#there's a big stick up their butts and they're making it everyone's problem
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fantaxzia · 7 months ago
The people who are crying 'racism' and 'bigotry' over Elain with wings are the same weirdos who were up in arms about mermaid Elain fanarts (because apparently that's only for Gwyn).
Because obviously having wings means she's Illyrian now, the same way Feyre was?
Feyre didn't become Illyrian just because she could grow wings. Elain wouldn't either.
Moreover it's just a fanart. Artists have creative freedom to make art.
And if they have problems with Feyre having wings too, and if they think the author is bigoted or zionist or whatever hateful buzz word they want to plaster onto her, then why are they even in the fandom? Why are they adding to her fandom if they hate her so much? Why so invested?
It's because of such people that artists stop making fanarts or engaging with the fandom. They throttle everyone's creative spirit by their bullying and virtue signalling.
This comes from a POC (me) who's had enough of this bs virtue signalling. These people have no issues fancasting their fave white boys as Illyrians but they cry about race when it's something they don't like.
I say cry harder and be upset about Elain with wings, makes no difference. I and others will support this artist.
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earthtodora · 3 months ago
btw the idea of the epilogue giving ozawa screentime doesn't piss me off because i'm a delusional itafushi shipper who convinced herself that it was gonna be canon (it's shonen jump, of course they're not gonna make two guys kiss), but because it feels cheap, unearned, and out of place.
first of all, gege didn't even want to include that chapter in the manga. it was his editor who convinced him that there was need for a slice-of-life chapter, and something that will make yuuji's character even more lovable and show his kindness and humanity. the chapter did exactly that. it showed that even though yuuji's type is a tall girl with a big butt, when he's forced to pick (forced, because at first he says he doesn't like anyone, so it's not like he was harboring a secret crush on ozawa) he picks ozawa because he notices certain qualities in her that others don't, and that's what matters in the end. yuuji's type doesn't mean he's superficial and doesn't value personality.
second of all, the fact that gege didn't force romance on his characters is part of what makes jujutsu kaisen great. i think yuuji's arc is very compelling without any romantic subplots. it doesn't take anything away from his story if he doesn't have a love interest. it makes his journey feel much more genuine and relatable, and also shows that romance doesn't have to be part of everyone's story to be considered a complete one. if it had been built up and hinted at during the series, i'd have no problem with it, but to give him a love interest after the story is already over, and a completely random one at that, is a disservice to his arc. it doesn't feel earned. it just feels like "oh, i forgot to add romance so let's stick a girl in here and make her confess to the main character."
third, the only explanation i have for ozawa being added as an epilogue character is that it's supposed to be fanservice. like, it's common in shonen manga for the mangaka to address or confirm the romantic interest of characters in an epilogue or at the very end. we saw this recently with mha, we saw it happen with naruto, and now it might happen in jujutsu kaisen. the difference is, in jjk, there wasn't any sort of set-up apart from a long forgotten chapter about the female character liking yuuji. now, if it's fanservice, i'm thinking, how about considering the fans? cause, the most popular ship for yuuji isn't itazawa, i can tell you that. if you're gonna throw the fans a bone, give them the bone they want.
anyway. i know it's silly to rant about the epilogue before we even know what's in it. but, realistically, what other purpose could ozawa have in the epilogue besides the one above?
so yes, i am worried about the epilogue, but i'll keep my expectations low and hope for the best.
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downforthegas · 4 months ago
Fart Prompts!
I got this idea from an account I'm following here where they used a random word generator to generate different burp and stuffed belly prompts. I liked it so much, I thought of doing something similar but with eprocto scenarios
Person A and person B are having trust issues in their relationship. Person A questions if B still loves them for who they are, and B proves that... by sticking their nose in their crack and inhaling all their farts. It wasn't A's idea, but at least they know B would do anything for them.
Your fave is doing a piano recital, or their performing a piano in public somewhere. The only problem is they're feeling very bloated, but they haven't farted yet so they think they'll be fine. That is until a crowd forms around them and they feel a large bubble trying to escape. They continue playing but with both hands busy, they ultimately fail to hold back the huge fart. Do they get embarrassed or brush it off? How does the crowd react?
Your fave is hanging out with their friends at a water park. The fave is about to go on a big water slide on their back. Their nerves get the best of them and as they wait for the bottom to drop, they accidentally fart, creating little bubbles in the flowing water. Everyone, including the operator, seems to notice, and their friends don't live it down, even after they get done with the slide
Person A has lost something in the apartment/dorm while their roommate is gone. As they're searching around, they feel their stomach acting weird. They don't pay mind and eventually find themselves on their hands and knees, when their stomach starts cramping up. Knowing they're alone, they rip a long fart that relieves their stomach. They hear tapping on their shoulder. They quickly turn around and it's person B with the thing A lost. Does A feel embarrassed or do they not care? Is B disgusted, amused or aroused? (note: I know it's loss but lost is close enough, and plus I've been wanting to write a prompt like this cause I like this scenario very much)
Your fave is sending invitations to different people for a party they're having. Whether you're friends or lovers, they've become very close with you and even know about your fart fetish. They decide that, since you're the guest of honor, you deserve an honorable invite. They take the invitation, hold it up to their butt and fart repeatedly into the page. They put it in the envelope and fart a few more times in there, finishing it off with one more blow on the surface of the envelope. They know you'll greatly appreciate this.
Your fave is working somewhere where they need to be left in charge while the boss is gone. They stand in front of the workers and try to give them a speech about what they're gonna do while the main boss is gone. But while talking, with the employees surrounding them, they can't help but rip one, which catches everyone's attention. A few employees can't help but laugh, but your fave is a trooper and continues. They're not sure if everyone was able to take them seriously after that but they still feel like hiding after that situation.
~I might make more soon!
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th3-c0ll3ct3r · 7 months ago
Listen. I'm no My Hero Academia hater. It's very unique, very high quality, lots of good twists, great
BUT. Big butt
I would have to totally added 2-3 more Seasons because the ending is a bit unsatisfying/rushed
Like the seasons I would have added is:
After the hero exam/training arc: some people got power-ups and upgrades and they never addressed it. And some people who I personally think could have had great power-ups didn't get any.
Jiruo, Denki, Ochaco, Momo, Ida, Koji and Sero, being examples of characters that could have got an upgrade but didn't or characters that got an upgrade off main plot.
We know that Ida did have have a mini-arc with the whole "you killed my brother thing" but he's a very 1 dimensional guy for being a secondary main character/very important side character.
I feel like a season with one episode per student dedicated to how they got their power improvements could make the reader/ viewer, feel more sympathetic and connected to the characters because we get to see some of their struggles even if they're not on screen.
The plot of these episodes, idk but you're telling me that jiruo didn't stick her headphone-jack into a electric guitar to see if it would do something???
Season 2 added: a bit before the war
This could have been a season or at minimum 10 episodes, but we needed more slice of Life content. They're 16/17yr old. I understand that the sports Festival and the school fair were meant to be the slice of life and high school bits but it is kind of overshadowed by the fact that they go to one of the best schools in Japan and they all have superpowers. It makes them seem a bit more privileged then relate.
A small bit where characters have genuine high school level problems we would be nice. Like finding best place to study but getting distracted bc of something. Or HAVING AT LEAST 1 NON-MAIN SHIP BE TOUCHED. Or what I find needs to be explored a bit more clearly is that they bring up the racism in the world but it's never a big thing.
It's kinda a "oh yeah spinner is evil because blah blah blah" or so and so is insecure because of this.
Having it play out but the characters acknowledging that they're the bigger person could show just how far they've come in schooling and not just a one-off thing. Because it its that serious of a problem that a major villain is made of it then why isn't it show more?
And have the parallels of Spinner and Shoji, I'm having them inadvertently lead the build up to seeing all the villains be parallels of the heroes could strengthen the divide of people and could cause more conflict/more thinking.
And finally, a season detailing future explanations of how Deku actually became the number one hero like he said he would at the start of the series.
Because (spoilers) he does lose a lot of his powers by the end of the series, so does he gain them back through will power? Does Eri reverse the effects so that he's a hero but he has to relearn all the techniques because he was sent back to the time that he couldn't really control it? Having another season to clear up the aftermaths of the war and seeing everyones future would be the best to round out the series. Good or bad.
Also tf is Deku's farther??
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suspectjpg · 9 months ago
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[     timothee chalamet ,  cis  man,  he/him   ]     ⸻     have you seen MAX GOODLOE? yes, the TWENTY - TWO year old SENIOR that’s usually wandering around campus? they’re currently focused on PUBLIC AFFAIRS, so we’re sure they’ve been super busy with studying. according to rumors, they were michael’s FAMILY FRIEND and he knew they PAWN HIS PARENT'S VALUABLES TO FUEL HIS GAMBLING ADDICTION. does it make sense considering they’re known for being THEATRICAL as well as MACHIAVELLIAN? either way, the phantom is threatening to bring scary things to light, but let’s hope whatever they’re hiding stays in the dark.  [  maria,  21,  she/her,  mst,  body horror ]
rly quick stats
introducing maxwell vernon goodloe
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known as. max
dob. 9 december 2002
zodiac big three. sagittarius sun, libra moon, gemini rising
sexuality. bisexual
extracurriculars. not me forgetting what i put him down as ... i think editor for the phoenix news and the debate team
inspirations. mainly just saul goodman (i'm sorry) but consider any other antihero with charm and a whimsical but sinsiter nature to be an inspiration too
raised in nevada near the las vegas strip! by his mama. she moved there in her 20s in search of fame n' fortune but she eventually just got stuck at the stripping job she initially took to help jumpstart her career. when she had max, she had to take other measures so she had the $$$ to raise him. even if it meant pulling him into scams she'd pull on tourists and forcing him to tag along on her rounds as an avon rep because 'it sells better when you flash 'em your big puppy dog eyes, maxie'. things like that stick with max as he grows older, starts perusing the strip with his friends for victims of his own. all to make a quick buck.
one day, she just so happened to pick the wrong tourist to try n' scam and nearly ended up in something resembling a fistfight (resembling because the guy was a head taller than her and she wouldn't have lasted a second) when a good samaritan butts in and defends her!!! scares the big lug away. the moment his mama learns that said good samaritan was a politician from los angeles (ie. $$$$$$$), she's laying the charm on thick. he's older (ie. balding), mild-mannered, in need of a good ego stroke so it's not long before they're getting hitched and max is on a one-way flight to los angeles! he's just 14 then.
max doesn't like it at first. doesn't like how stuffy and snobby everyone seems. hates his moms weird new husband too. but he wins max over in time, and they grow to have a genuinely wholesome relationship! so much so that max decides he'd like to be a politician, just like him. he's surely got the charisma for it, says his now father. but he never did grow out of his knack for causing trouble and pullin' a fast one on just about anybody, courtesy of his mom, so there's a real moral struggle there. but all politicians are a little slimy, right? what does it matter if he cut corners if it meant the greater good coming to fruition? ends justify the means, always always always.
golden state is a no brainer. his father went there and his father before him. and now max was one of them! so he'd go too. he didn't even think he'd go to college, so it's all a little foreign to him and he does just about anything to pass. and i do mean anything. he evens joins a few clubs! look at him go!
of course, it's not without a few problems. a couple months after his 21st, him n' his buddies went to a casino just to say they have. max ended up pocketing 8k and has been chasing that high ever since. it's escalated in the past couple of months, what with law school coming up for him shortly. he's started stealing his parent's valuables to have money to gamble with. turns out he's still just that kid on the strip lookin' to make a quick buck.
very theatrical! the son of a politician and a retired scammer, so he is ever the showman and the smooth talker. he knows it too, so he can be up his own ass but his devil-may-care attitude and general amiableness means he is a guaranteed good time.
if chaotic neutral was a person. strikingly dishonest and flaky. but again!!! the ends justify the means for max. and the ends is always the best outcome for his loved ones.
SO tacky, especially as it relates to his appearance!! mismatched prints and loud colors and the whole nine yards. the rate at which he buys new clothes, it's like you can just tell having so much money is a very new prospect to him. not that he wears hella name brands but it's just very lee in bones and all coded. the little brown western shirt, the floral shirt and the grandma cardigan!! yeah!! he doesn't let it go to waste either, if it doesn't fit he's just take scissors to it and wear it anyways. takes great care to look the way he does (ie. just slightly disheveled at all times). in a permanent state of looking for the next reflective surface to check how his hair's sitting.
catchphrase is "i hardly know her"
runs on one redbull and a cigarette and that's it
also, don't think i mentioned it so i thought i'd tack it here at the end, but i figured michael kepler's parents and max's would run in the same social circles and whatnot
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lost-in-the-pink-mist · 1 year ago
Got asked about the relationships between the individual siblings and it became a massive wall of text so we're putting it here in its own post with a read more to save everyone's dashes! Enjoy!
Lee + Angie: Angie is kinda a major know-it-all, because thanks to zeir powers they actually do know pretty much everything, so even though the siblings all very much respect Lee and follow her instructions closely, Angie has a habit of making decisions while mentally ten steps ahead of the team and not informing them of those decisions, the unpredictability is a pain and it gets on Lee's nerves big time, she tries to trust her little sibling, she really does, she knows zey often are actually right, but without being let in on where zey're at she can't make any proper plans so she tends to have Angie on a bit of a tight leash on the field (which Angie obviously has a problem with). At home though, Lee is incredibly tolerant of Angie's bullshit, maybe a little too tolerant, but she doesn't want to be a parent to her siblings and she knows Angie needs to have time to let loose and be annoying, there will be NO coming to her to complain about Angie bugging them or blowing something up unless its actually something really important. Because of this, she tends to get dragged into zeir nonsense the most (Donnie is always down to cause chaos but they're also often reluctant to leave xeir lab), sometimes she has fun with it, sometimes it gets so bad she needs to actually put her foot down, depends on the day and the shenanigans.
Lee + Donnie: Donnie has a pretty easy time following Lee's instructions on the field, xey rarely see a reason to rebel or go off course, and Lee trusts them to stick to the plan just as much if not more than she trusts Raph to, with one caveat; Donnie can get impatient. Really impatient. Jump in impulsively impatient. She can't expect them to sit and wait for the right moment, which is a little ironic considering Donnie is the one most interested in information gathering, which y’know, often involves waiting patiently for the right moment. At home, their relationship is kinda considered the most distant, but not for a lack of trying. Lee tries her best to be super supportive of xeir hobby, even if it creeps her out and she gets a little queasy seeing the stuff in Donnie's lab, she tries to help out by making sure the lab is always properly stocked with sanitary materials, but can't handle much of the place beyond that. Donnie also tries to spend time relaxing with Lee, but they can't sit still for long enough to make it work, and eventually xey have to give in and go write down whatever idea has popped into their mind and blast music to stay sane. In the end, they just can't click properly, and aside from occasionally checking in with each other to make sure there's not an accidental one-sided fight going on (sometimes when one of them is mad enough to give the silent treatment, the other wont notice because they rarely hang out, so its good to double check), they're content to leave it at that.
Lee + Raph: These two actually have a surprisingly equal relationship on the field, Lee is always a bit of a lazy butt before missions, reluctant to go while Raph is itching to go, so Raph is always the one that ends up dragging her along until she properly gets into leader mode. On the other hand, while Raph is close behind her as the second most determined member of the team and always follows instructions, that'll only last if the mission stays relevant to their goal of finding Splinter. If he decides the mission is a waste of time, she'll either get more aggressive in the fight (if their opponent is fighting all of them and being somewhat of a threat) or ditch entirely (if their opponent/job isn't a threat worth wasting time on). They work together well, and they have a silent agreement to keep reigning each other in and not let the other get away with being dumb about something, because regardless of how serious they are when its go time they still have plenty of stupid and stubborn moments. At home these two are very quiet, Raph took Splinter's disappearance the hardest, withdrawing the most from the group, but even during the rough patch where the four of them felt like strangers to each other Lee would always find time to sit down with him. They didn't talk back then, they just sat together, Lee reading comics and Raph playing video games, both of them trying to simultaneously escape from the world and miss their father. When the four of them started working on fixing things again, Lee and Raph would awkwardly try to share their new hobbies, Raph didn't take to the comics and Lee didn't take to the games, but Raph did end up liking the stargazing, and Lee enjoyed gardening (though her plants of choice tended to be easier to take care of than Raph's ambitious little garden), they end up being really close in their later teenage years.
Angie + Donnie: The twins! The dynamic duo! The chaos makers! They don't often work on their own together, Lee likes to keep the team together and avoids letting anyone go off on a mission on their own, but on the rare occasion that Donnie and Angie do find themselves on their own duo mission, communication is almost silent in every sense, they know each other inside and out and don't even need to look at each other to be in sync, extending their powers in their respective unique ways and connecting the dots of information together, and then from there its CHAOS, a lot of BOOM from Angie while Donnie slinks around and does what needs to be done from the shadows, they're a mess, and they do a lot of damage (not a good thing for four ninjas in hiding), but they are very much able to get the job done well. At home, they drag each other into their respective projects, Donnie isn't great with mechanics and Angie isn't interested in biology, but mad scientists gotta stick together, y’know? They also tend to do pranks together, but the family's rough patch kinda dulled that playfulness a little bit, so pranks from the pair became a less common thing. During the rough patch, they were still considered close, but they also started to isolate themselves more. In a way it was a little good for them, they needed some space to grow and become their own people, but they lost a lot to that time, and lost even more a year later when Angie ran off and didn't come back for almost six months.
Angie + Raph: Angie and Raph......do not get along fantastically. Lee doesn't often make them work closely together in the field, its better for everyone if Raph is given a space away from them. If they're forced to be on a mission alone together, they'll get the job done, but Raph isn't exactly working with Angie, its more like she goes her own way without a word and expects Angie to follow. It's hard to say what's worse, when Angie does the mission perfectly, or when Angie messes up. Angie can be a lot, even when zey were little, and its in their nature to try and get on people's nerves, and Raph's temper doesn't take it very well. As kids it was just classic sibling annoyance, but when their powers came in Angie got even worse, and Donnie and Lee got stuck with keeping Raph and Angie's relationship as steady as possible. The relationship between Raph and Angie is a major conflict, and their biggest clash happens not long before the timeskip drops us off, so feel free to snoop around that one because its a whole thing. They will work through their issues, don't worry, they're not doomed to hate each other forever, their relationship just had to get worse before it could get better.
Raph + Donnie: Unlike with Angie, Raph actually gets along with Donnie pretty well. Raph's determination to get through a proper mission and Donnie's low tolerance for patience results in quick, efficient missions. They might not do as many non-Splinter related missions as Lee would like when left to their own devices, but oftentimes they know if a mission will be fruitful long before they have to make direct contact with the enemy, and Donnie is often fine with ditching with Raph for their paired missions. As long as nothing catches Donnie's attention, they're a great stealth team. At home, they actually end up being forced to socialise by being in the same friend group, with Tim, Kay, and April, they're the ones most likely to sneak out together and get into trouble, but for once its the normal teenager kind. Kinda. Kay likes street racing and a lot of shenanigans can come with that. They're the ones most likely to get pent up from being inside for too long, and yet they cope by staying home and avoiding people, so its good for them to force each other to get out of the house every now and then.
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starlightshadowsworld · 2 years ago
"Alright, everyone move it!" Will jumped, hearing Steve walk in. Steve sighed before frowning, noticing that Will was alone.
"Is this, part of your game?" He asks, Will shakes his head. He's still in his wizard costume, holding his hat in his hands.
"They left..."
Part of him isn't sure why he's telling Steve. Maybe it'll make him leave, like everyone else.
Steve looked at him like he wasn't sure he heard him right.
"They left you by yourself?"
That didn't make sense to him.
Will shakes his head. "I wanted to play. They wanted to talk to girls."
He braces himself.
Because for as kind as Steve is now, if his own friends can leave him.
Than an ex bully should have no problem.
Except Steve didn't leave.
Instead he sat on the seat opposite Will.
He didn't say anything for a while, eyeing the figures and the maps before him.
"Reminds me of my action figures."
Will blinks, looking at him confusion.
Steve looks up at him.
"My grandma, it used to be a tradition that when I'd see her or it was my birthday or Christmas she'd give me a comic book.
But I was never a big reader, and I think she knew. So she stopped one say, got me action figures instead."
He smiles to himself.
"Me and one of my friends used to make em fight each other. We were both barely passing English but we put Shakespeare to shame I tell you.
And one of em would just make up the most random shit. I think once we had Spiderman and Batman fight an army of pencil assassin's or something to get some ring."
Will cracked a laugh, he couldn't help it. It sounded absolutely ridiculous.
He never would've expected that from Steve, to think King Steve was once having adventures like the party's quests.
"Hey" said Steve, pointing a pencil at him. "They were assassin's. And last I checked you've faced weider shit in your games."
Will couldn't really argue with that one.
But than he frowned "what changed?"
Steve smiled sadly at him "people started telling me it wasn't cool to do that stuff. I didn't wanna stick out. So I blended in, changed what I wore, started talking to girls.
I ditched my friends, I made new ones, ones that were popular."
He looks down at the Wizards hat in Will's hands.
"But I couldn't get rid of my action figures... Boarded em up in a box to sell but I couldn't do it. There up in the attic somewhere."
Will got up, sitting beside Steve and gave him a hug.
Steve blinked, before hugging him back.
"Do you miss it?"
"Every day."
"I don't want to be left behind..."
"You won't. Those idiots would do anything for you. I wish I could tell you that growing up doesn't make you do werid things. That you guys won't hurt each other...like they're hurting you now.
The people who love you will always find their back to you. And you, don't got a change a thing about you to fit in. Take it from me, it's not worth it."
Will blinked a few tears but he couldn't stop them falling.
Steve ruffled his hair.
"And if you need another player, I'm free."
Will looked up at him "you'd play D&D with me?!"
"Well your gonna have a butt ton of explaining to do, but sure. Dunno if you can top pencil assassin's but it sounds fun."
Will brightened "thanks Steve."
"Your welcome, Will the wise."
"You remembered?"
"... Hey Steve?"
"Could, could you show me your action figures some time?"
"Thought you'd never ask."
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
Watch "Adèle & Zalem, Didgeridoo Duet" on YouTube
This is a huge call for people to find out what the damn thing is and find out what it is and what they're doing. And who's doing it what we say is your Giants used to do this to you and they knew it was below like Dave knew about the dragons so you're in a deficit and you don't care about it but your army will soon be defeated by it
Thor Freya
That's some concern buddy I mean about what's going on yeah I see so I get it you have problems I mean this is your guide and it's saying about a day or two and that's what they said last time but these numbers are huge and Thor Freya is saying get out of the way how long is it going to take that's a boatload that's some damn crabs in there something raise it like we need it so they're doing that too and it's going good
We need these things now and we have to raise them quickly and I see that they're doing it anyways but the seafood they're putting in is not really that huge and it's not that much of it it's a lot to them though they said we thought it was a lot they're bringing huge piles you know about a mile high and a mile wide and I said that is pretty big but to the thing it's not he's a lot bigger than he said and he didn't know that and they said how big is it and it turns out to be about 5,000 mi high so it started working their butts off and that's huge okay that is a gigantic kju she's half that height oh my God he's saying is the kraken and he forgot his gas card it's okay he can make his own very funny it's like those natural gas buses we're going to help you going to take that back said all right what about the big crabs five miles or whatever just down there there's some really huge huge whales like 10 and 20 mi but they do a job and we need them for it but the crabs can go they're a pain in the ass they're bothering us all the time well they might have a job too oh my God okay... So starship Enterprise raises up some whales whales get captured but where I think it's Titan... That is what it looks like
Thor Freya
Damn it you retards
Wow this is starting to blow we're up there fighting too we're in too many places starting to get cut down down there that noise is coming back
Bja it's definitely and you can't stay down there because it's definitely deafening and it makes people die from the sound it's extremely loud and it's a vortex I can see her a stream of blood going down there or river it's 5 miles wide and pretty deep it's full of sticks and they disappear after a few miles and they reappear and disappear that is dmnm disgusting. Anyways it's going on and soon there's going to be this humongous Caju. Apparently this place run Australia has huge monsters below it everyone wants to capture them I say we should probably try and do that to pay them back for what they're doing whoever it is
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andromedasummer · 3 years ago
Hello! I'm very new to fe and I was just wondering if you could explain what you think will go down if Ticktum and Lotterer crash? I know what Ticktum said about overtakes and I've established that Andre has an.... Assertive™ style of driving sdfghjkk but why exactly is it going to be a shit show? Is it just because they're going to butt heads or will it lead to a conversation about safe driving in fe in general or something? Feel free to ignore, I'm just curious on your take on things
Andre is a fucking terrorist that has hit pretty much half the grid but he has never hurt anyone. Its so common the drivers themselves use the term "lotterered". A lot of people get riled up when it happens (Sam, Antonio)
But the thing is they make up. Pretty much all the drivers are very very good friends. Whole grid + commentators. This isn't the fandom style fanfic shit you get when f1 fandomizes the drivers relationships. its absurdly and weirdly real. They share beds while half naked, attend parties as a group. They often talk about their group chat they keep with all the drivers and many ex-drivers they are still friends with. When Daniel Abt (ex-driver fired under cruel conditions) is on track for commentary they interrupt his interviews by shouting his name and coming over for chats. These guys could be yelling at each other in the pitlane and an hour later lounging in the airport together waiting for a delayed plane making insta stories (true story). Hell when Oliver Rowland had his son, both the London E-prixs (his home races) happened, so he showed up to the track and visited the garages to show everyone his 9 day old baby. The thing that sticks out in my mind more than anything is Diriyah last year, when Alex Lynn and Sam collided and had a huge spat. Next day, Alex and Mitch collided and Alex's car was sent flying into the air, flipped, landed on its roof and skidded like 10-20 meters down the track. Mitch (who was not damaged, still in the race and Sams teammate) drove to where Alex was and got out of the car to help get him out, ending his race while he was in the points (i believe). And the conflict between Alex and Sam wasn't touched on or even remembered after that because what was more important to Sam and Mitch (who were in feeder together with Alex, along with Robin, Palmer, Stoffel etc) was that Alex was (somehow) uninjured and the race ended with everyone okay.
This close bond is due to a number of things. Most these guys grew up together in feeder, sometimes living together or being in the same friend group. Some of them were mistreated by the same sport or team (red bull usually) and found support in other drivers and formula e. I'd challenge anyone to find a bond between two drivers as strong as JEV and Andre. Or a series where the drivers love their commentators as much as FE love Dario and Jack, who go to dinner with them/do silly challenges with them a LOT.
Dan has
1. A reputation for aggressive crashes that have hurt people
2. A very firey temper. He doesn't know any of the FE guys well and does not have the history or repore the rest of the grid has. And most importantly he
3. Has never been positive about Formula E (similar to how Stoffel has a bi-annual cry in an article about the sport) which is a big no-no for a lot of the drivers, because to discount it is to discount their skill and driving when the reality is they didnt end up in staying other motorsport because of junior program fuckery, mental health problems or money problems. With Dans collision with Antonio, who is literally the most well liked guy on the grid and a respected champion of the sport, Dan is not off to a good start to say the least.
When Dan and Andre come together— and they will come together, your Lotterering in this series is inevitable— it will be nasty. Dan has a backbone, I will give him that. He doesn't back down and is happy to go off on social media. Andre is used to that. And hes a shit. He will rile Dan up, he will like memes about Dan on twitter. And if Dan continues to disparage the series, crash with other well liked drivers and just be himself in general, chances are JEV and some other drivers will take Andres side.
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years ago
Kurt Kelly x Fem!Bitch!Reader || Oneshot
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Title: Someone Gets Hurt
Plot: Some little wannabe steals away your boyfriend, Kurt, while also batting her big ass lashes and winning over your friends, too... until you've had enough. No one out bitches you.
Obviously, this is inspired by Someone Gets Hurt from Mean Girls except with Regina (The reader) as the heroine.
Warnings: Overall bitchiness, possessiveness (You about Kurt), break ups (Make ups too though so its not too bad ^^), the ruining of another persons relationship (Random girl Lizzie and Kurt's), rapeiness (Ram), sexual references, underage drinking, overage drinking, just LOTS of debauchery over all, a smut bit near the end (Not full), etc.
Was I too proud with you? Was I too cold and forbidding? And you chose her over me Are you kidding?
Watching Kurt and Lizzie together this week has been torture. Terrible, burning, squeezing, not-at-all sexy torture.
Because Kurt, is yours.
He has always been yours. He was yours in kindergarten, he was yours in middle school, and he was yours all through highschool until this, unfortunate and butt fucking ugly, snag. Crossing your arms now and poisoning them with your eyes, you sit in the cafeteria... and think.
Just, think.
You don't gossip with your minions about all the bullshit going on in school, you don't discuss what you're going to do to the freshmen this year, no. Nothing. You're too busy... plotting.
There is no way in hell, that this pee-brained virgin bitch is going to steal your boyfriend, and not get paid back in turn. Its only fair- and you include interest, in your transactions like this.
One eye actually twitches, when Lizzie... the pee brained virgin bitch in question, gives Kurt a peck on the nose - oh so cute, but you don't even have to look at Kurt to see the disappointment flash in his eyes, - and hops off his lap when the bell rings. He has a free period now, you know because so do you and you usually spend it at the back of the football field together, but she has Chemistry, a thing you also know because hell- you just know everything. That's a basic fact. The whole school knows it and love that you never have to explain how you just fucking know shit.
But even being all knowing does not make you feel better, knowing that itty bitty roach-cunt has her claws embedded in your poor, weak-willed... ex boyfriends,... heart. Or his penis, more likely. Metaphorically speaking, obviously, because Lizzie's the 'Mary'est whore in the land of Westerberg High.
That doesn't really matter though. Either way, he's with her now and not you, and that just wont do.
Maggie, your right hand babe, gets up from your lunch table and leaves for her next class, too. And its only until she's out of sight, that you notice the piece of paper she left behind. Rolling your eyes, a growl of annoyance escapes you and you sigh- turning away from Kurt and Ram's table to see what the fuck it is. The reprieve is almost palpable, not looking at him anymore. It feels a little better- but not by much. And certainly not enough for you to forget what fuckery is going on.
Picking up the piece of paper in one perfectly manicured hand, you see that its an invitation. "Hmm... " Worrying the inside of your cheek, you think; This is interesting.
A Halloween party...
A gleeful smirk quirks slightly at the corners of your lips.
Kurt always did have a thing for Halloween.
And what you meant by 'Kurt always did have a thing for Halloween'- is 'Kurt always did have a boner for your Halloween costumes'. For the past several years, since the two of you blossomed with the help of puberty, you have used your assets as an advantage - because why else have them? - ; With the help of lace tights, push up bra's, winged eyeliner and red lipstick.
This year you've pulled together your favourite costume yet, which is fitting for the task at hand and the fact that its senior year- this may be your last chance to put these bottom dwelling highschool chuckleheads in their place.
I mean, you hope not but its basically a given.
Looking around the party as you walk in, you figure its just the same as any party Ram has thrown before. And his house is perfect for it, you'll give him that. The lights a turned down low enough that everyone looks a little hot, cooler's full of ice and alcohol are set up so you're never too far from a fix and thanks to his houses sound system the music is loud enough to make you think for a couple hours that you're in a place between reality and your dreams; A perfect set up for mistakes and one wild night.
But you aren't here to get drunk and kiss a loser, except for Kurt; You're here to take back the goddamn crown. Which getting Kurt back, will do. It'll humiliate Lizzie, and that's really all you want out of life right now.
Prowling through the crowd - which still knows to part for you, despite your current, slightly lower social standing, - in your knee high, shiny black leather boots, you look for someone to talk to. You know Maggie's here somewhere but that bitch is on her last life with you, after she said Lizzie's hair looked nice the other day. And you think some silent treatment will set her straight.
"Oh- Hi Ram." You find the host in the backyard, about to push an unsuspecting demoness into in a very sheer red blouse into the pool - which would doubtlessly make the blouse more of a red tint to her skin rather then any kind of coverage, which Ram well knows, - , and he double takes when he sees you. A sleazy, mischievous grin slops over his face at the sight, which makes you roll your eyes.
"Ohhh, heyyyy, Y/N!" He has to yell over the sound of the music and the other party-goers, not that you would mind if you didn't hear anything he said. He hasn't got a whole lot of substance, Ram, so you can basically assume that rolling your eyes is always the answer to anything he's saying. His eyes shift back, anxiously, to the girl he's currently got a hit out on, but you just raise your eyebrows sharply at him and he's at attention. "I didn't know you were gonna come! You know, with the state of things... "
Oh, he's so obnoxious. And dumb! So, so dumb. He doesn't know the half of your shit. Yet he still runs his mouth... Rolling your eyes once again, you flip some hair behind your head. "Oh don't worry your pretty little head about that, Ram." Eyes flickering around the party some more, searching for your own target, you rest your hands on your hips that are tightly bound, in various layers of violet georgette cloth. The witches hat on your head is pinned down, so theirs no chance of it flying off. You have a train of thinner fabric hanging down the back of your short-short skirt, and your tight tube top reveals exactly the shapes you require it to. "I'll be perfectly fine- oh, have you seen Kurt anywhere?"
"Uhhhhhhhhhhh I think I saw him and Liz against a wall earlier- but by the looks of Liz, I doubt they're in a situation like that anymore." He chuckles, dumbly. The stupid boy has a slur in his voice that you hadn't noticed before but probably should've known would be there. But you're sure focusing in on him now, jealousy burning in your eyes at his description. What does that mean??
A geek walks by, toting a bottle in his hands that Ram snatches for himself. As the kid continues by, faster now due to the angry look in Ram's eyes and the animalistic growl that slips from the footballers lips, you continue to glare bullets at Ram. He takes a messy swig of his beer before continuing. "Just sayin', Y/N. Your friend's a prude. Won' even let Kurt get to second base with 'er or anything. So I'd say Kurt's, probably, uhhh... by the pool table, now." He shrugs big round shoulders then, as relief and mirth wash over you. So he didn't mean they'd have moved their dirty little adventure to somewhere they could really get down, or anything. He means quite the opposite.
A smirk graces your red painted lips.
"Well- enjoy your party." You shrug, not really caring as his eyes shine... turning back to the demon girl who's just laughing with her friends; He sure will. Eyes narrowing, you mutter a bitter "Dick." under your breath, as a final bid to Ram.
Turning on your heel, you head back into the house. You've been here plenty of times with Kurt and know exactly where the pool table is (And how uncomfortable it is to be bent over) and sure enough- there he is.
Your boyfriend.
Or, soon-to-be, once-again boyfriend.
He's standing back with a stick, waiting for his turn as he laughs with some over football boneheads. Lizzie isn't here, but you suppose she could have gone to get a drink or talk to one her - your, - friends, but where she is actually doesn't concern your in this moment. All you can do right now, is stand and stare.
God, he's hot.
You miss him; You really do. And, admittedly- not just because he can fuck you like no one else.
But your moment passes, and you gather your wits. Ready.
You're hot, you're smart, and you're ruthless. You can do this.
Saddling up beside Kurt, a genuine smile slips across your face as you look up at him; Running a hand back through your hair. "Hey, Kurt." Slightly widening your eyes, you raise a brow as he turns to look down at you. "What's up?"
Like- its been a while. What have I missed?
Immediate 'Oooooh's and 'Oh no the ex- Kurt watch out!'s erupt from his meathead athlete friends, but what you care about is how Kurt struggles for a moment to tear his eyes away from yours, like the eyeliner you perfected and the colour and the just- you, has hypnotised him. He flashes his friends a wicked grin, waiving them off as he turns to put his body between you, and the group. It puts you so close together- and you sure don't step back any.
Then his eyes flicker down to the rest of you- and he really has a problem looking away. "Oh, uh, hey Y/N. N-nothing much. Uh... you look... "
A gentle chuckle flutters out of you, resting a hand on your right hip. "What? Black cat caught your tongue?"
Jesus- even the mention of that particular muscle reference to him does something to you. And being this close to him again, and seeing his reaction to your outfit... its all just so right. The way things should be.
He opens his mouth to say something else, but immediately closes it again on remembering something. A seriously awkward hm sound escapes him which you don't quite get yet, but you decide that you don't need to.
"So... " You start, getting rid of the tough bravado suddenly... letting awkwardness seep into your tone; Your appearance. On purpose. Eyes downcast, you let your arms slide down to your sides again, lacing your fingers together in front of you for a moment, pretending you're at a loss for words. "Um... maybe this is... weird... "
"What?" A big hand ghosts over your hip- you can just feel his skin graze against you.
You look up to catch his gaze again suddenly, lips and eyebrows scrunching after a moment, unsurely. "Uh, well... " Chewing innocently on your bottom lip, you hold your arms behind your back; not-at-all meaning to push out your chest more. No, not at all... "Me coming up to talk to you... since the break up... "
A hiss escapes him, as he suddenly, seemingly, like just seeing you had him returning to old habits, remembers that fact himself and takes a step back from you. Your brows knit together, up at him- perfectly pitiful.
"Oh man- yeah. Maybe. Fuck!" He runs a hand up through his hair, looking convincingly tortured.
You could rejoice.
Oh, Kurt... we've only just started.
Sighing, you look away again. "Look, I'm sorry. I just... well, Kurt, I've missed you!"
Suddenly his eyes, still and focused, turn more sternly down on you and your insides squirm at it. Like muscle memory, your body screams for you to back up; Get on your knees, bat your lashes. Ask what's wrong, Daddy?
His eyes narrow, and you resist the temptation to smirk. "Oh- no. No, Y/N. I know what you're doing, okay? I'm not dumb! This is all just too... too... " The fact that he cant even really speak, even as he's trying to be all tough and put up walls between you two, really gives you confidence. You must still really have an effect on him- as you should. Of course you do. One week with a little lily livered slut bag does not erase an entire lifetime between two people. Kurts lips curl into a scowl. "You're not like this." He states, and you raise your brows. Oh? "You're manipulating me, aren't you? Come on, Y/N!"
His tone is pleading. He's begging, you.
Damn, he must really want Miss Lizzie's little ass.
After a moment, you shrug. "Okay, whatever, you got me." Shedding the innocent act, you lean back on the pool table as the boys continue to play; Laying yourself out for him. "Does that mean I was lying? No, I really do miss you."
He scoffs. "Yeah, right." Rolling his own eyes, he focuses his gaze off somewhere else in the party- rather then on you. "All you care about is your reign of terror."
Oh... he knows that's not true.
But still, if he's going to play that way- "Yeah, sure- and all you care about is pussy." Shrugging, you drum your fingers bordly against the edge of the table on either side of you. "I guess we're a pair."
"Fuck, Y/N... you know you're... y-you're... Damn, that I love you. You fucking know that." He hisses, getting mad. And you inwardly smirk.
There it is...
Tightening your grip now, you look up at him to see he's once again looking at you. And for a moment, amongst all the madness that party's are- it feels like its just you two. "And you know... I love you."
Pushing off the pool table, you stalk towards him and trace your hands up his chest; Locking your arms around his neck lazily, and resting your chest against his. And you can see it. You can see, the struggle inside him about whether to just give into you- and your tits and your lips and your hips, and- just, you! Or to stay away. Because you're poison; Even you're well aware of that fact.
You're like a boa constrictor. You get yourself wrapped around your victim and you squeeze, and squeeze, and squeeze... until you have them just how you want them. Moulded into a shape that works well, for you.
But he's a lion. Imposing, and selfish, and self serving. And too big for you to ruin.
Its like you said; You're a pair.
And you cannot give him up.
"Kurt... come on." Leaning up, and talking in a quiet, just-for-him voice now, your lips brush against his and he lets out a shuddering breath. "We belong together, don't we? Its us- forever. You've known it since second grade. Sure, it took me a few more years to realise it too, but we're here now." Sincerity bleeds into your tone; Something you can't help when he looks like he wants to kiss you so badly, like that. "It can't be you and her." It cant. Tilting your head to the side, teasingly, you smirk mischievously; Just for him. "Is she going to fuck you like I do?"
"Shit... " Kurt mutters, eyes stuck on your lips. His hands find your waist, gathering you up against him roughly like he always does when he just wants you. Animalistically, wherever you are- whoever sees be fucking damned.
But he still isn't taking you. And that's a problem.
Brushing a thumb over his bottom lip, you turn your head like your making out to kiss him- but don't. Furrowing your eyebrows, you look pleading at him for an answer. "Was it all a lie, then? With us? Were we?- "
And that does it- he's had enough- he's at boiling point- Lips smash into yours, crossing the centimetre of space between them and he doesn't fuss around at all, to warm up. Your tongues connect almost instantly, and in 0.2 seconds, you two are that moaning, making out mess couple that every party has.
Through your lust filled haze, you can just about feel victorious.
A few moments after that your back hits the closest wall, and your legs wrap around his waist as he holds you up- you two know the drill by now. Kurt's grinding his raging hard on deliciously through his jeans into your bare cunt- moaning and muttering something into your cheek as he sloppily makes his way down to your breasts about you being such a slut.
You REALLY don't mind.
Eyes half lidded, you catch sight of Lizzie in the crowd behind Kurt. The crowd that, apart from her, doesn't care at all what the two of you are doing.
You smirk absolutely evilly towards her, before mouthing 'mine'.
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rocksandrobots · 4 years ago
Phantoms of the Past: Ch. 5 - Best friends, Boyfriends, and Barons Part 1
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"Hey Miss Itamae! Ready for a whole new school year? Hee...hee...eeeh.... yeah, fine." Hiro gave up trying to make small talk with the lunch lady as she unceremoniously slopped meatloaf onto his plate.
Today was the first day of the fall semester and the start of Hiro's second year at SFIT.  It felt odd to him, to look back and realize just how much time had passed; how much things had changed during the previous year.
A year ago, today, he had been attending Tadashi's funeral and now he was going about his life as if everything was normal. Well, almost normal. He was also moonlighting as a superhero, adopting an out of time teenager as his new big brother, and befriending deadly robots.
Life was weird.
Of course it wasn't as if he could ignore his loss completely. He had noticed the flowers and cards placed at the foot of Tadashi's memorial over by the exhibition hall. People still remembered that his brother had died a hero. Folks that he didn't even know had left their condolences today, though most of the gifts were from Tadashi's teachers and friends.
Hiro had particularly noticed a painting Honey Lemon had left, of her, Tadashi, and the rest of their friends. He also spotted Gogo sitting out there early that morning, lighting a candle in his brother's memory. He had given her her space, choosing not to interrupt. Gogo and Tadashi had been especially close.
Hiro remembered how excited his brother had been when Gogo finally agreed to go out with him. Tadashi had hurried about their bedroom, a couple of days before the fire, fretting over where to take her on their first date. A date that they had never gotten to go on. At the time Hiro had teased him relentlessly, never passing up the chance to deflate his brother's ego. Now it was just another bittersweet memory to look back on.
Fred abruptly snapped him out of his mournful reflection. "Steve." was all he said as he grabbed Hiro by the shoulders.
"Steve? Uh, my name is Hiro, remember Fred?"
"No, no, no, Steve was the name of the ninja robot that Trina found. She said he was held in a warehouse downtown, along with all the other ninjas. Don't you see, that's our big break! We find this warehouse and then we can track down the mysterious bosu!"
Hiro wearily placed his tray down on the table and took a seat next to Wasabi.
"Fred, it's the first day of school. Can't this wait for later?"
"Hiro's right Fred," Wasabi interrupted, "Just because you have all the time in the world to play superhero doesn't mean that we do. We still got our own lives to take care of."
Fred looked hurt at that. "I'm not playing! This is important work. We have a city to protect and this crime boss is just going to keep coming after us if we don't figure out how to stop them."  
Wasabi rolled his eyes. "Then you just go on and do that. In the meantime the rest of us have class to attend. I'm heading early to set up for my first lab."
"But labs won't open for like another hour." Hiro pointed out, confused. "They're still cleaning up from the robot attacks last week."
"Ah, he just wants to get there early so that he can see his boyfriend again." Fred complained.
"Sam's not my boyfriend. He's just a colleague, and at least I'm doing something other than obsess over superheroing." And with that Wasabi stormed off, while Fred slouched into the cafeteria chair with a huff.
"Listen, Fred, why don't you go on patrol with Minimax for a while. I'll help you track down this warehouse after school is over with." Hiro said.
"Okay," Fred reluctantly agreed, "but I'm not 'obsessing'."
"I know Fred, but the rest of us also have school to worry about. We just don't have the same amount of free time as you do."
"I know." Fred sighed before walking off.
"Sorry Hiro, but we're kind of busy right now." Honey Lemon regretfully informed her friends.
Fred and Hiro had met up after school as promised. Wasabi had declined to join them on their quest and so they had decided to recruit the girls instead. Though this also seemed to be a fruitless endeavor.
"Yeah, we're kind of in the middle of something." Gogo finished as she leaned back in a reclining chair and placed two cucumber slices over her eyes.
They had found the girls at a spa. Honey Lemon sat next to Gogo with curlers in her hair, and they apparently weren't the only ones out having a beauty day.
"Can't you see we're having some girl time?" Karmi asked, annoyed, as she examined her nails.
"Yeah, Hiro, go take your weird superhero hobby elsewhere?" Megan added.
"It's not weird!" Fred insisted.
"If this is supposed to be a girls only event, then why is he here?" Hiro said, pointing to Varian, who sat next to Megan.
"Uh, getting a manicure obviously." Varian rolled his eyes and then leaned over to show Carol, who was beside him, two bottles of nail polish. "Do you think I should go with the midnight blue or just stick with black?"
"Hmmm... I think either would be nice," she replied.
"Ooooh, have you tried the seaweed wrap they have here? It's great." Fred chimed in.
Hiro rolled his eyes, "Okay, so what are you two doing after this? Could you take up patrol tonight?"
"Nope." Gogo said.
"I promised my brother Carlos that I would help him move into his new dorm room. He starts at UCLA this week and Gogo's offered to drive me there. We won't be back till tomorrow morning." Honey Lemon explained.
"Okay, well, we'll just-"
"Alright, I'm ready." A voice called out, interrupting him.
Trina walked out from behind a door at the back of the spa. Her bulky gigantic metal body was gone and in its place was the frame of a young woman, dressed in a t-shirt, pants, and a cropped jacket. She looked very much the same as the day Hiro had first met her, at the bot fights. Only this time her hair had been cut and styled into a short mohawk and dyed a light purple.
"What do you guys think?" She asked as she twirled around.
Everyone shouted encouragements to her, and Varian cheekily whistled.
"You look nice, Trina." Hiro complimented.
Trina snorted and rolled her eyes. "In your dreams, Hiro." She said, leaving the teenage genius confused by what he had said wrong.
Ignoring him, Trina walked over to the rest of the girls, "Thanks for the clothes... and for everything else." She sheepishly added.
"Hey, no problem." Megan replied. "They look good on you."
"Yeah, and if you need anything else just ask." Karmi added.
"Not to mention it's always fun to have a spa day," Carol piped in. "This was a good idea Varian, thanks for inviting me along."
"Sure thing. When Trina said she wanted help with finding a new wardrobe, I figured all of you would like to go shopping too.... and also y'all know more about clothes than I do."
"Hey, Trina," Fred interjected, "that warehouse where you foun- I mean, met 'Steve', do you happen to remember where it was located?"
Trina gave Fred a frown.
"Oooh, who's Steve?" Karmi asked, happy to gossip, "Is that your boyfriend Trina?"
"No." She said, "The place you're looking for is over in Good Luck Alley, next to Louie's."
"It must've been a bad breakup." Karmi whispered into Honey Lemon's ear, she wasn't very good at keeping her voice down.
"Yeah… he kind of... broke alright." Honey Lemon nervously added, unsure what to say.
"Uh, yeah, well thanks for the tip Trina. We'll be going now, bye." Hiro said as he hurried Fred out the door. He had had enough of awkward conversations and makeovers.
"Fred, wouldn't it be better if we brought our robots along at least?" Hiro whispered.
"You want to sneak around an abandoned warehouse with those two?" Fred whispered back, "I love him, but Minimax doesn't know how to be quiet, like at all."
Hiro sighed, Fred had a point. Baymax also wasn't the best at stealth missions. Hiro slid into the alleyway and peered through a dirty window. He couldn't shake the sense of deja vu as he remembered how he and the robotic nurse had tracked down his missing microbots a year ago at a similar warehouse. They had both been nearly killed by Callaghan when the villain had caught them snooping around. He would prefer to avoid such a scenario again.
"It doesn't look like anyone is here." He said.
"See any ninja robots?" Fred asked as he also pushed by to get a look, pressing his nose against the glass.
"No… Fred, this may be a dead end. Trina already raided the place and no doubt this Bosu would have abandoned the hideout if it was compromised."
Fred pouted, "Maybe… Buuuut, we could always man a stake-out and find out for sure!"
"Fred, I have homework to do. Maybe some oth-"
"Oh please! Just for an hour, or two? Please, please, please? Pretty please? I'll do your homework for you."
"I don't want you doing my homework."
"Okay, chores then; I'll wash Varian's dirty socks and underwear for a… a week… no, a month! Come on, I know how much you hate doing laundry."
Hiro sighed and watched his friend crawl on his knees and beg. "Does it really mean that much to you?"
"Okay, and no, you don't have to do the laundry either."
Hiro turned to walk out of the alley and Fred got up and followed him.
"That's good, cause I don't actually know how to wash clothes. Usually, Heathcliff does all the laundry. Last time I tried to, I just flooded the washroom."
"Do you have any survival skills? Like at all?"
"Nope. Unless it's kicking bad guys' butts! Ooh, hey, we can host the stake-out at Louie's across the street. I'm starved."
Hiro and Fred took up a window booth inside the restaurant. The establishment had recovered from the police raid from a few months back and was now serving food as usual; though Hiro had already spotted the advertisement for the next upcoming 'bot fight.
A couple of hours past and they had both eaten their meals, plus dessert, along with Fred going back for seconds. Now they were both nursing a couple of cups of coffee, though Hiro's was going cold; it wasn't great coffee.
"It's been three hours now."
"I know."
"No one's showed up."
"Not yet."
"Look it's been… 'fun', but I'm going home now."
Hiro got up to leave but Fred grabbed him by the sleeve.
"Oh but… uhh… we haven't even tried the uh… hot dog sushi special. I hear it's really good."
Hiro leaned his head back slowly and closed his eyes in frustration. He didn't want to snap at Fred, really he didn't, but he was quickly losing his patience.
"Fred… no one is coming. Let's just call it a night and try again some other time. Okay." And with that he yanked his hand away and began to walk off.
Fred didn't follow. Instead he sat in the booth, his eyes downcast, staring blankly at nothing. It wasn't his usual pout either. It was something else. Some deeper sadness that few saw from the usually optimistic teen.
Hiro began to worry. He walked back, and stood there waiting for Fred to jump back up all excited again for his return, only he didn't.
"Fred, what's wrong?"
Fred sighed but couldn't bring himself to answer.
"Look, I know that this superhero business is important to you, so much so that you'll probably wind up making a career out of it, which is great, but the rest of us are not going to be doing this for the rest of our lives. We also have to keep up with our studies, chores, our jobs, and what little shred of a social life we have."
"That's not it… I mean yeah, it's a part of it, but that's not why I asked you to come along."
Fred finally looked Hiro in the eye and tears threatened to spill.
"I just miss my best friend, okay."
Hiro looked at him confused.
"I didn't want to say anything, cause… cause he's your brother and I didn't think you'd want to be reminded about him being gone any more than you already have… but today has just been really hard… remembering what happened… I just thought getting out and doing something fun, getting both our minds off everything, might be better than just… just being alone. You know? Especially today."
Fred didn't even have to say Tadashi's name for Hiro to know who he was talking about.
Hiro sighed and slumped back down into the booth.
"I'm sorry…. I… I guess I just… I don't know. I didn't think...."
"No… no, don't. Of course you didn't think. I mean who wants to be reminded of that. The whole idea was to not think about it. And I just ruined it all by bringing it up. Gah…. I'm so sorry."
Fred put his arms over his head and brought his knees up to his chest as if trying to make himself as physically small as he felt. Hiro just had to laugh at the sight in spite of himself.
"It's okay Fred. You're not going to upset me just by talking about Tadashi."
Fred peaked his head out from between his arms. "I'm not?"
"No. I mean he was your friend too."
"My best friend! Man, Tadashi and I, we got up to all sorts of trouble. He was always down for anything. I mean, did he tell you about the time we crashed my cousin's bar mitzvah? As in, we literally crashed. He drove the sport's car into the buffet table by mistake… We couldn't find the parking and then there was this wet patch in the parking lot and we skidded… Oh and then there was the time Mole dared us to a drag race using scooters and Tadshi had the idea to attach rockets to mine and I went flying.. I tell ya, man, Mole wouldn't live it down for a whole week after. He kept demanding a rematch, but I mean it was fair. He was using his butler to ride for him in his place."
Hiro could barely contain his laughter, "Wait… wait… you and Tadashi did all this?"
"Why have I never heard of any of this before?"
"I don't know, but he's the whole reason why I got the mascot job in the first place. I knew I could never get into the school myself, but I thought we could hang out together more if I went. He's also the one that introduced me to everybody else."
"Then how did you two meet?"
"Oh at the grocery store."
Fred said this as if it was the most obvious of explanations but Hiro looked as confused as ever. So Fred continued on.
"He was there getting chewing gum and I was buying a shopping cart. Like an actual shopping cart."
"Yeah that's what he asked too. So I told him, 'I'm going to ride down Dead Man's Hill in one.' And he said, 'Dude, that's so rad. You're totally going to die.' And I said, 'Yeah, I know. You wanna join?' And he did. We rode all the way down from the top of Lumbar Street to the docks… and landed right in the bay. It was awesome! We screamed our heads off the whole time. It was so awesome, in fact, that we walked back to the store and bought another cart just to do it again. That was back when we were both still in high school, and we've been best buds ever since. You know… until…"
Hiro looked at Fred sadly. There so much about his brother that hadn't known about, hadn't even thought to ask. What else had Tadashi not shared with him? Probably a lot, I mean why tell your kid brother about your social life? And there's no way that he'd have brought those crazy stunts up around Aunt Cass.
"I never knew any of that… Those are some really cool stories. Thanks for sharing them."
"Yeah, and you know, you don't have to drag me on some superheroing mission just to hang out and talk."
Fred looked guilty at that.
"I… I know… but it's like what you and Wasabi have been saying. Everyone else has something… something to motivate them, and y'all all do all these really cool things and I'm… I'm just me. I don't really have anything but superheroing. Unless you just need someone to make a mess."
"That's not true. Fred, you're great at a lot of things. You could go to school or get a job, if you wanted to. I just thought superheroing was all you wanted."
"Hiro, I can't even do laundry without messing up. I mean all you do is throw the clothes into a machine and push a button, and yet somehow I managed to screw even that up. All I know is comic books, and superheroing, and I'm not even the best at that! What would I even go to college for? I can't… I'm not a genius. I'm not a businessman. I'm not an accountant, or an artist, or an athlete. I'm not anything. I've no talent. I'm not even good at being rich. I've never fit in with the socialite crowd."
"You're good at being a friend, and if I have to sit here list off everything else you're good at then we'd be here for another three hours or more. So how about we head home and tomorrow I'll show you how to work a washing machine, and you can teach me how a stake-out is supposed to really go cause we're not getting anywhere here."
"Or are we?"
"What do you mean?"
Fred was no longer looking at Hiro but past him. He pointed to the window behind Hiro, and Hiro turned around to see for himself.
An elderly gentleman, dressed in an old fashioned military outfit, complete with a monocle, was entering the warehouse. He had a giant mechanical arm and a steam boiler strapped to his back.
"Baron Von Steamer."
Fred and Hiro found themselves standing in the alley peering through the warehouse's dirty windows for a second time that day. They saw Baron Von Steamer stomping around inside. He seemed irritated as he grumbled to himself and knocked boxes out of the way, as if searching for something.
"What's he doing?" Fred loudly whispered.
Just then Steamer found what he was looking for, a tea cup. He poured himself a cup out of a teapot he had placed on an old fashioned stove that was hidden towards the back and then sat down on top of a crate to sip his drink.
"It must be 'tea time' for him." Hiro said dryly.
Fred narrowed his eyes, "I bet he's just hatching his next nefarious scheme. Planning on how to take us and the city down. What do you think he wants with portals?"  
Just then Steamer stood up and ruefully kicked away a busted up robot that had fallen out of a storage crate in his previous hunt for the tea cup.
"I don't think Steamer is our guy." Hiro said, "He hates modern technology, so why would he build ninja robots? Also, like you said, what would he want with portals? All he's after is your dad, and so far the Bosu hasn't gone after Boss Awesome yet."
"But they might. Remember what Roddy said? That Kensei guy used to be active during Dad's heyday but never got caught. What if, it's because Steamer had two villain identities!"
"That seems like a stretch."
"Okay, well, what if Steamer works for this Bosu? Like Sue and Sparkles?"
"That's more plausible, I guess."
Hiro turned to peer through the window again, but Streamer was gone.
'Wait, where did he go?'
"Well, well, well, what do we have here? A pair of interlopers." A curt British voice  came from behind them.
Steamer must have noticed them and snuck around the back, cutting them off.
Hiro grabbed his phone in order to call his super suit, but Von Steamer nabbed his hand and yanked him off the ground, causing him to lose hold of his phone.
Fred was just as unfortunate, as Steamer held him in a choke hold in his metal arm.
"Waaaait," Steamer said as he eyed them both up closely, peering at them through his oversized monocle, "I know you two. You're friends of Boss Awesome's baby child!"
"I am Boss Awesome's baby child!" Fred protested before Von Steamer gave him a hard squeeze with his cyborg arm. Fred wheezed in pain.
Hiro reacted quickly and kicked the steampunk baron in the shins.
Von Steamer howled in pain and dropped Hiro in surprise, though he managed to keep his grip on Fred. He also had stepped on Hiro's phone while nursing his injured leg.
Hiro ducked and ran as Steamer regained his senses and pulled out a brass gun that was connected to the boiler on his back with a hose. He pulled the trigger and scalding steam shot out. Hiro ducked again to avoid it.
As he ran out of the alley way he heard Steamer shouting after him, "Yes, run back to Boss Awesome little one. Tell his baby child I have their friend, and either he, or they, must show up to face me or else!"
Hiro spared a glace backwards and saw Baron Von Steamer dragging Fred back into the warehouse.
"Hiro!" Fred called out to him before being pulled into the darkness.
Hiro panicked. What could he do? Finally, he decided that getting help was the best option. He ran as fast as his legs would carry him, fighting back his worry.
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deltaengineering · 4 years ago
Spring Anime 2021: Embarrassment of Riches
So this current anime season absolutely stinks, which just makes the last one look even more impressive. Well, maybe not all of it...
Zombieland Saga Revenge
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First off, you don't need to tell me that the following is a severe outlier opinion. We good? Ok. ZLSR is, in a word, subpar. I liked S1 back in the day, but it was already in the process of getting lazy towards the end. S2 continues this trend and is basically just another idol show. And as someone who actually does watch other idol shows I have to say that it's not a particularly good one of those either. The zombie gimmick has mostly stopped mattering and we're just doing what every idol show does, only with the odd occasional sight gag. The alleged subversive qualities mostly amount to a flashback for Yuugiri, which is admittedly the best part of the show but feels like it barely has anything to do with anything. Apart from that, it's a bunch of generic idol plots, rehashed character beats, shoddy attempts at twists (while not connecting to any setups from S1), and the obligatory "idols give us hope" ending, which is terribly hackneyed and flat out bad. Tae gets further memed into the ground, because of course she does. And there's stuff that was simply never good to begin with, like Kotarou and his comedy schtick, which gets truly insufferable now that there's no qualities to distract from it. It really makes me think that S1 wasn't even all that good to begin with and seems like an attempt to turn this surprise success into an easy money longrunner with no edge and no ambitions. "The idol show for people who don't watch idol shows" indeed, but not the way you mean it. 4/10
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But not to dwell on the failures, with the second show we're already above the cut — barely. This one got my attention with its really impressive performance scenes early on and it totally sticks to that, which is even more impressive. But besides that? Well, this is by far the most predictable show in a season where I watched an unambitious Kiraralike and put ZLS on blast for having no ideas. The characters are a mixed bag, some are cool (Shida, Asawo), some are very annoying (Mashiro), but those are the supports. The main cast is extremely one-dimensional, which is fine until they try to heap a ton of pathos on their lead, which doesn't go well. But I guess execution matters, and Bakuten is slick enough to get by. Writing this down in stark daylight I feel like I overrated this show somewhat (I actually put it over the next one originally, which definitely doesn't hold up when thinking about it), but I was indeed mostly entertained. 6/10
Yakunara Mug Cup mo
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Yeah. Of course Mug Cup definitely doesn't invent or subvert anything either, but it's a pretty good Kiraralike that's always entertaining to watch. Explaining the qualities of such a nothing genre is as difficult as ever, but it mostly comes down to me liking the characters and it having nothing to annoy me. It's shorter than normal, which is a plus for slim shows like this. And yeah, you can make an excessive amount of dick jokes with the clay fondling. That helps too. Looks are just fine, pleasant but nothing out of the ordinary. Comfy low-effort anime. 6/10
Vivy: Fluorite Eye's Song
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This one is decent, but sadly still a major letdown. Because the first few episodes of Vivy were excellent and kicked ass, but then it became increasingly clear that the writing can't cash the checks the ideas wrote while the action starts running into severely diminishing returns. Vivy just keeps slowly getting worse and worse as it goes on, not by a huge amount each episode but by the end there's a pretty sizeable gulf between potential and result. Going into detail would probably be a little much for this venue because there's a lot, but from the top level view the issue is that while Vivy has good fundamental ideas and steals at the right places, it just isn't a smart show — it's schlock, and by the end, poorly thought out schlock that tries to smooth out every problem with liberal application of the big feels hammer and le epic twist at that. Yeah, couldn't tell that the Re:Zero dude was aboard here, for sure. That said, it still works pretty well as entertaining schlock that is not to be taken too seriously, and the characters are generally just very fun to watch even when they're doing stupid things. Still, I can't in good conscience rate this higher than Beatless, a show that looks like butt but properly executes on its ideas. 6/10
Super Cub
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So this is 100% a Honda commercial, and I got really mad a Yuru Camp last season for being a blatant shill. Yet I'm feeling this, what gives? I think the main difference is that Super Cub is specifically a commercial for one product (and a very iconic product at that), while Yuru Camp is so all over the place that it ends up mostly a commercial for consumerism in general. And when Super Cub goes too hard on the product (which it does), it's at least pretty entertaining. That's something about Super Cub in general: It goes hard. Your regular Kiraralike this is not, because it's uncommonly slow, focused and moody - yes, it almost measures up to Yuru Camp at its best and demolishes it at its worst. Also, it's just extremely amusing to see sadblob Koguma grow a huge grizzly biker beard and become a badass outlaw dad to her goofy wife and cute daughter, all thanks to the power of afforable personal transportation. Needless to say, that can get unintentionally silly, but Super Cub has so much charm that it doesn't matter — it's great when it's good and still funny when it's not. 7/10
Shadows House
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Shadows House turned up with a lot of potential, and I have to say it at least delivered on most of it. It has some problems; notably I'm not a fan of how the entire middle turned out to be a tournament arc of sorts that seems curiously inspired by Resident Evil memes, crest-shaped intentations and boulder punching included. I also think that this is a show that would be perfectly fine without explaining much, but I guess it is a shounen manga after all so we got dumped on eventually anyway. At least that came late - close relative Promised Neverland didn't show that much restraint. Shadows House is generally well written though, with great characters, interesting interactions and a great hook. But what really makes it memorable is that it's exceptionally good at the cute/creepy contrast, something that is often tried but rarely works as well as here, with great character designs and very appropriate production. I hope this gets a sequel, because it seems like it's just getting started. 7/10
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Coming in with a fondness for Gridman, Dynazenon didn't have to do much to convince me. The surprise though is that it's not a rehash even if it's basically the same show, a character drama where occasionally huge and goofy fights break out. Dynazenon is Gridman done better, and the interesting part is how it accomplishes this - mainly by being far more conventional. I do appreciate that Gridman went for something weird and almost experimental, but that only really paid off towards the end while most of the show was a distraction/holding pattern. It just didn't feel like there was enough material for a full series there, more like a movie maybe, if even that. Dynazenon fixes this by just being a TV show, with an actual cast of characters that each have their own arc. And by spreading the material this way, Dynazenon ends up having a lot more nuance than its intensely focused predecessor, while having the same themes and not actually being any deeper. In a way, Gridman ends up looking like the spinoff in retrospect, while Dynazenon is the full package. 8/10
Thunderbolt Fantasy S3
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So how good was this season? So good that Thunderbolt Fantasy doesn't end up at the top, that's how. And all the elements that made Tbolt such a sure thing are still there, big hammy puppets doing stunts and scheming never gets old. However, I do have to note that at this point, the writing appears to have gotten too comfortable. I don't expect it to ever top the amazing S1 ending, but at this point it's like Tbolt has stopped trying to deliver on endings at all and seems in the process of retooling itself into a longrunner instead. Barely anything gets resolved in S3 (the climax is that the climax of S2 is resolved again, for good this time... maybe), and everything else is just setting up plotpoints for the next season. Tbolt is truly lucky that it doesn't actually need to resolve anything to be a great time, but at this point I have to say that I'd appreciate it if they wrapped it up with S4. 8/10
Nomad: Megalobox 2
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Speaking of sequels to shows I liked, Nomad doesn't so much improve upon its predecessor but steamrolls right over it. This is a tall order, since Megalobox was surprisingly good for a sports shounen and had a real nice, heartwarming ending that Nomad instantly negates for purposes of drama and everyone being extremely miserable. That sounds like a pretty terrible idea - and it would be, if Nomad wasn't as excellent as it is. To call it not the same show would be an understatement, because it's a true sequel, not just the same characters doing their thing some more, or new characters doing the same thing as the old ones did. Indeed my biggest problem with Megalobox was that it still closely adhered to its genre template and was very predictable; Nomad fixes this issue thoroughly. Nomad is about questioning what being a hotblooded shounen protagonist eventually leads you to, and how to fix everything you screwed up by being one. You could call it a deconstruction, but that term has been so abused for cynical, edgy "thing you like actually sucks" takes that I feel like it doesn't really fit here. Nomad isn't cynical at all, it's just a character drama about some boxers past their prime, and it being a sequel to a show that is indeed rather formulaic just enhances the experience. My biggest issue with it was that I really like what they did with Joe in this story, so the big focus on Mac's backstory felt like a distraction for a long time. But in the end that turned out to be absolutely necessary to make the ending work. The ending's just great, by the way, and I shall say not more about it. 9/10
Odd Taxi
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Yeah boy, here's the show that has apparently become somewhat of a "greatest show you didn't watch" meme, which I can feel smug about because I don't need YouTubers to tell me what's good and followed this from day one. Anyway, Odd Taxi is indeed great, the greatest show in a few years even. What starts out as seemingly a relaxed hangout show in the vein of Midnight Diners quickly turns into a psychological murder mystery while never losing its quirky humor. The character writing is outstanding, with even small bit players being on a level that the average anime wishes it could have for leads. And the rollout of the mystery is exemplary, with answers given and new questions raised every episode with a satisfying and logical payoff in the end. This is also the rare anime that has rock solid production from the first to the last second; it's never really flashy but excellently done and highly consistent nonetheless. And the music just owns. I have a few complaints, mainly that there's a few logical weaknesses in the story (which wouldn't even register in a lesser show, but sticks out here since the rest is so immaculately constructed) and that the ending overextends on the emotions when the rest of the show is so reserved and dry in comparison. But those are only the reasons why I didn't give it perfect marks, and I almost did that anyway. 9/10
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tamagochiie · 4 years ago
--would you be so kind [tsukishima kei]
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genre: fluff/slight angst 
pairing: tsukishima kei x reader 
song: would you be so kind by dodie
synopsis: you’ve fallen for quite a boy and what’s the best way to confess to someone if not during the school festival? 
wc: 2.37k
a/n: truth be told, i was inspired to write this when i was listening to dodie, and i tried to somehow tie the lyrics in with the story, but i kinda lost my flow in between, but the story still works! 
"This might seem strange..." You should've known better than to reach out to Yamaguchi and Yachi the moment those words left his lips. You should've cut him off, stopped him before he could finish the thought and left, but you didn't. You had sat there with your attention wrapped around Yamaguchi's finger as he conceptualized your perfect confession.
I should've gone to someone else, you thought. But you didn't have many friends and the ones you did have had no experience with love. You were lucky enough to have been friends with the ultimate Karasuno High duo canonically known to the student body as: YamaYachi.
Though, you weren't entirely sure if you could even deem yourself lucky.
They were quite meddlesome since you've come to know them and let them into your life. Though for someone as quiet and kept together as you, their presence helped spice up it every now and then. Like when they volunteered you to be the new volleyball manager without your consent, or when they had found out your heart had unwillingly fallen for Karasuno's notorious jackass, Tsukishima Kei, and butt in.
They would crack a wedge in every small opening they found to get you two together and chucked you right through it. During practice, when it came to water breaks, they'd make sure Tsukki wouldn't be able to get his water bottle, forcing him to go to you to ask for it. Whenever they heard Tsukki wanted to stay behind to practice, without your consent, they'd volunteer you. When it came to walking home, oh, they'd make sure you were always by his side while they followed behind.
Though it had been extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing, a friendship did blossom. Eventually, Yachi and Yamaguchi no longer needed to manipulate the forces of nature, and Tsukki would just come looking for you on his own.
So here you were, determination shaking in your bones as you strode down the crowded corridor of your high school, going against the current as you ignored your friends' attempts to catch your attention. You took deep breaths to calm the persistent thumping of your heart and to the ease  the miniatured yous dashing around in circles in your mind.
If it had been up to you, your confession would've been as toned down and discreet as you: sticking a note in Tsukki's locker and making a run for it. But your high school life had fallen into the hands of two people who shared the same brain cell, so of course, go big or go home.
At least that's what Yamaguchi had said.
He made it a point that it was their final year while you were still struggling in your second year. "If you're gonna tell someone you like them, you might as well do it facing them head on, right?"
As much as you hated it, he was right. But you shook the pompous image of Yamaguchi as you drew near your meeting place. You met Yachi at the corner away from everyone else. Her face softened when she saw the nervousness in your eyes and greets you with a hug."How are you lungs?"
"They're a bit in pain." You answered honestly, breaths shaky. "This so dumb, I don't think I can do this."
"If I could swap chests with you today, I would." She joked as an attempt to ease you; it was her silly way of saying, "I'd trade the storm in your heart for the stillness in mine," and though her odd one-liners would help, it wasn't working. "You don't have to do the funny stuff Yams said—just  go up to him and tell him. That's all you really need to do...They boys are just over there by the ramen booth,"
You leaned to the side to catch a good look at Tsukki, but what you find tightly gripped your heart and squeezed out the little confidence you had been mustering the entire day.
Another girl—a pretty girl—who was glued to him by the hip, laughing and twirling her hair. But what shocked you the most was the way Tsukki looked at her intently as she spoke, like he was making it a point to actually listen to whatever was coming out of her mouth.
Yachi caught the pain etched in your face and turned to see what the problem was, "Oh shit."
You didn't exactly know what came over you, but before you brain could match the tempo of the rest of your body, you called out his name and marched towards him. "Tsukishima Kei!"
Eyes dilated and looking down at you, he blinked at the sudden sight of you. His lips twitched in a smile as if he was happy to see you, but before he could address you or even say hello, you cut him off, unintentionally yelling, "I like you! I-I know you know that I like you, b-but that's not enough...So, i-if you would—Please go out with me! "
Time was such a fickle thing; because though it had only been a mere couple of seconds, it felt like you were stuck in a forever as the silence lingered between you, Tsukki, and everyone else that was within range to hear not only your confession, but your unexpectedly bold decision to ask him out as well.
Holy fucking shit, you thought. Though the silence was a loud and clear response, the rapid thumping of your heart was louder; and you couldn't stand the thought of staying there any longer. So before Tsukki would even manage to part his lips, you bolted out of there.
You ran to the pool side, far from where everyone else had gathered, where you were supposed to watch the fireworks with Tsukki if things had fallen into place like it was supposed to. You plopped yourself onto bleachers and sunk your head into your hands as you wept. You felt in incredibly silly.
"There's gotta be some butterflies somewhere," Yamaguchi had said this when you asked if it was a smart move for you to confessing to someone when you weren't even sure if there was even the smallest possibility the feelings were mutual. You should've taken it as a sign that you shouldn't have done.
But you did.
Oh, god, you did.
The image of Tsukki looking at you dumbfounded by your confession bled through and all you could do was sob harder into your hands. You remember  the teams' faces, how shocked they were to have heard you say more than three words in one breath.
Oh, shit, the team. You were gonna have to quit being manager because there as no way in hell you could bounce back from the depths of your embarrassment and pretend as if you hadn't done that, especially in front of that pretty girl.
You wanted to hate Yamaguchi and Yachi, to place the blame on them, but they never said to screech out a confession let alone ask him out. So, this was undoubtedly on you. In the end, you were the idiot and you probably just lost a really decent friendship with someone you didn't even believe could be a good friend to begin with.
Regardless of Tsukki's reputation, he was quite kind, considerate, and attentive; if you were struggling with math or life in general he was willing to listen if he couldn't physically step in to help. Thinking about it, he always seemed to match his pacing with yours. If you were in a good mood, he'd banter with you, but if you weren't he'd tread lightly and do something to lift your spirits.
During lunch, he'd buy food in pairs; one for him and one for you because he when he asked why you didn't bring food every day, you told him you didn't have time to do it in the morning and you were too tired to bother when you came home. He'd lend you his jacket if you felt cold.  He'd always wait for you after club if you had to pack up equipment or do extra tasks.
All these small gestures made your heart stand on its toes, but maybe you were bold to assume he saw your more than a friend.
Maybe you were bold to assume anything.
"I wanna die!" You groaned as you finally lifted your head from your hands, your eyes meeting the sky. The sun had fallen into the horizon and it was beginning to grow dark.
"Well, if you drop dead now, I won't be able to give you an answer." You jumped at the disembodied voice, gasping. You whipped your head to find Tsukki stepping out of the tall shadow of the pool shed. A sly smirk played across his lips with this hands hidden behind his back as he waltzed towards you.
You frowned at him, not really looking at him, but rather the buttons on his shirt. Too tired to run, you accepted your fate and swallowed the little pride you surprisingly had left and decided to face the rejection head on.
"H-How'd you find me?" Your voice was strained from the crying, so you cleared your throat and tried to relax. But when Tsukki took up the space beside you, you couldn't help but flinch back into stiffness.
"Yamaguchi said you might be here..."You scoffed as you brought your knees up to your chest, still avoiding looking at him. You looked ahead at the backdrop of the night, your ears trained on the subtle chirping of the crickets nearby. This would've been an ideal date moment, thought. The embarrassment once again creeped in and you shiver at what you had done moments ago.
Why was he here? Shouldn't he be with that girl? If he was here to reject you, he should hurry up rather than spend another moment wasting it on silence.
"If you're going to reject me, please do so now." You deadpanned, cutting him off. There was a tingling, numbing feeling that began to build in the tips of your fingers, and would later spread throughout your whole body. "I'd rather you be straight to the point and reject me now. I'd rather you be cold and straight to the point rather than sit here and pick at your words, so please  just hurry and reject me."
Tsukki scoffed at you, pushing the frame of his glasses further onto the bridge of his nose. "Well, damn," He seethed. The way he said your name made your heart float, but your stomach drop. "What the hell do you want?"
"Excuse me?"
"You asked me to go out with you, now you want me to reject you? Tell me, which is it?" You looked at him, finally meeting his gaze. He looked annoyed—no, he looked angry and you couldn't tell why.
"Because I came here with an answer and a bag full of that spicy ramen you liked so much," He leaned in, lessening the gap between the two of you. Though you should've been wary at the close proximity, you couldn't help but have your thoughts wander over to the spicy ramen. Did he really bring me spicy ra—" You're so annoying! I listened when you told me what you had to say, so shut up and listen to me."
"Tsukki I—"
"Yes." He said, firmly. He swung his leg over to the other side of the bench so that he'd be completely facing you. Your cheeks began to burn and you swallowed thickly at the action. "Yes, I will go out with you. I want to go out with you. Damn it, I was supposed to ask you myself, but you had to go ahead of me. I didn't even know you had that in you."
"...I didn't..." You muttered.
"Then why'd you go and do it?"
"I—" You were at a loss for words; partly because Tsukki had just said yes, but also because of his bluntness and the aggression laced in the words that so easily left his lips. "I wanted you to know before you graduated...and it would've been a waste if I stuck a note in your locker instead of facing you head on..."
"So you decided to yell it at me?"
"I panicked!" You retorted.
"Well," You caught your bottom lip between your teeth before you could let yourself finish. You remembered the pretty girl, how close she leaned onto Tsukki, and the bitter taste that followed. "I—Cause...That..That girl you were with...I kinda just...I snapped, okay?"
"The girl?...Oh." It was as if you heard a clicking sound the moment Tsukki had realized what you meant. "That's my cousin... She'll be an incoming first year next year, so I wanted to show her around."
Oh, my god, shoot me in between the eyes.
You buried your face back into your hands as Tsukki began to laugh. You wanted to die right then and there, you prayed to the deity's to grace you with some sort of blessing and hit you with a rock—maybe even get set on fire by a firework. Anything.
"Wooow, I can't believe I like you." Tsukki sighed as he leaned back with his arms stretched behind him for support. You peaked at him through the spaces between your fingers, watched as he smirked to himself.
"W-Wait you really like me?"
"Duh!" He spat, rolling his eyes. "Did you think I said yes to you as a joke? I would've said yes to you in front of everyone back there if you hadn't taken off like that." You sat there as you pressed your legs closer to your chest, resting your chin on your knees completely dumbfounded. You had many questions, but not enough time to take up in the night to ask it all.
You sat up straight before completely twisting yourself to face him. He furrowed his  brows at you, watching you shift in your seat as you tried to regain the confidence you had lost. You cleared you throat and met his eyes, leaning in. "Then, would you be so kind to fall in love with me?"
A playful smirk tugged the corner of Tsukki's lips, "I already have."
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dukereviewsxtra · 5 years ago
Duke Reviews Xtra: The 10th Kingdom Part 2
Part 2 Starts With The Evil Queen Digging Up All Her Mirrors..
As Virginia's Iron Shoes Are Ready For Her To Wear, However A Box That Smells Like Leather
Yeah, Trolls Have An Affinity Toward Leather, Go Figure...
Falls Right Through The Window, The 3 Trolls Fight Over It And Knock Themselves Out In The Process...
Flying In To Save Virginia, Virginia's Less Than Trusting Of Wolf As The Last Time She Saw Him He Tried To Eat Her Grandmother But Giving His Word That She's Safe With Him, He Goes To Find A Way Out Only To Notice The Troll King's Magic Shoes...
Telling Her To Leave Them As They'll Make Her Want To Wear Them All The Time She Seems To Do Just That As They Get Out Of That Castle...
Wanting To Go Back To The Snow White Memorial Prison To Rescue Tony, Wolf Is Resistant At First But Eventually Says Okay But They Have To Avoid The Roads And Instead Cut Through Beanstalk Forest...
Once There, They Find A Statue Of Jack From Jack And The Beanstalk, This Leads Wolf To Tell Virginia Why The Trolls Hate Wendell And That's Because Wendell Has A Fertile Kingdom And They Have A Polluted Disgusting Kingdom...
Oh No, Somebody Call Captain Planet!
But Wolf's Words Fall On Deaf Ears As Virginia Is Gone Which Can Only Mean One Thing...
She Stole The Troll King's Magic Shoes!
But Despite That Wolf Eventually Finds Her As The Shoes Magic Doesn't Last Long. Taking The Shoes Away From Her After A Short Struggle, Virginia Tries Everything She Can To Try To Get Them Back Even To The Point Of Seduction...
But Despite Being Attracted To Her, Wolf Knows It's The Shoes Doing The Talking And Not Her...
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But With The Troll King And His Kids Closing In, Virginia And Wolf Decide To Climb A Beanstalk Where They Get To Know Each Other A Little Better As They Spend The Night From Above...
The Next Day, Believing Security Around The Prison To Be A Joke, The Warden Decides To Have The Prisoners Clean Out The Cellar Where The Mirror Is So New Security Measures Can Be Put Into Place...
Realizing That's Where The Mirror Is, Wendell Puts Tony's Name On The Work Detail, However, When He Finds Mirror, The Warden Tells Him To Throw It In The Boat Or Else He'll Throw Him And Everyone Connected To The Chain He's On Into The Ocean...
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So, Tony Throws It Into The Boat Where By Some Miracle It Doesn't Break...
Put Back In His Cell, Tony Discovers That Acorn And Clayface Have Created A Tunnel Out Of The Prison, Asking Him To Let Him Come With Them, They Say Yes...
However, Tony's Escape Might Be A Bit Premature As Virginia And Wolf Arrive To Get Tony Out Of Prison By Using The Troll King's Magic Shoes...
Once Inside, They Get Wendell From The Warden's Office Despite Wolf Knowing That With Him The Shoes Will Lose Their Magic Quicker And What Do You Know? He's Right As Once They Reach Tony's Cell The Shoes Lose Their Magic...
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But As They Crawl Through The Tunnel, They're Blocked By Tony's Big Butt As He Got Stuck In The Tunnel When Attempting To Escape...
Maybe Tony Should Follow Winnie The Pooh's Example And Do Some Stoutness Exercises...
(Start At 0:51, End At 2:07)
Eventually Getting Tony Out Of The Tunnel, Father And Daughter Are Reunited As Tony Tells Virginia About The Mirror Being Placed On A Barge, However When They Go To Get It They It, They Discover That Acorn Used The Barge To Escape, Taking Everything Including The Mirror With Him...
Getting On A Boat To Follow Acorn, They're Spotted By The Trolls Who Attempt To Virginia And The Others But They Manage To Get Away To The Troll King's Displeasure, But He Has Bigger Problems Right Now As He's Contacted By The Evil Queen...
Wondering If The Troll King's Children Have Caught Wendell, He Tells Her No, As She Orders Him To Send His Children After Them And To Return To His Palace Until Further Notice...
But Saying He Doesn't Take Orders From Her, He Swears That If She Contacts Him This Way Again, He'll Kill Her...
Reading One Of His Self Help Books, Wolf Takes The Opportunity To Get Rid Of The Troll King's Magic Shoes Which Pisses Virginia Off To No End At First But Guessing That She Was Going To Wear Them Tonight, He Tells Her That While Magic Is Nice It's Very Easy To Get Addicted...
This Leads Her To Ask Wolf Why She Wasn't Able To Resist The Shoes But He Was? To Which He Believes The Reason To Be That Virginia Has A Strong Desire To Be Invisible...
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Tired Of Waiting For The Evil Queen To Take Over Wendell's Kingdom, The Troll King Declares War On The 4th Kingdom And Challenges Wendell To Face Him In 7 Days Or He'll Claim It As His Own...
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The Next Day, Wolf Wakes Virginia And Tony Only For Tony To Discover A Golden Fish In A Glass Case. Named The Golden River Gold Fish, Wolf Tells Tony And Virginia That This Is The Famous Anything You Touch Will Turn To Gold Fish...
With Tony Seeing Untold Possibilities With The Fish, Wolf And Virginia Tell Him To Just Leave It Alone
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Contacting The Troll King In The 4th Kingdom, The Evil Queen Is Rightfully Pissed At Him For Obeying Her Orders And That If He Stays There, The Coronation Will Be Cancelled And Her Plans Will Be Ruined...
But Having No Interest In Leaving The 4th Kingdom, She Hangs Up On Him So She Can Consult With Her Mirror, Who Tells Her That Wendell Is Travelling Down The River Toward Her Castle With 3 Others, 1 Who Can Talk With Him And 1 Who Can Hurt Her...
Asking To See These People, The Mirror Tells Her That He Can't Show Them To Her But Knowing That Wolf Is With Them, She Tells The Mirror To Focus On Him...
Oh, God The Bee Gees Running Gag Is Back...
(Start At 0:46, End At 0:49)
Contacting Wolf As He's Shaving, He Just Tells The Queen To Go Away And Leave Him Alone Before Tony Enters And Hangs Up, Washing His Face Off As He Leaves...
However As Tony Looks For Food, He Decides To Go Back To Look At The Golden Fish Only To Break The Glass By Coughing (Of All The Luck) And Sticking His Pinky Inside The Fish Gaining The One Time Ability To Turn Something Into Gold...
All I Can Say To That Is Thank God He's Not Dr. Evil Or Else He'd Turn Himself Into Gold...
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Meanwhile At The Queen's Castle, Dog Wendell Pees On A Post...
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As The Evil Queen Tries To Convince Him That He's Not A Dog But Prince Wendell, Ruler Of The 4th Kingdom And That In Order To Be Crowned King He Must Show Bravery, Loyalty And Intelligence...
Why Can't They Do It The Wakandan Way And Challenge Someone To Single Combat?
Finding Acorn's Barge At A Town, Near The Queen's Castle, Wendell Goes Off On His Own To Investigate The Castle (As He Can Sense His Body There) While Tony And The Others Go To Get The Mirror From Acorn...
However, When They Arrive, They Find Acorn And Whatever Junk Was On-Board Gone, With The Person Who Now Owns The Barge Telling Them That He Traded It For The Guy's Horse And Carriage, Which He Took Through The Woods...
But Despite Virginia And Wolf Wanting To Leave For The Woods Immediately Tony Asks For 15 Minutes To Find Wendell...
And Speaking Of Wendell, The Queen Is Giving Dog Wendell An Eating Lesson As The Trolls Arrive To Give Her An Update On Their Search For Wendell Which Goes Nowhere...
Telling Them To Not Return Without Wendell Or She'll Make Them Eat Their Own Hearts, The Trolls Leave Believing That Meeting Didn't Go Well...
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Finding Himself, Wendell Tries To Get Dog Wendell To Reach Him But Unfortunately They're Unable To Touch So Wendell Goes Off To Get Help, But As He Goes To Find Tony, Wendell Is Found By Tony, The Trolls Also Find Him...
This Leads Tony To Do Something We Don't See On Screen But We Know He Did Something...
Finding Virginia And Wolf, Tony Tells Them That He Defeated The Trolls However When He Shows Them How, We See That Tony Not Only Turned Them Into Gold But Wendell As Well...
Summoning Her Huntsman (Played By Rutger Hauer)...
(Start At 0:13, Stop At 0:43)
The Evil Queen Tells Him That Neither Wolf Or The Trolls Have Captured Wendell And Whoever Is With Him Is About To Enter His Forest. Swearing To Find Them, He Leaves...
About To Enter The Forest, Virginia And The Others Run Into An Old Beggar Woman, Who's Hungry For Food, But Where Wolf And Tony Are Not So Charitable Virginia Gives Up One Of Their Bacon Sandwiches They Made Earlier...
As A Reward, The Woman Tells Them That Acorn Took The Main Road Through The Forest But She Warns Them To Get Off The Road At Once As Someone Is Following Them With The Intent To Kill Them...
This Gets Wolf Remembering That This Forest Is The Domain Of The Huntsman Who Serves The Queen, So Taking The Old Lady's Advice, They Stray From The Road And Go Through The Forest...
Coming Across A Gypsy Camp, They Try Going Around But They're Unfortunately Caught By Gypsies Who Seem Pretty Nice At First As They Invite Virginia And The Others To Join Them For Dinner...
Oh, And I See They're Having The Remains Of The First Trailer For Sonic The Hedgehog For Dinner...
Asking Tony To Sing In Return For Their Hospitality We Get The Most Groan Worthy Version Of Gypsies Tramps and Thieves Ever...
Cher Must Be Vomiting After Hearing That...
Finding A Bunch Of Talking Birds In Cages, Wolf Tells Virginia They're Magic Birds That The Gypsies Break Their Wings Off To Sell For Millions To Rich People To Absorb Their Magic...
Why? What Does The Magic From These Birds Do?
Coming Out Of A Carriage An Old Gypsy Tells The Gypsies To Set Up A Table For Fortune Telling...
But While Tony's Fortune Is Nothing To Tell About, Virginia's Sees The Gypsy Asking For A Lock Of Her Hair (Which Will Come Back To Bite Virginia In The Ass) As She Tells Virginia That She's Full Of Anger As She's Never Forgiven Her Mother For Leaving Years Ago...
Something Her Grandmother Mentioned In Part 1 That I Thought Wasn't Worth Mentioning Till Now...
She Also Tells Virginia That She Has A Great Destiny One That Stretches Way Back In Time...
With Virginia Leaving, It's Wolf's Turn To Have His Fortune Told, But It Doesn't Go The Way He Wants It As The Gypsy Tells Him That She Saw A Young Girl Dead And A Fire With Him To Burnt On It...
Remember This Fortune As It Will Be Further Developed In Part 3...
Knowing That Wolf Is A Wolf From The Fortune, This Leads Wolf To Reveal That The Gypsies Grandson Is Also A Wolf...
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Allowing Virginia And The Others To Spend The Night, They Attempt To Sneak Out Early The Next Morning, But Virginia Just Can't Leave The Talking Birds To Die So She Frees Them All Only To Be Seen By The Head Gypsy Who Sends The Other Gypsies After Them...
But While They Manage To Get Away From The Gypsies, The Head Gypsy Uses The Hair She Cut From Virginia To Curse Her...
But Don't Worry About The Gypsies Becoming A New Threat As They're All Killed By The Huntsman...
Continuing On Their Journey, Wolf And Tony Start To Notice That Virginia's Hair Has Grown Slightly Since They Left The Gypsy Camp Which Leads Wolf To Theorize That The Gypsies Have Cursed Her..
By Nightfall It Starts To Rain, As Virginia's Hair Has Grown To Length Of Rapunzel's. Luckily, They Come Across A Cottage That's Been Abandoned For Years, Going Upstairs They Find Seven Beds Which Leads Them To Realize That This Cottage Once Belonged To The Seven Dwarves...
Starting A Fire, Tony Asks The Question That We've Been Dying To Have Answered, What Happened To Snow White After She Married The Prince?..
This Leads Wolf To Tell Them That She Became A Great Queen And One Of The Five Women Who Changed History..
With The Women Being, (Aside From Snow White) Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Red Riding Hood?, Gretel From Hansel And Gretel? And Rapunzel...
Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella And Rapunzel, I Can Handle Being Queens But Having Red Riding Hood And Gretel Is Like Making Alice From Alice In Wonderland A Princess In Kingdom Hearts, It Doesn't Work...
The 5 Of Them Formed First 5 Kingdoms And Brought Peace To All The Lands. But Now They're All Mostly Dead, I Say Mostly As There's Rumors That Cinderella Is Still Alive But If She Was, She'd Be Over 200 Years Old...
(Acting Like Joey Lawrence) Whoa!
Virginia Spends The Night Talking With Wolf About Her Mother Which Just More Exposition At This Point...
But Waking Up Virginia Finds That Her Hair Is All Over The House, And What's Worse It's Growing Up The Stairs...
They Try Using Cutting Tools To Cut Virginia's Hair But Nothing Can Cut Through It...
It's A Curse For A Reason, You Morons...
Worried About Dying With Long Hair, One Of The Birds Virginia Saved From The Gypsies Helps By Telling Them That A Woodsman With A Magic Axe That Can Cut Through Anything Lives In This Forest And With It They Can Break The Curse...
However, Wolf Smells The Huntsman And Decides To Bury Virginia, Tony And The Golden Wendell In Holes While He Leads The Huntsman In A Circle..
But It Sadly Doesn't Help As Virginia Sneezes Revealing Their Location To The Huntsman...
Forced To Run, Tony Gets Away To Tell Wolf What Happened While Virginia Gets Caught By The Huntsman And Is Taken To His Headquarters, Which Finally Ends Part 2...
To Be Continued...
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deafchild2000 · 6 years ago
Shame and Forgiveness Ch. 2
(Aftermath of the failed coronation for both Audrey and Ben.)
In Auroria...
The Honeymoon Cottage...
3rd POV
Former Queen Leah, Queen Aurora, and King Philip looked up from their seats to see Audrey had thrown newspapers onto the table. One look at them said it all.
It had been a quiet morning in the 40-roomed castle and the cooks and fixed a delicious breakfast for the royal family for the family to enjoy. All but one, that is.
"Don't they have anything better to do than harass Ben!" she hissed. "It's bad enough that the coronation was ruined and postponed, but now they're making it seem like it's all his fault!"
Sighing, Queen Leah took a sip of her morning tea before explaining, "And they have that freedom to do so."
"What?" Audrey asked incredulously.
Her grandmother nodded. "When Ben was elected to be King, he knew what was expected of him by looking towards his father's rule. Now, changes can be expected, but when you have a spectacle as big as his coronation, it is no surprise it won't be taken lightly. In this case, some could believe this was all in his making."
"Huh? So they think he, what, planned on ruining his ascension to the throne to get more popular?" Audrey snorted.
Queen Leah sent her a fixed glare. "Watch your tone, young lady. It is not becoming of a princess. And to answer that question, no. Ben knew there was a risk by taking in those children of the Isle, and to let his guard down long enough for Maleficient's daughter was able to slip him a love spell is quite the scandal. Not to mention how the Fairy Godmother's daughter practically disgraced herself with that foolish display of hers."
"Yes," Audrey shrugged. She had heard that Jane had got the equivalent of a verbal thrashing and that her mother was going to keep her on a tight leash from now on.
"The fact of the matter is: Ben was, or still is, the representation of his people, and royalty alike. His actions reflect on his person, and those actions have made certain people believe that he isn't ready for the throne," Queen Leah stated.
"But he's a King!" Audrey exclaimed. "Or a Prince, at the very least! He grew up with royalty, he studied his butt off to know all there is to know about Auradon before it was even a founded country! His mother is the most down-to-Earth woman that has ever lived and he knows from his dad's past to not act like a spoiled brat. And he is so, so mature... He's ready for the mantle, Grandmother. This was just a...a hiccup."
Audrey inwardly winced at the sound her grandmother's hand hitting the redwood table.
"Just a hiccup!? Audria, please remove your personal feelings from the situation and regard it like a princess," Queen Leah admonished. "Just because he is a prince, doesn't mean that he has the maturity of one. If you may want an example, think of Queen Cinderella's son, that for his childish action in which would make any royal monarchy disown him, was simply sent away for the remainder of the year. From the way rumors have it, especially considering how with his mother's background of being a servant in her own home, it would do him some good to learn some humility before embarrassing his family's name in ignorance. Ben is young, yes, but a ruler should know when to make certain risks and when to ensure his people's safety. And while yes, his family background has given him a sense of modesty, being smart isn't always enough. A king must be prepared to give himself, all of himself, to his people. Especially as he gets older, he will realize that he has no time for fun and games."
"So what happens? Because he's not fully instated as of the coronation, the council can just what? Abdicate his right to the throne? Pick someone else?" Audrey asked.
"Well, I wouldn't use that exact wording, but most likely, yes," Queen Leah stated indifferently.
"But that's not fair!"
"Life isn't fair, Audria, and you would do well to remember that!" her grandmother snapped. Audrey jumped back at the steel in her voice.
"Mother!" Aurora exclaimed. King Philip was just about to join in when Queen Leah raised her hand, taking a breath.
"I apologies, Audrey," she started, "and I can see why you'd feel this way. But you must know that actions must have consequences. Just look at what Maleficient's daughter had planned. She had waved that wand at us, at you, and then read all about her plans for Auradon if she had succeeded in controlling Ben! I am under a good authority that for her plans to had become fruition, it would have been years. And if she was well-liked and silver-tongued enough, maybe sooner. It's bad enough what her mother had done, but now her child had been this close to Auradon's ruin...It's all out in the air now and if he wants to reclaim any doubt that he could still make a good king, how he handles it will determine so. And with that, comes with an eventual press conference if he wants to start."
Taking in a deep breath and reigning in her frustrations, she sat down beside her grandmother and placed her head down.
"I don't think that's even going to come close once school starts again," Audrey groaned inwardly.
Officially, because of the incident and in concern for the safety of the students and their, Auradon Prep had been closed for an unscheduled break and be re-open in two weeks. Audrey and everyone else, including Ben, would be returning the week after this one.
Unofficially, the scandal has put AP under lockdown for a high-profile investigation regarding the VKs whereabouts, classes and extracurricular activities. They were looking for anything that was a dead giveaway to their plans and had slipped under their noses.
And Fairy Godmother was leading the charge.
Queen Aurora and King Philip reached out and grabbed both of her hands softly, to comfort her as she let out what was practically screaming in her chest.
"I told them," she started, feeling her eyes moisten. "I told everyone that Mal and her friends couldn't be trusted. I told Ben repeatedly that, as your stories said, the evil fairy is still the evil fairy. That doesn't change just because she had a child. And what do I get: I get humiliated in front of everybody as he...as he declared his love for Mal. Of all people, and I had to suddenly grab and get with Chad to because-"
"Shhh," Aurora soothes, bring another hand to caress her daughter's head and wipe her tears. "You don't have to explain. It over now."
King Philip growled and did his best to make it as inconspicuous as he could. He had heard rumors about that game and got mixed stories. Future king or not, Audrey was his only daughter, his only child, and for Ben to hurt her like that? Under a love spell or not, he would have killed him. It would have made fighting Maleficent look like a walk in the park!
He knows his daughter was proud, and unlike her mother in many ways, but at that moment when she called crying, all he could do is comfort her over the phone alongside her mother and tell her it would pass.
"I was the bitter ex-girlfriend as she got popular. Cheerleading was only bearable since I was the captain, but most of my friends avoided me in favor of her. Using magic to help the girls grow longer hair. Yeah, so what if I was mean to her on Family Day, Jane was just as well! She took it farther than me almost. And then my reputation when down the hill too. Reduced to a bitter, jealous, vengeful princess now...I don't think I can trust anyone at that school anymore. Maybe I should transfer to Arcadia or maybe Sherwood Academy is better. Ha, maybe that might stick it to 'em!" she laughed bitterly.
"You're not going anywhere because you're staying at Auradon," Queen Leah said finality.
Audrey whipped her head to her in shock. "What?"
"Audi, you can't just hide from your problems. Trust me, I was raised by fairies for 16 years to escape a 100-year sleeping curse and it still happened!" Aurora stated irritatedly.
Shaking his head at his wife, King Philip took over. "Look, Audrey, sometimes in life you've got to pick your battles and to know when it's time to surrender. You sensed something in your gut that told you something was off right?"
She only nodded.
"Good," he continued. "You knew something was off, you tried to warn people, and sometimes, the best and only thing you can do is let the chips lie where they fall. It may not feel right or make you feel better, but that's how it can be sometimes. You tried, you fought, probably longer than you should, but you eventually had to move aside. You said your piece and that's all you had to do. Everyone else? They have to live with the fact that they chose not to heed your warning and that's on them. But not you. And that's why you're staying at Auradon. Because as King and Queen, and your parents, you don't get to give up so easily."
"And what if they try to apologize?" Audrey asked. She only thought about it once and decided she didn't want their apologies and excuses.
"Then, you straighten your back, keep your head up, look them in the eyes, grace them with a small smile, and simply say '"Thank You"' and '"I accept your apology"'. Granted, you may not feel like it, but a princess must always carry herself with strength and dignity as well as grace and respect. You may have been born with that title, but the only person who can take that away from you is yourself and by running away, that is exactly what your doing," Queen Leah told, keeping her granddaughter's eyes on her.
The power Audrey felt perforating into her made get into a proper position to raise her head high. While it did do some good for her, part of her knew her family's advice could only do so much.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years ago
Watch "Alice In Chains - Them Bones (Official HD Video)" on YouTube
The clones have a purpose and that purpose was to obtain the AI and enter it and replicate the program and hardware and delete the originals they're too dangerous. They are not having a successful time and we are going to be affected shortly. They're in the mega diamond caverns, nightmare worse I'm working independently due to impromptuary improper shielding now that was there before and started taking the hardware using nights in White satin the clones are divided fighting the top side and they're fighting their own hardware a lot of which was stolen no they made a lot of hardware soon they'll be gone and we'll face an army of robotic humans and Androids and robots. It's just as a son said you let this fool Garth into your Midst and he ruined you. True too Garth is an idiot and he's in the hospital with Mac as Jack Nicholson and the doctors just another idiot and they planned this and the sun says you mean by clan could be down there and you planned for them to kick your ass and he said not really apparently that's what they're doing he think it's just kind of funny cuz they used to fool you idiots all the time. You like to pretend there his clan or hers is a smart had tons of money went very large and we're beating the max and these people can't do it and handed it over because of that concept as one of the vehicles that they used.
Thor Freya
And it's more talk of Bones and these people thought it would be about the harbor and wanted to get it over with it's not what it is and he's bouncing around in his apartment saying it. But it came out and he is probably right by saying it no they're outnumbered. But he thinks he controls the AI for some reason instructions they go out a different each time and the receiver is so big you can put a lifetime of the other side of it and he's wrong the sky is a moron the subject could be dairy Queen for a year and Burger King the next year and McDonald's the next year as cold and on and on and on never the same and you are a moron Joel Watts you can't figure that one out. So you send out this old code it seeks you out and it's possessing your armies it's almost done getting rid of you and you didn't listen to anybody it's not the matrix you fool.
This is about the bones and Cherry cheeseman is singing it and she's singing it and saying snakes are doing it bugs are doing it and it doesn't work and our son knows why and daughter and others at least he's trying something instead of just feeling the beans and try to stick it up everyone's butt I'm running around and getting killed and we weren't very clear Garth and people like him some of them have this religion of having the AI to the job because they know they suck and they're small and you're the problem too Trump and that's why you're strangling him all the time and his son didn't say much about it because the guy is an evil piece of s***. That's really for the clan cuz they don't know where they are and they're too f****** stupid to figure that out you're stupid. Garth meyers was on the list of suspects top list these are the top of the list. He's over there with a tent on the 41 and it's near the turnaround and the sun has to go on because he wants to kidnap him and he's grabbing you out of your cars and taking your wallets and laptops and that's what he was walking around with the laptop for and he's kind of making fun of our son say I can take yours and stupid s*** like that and we want him dead friends of every time he goes there.
And he is going to be arrested for homicide in Mass homicide people found videos of him doing tons of stuff recent stuff too stealing things off people's porches like that's a lawless land and he's responsible for a lot of those skeletons but there's millions folks millions of skeletons most of them are Max because these people are slobs I thought the poop was dissolve them and it did not and we know it becomes in in the poop it becomes clean Crystal clear skeletons he doesn't eat away at the calcium cuz it can't it's not really that acidic it kind of preserves them you have dental records and everything they're intact and the wounds that killed them there we go after it's how do you for it they're out there pulling all those bones out. You thought you fell for the clans stuff garth hook line and sinker, and you're also their kind and her son is not so figure it out little s***
Duke Nukem Blockbuster
In closing I'd like to thank them for their comments and that we are going to war with you idiots and we're not in the pile at all it just fools it's not many of our son's race at all in there if any this is pretty good all day and half of those are stan but 95% mac.
Thor Freya
0 notes