#these big arms got some strength baybee
matchbet-allofthetime · 2 months
Can I ask if you have any Boone headcanons? I’m a little bit obsessed with the strong, silent, devoted-to-my-love sniper and there will never be enough content about him for me haha
This ask is wonderful and I thank you for it by smooching you on your forehead 😻
Also, I am so sorry for my ramblings about him, I've loved him since the game released + love all interpretations of him, so I smushed all my favourites I've seen/developed over the years into one (sfw) post.
(I also might've been a little high as I wrote these out, so sorry if I repeat anything or it's misspelled.)
Anyways, enjoy below the cut!
Boone HCs:
-around 6'-6'5" (shorter than Arcade, who I hc as 6'9"); frankly think he's 6'0" solid but built like a brick house
-Bulky, built with wide hips and wider shoulders
-he has ass. I don't make the rules, you can SEE that ass in-game just like you can his meaty tits. I speak more on tits later.
-Soft stomach (the type that you can lay on and spills over his pants some when he bends over or sits down)
-brunette with thick hair, but just shaves it all down.
-INTENSELY bisexual (preference for men, likely just because he was around more men than women in the NCR. But if he likes you in any capacity, you're fair game to him regardless of what you've got)
-very, very tanned. He's not a very pale man and wasn't ever really pale
-GREEN EYES BAYBEE!! Vibrant green, actually has central heterochromia. Green with brown around his pupils ✨
-dimples. He has dimples. Fight me.
-i have this HC that all wasteland-born folks have sharper teeth- he absolutely does. He opens his mouth and he's got four sharp canines and six additional incisors that are shorter but equally able to tear through gecko and brahmin meat
-can and will use that 7 strength stat, and also that matching 7 agility
-this mf is FAST and can sprint like hell
-big hands and arms and thighs- this man doesn't have visible abs, but he's got SO much strength under his softness
-his pecs are soft and heavy. Give that dilf the tits he deserves.
-ABSOLUTELY the strong, devoted silent type
-however, that doesn't mean he isn't playful. He can totally be a snipe, sassy, snarky man, as well as a tease.
-he'll side eye someone he cares about after he's opened up and teased just to see their expressions when he quips when they aren't expecting it.
-him and Arcade get along well, and Arcade talks with him about the world enough to convince Boone that the NCR is better as a military which serves the people, rather than a major power to run the Mojave.
-boone comes to agree easily, but only once they've known each other for a few years
-thinks Arcade is beyond genius, and the two sassy men mutually snark at others when well-deserved
-is more inclined to take off his beret in the Lucky 38 around the other companions, but still is particular about when and where. He likes it and will always stay on him when out and about
-but if the Courier takes it off of him, once they've been through a lot together in the first year or so, he'll let them do it. he knows and trusts that they'll take care of it
-considers it an extension of himself, much the way he considers his rifle and extension of himself, so it's very intimate in its own way
-achingly fond of sweet cakes
-wears sunglasses because his green eyes used to freak people out. They are incredibly sharp- and quick- and can catch movement across miles of desert sand.
-couple that with his agility and happy trigger finger, he makes one of the finest snipers in the wastes
-doesn't sleep well for the first little while after meeting the courier and their companions- keeps thinking he'll wake up to something happening
-does finally manage to relax though, and starts sleeping better than he has in years most nights
-his dog tags ever come off. Can and will stab a bitch for trying to touch them
-very good with combat knives and straight-up punching someone, but forever prefers using his rifle and being a ranged shooter.
-talked more at one time to the courier after defeating Caesar and taking down the camp than he ever had before
-actually fond of having Ed-E around during their missions
-lots of body hair, the shorter hair this mf has is on his head. Prefers his hair short mostly because of being NCR; it just gets in the way of his beret
-polishes and cleans his gun NIGHTLY. If he doesn't have the right wax for the barrel, he will go out and either trade for some or will slaughter for some. He doesn't care which he has to do, so keep it around. A small tin goes a long while, but make sure to keep it closed ✨
-wears a .50 caliber shell around his neck with his tags on the same chain- it's an old soldier's way of remembering their mortality as well as those lost, and he can move entirely silently so the metal doesn't click together as he walks or runs
-comes to find that he loves heavy military rifles
-give him a power fist or brass knuckles. I beg you. This man will fuck someone up at long and close range.
-could kill you with his arms AND thighs.
-sits with his thighs spread apart because he hates when they touch- texture nightmare for him
-can straight up rotate his irises around his pupils. Can ALSO retract and swell his pupils to make them larger and smaller at will- helps in the desert sun to keep his eyes from taking in too much light, but it also makes his eyes focus different, which can be useful
-hates alcohol, but will drink to forget
-started smoking cigarettes because the smell made him physically ill as a child- it was the only way for him to stop being sick. Now it's a bad habit he can't kick
-mostly it's because it's such a long-standing habit, but also he's got the 'tism and an oral fixation which requires him to have smthn in his mouth at all times. Will hold anything between his lips- an unlit cigarette, a toothpick, a bullet shell, the rare wasteland lollipop lmao
-this guy is big enough he can palm a milk jug like it's a can.
-prefere combat boots to anything else, especially steel toe combat boots.
-hates round laces, they've gotta be flat or he loses his shit and seethes internally.
-has tattoos. I don't make the gd rules, he's a military boy- he has ink. You just can't SEE any of it because it's under his shirt/pants.
-would actually have wanted an eyebrow piercing or the like pre-war and I will die and kill on this hill. He wouldn't have many piercings, but he would have a few, I feel. I think he'd get both eyebrows so it'd be even, maybe his nipples, and another secret one 👀
-doesnt like people much, very much a silent, brooding type. Doesn't open up for a LONG time, but when he does, he's warm
-affectionate as hell, but only once he's gotten to the warming-up point
-he more he opens up, the more snark he sends outward toward those he doesn't give a damn about. Will open his fat mouth and those brooding inside thoughts quickly become outside thoughts. Knows when to stay quiet as always, though.
-big spoon or little spoon, he doesn't care. Careful though, he runs VERY hot and will tuck a hand against your stomach to KEEP you against him, even in sleep
-likes tucking his face into someone's throat and WILL wake a lover to kisses on the shoulder and neck
-likes kisses and likes holding hands whenever able.
-hand will always be on lower back. If you're standing on something, he'll have his hand there in case. If you're sleepy and stumbling into the Lucky 38's kitchen, his hand is there to make sure you stay upright as he guides you along. If you're dealing with folks who are shady or make you uncomfortable or make Boone uneasy, his hand is right there to soothe you both.
-only puts his hand on the lower back of two people- the courier and Arcade. I take no criticisms.
-can kill for those he loves. WILL kill for those he loves.
-when cuddling with him, tuck your hand over his heart or around his dog tags and he'll melt in your hands. It's very important to him to silently be with someone, and he's hopelessly devoted to the few people he cares about.
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praetorqueenreyna · 1 year
Hello, Vanserra Family drama/angst please.
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Have some baybee Lucien and Good Big Brother Eris!!
Lucien was in huge trouble. Not only had he broken the rules by sneaking into his parents’ bedroom, he had broken one of the artifacts that Beron had proudly displayed on the wall. The shield had looked solid and sturdy, and was small enough that Lucien would be able to hold it. He had pulled a chair over to the wall and, reaching up on his tiptoes, pulled the shield away. While the metal surface of the shield was polished and strong, the arm bands behind it were brittle leather. They had snapped at the slightest bit of tension, and Lucien had tumbled to the ground with the shield on top of him. He had done his best to put it back, but it had very clearly been tampered with. It hung crooked from the wall on the remnants of the bands, and was dented along the edge from hitting the floor. All of Lucien’s instincts told him to scuttle away and hide, and hope that his father didn’t notice.
That evening at dinner, Beron coldly told the servants not to bring the meal out quite yet. Lucien froze, his eyes glued to the table surface in front of him, as Beron slid the damaged shield on the table in front of him.
“One of you little rats has deliberately disobeyed me,” Beron hissed. Lucien’s brothers shifted uncomfortably. Obviously none of them knew what had happened with the shield, only that one of them was about to be punished for it. “Not only did one of you go into my quarters and touch my things, but the coward then ran and hid instead of admitting to their insubordination and facing the consequences. I want the coward who did this to admit it. Now.”
Silence. The Vanserra boys didn’t even whisper amongst themselves for fear that any communication would be seen as an admission of guilt. Lucien’s heart thumped painfully in his throat and his hands began to sweat. Confess, he chided himself. Be a man. Tears had already begun to fill his eyes when he lifted his head to implicate himself.
“It was me.”
Beron’s head swiveled to the right, his eyes narrowing. “Eris? What were you thinking?”
Lucien’s mouth dropped open as Eris rose to his feet, back ramrod strength. “I’m sorry, sir. I got  curious and went into your room and broke the shield. I thought I could fix it.” 
Beron climbed to his feet as well. Although Eris was over one hundred and fully grown, his father towered over him. In an almost careless motion, Beron backhanded his eldest son across the face, sending him flying. “Go to your room. You don’t eat until I decide what to do with you.” Still dry-eyed, Eris obeyed. In the candlelight, Lucien could see the blisters across his brother’s cheek. Beron had superheated his hand before he had struck him.
Later, Lucien snuck up the stairs to the north tower, to Eris’s quarters. Eris was sitting at his desk, reading. Aside from the snow white bandage that covered half his face, it was as if nothing had happened.
“I know it was you.” Lucien started; he hadn’t realized that Eris had known he was lurking in the doorway. “None of our other brothers are stupid enough to go into Father’s quarters.”
“Why didn’t you tell him it was me?”
Eris appraised him; once he hit puberty, Lucien was likely to be taller than any of the other Vanserras, if his slender, lithe limbs were anything to go by. For now, though, he was the smallest. “I will next time.”
“Why not this time?” Lucien pushed. He didn’t know what he was hoping to hear.
“You’ll remember this in the future. I don’t tell on you this time, and you won’t tell on me when I’ve done something far worse.” Despite the cold words, there was a hint of a warm smile, just under the surface. “Go to bed, Lucien.” 
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hissterical-nyaan · 3 years
Didn't wake up today thinking that I'll nearly break my hand while boards are a week away and will have to drag a 115kg scooty out of the sand where I got it stuck but here we are
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spoonie-living · 6 years
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[Image: A person in a cute outfit stands with back to viewer, looking at an imposing arrivals/departures board at an airport]
10 Ways To Make Flying With Chronic Illness Suck Less
Hey y’all---I just flew cross-country, and boy are my arms tired! And my neck, and my back, and (lbh) my entire body.
Flying as a spoonie is just heckin’ rough, and our needs are as varied as the day is long. That being said, here are a few tips that will help with some common needs. 
❤️, Editor Diane
Get. That. Wheelchair.
I want to tell you something: I am young and have no visible disability or mobility equipment. And no airport worker has ever questioned whether or not I “really” need a wheelchair (or priority boarding, for that matter---another great tool for you to use). If you ask, you will receive.
So seriously, whether it’s standing in the security line, carrying your baggage, or something else entirely, get that wheelchair. Even if it’s a little minor. You gotta save your strength if you’re gonna survive the rest of the trip.
Pack your heating pad
You heard me. Most planes seem to be fitted with outlets for every passenger these days, and that means beautiful, beautiful pain relief while the fasten seatbelt sign is lit. Honestly, being able to lean up against my heating pad made the whole trip so much more bearable.
Just keep in mind that you still can’t bring gel-based warmers (and anyway, there’s no easy way to heat them up!) due to TSA liquid restrictions.
Suit up
Got any braces or support garments? Now’s the time to break them out.
Since I have POTS and will be sitting upright for a while, I always wear my comfiest medium compression socks. And since my EDS has been keeping me from easy, comfortable posture lately, I grabbed my compression shirt too!
Use comfort tools
...and quit worrying about how dorky you’ll look! You won’t see these people again.
Since my feet don’t reach the floor, and I need to stretch my legs out as far as I can, I use one of the many airplane foot slings on the market (check online---they hang from the tray table supports).
With my bad tailbone, I need whatever comfort I can get, so I drag my memory foam butt pillow along with me too. To keep it out of the way, I used the carabiner on my keychain to hang it from the top loop of my backpack as I navigated the airports.
If you can sleep sitting up or need some neck support when upright, you might also like the Trtl travel pillow, a sort of structured scarf that lets you spread the weight of your neck across your shoulder. This one didn’t work so well for me because of the way it strained my joints, but folks without joint problems might find success!
Eat well and plainly
I don’t know about you, but something about that cabin pressure does weird things to my stomach. I make sure to have nice, plain meals without too many of my trigger foods---both for my own comfort, and to spare others from unfortunate smells.
If you have an extra-rough time with gas and would prefer your seatmates not join you, we’ve featured some flatulence-friendly undies and liners in this post.
With my POTS flaring from all the upright-ness, I also go hard on those electrolytes! Nuun tablets are my go-to, and won’t add extra weight or count towards your liquid limit at security.
Take extra precautions
Whether you’re immuno-compromised or just really don’t want to get sick from your trip, there’s never a bad reason to wear a medical mask or slather your hands with sanitizer.
I spent my trip with a medical mask over my face and pumping the Purell, and although I did it because I was a potential carrier, I can say it honestly wasn’t too much extra trouble. I’ve done the medical mask thing before, on a shorter flight, and been quite uncomfortable around the ears---but using a different brand seemed to make all the difference!
And fun fact; even if you can only wear the mask for a bit at a time for whatever reason... that’s harm reduction, baybee!
Need a cute medical mask? We got your back with this affordable Etsy shop!
Consider first class
Look, we can’t all afford it, but first class can make a world of difference. There are lots of articles out there on how to get cheaper upgrades or be more likely to get bumped, so do your research and see if it’s for you.
BUT---big but---check your airline and plane first. Not all first class seats are created equal, and honestly, some just aren’t worth the price. I got a lucky bump on my last leg, and while I did appreciate the extra legroom and softer seats, I was super disappointed to find that there was no footrest (the thing I needed)!
Keep learning
This list is only scratching the surface of spoonie air travel, so here are a few more resources:
Hit up our Flying tag for a couple neat tips.
Peruse the Travel tag for lots of general travel tips, plus more air travel ideas.
Find more specialized tips on Embrace The Brace with their article, Surviving and Airplane Ride With EDS.
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