#these fuckers FORGOT we needed a teacher for a subject we have 5 times a week for 3 times a day so we have a monday off
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tanasha-not-yet · 22 days ago
brother (/r) are you watching dragons at 3am
not only watching but drawing too
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danganronpa-paradox · 7 years ago
CHAPTER 1 - 018
After talking to everyone with Hitomi, we decided to follow Midori to the rec room. She said there were some people discussing the… recent events, so we figured we’d go check it out and see what the general consensus on how we should deal with this is.
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There were about 5 other people in the rec room when we went in -- Naomasa, Naoto, Mitsunari, Taiyou and Keiji. That meant that half of us were discussing the motive in the rec room. Midori closed the door behind us, and we walked over to the others. Naomasa was the first to speak.
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“Lovely of you to join us, ladies.”
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“Hey there! Matsuba mentioned this to us, so we figured we’d drop by.”
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“Yeah, we were just talking about the… y’know.”
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“Yes. That.”
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“We set this up so we could touch base with each other, and make sure there wasn’t anything concerning about these forums.”
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“I am a bit concerned about the others who didn’t show up though…”
The others who didn’t show up… that’d be Yuu, Hitoshi, Haruka, Naomi, Asahi, Yuki, Kasumi and Kotori. We talked to 2 of them, and we tried to talk to Kotori, but she was talking to someone else. I wondered what was up with the other 5?
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“Well, what’s important now is the people who did show up.”  
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“Guess so. We’re just talkin’ ‘bout these bullshit forums. Where did that fucker even get these from? Did he really take’em from the school?”
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“He said that he did, but given his nature, I don’t really think we can trust what he says.”
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“So, what do we do? Just… Hmmm… Anyone got any ideas?”
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“Well, like Oxford Blue over there said, we’ve just been tellin’ each other what’s on our forums to make sure nobody’s like, a serial killer, or somethin’.” That was an… interesting way to put it.
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“Oh, alright then. I didn’t really see anything noteworthy on mine, unless you count some broken bones from rough soccer matches as something noteworthy.”
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“I-I can confirm that! I, um, I got your forum, Kurosawa.”
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“Ah, that’s right! We all get two forums, I forgot.” How did I forget that? Get it together, Ichigo.
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“So, do we just… go around the circle then…?”
Hitomi was next.
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“Well, um… I was born with transverse deficiency... basically, I’m missing my left leg.”
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“And as a result of that, I’ve been wearing a prosthetic for most of my life.” She lifted her skirt a bit to show the others her leg.
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”...Can’t imagine how tough that is… only havin’ one leg and havin’ to walk around with another that ain’t really yours…”
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“Well, I guess it is kinda yours ‘cuz you own it, but it ain’t really yours cuz it’s… a fake leg… y’know what I mean.”
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“Yeah… I get it.”
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“...Thank you for sharing. Yamazaki? Taiyou said she received your forum as well, but is there something you’d like to share with us?”
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“Well, there is the reason I was scouted into Hope’s Peak in the first place…”
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“In school, my average grade for math assignments and tests currently sits at 100, and it’s sat there ever since they started keeping track of my averages. My averages in subjects that involve a lot of math like science are also in the high ninetys.”
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“The school board was baffled by how this was possible, and some of my teachers thought I was cheating. So when I was about thirteen, I was sent on a plane to the University of Tokyo, where I was tasked with solving 10 of the university’s most difficult math problems, while being watched by some of the professors to make sure I wasn’t cheating, because they didn’t believe that I could do it either. Joke’s on them, because I managed to solve them all correctly and flawlessly in precisely six minutes and thirty-eight seconds.”
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“They still didn’t believe it, so they took me to get an IQ test. I scored 166. That’s when I hit the news, and Hope’s Peak eventually found out about me, and put me into their Super Junior High School Level Divison, and after that... here I am now.”
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“Wow… that’s impressive!” Of course, he had already told me this information, but it was still crazy knowing a person as smart as he was!
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“Whoa! You’re, like, one of the smartest people out there, and you’re only in high school!”
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“He’s right! And with that IQ… you’re a literal genius!”
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“Aw, c’mon, it’s not that special.”
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“You’ve been a Hope’s Peak student for years, and you’re the guy who scored 166 on his IQ test when he was thirteen. I wouldn’t call that ‘not special’! Who knows what your IQ is now?”
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“She’s got a point! Mitsunari’s already told me that there’s nothing he wants to share, so it’s my turn!”
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“Really, the only interesting thing on here is that I’ve been playing in the band since I was thirteen. Keiji?”
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“...Nothing really on mine.”
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“Keiji, I got your forum. I know.”
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“...Okay, fine, I’ll spill.”
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“...We yarnbombed an entire park in the dead of night. Me and my knitting group.”
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“You did what.”
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“It was really fun! It was part of an event that we were participating in centered around art, so it was perfectly legal.”
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“Why would they put that on your forum?”
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“It was part of the reason I was scouted. They wanted someone from that group, and since I was the only one still in high school, they chose me!”
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“Haha! You’re pretty wild, Thistle!”
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“There ain’t too much on mine, ‘cept for the fact that I apparently grew an inch since they filled this out.”
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“Alright then. Matsuba, you’re our last one!”
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“O-Oh, me? Hehe, um, well…”
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“Y-Y’know how Monomage said that some of us might be keeping secrets about our talents…?”
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“Yeah, what about that?”
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“Lil’ Candytuft… yer a-”
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“Yes. I am.”
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“Midori is… not real. She’s just one of the many identities I have assumed while going undercover. Everything you see on me is fake. The clothes, the hair, the makeup, the contacts, everything.”
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“But… why’dja go undercover as a chocolatier?”
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“You wouldn’t believe what some people put in those chocolates.”
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“...Jesus Christ.”
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“...Also, I received your forum, um… Toyama? Matsuba?”
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“Matsuba’s fine. I’ll need to keep up this facade for a while anyway.”
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“You can’t exactly be an undercover officer without criminals and their associates in your midst… and I’ll just leave it at that.” What did she mean by that? Was there a criminal in the building with us who wasn’t being truthful about who they were?
...Did they have something to do with our kidnapping?
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“...Right then. I’m no criminal expert, but if that criminal is really here and out for you, then staying hidden is probably a smart choice.”
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“Yeah… but the thought of having a criminal after you is horrible to think about…”
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“It is, but it’s something I have to think about a lot. I don’t really get scared thinking about it that much, but I guess that’s because I’m used to it.”
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“I suppose that makes sense.”
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“Well, I’m glad we all had this discussion. I suppose we should all just wander around until suppe-”
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“Not so fast!”
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“Now what exactly is going on here? I give you those forums as a potential way to kill each other and here you are reading the contents like it’s some show and tell bullshit!”
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“So what? You can’t control what we do wit’em, and you can’t stop us from talkin’ bout’em either!”
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“Yeah, he’s right. It’s literally in the rules that you told us to follow.” She quickly booted up her Student Handbook.
“4. The host may not interfere with the students unless they break a rule or specifically request it.”
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“You’d literally be breaking your own rules if you tried to force us to stop talking about it. Besides, you literally gave us a motive to kill someone. It’s only natural that it’d be a hot topic for discussion.” She was clearly trying to keep up her image as Midori, but it was almost like I could hear Chisato slipping through the cracks of her sentence.
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“Well, I never! Seems like your law knowledge is coming in handy there, Officer!”
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“...” I guess Monomage already knew who she was. She didn’t look scared though, so maybe Monomage wasn’t the criminal she mentioned.
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“But, I guess since we’re all sharing stuff about each other…” He reached for the brim of his hat. “...I think it’s only fair that I share something about me!”
In that instant, he whipped the hat off his head, and…
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...What the heck.
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“You’re kiddin’ me.”
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“What the fuck?!”
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“Well, aren’t you just a pleasant bunch. Didn’t your parents ever teach you manners?”
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“W-We were taught to express gratitude to stuff we liked, not stuff like this. What the damn were you expecting reactionwise?”
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“Yeah! Tell’im like it is!”
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“Oh, I get it! You all are just jealous that you don’t have luscious locks like mine! Shahahahaha!”
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“Oh, you think you’re hot shit, huh?” Naomasa stood up from where he was sitting and reached behind his head.
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“Oh? A challenger approaches? A challenger who thinks his hair attracts more attention than mine? Shahaha! You can’t get higher quality than this, Mr. Saxobeat!” Monomage’s taunting didn’t seem to deter Naomasa in the slightest, because in mere seconds…
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“You wanna bet?”
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“Well, how bout that!”
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“Seriously, you could probably be a shampoo model with hair like that!”
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“Oh, come on! What happened to little ol’ me?”
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“You’re not important.”
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“You’ve also just lost a bet.”
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“Well, aren’t you just gentlemen! Guess I’ll leave you to your ‘teamwork’ bullcrap!” With a wave of his staff, his hat reappeared on his head and his hair was stuffed back inside.
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“Thank you for choosing the Despairing Sunset Inn, and we hope you enjoy your miserable stay! Happy slaughtering!” He disappeared in yet another puff of smoke.
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“Off he goes again.”
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“Better gone than here, I suppose.”
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“What was that all about, anyway?”
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“I… couldn’t tell you, honestly.” I’d been confused the entire time Monomage had been in the room. First, he was condemning us for sharing our forums with each other, and then he was sharing… “information” about himself with all of us. Was he trying to confuse us, or did he have something else in mind?
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“Whatever it was, we managed to chase him off again.”
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“You mean you chased him off with that hair of yours.”
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“Hehehe, just doing my best.”
I had to chuckle at that. After a bit of banter between Naomasa and Keiji, we all decided to head back. One or two people stayed behind, but the majority of us left for other places in the inn. I, however, wanted to check in with those people I hadn’t talked to earlier… That’d be Hitoshi, Nobuyuki, Kasumi, Asahi, and Naomi. I wondered what they thought of the whole thing?
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