abiik · 4 years
i am the most curious about your owl oc 👀 i would love to hear any thoughts you have on her! her personality, moral alignment(s), presence, relationship (in general or specific, or both!) with other ocs, goals, whatever you got i love her already *keeses her* *keeses u* ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
some notes on myna:
while i've mainly based her design of off owls, i have speckled in other birds. for example, her name comes from the myna(h) which is part of the starling family (sturnidae) & i've taken inspiration from the shrike, peppering in their hunting style as a way that she fights as well. another thing i've taken from the shrike is the nickname "butcher" :)
myna was a mom! i have Not decided how many children she had but i DO know she has a picture of her family on her in a locket that she keeps tucked close to her. not even sneaky lil toof can get their hands on it. myna was a great mom! a fun mom, really, who loved indulging her kids. she was/is very community oriented and spent a lot of time tending to that, and she very much enjoyed it. so, in losing that, it was a big blow.
myna learned the tricks she uses now before she became a mother, & attempted to teach them to her children in tiny bits before they were killed. she didn't ever think that they would need to use them, but she thought it would be better if they would know how to protect themselves if it came down to it. BUT um. well. you know...
of the three, myna is def a shit-stirrer. while toof is The lil shit and undead oc is stuck being the brunt of everyone's jokes, myna is the one quietly laughing to herself as toof and undead oc are at each other's throats yet again about something she caused. i'd say she's the type of person who tosses a piece of meat between two starving animals & watches as they tear eachother apart to get at it, if that makes sense.
cont off of this, myna is kind of the one pressing them forward. toof is the go-getter, if there is a reward; undead oc will follow myna bc he believes he's doing something right, he's helping someone, repenting almost, yeah. myna's like the captain of their lil group, in a way, and she's puppeteering it from a perch above them. as toof charges in and undead oc sets up barriers, myna's spearheading the movement, she's the one, essentially, looking at the whole playing field, she's looking at everyone else's weaknesses & strengths & her own team's weaknesses & strengths & she's setting up every little piece so that she & her team end up on top; so that the others play right into where she can swoop in and snap their necks w her talons.
myna likes to see the big picture, she LOVES having all of the information. it's just... how it is with her, and working in a group where one would very much rather EAT the person they're trying to get info from bc it's taking too long and another who would very much rather not waste their time or exert energy SPEAKING to someone who's in rags, it's kind of DIFFICULT. (this doesnt go to say that toof isnt good w speaking to ppl - they r VERY good at it; they're just. impatient)
rn im playing w having her be something akin to rogue/bard for like. an actual specialization, if anything, bc i think that fits best for her. she's less inclined to be an Actual singer, but a storyteller of sorts. im still playing w this.
myna's goals rn are to get revenge on the ppl who decimated her village & killed her family, and in doing so, she manages to recruit toof & undead oc to help her with her goal. however, these two have No Clue that this is their end goal atm. other goals include: figuring out what to cook for a party that consists of a cannibalistic monster companion & a skeleton possessed by a demon that appeases Everyone.
OH relationships!!! myna had a very good, strong relationship with her husband. they were like. super gross and domestic and sweet. he was the epitome of big dumb bi himbo husband who loves his strong bi wife who could kick his ass & def did at one point. he was prob like, a farmboy with a huge bright smile who hauled sheep around, one in each arms, like, the whole shebang, the LOVE OF HER LIFE!!!!! myna LOVES this man, LOVES HIMMM !!!!! & when he died, it was. it was Horrible. myna had to bury him & her children & her entire village, what was left of it, all alone and injured and enraged.
i think i want to give myna sisters. check back in later :)
toof & horny boy!!!!
oh gosh where to start w these two??? i think they all meet w/in v quick succession of each other bc the idea of toof & myna meeting each other & travelling alone for a while together w/out horny boy as a buffer is.... one of them would end up dead. (i am imagining myna & toof just staring each other down on other sides of the fire, myna eating a pomegranate and toof licking their teeth under their veil, both just waiting for the other to lunge) so um yeah, they all meet like. kind of w/in the same day. SURPRISINGLY, myna and toof meet first. but they don't end up travelling together. toof is actually marinating ppl at the time in order to eat them. i havent decided if these ppl r ppl involved w the ppl who killed myna's family, but... probably. so, right off the bat, myna and toof? not friendly.
at this point, horny boy is dead ass asleep, living in his own mental torment w himself (his pride demon) where he was 'buried.' funnily enough, even after all of the false prophet & burning him at the stake shit, ppl STILL spread rumors that he was some sort of old god that will save/end the world & myna & toof get wrapped into the group that toof is marinating & she's trying to kill trying to open horny boy's tomb to release him. unfortunately for toof & fortunately for myna, horny boy ends up killing the group for waking him up & a lovely lil tussle where toof INSISTS horny boy pay them back for the MONTHS of work & myna's logical talk down w a crossbow & a knife to toof's head & neck later, they're all working together!!!!
myna allows horny boy to think that this journey is some way for him to repent or whatever. see, the thing is, she tells them what she plans to do - go kill these ppl - but she never tells them Why & she, technically, lies by omission tons & tons about the whole journey by allowing them (mostly horny boy) to come to conclusions themselves. she just doesnt correct them. believe what you will, she shrugs, as long as you'll help me, as long as you won't stop me.
myna and horny boy are on pretty good terms at first. like good associates. they get stuff done. there are some times where horny boy is a little like ...um myna? & she's like what? & he's like u literally just hung a man from a crossbow bolt. & she's like and? u just sliced a man in half w a shard of ice, i dont think we have time to be getting questionable about how we kill these ppl. they're bad ppl.
they're pretty friendly & i think horny boy does kind of get infatuated w her before she does with him. she has sort of a one track mind, and that's to find the people who killed her family, you know. they do have their fun friendly like flirty moments u know, where it SEEMS like myna may acknowledge that horny boy likes her, but then it drops off & they're all like... ? although, if i had to use a word for these two it would be... tender. i will not elaborate. thatse it.
then there's toof. toof who is much more fiery & fierce and OUT THERE. myna and toof have a sharp relationship right away. first myna thinks they're with the ppl she wants to kill, then they join her lil group just to be able to get paid back for missing out on all of that FOOD they were working so hard for (even if going & finding a whole new group would have done them a lot better), then they're constantly picking at horny boy & trying to needle myna, like they're just CONSTANTLY antagonistic and she's like this Pain in the aSS. but then toof is a WONDERFUL goddamn ally. they're GREAT at getting info, they're a perfect heavy hitter, they're so good at diversions like myna is DROOLING at how they add to their tactics, her eyes have dilated to the size of dinner plates & they are so PLIANT when she uses the right sort of incentive.
basically, myna gets VERY attached to toof as a companion bc of what they offer to the group and toof accidentally gets attached to the One fleshy thing that they Absolutely CanNot Eat. like they just. accidentally become closer and closer and myna, who kind of craves companionship, especially after losing her community & her family & EVERYTHING, is finding it in these two unexpectedly. like. i. hm.
it's still all very much in production but. at this point. i think.... this is all i can think of !! <333 thank u for allowing me to ramble about her *keeses u* ily so muchhh
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