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suspectjpg · 9 months ago
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You don’t think I’m a bad person? TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET in BONES AND ALL (2022) dir. Luca Guadagnino
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suspectjpg · 9 months ago
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[     timothee chalamet ,  cis  man,  he/him   ]     ⸻     have you seen MAX GOODLOE? yes, the TWENTY - TWO year old SENIOR that’s usually wandering around campus? they’re currently focused on PUBLIC AFFAIRS, so we’re sure they’ve been super busy with studying. according to rumors, they were michael’s FAMILY FRIEND and he knew they PAWN HIS PARENT'S VALUABLES TO FUEL HIS GAMBLING ADDICTION. does it make sense considering they’re known for being THEATRICAL as well as MACHIAVELLIAN? either way, the phantom is threatening to bring scary things to light, but let’s hope whatever they’re hiding stays in the dark.  [  maria,  21,  she/her,  mst,  body horror ]
rly quick stats
introducing maxwell vernon goodloe
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known as. max
dob. 9 december 2002
zodiac big three. sagittarius sun, libra moon, gemini rising
sexuality. bisexual
extracurriculars. not me forgetting what i put him down as ... i think editor for the phoenix news and the debate team
inspirations. mainly just saul goodman (i'm sorry) but consider any other antihero with charm and a whimsical but sinsiter nature to be an inspiration too
raised in nevada near the las vegas strip! by his mama. she moved there in her 20s in search of fame n' fortune but she eventually just got stuck at the stripping job she initially took to help jumpstart her career. when she had max, she had to take other measures so she had the $$$ to raise him. even if it meant pulling him into scams she'd pull on tourists and forcing him to tag along on her rounds as an avon rep because 'it sells better when you flash 'em your big puppy dog eyes, maxie'. things like that stick with max as he grows older, starts perusing the strip with his friends for victims of his own. all to make a quick buck.
one day, she just so happened to pick the wrong tourist to try n' scam and nearly ended up in something resembling a fistfight (resembling because the guy was a head taller than her and she wouldn't have lasted a second) when a good samaritan butts in and defends her!!! scares the big lug away. the moment his mama learns that said good samaritan was a politician from los angeles (ie. $$$$$$$), she's laying the charm on thick. he's older (ie. balding), mild-mannered, in need of a good ego stroke so it's not long before they're getting hitched and max is on a one-way flight to los angeles! he's just 14 then.
max doesn't like it at first. doesn't like how stuffy and snobby everyone seems. hates his moms weird new husband too. but he wins max over in time, and they grow to have a genuinely wholesome relationship! so much so that max decides he'd like to be a politician, just like him. he's surely got the charisma for it, says his now father. but he never did grow out of his knack for causing trouble and pullin' a fast one on just about anybody, courtesy of his mom, so there's a real moral struggle there. but all politicians are a little slimy, right? what does it matter if he cut corners if it meant the greater good coming to fruition? ends justify the means, always always always.
golden state is a no brainer. his father went there and his father before him. and now max was one of them! so he'd go too. he didn't even think he'd go to college, so it's all a little foreign to him and he does just about anything to pass. and i do mean anything. he evens joins a few clubs! look at him go!
of course, it's not without a few problems. a couple months after his 21st, him n' his buddies went to a casino just to say they have. max ended up pocketing 8k and has been chasing that high ever since. it's escalated in the past couple of months, what with law school coming up for him shortly. he's started stealing his parent's valuables to have money to gamble with. turns out he's still just that kid on the strip lookin' to make a quick buck.
very theatrical! the son of a politician and a retired scammer, so he is ever the showman and the smooth talker. he knows it too, so he can be up his own ass but his devil-may-care attitude and general amiableness means he is a guaranteed good time.
if chaotic neutral was a person. strikingly dishonest and flaky. but again!!! the ends justify the means for max. and the ends is always the best outcome for his loved ones.
SO tacky, especially as it relates to his appearance!! mismatched prints and loud colors and the whole nine yards. the rate at which he buys new clothes, it's like you can just tell having so much money is a very new prospect to him. not that he wears hella name brands but it's just very lee in bones and all coded. the little brown western shirt, the floral shirt and the grandma cardigan!! yeah!! he doesn't let it go to waste either, if it doesn't fit he's just take scissors to it and wear it anyways. takes great care to look the way he does (ie. just slightly disheveled at all times). in a permanent state of looking for the next reflective surface to check how his hair's sitting.
catchphrase is "i hardly know her"
runs on one redbull and a cigarette and that's it
also, don't think i mentioned it so i thought i'd tack it here at the end, but i figured michael kepler's parents and max's would run in the same social circles and whatnot
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suspectjpg · 9 months ago
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[     lola tung ,  cis  woman,  she/her   ]     ⸻     have you seen CRYSTAL "MOONEY" SONG? yes, the TWENTY - ONE year old JUNIOR that’s usually wandering around campus? they’re currently focused on BIOLOGY, so we’re sure they’ve been super busy with studying. according to rumors, they were michael’s HALF - SISTER and he knew they GRAVELY INJURED SOMEONE IN A HIT - AND - RUN. does it make sense considering they’re known for being DRIVEN as well as BLUNT? either way, the phantom is threatening to bring scary things to light, but let’s hope whatever they’re hiding stays in the dark.  [  maria,  21,  she/her,  mst,  body horror ]
rly quick stats
introducing crystal moon song
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known as. mooney
dob. 2003 march 23
zodiac big three. aries sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising
sexuality. bisexual
extracurriculars. model un, book club; i think she'd also be in an intramural soccer or volleyball team and i am *palms out* asking for her teammates
inspirations. kim kelly (freaks and geeks), mandy milkovich (shameless), kat stratford (10 things i hate about you), jade west (victorious), miranda hobbes (sex and the city)
tw car crash
mooney was born crystal moon song to her mama, esther song. the way she came wasn't very conventional. esther & michael kepler's father were friends from college, still so close decades later that esther asked him to be the sperm donor for the child she was hellbent on having after coming out of a loveless marriage and a career she hated. he agreed! it went well, and esther moved to cottonwood, arizona as soon as she knew she was pregnant. while mr. kepler wasn't involved in her life all that much, mooney and her mom would often make the drive to california to pay the keplers a visit during school breaks, and even christmas/thanksgiving a couple years.
if mooney's full name didn't gave it away, just know that esther is like the final boss of all hippies. she moved to cottonwood to start a psychic business in downtown sedona, which was only a short drive away. she's big on spirituality, connecting with nature, mediation, and whatnot.
esther always said that mooney was the universe's ultimate test of patience for her, with her sarcasm, dry humor, and iron will-- all decidedly the very opposite of esther. but mooney would argue that she needed traits like that, to keep her mother's feet planted firmly on the ground and reel her back in through every disastrous fling.
mooney always had a bit of a temper too, and she started playing soccer to have some kind of outlet for it. she's good too! really good. esther's got the money to really pimp her out, with her own soccer coach, soccer camps during the summer, etc. she plays all the way through high school, team captain and the whole nine yards.
it ends badly. mooney was only 15 when she gravely injures a pedestrian during a hit-and-run. she had taken her mom's car to go to a party. it was dark. she was still a little drunk. it's bad. it's worse because she ran away. three weeks later, and she finds out that the person suffered a head injury that landed them in a coma.
much to her luck, esther used to be a judge. she talked and talked and pulled strings she hadn't pulled in years to get mooney out of the situation scot-free, all on the condition that esther pays for the family's medical bills. that meant no more investing in mooney's sport. it also meant dipping into her college fund. it was tragic, but it was also esther's version of a 'lesson' for mooney.
slowly, she fell out of love with the sport. all of her club friends drifted away from her and she quickly found out that the only reason she really liked playing it was because she liked the people she was playing with. that, and the guilt just weighed on her. she looked elsewhere for her passions, for her comforts.
she just so happened to find them in the sciences, specifically biology. it turns out she got more out of the hikes and the camping trips her mother forced her on as a kid than just realigned chakras, or whatever her mom said. she loved nature above all else! wanted to understand the why behind everything she saw and so she saw to it, devoting a huge chunk of her time to academics through the rest of high school.
she gets a pretty nifty scholarship from golden state for her stellar grades. it's not everything she hoped. it's not playing on the women's soccer team for some ivy league miles away from home, but it's fine. she hustles to pay for what her scholarship doesn't cover every term, and that's been her life for three years.
mooney is aggressive. in everything she does. she's abrasive, irritable, rough around the edges, and highly! judgemental! can come across as a know-it-all, and a snob, but it's just because she knows better than you do and she can prove it. her words. has made her fair share of people cry because of her need to punish idiocy.
but she's also incredibly loyal to the few people she's got in her corner. while she will go to extreme lengths to get revenge, she won't shy away from helping her loved ones with the same ferocity. she is equal parts brave and hard-working. an academic, even now. definite gym bro too, with the highlights of her workout pics and everything.
loves fiona apple and mitski and telling people 'you just don't get her like i do'.
wordle and duolingo streak warrior!!!
doesn't wanna admit it because she's so science and logic driven but she so buys into the whole nature-spirituality-yoga-pilates-green-juice-every-morning schtick her mom's got going on. she's the plant mom friend. she's a birder too, like seriously. has a note on her phoone full of all the different birds shes seen.
doesn't drive anymore. could never get over that mental block to get behind the wheel again; it makes her too anxious. so she either walks, skateboards, or ubers everywhere.
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suspectjpg · 9 months ago
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suspectjpg · 2 years ago
[        #SUSPECTJPG        ]        :        dependent multimuse blog for goldenstatefm,        penned by maria        ᅳ        (        twenty1,        she/her,        mst        )
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[        #MUSES UNDER THE CUT        ]        :        
max g. ;  timothee  chalamet  ᅳ  senior, public affairs.
introduction. visual. muse. aesthetic. threads.
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mooney s. ;  lola  tung  ᅳ  junior, biology.
introduction. visual. muse. aesthetic. threads.
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suspectjpg · 2 years ago
tag dump
max's tags
max isms.
max vis.
max vibes.
max edit.
max answered.
max threads.
max memes.
mooney's tags
mooney isms.
mooney vis.
mooney vibes.
mooney edit.
mooney answered.
mooney threads.
mooney memes.
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