addieisreading · 2 years
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— Mindf*ck Series (Book 1 - The Risk) by S. T. Abby
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wets · 2 years
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The new NFT Collection you need. A 1rs Edition of 100 "Risks" Next to the BlockChain🖤 A New Clan on Metaverse not a CryptoMonkey Its a Crypto Inc.🙈🙉🙊 They Belive in Zodiac, Some of them not look like Neymar, some of them wears adidas and other are pixels 💣💣💣💣💣🐉 👉MINT ON CENT.CO https://wezap.cent.co👈 💣💣💣💣💣🐉 #deepmind #arte #Inspiración #NFT #NFTCOMMMUNITY #TheRisks #collection #EndlessJourney  #apes #magazine #Today #fantasy #uhive #opensea #polygon #ETH #TimBurton #Unique #Photoshop #blockchain #Cryptopunks #💯 https://www.instagram.com/p/ClZLE7xOyZj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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andtherisk · 6 months
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rampuppala · 11 months
Online Trading Triump — Tech & Strategy Synergy
In thedynamicfinancesphere, thequest for efficiencyandprofitsisceaseless. Technologicaladvancementhasradicallyreshapedthe arena, positioning online trading as a pivotal component in theindustry. Thisdiscussionexploresthealliancebetweentechnologyand strategy in online trading, givingrisetoitssuccess. Guidingthisshiftis Ram Puppala, whoseforward-thinkingapproachmergestechinnovationwith strategic planning, therebydefiningthecontemporarytradinglandscape.
Online tradinghas come a longwaysinceitsinception in the 1990s. Whatwasonce a nicheactivityaccessibleonlyto a select fewhasnowbecome a global phenomenon, thankstothe digital revolution. The rise of the internet andtheproliferation of mobile deviceshavedemocratizedaccesstofinancialmarkets, allowingindividualsfromallwalks of lifeto participate in trading.The foundation of online tradingisbuiltuponcutting-edgetechnology. Trading platformsand software applicationshavebecomeincreasinglysophisticated, offering a widerange of toolsandresourcestotraders. Theseplatformsenabletradersto execute orders in real-time, access market data, andemployvarioustradingstrategieswithease.
The digitizedworld of financepresents a plethora of benefits, yet it alsosurfaces a unique set of challenges. Onepressingissue in thesphere of digital wealth management is data protection. As theindustryprogressivelyshiftstowards online transactionsand data storage, therisk of cyber-attacksescalates. Therefore, stringent securitymeasures are vital tosafeguard client informationandmaintain a stronghold of trust amidstusers. Further, the digital divide presents an obstacle. As wealth management servicestransition online, thelikelihood of excludingthosedevoid of internet access or digital literacyrises. To combat this, it becomesessential for theindustrytopartnerwithgovernmentsandorganizationstofosterinclusivityandaccessibility. Ram Puppalastands at thehelm of thesechallenges, with a holisticapproachthatcombines a drive for techinnovationwith a dedicationto inclusive and secure solutions. His visionlightsthepathto a futurewherewealth management issecurelyintegratedwithtechnologyandisuniversallyaccessible.
Thesuccess of algorithmictradinghinges on theinterplaybetweentechnologyand strategy. The algorithmsthemselves are a product of complex mathematicalandstatisticalmodels, oftendevelopedbyteams of quantitativeanalystsand software engineers. Thesemodels incorporate a variety of tradingstrategies, from trend-followingtostatisticalarbitrage, tocapitalize on market inefficiencies.Algorithmictradingsystemscanprocess vast amounts of data and execute orders in milliseconds, somethinghumantraderssimplycannotmatch. Thisspeedis crucial in marketswhere price movementshappen in theblink of an eye. Furthermore, algorithms are notinfluencedbyemotions, whichcancloudhumanjudgment. They execute tradesbased on set parameters, ensuring a disciplinedapproachtotrading.
Effectiverisk management is at thecore of successfultrading. Technology plays a pivotal role in helpingtradersmanagerisk. Risk management toolsandfeaturesembedded in online tradingplatformsallowtradersto set stop-lossorders, limitorders, andtake-profit levels. Thesetoolshelptradersdefinetheirriskexposureandprotecttheir capital.
In tandem withtheconvenienceandconnectivityofferedby online trading, it furtherextendsitsadvantagestoencompasseducationalresourcesandanalyticaltools. A myriad of online brokersnowprovide comprehensive educational content, webinars, anddemoaccountstoaid novice traders in understandingthe intricate mechanisms of the trade. Furthermore, theyequiptraderswith an array of analyticaltoolsliketechnicaland fundamental analysisthatsteerthemtowardmakingknowledgeabledecisions. Therefore, thissynergybetweentechnologyand strategy in online tradinghasbecome a lifeline in thefinancialworld, andindividualslike Ram Puppala Cessation are critical in steeringthisevolution. His deepunderstanding of technologyand strategic planningunderpinsthenew era of trading, whereinclusivity, security, andtechnologicaladvancements coexist seamlessly.
Technicalanalysistools, for instance, allowtraderstostudy price charts, patterns, andindicatorstoidentifypotential trade opportunities. Fundamental analysistoolsprovideaccessto economic data, earningsreports, andnewsfeedstogaugethehealth of thefinancialmarketsand individual assets. The abilitytoaccessandanalyzethese data streamsdirectlythroughtradingplatformsstreamlinesthedecision-makingprocess.
Online trading’stech-strategic synergyextendstotherealm of educationandanalyticaltools as well. A multitude of online brokers are providing comprehensive educational content, webinars, anddemoaccountsto facilitate novice traders in comprehendingthe complex dynamics of trading. Theyalsoequiptraderswith a widerange of analyticaltoolssuch as technicaland fundamental analysis, enablinginformeddecision-making. Thus, thisseamlessblend of technologyand strategy hasemerged as thefinancialworld’slifeline. Withindividualslike Ram Puppalaleadingthecharge, thenew era of tradingisunderpinnedby a deepunderstanding of technologyand strategic planning, whichfosters a landscapewhereinclusivity, security, andadvancedtechnologythrive in harmony.
Artificial intelligence (AI) hasfurtheramplifiedthetech-strategy synergy in online trading. AI-poweredtradingsystemscananalyzelargevolumes of data, detectpatterns, andmakepredictionsbased on past market behavior, whichcansignificantlyaid in informedtradingdecisions. Machinelearning, an AI subset, hasbeenusedto create predictive models for trading. Thesemodelscanforecast price movementsand market volatility, henceenablingtraderstopredict market trends. AI also aids in craftingpersonalizedtradingstrategies, moldingapproachesaccordingto a trader’srisktoleranceandobjectives.
As wewitnesstheunfolding of this digital revolution in theworld of trading, Puppala’s role isincreasinglypivotal. His deepunderstanding of technology, strategic planning, anddedicationto inclusive solutions continue toshapethelandscape of modern trading. Online trading’striumphistheresult of theharmoniousblend of technologyand strategic planning. It hasdemocratizedtradingbyensuring global access, real-time data, andempoweringtraderswith artificial intelligence-enhancedstrategies. As we look towardsthefuture, theintegration of theseelementswill continue to drive theevolution of online trading, underthevisionary leadership of pioneerslike Ram Puppala.
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tysonrooney06 · 1 year
How To Commerce The Inverse Head-and-shoulders Sample
With the investor loosing interest in investing in shares, the volume drops and the inventory worth starts to decline. The heart trough is the deepest and the opposite two are of roughly the same depth. An inverted Head and shoulders pattern occurs when the price of a security drops marking the bearish pattern and reaches the bottom level. Then the bullish development kicks back in and pushes the worth upwards.
In this case, the inventory's price reaches three consecutive lows, separated by momentary rallies.
This breakdown ought to be convincing, occurring on robust volume and coinciding with momentum indicators pointing towards sturdy bearish momentum.
If the value advance preceding the top and shoulders top is not long, the following worth fall after its completion may be small as nicely.
All expressions of opinion are subject to vary without discover in response to shifting market circumstances.
Some progress on the US debt ceiling talks is lifting the general market mood. The Relative Strength Index indicator turned bearish, warranting that additional downside is expected, whereas the 3-day Rate of Change , continues to slide beneath its neutral level. Futures and futures choices buying and selling includes substantial risk and isn't appropriate for all investors. Please read theRisk Disclosure Statementprior to buying and selling futures merchandise.
Figuring Out The Pinnacle And Shoulders Trading Pattern
The neckline can additionally be an essential part of the pinnacle and shoulders sample as it is the stage of resistance that merchants use in order to set up the world vary to put orders. So, to find the neckline, first, find the left shoulder, head, and proper shoulder. Then connect the low factors after the left shoulder with the low after the head, which creates the neckline.
It can be difficult for newbies to determine the altering developments.
Is Your Risk/reward Enough?
Chart patterns Understand the method to learn the charts like a professional trader. Live streams Tune into day by day live streams with expert merchants and transform your buying and selling abilities. A catalyst is something that can move traders or buyers to buy or promote a stock. That’s as a outcome of you must use this sample to discover out a significant change in development. Ascending triangle pattern need a lot of traders to see the sample, so they act accordingly and the price sample plays out.
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myfeeds · 1 year
Scientist uncovers roots of antibiotic resistance
In a recent article published in PLoS Genetics, UCF College of Medicine microbiologist Dr. Salvador Almagro-Moreno uncovers the evolutionary origins of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in bacteria. His studies on the bacterium that causes cholera, Vibrio cholerae, provide insight into deciphering what conditions must occur for infectious agents to become resistant. “How AMR occurs in bacterial populations and the pathways leading to these new traits are still poorly understood,” he said. “This poses a major public health threat as antimicrobial resistance is on the rise.” Dr. Almagro-Moreno studied genetic variants of a protein found in bacterial membranes called OmpU. Using computational and molecular approaches, his team found that several OmpU mutations in the cholera bacteria led to resistance to numerous antimicrobial agents. This resistance included antimicrobial peptides that act as defenses in the human gut. The researchers found that other OmpU variants did not provide these properties, making the protein an ideal system for deciphering the specific processes that occur to make some bacteria resistant to antimicrobials. By comparing resistant and antibiotic sensitive variants, the researchers were able to identify specific parts of OmpU associated with the emergence of antibiotic resistance. They also discovered that the genetic material encoding these variants, along with associated traits, can be passed between bacterial cells, increasing therisk of spreading AMR in populations under antibiotic pressure. By understanding how mutations occur, researchers can better understand and develop therapeutics to combat resistant infections. Dr. Almagro-Moreno is also looking at environmental factors such as pollution and warming of the oceans, as possible causes of resistant bacteria. “We are studying the genetic diversity ofenvironmental populations, including coastal Florida isolates, to develop a new approach to understandinghow antimicrobial resistance evolves,” he explained. Understanding the bacteria that causes cholera, an acute diarrheal illness linked to infected water and foods, has global implications. The disease sickens up to 4 million people worldwide and severe cases can cause death within hours.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Alexia will definitely not start. She is surely a sub for the last 20 minutes. Therisk to get a reinjured when she plays longer is high. But who knows. It's Barca.
Yeah it's barca who the fuck knows
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alkoholom · 3 years
A remény a bolondok drogja
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Sometimes people don’t like each other…get used to that, because it’s a fact of life. People are going to hate you because you hurt them, either intentionally or inadvertently. People will hate you because they don’t like your personality, or the way you talk, or whatever superficial bullshit some idiot can’t get past. There’ll be people who just hate you on sight for no good reason—those ones are strange. But at the end of the day, that’s the way it is. Not everyone is going to like you, and you’re not going to like everyone.
The Risk by Elle Kennedy
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iheartdarcylowell · 3 years
lanalogan quotes (book 1)
'A laugh escapes me before I can stop it, and I feel her smile.
“Is that the weirdest thing you’ve ever inspected?”
“While examining the vagina of a synthetic woman made complete with suction in all holes wasn’t the highlight of my career, it surprisingly wasn’t the weirdest.'
'Well, I never adopted a booger-eating habit. Drinking urine doesn’t appeal to me. I’ll just have a beer if I’m in the mood to drink something akin to piss. And I’ll hide my strap-on until you’re a little more comfortable with your sexuality to give it a go.”
“Taking a jab at my sexuality. Nice,” I state dryly, listening to her laugh some more as I continue to smile.'
'I prefer coffee in the mornings, but you can buy me a muffin. They have excellent muffins.”
“Coffee in the mornings,” I echo, my grin growing. “Duly noted.”
“Are you flirting with me, Agent Bennett?”
“Maybe a little. '
'Just as I’m about to text him and find out if he’s okay, there’s suddenly a body sliding into the seat in front of me, and my eyes pop up to meet a set of soft blues. I could stare at those eyes all day. The rest of him measures up to those perfect eyes too.'
'Gotta love irony.
We’re so terribly mismatched that it’s not even funny.'
'LOGAN: Hope I’m on the right list.
I blow out a breath, then smile at the morbid joke, now that I know he’s not taking it seriously.
ME: You are. Currently, you’re at the top of the right list. It’s been a while since I smiled like I do when we talk.
LOGAN: I should have kissed you.
My heart thumps in my chest as I read that back. Then I read it again. And again. And again.
Each time it causes my stomach to flutter, and I try to process all the weird reactions I have to him. He makes me feel and act like the person I never thought I could be again, and I barely know him. I’ve only seen him twice.
Yet, we don’t miss a day speaking. And it’s the highlight of my day.
Every day.
Every time.
Every single word.'
'ME: Yes. You should have. Then I could have been spared the awkward wave I gave.
LOGAN: But the REALLY awkward wave was cute.
ME: Ha. Funny guy. I see how it is. It’s been a while since I tried the dating scene.'
'LOGAN: Then I definitely should have kissed you.
'LANA: You know, I always mocked the Netflix and Chill notion, but now I see the appeal.
ME: I don’t even own a TV.
LANA: What???? How????
ME: I keep meaning to buy one…
LANA: Agent Bennett, I’m sorry. This has to end now.
ME: At least call me by my first name if you’re ending things.
LANA: Agent Bennett sounds sexier.'
'ME: Oh? Handcuffs turn you on?
LANA: Restraint is a hell no. Not my thing. But I wouldn’t be opposed to using them on you… If we ever make it to that level, that is.
'ME: Dinner tomorrow?
LANA: You can do dinner?
ME: No leads right now on my case, so I have some free time. It won’t be much free time, but it has to be better than texting all the time.
LANA: I’m not sure about the protocol in this situation.
My brow furrows as I read her last text.
ME: What protocol?
LANA: Am I allowed to say yes to a last minute dinner invite? Or is it frowned upon to seem readily available on such short notice? ;)
'When you go so long feeling cold and detached, then a complete stranger ignites the dormant feelings you thought were forever gone…you can’t help but be addicted to it. You can’t help but revel in the smiles you forgot how to use, or the laughter that sounds
unnatural coming from the lips that haven’t laughed in years.
Whoa. I need to slow down. I’m one fantasy away from tattooing his name on my ass.'
'I start to speak, to explain why I stupidly answered the door without pants, when he’s suddenly on me. His hands go to my hair, tilting my head back roughly, and his mouth crashes against mine.'
'LANA: Your boxers are comfortable.
ME: You’re wearing them? Didn’t know I left them behind.
LANA: I figured you did it on purpose. So you’d have a reason to come back.
ME: Already got a reason to come back.
LANA: Now you have two…
There’s a picture attached to the last message of her from the waist down, definitely wearing my boxers. I run a hand through my hair, hating the fact I don’t want to be at work for the first time ever. I’ve always loved the job, yet a girl I barely know has me tempted to take my first ever sick day.
ME: Keep them on. I’ll be back tonight, and I want to see them in person.
LANA: Lucky for you I have no plans. And I’ll just be wearing these when you get here.'
“Come back in one piece no matter what you have to do in order to make that happen. That’s the only thing I’ll ever expect. Survive.”
A slow smile tugs at the corners of my mouth. “That I can promise.'
'Maybe I was just looking for an excuse to speak to her. Because I’ve got it bad and it’s pathetic.'
'Yes, I’m still wearing the boxers. And eating ice cream,” Lana says, sounding bright and fucking giddy.'
'You called me your girl,” she says quietly.'
'ME: I like that you care so much.
LANA: I like my orgasms. I want more.'
'Who’s Jake? And why does he have a key?”
Her smile spreads like she’s enjoying a private joke.
“Jealous much?”
I narrow my eyes, and she snickers while tossing a leg over my hip and pillowing her head on my bicep.'
'I really am jealous.
'I’ve missed you too,” she finally says after a long spell of silence.
“Then let me take you out on that date.”
She peers up, arching an eyebrow. “Lobster and wine?”
I nod.
She grins. “Then orgasms.'
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addieisreading · 2 years
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— Mindf*ck Series (Book 1 - The Risk) by S. T. Abby
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fioyo · 3 years
I finally finished Off Campus and The Briar U book series by Elle Kennedy and I thought I would pop on here and say my fav characters (which is surprising since I’m soooo indecisive for fav characters and will def have a new list tomorrow lmaoo).
1.HUNTER🥵(The play)
2.Garett/Dean(the deal/the score)
4.Jake/ Connor (the risk/the dare)
6.Logan (the mistake)
7.Fitz (the chase)
8.Tucker (the goal)
1.Brenna AKA my icon (The Risk)
2.Summer (The chase)
3.Hannah (The deal)
4.Allie (The score)
5.Demi (The Play)
6.Sabrina (The Goal)
7.Taylor (The Dare)
8.Grace (The Mistake)
I would love to hear other people’s opinions!!!!
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andtherisk · 8 months
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Our first gig since November 2019 🤘
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sonhevocetambem · 3 years
Você não quer estar com alguém exatamente como você. Você quer alguém que te desafie, que te inspire a se abrir quando você se manteve fechada a vida toda…
The Risk
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aerolling · 4 years
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SEPTIEMBRE 29 RUN THE RISK sin arrepentimientos, aquí vamos con todo #dia271 #proyecto366 #366 #running #run #therisk #collage #digitalart #gif #digitalcollage #photoshop #pinterest #riesgo #corre #runner #bearunner https://www.instagram.com/p/CGEIaRXBX5l/?igshid=xt7fkqn2h34v
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starbornedits · 5 years
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off campus headers 
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