#there's so much to their story yet to be shared to tumblr XD
twstfanblog · 2 months
Honestly, I just love to hear you rant!!! My request is any au you choose, with Crewel, Rook, and Vil, together or separate, your choice!!! I think your rants are super sweet and sound so much like my own to my friends!!! It kinda makes me think of when I spent 30 minutes trying to find out how much a pint of ale cost in 1843 England for one sentence in something I was writing! 😅 Too bad I'm already following you, because I would totally follow you again! Can't send the Tumblr gift thingies though, because screw American capitalism.
(That price of ale thing is literally how deep I get into world building if Im not careful XD Most days I just go, IT'S FINE YOU DON'T KNOW JUST KEEP WRITING)
Hmmmm... I've written about them all a lot in most of my AU's, honestly. I dont have anything really rant worthy left to say about...I literally had a whole hour to think about it, so instead, I'm just gonna drop another AU so I can get you something new about them. My Manhwa AU is pretty self-serving, but it's got plenty of Vil, Rook, and Crewel sprinkled in.
Basic idea of the AU is that 'Villainess' type story. Yuu was seen as a villain in the original timeline, only to die and come back in time to when she was a child with her full memories. She vows to change her ways and not die in such a way again.
Crewel and Crowley are Yuu's birth parents (Because my AU's are just the same universes in different settings-oop) Crewel married Crowley 100% for the money and power since Crowley was an arch duke. You couldn't call it a marriage of convenience hard enough. But of course, Crewel had to have a puppy to fufill his duty. Crewel will openingly treat Crowley like the bumbling man he pretends to be, but he is an adoring yet stern father to his precious puppy. So you can imagine when she wakes up one day and doesn't act like herself at all. He's so concerned about her...
Vil isn't nobility, but he and his father are both rich and popular enough to buy a title. Both actors, Vil leaves for the performance to the point he was called a succubus by one of his cast stars (teenagers acting so good one falls in love but the other is like 'dude we were acting, calm down'). Vil holds onto his issues with always being casted as a villain but he holds it in much better because hes just happy that he's well liked enough to always perform. As he gets older in this AU he starts to really show his support for the arts and all who create it. He's even started looking for investors to help him fund an acting school.
Rook is a noble man, lover of the odd and offbeat art, no one but his family really accepted his art. But he tried and he shared it with everyone he could. Vil saw it during an artshow and kinda tore it apart publicly by going on and on about how disturbed it made him feel. The current brownnoser tried to 'agree' saying it was bad art.
Vil: There's no such thing as "bad art", you toad. I said it disturbed me, I find it grotesque is a very...eyecatching way. It's not bad because it made me feel something.
So Rook falls in love instantly and basically hunts this mean beauty.
They end up working well together because Vil has FINALLY found someone willing to write him in a hero role and PROPERLY CRITIQUE THINGS WITH. They discus art and what makes something 'moving' vs 'shock value'. They fall in love hard for each other to the point Vil accepted Rook's proposal and is already 60% planned through their wedding. Only to realize he never told anyone when his dad asked if he was open to seeing anyone because he's been told many a young man and lady would like to court him.
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zarvasace · 5 months
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The last, and probably my current favorites of the bunch: Prince and Mirage, dark Warriors and dark Legend! I keep trying to put the images side-by-side so they don't take up as much room but Tumblr HATES that. Sorry.
My document with all these boys' descriptions on it is over 7k words. Holy heck. Hope you like them. XD Masterpost
More information and art beneath the cut yayyy
Prince is dark Warriors. 
Cia gave Warriors a lot of unwanted attention, which he spurned. Prince, on the other hand, wouldn't just accept the attention, but would have welcomed it. He wasn't entirely autonomous when he was summoned, but he remembers everything. He knows that he never wants to not be in control of himself ever again.
Instead of championing freedom, however, Prince makes a point of controlling others. If he controls them, they can't control him. Shackle is similar, but they have different methods. While Shackle prefers physical subjugation to be sure they're in his power, Prince uses manipulation. He pretends to be your friend, all the while gaining your trust. His job is made all the easier by his own special talent: Charm. 
Prince’s Charm is a supernatural ability to influence people. Where Madness takes over bodies, Prince sways the mind. His Charm is something he can turn on and off at will, at different intensities. It doesn't work well on any being with too much light, but it does work on criminals or people with guilt and secrets. The other Darks are susceptible to it, though after… an incident… Prince doesn't do it to them. Usually. 
It works like this: Prince identifies his target, which can be an individual or an entire crowd. He turns his Charm on intentionally, and depending on how hard he pushes, his target’s attention is drawn to his face. Because he does not look human, he then has to quickly begin talking, to pour even more Charm on. If he does it right (it does require skill and charisma), the target forgets his appearance is anything out of the ordinary. He needs a minute or two of conversation and rakish smiles to dig his claws deep enough that they don't remember anything unusual once they stop looking right at him. Prince uses his Charm to get information, favors, and generally spread his anti-Link agenda. The riskier or weirder his request is, the more Charm he has to layer on, and some people just straight up won't do some things. The Charm wears off after a while, depending on the target and how long they were exposed to it, which takes anywhere from a few minutes to a few weeks, averaging out at a day or two. 
Prince has to choose his targets wisely, which can be difficult to do because he does not look human and does not have any kind of magical disguise. That last point is a sore spot. He doesn't want a disguise, he just wants people to stop looking at him like he's going to burn their house down, thank you very much. He only has their best interests at heart. Prince is bitter and extremely envious about Warriors winning hearts so easily thanks to his good looks and natural charisma, so Prince does his best to do the same without them. His Charm is better anyway. 
…It's a good thing he hasn't actually been let loose on a population yet. 
(Warriors is a bit of a flirt, but not too badly. Prince makes a game out of trying to make people fall in romantic love with him as fast as he can. (Author’s note: I'm not touching sex. That is not the sort of story I want to tell here.))
Prince doesn't need food, and he doesn't need to breathe, but he does need to use his Charm. Because he magically learns a bit of information about his targets when he's focused on them, his theory is that he leeches from their emotions, or their identities, or something of that sort. He hasn't shared the theory with anyone, but the Dark Chain does know that Prince needs to use his Charm or he starts to get very, very hangry. It's a physical need for him. Of course, pushing too hard or trying to Charm too many people at once gives him migraines. 
Prince considers himself a leader, and it rankles him a bit that Depth is the one in charge. He contents himself with sitting back and letting Depth do all the hard things, though he has Charmed Depth several times into going along with what Prince wants to do. Prince sees Shackle as a sort of protege in the ways of manipulation, and occasionally provides pointers about how to subtly get under people’s skin. Prince and Madness end up working together a lot, since Prince can Charm Madness’s thralls into forgetting they ever lost time, or he can make up memories for them. Sometimes the two of them get migraines at the same time, which spells out lots of “fun” for everyone else. He fights a lot with Mirage and is always trying to catch Agony off-guard to give him a good scrubbing. He's the only reason that Nothing or Dire get baths, too. 
Prince is arrogant and ambitious, yes. He's proud of his appearance and does his best to stay clean and orderly—he doesn't mind the memories of military training that he gets from Warriors, since those routines help him to be efficient. He wears a copy of Warriors’s outfit, but fancier, with a fluffy shirt and a corset on top, and his tunic is purple because (1) it's opposite green on some color wheels and (2) it's the color of royalty. His silvery hair is a little longer than Warriors’s is, and he wears a luxurious red cape.
Sometimes he puts a little too much flair into his moves, but he's proficient with as many weapons as Warriors is, if less practiced. He talks a lot, boasts a lot, and casually jabs where it hurts. He holds a lot of jealousy and hate in his heart, and if he gets a little drunk, he'll go on and on about how much he dislikes Warriors, specifically. 
Prince’s ultimate ambition is to rule his Hyrule as undisputed, beloved emperor. He wants to do that by winning the hearts of every soldier, every servant, every noble. He wants to steal Warriors’s relationships right out from under him without him noticing. Prince knows that he can't rely on his temporary Charm to do that, though, so his plan is to ally with the organizations of traitors throughout Hyrule and add his persuasive charm and Charm to their efforts, eventually rising to become their leader. 
Prince’s best dreams involve him standing over a defeated Warriors on the balcony of the castle, a crown on his head and a queen on his arm (or king. He just thinks stealing Artemis or Impa would make it all the sweeter), with crowds below cheering for him. He has plans to keep the aging Warriors as an honored “guest” in the castle for as long as he lives, doomed to watch his beloved, darkened kingdom flourish under Prince’s ruby eyes. Someday, Prince will change his name to Link, stealing that from Warriors, too. 
Prince Link. Wait, no. King Link. No, even better… Emperor Link. 
Actually, he doesn't like the sound of Emperor. He’ll workshop that title.  
Mirage is dark Legend, patterned after the Nightmares that Legend fought on Koholint. He knows Legend will know that immediately. 
Mirage is truly shape-fluid. His form is extremely malleable, though he can't keep up looking perfectly like a human for more than half an hour or so—he starts to melt and revert back to his most comfortable state, which is a close copy of Legend, his matter constantly shifting and dripping and melting. (Most comfortable state, not his true form. Does he have a true form? He doesn't know what it is if he does.) He is best at mimicking nonspecific human forms and small reptiles. He pretended to be a bush once, but wasn't very convincing. 
Mirage’s gooey flesh doesn't have many pain or touch receptors, and he doesn't need any kind of structure beneath the goo to stand up. He's very good at energy dispersion, so punching him means that you're either punching a brick wall or that your fist is getting absorbed. His goo is as warm as flesh and very slightly acidic, so touching him for too long can burn. He doesn't need to breathe, but he does digest organic material or minerals to build on his mass. He's weak against energy-type attacks, like acid or fire or ice, but it doesn't hurt him in the traditional sense and he can always build himself back up. He can drop entirely flat and easily squeezes through small gaps. 
Most traditional dungeon traps do absolutely nothing to Mirage: spike traps don't hurt him, as holes in his form mean nothing; he doesn't really take fall damage, just splatters a bit until he can pull himself together; giant axes that cleave him in two don't actually hurt him, either. There is one small part of Mirage’s matter that is his core. If he gets cut into pieces, the rest of him will shrivel up and evaporate in an hour or two, but his core stays alive and can regrow in a matter of days. If he gets to any cut-off piece before it evaporates, he can reassimilate it. He often messes with his form to take on any physical challenge: looking around corners with an eye on a hand; growing taller to see over a wall; spreading out his feet and legs to float on water; squeezing into cracks in an ice block and expanding in the right spot to make it all shatter. 
Mirage doesn't speak often, preferring to keep quiet. His voice is soft and slithering, with hissing Ss and a pitch that ranges from whispery to shrill. It's the worst voice in the group after Depth’s. He isn't the smartest of the Darks, but he is quite observant and if he does speak up, there's something important to pay attention to. Mirage often just goes with the group decisions, performing whatever role they require, though privately he absolutely resents having to work with anyone else, because Mirage works alone. He doesn't need companions, friends, shopkeepers, or family; he doesn't need vehicles, mounts, money, magic items, or even weapons. When he means alone, he means Very Alone. 
The thing about Legend—despite the masks and attitude he puts on—is that he cares, so so much. He cares about people being happy and safe, he bonds with everyone nice he meets whether he knows it or not, he is self-sacrificing and always working for a better world, even when people don't ask for it. Mirage does not care about much of anything except himself. He would be most content wandering around a mountain, causing a bit of chaos in a nearby town, and using his abilities to traverse impossible paths, especially through caves, just because he can. He doesn't care about the other Darks (that's a bit more of a lie than he thinks it is), he doesn't care about Legend, he doesn't care about covering the world in darkness. He’s just dragged around and knows that they have to finish this stupid mission thing before he can be left in peace. 
Mirage is somewhat fascinated with the way humans work. He's closer to an octopus or other eldritch sea creature himself, and mimics reptilian forms, but the more he learns about humans, the better he can mimic them. He might not care much about many things, but he's curious. He likes to investigate corpses (especially if he can eat them—the Dark Chain’s favorite way of “disappearing” people) and find out new things about their anatomy and chemical compositions, things he knows about and can memorize to reproduce in his own gooey flesh later. As such, he sometimes annoys the other Darks by poking at them or “testing” their senses or limits. 
He gets along best with Lost, who doesn't care much, either, and doesn't get mad at his questions or testing. Mirage responds by taking Lost babysitting duty more than his fair share. (His apathy means he's really patient with Lost and Nothing and Madness.) He makes a good team with Agony, who he sees as very similar to himself, except Agony is clearly more driven. Agony is the quick and sharp counterpart to Mirage’s slow and inevitable destruction. (And it doesn't hurt that Agony is the electricity wielder among them, so if Agony sort of likes Mirage, then all the better.) 
In a normal fight, Mirage is all but indestructible, walking through battle without problems. He doesn't bother attacking until someone hurts him, usually with fire or something similar. Then Mirage will focus to get rid of the threat—and he’s aware that the others expect him to target and take out Legend, so he does that if he has to. He's all but impossible to fight without elemental aid, and while he isn't too quick, he hits HARD and has a lot of tricks up his metaphorical sleeves. 
Still, the fact remains that if you manage to hurt him, you hurt him a lot. Mirage isn't complicated, but he's very flexible and can do things nobody is prepared for. 
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(sorry for the low contrast. But hey, my goo-drawing skills are finally relevant! Look at that hat! And the foot!)
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flightfoot · 2 years
Miraculous Ladybug Fanfic Recs for 2022
As a lot of you know, I read metric butt-ton of Miraculous fanfics, so I wanted to share with you 19 multi-chap fics, and 16 Miraculous one-shots (I just went through all the ones I really wanted to rec people instead of trying to fit a particular number) that I think y’all should take a look at. I tagged people’s tumblr blogs when I knew them, but I may well have missed some, especially if their username was different between AO3 and tumblr. Feel free to tag authors who I missed. Note that I’m only counting fics that were completed in 2022, so no ongoing fics. Enjoy!
Multi-chap fics:
When The Morning Comes by @into-september:
Gabriel Agreste has been unmasked as Hawkmoth, and the girl who was fighting him all these years turns out to be Tom Dupain's daughter. And standing between them is Adrien Agreste with his life in shatters that Tom Dupain has no way of piecing together.
But baking is at least a place to start.
I love how this not only digs into Adrien’s character, but Tom’s as well, especially how both of them have been estranged from their fathers. I haven’t seen that come up much.
Walking That Mile by @nomolosk
Nino and Alya wake up in the wrong bodies. Several things result from this, including, but not limited to, identity reveals and a better understanding of what their respective best friends are going through.
Never knew I needed Nino!Plagg and Alya!Tikki in my life, but there you go XD. It’s not all fun and games though, this is a Hawkmoth Takedown fic as well, and dealing with the effects of that.
The Sidekick Conspiracy by @bring-the-storm:
It's common knowledge among the heroes of Paris that their sidekick, the civilian Marinette Dupain-Cheng, is actually secretly their leader, pretending to be a normal girl who just ‘happens’ to show up at battles. Common knowledge to everyone except Marinette. What do you do when you're in the center of a conspiracy that doesn’t actually exist? In which Marinette is confused, Chat has no idea what's going on, Master Fu just wants Marinette to be safe, and everyone is misinterpreting the situation.
This one is just fun! Marinette has no idea she keeps on being given jewelry all of a sudden, and Fu’s frustrated that she won’t actually USE the damn Miraculous already.
As the dust settles by @pengirl91:
After Ladybug lost everything and yet her partner stood by her, she realized what she had been trying to lie to herself about for months. She is undoubtedly in love with him. The only problem is that she's terrified of what that could lead to and there's a monumental task ahead of them before it might be safe to act on her feelings for him... more than she already has.
Post Strike Back with my hopes, wishes, and predictions for season 5 as I wait with great impatience. Now complete.
The meat of this story is mostly a SentiAdrien fic. Adrien discovers that Gabriel is Hawkmoth, so Gabriel orders him to stay silent about what he found out, as well as giving orders to help him with plans to obtain the Miraculous he needs. Luckily, he doesn’t know that Adrien is Chat Noir...
A Little Fall Of Rain by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Unable to transform in time, Marinette sacrifices her life to save Adrien from an assassin. With the help of the Kwamis, Adrien is able to bring her back to life, but it comes at a price. One that Adrien alone must pay. Now, Adrien is forced to keep even more secrets. The fact that Marinette is alive and that she has been his Lady all long. More than ever, they must defeat Hawkmoth. Only then can Marinette return to her life.
This one’s pretty angsty, arguably even more on Adrien’s end than Marinette’s. As part of their cover, Adrien has to be injured pretty badly, in ways that couldn’t be reversed if not for magic.
Strangely Familiar by @sunfoxfic
Alya Césaire’s life is perfect. Indeed, between the success of the Ladyblog, how well she’s doing in school, and the fact that she’s a superhero who has never bore the weight of a crisis of epic proportions, her life almost couldn’t be better. Almost.
But Alya has always been a go-getter, and so she’ll chase after that perfect life if it kills her. Which is how she ends up rushing to move out of her father’s apartment and in with Marinette, Adrien, and a complete stranger: Nino Lahiffe. And in fact, her life does seem perfect — she and Nino are fast friends. They spend a lot of time together and get to know each other really well.
But in the end, fortunate situations will bear unfortunate truths, and she learns things about herself that aren’t quite comfortable. Like I said, though: Alya has always been a go-getter, and she won’t let new feelings deter her from chasing after her perfect life.
This is the single longest DJWifi-centric fic on AO3 (which is a travesty) and it is GLORIOUS. Alya and Nino are both well fleshed-out here, with their own problems and baggage they’re dealing with, but it’s easier together.
final girl by @picayunearts:
Marinette has ninety-nine problems, and the superhero trio of Paris counts for a hundred.
[AU where Marinette follows through on giving up her earrings after Stoneheart, but becomes the Guardian to protect her replacement.]
This is just great. Marinette thinks she failed, but the other heroes wouldn’t agree. And eventually, she gains some confidence in herself as well.
Over and Over by @stcrsquad:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng has had the worst day possible. She's failed to confess to Adrien (again), made an embarrassment of herself, and got into a fight with Chat Noir.
Adrien Agreste has had the worst day possible. He is tired of being pushed aside by everyone, including his crime-fighting partner Ladybug.
Luckily, fate (and Bunnyx) works in mysterious ways because they wake up again on the same day. A do-over. Except it keeps happening. Can the two figure out what they need to fix to break the loop, or will they be stuck forever?
Look these two will sit down and has things out even if it takes being stuck in a time loop together to make that happen.
When Bunnyx Brings A Baby by @funnydoesntlookdruish:
Marinette thought she was up to any challenge. She was Ladybug after all! But when Bunnyx arrives with a baby in her arms asking her to babysit, Marinette quickly learns that Akuma battles are easy compared to taking care of a baby. A baby that seems to know her and for some strange reason... Adrien?
Anentry in the “Lovesquare has to babysit their future children” genre! This is just adorable. Has an ongoing sequel too.
The Call of the Running Tide by @nemaliwrites: 
To escape an arranged marriage, Adrien runs away from home, leaving behind all that he has ever known. In search of easy transportation, he sneaks aboard a ship at the docks. Everything seems like it is going according to plan — until he finds out that the ship belongs to the fierce pirate captain Ladybug.
I’m amazed this isn’t more popular. I mean, Lovesquare pirates!AU, with the Miracuclass as Ladybug’s crew? Come on! 
It mostly has Adrien trying to fit in with the crew, find his way, that sort of thing. Though there is a confrontation with his father at the end.
metamorphosis by @peachcitt:
“I was thinking about that time you hated me.” “Why?” "I don’t know." “I didn’t.” “I know.”
three years after hawkmoth's defeat, marinette is still trying to figure out her version of normal. there's also sleepovers.
This has been a very popular fic so most people probably at least know of it, even if they haven’t read it themselves, but in case someone out there hasn’t: basically, Chat runs off with the Butterfly and Peacock Miraculouses after Hawkmoth’s defeat and never shows up again, worrying Ladybug sick and making her fear that he died. But then a mysterious new Butterfly Holder starts attacking Paris, only he seems a lot nicer than the last one, more of an Anti-villain than anything...
A Major Test of Strength by @nemaliwrites:
There is only one thing in Paris hated as much as the akumas: Ladybug herself. In an effort to help the Savior of Paris, Adrien winds up on the wrong end of an akuma attack — only to find himself stuck reliving the same day.
With enough time, anyone can be a hero, and as he continues dying over and over, he is forced to confront the idea that these loops may be just as much of a blessing as they are a curse.
This is loosely inspired by “All You Need Is Kill”, but no knowledge of that manga is needed to understand the story. There’s a bit of a mystery element going on as Adrien tries to figure out why he keeps dying even when he takes steps to prevent it, how he keeps coming back, and what the deal is with Ladybug, anyway. 
Cataclysm by Lucid:
When Chat Noir uses Cataclysm on an akumatized ring that ends up being his amok, Marinette is left alone to solve the mystery of Hawkmoth's motives and bring back her missing partner.
This Sentiadrien fic does something I haven’t seen really explored before: it delves into what might happen if Adrien had to be recreated after having been destroyed, and the problems that might arise from that attempt. I love when we get to see Adrien’s perspective especially.
in case you don’t know me tomorrow by @thelibraryloser:
“We live in a crazy world where pieces of our lives can be erased like they never even happened. I just wanted to memorize this moment so… so I could keep it, if that makes sense.”
Adrien's heart gave a little flutter. She wanted to keep this moment, meeting him. She wanted to keep… him.
“I understand exactly what you mean."
In a world that has created a way to selectively delete memories, no moment is truly safe. So how do you hold on to something when the memory of it is gone? And how do you keep fighting for someone when you're the only one who remembers?
This is a SEVERELY underrated fic. It’s got some shades of “Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind” in the world, though the plot is very different - the memory erasure ain’t willing. 
Basically, the first few chapters are establishing Adrien’s and Marinette’s romance, and then the rest of the fic is dealing with Gabriel being an absolute DICK and using any means at his disposal to break them apart. It’s fantastic and I highly recommend reading it!
Shelltering Others by @rosie-b:
When Ladybug wakes Nino up in the middle of the night to scold him for revealing his identity, he thinks his career as a Miraculous holder is over. But instead, Ladybug gives him the opportunity to prove himself by becoming Chat Noir's confidant and learning his secret identity through a scavenger hunt of sorts. Will Nino pass Ladybug and Chat Noir's test, or will he fail to put the pieces together in time?
Quick disclaimer here: the first chapter looks kinda salty towards Nino, with Ladybug laying into him for revealing his and Alya’s secret identities to Adrien and Marinette. She’s mostly just trying to scare him into taking them seriously, though, since she herself has just proposed that Nino become Chat’s secret-keeper, and he can’t afford to be lackadaisical with that identity. I highly recommend getting through at least chapter 2 of the fic when giving it a shot, because this had some great character development and introspection for Nino, on Chat Noir, Adrien, Ladybug, and himself. 
run boy run by tinuviel_tinuviel
Nino was sprawled on the floor of his room with Alya when his phone chimed, in the quiet of a premature autumnal sunset. It was one of those lazy evenings that had become rare lately. Contrary to popular belief, he and Alya could get studying done when in the same room, and he was elbows-deep in late assignments, which meant his phone was on Do Not Disturb, which meant the notification could only have come from one person.
ADRIEN 🐈: cmoe ove rnow ADRIEN 🐈: like riggt now ADRIEN 🐈: plag NINO: that is literally incomprehensible NINO: wait is that you plagg ADRIEN 🐈: mov faster
So this is a “Adrien finds out that his father is Hawkmoth and consults with Nino about what to do” fic, with Nino throwing Hawkmoth off Adrien’s track, though inadvertently at his own expense. Love Nino’s perspective here, and I always enjoy a good Hawkmoth-takedown fic!
Restorative Justice by @kasienda:
Chloé has never been a fan of Ms. Bustier’s community building activities. In fact, she detests them. She doesn’t want to learn about the drab boring lives of her peers. And she absolutely can’t stand it when their confessions make her feel things. Feelings that she doesn’t even have names for. But when Adrien unknowingly shares his struggles with his double life, Chloé vows she will do anything to get Ladybug to set things right. Even if it means pissing off the heroine. Chloé was already mad at her anyway.
I ADORE people talking out about what hurt them, with everyone growing to understand each other, and focusing on making recompense rather than just punishment, so this was fantastic. This isn’t all about Chloe either, Marinette, Adrien, Alya, and Nino all get to hash things out with each other as well in a group session, and it’s just really, really nice to read.
48 Hours To Make You Love Me by @mysticraven20:
“When did you stop?”
“Stop what, M’Lady?”
“Stop loving me?”
When two heroes miss the minibus for their winter get away with the gang they have no other choice but to make their way to the resort by themselves.
After avoiding their feelings for years, a freak snow storm makes them reconsider more than just whether to carry on driving.
Luckily, they find a quaint little bed and breakfast where suddenly they’re thrown into a situation where their feelings can no longer be held back; but, is it too late?
The interference of an elderly couple after an eavesdropping accident helps both Adrien and Marinette come to terms with their feelings and their actions.
Through movies, hot chocolates and snuggling to keep warm, Marinette wonders if it’s possible to make Adrien love her again, and more so can she do it by the time they need to leave their little sanctuary?
This just has a lot of adorable Adrienette shenanigans, with a fun time travel twist that had me inwardly squealing XD. If you want some Lovesquare fluff, this is a good one.
team is a four letter word by @ladyofthenoodle:
Alya didn’t want to come between Ladybug and Chat Noir. But she didn’t want to stop being Rena Rouge either. And if Chat Noir didn’t want to talk to her, then she’d need to find a different way to prove all three of them could be a team.
Her plan unintentionally brings a few secrets to light, which leads to even more secrets coming to light, which leads to... well, Alya is sure it'll all work out eventually.
This is a season 4 fic, with a heavy emphasis on repairing the relationships that were damaged, or could have been damaged, during that season. I love how everyone gets to really feel and react, be hurt and then gain understanding, with a happy ending to cap it off!
hella enchanted by @xiueryn:
Years ago, Marinette's father died and she was left with her awful stepmother. With magic forcing her to obey every command, she lived as a servant and gave up hope. When a man appears, searching for the very fairy that blessed her, Marinette decides to give life one more try. AU.
(a different ella enchanted au.)
Even though it’s a one-shot this one is pretty long, clocking in at over 30k words. Absolutely worth a shot, though. The first third is basically Marinette dealing with being pushed around because of her “blessing”, and the other two-thirds is just some adorable fluff of her and Adrien touring the country together. 
Is it cool that you’re in my head? by @bring-the-storm: 
Alya stared at the picture plastered across the homepage of every single tabloid and news site, whispering every curse she could think of under her breath. SHOCKING SECRET ROMANCE BETWEEN LADYBLOGGER AND PARISIAN SUPERVILLAIN REVEALED!!! the headline announced, casually shouting the words she had been dreading for all of Paris to read.
--- Alya had always assumed that someday Paris would discover that she had secretly been kissing their most wanted vigilante, but she had never thought it would happen so soon. As the domino effects of her relationship with Ladybug go spiraling through her life, Alya turns her sights towards the one responsible: the elusive superhero Hawkmoth.
AKA Someone outs Alya and her girlfriend so she retaliates by deciding to take down Hawkmoth
I recommend this to anyone who either A. Loves Alya and wants to see more of her in a starring role, or B., wants to see an AU where Parisians could feasibly believe that Hawkmoth is the good guy, and that Ladybug and Chat Noir are, if not villains, at least reckless. 
We’re breaking free (there’s not a star in heaven we can’t reach) by @pauliestorylover:
Wing binding was a symbol of prestige in high society, but Adrien would much rather be born a pauper than be forced to bind his wings for another day. Becoming Chat Noir might be the chance he had been waiting for to break free and gain a taste of the heavens.
Meanwhile, Nino and Marinette were quickly learning the joys of the pastime called ‘hating rich old white men who moonlighted as supervillains’.
Excellent Wingfic here! It’s got some excellent worldbuilding in it. I especially like how it’s customary to exchange feathers with people you’re close to, and put them in particular places on your wings to symbolize what they mean to you, whether they’re friends, family, or lovers. That particular piece of lore is used to great effect in the story.
How Could I Not? by SorryJustAnotherPerson
In fairy tale books, Princesses were saved by nights from ferocious dragons. Those books were not their story, but Rose was happy to flip over a new page with her Juleka every single day.
Many years ago, she was put to this tower by her parents and her kingdom, along with a fire breathing dragon, so she could find her prince charming one day. How foolish for them to not calculate her falling in love with the dragon. I mean seriously.
How could she not?
I love fairy tale type stories, especially fractured fairy tales. And Juleka being a dragon is awesome. This is just a fun and adorable story.
Once Upon A Time by kao_rei:
"Humans fear wolves. I mean, we're horrible, sickening creatures, aren't we?" Adrien laughed.
"I don't think so," Marinette muttered. "Well, not anymore when I met you."
Marinette's days are all the same—she puts on her red cape, makes deliveries for her parents' bakery, and goes home to rest before another busy day. Adrien is a wolf-boy who watches her from afar, awaiting the day they finally meet to change their stories.
While falling in love may bring about some challenges, they're willing to fight through them together because they'd never settle for a "the end". They want a "happily ever after", too.
(In which Marinette is Little Red Riding Hood, Adrien is the Wolf, and they fall in love somewhere between deliveries, flower fields, and shiny red apples).
Did I mention I love fairy tale stories? Because I do.
(pockets full of) stones by felledstar:
Even though he wants to be “normal” and go to a “normal school” and have friends just like everyone else, Adrien’s discovered that he’s… not very good at it. It isn’t that he’s a superhero in his nonexistent spare time, or that he’s got a job modelling for his father, or that he’s got so many activities that it takes a whole other person to keep track of his schedule. It’s that… he’s always tripping over things that everyone else seems to know that he… just doesn’t know.
First day of school and we already have two lovebirds.
But there are some things that he does know, no matter what anyone else—Nino, Plagg, the entire population of Paris—thinks.
How he feels is one.
Whatever. She’s just a friend. A friend.
He loves Ladybug. Marinette is his friend.
Why doesn’t anyone believe him?
This is an aroace!Adrien story, that digs into the effects of amatonormativity on people. Especially with how the class all assumes that Adrien would be romantically interested in Marinette, and tries to matchmake him and Marinette in order to make both of them happy, much to his frustration. Based on what the class did in Guiltrip, I could see this happening. They love and care about their classmates and want to help them as much as they can, but that doesn’t mean they always know how best to do that.
Lady... bird? by @graaythekwami:
“Marinette!” Tikki called, flying towards the small room of water. “Marinette there’s an akuma– we need to transform!”
The parrot’s head popped up, recognizing these words. They were always said when the report came on TV– a routine he had come to know well. Akuma report, we need to transform, and finally–
“Tikki!” The bird cawed happily. “Spots on!”
This story is just hilarious. Tikki ain’t happy afterwards XD
I Won’t Let You by @generalluxun
After Gabriel's defeat, two individuals not party to the celebration run into each other, and find each other.
The summary doesn’t give much of an idea of what the fic’s about. Post-Hawkmoth Defeat, Chloe and Felix run into each other at the celebration of Gabriel’s downfall, and vent about their problems. Neither of them think the other one has it too bad - Chloe’s worried about disappearing, since her worth was entirely tied to her family’s prestige and wealth, and being seen as friends to a terrorist is gonna cripple both of those, while Felix is on edge about Ladybug having the Peacock Miraculous, since she has the ability to kill him at a moment’s notice (yes this is a Sentifelix fic). 
They both make each other understand the turmoil the other is going through in extremely visceral ways, showing the other what it’s like to be them, in the circumstances they’re in. I don’t want to spoil what, exactly, they do, but needless to say, it’s worth a read.
don’t you worry child by kopycat_101
Marc and Nathaniel have a good life, married and living together in a cottage in the woods. But they consider having children at some point.
Marc in particular really wants to start a family with his husband. He knows the fey are real, so he goes searching in the woods to find one to strike a deal.
He may get a bit more than he bargained for in the process.
This is based on a tumblr post that’s been going around, which I think a lot of people will recognize as they continue going through the story. That post is credited at the end of the fic, so as not to spoil the plot.
Chat Walker’s Trial by @pearl484-blog
Instead of Catwalker showing up to serve as her new Chat Noir, Ladybug is stunned to find that Chat Noir has returned to her, having "improved" himself by repressing his emotions, memories, and willfulness. Deciding that this will not stand, she organizes her teammates to convince Chat Noir that giving those traits up and becoming the perfect partner was not the right move, but how can she argue against perfection?
Adrien Augreste 2022 entry for the day 23-24 prompt: Swap
This is a really intriguing fic. Instead of becoming Cat Walker in Kuro Neko, Adrien instead runs across a mage who helpfully provides some spells to make him into the “perfect” partner for Ladybug, magically suppressing his emotions and urge to rebel, as well as his memories of being Chat Noir, in order to make sure he doesn’t love her anymore. Ladybug, naturally, is distraught about this, but since Chat did all of this of his own free will, she needs to actually persuade him it was a bad move, which isn’t as easy as it sounds. It’s exquisitely painful at times with the amount of self-hatred Chat has for his previous self, and how the Miracuteam is divided on how bad these changes actually are, since he does seem more focused now - though the holdouts are a lot less on board when they think of someone who’s closer to them going through this process.
disconnected by @just-an-ordinary-fan
Lady Wifi believes she might be the only one who does not want to obey Hawkmoth's orders.
When she sees another akuma hesitate in the battle, she finds she might not be entirely alone.
I actually wrote my own fic, Nullius in Verba, based off of this one. It’s short but has an intriguing premise, with all the akumas being transported to this warehouse after the fight’s over, having been basically forced to do Hawkmoth’s bidding. The akumas also don’t seem to remember who they were before, or even that they WERE ordinary people before, which is an interesting twist.
Shadow of the Chat by @pearl484-blog
Chat Noir discovers that he has a living Shadow. Unfortunately for him, it is not fond of Ladybug.
Inspired by the prompt: 5 times Character A and B thought they didn’t have anything in common and 1 time they realized how similar they are.
I wrote a fic based on this one and @wackus-bonkus-maximus fic “One Does Not Love Breathing”, basically importing Shadow into odnlb in order to help take down Monarch. It’s called “One Does Not Love Shadows”, btw.
Anyway, I love how this one-shot uses some of Carl Jung’s ideas about everyone having “shadows”; parts of ourselves that we consciously reject or suppress, and using that to get Chat some help. If you’ve ever played a Persona game, this will be familiar to you, as those games are based off of Jung’s ideas as well.
Day 7: Book by @andromeda612
During one of his works, Marc comes across a rather interesting book.
MarcNath AU fic here! Basically Marc is a super powerful warlock, and is brought in to help with the case of a lying witch who apparently caused a lot of problems for people, using her magic to help fool everyone. She’s actually dead by the time the story starts, and everyone’s trying to go back through and figure out what she’s done and why memories surrounding her seem to be foggy. Meanwhile there’s a book she left behind which appears to be sentient, and which Marc’s taken a liking too...
Find the Sentimonster by @taketwoinink:
Nino has a lot of conspiracies. He watched one too many mystery movies and now fancies himself a detective. It's not often that he gets the entire class together for an interrogation, but it's never fun. Chloe makes everyone's life miserable and Marinette and Lila never get along.
And this time? Secret sentimonsters in their class? The fate of Paris hanging in the balance?
Mylene doesn't need this stress in her life.
This is based off of an episode of Glitch Techs, so if you’ve seen the show, it might be familiar. I just really enjoyed watching the class trying to puzzle out who the sentimonster spy might be, with all the wild accusations and theories being hurled around, especially knowing the actual truth.
Come Take My Hand by @carelisswriting:
Luka heard his soulmate for the first time when he was ten. All he knows about her is that she likes fencing. It's just a coincidence that Kagami likes fencing, right?
(Lukagami Soulmate AU, written for the Miraculous Ladybug Secret Santa Exchange!)
I’m a sucker for soulmate fics, and this had an interesting take on it, with your soulmate able to hear you thinking only about the thing you’re most passionate about. Loved Kagami’s way of showing Luka she’s his soulmate especially!
When Feelings Are Too Big For Words by ClockworkCaptain:
When Luka takes a gig playing for a drag show he's falls hard and fast for the drag queen Buttercup who uses her performances to work through her own emotions. Meanwhile Adrien's been using drag to work through his own emotions and thinks maybe Luka coming back into his life and showing interest might mean a second chance.
Made for @mlsecretsanta 2022
Published on New Year’s Eve, this just barely makes it to the deadline for this list. I’m glad I don’t need to wait a year to talk about it though! One of the issues I tend to have with Luka shipfics, and with Lukadrien especially (though I think Lukanette actually has this problem worse) is how Luka tends to disappear within the fic and the pairing, feeling more like “The Love Interest” than his own person. Not so here! While most of the intrigue surrounds Adrien, I still got the sense of Luka being his own person, not just existing in the fic for Adrien.
 I adored Adrien getting to display an aspect of himself through persona and performance - that does align well with how he approaches Chat Noir -  and overall I just had a lot of fun with this fic!
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twistedtummies2 · 3 months
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What did you do to end up in this situation? It had to have been something dreadful. Because otherwise, you wouldn’t be seeing this side of Billy Geant. Perhaps that’s what made you think that you could get away with your wicked deed: after all, when someone greedy, foolish, or both hears that a “nice giant” happens to live in the skies over Night Raven College - when they hear that giant has a fortune in treasures, all tucked away somewhere in his home - they may be tempted to take advantage of things. If they’re a nice giant, surely they’ll be easy to trick, even to hurt. Well…you were partially correct. See, Billy IS a nice giant…but the problem with that statement is, most giants aren’t nice at all. Billy won’t hurt people just for the fun of it. He won’t kill people just for the sake of it. He won’t make others suffer just because he can. This does not mean he won’t hurt you, kill you, or make you suffer AT ALL. He is still a giant. A giant who has seen far too much of people like you. There’s a reason you’re in that cage right now, and not already boiling alive in his belly, or smeared beneath his foot. It’s not because he plans to keep you. Oh, no. He just hasn’t decided how to properly punish you yet for what you’ve done. He's most likely going to eat you...but that doesn't mean he'll eat you alive. He might decide to crush you slowly beneath his foot, or steadily ruin you with his fat fingers as you squirm and plead for mercy he has no reason to show you. He might let that giant belly slam down on top of you, suffocating you in its flabby weight as all of his blubber is piled onto your puny form. He might, similarly, place you on his chair, and sit on you, letting his bottom crush or smother you while he enjoys a nice appetizer. These are just a few things he's said he's been considering...a crime like yours deserves the single worst he can possibly give you. As you hear his lumbering footsteps draw closer…as you see a flash of red in his usually baby blue eyes…as you see him drooling, licking his lips…as you see the shadows fall across his face…you suddenly realize that decision has been made. And he will not be making things quick for you. Those eyes promise pain and terror you haven't learned to comprehend. Yet. “Mmmmm…I’m back, little one. Now it’s time for us to play. Just so you know…” The giant’s fingers reach towards the cage, his mouth watering and stomach ROARING…a sound that seems to come from the depths of the Underworld itself… “...I’m playing for keeps tonight.”
Your end is about to begin. One could say you should know better next time…but there won’t be a next time. Goodbye and good riddance.
SO...funny story behind this one. XD I was chatting with my now-defunct-on-Tumblr friend, @twisted-brainrot. I shared a villain song with them I'm rather fond of, and apparently the song inspired them in some way, and - right out of the blue - they whipped up this dark gloriousness. Most art I get of Billy focuses on his cuddly, cute, happy side, and for good reason: most of the time, that's who Billy is. But sometimes people probably forget...Billy's still a man-eating ogre. And if there's one thing you don't want to do, it's make a man-eating ogre angry. Still, it's not necessarily easy to get Billy TRULY enraged...and considering this situation, that's probably for the best.
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inkedroplets · 6 months
fanfic writer questions
Thanks so much for the tag @sideguitars
1- How many works do you have on AO3?
Twenty. A good mix of one-shots and longer fics that I will finish someday...
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Supergirl but I've dabbled with Legends of Tomorrow and have a few unpublished fics for different fandoms that I might share
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
A Rich Girl With Issues (I swear I'm almost done with the last chapter. The flu kicked my ass but I'm finishing up. My weird Lena becomes a vigilante fic. I still am amazed that people like it as much as they do)
Maybe I'm Too Afraid to Admit It (Kind of cute Kara realizes she has feelings for Lena. I really don't know why this one resonated with so many people)
Somewhere You Can't Follow (My weird (and poorly written) Legends and Supergirl crossover. I would love to go back and actually rewrite large bits of this but the dialogue is on point, at least. Oh and Lena gets to see her mom again so that's a plus)
Denial is Not Just a River in Egypt (I have no memory of this place fic)
Nothing Gold Can Stay (My one and only kidfic but I love it to pieces)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I do and I don't. I'm a lot more offline than I was when I first started writing and if too much time passes, I feel weird about responding since I feel like I'm bothering people but I am trying to be better about it. Because I really do cherish each one
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably nothing I've posted yet would count but I do have one that I plan to post soon-ish that's so angsty I took a year to decide whether or not to share it.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I think all of my one-shots have pretty standard happy endings. I think I'll say that either Rich Girl or Nothing Gold Can Stay will have the happiest endings (in my opinion) Wait (a little longer) and see
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I'll get the occasional weird comment. Nothing out of the ordinary. I did get a really rude bookmark once that kind of made me laugh. They hated the story yet still chose to bookmark it which is a choice.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I dabble in it. There's a snippet floating around somewhere on tumblr that I'm too lazy to find. I'll share it once I finish the first chapter. It's a bit out of my wheelhouse but its fun? Very different kind of writing than what I'm used to.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I write a lot of crossovers. I think when I write fic, I want to see something a little strange and unique that I can't find elsewhere. I'm working on a fic now where Kara meets Matt Murdock, that's not an interaction I ever envisioned myself writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so? To be fair, I haven't ever cared enough to check. I don't think I'm popular enough to get a fic stolen xD
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have! Someone translated one of my fics into Russian. I was incredibly flattered that they liked it enough to do so.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, and I think it's mostly because I'm quite a selfish writer? I know what and how I want to write so collaboration is quite difficult. Maybe I still have some leftover trauma from all the group projects of my past.
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
Supercorp, if that wasn't very, very obvious.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'll finish them all!
16. What are your writing strengths?
I really don't know and that's not just me being modest. I don't really think I do anything particularly well?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Being succinct. Every ficlet wants to be a multi-chaptered story and every multi-chaptered story wants to be a novel
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I think if implemented well it can be a great addition. If it's merely tacked on, however... I feel it not only doesn't add anything to the story but it makes the reader aware that they're reading a story. A bit of the magic is lost in the clunky execution.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3 Supercorp but I've dabbled in fandom for years and years. There's ancient Xena fic somewhere in my mother's basement
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Probably has to be Rich Girl but I really am fond of Swear Not by the Moon, as well. I've really enjoyed expanding the scope of Supergirl's world a bit and watching the characters slowly grow over the course of the story
No-pressure tags, of course: I never know who to tag in these until I finish these but if you like @rustingcat @vox-ex @sazernac
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doughguts-art · 27 days
Okay okay back with more Bandit questions and observations now!!! Hi!!! First off, what's the model of his gun? Literally just curious, really doesn't mean anything unless I feel like drawing it lmao. Secondly, what's his thoughts on the people in power/the guardians + the queen (I'm lumping the Judge into the guardians)? You said he won't work when he can survive well on his own, but does his dislike stretch out to even wishing harm on the guardians? Actually, does he know if a guardian dies, their Zone dies, too? How knowledgeable is he on the world of OFF's lore and how it functions?? Thirdly, does he have any friends I should know about? You drew him interacting with Project Goldfinch/Just Finch to break up the text in my first ask, what's their relationship? Does Bandit scam him to hell and back, or do they just casually chat every now and then? Fourthly, I VERY BRIEFLY checked out Ask Bandit and here are some observations I made: Uno, how come you ship him with Red from Animal Crossing? Is it cuz they both steal and resell?? If so, that's hilarious and I love your sense of humor. Dos, when drawing him with Elsen 7 I did not know Bandit currently resides in Zone Three, because 7 lives in Zone One. This whole time I was under the impression he travels through Zones for some reason lol? I guess that's my curse of having a handful of ECU Elsen that do that themselves lmao. Last but not least, not something Ask Bandit related, just generally speaking, would you like to see any future doodles I make of Bandit, whether he's interacting with my own OCs or otherwise? If not, I totally get it lol. Sorry if this is too many questions btw!! You're free to infiltrate my inbox with silly questions too if you want, just to make it more fair. Thank you! :]
Apologies in advance, I didn't make any new Bandit art for this post so I'm just linking something I drew in April that I don't think I shared to tumblr XD Answer time!
I modeled Bandit's gun after a Glock?? Kinda?? I didn't really reference a specific model, more like loosely inspired. I probably should create a prop-reference for it, but I haven't yet.
Bandit's dislike for authority does not stretch to wanting to take out the guardians. It would be counter-intuitive to his role as a merchant to kill off his customers by killing off the guardians. Bandit cares too much about profit, and although the guardians are annoying, without them he wouldn't have profit.
Bandit is fully aware on how the world of OFF works, it's inner workings, and other meta things.
Bandit will say anyone is his friend, even if they clearly hate him. Louis would be the only one that would truly think of Bandit as a friend (except maybe my elsen-sona, but they're a mary-sue type oc and should probably not be counted if we're talking in-universe/story lol)
As Finch is the protagonist in my game concept, Bandit will be the merchant selling them items. Finch is distrusting of Bandit, but sees him as a necessity in their mission. I do have an idea where Bandit does steal something from Finch to propel the plot, but who knows if that'll stay in the final lol
Bandit x Redd is a joke ship created by @brandy-elsen (tagging the account it was posted on and not your current account because I do not wanna waste a tag on this I am sorry Brandy AHHSGFG). All the credits to her for the comedic genius. I think you guessed right as to why that ship exists tho. I just drew it for that post because it met the "two pieces of fanart" criteria I set.
Bandit travels the zones, your initial assumption was right. He is only in Zone 3 on the askbandit blog because of the story being told on there. He's gotta refill his stock of sugar manually since sugar happens to be one of the things he cannot magically pull from his pack.
I would love to see future doodles you make of Bandit! I like collecting all the fanart I get and posting it (with credits/links) to his gallery on toyhouse.
I'm terrible with asking questions, but I'll keep your offer in mind if I have any in the future! :D
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a dapper Bandit in a suit
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thewriterowl · 5 months
Hi! quick question here!
So you're like one of my absolute favorite fanfic writers ever, and I was wondering if I could bind some of your stories? I've been bookbinding for about a year and I've made so much progress and I would be honored if you gave me permission to take on your absolutely massive "How the blooms yearn" and "What the stars let in"? I never make any profit off of these and it's purely for my own enjoyment (I'm sure you've heard of the drama around bookbinding in the Dramione fandom etc... but I swear I'm only doing this for fun)
Anyway thanks once again! I can't even begin to say how much I love and re-read your stories, they've had such an impact on me! <3
:D hi! omg you're too sweet!! Thank you for this and thank you for letting me know. I really appreciate you telling me and asking permission.
Yes! that would be amazing if you could! and you read my mind--no profits. Do not wanna touch what is happening over there cause yikes that is messy (especially since the psycho lawyers of Disney like to sniff these things out). But for your own enjoyment--YES! Please! That would be great!
Sorry they're not yet cleanly edited. I hope to one day get to that cause I write these update fanatically, do some minor editing, and then post and then instantly go to the next update. I need to get myself under control with that XD
But if you are fine with that I would be honored if you would! Just take pics and share them on Tumblr or, if you're on the discord, the StarDads server so I can see!! :D I'd love to see them!
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monsterfloofs · 2 months
Ever since I have moved an art blog over to tumblr, I have been sort of feeling out how these two blogs are going to operate/ interact with one another and from that I have gleaned some personal and interesting stuff? (At least I think so!)
My art blog is for my art, friends art, art I happen to find and really enjoy, and some bits and bobs that I collect like a magpie. But it’s mostly art I have made or others art pieces. Some chitchat with friends too! Within that art, bubble? I feel safer posting fan art here, non-monster stuff, etc.
My writing blog is the horde of, writing of course, doodles, day dreams and rambling. In the long run it doesn’t feel as polished as the artsy one, but it feels a lot more personal. This blog feels very much like… my heart is on my sleeve, or the cross section into my mind in the moment. Where I talk freely about whatever and feel more inclined to post those self indulgent doodles or thoughts.
I have yet to come up with a good idea for posting work back and forth, and how to… watermark it? Originally I watermarked each piece with two seperate marks because they were on two different platforms. But I don’t know if I should put all my finished art on the Ghoulie side and then reblog from there, (adding poetry, writing, more indepth comments) Or if I should continue making seperate posts with corresponding watermarks. Doing things seperate takes a chunk of time, funny enough it’s not really because of adding two seperate watermarks, but actually uploading the pieces to tumblr. XD
Has anyone dealt with this conundrum? And what did you do to solve it? I never really had to think about it before because my writing wasn’t something I shared. Up until only a few years ago I only really ever wrote rps/stories with close friends. And oh man sharing the stories I wrote on my own?? That was even slimmer. 😵‍💫
Merging the art and writing arenas completely together feels unfair, because I do draw more than monsters, robots, and aliens (albiet it’s very slim) and I have friends who don’t like nsfw (A topic I tend to tread on lightly with sharing those kind of pieces, but I still enjoy writing them enough that I flag this blog to keep those works here.)
And gosh worrying about AI, and wondering if it’s safe to post writing on here is another whole thing that I don’t wanna touch with a ten foot pole at the moment! 🤣 But if anyone has suggestions, I would be happy to read them!
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humberg · 1 year
WIP Wednesday
I've been tagged by both @chevvy-yates and @elvenbeard for my first WIP Wednesday, thank you both <3
What can I show for WIP Wednesday... I've mostly been working on more VP's to do with Johnny and Vincent as well as working on Vincent's first tattoo mod which is still very much in the early stages.
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So far these are just concept ideas as I'm just playing around with recreating the in-game moments. (Points to anyone that can work out where in game they originate as at the moment the shots are very much raw and unedited.)
I dunno, I've been struggling to be happy with many of the shots I have taken recently in regard to expressing their dynamic relationship. I think I'm hitting a bit of a creative plateau where I'm finding myself unhappy with a lot of my work, and I can't get things to work the way I like. So I've decided to just sit on these concept ideas for now and to get back to them when I have more inspiration/motivation.
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For Vincent's tattoo mod I have made very good progress! The shoulder sleeve is pretty much done and I've enjoyed the challenge of using wolvenkit and the reward that comes with seeing the design from procreate and to end up on Vincent's shoulder. :3
Again, this is a very slow process as I want all of the tattoos to have meaning and be significant to him so it is taking a while to design them. I've also found myself quite restricted as I'm running off the map of one of the original full-body tattoos, I'm aware that I can use the unique V framework to have free flow of where I place his tattoos as I would like to put tattoos that go all the way down to his wrist, but I'm unaware of how difficult that would be to achieve.
Happy with what I've made so far though! <3
And finally, not a lot of you know this, well, not any of you apart from one person, but I also like to do some creative writing. Behind the scenes in my spare time, I've been writing Vincent's story from his childhood abandonment all the way through to post Mikoshi and living his life as King of the Afterlife. Here I've been unleashing my headcanons and fitting the cyberpunk plot to fit Vincent and not the other way round.
I haven't really gotten anything to show for it as it is so dysfunctional and jumping back and forth none of it really makes sense. I'm not entirely sure yet if I want to share it on Tumblr as I've mostly been doing it for my enjoyment (plus I'm a little anxious of sharing my writing to the world XD ), but it is my own current work in progress after all :3
Not sure who to tag here but I will tag a few, sorry if you've already been tagged and no pressure! @theviridianbunny, @jaymber and @drunkchasind :)
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sammystuffies · 2 years
Positive honeycraft rant
If y’all haven’t heard of honeycraft, it’s a vanilla SMP I am in with 11 others, most are here on tumblr! And earlier this month we celebrated one YEAR of our little corner of the Minecraft community, and as a holiday gift to them I wanted to share my thanks to them!
Honorable mention:
@12u3ie who isn’t a part of the server but our honorary member! We love ya 12 /p
@stormjay0 is currently on hiatus but will not be spared by my appreciation. Her content is so enjoyable and very underrated, the two of us are the chaotic braincells of the server. In the best way of course!
@exnoh is pm the only boy on the server and we love ya for it buddy xD seriously though he does his best to make it to meetings like everyone else but it’s hilarious because he’s muted the entire time and doing his own thing. Also his sona is so fun to draw sometimes.
@mixinu and @mgeekingout are the equivalent of cookies and milk, in the chaotic good way. I honestly can’t tell you how much these two are made for each other it’s adorable, they are both extremely talented artists and it drives me insane /pos
@sweetest-honeybee our beloved admin! Despite having almost no prior experience in being the admin back in s1 you couldn’t tell! She’s honestly the best base buddy I’ve had so far and the story we are making together with our terrible skits is cringey yet kinda engaging lol! Also we enjoy just talking about mcyt in general 😌
@fluffy-papaya is our current admin for this season and they are doing a great job! If you love lore PLEASE go and look for their videos because they are so good. Me and fluffy are the two biggest pranksters on this server, and we tend to prank each other sometimes lol
@redwinterroses isn’t on often but she is NUTS! 2 Smps AND still going to school, working, AND writing?? She’s crazy XD in all seriousness though I can never get enough of hanging out with Red.
SCPOwo and Faren, owo doesn’t have a tumblr and idk about faren so woops, but anyways owo is our pun loving friend (me too) as well as our local eldritch horror, no lore or videos, Just here for fun like me! Faren is the chill person on the server and honestly I want to hang with them more often, we get along really well!
@lelilawesell is one of our two new members who joined in the beginning of s2 and in skizzlemans words “friendship Jedi master” immediately when I met them I knew she would be a great fit for this fun server and I wasn’t more right. Also has one of the best laughs imho.
And last but definitely not least we have pistachio/Tashi! Our other new member is writing some amazing lore as well and is a great builder! After bee introduced her to our little server it would only make sense to have her join as well, also we both are good at improv lore. :D
That’s about it! Of course there’s so much more I want to say about them because being on a server with these amazing people is a dream, and even if some of them aren’t on often it makes those small moments even better. I still can’t believe it’s already been a year on honeycraft and I’m excited to see what the future will bring 💙
Happy holidays everyone, hope things are going well :)
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dracophile · 6 months
For ao3 writing thing
Yay, someone sent some! :D
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
I believe I was in middle school, early 2000s. I rented a book called Dragon's Bait by Vivien Vande Velde from my local library. This book probably had a bigger impact on me than a certain wizard book ever did. I loved it, it started my obsession with dragons, and It ended in such a way that the main characters, Alys and Selendrile, could continue to have many adventures together and eventually fall in love. But it didn't show that part, which i found frustrating at the time. I started daydreaming and imagining those adventures, writing them down in an old notebook. That's right, I wrote analog fanfiction. Mainly because I was like 11 and I had no idea that was a thing on the internet yet. Eventually by browisng I found the old FF.Net, before it coroded away, and live journal and all that and started reading fics for anime I liked, then I finally got the courage to start writing. Dragon's Bait still remains one of my favorite books though (I also like Never Trust a Deadman, Heir Apparent, Companions of the Night by the same author)
I...can't find 🍹??? It looks like a combo of 🥤and 🧃(both drinks with straws?) so...I'll just do both
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
It feels like forever since I've sat and read a fanfic tbh...besides a one shot here and there. But I will say, @fairy-writes is great! I don't know some of the series she writes for, but she does a lot of readerxcharacter here on tumblr and what I read is compelling and emotional with great characterization. Book authors, I already recommended Vivian Vande Velde for a good all ages book. For a bit more adult books, I like Maria V. Snyder's books, Gail Carriger, and Lynn Flewelling
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
Personal lore about me? Um...When I was young, like ages 10, 11, and 12, my parents sent me to horse riding camp during the summer. I love horses, but I wasn't a horse girl. It's just, y'know, Texas and it was an easy one to find nearby and if i had to do summer camp I wanted to be able to ride a horse. Well, that year i was twelve, they decided to try and scare us with the story of a psycho in the woods. Except one of the counselors took it too far and ransacked the cabins a little (no damage but messing stuff up) and then tapping on the windows to scare us. A lot of us were scared and one girl started crying. The councilor in our cabin then told her it wasn't real and they were just trying to scare us, and I overheard her. I had two flashes of emotion then: Anger and the desire for revenge. And I don't know how I thought of this so fast--maybe because I'd started watching horror movies by now and liking them--but I asked her "So who was dragging the sack through the woods by the campfire?" I didn't see that, but I was so adamant I saw that and had such a docile reputation that the counselor ran off to talk to the head counselor. I saw their flashlights in the night. It was the last day of camp anyway but no one got much sleep. One counselor did ask if I lied before my mom came and I said "It's just a story, calm down." I told my mom i probably shouldn't go back again though. That's the only time I've ever gaslit someone I swear XD
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I don't know of NIck/Sloane would count since Sloane is my OC so like...it's all headcannon there. Since most of my stuff written (well, all of it right now) on A03 is Grimm though, let's go with that. My other favorite ship is Monroe and Rosalee so let's see...I've gone into some on the fic...
One i haven't explored too much is their differences in diet. At the start of their relationship, Monroe would bend over backwards and almost hide his veganism because he'd had issues in the past with others finding it tedious or annoying. He's usually very proud of it, but he doesn't want Rosalee doing the same thing. Eventually, Rosalee had to confront him because his nervousness was making her more anxious than anything. She told him she was fine with him being vegan as long as he was fine with her not being vegan, and Monroe was adamant that he didn't want Rosalee to change a thing. He gets used to the smell of cooking meat again and they find side dishes they can share happily, and sometimes she made an all vegan meal she would enjoy as well. However, after one evening where he woged after an after dinner kiss and had to go on a run, he asked she brush her teeth after dinner just to be safe because the left over taste of meat set off a little blood lust. Rosalee now keeps her teeth very clean after meals.
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daisysolovely · 2 years
Aemma Targaryen part 4
A Pawn
Hi guys, I’m back :)).
Summary: Aemma realised a shocking truth... 
The Aemma's series: Losing an eye, Aemma's dragon, A ruby eye, A Proposal
P/s: Tumblr still hasn’t let me reply to any comment yet so I’m sorry if I haven’t replied to your comment, I’m so sorry :((( Any feedbacks would be appreciated because your comments are my motivation to continue writing and perfect my writing. Thank you so much XD
Aemma sat far from the pit as she waited patiently for her brother, Aemond who was in a duelling section with Ser Criston Cole. The one-eyed prince had promised to assist her to fly on Vermirthor. It had been years since she claimed Vermithor and nobody allowed the cursed princess to contact the dragon without assistance. 
Aemma’s hands played with the braids of her silvery hair while listening to every grunt and sound of the men and swords clatching together. And a sense of nostalgia flew to her like a wave of the ocean, softly but overwhelming. The pit used to be her favourite place, once upon a time, when her family was still civil and the children were acting their age. She remembered the sound of Lucy's and Jacerys laughing as they fought Aegon who was an all too easy target while her uncle Daemon would be next to her, commenting on how Aegon needed to improve his swordsmanship as the Rogue prince didn’t afraid to show her his disapproval. 
It felt like an age ago when it was in fact a couple of months. Too much had happened and Aemma’s heart raced as she recalled every bit of the events. She and Aemond lost an eye, and then her brother-in-law -  Ser Laenor Velaryon died. The cursed princess had a complete breakdown upon hearing the distressing news for Laenor was a kind cousin and brother-in-law to her. She had sent letter after letter to share her condolence with her sister and wished to be Rhaenerya’s shoulder if the eldest princess ever needed it. Some Rhaenerya would reply, and some remained unanswered. 
“I am finished, sister.” Aemma raised her head upon hearing Aemond’s voice, another drastic change for the last couple of months was Aemond who had grown unbelievably mature and stoic. He might not be much of a talker before but it was because of his shy tendency, that now was a whole different story. She felt as if he had become more observant and sneakier. The cursed princess didn’t know whether she should be happy for him or not. 
Aemond helped his sister stand up as he placed the cane in her hand gently. The prince carefully guided Aemma through the hall while maintaining an appropriate distance between them, unlike Aegon who was glued to Aemma’s body most of the time. “It’s been a while since I ride Vermithor.” The prince said for the sake of starting a conversation. 
While he might become quieter, he disliked not talking to his sister. Aemond enjoyed hearing her angelic voice and learning about his sister. 
“I’m sure he misses you, you’re his favourite after all.” The princess giggled as she recalled the way Aegon would moan about Vermithor’s biased tendency as the eldest prince believed the dragon hated him. “Sadly, now he wouldn’t be able to fly with you as often for you have a mightier companion.” She said with a playful pout and Aemond found her tease refreshing. People were tipped around the topic of Vghar nowadays and only Aemma seemed to treat it as if it was a normal occurrence. 
“You are his favourite, Aemma. The dragon merely tolerated me.” The prince said nonchalantly and it was true, Vermithor’s fondness for the cursed princess was unquestionable. Besides, how could anyone not love her? It was impossible, the prince thought to himself. 
Giggling, Aemma shook her head as she swayed her holding cane hand playfully. “At least, he likes you better than Aegon. Your brother wouldn’t stop pestering me about how ill Vermithor treated him” 
“He’s an idiot.” Aemond huffed slightly. 
Aemma’s face morphed into a disapproving scold, “He’s your brother, Aemond.” Said Aemma sternly, her under-meaning didn’t go unnoticed by the one-eye prince. She was aware that Aemond had started to protest against their brother and so far, he was winning. Yet, she dictated the strained relationship between these two or just in her family in general. 
“Nyke ȳdra daor raqagon zirȳla” I don’t like him, the prince said stoically, switching effortlessly to High Valyrian tongue. 
“Ao ȳdra daor emagon naejot raqagon zirȳla, yn ziry's aōha ānogar se Aegon didn't emagon nykeā easy glaeson raqagon ao pendagon, Aemond. Ry hen īlva, īlon're ry suffering, sepār hen different ōdres se cause.” You don't have to like him, but he's your blood and Aegon didn't have an easy life like you think, Aemond. All of us, we're all suffering, just from different pain and cause, replied the cursed princess. Usually, she would never put the harsh truth on her brother’s shoulder for he was still too young. But the past few months had proven that the one-eye prince was stronger than Aemma thought.  
“Iksos bona skorkydoso ao feel bē Rhaenerya?” Is that how you feel about Rhaenerya, the boy asked and caught Aemma by surprise at the mention of her sister. 
Shaking her head, Aemma raised her hands to hold his cheeks as she stared ahead, giving the impression that she was looking straight into his eyes. The red ruby eye glistened as the sun hit it, creating an oddly alluring sight as it somehow fit well with her violet eye. “That’s a whole different matter, more complicated.” She gave him a brief answer, vague enough for him to understand but not enough for an inside look. “Rhaenerya isn’t like Aegon by any means.” She mumbled. 
Aemond tilted his head lightly, enjoying the soft touch of his sister. A hint of empathy glinted in his eye. She was the only person in Red Keep who hadn’t heard about Rhaenerya and Daemon’s wedding and he felt sorry for her. Who knew Aemma would know of her admiration for her older sister as the cursed princess always talked so highly of the Realm’s delight. And while the geographic distance between the two sisters caused a small drift in their relationship, they still loved each other dearly. Thus, Aemond found it ironic how the eldest princess didn’t even bother to tell her beloved sister about her new marriage. 
It was understandable why the Realm’s delight secretly married her uncle, but to hide it from the least judgemental person in their family who always held her in the best regard? Aemond could never understand. 
But Rhaenerya wasn’t the only reason why Aemma hadn’t heard about the affair. The eldest prince played the quintessential part in this. After the event of Losing an eye, Aegon censored everything around Aemma, what she could hear and who she could meet. What the prince deemed as unfit would never appear in front of Aemma. The news of Rhaenerya’s marriage apparently was one of those units. 
“How so?” The one-eye prince hummed. 
“She has a very calming presence, always knew when I was upset and she paid attention to the smallest thing. The knowledge she has is admirable as well, the things she taught me were brilliantly valuable and I couldn’t stress enough just how great of a company she is.” The cursed princess smiled as she recalled the fond memory she held with her eldest sibling. “You should ask your mother, I think she would know a thing or two about Rhaenyra.” She said in an absentminded manner, it was anything but. 
“I don’t think you would think so highly of her if you know what she did,” Aemond said, his word meticulously calculating as he eyed his sister who held a frown expression. He could see her curiosity had peaked. His sister was a curious creature who would stop at nothing to get her answer… 
“I beg you pardon?” 
“I think you should ask our brother… he would have a better explanation…” A smirk made its way to Aemond as he said sarcastically. If his brother had decided he had the right to control their sister, he should be prepared to explain it to her. 
Raising an eyebrow, Aemma was confused at what part did Aegon play and what her sister had done exactly? A part of her seemed to lean on the possibility of Aegon drunkenly doing some foolish antic like he sometimes did, but her gut told her that it was something entirely different. 
As her curiosity began to rise, the princess made a sharp turn as she decided not to visit the pit. Riding Vermithor could wait but the cursed princess would be damned if something happened to her two most beloved siblings. 
Aemond could see the gear turning in Aemma and he couldn’t help but find sick satisfaction in knowing that he had pushed Aegon’s position in their sister’s heart on a hang. Now, all he needed was to wait. And Aemond had all the patience in the world for that. 
For Aemma, he would wait a thousand years. Because she was worth it. 
Meanwhile, Aemma stormed toward Aegon’s wings with an unbelievable speed. Her mind had different case scenarios, none of which had the happy ending she wished for. As she stood in front of Aegon’s chamber, the cursed princess took a deep breath. She could feel the stare of the maids on her and didn’t understand why,  assuming that they probably thought she was eccentric for her appearance and disability. 
If only she knew they were admiring her for daring to be in Aegon’s presence alone… 
Pushing the double door with all of her strength, the princess stepped into the eerily silent chamber. It didn’t take long for her to figure out that her brother was still deep in his slumber. It must be one of those mornings, she thought to herself. And by those mornings, she meant when Aegon got too drunk the night before, he couldn’t bear the strength to wake up the next day and instead slumbered in his chamber all day. Until his mother went to fetch him, that is. So far, Alicent was nowhere in sight. 
“Aegon.” Said Aemma softly as she carefully narrowed around his chamber. She hadn’t been to his chamber for a long time, after she knew about him sneaking whore in his room. She couldn’t bear to be in a room where Aegon had done something like that. It simply didn’t sit right with her for some odd reasons. 
Finally, reaching her destination, Aemma sat at the foot of Aegon’s bed. The cursed princess carefully placed her cane beside her as she crawled onto his bed, something she hadn’t done since she turned ten. Skillfully, she pulled the cover away from the prince before lying down next to him and throwing the blanket on her. 
Aemma smiled as she remembered Rhaenerya used to call her a cover hogger due to her tendency of taking all the cover whenever she slept. 
The princess could feel Aegon’s body next to her and she simply waited. It didn’t take long for Aegon to stir as the cold air finally hit his naked body. Groaning, the prince patted around to find his cover. Much to his dismay, he couldn’t find it. 
Reluctantly, the prince finally opened his eyes. And he was glad he did, for he was greeted with the sight of his beautiful sister, laying on his bed, his cover on her as she softly hummed a lullaby. A sight he longed for and the thing that kept him going in this dysfunctional family. 
“Good morning, sleepy head.” The princess said teasingly as she felt Aegon stirring. 
“What a pleasure to have your presence in my chamber, sister.” The Prince lazily said, his voice ruffed from just waking up as he teasingly grinned. “I think you’re the only lady who’s brave enough to visit my chamber alone, not to mention laying on my bed uninvited.”
“Should I leave then?”
“No!” Ageon hastily replied, his hand going to grip hers. “I am quite content if you must know.”
The princess hummed, and a teasing smile bloomed on her beautiful face. “But in all seriousness, what have I done for you to grant your precious presence in my chamber?” He wasn’t dense, Aegon was aware of the reason why his sister purposely avoided his chamber. It was painful evidence of how unworthy of her he was. The prince swallowed bitterly. 
“Aemond and I had a conversation previously.” The cursed princess informed her brother, and her fingers traced the embroidery of the cover carefully. “And a certain topic had caught my attention. Aemond advised me to seek you out.” 
The eldest prince stiffed all of sudden and sat straight up. His bare chest was covered in nothing but the sunlight and had Aemma been less focused on the topic, she would be mortified by the way Aegon’s bare skin rubbed against hers. It was inappropriate and the two knew it. Yet, one was too caught up in their mind while the other enjoyed the feeling too much to care and also because Aegon was a pervert at his core. 
“Don’t you think it’s unwise to take advice from a boy like Aemond?” Questioned Aegon, his tone was unkind and the words were emphasised harshly. 
“I think that you’ve been underestimating Aemond, brother.” The cursed princess stated calmly. “He only told me to ask you about our sister.” 
“What matter of Healena could I possibly know?” The prince huffed and decided to play a fool. “You know I don’t like her. She’s such a freak.” The last was said venomously and it fueled an uncomfortable feeling in Aemma. 
Sighing, Aemma rolled on her side and opened her arms as a gesture of invitation. As if on cue, Aegon scooted into her arms, his head resting on her arm while her other arm caressed his hair gently. Her touch seemed to ease his ponding mind as he let out a sigh of relief, causing the cursed princess to giggle. This was a habit of theirs any time Aegon drank too much and woke up with a headache. The prince had claimed that her massage helped ease his pain away better than any potion out there and while Aemma didn’t buy his claim, she still complied nonetheless for she did not wish to let him suffer. 
“You know which sister I am talking about, Aegon.” The cursed princess purposely lowered her voice, knowing how loud the noise could impact her brother after a night of drinking. She would never understand why Aegon chose to put himself under all this torture for a short-lived pleasure. It didn’t seem like a fair sacrifice in her opinion. 
Aegon whined when Aemma massaged the right spot on his head. The prince allowed his body to relax in her arms, yet his mind was an entirely different story. Aegon’s mind had geared quickly as he bit his lower lips. “Same but different, I could care less about Rhaenerya and you know it. I never did, not when she stayed at the Red Keep and especially now that she was miles away. Did something happen?” He asked with a fake innocence in his tone, but the stern expression suggested otherwise. 
The prince was livid with his brother and certain that the one-eye prince was behind this. Yet, as he watched his sister's lips forming into a pout, Aegon knew he had lost this fight. The truth was he had controlled people around Aemma for months now. But he only wished to protect her and that was his only intention. He couldn’t possibly let anyone taint his angelic sister and she deserved to be protected. Thus, he censored what she could and couldn’t know. The news about Rhaenerya would devastate Aemma’s little heart and Aegon could predict the outcome perfectly. The eldest prince was certain that his little brother could too and yet, he set up a trap for Aegon to fall in. 
“You know something, don’t you?” Aegon heard his sister whispering and his eyes went wild. His arm tightened around Aemma’s waist as he buried his head deeper into the crook of Aemma’s neck. “Are you the one behind this?” Aegon shook his head and Aemma let out a sigh of relief. That was all she needed to know. 
Smiling knowingly, Aemma stroked her brother’s curls. The cursed princess asked softly. “This thing will hurt me if I know, won’t it?” 
As she predicted, Aegon nodded while letting out a whine. Her brothers… They tried to act so differently yet at their core, they were the same, at least to her. Two softies who had overprotective tendencies. The cursed princess felt Aegon burying his head deeper into her neck. “But I have a feeling that I must learn about this.” Aemma pried. “She’s my sister, Aegon. I would want to know if this was you or Aemond or Heleana. So please, tell me, brother.” 
Aegon closed his eyes and knew that he was defeated. She was using her soft tone, one that he could never refuse. Aemma knew so too. “I don’t wish for you to know.” Admitted the eldest prince. “But if you want to know so much… Rhaenyra married īlva uncle isse secret paktot tolī se funeral hen zȳhon late valzȳrys.” Rhaenyra married our uncle in secret right after the funeral of her late husband. 
“Oh.” was all Aemma could mutter out loud. 
“You aren’t surprised?” 
“I suppose not, I always know there was something between the two…” And indeed, she did. She wasn’t stupid and could feel the tension between her sister and their uncle whenever they were near like how she learnt about her sister’s affair with Ser Harwin Strong. Yet, she always kept it to herself. 
She was visually impaired, but she wasn’t blind to the world around her. 
Aegon’s face fell as he watched Aemma lose in her thoughts and how conflicted she seemed. Her small face formed into a frown as she curled into a ball. With a sigh, Aegon changed their posture and spooned his sister. The prince decided to change their role as well as he began to stroke her hair reassuringly. Truthfully, he didn’t understand what she was going through, but he would be with her regardless. 
Aemma rubbed her arms as she bit her lips. She was happy for her sister, truly. But it hurt, learning it through her brother instead of Rhaenerya. It also upset the cursed princess how quickly her sister married their uncle. Yes, the two had waited for so long but she found it disrespectful to Laenor. 
Perhaps Rhaenerya didn’t intend to keep it from her? Maybe the Realm’s delight only wished to hide from their father but unintentionally hid it from her in the process.
She wished she was trustworthy enough for Rhaenerya to tell her. Maybe if she could read her letter, Rhaenerya would tell her more. 
The cursed princess listened to the soft breath of her brother and after a few minutes, she pushed him off. It didn’t sit right with her that Aegon had hidden this from her. By the way he spoke, he had learned the news for a while… Yet, he never told her. 
The pain of betrayal continuously suffocated the young princess. She couldn’t wrap her head around the fact that her two closest siblings hiding things from her. Things that she had the right to know. 
“You lied to me…” She whispered. It hurt her more as she confronted him. Something was worse when it was spoken out loud. 
Frantically shaking his head, Aegon sat straight up. The cover pulled around his lap as his eyes manically focused on her ruby eye. It shone under the dim light of his room, an indication of his devotion to Aemma. The eldest prince had never been so scared in his life, not even his grandsire affected him the way she did. The small princess didn’t even raise her tone yet the impact she created was enormous. “My only wish is to protect you, Aemma. I never intended to lie to you.” Aegon pleaded. He ignored the pounding pain in his head as he sat, hands holding hers as a gesture of begging. “You know where my loyalty lies…” 
“I know…” replied Aemma, but the sharp pain in her heart wasn’t easy to ignore. And the two both knew that the cursed princess couldn’t tolerate betrayal.  
“I knew that Rhaenerya’s action will hurt you and look at you now, sister. I only protected you, don’t you see?” Said Aegon in the softest voice he could mutter but the murderous look on his face betrayed the meaning of his words. “Don’t push me away, Aemma… I love you and I only have you. Look at what Rhaenerya did, she hurt you and yet, you are willing to forgive her. But when it came to me, you couldn’t tolerate it even though my intention was for your good.” 
The more Aegon pleaded, the more torn Aemma felt inside. His words were a sharp knife cutting through her skin over and over. She didn’t mean to hurt him… she never wish to hurt anyone as it went against her nature. And her brother was right, he only wished to protect her… Why did she have to make a scene when he had such good intentions? Rhaenerya had their uncle but Aegon… her little brother had nobody but her. Aemma knew he had an unhealthy attachment to her. 
“I am sorry.” She said shakingly, tears rolling down her cheeks. Confusion and bitterness emerged and settled at the bottom of her stomach. She didn’t know what to think. But her instinct was to comfort him. “I was being sensitive.” 
Kissing her tears away, Aegon hushed as he shook his head. “It’s alright.” 
Aemma nodded as she hid her face in his pillow, preferring to be in solidarity. But much to her dismay, someone pushed the door open. 
“Aemond.” She heard Aegon hissing beside her as if the name was venomous. 
“Sister.” Aemond ignored his brother and his murderous glares as the second prince kneeled beside Aemma’s side of the bed. A bouquet was held in his hand. “Heleana and I made you a bouquet. We wish to make you feel better.” 
Aemma pulled away from her pillow, a smile appeared effortlessly on her beautiful face as she offered her hands so Aemond could place the bouquet on it. It was a sweet gesture but Aemma couldn’t stomach it, not when she now understood why her brother insisting on her seek for Aegon. He could have told her but it would not have the same effect as Aegon confessing his action… Aemond did it on purpose…
A thought sent shivers down her spine… 
She was just a pawn in these two’s competition…
The cursed princess wondered if she truly knew her family as she originally thought… 
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mobolanz · 10 months
For the OC questions: 5, 24, 31 and 40!
Sweeeet!:D thank you for yet another ask oml <3 🤧
Let's see!(⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
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Oh pretty much my semi-self insert & sailor moon oc Mia Hideno (Amethyst as a villain) 🤧 I mean it's also the one I have the biggest history with, and my 2nd most developed and thought out one after Evelyn(unless we speak lore/inspo wise where it's an equal footing) . Like imma be fr here I'm surprised that an anime/manga that named 90% and counting of its villains after minerals/gemstones there wasn't anyone in canon after that (like,,,it can be the sailor earth of villain ocs <3). Plus I'm very much set on how her story goes (with multiple endings.) So all I need is to resume my SM rewatch that was paused after aot pt.3 trailer was released and I'm on it! (⁠ノ⁠◕⁠ヮ⁠◕⁠)⁠ノ⁠*⁠.⁠✧
And like,,, her and demande,,, my og oc ship that's still kicking today 😆💎💐 what I clung on to until creating reinelyn :")
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why??
Ahhh right, I knew right away who would it be and that reminded me- I don't think I've introduced aya here yet have I?:3
Because shopping with her would be the dream tbh. Your wardrobe would feel like a blessing had struck it. Also she sweet 🤧🤧
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31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Just one? :c I'm going with main trio for this one
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Evelyn: mostly just pretty and cute aesthetic pictures and philosophical/ motivational quotes. She doesn't have that much free time on her hands so when she does it rather be in a positive territory that doesn't drain her further. Although should she befriend anyone also continuously support whatever they make by sharing it with commentary.
Mia: exclusive art account. A close resemblance to the one I have myself indeed (semi-self insert indeed xD). Should she have a personal one kinda like Evelyn's but also a lot of character meta/analysis posts reblogged. For certain a villain apologist 😆
Cecille: mostly short personal posts, doesn't bother with anything that isn't pfp and a snarky line for the blog title. probably gets anon hate claiming her attitude is ass so she replies with one 🥱 (as in "ain't reading all that") and leaves it. (I love her 🤧)
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
Honestly nothing overly specific of an event considering I kept a lot about them to myself for a long time but,,, let's say these
For Mia just about how everytime I have a brainrot for her it's like the muse had struck me I had to keep a list if I burn out before doing them all so it can be pulled for next time 🤧💐
In Evelyn's case it's more recent knowing pretty much everyone I talk about her with is interested & likes her🥹. I mean that really gives me a chance to go and further ny writing skill and it's also nice to look in her tag and see old and new stuff
My pride and joy that's what she is ✨ :")
Some oc questions
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snowy-weather · 8 months
What is a song that reminds you of your OC?
Oho. I have entire playlists for my OCs. XD (Both from original stories and the Elder Scrolls)
Here's some songs that remind me of Mirni:
And this one which is pretty much what I imagine Mirni would sound like if she could sing. ^^
I would share more but I'm not sure Tumblr could handle so many videos. Also, it would be a very long post. XD My playlist for Ace of Swords is longer than my Elder Scrolls OC one, but I've been working on that one longer (Also Ace of Swords has more characters than I have Elder scrolls OCs XD )
I am currently keeping an eye out for Varonys and Alya songs. Though I've not found much yet.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! ^^
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aralezinspace · 1 year
Writeblr Positivity Tag
was tagged by both @chromehoplite and @hangfiretales and haven't really had Brain to write so fingers crossed this helps get the juices flowing again xD Under a cut cuz I kinda went off with the answers xD
1. What motivates you to write?
Rereading my favorite stories, certain movies- I forget what Tolkien called it, but just the urge to create after seeing something beautiful that someone else has created. Also telling stories as a sort of release for the feelings/vibes/sentiments that I just don't have space to experience in my every day life.
2. A line/short snippet of your writing that you are most proud/happy of. If not maybe share a line of someone else's work you love (just please credit them)
From one of Megan’s stories I’m starting to rework so it’s one cohesive thing and not a tumblr RP thread xD
The truth… Megan laced her fingers and leaned forward, resting her forearms on her thighs. Her hazel eyes stared without focus into the distance. How much of the truth to tell him, at least at this moment.
3. Which OC makes you smile every time you think/talk about them and what are they like?
Guardian Megan Samuels. Both she and her order were created for/in the Doctor Who universe, but I'm tweaking some of the concepts for a potential OW. Writing her adventures got me through a really horrible period of my life.
Megan is the embodiment of one of my favorite tropes, "character is done with x but x isn't done with them (because they're good at it)." She was plucked from her life and remolded into a warrior, yet despite being hundreds of years old and seeing untold horros (time war) she hasn't succumbed to cynicism.
She's kind and self sacrificing almost to the point of martyrdom, very protective of the ones she cares about, "you said pick my battles, I'm picking all of them", the hardened exterior of a warrior hiding the fragile, broken, vulnerable, and somehow still kind and optimistic person underneath.
Fuck I miss writing her. Might be time to dust off her old stories...
4. What process of writing do you enjoy the most?
The semi stressful feeling when the ideas and plot are forming faster than your fingers can type- and when the flow stops, going back and tweaking the whole ass story or scene that just popped into existence like Athena did to Zeus xD just watching the story unfold before you, sometimes in ways you didn't think it would
5. What part of writing do you think you are the best at? (Yes stroke your own ego it's okay)
How I write action, specifically fights. Pacing it and varying the language so it's engaging but also realistic within the world of the story, and also the thoughts and feelings of the characters while they're fighting.
Also how I can almost always find the right/specific words to describe the vaguest of vibes and feelings, so that the ephemeral mess in my head is understandable (prob cuz I had to do that a lot to get people in my life to understand how I was experiencing the world)
6. What is something in the writeblr community is most enjoyable?
Both the commiseration about how writing is wonderful and awful at the same time, and seeing normally eloquent writers have incoherent unhinged conversations about their blorbos xD
7. A writing tool/device you use that helps you with writing? (It could be speech to text, a writing program etc)
Sticky notes and a notebook. I have post-its in the back of my writing notebook with all my ideas/prompts so that if I want to write something but don't know what, I can pick one. also specifically those notebooks with folders in them, they're the unsung heros of writers who just accumulate scrap paper with notes and ideas and want to keep them with their writing notebook (aka me) xD
8. A piece of worldbuilding that you like in your own story? (It could be the magic system, a particular place in the story, a law etc)
In the Doctor Who universe that Megan was originally created for, the Order of Guardians is formed of soldiers of different species from all over the universe, kind of like the Green Lantern corps but for Time Lords. Each Guardian is assigned a Time Lord to protect, how they go about that is their business (Megan is basically glued to the Doctor's hip, she gotta be xD), but their first loyalty is to Gallifrey. They are all enhanced to live as long as Time Lords but don't regenerate, they go through extensive training and schooling, are the elite fighting force of Gallifrey. Megan was the first human Guardian. I'm working on tweaking this whole concept for a potential OW, we'll see how it goes xD
9. What piece of advice would you say to encourage others to write if they are having a rough patch?
Write what you want to write, no matter what it is. Go to your sources of motivation, whatever makes you want to get lost in the magic of storytelling. and remember, it's okay to step away for a bit and come back to it in a few days or weeks or however long- give your brain the space to rest.
10. Tag some people whose works you love/have been your biggest supporters.
Both Chrome and Ama who are already tagged (such amazing writers and so supportive of my multi chap that I've been working on for 3 ish years now) but also @griever-bit-my-finger @honeybeezgobzzzzz @7-wonders @just-french-me-up @just-some-random-blogger @roguelov @cuckoo-on-a-string @peachesofteal @undiscovered-horizon @just-some-random-blogger All of these folks have multiple works that I've read multiple times, and I enjoy them just as much every reread as I did the first time (No pressure to do the questions just my undying love)
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Barnaby for the ask game
Hoo-hoo-hoo! Of course! :D
Tumblr media
First impression: First impression was pretty much "Huh, this one looks funky!", I honestly liked Barnaby's design right away, but in that time Fanto was my current favorite, so I didn't focus on him a lot.
Favorite moment: It's far too early to say, since BBU hasn't be released yet. But do check the livestreams, because his quips tend to be the funniest ones, especially when he banters with Fantoccio. Those two share a single braincell, and it's a riot! His song, "A Million Gruesome Ways to Die" is also a banger, and perfectly captures his murdery tendencies in the funniest way possible.
Idea for a story: Barnaby's backstory is still mostly shrouded in mystery. So anything that could explore his past is a golden opportunity: what was he going to accomplish with the experiment that doomed him? What was his history with his family? Did he have any friends? How is his past self playing a part in how he is now? So many questions, and the game is very likely going to answer them, but in the meantime there's so much to speculate!
Unpopular opinion: I kinda fear he'll become a Tumblr Sexyman when the game will come out. It's still too early to tell, but, let's be fair, he's got all the elements, and I'm both amused and in fear of that... XD
Favorite relationship: Again, listen to the livestreams, and how well Barnaby and Fantoccio play off each other. One is crazy goofy, the other is quick tempered and loves the spotlight. Comedy gold!
Favorite headcanon: He can totally mimic other people's voices. Because he's so chaotic, he can do anything!
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