#there's a song and a manga lol
stupidsexpotflanders · 7 months
First of all,you need to listen to this song - it slaps(Femme Fatale,by the Exit Eden group).
Second of all,listening to this and repeating it 134! times reminded me of Light Yagami - His relationship with Kiyomi Takada,to be more precise. Outside of the obvious fact that the music speaks about a dangerously seductive woman and a man as her victim,it describes very well how Takada got used then killed. (Alternatively:stupidsexpotflanders connected the two dots. She didn't connect shit. She connected the two dots.)
Twilight zone in the dead of night Sends a shiver down your spine Lips like blood and the look of love She's the master of divine "Back away for you will get burned" Yells the voice inside your mind But you refuse to see the signs
This part is already pretty telling. I'm kind of reaching here,but the first and second verses of this strophe(?) can be linked to the beginning of the relationship. Light getting back to Takada's life after those years is kinda weird,but not inherently suspicious. On the other hand,verses 3 and 4 are perfect describers of this dynamic(disregarding gender stuff,of course). "Lips like blood" talks about red lipstick,but it can also be about malicious persuasion(and,as you'll see later,the music does mention it) - a major weapon of Light's throughout the manga. "The look of love" is also present in this arc,and Light acts like the clever sweetheart with a sense of humor. "She's the master of divine" is clearly about Kira. It's knowing Light is Kira that makes Takada lower her guard in a way she definitely shouldn't. The last verses talk about how Takada had reasonable doubts about Light,but ignored her intuition. Just like it happened with the guy from the song. Bonus point:Takada got literally burned.
Like a moth you are mesmerized Flying spineless to the light Lost control feeling insecure The affection drives you wild Vulnerable you are led by her To surrender without a fight The sweet temptation is your guide
Look,an opportunity for a dumb pun! The first two verses from this stanza/strophe(?) describe quite accurately what happened in the manga,IMO. When Light told Takada he was Kira,she mentioned how he was "the only man she admired" and "all of it was too wonderful for words". Any suspiscion she might have about him is ignored because he's "the god of the new world" and she might be "his goddess". The other verses are more of an emphasis to his/her precarious situation,and to how the woman/Light took down his/her defenses.
She's a femme fatale Hypnotizes with her spell Armed with seduction and affinity She's a femme fatale Like an angel sent from hell When she rejects you with serenity She's a femme A femme fatale
Onto the chorus. Light is a Femme Fatale,and gender isn't a factor in my opinion - I'm talking about the classical archetype,where a woman with a dark agenda seduces,manipulates and ruins a poor shmuck. His "spell" is fairly mundane - during his monologues,we see him planning on how to "build a relationship with Takada in order to be able to control her". The fifth verse is perfect for Death Note's general Christian aesthetic,but I really don't see him as a Satanic Archetype. "When s/he rejects you with serenity"... When Takada got compromised,Light gave her a painful death by fire - "rejection" is the euphemism of the century,lol.
Just one touch and you lost your heart With devotion in her arms In those eyes you see innocence Never meaning to do harm Taste the lips, they are bitter sweet Drink the poison blind from love Intoxicated by her charm
As I said before,he's very gentle to her. However,said gentleness is tainted with ill intent and cruelty. Light takes Takada on his arms after promising he'll make her His Goddess(is this how they're calling it now?). In another one of their dates,Light asked her to be Kira,and Takada was taken aback enough to not being able to stand up. To keep her from falling down,he grabs her. To top it all,Light and Takada have those "meaningful looks". The guy is poisonous.
Pardonne-moi mes offenses Comme je pardon aussi À ceux qui m' ont offensés Et ne me laisse pas entrer en tentation Mais délivre-moi du mal
The Lord's Prayer in French(or at least a part of it). Christian stuff just for aesthetics is a trademark of the Death Note Manga. It doesn't go much deeper than simply "Rule of Cool",tho.
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She's a femme fatale Hypnotizes with her spell Armed with seduction and affinity She's a femme fatale Like an angel sent from hell When she rejects you with serenity She's a femme A femme fatale
And I just put the chorus here because the song ends with it,and because I just find it neat.
Another bonus point:Takada was the last person Light killed in the manga.
I chose to speak about this relationship because while Light did many shitty things in the manga,most of them were related to him being a comic book supervillain - therefore,way over the top to be truly horrifying. However,an individual setting out to get another person's affections with the sole goal of using and discarding them after they're no longer useful? That's quite realistic(With Misa,it's a more complicated case,since she knew Light was playing the role of boyfriend and doesn't care much to know who he's as a person. I'm not saying Light isn't shitty to her,it's just that they're mutually awful in a way by being enablers. Light indulges Misa's fantasies,and Misa does Light's bidding). Plus,he seemed really gleeful during his monologues - as if he was high on that power.
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leopah · 8 months
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Do you remember me?
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apparently-artless · 14 days
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amaranthdahlia · 9 months
[all for one/one for all] wolf in sheep's clothing - rlyy short animatic lol
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ladsofsorrow24 · 1 year
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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yor ass hurt.
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quillisadoll · 4 months
Ouran highschool x doctor who au
Tamaki is the 16th doctor and Haruhi is the companion and instead of the companion being In love with the doctor, the doctor is in love with the companion.
"they're approaching too fast, quick let us kiss under the stars so we can live out our final moments together~~~"
Omg and his screwdriver would be in the shape of a rose
I am a genius
(I'm silly in the tags!)
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gratefulcheeses · 7 months
I finally connected the dots on where his laugh’s onomatopoeia came from last year because I was drawing him and Psycho Killer started playing. I am not the brightest man around
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everythingranma · 1 month
I need to read/watch more of Rumiko Takahashi's other works. I've been currently watching Maison Ikkoku for the first time. I read the manga years ago and loved it.
I also want to check out what other movies/anime/cartoons the Ranma 1/2 Japanese VAs have done.
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lovers-instead · 4 months
Whisper Me a Love Song Episode 8 ED - Meritocracy
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kickbutts-singsongs · 5 months
What, exactly, did Horikoshi and Gege even talk about for THIS to happen???
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revasserium · 1 year
hq headcanons with gyaru s/o?? PLS IM BEGGING tysm!!!!
ギャル! 超かわいいー (gyaru! chou kawaii ー !)
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ft oikawa; suga; bokuto; hinata; tsukki
obsessed! asks u to send pics of ur new manicure designs, knows ur manicurist by first name, sends her his love every time u go
chides you not to spend too long tanning cause the uv isn't great for your skin but loves how u look; tells u that it makes your eyes stand out and your hair look nice and has mastered the art of taking selfies from that #45degreetopdown angle
has a pic of u as his phone bk bc this man is whipped and he's not afraid to admit it; will buy you trinkets and hair clips and earrings or send u pics of cute ones sees
always holds ur hand in public and brags about u to his friends u__u
kisses you with your flavored lipgloss bc he is an agent of chaos and he likes the way he can mess you up a little; he's secretly not so secretly super happy that u have a whole string of phone charms that are just presents from him -- tiny volleyballs, bejeweled cupcakes, random little animals, a giant fluffball just cause it's soft
helps u pick out circle lenses cause he thinks they're so so pretty and can't stop staring at your eyes whenever u wear a new pair
honestly kinda fell for u the first time he saw you cause of the way you tied up ur school uniform shirt and he caught a glimpse of your bellybutton ring and thought it was like... the hottest thing ever but;;;; we don't have to talk about that
tells u every day how beautiful you are, just bc u__u
honestly doesn't rly get it but boi if he aint supportive! and he cares so much; will sit and listen intently to u when ur talking about all the different clothing brands u like or ponder out loud how ur so good with ur hands cause if he had nails like urs he'd break them immediately
would let u paint his nails in glitter tho
will tell u just to go outside w/out sunscreen if u wanna tan more (like him!!!) but after u tell him about uv and sun protection now he actively slathers sunscreen on himself before going outside and preaches it to all his friends and teammates ("akaashi! did u kno it causes premature aging of the skin!??!! wait -- what do u mean everyone knows that?!")
loves your weekend outfits so much u__u honestly he's shooketh at your eye for style, thinks you should become a fashion designer, a model, actively advertises to the world that you already are one basically; swells!!! with pride when someone on the street asks to take a pic of your outfit -- "see?!?!? told u u should be a model!!! ur pics belong in magazines!!!"
is just so so awestruck at all the sparkly/pretty things; and you're the sparkliest, prettiest of all so i mean -- that tracks!
gets just as excited as you do about new clothing lines and is super eager to spend entire weekends walking through various shops, carrying all your stuff, praising the way you look in every single outfit u try on
the blushiest!!! if u dress him up too so you guys match! holds your hand so tightly and can't stop grinning to himself so that at the end of the day his cheeks hurt but that's okay bc he got to spend the whole weekend w/ you and he wants to do it again all the time!
loves ur long nails bc it feels nice when you trail it along his arms, down his back; it makes him feel loopy and sleepy and shivery and all sorts of good, and on top of that -- they're just gorgeous to look at arent they? everything about u is gorgeous and he's so, so glad to have u
will never admit it outloud that he actually likes it; pretends it's just another level to all the "girly things" that normal girls like -- so u like more of it -- so what
but BOI if he doesn't feel his chest get all tight when you get all dressed up for your dates, when your lashes are perfectly mascaraed to set off those gorgeous new circle lenses u bought the other day that he totally, totally isn't into cause that color is just so pretty against your skin --
constantly tells u that ur nails are kind of a hassle and he doesn't understand how u get anything done with them but will wait for u outside ur salon with ur bags and grab u icecream and sigh and begrudgingly admit that the nail art is cute this time...
is secretly super fucking into the fact that u have a pic of the both of u has ur phone background and it makes him happy every single time ur phone goes off and the screen lights up; and yeah, the fact that you have a volleyball phone charm that you told him reminds you of him makes him rly, rly happy too u__u
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tdoongslover · 7 days
•Hello my dear friend,👋
•I hope you find my message well.
•I am Eman from Gaza, I am 28 years old.🇵🇸 I ask you to help me and my family to save our lives from the genocide war,
•Just donate 20€ 🍉
•A small amount remains until we reach our goal and my family and I can leave safely.🤍
•Please share, repost, or donate to my family.
My account vetted by :✅
please support however you can, solely interacting would make a great difference
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bunnygirl678 · 1 year
Because I need to work on my WIPs and not add another I'm putting this out into the stratosphere, please as always (and literally any concept you see me throw around even if i wrote a fic about it i want more stories) feel free to steal it, draw it, write it, or use it to distract yourself from the pain radiating from the massive cut in your foot that has decided to just bleed all night (oddly specific bunny is not okay) anywhosers
-royalty au
-red is like the sole prince of a small nation, Pallet, his mom is the queen, despite the nation being small , they are increadibly strong thanks to pokemon trainer prince who beats everyone
-rocket nation with king gio had been attacking and waging a full out war but Red's pushed them back, now rocket nation is trying to form alliances, so Red's mom has to the do same thing
-a neighboring nation, Oakland (ha) had always fought with Red's nation over resources or something, but rocket is attacking them so they form an alliance
-and to form an alliance King Samuel sends his grandson Green to be married off
-cause daisy's the oldest so she'll be queen, and honestly the king thinks green is shit at everything so getting rid of him is a weight off his shoulders
-and green is pissed cause he's a strong trainer and had been doing a lot to protect his nation but his grandfather doesn't care
-red and green immediately hate each other but like they're married so they have to be around each other
-and green like snuck his pokemon with him and keeps sneaking away to train and eventually red catches him training and is like hey wait you like pokemon battling
-all the while rocket is forming alliances and planning a sinister take over of pallet then Oakland
-red and green bond over training
-and like all of the nobels and military leaders treat green like he's just arm candy but now Red's like hey wait you actually know stuff and are almost as strong as me
-green starts coming to planning sessions and the elite 4 generals dont take him serious or whatever then red is like okay go battle him
-green kicks their asses and earns their respect
-they do planning and training and all the while red and green are falling for each other but neither will admit it, cause they think the other just sees this as duty or whatever
-finally the battle comes rocket vs. everyone else
-it's going well until green gets hurt, like maybe he and red are joking around on the battlefield some cause it's easy and they're kinda having fun and flirting a bit, but then someone sneaks and stabs green or whatever
-one of the elite 4 take green away to medics and red goes feral (think achilles) he beats giovanni for good
-all of the allies meet up to divvy up rocket's territories, and green is like hanging on by a thread or whatever and his grandfather is like who cares he only exists to further Oakland's control
-red is pissed threatening to wage ware against oakland
-daisy ends up finding out green is hurt and immediately comes to pallet to see him (cause she actually loves her brother) and that calms red down
-red's mom ends up somehow getting oak to step down as king and daisy becomes queen
-green gets better and red's like hey i know you don't love me and were just forced into this by your grandfather so here is this country called Viridian it's yours youre the king now
-and before green can be like wait im in love with you too, red fucks off to mt. silver (cause of course right)
-green is devastated, red is devastated
-the story is over... or is it???
-it isn't obviously, cause bunny has to have her happy ending cause real life sucks ass so fantasy has to be great in the end
-prince gold from johto makes friends with green, hears the story, and how technically green and red are 100% still married
-so he and his merry band of mischief makers (silver, lyra, kris) go on a journey to bring red down
-they make up some story about green being in trouble
-red obviously rushes down the mountain to save green, but like green's just hanging out in his castle bored as hell playing spoons with alakazam or something
-he see's red and rushes to him and they embrace and kiss
-and green's like i can't stand it i'm in love with you and red's like oh shit me too
-then they merge viridian and pallet and have a second more fun wedding where it's happy instead of an arranged thing
-and they live happily ever after
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tea-cup-tyrant · 4 months
One track mind, one track heart ♥️
If I fail, I'll fall apart ♥️
Maybe it is all a test ♥️
'Cause, I feel like I'm the worst ♥️
So I always act like I'm the best ♥️
(All needed links located here)
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♥️16+/semi. Sel./slightly canon divergent/ocs and crossover muses welcome/indie. ♥️
-mun Steph♥️
FloRid: #🌹🦈
Headcanons: #canons-of-rosehearts
Rules: #rules-of-the-kingdom-of-hearts
Riddle: #Riddle:the-short-red-prince
My dorm members:
Ace: @heartslabyul-ace-trappola
Deuce: @the-real-deuce-spade
Trey: @trey-the-mom
Cater: @cater-diamond @craycray-caycay
Father: @doctor-emyr-rosehearts
Like for a starter
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paint-it-dead · 8 months
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-Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-Five
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