#theres always that one scene that stands out a little bit more to me than the rest
marymekpop · 1 year
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⟢ highlight of the hour: our blooming youth [1/20] ⟣
I must meet His Highness. My family’s death must have something to do with His Highness. His Highness must know why my family was killed. 
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pencileraser1 · 4 months
things i noticed/thoughts about most recent rewatches of dps (plus laserdisk deleted scenes):
whenever theres a group scene i've started watching the characters that the story isn't focusing on to see what they do and i've been having a fun time with that. pitts and cameron specifically seem to almost always be doing something interesting in the background.
hopkins!!!! my favorite minor character who somehow got character development despite having like 2 lines!!!! the last guy to stand on the desk but he did it!!!
sometimes i do like to think about what the rest of the students thought about the dead poets society, esp in alternate timeline neil lives dps keeps meeting universe. like yeah theres this guy in their class whose one of the most credited students in the school and we think he maybe started a cult. idk though. but that group runs out into the woods every few days to do god knows what and one of them keeps talking about "dead poets honor" whatever that means and holy shit welton star student neil perry started a cult.
i watched the movie with headphones. and maybe it's because ive seen this movie Far too many times and mabe i'm listening too hard but it was Really obvious sometimes when audio was added in post production. llke in the sweaty toothed madman scene when you can hear laughing and to be fair the camera is behind their heads. but it does Not look like anyone's laughing. my favorite is at the end of the phone call to chris scene where knox is like i'm gonna seize the day!! and runs up the stairs and the poets are cheering him on and neil is sort of yelling "carpe!!!!" and i could be wrong but i'm like 75% certain that the person singing is Also rsl so now neil is just speaking two times at once somehow. anyways it didn't ruin the experience for me or anything it was maybe just a little bit funny to notice but very sorry if this did ruin anyone's viewing.
people talk a lot about how rsl and ethan hawke really made their characters what they are but i have to add dylan kussman to that list. I get the impression that older versions of the movie didn't really give as much depth to cameron and watching dylan kussmans performance is like. he Knew who his character was so fucking well and it shows!! like the deleted scene of them getting clubs assigned. like i could tell So Much about cameron from that scene
for how little she actually appeared, there is an emphasis put on the fact that neil's mom smokes pretty frequently. and i think that's interesting considering neil is one of two poets shown actively smoking. neil's mom doesn't appear for very long in the movie but during that time it definitely seems like the movie is intentionally making parallels between the two, particularly in the last argument with neil's father. neil and his mother are both sitting for almost the whole time, which contrasts with his father who is standing. they are both almost powerless in this scene. they stand up at almost the same time. anyways there's a couple different possibilities for what this could mean? that i've though of? 1. to show that neil's mother is in a similar situation to the one neil is in in regards to neil's father and 2. maybe a stretch here but the theory that neil inherited his mental illness at least partially from his mother. i'm pretty sure 1 was fully intentional on the directors part, not entirely sure about 2 though
unmanned flying desket scene: it's probably cause he and ethan wrote the scene themselves but the way rsl talks in this scene feels more like the way he talks in general than the rest of the script. like briefly neil perry is talking in rsl's voice. one of my absolute favorite scenes though the sarcastic dialogue is so good.
the light of knowledge at the first shot of the film vs. todd standing on his desk at the last shot of the film paralel
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wastingstarsss · 7 months
What's your favorite part/element of Rumple's story arc?
SHSKSHS HOW DO I NARROW IT DOWN??? THERES SO MANY ELEMENTS I LOVE. Okay I’m gonna put this as a few points here.
My top favourite element, the first thing I thought of, is his relentless battle with himself for goodness. He is half and half, half himself and half the dark one. And he’s been this way for centuries, so of course it’s an ongoing battle that’s not easy to drop. He continues to fight it, continues to try to be good, even when he has moments of weakness. He picks himself up again and continues. Whether it’s for Belle or Neal, he doesn’t stop trying to be good. Isn’t that so human of him? Rumple believes himself a coward, but it’s so brave to continue to try to be good when you have a dark curse latched to your soul and the world is seemingly saying “hey, goodness is impossible.”
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My second thought is how STRONG his capacity for love is. He takes the curse of the dark one for it. He battles against the curse because of it. When he becomes the dark one, one of the first things he does is end the ogres war and free all the children. He didn’t have to do that. Baelfire was not on that field, yet he did it anyway. He dies for love. He lives again for love. He continues to fight to keep his loved ones safe, even if that means he risks himself. He spends what, 300 years (?), living alone because of his love for Baelfire, because he’s so determined to find his son. And sure it causes some problems. He loses Belle because it’s either her or his magic, and his magic will lead him to Bae. He causes people to hurt because his capacity for love is so fucking strong, it’s never going to be a mild thing. It’s everything or nothing. He dies TWICE for love. And we can’t forget, before Rum became the dark one he gave what little he had to beggars and took care of his emotionally abusive wife, even when he could barely stand with aid. He crippled himself and ruined his reputation for love. His capacity for love fills him to the brim and I adore it.
Final point is: you mentioned his story arc, and he has many? It twists and turns a LOT. So far I’ve focused on elements but I think my favourite arc (and it’s HARD to pin down) is the bits with him and August in s1. And you might be thinking “Bella, that is a weird fucking choice” but hear me out. With August he faces what he’s feared for so long: that his son hates him enough to try and murder him. And he takes that wholeheartedly, actually goes to therapy for it, and approaches who he thinks is his son and delivers a heartbreakingly emotional speech. And even when he realises August isn’t Bae, after their little dispute, he reunites August with his father cause at the end of the day, Rumple is always going to be papa and he can’t stand to see lost children screaming out for their parents, whether that’s actually screaming out or a haunting look in their eyes. That moment of kindness? In the shop when he invites August in and Marco is there? He didn’t have to do that, but he did it anyway. Why? Because Rumple is a good man. He saw a lost child and it reminded him of his son, and isn’t that the point? Neal is his driving point. He is what makes Rumple good.
(Bonus arcs for your consideration: ALL of Skin Deep, the Neverland arc is hauntingly beautiful. And we get Goldstiltskin. Beauty in s7, oh- and that one moment where Rumple says to Emma “please, he’s my son” in s6 about Gideon. Heart wrenching. When he faces his mother and says the world is dangerous because of villains like her and himself- the tone in his voice and the look on his face!! I die inside. And finally, and this is more of a funny bit than a ‘deep’ bit, but that one scene in Underbrooke where he introduces Milah and Emma to each other always cracks me up.)
@martianbugsbunny thank you so much for the ask!! What are your fave elements in rumples story arcs?
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alanjardine · 6 months
jonesmith analysis ep 1-15 (part 1)
this is going to be long and silly✌️
nothing gay in episode 1 so im starting with monkee see monkee die
FIRST in the scene where they disguise themselves to hide from the lawyer Mike dresses as an old man and Davy dresses as an old woman = old married couple. hmm lovely sweet old married couple.
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NEXT. Davy constantly hiding behind the guys and holding onto them because he is scared. in my humble opinion it is simply cutest when he's grabbing onto Mike. This scene where he's like nooo dont leave me behind Mike and rushes after him. 10/10 adorable.
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constant grip on him, WHICH LEADS ME TO THIS
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holding onto Mike while going to bed, and Mike's reassuring hand pat to let Davy know everything is okay. Davy was going to hold onto him all night snuggled up on his shoulder.
this is the ep that made me 👀 towards them so if people dont see it even a teeny tiny bit that baffles me.
ep 3 has this lovely little boob touch moment:
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I would too Mike. cross dressing Davy is too beautiful to resist
ep 4 they are extremely determined to rip each others clothes off. even when Micky and Peter give up and rip their own clothes off Mike and Davy have a GRIP on each other.
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ep 5 cute little tug on Mike's arm, Mike looking around bc Davy is so tiny his eyes glide right over the top of his head.
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"Mike! Mike! Are you okay?" *drops him*
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EPISODE 6... I love the way Mike stands up to Davy's grandpa in this one and tells him he only wants him back because he's lonely and misses him. idk its so cute, all the guys are looking out for Davy but Mike is the one that confronts his grandpa about it. And then the scene on the deck where they're all crying because Davy is leaving Mike is like nah we're not letting him go so easily.
I am also deeply obsessed with the grip Mike and Micky have on Davy when they pull him over to their side. that little english lad is theirs. also Mike is definitely feeling up his muscles.
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also this, which isnt in showverse but i want to include it bc its so cute. Mike just sits there awkwardly... yea
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ep 7 😏 rests elbow on shoulder and limps wrist.
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Mike pulling a Fred & Daphne with his "lets split up Davy and I will go this way" did you want to spend alone time with him Mike? perhaps you wanted a bit of privacy hmm?
their cowboy gunslinger roleplay scene.
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ep 8 sleeping with his head resting in Davy's lap what is cuter than that.
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Micky doing one of his silly voice bits and Mike being like hey he's nervous. Then whatever this was where Mike grabbed his face
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ep 9 they go through a whole scheme to get this girl that Davy likes to come to their party and then he spends half the party standing by the punch bowl giggling with Mike. Also whatever they're doing here during the song segment. cutesy
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ep 10 (the pilot) some serious longing looks from Mike here + lifting Davy up (in his gay little mime outfit no less)
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ep 11 theres literally a shootout happening and they are under the table competitively playing tic-tac-toe
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ep 12 the framing of this scene... the way Davy shuts the door after he enters. KISS HIM GIRL
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ep 13 this scene where hes leaning in for a kiss. yes thats whats happening trust me.
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ep 15 too many girls... FIRST of all I think Mike making Davy swear off dating girls is an extremely homosexual act "im gonna hold you to that" okayyy. SECONDLY Micky and Peter both say they're jealous of Davy always getting girls but Mike doesnt... bc hes more jealous of the girls hmm 🤔🏳️‍🌈 also "trapped by his staggering good looks" so you think hes attractive. checkmate.
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points at you aggressively
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whumpshaped · 1 year
My laptop died so thus us from my main account.
But how did El and Am’s first date go?
El and Bellamy eventually getting along is so sweet! The spk lives in my brain rent free with @livelaughwhump’s worthless series, @whumpsday Kane and Jim and your oc El! Also Grace from Dollhouse
i think their first date went kind of like this:
el was a nervous wreck beforehand, despite bellamy being like "but el youve known him for months now this is not a stranger-"
i say bellamy because kane is still in the "i dont approve of this" stage, and also el would be an anxious mess specifically in bellamy's room because they're asking him for style advice
el is dressed in the cutest clothes. but the outfit is still fit for outdoorsy activities, because am said it would include a bit of a hike
when am arrives, he also reminds el that theyve known each other for a while now and theres no need to be nervous
despite that, they finally relax a little
am compliments them on their looks, very sincerely, obviously being genuine
el cant help but wonder if hes lying or mocking them
el also compliments him, because as always, hes hot as hell. hes not in his regular gothy clothes though, hes also dressed for a bit of a hike. half his hair is up in a lil ponytail. el is very in love
am smiles and thanks them
APPARENTLY I DID NOT WRITE THIS BEFORE (despite me clearly remembering this scene-) SO ACTUALLY LET ME JUST
El felt pretty bad having to stop all the time. Their body was back to how it used to be, or as close as it'd ever get, the only problem was that they never used to be very fit. Not even before spending years rotting away in a cage, destroying what little muscle they had left.
Am never complained. He pointed out flowers, berries, cool rocks... He seemed more than happy to stand in one spot for minutes at a time, just talking about nature and his past experiences on that very trail. He never broke a sweat.
"We're almost there," he said gently, seemingly a little self-conscious about his choice of date activity. "I promise. It's just a little further up. I just- I really wanted to show you this place. I didn't realise it'd be pretty tiring for a human."
"No, no..." El took a deep breath, trying to force some life into their body. "It's not- other humans could probably do it, no problem. I'm just... I'm sorry, I'm not very... I'm sorry for being so slow."
"I can carry you, if you'd like."
El blinked up at him, considering the offer. It sounded really nice. Really nice. But they didn't want to be an inconvenience. "You, um... you wouldn't mind?"
"Not at all. In fact, I'm fairly sure having a little guy on my back would actually improve the experience. I've never explored the trail with a little guy on my back before."
They laughed a little, beaming up at him affectionately, almost adoringly. "It's your lucky day, then! I know just the little guy for you."
Am really didn't seem inconvenienced by the extra weight. He held them steady with both hands under their thighs, keeping up the same pace from before without issue. Maybe he was a little faster, even, without having to wait for them.
El hugged him loosely around the neck, half their face buried in Am's fluffy, curly hair as they rested their head against him. The trail was so beautiful. They couldn't help but wish they were just a little stronger, with a little more endurance... maybe then they'd be able to walk along the pretty forest path and have fun. Maybe one day.
At one point, El noticed that the trees were getting fewer and farther between, and they raised their head to see where they were. They had reached the top of the hill, it seemed like, arriving to a small clearing. It was almost like a balcony, with a little wooden fence to keep the hikers from tumbling down the hillside, and two logs to serve as benches.
They wiggled out of Am's hold, wanting to rush towards the fence as soon as their feet hit the ground, but he grabbed them by the arm and pulled them back. "Be careful, baby. I have fallen down there before, and it's not a fun time. The fence, uh... the fence was put up after that incident."
El winced at the thought. "I'm sorry. I'll be careful."
The response must've been sufficient, because El was let go of, allowed to wander out to the edge of the cliff (with ample supervision, of course). They rested their hands on top of the fence, wide eyes full of childish wonder trailing across the hundreds of small spots of light below.
"That's gorgeous," they whispered.
Am hummed, a small, pleased sound. "I'm glad you like it. It's... my favourite hiking spot, I think."
"Of course I like it! I mean, there could be an elevator from the foot of the hill that brings me up here, but-"
"And miss all the flowers and mushrooms on the way up? Or the little rabbits during springtime? And the squirrels?" Am looked positively scandalised, but El had to admit, the arguments were very sound.
"Rabbits?" they asked, hopeful and delighted by the prospect. "Little bunbuns? Tiny little creatures?"
"Yeah! We could bring some hay and feed them together. They're super friendly. Well, unless you wanna take the forest elevator instead," he teased, making them pout.
"I might just steal the bunnies and ride the elevator with them! I'll stuff it full of hay ahead of time, so, so by the time I get here and it's time to choose between the trail and the elevator, they're already in there! All of them! Just monching away... And, and you'll choose the trail, because you're soooo fit and in shape, and when the elevator door opens and you see all those cute bunnies, it'll be too late to take it back! And I'll say, aha, my plan worked as intended!"
Am listened to the monologue intently, looking absolutely charmed and in love, a fact that El only noticed when they got to the end of their evil genius plan. They blushed slightly, quickly looking away again.
"What?" Their voice was much quieter now, clearly flustered.
Am gently cupped their face, turning them back towards himself. "And you're saying you wouldn't let me change my decision? You wouldn't let me in your bunny-elevator?"
"Well- well... you, um, you denounced the idea of the bunlevator. So, uh, therefore, I have to stand my ground."
The forest around them seemed to fade away as Am leaned down, almost kissing them, but not quite. "Is there really no way to change your mind?" he murmured, pressing a little kiss onto their cheek.
"I'm open to negotiation," they choked out, making him grin.
"My lucky day indeed."
taglist: @whumpsday @whump-queen @lost-in-labradorite-halls @hidden-dreamland @lonesome--hunter @melancholy-in-the-morning @the-scrapegoat @dismemberment-on-a-tuesday-night
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eilinelsghost · 9 months
ive been reading through your atandil series this month and really like how you have them use thee and thou. i was wondering if theres a reason for where they do and dont? sometimes the same characters switch mid conversation but it seems intentional
Hi anon!
I'm so glad you're enjoying it. And extra glad the informal thou is landing, because it's definitely one of my nerdy indulgences in the series and I wasn't sure if people would like it or hate it 😂 Thank you so much for giving me a reason to ramble about it on here. This made my day. :)
So is it intentional when it changes mid-conversation? Yes, always excepting typos, that's deliberate. There are usually two reasons in Atandil that it would switch in a scene involving the same set of characters:
Language Change
The first reason is that the characters are hopping between Taliska and one of the Elven dialects. That's probably the most typical example of when it happens and it's pretty frequent in the conversations between Finrod and Balan, especially early on. I try to give cues in the text for when this occurs, but I've realized lately that I haven't been as good about that as I should be, so I'm trying to be better about that going forward so it's less confusing.
The reason for that difference between Taliska and the Elven dialects is because when I started the series and realized I was going to need to come up with some kind of stand-in for Taliska since we don't have anything but a few words and a general "was modeled on Germanic-Gothic." So I wasn't sure whether or not it should have the informal thou equivalent. I ended up opting away from that in my faux-Taliska, keeping the whole language a little more informal to match how the characters' culture was beginning to develop as I got to know them a bit.
Which means it also became a quick shorthand for when they're speaking which language. In a conversation between Finrod and Balan, for example, you can usually assume that if they're using "thou" to address each other, then they are speaking in Quenya or Sindarin; and if they use "you," then it's a safe bet it's Taliska.
Mood, Context, and Formality
The exception to this is if they are arguing or in a tense exchange. If Balan is particularly irritable or angry with Finrod, he will often switch into the formal address as the equivalent of (or in addition to) a cold vocal tone. It puts immediate distance between them, stresses the otherness of each, and pulls back on the conversational intimacy they typically inhabit.
A good example of this is from Vassal when Balan shows up to confront Finrod about why he decided to leave Estolad:
Balan hesitated. The momentary relief of their easy exchange had dulled his anxiety and he wondered again if it was not all of his own imagining. Then he recalled his son’s words and forced himself to meet the other’s eye. “Lord,” he said quietly, “have I offended you in some way?” Finrod’s face fell, stung by the formal address. “Offended me? Nay never, Balan. Not in word or in deed.” “I am eased to hear it." Balan traced the toe of his shoe through the loose soil in an echo of Baran’s earlier gesture. “Nevertheless, I cannot but fear something has gone amiss between us. You were my dearest friend, closer than any other I have known. You knew my heart ere I uttered it, understood it ere I laid it bare. You see me with a clarity I could scarce imagine and by such have drawn me out into the fullness of myself, whole beyond hope, joyful beyond measure.” The pointed formality failed him and he fell back into the intimate address. “Yet now thou hast fenced me out. We speak in trivialities, as acquaintances meeting in the day’s tasks, passing naught of consequence between us. I see thee shy away from our earlier points of friendship, I enter and thou soon wilt find cause to depart, I speak to thee and I feel the doors tighten. What wrong have I done thee, lord? Tell me—where is the hurt or what have I broken? Name it, I beg thee, so that in knowing I might see some road to mending it ere thou art gone from me.”
The other reason for a change mid-conversation is if the context or formality of the occasion shifts. Balan tries to remember to keep to the formal address when they're in situations where Finrod is operating as the king and not just as his friend (their arrival in Nargothrond, for example). Unfortunately (fortunately?) our guy is not great about remembering this and slips up on the regular. Which gives us that mid-conversational shift again.
There are probably other reasons as well, but those are the primary ones, or at least the ones where I'm doing it intentionally. I'm sure there are times it switches where it's just author error! Let me know if this didn't answer what you had in mind and I'm happy to unpack it differently if this didn't get at what you were wondering.
Thanks again so much for the ask and for reading the series! Like I said earlier, it really made my day (made my week, really) to get a question like this. I appreciate it!
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cinnabun-faerie · 2 years
do you mind if i add onto that pta scenario anon? what if theres a father daughter dance at the school? lol would chaos happen? separate kids or all dads for one kid completely up to you!
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A/N: I think it would be more chaotic and funny if it was just the one kid, so I'mma stick with that. 😂😈
Y/C/N = Your child's name
Context: The four of them are in a relationship with the reader. Let's just say that the reader adopted their daughter from infancy (come on, we all know the four would argue if one was the biological father) and they help raise the child. So ofc, the child considers them all to be their dads.
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Aymeric and Haurchefant are more than happy to go
Aymeric actually encourages the rest to go
Zenos wants to go if the other three stay home
Estinien doesn't really want to be surrounded by ankle-biters that aren't his ankle-biter
but as always he gets dragged along
Haurchefant keeps telling his daughter how pretty they are
but when they get to the school for the dance, their daughter runs off to talk to some of their friends
Estinien switches into dad-mode when he sees his daughter's face turn when another kid asks them to dance
Aymeric has to hold him back so that he doesn't make a scene
meanwhile Zenos and Haurchefant are already over next to Y/C/N
they just wanna talk to the small suitor
Aymeric wished he had just stayed home
he sat Estinien down and went over to Zenos & Haurchefant
they were actually talking nicely to Y/C/N's friends
it just so happened that their parents were friends of yours
and their fathers were also chatting with them
"Papa will you dance with me now?"
before the three of them could even speak, Estinien was at Y/C/N's side
"I would be happy to-"
all of them seemed to see red
their reputations could wait until the morrow as right now they could care less
they tackled Estinien & dragged him away leaving Y/C/N & the other parents confused
no way they were going to let him get the first dance in
they each wanted to be first
so they'd argue a bit
but somehow Aymeric managed to slip away from the dogpile
"May I have this dance?"
"I have been waiting!"
Aymeric would chuckle and would lean down to take their hands as they danced along to this slow song
he was sure his back would ache in the morning but it would be worth it
"This is where you've gone." (Haurchefant)
"Why am I not surprised?" (Estinien)
"And this is the man of chivalry?" (Zenos)
Aymeric did not regret a thing
dare I say it, he felt rather happy to be the first one to dance with his child
"The dance is not yet over. We all will have an opportunity."
Not wanting to listen to them argue any longer, Y/C/N took Zenos' hand and dragged him to the dance floor
he stuck his tongue out at the Elezen men
"I have taught you all that I know in dance, shall we show it off?"
"Yes! We will be the best."
Soon enough the song was over and a more upbeat song came on
and Haurchefant happily cut in and started to dance with Y/C/N
they danced quite silly and laughed alot
to say that Y/C/N and Haurchefant were both a little played out afterwards was a bit of an understatement
they walked back to the group of fathers who were all seated
"Did you have fun?" (Aymeric)
"Yes. But now it's papa's turn. But my legs are too sleepy to dance."
Estinien would stand, pick up his daughter and give them a smile
"Your legs are sleepy? Good thing mine are not. We can dance just like this. You can even nap on my shoulder."
and he would take Y/C/N to the middle of the dance floor as a lullaby-type song would play
he would sway to the music and watch as Y/C/N's eyes would slowly drift close
it was just like when they were a baby
soon, the dance would be over and the four men would head home with their sleeping child
and you'd be there to greet them
"How'd it go?"
I must admit that it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be (Estinien)
"Why are their red marks and bruises forming on your faces?"
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kingzephy · 2 years
Man. I just keep thinking about Dead Souls and how much I fucking love it. Im just gonna ramble about it under the cut
Im not finished w it yet im almost finished but. Its so criminally underrated and it sucks that it hasnt gotten a proper good localization or port that isnt janky and laggy. I dont regret buying or playing it in the slightest.
Yeah its absolutely got some issues and I could talk about them for a long time, but it scratches this itch for me that I just cant explain well. I love it. I love cheesy campy media thats so bad its good which is honestly a big reason why i like it. It doesnt take itself too seriously at all. In a way it almost reminds me of some games I grew up playing, like re4 and house of the dead in a sense. Its really nothing like those games but you know what I mean
I actually dont mind the controls too much (though to be fair I had to switch to the type b control scheme and that feels better to me). Not being able to do the auto aim and walk at the same time doesnt bother me as much as i thought it was going to but it’s probably cuz im used to that from re4. Thankfully theres multiple aiming modes which makes up for that and you can walk around with the strafe aiming which is actually mostly accurate and feels good to use
Some of the weapons like Majima’s shotgun or Ryuji’s gatling gun especially are really satisfying. Even if theres a few enemies in particular that drive me insane (the monkey boys and especially the molotov cocktail zombies are so annoying they are the bane of my existence) overall i dont have too many issues w the combat aside from. Heat snipes being difficult to trigger sometimes, the auto aim can be a little glitchy every now and then, and occasionally getting overwhelmed by hoards of zombies but thankfully theres good weapons and attacks for that. I like that they included shit like chainsaws and flamethrowers
I love all the characterization they squeeze in for Majima and Ryuji especially, Its always great getting to play as Majima of course and I kinda think hes at his best in this game in some ways for several reasons, despite the weird localization. Hes just out there living his best life and I love that for him. Its good getting to see him like. Actually kinda happy for once. Its always nice getting to see him interact with characters like Akiyama. AND it was good getting to see more Akiyama and Hana together ofc
I really love the hostess conversations and the nonchalant and casual banter, I eat that shit right up. So much interesting dialog. I really enjoy the substories quite a bit, some of them more than others but i love how they poke fun at certain tropes. Theres a few real stand out ones. The main story is enjoyable and funny in a ridiculous way, even if the pacing can be weird and the plot is objectively not done well but I love it anyway for its cheesy edginess. Theres a few scenes that have really stuck with me. I think its funny how a lot of the citizens are in denial or are straight up just unaware of the outbreak and act like life goes on like normal which is something that I think. Aged well. Given the current state of the world rn
As a fan of other survival horror games its fun seeing the very obvious references to other games and such (L4D, RE, etc). I like getting to see Kamurocho in a state of complete disarray, I think the idea of separating the unaffected areas and the quarantine zones is smart and a cool idea so theres not constant zombies everywhere, the game gives you a bit of reprieve (even if it means theres some backtracking and taking the long way around things sometimes). I like how the zones move and change over time as the story progresses and more areas get infected.
Anyway. I dont really care if a piece of media is objectively good as long as Im personally having a good time and having fun w it and I can definitely say Ive had fun. If I wasnt a yakuza fan I can tell you for a fact I would not like this game but. I dunno. I am not immune to its charm. If youre a big yakuza fan and you haven’t played it I recommend at least checking it out on an emulator or something
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"Its 10pm and Id like to read at least one more volume" I said before proceeding to stay up until 4:30am reading this manga until I was finished
So yeah, Im writing this at around 8:30am having gotten three hours of sleep and one hour of laying in bed awake, after I finished volume 30 chapter 165 of the black hutler and Id like to talk about some of my thoughts
I know that the emglish and japanese version are already further along than that (I mean, if my research was correct volume 31 did come out in german already, I just couldnt find a physical copy at either of my local bookstores), so I would appreciate it if you didnt spoil me
So yeah, non-spoilers first I guess:
Honestly, I had kind of mixed feelings about a lot of the... revelations ? is probably the best word? I dont know, like, I was reading this and I just kinda let myself be taken along for this thrilling rollercoaster of emotions but while I was doing that, I couldnt help but notice this nagging feeling of "uohhhh, i dont really like where this going" in the back of my mind, which made for a bit of a 'conflicting' read. Even now that Im fully awake looking back on it, I still dont quite know how to feel. I feel like with these kinds of wild storylines it always more or less depends on the conclusion, so I guess I'll wait for that
Also, as for my theory about the people from the Undertakers medallions being people who entered contracts with demons, Im a little less sure about that now?? Idk why because nothing happened that would contradict this
And thats pretty much it, I'll go into some of the more spoiler-y details now
like, I was kinda spoiled for this because Ive read a few fanfics where this is sort of mentioned, although it qas alqays in a pretty vague way and I was still shocked
Heres what I wrote to my friends in a discord server Im in right after the older brother showed up:
"Oh god
This arc was already some insane bullshit but Something just happened sorry if I spam in advance
Theres two Ciels
I was already kinda spoiled for this but still
like, okay, so in the previous arc Ciel had to be forcefed w/ a funnel so he wouldnt die of mustard gas poisoning and it triggered some traumatic memories from his past and he had an episode where he wouldnt let any adult touch him and during whole ordeal he would, idk dream or hallucinate or something
And he would hallucinate about himself standing on this beg chess board with a pretty outfit and a version of himself without the contract seal
And I was like 'surely this cant be literal, it has to be symbolic" yknow, the version of Ciel without the contract seal is an untainted version, possibly what he vouldve been if it wasnt for that day
so yeah, that was something.
I still dont know how to feel about this, like, it makes sense even though its pretty clear to me that they came up with this twist a bit later on (I believe they had this idea a little before the Campania arc, I remember that scene during the extended flashback where hes standing in front of his parents graves also having a small cut-off panel with a gravestone with Ciels name on it), but ugh. Idk I'll just see how it goes I guess
I am sooooo curious about whats up with the Undertaker and the Phantomhives like ??? Bro, he CRIED looking at a picture of Vincent thats so weird. And obviously he went through all the trouble of reviving Ciel thats wild. So yeah, very excited to see where that goes
Im also very excited to see what theyre gonna do with Soma now. I really liked Agnis death and I while it felt like his change in personality was a bit jarring, I do like him becoming more jaded like Ciel. Theres a vertain irony to it bc he did admire him and sort of wanted to be like him in some way
Ngl I found it so frustrating how Lizzy and the Midfords and Tanaka just fully abandoned (our) Ciel after the other one showed up. Lizzy especially because its like
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actualbird · 3 years
Polyam NXX where they all fuck the depressing thoughts out of Luke? Marius fucking his ass, Artem riding his dick, Rosa riding his face, and Vyn kissing and caressing him all over, all at the same time.
n/s//f///w text in response (and also in the ask itself kjdsbfj) and oh god again why is this response so long, it is 1k words
HHGRHRGRGHR ANON....this caters to so many things i love so much, 1) luke being fucked to the high heavens, 2) LUKE TERRIBLY DEPPRESSING THOUGHTS ON HIMSELF, 3) nxx investigation polycule <3!!!
i can sense that this ask wants me to focus on the smut aspect of this and i will get to that but first i wanna talk about like. man, luke, in his relationship with the other four, would have his self doubt and self loathing magnified fourfold than if he was just with one person, i think.
he'd think terrible things like how hes dragging so many people down, how hes a greedy person, letting his life touch so many people's lives and fill their lives with sadness and worry. the other four know that luke has thoughts like this, and they all do their part in reassuring and comforting him and being there for him when hes put himself in a dark place. and it helps. it really, really helps to have people who love you, even the sad parts. but relationships also dont "fix" a person, they cant just magically get rid of doubts and insecurities. nobody in the group is under the impression that love is going to "fix" the sadness luke has, but thats not going to stop them from loving him anyway. luke is grateful, luke pours his love out to them back times a hundred...
but deep in his heart, theres a cruel voice that sounds like his own telling him it's never going to be enough, what he gives. that nothing he will do will ever make up for the fact that he's him.
still, after a while of dating the others, after a while of being steadily encouraged little by little to reach out when he needs help and comfort, luke hazards a chance to ask one day. for the first time ever.
i can imagine the scene something like this:
the whole team managing to find a space in their busy schedules to meet up together outside of nxx business. theyre at mc's apartment maybe. artem is cooking dinner while marius commentates the cooking from where he's seated at the dining nook, "when onions hit the pan, the panties hit the FLOOR." and artem throws a dishtowel at marius' face fondly. softly, music plays from some speakers hooked up to somebody's tablet, some calm old song. vyn and mc are being horrendously romantic, idly dancing to the music and laughing when marius squawks at artem's dishtowel attack. and luke sits on the couch, looking at all of them, feeling such a burst of light from his heart. these are his partners, silly and loving and wonderful, and he wants to give them all the love he has in his heart.
but the thing about luke is that his happiness has always been annotated with doubt. in the footnotes of all his joys is the dark voice inside of him, the voice that sounds like his own, telling him he doesnt deserve this.
but he can see them though. he can see how brightly they all shine, how they always coax him to stand in the light. so after dinner has been eaten (it's delicious, obviously, artem wing homecook masterchef), after the movie they picked out has been watched (it was marius' turn to pick the movie and he picked something stupidly trashy yet raucously enjoyable to watch with others), after they start retiring to go bed together (GOD, im assuming they all get like, bigger beds sjkdbfkjd, marius is the wallet of this polycule, it's fine, he'll cover it), after all that, luke asks.
he asks for help. he trembles ever so slightly as he does it, looking away, and the rest of them can see that him doing this is something agonizing for him. that admitting that hes hurting and asking for comfort is something that seems to pain him, not because he doesnt like them and the love they give, but because he doesnt like himself, because he doesnt see himself as worthy to receive that love.
"i--i dont know what im asking for, actually," luke lets out a self deprecating laugh as he starts to backpedal back into the shadows, overwhelmed by how in this moment, theyre seeing him. theyre seeing the messy part of him he hates so, so much. "sorry, you know me. my head gets like this. sorry. i'll get over--"
hes stopped before he can continue that sentence. mc is the first one to hold his face gently, to coax him to look at her, and in her gaze isnt the disgust luke was expecting. it's something open and beautiful, and when luke looks at everybody else, the same thing is clear in their eyes.
they see this part of him he hates so much and they dont turn him away like he does with himself. they accept him and their kindness starts to wash over the shores of luke's heart.
i like to think they didnt actually plan to have hot group sex focused on fucking the depressing thoughts of luke pearce. it goes more like... mc kisses luke all gentle and sweet and then marius goes to hug luke from behind and he starts praising luke in a teasing way that makes luke laugh softly against mc's lips. when mc pulls away (and she pulls away with a smile), artem is the one who kisses luke next, passionate and devoted and vyn joins in on the "praise luke pearce" agenda, whispering sweet nothings to luke as luke starts to tremble once more, not in hatred or fear this time though, but in how overwhelmed he is. eventually the reassuring kisses and touches start to get a little bit heated because come on, luke is being held and touched by four beautiful people, it's hard to NOT get hard when that happens, and the rest are also easy to get worked up when theyre all together and close and intimate like this.
SO YEAH, they get to fucking!!!! very focused on luke because the other four reach this unspoken agreement to like, make luke feel so good that his mind can go blank tonight. that he can just let go and let them take care of him.
and take care of him they DOOOOOO. in between moaning against mc's cunt, shaking from sensations of fucking artem and being fucked marius, his body relentlessly touched by vyn, all his lovers taking pleasure from luke and giving pleasure back, luke loses himself. he lets go.
the voice in his mind does not quiet so much as be spoken over by the loving voices of his lovers.
his body submits to their actions. his mind fills with their words. and his heart?
he gives that to them to take care of.
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henqtic · 3 years
𝘈𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘔𝘦 𝘈 𝘋𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦
pairing: draco malfoy x fem!reader 
word count: 2.3k
summary: Draco Malfoy. His name was registered in your mind as your enemy, plain and simple. A platinum blonde idiot who you’d find much more likable if he’s just shut up everyone in a while. But what would happen if your parents arranged for you both to attend the yule ball together- would some hidden feeling shine their way out? 
warnings: mentions of arranged marriages, mentions of feeling anxious, feelings of self doubt, kissing, angry love confession, crying, a little angst, please contact me if theres more !
a/n: Also this is an au where the yuleball is in seventh year and no Voldemort <3
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masterlist.  // gif creds // taglist form.
When Dumbledore announced the yule ball to the school in the middle of the dinner, you were a bit excited. Excited at the idea that you’d have the chance to be asked to the dance by some nice boy and that could potentially lead to a relationship.
But being born into a family like yours, you couldn’t hope for much. Not even a week after they got the news, your mother and father made an arrangement with the Malfoy’s that you would have to attend the ball with their son Draco.
You could've sworn they had been trying to set you both up for some kind of arranged marriage. Maybe them pushing you together was a way to soften a blow when it finally happened? But still, out of any one they just had to choose him.
You had grown up with him, Draco, and if you hadn't already known— he was what you called a... bitch boy. He’d tattle about small things, throw a few temper tantrums, and cry to get his way. This is why even though your families had been so closely connected for years, centuries even— he was your enemy and nothing could change that.
That fact wasn’t hidden from your parents, not in the slightest. They saw the numerous dirty looks you’d throw at each other when you thought no one looking, not to mention the childish pulling of hairs and elbowing with shoulders.
But they also saw the good things about your relationship, how'd you do little things for each other that made a bigger impact than you thought, like it was second nature.
Like whenever another dinner party would come up where there were random families of investors, business owners or, just more snooty rich people— Draco would always make sure you were seated right next to him in the case that both of you had to show up.
It honestly wasn’t that much of a big deal from his view point. Only an idiot couldn’t tell that you found yourself uncomfortable around new people and him saving you a seat was just common decency.
And there was always little moments where they’d find you both curled into each other after one of the tense meetings you had to attend seeing as you’d be graduating soon and still had the responsibility of up keeping your family names once you were adults.
Draco would be there tenderly playing with your hands and venting. Because while he did come off as confident about everything in his life, how he had both the Malfoy and Black fortuned to fall back onto, you could tell he was still scared of the future— of growing up.
That fear is also what led to the very rushed apology he had offered to the golden trio for his past behavior. You did have to physically push him into them and he did choke up on the words of kindness that were supposed to make the apology sincere but he still did it.
They hadn't forgiven him of course, they just sort of stared like some one had cast an unforgivable curse on the boy seconds before, but at least they were now, they were civil towards each other.
And even though you did do those things for him, that didn’t stop you from not wanting to do this and neither did it stop you from impatiently waiting outside of the great hall doors.
Your dress was made out of nothing less of the finest fabrics and silks you could get your hands onto. You knew it wouldn't make a single dent into your families Gringotts account but you felt that the purchase would make some sort of statement.
“You’re five minutes late,” you seethed, watching as a head of white-blonde hair finally round the corner. His hands brushed his jacket in a smug manor, getting rid of the invisible dust particles.
It really wasn’t that much time, many other students could still be found wither waiting for their dates or just standing around to show up ‘fashionably late’.
But you knew Draco had spent those minutes staring at himself in the mirror and fixing his oh so perfect hair.
“Some of us like to look good when showing up to these things,” he sneered before eyeing you in disgust.
“Oh please, this dress cost more than the gel you have piled in your hair.” His eyes narrowed at you along with a scrunch of his nose as he offered you the junction between his folded arm to lead you down the steps.  
The night had gone pretty well so far, both of you somehow never finding the right time to leave the others side as you had planned. It seemed as if your friends had all decided to hide themselves away from you both— like they were planning something. Of course, they were.
Blaise fucking Zabini
That idiot talked Professor Flitwick into playing a slow song, one that every couple had to join in on. And while that did sound good at eye view, you had to sign a paper at the begging saying if you coming as a couple or single. And the only people who had signed single to not face embarrassment were the staff—not counting Filch and Mrs. Norris.
Was this real, you being the living cliche of dancing with your enemy?
“If you step on my shoes one more time, I’ll leave you,” he growled into your, tightening his grip on your waist. Yeah, it was.
“What do you think I’ll do? Cry?” You asked in a mocking tone, sticking out your stuck your bottom lip out in a pout to taunt him even further.
Suddenly your front was pressed up against his back— your attention had been else where. Else where being reaching the goal of getting on his last nerve so when a husky voice whispered in your ear, you were shocked.
“Oh don’t act like I haven’t made you cry before.” He turned you back around swiftly, the only thing indicating what had just happened being the proud smirk on his face.
“Says you. Weren’t you the one who cried over a guy asking me out in fifth year?” You challenged, bringing up the incident that happened two years ago.
He hadn’t cried but he might as well have and you just needed something to tick him off for the moment. Whatever he had just did caused something to happened within you, and you weren’t sure if you liked it or not yet.
It was a situation that the blonde deeply wanted to regret—George Weasley asking you out. You and Draco had been finishing up on your work in the courtyard when he had invited himself to sit in between you and Draco and then proceeded to ask you out on a date.
Draco hadn't given you the chance to answer, a new found jealously fueling him to gather both of your things and drag you away from the scene.
He knew the chances were slim that you would reject the boy, and deep down tucked inside of him, Draco knew that the Weasleys were better than him— in some aspects.
Over the years Draco had found himself growing into a separate person from his parents, a person who had could think on their own and didn’t have to rely solely on his parents' truths.
And through that process, he realized that maybe his ideals were not the best out there. Including the way he treated many of his pears even if he was too proud to say it out loud.
That being said, he always stayed up wondering while you stayed. Why’d you even stick with him in the first place. And that’s what Brough him to find out his second greatest fear, loosing you.
Yes, you were insufferable at times, but you were still you. Someone that he liked having around and talking too. And someone that listened to him even if it was something as stupid as why gingers exist and why they shouldn't.
Yes that was an actual conversation that you had. In conclusion, you were a person he loved. But he never did think to tell you that because, why risk losing you over something that was most likely unrequited.
“I was protecting your future y/n. Would you like for your children to come out as gingers,” he spat as if what he had just made complete sense.
“Draco I was fifteen and he was sixteen at the time and we barely ever talked before that because you were always bad-mouthing his family.”
Now that you think of it, he had always been this way about you and boys. It was an ongoing thing where it didn't matter what blood type, what house, which people they associated themselves with, they were always ‘below you and you could find better’.
“Why do you always meddle in my relationships?” You were irritated. Maybe it was the close proximity of your bodies or maybe it was how oblivious he was.
“Meddle? You’ve never even been in a relationship,” he snorted making your point clearer than day.
“Exactly. Why are you so jealous of me wanting to break out of whatever shell we have enclosed over each other? What if I want to branch out and you know, talk to new people?”
It didn’t hurt that you considered him to be somewhat of an enemy, it was your thing—but you didn’t even consider him to be a friend?
“Alright then when about Pansy? I tried to break out of our ‘shell’ as you call it when I started talking to her.”
“Parkinson was not good for you then and now even more. We both know that.”
You weren’t a person who used the word hate. In most times it was used out of anger and would be regretted later on. But Pansy Parkinson? She was very deserving of the title of someone that you hated.
Commenting on someone else’s hair when she had been walking around with a bowl cut for the last last five years? It didn’t make sense to you how she always found a way to put her input in places where it truly wasn’t needed.
“Yeah alright. Then who is good enough for me y/n?”
“Oh I don’t know me,” you mumbled under your breath not expecting him to hear it— but he did.
That’s how you found yourself once again getting dragged away. But this time it was form the great hall to a more private place where none of the ears of Hogwarts could hear you both.
“What do you mean you’re good enough for me?” He asked with more disgust in his tone than wanted, and it crushed you.
You scoffed before going on, “Well I’ve known you since we were in diapers. Would it be so horrible to consider me good enough for you?” You asked watching as some emotion flickered past his eyes.
“I mean I know so many dumb things about you like how you hate the feeling of those sweaters that your mother always buys you and you turn them inside out. And then when she ask if you're wearing them you aren't lying to her face. Do you know how cute that is, that you don’t even harbor the ability to lie to your mum about something as small as that?”
“And don’t get me started on how your favorite food is not that ridiculously priced stake that you try convincing people- even me. I know that it’s that tomato soup that your mum makes when you’re sick because it reminds you of being a kid. And guess what? I don’t even let the house elves make it for you when I say that they do—”
“Then who does y/n?” He asked softly while slowly bringing you to be trapped between his arms by one of the thick walls. He always had the suspicion be never thought you’d actually—
“Well I uh- I do it myself because I want it to have the same feeling of home as it always does and I sort of asked your mum the exact details on how to cook it like she does,” you explained peering up to look into his eyes.
“You hate the smell of tomatoes,” he said with a light laugh, it wasn’t out of amusement but pure adoration. Never did he think that you’d actually do that for him— of course, you were there when he was sick but it was more of making fun of his ‘weak immune system’ and throwing tissues at him.
“Well I love you more and don’t pretend like you don’t slip those house elves thank you letter—” You were once again cut off but instead it was by his hand reaching the side of your jaw to look up at him fully.
“Repeat that,” he whispered with a small smirk.
oh no
Tears started to cloud your vision, the realization hitting that you had may just ruin your relationship with your childhood- enemy- friend- frenemy?
“Don’t cry I’m not- I’m not mad at you. I’m happy, unbelievably so. I just need you to repeat exactly what you just said to me,” he said moving both hands to cup your face giving his thumbs access to wipe the liquid from under your eyes.
“I love you Draco and I’m sorry that I ruined this. We could honestly just forget it if you’d like.”
“I don’t want to forget anything. Would it be a surprise if I told you that I loved you back and that I have for a long time?”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. Was he serious, or was this some sort of sick joke?
Noticing the worries floating around in your head, he gave you a look, one that wordlessly asked that if the next move he was going to make was the right one and that you would both be fine after.
And it was
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Love Never Wins
Summary: Words will be said but do you really think either one of you mean them. Sometimes actions speak louder.
Warnings: slight angst
Characters: Loki, Thor, Y/n, Clint, avengers in the background here and there
Loki x you, Thor x you (platonic), Clint x you (brother,sister)
ANNOUNCEMENT: Not going to lie. This was going to be a simple short sweet straight to the point drabble but it turned into such a looooong one shot (i guess) I was in a good head space wgile writing this and just couldnt stop really. But it is something that I am very proud of.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: I've had to make this a simple 2 part. I got way to carried away with everything in it!
Loki Masterlist
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"What's going on with you?" You yelled as you grabbed Loki by the arm pulling him away from the girl who was obviously flirting with him and he with her.
"What are you talking about? We were talking." He yelled back.
"You were flirting Loki in front of everyone! Openly! Don't play me for the fool you think I am. You've been off lately. Not around as much, zoning out when we finally have some time together. If there's something you want to say tell me now." You felt the tears rush to your eyes. You had seen all the signs, hell you were an expert at the signs. Multiple boyfriends had given you the signs before but for some reason you though that maybe, just maybe, he was diffrent.
"I just feel like we've grown apart in the last few months y/n. I don't think I can do this anymore." he said simply.
"You said I brought out the best side of you, that I was the love of your life." You said tears streaming down your face now, to hell with the makeup you was wearing you wasn't going back to the party anyways.
"You're not." He stated simply clenching his jaw.
"Ok fine. It's not the first time I've been broken up with. Just the first time that I had ever put so much into someone that I truly did see a future with just to have my heart completely ripped out in front of me. You got me good this time trickster. Don't think I'll be able to fully recover from this one." You spat back at him before turning to head up stairs to your room that the two of you had shared for so long.
Luckily Tony hadn't done anything to the room you had once occupied on a lower level of the tower so you easily moved all of your clothing back into there in a matter of no time. You weren't use to the feeling of being alone but thats all you wanted right now for the rest of your life. The god of tricks had ruined other men for you, he had once shown you love like you had never felt, and now your heart broke like it had never broke before.
"Hey sis, noticed you weren't- oh god what did he do?" Clint asked walking into your room. "Knew something was up. I could feel it."
"Hawk stop with the twin shit, its creepy." You huffed whipping your eyes on the back your long sleeve hoodie.
"What happened? All I know is you two disappeared, he came back, you didn't, and he said I should probably find you in your old room." He sat down next to you.
"We broke up. Easy as that. Ya know I never understood why they say not to date your co workers till today." You shrugged turning to him. "When we first got together you hated it-"
"To be fair he did brainwash me."
"I didn't say you didn't have a right. We kept it from you for a while though. But we hadn't been together long, Hawk, I thought he was diffrent from any man I ever dated-"
"Well he is a god, kinda different."
"Would you shut up so I can vent just for a little bit then you can go back to the party."
"Na, parties lame anyways, I was thinking about hanging out here for a little bit." He said kicking his shoes off and proping his feet on the coffee table throwing his arms across the back of the couch.
"Whatever," you rolled your eyes as you snuggled into your brother. "He was so kind, gentle, he was paciant with me. He knew that me and you were close and he didnt wamt to get in the way of that. He wanted us to be closer than he and Thor was. I think it helped him realize just how important family is when you only have each other. We kept it a secret for so long though." You pulled the hood up closer to your face. You didn't want to admit to yourself but you had kept the jacket because it still smelled like him.
"Nat seen the two of you making out in the hall weeks before you told anyone by the way." He laughed pulling you closer to him. " I didnt say anything though because I knew you would tell me when you were comfortable with it."
"I love him so much and he played me. Completely tricked me into these feelings that I dont think will ever change." You sobbed wrapping your arms around his waist, he through his arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer.
"Hes a dick with a god complex. Hes not good enough for you at all. Coming from a brother, a twin brothers point of view, I think you could do better. All is fair in love and war, but dont put it past me to be a little rougher on him during training, and I wont point anything out if you happen to let some bad guy kill him on the field." He said kissing the top of your head.
"Hawk, you know I'm not like that. I habe a reputation to up hold." You said slapping his arm before pulling away. "If you wanna stay theres still some of your sweats that I stole in the bedroom and ice cream in the freezer, but your sleeping on the couch. Its been since we were kids that we shared a bed but I bet you still kick."
A few weeks had passed since you and Loki had called it quites. You had been mainly staying in your room trying not to cause any uncomfortable silence if you and Loki wede in the same room. On one occasion when you had ventured out to the living room you seen Loki holding an icepack to his eye and a busted lip, your first instinct was to rush over and make sure he was ok but instead you turned and took a seat between Thor and Clint.
"Lady Y/n, as always your peresnts lights up the room. We just havent been seeing much of it as of late." Thor greeted you with a warm smile throwing his huge arm ober your shoulder, making you look smaller than you already was.
"No more gods." Clint mumbled beside you.
"Thor is just a friend. One of the best I have." You laughed. "What happened?" Nodding toward Loki.
"Payback." He shrugged.
"Ah yes, it turns out Loki is not very good at hand to hand combat unles he is able to use his magic." Thor laughed. "I always tried to get him to train with me but he never did, turns out he probably should have."
"Oh for god sakes I'm right here and you three are not really whispering. I shouldn't have to learn hand to hand combat I have my sedair! I'm assuming it was just your brothers idea so that he could get back at me." He yelled.
"And you forget that there could come a time when you might need hand to hand. I told you many times that you needed to train but no mister 'I'm Loki prince of Asguard, burdened with glorious purpose', mister I have my magic. Bullshit. Your just sour because a mear mortal bested you at something. Grow a pair and learn how to actually fight." You jumped up. You had finally snapped. It had been coming tough sitting in you waiting for the right, or wrong, time to show up.
"You watch your tone!" He shouted jumping up. "I know how to fight better than half the people in here." Clint and Thor slowly stood watching the scene in front of them neither one know what to do.
"You know how to use your pixie dust to make things happen! Well guess what tinker bell this aint Neverland. We get in weird predicaments all the time you never know what to expect." You yelled back. "Hell Loki, your probably so bad at hand to hand even I could beat you."
"Oh your on. Training room, 30mins. That is unless your scared?" He said giving you a mischievous smirk.
"Trust and believe I'm not afraid of you by any means. No weponds, no sedair strictly hand to hand." You said turning on your heel to walk to your room to get ready leaving Clint and Thor standing alone in the living room aww struck.
"So what do we do?" Clint finally asked.
"Well of course we have to stop this. It will not end very well." Thor answered.
"So tell the others?"
"Yes you tell the others I will get refreshments for the battle." They took off in seprate directions.
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Toki’s Psychological State Through the Seasons
Toki is by far for me personally the most interesting member of Dethklok; I know to some degree he’s deemed as a potentially over hyped character by fans and even the show itself, but there’s countless reasons why people cling onto that character, and they’re good reasons. Even if said reasons just come down to “I think he’s neat.” that’s valid.
For me I am so fascinated with his character development, personality, and the varied chunks of background information we get about him throughout the series. A big part of this character is that when you look at him in season one compared to season four he is very different or at least he appears to be much different. Season one does establish that Toki does have a childish personality, his bedroom looks more like a room for a kid than one for a guy in his 20s. Season one establishes those basic facts about him that do heavily carry out through the show, but also increase as the show goes on.
Toki goes from immature but not overly immature to....a complete fucking wreck by the finale of season four (before Doomstar) and the reason for it is simple; it’s trauma.
Toki starts to act differently in season one after the Dethfamily episode; he spends practically that entire episode in a catatonic state, his parents always looming nearby like figures of danger and doom. After this we do get to him being bitter about being seen as immature and seen as the kid of the band (despite the fact he was barely 16 when he joined Dethklok) and when a charity informs him that a dying girl wants to meet him he turns into a complete prick. He finally comes out of that when he sees a video the kid made of herself singing a song about death and hatred, with that scene we see a small flashback of Toki’s childhood; him about the little girl’s age standing out in the snow staring up at his parents looking confused and a moment later he’s being smacked across the face. 
We could already gather beforehand when we found out he came from a very devout religious sect outside of Lillehammer that his childhood was sketchy, plus how he locked up when around his parents, but seeing the flashback of him being hit as a little boy.....Answers the obvious question of “did they beat him?”
Season one is the least eventful of the seasons. Season two is when shit begins changing drastically.
Season two Toki receives a call to inform him that his father has cancer and is on his death bed, the family and the church wants him to return to Norway to see his father. He acts completely fine about this initially, the phone conversation and the way he announces his father’s terminal illness to the band is as if somebody just asked to borrow his car. When it gets close to time to actually go and when they are in Norway it’s different though; he becomes anxious and clearly uncomfortable, in Norway he stays in town mostly, stalling around places he went to as a kid and a teenager before he ran off to America. 
He does handle his father’s dying well once he finally convinces himself to go inside his house and see him then follow through with his father’s dying request to carry him up to his old childhood home (which goes wrong because his friend’s are dicks.) 
I am not going to go into personal detail at all and my situation was nothing like Toki’s (it’s incredibly rare to hear situations like that anymore), but Toki handling his father’s passing freakishly well kind of was a red flag for me, because I know from my own experiences that when you find out something complicated like a terminal illness or the death of your abusive parent theres’ a chance you may respond way too calmly to it, and then later down the line days or months or years later something will trigger a big reaction to it. Which is what happens.
After handling his dad’s death well we get the most iconic scene involving Toki at that point and honestly still the most iconic; he beats a man to death with his bare hands. The thing that triggers this is a hallucinated image of a rabbit, an animal he associates both with his father and his childhood, the image of it triggers him to fly into an insanely feral blind rage taking it out on a guy who had been annoying him all night. Toki has always throughout the entire series shown signs of being a tad violent, but never THAT bad. Sure he shot down a plane and had accidentally caused a death or twenty (the whole band is, it’s part of the sacrifices to the Gods deal) but we had never seen him before or after that moment beat somebody to death. That is new and it came from a place of pent up....shit. Shit he never worked through and even after that continued to not work through.
Because after this we lead into him worsening further; he begins drinking. A lot. The band consist of dudes with addiction issues, mainly alcohol, but Toki never seemed to drink quite as much as them until after he went feral on that straight edge guy. 
Toki deals with his childhood trauma in several ways:
He drinks. A lot.
He focuses on fantasy and daydreams to keep himself from focusing on his past.
He spends a lot of time with Dr. Rockso who takes advantage of his kindness often, he also spends gross amounts of money bailing his clown buddy out of jail. Constantly.
He occasionally gets violent, but never to the point of manslaughter.
Seasons three and four are when we get fully introduced to Toki acting like a kid more than a guy in his 20s and it makes sense. Toki didn’t have a childhood; we learn that his parents essentially made him into a slave at a young age having him do pointless “chores” like sweeping snow during a storm, carrying stacks of wood much too heavy for a small child, etc. and when he failed to work quickly enough or failed a task they punished him. They punished him by locking him in a shed, they punished him by chaining him up like an animal, they punished him by smacking him, by beating him with a bull whip, and worst of all (who knew it could get worse) they would force him to stay for long periods of times in a deep hole dug into the ground. A hole where he hid a clown doll made of twigs and straw, the only friend he had as a little kid.
From all that we can gather through the show he didn’t exactly have a social life of any kind until his teens, the older he became the braver I think he became, and that was responded to with worse violence from his parents. I think the statement in season one about a vision of father killing son wasn’t totally off, I think if Toki had never run away from Norway that his father would have murdered him. I think his parents knew somehow that he isn’t entirely human, they knew he was something else, and I do think his parents had plans to kill him before he could become “too powerful”. 
That aside though.....Once we the audience as well as his friends find out far more details about his horrifying childhood Toki changes. A lot. He’d already been immature and a tad bit off but he regresses further after that, more prone to depression and outbursts, clinginess, and a need to feel like he’s loved by pretty much anybody.
This is a dude who is about my age that came to the horrid realization that any person or animal he loves will die because that’s his “gift”, the gift of death. He works his ass off to repress and rationalize a brutally nightmarish childhood, and the guys he’s in a band with who he loves and sees as his family....are dicks. We know that when he joined Dethklok before they got famous that they were all close, but when they began becoming popular and became immensely wealthy the others became more focused on self indulgence and power, less focused on this still a child who desperately just wanted a family.
I think a key factor with Toki being the way he is comes down to the band’s “no caring” rule. A rule that only existed because of Magnus. Toki is the baby in a group of people who have known each other for a good while, people who came to an agreement to not give a shit about each other for a reason they never explained to him because it’s too painful for them to think about. I think he always tried to live by that rule of not caring, he tried to bury all the shit wrong with himself the best that he could but he was never good at it. It’s also clear they all care about each other and they definitely care about Toki; Nathan and Skwisgaar often being the most protective of him. 
In season four aka the season where the show becomes less of a comedy and more of a drama with stunning animation. Toki is immensely more immature and awkward, he’s clingy with the band especially where Skwisgaar is regarded. Near the end of season four he’s completely fucked up; he splits his time between Rockso (his comfort object) and Magnus (a father figure to replace Nathan) in the dinner episode which has so much going on in it. So much. Toki is at his lowest point in the series; he shows up late, drunk as fucking hell, shirtless, and covered in bruises and cuts. Rockso is with him and when Charles tries to tell him Rockso shouldn’t be there Toki goes into a full fucking anxiety attack until Charles tells him it’s fine to have the clown there. Toki’s heavily dependent on Rockso by that point; his found family is quickly falling to shit. God knows what kind of shit Magnus might have been feeding him about the band at that point. 
Toki’s entire thing from day one/the pilot of the series is that he just wants a family. When he feels like he doesn’t belong in the one that he found and was taken in by he searches for family in other places, when he can’t handle the memories of his childhood he spirals hard. I understand that the guys didn’t really know how to handle it after they heard about Toki’s childhood so I can’t fault them completely for just.....shoving him off onto Rockso after that, but I still think they should have tried to be there for him more so, more directly. I think an outlet that isn’t a drug addled clown might have helped him in some way, I think if when he’d been a teenager if one of them had found out about his upbringing and just pointed out “that isn’t okay, at all.” then things might have panned out differently. 
Mental regression isn’t uncommon when it comes down to victims of trauma caused by extreme abuse. Especially considering his trauma all occurred basically from the get go; he was a child slave, the closest I would guess he ever got to having a childhood when he was a kid was seeing other kids childhoods. Going into town and seeing kids playing, sneaking into birthday parties just to be around other kids his age, etc. and he definitely was childish as a teenager, but I think he tried to bury that side of himself when his bandmates started teasing him or pointing out how unmetal it all is.....But then a douche bag journalist brought his parents to America, a little girl died, his abusive father died horribly (as he should) in front of him, he beat a man to death (allegedly), etc. 
He spent a lot of years away from all the trauma and the death and the bull shit then suddenly it started piling on top of him again and his escapism was fantasy, clinging onto a junkie clown, partaking in childish hobbies.....because why not? 
Each member of the band suffered some messed up shit when they were kids and it shows in different ways, this is Toki’s way of dealing with it....or not. I’m not entirely sure what his psychological state would be post Doomstar; the way he bounces back from immense trauma makes me think that he would be okay given some time and that’s a safe assumption to make, especially now that his bandmates/family will be there for him the way he needs them to be.
I want to tag @theidiotwiththepaintedface who hopefully will enjoy this painfully long deep dive into a character’s psychology lol.
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ticklefits · 3 years
maybe keith (vld) for the tickling ask meme? :D
character tickling ask meme! | @fandomsnfluff
keith kogane:
on a scale of 1-10, how ticklish are they?
i’d say probably an 8. keith definitely seems like the broody touch-starved type whos actually very sensitive but you wont know until he lets you get close.
where is their most ticklish spot(s)?
neck, lower back, and the just below his ribs. all very specific places that will get you a broken hand if you try to touch there.
which spots are they not ticklish?
sorry folks, keith isn’t all that ticklish on his sides or hips, which are some pretty common places to be sensitive. you might get some giggles if you catch him by surprise and tickle him in those places, but nothing of significance and you bet your ass he’s going to retaliate 
what is their laugh like?
it’s higher in pitch than someone might expect looking at him, but you sort of get it once you hear his voice, cause the man aint all that deep. it’s still cute though, and he gets choked up and wheezes sometimes when he laughs too hard since he hasnt had all that much to laugh about growing up, so its foreign to him ):
do they enjoy tickling? if yes, is it a fun platonic/familial thing, or kinky thing to them, or can it be both depending on the circumstance?
to a degree, yes. it depends on the person, and you’d better be close to him if you’re tickling him, because you can and will get hurt if you arent. if you’re his lover, chances are, it’s gonna be considered both a wholesome, platonic thing and a bedroom thing, dependent on the situation 
are they more often a lee or ler, generally?
i definitely feel like its both, but keith can give off some serious ler energy. remember that scene when allura snapped a spoonful of food goo and got pidge in the face, and not even seconds later, keith growls out a “go loose, pidge!” and flips that shit right back at A PRINCESS? shit gave me chills and yall cant look me in the eyes and tell me that man wouldn’t WRECK YOUR SHIT if he wanted to 
who is someone in their life that they tickle often?
he probably doesn’t initiate tickle fights often because a) he’s very ticklish himself and b) he has a problem with vulnerability. those issues get better though and once keith gets closer to the others, tickle fights deffo become more of a thing and yes, lance is definitely always a consistent target because that boy mouth be runnin marathons. sometimes keith goes after shiro, but mans quickly regrets that one LMAO
who is someone in their life that they get tickled by often?
shiro is a terrifyingly good tickler and adam could attest to that. chris can also attest to that. keith had to deal with some real ticklish nightmares as a kid growing up with shiro, and even after he became an adult and found shiro again, that didn’t stop. lessened a little bit sure, but if shiro needed to make keith feel better or punish him for being the brat he is, he knew what to do
does the word “tickle” or any variation of embarrass them?
if hes the lee in the situation, then yes it does. if hes the ler, then he will absolutely use it against whoever hes tickling and has no problem saying it, hes simply that bitch sometimes
are they embarrassed about their ticklishness, and do they try to deny/hide it?
not so much embarrassed, he just knows that he would be a target for constant tickle attacks if the people around him found out about his ticklish secret. so yes, he does deny it/hide it and will go into fight or flight if you start teasing him about it.
would gentle tickling or rough tickling affect them more?
being a warrior, keith is definitely used to harsher things and with all the training he’s always doing, i wouldn’t be surprised if you needed to dig in there to really get him howling if thats what you want. but i feel like, gentle tickling would not only affect him physically, but also mentally and emotionally, and it would be such a sight seeing him melt like that 
is there a specific spot that they enjoy being tickled, either exclusively or more than other spots? what is it?
if you’re his lover, keith is actually partial to having his lower back tickled. soft, little strokes can be soothing to him and lull him right to sleep. and, on the other side of the coin, full blown tickles on his back just feel good in a different sort of way (:< if you’re just a friend, don’t tickle him -- thats what he prefers LMAO
is there a spot that they can’t stand to be tickled, either because it’s just too sensitive, or it’s uncomfortable/painful/etc? what is it?
his neck is a big no-no unless you are, you guessed it, his lover. it doubles as an erogenous zone and if you tickle him there, as a friend, chances are, hes gonna smack you away and maybe even run
would they ever purposefully bug a friend/partner/sibling into tickling them, and if so, how would they go about it?
nah, he wouldn’t. he’s not big on asking for tickles for himself, even when hes feeling touch-starved; theres nicer, less embarrassing ways to curb that craving for touch, so, the other person would have to decide to tickle him of their own accord
does teasing affect them?
yes, no matter whether hes lee or ler. as a lee, teasing embarrasses him and he acts out because of it, and will definitely become more sensitive because of it. when he’s a ler, good fucking luck to the lee, because his teasing as a ler is so AWFUL. he’s the why are you laughing, im not even doing anything to you type of ler, the oh, not here? how about here type of ler, the mock laughter and pleading type of ler. mans is pure evil when hes a ler and if you’re a cute lee, he gets even WORSE
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reporterleroux · 3 years
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"I miss him, y'know?"
Characters: ig!tommy, ig!tubbo, ig!ranboo (/p, best friends), ig!dream (/p, enemy), ig!awesamdude x ghosthybrid!reader
TW: Murder and it's kinda gory, blood, self isolation
It's always been that little bit tougher for you since Tommy got sent to prison, and the fact that he was sharing a cell with Dream made it way harder than it needed to be. The house you built with him, Tubbo and Ranboo was constantly silent now, the house upon the hill you chose before any chaos begun. The view wasn't the same, it was an old city in ruins. The prison was the only sight out of the main window, so you constantly insisted to the boys the curtain stayed closed. You occasionally attempted to visit Tommy, but Sam would only say no. You always had to leave him a note, a note you would rant on, a note you wouldn't even know he ever got. That's why you never went there anymore, you knew the answer would always be the same, so you just wrote a note and sent it by post, or most the time, the boys would take it down for you. You couldn't even have it within your sights, let alone be there. You had nothing to do now Tommy was gone, nothing but mope around in your room all day, reminiscing on things you used to to together.
Sure, Tommy had been in the prison for a while, but this was the first time you never left the house, let alone your room, in just over a week. You would sit there all day just staring out of your window, which looked over the field you all used to spend your days in, only ever looking away to make some of your now rare appearances to the boys to get food, a drink or to go to the bathroom. The boys had enough, they needed to get you outside, and weren't taking no for an answer. They headed towards your room, Tubbo pushing the door open and leaning in, Ranboo hovering over him as he did so.
Tubbo asked, you turned around, smiling weakly towards them, but also feeling guilty for ditching them for the amount of time you did.
"Do you want to go out for a walk with us? We agreed that you needed it after you've been in the house for over a week."
You looked shocked, unaware of the time you'd been in your room, away from your best friends, time where you haven't sent a single note to Tommy. You broke down there and then.
"Woah, woah, you good?"
Ranboo asked as Tubbo rushed over to hug you. As much as Ranboo wished he could, all he was able to do was use words, as your tears would burn him, which you understood.
"I'm so so so sorry guys, I never realised how much time I isolated myself for. I'm so sorry."
You managed to get out between sobs as Tubbo hugged to tighter, Ranboo still not being able to hug you as well.
"Hey hey calm down, it's ok. You're with us now, and that's all that matters. Now get changed and we'll go out for a walk alright?"
Tubbo said, releasing from the hug and drying your eyes. You nodded as Ranboo came to hug you, now able to do it without burning, before they both left the room. It took a bit longer than usual for you to get ready, but you got ready none the less. You grabbed a few things like your sword and some food before ghosting through your door and meeting the boys at the front of the house, ready to leave. They smiled softly at you before you slipped on your shoes and left with them.
The views and nostalgia wasn't pretty for you, but aslong as you were with your 2 best friends, it didn't matter. You decided to relax for a bit on the bench. Everyone was silent until you sighed.
"I miss him, y'know. Yeah, he's just in prison and stuff, but I still miss him. The house just doesn't feel right without him."
The other boys hummed in agreement, listening to every word you said, as you unconsciously rambled on about Tommy. You sat in silence for a bit after that, you looking over your now destroyed home, but being able to see the ghosts of everything, the complete buildings, the ghosts of your past selves being teenagers and having the time of your lifes. It wasn't long before you felt something on your forearm. You rolled up your sleeve, and threw your hand up towards your mouth on the brim of tears as you read what it said.
"TommyInnit WAS SLAIN BY Dream"
"No, theres- no..."
The boys looked confused, before seeing your forearm.
"That green bastard, I'll punch his teeth in."
You said as you stood up and grabbed your sword.
"Y/N no. He's too strong, he's not worth it."
Ranboo said concerned as he grabbed your wrist to stop you. You pulled it out of his grasp before jumping off the small cliff infront of you, thankfully not taking any damage due to your hybrid abilities. You could hear the boys calling out and running after you, but you didn't stop. You ran as quickly as you could towards the prison, ghosting through the walls before you were met with Sam.
"Oh, Y/N! Are you ok?"
Sam asked. You looked at him deadass in response before showing him your forearm. He stood in shock, but also knew what you were going to do. As you tried to run forward, he grabbed you by your arms, holding you back.
"Sam! Let go of me!"
You shouted angrily at him. When he wouldn't let go, you just ghosted through him and all the security and ran straight through the lava, knowing it wouldn't damage you, before being confronted by the worst scene you could ever imagine. Tommy's dead body, bedding out in the corner, Dream in the opposite corner, knuckled dripping with blood. Tommy's blood.
"You sick son of a bitch! Why did you do that?"
You questioned. Dream just sent you a smirk, before shrugging like nothing ever happened.
"I took your first 2 lives. Im not afraid to take your last."
You said as you shoved him down into the corner he was standing in, tip of your sword right by his heart. You knew enough to know that it would instantly kill him as soon as you out more force on it. Dream still had that smirk on his face.
"Was his fault really. Y'know, he was always just using you three. Never really liked any of you. That what he told me."
You had enough of this. He was trying to be manipulative with you. He knew if you fell for it he could save his own life. That's not what you wanted.
"Come on kid, join me instead, it'll be better for you. No need to say no."
You pretended to think about it for a second, before saying
"Suck it, green boy."
And you put more pressure on your sword, plunging it through him, and kept it there before you felt the similar tingle on your arm.
"DREAM was slain by Y/N"
You pulled the sword out of his chest, and held it by your side, suddenly turning your head towards Tommy's dead body, making sure anyone that walked in could see what you did to Dream, and you were the one who did it. You zoned out, remembering everything Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo did together. Tubbo and Ranboo. How would they feel about what you just did? How about Tommy? You were still zoned out as the lava started dropping down, Sam, Tubbo and Ranboo on the other side. They were all in shock of the scene before them. You were in front of Dreams body, sword dripping with his blood, looking at Tommy.
You snapped back to reality, and whipped your head around. Oh no.
"R-ranboo, Sam, T-tubbo, I'm sorry, I had to, he killed him, I had to."
You stumbles on your sentences, as they all looked at you shocked. Sam was just frozen in place, the 3 of you noticed that, so the boys took the opportunity to reach in, grab you and get out of there. Everything was very different now.
It had been roughly a week since the prison events, and alot of people either hated you, or liked you, there was no inbetween. You thought everyone would leave you, but Ranboo and Tubbo stuck by your side the entire time. You visited Tommy's grave weekly, and left all his possessions alone. That was until the boys went out, and you felt lonely, so you went to go sit in Tommy's room.
There was a ghost of the boy you once we're best friends with, sitting in the bed.
"Tommy? Oh, right, you're Y/N, right? My best friend from when I was alive? Sorry, I go by GhostInnit now."
You didn't care, you were just happy you could see him, and instantly jumped into him for a hug. You didn't know if it was your hybrid abilities that could make you see him, or if he was visible to everyone in general, but that didn't matter. You were just happy he was there.
A/N: podiddlyboingodawidaho
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daddyfordaeddy · 3 years
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Pairing: Jinyoung x gn!Reader Warnings: its smut. its badly written smut. its a handjob. the lightest dom/sub undertones ever because idk how to write that. the reader is the more dominatn one in this situation. theres cursing. light blood but not sexual.
Summary: Jinyoung cuts his hand at work. You lend him yours. I will never not make puns. Genre: Smut Word Count: 2031 This is a request for @crzy-devil​ 
im sorry that the ending isn’t quite what you wanted but i was struggling and didn’t wanst to make you wait any longer. i hope you enjoy it.
You know Jinyoung’s job can be dangerous. All the stunts he has to perform, you worry a little. But he can handle himself most of the time, you try not to worry too much. You trust him enough to tell you if it’s hurting or if he’s stressed. No matter how late he stays filming, you’re always sitting up to wait for him to return to your shared home so you can kiss away all the tiredness in his eyes before the two of you head to bed.
This time, his drama is more action-based than his other ones, and as a result, you start to worry more. Even if he isn’t the lead, he has plenty of screentime, most usually shots of fights. You see behind-the-scenes videos of Jinyoung in action and every day you worry a little more each time. When Jinyoung comes home he tries not to make you worry but he’s naturally vocal about how he feels and so you get a little more insight into his job and how much stress it gives him and you just feel even worse.
When Jinyoung comes home one evening, with a tight smile on his face warning bells ring in your head. “Jinyoungie, hi,” you start carefully, “how was the set today? You get a break this week, right?”
Jinyoung sighs, “Kind of. They cut short the break so I’ll only be here for a four-day weekend.” Your lips purse but you say nothing else. Jinyoung heads straight into the bathroom, knocking into the doorframe once before entering with a short curse and your eyebrows fly into your hairline.
“Love, you good?” you ask, slowly standing and making your way over to the doorframe to peek in. Jinyoung’s head snaps up and he looks at you with a wide-eyed stare, but that’s not where your eyes are trained on. You’re currently looking at his hand, which has a long, deep gash on it, and it’s bleeding rather worryingly. “Jinyoungie, what happened?”
Jinyoung is just looking at you sullenly. “I cut myself on one of the falling lights. The director bumped into it. It’s fine, really.” You level him with a glare as you bend down to get the gauze.
“Honestly, Jinyoung, I worry, you know. Go sit down at the counter and I’l be out soon.” As Jinyoung opens his mouth to complain you tut. “No, don’t argue with me. Go sit.”
Jinyoung sulks, but he understands and lets you fiddle around with the cabinets as he does as you tell him. When you exit the bathroom a few minutes later, you see him idly tracing patterns into the countertop as he has his cut hand wrapped in his shirt to stop the blood from dripping all over the counter. “You didn’t get a damp paper towel?” you admonish him gently as you approach him and take his hand in yours. “Now your shirt will get all bloody. I’ll have to handwash it.”
Jinyoung pouts and you laugh a little at his expression as you dab lightly around the wound with a washcloth. He doesn’t say much, opting to watch you clean up his hand and put some ointment before dressing and wrapping it in gauze. When you finish, you bring his hand up to your mouth and press a quick kiss to the wide palm. “Take care of yourself, you know.”
Jinyoung softly laughs, puckering his lips with a playful whine. You sigh but lean in to kiss him as he wishes. You’re soft for this boy and you know it. When his hands find their way to your waist, you tut and pull away. “I don’t want you reopening the wound or something, Jinyoungie.”
Jinyoug just whines and loops his arms around your waist, letting his head rest on your shoulder. “But babe,” he draws out the vowel, “I’m dying and I’m lonely.” You laugh at his desperation, letting your hands travel up to his chin to tilt it and allow deeper kisses.
“I really don’t think it’s a good idea? It’s not like I think you’ll be unhinged or something, but if your hand is out of commission…”
Jinyoung just presses his face even more into your neck. “Like it when you take care of me, though. I want to be pampered. I’ll even let you call me baby.” Your ears burn bright red at that and your palms get a bit sweaty. Jinyoung giggles at your obvious reaction, pressing a light kiss to your warm skin.
Though your face is red, your grip on his jaw tightens slightly. Jinyoung lets his jaw fall lax at the pressure and the anticipation of what’s to come. You lean in again, pressing a hungrier kiss to his mouth, enjoying his willingness to let you do what you want. Jinyoung’s hands find your hips, digging in his fingers but you pull away at the feeling.
“Baby, you sure?” you ask, trying out the nickname as well, and Jinyoung flushes all the way to his neck. It’s a pretty sight, and you have to refrain from leaning down and marking up the skin. Jinyoung nods, and you raise a single eyebrow. “Words, Jinyoungie.”
“Yes, please, god, please,” Jinyoung finally pleads, teeth finding purchase in your collarbone. “Touch me, please.” You trail your fingers down from his jaw to his shoulders, setting onto his lap. It’s not too comfortable of a seat, you don’t want to make him fall off the barstool, but Jinyoung just laves his tongue across your now bruising marks.
You pull his hands away from your waist, letting his hands curl around the edges of the stool he is on. “Don’t move your hands, all right, Jinyoungie?” The words are a bit heavy coming out of your mouth, but Jinyoung enjoys it, nodding vigorously and gripping the stool until his knuckles are white. “Er...maybe loosen your grip. I don’t want you to stress your wound.”
Jinyoung lets out a short laugh at your words, and your face burns but you power through. When Jinyoung opens his mouth, you press a finger against his lips. “Don’t make a sound unless I ask you, yeah? I want to make this all about you.”
When Jinyoung nods silently, you smile and give him short praise, pressing a kiss to the corner of his jaw. He squirms a little, but with a little warning nip to his neck, he stills as you trail your hands down the broad expanse of his chest to his hips. When your fingers dip into the waistband of his pants, his breath hitches, but you pull your fingers out just as fast. Jinyoung’s lips tighten a bit, willing himself to not make a sound and you giggle brightly. Jinyoung shoots you a glare but when he does, your hand presses into his crotch and instead he lets out a hiss. You settle onto his thighs as your hand creeps back into the waistband of his sweatpants. This time, even if his breath catches, you continue on your descent and slide into his boxers as well.
Jinyoung’s hips kick and you laugh at that, pulling your hands away. “You need to stay still, Jinyoungie. I can’t make you feel good if you don’t let me.” Jinyoung hisses through his teeth, letting his head fall forward onto your shoulder. You can tell he’s not above begging, so you slide off his lap and haul him to his feet.
“(Y/N), please,” Jinyoung begs, “I’m so close.” You laugh again and let his words slide.
“I know, baby, come on, we have lube in the bedroom. I don’t want to chafe your cock, yeah? I want you to feel good.” Jinyoung pouts again but lets you hold his hand and pull him toward the bedroom.
As you rifle through the bedside table for some lube, Jinyoung settles completely on the bed, back against the headboard. When you turn around, he opens his arms up and you sigh a little but settle into his lap again. However, instead of resting your weight fully onto his thighs, you stay on your knees, pulling at the hem of his pants until his hips lift up and he lets you remove his sweats and boxers.
You grab the lube and twist the cap open. It’s just about half empty but it’s all you need anyway. As you drizzle it onto your palm, Jinyoung obediently fists his hands in the sheets after you shoot him a look and a quirk of your lips. His cock is hard, drooling precum out of the tip, and you’ve hardly touched him. You feel a little pride run through your body but try not to get ahead of yourself.
When you finally have a sufficient enough amount of lube on your hand that it drips onto Jinyoung’s thighs, you finally wrap your hand around his length. Jinyoung bites his lip, drawing blood as he tries not to let a sound escape from his lips. You laugh again, leaning forward and pressing your lips against his as you twist your hand slowly, thumbing over the head of his dick. Jinyoung licks against the seam of your lips eagerly, as if trying to distract himself from the cries in his throat.
When you squeeze just right, in that way you know Jinyoung would die for, Jinyoung can’t help but moan into your mouth, and you laugh right back. You don’t cease your stroking of his cock nor do you speed up, letting Jinyoung whine and wriggle just a tad before you nip at his lips and whisper a warning, “stay still, baby.”
Jinyoung looks like he might cry if you drag this out any further, and so you take pity and sit back on his thighs again, working his dick with more fervour and watching Jinyoung throw his head back and shudder. His dick twitches violently when you rub your lube covers thumb along the veins and you smile at the sight. “Are you close?” It’s a rhetorical question, you’ve known Jinyoung long enough to know when he wants to come, but he lets a moan rip out of his throat and whines a yes anyway.
You laugh, letting your hands come down to fondle his balls. “You can come, baby.” Jinyoung’s back arches as he whines. When he lands back down on the bed with a thump, his cock finally shoots ropes of cum onto his chest and it dribbles down to your hands as well. You continue to stroke him through it, up until he whines from the overstimulation.
You wait until he finally relaxes and looks at you with tired eyes when your hand drags up his stomach, gathering the cum pooling. His eyes widen when you bring your hand up to your mouth and lick the excess off. He can only let out another breathy groan, finally letting his hands come up from the bedsheets and he makes grabby hands at you.
You laugh open-mouthed again, falling into his arms and peering up at him as he smiles back and brushes some hair out of your face. “Love you,” he whispers as he leans down to pepper kisses all over your face.
“I love you too, baby,” you giggle, capturing his face with your hands and pressing a long kiss to his lips. He doesn’t mind the taste of himself on you, just licking into your mouth and pulling you impossibly closer with an arm around your waist. “Hey, quick question.”
Jinyoung raises an eyebrow. “You just jacked me off and you want to ask me a question? What is it?”
“What’s the director’s number? I might have to have a few words with him on the matter.” Jinyoung snorts, his hands cupping your ace and stroking your cheeks with his thumbs. You pout. “He messed up my boyfriend’s hand because of his fucking incompetence. I wanna sue him, Jinyoungie.”
Jinyoung just leans down to give you another kiss and you willingly return it. “I love that you’re caring baby, but don’t worry about it. I’ll deal with it, yeah?” You just pout again and Jinyoung spends the rest of the day kissing it away.
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