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jacobwren · 2 years ago
Theredone - Feed Me With Illusion
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quills-oc-blog · 9 months ago
grottoport tumblr be like ( @fake-post-archive )
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why do they call it a D: drive?
because you see how much space is left and you go "D:"!
that's so funny darling! when was the last time you slept?
🔥 robotsarecool
im CREATING my love <3
i hate this fucking family
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🥀 torturedsoul
guys how do i ask out a girl without killing her. asking for a friend
🐶 thesugarrrrr
🥀 torturedsoul
shut the fUCKUP
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🪽 greenhairandpronouns
whoever the anon is that keeps calling me the chosen one. what does that mean
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
divine intervention
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🐟 kami-means-god
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
kami where the fuck are you
��� kami-means-god
ocean :)
🕊️ wheelofrebirth
⚡ humanityspatrondeity
🐟 kami-means-god
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💜 boykisser
gee i sure hope my family doesn't find my tumblr account dedicated to kissing boys ;)
🩷 thepinkone
❤️ theredone
💙 theblueone
💛 theblueone
💜 boykisser
what the FUCK
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🐯 dommedykke
guy who only lifts weights: trainsgender...? yeah, i train... heh...
🪽 greenhairandpronouns
cas stop vauging your brother
🐯 dommedykke
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🏋️‍♂️ gymbrosofficial
something just happened
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❄️ girlbosswilliamafton
😈 theexecutivee
hey what the fuck
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overcaffeinated-paranoia · 1 year ago
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Hey there
Done on stream yesterday. :3 https://www.twitch.tv/overcaffeinatedparanoia
Posted using PostyBirb
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arcpaladin-jaune · 6 years ago
"Hello, Jaune did you know it was sinday~?"
“Uh y-yes..” he started to blush
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sunshiroutes · 5 years ago
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The Stunning Heritage City, Granada..!! This sprawling hilltop fortress complex encompasses royal palaces, serene patios, and reflecting pools from the Nasrid dynasty, as well as the fountains and orchards of the Generalife gardens. #granada #theredone #a #spain #españa #español #espa #traveltrip #granadaspain #architecture #travelphotography #heritage #coupleswhotravel #instagood #instatraveling #instatravel #travelstagram #world #traveltheworld #traveleurope #traveltrip #photooftheday #photography #blogger #travelblogger #travelcouple #indiantravelblogger #andalusia #travelaroundtheworld (at Granada, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAikvsYjGh7/?igshid=1nl4h27ve2n5q
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momentumshot · 5 years ago
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By @balancoir_rouge 📸 #nikoncanada_ #nikonca #nikon_canada #carlovers #carowner #mazda3 #mazdalover #mazdaowner #tuning #transformed #theredone #theredcar #redcar #bay #ouvriersdelaruche (à Kahnawake, Quebec) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4z3cxEFVf7/?igshid=12grhht6hpik
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leoniesbeautybox · 6 years ago
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❤️Santa Woman is coming to Town❤️🎄🥰 ich wünsche Euch einen schönen weihnachtlichen Freitag Abend... #weekend #christmas #red #hallhuber #theredone #ootdfashion #blogger_de #everydaymadewell #fashioninsta #fashiondaily #fashionaddict #fashiongoals #fashionkilla #styled #styleguide #highendfashion #streetstyle (hier: Darmstadt, Hessen) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrYH916gTFo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1ntdf6v4hbj49
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creamfame · 8 years ago
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noromannet-blog · 5 years ago
Tips for visiting Las Coloradas, the beautiful pink lakes of Mexico
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Mexico hides hundreds of paradises, one of them is this striking destination is located on the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula, with the name of Las Coloradas this is a magical place full of color.
Its dazzling pink lakes are the biggest attraction of its population. Would you like to know some important things if you are thinking about your visit to this amazing place? Then you have to read the full article!
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It is located just 3 hours from Merida, it is a really magical place that is worth visiting and we are going to tell you a little more about this beautiful pink lake... Did you know that this pink effect is due to a large number of salts and bacteria that have water? Amazing!!
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Previously it was allowed to bathe in them, take photos and even put inflatables into the lagoon, many tourists have been able to enjoy it. But a few years ago it belongs to a private company and since then it is forbidden to touch the water since a factory transformed the lagoons into salt mines and the salt that is taken out of here is commercialized.
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However they reached an agreement and boat tours are offered to visit them and admire their beauty, you can not touch the water because they avoid contaminating it, and if they get to touch it and some superior sees them, they can sanction the guide in charge by suspending they're I work for days, we don't want to harm anyone or that, so let's try to follow the steps if we do this excursion. This area is home to many species of animals, highlights the amount of beautiful and pink Flamingos, which if it is season on the tour they hire they may be taken to see them, these animals are usually passing through so that you can see On many dates throughout the year, however, the best times to see them are in April, May, and June, where up to 50 thousand copies come together in this region.
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It is undoubtedly a place to take incredible photos, with pink tones and beautiful mirages. A landscape that attracts many tourists and that we recommend we go in season of the salt mines, as there are times in the year that take away the salt to market it.  The best time to go is in March and between July and August, in order to observe this phenomenon. If you decide to go in other months it is likely that instead of being surprised by the pink water, you will be disappointed since in other months the Water is a greenish color.  Read the full article
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444names · 2 years ago
american cities + greek islands
Abeata Agonis Alantord Alton Amilos Amisi Amvon Anceauge Ancitholul Andas Andes Andia Andologin Andos Andra Androi Anfra Angtoko Anioti Anisi Anisos Antale Antia Antikos Antsos Anysania Aravasi Aretros Arina Aringe Arksvia Arlanco Arlinna Arloniss Armareend Arntsville Arvilledos Ashalenne Ashiago Asidge Askyraki Astonisia Atempas Aterque Atheste Atiamos Atrovrown Atzedo Audalkos Audelk Augri Aumon Aumos Aurlora Avanchale Badiaeia Banouri Bayton Beapla Bilinni Borna Borpitork Brisi Burfreia Burifos Burocktord Buros Bussa Bussove Cagoululi Camarlos Camoresti Capomfones Caridge Casco Cepiga Chale Charow Chend Chene Chesi Chingyli Chirial Chirvich Chlakri Chlourgh Chmoni Chriampado Citimidla Clafoti Clemeza Clerios Clokisio Clothou Colia Colinos Colowns Coras Corinapon Cortway Dalio Dallydros Dalos Dillton Dones Durlaverin Edeste Elaza Elembato Elginey Elles Elotins Erisi Ersand Esbayner Eubbora Euguste Faines Faios Falega Falemptos Falings Fality Falos Farana Faria Farvasa Farwalo Forton Fotter Freend Fresnos Fridsous Frifonolos Fulleia Garee Garineaki Ginney Girgo Grastmonix Gravgo Grempeta Greteldes Gretsomes Gretta Grinews Griver Groula Gyleris Gylever Gylifno Gylisi Hadokon Haros Hensboi Hillaxim Hithacle Homegos Homos Hulls Hunna Ikephoisi Ikonvia Ingarmada Ingbeakioi Ingfia Ingfietsos Inisi Iopoli Irivallond Irvissans Jachos Jacucsos Jeroi Jerson Kades Kakros Kalada Kaloves Kampalk Kanda Kantalley Karalley Karkonood Karley Kaskalowes Kasta Kathon Kating Kavdoklan Kavdon Kavgo Kavgos Kepoll Kerelim Keretter Kidend Kimobeacre Kimothri Kinolu Kioney Klafos Koina Kolia Kollexa Kopourgo Koudaskli Kouffalki Kourle Koutinos Krasi Krifonisia Krock Kyneia Kyriage Kyrintis Kyropoli Kythch Kytho Laforda Laigh Landra Lansido Lastonatho Latallera Lavele Laverse Leigh Lejoln Lemezafie Lempron Lemptos Lenis Leris Levythland Lexim Lexinores Lonisi Loulaza Louls Madenews Madialides Maiamos Maker Makille Makoustaco Makra Makro Mandrasos Marack Marafon Mareentan Marin Markouss Marlami Marlonk Marmandros Mathens Mcagina Mckfon Mcksomonti Mcksona Mcksos Mcktoursi Mecoria Migomykon Mikopem Mille Minisi Molidersi Monis Moussonis Murbayetta Murls Muros Murronisi Nesborfu Newood Nider Nidgendysi Nischoi Nises Nisia Nissa Nissasia Nolula Oakeesboi Oakrove Ockfos Oisvilia Olovia Omvis Onveno Orthina Otine Ottelos Palafolos Palans Paleenasos Palles Palls Palto Panistio Papetsos Papornad Pateld Patera Patina Pattle Peacranti Pecor Pecorthris Pekhoendie Pelle Peneworgon Penter Pette Phampalexi Phinisi Phity Pides Pieta Pinoussa Pipas Pisialydo Pissa Poluboi Pomada Porfres Pothenor Pouden Poutromega Prader Pragosa Prifonos Prono Psali Psandeski Psandios Psanteros Psarksve Pseacha Pseron Psylevelas Psyllevue Psymiganta Psythenes Pueraliand Ragrella Redelonos Reendpri Reenvido Resbor Retalydro Rhalon Rharos Rhichragos Rhiste Riana Rikole Ristonk Ronisi Roville Rovous Saioutros Salamvolle Salki Samada Samairva Sananta Sande Sanos Santa Santia Santio Sapencorpa Saper Sarda Sarley Sarlsal Sarmada Sashity Scharvilo Scher Schizouri Schos Scords Sesch Sidascity Skanfra Skarmake Skathrina Skavalos Skinis Sousteria Speri Spetrisi Spettolo Spros Stonkena Stpalls Stragos Strosfia Sundes Sunne Surros Syranou Syrovadio Thargounta Theredon Therson Thomyth Thria Tikewyont Tischon Tisia Toutisi Trakina Trockfos Trokouss Tsboea Tsonvelos Tsosa Tsvides Tuces Tulairvi Tulakity Tulon Typallos Valber Valerds Valos Vantale Vatza Vilos Vouxfalos Warda Wesafonisi Wesbori Westy Wichuno Wicton Winga Yonisi
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stellaruniversestaff · 4 years ago
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Segredos no Escuro — Design por: @csomicpony
Fanfic by: @/TheRedOne, em caso de inspiração credite a design. ✩
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arcpaladin-jaune · 6 years ago
Jaune was really trying not to panic right now, and was a bit surprised that she’d stopped. When she asked that question through that was a surprise, he was definitely feeling bigger somewhere right now but he doubted Pyrrha would want to hear that.
“Um n-no not really Pyrrha.” He gulped really trying to ignore how tight his pants really were, and how nice Pyrrha’s bosom was... No bad Jaune don’t think like that, she’s your best friend.
"Pocket Friend, Jaune!"
“Pyrrha help!” Jaune was jumping around and screaming for help as he was now the size of an action figure, and he didn’t like it!
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maimeronaifu · 5 years ago
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sunshiroutes · 5 years ago
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Arch in Paradise..!! #alhambra #granada #theredone #a #spain #españa #español #espa #traveltrip #granadaspain #alhambrapalace #architecture #travelphotography #sunshiroutes #coupleswhotravel #instagood #instatraveling #instatravel #travelstagram #world #traveltheworld #traveleurope #traveltrip #photooftheday #photography #blogger #travelblogger #travelcouple #indiantravelblogger #andalusia (at Alhambra-Granada) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAiedvaDe4h/?igshid=1wdwsxbl1piwr
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momentumshot · 5 years ago
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By @balancoir_rouge 📸 #nikoncanada_ #nikonca #nikon_canada #carlovers #carowner #mazda #mazda3 #mazdalover #thered #theredone #redcars #mazdachampion #mazdaowner #carpictures #ouvriersdelaruche (à Kanhawake) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xN4ExlFQF/?igshid=1j381dxsgvabs
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unhingedsea · 4 years ago
Iris is gonna give a present. Oh look it’s a bunch of dead fish.
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You have done well.
You have done superb.
You have done excellently.
You have.
YoU hAvE.
yoU HAvEeEeEe
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For your gift, you are given some nice head pats to the head. Those who follow the Red are deemed to receive kindness from the witch of Red. UNLIKE THE NONBELIEVERS!!!!
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