#theres so many noises and smells
piplupod · 5 months
really getting tired of mother aggressively being against non-harmful things only to sloooowly do a 180 on her opinion of it after several years of making everyone else's lives an absolute hell
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warcrimetime · 6 months
Whoever invented Costco really HATED autistic people, huh?
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ashrodisiac · 1 year
"How many likes do you think this will get you?"
Scaramouche x Reader
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I have 3 quizzes tomorrow😭😭😭
But... theres always time for smut, right?
You post a photo of Scaramouche without a shirt and get the idea of slowly stripping him from a piece of his clothing each post, the amount of likes needed for the next tl be removed gradually increasing.
But... I guess he got a bit tired of it.
"A thousand likes?"
Scaramouche stared at your screen with a look of disgust, his brows furrowed as he watched comments burst in. "A thousand likes." You said, confirming what he was seeing, and continued: "On a photo of you without a shirt."
(anonymous): BARK BARK BARK
(cvm.slvt): PANTS NEXT 🙏
An idea bubbled up, and you turned with a devious but somehow innocent smile.
"Hey..." you said. He looked at you with a bored expression, seemingly unknowing to your plan. "What."
Scaramouche quickly put his clothes back on, all the while staring at the ground and muttering inconherent cuss words.
"Ten thousand likes, and his underwear's next... "
You wrote in your caption, below the photo you snapped... of Scaramouche.
Then, after thinking for a bit, you replaced the "ten thousand" with "twenty thousand", then changed it back. "How many likes do you think this is worth?" You asked. Scaramouche huffed, "don't know, don't give a shit. And I won't be doing this again, got it?"
You smirked, then replaced the "ten thousand" with "fifty thousand".
"Alright, then."
"Oh, shit..."
(hornyassshit): (reader's user) WHERE THE FUCK IS IT
You looked at the bustling amount of likes coming in every second, and how it was going well over what the desired amount was.
(Thelittlebitch): WE NEED MORE
"A hundred... fucking... thousand..."
"shit, shit, shit! What am I gonna do!?"
You muted the notifications, then sighed, clutching your phone. Then, switching your app to Discord, you rang a call to Scaramouche...
He answered the call before the ringing even started.
"The fuck you want now?" He was laying on his couch, his raven hair spread over his pillow.
"So... remember the last photo we took?"
He stared at the camera with irritation. "Don't tell me."
You smiled nervously, and was surprised by his sudden reply:
"Fine. Come over."
"How many likes do you think this will get you?
All you wanted was a photo from him, now you were in this position...
His palm against your spine, your back arching at an impossible angle, you barely heard what he had said at the absurd noise of skin slapping and your whines. "Looks like the viewers like it, and so do you, bitch." He chuckled, bringing the phone on the sheets closer to you, resting it on a pillow so you could see your own fucked out face in the camera. He had started streaming on your account.
"How many likes would it get you if I managed to get you pregnant?" He said in a mocking tone, his fingers trailing up your nape. You bit the fabric of his pillow, which smelled like his cologne, tears forming in your eyes. "Fucking slut for likers, are you?"
Notifications screamed from your phone, but the only thought settling in your empty mind was how good Scaramouche was fucking you, how good it felt...
"Cumming!" You yelped, the pillow you were burying your head in now soaked with tears and saliva.
"Fuck, so am I... Should I cum in or out?" Scaramouche asked, pressing his lips against your neck, panting slightly. Before you could answer, the comments did it for you...
(anonymous): IN
...fuck you, anonymous.
"In, it is, then."
Throwing your head back with a sob, your hips buckling, you felt him release. Your moans faltered as he pulled out, and you were left breathless. He kissed your sweaty forehead, and a notification rang on your phone.
(Thelittlebitch): round two plz
"oh, looks like your viewers really want a round two."
That user really was a little bitch, huh?
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kalopses-sonderes · 2 years
Crk reacting to Sleepy! Baker sleeping in unusual spots
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Featuring: Pure Vanilla, Dark Cacao, Espresso
Summary: Baker(you) Is always so tired, you could fall asleep anywhere! So that’s exactly what you do.
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Pure Vanilla
• He was looking all over the castle for you! He knew you slept a lot so he checked places with comfy spots to lay in like your bedroom and anywhere with a couch. He asked other people in the castle if they’ve seen you but no one has.
• He was getting worried and decided to hurry to his office to write letters to the ancients kingdoms to ask if you left randomly to their kingdom.
• When he finally made it to his office, all of his papers and pens were scattered across the floor. And there you were, sleeping on top of his desk. He knew it would be a pain to pick up and sort the millions of papers he has, but he can’t be mad at you! He took so many pictures of you cause it was so adorable!
• He doesn’t want to wake you up since you look so peaceful! He grabs blankets and pillows form your room to make you more comfortable. He gently raises your head and places the pillows underneath and places the blanket on top of you.
Dark Cacao
• After a few minutes of looking for you himself, he sends many of his guards to look for you to. He tells the watchers to not let anyone into the Kingdom until they find you. As the seconds pass he gets more concerned about where you could be. He sends Crunchy Chip outside the kingdom to go look for you along side some crème wolves.
• Dark Cacao went to his room and accidentally dropped his sword, when he bent down to pick it up he saw an arm poking out from under his bed. He got a closer look and it was you!
•He didn’t dare grab you and pull you out. He told the rest of the guards that you were safe and to not wake you up. He made sure no one made a lot of noise and if they woke you up there would be consequences.
• Once you woke up, he helped you out from under his bed. He then questioned you about how you got under there, why were you under there, why didn’t you sleep on top of the bed instead of under it, and many other questions.
• He was working on his coffee magic in his lab again. The smell was strong and kept him awake. He’s been in there for the past few hours, theres was a slight brown fog from all the coffee grounds.
• After awhile he ran out of coffee beans and had to get more. He went over to his cabinet unsuspecting of anything being wrong with it. Once he opened it all he saw was you. You were laying in a way that your body wraps around the cabinet shelfs.
• He just stared at you, wondering how you didn’t wake up from all the coffee and his yelling. He was thinking of a way to get you out of the cabinet without waking you. Latte walked in and saw you in the cabinet and just stared. “Is that Baker?” She said. “Yeah…” Espresso closed the cabinet with you still in it. “Im not sure how they got there and Im not sure I want to.”
• Once you wake up and crawl out of the cabinet like you were in a horror movie. Espresso ask if you’re ok and if he should get healer since he’s not sure what even happened for you to get in there of all places.
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@n0n-gh0stn4ry @cosmolumine @sorbella
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swmmi-kti · 11 months
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cw: none so far.
synopsis: hey you meet your love, yeah he kinda tried to kill yoU BUT HE DIDN'T
You never foresaw yourself ever finding someone to love as deeply as you have now. You had been living in the mountains for a while now, since you have been able to care for yourself thats where you stayed. Sure it wasn’t the most fruitful life but it was a comfort you grew to enjoy.
On that night like many others you had gotten your water from the mountain rain river where your barrel would be filled to last you a full day when you met him
You just knew he was there by the aura alone as you kept walking thinking that it may just be an unusual set of eyes from nature. Just kept walking home. And that is how he caught you. Suddenly knocked off your center while your barrel went flying making the soil turn to mud beneath you.
Trying to raise your head at all but finding that theres this heavy thing above you, what you figure as bird feet gripping your skull as you are sunken into the mud.
You should be scared, after all this thing is as big as you no doubt, but as you hear no noise and what sounds like snarls of pain you calm a bit “i’m sorry…were you scared?”
Its silent for a while. As you feel the weight kind of leave you for a moment as you try to sit up. “Im sorry if i scared you-” feeling the weight completely leave you stand up now, mud caking your face and hair as you try to wipe it, And because of the blindness that affects your eyes, You couldn’t even see the shocked face on your future mate to be
You listened to hesitant steps and the soft flutter of feathers before something began circling you. You were of course scared. Now you didn’t know where home was, and this thing was circling you with its heavy breathing. 
And there is a certain smell to the air, of iron and of…musk?
“Pretty” says a voice that takes you off guard, as you stand there now lost and confused. 
“Hello?” you ask into the night that seems to grow colder as you stand on the mud, unsure of what's going on now, crouching down to find your barrel that's rolled away from you
And it takes Urogi off guard, You are blind, That’s why you didn’t stop when he was staring you down, that's why you asked such absurd questions. That’s why you lay on the floor trying to locate the barrel that lay far from you. 
He’s a demon and seeing you so defenseless makes a smile appear on his face, but it tugs at his heart strings. It makes him question it as to why or how he can feel such a way to you. 
Why pity things that are so useless? Why when he likes to kill the defenseless. And why on earth is he coming over to help. Rolling the barrel to you his head hangs down for a moment as your delicate and yet calloused hand rest just above his making him look. 
Eyes as bright and as ghostly as the moon. Such a delicate and yet strong face. One thats seen far kinder winters and one thats seen harsher springs. He’s delicate but his talon like hand brushes out the strand of hair that sticks to her face. 
Like a fallen star that seeks to be comforted. 
“Thank you…uh..”
“Urogi” he says quietly yet despite its loud and rough around its edges.
You can’t help but smile a bit as you hold your barrel in your hands as you turn your head down just a bit. “Urogi….Thank you” 
He likes how delicately his name sounds on your tongue, as he just stands there looking at you as you begin again. 
“Can you…tell me which way I was heading?” 
And of course he does, making sure to not scare you as his hands rest gently on your form and guides you on the path again, facing you the way you were going and speaks “that way” 
You smile just a bit as you turn back around where you knew to lead to the river as you bow deeply. “Thank you again, may we meet again in a less then messy way, haha” You laugh a bit, no doubt you'd need to take a bath to clear away the mud as you head back towards the river to begin the trip again. 
You hope that you would meet again on a night like this with less of the mess and more of the talking, after all it gets so lonely living the life you live. And what strong hands they were, so rough and big and yet so delicate with moving your hair away. 
Or how his voice sounded so soft just to not scare you.
It was nice
But nights go by and even if you feel his eyes on you, if you feel his presence he doesn’t say a thing. You really shouldn’t have expected anything after all you were much a stranger to him as he was for you. And living the way you did left many to never speak with you. 
Was it lonesome? Absolutely but it brought some comfort to feel and know that there was someone at the very least there. 
This night however. The terrain was worse and you knew it was risky to even tread with how much the rain was pouring. But decided to take the trip. It wasn’t until the terrain was crumbling under you and trembling as no doubt a mudslide was coming down did you regret heading out at all. 
Your feet were almost glued to the floor and the earth shaking left you disorientated. Your own basket dropped as you prepared to feel it consume you.
But instead of a claustrophobic feeling consuming you. You felt the air. Felt your feet be swept off the ground and a body so warm and yet so cold hold you tight against it as the wind blew by so quickly that you didn't have any time to react.
Just later felt yourself be gently placed on the ground. Your feet finding the familiar feel of the wooden porch of your house as you stood a little puzzled.
A voice, not gentle and yet also not rough began “...you’re home” he spoke before eventually you felt him leave. And it left your heart beating so quickly and yet at the same time left you so confused.
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mschimdt · 1 year
quaritch headcanons pt.2
475 words
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last quaritch tjing before i start working on lopez and prager, ill come back to quaritch but ive been writing too much about him
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quaritch is rough, inside and outside the bedroom, but sometimes he isnt, when for example your hurt or somethings just wrong, like your sad or something
he'd always stare at you, during work, during everything
everyone of the nase knew your and quaritch were fucking. for way too many reasons, like the noises coming from your or his room most nights of the week, or his scent that was lingering on you
quaritch has a scenting kink. you didnt mind smelling like him, you loved how he smelled
quaritch also has a thing for bdsm, not always though. just sometimes
he has a daddy kink, call him daddy and he'll pound into you like theres no tomorrow
cant forget his breeding kink, he'll make sure his cum stays inside of you so he can breed you
quaritch is litterally obsessed with you, and everyone knew that
once while you were both in the bedroom, you secretly tied quaritch up so you could dominate him, you wanted to make him submit
when he realised what you were doing, he noticed that the rope was loose and slipped his arms out while you were attempting to dominate him, it wasnt working out well for you
before you could even lrocess it he grabbed you by the waist roughly and pulled your hair back, "open your mouth" ans he spat in your mouth
"you wanna dominate me? that aint possible sweet'eart ill just fuck you while youre ontop" and he began pounding into you roughly, it didnt stop there he oversimulated you and made you cum 4 times
you were a stuttering mess when he finally decided that it was enough, he kissed you and wiped your tears away, he pulled the covers ober both of you and he slept shile holding you
lets just say the next morning everyone came to work tired complaining about 'two' people that couldnt keeo the noise down
you could barely walk that morning and everyone noticed you limping
quaritch likes to fuck you infront of a mirror, he wants you to lool at what hea doing to you and how your submitting to him so easily
he also forced you to look at him when he eats you out, if you look away, he stops
he has a thing for cockwarming, he'll sleep while his dicks still inside of you, it eventually slipped out during the night
he loves cumming all over you, sounds nasty but he jjst likes seeing streaks of white all over your body, especially on your face or tits
he loves tits and will litteraly fuck your tits sometimes
if he sees you going anywhere dressed in a dress or something, he'll drag you back into your room and say " where ya goin'? you cant go out like this before lettin' me do a quickie ya' know?
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thas it for now, i got lazy but i wantes to post something
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falloutjuli · 1 year
Look who got mad Chuuya brainrot so Im gonna drop this one here while I continously work on my other two ideas uwu. dont even ask how i came up with any of this, I typed this in like two nights I think? Im not even sure anymore lmaooooo.
Also its my first time writing for BSD sooo, hi im nervous af.
Chuuya Nakahara × fwb!gn!Reader - Lets be more than friends
Wordcount: 2,7k
Short summary: After an excruciating couple weeks, Chuuya texts his friend to come over and they do. Unfortunately after some great time together, Chuuya gets hit with a dose of reality that the situation is changing and perhaps he has waited too long.
Warnings: Very brief not super detailed smut, some cursing, FWB Situation, toxic frommer relationship mentioned, theres a creepy guy reader goes on a date with. THEY/THEM pronouns and Y/N used.
MINORS DO NOT INTERACT -----------------------
>>Could you do me a favor? Please go to my apartment, make yourself comfortable, order some food for the two of us and then let me fuck you until I forget my own name.<<
Arriving at his front door, Chuuya wondered if perhaps he had been a little too harsh in his message. But the smell that invaded his nostrils the second he opened the door told him they didn't take it in a mean way. Kicking off his shoes, putting away his hat and coat he walked into the kitchen where they were staring at his oven.
"Welcome home Chuuya." Y/N said, giving him a warm smile. "Roughly thirty minutes, then food should be ready, sorry that's it's that long, I miscalculated my time preparing."
"You could have just gotten takeout or something. I didn't expect you to cook. And also..." Chuuya looked at his couch that was cleaned up. And now that he looked around, everything was cleaner.
"Gathered your laundry, put on a machine, and cleaned a little. Like I said, welcome home."
The cheeky smile they gifted him, while saying so nonchalantly that they did all this for him, it had Chuuya grin, walking quickly over and lifting them up to sit them down on the counter. Getting between their legs, the redhead grinned up at Y/N, who lovingly put their hands on his cheeks, cupping his face.
Their lips finally met and both relaxed into the other, with Y/N brushing their thumbs over his smooth skin and Chuuyas arms wrapped tightly around Y/Ns waist.
This wasn’t enough in Chuuyas mind, he needed more so his tongue rather quickly invaded their mouth, making his desperation rather clear. Pulling away after a while, a little out of breath, Y/N spoke up; "We got still twenty-five minutes left until your oven beeps soooo..."
Without any hesitation, Chuuya lifted them up, carrying them over to his bedroom to do what they did so many times already.
The undressing of Chuuya was practiced by Y/N so many times now that it happened very quickly. The buttons opened, vest, shirt and accessories discarded (except for the choker, which they never took off, they had once confessed to Chuuya how much it turned them on), his pants pooling on the floor.
Thanks to Y/N rather simple outfit tonight they were undressed soon too and so it wasn't before long that Chuuya was inside of them, the main noise that filled the room being their moans. Y/N still had a sly grin on their face and Chuuya was determined to fuck it out of them.
"What you grinning for like that?"
"Dunno. Ah... I just like the way...fuck...it riles you up."
Biting his lip, he picked up the pace, making the person underneath him a moaning mess.
His hand roughly grabbed a fist full of h/c colored strands of hair as he came down their throat, a shaky "Fuck~" on his lips.
Patiently, Y/N waited until he had rode out his orgasm and took his whole length one more time before letting him go and swallowing the cum. "You're too good to me." Chuuya said, falling backwards on his bed from his sitting position, still a little out of breath.
"Oh please, it's nothing." They said, got up, and looked at the sprawled-out man. He was pretty, oh so pretty.
Putting their underwear back on and stealing one of the bathrobes that looked so exquisite, they walked back out to the kitchen, checking on the food, which finally looked done. While carefully pulling the steaming hot Lasagna out, Chuuya exited his bedroom, dressed in Casual sweatpants and shirt.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked as he crept up behind Y/N, pressing a few light kisses onto their neck. "Not at all. Don't worry. I know how you are when you come back from a long mission and then get even more work loaded onto you."
Chuuya kind of disliked how easy they were able to read him, but at the same time it made things so easy. They understood each other wordlessly. Y/N always knew what he needed, wasn't mad if he was unable to keep in touch due to work and was there whenever he needed them. It was perfect.
So, while he let Y/N fill plates with food, Chuuya grabbed wine and glasses for them, placing them on the couch, where not long after Y/N then proffered the plates and took seat next to him. Putting on the TV for some background noise, Chuuya leaned back with a filled glass in hand, taking a long sip.
"Thank you. For everything." He whispered quietly, almost thinking his friend hadn't heard him, but they did reply.
"No, don't thank me. I'm just helping you out a little."
"I have to. I haven't texted you in a couple of weeks and then only send you that message that I typed while rushing out of my boss’s office after getting more work loaded onto me." And without even wanting to, anger filled him, but it just as quickly subsided when a warm hand was placed on his chest, calmly petting him.
"Don't sweat it. You're here, you have wine, so relax a little."
Moving to sit on him, straddling him, Y/N got comfortable and reunited their lips again. He tasted like his wine, sweet though also a little bitter, which was so unapologetically Chuuya in every way.
Just when that new make out session was getting heated once more, with their hands in his red hair and his hands slipping underneath the robe, a phone notification ripped them out of their bliss.
 "Sorry I..." they mumbled as they leaned over, grabbing the device from the couch and swiftly unlocking it. Chuy's groaned, taking another sip. "Who's interrupting?" He asked and the grin on Y/Ns face grew wide.
"My date for next week."
Suddenly it felt like the wind has been knocked out of Chuuyas lungs. He just stared at his friend, who was happily texting, on top of him.
His chest felt heavy, his thoughts raced through his mind, but he couldn't even make out what he was thinking, nor what he was feeling.
"A date?" He asked, his voice suddenly sounding strange to him. "Yeah. I went out with friends recently and I met some really nice guy who kept buying me drinks!" They laughed, putting their phone aside.
"And we exchanged numbers and he asked me out. Aren't ya happy for me?"
"Yeah totally. It's what you deserve!" He lied through his teeth. Unexplainably he didn't feel happy, though it was what he had hoped for Y/N all this time.
He had met them after they got out of a horrible relationship. And out of their friendship and shared need for human contact blossomed a little friends with benefits situation.
He knew what they were, so why did his chest feel like it was burning, why did he feel regret that he had left Y/N for weeks, allowing some asshole who wasn't deserving of them to even get a chance.
"Aw thank you. I'll let you know how it went. But for now, we should get eating, otherwise I'll feel like I wasted all my time preparing this." They slipped out of his lap, plopping down beside him and grabbing their plate.
His appetite was lost but Chuuya still ate, not wanting them to feel like it was going to waste.
The meal continued in an awkward silence, broken only by the clinking of utensils and the distant sounds of the city outside. Chuuya mechanically put food in his mouth, but it might as well have been cardboard for all he tasted. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
As they ate, Y/N seemed oblivious to Chuuyas inner turmoil. They chatted about their upcoming date, sharing more details about the guy they had met and their plans for the evening. Chuuya tried to feign interest, asking questions, and nodding at appropriate times, but his heart wasn't in it.
He couldn't shake the feeling of regret, the nagging thought that he had missed an opportunity. They had been there for each other in the aftermath of Y/N's horrible breakup, and their friends-with-benefits arrangement had provided comfort and solace.
But somewhere along the way, he had allowed himself to become emotionally attached, even if he hadn't realized it until now.
And this realization now threatened to crush him under the weight it held. From the corner of his eye, he looked at Y/N, who still wasn't aware of his silent demise at all. Their eyes were on the TV, a kind smile on their lips as always.
Soon the dinner was over, food had been eaten, wine has been downed, and internally Chuuya was still freaking out in a way. But what was he supposed to do? Overstep their boundaries, and just tell them he got attached now that they met someone? That would have been cruel and unfair to them, so he swore to not say anything about it.
"Hey you alright?" Y/N asked, placing their hand on his, concern written all over their face. "Nothing to worry about. Just thinking about all the work I'll have to do the coming days." Seemingly believing his lies, they smiled again, and went to clean up.
"You don't have to-" Chuuya said but was immediately hushed. "Let me do this for you."
So, he let them, he couldn't deny them.
Once everything was clean and Y/N was back in her own clothes, Chuuya accompanied them to the door.
"You won't allow me to thank you, but please know I'm glad you were here tonight."
"Always Chuuya. Just text me when you can, and I won't be mad when you won't, I know you're busy." He nodded absentmindedly, his thoughts only clouding with regret over his missed chance. Y/N quickly hugged him tight, mumbling; "Alright then, see you soon hopefully."
"Yeah, see you soon." He replied and watched them leave. Back inside behind closed doors, he just walked to his bed, laid down and felt the emptiness that suddenly felt crushing. He had never felt lonely in his bed.
But tonight, he did.
Radio silence from both ends followed that evening. Chuuya was predictably busy with Mafia work while Y/N was simply caught up in their own life and prepared for their date.
So Chuuya didn't really expect a sudden message appearing on his phone that read; >> SOS, help me! I'm at the Yokohama Sunset grill place, pllsss<<
"Will you guys be alright without me?" Chuuya asked directed at his subordinates, who were by now only cleaning up the guys Chuuya left behind.
"Of course, Nakahara!" One replied so Chuuya quickly got on his motorcycle and took off towards the place mentioned in the message.
The drive towards the restaurant was rather pleasant, the early dusk painted the sky all kinds of colors and the air was chilly but not too cold yet.
His mind was restless, hoping nothing too bad has happened. And in case it did, well whoever hurt Y/N better be prepared for the wrath of a Mafia executive with the ability to manipulate gravity.
Arriving at the fancy looking  place he spotted his friend near the entrance being talked to by a guy who was rather rudely invading their personal space.
Y/N was smiling but Chuuya immediately spotted that it was a fake and pained one. He quickly got off and walked over, his coat wafting behind him as he did. "Chuuya!" Y/N immediately called out, leaving their leaned position. And meeting Chuuya halfway.
"Hey woah woah, Y/N we ain't done yet." The guy called out and came after them.
Chuuyas eyes narrowed as he approached the scene, his protective instincts kicking in. He stood beside Y/N, his presence meant to offer support without escalating the situation. Y/N, visibly uncomfortable, took a step closer to Chuuya.
"Listen," Y/N began, their tone polite but firm, "I appreciate the evening, but I'm just not feeling it. Let's part ways amicably."
The guy's cocky demeanor faltered for a moment, but he quickly recovered, leaning in closer to Y/N. "Come on, don't tell me you'd pick that shrimp over me," he sneered, glaring at Chuuya. "He's barely a man. Honey, you can't be real. Come on, let's go to my place."
Chuuya clenched his fists, his temper rising, but he reminded himself to stay calm. He didn't want to make things worse for Y/N. Instead, he spoke in a measured tone. "Look, she's made her decision, and you need to respect that. It's time to move on."
Y/N nodded in agreement, their fake smile still in place. "Yeah, sorry, but I'm really not interested. Thank you for the evening, though."
The guy's face contorted with anger, and he took a step back, his frustration evident. "You're making a big mistake," he spat before storming off.
Chuuya watched him leave, making sure he was well and truly gone before turning his attention back to Y/N. "Are you okay?" he asked softly, genuine concern in his eyes.
Y/N let out a sigh of relief, their shoulders relaxing. "Yeah, thanks to you. I really didn't want things to get any worse."
Chuuya gave them a reassuring smile. "I've got your back, always. Let's get out of here and grab a drink perhaps? My place is closer than yours, but only if that’s alright with you…“ He said, and carefully examined their reaction, not wanting to cause any mire discomfort.
“Yes please, get me out of here.“ They replied and followed Chuuya over to his motorcycle. They have ridden together a few times already, but it still felt a little weird every time again.
The ride to Chuuyas apartment was silent, but it was a comfortable one. Y/Ns arms around his frame felt nice and Chuuya felt more than happy that they had contacted him to rescue them in a sense.
They remained in silence all the way up Chuuyas apartment, and even until they were both seated on the couch with wine filled glasses. Putting an arm around them, Chuuya pulled Y/N close.
"You alright?" He asked as his head leaned on theirs. "Yeah. Thank you for coming. The guy kept pestering me no matter how many times I said no. He wasn't like that before and didn't know what to do so I texted you."
Suddenly they leaned away and looked at Chuuya shocked. "I didn't call you away from work or anything, right?"
Laughing, he waved his hand and shook his head. "No. Also don't worry your pretty head about that. I'll gladly come safe you any time from some creep." Smiling brightly, they clicked their glasses together and then took a long sip.
Feeling glad that his beloved was back with him, safe and sound, he also felt dread creeping up in him again. This time your date went as poor as possible, but what about a next time?
He didn’t even want there to be a next time. It was time to be honest.
“Hey, Y/N?” He asked carefully. Making a humming noise as a signal to continue, Y/N looked expectantly at him.
“I…I think I like you more than I should, considering what he are and I…” Okay, that had sounded a lot more smooth in his mind, now it was just awkward, with them staring blankly at him.
He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, trying to somehow formulate what he was trying to say.
“Chuuya, are you asking me out?” Y/N asked and Chuuya just answered with an enthusiastic; “Yes!”
Much to his surprise, they laughed warmly, before putting a hand on his. “I’d love to. I think we can skip a couple of steps and get right to the fun parts huh?”
It took Chuuya a second before he realized what Y/N was saying. “The fun parts are what I’m best at.”
Pulling them over and placing them in his lap, Chuuya passionately pressed his lips onto theirs, enjoying the smile his partner had as he did so.
“I know.” Y/N said as they pulled away, pressing a couple of light kisses all over Chuuyas blushing face. "But I am also pretty good at them, no?"
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acroagoraphobe · 5 months
What Makes a Man a Monster?
Chapter 4: Man are the only animal who cause their own downfall.
Sixer continued his trip, or whatever this was to wherever he was going next.
It was a good thing that soldier didn't bother him, because Sixer didn't want to have to deal with being wanted by the NCR again.
His walks were silent, no words spoken by him. Because his words were never really his own, were they? And many times he couldn't even tell if that voice in his head was really speaking.
Because he didn't have a voice, not his own anyways.
He would have to be careful, with the NCR base up ahead. The roads were long as always, but they can always be made longer with altercations with... Distasteful Governments. COUGH COUGH ANY GOVER-
So walking inconspicuously along the road, Sixer passed the NCR base, which he did not care to know the name of, the traders loitering around not even bothering to try to pick their sales onto this obviously broke and homeless man.
Continuing on, He passed by a group of ants feasting on a dead Radscorpion, taking hunks of flesh back to their family? do ants have familial bonds? fuck if I know man.
Dust obscured the farther distance and where the ants were heading. Sixer watched them for a moment, he had and has all the time in the world.
One of the ants noticed Sixer's prescence and made a cautious clicking noise, which Sixer put his hands in the air and stepped back slowly.
[Speech 30/25 I'm goin man, don't mind me my good Sir? M'am? Uh.. M'ant?]
Somehow the ant was convinced and nodded? Is Sixer hallucinating again? Fucks sake starting to wonder if he's been hitting the chems again. But hell, when is he not?
Okay, obviously not now but whatever. Sixer steps away, causing the dust beneath him to stir and leave the prints of his boots behind as he does a full turn and speedwalks away, back onto the road.
Soon he reaches one of the damn thousands of ruins across what's left of America. He can practically smell the filth of the raiders that are living here. And well.. Sixer didn't have a damn weapon.
Raiders aren't anywhere near as accepting as ants, which is funny because that means the Raiders are worse than animals. If fucking insects are more chill.
But I mean, Insects havent been huffing jet and shooting up Psycho all day so theres that I guess.
He saw a vaguely sharp-ish large flat hunk of scrap with what somewhat resembled a handle. Taking this as a makeshift weapon he trudged on, knowing he will inevitably have to deal with these assholes.
Kneeling down and sneaking close to what little remained of those walls walls. Good thing he saw the raider first, but... that didn't mean he wasn't going to get shot. Which he definitely did as soon as that dickhole saw him.
BANG, right in the neck.
It didn't kill him, but didn't mean it didn't hurt.
Sixer rushed at that raider full force, kicking him right in the gut. That raider had no Idea what the hell he was in for, along with his.. Multiple other buddies.
As soon as Sixer took him by suprise, He hit that guy in the neck hard with his.. Lets just fuckin call it a sword.
A full force swing from that thing and it got caught in the raider's neck, Splattering blood into the dust and making the raider practically gargle his own blood.
More bullets flew by, multiple hitting Sixer, but considering him, do you think he gave a fuck? Sixer didn't even give a damn to grab the gun the raider that was still currently dying had.
He rushed one of the other raiders, chopping into her with a horrifying crack sound and a fatal hit. Screams of pain fell upon deaf ears as Sixer's slaughter of the raiders continued.
The raiders finally realized after a major hit to their forces that they were faced with death itself, and it was having fun.
Sixer finally stopped when they fled.
He was soaked in blood again but this time it wasn't even his own, how he liked it. His weapon drenched in blood and probably the damn tears of his enemies.
Blood soaked the dusty sand and made this look like the scene of an obvious slaughter.
And you can't spell slaughter without and S and laughter. And Sixer begins with S.
Sixer wouldn't leave good loot behind, so he took whatever caps, ammo, and chems the corpses had on them, shoving them into his bag with little care. His Pip-Boy updated his inventory, neat.
Sixer took his makeshift weapon and wiped the blood off on one of the less bloody corpses. He used the bricks remaining on the ruined buildings to sharpen this weapon. Which when he returned to the road he practically dragged it behind him.
He may be the main character, but that definitely doesn't mean he's a good person.
Because he's not.
There's no rest for the wicked, and same goes for Sixer, he kept going, smelling the smoke of a body burning pile. Nipton. Wonderful.
Not the smell someone would get used to, but if you've been around the wasteland, you've absolutely smelled worse just from the people walking past.
A man ran out from the town as Sixer approached, and started yelling about some lottery. He immediately saw Sixer drenched in blood and split it. No time for conversation when there's a man covered in blood dragging a big-ass sword made of scrap metal.
With a look that screams bloody murder.
Sixer is an unpredictable man, but one predictable thing is he is not immune to curiosity. Which can cause pain, but not kill him, because he ain't a pussy.
Blood drying on his clothes and smoke filling whatever Sixer has that resembles lungs, he went towards the Nipton town hall. Seeing men bound to crosses offering no mercy to them, and a man walking out of the town hall that many know too well.
Vulpes Inculta.
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axel-skz · 1 year
Coming soon…
A/N: this is a little teaser for you guys. I want to work harder and put more work into my fics. It will take more to write them but I want to try. I hope you like this <3
Permanent taglist: @bunnychangbin @3rachasninja
I’m a quiet, lonely, antisocial kind of girl. I spend a lot of time alone. I have so much hate in my heart for the world. The hate… extends to hating myself.
Although, some time recently… a bit of sunshine got through the thick walls of darkness I used to shield myself with…
Let me tell you about it…
I was walking home from work. It was a hard day and we were well into the night now. I didn’t hate the shift I had to work. It was always at night and it gave me incentive to skip the day.
Something about the sun and all the happy people was bothersome. Famillies out together, couples being all over each other. Too much noise and too many nuisances to avoid. God, it felt like they all had a pact to walk as slow as possible.
Anyway, it was peacefull now and I could enjoy the summer air. In these moments, theres nothing to think about and the entire world goes quiet. For a second, everything stops.
I couldn’t see the stars when I looked up but there was a comfort in knowing they were there anyway. The vaste darkness should be more terrifying but it brought a sense of serenity.
The smell of the fresh grass lingered and a cool breeze flew by as I stared into space. Literally.
Maybe theres a planet out there where dogs and cats rule the world and the humans are their pets. Or maybe theres a planet of green blobs fighting a war against the purple blobs because green came first. Or a world made entirely of pancakes and waffles that never go off.
I don’t know how long I stood there but I was knocked out of my delusions by someone on a skateboard.
After having flown to the ground in slow motion, I didn’t check myself as the random man tried to make sure I wasn’t injured, ‘my phone! Is it cracked? Is it okay?!’
He reached over to get it and hand it to me, ‘you have wierd priorities, mam.’
‘Look, I can heal but if my phones broken, I may as well have died,’ I let out a sigh of relief when I saw that it was okay.
He looked at me like I was a crazy person, ‘little dramatic, no?’
I glared up at him, ‘I have half a mind to sue you for emotional trauma.’
He put his hands up in the air in surrender, ‘my bad… are you alright though? I was distracted…’
‘I’ll live.’
‘You better,’ he joked.
{let me know if you want to be on the taglist for this or on a permanent taglist ;)}
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sphylor · 1 year
the brains on puppy ghouls tonight
yk how dogs will catch a scent and stick their noses up in the air to sniff it with their whole body? imagine mountain napping outside, his head on someones lap, and sitting up with a start because a gust of wind went by and omg all of a sudden there’s so many things to smell
in my family we call it “catching sniffies” and the ghouls would totally start cooing at mountain for catching sniffies and ask him what the sniffies are
theres been a few times where puppy mountain and kitty dew were napping together and mounty accidentally launched dew off of him bc the sniffies called to him
HSDHBBHDSB he's just napping away in Swiss' lap and then he'll catch the smell of some of his favourite flowers on the breeze and his nose will start twitching and then he'll rapidly sit up and sniff the air, eyes not even open yet and Swiss will just laugh and ruffle his hair "aww you caught sniffies? what is it boy?" and Mountain will whine and get up and follow the smell until he reaches the flowers he smelled (the honeysuckle growing up the walls of the ministry) and then he'll sit down next to them and wag his tail and make a little aroo noise at Swiss to show him what he smelled jhfsdfbh
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eyesxxyou · 5 months
i swear i keep popping up but i NEED to yap. i used to have such a thing with pirates and smth i could imagine pirate (captai) hobie doing is having that favorite crew member. maybe youre a cabin boy, or his navigator, or a gunner, or the medic. theres LITERALLY SO MANY WAYS TO GO. nd i think it would be a slow burn kind of romance. it starts off just physical, and the crew notices that their captain is putting effort into keeping his breath fresh, or his hair cleaner. hes in a better mood, his shoulders have less tension. they assume hes excited to see some lucky lady at the next port. but while the crew is getting drunk on rum at night, you, his favorite crewmate, is slipping away under the thick blanket of darkness. up around the starboard side to avoid creakier boards as you make your way to the captains quarters. the door is unlocked and cracked open, and hes sitting at his desk like he usually is. his white, cotton shirt is billowy and loose, untied, and showing the scars and tattoos that decorate his dark skin, which seems to shine in the moonlight. his lips split into a handsome grin as he welcomes you, and his strong arms open wide to invite you closer. his beauty is bewitching for a man known for his successful pillaging and raids on enemy ships. that intensity is all for you come nightfall, when your noises are drowned by the waves and the loud shouts of the rowdy crew below deck. you dont know when he starts to develop romantic feelings for you, but at some point, on your nights of promise, his quarters start smelling sweet. vanillas and sandalwood and lavender, like the candles and incense he picked up from your last port stop with the intent on "trading" away in a few weeks. there are (slightly wilted) flowers waiting for you whenever the ship is fresh on supplies. and most bizzare, your captain, who you would have never assumed to be capable of something as soft and vulnerable as intimate connection, taken to holding you to his warm chest in his afterglow. you dont complain, though. certainly never that. he smells like the sea and rocks you to sleep like a gentle wave, his soft lips planting a blissful kiss on your skin. being the captains favorite crewmate, he would never give you a reason to complain.
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r4zork1tty · 9 months
watching people argue about fireworks is so stupid
i personally dislike them because i am autistic, own a dog and am very concious about climate change n shit and my god
why are you so angry about people saying they dont want private firework use, why are you yelling at SUPERMARKET managers for their store not selling them, why are you sending death threats to people, why are you so angry about people not liking private firework use??
it damages the world around you, you shoot them the minute they get sold and then shoot them till like february, its loud and scares animals and people, the smell is horrible, you dont or cant clean up your firework trash, i get it its pretty but you wont die for not shooting fireworks
in a comment section i have seen people say theyre disgusted by people against fireworks and how they absolutely will not migrate to switzerland because they dont,,, sell fireworks?? why are they so important to you? what do they do for you? why are you so fucking angry?? i get it theyre pretty but theres too many cons to pros
theres many people, animals and more who are negativly affected by fireworks
people with PTSD, people with ASD, children, animals who dont understand the noise, get the rockets shot at them, get the other stuff thrown at them, eat the thrash, breathe in the chemicals, get hurt in any way shape or form, in many towns people throw the firecrackers at other people too! (i was almost a victim of this a bit too ofthen) fires get started, the firecrackers get thrown into apartments and hurt people on accident and on purpose
especially in bigger cities like berlin many fireworkers have said silvester//new years is one of the most stressful times of the year for them and hell it is for me too and im not a firefighter i just get really stressed by all the noise and the smells, especially since theyll MASS BUY fireworks and then shoot them for months after silvester
sorry for the short continuisly repetative ramble i am very pissed at my neighbours because i need to blast the TV to watch my MS estonia docu, that getting said i hope you enjoyed 2013 <3
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ask-pokeprofvoid · 6 months
Pelipper mail!
[Oh! It's a letter from Polaris!]
“Dear Dewdrop and Drea,
I am so so sorry for my lack of a letter on Tuesday. Things are really staring to kick up at the sanctuary and I simply did not have the time. So today you are getting a Thursday letter instead of a Friday letter to try and make up for it.
It seems that we have resolved the Walrein issue. Unfortunately, it seems that the only Walrein that the pod will accept as their leader is…Wallace. It’s going to break my heart to see him go, but it’s for the best for both him and the pod.
Drea: Hi darling. Of course I can help you with the service mon stuff when I get home, it would be my pleasure. It can be a bit nerve wracking, but you’re being very brave asking me about it and I promise I will train you up the best and most gentle service mon. I see Ingo and Emmet are visiting! A shame that I missed them, they are excellent battlers and I would have loved to have a mock battle against them. Another time. I’m sure they will train up your Larvitar to be wonderful and strong! It’s lovely to see Liam and Dune getting on well.
Viv: Hello dewdrop :) Augh I’m missing you so much. My futon is lonely without you in it. I would say cold but it turns out Bird is quite clingy at bed time haha. I got an idol commissioned for you, a carved on of a crowen gyarados. And one for Drea of a sudowoodo but that’s a surprise. It’ll be ready next week. Ah. Speaking of. It’s going to take me a bit longer to get home. Skie got it in xer head that while I’m here I should do an interview on the main Sanctuary account, so it seems that’s what I’ll be busy with next week. But I’ll be on my way home as soon as that’s all done. Lovely to hear that Queenie and the babies are doing well. How is Dreamie? I’m missing seeing her little face in the tank by my bed every morning, lovely little girl.
I love you both bunches and bunches!
-Your Starlight and Birdie”
[ There's photos like always; The babies seem more round and have their bristles now, looking like small pom poms while one dramatic photo labeled as 'Mr.Mischeif' shows a feisty lil bab using Bounce on a toy. There are several photos of Dreamie too, mainly with her sleeping on things or chasing a small ball toy around her tank.] Hi Opie! That sounds super nice! Uncle Ingo taught me about batles Battles and types! All the mons are super duper cuddly this week for some reason but Miss Viv only smiles sadly when I ask why :( Maybe they are cold? I might have to bring them my blankets!
Alots A lot of things happened at school too! My teachers are now letting me write with a pen and they say i'm learning very fast! Plus!! Miss Viv said she's getting me a therie past! I don't know what that is but she says that they will help me get better and to be prepared if they ask sad questions because they want to help me get better!! We cannot wait for you to get back home all the Pokémon miss you loads! [Theres another piece of tape that has many little Eevees on it, Seemingly as another border for the letter.] Hello Starlight, It is lonely without you. I swear im used to the smell of you baking in the kitchen haha. Had to get out the old Crown cook book to make some stuff, My mum sent over some recipies to make when you get back.
Take as much time as you need pumpkin, I admit some really weird things have been happening and Xena of all Mons is really on edge. Might need to take her out of the house to relax a bit the poor thing...But, don't worry. I am sure it's just one of those months where odd things happen.
I guess ill need to set up a new shelf for all the trinkets you bring back home, huh? Dreamie is missing you, I swear as soon as you left she started making little hissing noises; most likely doesnt understand where you went but I assure you shes getting alot of love along with all the other mons. Had to hide this photo but I thought you would love it Starlight. I love you and please keep safe. -your Dewdrop [Theres a sneekily hidden photo of all the mons in a cuddle pile; Andrea is cuddled up with them too having dragged all her blankets downstairs to nap with them all]
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autistrix · 1 year
You are sitting in a diner booth enjoying your breakfast in peace. The rich smells permeate the air warmed by the window, and the atmosphere thrums with the energy of a dozen or so people chattering among themselves, punctuated with laughter.
The hairs on your neck begin to rise, but you aren't sure why. You continue to eat and hope the sensation goes away until you notice that every few moments, your coffee ripples. You begin to feel it in your feet, a slight vibration in time with the ripples. Then you hear it.
Thud... Thud... Thud...
A sound so deep that you aren't sure its really happening.
Thud... Thud... Thud...
The ripples grow deeper and dread bubbles in your stomach. Danger is coming. The diner's patrons quiet into a tense murmur.
Thud... Thud... Thud...
The diner creaks and shifts ever so slightly with every beat and the lights flicker. A baby begins to cry.
The sky grows dark. The danger is here.
𝙹⍑ ᔑ ↸ᒷᔑ↸ ʖ╎∷↸
You jolt in your seat as a disgusting sound meets your ears, like rusted metal warping in the cold.
Screams ring out as the danger wraps its meaty paw around the whole diner. Tableware crashes to the floor, plates shatter and glasses spill as the whole building is lifted. You press your face to the window to try and see the thing, but the view is obstructed by an enormous slab of obsidian, in center of which lies a circular gem. It's eerily beautiful. The gem's face is flat and clear, allowing you to almost peer into the black stone. The internal facets glitter green, like the flies who often visit the diner.
The longer you look, the deeper the chasm in the gem seems to go, deeper and deeper into the circle. You strain to see deeper, theres something twinkling at the bottom - but the twinkle erupts in a burst of white light so bright it burns. Again and again the gemstone flashes, again and again it burns, the pain making you faint as you weep. The sun will forever seem dim, if this should ever end for you to see it again.
⍑𝙹!¡ᒷ ℸ ̣ ⍑𝙹ᓭᒷ ᔑ∷ᒷリℸ ̣ ʖꖎ⚍∷∷||
The giant made its horrible noise again, making you shudder. As it sets the diner back on the ground, bile rises in your throat from the sensation of falling.
Thud... Thud... Thud...
You press your face to the window again as it lumbers off and manage a blurry glimpse of it. Its head is lumpy, obscured by many long cords. Most upsettingly, you only see two eyes, like nothing you've ever seen before. A circle within a circle within a circle. Two arms sprout from holes in its covering of plantlife which end in an array of jointed claws, clutching the obsidian slab and you cower, afraid that it will flash again.
Thud... thud... thud.......
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limpfisted · 11 months
what you're describing about a gross pirate Town is basically Luskan.
i assure u it is also what baldur’s gste is described as in descent to avernus and murder im baldurs gate—tho i will say there is still stuff abt like how nobles want the upper city to be so clean no butchere are even allowed outside of the outer city and u cant be in the wide with weird smells or loud noises (its a nuanced thing)! theres also like. whole seedy taverns inside of pirate ships rin by criminals, stuff of that nature!
tho i do recognize what ur saying, and i really need to play neverwinter nights, not only for luskan—but for menzoberrezan (spelling idk her i have approximate knowledge of many things), and in my personally opinion of what ive seen, superior writing and narrative framing around stuff like the gods.
like this is unreasonably raw. not just that u get to talk to mykrul. that u walk up his pelvis, up his spine. thats fool as shit. u simply dont get moments like that in bg3, theres very little scene framing that really hits for me like this
but also, anon…. you must understand
i have not read hundreds of pages of lore books for neverwinter, nor luskan. i read those pages for wyll and baldur’s gate. so i kind of would like to see baldur’s gate look like that instead of a generic renessiance festival
no hate! its just a let down. the coolest parts of bg are simply not here. and its like. ok why am i here then LMAO
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lord-shitbox · 1 year
entire ask game. send me asks too or ill bite you really ahrd
assuming you said this for the 'weirder asks' game. godbless
who is/are your comfort character(s)?
Gozu and mezu
lighter or matches?
I like lighters more but i only have a matchbox (the striking paper on it is shit anyways)
do you leave the window open at night?
which cryptyd being do you believe in?
what color are your eyes?
why did you do that?
do wot
hair-ties or scrunchies?
Hair ties
how many water bottles are in your room right now?
None. 2 glasses and a mason jar though 
which do you prefer, hot coffee or cold coffee?
Cold. on ice
would you slaughter the rich?
Idc about killing them i just want their wealth redistributed
favorite extracurricular activity?
Fucking around at the grocery store en masse
what kind of day is it?
Did not do a single piece of schoolwork but i did every other possible task
when was the last time you ate?
Within the hour. Had a bowl of rice on my desk
do you love the smell of earth after it rains?
are you a parent? (all answers qualify)
can you drive?
are you farsighted or nearsighted?
what hair products do you use?
imagine we’re at a sleepover, would you paint my nails?
If you want me to ya
do you say soda or pop?
something you’ve kept since childhood?
A lot of things. Stuffed animals, jewelry
what type of person are you?
how do you feel about chilly weather?
👍 but i prefer mild temperatures. The kind of just-barely cold that isnt really cold. I don’t like wearing lots of clothes
if we were together on a rooftop, what would we be doing?
Depends on who you are. for u specifically, probly not much
perfume/body spray or lotion?
Mmmm…i dont own any body spray but i have mixed feelings about the texture of lotion. It’s not actually that bad but i don’t like putting wet stuff on me (same genre of sensory dislike as wearing lots of clothing)
a scenario that you’ve replayed multiple times?
Uh.. like daydream? There’s one i used to have but its really really edgy and embarrassing 
about how many hours of sleep did you get?
Last night, 12. On weekdays its like 6
do you wear a mask?
No sorry
how do you like your shower water?
is there dishes in your room?
Yes leave me alone
what type of music keeps you grounded?
Heavy stuff. Like fast and hard noises. Nothing slow
do you have a favorite towel?
the last adventure you’ve been on?
Went 2 bowser movie wth an extended group of people last night and afterwards we walked to winco and did funny things in shopping carts
is there a song you know every word to by heart?
Tbh…no. Im really good at remembering song lyrics in general but i dont think there are any in particular i memorize
what’s your timezone?
Doxx me why don’t you
how many times have you changed your url?
Never <3
someone in your life, other than a relative, you’ve known for 10+ years?
Uhh.. not really? Am not in much contact with childhood close friends (theres one ive seen a few times recently but we haven’t actually talked). I believe i’ve known tuna for upcoming 8yrs though
a soap bar that smells good?
I dont like bar soap i like the liquid kinds. Old spice
do you use lip balm?
During dry lip season (i forget when this is) my lips get dry as fuck 
did you have any snacks today?
how do you take your coffee?
With ice and chocolate in it
an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site?
Discord & instagram 
what’s your take on spicy foods?
yum (reasonable spice tolerance)
you get a free pass to kill anyone, who is it?
Nobody…i hate some people 2 death (i dont think about them so i forget who they are) but theyre not bothering me rn so idc
can you remember what happened yesterday?
Bowser moive
favorite holiday film?
Year without a santa claus (IM MR FREEZE MISER)
what was the last message you sent?
“so far i think the only red text thats restricted to origin is mhin's”
when did you first try an alcohol beverage?
Idk ive had sips in young youth. Parents would give me some so i could go “wow this tastes nasty” and not crave any ever (they were right for this)
can you skip rocks?
I may have done it successfully like twice in my life
can i tag you in random stuff?
Ya sure
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