#theres literally no difference between sanzu and hanma when the fandom writes them
yuichi-ro · 2 years
wow i feel like whenever i dare to be care free for even a second, life hits me back
i failed the exam again lmao. i thought i did fine? but apparently not. one more chance or i have to repeat that course and i cannot afford that oof
i truly am the greatest man no competition. it sucks to be bad at the things you love for real but what can i say; once a failure always a failure
but anyway- getou brainrot persists. what if, after he rescued the girls, he showed up at your doorstep not really knowing where else to take them. so of course you take them in, give them a bath and for the first time in their lives they are able to sleep properly without being terrified.
and then for the added angst, you and getou have time to talk. one more night to spend together. his last night as an unwanted man. he knows you will remain somewhat neutral on the matter, you always do. you will always help him should he ask but for you to abandon everything, he would have to serve you the world on a silver platter; its only logical its only the best you deserve. but not this world; its far too rotten for the likes of you, no, a better, improved world where you and him can finally stand together and live.
with the girls. maybe with some own kids later. but all of that is in a future that has yet to be carved out- and he is willing to do anything for it.
getou has sooo many bad fics its wild. 99% is some degrading hard daddy dom shiet and i am not here for it. istg i will take getou away from this rabid fandom this man is made for hurt, comfort and twisted fanatic love yet most fics u could literally exchange his name for any other characters and it wouldn’t make a difference. he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh
man that sucks. like sucks major ass :( Here's to fingers crossed though that since you failed it you can focus on the things you missed. I'm rooting for you babe!
getou, who for a better words, has utter lack of childcare knowledge. Doesn't know what to do with them. The impulse to save them in the moment wears off. Reality of what he did sets in. Not willing to take it back because in his eyes he saved two things greater than just utter monkeys who did that to the girls. But now he has two kids that he frankly doesn't even know what to feed them yet alone anything else.
the only person he really knows to turn to, and with two girls on top of that, is you. He's not asking you to solve things or forgive him. He did what he did and would do it again. You both know that about him. So when the girls are washed up, hair brushed out and bellies full with warm blankets around them for the first time in lord knows how long. Getou and you sit. Tea steeping too long between the two of you. Children asleep. And peaceful quietness in your apartment. At that moment you both experience deja vu for something that has never happened before. Yet it feels like you've repeated this exact scenario before.
reaching out and rubbing Getou's knuckles. He's too quiet. But what do you say after spilling that much blood? Neither of you know what to do or what to say. Dwindling hours when the girls will have to be woken up and Getou will disappear for lord knows how long. You'll pretend you didn't see him or hear from him just to give him a head start to safety. Fake surprise when the reports of the massacre come in. Act it all out like the perfect unknowing sorcerer when it comes down to it so you keep your place within the work space you carved out for yourself. Wanting to hear Getou ask you to come with him. But knowing he'll never ask you that because the world really is just an awful rotten place to live in. sorry lemme channel my period sads whoops
he sure as hell aint a daddy except for the one i am making him smh - ASDFGHJKL PREACH IT
but no seriously im so tired of fanon personalities. Like, for everyone. I'm so tired of shitty takes on well written characters and the copy and paste of every single fic in every single fandom. Holy shit pls is this just the same two people writing everything bc Getou, Hanma, Baji, all of them, all the same thing. 😩 No wonder people keep claiming people are stealing works when 90% of the things are exactly the same 😩
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