his world had ended right where you were.
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When he handed you over to the emergency room, he was struck once more by just how vividly red everything was.
His hands, arm, and shirt were drenched in your blood. Megumi stood numbly before the sliding doors, ears still ringing from Ieiri Shoko’s harsh barks to her assistants, the sight of you being taken away again beyond the door left a burning sensation in his throat.
You had shed so much blood, would you still pull through?
He didn’t know how much time had passed since he brought you here. It felt like a long of time, and he knew it to be true when Gojo arrived at Shoko's clinic with the sun already dipping low on the horizon. He didn’t know why though, perhaps his longtime friend was the one contacting him.
“Megumi, are you okay?” he immediately asked upon seeing him on sight, slumped with his head low. He grabbed his shoulder, turning him to face him directly.
Megumi looked up to his former mentor slowly, almost as if he was paralyzed. Eyes empty, with your blood still covering him—he hadn't made any attempt to wash it off.
“Megumi, come on. You have to clean yourself—”
“Gojo-sensei…” he suddenly croaked, throat dry. “I have to be here…”
“Go wash yourself first—”
Those words were the tipping point. His pent-up fury suddenly exploded at that moment—
“Get off me!”
Megumi pushed him away with such strength that Gojo nearly fell onto his backside, only managing to stay upright because of his good reflexes.
"Why does it matter to you?" Megumi spat out, anger seething between his clenched teeth. "How can I possibly think about cleaning up when—when, she’s i-inside… and I can't even tell if she's still alive or not?!”
“Why… why do you have to agree to that binding vow?” right now Megumi just wanted to blame anything—anyone, everyone, this accursed world, and even himself. The burning in his chest was scalding, making his voice tight with emotion. “Why do you agree to something that could make her put her life in danger?!”
"Why! Just why!" The tears he'd been holding back finally broke free, cascading down his cheeks as he let out a howl that echoed through the deserted hospital corridor.
Gojo could only stare at him in silence, pondering the irony of the situation. You, who wanted to end everything out of your love for him, and Megumi, who wanted to cut you out of this mess and never wanted you to be involved in the first place. Both of you meant the best for each other—protecting each other through your own ways.
Gojo wouldn't be able to go against any of Megumi's wishes from now on. Because once again, he knew what it was.
How love is the most twisted curse of all.
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You... are always so pretty.
In your sorcerer's uniform. In the morning when you just woke up. The night you cried.
In each and every image Megumi had of you, you were always beautiful. But there was one poignant sight that stood out, where you were most breathtaking... and that was during your wedding day.
You were the very picture of a dream bride. Wrapped in that white silk kimono, brushed by the traditional make up and hairdo—he could've sworn he had never seen anyone so stunning before you in his entire life. And the fact that you had appeared out of nowhere in his life one day, only to become his bride, filled him with even greater wonder.
You were beautiful then... but there was something about you he didn't quite like still.
You appeared ashen, almost as though you were ill. You looked like someone would hound you if you weren't there. And above all, you looked unhappy.
—which was hauntingly similar to your appearance now. Beneath the pristine, unblemished hospital blanket, you looked exceedingly pale and lifeless, with the beeping of the machine serving as the only assurance he had that you were still here.
You appeared as though you were merely sleeping, but when he reached out to grasp your hand in his, it felt chillingly cold. It didn't feel like you—an eerie sensation as foreign as the stab of pain he felt in his chest.
"Hey..." his voice came out in a faint whisper as his eyes quietly looked you over. "Are you... still there?"
Beep… Beep… Beep…
"You're not in pain anymore... right?" he asked into the empty, thin air.
It was cruel to him that you looked absolutely at peace, with how your eyes tightly shut and your eyelashes not even once fluttered. If this was your way of punishing him for leaving you, then it was incredibly, irrevocably cruel.
But you wouldn't. Megumi knew you wouldn't. Because you trusted him, until the very end. Even when he left.
He gritted his teeth, feeling his heart break once again. "If you're there... then please... just wake up."
Beep... Beep... Beep...
"...I'm sorry. I'm sorry for leaving you—I'm sorry... for..."
Beep... Beep... Beep...
"—for letting you get hurt..."
Beep... Beep... Beep...
"You... shouldn't. But why—you—" The lump in his throat choked off his words. "...damn—"
Beep... Beep... Beep...
"I love you."
He pushed through to utter those words, a tear trailing down his cheek, because in that moment, he truly didn't know what else there was to say.
"I love you... so please... just wake up already. I want to say sorry—and that this time for sure... I won't leave you ever again. I will protect you... I w-will... protect you with everything I've got, so just—!"
It hurts so much. Seeing you like this, not responding to anything he said. You were just there, suspended between life and death, and he couldn't do anything about it.
And so, in that hollow, silent hospital room, he released all his cries, hopelessness, and regrets— with no one there to witness his anguish.
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Upon learning what had happened, Hana's immediate instinct was to reach Megumi's side.
She dashed through the bustling hospital corridors, disregarding anything and everything in her way—even when she bumped into people, she only muttered a brisk apology and went on her way.
She didn't really know what she was looking for. Her naivety merely spurred her to search for him. It didn't really register to her that you were hurt to the point of possibly dying. For one, she just couldn't really believe it was from the warning you left her, and another part of her was overwhelmed with fear at the thought of Megumi venturing into that barred area.
"Aww, don't trip, miss."
Hana halted on the spot, quickly turning her head towards the source—and came the second most shocking event that happened to her today.
Everyone knows this person. The pinnacle of jujutsu society. Someone so elusive and jarring that it was a wonder that he took in a disgraced Zen'in in the first place.
Gojo Satoru's lips curled into a crude smile. "No one inside is going anywhere you know. Might be better if you slow down and catch your breath."
"Where's Megumi?" she asked almost immediately, and yet to her surprise, he only chuckled.
"He's absolutely fine, you know. Anyone hearing will mistake him for being the one in a near-death situation."
So it's true. You didn't seem to be faring well at all. "Did you see him just now?"
"Ha." Gojo let out a snort. "Miss, are you really sure you want to see him right now?"
Okay, even Hana couldn't pretend to be amiable anymore. Gojo really and truly lived up to his outrageous reputation of being a public annoyance. "What are you trying to say? I'm just worried for him. Where is he?"
"He's inside, here." he gestured towards the door next to him with a tilt of his chin. "But honestly, I'd recommend you not go in."
"And why should I listen to you?"
"Because I know things best? Heh."
Hana wasn't having this any longer. He went past Gojo and turned the knob open, stalking inside—
And then, suddenly, she felt numb.
Megumi was asleep in an uncomfortable position at the edge of your bed—his face marked by dried tears, and his grip tight around your hand. Once again, Kurusu Hana felt her heart sink, reminiscent of the first day she encountered him in that small café, seeing him dragging you by your hand.
Deep down, she knew it. That it's stupid to hope for more—to hope for your marriage to utterly fail to make space for her in his life.
...because no matter how, even when everything crumbled into dust, she never really stood a chance, did she?
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"Megumi! Show me your rabbits!"
He looked at you with a raised eyebrow. On one night after he just went back from work, all he wanted was to have a rest, not using more cursed energy. "For what?"
You pouted. "They're cute, I want to play with them!"
"...no. I'm tired."
"You..." you widened your eyes in surprise. "It's me! Your very dutiful wife, how can you not fulfill her wish?!"
"Dutiful? Nah. I can think of 10 instances in which you are anything but obedient."
There was something about you pleading with him that made his heart soft. He was a goner the very moment you pursed your lips. But messing with you always brought a smile to his face, and for the sake of teasing, he declined you. At least, until you turned away from him with an indignant "Hmph!"
Megumi let out a small chuckle. "Look here."
"Don't want to!"
"Oh? You won't see them then."
You quickly snapped your head back towards him, and right before you—voila!—there appeared a swarm of his rabbits.
"Whoa!" your eyes shone with excitement, like a kid. "Whoa, whoa! Come here! Cute rabbits, come to meee~"
And in that moment, as his chest swelled with warmth, he thought that if all it took to see your smile was to conjure rabbits, then he was willing to do just that for the rest of his life.
. . .
Megumi woke up with a jerk.
The first sensation he registered was the coldness of his feet. Following that realization, it hit him—there were no rabbits, none of your smile, he was in your room, and the coolness from your hand still clung to his skin.
He glanced over at you, and his heart bled once more.
You still looked as serene as before.
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You had a nostalgic dream.
Everything you saw in those fragmented scenes were your real memories. Your childhood. Grimmer days you'd much prefer to keep away.
You were never the favored child, and your mother—a mistress—was in a less favorable situation.
It was always the same routine that you didn't really feel hurt anymore. Your stepsisters were born entitled—they never really treated you that kindly, and with your father being the passive being he was, you never really tried to voice your grievance.
"Mama, when will we move out of here?" you inquired one day, your head resting in her lap while she gently stroked your hair. You were barely fourteen back then, still struggling with newfound knowledge of curses and how they exist in your already muddled world.
Your only friend, your only supporter who made everything bearable—who taught you love... was your mother, who loved you with everything she had.
"Hmm? Do you not like it here?" she asked you with a small smile, as if to encourage you to elaborate more.
"I hate it here," you stressed, biting your lower lip. "Everything is cursed."
"Hush, Sena! You have to be careful with your words."
You looked away, not really guilty though. You might not be able to bash your shitty father, but you could definitely curse some things.
"Are you happy living like this, Mama?" you found yourself asking, feeling a wave of sadness wash over you. It seemed so unjust that you and your mother were treated as lesser individuals on a daily basis. Why did you have to endure this fate?
"Me?" she seemed to ponder a bit before nodding. "Of course. You're here, of course I'm happy."
"Even when they are awful to us?"
"Mm-hmm. Don't pay them any mind. Being here is better then out there."
"I don't think so. I think out there is most likely far better than this."
Your mother didn't answer, but she kept her thin smile, still combing her hands through your hair fondly.
At that stage in your life, you believed your mother had simply resigned herself to her circumstances. She needed the Hara clan to survive, and you too as much as you wanted to deny it—a fact that irritated you to some degree.
It would take many years and much reflection for you to understand that the bigger part that played in her decision to stay, enduring all the unpleasantness that came with being a mistress, was for your sake—to give you the best.
"One day," your voice was a little louder than a whisper, but carried a certain resolve that your mother couldn't help but notice. "I'll take both of us away from this hellhole, and only then will we truly be happy."
You really thought she'd finally drop the facade and go along with your idea, so her rebuke left you speechless. "No," she said firmly.
"That must not be your only goal in life, Sena," her smile faded. "You... need to have other plans, not just to escape from here and then be left with nothing afterwards."
"Maybe you're too young to understand this, but please always keep this in mind, from now onwards," your mother sighed softly. "You... must not live your life for me. You need to be your own person. And most importantly, you can't turn out like me."
"Mama, you're—" you shot up into a sitting position. "Why—"
"You have to lead a better life than me." Her smile returned as she spoke her next words. "Freer. Happier. With more love. When the time comes when you can freely choose how you want to live your life, I want you to use that chance to the fullest."
You didn't really understand. Not really, back then.
But now...
“I want you to chase after what makes you happy the most. Seize your happiness.” She was impossibly gentle that it brought tears to your eyes. “In whatever form it might be, regardless of how I am in that moment, please choose only for yourself.”
Seize your happiness… now that you thought about it. It finally made sense.
When your father was about to sell you off to Naoya, your mother tried so many ways to ward you off. She wanted to remove the obstacle for you—namely herself, with fervent hope you would be free even when she had to be stuck in that hell you called home.
And so, now… is this finally the chance for you to chase after your happiness? But how? What does ‘happiness’ mean to you now that you were left with nothing and that even Megumi hates you?
Still those three words resonated deep within you. If they said that curses are born of human’s strong emotions, then most likely your mother too could manifest a curse. She wanted you to live.
. . .
Against all odds out there, finally—
You blinked your eyes open slowly.
And the first thing that entered your eyesight is —
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next : seize your happiness
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whats-it-mean · 11 months
What having your very own Knight is for ☆
KNIGHTS x Reader (separate) saving you from a creep
A/N - celebrities and idols get harassed fairly often (sadly) so i felt like this made sense ^^ also im not very good at writing arashi or leo VERY SORRY il try to improve as i write more for Knights. Most of these can be read as platonic but Izumi and Ritsu’s parts are slightly more romantically-coded because… im down bad
TW - People who wont take no for an answer >:(
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Intro
You clenched your fist as you desperately tried to pull it away from the grasp of the person in front of you, who had grabbed you by the wrist to stop you from getting away.
“Let go of me-”
The person in front of you only scoffed, tightening their grip on your wrist before grinning down at you. You could feel your fight or flight response kicking in, and you mentally flipped through your options in that moment, before you snapped your head up at the sound of footsteps drawing near.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Leo Tsukinaga
You could barely process everything with how fast it happened, but suddenly you felt your wrist being released, and the next thing you could see was the well known King Leo, standing in front of you with an arm outstretched, his eyes narrowed in an uncharacteristically serious expression.
There was a moment of silence, Leo staring directly at the individual across from him, before breaking into a pout and placing his hands on his hips.
“That’s not very nice, ya know.” He huffed, taking a moment to glance over his shoulder towards you. “You okay?” You nodded, to which he properly turned around to face you, now completely ignoring your aggressor. “How could he!? Are you hurt? Here, we should go back to the Knights’ practice room…” He turned back around to face the other individual, who was watching, dumbfounded. “I’m not done with you, either! Hmmph. rude. What makes you think they’d even wanna hang around with a loser like you?”
You blinked at the boy’s antics, simply watching in awe as he continued to fire off insults and them, grinning slightly any time that they showed a reaction. After a moment, you heard a scoff and they simply turned and walked away, clearly upset.
Leo turned back to you. “Well! Now that that’s taken care of… Let’s go do something fun, ‘kay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Arashi Narukami
It was as if the breath left your body as Arashi resorted to grabbing you carefully by the hand and glaring directly into the eyes of them, showcasing a surprising amount of strength as she pulled their hand away from your wrist without a word. She paused for a moment, giving them the dirties glare you had ever seen her give, so much so that you got shivers.
The moment she could, she turned on her heel and ushered you away in a rush, making sure to keep her touch on your hand gentle, her expression slightly anxious. The moment you two rounded the corner and she felt you were far enough away, she placed her hands on your shoulders.
“Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” She asked, voice pitched slightly higher than usual.
“I- Im fine.”
Arashi looked you up and down as if inspecting for ay sort of damage, glancing once around the corner once to make sure your aggressor was gone before leaning forward and bringing you into her arms, holding you as close to her as possible as if it would bring her some solace.
“I was so worried for you. Next time that happens, call me, okay?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Izumi Sena
“I said let go of---”
You were cut of by the undeniable feeling of Izumi’s arm wrapping around your shoulder, as without even sparing a glance behind you, you knew he wasn’t happy. At the sight of him, the person in front of you released your wrist instantaneously, and Izumi slowly stepped back, bringing you with him.
All the silver-haired boy did was sigh, holding you ever so slightly closer before finally averting his glare, which had been trained on your aggressor the whole time.
“You really shouldn’t touch what is’t yours.” He muttered, taking one moment to glance over the other’s figure- most likely to memorize their face in hopes of talking to them later, in private- before starting to walk away, arm still around your shoulder to assure you stayed by his side.
“You had me worried there, you know.” He huffed, glancng around like he was on edge. “It’s a good thing I’m here to keep you safe.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Ritsu Sakuma
All you could see when you looked up from the ground was the familiar white of Ritsu’s favorite sweater as he stood in front of you, reaching out a hand and giving a lazy shove to the person in front of him. Despite his usual tired way of going about things, you could sense how tensed up he was.
“Oi. Leave them alone.”
An immediate sense of safety washed over you, as you took a step forward to peek over his shoulder as he stared down at your now very nervous aggressor. He glanced in your direction for a moment, assuring himself that you were alright, before turning back.
“You know-” He let out a quick yawn. “Me and my brother are vampires. I wouldn’t suggest messing with people dearest to us” He narrowed his eyes at them for a moment, watching until they left in a hurry. Ritsu turned to you, almost immediately leaning onto you and closing his eyes once they were gone. “You okay?”
“Yeah- Thanks, Ritsu.”
“Any time. I can’t have you getting hurt, now can I?”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Tsukasa Suou
You could tell when he stepped protectively in front of you that Tsukasa was nervous, but he stood his ground nonetheless, keeping up his chivalrous nature. He kept his chin tilted upwards, attempting with as much confidence as he could muster to look like he wasn’t anxious.
“You need permission to touch someone.” He said, voice sharp as he stood there, staring down at your aggressor. 
They opened their mouth to say something, most likely some sort of shitty comeback, but you didn’t really hear as your mind was still struggling to catch up to you- all you could really focus on was how thankful you were that Tsukasa had arrived to save you. And the fact that he was trying so hard to appear strong for you- it was adorable.
You could sense Tsukasa falter at their comment, but he maintained his disposition. He muttered some sort of threat regarding ‘The student council president’, and they finally gave up and left. The moment they were out of earshot, Tsukasa let out a sigh of relief and turned to you, fawning over you in a rather panicked manner until you assured him you were fine and they hadn’t done anything.
“God… I’m so glad you’re safe. I’m not sure if I’d forgive myself otherwise.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── End
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crybabylipstick · 15 days
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Melanie's tattoos and the story + info about each of them:
1. Candy Hearts
Melanie got a tattoo of pink and blue candy hearts on her left elbow in July of 2014. They were done by her friend and tattoo artist Lauren Winzer. It is one of her first two tattoos.
2. Teddy Bear
Melanie got a tattoo of a yellow teddy bear on her upper right arm in September of 2014. It was done by Lauren Winzer.
3. Pin-Up Girl
Melanie got a tattoo of a retro pin-up girl holding a juice box on her upper right arm in November of 2014. It was done by Wayne Fredrickson.
4. Ice Cream Truck
Melanie got a tattoo of a pink and green ice cream truck on her left bicep in June of 2015. It was done by Lauren Winzer.
5. Balloon Animal Dog
Melanie got a tattoo of a blue balloon animal dog on her left forearm in June of 2015. It was done by Lauren Winzer. She got this tattoo because when she was four, her parents threw her a birthday party which she wasn't satisfied with, because no one came to it, which inspired her to write the song "Pity Party."
6. Carousel Horse
Melanie got a tattoo of a carousel horse on her left forearm in July of 2014, on the same day that she got the candy hearts. It was done by Lauren Winzer. It is one of her first two tattoos.
7. Cake
Melanie got a tattoo of a pink birthday cake on her upper right arm in March of 2015. It was done by tattoo artist Marie Sena. The design was inspired by Chloe Tersigni, a former friend of Melanie who created the storybook artwork for her debut album, Cry Baby.
8. Ice Cream Cone
Melanie got a tattoo of a colorful ice cream cone on her right forearm in February of 2015. It was done by Linnea Pecsenye.
9. Bunny Kewpie Doll
Melanie got a tattoo of a kewpie doll in a bunny suit carrying a melting ice cream cone on her left forearm in June of 2015. It was done by Lauren Winzer. Melanie spoke about the tattoo, which was inspired by two childhood memories, in an interview with Fuse, stating, "This one is based on a couple of experiences from when I was a kid. My first word was "mine." It happened when I was in my walker in my driveway and my dad snatched an ice cream out of my hand and I just screamed "mine!", like "Give me my ice cream! Why'd you take my ice cream?" And then there's a picture of me outside dressed as a bunny. So I just did a little kewpie baby dressed as a bunny, holding ice cream that's melting, just to mix the two experiences".
10. Angel
Melanie got a tattoo of an angel with a retro hairstyle on her left calf on an unknown date in 2015.
11. Block of Cheese
Melanie got a tattoo of a block of cheese within a heart on her upper right arm in February of 2015. It was done by tattoo artist Josh Barg. In an interview with Fuse, when asked about the tattoo, they said, "I love cheese. I’m obsessed with cheese! I’m like the biggest dairy queen in the world".
12. Kewpie Doll Heads
Melanie got a tattoo of two kewpie doll heads on her upper right arm in February of 2015. It was done by tattoo artist Linnea Pecsenye. The boy on the left is smiling, while the girl on the right is crying, representing happiness and sadness.
13. Ice Cream Cone
Melanie got a tattoo of a colorful ice cream cone on her right forearm in February of 2015. It was done by Linnea Pecsenye.
14. Heart-Shaped Lollipop
Melanie got a tattoo of a red heart-shaped lollipop on her right forearm in November of 2014. It was done by tattoo artist Wayne Fredrickson.
15. Bunny Head
Melanie got a tattoo of a bunny head and a kn*fe on her right forearm in February of 2015. Melanie shared the story behind the tattoo with Fuse, stating, "It was actually my first pet ever. And then I got a dog and my parents told me I couldn't have a bunny and a dog, so we all decided to give the bunny away to a friend of a friend who already had a bunny. So we thought 'It'll have a friend, that’s amazing, that's awesome.' So they left my bunny and their bunny in the backyard unattended for like, four hours. They ended up finding their bunny in their neighbor's backyard and my bunny's h*ad was in their yard". The bunny in the story is Whinnie.
16. D*c*pitated Girl
Melanie got a tattoo of a little girl whose h*ad has been c*t off jumping in the air, with roses spilling out of her neck in October of 2015. It was done by tattoo artist Gary Royal. The tattoo is an illustration by Japanese artist Masami Yanagida, and the girl's blouse says "For Joy", referencing the phrase "jump for joy".
17. Teardrop
Melanie got a tattoo of a teardrop on her right forearm on August 14, 2015. She got the tattoo in celebration of the release of her debut album, "Cry Baby".
18. Love is a Maze
Melanie got two tattoos of couples on each of her thighs in December of 2015, although they weren't finished until April of 2016. The tattoos are both illustrations by Masami Yanagida. The one on her left thigh shows a clothed couple with their heads in a maze.
19. S*x is a Game
Melanie got two tattoos of couples on each of her thighs in December of 2015, although they weren't finished until April of 2016. The tattoos are both illustrations by Masami Yanagida. The one on her right thigh depicts a n*ked couple with their heads in a lottery wheel.
20. Elmer Elephant
Melanie got a tattoo of Elmer Elephant from the Silly Symphonies short of the same name on her left calf in October of 2015. It was done by Shon Lindauer. It goes along with her Tillie Tiger tattoo.
21. Tillie Tiger
Melanie got a tattoo of Tillie Tiger from the Silly Symphonies short, Elmer Elephant on her right calf in October of 2015. It was done by tattoo artist Shon Lindauer. The tattoo goes along with her Elmer Elephant tattoo.
22. Tooth
Melanie got a tattoo of a tooth with a face and rosy cheeks on her upper left arm in January of 2016. When she was a baby, she was biting on an apple and she lost her tooth in it and she thought it was pretty funny because the entire event caused her to become crazy. It was done by Nat G.
23. 222 Heart
Melanie got a tattoo of a small heart with the number 222 inside of it in January of 2016. It was done by tattoo artist Nat G. She tweeted, "The number follows me around everywhere. Usually whenever I see it something good happens". 222 is also Cry Baby and Angelita's class room number in "K-12". 222 is Melanie Martinez's angel number, which is why she got it on her arm.
24. Madeline
Melanie got a tattoo of Madeline from the media franchise of the same name, as well as a quote from the series on her left calf in January of 2016. It was done by Nat G.
25. Masami Yanagida Illustration
Melanie got a tattoo of a man whose body is c*t into pieces, with the words "Love Love You" written on his midsection in December of 2015. The tattoo is an illustration by Masami Yanagida.
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poetryandfluffycats · 6 months
Just one time~
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A/N: I'm working on requests I swear I just found this in my drafts and felt the need to post🤍
Pairing: Izumi Sena x fem!reader
Warnings: very suggestive, dub-con, izumi is a bitch, mentions of makoto, yandere themes, biting, established friendship
Content: Izumi is your friend, a close friend, he'd never do anything to hurt you. You hardly even notice when he starts getting a bit too close for comfort.
Words: 1.5k
Oneshot under cut!
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It started out slow. So slow you didn't realize what was happening.
You'd see Izumi in the halls. He'd greet you and you'd greet him. He'd ask how you were, you'd ask how he was.
Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then the texts came.
"How was your day?" "Are you busy" "Do you wanna hang out?"
Still normal, still friendly. You were always happy to talk to one of Yumenosakis top models, so you'd answer him.
"it was good" "nope, not busy" "yeah, sure:)"
You'd hang out together. He'd take you out to lunch, or shopping, or he'd invite you back to his dorm to watch a movie. It was always a good time, you'd always have fun.
Sometimes his hands would linger on you, or his hugs would last longer than needed, but you just wrote it off as him being affectionate. Maybe he was this touchy-feely with all his friends? You preferred over him being rude and unpleasant towards you, like he was to most people, so you never said anything.
Besides, what was the worst that could happen?
Soon, his texts started to become more frequent.
"i'm bored, wanna come over?" "did you see the photos from my shoot?" "are you awake? i cant sleep"
Still, you didn't mind.
He was charming, kind and fun to be around. He had such a way with words that could make any girl swoon. It was hard not to blush at how much attention he was giving you. And also hard not to notice how mind-blowingly atractive he was.
He was everything a guy should be and more.
And he seemed to like you alot.
So, you kept texting him. You'd always say yes to his invitations. You were happy to oblige, happy to ignore the lingering touchs and longing looks, and you quickly found Izumi becoming one of your best friends.
It wasn't until the texts started to become more forward that you started to notice something wrong.
"mao and kuro are out, come see me;)" "wish u were here" "are u alone right now?"
They were... odd, to say the least. But once again, you tried to write it off as Izumi just being Izumi. He was always flirtatious, but there was no way these texts meant anything right? After all, he was in love with Makoto Yuuki, right?
"can u come over? so lonely:("
You were about to reply when another text popped up.
"need u here"
Your heart fluttered at the message, you couldn't tell whether it was from excitement or uneasiness. He needed you. You were wanted, that was a good thing, right? You had gone over to his dorm at night many times before, even slept over before, surely this time wouldn't be any different.
Not giving yourself any more time to dwell on your doubts, you typed out a response.
"on my way"
The walk to Izumis dorm was a long one, since he lived on the top floor, but thankfully it gave you enough time to compose yourself and beat down that growing feeling of anxiety in your stomach. There was nothing weird about wanting to spend time with a friend, that's all he wanted to do. Hang out, watch a movie, talk late into the night then go to bed. Just an ordinary sleepover. He would never try and...
No, it was wrong to think that. You shook the thought out of your head, quickening your pace. He wouldn't do that, not to you.
Not to a friend.
The anxiety didn't stop however, even as you stood in front of Izumis door. Your hand trembled as you raised it to knock on the door, and you let out a surprised yelp when it opened almost immediately. Almost as if he had been waiting right by it.
Izumi stood leaning against the door frame, his usual smirk playing on his lips. "I was starting to think you wouldn't come," His eyes scanned up and down your body and his smile grew wider, "you look nice"
"Oh, uh, thank you..." You mumbled, feeling your cheeks flush red. It wasn't like you had gotten dressed up to see him or anything, just wearing a plain crop top and sweatpants set, but if he thought you looked nice then it must have been true. Izumi did have pretty high standards of woman after all.
"Are you going to come in? Mao and Kuru are out, so we have the whole dorm to ourselves... its quite romantic, don't you think?" He winked at you, the redness in your cheeks intensifying under his gaze.
You took a step into the dorm, forcing a smile and giving the silver haired male a playful nudge on the shoulder. "If you wanted romantic you should've invited Yukki-kun over, not me" You teased, trying to lighten the atmosphere as much as humanly possible.
"Well, I didn't" The playful tone in Izumis voice was suddenly replaced by a more serious one, his smirk falling and curling down into a frown. He stepped in front of you, effectively trapping you between himself and the wall and blocking you from going further into the dorm.
You swallowed. His perfume was strong and intoxicating, clouding your senses. He smelt so good...
"I invited you, so lets not talk about Yukki-kun, alright?" He rested his forehead against yours, brushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. His voice dropped down to a whisper, hot breath fanning over your lips, "How about we just focus on each other, huh?"
You knew where this was headed, and you hated it.
"S-Sena, please" You whimpered, pressing your hands flat against his chest in a feeble attempt to push him off. However, he refused to move, his hands snaking down your body to firmly grasp your hips and pull you flush against him.
Izumi hummed, ignoring the discomfort in your voice and nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply, "So annoying... god you smell good, its driving me crazy..."
Panic began to rise in your stomach again, the earlier feeling of unease from your walk here returning on full blast. He wasn't stopping. Why wasn't he stopping? You pushed at this chest again, harder this time, but he didn't even budge an inch. He simply chuckled, tightening his grip on your hips to the point where it was almost painful.
You needed to get out of there somehow. You couldn't let him take advantage of you. Not like this.
"Please Sena! You're scaring me-AuGH!-"
Your plead was cut short as a pair of teeth sunk deep into your neck, mere centimetres away from your pulse point. In fact, if he moved any closer he'd be ripping your throat out. The message was clear.
Shut up and stay still, or else.
"If you really care about me, you'll let me do this" He whispered, retracting his teeth from your neck and soothing the bruising mark with his tongue, "Don't you care about me? Don't you trust me?"
"Of course I-I care about you, you're my best friend! Its just-"
"Just what? Are you really that selfish? I need this! Just let me have you goddammit! I need you!"
You gasped at the outburst, the panic that had been bubbling in your chest finally exploding as tears began to run down your cheeks. Izumi had never raised his voice at you before, he never shouted at you. And it terrified you.
Noticing the tears on your cheeks, his grip on you softened, his previous look of hunger and lust turning into one of guilt and shame. He took a step away, running his hands through his hair and sighing heavily.
"Shit, (name), I'm so sorry, please don't cry" He reached out to grab your hands, bringing them to his chest, "I shouldn't have yelled, I know you're scared but... please... I need this, I need you to trust me"
You stared down at your hands on his chest, a small part of you finding the gesture oddly comforting. Maybe this was how things were meant to be? Even after his outburst, he was so calm in his tone. So sure of himself, so sure of what he was saying even if it did sound obscene. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to help him out.
What type of best friend doesn't help her best friend out when he needed it?
You meet his gaze. He was so desperate, so vulnerable, so lustful. It was a look you'd only ever seen him direct at Makoto, the man he supposedly loved with all his heart, yet here he was using it towards you.
It confused you.
Why was he looking at you like that when he was meant to be in love with Makoto?
But that didn't matter in this moment, not to Izumi at least. All that mattered was him getting what he wanted, and what he wanted was you.
"Just one time right? That's all you need?" You mumbled, your voice barely audible.
He nodded eagerly, that oh so familiar smirk returning to his lips, "Of course, one time. I'll never ask again, I promise"
You bit your lip, thinking over the situation just one more time. It was just one time, one time then he'd go back to Makoto and then things would go back to normal, right? One time...
"O-okay, you can have me"
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kankuroplease · 5 months
can you, make a Hc for Mika please, an uchiha inozuka man, mid-length hair, wild claw eyes, ringtones?! give it to me and I love it! 😭 another crush that doesn't exist lol 🤧
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Wolfgang never heard her curse his name the way Ringo did the day the triplets born
Mika was a massive baby, literally the biggest baby Ringo ever had to birth and she swore he was their last kid
Despite the rough birth and agonizing last trimester, the triplets were relatively easy babies
All upsets were usually fixed by put them next to each other, although Wolfgang worried that Mika was too big and active to sleep next to his siblings
He looked about 3 months older and acted that way too given he could hold his head up and roll over before Leonie and Sena
But Ringo insisted Mika wouldn’t hurt his siblings and she was right
Leonie would accidentally yank his hair and cry but he never retaliated (he did cry until they got him free though) and Sena would suck on his cheek sometimes and he just allowed it
As the triplets aged, Mika was clearly the gentler of the bunch
He was also Ringo’s Mama’s boy, making sure to give her a hug everyday before he did anything else
He also went to her for comfort whenever he had a scraped knee or any other pain and she had no problem with it (he baby 🥹)
Even when Sena mocked him for being so needy and whining to mom over “nothing”
A lot of Fredericks friends thought he was the same age as them because he was almost the same height as the older boys
His dad often joked that his big appetite was going to leave the family broke because Mika really could eat a lot
He just didn’t seem to put on any weight
Despite knowing Sena would insult him or possibly harm him if he was in a foul mood, Mika still tried to get Sena to play with him and Leonie because it made him happy when they all got along
Even if he did end up fighting with his triplet, he never told on him and would just claim any injury was an accident
When they grew out of that phase, Mika didn’t hold any grudges against his brother
He was given his father’s last wolf pup as his companion
He was much too happy to finally be able to have one on one conversations with his brother
He wrote to grandmother Sumi a lot and looked forward to hearing from her. She even sent him some hair pins after he asked her if she could send him something she really liked
Grandmother Ebba always brought him around the Inuzuka’s to brag about how cute and big he was
Asahi taught him some self defense techniques
Kuri always brushed his hair out of his face and let him sleep next to her when he had nightmares
He often got stuck posing for Leonie for hours when she got into portraits
He didn’t really mind but the chickens didn’t like having to be held for long periods of time
If he was getting into trouble, it was definitely because he listened to Sena
He was still regarded as the family cry baby and took up the habit of going off to cry as he didn’t want anyone knowing he was crying
It was during one of those times of crying in the woods that he heard someone sobbing MUCH louder than himself
When he went to investigate, he found a girl whaling
He tried to ask if she was lost just shook her head and didn’t say anything else
he sat with her and sung her a song his mom always sang him to cheer him up until she calmed down
When she finally stopped crying, he learned she was an orphan was left with some nuns in town
She was worried her uncle wasn’t coming back, meaning she’d have no more family
And Mika being Mika told her if that happens, he’ll be her family. He’s got a pretty big family and most of his siblings like him, so he was sure he was fit for the role
He introduced her to his siblings and friends so she wouldn’t feel so lonely the next day
And like clockwork, every other day, he’d show up to get her to go play with the others
Mika ignored when the others would tease them about being “in love” because they were always together, but Sofi would it upset and run off
Which made him lecture his other friends about upsetting her so (and made them tease him more about defending his “girlfriend” like some knight)
They’d make different origami designs with Kuri’s help. Sofi always wanted to trade Leonie for one of her red origami pieces
Napping under trees with the other kids after long days of playing
He looked forward to seeing her as she was fun to be around
Once they entered their preteens, the nuns didn’t appreciate them spending too much time together alone and so, he was forced to see less of her
His parents thought this was ridiculous (some of their other kids they might understand, but Mika? The boy was very pure hearted) and gave him task as close to the orphanage as possible so the kids could still see each other occasionally
But even that got completely forbidden after they caught Mika cleaning the blood off her scraped knee with his mouth
That was the last time Mika saw his friend and rumors flew about them sending her away to become a nun too
He so, he still made sure to leave a red paper crane for her on her birthday on the steps of the orphanage just in case she could somehow get it
Years later, when he was about to leave her birthday gift as usual he was caught off guard by the door opening
Sofi greeted him as if no time had passed at all and remarked he looked exactly how she remembered him
Turns out those nuns really did send her off, not to a nunnery like the rumors said, but a college (that might as well had been one)
She was set to be the towns new school teacher
He missed most of what she was saying from his heart racing from his joy of seeing her smile again
He ended up blurting out tmi to try and catch Sofi up on his life quickly (he’s a craftsman, he still helps out with his mom and dad,he got a weird rash a few summers ago but it cleared up, etc.)
Sofi giggled and told him to take a deep breath
hugging for a while before she took her crane, thanked him, and told him they’d have all the time in the world catch up but it was getting late
After that day, the two picked up back where they left off in closeness
He loved getting to spend time with her again
But Sofi definitely made things hard (pun intended)
It didn’t help that she didn’t set any boundaries with him
They weren’t kids anymore, so her cuddling up next to him under the trees and propping her head on his chest felt more intimate
Her still singing the songs he taught her when they were younger made him feel so special
Her soft curves he could just make out when she wore lighter clothes made his mouth water
Her sweet smile, wide hips, and thick thighs guest starred in his dreams and his days difficult
He already knew he was in trouble because his father and older brothers warned him about those Inuzuka like responses when there was an attraction to another
And it’s not like he never had a crush on anyone, he had several
This just felt more intense. irresistible even
And it didn’t help she was naturally good with kids. It made it easy to imagine her as being the mother of his children
Asahi gave him pitying looks when he came across the two. Mika’s pupils blown as Sofi linked arms with him
Kuri was no help as she often went on about how Sofi looked good in this or that
Frederick was generally just shocked that Mika was a virgin. Sure he’s the most timid out of them all and the women around them liked bulkier men, but not even just the tip? Wild
Leonie could tell he was craving Sofi and took to teasing him about needing to stake his claim before the nuns make her into one of them
Elke had a good amount of suitors both Inuzuka and non-Inuzuka chasing after her and she would fish through her love letters to find ones to tell him to act more like (and who not to act like)
Arashi wrote him a letter of telling him where to dig for a ring he’d buried last time he was in town and wished his big brother luck. He always liked Sofi and thought a Claddagh ring would suit her/their relationship well
His father told him to just ask the girl out
His mom kept inviting her to dinner to try and get the ball rolling for them
He tried to ignore the butterflies and bite his tongue about asking the cheesy question of she remembered he offered to make her his family
Instead choosing to let it run it’s course hoping it would die down naturally
Which was a good plan, a great plan even. But he really couldn’t tell her to leave his home in the middle of a bad storm
And it made sense to share a blanket for warmth
It wasn’t a big deal 🤡
Come the second day, they did get a bit carried away with drinking and play fighting because they’re both very ticklish
And Sofi jokingly bit his shoulder to get him back in some way (because he had her pinned by the waist) making him groan and jump off her
She apologized for the bite and he apologized for not stopping sooner but instead she didn’t have to apologize
After a few moments of uncomfortable silence, Mika joked that maybe they’ve been hanging around each other too much if she’s starting to behave like an Inuzuka
And the look on her face of disappointment made him panick and stumble over his words
He loved having her around and even his family liked having her around.. She could even move into his place if she wanted to and they could be together forever
“Is that a promise or a proposal, Mika”
The most desperate “I love you” slipped out honestly before he could stop himself
Sofi kissed the tip of his nose and said she’d waited so long for him to love her back that it feels surreal hearing it
Mika swore he’d say it as many times as it took for her to believe him
After that stormy confession, the two decided to tell his family that they wanted to get married
And without any objections, they were able to do after Arashi and Sena came back~
It took him a while to stop blushing when he said his wife and Sofia’s students found it funny to pick on him about it
But nothing could ruin his happiness when he saw her
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freisende · 7 months
Memories Selection: Checkmate Episode 5 - 孤独な玉座 (The Lonely Throne) English Translation - Ensemble Stars
Provided by Happy Elements, あんスタチャンネル on Youtube
Ensemble Stars Memories Selection: Checkmate 『チェックメイト』 Adapted from Ensemble Stars! Story: Checkmate Written by: 日日日 (Akira) English Translation: Freiya
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*All copyrights of the stories, scene pictures and writings, all belong to Happy Elements. I only translated the scenes into English to help overseas fans understand the dialogues. I do not own any copyrights other than the English Translation*
Izumi: You’re late, Leo-kun!
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Izumi: It's basic to be on time, right? Don’t you lack the sense of being the leader?
Leo: Ahaha~! Sorry, sorry. You know… in truth, just now I was negotiating a bit with the unit we’re supposed to be facing off.
Eichi: Negotiate…?
Izumi: *Izumi takes a walk forward* …Now that I think about it, not even one of them has shown up yet, have they? Well, they don’t even have the will to do their activities from the start. So I thought they don’t intend to participate in the rehearsal, and will just go straight directly in the real live, though?
Leo: Hm. They’re really like that, huh? Recently, I have finally understood. Everyone, all of them, I thought they’re my lovely friends. But I wonder what they think? I was thinking; do they also think of me as a precious being, like Sena do? I was very curious about this as of late. That’s why the other day, I had Mama[1] help me negotiate, and I directly faced the former member of Chess regarding this one-on-one. I’m also a boy, so I’m worthless if I am always just being protected by Sena, right? 
Izumi: *Izumi puts a confused expression while looking at Madara*
…What do you mean?
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Madara: Hmm… let’s hear it directly from Leo himself, okay?
Izumi: …
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*Everyone is silent and hear Leo’s explanation deeply*
Leo: …I went all around and asked everyone. I asked them, “What do you think of me? What am I to you?” They gave me various answers. But there is not much meaning in words. “A friend. A comrade, I love you”, you can say anything with your mouth, right? 
That’s why I narrowed it to choices. 
Izumi: …Choices?
Leo: Yup. Me, or the songs I composed. I made them choose. If they like me, regard me as a friend, and still want to be friends with me, I won’t let them use my songs anymore. But if they choose to be my enemies, I will let them use my songs just like always up to now. When I presented them with those choices, Sena, what do you think happened there? 
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Leo: Everyone, without any hint of hesitation, with smiling expression on their faces, they directly choose to be my enemies! Ahahahahahaha! Laughable, right, Sena? What they love isn’t me, but my songs! Well, that’s obvious though, because I’m a genius! The songs I made are great masterpieces! Ahahahaha, ahahaha! Hey, Sena, Tenshi, it was steeped in my mind that I was loved. I thought I had spent my youth well happily with these friendful comrades.
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Leo: But, it was just me being mistaken by myself! Ahahahahaha, ahahahahahaha, ahahahaha, ahaha! 
Izumi: Leo-kun, well…!
Leo: No, wait a moment, Sena! Hear me out! *Leo holds out his hand to Izumi* Starting this point is the climax masterpiece! I said just now that I was negotiating, right? I don’t want them to ruin and make a mess of the live that Sena and everyone else has been preparing well for, so I thought it would be best for them to just back off if they don’t want to do it!
–Flashback to the scene of Leo negotiating before–
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Chess’ former member A: Don’t stand on today’s checkmate stage?
Leo: Yup. You would still get the pay. Not a bad deal, right?
Chess’ former member B: Okay~! I’ll ride that big negotiation deal.
Leo: …I see…
Chess’ former member C: Yeah. Even if we face off, we can’t win against you guys.
Chess’ former member D: If we don’t need to stand on stage but still get paid, that way definitely would be better for us too.
Chess’ former members: Ahahahahahaha. 
Leo: …In truth, I was hoping that they would reject this negotiation. I wanted to explode, “Don’t be ridiculous!”, I wanted to beat and mess them up!
…Hey. what’s up with those guys? Are they really idols? For what purpose do they live? Isn’t it to do their best in things they like in their life?
Izumi: Leo-kun… *Izumi reaches out for Leo’s shoulders*
Leo: …Sena, this is your fault, you know!
Izumi: …Huh?
Leo: You’re the first person I met in this school. You’re the guy that I got close to and you always do your best. That’s why I thought everyone else was like that too…! Idols are amazing, and if it’s here I can definitely make friends. It made me believe that it would be like that, I was made to believe that things were like that. That’s why! Everything, all of it is your fault, Sena!
Izumi: …Why…*Izumi backs off* …Why is it my fault, Leo-kun…?
Madara: …. *Madara looks quietly at them*
–Madara calls Izumi out to the archery club’s practice field to talk–
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Izumi: …Mikejima, what is it that you need to talk about? It’s about time for the stage to start, I need to do my makeup, change my clothes… I’m busy, though.
Madara: Hm. I thought that you needed to know, see. So I thought of telling you quietly, you know?
Izumi: …Haa? 
Madara: On that day, I was passing by this archery club’s practice field. And I heard the voice of a cat crying inside, as if asking for help. I entered here, and I witnessed that appearance of Leo-san. 
*Little John meows*
Leo: Hm~♪ Hm~♪ Hm~♪ Hm~♪ *Leo sings a melody*
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Madara: …! *Madara was surprised and hurried to rush inside, but stop in the middle of the way, while gritting his teeth*
With the flowing blood from his broken right hand as a writing tool, Leo-san was writing music scores, and composing a song with his blood. While crying, he was saying this:
Leo: I’m happy…! This is the first time I’m feeling such pain! What a fortunate moment, ahahaha! Ah, it’s flowing, it’s flowing here…! Inspiration! Ahahahaha…!
Madara: I rushed to the infirmary to call for help, but when I came back, Leo-san was gone.
Izumi: I see. 
(So after that, he came to my place, in the practice room…)
Madara: I investigated, and finally I got it. This place has become a kind of hanging out place for delinquents and those bad guys with no ethic, you see?That day too, they played and did bad things to the cat that got lost here. It’s a very disgusting, bad story, though. They used lighters to burn it, used arrows to hurt it. That was how it came to Leo-san trying to stop them using his body. And the result of it, was like that. The delinquents got scared and they ran off, apparently. Then that’s how I found out. When I saw that appearance of Leo-san, I was too shocked. I thought, perhaps because of the unbearable pain, something has gone off in Leo-san’s head. But the truth, it was not like that.
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Madara: Leo-san was trying his best desperately in telling himself: “It’s no one’s fault. This is not a tragedy. If else, I’m feeling happy. Using this experience, I can write out a great masterpiece!” That’s what he must have thought in his head.
Izumi: …That guy… Leo-kun is… an idiot with a good heart of a person, so something like hating other people– he can’t truly hate anyone from the bottom of his heart. And that’s why in Chess, he’s being used delightly by other people. 
Madara: Hm. If you have comprehended that much, then I would like for you to watch for Leo-san carefully, closely by his side. That child is fragile. I am trying my best as his friend, but I can’t always remain by his side to watch him. But you, you’re his comrade and his equivalent, aren’t you? So I’m begging you. Please don’t make that good child unhappy.
Izumi: …Even if you told me that…! I am just a fellow unit member… not his family, or even a friend. I’m busy with myself already and have other things to fulfil. I can’t take care of each and every one of his problems.
–Back in the auditorium, audiences have begun to gather to watch the stage–
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Leo: Aah Sena~! Se~na, just where have you gone off to? The audiences have entered and gathered here, you know!
Arashi: Hey, hey, Izumi-chan. All the members of our opposing units have surrendered, right? Then, you don’t need extra helping members, right? *Arashi looks at Ritsu*
Ritsu: Um. *Ritsu nods his head at Arashi*
Izumi: *Izumi looks around*…Where are Tenshouin and Aoba?
Leo: They have gone back! I asked them to. I’m the leader, you see. I have that much of an authority, right?
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Ritsu: Well, us too…
Arashi: Can go back home, right?
Leo: No! You guys should go sing. From what I’ve seen you guys are pretty good. I’m also curious and want to see how your singing voice sounds!
Arashi: Oh my…
Ritsu: …Eehh?
Leo: It’s time to take off! Let’s go, Sena! *Leo stands up and approaches Izumi* What should I do?
Izumi: …even if you tell me what…?
Leo: I’m stupid, so I can’t figure it out by myself. You’re smart, so you should think it out, and tell me what I should do. I will make your dream come true. 
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Leo: As Knights, together with me.
Translator’s notes:
[1] Leo calls Madara with his unique abbreviated name, “Mama” from MikejiMA MAdara.
Note: This episode made me sob so much omg it hurts, Leo-kun!😭
!Warning! Please refrain from reposting the translation to other platforms; abide to link back to this post for reference. Thank you.
Memories Selection: Checkmate Directory Chapter Episode 4 - Rusting Heart Episode 6 - The Shine of the Crown
Translation Masterlist
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collectorcookie · 1 year
I AM HOME AGAIN. Ok so part two of trickstar dynamics: anzu edition. I already kinda made one but it was more about anzu's past sooo it doesn't count.
Anzu and subaru: THE BESTIEEESSS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH THEY ARE SO CUTE. When trickstar was still a very new unit subaru was like "man i wish we had our own uniforms. Wouldn't that be cool" (because at yumenosaki academy having your own uniforms instead of the standard ones provided by the academy meant that 1. you're hot shit aka important and popular enough to have a specific image and 2. you're hot shit enough aka rich enough to be able to afford your own costume). And then anzu is just like "My boy? Wants something?? My bestie? Wishes for uniforms??" And then she SINGLEHANDEDLY learns sewing from kuro in like a week and makes the trickstar uniforms. And subaru could cry from joy.
And much later subaru got some job where he has to wear a suit but he's never worn suits so he asks super model sena for help, and sena is like "well what kind of suit do you wanna wear" and after a long time of thinking, the only thing he came up with was a suit made specifically by anzu for him. That's all he wanted agshetekwhdghr. But anzu was pretty busy so he settled for a suit that was approved by her.
And when they ended up in the industry anzu made him the super sparkly outfit and i KNOW everyone hates that card because of the missions BUT that card has a special place in my heart because even after their early high school days, even after subaru won the ss and trickstar became super popular and anzu became a very important producer in ES (going as far as being a part of P. Association), subaru still adores and appreciates outfits made by her specifically asdffkslagdkfjw.
Also Pretty sure that anzu was one of the few characters where subaru dropped his happy-ultra-cheerful persona to open up to her, being all like "You know anzu, sometimes i feel like half of my emotions are straight up missing". Ouch. He doesn't do that often! If at all!! He trusts her enough to do that!!!!
There's more to say but there's already another post that goes into more details about this (i will reblog it after this but how on earth can you link someone else's post on here)
Anzu and mao: you may have seen or noticed how mao is always like "omg no don't touch anzu that's sexual harrassment" to completely normal affection between friends and thought to yourself "The hell is wrong with this dude". And like, i can only speculate why he's like this but it's probably due to anzu's first experiences at yumenosaki. Poor girl got transferred into a school of boys committing crimes against each other, got kicked in the face (with koga's full body weight), fainted, got a concussion, went to the infirmary, got sexually harrassed by one of the teachers (seriuosly what the hell jin), then got followed around and pressured by a playboy (past kaoru was uhhh...something). Rei ended up finding her and just...hiding her in a cupboard. And later on rei finds mao and is like "hey you. I hid your girl in the cupboards" and mao's bewildered at this statement. And rei continues with "yeah you should probs go pick her up or something". Mao then goes and to his surprise, he actually finds her in the cupboards, terrified and exhausted.This is the context to this very lovely mao illustration:
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(Mao's first 5* is literally "let's take ibuprofen together, producer" heeelllpp)
Mao ends up always walking her home after this by the way, to the point where he sometimes eats lunch with her family. (Sometimes the other trickstar memebrs walk her too but most often it's Mao) So yeah, that could be the reason why he's so sensitive anytime someone gets close to anzu. He's just really overprotective of her.
(I will entirely ignore all the more fanservicey stuff that occasionally happens between anzu and mao in the early stories because...it just...feels so ooc for mao. And completely unnecessary in general) however anzu is also very fond of mao, as we see in !-era ss, where anzu notices that mao is beating himself up for not being enough for trickstar and so she goes to his room to specifically cheer him up and reassure him when he wakes up
Anzu and hokuto: ooohhh my gooood, the scene where he goes to visit anzu in the infirmary after she got hurt and fainted and he. He just. He just feels so bad for her getting hurt and then starts this whole ass monologue about why he dragged her into this. This huge monologue where he just lets out all his anger at yumenosaki's state and hopes and dreams for the future and how she gave him hope but he burdened and expected too much of her right at the beginning. AND SHE WAS AWAKE THE WHOLE TIME WITHOUT HIM KNOWING. And his speech just motivates her to actually ally herself with trickstar because she wants things to change for the better too.
And then waaay later she faints again from exhausting herself too much and hokuto notices how much she has been doing, not just for trickstar but as a producer in general. And so to lighten her burdens and to prove to her that they have grown as a unit and do not need to rely on her the whole time, he revokes his rights to participate in the SS. Listen to me. I want you to understand that as a unit, trickstar established itself to prove that change is possible. The entire main storyline in ! is about them beating eichi's ass in DDD. And DDD is such a huge deal because it determines which unit is allowed to participate in SS as a representative. And SS is a huuuuge national tournament for idols sorta thing. So when hokuto goes to eichi being all like "hey mr. president, i revoke my rights to participate in the SS", eichi (who has been supporting trickstar ever since they beat him in DDD because SS is far more important than DDD) straight up grabs hokuto and screams at him something along the lines of "HOKUTO ARE YOU /SRS OR /J???? YOUR GIRL FAINTS ONCE AND THIS IS HOW YOU BEHAVE???!!! SHE'S NOT WITH YOU FOR ONE TIME AND YOU STEP DOWN, YOU FREAKING COWARD?? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW IMPORTANT OF AN EVENT SS IS". And hokuto, still very straight faced and expressionless, simply states "oh i'm not stepping down. I want trickstar to fight more live battles to rewin our rights to represent yumenosaki in SS. Both to prove to everyone that trickstar really is suited for this, and to prove for anzu that she doesn't need to always worry about us anymore." Do you have any idea how much i wanted to howl at the moon after reading that.
By the way this is also the context for this one wataru illustration who was also in the council room at the time:
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(When you watch your boyfriend grab your bestie by the neck and your bestie says the most jawdropping shit you've ever heard)
Anzu and Makoto: this is actually a lot more of a relaxed and chill dynamic than i expected. Most of their early interactions are just makoto being "oh my god i'm so afraid of girls i have never talked to a girl in my entire life what even are girls" and then anzu would be like "but i am one?" and makoto's just "HOLY SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT". Anyways after makoto builds a little self esteem it looks like him and anzu just start sharing a braincell sometimes. Like that one moment in finder girl event story where mao is super worried that no one will help him, and the makoto anzu duo don't even talk to each other, they just exchange looks and think to themselves "this guy has no idea that everyone in yumenosaki would help him huh". Fun times.
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amazinguu-sekai · 1 year
Being the producer of his first solo song
kasumi: im on my writing spree again. sena is the first target sorry:3
reader: (gn) ; requested: nope ! ; proofread: cari ; type: headcannon (w/ lil scenes) ; wc: 333 ; era: !!
summary: You were the music producer in charge of Izumi Sena, a member of the popular unit Knights. Sena is a blunt and straightforward person, but over time, his carefully constructed facade began to crumble as he became more comfortable with you. Despite his tough exterior, Sena harbors self-doubt about his solo songs, which he is hesitant to admit.
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Izumi Sena 📷
When you heard that you're the one who'll produce the first album of one of the members from the popular unit— Knights, you can't help but feel nervous. (honestly, who wouldn't?)
The moment you saw Izumi, you can't help but fall in love with his handsome and pretty face, but when he talked and his personality was shown, you were horrified and nervous of his blunt personality. But you guessed that's probably what happens when you belong to a popular unit. Oh, the facade of each idol..
The production of the single solo album was going pretty smoothly, having been in charge of the proper instrumental, timing, tempo and the vocal pitches of the song as well as the proper vocal ranges of Izumi's voice.
At first, you can't happen to approach Izumi, at all! He looks way too focused on his job, but as time passes by, you slowly warmed up and got accustomed to his personality and his usual traits of being serious and blunt. But a few days later, Izumi also began to get used to you, just a tinyyyy bit.
“Yeah, yeah, I'll work on my pitches next time..” Izumi muttered, without giving any attention or looking your way. As he drank his water, you can't help but notice that his voice was a little bit shaky the way he said it. Was he tired from the practices? Most probably.. You didn't give much attention to it, though.
One time, while arriving early at the studio, you glanced at the dressing room. Only to see Izumi gripping the chair hard while he stares at himself in the mirror. You can see that he looks like he's in pain and misery, hearing a few curses under his breath. You tried to approach him, but he immediately went back to his facade, “It's none of your business! Prepare the instrumental version of my solo, I wanna hear it." in a harsh and demanding tone, changing the topic of the conversation. You didn't try to talk and pry more into it, as he might get uncomfortable. After all, you were just his producer. You can't help but worry about him, though..
You somehow finally realized when he opened up to you about his problems after taking weeks of trying to hide it-- that Izumi had lots of uncertainty to his solo, thinking that he's probably better if he's with the other Knights members. You can't believe that under the tough and blunt facade, he had been going through lots of self doubt and anxiety, thinking that maybe he just didn't agree on the contract of making a solo song for himself.
But, you proved him to be wrong! Absolutely wrong!! You tried your best to comfort him and tell him that he's better and that he should have more confidence just as what his personality truly is. After talking with him for a few minutes, he thanked you for being there for him and he's grateful. Just a little bit.
“...Thanks, I guess, for listening to me.. I'll try to have more faith in myself, producer. You're a great friend outside work premises.” Your heart sort of broke, when he only sees you as a friend, to you who developed a romantic attraction to him over the weeks of being with him.
Once the solo was released and your contract with him is finally over, you can't help but feel defeated at the sight of him with his unit members and the glasses guy from Trickstar— Makoto, who you presumed. He's more happy around them and it feels like you're only a nobody for him.
Well, it's the bitter truth. It's just a contract, once the contract ends, you'll cut ties with him and probably never talk to him ever again.
Unbeknownst to you, Izumi still has this kind of hesitancy, but this time, it's more different.. He's having self-doubt and insecurity not on the solo song he released, but on how he can confess to you. With the confidence and blunt personality he usually puts up with everyone. But when it comes to you, it easily shatters.
What have you done to him?
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hitsuyou-fukaketsu · 2 years
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Hope this doesn't awaken anything in me
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celepom · 8 months
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The Infinity Particle - By Wendy Xu
In this gorgeous graphic novel by Wendy Xu, co-creator of the award-winning Mooncakes, a young inventor falls for a lifelike AI and confronts questions of freedom and autonomy. Clementine Chang moves from Earth to Mars for a new start and is lucky enough to land her dream job with Dr. Marcella Lin, an Artificial Intelligence pioneer. On her first day of work, Clem meets Dr. Lin’s assistant, a humanoid AI named Kye. Clem is no stranger to robots—she built herself a cute moth-shaped companion named SENA. Still, there’s something about Kye that feels almost too human. When Clem and Kye begin to collaborate, their chemistry sets off sparks. The only downside? Dr. Lin is enraged by Kye’s growing independence and won’t allow him more freedom. Plus, their relationship throws into question everything Clem thought she knew about AI. After all, if Kye is sentient enough to have feelings, shouldn’t he be able to control his own actions? Where is the line between AI and human? As her past and Kye’s future weigh down on her, Clem becomes determined to help him break free—even if it means risking everything she came to Mars for.
Not Sew-Wicked Stepmom - By i r u, Yir, Mo9Rang
Once upon a time, there was a lovely young princess who suffered under her cruel stepmother…that is, until a children’s clothing designer is reborn as the evil stepmother! All the new Queen Abigail Friedkin wants to do is dote on the adorable Princess Blanche and give her the happy childhood she deserves. The problem is, the previous Abigail has garnered a reputation for being extremely jealous and materialistic—and to top it off, her smile is the stuff of children’s nightmares! Will Abigail be able to convince her stepdaughter that she might not be so wicked after all? 
(TW, childhood SA of the main male lead)
Until I Love Myself: The Journey of a Nonbinary Manga Artist
A bravely blunt autobiography about confronting the tangled traumas of gender dysphoria and workplace sexual harassment. Nonbinary manga artist Poppy Pesuyama is excited when forms offer the option to choose “neither” for gender and thrilled about their new job working as an assistant for mangaka X! But then he sexually harasses them, treating them first like a girl and then like something less than human. It only lasts a few months, but in some ways it never ends. Born into a body they hate and still reeling from the abuse they faced seven years ago, Pesuyama begins to rail at their past, their friends, and even their mother as they try to come to terms with who they are and what happened to them.
Belle of the Ball - By Mari Costa
High-school senior and notorious wallflower Hawkins finally works up the courage to remove her mascot mask and ask out her longtime crush: Regina Moreno, head cheerleader, academic overachiever, and all-around popular girl. There’s only one teensy little problem: Regina is already dating Chloe Kitagawa, athletic all-star…and middling English student. Regina sees a perfectly self-serving opportunity here, and asks the smitten Hawkins to tutor Chloe free of charge, knowing Hawkins will do anything to get closer to her. And while Regina’s plan works at first, she doesn’t realize that Hawkins and Chloe knew each other as kids, when Hawkins went by Belle and wore princess dresses to school every single day. Before long, romance does start to blossom…but not between who you might expect. With Belle of the Ball, cartoonist Mariana Costa has reinvigorated satisfying, reliable tropes into your new favorite teen romantic comedy.
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich - By Deya Muniz
Lady Camembert wants to live life on her own terms, without marriage. Well, without marrying a man, that is. But the law of the land is that women cannot inherit. So when her father passes away, she does the only thing she can: She disguises herself as a man and moves to the capital city of the Kingdom of Fromage to start over as Count Camembert.   But it’s hard to keep a low profile when the beautiful Princess Brie, with her fierce activism and great sense of fashion, catches her attention. Camembert can’t resist getting to know the princess, but as the two grow closer, will she able to keep her secret?   A romantic comedy about mistaken identity, true love, and lots of grilled cheese.
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dexalyys · 1 year
0K HII!!! Y0UR ART STYLE IS S0 C00L AND Y0U ARE A HUGE INSP0 F0R ME !! H0W DID Y0U FIND Y0UR STYLE? LIKE WHAT MADE Y0U DECIDE UR STYLE WAS WHAT U WERE G0ING F0R? (s0rry if I s0und weird im n0t g00d at talking ): )
UHHH HONESTLY IDK ??? it’s always changed and warped over the years i sorts just add to it what i think looks good at the time ? most of my inspirations as of lately that have affected my style are sena and neil (no idea what their @s are now), kiana mai @kianamaiart, vik @reviked and zee @treehairr — i generally just steal bits and pieces of their styles that i like and add it to mine, but sometimes my style will just morph on its own i guess ? it typically happens when i get into a new media or make a new oc , since it means my style has to adjust to accomodate for the unfamiliar designs. my latest example of this is rysparks 🫶 ⭣⭣⭣
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never drawn sparks before and ryan just got a redesign soooo l’l of this is unfamiliar territory. this is the first sketch i’ve done of them both that i’m actually completely happy with ^_^ that’s a bit off topic from the q but my point is i didn’t really Decide on a style i guess ? i hop from inspiration to inspiration and my style fluctuates with me as i go; it’s always just been pretty fluid i suppose.
for some comparison, here’s something i drew when i first got into tmc, vs it’s redraw from literally only two months later ⭣
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like what on earth even happened there . if i redrew this again again it would look completely different again (which . is tempting…………)
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gentaro-kinniecom · 1 year
you can write headcanons of Ritsu,Leo and Izumi to find that their s/o is a street singer (maybe the first time when they see her perfoming)
When their s/o is a street singer + first time performance
Characters: Ritsu Sakuma, Leo Tsukinaga and Izumi Sena
C/w: none! Fluff, love at first sight? Idk what else to tag but super cute hcs :3
A/n: HII <3 I loved writing this request it was so cute and of course, I really enjoyed this one :3 hope you guys do too!
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Ritsu Sakuma⭒
He didn’t notice where he was going that day, it was a sundy Saturday
Ritsu happened to hear a beautiful voice around the corner, that’s when he saw you singing so beautifully
Completely mesmerizing by your voice, he waited until the end of your performance to tell you how good it was
He was nervous to ask you out but relieved to hear your answer
Your relationship grew thanks to this encounter; he even encouraged you to join the ensemble square but sometimes he felt a bit doubtful about it
Not because you were bad, but he wanted to be the only one who hears your singing, just him and no one else. Eventually Ritsu let this go and supported your musical career
Ritsu loves it when you invite him to the places you’re going to perform for the day and be there to support you as you’ve done the same for him
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Leo Tsukinaga⭒
Leo was out looking for inspiration instead of joining a knight’s practice, like usual
He then heard a melody, or more like a person singing so beautifully and inspiration struck once more for Leo Tsukinaga
Absolutely enthusiastic by the performance, Leo approached you some time later to “gather more inspiration” but his heart blossomed at the sight of you and your singing abilities
Like Ritsu, he will always be there on any performance you decide to make during your schedule, except that he doesn’t push you to join a big company if you’re not comfortable. If that’s not the case, he’s more than glad in being your #1 fan as an idol in the music industry
His room is literally filled with notebooks and (some) scattered pages of songs he wrote with you in mind, but it’s not like he’ll tell you, unless you accidentally find out and he wants to show you how much he adores you
Sometimes, when his schedule is free and feels energized, Leo joins your street performances and chooses/makes duo songs for you both to sing
With that being said, Leo likes talking about you 24/7, especially to his groupmates who always hear nothing but praises from Leo towards you
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Izumi Sena⭒
The day Izumi, Makoto, Ritsu and Mao went out shopping for somethings, was when Mao had spotted you from afar, it seemed he had heard you sing before
Izumi wasn’t really interested in listening to a street performance, some due to their bad reputation or not being able to perform at all
However, when Izumi and the rest went to see your performance, it was love at first sight. Everything about you was so perfect to him that Izumi felt himself mesmerized at your singing. But it’s not like he’ll actually admit it
After the ever so enchanting performance, Izumi decided to approach you, comenting on how of a good performance it was, but that it needed some work, however, you simply gave him a flyer of the next place where you would perform at
He “reluctantly” went to your next performance, alone this time. And after it? He felt even more butterflies in his stomach for the first time, it seemed like fate
Izumi is proud to call you his partner, and he thanks his acquaintances for being able to meet you; with that being said, he loves it when you go to his lives/concerts, and does the same if you become an idol, always buying first row vip tickets to see your wonderful self up close
He likes inviting you to model shootings and tv interviews as a couple, answering questions about each other or simply modeling fashionable matching clothes. It makes him happy knowing how supportive his s/o is, and admires your strength in tough situations
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pandorasword · 1 year
Could we possibly see like a rundown Chaeri and Hongjoong's first times (date, kiss, I love you, intimacy👀) pretty please?
Hii! Thanks for the request and sorry it took me so long, you have no idea how much time I spent writing and rewriting before I was (partially) satisfied. I hope you like it, if so let me know! Since the post was getting too long, I could do a part two on other life scenes about their first times
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
The first texts
Late January/February 2022, The morning after the party, Seoul
"Hey! How many more times do I have to wake you up? We'll miss the flight if you don't get out of bed now"
Chaeri slowly opened one eye, then the other. Blinding light flooded in through the window and she groaned, the sound echoing off of her bedroom walls. Her head felt like it was filled with rocks and her throat felt like it had been scraped with sandpaper. She forced herself to sit up despite her body's protests, rubbing her temples in an attempt to ease the pounding in her skull. A frown spread across her face as she realized her manager was there in front of her, beautiful and classy as always, and very very awake. Too awake for Chaeri to put up with her after a night of partying and drinking.
"Chaeri, I said now." 
"I'm up. I'm up. Stop yelling at me, unnie. My head hurts"
Kim Sena - Her manager -'s stern expression softened slightly as she handed Chaeri a bottle of water and some painkillers. "I warned you about drinking too much last night. You have to be more careful, especially with everything that's happening with the company. Your identity must be impeccable" Chaeri groaned again, unwilling to be reminded why she was on bad terms - or worse, it would be better to say - with BigHit lately.
"We have to be at the airport in 1 1/2 hours. The makeup artists are already in the living room, waiting for you. Hurry up." she added.
Sena's footsteps echoed down the hallway, and as soon as Chaeri was sure she left the floor, she collapsed onto her bed. The plush blankets and fluffy pillows swallowed her whole, and for a moment, she was lost in their cozy embrace. She decided to give herself ten more minutes of rest - just ten - before getting up to start the day. Just as she closed her eyes and felt herself drifting away, her phone buzzed under the pillow like an angry hornet. She reluctantly reached it, wondering who could be interrupting her precious few moments of peace.
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As she was about to put the phone back, aware that she would see him a bit later at the airport, it buzzed in her hand, informing her of the presence of a new text
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》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
That trip was going to be particularly unpleasant, she knew.
Not because of the destination, indeed. But because of the fact that it was an imposition-not officially imposed, but still an imposition.
The moment she stepped out of the luxurious car, her heart sank. She had become all too familiar with airports and their hustle and bustle, but this time felt different. Hundreds of fans gathered around the entrance to the airport, waving and cheering her name in support - yet there was a sense of hopelessness in the air. She knew what lay ahead was unavoidable, regardless of how much she wished it wasn't. The tension between BigHit and herself was becoming too much for even her nerves to handle - one wrong move could mean disaster for them all. Taking a deep breath, she tried to push these thoughts from her mind as she entered the terminal.
She had to look happy, but it was hard when she saw Taehyung, Namjoon and Hoseok as soon as she entered the private area of the airport.
With forced optimism, she put one foot in front of the other, weaving around luggage carts and hugging each of the members in turn. The air was heavy with awkwardness; none of them knew what to say and glancing between each other for support. Desperate to lighten the mood, Chaeri smiled bravely “I’ll be fine. Just take care yourselves.”
Taehyung's eyes betrayed his concern, but he forced a grin. "We'll miss you, Chaeri. Have a safe flight, okay? and call me because we have to talk"
Chaeri smiled guiltily, at which Tae couldn't help but laugh
Namjoon squeezed her in a hug. "Don't worry about anything back here. We'll take care of it. I promise"
Hoseok leaned in, whispering in her ear "Don't forget to call me if you need anything. I'm always here for you."
"It breaks my heart to do this, but we are running out of time Chaeri. We have to go now " Sena looked apologetically at the four of them, her voice laced with regret.
She shook her head and sighed. "No, not yet. I have to say goodbye to the others, they are not here." She glanced at the three boys in front of her “How much longer will it take them?”
Namjoon scratched his head, his lip twitching as he tried to form the words. “Jimin, Jin and Yoongi-hyung are so sorry Chaeri, they wanted to come but..their managers have tied them up in something unavoidable. They said they'll call you soon though"
Chaeri's heart sank at the news, she couldn't help but wonder if their absence was part of the ongoing tension between her and BigHit. If BigHit had planned that as well.
"It's okay, I understand. Just tell them I said bye, okay?"
She then tilted her head and stared at Taehyung; her tightly pursed lips gave way to an unspoken plea. Her brown eyes were wide and glistening, silently asking him 'Where is Jungkook?'
Taehyung hesitated for a moment before finally answering "Jungkook couldn't make it. He is sorry too"
A lie.
Things would be different for them, and she would have to adjust. She felt like they were tracing a clear line between them, a line that could never be crossed again.
Heading for her flight was painful. Chaeri could feel the weight of disappointment and anger brewing inside her, a storm that was only waiting for the right opportunity to break loose. 
Whenever such negative emotions took hold inside her uncontrollably, she needed to focus on herself to keep her anger issues from showing up.
In the small airplane seat, squeezed between the window and her manager, she felt overwhelmed, which did not help her already current irritation.
When she thought she was really about to go crazy, the cell phone in her pocket buzzed, distracting her for a moment from the swirling thoughts in her head: BigHit, the forced hiatus, Jungkook.
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And the time she thought was going to run with the worst of moods went quietly, marked by the constant pop-ups of Hongjoong's messages on her cellphone. She was calm, and she didn't know how, either.
The first speculations
February 2022, New York
Funny how she had never attended a single day of school in her entire life, having always been home-schooled, and was now going to university, in the United States by the way.
It had already been a few years since she was enrolled in a dance master's program at one of Seoul's most prestigious academies but, of course, her celebrity commitments had prevented her from attending classes ordinarily, ending up studying on her own and taking exams when necessary. 
She decided, or rather her Company decided, that those last months of study before graduation would be pursued in New York.
That she already possessed a huge amount of experience in a wide variety of dance styles was obvious to everyone - fans, professors, other idols'agency... - and yet, in order to become a choreographer, she needed that useless piece of paper attesting that, indeed, someone competent confirmed her skills and knowledge.
A waste of time, in her opinion. Even more so because that was actually all a cover for BigHit to temporarily distance her from the group. A punishment.
But that was not going to stop her. She was doing it for the good of the team. So she would make the best out of that experience.
She moved to New York in December and had only returned to Korea twice since then, always for very short periods of time not exceeding 48 hours.
The early days were tough, way more than she allowed to show to the team that, along with her, suddenly found themselves having to settle on the other side of the world.
But things, as time went on, were getting better.
A proverb her father always used to tell her was "out of sight, out of mind" and somehow she was experimenting it.
Away from all the stuff that had been hurting her in the last period, there in America it felt as if everything she had left behind was muffled, like an ever-present memory in her head yet less obtrusive.
After all, looking back, she had always dealt that way with each rough time.
Going to college was turning out to be more fun than expected, meeting new people and hanging out in different environments than the ones of her past nine years was bringing her good mood back, as much as possible
Chaeri was experiencing a period of newness. 
New York was refreshing, like a breath of fresh air.
When she was homesick, though, she knew she could count on her members, who never failed to let her know how much they missed her and how much they looked forward to having her back again.
Plus, as a lovely bonus, even Hongjoong proved to be helpful in easing the ache of loneliness for homesickness. 
Even though their texts started out as a joke, they became a daily habit. They looked forward to the messages sent back and forth throughout the day, they teased each other about the fake boyfriend affair, which always changed into an occasional silly text that brought laughter to both of them.
That's why when Hongjoong's contact went silent for two days, she was surprised, and even started to worry. 
When the screen of her cell phone lit up showing his name again, she was off at the college. She was trying her best to follow the 'History and Language Analysis of Visual Arts' class that had been going on for a good THREE HOURS. More than her poor didactic attention span and limited knowledge of English would allow.
Pokjoong: how is the class going?
Chaeri: you better have a great excuse for disappearing all of a sudden
Pokjoong: have you been worried about me?
Chaeri: no, just didn't know who to take my daily frustrations out on
Pokjoong: you'll be able to take out your frustrations today more than usual Pokjoong: if you want to, of course
Chaeri: ???
Pokjoong: I'm in new york
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"People are talking about us,"
Chaeri noted as she scrolled through the comments on social media. She had a straw tucked in the corner of her mouth while she read about the "strange pics that seem to be taken in the same place" by BTS's female member and ATEEZ's leader.
"It's been almost 10 years since I've been doing this job and I still can't get used to how fast news travels in this environment"
She added before taking a sip from her cold soda.
Earlier, her and Hongjoong had been walking around the city, mask on at all times to avoid being recognized. Now she was drinking the beverage she had purchased during their outing.
Hongjoong leaned closer to her, taking a moment to analyze the screen. "There are numerous," he observed, looking up for a second to catch her facial expression. "And yet you appear to be enjoying it"
Chaeri shifted her position on the plush sofa, making herself more comfortable in her seat next to Hongjoong
Three years prior BigHit had set out to open an office in Manhattan as a base for the company's U.S. business. The staff in charge of mentoring and helping Chaeri suggested it was time to head there.
Located on the highest floor of a skyscraper, the office was filled with modern furniture, glass walls and chrome details, creating a sleek and contemporary atmosphere. Light flooded in from the windows offering a view of the city, with the hustle and bustle of cars below and the iconic bright yellow taxis whizzing past. 
"Well," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes "I think it’s time for someone to take bold action and make a real change."
He leaned back in his place, eyebrows raised "And you want to do that by creating your own dating scandal?"
"My bosses must be bored, I haven't made trouble for a while" The bodyguards in the room, until then silent and static as if they were not even there, shot an oblique glance at Chaeri, who let out a laugh. She knew they were all too aware of the trouble she could cause if provoked.
Hongjoong couldn't help but roll his eyes at her comment. He shook his head and sighed in exasperation, "You never cease to amaze me with your antics," he said.
"I'm even funnier in person, aren't I?" she chuckled, her smile revealing a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"You're a handful, that's for sure," Hongjoong replied, amusement dancing on his lips.
"Come on, it'll be fun. Plus, it's not like we can't handle the rumors. And I'm sure your company would love that, actually."
"Caught red-handed, huh? Well, not every company has the pleasure to have among its employees the fake boyfriend of the wonderful Chaeri"
"Mmh I think wonderful is not enough."
Hongjoong laughed at her remark, shaking his head in amusement "You're something else, you know that?" he said, taking a sip of his own drink.
Chaeri smiled, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "So, are you in?"
First time with the group
March 2022, Seoul
As Chaeri hugged Hongjoong, the feeling brought her to think about comfortable and relaxing matters.
Like everything else she was gaining back with her return to Korea, he seemed to have been a missing piece of her puzzle for the time she had lived in New York, and it was strange because their bond had grown stronger while she was away.
"I'm happy you're back."
"I'm happy to be back, too."
Hongjoong grasped her shoulders and gently pulled her away from him so he could look into her eyes. The admiration in his gaze was unmistakable as he said, “You are... a genius. I am impressed with how you handled this.”
Upon learning that her hiatus would continue for the foreseeable future, Chaeri had taken matters into her own hands. As the master of spinning rumors to her advantage, she used whispers and innuendo to build a plan that ultimately ended in JYP's entertainment representatives meeting with her in a popular public spot, where paparazzi were lurking outside. The spectacle of fans' panic and speculation about her leaving BTS for another company caused BigHit's stocks to crash, forcing their managers to call her back into the group. All along, Hongjoong had been a supportive listener, never asking why BigHit had sent Chaeri away nor questioning her plans for returning to BTS.
Chaeri smiled, feeling a sense of pride at her successful plan.
"Thanks.. and thank you for being there for me during this time. It's not easy for me to say this, but... feeling you close has really given me the strength not to give up. You're a good friend, Joong."
Hongjoong's lips twitched into a small smile at her words, but his eyes held something deeper, something he wasn't quite ready to admit. "Oh, you know. I would never back down from helping a girl out" Hongjoong tried to lighten the moment with a joke aware that he may not be able to keep his emotions to himself, beyond those of just a friend or fake boyfriend, in that situation.
With a chuckle, she reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear "Well, I appreciate it. More than you know"
The loud clank of metal on wood made them both look up. A can of energy drink tumbled along the parquet floor, spinning as it went. Their eyes followed its movements until they were stopped by seven faces peering through the crack in the door of the practice room.
Hongjoong's face was contorted with annoyance as he yelled at his group members. "I told you to mind your own business!" Who knew for how long they had been observing them in the shadows? Slowly, the peeping heads backed away, one by one, each wearing embarrassed expressions.
Chaeri couldn't help but laugh at the situation "Well, I guess that's my cue to introduce myself officially. - Ah, I warn you. Just because we know each other, I won't be any nicer to you than to anyone else"
"I didn't expect anything less from the best choreographer in Korea"
"Aish, you're already trying to buy me with kind words."
"No, I'm not!"
"Oh, yes you are."
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
The KQ Entertainment building shone brighter than usual that day, with special decorations meant to make Chaeri feel welcome. Near the rehearsal room was a snack area—a long table with treats, beverages and even a chocolate fountain. They had certainly gone all out in an attempt to impress BTS's female member.
The Ateez members, who had previously been caught snooping on her and their leader, stood neatly and quietly in a straight line, an odd sight for those used to their usual manners.
When Chaeri entered the room, they all bowed deeply to her, avoiding making eye contact, embarrassment still stinging their cheeks for their prior indiscretion.
Not one of them had the courage to utter a word while she shook hands with Kim Gyu Uk - CEO of the company - who had deemed it vital to be present that day to extend his welcome to Chaeri in person.
"We are delighted to welcome you, Kang Chaeri! It is an honor to have you as the choreographer for Ateez's comeback in July. We have made every effort to ensure your comfort and satisfaction during your stay with us. We look forward to experiencing the full scope of your creative prowess and making a remarkable impression together"
She bows her head respectfully before him, her expression careful yet enthusiastic. There is a slight upturn at the corner of her mouth as she speaks, eager to begin work and make a positive impression on Ateez’s comeback as her first work as a choreographer. "Thank you for having me, Mr. Kim. I'm looking forward to collaborating with Ateez and creating something that will exceed expectations."
After the head of KQ exited the room, an uncomfortable quietness hovered over them. Chaeri watched the amusing sight before her and spoke up to break it "No need to be embarrassed; we have work to do. We can talk about your snooping habits when we're done."
Wooyoung raised his arm, asking if he could talk. "Chaeri Sunbaenim, we weren't trying to be nosy, I swear! I was leaving the room and noticed Hongjoong hyung giving you a hug. I told the others who joined me. He usually despises being touched, but during that moment, he seemed incredibly content-"
"Hey!" Hongjoong cut him off mid-sentence. "Do you want to be six feet under today?"
The atmosphere of the room changed instantly, as the various members of Ateez burst into uproarious laughter, their heads thrown back and shoulders shaking. Even Chaeri, who had set out to be as professional as possible, found herself chuckling at the situation, her eyes bright and a soft smile playing at her lips.
As the laughter died down, Chaeri clapped her hands together, ready to get to work. "Alright, let's get started! We only have a few months until the comeback, so we need to make the most of our time together."
"Welcome to Ateez family, Chaeri sunbaenim. Please take care of us" The boys, except for Hongjoon who was clearly caught off guard, bowed in one motion, as if they had practiced it.
"Take care of me too, Ateez family"
The first kiss
May 2022, Seoul
Whenever she went outside, she had at least three staff members tagging along to protect her. However, when Hongjoong and her were out in Seoul - late at night so they could avoid over-excited fans - it seemed as if no one was following them.
Photographs of them out and about in the city had already been plastered all over social media and newspapers. Images of them visiting popular spots around town were splashed across these outlets.
For months, they had been playing their "fun game" of spreading gossip about a possible romantic relationship between them, while both of them relished the time they spent together as friends.
The van that was to take Chaeri home was waiting for her on the curb, and the driver had his motor running. Hongjoong stood with his arms crossed, preparing himself to say goodbye to her, aware that their paths wouldn't cross as soon as he desired due to conflicting timetables. "You know..." he paused and cleared his throat while looking away. "I am quite sure that to make this more realistic we have to work harder"
"What do you want to do?"
"Kiss you"
Chaeri's eyes widened at the sudden confession from Hongjoong. Her heart was pounding in her chest, and she wasn't sure what to say. She had always been the bold one, but now she found herself at a loss for words. She stared at him for a moment, her mind racing, trying to figure out what to do.
Hongjoong moved closer to Chaeri, his eyes burning with a strong intensity as he searched her gaze for approval. He paused, their faces barely inches apart before finally their lips met in a soft, lingering kiss. His hands moved around her back and pulled her close, his body craving the warmth of hers.
The strap of her bag was tense in her fingers, trembling with fear. She wished she could pretend that they weren't both knee-deep in the complications of that "fake relationship". She had loved before and those experiences made it harder for her to consider loving again. The strange sensations that filled her stomach when his lips touched hers only scared her more. What emotion was this?
She slowly raised her gaze to meet Hongjoong's, his lips slightly parted as if he wanted to say something. His eyes seemed to plead with her to continue, and so she did. Her voice was barely above a whisper as she muttered almost to herself, “I don't know what I feel.”
Hongjoong's hand reached up to cup her cheek, his thumb stroking her skin gently. "I understand. We don't have to label anything. Let's just... see where this takes us."
Chaeri stepped back, her mind and body swimming with a mix of emotions. 
She had been meticulous with every aspect of her life recently, leaving no room for surprises or unexpected moments… until that one. She could tell from the beginning that Hongjoong was interested in her, and yet she found herself not able to break the connection between them. Why? She felt a conflict within herself over why she was allowing this to happen.
Hongjoong stared lovingly at Chaeri. He knew her fear and his heart ached with the desire to calm her. He tenderly spoke into the silence between them "It's all right. We don't have to be scared." 
Her mind was in turmoil, she wasn't sure if she was ready for a relationship or any kind of romantic interaction. 
She could sense his sincerity in wanting to get to know her more, yet how could he understand where she was coming from so soon? 
Besides, did he deserve to have a person who had drained all the love inside her? Was any of it left to give?
As these thoughts ran through her mind, she couldn't help but feel a sense of guilt for leading Hongjoong on. She knew he deserved someone who was fully invested in a relationship, and she wasn't sure she could be that person.
As if sensing her doubts, Hongjoong stepped forward and wrapped his arms around Chaeri's waist, pulling her close to him. She tensed up at the sudden contact, but his embrace was warm and gentle, and she couldn't help but relax into it. 
"I know you've been hurt before," he whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her skin. "But I promise to be patient with you, to give you all the time you need to heal. And when you're ready, I'll be here, waiting for you. I know you are still able to love"
In their past conversations, the theme of 'love and relationships' had often arisen.
She avoided any discussion about who her former partner was, but she did speak to him about how the failed romance had damaged her belief in the possibility of loving someone in the future.
The sound of the van's engine revving brought her back to reality, and she reluctantly pulled away from Hongjoong's embrace. "I should go," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.
Hongjoong nodded, his expression soft and understanding. "Take care of yourself, okay?"
"You too, Hongjoong."
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The first date
June 2022, Seoul
Things had been..confused since the night of the kiss.
It was evident to both of them that the situation was reflecting a slight awkwardness on both sides. Or rather, on Hongjoong's side certainly. Chaeri was simply conflicted.
Because of their busy schedules they hadn't been able to meet but, almost as if nothing ever happened, they kept texting and calling each other, just as their habit for the past months was.
But that was about to change.
Chaeri turned off the TV, throwing the remote control to the other side of the sofa. The little ball of fur curled up on the armrest of it, not at all amazed by this behavior, continued undaunted to enjoy its moment of relaxation and cleanliness, carefully licking its little paws. "The best moment is yet to come, sure." The glaring light that marked every video released by BigHit suddenly went out, dropping the room into complete darkness.
The video for their latest single 'Yet to Come' had just been released and she couldn't have hated it more. Set in a desert scenario, all the milestones of their career were being relived, faced with a smile from them, a promise in a song to assure everyone that BTS would be back, that the hiatus would not last forever, that their paths were only parting for a short time.
But was it really like this?
Nothing was certain at that point, but they could not be honest about that either.
Everywhere she looked, it seemed like she was living a life of lies.
What's more, the feeling that she was losing her family for the second time gave her uncontrolled worry. At the age of 13, she had left her real family and in the group members she had found another.
Her anxieties grew with each passing moment as she thought about being without the only people she had ever truly embraced as her own.
The tears were still wet on her face when the phone started to vibrate and light up the room with its display. Right then, the kitten who had been sitting on the couch next to her jumped off the couch and ran away, as if it was giving her some space.
She didn't even bother saying a word, just sighing in frustration, certain it was Jennie calling again to ask her to come out with her and Taehyung for drinks that night.
When she heard a confused sigh from the other side, she decided to add: "Unnie, I told you I'm not in the mood"
An unexpected laughter bursted out of the other side and a soft masculine voice answered her "Unnie must be very patient if she puts up with all your 'I'm not in the mood'"
"Joong?" She blinked twice, a hint of surprise in her voice
He chuckled again, a deep rumble that sounded happy "Joong unnie"
She rolled her own eyes and scolded him playfully "Stop making fun of me"
"I can't, too funny"
Chaeri's worries were temporarily forgotten as her lips formed a contented smile "What's up? Why are you calling so late?"
"Actually, I wanted to know about the health of Bonggu" Chaeri turned over her shoulder, trying to catch the white coat of the kitten who had left her alone just now "Has he done taking the antibiotics?"
"Oh, yes, he is. I labored to make sure he had his final pill this morning," Chaeri said "He's much better now, thank you for asking.. But weren't you the one who referred to him as a wicked creature?"
"I might have said that once or twice, but it's just 'cause I couldn't stand living with animals in my house. They are noisy, they break things, and they only look for you when they are hungry"
"It sounds as if you are talking about your group rather than my cat"
"They are not very… graceful and they can be loud and a bit clumsy at times, sure, but I won’t tolerate any animal comparisons"
Chaeri was unable to finish their conversation before an ear-piercing scream from Hongjoong shocked her into pulling the phone away from her head. He bellowed at a sound level that she didn't think was possible: "San-ah! HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!"
Amid the insults that Chaeri thought she heard being exchanged between the members of Ateez, there was a few moments of quietness before she heard Hongjoong speak again on his cell phone. "Do you think you'd be free tomorrow? I need to go to Ikea."
" 'I won’t tolerate any animal comparisons' " Chaeri mocked him before bursting out laughing
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
When she entered IKEA, the store temporarily locked its doors to ensure her privacy; only those customers who were already inside could remain there.
She dashed to there after a hectic last-minute osteopath appointment. It was an essential part of staying healthy for someone who challenged their body with work; thus, visits and treatments from specialists were non-negotiable.
Thinking she could make it back to her place to change before seeing Hongjoong, she had neglected to bring along a prettier change of clothes with her.
She had soon found herself regretting it, as she was in the middle of the furniture store at that moment in slippers, oversized T-shirt and baggy pants.
But ... that wasn't a date, right?
She didn't understand why she was stressing so much about her outfit
When he saw her, Hongjoong greeted her with a peck on the lips. Which left her pleasantly surprised at how much he had made the gesture seem so natural and domestic.
As they made their way through the maze of Ikea's furniture displays, Hongjoong seemed to radiate with energy. He examined every piece of furniture with rapt attention and enthusiasm, and Chaeri followed him in a bemused state. It was like he was in his element as he eagerly pointed out various pieces of furniture that could potentially make their homes more comfortable and organized.
They finally found themselves at the area of interest for both of them: sofas
"You still have to explain to me how San-ah broke your couch"
"Believe me, I still don't know how it happened. One minute he was just sitting on it, and the next thing I knew, the whole thing had collapsed"
"We have to find an animal-proof one, then"
Hongjoong's expression shifted from amusement to guilt as he recalled the fervor with which he had stood up for the younger members of his group the day before, only to be embarrassed shortly thereafter "Animal-proof one, definitely"
Chaeri smiled and nudged him playfully, "Don't worry, I won't tell them you're looking for a couch that can withstand the weight of a bear"
He chuckled, "I'm not even sure bears would be as destructive as those boys"
》* 。 • ˚ ˚ ˛ * 。° 。 •˚《
"I'm still shocked I agreed to get that couch"
"I still don't see anything wrong with that couch."
"It's green."
"So what?"
"Our dormitory is white and brown, Chaeri"
"Very grim for eight young boys, indeed. You needed a touch of color. It's time to spice things up around there."
Hongjoong couldn't help but grin at Chaeri's stubbornness. He loved how she always spoke her mind, even if it meant going against him.
"Well, I'm sure the others will love it, that's for sure"
Hongjoong became aware that Chaeri was no longer paying attention to him, completely absorbed in the shelves before her. "Hey Joong," she gasped. "These would be perfect for your dormitory"
The girl tugged at a box of colorful glasses and coasters on the top shelf. Chaeri inspected them, admiring their hues. "Do you like them?" she asked. "The others still drink from mugs, don't they?"
"They are actually nice" he said, taking the coasters and examining them closely "And you're right, the guys do still drink from mugs. These will be a nice change for them"
"Well, tell them that Noona sent a gift"
One of the most admirable traits in her personality was her kindness towards others. She had just met those people and yet, she was already so warm and affectionate to them.
Hongjoong was especially touched by the girl's words and kind gesture. If his feelings weren't already so strong, he knew at that moment that he wanted to have a future with her.
"God, I want to kiss you"
"Are you going to make me wait any longer?" 
Without any hesitation, he leaned in and captured her lips with his own. She held herself a little stiffly at first but then relaxed into the kiss and wrapped her arms around his neck.
The pressure of their lips increased and Hongjoong gripped the shelf behind Chaeri with one hand to balance himself, as though he needed an anchor to stay rooted in the present moment.
Hongjoong had to pull away after long minutes passed. He buried his face in her shoulder, not having the courage to say what was going through his mind as he looked into her eyes "I never want to let you go. Please come home with me tonight"
He lifted his head from her shoulder "Me.. and the boys would love for you to be part of our routine"
Chaeri looked at him softly, stroking his hair "Let's buy Swedish meatballs, hmm? We'll take them home"
As he smiled at her, Chaeri could not help but notice in that instant the fear of loneliness she had felt the day before had lessened just a little. Maybe she wouldn't be alone.
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taglist: @alixnsuperstxr | @ycuvi | @bts-dream
139 notes · View notes
jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Return of the King
Writer: 日日日 (Akira)
Character(s): Tsukinaga Leo, Sena Izumi, Sakuma Ritsu, Narukami Arashi and Suou Tsukasa
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Disclaimer: I translated this story from the CN version of the game, which means that it has been double translated (JP > CN > EN). In JP enstars (!-era), the name of this story is listed only as “Sub Story 2”, but the CN version of the game has a title for it (王之归还). The story title listed here is a translation of the CN title.
Happy debut day, Tsukinaga Leo! May your days continue to shine brightly, and may your songs take flight <3
Arashi: Eh? Did she manage to find him? If that’s the case, this truly does constitute an emergency ♪
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Season: Summer Location: Yumenosaki Academy Hallway
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Tsukasa: Everyone! Quick, quick! Hurry up! There’s an emergency…!
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Arashi: Wait a minute, Tsukasa-chan! What happened?
We Knights don’t have any practice today, right? My club is due to participate in a few competitions soon, so I can’t skip out on practice.
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I guess I’ll be able to obtain ‘satisfactory’ results even if I don’t train… But since I’m gonna go for it anyway, I might as well aim for first place, right?
If I don’t turn up to practice every once in a while, everyone’s gonna forget how I look like you know?
Not to mention, I’ll become depressed if I can’t blend in well with the lively atmosphere.
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Ritsu: Uuuuuu~ …Uwauuuu…?
Arashi: Hold on, Tsukasa-chan. It’s fine if you want to forcibly drag Ritsu-chan around, but uh, maybe put him around your shoulders at least?
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If you drag him by his legs, his head is going to hit all sorts of things?!
Tsukasa: My apologies! Narukami-senpai, please assist! Sena-senpai as well!
Unfortunately, we do not have the luxury of time to wake Ritsu-senpai up. Let’s just go! Express… ☆
Arashi: Ah, goodness… What happened…? It’s very unlike Tsukasa-chan to be like this? Izumi-chan, do you know what happened?
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Izumi: Who knows? Even though he’s saying something about Knights’ leader, surely it’s not because ‘that guy’ has returned?
Tsukasa: It’s exactly because ‘it is’, Sena-senpai ♪
Although this is me once again acting upon my own whims, and I am guilty as charged…
I had requested that Onee-sama go look for our long lost Leader~ ♪
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Arashi: Eh? Did she manage to find him? If that’s the case, this truly does constitute an emergency ♪
Because our ‘King’… The second he covers his tracks, it’ll be really hard to find him.
Even the police have their hands tied – he quite literally disappeared without a trace. We’ve also suffered a lot because of it.
My goodness, Anzu-chan. However did you manage such a feat?
Tsukasa: I don’t know, but I think Onee-sama trapped our Leader in the Studio!
I want to greet him before he turns tail and disappears yet again!
Arashi: In that case, it should be fine if you go alone, right? We’re all familiar with our ‘King’. Though… it has been a long while, maybe we too could drop by and say hi.
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Izumi: I do think it’s about time we replenish our ‘weapons’ ♪
While I’m at it… I should also take the opportunity to ask Ou-sama to resign and make me the leader of Knights.
It really just had to be the guy who’s perpetually always missing sitting on the throne. Does he even know how difficult it is to handle the procedures for live shows? Ugh, soooo~ annoying!
Tsukasa: Everyone, kindly cease your chatter! We have arrived at the Studio. This is the first time I’ll be seeing the King that we Knights serve! Ah, how Exciting!
Ah, um, I’m about to have an audience with him[1]… ☆
Location: Studio
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Tsukasa: Please pardon our intrusion! We Knights have come to pay you a visit ♪
Ah, Onee-sama? I’m really sorry, please forgive me! Throwing the door open so viciously… I probably gave you quite the shock ♪
Why are you standing over there looking like you’re at your wit’s end? What about Knights’ Leader? Where is he?
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Ritsu: Uauahuu… My head’s been knocked into things left and right… Woke me up ‘cause of it… What about our leader? Did Ou-sama come back?
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Tsukasa: Hehe, everyone calls our Leader ‘King’! They honour him by swearing an oath of allegiance! He must be an extraordinary person… ☆
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Leo: Aaahh!! It’s flowing!! The inspiration’s flowing!!!!
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Tsukasa: …Eh? Wh… There’s some guy drawing music notes on the walls and floor with a marker non stop.
Is he someone suspicious? Well, let’s capture him ♪
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Leo: Wahaha☆ Are you saying that awful ‘Emperor’ lost? A revolution?
What in the world!! So many interesting things happened in Yumenosaki Academy when I wasn’t around… ☆
Aaah!! Don’t go into details yet! The main characters are about to come on stage! The opera’s about to begin!
The opera cannot be stopped, because my delusion encompasses the entire universe… ☆
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Wahahaha☆ Wahahahaha☆ Wahahahahahahahaha~☆
Arashi: Eh? Ou-sama, you’re as crazy as ever.
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Tsukasa: Huh? Th-that… Did you just say ‘King’? That person who has an uncanny resemblance to that of a pervert… is he really the Leader of Knights?
Arashi: Yep. He really came back… ♪
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Wait a minute, Ou-sama! You’re scaring our newest member, so please stop your strange behaviour! And stop vandalising the walls, you’ll get scolded by the teachers!
Leo: Ah? A~h!! Naru!! Long time no see! You’re rotten as always!
Arashi: Eh? What are you talking about!? The first thing you say when you open your mouth… I’m really hurt!
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Leo: So bashful~ Such interesting movements! You’re my favouritest, I love you ☆
Oh! Rittsu and Sena, you’re here too! Feels like the last time I saw you both, it was a couple thousand years ago!
How has everyone been, my Knights ♪
Tsukasa: What…?
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Leo: Oh? There’s someone I don’t recognise! Hold on! Lemme have a think who you are!
There should be something I can use to infer! And on top of that, I can always take a leap of faith! The opera’s about to begin… ☆
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So! You’re an alien from outer space! Uchuu~! This is the alien greeting I came up with! Even though it doesn’t really matter now, wahahaha ☆
Wait! That’s not important right now! Don’t disturb me! I’m currently composing a famous song! I hope that you all will be able to witness the moment the masterpiece is born!
Ah, ugh! There’s no paper, so I can only write on the wall… but this unthinkable texture is irritating my senses ♪
My shoulder hurts! Someone, quick! Come and help me massage it out! This kind of sharp pain will also become music!
Tsukasa: Wh-what…?
Arashi: Ignore him, Tsukasa-chan. Our ‘King’ has always been a rather extreme artist.
Once he gets into the zone, he’d be so engrossed in composing that he would even forget to eat.
When he’s like this, he won’t ‘return’ for quite a while ♪
Tsukasa: I-is that so? I had… originally wanted to extend my greetings to Leader…
Izumi: Aish~ There’s no need to? That guy won’t listen to whatever anyone else says, anyways.
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Though, it’s not my place to say this. That guy’s lack of coordination is beyond saving. As expected of the leader of Knights ♪
By the way, although that guy’s body is abnormally good – when he dances, it’s basically a blessing…
He… tends to choreograph things on the spot, something that can’t be used on formal stages.
He’s actually extremely skilled in singing, but he’d say “I don’t want to be the one singing”, and refuses to sing.
Tsukasa: E-Eeeehh??? So useless… Forgive my impropriety, but uh, how did someone without a single merit worth respecting become our Leader?
Leo: Oyaya? Why am I in Yumenosaki Academy? Someone, tell me! No, no no no, don’t say a thing!
I wanna think about the melody hidden here… ☆
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I remember now! It’s because the whole lotta you have a performance tomorrow! Knights’ concert ♪
Izumi: Haa? What are you mumbling to yourself over there, suddenly returning and talking about a performance?
Leo: No, this is the job Anzu entrusted me with! She tells me about Yumenosaki’s comings and goings when I wasn’t around. This is an equivalent exchange!
At first, I said it was okay if she didn’t tell me about it, ‘cause I can fill in the blanks with my delusions~
Then, then, we just started chattering away… how could I not listen? I can’t just trample on this piece of kindness! Not to mention, it just got more and more interesting ☆
Wait! The song that I’m writing now, it’ll be ready by tomorrow!
I already have the melody, and that newbie has also become a rather uncertain element – so, I’ll definitely be able to write an interesting song!
Wahaha… ☆ It’s coming, it’s coming!! The inspiration’s coming!!
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Arashi: Alright, alright. Do as you please, our ‘King’. Using the songs you’ve prepared for us… These ‘weapons’ will annihilate all of our enemies ♪
Even so, don’t forget to eat and rest. If you were to collapse, we’d be in quite the pickle.
Anzu-chan, even though this child is a handful, could you take care of him for a while?
Then… we’ve got our work cut out for us… ♪
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Ritsu: Hehehe. It’s been a looooong time… But, this will be the first time all of us Knights will perform on stage together~ ♪
Izumi: Eh~ But I have yet to agree to the concert?
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But I suppose I don’t have a choice. Since Ou-sama has returned, we simply can’t allow Trickstar and co. to continue strutting around like that~ ♪
Tsukasa: W-why are all my seniors so enthusiastic about this! I don’t follow!
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Even though I do think it’s interesting, seeing the usually unorganized Knights suddenly display such a curious sense of unity…
O-onee-sama? What should I do?
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Leo: Don’t panic! Knights are meant to be dignified, yet arrogant! Vile, yet bold! Hideous, yet beautiful! Aaah, these cliché expressions!
The rejection from earlier! Are all of you feigning deafness?
Rest assured, newbie! Entrust your spirit to your senses, your body to fate, and leave it all behind!
Aah, just saying it isn’t enough! I need music~!
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All in all! My Knights, let’s prepare for war!
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We’ll need to flip the chessboard over, half of it just for fun! Don’t even think of rebutting, for I am the naked king in ‘The Emperor’s New Clothes’! Wahaha ☆
Translator's note(s): 1. in the CN translation, kasakun uses the term 觐见, which means "present oneself before (a monarch), have an audience with (the emperor)"
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