#there's a reason she wears it on her back
mcuamerica · 2 days
Loving Flames | Part One
Pairing: Eris x Reader
Summary: Amarantha decided to 'gift' you to Eris Vanserra to get back at Rhys. Requested by anon here.
Warnings: 18+ only, canon level violence, alludes to SA, the word whore shows up a few times, (again not proofread), let me know if anything was forgotten...
Word Count: 4.6k
Disclaimer: I do not own SJM’s characters, only the ones I create for the purpose of this story. This is a work of fiction. I do not give permission to repost my work on any other platform or medium. Please be respectful.
Dividers from @saradika
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Eris met you when you were 35, years after the war. It was at a High Lords meeting, with your father bringing you along to introduce you to the court. It snapped for Eris in that moment.
You were wearing a spectacular navy blue and silver gown, fabric attached to your shoulders to make it look like a cape. Your wings were tucked in tight behind you to keep from bumping into anyone.
He tried to speak to you that night, tell you about the bond, but his father pulled him away quickly and he didn’t see you again.
The next time he saw you, however, you were by Rhysand’s side in all black, mourning the loss of your father and your mother. And your wings. While Tamlin’s brothers didn’t kill you, they almost did. Taking time with you is what allowed you to live, unfortunately for you.
Eris tried approaching you again, needing to say at least something to you. This time, Azriel, the ever obedient guard dog, growled and told him to leave. These ceremonies were for friends only. Which the Autumn Court was not. That night, Eris gave up on the idea that you and him could be together. He decided to leave you be, and avoid you at all cost.
But then Amarantha came sweeping in. Rhysand brought you to the ball with all of the High Lords when she took their powers. As since Rhysand’s father killed Tamlin’s, she wanted to punish him more than just taking him to bed.
“Beron, which one of these is your heir?” She asked, perched atop the throne. You were standing close to Rhys, his arm around your back. Eris, even though the bond was buried deep down, could feel the nerves radiating down that bridge. You were terrified. That she was going to hurt you. Or Rhys. And what better way than letting your enemy do it or you.
“I am,” Eris spoke before his father could utter a word. His father shot him a deadly look, but Amarantha’s smile widened.
“Good. I’m gifting her to you.” She said and smirked, nodding towards you.
Your eyes widened. Rhys looked to Eris with an even deadlier look than his father, almost saying ‘if you hurt her, you will be killed slowly and I’ll enjoy it.’ Eris stepped forward, soliciting a growl to come from deep within Rhys’s throat.
“Easy, bat, I will be gentle.” He said, unable to drop the mask. He forced his hand to remain steady as he reached it out to you.
You shrunk closer to Rhysand, listening as he leaned down and whispered something not even fae eyes could detect. You looked up to Rhys with pleading eyes.
“Hurry, now, I do not have all day.” Amarantha said, staring at her nails as if she were bored.
With a final nod from Rhysand, you shakily took Eris’s hand.
He did not pull you, instead allowing you to walk with him back to where his father and brothers stood. After that that, he let go of your hand. He promised himself he would protect you, even if you all thought he was a monster. He would never harm you, and never make you do anything you didn’t want to. Not as long as he could help it. His mate. You were under his protection now, and he would be damned if he let anyone harm you ever again.
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Deciding to make you suffer even more, since you were the reason Rhysand knew about Tamlin’s brothers hurting you, Amarantha assigned you to a tiny room connected to Eris’s. It didn’t have a fireplace, and it barely fit the small bed that was in it. There was a small room filled with revealing clothing. Specially placed there so you could please Eris, according to her.
But months went by and he did not touch you. He would escort you to court dinners, offering you more food than the small portion you were allowed. You never accepted, eyes always darting for your brother to bring you some sort of comfort. But, Rhys was barely there. If he was, his eyes were cast downwards as Amarantha stroked his arm or his leg, making it clear that Rhys was her obedient dog, her whore. It made you sick to your stomach, but you knew he did it to keep your family safe. So maybe one day you could return to the sanctuary of Velaris.
You flinched slightly as Eris rested a hand on top of yours. “You need to eat, my lady,” he whispered. What seemed to be concern filled his eyes.
“So you can treat me like a pet?” You asked, swallowing your fear.
“So you can survive this.” He said. “I-“ he glanced up as Amarantha stood up to make an announcement. “I will come to your room tonight and I want you to have strength.” He said before she began to speak.
A chill ran down your spine at the thought of what you imagined on your head. You looked down to your plate, taking a small bite of the food. You were no good if you starved yourself. And if you didn’t please Eris like he wanted to, either he or Amarantha would punish you. Probably in front of your brother. Or make him do it.
Eris hummed in agreement to your action, before his attention looked towards Amarantha.
That night, you were shivering in your bedroom. The light set of pajamas doing nothing to keep you warm in the cool room, surrounded by nothing but stone. You perked your head up when the door connecting to Eris’s room opened. He normally used the main one connected to the hall, but tonight he must have wanted to be discrete. Bile rose on your throat in anticipation of what was about to happen, tears welling in your eyes as you body shook from the cold.
“I’m taking you to see your brother.” Eris said quietly. You looked at him, sitting up even more as you curled into yourself more.
“Why?” You asked
Eris’s heart broke at the sight of you, shivering from the cold and near tears from what you imagined he would do. He could be the villain in your story as long as he could keep you safe. But he needed you sane, as well. He would not let you deteriorate under this gods-forsaken mountain.
“Did you not hear Amarantha? She is sending Rhys to do scouting for the next few months. And I’d like for you to get a proper goodbye.” Eris said. “Here,” he said, pulling out the long, wool lined robe for you. “You’ll be warmer in this.” He even warmed it up with his internal heat before he came in here.
You slowly reached out, grabbing it before wrapping it around your body. He saw as you sunk into its warmth, wish that it was him you could find such comfort in.
He held out a hand and you slowly took it. “I’ll need to act like I’m taking you somewhere else, so just stay close and don’t talk.” He whispered before wrapping an arm around your waist. While you would have normally recoiled, you could only lean further into his body heat, much warmer than any you’ve know before. You assumed it was his internal flames burning under his skin, maybe causing his temperature to be much warmer than others. It must have been a nice luxury to have. Though, you were certain he had a fireplace in his room. Not that it would be hard for him to conjure flame anyway.
Eris stole glances at you, hoping that this would make you happier. You hadn’t seen Rhys, at least not at a distance where you could embrace or talk, for at least a year. But Eris knew Rhys would take your unwillingness to eat as Eris forbidding it, or some other malicious thing. Your eyes were sunken, each piece of clothing hung from your body looser as the days passed. You looked tired, exhausted, as if someone was draining the life force from you. No matter how many times Eris had asked, you were never allowed outside with him. Not even on one of the upper balconies. Your punishment for being alive while her friend was dead. It seemed Amarantha wanted to punish you more than Rhys. And Eris was just glad he could be there to protect you from most of her wrath, claiming that his gift shouldn’t be harmed. The things she threatened to do… Eris hoped she wouldn’t figure out you were his mate. Because if she did… even if her and Beron were allies, Eris didn’t think she would spare you much longer.
Eris knocked on a door, one of the shadow wraiths opening it. Your lips turned into a gentle smile as you greeted Nuala, happy to see a familiar face.
At the site of you, Nuala stepped aside. Rhys had bruises all around his neck, where he was staring at them in the mirror. You swallowed and looked up at Eris.
“Five minutes.” He said and stepped back, nodding at you to go in. You tentatively took a step inside, and once you were over the threshold, Nuala shut the door. Rhys turned, his eyes widening as he finally took account of who was in the room.
“(Y/N),” he breathed out rushing over to you. He looked you over, frowning at how poorly you looked. He cupped your cheeks and searched your eyes. Searching for the carefree little sister he knew. “Are you okay? How did you get here?” He asked.
Rhys must have put a shield around the room before Nuala opened the door, if he did not know Eris brought you here.
“I’m fine… I wanted to say goodbye. You are leaving for the outside soon.” You said, your voice quiet and weak. If Amarantha was trying to torture Rhys, she was doing a good job at it.
“Has he hurt you?” He asked.
You shook your head, wanting to say how well Eris was treating you. But the look on Rhys’s eyes told you he wouldn’t believe you. Maybe you needed to make more of an effort to be involved in this ridiculous, cruel court. But would that make you any better than Beron? Would it help you? Would it help your brother?
Rhys pulled you in for a hug and you wrapped your arms around his chest, burying your head in it. “Please come back.” You whispered, holding him tighter.
“I will never leave you here.” He whispered, rubbing your back. “And I will do everything I can to get you away from him.” He said as he pulled away.
“Did Amarantha do this?” You asked as you traced the small circular bruises on his neck.
“She likes to mark her whores.”
You frowned, looking up at the cold look in his eyes. “I’m proud of you.” You whispered. “I want you to know that… you are doing what is right for our family. And I’m so proud that I can call you my brother.”
You could see the words didn’t hit like you wanted them to… and your heart sank at the thought of Rhys not thinking he was doing enough. Or that he wasn’t good enough. “I will see you soon, (Y/N).” He said, pressing a loving kiss to your forehead.
You glanced at the time on the clock, then noticed Rhys had a balcony to go outside. “Fly for me, brother.” You whispered before stepping back. “I will see you soon.” You said before turning around and walking out of the room. You gave Nuala another smile before finding Eris with his back against the opposite hallway wall.
You walked up to him and took a quiet, internal breath. “I’d like new clothes.” You said to him.
His rose his eyebrows, shocked at your sudden urge to talk to him. “Excuse me?” It came out more rude than he meant it, but didn’t let that show.
“I-“ you started and then took a visible deep breath. “If I am to be your gift, I want to be presentable. I would like new clothes.” You said. You had no intention of doing anything for Eris, and the more you could avoid him, the better. But if Amarantha thought Eris favored you, maybe she would let you out. Maybe you could fool her into thinking you were enjoying it. And maybe that would be enough for her to let you leave your room by yourself.
“Okay.” Eris said.
It was your turn to be shocked. You thought you would need to convince him a lot more than that.
“Give me a list of clothes you’d like, and I’ll see what I can do.” He answered, then held out his arm. “Now come, you must be tired.” He said.
You tentatively took his arm, still slightly shocked that he didn’t dismiss you. This male that you knew to be cruel and abusive was nothing but kind, gentle, and patient with you. You started to piece together the times you interacted with him, and couldn’t think of a single time were he was mean. Maybe distant, cold, but plenty of faeries were like that. Your brother was like that a lot of the times. It was a mask to keep him safe. Maybe Eris was the same. Maybe you could trust him.
You faltered as he did not stop at your door, but kept walking a few more steps to his. You looked up at him and watched as he opened the door and lead you inside. Maybe you didn’t escape what you dreaded earlier today.
“It’s warmer in here. If you’d like, you can sleep in here. I can take your room.” He said.
You frowned. “What?”
“Every time I see you, you are freezing. And it’s because Amarantha put you in a room that is meant to be a cooler. Why it’s attached to a bedroom, I don’t know. But I don’t think it’s the proper place for the Princess of the Night Court to sleep.”
“But… won’t you get cold?” You asked, glancing to the door that connected the rooms.
“I run hot.” He said, a slight smirk coming to his lips.
“Why are you being nice to me?” You asked.
“Maybe it will be beneficial to me later on.” He said and shrugged. “But I cannot bring myself to harm you.” He said. “In anyway.”
And he showed it. From then on, you stayed in his room. Soon enough, you offered him to come to your room too. Even with the fire, you were still cold. You supposed it was the lack of food, of sunlight, of fresh air. It was not good for your body. So, you asked him to join you in the bed. Just to sleep. And he obliged, staying on his side of the bed. Until one night, where you were particularly cold after a ‘winter’ ball was thrown.
You turned over to Eris, who seemed to be asleep. You were in an oversized sweater and some loose pants. Courtesy of your wardrobe he provided for you. “Eris?” You whispered.
His head turned towards you as he opened one eye, a small smile coming to his lips.
He would act like this whenever you were alone. When no one could see you, he would show you a soft side. A side that had you wondering where all the cruel things said about him came from. This couldn’t be the same male that left your cousin for dead in the Autumn forest. He was so different than how Mor described him. If he was helping you, why wouldn’t he help her?
“Yes, princess?” He asked.
You weren’t even technically a princess, but he insisted on using the nickname. You were surprised it didn’t bother you.
“Can you… make the fire warmer? I’m cold.” You said quietly.
His eyes flickered to the burning hearth before looking back at you. “Can I try something before?” He asked.
You searched his eyes and, as usual, found no malice. Maybe a hint of mischief, if you detected it correctly. You gave him a nod, narrowing his eyes as he asked for you to turn on your side. Your back facing him.
“Do you trust me?” He asked when he noticed your hesitance. You paused at the question. You’ve been asking yourself the same thing for months. Almost a year now. Could you trust Eris? “Remember what I said? I won’t hurt you.” He said.
You slowly took a deep breath, turning your body so your back was facing him. You tensed up when you felt him shift on the bed, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling her closer to his warm body. “What- what are you doing?” You asked.
“I’m going to make you warm.” He whispered in l your ear, the breath sending a shiver down your spine. In the best way.
Suddenly, you felt his hand settling on your bicep, and your arm instantly warmed up. You relaxed into the warm, smiling to yourself.
“Is this better?” He asked, rubbing your arm up and done as he held you close.
“Much.” You answered, even leaning into his chest more.
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Eris became your anchor Under the Mountain after that. You often found yourself clutching his bicep, not wanting to be far from him. He stayed true to his word. He would not hurt you. And, apparently, he wouldn’t let anyone else hurt you either. One day, you were in the throne room as the court reveled, sitting on a loveseat while you waited for Eris to bring you something to drink. One particularly drunk made stumbled his way to sit next to you and got too close for your liking. Right as he was about to wrap an arm around you, Eris hauled him out of the seat. He pushed him back and said something with a growl you couldn’t hear, and then the male was running out of the room. Not many males approached you after that.
Maybe it was because your brother was gone for so long, or maybe it was because Eris was genuine to you. Even when you were out of the room, when he wore that cool uninterested mask, he was gentle with you. His touch was never too tight or too harsh. Was never too high or too low. He made you comfortable. You were starting to like him. As a friend, at least.
For the next 40 years, you were always around him. Even when Amarantha gave you more freedom, you wanted to be near Eris. Rhys started to notice, but didn't say anything as it was only apparent for your affection to his enemy before Summer, Winter, and Day rebelled. And then Amarantha's reign became increasingly strict. With only High Lord dead, and a new one taking his place, there was more tension than ever. Especially because anyone who was caught doing anything suspicious was whipped or tortured in front of the court. Sometimes, your brother would be the one to hold their minds and do it.
However, after finding out that Autumn and Night had nothing to do with the rebellion, she decided to be nice one day and allow you to the upper levels. She gave you in particular one rule, do not go outside. You couldn't help but watch as your brother went out on one balcony. And on the other, Beron and his sons were laughing. Actually laughing. It was only one month when the High Lord of Summer was killed and a bunch of Winter children were closed. Children. And Amarantha was celebrating you all.
Eris, however, was sat across from you on the couch. He noticed the way you longed to go outside, realizing while he was allowed out to visit his court with his father, you were stuck Under the Mountain. You hadn't been outside in more than 40 years.
"You should go, celebrate." You muttered, motioning to his family. "You may not be able to leave for along time." You said, frowning as you looked to your hands.
"I'm just fine in here." Eris said, resisting the urge to lean over and grab your hand. While you never crossed a line of being intimate, or anywhere near it, you had become friendly with Eris. You were more than glad to curl into his side at night, hold his hand at the dining table, or grab his arm while you walked around the passageways.
Before you could suggest it again, one of Eris's brothers peeked his head into the room. "Eris, bring your whore in here." He said.
You internally winced at the term, and Eris glared at his brother. While many people had called you the same, Eris normally corrected them. Especially his brothers.
"She isn't my whore." He growled out. "And if you call her that one more time, Sol, and I will rip your throat out." He said. "Besides, you know she can't go outside."
"Ah, Amarantha will never know." Sol said and smirked. "We'll distract the bat, you take her out there for some alone time." He said, making his way over to the balcony where Rhys was standing. As Sol pulled him inside, you could visibly see and hear Rhys's growl. He didn't want to be here, but if he could watch you amongst the Vanserras, he would.
"Sol-" Eris called out but groaned when him and one of the other brothers pushed Rhys out to talk to Beron and the Lady of Autumn. About what, you didn't really care. You stayed in your seat, taking a deep breath.
"I could at least open the door." He said and stood up, going over to the free balcony and opening the door to let in the breeze. You stood up, standing in front of the threshold. You closed your eyes as you felt the wind on your face, even if it was light.
The smile that came to your lips took Eris's breath away. Even in this terrible place, you could still find small bits of joy.
You looked down at the gap between you and the rest of the world, Eris standing on the other side. "Thank you." You said quietly to him, holding out your hand for him to take. He squeezed your hand, fighting the urge to pull you over the threshold and into his chest. He could image your giggle and scolding before you stepped back into the room. But before he could answer you, Amarantha burst through the doors with two of her sentries.
"Seems like the little princess can't follow the rules... Ah, Eris, are you trying to disobey my command?" She asked.
Your eyes widened and you immediately dropped Eris's hand. "I didn't go outside." You said quickly.
"No, but you were about to. And Eris was going to help you." She said. Rhys and the others came in.
"Now that I ponder it, I do remember hearing about the two of you sneaking around the passage ways months ago. That wasn't to spy, was it?" She asked. "Acting as lust-crazed fools?"
You never once showed any interest in Eris like that, and yet everyone just assumed the two of you were sleeping together. Or more like Eris was fucking you as he pleased.
"Nothing to say? Too bad." She said and nodded towards the sentries, one of them grabbing you and the other grabbing Eris. Rhys lunged forward to try and protect you, but Eris's brother's grabbed him.
"Relax, bastard, no one's going to hurt the princess." Sol teased.
"What is the meaning of this, my queen?" Beron asked, the ever-loving servant. His wife next to him looked completely uninterested other than a hint of worry for her son.
"We will make sure Eris and the princess never sneak around again." She said, giving a small wave before walking out of the room.
Before you knew it, you were standing in the throne room with Eris on his knees. One of Amarantha's sentries had a whip in his hands. "This is what you get for disobeying my command. And you get to watch princess, for luring him like you did the former High Lord of Spring." She said.
You looked at Eris, then at Rhys, pleading him with your eyes to do something, anything to stop this from happening. Rhys just tilted his head and stood beside Amarantha. Of course he thought Eris tried to pull you out and he would gladly see Eris punished over you.
The sound of the whip rang out, skin ripping underneath it. Beron and his other sons stood, stoically watching the punishment.
"How many month ago was it? 5? You've been sneaking around 5 months?" She asked. You weren't even sneaking around, you were simply walking. "5 more." She said and you struggled against the sentries holding you back. "Oh and another 5 for all those months lying to me." She said.
More sounds of the whip. More skin ripping. You watched as Eris clenched his teeth, never yielding a yell or scream. Like he had endured this before. You, on the other hand, were silently crying. You desperately tried to hold back your tears, but you couldn't.
After the final sound of the whip crack rang out, Eris sagged to the floor. "And 10 more, because I don't like hurting my friends." She said.
"Stop!" You screamed, an instinctual tug at your gut telling you he would bleed out if he received any more. "I'll do anything, stop this. Eris didn't do anything wrong." You begged, the sentries yanking you back as your legs almost gave out from under you.
Rhys shot you a look that essentially told you to shut your mouth, but you didn't see it. You were staring into Amarantha's cold eyes.
"Anything?" She asked. When you let out a whimper and nodded, a side smirk came to her red lips. "What about agreeing to be locked in sweet Eris's room under I die?" She asked. "Seems like a fair trade, since you disobeyed my command of not going outside. And you can't roam the halls with him either."
You let out a gulp, hearing a small whisper from Eris telling you not to do it. "So long as you, or anyone of your behalf, hurts him again. I will stay in his room." You said.
"Unless I command you out to court, you will stay in his room. And I, nor anyone on my behalf, will not hurt him. Until I die." She said.
You stood up straighter, feeling Rhys's eyes on you. "We have a bargain." You said.
"That we do." She said as you used your magic to imprint a tattoo on your back, right where Eris's scars would be. In doing so, you did the same for Amarantha, who only smirked more. "Take him to a healer. And take her to the room." She said. You stumbled as they pushed you towards the giant doors. You watched as Eris's sagging body was hauled up by his brothers, nearly sobbing at the sight of him.
As the sentries pushed you through Eris's room's door and shut it behind you, you suddenly realized what you agreed to. You were going to be trapped in this room forever. Unless she wanted to torment you more. Or she died.
What did you just do?
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A/N: This was so much longer than I expected and it's not even finished yet.. There will be at least another part! Hope you all enjoyed!
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strangererotica · 2 days
Anthony Bridgerton x Reader
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Summary: After Reader is stranded by a carriage mishap, she finds herself lost in an attempt to make her way home alone. Luckily for her, another carriage happens to cross her path, belonging to none other than the Viscount Bridgerton himself…
In keeping with Bridgerton’s vibe, Reader is a young woman with zero sexual knowledge or experience. I imagine she’s around nineteen or twenty years old and while she has had suitors, none of them have inspired in her the feelings Lord Bridgerton evokes…
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While enjoying your evening ride, your carriage had broken down. To the great frustration of your driver, you’d insisted on walking home alone. It wasn’t in good taste, for a young woman to be out walking unattended. But you were in an exploring mood, and wanted to do your exploring alone. The company of your carriage driver was something you were honestly glad to be rid of.
Despite being reasonably close to town, you’d somehow managed to wander in the direction of the forest rather than home. Night was creeping closer, trees casting shadows across your path as you looked up at the sky, trying to find your bearings.
A large, cold drop of rain ‘plopped’ against your forehead, making you flinch. Several subsequent drops followed, till the situation quickly became a downpour. You raced for shelter beneath the trees, cursing under your breath as your ankle twisted on a large root sticking up from the ground. The trees were basically useless at shielding you from the rain, Autumn having stripped their branches almost entirely of leaves.
Your hat was soaked, its brim flattened against the sides of your head. The pretty dress you’d chosen to wear that afternoon was now caked with mud at the trim; you realized you must look incredibly foolish right now, but certainly not as foolish as you felt.
The sound of horses’ hooves approaching caught your attention. You looked down the road to see a carriage drawing closer, rain bouncing from its roof and sides. When the carriage came to a stop just by you, a stab of panic shot through your chest. What if it was someone you knew, discovering you out here looking a complete mess? And even worse, what if the carriage belonged to a man?
The carriage came to a full stop; the door swung open, and the handsome, familiar face of Anthony Bridgerton emerged. Your heart thumped inside your chest as his jet eyes raked over you, a mischievous smirk turning his lips upward. “Unusual night for a walk, Miss (Y/N),” he remarked, his tone playful.
Despite your embarrassment and the wet state of your clothing, you attempted a curtsy. “Indeed it is, Lord Bridgerton,” you replied. “I was out for an evening ride, when my carriage broke down.” You pointed past you, unsure of which direction you’d actually come from at this point.
“And your driver?” Anthony asked, seemingly unbothered by the rain pelting his hat and shoulders. “What of him? Am I to assume he left you unattended? At the-.” He bit his lip, running his eyes over your breasts, your nipples visible through the soaked material. “-Mercy of whomever should find you?” he finished.
You felt your cheeks going red, in spite of the chilly rain running down your skin. “It was my choice, I assure you,” you explained. “I insisted he allow me the chance to take some air, alone, on my journey home. I had not expected…” Your voice wavered, words failing you as Lord Bridgerton’s penetrating gaze made you weak.
“The rain?” he offered, an eyebrow lifted in amusement. “Understandable, Miss (Y/N). It seems I’ve found you absolutely drenched.” His eyes scanned your breasts and back up to your face.
Anthony tilted his head, acknowledging your ankle. You hadn’t noticed, but you’d been keeping your full weight off of it on purpose. “Your ankle,” he said, his tone sympathetic. “Is it sprained? You seem hesitant to apply pressure to it.”
“I twisted it on a raised root,” you explained. “It is not badly sprained. More of a discomfort, really-.”
“Regardless,” Lord Bridgerton interrupted. “Leaving you to manage on your own would be unconscionable. I insist-.” He extended his hand for you. “-That you allow me the honor of delivering you home.”
There was no way around it; you had to accept the offer. Taking a soggy step forward, you reached for Anthony’s hand and allowed him to help you into the carriage.
Immediately, you felt embarrassed by the way your wet clothes were dripping all over the carriage’s interior. The horses’ hooves sounded, followed by the familiar tug as the carriage was pulled forward. You could feel the Viscount’s gaze resting on you, but were too afraid to meet it. You’d harbored feelings for him for years, and had often wondered what it would feel like to have his attention fixed solely on you, to be the object of his interest. Now that you were in exactly such a situation, all of the practiced lines you’d rehearsed in your daydreams had completely vanished.
You pressed your thighs together, a familiar ache blossoming between them…a tightening, throbbing sensation similar to your heartbeat. You weren’t sure what it was, this odd pleasure mixed with pain; but you always felt it when you were in Lord Bridgerton’s presence, and sometimes, it occurred while simply thinking of him. You’d come to associate the feeling with Anthony, loving the sensation even as it frightened you. Not unlike your feelings for the Viscount himself.
“You needn’t worry about making a mess,” he remarked, and you froze. Because for a moment, you worried Anthony knew of what accompanied the feeling…the clear, slippery fluid that inevitably wound up wetting your inner thighs, whenever you thought of him.
He pointed to the seat across from him, which you were sitting on. Panic seized you, till you realized he was obviously speaking of the mess your rain-soaked clothing was making inside the carriage.
Your cheeks went rosy and warm again. Anthony noticed, and smiled slightly, as if holding onto a sweet secret that pleased him. “Upholstery can be mended,” he explained. “And on the subject of things that need mending…”
Anthony reached forward, taking hold of your injured ankle and lifting your foot to rest on his lap. Your eyes widened, lips parting in surprise. What could he possibly be thinking, touching you in such an intimate way?
You watched his fingers as they gently undid the laces of your boot. His eyes flicked up to meet yours, a wicked glimmer reflecting back at you. Anthony removed your boot, and delicately rolled the lace cuff of your sock downward, exposing your ankle. When his fingertips brushed your skin, the contact of his touch went straight to the aching space between your legs, as if a line were somehow connecting those parts of you.
A shiver ran through your body, your hips bucking as Anthony softly stroked your skin, coaxing his finger lower, till he was cradling your foot in his hand. Every subtle movement of his fingertips sent a flash of heat straight to your center, setting you ablaze with something you’d never felt before. The familiar throbbing between your legs was suddenly burning, the pleasure mixed with a pain that kept increasing, as if demanding some kind of release, though you didn’t know how to relieve it.
Anthony watched you with an unbearable intensity-could he not see that you were unwell?-his smile long departed and replaced with something darker, almost hungry, like the focus of a predator locked in on its prey. Your body jolted as if struck. Anthony observed your behavior in stoic silence-was he angry with you?-all the while continuing to delicately stroke your skin, as if he couldn’t see the way your body was completely overcome by his simple, tender ministrations. Tears burned behind your eyes as the ache within you throbbed harder and harder, pulsing in time with your racing heartbeat. You gripped the edge of your seat, your eyes squeezing shut, air leaving your body in gasps.
You realized you must have been dying…surely, there was no other way to explain this frenzy that had overtaken you. But just as you were sure you were dying…you were flying. The world went white in your field of vision, as the tension inside your lower body finally gave way. A brand new feeling, of absolute rapture and inexplicable bliss, pulsed at your core in waves, rippling and shattering its way through you. Relief washed over you, a light sheen of sweat covering your skin, chest heaving as you recovered from whatever beautiful, brutal attack your body had just endured.
Your eyes opened on Anthony, whose expression was even more intense than before. Certain that you’d upset him with your embarrassing fit, a sudden shame humbled you. “Forgive me, Lord Bridgerton,” you panted, tears welling in your eyes. “I am unwell. I do not know what came over me just now, but I must apologize for my intemperate behavior...”
Anthony’s expression softened, unlike his lap, which now felt stiff and uneven beneath your ankle. He cleared his throat, before assuring you that “everything is alright, (Y/N).” Hearing your name leave his lips, your first name and not your family name, was like hearing an angel speak. “You’ve done nothing wrong. And I promise, you are not unwell.” Lord Bridgerton’s eyebrow lifted slightly. “Quite the opposite, in fact,” he said.
“But-.” You watched as he rolled your sock back over your ankle. “-I must be ill, my Lord-.” Anthony slid your boot back over your foot. “-Or perhaps a demon momentarily seized hold of me-??” Anthony chuckled slightly, his eyes on the laces of your boot as he fixed them. “-I must rest,” you decided. “To make sure this doesn’t happen again...”
Anthony bit his lip and grinned. “Well,” he conceded. “Perhaps you’re right. Some time in bed might be just what you need…” Anthony leaned forward and took your hand in his. “…In case that frightful feeling returns.”
Your lips parted, his nearness an alarming reminder of the feeling he conjured within you, the aching pulse between your slippery thighs reigniting. “I…” You tried to speak but the words wouldn’t come, not with his hand holding yours, his lips so near to your skin-
-A rapping on the carriage lurched you from the trance you’d fallen in. You hadn’t even noticed that the carriage had stopped moving. A driver opened the door for you, offering his hand to help you out. “Thank you, Lord Bridgerton,” you said, exiting the carriage. “I’m so grateful for your assistance today.”
Anthony nodded politely, a warm smile on his face. “It was my pleasure, Miss (Y/N),” he said, and as you turned toward your home, “I’ll call on you later this week, to see how you’re recovering.”
You felt your heart rate kick up a notch. “…from your sprained ankle, Miss (Y/N),” Anthony clarified, though the suggestive glimmer in his eye implied otherwise. You watched as his carriage retreated, starting on unsteady legs into your home. Your dress was still soaked, wet with rain and something else…something only Anthony Bridgerton was able to conjure in you, the product of a secret it now seemed the two of you shared, together… 🩵
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httpsserene · 2 days
I LOVED daniel ricciardo x max verstappen x reader!! could you write a part 2?
𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊'𝖘 2𝕶 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 | 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖑 𝕽𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖔 𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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𝐅𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐞: 𝐊.𝐎. !
summary: Okay, Daniel may have won the first round. He cleared her dry spell with no problem and used Max to do it, too. That’s completely fine, she will never complain about experiencing some of the best orgasms of her life. But, Max (the man unable to not have the last word) coerces her into giving Daniel a taste of his own medicine.  As soon as they can manage to walk on two feet, without a wobble. Mark their fucking words.  pairing: daniel ricciardo x max verstappen x fem!black!reader content warning: 18+ only. mdni. explicit sexual content. author recommends reading part one before this. polyamory. threesome. massages. overstimulation. multiple orgasms. safe, sane, and consensual. bondage. safeword mention. unprotected sex. ruined orgasm. handjob. oral sex (male receiving). edging. crying during sex. praise kink. nipple play. dom/sub ig? joking during sex. dom!max verstappen. switch!daniel ricciardo. sub!reader. vaginal sex. anal sex (male). sex toys (butt plug). frottage. don’t like don’t read. no beta we die like men. edited by the author, though. this is a fictional depiction of real-life people, and this is not an accurate representation of them. word count: 4.3k words
author’s notes: to all the lovely readers who begged for a part two of my f1 kinktober special | overstimulation kink w danny & max. these tags may look crazy...okay, they are but the fic is reasonably crazy i would say. this was humbling to write, you have been warned. my 2k followers special comes to its end with this final installment and there will be no part three of this fic < 3. i may repost this on ao3 in a week or so, for ease of reading as i know long fics on tumblr are kind of annoying :)
(i'm going to take a little pause from writing daniel ricciardo fics but those of you that have requested things for him i will get to them in due time xxx)
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prev part 1 2k special join taglist feedback & requests table of contents↻
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Your body feels like it’s been wrung out: legs wobbly, thighs bruised, hips aching, back broken, and numb with heat between your legs. You refuse to wear pants as the friction is too paralyzing to take more than a few steps. Loose dresses are your best friend–for the first couple of days, you even went commando around the ranch—thank god neither one of your boyfriends clued into that. 
However, it’s not like you disliked the oversensitivity and aching muscles that came after sex. You loved the feeling even more as it was the first time you’d been properly fucked in a few months. Having that unending thirst for Max and Daniel quenched; it’s heightened how you experience life. You swear that your vision feels sharper, your melanated skin softer, anything you eat tastes better than delicious, the homemade lemonade is sweeter, and most importantly, your desperation has calmed. While you love life on the farm, where living has become succulent under your senses—Max’s attitude has done a complete 180°.
His energy is completely subdued. It’s like Daniel drained the cum and brat out of him. Max is all stuttered words when he makes eye contact with either of you, blushing fully at the lightest tease or brush of skin, voice soft when he speaks, usual bluntness replaced with shyness, and he’s even clingier than normal. If he hasn’t glued himself underneath Daniel’s arm, he’ll be plastered against your back.
You wonder if he’s embarrassed that Daniel changed their “plan” on him at the last minute, or if it’s because Daniel used him as a tool to get you off—but, asking Max would only scare him away or cause the brat to resurface…so you don’t verbalize your theories. You find Max in this state more adorable than usual, and you won’t complain if it means a surplus of Max-cuddles.
Yet, the figurative rug is pulled from beneath your feet when the three of you go Christmas shopping. Daniel had separated from the two of you to go pick up a gift for his nephew, leaving you and Max alone to browse through knickknacks that decorate the shelves. Your eyes were caught by cat ornaments that looked exactly like Jimmy and Sassy but before you could reach out to grab, them Max grabbed you by the hand and pulled you to hide in the next aisle over.
“I want to break Daniel with so many orgasms that he won’t be able to speak by the time we’re done with him,” Max states bluntly. The brat is back.
“Regulate your volume,” you whisper-yell at him, hand moving to cover his mouth as you look around to see if anybody heard your Dutch boyfriend, “We are in public and you decided now is the time to bring this up?!”
He pulls your hand off his face, looking at you with wide eyes, “But, liefje–c’mon! Daniel’s been way too smug recently. Whenever I’m around him he doesn’t miss the chance to mention how he made me cry—made you cry, too!”
“Inside voice, Max,” you bite out, continuing to look at the Christmas decorations in this aisle.
“Fine,” Max whispers, rolling his eyes, “Technically, it’s another Christmas present for him if you think about it.”
“I’m trying not to think about it if you haven’t noticed.”
“Don’t you want to even the board? Imagine it: Daniel underneath the two of us, and we’re overwhelming him with pleasure. Doesn’t that sound like a good time?”
You stop walking abruptly and Max runs into your back. You spin around and stare at him with narrowed eyes and a flared nose.
“You seriously thought the best time to discuss this is in the middle of a family-friendly store, where our boyfriend is picking up a gift for his nephew?”
“If you stop talking about it for the entire time we’re shopping today, I’ll consider it. We can discuss this when the phantom feeling of his cum on my skin goes away.”
That evening, you and the Dutchman watch Daniel fix a motorbike out in the driveway from the garage. He’s shirtless, sweat dripping down his face and back, you can see every muscle engage and relax as he moves. He’s silhouetted by the Australian sunset and you hear Max choke on his breath when Daniel’s loose jeans slip down his hips, exposing the waistband of his briefs—twin sighs of disappointment leave you both when he catches and drags them back up. With shaky hands, you grab the pitcher of lemonade you prepared to pour a glass for each of you. Ignoring how you missed the glass on your first few attempts, you two bring the drinks to your lips and dry the cups embarrassingly quickly to satiate your desperation—the lemonade doesn’t help. 
Daniel finishes with the bike and wipes his hands on a towel he had tucked into his back pocket, looking your guys’ way. He smiles brightly—shamefully, you wave in response and Max tucks a nonexistent strand of hair behind his ear; the two of you are acting like school girls with a crush. 
The Australian stands and in a few relaxed strides, he comes to a stop in front of you two. 
“Can you pour me a glass, sweetheart?” his request rumbles out velvety.
Stuttering, you scramble to do as he asked and find that Max has reached for the pitcher as well when your hands bump into each other. The two of you freeze and stare at each other with wide eyes; Max’s blush blooms red across his face and yours warms the brown skin of your cheeks. Daniel’s chuckle of amusement snaps you out of it; Max pours the drink, and you hand it off to the Australian, avoiding eye contact. He brings the glass to his lips and drains it dry. You and the Dutchman stare with gaped mouths, watching the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallows, whimpering and pressing your thighs together at his ah in satisfaction when finished. 
He leans down to place the glass back on the tray and smirks at you and Max, “Absolutely delicious. It almost tastes as sweet as either of you is acting right now.”
Both of you stay silent, squirming in your lawn chairs. Daniel takes a second to slowly press both of your mouths closed with a nudge of his fingers before straightening up and clearing his throat.
“Thank you for the drink, sweetheart,” Daniel cocks his head to the side in question, before winking, his smug aura radiating off of him, “Or should I say, ‘sweethearts?’ As both of you seemed so eager to help me quench my thirst.”
Your mouth pops open again and Max audibly whimpers next to you. Daniel laughs and walks to enter the house, “Don’t feel afraid to join me in the shower.”
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The plan is set before Daniel’s out of the shower. You’ve changed into a black mini slip dress, curls loosely cascading down your back as you’ve draped yourself on top of the bed sideways, face-down on your tummy, not caring how the back of your dress has ridden up a couple of inches. Max laid himself on his side next to you, dressed in a navy Enchanté shirt and a pair of Daniel’s briefs that hug at his thighs a little too tightly, and plays with the bottom hem of your dress, letting his fingers drift underneath to press at bruises that haven’t healed from that night. 
At the sound of the shower shutting off, the two of you glance at each other; Max checking in with you one last time before you guys follow through with the plan. At your nod, Max presses a soft kiss to your lips and goes back to fiddling with your dress. You rest your head on your folded arms and as your eyes flutter shut, the bathroom door opens.
You hear Daniel humming some country song and he gets about three steps into the room before he stops abruptly.
“Well, if I had known this would be waiting for me out here, I wouldn’t have spent a lifetime in the shower waiting for you guys to take me up on my offer.”
Max makes a noise of confusion, his hand pausing at your hemline, “What are you talking about? We just thought it would be nice to give you a massage—you know, prevent any muscle tightness from when you were hunched over the bike.”
“Is that so, pretty girl?” Daniel questions you, looking past Max. He’s dried off from his shower already, skin gleaming thanks to your cocoa butter lotion he probably stole, hair still damp but not dripping, and a towel wrapped around his waist. You’re sure he’s trying to sniff out any weakness; to see if he can bend you into revealing Max’s agenda for tonight. Little does he know that you’re not an accomplice, you’ve put a good amount of work into this plan too.
In response, you offer a small smile and hold up a bottle of massage oil that was previously tucked into your side. Daniel’s narrowed eyes flit between the two of you, and then he relaxes, shrugging loftily as he motions for the two of you to move so he can lie down. 
“Okay, sure,” Daniel laughs, falling into the bed as soon as the space is available, lying flat on his stomach, face planting into the pillows and his next words are muffled but loud enough to understand, “You don’t have to use ‘giving me a massage’ as an excuse to feel me up, but I’m not going to turn it down if you’re so willing to do so.”
You and Max are kneeling on opposite sides of Daniel’s body on the bed, resting on the heels of your feet, and you muffle a giggle at Max rolling his eyes at your boyfriend’s words. The younger man slaps his hand on Daniel’s back, grinning at the stifled yelp that sounds from near the headboard, and coos sarcastically, “Do you think you can handle that level of pain? Considering this is a deep-tissue massage?”
You drizzle a nice amount of oil on the middle of his back, letting your laughter escape as Daniel pleads, “Woah—hear me out, what about a regular massage? I would like to end this massage without crying from soreness, please.”
Slowly the two of you turn to look at each other, smiles spreading across your lips, and Max murmurs, “Oh. You’ll be crying by the end of this.”
You ignore Daniel begging for mercy underneath you and beginning massaging. For all of the Dutchman’s ribbing, the two of you are gentle. Your hands soothingly rub any tension out of his back; the two of you are only doing this to melt Daniel into the bed. He protests and grumbles through the both of you digging into his shoulders, but quiets as you make your way down his back, practically moaning when you push a knot out from behind his shoulder blade. Max manages to wrangle out a whimper when he presses his thumb into the dimple of his lower back. Neither of you gets close to the towel resting low on his hips; you want to keep him as calm and unaware as possible, but getting close to that towel would do the opposite. When Daniel’s breathing slows and his sounds of relief start to lessen, Max gently coaxes Daniel into rolling on his back with ease.
The brunette’s eyes flutter open, but you tut disapprovingly when his gaze meets yours. With a kiss on his forehead, Daniel closes his eyes at your word, not fighting you for a second. And from that point, you and Max begin conditioning the older man to get used to only having one pair of hands on him at a time. Max massages his chest, you take a break, you massage his chest, Max takes a break; and as Daniel starts to relax at the rhythm, you guys slowly increase the length of your breaks. 
Until the breaks get long enough to slip the ties that you guys fastened to the headboard out.
Daniel was so entranced at the sight of you and Max sprawled on his bed that he forgot to examine his surroundings. They’re silk ties, with pre-made straps for you to tighten as soon as his hands are inside them. The two of you take it to the next step; you each begin to massage his arms (still employing your regular breaks), raising them upwards to “get a better angle.” Daniel doesn’t even shift at the change, he just hums under his breath when either of you soothes across a good spot. And with little effort, you and Max raise both of his arms and smoothly slip his tattooed hands into the ties, tightening the straps in the blink of an eye.
The older man startles, eyes flying open as he tries to yank his wrists free of the binds, “Uhhhh, what the fuck?”
Both of you watch as Daniel tries to free himself without any luck, enjoying the show as the silk ties prove they won’t give out. Chills shudder down your spine as your older boyfriend tries to order the two of you to release him, but he must see the feral glint shine in your eyes because he switches to asking when neither of you moves.
“You know what to say if you really want us to let you go, Daniel,” Max states bluntly, pulling off his Enchanté shirt easily. 
You hum in agreement, straddling the Australian’s hips and simultaneously tugging your slip dress over your head and tossing it to the side, exposing your bare body before seating yourself on the bulge showing through the towel. Daniel chokes out a curse, his eyes dancing between yours and Max’s bodies being dangled in front of his face without being able to touch.
He tests the binds for any give half-heartedly before sniffing dismissively, jaw tightening as he challenges Max, “Do your worst, baby.”
Max scoffs out a laugh, “That is the plan.”
From there you and Max turn into savages. Both of you bypass kissing Daniel, pressing lips and biting bruises along his neck and torso instead. The man can only cry out as Max terrorizes his nipples with teeth and pinching fingers while you paint marks on his hipbones and navel. The older man isn’t convinced that the night will end without the two of you seriously attempting cannibalism but the thought is pushed away when the towel is tugged off his hips.
Max laughs mockingly and flicks Daniel’s already-hardened length, “Well, this will be even easier than we thought, liefje.”
“I was half-hard from the minute you guys put your hands on me,” Daniel snipes, “Don’t let this go to your head.”
You raise an eyebrow in question, tilting your head to the side innocently which contrasts the strong grasp of your hand around the head of Daniel’s cock, “Isn’t that a compliment, though? Anyways, it clearly went to your head.”
Daniel groans in pleasure as you start to rapidly stroke along his quickly reddening length, “That was a terrible pun–fuck–but, I’m only letting it slide because your hand is on my cock.”
He bucks up into your fist and you release him immediately, smiling as you see him choke down a whimper of disappointment. The older man isn’t left alone for long, as Max drags the tip of his index finger along the slit of Daniel’s cock before flattening his palm across the head and roughly circling it to overwhelm him with an alarming amount of pleasure-coated friction. 
The brunette can’t stifle his cries this time nor can he buck his hips, thanks to the Dutchman pinning him down with his free forearm. Max pulls both of his hands away quickly, delighting in Daniel’s sounds of displeasure, the two of you watching as he attempts to chase a hand that isn’t there anymore. His length is throbbing, pulsing angrily, redder than the blush that stains his tanned chest. You swallow wantingly. Both of you thought that you would be able to get a few more rounds out of a handjob, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.
Max gets his hand around the base and yours circles the tip. Simultaneously, the two of you start rubbing him off in time, keeping your fists just tight enough and your motions just quick enough to hurtle Daniel to the edge. He throws his head back into the pillows, hips freely bucking as neither one of you attempts to stop him, his hands pulling against the ties all the while,
“You can cum whenever you want, Daniel,” Max states.
The older man lets out several pants of desperation, calling both of your names as he nears his climax. And when you both see the telltale sign of Daniel’s chest rising and falling heavily, you release his cock.
“No! Wait–shit,” he tries to gasp, but it’s too late. His cock starts leaking, jerking pathetically as cum drips down his length in ribbons—his orgasm ruined. Dry sobs escape his lungs as he humps the air, looking for friction that isn’t there, continuing to beg for a hand even as he struggles to breathe as a result of the unsatisfying release.
You let him come down hard, offering support in a quick squeeze of the meat of his thigh over his tattoo. When he catches his breath, his eyes flutter open. Max sees the wetness gathered in the waterlines and moves in the blink of an eye, enveloping Daniel’s still-hard cock in his mouth. 
The Australian’s back arches off the bed, hips racing forward then backward as he cries out, unsure if the feeling of Max’s mouth is good. Both pairs of your hands fly forward to still Daniel, forcing him to feel every crevice of Max’s tongue and throat, trying to bring him to another orgasm as quickly as possible. It works, Daniel stops fighting and starts obeying, rolling upward into Max’s mouth, whimpering out depravedly as he struggles against his binds again. You see his abs start to undulate in waves, a second orgasm trying to form and you slip your hand underneath Max’s chin, lightly squeezing at Daniel’s balls—and the tears fall as his release slams into him like a semi-truck.
The younger man swallows around Daniel, humming as he does it, yet the bobbing motion of his head doesn’t stop—Max is going to try his hardness to prevent Daniel from going soft, even as the older man tries to fight and twist away from the wet grasp of his throat. The Australian’s tears paint his cheek as he sobs messily, and you’re quick to check in with him as Max’s mouth is occupied.
“Daniel, color?” you manage to make your voice sound steady, but your thighs are trembling, your cunt pulsing with wetness and need. 
The man whimpers, eyes unseeingly looking down at you and Max as he cries messily, “Green.”
You moan breathily, finally giving in to your urges and rushing forward to messily kiss Daniel. You let him cry into your mouth, nipping at his lips and tasting his tears before pulling away. Max pulls off Daniel’s cock with a reedy gasp and moves backward quickly so you can slip in between them, seating your cunt atop the half-hard length and beginning to grind along him. The brunette makes a sound as if he’s been punched in the gut, arms pausing in their fight against the ties before they resume with renewed strength. Daniel scrambles to get his feet underneath him, trying to buck off the hot, wet drag of your cunt against his cock. It’s pulsing so violently that he swears he can feel it in his throat. 
Max knocks his feet down, and tugs Daniel’s chin to look at him with a hardened grasp, with his voice rough and croaky he commands, “Can you give us one more, Daniel?”
Daniel's glossy, brown eyes stare at Max without answer, mouth parted as drool slips from the corners of his lips. The Dutchman’s brow tightens with worry and he releases his chin to pull you off. But, before he can stop you, Daniel gasps out desperately.
“M’ green—please, please, Max,” Daniel nods viciously, “Green, green—one more.”
The younger man soothes Daniel with sweet words, praising and comforting him as he leans forward to pepper his lips and neck with kisses and kitten licks, pausing to motion you to continue. 
You line up Daniel’s cock easily and murmur out a ‘thank you’, before sinking down and not stopping until your ass meets his pelvis, uncaring of how he attempts to shake you off. His body is reacting in too much, but Max and you both see and hear how his brain interprets it as too good. 
You keen in pleasure but your noises are deafened by Daniel’s cries and begs for relief. Well aware that you have to get yourself off so Max can have a turn, you find that toe-curling angle with the help of Max directing your hips, holding yourself steady with one hand behind you on the bed and the other drawing rapid circles on your clit. Max moves to let you rest your back along his chest, your frizzed curls a mess as they bounce with your movements. 
The visual stimulation of Daniel in front of you moaning and heaving for more, the frantic twitching of his length inside of you, the sound of your skin slapping against his, and Max’s voice ghosting right by your ear, the ‘good girl’ that left his lips taking a second to process; all of it pushes you into the abyss. You don’t know if it’s you or Daniel that screams, your blood rushing in your ears and your vision flashing white clouds your mind as the explosion of pleasure burns your nerve endings. 
With a choked ‘fuck,’ you slump over, slipping off his twitching cock and slinking down next to Daniel as you shiver and shake through the last dregs of pleasure. Max flutters over both of you, unsure if he should keep pushing the limit, but both you and Daniel yell confirmations of “Green!” that have Max ripping off his briefs, reaching between his legs and whimpering as he carefully tugs out the plug he’s had in for the entire time.
Daniel’s eyes roll in disbelief, his brain exhausted to the point where he can’t string together any words to communicate his confusion.
Max huffs out a hysterical giggle, one hand stroking along his cock as he tosses the plug off the side of the bed. “Fuck–you were in the shower forever, Daniel. I’ve had that in for too long.”
The younger man shakes as he lowers himself on Daniel’s cock, bottoming out with a whimper as he mouths down at Daniel, “Just one more, baby, okay? Make me come, yeah?”
The older man’s moan is curdled with overstimulation, but he finds the will to get his feet underneath him and shakily thrust upwards into Max, hoping somehow that that’s enough. Max lets his head fall back in pleasure, thankful for the moving pressure of Daniel’s cock inside of him rather than the consistent annoyance of the plug holding him open. Coupled with the stretch of his rim and his hand furiously twisting along his length, Max reaches his peak quickly.
Before taking the plunge, he chokes out words of praise at Daniel and you rush to do the same, understanding that Max is attempting to push Daniel over the edge as well. You see tears of frustration build in Daniel’s eyes as he struggles to fully give in, and you fall forward to tug at his nipples with your teeth, reinvigorating Daniel’s attempts at slipping from the silk ties. At the sight, Max shouts, body tightening and then relaxing as he strokes out ribbons of cum. Daniel’s hips stutter when the first drop of cum lands on his skin and you feel his lungs halt as the strongest orgasm—most likely dry, at that—wreaks havoc upon his body.
His body goes limp underneath the two of you, and his hands droop in their binds. You speedily untie Daniel’s arms as Max slowly slips off the man’s rapidly softening length, trying to lessen any unwanted stimulation for the unaware Australian. You catch his arms before they fall against the bed, rubbing your hands against them to coax proper blood flow in them. Spent, Max stumbles to Daniel’s side, taking one arm out of your hands and matching your movements.
“Good job, liefje,” Max breathes out, smiling up at you with an exhausted smile, his hair drenched with sweat and falling in front of his eyes. You blush and kiss him sweetly, “It was your idea!”
Max shakes his head, pausing his hands to reach down and brush Daniel’s curls off his forehead, “No; you made half of the plan. So, it was our idea.”
The Australian groans, eyes fluttering open but they’re still clouded enough that you both know he’s going to need more than enough TLC tonight, “ —idea made me think i w‘sgonna die.”
Max laughs, rubbing circles around the man’s temple, “I guess we forgot to factor in your old age as a variable, didn’t we, liefje?”
Daniel’s face flutters in displeasure at being referred to as “old,” even when he’s not quite come down, “Mean, Maxy.”
You giggle, “That’s what he calls mean out of this entire experience?”
The Dutchman presses kisses to both of your foreheads before he stumbles out of bed, “I’m going to grab some fruit and cream for Daniel’s wrists. Should I grab anything else?” He directs the question to you.
Of course, the Australian jumps in before you have the chance to respond, “Lemonade, please.”
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© httpsserene2024
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babygorewhore · 21 hours
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New perspective
Spencer Reid x fem!reader
Two best friends alone in a room…nothing will happen, right?
Warnings! Perv!Spencer! Masturbation! Panty stealing! Oral! Fem receiving! Unprotected sex! Degrading! Praise! Barely proofread
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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“So. You waiting for a certain cute brown haired boy to return?” Garcia quipped as you tapped your pen against the desk. You rolled your eyes at her while the blonde gave you a smirk with her pink painted smile.
“For the last time, he’s my best friend. That’s all. And yes I’m waiting for him to get back. He’s been gone for almost a week and we’ve had to reschedule movie night three times.” You grumbled as you crossed your legs.
“Three times? Reid never misses those. Everything okay?” Garcia asks with a sympathetic look and you sigh.
“Yeah. He was on a date the first time. The second time he fell asleep and the third was a date again.” You tried to keep your voice as casual as possible but your friend senses the hidden pang of jealously threatening to come out.
“Well-“ She began and then her expression turned when she saw something above you. You shifted in your seat and saw the agents exiting the elevator.
Hotch gave you a curt nod, Rossi gave you a smile, Emily and JJ waved while Morgan winked at you. You bit your lip in anticipation as you finally saw Spencer walk out. His floppy waves were flicked out of his face as he jerked his head and flashed his eyebrows at you in a greeting.
You stood, shoes padding the carpeted floor as your work pants flowed against your thighs. “Hey Spencer. Everything okay?”
“Yeah! Sorry I haven’t really been able to check in with you. Kidnapping cases are a race against time and the unsub happened to be a woman.” You nod as you withhold the urge to hug him but he shifts beside you and leans against your desk.
“A woman? That’s not common is it?”
“Statistically speaking-“ and then he was rambling. You bit back a smile and listened contently as Spencer caught you up on the case.
Several seconds went by and you cleared your throat, signaling him to slow down. “I know you’re probably worn out but would you want to join me for movie night?”
Spencer nods rapidly. “Yes! Sorry I’ve had to reschedule a few times. What’s on the watchlist tonight?” He extends his elbow and you wrap your hand around it.
“Hmm, you pick. Since it’s your first day back.” You smile at him as he leads you both to clock out.
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Spencer Reid was a man with reasonable amounts of self control but every single time he came into your apartment, he couldn’t prevent himself from sneaking a pair of panties into his pocket. It was completely off limits. You were his friend and didn’t look at him that way. You were a gorgeous, sensible and caring woman but he couldn’t possible be your type. Derek Morgan was someone he’d always pair you with. Someone with more confidence. Except now, he was searching for a pair of underwear in your room while you made snacks in the kitchen. You had changed into an oversized evil dead t shirt and shorts. Knee socks to top it all off and all Spencer wanted to do was rip them off and have his way with you but he’d settle for licking a strip in the middle of your thong.
He couldn’t imagine what the real thing tasted like. A pretty pussy hidden away in those little outfits you wore everyday at work. Spencer also had a habit of jerking off hidden away in an office, his dick painfully hard whenever he imagined fucking you.
His car was another spot, where he’d moan your name over and over again picturing your mouth wrapped around his cock. You’d wear the prettiest lipstick too and he’d catch peeks of a pink tongue whenever you ate something. Spencer almost felt like a dog with how pathetic he was for you. Yet he couldn’t admit it to you. His shyness won over every time. He even lied about dating. He just didn’t want you to think he was completely incapable of having a relationship but no one could ever replace you.
“Spencer? You okay? You coming back?” You called from the other room and he quickly straightened. Pulling your panties into his pocket and shuffling out of your bedroom. He smoothed a hand over his hair and hurried to sit down on the couch.
You held two bowls of popcorn, candy and a few other items with your hips swaying as you plopped next to him. “Your food sir.” Spencer had to swallow painfully at the term and the way your voice sounded saying Sir.
“Thank you.” He replied and shifted his body slightly away from you to hide his hardening dick.
You both watched in silence but Spencer caught glimpses of you and the way your body filled out your clothes. He wanted nothing more than to let his hands and mouth cover every each of you. It was almost unbearable.
“How was your date?” Your sudden question alarmed him and Spencer jerked his head towards you.
You raised your brows. “How was your date?” You repeated and he shrugged.
“Oh. it’s alright. Don’t think it’s anything worth sharing about.” He kept it short and you both fell again into quiet.
You reached over and turned down the volume. “I missed you, Spencer. It feels like it’s been so long since we’ve gotten to hang out.” You gave him a slight pout with doe eyes and he wanted to fucking groan. His brown irises darkened as you nudged him with your knee. “It’s been really lonely without my favorite nerd.” You gave him a little smirk and he scoffed.
“I’m the nerd? You’re the only person who understands my rambles so clearly I’m not the only one here.” He retorts and you chuckle.
“Okay, okay, I’m a secret nerd.” You hold your hands up and he points at your shirt.
“And you’re the one who lives in shirts like that! Who else knows different seasons of Star Trek than you?” You grin and laugh fully.
“Alight! You win!”
Spencer didn’t know what came over him but he leaned in closer and rested his hand on either side of your legs. “As usual.”
You don’t back away. Instead you dip your head down. “Don’t get cocky, Spencer. This is a one time surrender.”
The way your mouth moved. Your eyes having a glint and the way your thighs clenched together. Spencer couldn’t take it anymore. “You’re going to be surrendering a lot more. You’re just too much of a brat to give in right away.”
To his deep surprise, you surged forward and leaned your weight on him, moving him on his back on the couch. “Oh yeah? Well I can still pin you down, agent Reid.”
Spencer felt like his dick was going to explode in his god damn boxers as you hovered above him, necklaces dangling over his face. “That’s because I let you win.” He replied breathlessly and you squeezed him with your thighs.
“Then don’t.” You whisper and glance at his lips.
He caved in and caught your mouth in a soft kiss, his emotions clouding over him momentarily before he pulled back. “Was that okay?”
Instead of answering, you meet his lips again harder with a sigh and Spencer moans. His hand move to cup the back of your head and your leg as he adjusts you to straddle him fully. Your fingers trail over his torso then his hips and you feel a lacy material sticking out of his pocket. His eyes shot open as he felt you pull out the pair of stolen panties.
Your face is heated and your lips are glossy. “So you’re the one who took my favorite pair. You’re fucking perverted, Spencer. Playing the “good”boy act pretty well.”
Something broke in him and he lifted you up, manhandling you on your back. “I’m fucking perverted? You’re the one walking around wearing those. You wanted me to take them and you wanted me to notice you. Don’t act so innocent. Can’t believe you actually bought the date story.” He growled and you were shocked at his sudden show of aggression and you’d only heard him swear a handful of times.
Spencer peeled off your shorts and saw your bare cunt. “God, let me fucking taste it please.” He begged and you nodded rapidly.
Moving downward, he held your knees apart and buried his face in your center. His tongue lapping at your clit with a deep groan before slipping it into your entrance. “You’re so sweet, better than I could ever dream.” You felt him press two fingers in, curling them as he paid attention to your clit again. Spencer focused on eating your pussy like a starved man and he grinds down on the cushion.
He was about to bust in his underwear from the sounds you let out. Desperate little cries and whimpers as you claw at his hair, rolling your hips to keep him in place.
“I’m gonna cum,” You whisper and Spencer nods against your cunt.
“Let me have it. Give it to me. Please,” And your climax hits you like a wave and you pant heavily.
Spencer follows suit and spills into his pants, his motions briefly stalling as he tongue fucks you through it.
“Need you to fuck me, please, Spencer.” He didn’t have a fucking chance from your pleads as he shuffled up and smashed his cum coated lips against yours in a bruising kiss. He shoved his pants and boxers off, his cock throbbing.
Spencer presses himself deep inside you, filling you to the brim as you wrap your legs around his waist and your hands grip his shirt.
He humps into you like a feral animal, “Fuck, your pussy is so tight. Can barely move.” You whine and clench around him harder and he thrusts.
“I want you to cum in me. Please, don’t stop and cum in me. I want to feel you, god, Spencer I’ve needed you. Fucking myself isn’t enough.”
“Talking like a whore already?” He grunts, “Don’t worry I’m gonna breed this perfect little pussy and then eat it out after I’m done.”
You reached your second orgasm and your eyes squeezed shut but Spencer wasn’t having it. “No open your fucking eyes, I want you to look at me when I cum in you.” Your eyes spring open as Spencer slaps your clit and you feel ropes of his cum coat your insides. “Shit-“ He grits out and buries his head in your neck and you feel his open mouth against your skin.
You tremble with aftershock for a few seconds before he pulls down, pumping himself and gestures with his fingers “Hands and knees, I’m gonna lick it off.”
You obeyed him, ass up in the air as he gave it a smack and buried his face again in your cunt. His tongue tasting both of your arousals with a throaty moan.
You’d have to talk about this but that could wait until after he was finished cleaning his mess.
Tagging @xxbimbobunnyxx @lilacheavenn @littlexdeaths
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aceyalonso · 1 day
𝙫𝙞𝙞 - 𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙤𝙣 𝙢𝙚
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𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 : 𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗍𝗍𝖺 𝗂𝗇𝗏𝗂𝗍𝖾𝗌 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗈𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗈 𝗌𝗉𝖾𝗇𝖽 𝖺 𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝗈𝗇 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝖺𝗍, 𝗐𝗁𝖺𝗍 𝗁𝖺𝗉𝗉𝖾𝗇𝗌 𝗐𝗁𝖾𝗇 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖿𝗂𝗇𝖽 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗒 𝗉𝗂𝗅𝗈𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝖻𝗈𝗒 𝗊𝗎𝗂𝗍𝖾 𝖼𝗁𝖺𝗋𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗀?
𝖺𝗅𝗍𝖾𝗋𝗇𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝗌𝗎𝗆𝗆𝖺𝗋𝗒 : 𝗒/𝗇 𝗆𝖺𝗄𝖾𝗌 𝗈𝗌𝖼𝖺𝗋 𝗃𝖾𝖺𝗅𝗈𝗎𝗌 𝗐𝗂𝗍𝗁 𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖽𝗈'𝗌 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝗂𝗍 𝗄𝗂𝗇𝖽𝖺 𝖾𝗇𝖽𝗌 𝗎𝗉 𝖻𝖺𝖼𝗄𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗂𝗇𝗀????
𝘸𝘢𝘳𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 : 𝘴𝘸𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘥𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘧𝘭𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘵 𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘵, 𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘴𝘵 (𝘪𝘨???), 𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘰𝘧 𝘢𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘩𝘰𝘭
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵 : 12.7𝘬 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴
𝘢/𝘯 : 𝘪 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘫𝘦𝘢𝘭𝘰𝘶𝘴 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘪 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘰𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘢𝘨𝘢𝘪𝘯
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Monday, 7:56 AM
The next morning, the morning sun streams through the windows, casting a warm light into Oscar's room. He rolls over in bed, stirring from sleep. He groans softly as he stretches out his arms, his mind instantly recalling the sight of Y/n in that revealing swimsuit. He shakes his head, trying to clear the image from his mind.
He sits up in bed, rubbing his eyes and glancing at his phone resting on the nightstand. The previous night's events come rushing back to him, including his unexpected visit to Y/N's room. He can't help but wonder if she's woken up yet and if she's thinking about him too.
He stands up and makes his way to the bathroom, splashing some cold water on his face to fully wake himself up. As he looks at himself in the mirror, he can't help but notice the fluttery feeling in his stomach. He shakes his head again, trying to convince himself that it's nothing more than a lingering attraction.
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Oscar heads downstairs towards the kitchen, taking his time as he descends the stairs. He's clad in a loose t-shirt and sweatpants, his hair still slightly disheveled from sleep. The house is quiet, and he can hear the faint sounds of birds chirping outside.
As he rounds the corner into the kitchen, Oscar finds Y/n standing by the stove, making breakfast for herself. She's wearing a loose tank top and shorts, her hair tied up in a low ponytail, her tan lines peeking through the thin straps. She looks a bit sleepy, but she manages a groggy smile when she notices Oscar.
"Morning," she greets him, her voice still heavy with sleep. She glances over at him, her eyes lingering on his messy hair and casually dressed look. "You look like you just rolled out of bed."
Oscar grins, running a hand through his already messy hair. "Is it that obvious?" he asks with a chuckle, giving her a playful look. "I could say the same for you."
Y/n stifles a small yawn, giving him a sidelong glance. "Touché," she concedes. "Yeah, didn't get the best sleep last night."
As Y/n continues working on her breakfast, she looks over at Oscar, who's leaning against the kitchen counter. "You up early for any particular reason?" she asks curiously.
Oscar shrugs, a smirk playing on his lips. "Just couldn't sleep. I guess I had some things on my mind." He leans closer to her, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. "Or should I say, someone on my mind."
Y/n feels a shiver run down her spine at Oscar's words, coupled with his close proximity. She can see the cheeky glint in his eyes, and the implication behind his words is clear. She tries to keep her expression neutral, but her mind starts to race. Who is he thinking about? Why is he telling her this?
Her heart rate speeds up a notch, and she tries to distract herself by continuing to make her breakfast. But she can't help but steal glances at Oscar, noticing the way his shirt clings to his toned arms and how his messy hair frames his handsome face.
Y/n manages to summon some bravado, deciding to tease him back. She looks at him with a smirk, pretending to be oblivious. "Hmm, let me guess. You were thinking about Marietta, weren't you?"
Oscar laughs, clearly enjoying their playful banter. "No, actually," he replies, his tone lighthearted. "Marietta's not who I was thinking about."
Y/n raises an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. If it's not Marietta, then who could it be? She tries to keep her expression neutral, but she can't help but feel butterflies in her stomach. "Oh really? Who were you thinking about, then?"
Oscar's smile widens, enjoying seeing her curious and slightly flustered expression. He leans closer to her, their faces just inches apart. "Well, if I told you, it would ruin the mystery, wouldn't it?" he teases in a low voice.
Y/n's heart skips a beat as Oscar leans closer, his proximity causing her to feel slightly breathless. She can feel the heat from his body, and the scent of his shampoo fills her nostrils. She can't help but feel a mixture of excitement and nervousness at his playful words.
As the tension between them grows, Y/n takes a step back, trying to regain her composure. She clears her throat and motions to the counter. "Can you grab me a plate, please?" she asks, trying to keep her voice casual.
After she finishes making her own breakfast, Y/n looks over at Oscar, who's still leaning against the counter. Feeling a pang of chivalry, she decides to fix him a plate as well. She piles some eggs and toast onto a plate and hands it to him with a small smile. "Here you go," she says, her tone softer than before.
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As I hand Oscar the plate of food, I suddenly feel a little nervous. Taking a deep breath, I glance at him before asking, "You, uhm... Wanna eat me- Eat with me, for breakfast?" I go red, realizing what I had accidentally said.
Oscar notices my nervous expression, and a smirk appears on his face as he teases me. "Eat you for breakfast? Sounds tempting sweetheart, but I think I'll stick with the eggs and toast for now," he replies with a playful tone.
My face turns an even brighter shade of red as he teases me. "That's not what I meant," I quickly correct myself, my voice slightly higher than usual. "I meant, eat with me for breakfast. Not... the other thing." even though I wouldn't mind you eating me for breakfast
Oscar laughs, clearly amused at my panicked state. "I know, I'm just messing with you," he replies, his tone still playful. "And yes, I'd love to eat you- eat with you for breakfast." he teases.
I roll my eyes, trying to hide my embarrassment despite the very obvious blush coloring my cheeks. I playfully whack him on the arm with a napkin. "Oh, shut up," I reply, though there's a hint of laughter in my voice. "You know what I meant."
Oscar grins, clearly enjoying the fact that he's teasing me. He leans against the counter, his eyes glinting with amusement. "I do know what you meant. But it's too much fun to watch you get all flustered," he replies, still grinning at me.
I playfully narrow my eyes at him, pretending to glare. "You're insufferable, you know that?" I retort, but the corners of my mouth twitch, betraying my own amusement.
Oscar shrugs, his smile widening. "guilty as charged," he admits, not looking the least bit apologetic. "It's just too easy to get you all worked up."
I roll my eyes again, shaking my head. "You're unbelievable," I reply, but there's a hint of fondness in my voice. Despite my annoyance at his teasing, I can't deny that our playful antics brings a fluttery feeling to my stomach.
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After their playful banter, Y/n and Osar finally settle down at the table to enjoy their breakfast. The atmosphere between them now feels more relaxed, although there's still an undercurrent of chemistry.
As they eat, they chat casually, discussing the plans for the day and making conversation. Every now and then, Y/n sneaks a glance at Oscar, quietly observing him.
In the middle of their conversation, Y/n's phone suddenly buzzes, jarring her out of the moment. She glances at her phone, seeing that it's a call from Sienna. She excuses herself and picks up the call.
"Are you alone right now?" Sienna says, her voice filling Y/n's ear. Y/n moves away from the table to take the call, "yeah, I'm alone right now. What's up?" she asks, curious about Sienna's unexpected call.
Sienna's tone is hesitant as she speaks, knowing that she's about to deliver disappointing news. "I, um... I told Mari about your interest in Oscar," she admits, a hint of apology in her voice. "She said she doesn't really care that you like him... And she plans to pursue him anyway."
Y/n feels her heart clench at Sienna's words. It stings knowing that Marietta doesn't care about her feelings and plans to pursue Oscar regardless. She takes a deep breath, trying to keep her emotions in check. "I see," she replies, her voice somewhat steady but with a hint of disappointment.
Sienna, feeling guilty for delivering the news, tries to soften the blow. "I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't think Mari would react that way. I thought she'd at least back off since you liked him first."
Y/n tries to muster the courage to reply. "It's okay, Sienna. It's not your fault," she replies, trying to hide the hurt and disappointment in her voice. "I appreciate you telling me, though."
Sienna hesitates for a moment, sensing Y/N's mixed emotions. "Are you okay, Y/n? I know this must be hard to hear."
Y/n takes a deep breath, trying to compose herself. "Yeah, I'll be fine," she replies, her voice slightly strained. "It's just... a shock, I guess. I didn't expect Marietta to be so... uninterested in my feelings.
Sienna nods, understandingly. "I get it. It sucks that she's not being empathetic." She pauses for a moment, contemplating whether or not to say something. "Have you... told Oscar yet, how you feel about him?"
Y/n's expression tightens a bit at the question. "No, I haven't," she replies quietly. "I was hoping to find a good time to do it before..." she trails off, not quite finishing the sentence.
Sienna interjects gently, remembering what Marietta had mentioned earlier. "Oh, and Marietta mentioned something else. She's having a little get-together on their boat this Friday. Just us four, plus the guy who'll be piloting the boat.
Y/n furrows her brow in confusion when she hears the number "four" mentioned. "Wait, four?" she repeats, not sure who the fourth person is supposed to be.
Sienna clarifies, realizing Y/n's confusion. "Oh, right. Marietta said she wants you to bring Oscar along."
Y/n's eyes widen, her mind racing at Sienna's words. "What? She wants me to bring Oscar?" she asks, her voice a mixture of surprise and trepidation.
Sienna nods, sensing Y/n's reaction. "Yeah, apparently she wants all five of us together on the boat. I guess she's hoping for some sort of matchmaking shit to happen between her and Oscar or something."
Y/n's heart sinks as she processes Sienna's words. Bringing Oscar to the boat party means she'll have to watch him interact with Marietta, all while trying to conceal her own feelings.
Y/n says a small "Oh… okay" in response, feeling overwhelmed and hurt by the situation. She ends the call soon after, feeling a mix of disappointment and dread. She stands there for a moment, trying to gather her thoughts and compose herself.
She returns to the table, taking her seat next to Oscar. Y/n plasters a small smile on her face, trying to hide the turmoil of emotions within her. As she takes a bite of her food, her thoughts are still occupied with Sienna's call and Marietta's plans for the boat party.
Despite her inner turmoil, Y/n tries to make casual conversation. She turns to Oscar and asks, "Hey, quick question. Are you free on Friday by any chance?"
Oscar looks up from his plate, eyeing her curiously. "Friday? Yeah, I think I'm free on Friday. Why do you ask?
Y/n shrugs casually, trying to keep her voice neutral. "Oh, just wondering. Sienna mentioned something about a boat party that Marietta is having on Friday. She wanted me to bring you along."
Oscar raises an eyebrow, intrigued by the invitation. "A boat party, huh? Sounds like it could be fun." He studies her expression, sensing that there's more to her question than she's letting on.
Y/n nods, trying to downplay her interest in his response. "Yeah, it should be a good time. The four of us, plus the boat pilot." She takes a sip of her drink, her eyes darting between her food and his face.
Oscar notices her furtive glances and the slightly nervous edge to her voice. He leans back in his chair, a small smile playing on his lips. "You seem a bit on edge," he observes gently. "Everything okay?"
Y/n forces a casual smile, trying to deflect his concern. "Yeah, I'm fine," she insists, though her voice is a touch strained. "Just a little tired, that's all."
Oscar quirks an eyebrow, not entirely convinced by her response. "You sure it's just tiredness? You seem a bit… distracted, if I'm being honest." He studies her face intently, trying to gauge her true emotions.
Y/n can feel his gaze on her, and she fidgets slightly in her seat. "Yeah, just tired," she repeats, though her voice betrays her agitation. She avoids his searching gaze, focusing instead on finishing her breakfast.
Oscar watches her closely, sensing that there's more going on beneath the surface. He decides to change tactics, shifting the conversation to a lighter topic. "So, this boat party on Friday," he says casually. "Any idea what we'll be doing or where we're going?"
Y/n takes a moment to gather her thoughts, trying to push aside her lingering anxiety. She looks up from her plate and replies, "Yeah, I guess we'll probably be doing some snorkeling, maybe some light fishing. And knowing Marietta, she'll probably have some drinks and snacks on board too."
Oscar grins, seeming to lighten up at the mention of the activity. "Snorkeling, fishing, and drinks? Sounds like a pretty good time to me." He takes a sip of his own drink before adding, "And if you're worried about getting seasick, I can always hold your hair back for you."
Y/n's face flushes slightly at his playful remark. She swats his arm lightly, trying to hide her embarrassment. "Shut up, I won't get seasick," she retorts, unable to suppress a small smirk.
Oscar laughs, clearly enjoying the banter. "We'll see about that. I have a feeling you'll be clinging to me for dear life the second we hit the open water."
She rolls her eyes, trying to maintain a casual tone despite the butterflies in her stomach. "Yeah, right. I've been on boats before, you know. I'm not some fragile little flower who'll get seasick at the first sign of rough water."
Oscar grins, clearly not convinced. "Oh, I know. You're a total badass, for sure. But even the toughest people can get seasick. And I'll be there to witness your downfall, just waiting to say I told you so."
Y/n huffs, feigning annoyance. "You're so annoying, you know that?" Despite her words, she can't help but smile at his playful teasing.
Oscar's grin widens. "Ah, but you like me anyways," he retorts, raising an eyebrow. "You can deny it all you want, but I know deep down you think I'm charming."
Y/n rolls her eyes again, though her smile betrays her true feelings. "In your dreams, maybe. But I'd never fall for you at all."
Oscar leans back in his chair, a cocky smirk on his face. "Ah, the classic 'deny, deny, deny' routine. I get it. You're trying to keep up your tough exterior. But I can see through it. You're falling for me, you just don't want to admit it yet."
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I give him a withering look, though my heart races at his words. "Please. As if I would ever fall for such a cocky jerk, a delusional one at that."
Lies. Lies. Lies. I've fallen for you already.
Oscar feigns offense at my words. "Cocky jerk? I'm hurt. And here I thought we were having a nice breakfast together. You wound me, truly." He places a hand over his heart dramatically.
I roll my eyes again, but I can't help but chuckle at her exaggerated gesture. "Oh, please. You're about as hurt as a brick wall. And I'm pretty sure your ego is strong enough to withstand a little name-calling."
Oscar grins, clearly enjoying the banter. "Guilty as charged. My ego is bulletproof. And when it comes to charming the pants off you, I think I'm making progress. Deny it all you want, but you're starting to crack. I can feel it."
Lies. Lies. Lies. I've already cracked.
I purse my lips, trying to hide the effect his words have on me. "you're delusional. I'm not cracking. I'm just tolerating your insufferable personality for the sake of this breakfast."
Oscar leans in closer, his eyes glinting with playful defiance. "Tolerating, huh? So you're admitting that you're willing to spend time with me, even though you find me insufferable. That's a step in the right direction if you ask me."
I stubbornly cross my arms, refusing to give him the satisfaction he's clearly seeking. "Don't read too much into it. I just don't have anything better to do at the moment. That's all."
Oscar raises an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Ah, denial. It's a beautiful thing. Keep it up, sweetheart. Maybe one day you'll admit that you actually enjoy my company."
I feel my heart flutter at the word "sweetheart" but I force myself to keep up my stubborn face. "I'll admit that when pigs fly, Mr. Piastri. Enjoy fantasizing about that."
Oscar laughs, "Oh, I'll be fantasizing about more than that, trust me. But I can wait. The thrill of the chase is half the fun, after all."
My cheeks heat up at his words, but I try to brush off the effect they have on me. "You're unbelievable, flirting? This early in the morning? And do you ever stop flirting or is it just a part of your... default setting?"
Oscar grins, leaning in even closer. "Can you blame me? You're just so fun to rile up. And it doesn't hurt that you're absolutely gorgeous when you're flustered."
I feel my breath catch in my throat at his words, but I quickly regain my composure. "Is that so? Or are you just a hopeless flirt with a weakness for beautiful women?"
Oscar pretends to think for a moment. "A little bit of both, if I'm being honest. But there's something about you in particular that makes it extra fun." He leans forward, his voice lowering. "You're not just gorgeous, you're also intelligent and witty, and you know how to give as good as you get. It's kind of a turn-on, to be honest."
My heart continues to thump in my chest at his words. "Flattery will get you nowhere, you know. I'm Immune to your so-called 'charms'"
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Y/n, feeling her heart flutter at Oscar's words, forces herself to keep up her aloof facade. "I've had enough of your egotistical banter for one day," she says with a smirk. "I think it's time for me to go. I have better things to do with my time than listening to you brag about yourself all day. Besides, I wouldn't want your ego to get any more inflated than it already is."
Oscar feigns disappointment, and his usual confident smile falters slightly. "Oh, come on. You're leaving already? And here I thought we were having such a lovely time together."
Oscar calls after her, a hint of playful sadness in his voice. "Aw, not even a proper goodbye? You're breaking my heart Y/n."
Y/n pretends to yawn, feigning disinterest. "Well, I hate to cut this chat short, but I have better things to do than listen to you brag about yourself." She turns and starts walking towards the stairs. "Besides, I have some things I need to take care of in my room. Try not to miss me too much."
Oscar watches her go, a hint of amusement in his expression. "Oh, I'll miss you terribly," he calls out sarcastically. "Who else will I annoy with my charming personality?"
Y/n pauses at the bottom of the stairs, looking back over her shoulder. With a smirk, she says, "Oh, don't worry, I'm sure Marietta will be more than happy to take over the job of dealing with your obnoxious ass."
Oscar pretends to be wounded, placing a hand over his heart. "Ouch, that stung. But you're probably right, Marietta does seem to enjoy my company quite a bit."
Y/N playfully scoffs, her expression betraying her true feelings. "Oh, please. You know she just tolerates you because you're good-looking. It has nothing to do with your charming personality."
Oscar grins, clearly enjoying the banter. "I think you're just jealous, sweetheart. You wish you could have this incredible face and witty banter all to yourself."
Y/n rolls her eyes playfully at his words, but she can't deny the effect they have on her. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, you egotistical jerk," she retorts with a smirk. "I'm going to go now before your inflated ego makes the doorframe explode. Have fun annoying Marietta with your 'charming' personality."
Oscar laughs, thoroughly entertained by their banter. "Oh, I will. And you have fun pretending you don't secretly enjoy my company."
She pretends to scoff, crossing her arms over her chest. "Enjoy your delusions, Mr. Piastri." With that, she starts up the stairs, trying to ignore the fluttering feeling in her chest.
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I burst into my room, leaning against the door for a moment as I try to catch my breath. My heart is racing from the interaction with Oscar, and I can feel the blush spreading across my face. I cover my cheeks with my hands, a mix of conflicting emotions coursing through me.
I walk over to my bed, collapsing onto it with a groan. My mind is running in circles, looping the conversation with Oscar in my head, like a haunting melody I can't escape. The way he teased me, the way he called me "sweetheart" and the way it made my heart skip a beat... I can't deny the effect he has on me.
I can't deny that I've fallen for him.
I roll onto my back, staring up at the ceiling. I can't help but wonder what thinking during breakfast. Did he truly enjoy our banter as much as he seemed to? Or was he playing around like always? I can't help but feel a pang of jealousy at the thought of him flirting with Marietta too.
I suddenly sit up straight, my mind wandering to the upcoming boat party. The thought of Oscar spending time with Marietta on the boat, possibly flirting and having fun together, makes my stomach twist with unease. I try to push the thought aside, telling myself it's none of my business who Oscar flirts with.
But as hard as I try to ignore my feelings, I can't help the pang of jealousy that shoots through my chest. I know I shouldn't care so much about whether Oscar is flirting with Marietta or not, but I can't help the way my heart reacts to him. I can't seem to resist him, I was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
I let out a frustrated sigh and flop back onto my bed. I always prided myself on being level-headed and logical, but when it comes to Oscar, all rationality flies out the window. He confuses me, he infuriates me, and yet I can't deny the attraction towards him.
He has me wrapped around his pretty little finger.
I take a deep breath and decide to focus on the upcoming boat party. I grab my phone and shoot a quick text message to Sienna, asking her about the final plans for the party.
Y/n puts down her phone, feeling a sense of finality washes over her. Her mind is still racing with thoughts of Oscar, but she tries to push them aside as she waits for Sienna's response.
A few moments later, her phone buzzes with Sienna's reply. Y/n grabs her phone and glances at the screen, eager to see what the plans are.
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Sienna's message confirms that the boat party is still on for Friday, and the final details are that everyone will meet up at the dock at 8AM. Y/N reads the message with a mix of excitement and anxiety. She's looking forward to the party, but she can't shake the feeling that being around Oscar on a boat for hours will be torturous.
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Friday, 8:06 AM
Y/n and Oscar arrive at the dock, the early morning sunlight casting a warm glow over everything. They had carpooled together, and the car ride had been mostly silent, except for Oscar's attempts at small talk. Y/N had tried her best to remain nonchalant, but she couldn't deny the butterflies in her stomach every time he looked at her.
They walk slowly towards the pier where the boat is docked. The morning air is crisp and fresh, and the sound of seagulls echoes in the distance. Y/N can feel the butterflies fluttering in her chest as she walks next to Oscar, but she tries to keep her cool demeanor intact.
As they reach the pier, Y/n sees the boat bobbing up and down gently in the water. The gangway connecting the pier to the boat sways slightly with each movement of the waves.
Y/n spots Marietta and Sienna standing nearby, talking to a curly-haired guy who seems to be around their age. He is wearing a loose-fitting shirt and shorts, and he has a friendly smile on his face. She assumes he must be the boat pilot that they hired for the party.
Oscar sees Y/n looking at the guy and gives her a sly grin. "Looks like they've already started making friends," he says, nudging her playfully. "I hope our boat pilot isn't as boring as he looks."
She rolls her eyes, trying to ignore the flutter in her heart at his touch. "I'm sure he's fine," she replies, feigning indifference. "As long as he can get us out on the water and back safely, I don't care how boring he is."
Oscar laughs, clearly enjoying riling her up. "Oh come on, where's the fun in that? We need someone to keep us entertained during the ride, otherwise, it'll be a long and dull trip."
Y/n scoffs, pretending to be unamused. "You're just impossible to please, you know that? If the boat pilot doesn't sing us songs and juggle dolphins, you'll find something to complain about."
Oscar grins, clearly amused by her response. "You know me too well, sweetheart. I like to be entertained at all times. And if the boat pilot can juggle dolphins, that would be a bonus."
Y/n rolls her eyes again, shaking her head at his ridiculousness. "Oh, please. You're lucky if he can even pilot the boat, let alone juggle dolphins."
Y/n and Oscar finally reach Marietta and Sienna, who turn to greet them. The girls are laughing and chatting excitedly, clearly ready for the boat party. The unknown guy, who is presumably the boat pilot, turns to look at them, his friendly smile widening.
Y/n takes a moment to look him over, noting his curly hair, tanned skin, and strong shoulders. He seems confident and friendly, and he gives a small wave as Y/N and Oscar approach.
"Hey, you made it!" Marietta exclaims, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "We were starting to worry you two weren't going to show up."
"Yeah, we were just about to send out a search party," Sienna teases, grinning at Y/n and Oscar.
Y/n laughs at Sienna's comment and shrugs apologetically. "Sorry we're late, guys. Someone here took forever in the bathroom getting ready." She glances at Oscar, who fakes a look of innocence.
Oscar puts his hand to his chest, feigning offense. "Hey, I take my beauty routine very seriously. It takes time to look this good, you know."
Siena and Marietta roll their eyes in unison, but they're both trying to hide their grins. "Right, because you need extra time to look good when you already wake up looking perfect," Marietta says sarcastically.
Y/n catches Sienna's look and has to bite her lip to keep from laughing. Her eyes widen in mock surprise, as if she, too, is shocked by Marietta's comment. But secretly, she can't help but agree with the other girl. Oscar does wake up looking perfect every morning, and it's infuriating.
The curly-haired boat pilot notices the girls staring at each other and politely interrupts their banter. "Um, excuse me," he says, his voice warm and friendly. "The boat is all set and ready to go when you are."
"Great, thanks for letting us know," Y/n replies, her voice smooth and friendly. "We're all good to go, aren't we?" She looks around at the others, who all nod and murmur their agreement.
"Alright then, let's go," Sienna says, already starting to walk toward the boat. The others follow, and Y/n falls into step next to Oscar, careful to keep a small distance between them.
As they cross the gangway to the boat, Y/n can feel the excitement building. The sea breeze is blowing in her face, and she can hear the distant sound of seagulls calling. She glances up at Oscar, noticing how the wind tousles his hair. He looks carefree and relaxed, and Y/n tries to ignore the flutter in her chest.
They reach the deck of the boat, and Y/n takes a moment to look around. The boat is sleek and modern, with comfortable seating areas and a small kitchen area. There's even a sundeck area with deckchairs, perfect for lounging in the sun. She can see Marietta and Sienna already settling into chairs, clearly excited for the trip.
The boat pilot, meanwhile, is making sure everything is in order. He checks the controls and the safety equipment, making sure everything is functioning properly. He seems experienced and capable, and Y/n feels a little more at ease knowing they're in his hands.
"Alright, everybody ready to go?" The boat pilot calls out, his voice loud and clear. Marietta and Sienna cheer in response, and even Oscar lets out a whoop of excitement. Y/n takes a deep breath, feeling a mix of nervousness and anticipation.
The boat pilot starts the engine, and Y/n can feel the boat vibrate beneath her feet. They slowly begin to move away from the dock, the waves rocking the boat gently. She grips the rail, looking out at the horizon as the boat moves further out into the open sea.
Y/n finally sets down her bag on a nearby chair, feeling the weight lift off her shoulders. She looks around for a moment, taking in the surroundings of the boat. The sea breeze is still blowing, and Y/N can smell the salty air. She takes a deep breath, feeling a wave of calmness wash over her.
Sienna calls out to Y/n from across the deck, motioning for her to come to sunbathe with them. Y/n looks up, noticing her friends already lounging on deckchairs, their skin glowing in the sun.
Marietta calls out to Oscar, who is leaning against the rail nearby, watching the waves. "Hey, Oscar," she says, her voice sweet and sultry. "Could you do me a favor and put some sunscreen on my back? I can't quite reach it."
Oscar looks over at her, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth. "Of course, Marietta. I'd be happy to help." He saunters over to her chair, taking the bottle of sunscreen she offers him.
He squirts some sunscreen into his hand and starts rubbing it onto her back, his hands moving in small circles. Marietta sighs softly, enjoying the feeling of his hands on her skin.
Sienna and Y/n exchange a look, both rolling their eyes at the scene unfolding before them. They both know that Marietta is shamelessly flirting with Oscar, and they're both slightly amused and slightly grossed out by it.
Y/n watches as Oscar finishes spreading the sunscreen on Marietta's back, his fingers lingering on her skin for a moment longer than necessary. Marietta shivers slightly and looks over her shoulder at him, throwing him a smile.
Y/n feels her stomach twist with irritation. She knows that Marietta is just being her usual self, but for some reason, it bothers her more than usual today. She glances at Sienna, who looks equally unimpressed.
Sienna rolls her eyes again, shaking her head. "Does she have to be so obvious?" she mutters, keeping her voice low so that Marietta and Oscar won't overhear.
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Friday, 9:14 AM
The boat has come to a stop in the middle of several islands, surrounded by clear blue water. The girls have been snorkeling for a while, exploring the underwater world and admiring the colorful fish and corals. Y/n's head bobs up from the water, and she takes off her mask, wiping the water from her face.
Oscar is standing on the edge of the boat, getting ready to join the girls in the water. He's removing his shirt, revealing his toned chest and abs. Y/n can't help but notice the way the muscles ripple under his skin, and she quickly looks away, feeling a flutter in her stomach.
Marietta, who has been watching him intently, lets out a whistle. "Looking good, Oscar," she says, her voice dripping with appreciation.
Oscar grins at her, not missing a beat. "Like what you see, Marietta?" He flexes his muscles jokingly, and Marietta laughs, clearly enjoying the attention.
Y/n rolls her eyes, trying to hide the irritation that is building up within her. She's not sure why she feels so annoyed by Marietta's flirting, but she can't help the feeling of jealousy that washes over her.
Sienna comes up next to Y/n, noticing her expression. "Don't let it bother you," she says, her voice low. "You know Marietta is just being her usual self. She's always like this with every guy."
Y/n nods, trying to push down her feelings. "I know," she replies, her voice betraying a hint of irritation. "It's just…I don't know. It's just more annoying than usual today."
Sienna glances over at Marietta and Oscar, who are now flirting shamelessly. "Well, just try to ignore them," she says, her voice sympathetic. "We're here to have fun, not to watch them make fools of themselves."
Y/n takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. "You're right," she says, forcing a smile. "Let's just focus on enjoying the snorkeling."
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I swim back up to the boat, my heart rate slightly elevated from the effort. I haul myself onto the deck, feeling the warm sun on my skin. I sit for a moment, catching my breath and looking out at the sparkling water.
I make my way up to the cockpit, where the boat pilot is seated, looking at his phone. I approach him, still dripping with water from my hair and swimsuit.
The curly-haired pilot looks up at me as I approach him. He smiles and extends his hand. "Hi there," he says, his voice friendly laced with a British accent. "I'm Lando. Are you enjoying the trip so far?"
I shake his hand, feeling a little self-conscious of my wet hair and swimwear. "Yeah, it's been great so far. The water is so clear, and we saw some really beautiful fish out there."
Lando nods in agreement. "Yeah, this area is great for snorkeling. There are so many different types of marine life to see out here."
I look at Lando curiously and decide to ask him a question. "Hey, I'm curious. Why didn't you join us for the snorkeling?" I ask, my voice casual.
Lando chuckles and shakes his head. "Believe me, I would love to join you guys out there. But someone has to take care of the boat, right?"
I laugh feeling a little sheepish for not realizing that earlier. "Yeah, I guess that makes sense," I say, smiling at him.
I hesitate for a moment, feeling a little bold. I glance down at the deck, where I can see Marietta hiding behind Oscar as Sienna swims after her with a crab in her hand, and back at Lando. "If it's alright with you, I was wondering if I could stay up here and keep you company for a bit," I say, trying to sound nonchalant.
Lando looks overat me, a surprised but pleased expression on his face. "Sure, I don't mind at all," he says, gesturing for me to sit down in the seat beside his.
I smile and take the seat beside him, feeling my heart beat a bit faster. I'm not quite sure why I felt the need to escape from Marietta and Oscar's flirting, but something about Lando's calm and friendly demeanor made me feel at ease.
Lando glances over at me, his eyes flickering over my wet hair and swimwear. I blush a little, suddenly feeling shy about the way I look. But Lando doesn't seem to notice my discomfort, and he just grins before turning back to the wheel. The boat is still for now, bobbing gently on the calm water.
A comfortable silence falls between us, broken only by the soft sound of the waves and the not so soft sounds of Marietta screaming accompanied by Sienna and Oscar's laughter. I sneak a glance at Lando, taking in his profile. He's quite handsome, with a strong jawline and warm eyes.
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Lando turns his gaze back towards Y/n, and breaks the silence with a friendly smile. "So, what do you do when you're not enjoying a boat day with your friends?" he asks, resting his hand on the wheel.
Y/n glances over at him, feeling relieved that he's made an effort to start a conversation. "I'm a student, actually. I'm taking business management," she replies, her voice soft.
She nods, correcting herself. "Actually, I'm interning at my dad's company right now. I thought it would be best to get some experience before graduating." Y/n says, a hint of pride in her voice.
Lando looks impressed. "That sounds like a great opportunity," he says, nodding his head. "It's smart to get some experience in the field before you graduate. You'll have a leg up on the competition when you start job searching."
Y/n smiles, feeling grateful for his praise. "Yeah, that's what I'm hoping for. I really want to make the most of this internship and hopefully secure a good job offer when I graduate."
Lando grins back at her. "Well, if you're as hardworking and determined as you seem, I'm sure you'll have no problem impressing your bosses and landing that job."
She feels a flush of pleasure at his words. It's been a while since anyone has complimented her on her ambition and drive, and it feels good to hear someone acknowledge her hard work.
Y/n turns the question back to Lando. "What about you? What do you do whenyou're not captaining this beautiful boat?"
Lando grins, clearly enjoying the question. "I do a bit of everything, really," he says, shrugging modestly. "But mostly I do photograph. I love taking pictures of nature and landscapes, and I've been doing it professionally for a few years now."
Y/n's eyes light up with interest. "That's amazing! I bet you've seen some incredible places and captured some amazing moments with your camera."
Lando nods, a proud smile playing at the corner of his mouth. "Yeah, I have been pretty lucky. I've traveled all over the world for photography gigs and I've seen some truly breathtaking sights."
He glances down at a bag by his feet, gesturing towards it. "I actually brought my camera with me, in case I wanted to do some photography while we're out here." He looks up at Y/n. "You want to take a picture?"
Y/n nods her head excitedly. Lando grins at her enthusiasm, clearly pleased by her interest. He bends down to pick up the camera, checking the settings and adjusting the lense. "Alright, come here,"he says, gesturing for Y/n to come closer.
Lando positions the camera, moving slightly until he gets the perfect angle. He looks up at her, a look of concentration on his face. "Okay, smile for me," he says, his voice soft.
Y/n smiles obediently, feeling a little self-conscious under his gaze. She watches as Lando fiddles with the camera a little more, checking the preview display to make sure everything looks good.
Lando looks up at her, smiling with satisfaction. "Perfect. Just stay right there, and look out at the water." He raises the camera to his eye, focusing on her and the view behind her.
Y/n does as he says, turning her gaze outwards and trying to ignore the way her heart is beating a little faster. She waits patiently as Lando clicks a few pictures, the sound of the camera shutter echoing through the air.
After a few moments, Lando lowers the camera, looking down at the preview display with a satisfied expression. "Got it," he says,a hint of pride in his voice. "Want to take a look?"
Y/n moves closer to him, peering at the preview. She can see the picture he's taken - she's standing at the control panel, the sparkling water and islands behind her, looking natural and relaxed.
Lando grins, "You like it?" he asks, lifting his eyes up from the camera to meet hers.
Y/n nods, her eyes still fixed on the display screen. "Yeah, it looks great," she says, smiling back at him. "I look pretty good, I have to admit."
Lando chuckles, a little amused by her modesty. "You look beautiful," he says, his voice sincere. "But then again, it's easy when you have a beautiful subject."
Y/n laughs, "Can I take a pic?" She asks, her voice gentle.
Lando grins, handing the camera over to her. "Sure, go ahead," he says, standing back to give her space.
Y/n takes the camera from Lando, feeling a little nervous suddenly. She's no photographer, but she's determined to give it a shot. She raises the camera to her eye, trying to mimic the way she saw Lando hold it.
He notices that Y/n is holding the camera a bit awkwardly, and he steps closer to her, closing the gap between them. He stands right behind her, his chest almost touching her back. He reaches out and gently adjusts her grip on the camera, his fingers brushing her skin ever so slightly.
Y/n can feel her heart rate increasing and she can feel the heat radiating off of Lando's body, standing so close behind her. She tries to focus on the task at hand, and not on the fact that Lando is practically embracing her from behind.
Little do Lando and Y/n know, Oscar can see them from the water, floating a few feet away, having finished snorkeling. He watches as Lando adjusts Y/n's grip on the camera, his expression turning sour.
Oscar feels a pang of jealousy as he sees Lando standing so close to Y/n, his hands lingering on her skin. He clenches his jaw, hating how Lando seems so comfortable invading her personal space.
He watches as Y/n raises the camera to her eye again, seemingly oblivious to the fact Lando is still standing so close to her. Oscar can't help but feel angry and frustrated, watching them interact so casually.
Y/n raises the camera and, taking aim, captures a picture of the sparkling water and picturesque islands in the distance. Lando watches her, a small smile on his lips, clearly amused by how intently she's concentrating on her task.
She lowers the camera, satisfied with the photo she's taken. She turns to Lando, a proud smile on her face. "How did I do?" she asks, holding the camera out to him for inspection.
Lando takes the camera from her, looking at the preview display, "Not bad, pretty girl," he says, his voice warm with approval. "You're a natural."
He leans closer to her, lowering his voice so that only she can hear. "Can I ask you something?" he says, a hint of seriousness in his voice.
Y/n glances at him, curious about what he's about to ask. "Sure, go ahead," she says, turning her attention fully towards him.
Lando looks away, feigning nonchalance, as he asks the question. "Are you and Oscar, you know, a thing?"
Y/n is taken aback by the question, but she manages to keep her cool. "No, we're not dating," she replies, trying to sound casual. "We're just friends."
Lando shrugs, trying to act like it's no big deal. "I was just curious," he says, a hint of a smirk on his face. "You two seem pretty close, that's all."
He laughs at himself, a little embarrassed by the interaction. "I did notice Oscar giving me a bit of a glare when I was helping you with the camera," he says, grinning at the memory. "Maybe he's jealous."
Y/n snorts, amused by the thought of Oscar being jealous. "Jealous of what?" she says, raising an eyebrow playfully.
Lando shrugs again, a sly smile on his face. "Maybe he's jealous that I got to stand behind you and whisper in your ear, while he was stuck in the water," he suggests, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
She rolls her eyes, but she can't help but giggle at his comment. "Maybe you're right," she says, humoring him. "Jealous of all that quality time with me."
Y/n is caught up in the playful banter, and in a moment of forgetfulness, she lets something slip. "To be honest," she says, lowering her voice to a whisper. "I kind of like Oscar. But don't tell him I said that, okay?"
Lando looks genuinely surprised by her confession. "Oh really?" he asks, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced with surprise. "So you have a thing for Oscar?"
Y/n's face flushes with embarrassment as she realizes what she's said. She lets out a groan and covers her face with her hands. "Ugh, I can't believe I just said that out loud," she mutters.
Lando takes the opportunity to broach another topic. "Hey, while we're on the subject," he says, a playful glint in his eye. "I overheard something between Sienna and Marietta before you guys arrived. I think Marietta might have a thing for him too."
Y/n sighs, confirming Lando's suspicions about Marietta and Oscar. "Yeah, it's true," she says, sounding a bit dejected. "Marietta definitely likes Oscar. She's been flirting with him all day, and I'm a little bummed out about it."
Lando grins slyly, seeing Y/n's disappointment. "Don't worry," he says, leaning in closer to her. "I have an idea if you're open to it."
She looks at Lando, curious and maybe a little desperate for a solution. "What's your plan?" she asks, skepticism in her voice.
Lando looks pleased with himself like he's already thought through the plan. "Here's the deal," he says, leaning in conspiratorially. "We play a little game. We make Oscar jealous, and hopefully get him to realize that he has feelings for you too."
Y/n looks at him, not quite buying into the idea. "And how exactly do you plan on doing that?" she asks, her voice laced with doubt.
Lando grins, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Well, it's simple really," he says, his eyes glinting with excitement. "We just have to make it look like you and I are interested in each other."
Y/n raises an eyebrow, skeptical of the plan. "And how do you plan on making it look like we're interested in each other?" she asks, looking at him warily.
Lando leans in even closer, his voice dropping to a conspiratorial whisper. "We just have to pretend like we're flirting with each other," he says, a sly grin on his face. "Nothing too obvious, but just enough to make Oscar feel jealous."
She looks at him, still a little hesitant about the idea. "And you really think that'll work?" she asks, not entirely convinced.
Lando nods confidently, his eyes sparkling with determination. "It'll work, trust me," he says, a devious glint in his eye. "Oscar already seems a bit possessive of you. If he sees us acting like we're into each other, it'll definitely get under his skin."
Y/n considers his words, still hesitant but intrigued by the idea. "I don't know," she says, running a hand through her hair. "Oscar can be pretty stubborn. What if he doesn't react at all?"
Lando shakes his head, dismissing her worries. "He'll react, don't worry," he says, sounding confident. "He's definitely got some feelings for you if the way he was glaring at me earlier is any indication. This will just bring those feelings to the surface."
Y/n looks at him, still a little hesitant but slowly warming to the idea. "Okay, let's say we do this. What exactly do we have to do?"
Lando grins, clearly excited by the idea of executing his plan. "Nothing too crazy," he says, lowering his voice even more. "We just need to act a bit flirtier than usual, maybe a few casual touches, and maybe a few whispered words here and there."
Y/n nods, still a little nervous but also a little bit excited. "Anything else?" she asks, wanting to know how far they need to take it.
Lando thinks for a moment, then grins slyly. "Oh, and one more thing," he says, leaning in closer. "We definitely need to make it look like we're having a good time. No holding back, we need to really sell it."
Y/n takes a deep breath, feeling a little nervous but also a little bit daring. "Alright, I'm in," she says, a hint of determination in her voice. "Let's do this."
Lando grins, clearly pleased that she's on board with his plan. "Good," he says, a sly smirk on his face. "Let's get started then."
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Lando and Y/N begin to put their plan into motion. They start by standing a little closer to each other than necessary, and Lando casually brushes his arm against Y/n as they take in the scenery. They make a point to make eye contact and smile at each other as if sharing a secret.
As they walk along the deck, Lando casually touches her on the shoulder to get her attention, and Y/n responds by laughing and playfully swatting his hand away. They keep up the charade, making sure to act natural while still being flirty enough to catch Oscar's attention.
They continue for a while, making sure to keep up the act. Lando whispers something into Y/n's ear, causing her to giggle and blush as if he's said something very charming. They stand close together, their bodies almost touching, as if they're in their own little world.
As they walk, Lando places a hand on the small of Y/n's back, guiding her gently as they make their way through the deck. She responds by leaning into the touch as if she enjoys the feeling of his hand on her back. They both play their roles well, making sure to act like two people who are definitely interested in each other.
As they continue on, they make up reasons to touch each other more - Lando helps Y/n adjust her swimsuit straps, and She brushes a strand of hair out of Lando's eyes. They keep up the act, laughing and smiling, as if they're completely absorbed in each other's company.
They continue their game, making sure to keep the level of flirtation dialed up. Lando and Y/n find excuses to lean in close to each other, whispering conspiratorially and making subtle physical contact. They keep an eye out for Oscar, hoping that he's watching and feeling jealous of their actions.
As they continue to act like a couple, Lando notices Oscar is watching from afar, a hint of jealousy in his eyes. Lando grins, satisfied that their plan is working.
The more they play the game, the more natural it starts to feel. Lando finds himself enjoying the closeness with Y/n, and Y/n finds herself getting a little carried away with the pretending.
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Friday, 12:14 PM
Lando and Y/n sit on the sand, enjoying the sunshine and beautiful surroundings. They're both feeling a little tired from all the acting, but also a little buzzed from the adrenaline of their plan.
Lando looks over at Y/n, a sly smile on his face. "So, how do you think our little game is going?"
Y/n smiles, feeling a mix of relief and excitement. "Yeah, I think it’s definitely working," she says, still feeling a bit daring from their game. "He was definitely watching us earlier, and he didn’t look too happy about it."
Lando grins, clearly enjoying the effect their ploy is having on Oscar. "Yeah, I saw him practically glaring at me when I adjusted your bikini strap," he says, chuckling. "I think he’s definitely getting jealous."
Y/n feels a little bit guilty, knowing that they’re intentionally trying to make Oscar jealous, but also a little bit excited by the thrill of their little game. "I feel kind of bad," she admits, looking a little bit sheepish. "But also, it’s kind of fun to see him get all worked up."
Lando laughs, understanding how she’s feeling. "Hey, don’t feel bad," he says, grinning. "This is all part of the plan, remember? And honestly, it’s kind of entertaining to see him get all riled up like that."
Y/n can’t help but giggle at Lando’s words, feeling a little guilty but also enjoying the feeling of breaking the rules a bit. "I know, I know," she says, smiling. "But still, I can’t help feeling a little bad about it. But also, it’s kind of exciting, you know? It’s like we’re doing something forbidden."
Lando notices that the conversation is steering in a bit of a serious direction, and decides to change the topic. "Okay, let’s talk about something else," he says, standing up and offering his hand to Y/n. "Let’s head back to the boat."
Y/n stands up as well, taking Lando’s hand and falling into step beside him.
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After everyone's finished exploring the island, the group returns to the boat and settles down for a relaxed lunch. Lando brings out a spread of delicious food - sandwiches, salads, fruit, chips, and some beer - and everyone gathers around the table on the deck to eat.
Y/n is feeling a little buzzed from the heat and the excitement of the day and finds herself enjoying the food even more than usual. She takes a bite of her sandwich and closes her eyes, savoring the flavors.
Lando sits down next to Y/n, setting his plate down on the table. Across from them, Oscar takes a seat, looking a little bit miffed. Marietta sits down next to Oscar, glancing over at Y/n and Lando with a slight frown. Sienna, meanwhile, takes a seat at the end of the table, silently observing the group’s interactions.
The group starts to eat, chatting and laughing as they enjoy their food. Lando and Y/n are sitting close together, their legs touching under the table. Lando makes an excuse to lean into Y/n, whispering something in her ear and making her laugh. The casual intimacy between them is palpable, and it's not lost on Oscar, who sits across from them, looking increasingly annoyed.
Oscar's eyes dart from Lando to Y/n, and he's clearly struggling to contain his jealousy. He watches as Lando whispers something to Y/n and his jaw clenches as he sees Y/n laughing and leaning into Lando's touch.
Sienna notices Oscar's reaction to Lando and Y/n's interaction, and she can't help but find it amusing. She takes a big bite of her salad, making sure to hold it in her mouth for a comically long time before finally chewing and swallowing. Her exaggerated gesture isn't lost on Oscar, and he shoots her a glare, clearly not amused.
Lando glances over at Sienna, noticing her exaggerated antics, and can't help but chuckle. Y/n also sees what Sienna's doing, and she can't help but smile at her friend's theatricality. Meanwhile, Marietta is watching the whole scene play out, looking more and more irritated with each passing moment.
As everyone continues to eat, the tension between Oscar and Lando grows thicker. Lando seems to be going out of his way to be casually intimate with Y/n, wrapping an arm around her shoulders or resting his hand on her knee. Each little touch makes Oscar’s expression darken further, and it’s clear that he’s struggling to keep his emotions in check.
Marietta, meanwhile, seems to be seething with jealousy. She keeps shooting glares at Y/n and Lando, and her face grows taut with anger every time Lando touches Y/n. Sienna, on the other hand, is barely containing her laughter as she watches the drama unfold in front of her.
Lando, enjoying the effect his actions are having on Oscar, decides to take things up a notch. He leans in close to Y/n, as if whispering something in her ear, but makes sure to speak loud enough for Oscar and Marietta to hear. “You look so cute right now,” he says, grinning.
Y/n can’t help but blush at Lando’s words, feeling a little embarrassed but also secretly enjoying the attention. She looks over at Oscar, who’s looking more and more annoyed. Marietta, meanwhile, looks like she’s about to explode with anger.
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Friday, 5:21 PM
Lando takes the wheel of the boat as the sun begins to sink in the sky. He skillfully pilots the boat through the water, back towards the pier. The air is warm and still, as the boat glides through the water, and the sky is painted in hues of pink and orange.
Y/n stands at the edge of the boat, letting the cool breeze blow through her hair. She takes a deep breath, feeling a sense of contentment wash over her as she watches the scenery pass by. Lando glances over at her, taking in the sight of her face lit up by the setting sun.
Lando steers the boat towards the pier, his experienced hands navigating the waters with ease. The sun casts a warm golden glow over everything, making the water look like it’s sparkling. Y/n watches the landscape go by, taking in the beautiful view one last time before they reach the pier.
As they approach the pier, Lando skillfully maneuvers the boat into position to dock. The boat comes to a smooth halt, and Lando starts to tie it up to the pier. The rest of the group starts to gather their things, preparing to disembark.
Once the boat is securely tied up, Lando jumps off onto the pier and helps the rest of the group disembark. Y/n steps off the boat onto solid ground, feeling a little bit wistful about the end of the day.
The group gathers on the pier, exchanging hugs and goodbyes as they say their farewells. Lando and Y/n linger at the edge of the group, talking quietly amongst themselves.
Lando pulls Y/n aside, speaking quietly as the rest of the group continues their goodbyes. "So, what did you think of our little scheming today?" he asks, a cheeky grin on his face.
Y/n laughs, feeling a little bit amused by their earlier antics. "It was definitely an adventure," she says, still feeling a little thrill from their game. "I think we successfully made Oscar jealous, though."
"I’ll say," says Lando, grinning. "Did you see his face when I put my arm around you? He looked like he was ready to explode."
Y/n giggles, recalling Oscar’s expression. "Yeah, he did look pretty mad," she says. "And Marietta wasn’t too happy either."
Lando chuckles, looking pleased with himself. "I have to admit, it was kind of fun to get a rise out of them both," he says. "I think we made quite a convincing couple if I do say so myself."
She grins, feeling a little flutter in her chest at Lando’s words. "We definitely did," she says. "But don’t let it go to your head, Lan."
Lando feigns offense, putting a hand to his chest. "I would never," he says, grinning. "Although I’ll admit, I do like the way you look at me when we’re pretending."
Y/n rolls her eyes, trying not to let Lando see how much she's enjoying his words. "Yeah right, I'm sure you love the attention," she teases. "You're clearly loving being the object of affection.
Y/n says her goodbyes to Lando and makes her way over to Oscar, who’s already standing by the car, tapping his foot impatiently. She approaches him with a small smile, feeling a little bit uneasy about his mood.
Oscar turns to her as she approaches, his expression still a little sour. "Finally," he says, opening the car door and gesturing for her to get in. "Let's go."
Y/n climbs into the car, feeling Oscar's tension radiating from him. She's not sure what to say, so she tries to break the silence by making small talk. "So, um, did you have a good time today?" she asks tentatively.
Oscar shoots her a look as he peels out of the parking lot. "It would have been a lot better if Lando hadn’t been all over you," he mutters, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.
Y/n feels a pang of guilt at his words, knowing that she and Lando had deliberately been trying to make Oscar jealous. She tries to defend herself, but her voice comes out a little weak. "We were just playing around," she says. "It didn’t mean anything."
Oscar scoffs, still clearly angry. "Yeah, right," he says. "I saw the way you were looking at him. You were loving all the attention he was giving you."
Y/n feels a flare of annoyance and decides to fight back. "And what about you?" she says, her voice taking on a sharper edge. "You were all over Marietta, too. You were practically glued to her side the whole day."
Oscar looks taken aback by her retort, clearly not expecting her to bring up his behavior with Marietta. "That’s different," he says, though his voice lacks conviction. "I wasn’t all over her like Lando was all over you."
Y/n raises an eyebrow, skeptical. "You were definitely flirting with her," she says. "I saw the way you were looking at her, too. You were enjoying the attention just as much as I was."
Oscar looks uncomfortable, realizing that he doesn’t have a good argument against her words. He’s silent for a moment, clearly struggling with his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness.
Y/n crosses her arms, feeling a mixture of annoyance and unease. "So don’t act like you’re jealous,” she says. “You were doing the same thing with Marietta."
Oscar shoots Y/n a look, trying to maintain his composure. "I’m not jealous," he says, though his voice lacks confidence. "I just don’t like the way Lando was all over you. It was disrespectful and immature."
Y/n scoffs, feeling a bit impatient with his denial. "You’re clearly jealous, and you’re just too proud to admit it," she says. "You were just as possessive with Marietta as Lando was with me. You’re just in denial about it."
The car ride continues in silence, with both Y/n and Oscar lost in their own thoughts. From time to time, Y/n steals a glance at Oscar, watching his tense expression as he stares at the road. She can tell that he’s still feeling jealous and possessive, even though he won’t admit it out loud.
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Y/n gets out of the car, still feeling a bit annoyed with Oscar’s behavior. She accidentally slammed the car door shut a little harder than she intended, wincing slightly at the sound. She can feel Oscar’s eyes on her as she heads towards the house.
As Y’n walks towards the house, she can feel the tension between her and Oscar still hanging in the air. Oscar follows closely behind her, his expression still brooding. They enter the house in silence, the tension between them palpable.
Once they're inside, Oscar finally speaks up. "You didn't have to slam the door like that," he says, his voice still tinged with irritation.
Y/n turns to look at him, her irritation spiking at his comment. "Oh, so now you're going to criticize me for how I close a door?" she says, her voice laced with sarcasm.
Oscar rolls his eyes, clearly with the situation. "I'm just saying, you could at least try to be less childish," he retorts.
Y/n feels her annoyance turn to anger. "Childish? I'm the one who's childish?" she says hotly. "You were the one acting like a jealous, possessive jerk all day."
Oscar bristles at her words, clearly stung by her accusation. "I was not being a jealous jerk," he protests. "I was trying to protect you from Lando's advances. He was all over you like a cheap suit."
Y/n crosses her arms, seething. "Who are you to decide who I like?" she snaps. "You're not my owner, you're not my boyfriend. Why do you think you have the right to tell me who I can and can't be interested in?"
Oscar’s eyes widen slightly at her words, clearly taken aback by her fierce response. He opens his mouth to respond, but Y/n cuts him off before he can speak.
"No," she says firmly. "I’m not done talking. You don’t get to dictate who I can talk to or be around. I can make my own decisions, and if I decide that I like Lando, that’s my business."
Y/n starts towards the stairs, intending to go to her room and end the argument, but Oscar stops her, grabbing her arm.
Y/n’s eyes widen in surprise as Oscar grabs her arm, pulling her towards him. Before she can react, he crushes his mouth against hers in a passionate, angry kiss.
The kiss is heated and desperate, full of pent-up frustration and possessiveness. Oscar’s hands grip Y/n’s arms tightly, holding her in place as he kisses her fiercely.
Her initial surprise gives way to a confused mixture of anger and desire. She feels a flutter of excitement at the feel of his lips on hers, even as she’s still pissed off at him. She tries to pull away, but his grip on her arms is unyielding.
Y/n finally manages to break free, pulling away from Oscar and taking a step back. She’s out of breath, her heart racing from the unexpected kiss. Her mind is swirling with conflicting emotions, still feeling angry with him but also a little bit turned on.
Y/n hurries up the stairs, her mind still reeling from the intense kiss. Once she’s safely in her room, she locks the door behind her, creating a physical barrier between her and Oscar. She leans back against the door, feeling a mixture of anger, confusion, and desire coursing through her body.
She takes a deep breath, trying to calm her racing thoughts and heart. She’s still angry at Oscar for his behavior towards her, and yet she can still feel the ghost of his lips on hers, making her body tingle.
Y/n glances at the locked door, feeling a small sense of satisfaction that separates her from Oscar. But at the same time, she can’t deny the fact that a part of her wants to go back downstairs and confront him, to figure out what the hell that kiss was all about.
She paces around her room, feeling restless and conflicted. She’s not sure what Oscar was thinking, kissing her like that. Did it mean something? Or was it just a spur-of-the-moment thing, driven by his jealousy and possessiveness?
Y/n feels torn. On the one hand, she’s still angry at Oscar for his behavior earlier. But on the other, she can’t deny the fact that the kiss ignited something within her, stirring up feelings that she’d been trying to ignore.
She looks around the room, her eyes landing on her bed. The thought of lying down and trying to sleep feels impossible with her mind and body in such a state of turmoil. She walks over to the bed, sinking down onto the edge and burying her face in her hands.
Memories of the day replay in her mind - Oscar’s possessive behavior, Lando’s flirtatious attention, the feeling of Oscar’s lips on hers. She feels a pang of guilt for her part in baiting Oscar with Lando, but also a flicker of satisfaction seeing how jealous he was.
She lies back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. She can hear sounds from downstairs as Oscar moves around, and she wonders if he’s thinking about her too. The sound of his footsteps on the stairs makes her heart rate increase, but he doesn’t knock on her door.
Her emotions are a tangled mess - anger, desire, guilt, and confusion all swirling together in a chaotic storm. She knows she should talk to Oscar, to clear the air and figure out what they’re doing. But at the same time, she’s not ready to face him yet.
She closes her eyes, trying to relax her body and clear her mind. But sleep refuses to come, and she’s left alone with her tangled emotions and conflicting thoughts. She lies there, listening to the sounds of the house, feeling restless and anxious.
She rolls over, burying her face in her pillow. She can’t shake the feeling of Oscar’s lips on hers, and the memory of his possessive touch. She wonders what he’s doing downstairs, and if he’s just as troubled as she is.
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I pace around the living room, my thoughts and emotions in turmoil. I feel a mix of frustration and confusion, and I can't seem to shake the image of Y/n and Lando together from my mind. I keep replaying the moments from earlier, trying to make sense of my feelings
Why did I kiss her?
Why am I so jealous?
Why do I care so much?
Why do I like Y/n so much?
I feel a wave of guilt for my possessive behavior towards Y/n, but I can't help but feel jealous whenever I think about Lando and Y/n together. I know I have no right to tell her who she can and can't be interested in, but the idea of Lando being with her makes my blood boil.
I stop pacing and run a hand through my hair, letting out a frustrated sigh. I glance upstairs, knowing that Y/n is up there in her room, probably angry and confused like I am. I want to go up there, talk to her, explain my behavior, but I'm not sure how to put my feelings into words.
I start pacing again, my mind spinning with conflicting thoughts and emotions. I've never felt this way about anyone before, and the intensity of my feelings is just overwhelming. I want Y/n, but I'm not sure how to express my feelings without sounding possessive and controlling.
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I am jolted out of my thoughts by a knock on my door. I sit up, feeling a little disoriented. I get up and unlock the door to find May standing outside, telling me that it's time for dinner.
May looks at me and notices the distressed look on my face. She opens her mouth to ask what's wrong, but I cut her off. "I'm fine," I say quickly, trying to mask my emotions.
Despite my attempt at dismissing May, she stubbornly forces her way into the room, refusing to leave until I explain what's going on. I sigh, realizing that I won't be able to brush her off.
"Nothing's wrong," I say, sitting down on the edge of my bed. "I'm just a little tired, that's all." I know it's a weak excuse, but I'm not quite ready to unload everything on May right now.
May gives me a skeptical look, clearly not buying my excuse. "That's not what your face is saying," she says. "Come on, tell me what's really going on. I can tell something's bothering you."
I hesitate, not knowing where to start. I know that if I start talking, everything will come pouring out - the party, Lando, Oscar, the kiss. I sigh again, feeling torn.
I look at May, who's eyeing me expectantly. I know that if I don't say something, May won't leave me alone. "Fine," I say, reluctantly. "I'll tell you, but you have to promise not to judge me or freak out."
May nods, a look of concern mixed with curiosity on her face. "I won't judge you or freak out," she says reassuringly. "I just want to know what's going on."
I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts. "It's about Oscar and me," she begins, her voice barely above a whisper. "We may or may not have had a fight? And it's still bothering me. There's some other stuff that happened earlier, which has me all mixed up and confused."
May sits down beside me on the bed, silently listening intently to what I have to say. Encouraged by her non-judgmental attitude, I begin to unload everything that happened at the party - my attempts to make Oscar jealous of Lando, the kiss, the heated argument.
By the time I've finished speaking, I feel drained and emotionally raw. I look at May, feeling a mixture of relief and anxiety. “So that’s what’s going on,” I say softly. “I know it’s a lot, but please don’t judge me.”
May takes a moment to digest what I just told her, clearly trying to process everything. She looks at me, her expression a mix of surprise and understanding. "I’m not going to judge you," she says firmly. "And I’m not going to freak out, I promise. But I do have a question for you."
I nod, bracing myself for whatever question May might ask. "Go ahead, ask me anything," I say quietly.
May takes a moment before speaking, choosing her words carefully. "I’m going to ask you something,” she says slowly. “And I want you to answer me honestly. Do you love Oscar?"
I take a deep breath, looking May directly in the eyes. "I love Oscar. I really do." I admit.
The words come out in a rush, even surprising me. I've never said it out loud before, admitting to the depths of my feelings for Oscar. I look at May, feeling vulnerable and exposed.
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May looks at Y/n, feeling sympathy for the poor girl. "I'm not really sure what to say that will comfort you," she admits. "But I'm here for you, and I know that this... difficult situation won't last forever. It will pass, and things will get cleared up eventually."
Y/n nods, appreciating May's words of encouragement. "I know," she says quietly. "I just wish I knew how Oscar really felt. It's confusing and frustrating not knowing where we stand- where he stands."
May gives her a small smile. "I can imagine," she says. "But sometimes you just have to be patient and give things time to unfold naturally. Maybe Oscar is just as confused as you are, and he’s struggling to figure out his feelings too."
May stands up, giving Y’n’s shoulder one last reassuring squeeze. "I’ll leave you alone now, but remember that I’m here for you if you need to talk or vent," she says.
Y/n looks up at May, her eyes still filled with emotion. "I don’t think I’ll eat dinner," she says quietly. "Can you tell my mom that I’m not hungry? I just need some time alone right now."
May nods, understanding what she really needs at that moment. "Okay," she says softly. "I’ll tell your mom. Take all the time you need, and just call me if you need anything."
Y/n forces a small smile, appreciating May’s understanding and support. "Thank you," she whispers. "That means a lot to me."
May gives her one last smile before leaving the room. Y/n is alone with her thoughts again, feeling both relieved and comforted by their conversation.
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♫ Amanda Seyfried • Lay All Your Love On Me
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liked by sienna_cresenzo, mari.crsnzo, may.piastri and 1,340 others
yn.jpg lay all your love on me
tagged sienna_cresenzo, landonorris, mari.crsnzo
landonorris had fun with you y/n hope to see you around Italy 😆
sienna_cresenzo can we do this again? i liked chasing mari with a crab
↳ mari.crsnzo please don't!
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𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗏𝗂𝗈𝗎𝗌 | 𝗇𝖾𝗑𝗍
@ellen3101 @lil13 @idgasb @formulaal @mickslover @yolobiishhh @piastri-my-boy @landorris @czennieszn
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choerypetal · 19 hours
Meet and Greet / Homelander
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summary: Homelander had never experienced an obsession before, nor was he even familiar with the term until he met you at the meet and greet, where you were dressed in a recognizable blue costume.
ps; english isn't my first language so i apologize for any grammar errors, xo"
Everyone knew that Homelander wouldn't hesitate to admit his obsession with you. His drive to be the best was deeply ingrained in his mind, and during a meeting with the Seven, your image lingered in his thoughts. Fortunately, he managed to hide these distractions before Ashley could express her concerns about the upcoming show—a significant one, especially since Homelander knew you would be attending with your family. He always knows. 
And he was right. Your parents, being big fans of the Seven, never wanted to miss a single annual show. This meant you had to tag along. "Come on, you have to wear it! Make Homelander proud," your mother insisted, holding up a superhero costume made in your exact size. Make Homelander proud. You sighed, wanting to object, but your attempt to call your mother's name was drowned out by the loud music in the store and an overly enthusiastic clerk who repeatedly asked if you were satisfied with your find. She was also wearing a costume, though not Homelander's, which made you suspect there would be more than just Homelander present that day.  
Fortunately, you weren't the only one wearing the costume you had put on for your mother, making it easier to blend into the crowd. However, this also made it easier for Homelander to spot you as soon as he stepped on stage. With Ashley having access to the ticket records, finding your last name had been a simple task. His eyes remained fixed on the screen the moment your name appeared, and he mouthed your entire name just as Ashley's voice startled him, reminding him it was time to go on stage. 
“Welcome! How lovely you all are!” he announced in his typical rehearsed tone. He was growing increasingly annoyed; the whole theatrical aspect bored him. Why couldn't the Deep handle it today? Or even someone new, while he sat in the back, scrutinizing every silhouette to find yours. It wasn’t difficult either, given that your parents had ensured you got the best seats. His lips curled into a sly smirk. Bingo, he thought. It still surprised him that, even without knowing your face, the name matched his expectations perfectly. He had to know. He was the Homelander after all. He knew everything. 
Luckily he managed to let out of his usual monologue, with the new recruits being presented today, it let him more time in his hands. And that also meant, seeking out for you when he had the chance. 
The show concluded as expected, with your mother delighted to see her favorite hero on stage and your dad eager to meet Starlight again. During the ongoing meet-and-greet, Homelander couldn’t help but observe your every move. Despite your apparent boredom, the fact that you were wearing a costume identical to his caught his attention. He couldn't deny that you looked incredibly sexy, and he fantasized about having his hands around your waist, hearing your moans, and you begging for more. 
“Sir,” Ashley’s voice broke through his thoughts, catching him off guard and irritating him since it meant he couldn't keep watching you. After all, as Homelander, he was doing the city justice by ensuring your safety. Right? “It’s time for your meet-and-greet,” she reminded him. With a knowing nod, he indicated he would be right there. Little did you know, you were one of the few fans waiting in line to meet him. 
He wasn't entirely wrong. Once again, your mother had requested you to take a picture with him. You always wondered why she couldn't do it herself, citing being 'just shy,' but deep down you knew the real reason was that she wanted to see her own daughter with the man she fantasized about. Unlike her, you weren't a fan of superheroes and their inflated egos. Yet, here you were, waiting in line between a family and two fangirling girls. 
“Thank you, and have a wonderful day. God Bless you!” he said, flashing a wide grin as he ruffled the boy’s hair after taking pictures. In just a few minutes, you would be up next, and you were acutely aware of it. He, too, was counting the people in line, noting your silhouette emerging behind a tall man. The way the outfit hugged your curves and the cape flowed on your back caught his eye. Oh how he wanted to fuck you right there. He wanted to have you all wrapped around his finger. And he knew exactly how to get you, if only Ashley was there. 
As you neared the photo booth, you reluctantly acknowledged that despite your aversion to heroes, Homelander possessed an undeniable allure. Whether it was his striking blue eyes or his impeccably groomed hair, you couldn't quite determine. “Next,” the disinterested employee called out, mirroring the lack of enthusiasm you had felt upon arriving at the show. Barely glancing at you, they scratched the bottom of your ticket and directed you toward Homelander. It was then that you made eye contact with him for the first time, and he couldn't look away.
"Hello, dear," he greeted you formally, like everyone else, but his tone made him stand out. His fingers gently rested on your waist, pulling you close until there was no space between you. "Say cheese!" the photographer prompted, but Homelander, true to form, knew more than just posing for a picture. "Nah, let me get my best side, will you?" he interjected, subtly extending your time together. The photographer hesitated, eyeing the remaining fans in line, but Homelander paid no attention. With a soft scoff, he leaned closer and murmured in your ear, his voice almost a whisper of a threat, yet his lips curved into a smile when he glanced down at you. "Loving the costume," he added with a quick smile for the camera. His charisma left you breathless, and he noticed you weren't ready for the picture.
His comment caught you off guard, and the way he leaned closer only added to your unease. Sensing your muscles tense at his touch, he directed the photographer to take another shot. The photographer, aware of the waiting line, was hesitant, but Homelander insisted. "We don’t want this beautiful lady to go home with a bad photo now, do we?" That damn bastard, the photographer likely thought, as you glanced at him hesitantly. He glanced at the line, sighed deeply, and the resignation in his eyes mirrored your own thoughts.
Homelander, on the other hand, relished the opportunity to keep you wrapped around his finger for as long as he desired. If he had the courage, or if your parents weren’t around, he might have invited you to join the Seven. But he knew better than anyone that he had to make a good impression. "Say cheese," the photographer repeated, his voice now tinged with boredom. You noticed the tension in Homelander’s jaw as he clenched it. He glanced at you, a smile playing on his lips, before glaring at the photographer, which was enough to make the poor man gulp silently and mirror the same grin.
And that's where his obsession took hold completely. The scent of your perfume, the way your hair was immaculately styled into a neat ponytail, and your lightly applied blush with rosy plum lips—all were irresistible to him. He couldn't deny that your lips were the most enticing he'd ever seen. His fingers now traced the leather of your Homelander costume, appreciating how it hugged your curves perfectly. Oh, how he...
“Done!” The photographer's almost relieved voice snapped John back to reality. Despite maintaining his composure during the photo session, his thoughts had wandered to fantasies of you. He imagined you beneath him, taking his cock so well, one hand firmly massaging your breast, his lips eagerly seeking the fresh milk oozing from your nipples. And you... so vulnerable, so petite around him, begging for more...
From that day on, Homelander never missed an opportunity to see your face again. It seemed almost too good to be true when he later had the chance to meet your mother and requested that you accompany her more often to their annual shows. He promised to show his appreciation, hinting that he would return the favor very soon.
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dante-mightdie · 9 hours
Hello lovie!
I’ve got a new idea for an au i would greatly appreciate it if you wrote it hehe
Picture this, pirate!simon???
He’s the ghost of the sea, they say sailors see him under the dim moonlight after a storm, his presence lingers in the mist that dances on the ocean waves at night
Rumor has it that he will haunt a sailors dream for 3 days before he pillages their ship and kills everyone in eyesight
And then we have the reader, the daughter of a struggling family trying to keep their status and dignity by marrying off their daughter to a foreign man
And so she must travel overseas to meet her future husband, but one night as they are sailing away in her father’s old ship, the ocean goes silent
And before the sailors realize what’s happening to them, their ship is taken over by captain ghost’s crew
And he will not be merciful
But when he notices the reader, all dolled up for her husband, absolutely terrified, he just decides to keep her as a trophy, a pet maybe
Something sweet to help him spend his lonely days
oh and he’s just such a mean bastard too 🥹
c/w: smut, kidnapping, angst, groping, slight humiliation, intoxication, intoxicated sex
pirate!simon who lost the love of his life a long time ago and has been cursed with a life on the treacherous seas. only decided to keep you because you slightly resemble her. he doesn't spare your family or the rest of the crew that mercy
you spend most of your days in his quarters, snoozing in his bed waiting for him to come in to empty his balls into you. he tore your pretty wedding dress up into rags, leaving you with nothing to wear :(
he'll whistle and snap his fingers for you to come and sit on his lap when he's haggling with another captain, leaving you with no choice but to bundle up his sheets and drag yourself over to him. let him grope you with no shame in front of all these people :(
he doesn't speak to you much, only when he's commanding you to come and suck his cock or ride him. he's told you many times that you'll never be her so he's not going to give you a reason to become attached to him
just ignore those nights when he's drowning his sorrows with bottles of rum and he's sat up in bed, his hand patting his thigh whilst he coos at you to come and keep his cock warm for a bit :3 he's a little nicer on those nights, letting you mewl and whine whilst you cream all over his cock. his rough hands soothing over the skin of your ass instead of bruising it like he normally does
shame he'll go back to being a prick the next day :(
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laurorne · 3 days
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༊*·˚ CRAVING YOUR WARMTH | aegon ii targaryen x targaryen bastard sister!reader
summary: two dragons who seek to move closer for warmth during their grief must remain apart, as they can only hurt one another with their sharp teeth and barely contained flames. though they both share the intentions of a close relationship, they're unable, for reasons they cannot avoid.
content: targaryen incest, angst, allusion of self-mutilation/harm, bastardphobia in westeros, night after intimacy suggested, self-hatred, blood, wonky metaphors and personification, no beta we die like vizzy t, badly written angst, that damn necklace
word count: 1.5k
a/n: let me tell you that i struggle writing angst, but god do i love reading it. i'm like my own self entertaining paradoxical concept and it astounds me
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A gentle hand smoothing over his back is what stirs him from the throes of sleep, nails skating along his marked skin softly enough to tickle. He shifts as the hand moves from the expanse of his back up to his hair, rubbing circles into the crown of his head. Twirling bits of hair between deft fingers as she presses a kiss to the slope of his shoulder.
He hums, limbs stretching out clumsily as he rolls onto his side, fingers weak as his hand dances along the goose-down duvet until it reaches her. Her, and her softness, and her warmth.
“Wife.” He’s barely awake, even with the exasperated sigh that comes from his older sister.
“We are not wed, Aegon.” A gentle reminder from soft lips, her eyes taking in his tired demeanour, the curve of his brow.
She brushes the strand of choppy hair from his face, thumb dragging along the apple of his cheek.
He doesn’t speak for a moment, lids finally fluttering open as he stares up at her with those watery eyes. The ones he knew made her weak to suggestion. He lets his hand creep up her calf –where he can still feel the divets of scars from their childhood running through the gardens– until it finds home on the hand she has in her lap, he threads his fingers with hers. The number of rings adorning her fingers was thanks to him: he and his obsession with keeping his older sister glamoured. 
Imported Dornish rings that gleamed with the heat of the sun, Essosi ornate cloth and dresses that were far from the modesty of Court, hair pins adorned with pearls from the Summer Isles, and an intricate necklace crafted from the smelted metal of a Valyrian sword, inlaid with gemstones he had pulled from the Red Keeps vaults.
She was wearing it now, the stones gleaming under the sun that spotted through the lace curtains of her room. The engraved details scatter the few beams of light they catch like dew drops upon spider silk. The stones dangle between the valley her breasts create, the smallest of them twirls some intricate dance as she shifts. Like molten silver, it fits her without any of the stiffness metal should have. 
“We should be.” He glances down at his hand intertwined with hers and watches her thumb rub over his —in the way she always has ever since childhood— it makes him all the more rueful.
He’s hopeful, far beyond it. His bones ache and his head throbs from a swelling hangover, and he feels his throat ache something terrible at its use. His eyes trail from their hands to her face, he wants anything aside from sorrow to be there.
It’s worse. 
Her brows are furrowed as she stares down at him with pity, oh how he wishes it wasn’t pity.
“Oh, sweet boy.” She pulls her hand from his grasp and holds his face in her gentle hands with all the care he needs. “Some things, they just can’t be.”
His lip curls, a pathetic smile covering his visage as he cups the backs of her hands in his own. “But they could. Helaena would not care, she loathes our marriage. As do I. We could take Valyrian vows on Dragonstone. Just as our sister and uncle have. We could leave.”
“Aegon.” A wistful breath of his name, pained and twisted with grief of things that never were and never will.
“We don’t need to stay. Just you and I, riding atop Sunfyre. Across the Narrow Sea.” He moves onto his knees, staring into her wet doe-like eyes as he speaks. He doesn’t leave her an opportunity to doubt him. Doesn’t allow her to pull away as he keeps her hands on his jaw.
Her lips twitch and so do her fingers against his. “Aegon, don’t be foolish.”
“You mustn’t know what you mean to m-”
“Aegon, please.” She tries to pull away now, but he winds his hand into the hair at the nape of her neck and presses forward. Wine-stained lips crushing against the curve of her nose, fluttering across her brow like the gentle wings of a cotton moth as it devours silks and linen allied— devourer of all things beautiful and plain. 
He drags his lips to hers finally, soaking her up in a way only someone as depraved as he could. It’s like stretching out upon a rock after not feeling the son for years, like stripping yourself of shackles you’ve worn since birth. Her lips are chapped, a split in her lips from all the worrying she does to the poor thing scratches along his upper. He surges forward, pulling her so fully against him that it fills some empty part of him, like a puzzle piece that’s never been slotted into place. But oh —how it has— and how it always disappears just as quickly as it comes to him. He licks at her bottom lip, sucks it into his mouth and shudders out a breath as she reciprocates. Her lashes fluttering against his cheeks as they finally shut, as she cups his neck and presses her butterfly kisses onto him, licks into his mouth as she breathes hotly across his face in a way only Aegon can enjoy.
He nips at her tongue accidentally, overexcited and eager as he is. And that seems to bring her back from whatever hole he had dragged her into. But he persists, hand drifting down to the smooth metal of her necklace as he thumbs at a jewel. He tries to savour her presence even as her face scrunches and her fingers fist the hairs behind his ears. It nearly pains Aegon, with the way his head tilts away from her just slightly, Adams apple jumping against pale skin as he stares oh-so adoringly, heady breaths stinking of wine fanning her bruised lips.
“We could start a family in Essos. As many children as you want.” He desperately reaches for her again.
“A home in Braavos, on the beach. Where we could lo-”
A hiccuped sob that withers in her throat is what stops him, punches the wind from his lungs.
Her lips are pursed and her hands have loosed upon his hair and move to cup his ruddy cheeks. Nails pressing into the flesh of his face hazardously. His eyes are dark and his lips part as he stares up at her, he sees the tears edging along her waterline. That deep frown she has when she’s trying not to cry, whether it's about something he had done or when she’s ordered by their Grandsire to stop her hysterics.
“Aegon,” It’s a sullen whisper as she lets his face go entirely, fingers slipping down his chest before they land in her lap again. “I am not a trueborn daughter. I will never be. I am not right in the mind. I will birth lunatics and monsters and wailing death. You can’t love me.”
He doesn’t know what to say, for once he has no sharp-tongued quip or comment. He pushed her from a height, just when she had finally reached the top of her spire. He retracts, fingers loosening from the grip he had on her pale hair, and lets her fall back onto the plush of her bed as she stares up at him like he’s burnt her. Like he’s dragged a dagger across the soft of her flesh and told her he never loved her. She pushes herself away, curling in on herself as tears cut through the flush of her cheeks. A wobbly exhale, and another as he drags a hand through her hair.
Her fingers dance down her neck and across the skin of her arms where they find home on the pale scars marring the upper parts of her arms. He can see her fingertips quivering with the urge to dig. To pull at chords of muscle beneath her skin and scratch at her bones. She had told him about things she saw. Things that hunted at the edge of her vision and scattered when she went looking. Dreams that came to the waking world with her. A pale man with the stench of darkness seeping from his pores.
“I love yo-” He leans forward to comfort her. 
“You don’t.”
“I know that I love you.”
“You know nothing, Aegon.” She pulls herself to the edge of the bed and drags herself to stand, the silk bedsheets slip away and her goosebumps raise upon her bruise-marred skin, she’s as bare as the day she was born. Her throat is too tight and her necklace feels heavy as she stumbles to the secret passage, she slips from the room unbidden and leaves a smudge of blood on the wooden grain of the bookcase as Aegon sits in her bed. Salty tears of his own roll down his face as he clenches and unclenches his fists.
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mt-oe · 2 days
Mizu with breeding kink ???? 😵‍💫🫣
Please 🙏
Hey dear!
Sorry for being so late on this and thank you for requesting ;;
I hope I somehow make up for it with how I wrote it. Honestly though, this was one of the requests I expected to receive and actually receiving it was so funny. In all seriousness, I really appreciate it <3
Sorry if this one sucks or isn't up to what you'd like it to be. I don't think I cooked with this one since I wanted to try something slightly different ;; Please don't get mad or disappointed in me. I'll do better next time!
Anyways, hope you enjoy! Mwa mwa <3
warning/s: not proofread, smut (mdni!), mention of impregnation, referring to the strap as a cock/dick, she/her for mizu, implied afab reader
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Clear blue eyes followed your figure with a seemingly neutral expression. Mizu had to remind herself numerous times that she agreed to this, that whatever the fuck she was currently feeling was the consequence of her own agreement.
The situation was simpler that it seems actually. It was the middle of summer, sun shining and the heat cooking it up. She had decided that it was a good time to modify and make the necessary repairs to her motorbike. However, just as she was about to finish and wash her bike, you had woken up and joined her.
Reason unknown to her, the idea of washing her bike seemed so appealing to you. "Let me do it. Just tell me how," you insisted, grabbing the sponge from her. Aww damn, you looked so excited too.
There was no harm in letting you, right?
That was where she was wrong. What seemed like an innocent little task ended up making her so fucking internally flustered. She knew it was hot out. Sweat was already soaking her back, dripping down her neck and chin. But what she didn't expect was for you to come help her in your tank top and shorts.
Now her thoughts were spiraling between wanting to help you and wanting to bend you down on her bike and fuck you until her seats were dripping.
Admiring your body, her eyes couldn't help but admire the way it moved as you hauled the hose over to her bike, untangling the rubber. She noticed the way the fabric of your clothes clung to your body from the sweat and something poking through your top. Fuck...you weren't wearing a bra, weren't you?
This was really her fault. The wetness between her legs was purely her fault. Why did she even agree to this?
"So I just avoid the fuel tank and the exhaust?" you asked her, voice almost radiating with innocent excitement as you directed the hose towards her bike. Your giggles filling the garage as you played with the water pressure, droplets splashing back everywhere.
Water ran down your arms, your collarbone down to your shirt, making it slightly see-through. Her gaze followed its trajectory with deep fascination, breath hitching almost violently as it landed on to your breasts.
She didn't know what was wrong with her today. She wasn't usually this uncontrollably horny, but goddamn. Maybe she was ovulating or something. Because right now, she wanted nothing more than to slip her hands under your shirt, pull you close to her so she could hear the soft sweet sounds from your mouth while she toyed with your nipples.
The image of your cheeks flushing red as you looked up at her, ass grinding against hers wantonly while you bit your lip. Your breath would hitch with every pinch, every tug, even with every squeeze. Small pleas and mewls would accompany the way your hips would move against hers like a dance meant for her only. "Do we really have to do this right now? L-Let's just go back in and fuck ple—"
"Am I doing this right? Why aren't you talking?" She was pulled out of the trance she was in as you splashed the water by her feet, making her jump a bit. You raised an eyebrow at her odd behavior, placing a hand on your hip. "Are you okay?" you asked, tilting your head a bit.
Mizu cleared her throat and nodded, lifting her head but looking everywhere except at you. "Yeah...The heat's just getting to me," she replied, trying her best to appear nonchalant and turning her focus to her bike. "It looks good just make sure to use the soft side of the sponge when you soap it."
You nodded in understanding before sauntering over to the cabinets to look for the soap. Eyebrows furrowing, your eyes scanned over each bottle before moving to the next cabinet. Just when she thought she could take a break, you suddenly got on your knees as you looked for the soap on the lower shelves. "Is it on this shelf?" you asked, pointing at it.
Yup, it was actually on that shelf, but damn fuck it.
"No, I think it's on the bottom one," she answered, leaning forward in her seat slightly, pretending to look. You gave her a small nod and shifted, bending over further. While you were busy turning every bottle on the shelf in search for the soap, she let her imagination wander further. Her eyes tracing the curvature, fingers twitching ever so slightly at the urge to head over for a small grab.
She'd place a hand on your back and push you down further, forcing you to arch your back for her while her other hand slipped under the fabric of your shorts, feeling the wetness growing on your panties. The tips of her fingers dipping ever so slightly, just enough to feel it but never enough to get off on it. Oh how sweetly you'd whine.
And if you pleaded well enough to satisfy her, she might just slip her hand under your panties, dip her fingers in your entrance shallowly to gather a bit of slick before moving up to your clit. The hand on your back would be replaced by her body, pressing down on you to keep you from squirming too much while she toys with the sensitive bundle of nerves.
She'd start out at a deliberately slow pace, tracing shapes on to your clit, drawing out each moan and gasp from your lips until you were whining and begging her to go faster. But she'd keep you there, until you could yourself dripping onto her fingers, entrance throbbing as if asking her to fill you up.
You'd beg her to put it in, eyes teary and hazed with lust. If you begged hard enough to please her, she'd tangle her fingers within the locks of your hair and grip it, pulling you up with one hand while she put her strap on with the other.
"Use your mouth," she'd order you, pushing your head towards the tip of the silicone. Gratefully, you open your mouth and give the head a few kitten licks to get it nice and wet before wrapping your lips around it. Moans reverberating in your throat as she pushes you down, causing your eyes to water as you choke on the plastic, gasping deeply upon pulling away before she pushes you down again.
Your jaw would definitely hurt, but you'd take it for her.
You were a good girl, weren't you?
Once her strap was wet enough, she'd pull your hair back and make you bend over her bike. Her hands would hurriedly pull your shorts down along with your panties before aligning herself against your hole. She'd watch as the toy sinks inside of your entrance, your thighs jiggling slightly as you trembled, a loud moan ripping from your mouth while your eyes rolled back. Wet squelching noises would echo in the garage while she—
"Woah I found it!" you chirped, sitting up with the bottle of soap in your hands.
Fuck. Damnit.
"Where was it?" she asked, pretending not to know. "It was on the middle shelves. I guess you misplaced it," you replied, standing up and closing the cabinet. Mizu nodded and changed the way she crossed her legs, trying to keep the arousal between her legs quelled.
You made your way over to her bike before curiously pouring the soap in a bucket of water, swishing your hand inside to create some bubbles before dipping the sponge in and scrubbing her bike. Your giggles and small hummed tunes sounded around while you worked excitedly, aiming to please your lover.
Meanwhile, her head was reeling with images of your figure bent-over her bike while she plows her dick in you. "You're moaning like a bitch," she'd groan, a slight chuckle leaving her lips as you whined in response, brain unable to form words. "I could probably put a baby in you if I wanted to."
A baby?
Yeah that sounds like a good idea, your fucked-out brain would say
Your head would nod desperately, making her laugh. "That sound good to you?" she'd ask almost mockingly, gripping your chin to make you look at her. She'd admire how fucked silly you looked. How pretty you were even when your mind was overwhelmed with pleasure, tears streaming from your eyes, drool at the side of your lips. "Mhm...cum in me please," you'd beg her, a sultry laughter mixing in with your moans, making her groan.
Her lips would kiss you from the temples down to your neck, one hand rubbing your clit in circles while she went in deeper, the sound of skin slapping against skin would echo around. A sense of satisfaction washing over her upon hearing your moans turn into squeals and sobs. "I'll blow it deep inside you...make you the prettiest momma," she'd whisper, smirk ghosting her lips as you nodded, letting out a long drawn whine. Her hands would grip the plush of your ass while sexing out any coherent thoughts you'd have left. She'd go in so deep you'd think you could feel her from your liver to your lungs.
"Cum in me...please..love.." you'd beg, face against her seat as your arms grew weaker. Your words sending a rush of heat to her loins, encouraging her to go faster. Her dick may be plastic but she'd sure as hell give you what you want. Mizu's movements would grow more erratic, aiming to give you what you begged her for.
You want her to cum in you? She fucking will. She'd push it in so deep you'd forget it was impossible. The tip of her dick would make your cervix bruise while you couldn't help but ask for more. Ask her to fuck you more.
To fuck you harder.
To fuck her babies into you.
You'd feel the intense coil of climax building up inside you. Your cries and moans would get louder with every thrust. A loud cry followed by incoherent sobbing would accompany your release. "O-Oh shit.." you'd gasp out, a weak moan leaving you as she slowly pulled out, a ring of your cum creaming at the base of her cock. Your figure would slowly sink down to the floor, knees too weak to keep you body up. "Fuck.. Mizu.."
"Mizu? Mizu! Hey Mizu!"
Your voice once again pulls her out of her imagination with a jolt. A surprised noise coming from you as you stepped back. "W-What's going on?" she asked, looking around as she tried to pull herself to reality.
A confused look graces your features before you step back to show her your work. "I'm finished. And I put the wax on too. You do do that, right?" you asked her, frowning a bit at how red her cheeks were. "Actually forget that. Are you okay?"
She coughs a bit, straightening herself up. "Its just the heat," she answers, grasping the collar of her shirt to fan herself. Uncrossing her legs, she grimaces at the slip of her wetness between her legs.
"Are you sure?" you ask her, tilting your head and bending down a bit. Blue eyes wandered down to your chest again, blanking out slightly before she nods, then pausing as a thought rushes through her head.
"Actually.. I do think you can help me with something," she says.
"What is it?"
"Let's go inside first."
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slytherinhpstories · 3 days
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Jealousy, Jealousy
Warnings- Enemies to Lovers, Jealous!Theodore, Hufflepuff!Reader, Secret Dating, Google Translated Italian.
Pairing- Theodore Nott x Hufflepuff!Reader
Summary- For as long as Theo has known y/n they have vowed to be enemies. It was only natural given their house status and friend groups. If word ever got out that the two were romantically involved their friends would go mental. That’s why behind the mask of their undying hatred towards each other they found ways to constantly be alone. This fake act however, seemed to be getting old. The longer it went the more Y/n ceased to care. With Theo urging it to continuing she decides to give him a taste of what he will be missing out on if he let their relationship go public. Will they get caught by their friend group? Will this all come crashing down in the long run?
The eruption of voices in the great hall felt millions of miles away as all of Y/n’s focus yearned to be on one person in particular. Someone who had yet to enter the great hall and satisfy her urges to see him. The voices of Y/n’s friends seemed to be ignored until the volume in which they spoke gradually increased. That was until one in particular seemed to rip Y/n from her thoughts.
“Y/n?.. are you attending or what? You’re the only one yet to answer?” Hannah’s voice questioned staring at her dazed friend who seemed wrapped up in thought.
“Attending what?..” Y/n’s response was soft but laced with confusion earning a few giggles from the group. “The party tonight? Slytherins are hosting one in their common room and decided to invite the other houses. Are you coming with us?” She questioned making Y/n shrug. “I don’t know, the Slytherins don’t seem to fond of us.. are you sure this isn’t some set up?” Hannah just shrugs lamely to the question. “Whatever I might go.. if I can find something to wear..” y/n trails off as her eyes return to scanning the crowd of students.
“I’m going to head back to the dorm.. get me if you have any updates.” Y/n directs Hannah making her nod as she bids farewell to her friend. Y/n’s smile quickly fading as she leaves the group. It didn’t help that the first thing she saw was the very man she had been looking for talking to Daphne Greengrass. Y/n’s brows furrowed into a glare that Theo faintly caught as she exited The Great Hall.
Y/n would give everything for the two of them to be public. She knew her friends would disapprove but if they were truly her friends they would learn to accept him. Theo never seemed to grasp that reasoning as his friends were more hardheaded than Y/n’s. Seeing him with Greengrass made Y/n realize that maybe he was ashamed of her. Why be with a Hufflepuff when there are so many pureblood Slytherins girls roaming the campus. Her mind seemed to betray her as those thoughts swarmed her head. In order to find some escape she made an impromptu turn into the library to help ease the thoughts away.
“What’s with the look?..” She slowed to a stop refusing to turn to him. Not when her mind was heading in the direction it was. “I didn’t give you a look.. I’m just not feeling well Nott.” She could almost feel him cringe at the formal tone to her voice. “Don’t call me that. You don’t call me that unless we are around people.. what’s wrong?.” She finally gave in turning to Theo himself. His face showing clear signs of confusion and worry that almost made her feel bad for him.
“Time and Time again you dismiss of me. I know your reasoning but I can’t help but think there is more to it. I’m not a Pureblooded Slytherin like your friends date. I’m an outlier.. I can’t help but think you’re ashamed of me.” Theo’s eyes falter into shock as she comes clean about her thoughts. “I’m not ashamed of you.” “Then why do you hide me.? If your reasoning is that your friends don’t approve then that there tells me your ashamed by how they would see you with me. I’m done hiding Theo.. especially when I see you talking to those girls so openly not caring what anyone thinks.” His lips form a thin line as he is at a loss for words. “Exactly.. I’m attending the party tonight. If you really care about our relationship you can prove it to me there.. if not then… then this is over between us..” the ultimatum made Theos heart feel as if it was beating at unhealthy speeds. He watched her exit the library with glossy eyes making him feel even worse.
She had spent forever staring into the depths of her closet trying to find the perfect outfit for the occasion. If Theo didn’t approach her she would go to someone else. In order for that tactic to work she was in search for one dress in particular that made her confidence soar whenever she wore it. She grabs her wand waving it to where the dress would reveal itself amongst the piles of clothing. It represented her house showing that even if Theo couldn’t accept her she wasn’t going to give in and change herself.
After putting on the dress she fixed up her hair making herself completely presentable to what she believed to be perfect. All of this confidence seemed to vanish the moment she approached the opening to the Slytherin commons. Everything was silent and she couldn’t help but hate herself. Especially muttering the words that she used earlier to shame herself. “Pureblood..” it came out as a whisper but was enough to open the way into the commons. Th second she entered the silencing spell granted her permission to hear the booming music with voices hidden beneath it.
Almost immediately she made eye contact with Theo. His eyes held nothing but admiration and pain as he took in the full beauty of his girlfriend. Yet she showed no emotion when she rolled her eyes dismissively to go in search of her friends.
“Y/N!!! YOU CAME!!” Hannah cheered wrapping her arms around y/n’s neck pulling out the long awaited smile that she had been needing. “Seeing the common room filled with so many people is odd, it’s usually empty when I’m here!” Y/n points out making Hannah look confused. “You come here often? I didn’t think you knew any Slytherins like that?!” This makes Y/n’s face fall breaking her smile before it returns trying to keep up her act. “I had project with Astoria, she brought me to her dorm a couple of times!” Though it wasn’t a full lie it wasn’t what she was originally referring to.
Hannah’s smiling face turns into a scowl as she looks behind Y/n. She turns to see Theo approaching her. Her heartbeat increased as she kept an unreadable expression. “Nott. Come to bother me again eh?.. you seem to be good at shaming me, at a party is pretty low don’t you think?..” her question seemed to earn a tensing jaw from Theo as he took a breath.
“I know I’ve harmed you in the past.. I’ve come to.. apologize..” he says looking over at her friend who stood right beside Y/n protectively. “You look good..” his eyes showing every emotion possible leaving a stinging sensation in her heart.
Hannah noticed the way they both stared longingly into each others eyes almost hurtfully. “Always the charmer aren’t you Theo. A few words don’t fix everything you’ve done though. Try better I’m not someone you can try and use just because you feel bad.” Y/n walks away without letting Theo respond
“y/n wait.. shit..” he groans making Hannah look skeptical. “What do you want from her? You’re the last person to come up and try to make amends with her.” Hannah says earning a glare from Theo before an idea comes to his head. “I’m going to tell you this if you promise to help me.” He says making her look confused. “Why would I do that? You’re a horrible person.” He winces at the insult but looks at her pleading for help. “What?.. why are you looking at me like that.. fine what is it?..”
He looks around as his heart beats a million miles per hour. “Me and Y/n have been.. been um..” his chest seems to be heaving making Hannah look concerned. “I’m completely inlove with her and I’ve screwed up way too much.. I’m afraid I’m going to lose her and she wants me to prove it but I’m scared of how my friends are going to react but I care for her beyond belief.” He spits out completely shocking Hannah. “I’m lost, what?!” She asks making him look into her eyes showing how serious he is. “I’ve been dating her for about 6months.. this whole enemies thing is a lie.. now I think I’ve lost her and I need your help.”
Y/n had went up to Cedric Diggory not long after her interaction with Theo. “Why do you look so upset?” Diggory was a friend of Y/n’s despite the two being in different years. He was like a big brother to her which is exactly why she went up to him. “This guy.. I just need to get him off of my mind.. he acts like he wants me but never commits fully.. it’s driving me mad.” She admits leaving Cedric skeptical of who this could be about. “Give him an ultimatum to prove himself.” This makes her look even worse. “I have.. but I’m scared he won’t take it.”
“It’s his loss, anyone stupid enough to lose you isn’t worth your time of day let alone thoughts. He’s probably too absorbed in his thoughts to really see you for who you are.” This makes her smile letting her thoughts lift from her mind. “Plus you’re like perfect I’m sure any other guy would praise you.” This comment brings a laugh upon her lips as Cedric smiles down at her. She rests her head on his shoulder taking in a deep breath. “Thank you Cedric.. I needed that.” He gives her a soft smile.
This was until yet again a scowl formed on his face. She turns seeing Theo’s face glaring at Cedric holding everything back from punching his face. “Theo..dore Nott.. why are you following me. Let me breath you’re suffocating me with your presence please.. leave me alone!.. you’ve proven time and time again that I’m not worthy of your presence why torture me with it.” His expression softened when looking at her but quickly grew sour as Cedric placed his hands on her shoulders. “She wants you to leave so leave. No one asked you to be here.” Cedric says with a protective tone that instantly straightened Theo’s spine as he stepped forward. “Get your hands off of her.” This makes Diggory step infront of her challenging Theo’s demand. This action seemed to piss Theo off even more. “Who are you to order me around?..” he says stepping forward making Theo’s eyes show nothing but hate. Y/n started to intervene before the next words left Theo’s lips.
“Her boyfriend. Now back off.” This makes Cedric scoff. “Must be a piece of work if she’s coming to me to forget about you.” This sentence was the thing that broke Theo. His fist quickly met Cedric’s as a full out fight broke out. Mattheo and Draco quickly ran up pulling Theo off as some Hufflepuff beaters stepped in to help Cedric fight. Eventually the two got seperated but that didn’t stop their mouths. “Don’t ever fucking touch her again!!” “Learn how to make her happy and I wouldn’t have to protect her from you!!” “She’s my girlfriend not yours that’s my job!” “Then actually do it you’re not worth it if you don’t prove it!”
The party ended early as Y/n and Hannah stay behind with Mattheo, Draco, Enzo, and Blaise who were all working on calming Theo down. “Who was that even over anyway?? You went mental over some girl?” Mattheo questioned making Theo’s eyes train onto hers. Mattheo went to turn only to be pushed to the side by Y/n who approached Theo. “I’m sorry. I-”
A loud smack rang through the room as some of his friends quietly cursed. Her eyes seemed to be full of anger and sadness leaving him heartbroken. “You don’t get to do that Theo. That’s not what I meant by prove it you asshole!.. Cedric was helping me feel better because you are driving me mad with how idiotic you are!” He goes quiet looking around at his friends.
They all look surprised everything was quiet until Enzo spoke. “If that’s your girl damn..” Theo glares going to argue until Mattheo laughs. “That Hufflepuffs tougher than you bro.” All his friends seem to joke around none really bothered by the fact that the two were dating.
This only left Y/n staring at Theo who looked guilty. “See.. it was always just you..” Her voice wavered as tears threatened to spill. This makes everyone go quiet seeing the tension between the two. Hannah got them to leave the two alone in the commons to sort out whatever was happening. “Cara Mia I’m sorry.. I tried getting your friend to help me but by that time I saw Diggory and.. I lost it. I didn’t care what people thought of me I just wanted him away from you.. forgive me principessa. I’ll prove how sorry I am please..” he begged making her heart beat increase.
“You told Hannah?..” he slowly nods. “Practically begged her to help me.. after basically confessing my love over you she seemed to pity me enough to help.. I should’ve taken her advice and..” his excuse was cut short by y/n’s lips hushing him up. His hand moving up hesitating to touch the back of her head. Everything was so real she didn’t know she was crying until she pulled away.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell them sooner.. they’ve been my mates since I was little I was scared of losing them.. but I think I was more scared of how they would’ve treated you I didn’t think about how I was treating you.. ti amo tanto..” she gives him a small smile before pulling him into a hug. “I love you too.. I forgive you Theo.. I think I was just scared that you didn’t really want me as much as you promised.. which thinking about it now was stupid.. I’m sorry.” “Don’t apologize. That’s only for me to do.. please stay with me tonight.. I don’t want you leaving me for a second.” This makes her laugh earning a loving smile from Theo as he takes in all of her features. “I can’t believe I almost lost the prettiest girl in the world just because I was too stupid to realize everything I had.”
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“The devil wears the mask of goodness.”
Describes both Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole to a tee.
I am pleased that more and more people are starting to understand the significance of a character like Criston Cole, and why he was designed to be one of the most hated characters in this Dance.
He wears a pure white cloak for years. A cloak which is supposed to signify purity, honor, and loyalty.
Criston Cole strikes out on all three, and is undoubtedly, the worst Kingsguard in the history of Westeros.
He has a black heart, and projects the image of a justiciar in order to cover up his heinous deeds.
The same goes for Alicent Hightower: a woman with a black heart, indifferent towards her own children whom she uses for her own gain. She is filled with greed and jealousy, hiding behind a well-constructed image of “piousness”.
In contrast, Daemon and Rhaenyra are just human. They are both flawed human beings, but not once did they attempt to project different images other than the ones which showed their true selves.
It’s easy to perceive Daemon as a villain. He himself makes it very easy for the simple-minded. He has the right image for it. However, he had proven along the years, to have plenty of qualities which contributed to his redemption: his love for his brother, his love for Rhaenyra, and his love for his children.
Daemon does what Daemon wants, sure, but even so, there is a sense of loyalty in him that knows no bounds. Despite his own ambitions, despite obsessing about the Targaryen legacy, he cares a whole lot for his family.
And so, we have a reverso: Daemon Targaryen looks like a villain, but inside has plenty of heroic qualities (making him the perfect anti-hero), whereas Criston Cole has the “Prince Charming” image, but hiding underneath is cruelty, viciousness, jealousy and disloyalty. He has little to no heart.
Same for Rhaenyra and Alicent.
Rhaenyra, the “cruel harlot”, who wears her heart on a sleeve, who craves love (not power), who raises her children with love and care, who protected a gay man’s reputation, who was wiling to forgive her siblings for their betrayal, who had the mercy to spare the life of her cruel stepmother after she took back her throne.
Alicent, the “pious”, who abuses a little girl of eight, usurps a throne for her own blood, shows hatred towards three boys who did her no wrong, letting her husband’s body rot for days, promotes a knight for the single reason being his hatred for Rhaenyra, permits her son’s indiscretions around Court, demands a child’s ear to be removed for the sake of keeping the enemy armies at bay, demands of her granddaughter to kill her husband by slashing his throat.
Who is the greater evil here?
I believe GRRM has already answered that.
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vigilskeep · 2 days
day 2 of asking harker for halamshiral mod rec list...
okayyyy okay. i had Mixed Results but here are the ones i stuck with
inquisition charming changes everyone’s formal outfits completely into a grey and white outfit that looks actually appropriate to thedas. (it also changes the prologue + armour of the dragon into this outfit, these changes do not come separately.) i couldn’t get this to work while swapping the inquisitor to wearing something unique like a wedding dress replacement, but a user who added an image did, so it must be possible. and i’m not bitterly jealous at all.
i used another brown briala because it also lets you swap the hair she uses so it can be replaced with braids and curls, though for inexplicable reasons the hair only appeared in the first scene she showed up, so she had no hair the rest of the time. still worth it for momentary bliss of briala curls. i love you briala. briala’s banished bun backing is necessary to get rid of that weird monstrosity attached to her mask that clips with even her vanilla hair and ears.
imperial florianne gives her a new complexion, but more importantly to me, it swaps her hair to calpernia’s, which just seems vastly more fitting, she looks right next to celene. (and it means that hair isn’t wasted in a mage run, i guess.) i also quite liked florianne tarot retexture for her dress.
party at the winter palace lets all your companions come hang out. why not. it’s a good time
golden mask for empress celene does what it says on the tin. the mod creator is right, wearing a silver mask with that gold dress ornamentation is insane. it also affects other masks of the same design including briala and florianne, though.
i don’t know if this really qualifies as a halamshiral rec but i’ve been taking a lot of joy in the leliana hair from leliana - the nightingale’s song, which also comes with an uncovered version for halamshiral. it’s just a slightly longer and messier version of her vanilla hair, which i feel gives it a bit more of a natural shape and more of her dai personality, without clipping when hooded as some other leliana hair mods do
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ripleylove · 2 days
Hard mission.
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requested by anonymous saying: Kind of going off of the idea in ‘The light of the group’ can we get a reader who has little candy in her bra? They can be in the middle of a segment w/ the judgement day and will just pull a jolly rancher out.
pairings: the judgment day x reader (platonic)
genre: fluff !!!!
summary: after Damian banned candies,you had to invent any way to eat at least of sweetness. (including hiding a jolly rancher in your bra.)
A/N: started writing again!!! your fav rhea and tjd writer is BACK 🗣
⋆ ˚。⋆𔓘⭒๋࣭
As every monday night,you and your friends were rehearsing your lines for your next segment in the clubhouse.
While you and Rhea were giggling together while watching some videos on tiktok,you started munching on some little oreos,giving the part with the cream to Rhea (since it was her favourite).
"Nuh uh. That's enough,Y/N. We don't want the thing that happened yesterday to happen again." Damian walked to you and took the little pack of mini oreos from you.
"But-" You tried to reason,but he wagged his index finger in front of your face,and Dominik silently laughed.
"No buts,missy. No more sweets today."
You pouted,and Dominik was still laughing.
You picked up a red plastic cup that was next to you and you launched it to him with full force,hitting his back.
"Ow! Ow! Okay,damn!" He raised his arms in surrender, and you smirked,turning to Rhea.
The reason why Damian wouldn't let you eat candies it's that the previous day,you had a really bad tummy ache thanks to all the sweets you consumed,and he took matters in his own hands,banning them for 3 days.
And that was the worst thing someone could ever do to you,a major candy lover.
So,you had to find a way to get at least one little candy before your segment, and you asked Rhea to help you.
"Here's the plan: you get me a jolly rancher without Dame noticing. Understood?" You talked to her in a typical action film way,and she firmly nodded.
While Damian was engaged in a conversation with Finn,Rhea tried to sneak in Damian's backpack (the place where he put all of your candies),finding your dear jolly rancher.
She had an evil smile on her face,and you mirrored her expression.
She ran back to the place where the both of you were sitting before,and you gave her a kiss on the cheek as a way to thank her.
"Wait." You started to panic,and Rhea answered.
"Where do I hide it?" You whispered,and she pointed to your chest.
You looked down,then up at her again with a confused face.
"In your bra,dumbass!" She whispered back,and you finally realised.
Since you were wearing a black lace corset,it was easy to hide and pull out the jolly rancher, and you did your handshake with Rhea.
"You're a fucking genius!" You exclaimed.
"Well,what can I say. Mami's always right." She said cockily and you rolled your eyes.
"Okay guys,time for the segment!" Damian exclaimed,and you all got ready.
The cameramen arrived and you immediately started filming.
While Finn was talking about him qualifying for Money In The Bank with Damian and Rhea, you were by Dominik side,and you discreetly looked around.
When you felt like you were safe to go,you pulled the jolly rancher out from your corset,and you carefully removed the wrapper, popping the cherry flavoured hard candy in your mouth.
Looking around again,you noticed that no one saw what you did,and you smiled in victory.
It definitely was a hard mission.
taglist: @stellakiddsblog @bibibi-tchx @p-mp @teenagedramaqueenlisa @thegalacticnacho091
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hayleyscommet15 · 2 days
jealousy suits you
relationship: billie eilish x female reader
warnings: smut, fingering, cursing, VERY intense sex, mature, dni if under 18!
word count: 2.4k
summary: at a party, billie sees you with another man. well, good thing jealousy suits her…
a/n: paaart two?
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billie and you had been dating for a while now, you were at the point where you’d be comfortable saying i love you. so basically a pretty solid place in your relationship where you’d gain your trust. yet that didn’t mean billie didn’t get jealous anymore, she was still a freak. every guy or girl who had the slightest intention of flirting you would regret it. billie was overprotective, and you didn’t mind.
you sat at the bar at a party billie had invited you to. it was another well known person hosting the event. billie had been dragged into conversation, catching up with a couple of old friends and chatting with new identities. it didn’t bother you one bit, yet you were alone at your seat mainly because you got bored. of course it didn’t seem like an issue that billie was making conversation with other people. you were just bored because you didn’t know anyone else, and also needed space because of the flashy lights, loud music and fierce atmosphere.
you stirred you cocktail with the short black straw as you stared deep in to your drink. the thought of being home scratched your brain. the comfort that being out of the black mini dress you were wearing would give you was amazing at that moment. all you wanted in that moment to be in comfortable clothes, a less noisy and overwhelming place and to be sat with your girlfriend watching tv. that’s all you wanted. but no, you were in this stupid bar, with scratchy clothing, and your girlfriend no where to be found.
“bored?” a young man sat next to you on the pressurized bar stools. he joined his eyes with yours. the man was dressed in a black suit and a matching black shirt with crimson details. his crimson tie matched the small features on his shirt. his dark black eyes and slick back hair caught your eye. “exactly.” you responded, keeping it short. you didn’t want a random guy hitting on you. that was the last thing you wanted.
you drifted your eyes away from his and you turned a bit away from him, facing your almost done drink once more. “the reason you’re bored might be because you’re not talking to anyone. you do realize this is a party, right?” he continued. “i’m very aware.” you said as you faced down to the ground. your eyes caught the gentleman’s shoes. he wore very shiny, designer loafers. he somehow managed to wear his outfit very well, something a dude almost never does. “then, why aren’t you talking to me?” he said, turning his stool so he’d face you.
you lifted your head up, and brought your gaze to his. “listen, i’m really not interested. i’m in a relationship and i would just like to-“ the man cut you off. “oh, are you kidding me? i’m gay.” he said. you cocked an eyebrow before continuing, “oh! i’m- i’m sorry. i just thought” you got cut off once more. “no no- i totally get it. you’re at a very crowded party, you’re bound to get hit on. i know. how did you not guess that I was gay though,” he said, chuckling a bit at the last bit of his sentence. “literally, have you seen a straight guy dressed as good as me before?” he continued. you laughed at his joke, “well, than let’s get you a drink. you might be the highlight of my night.”
he laughed in response, “could I get a martini and a margarita?” he said, raising his hand at the bartender. “you drink heavy.” you said to the guy. “what? i ordered a martini for myself and a refill on your drink?” he said. his what seemed to be an australian accent really showed with his words. “oh! i really shouldn’t be drinking more actually, i get drunk really-“ you got cut off once more by the guy. “c’mon! this is a fun event. another drink won’t hurt!” he pleaded with a soft smile. the bartender placed the drinks in front of you. you sighed in response. yeah, fuck it. another drink couldn’t hurt anyone.
time went on as you chatted with the gentleman. you’d learned that his name was chris and was 33 years old. he had a boyfriend of a year named scott and they lived together in liverpool. he was apparently a successful semi-producer and business for an upcoming artist you hadn’t heard of. in that hour you laughed with him countless times, he had great humor.
meanwhile, billie was outside talking with some friends. she must be having a blast as had forgotten all about you. “hey, i’m gonna get a soda.” she used as an excuse to go find you. she squeezed past you as she climbed up stairs to the second floor which was where you were the last time she saw you. there you were. you sat on the same bar she last saw you at. her view was blocked by the crowd and the fact that she was short. she took a steps towards you, and that’s when she saw you. laughing your ass of with a guy, a guy which seemed to have a charming gaze. billie angrily walked over to you, her steps furious. her immediate thought was that you were flirting with another man. you had to be drunk. no other explanation.
“stop cause i love that movie so much!” you exclaimed in the conversation using hand gestures when you felt a hand snake up your waist. you jolted as you turned around to see your girlfriend with a very obvious mad and jealous look. “i also love that movie where an imbecile of a guy keeps the fuck away from my girlfriend, asshole!” billie yelled towards the guy. “oh, i-“ chris defended himself with hand gestures before geting cut off by billie yelling “i said fuck off!”. she quickly pulled at your waist, dragging you up from the stool you sat on. “billie-“ your words got lost in the crowd. billie directed her hand towards your waist, getting you outside of the house. she walked furiously to her car, pulling you all the way there. she slammed the door as you got in the car.
“billie why-“ you got cut off by her. “don’t make a fucking noise before I drive off a bridge.” she said furiously. jealousy took her to a different level of anger. oh, but how hot she looked being jealous. the drive home was silent like she ordered. when you arrived, billie threw herself out of the car mumbling words. you also got out, following billie. “you’re overreacting, billie.” you said walking. “oh yeah? i’m overreacting that you got drunk and started flirting with a guy?” billie said as she jiggled her keys into the entrance of your house. “flirting? where did you get that?” you defended. “oh, please” billie said as she slam opened the door. “billie it’s not like that! the guy is-“ billie cut you off. “what? the guy’s what? handsome, charming, hot, better than me?” billie kept on yelling as she threw her keys onto the mantle. she stood still at the front of the door, the door was still cracked slightly open.
you grinned. “gosh, you look so sexy jealous.” you said quietly as you took a step towards her. your hands roamed her top before they grabbed her collar. “stop drifting this to another place. you were about to cheat on me!” billie yelled as she threw your hands off your body. “cheat on you? how could i cheat on you? maybe i was doing it to get you fired up.” you said, inching even closer to her. your faces were inches apart. “maybe i was doing it to get you jealous. you’d have to see how hot you look when you’re burning with jealously. so then maybe you’d lay me down, you’d strip off my clothes. you’d tease me until i’d start to beg. i would beg for you to fuck me.” you leaned down so your lips could be inches apart from each other. you whispered, “i could be your doll. you’d fuck me merciless, until i can’t take it anymore. i’d scream your name.” before billie slammed her lips onto yours, taking both arms and wrapping them around your neck, pulling you closer to her.
you slammed her against the door, making it close. you let your free hands roam all around billie’s back. billie’s tongue pressed up on your entrance, you let out a moan before allowing access. you pull away to get a breather. “i told you you’re hot when you’re jealous.” you said, billie moaned at your words before latching her lips onto yours once more. you starting going backwards as billie followed you into the living room, not once breaking contact from the heated kiss. the back of your legs hit the couch as you let yourself fall on it with billie on top of you. you laid still on the couch, sometimes whimpering from the sensation on your lips, which was made by the woman on top of you. billie pulled on the edge of your dress, demanding it off.
“wait” you said breaking the kiss. you stood up slightly on the couch as billie reached for the zipper on your dress. you latched your lips onto billie’s neck, leaving small marks as you trail down. billie whimpers at the touch as she works on getting your dress off. billie looked at your perfect body, mouth salivating. she got back into your kiss as this time you tried to take her clothing off. you unbuttoned her shirt before cupping her breasts, gaining a moan. billie broke the kiss to make contact with your ear. she nibbled on your sensitive earlobes, savoring you. she then went down your neck, sucking and placing kisses as you already started pleasure building up. she reached your lips as she hungrily made out with you once more. her hands roamed all around your body, before landing on your earlobes. she toyed with your lobe as she went on kissing you. she latched herself onto your neck once more. she left a trail down as she reached the valley between your breasts.
she gave a lick, shivers went down you spine. “take this off” billie demanded as you reached to take your bra off. “you knew we were gonna do this today?” billie said, glazing at the matching lingerie you wore. “i knew i was gonna get laid,” you said as you took of your bra, “just didn’t know by who.” you said as you stared deep into billie’s ocean blues, smirking. that sentence just made her mad her even more. she started working on your breasts, pinching and rubbing your hard nipples. she worked on your body like it was the last day ever, acting harsh trying to get her anger out. her fingertips traced your waist as you trembled at the cold touch. she trailed until the inside of your thigh. you whimpered at the touch.
she let go of your breast and trails down kisses until she reached down to your clit. she pressed a kiss at your clit covered up by your underwear, earning a moan from the pressure. “not so fast” billie said as she brought herself back up to you as she made deep eye contact. she hovered on top of you. “i’m gonna punish you.” billie whispered into your ear. “are you gonna be a good girl for me?” she continued. her voice was so attractive. she traced her cold fingertips around your bare body. “i will.” you said firmly. “good. so, you’ll be able to keep yourself together watching me touch myself?” billie said teasing you. you could feel her grin. “i guess we’ll have to find out.” you reply. billie stops her hands right on your underwear, and gives you a slap on your pussy, targeting your pussy. you tremble at the pleasure. “you better. or i’ll make your punishment way worse” billie whispered before moving back to her original spot.
she sat on your legs, you placed your hands behind your head. billie took off her bottom slowly, your eyes watched her every move. you bit your bottom lip as you watched billie’s hot moves. she moved her fingers towards your mouth, “lick them for me” billie said as you got her fingers wet. she later moved her wet fingers to her clit, rubbing in circles. she let her head fall back as she picked up her pace. “fuck” she softly moaned. her fingers slid down her slit. she teased herself by pushing the tip of her fingers in and out. she moaned at the pleasure. you watched her please herself, mouth watering.
billie started penetrating herself, going at a fast pace. billie started moaning uncontrollably. she pulled her head up to connect her ocean blue’s with yours. you just couldn’t take it anymore, watching her give insane amounts of pleasure and you just staying there. maybe you’d get way more punishment by her, yet you needed her.
you hastily got up from your position laying down, you picked billie up by the waist. her eyes widened on what you were doing. i’m one movement you switched places so you were on top of billie. “y/n what are you- FUCK!” billie exclaimed when your fingers entered her hole. you went into pull her into a hot kiss. you started making out with her, tongues fighting into your mouths as you pump into her. billie moans into your mouth occasionally. you add another finger into her, making her gain even more pleasure. you curl your fingers inside of her, just hitting her stop. “fuck, y/n!” she says moaning your name. you grin, and pick up your pace even more. you lick her bottom lip and pull away from the kiss. your other hands thumb softly presses on clit, “i’m gonna- fuck” billie exclaimed, letting her head fall back. you go even faster, at those words. you feel her walls start clenching closer around your fingers. her moans get louder, sweat around her forehead makes her bangs stick to her face. you feel her juices come out as you ease her through her orgasm.
“oh you’re so fucked.” billie whispers breaths heavily against your ear. she lays her head down as she takes a breather from the intense orgasm she just had. oh, but billie doesn’t rest. “i’m gonna fuck the light out of you.” she says before connecting your lips once more.
paaart two?
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iliketangerines · 2 days
Can you write a Beach!AU featuring the Earthrealm roster ( maybe even the Outworld characters as well ) with fem!reader who’s muscular leaning ( I would love to see more fics about mildly muscular/buffy women ) being insecure abt her body due to years of fighting, training, ridden with scars on her muscled body so she kind of just sits under the shades awkwardly most of the time as she’s afraid to put on her swimsuits and joins in the fun with them as well
staying in the shade
a/n: hi there, no comment today unfortunately
pairing: kenshi takahashi x gn!reader
warnings: none :)
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you sit underneath the umbrella, blankets laying over your legs and wearing a baggy sweater, and you sip on your iced water as you watch your team play in the waves
Lord Liu Kang sits out in the sun with Raiden, and they chat with each other about something as they drink in the sunlight, the rays catching on their tanned skin
Kung Lao and Johnny tackle each other underneath the waves as they yell and scream about winning some type of game
Mileena and Kitana had also come, Lord Liu Kang having invited some of the court for a nice day out, and they were building a sandcastle near the shore of the beach, hissing whenever Kung Lao and Johnny got a bit too close to their creation
the castle they had managed to make out of sand and water was massive and quite impressive, and you could even see the detail from your distance
Tanya hauls the sand and water back and forth for the two of them with Li Mei, the two of them groaning at the effort, but they laugh and flick sand at Mileena, revealing how they really felt about the situation
Syzoth simply bathes in the sun next to Lord Liu Kang, arms outstretched and looking rather like an oversized dog
the only person that sits next to you is Kenshi, who wears a skin tight bathing suit shirt to protect his tattoos from the sunlight
as you finish another ice cold drink and reach for the next one, sweating underneath the heat that gathered in your sweater, Johnny shrieks and retreats, running to where you sat on a towel and hiding behind you
Kung Lao chases the actor, and the two of them circling around you as if in a game of tag and you were a table obstructing their way
soon, the monk dives for Johnny, smashing his sand covered legs into your sweatshirt and spill your drink all over it, and you growl and grab onto the muscle, causing Kung Lao to trip and Johnny to get away
the monk collapses onto the sand, letting out a loud grunt as he falls, and he turns onto his back to glare at you and say that you had ruined the game before he notices the spilled drink staining the front of your sweatshirt
he apologizes, sitting up and wiping at the front of your sweater with his hand, but the damage is done
you can feel the sugar sticking to you, and you grimace, waving him off to go and chase Johnny again
Kung Lao frowns and tells you to take off the sweatshirt, he’ll wash it when he goes back, and you decline, not wanting to take off your sweatshirt just yet
you’re wearing your swimming suit underneath, but still, you didn’t quite want to get criticism for how you looked right now
the monk sighs and says come on, holding his hand out for the sweatshirt, and you scowl at him and tell him to back off, drawing your dagger out of the cooler
Kung Lao backs off, hands high in the air, before saying that it was your choice and running off to go and chase Johnny
Kenshi looks at you from the side of his eyes and asks why you’ve just done that, and you just grumble out that there was no reason and sheathe your weapon again
he scoffs and turns to fully face you, one eyebrow quirked up despite the sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and he asks why you’re so touchy over your sweatshirt
you growl out that you’re not and cross your arms, hunching your back and letting out a hmph, and Kenshi rolls his eyes
turning back to lean back on his chair, he says that you’re not fooling anybody with that attitude, obviously you’re insecure about how you look
you look at him with a glare, but he doesn’t care and continues to just lean back in his chair, continuing his spiel with saying that none of them will care what you look like underneath the sweater
besides, nothing could get worse than seeing someone’s head decapitated right in front of them, so really they wouldn’t be phased by anything
you sigh, feeling the sugar stick to your skin now, and you sigh and hesitantly pull off your shirt and throw it off to the side to be washed later
turning back to Kenshi, you ask if he’ll really be okay just sitting here alone, and he waves you off and tells you to have fun, he needed to catch up on a podcast anyway
before you leave, he tells you to come back, and you do so
Kenshi holds his hand out, and you put it into his and watch as he presses his lips to the back of your hand and tells you to have fun
you smile and laugh and say that you will and run off into the waves, screaming at Kung Lao to watch out for ruining your sweater, and he screams in delight as he runs from you
nothing to worry about at all it seems
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drunk-person · 3 days
The Rumor (Modern Au) P.1
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Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x cousin!reader
Summary: One of the most talked about gossips among the lower class servants in Kings Landing is the fact (or not) that Aemond Targaryen got involved with his cousin Y/n Targaryen when they were both teenagers. Mainly due to the fact that at the age of 17 she was sent to Old Town overnight. Some employees claim that Aemond was caught between her legs. Some say that, like her father, she had had a horrible fight with her uncle and uncle and was sent away. And other than that none of this happened, she just became interested in the course offered at the Old Town conservatory. But now five years later, Y/n Targaryen is back, and rumors haunt those who favor them.
WARNING: 18+ mdni! Smut, p in v, fingering, Oral Sex, no description for reader.
Author's note: No accurate update predictions because I need to write, correct, translate and correct again. All this in the middle of a boring adult job. (Adulthood kind of sucks) But I'll do my best to finish it and it won't be a long story.
A/n²: The next chapter is already written, just needs to be translated. I hope you like this little story 💕.
Word cont: 1.400 k
"Hey hey kings landing, to the gossipers on duty it seems that after almost five years in Old Town the Rogue prince's daughter is back in our society. She was seen at the black Water bay airport in the morning, has our dear Targaryen returned to to stay?"
Aemond had been in a terrible mood all day, the people around him had already given up on getting close to him. According to Lizze, his secretary, he could very well bite anyone who got too close. The reason for the more bitter than normal mood, no one had yet understood.
-Mrs. Mayotte. - Aemond said with a cutting voice from inside his own office and Lizze made a face at Sana, Aegon's secretary, before entering the room.
Shortly after, she returned with a huge stack of folders in her hand and a look of disgust.
-That man was possessed by a demon last night Sana, this behavior is not normal even for him. - Lizze whispered to her indignant colleague, Sana just laughed while filing her nails and looking at things on the Internet, according to Lizze one of the privileges of being a secretary for someone who doesn't work.
Suddenly Sana's eyes widened when she saw something on her phone.
-Oh my seven. - She said in shock, pulling Lizze by the hand and dragging her to the end of the corridor where they could not be heard with the cell phone in hand.
-What is it?
-I think I understand why the man is breathing fire today. - Sana said showing her cell phone to Lizze with the article from the gossip site, which now contained a photo of Y/n at the airport, with her hair braided back, wearing a blouse with low sides, shorts and sunglasses.
Lizze rolled her eyes at her co-worker.
-Sana, these are just malicious rumors that spread around.
-Did her uncle send her to the other side of the country because of a rumor? - Sana raised her eyebrows.
-No, he sent her to study. - Lizze rolled her eyes. - Now enough of that.
-Lizze, do you think it's a coincidence that he arrives here breathing fire from his ears on the very day she returns to the city?
-Lizze, this is no coincidence! - She stated vehemently.
-Which is not a coincidence, ma'am. Heyors? - Came the cutting voice behind Sana and she felt her body freeze as she looked at Lizze with wide eyes.
-N-othing Mr. Targaryen. It's just... just... - She babbled in despair.
-Our grandmothers attend the same dance class. - Lizze spoke quickly in her colleague's place, and Aemond raised his eyebrows in disbelief.
-No matters of a personal nature during working hours. - He spoke in a sharp voice as he went to the elevator. - Cancel my appointments today, ma'am. Mayotte, I don't have anything important and I'll need to leave.
And before one of them could open their mouth he had already disappeared into the elevator. Causing the secretaries to let out a sigh of relief.
-See? - Sana spoke soon after. - It's not just a rumor.
Aemond didn't even greet anyone before leaving the family company. He just went down to the parking lot, got in his own car and got out of there before he collapsed. It was as if his blood was boiling, he hadn't had that burning sensation inside him for about five years. And now there it was again, Aemond wanted to bang his head against the steering wheel.
The phone rang while he was stopped at the traffic lights, and Aemond eagerly picked it up and was disappointed to see "Floris" written on the display.
-Shit. - He mumbled before answering the call.
-Aemond? - Came the soft voice from the other side.
-Don't forget we're attending Cece's birthday today.
Aemond wanted to hit his head twice as hard. Cece Lanister's damn birthday was definitely the last thing on his mind at that moment.
-Ok, I'm driving. - He confirmed before hanging up with a scowl on his face.
-Viserys! - Alicent squeaked, staring at her husband in despair.
-What do you want me to do? - Viserys asked tiredly.
-Send her back to Old Town!
-She is already 22 years old, she is of legal age, I can't just send her back there.
-Viserys, you know very well why she came back here, and I will not allow her to take my son down the wrong path.
-They were children Alicent. - Viserys grumbled.
-Viserys they are 17 and 18 years old. They were far from being children.
-No. - She replied. - She is just like her father, she has no respect for anything or anyone, I welcomed that girl into my home out of pity and how did she show me gratitude? Dragging Aemond along the wrong path. I don't want her anywhere near him!
-Alicent they are of age, we can no longer control what they do.
-Then we must be connivingwith this affront?
-They both probably don't even remember this anymore. It's been years, Aemond has found a girlfriend, finished college, and is working at the company. He's a responsible and mature man, he won't make the same mistakes again.
-And what about your niece? - She arched her eyebrow in irritation and Viserys let out a sigh of frustration.
-I haven't seen Y/n for as long as you, my wife, I can't know, but I'm sure that her time in Old Town as you requested helped her understand that what happened between her and Aemond was wrong.
-I hope so. - She grumbled and left her husband alone.
Y/n smiled as she walked down the flour street, she missed being home so much. She looked at the Visenya Hills coffee shop and couldn't help but smile even more, the number of times she went there with Aemond wasn't even measurable.
She decided to go into the café and out of sheer nostalgia, she didn't even look at the menu, she just ordered the same thing she always ordered when she went to the place. As soon as she received the order and brought the straw to her lips, a flood of memories came with her and she almost moaned with satisfaction.
-Y/n Targaryen. - Came the execly sweet voice from behind her and Y/n turned around smiling.
-Cece Lanister.
-How long ago, I found out that you came back this morning. - The girl smiled hugging her and Y/n returned the gesture. - How was it in Old town?
-Definitely dull when compared to Kings Landing. - Y/n said rolling her eyes.
-Well, I need your new number. - Cece said, handing the cell phone to Y/n, who smiled at her and typed her own number, saving it with a heart on the front.
-Okay, then call me so I can have yours.
-You totally need to come to my birthday party tonight. - Cece said with a big smile. - It will be your official return to society.
-Oh Cece, I'm so tired from the trip. -Y/n gave the excuse, she wasn't tired. She just had plans to look for someone else.
-You need to go Y/n! Everyone will be there!
-Everyone? - She arched her eyebrow.
-Yeah. - Cece said, pulling out the vowel. - Even Helaena told me that she would go at least for an hour.
Y/n's eyes brightened. If Helaena would be there, he would be there too, he would never let his sister go unaccompanied to an event full of potential idiots.
-Well, I'll try to make an effort. - She smiled sweetly with a hint of mischief in her eyes.
-I'll wait for you! - Cece said ordering her own coffee while Y/n went out into the street again.
She drank her coffee while smilingly observing everything around her, until she passed a magazine stand and saw the cover of one of them.
Targaryen and Baratheon close to announcing engagement?
With a huge photo of Aemond next to Floris Baratheon. Y/n's blood boiled in her veins when she saw that, engagement. Aemond wouldn't be betrothed to some Baratheon bitch if she had a say in the matter, and she most certainly had a lot.
The smile slowly returned to her lips as she looked towards a store window and saw a short black dress that she was sure would look perfect with the heels she had seen two stores ago.
She would go to Cece Lanister's party, and she would go ready to take back what was hers, or she wouldn't be called Y/n Targaryen.
next chapter
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