#theres no value to this and there is nothing gained from this observation but sometimes i like to do a
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hm. thinking emoji
#this is by no means any form of judgement bc shipping is for funsies but my brain went on a lil thought journey timeline wise#for ro/gier and thio/llier to meet (slashed bc this is nothing bad and i dont wanna bother ppl its just funny)#it occurred to me that regardless of what you do rog/ier does die eventually and i think it is when rad/ahn dies#so they cannot canonically meet#theres no value to this and there is nothing gained from this observation but sometimes i like to do a#“but COULD these two meet” in fromsoft games bc they're so nebulous with time and also the characters save for this dlc do not talk#disclaimer i have not played thru all of dark souls i need to beat 1 and sekiro before i commit to playing any others
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hi dü :D. im sorry if im a bit negative but lately, i dont know what has come over me i feel like im missing jjong more than ever. my heart hurts so much and i just miss him so much idk what to do. i dont know why either i thought im getting better but it has been so hard these couple of days :( theres also been rumors of a shinee comeback because a music producer kept giving hints and im hyped but also very sad. im so lost rn i need some advice. anything really. im sorry if im troubling you
Oh my sweetsummer child,Though Ifeel immensely honored and flattered that you come to me with your concerns,I’m always afraid that I’m not of much help when it comes to ‘tips’ on how todeal with anything. Emotions are something so personal and the process of learninghow to cope with them as well. Unfortunately,I have lost a lot of beloved ones throughout my life but despite going throughthis ordeal way too many times I still haven’t found a cure for the pain that itentails. I may sound like a broken record at this point but there will alwaysbe days when one feels better and then on others they might feel like they’vegone back to zero.Sadness isnot a bad thing in its core and I would rather encourage to embrace it thantrying to fight it until one is exhausted. However, it is important that onedoesn’t get consumed by negative emotions but that’s very difficult to balanceout.Sometimesit helps to just go outside and take a stroll through the woods, the park, thebeach etc. Taking deep breaths while walking around won’t heal any wounds butit might help to feel more at ease for a while, to take one’s mind off the pain.Listening to the twittering of birds or the rustling of leaves, feeling thewarm sunlight caress one’s skin, observing one’s surroundings silently, meetinga little puppy on the way maybe, it’s the small things, really.What’s themost important but probably also the hardest to do is to not isolate yourself. Keeptalking; to your family, friends, or pets, people you’ve met online. If youfeel like you’re getting worse again then share your feelings with someone(which you basically did with that ask! So good job!). This might sound weirdbut I talk to Jonghyun every night before going to bed since 128 days andaccording to different comments made on here I’m not the only one doing that. Itmight not be something that helps everyone but it’s worth a try, right? I guessthat missing him will just be part of our daily lives now and it depends on theperson how much time will pass until they will start missing him with a smileon their face rather than with tears in their eyes.I said thisalready before and so many others did as well but there is no right or wrongway to grieve and there is also no time limit for it. We are only humans andour emotions are very complex and easily fluctuate; in one moment we want toscream in joy and in the next one we might fall in the depth of despair. That’sjust how most of us work. So I can totally understand why you have mixedfeelings about a possible comeback and that’s completely fine. There is nothingwrong with looking forward to it but feeling a pinch of sadness as well.For Onew,Key, Minho and Taemin SHINee is what they grew up with, that’s what they did forthe better part of their lives so far, this group played a very big part inletting them grow into the individuals we know and love today. Seeing them onlyphysically present as four on stage will always feel bittersweet to some degreebut if they gain strength from performing and seeing the Shawol ocean in frontof them you bet I will always stand there swaying my lightsticks around, givingthem all my support and love because that’s what they deserve. However, if possible future group activities might become too overwhelming for you, taking a step back from everything is always a good choice especially when it comes to mental health. When you feel like it’s getting too much it might help to take a break from the fandom/the internet and concentrate on something else instead. So don’t force yourself to feel a certain way about these ‘teasers’.I know Ididn’t say anything of value or something helpful but I hope you know that youare not alone in this and that you can always message me if you need someone totalk. Please take good care of yourself, my dear! ♡
#dü speaks#also i'm never sure whether i should answer asks publically or privately#so if you are uncomfortable with sharing any asks in public please tell me in your ask if you want a private answer to it#jjonghyunwoo
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Dont Get Us Wrong: Introverted
being the minority of population might be little bit hard for introverts, since there’re always big opportunities to be miss understood. sometimes we dont speak our mind because not everysingle people could understand, and might be it is not necessary to tell other. keep being good and cope with society is one of the safe ways to pass the journeys. im trying to find what’s wrong being an introverted, and i found this beauty article: https://www.forbes.com/sites/christinapark/2014/10/15/introverts-theres-nothing-wrong-with-you/#38c642485ac1 1. Introverts don’t fit their negative stereotype.Introverts are commonly misunderstood. By nature, they do not hate people. They do not sit all day in their basements, cursing the world and shunning daylight. Introverts launch startups, create brilliant works of art, and sit at the helm of major corporations and nonprofits.Although introverts are a diverse bunch, they tend to share certain traits. Introverts enjoy solitude and like to work alone or in small groups. They think before they speak, tend to be reserved with their emotions, and prefer deep conversations over small talk. They often value privacy and don't openly share information about themselves.Introverts are quirky. But they aren't disheveled loners or anti-social misfits. Introverts cherish quiet time, but they also enjoy socializing in small groups with people they know and trust. They can talk at length about subjects they're passionate about. And although introverts don't seek the spotlight, they can make innovative entrepreneurs and thoughtful leaders. 2. Introverts are not anomalies. Many introverts feel alone, as if they are the only ones who do not "fit in” with the extroverted crowd. But studies show that 1/3 to 1/2 of the American population are introverts. If this figure seems high, it’s likely because so many introverts pass themselves off as extroverts. In reality, fellow introverts and kindred spirits are everywhere (maybe even in the office next door).While researching introversion, I received over fifty letters from introverts across the country. I heard from senior leaders, passionate entrepreneurs, and young professionals. I was touched by their stories and struck by the common themes running through them.For example, several introverts revealed that they find small talk to be terrifying. One senior executive said that he hides in the men’s room, or pretends to be fiddling with his phone to avoid conversations. He also feels physically ill before presentations.The bottom line — introverts are not alone. Countless others also struggle with the same fears and anxieties in the workplace. Keep in mind that these struggles do not make you inadequate; they make you human. 3. Introverts can be wildly successful.Many introverts worry that they'll be held back by their quiet personalities. But by effectively harnessing their strengths, introverts can achieve great things. Albert Einstein, Rosa Parks, Mahatma Gandhi, J.K. Rowling, and Audrey Hepburn are examples of introverts who have made history.Introverts possess a bounty of natural gifts. They’re keen observers, gifted writers, and social media whizzes. They contribute thoughtful comments and ask insightful questions, pausing to listen to the answers. They remember details, prepare well for meetings, and can happily work in solitude.By clearly understanding themselves, introverts often find that they’re able to work with (rather than against) their personalities. For example, if you get exhausted from constantly interacting with people, consider scheduling quiet “recovery breaks” throughout the day or after a big event. If you’re nervous about networking, prepare a mental list of conversation points and questions to ask. If you hate face-to-face marketing, establish a strong social media presence.Above all, self-acceptance can help introverts feel at peace with themselves and interact confidently with others. By rejecting the notion that introversion is a character flaw, a liability, or a shameful secret, introverts can honor their true natures and find sustainable ways to succeed at work.Carl Jung, the Swiss psychiatrist who developed bedrock theories about introversion, put it well when he said, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are."
being introvert doesnt mean we hate people, we dont, why do we have to? we just tend to get some energy inside ourselves, mimic the way extrovert tend to gain some energy outside themselves precisely. lets cope..combine our power for better society... YK-5-5-2017
*escping reading ecg-s :D
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