#these arent d&d ocs i wanna add
theunluckyvandalist · 2 months
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[Pls dni w this if ur under 18]
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ask-hammergirl · 2 months
Hey there! Welcome to my uh.. mini website? No wait, its called a blog, right?
(I just checked, it is a blog)
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Anyways, my name is ALTO! I dont really know much about this website (yet) but i did figure out the photo part, so.. neat!!
Also, i messed around with the settings, and i think i made it so you guys can talk to me directly through this inbox thing-! So yeah, feel free to send me asks or, i dunno, talk??
Uhh.. what else do people usually add to these..? Oh right! Things people arent allowed to put in the inbox!! There we go :D
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1. Basic DNI, no homophobia, transphobia, racism, proshippers (ew.) all that stuff
2. I am Aroace! which means i dont feel any attraction romantically or sexually, so please refrain from romance please :D (mod comment!!: not the creators sexuality, strictly the characters, this is a roleplay account for my oc)
3. Im a minor, so please keep all your nasty nsfw as far away from me as possible, thank you!! If any of these rules are broken, you will be blocked ^^ (only reason i wouldnt block you is if you didnt realize) (i might block you if there was a rule i never added and your comment made me remember / was so vile it made me add it)
Yeah, im pretty sure thats it, i hope to see you guys in my silly inbox thing!!
(Real world ALTO)
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i have no idea what im getting into, but i am anyway!!
uhhhh i dunno what to say really
uhm erm hmmm
oh right
my name is alto!! (Mod comment: this is an omori oc, the pink text is real world and the purple text is headspace :3)
i dont have much to say really, just dont be weird and creepy if you wanna talk to me or ask me things, dont be a bully either!!! ><
i think thats all i have to say... uhh.... byebye!!!
(Headspace ALTO)
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(hihi, mod here, just call me lemon :3, i go by she/they pronouns (so does Alto, the blogs character) and im a minor ^^ my main account is @l3m0n-c0r3 if you wanna see me talk about random things and be silly, yeah thats really it, byebye!!!)
(CREDITS FOR ALL DIVIDERS!!!: @anitalenia @sister-lucifer @strangergraphics @animatedglittergraphics-n-more)
(bye fr now :3)
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ccasey0 · 5 months
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Here is my bunny oc
if you wanna give me some tips :3
ooo okay so there are a lot of ways to make an anthro rabbit look more Rabbit-Like.
starting with the feet! first of all, rabbits hve claws that arent retractable, so include those :) next, see the way you have made your feet they are flat on the soles and really short and simple:
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however, rabbit feet are much longer for more propulsion when leaping. there are two way to show this: stanign on the toes or standing on the soles. typically, rabbits will be on their toes when they are walking, standing, running, ect. but when they are resting/sitting they will be on their soles. as shown here:
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see how the feet positions change depending on what the rabbit is doing? try to show this when you are drawing the character, kinda like this:
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Hands! i got nothing to say except for add pads on the palms and beans on the fingers. also claws. example here:
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Now, ears!! the way you drew the ears they kinda looked like they were in a ponytail maybe? as if they were a substitute for hair. shown here:
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There are plenty of other ways to show the ears that will translate as more like Rabbit ears rather than just like hair. examples shown here:
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Tail! you didnt show the tail in your drawing since it was a front-on image, so imma just show different kinds of tails you can give her. first: realistic. a little scruffier and pointed upwards, like an actual rabbit's tail. fur will be the same color as the rest of the fur on the body on top and white on the bottom. example here:
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next: round/cartoon. totally white, fluffy little cottonball on the butt. the way pretty much every cartoon depicts it. this isnt realistic but a cute design attribute nonetheless. example here:
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last: hare. hares have slightly longer tails than rabbits. this isnt quite realistic most of the time when depicted in art, but it looks interesting enough. fur would be the same color as the rest of the body all over the tail, no white underside. example here:
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Eyes! Rabbits are prey, so they have to be able to watch out for predators on all sides. that's why they have eyes on either side of their head. try making the eyes on your character more wide set(kinda like those from asian have). y'know how people are always criticizing Usagi for having eyes too far apart. yeah, there's a reason for that design choice lol. anyways example here:
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Nose! just a little button nose. tiny upside down triangle on the face. simple as that :D example shown in the previous image
Body shape! yeah, i really dont have much advice for this one. if you want it to be realistic have thinner, bonier arms and legs with the same body shape you already have for her. here is your Og with the advice next to it:
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hair! yeah, this one is really just ideas. i sa you added fluff to the top of your character's head, but it look really choppy and more like a weird hat tbh(not trying to hate just stating my observations). try making more fluid and going on one general direction rather than all different directions. want some different options i thought up? first, fluffy: more rounded and floofy looking. i dunno how to explain it so example here lol:
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Next, scruffy: uhhh....i dunno how to explain this one very well either. curved points that go in mostly the same direction with a few outliers. example here:
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last, Human-like: this one is kinda self explanatory. give her human hair lol.
Clothes! okay, this is that last tip i promise. listen, i love the skirt. it's cute, it's personalized, its stylish......But give her shorts or pants. she is a rabbit, which means she will be super athletic and will definitely be jumping/leaping and all-in-all moving around a lot. so yeah, unless you want people looking up her skirt all the time you might wanna give her different bottom apparel. of course, feel free to give her a skirt or dress if you wanna! now, for a top i really like the one you already gave her. it's sleek and looks cool! however, might i suggest a slightly baggier shirt? simply because tight tops like that would be restricting for movement and definitely uncomfortable since she has fur. a baggy shirt would allow for looser movements and wouldnt compact her fur and make it uncomfortable. belt could go either way. keep it or dont, its your choice. it might hurt a bit when she wants to bend over or something(i know from experience lol) but it also wouldnt hinder her like, at all. good for carrying pouches and stuff, holding weapons in shethes, ect. i personally think it looks great. i have a few outfit suggestions that you might like, feel free to use/mix and match any of them. they are yours now :DD
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well, that's about all ive got for you. you dont have to use any of this if you dont want to. these are all just suggestions! anyways, have a good day! imma go hide in my cave now :)
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robinlmaoo · 1 year
Welcome to my Sky: COTL ask/art blog! :D
This is an account where I do multiple things, such as post art (mainly scribbles gahahaha), animations (i do mainly short animation memes/clips but i have BIG plans for BIG animatics) and… roleplay! (not that good at roleplaying yet and i might lose interest if it gets monotone but im still up for any asks/character interactions, would welcome them actually!)
Information about me…
Im quite a hardcore spirit enjoyer and tend to focus on spirits more than skykids. I still have SOME skykid OCs though, such as my sky persona Robin and the two gay coconuts whom i still have not named.
If and when you ever role-play with me, just know that I am not one for themes of heavy gore (like intestines exposed brain whatever), or NSFW themes. I am okay with roleplaying with minor gore (injuries that arent too graphic like cuts/stab wounds?), character death and angst, and swearing, though Robin wont do this themselves.
Asking + Roleplaying
My ask box is open for any random crap you might wanna drop in.
You can ask any character currently in Robin’s story, whether it be a spirit, skykid.
You can ask:
Genuine questions about the story/character
Random things you wanna say to the characters
A character interaction prompt?
Playfully rude stuff.
You may not ask:
Genuinely rude/derogatory stuff thats meant to put others down
Anything NSFW/a little too inappropriate for the record
You may not ask the characters “The Gay Coconuts” yet, because theyre very random characters I threw into the story for no reason and I literally have no idea what to do with them… yet
I use a character padlet to organise the characters in my story because they can get a lil messy sometimes. Heres the link!
Tags associated with my account:
#robin the skykid - for when i post about my main skysona, Robin!
#saki the seed - for when i post about the Seed Of Hope in the context of my universe, where they are named ‘Saki’.
#robin reflects - when me, the op of this (and @those-aurora-spirits) say something :)
Thats all. I might add more depending on what happens. Have a good day!
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kxmikomrade · 1 year
im so sorry to be back almost immediately after sending you something but i forgot to add a thing!
please tell me all about your ocs :D
you have f o u r t e e n finished ones??? THAT'S AMAZING WOAH
i think that's how many i've had in my lifetime-
but can we talk about our ocs together :D
i promise that's it, ty so much! have a lovely day, mitsu <3 (is it ok if i call you that?)
DWW I TEND TO FORGET OFTEN TOO i literally forget wat ive req to my moots so i tend to ask them wat i req, its why i shouldnt req at all tbh 😭
LMAO PLSS its why i have a role in discord 'keeps making ocs'
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legolasgoldy · 7 years
// Thank you!! :D @driftinglightofthewoods //
my opinion on;
character in general: Malenor/Miston Felagund.  I absolutely love him!  Even though you didnt intentionally originally have him be related to Finrod, ( I did the same thing with an oc once so i know exactly what you mean XD) he still would have been no less amazing than he is now. Hes the sweetest stubborn bby haha. I think him ending up being a distant cousin of Finrod adds a tiny bit more depth into his family tree and I absolutely love it. Not that it wouldnt be great without that part of his background, he totally would be amazing otherwise, but I feel like so many crucial characters in the 3rd age do have those ties to elves from the 1rst age like Gil-Galad, Elrond, Celeborn, Galadriel, etc. And whos to say there arent others as well that are lesser known. Aka Miston. I find it super interesting XD.how they play them:  I think you play him exact to his bio, you write him with so much pizzazz i feel like. ( tbh all your muses are XD they are all in depth). Baby Miston is soo cute! The way he looks up to Finrod is the most adorable thing, even baby Miston has a distinct personality going on haha.  I cant wait until Finrod interacts with older Miston, it’ll be amazing XD.the mun: Super nice and creative! I loved talking about headcanons with you that day! You were so fun to talk to haha so if you ever wanna talk again feel free always haha.
do i;
follow them: YES for not as long as i would have liked haha. I had been eyeballing your blog for a while bc i followed some people who interacted with you and i saw your threads on my dash from time to time and i was like “ooo they related to Finrod >u>” but nahh they too cool for me :/ . And then finally I followed anyway XD Im glad i did! haharp with them: YES!want to rp with them: ALWAYS ship their character with mine: Family ship yes, not romantic obvs XD.  Finrod loves Miston to death, he’ll baby him even when hes grown so be prepared Miston hahaha. But not too much, its just hard for him not to still see Miston as his cute lil baby self since he watched him grow up. When they see each other again after hes grown, like i can guarantee he’ll be a mixture of SO PROUD. LOOK HOW YOUVE GROWN. and yet low key going “ OMG he still makes that same face that he made when he was a baby LOOK IT SO CUTE” or “ Omg he eats exactly the same. Look at this precious baby!!!!” * gives all the sweets* X’D
what is my;
overall opinion: The best! Finrod and I love your blog! Would always recommend
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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