#therefore consuming more sodium will get our blood pressure closer to the healthy level
sprout-senior · 6 months
having pots is so funny bc i will put a full teaspoon and a half of salt on One(1) egg and not think it’s over salted
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What Will Happen If You Start Eating 2 Dates Every Day for a Week
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it's two dates every day for a week see what happens to your skin let's be honest dates don't usually pop up in our brain whenever we think about healthy foods and that's a real bummer since this fruit has tons of undeniable advantages for our health so what would happen if you ate them daily contains really change your looks if so before you get the answers to all these questions make sure you hit subscribe and ring this little notification bell to join us on the bright side of life number one you'll have more energy keeping your energy high is a big problem nowadays with constant stress and brain work we often feel tired by noon but if you want to keep your energy up throughout the day and be just as productive in the evening as you are in the afternoon simply incorporate dates into your meals this fruit is very high in natural sugars such as glucose fructose and sucrose and they can give you a necessary energy boost a study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and nutrition found that chewing a few dates when you're exhausted raises your energy levels immediately now you can use this little trick whenever you feel especially worn out number two your cholesterol level will decrease even though dates are quite sweet they're very low in fat and completely free from cholesterol they're basically the best diet food you can find regular consumption of dates will balance out your cholesterol level thus assisting your weight loss but high cholesterol isn't just bad for your figure it can also increase your chances of developing heart disease or having a stroke by eating just two dates a day you're not only looking after your physique but also protecting your body from the inside number three your digestive system will work more effectively the digestive system is one of the most important parts of our body and it can make or break our health looks and overall condition if your digestion seems to have a bit of a problem dates will solve it in a minute dates contain soluble fiber which is exceptionally good at regulating digestion and helping with constipation specialists advise soaking a few dates in water for a night and then having them in the morning for breakfast this will increase their natural abilities even more and help your digestive system work better number 4 your blood pressure will be balanced high blood pressure is often the consequence of the excessive sodium or salt that we consume with our meals but dates are not like other foods you know they contain barely any sodium instead they're packed with potassium which promotes sodium excretion and that's exactly why they are so good at regulating your blood pressure so if you're struggling with this problem and want to find a more natural solution you should definitely take a closer look at this fruit number 5 your vision will improve it's almost impossible to find someone with perfect vision computers phone screens work studying this all contributes to the health of our eyes luckily there are a couple of natural and healthy products that can help you out and dates are one of them this fruit contains an impressive amount of vitamin A which gives your eyes an appropriate dose of nutrients and consequently strengthens your vision so whether it's one of your biggest problems or it's tolerable and not that big of a deal dates will certainly make your current I situation much better number six your bones will be stronger it's no secret that the older we get the more fragile our bones become and all these changes don't end well for our body causing extreme pain bone deformities and many other unpleasant things however dates can turn things around here as well this fruit is loaded with crucial elements like phosphorus potassium calcium and magnesium which are well known for their abilities to prevent bone related conditions including osteoporosis so if you want to give your bones an additional treat dates will do the trick number seven you'll have a stronger immune system apart from all the beneficial vitamins and nutrients dates contain they're also rich in the antioxidants that protect your cells from free radicals and therefore prevent tons of diseases and harmful reactions happening in your body dates superhero team consists of three crucial antioxidants flavonoids carotenoids and phenolic acid flavonoids are irreplaceable when it comes to reducing inflammation furthermore a study conducted by suez canal university in egypt prove that the flavonoids and dates help to prevent cancer and diabetes carotenoids focus on your heart's work and help to maintain its health and phenolic acid is the best at lowering your risk of cancer so as you can see dates can provide complex protection for your body in a heartbeat number eight your brain will work better who doesn't want a little brain boost right especially in the morning when you've just woken out from hours of rest well believe it or not but adding dates to your diet can really make a difference dates contain a dose of powerful antioxidants that can significantly improve brain function an animal study conducted by Australian scientists showed that consuming dates promotes better memory and learning abilities just two dates in the morning will help you kick start your day and fuel your brain number nine your metabolism will increase dates contain the full complex of B vitamins along with vitamin K riboflavin niacin and many other useful nutrients and minerals all these components provide great help in increasing the metabolic rate of your body as a result you burn way more calories than ever before plus since this is a completely natural method you don't have to worry about the return of those lost pounds dates will help your body find balance with its new weight and maintain it of course this trick won't work if you're planning to eat tons of junk food and sugary meals along with dates the healthier your lifestyle is the more noticeable results and dates will give you number 10 your skin will look amazing everybody wants to have perfect and spotless skin unfortunately it's easier said than done the condition of our skin is affected by many factors and our diet is probably the most powerful of them all and that's when dates come in very handy with their large supply of vitamins and minerals for example vitamin C improves your skin's elasticity while vitamin D works wonders for making it smooth moreover dates prevent the accumulation of melanin in your body reducing aging signs and helping with oily skin and just like that the regular consumption of dates can make your skin look fresh clear and gorgeous if you want to add dates to your diet you have to follow a couple of simple rules first and foremost dates are kind of high in sugar and calories so you should always eat them in moderation two dates a day is more than enough to get all the health benefits your body needs plus there are tons of ways you can incorporate this food into your meals from using it as an appetizer to consuming it as an in-between meal snack if you want to increase dates abilities make sure you add more fruits like apples bananas and pears to your menu dates can't do all the work for you so as long as you stay away from stress triggers try to stick to a healthier diet and move more they'll double all the results of your hard work would you like to make dates a part of your daily menu tell us in the comment section below Read the full article
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