#there's A Lot pairing her with Daemon and not much with other characters (haven’t checked all of them but that's the impression)
raksh-writes · 20 days
Clearly, Daemon has been painted a villain the first few episodes and I kinda hate to say it but they've definitely succeed at making me Very Strongly dislike him :')
(I fucking hate that guy, oh my god)
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youremypride · 6 years
The Truth About Love | Ch.4
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☽ Have you ever love someone so much, you would do anything for them? Even disturbing the peace between the living and the afterlife? Love knows no boundaries but there is always a price to be paid. How much do you say? As much as your heart desires for your true love.
Pairing: AHS! Michael Langdon x Reader
Genre: romance, angst, violence
Warnings: foul language, death of a character(s)
Note: This week’s episode is honestly the best because I really got tired of the whole apocalypse thing going on and needed more backstory. Let’s just say episode 4 was really the starting of this season’s episode. I can’t wait for next week. I just wish the whole season just drops in one go like Netflix does.
Word Count: 3566 words
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My turn finally came for the interview with Langdon. I didn’t know what to expect but I didn’t expect a lot from it either. My fate was already sealed from the very moment I was born. With heavy steps, my feet came to a halt in front of the large timbered black doors. Using my knuckles, I knocked against the door as I wait for someone to answer it.
Soon enough, the doors parted from each other, revealing the man in the room. “Y/N. You’re here. I’ve been expecting you.”
He steps aside, giving me enough space to enter the office. The entire room was a catastrophe, the furniture was thrown in every direction, the candles had fallen from the holders. It was like a hurricane had hit and cleared anything in its path.
“I apologize for the mess,” He brings up the armchair back to its normal position before gesturing to sit. “Please, take a seat.” Whatever thing that happened before, clearly didn’t bother him too much considering how calm his voice was although he looked lowkey frantic.
“I take it something happened before I got here?” He only smiles before setting up the other armchair, taking a seat right next to me. “What makes you think that?”
“I saw Mallory leaving the room with an expression I’ve never seen before. Distress was etched on her face and it was like she was running away from something that terrified her.” Mallory was nice, when she wasn’t around Coco, acting like a lovesick dog following around her and obeying her orders. It’s a pity, it would’ve been nice to get along with her.
Langdon squints his eyes as he tilts his head to one side, “Terrified her, you say? Are you suggesting I did that to her?”
“I didn’t say it was you,” I admitted. “There’s something strange about her, and the others too.” I fluttered my eyes towards him, “You think so too, right?” I sent him a knowing look. No one understands what I know, except him. I could feel it in my bones.
“Curious aren’t you, little one? Haven’t you heard curiosity killed the cat?” Soft chuckles escaped from my lips, surprising him.
“You’ve mistaken curiosity for seeking, Mr. Langdon. Being curious will lead you nowhere. But if you seek, it will lead you somewhere. The one who seeks will gain something in return, be it good………or evil.”
He stands up to walk towards his desk, leaning his bottom on the edge of it, with arms crossed. “And what is it you wish to seek? Answers, purpose, knowledge…...love?”
“Acceptance.” I put it simply. He starts to frown. I guess my answer to his question was too vague for him to understand. “Acceptance? Is it from someone or something? The world perhaps. I’ve known quite a few people with cases like you. They don’t feel like they belong anywhere.”
“No, that’s not it. I’m seeking to find acceptance…...from myself. I know it’s complicated for you to understand. You would think it’s because I hate myself or that I’ve never showed love towards myself but it’s neither of them. From the time I was born, I always felt like something was pulling me back and that I was born too fast that my soul was incomplete.
I’ve been searching for that part of me that needed to be filled my whole life. One time I went to see a doctor to check if I had heart problems because chest pains kept arising. They told me they couldn’t find anything wrong with me. It got worse over the years. I just wanted it to stop hurting so much.
Until one day, I tried to kill myself. I told myself if I stab my heart with a knife, all the pain would go away.” My eyes were closed the entire time, trying to remember every detail of that moment. I felt cool air hit against my lips, and when I fluttered my eyes open, I saw blue eyes staring right back at me. I didn’t realise how badly I was shaking until I saw his hands resting on both sides of my arms. I wanted to just flicked away his hand, but somehow, I enjoyed the comfort he was giving me.
“It’s alright, you don’t have to continue,” I gripped his upper arm and shook my head, cutting him off, “I’m fine, I’ll continue.”
“It was like something dark came over me, feeding me with negative thoughts and lies about the good. When I turned 13, the heart pain subdued slowly. It still hurt but not like before. I started getting dreams. The dreams had the same people but at different times and places.” I explained to him.
“These dreams, these people you see. Could you describe them for me?” He asked.
“There were two of them. A man and a woman. I guess they were lovers. At first, all the dreams were happy and full of love. There were times where I felt like I was prying in on their intimate moments, moments I shouldn’t be looking at. Their smiles to each other was of love and longing, their embrace was warm and endearing. The kiss…...was filled with passion……...and lust. The love was real and it felt so genuine. The dream would end with them proclaiming their love for each other. And that’s when I wake up.” I left out the parts where they made love. It was too awkward for me to talk about it, seeing as there was a man in my presence.
“You said ‘at first’. What happened next?” He chimes. I went back to sit on the armchair, probably tired from bending his knees in front of me.
“They started turning into nightmares. Except it kept replaying the same one over and over again. They took away their lives by burning each other together. I had to suffer watching their bodies get burnt and slowly turn into corpses. The nightmares stopped after I kept myself busy with part-time jobs. Everything was fine until, you know what happened.” He didn’t seem convince about my last statement. He grabbed a file, presuming it was mine, flipping over pages until he stops on the one he was finding.
“All of what you’ve said has been completely true. You’ve had a total of six foster parents. You ran away from home and took shelter under the care of a 62 year old man name Daemon Jacobs, who runs a fortune telling and witchcraft bookstore on the corner of 16 Walnut St. You never went to school. You work for him at the bookstore in the morning till afternoon and you start your night shift at the diner place down a few blocks from the bookstore.
Also, you failed to mention that you’re not exactly who you say you are……your date of birth and your age doesn’t add up.” He slams the file close. “Does the others know how old you truly are?”
“I was 16 right before the missiles attacked Los Angeles 18 months ago. My birth certificate clearly state I was born on ‘3 March 2003’. I glared at him.
“Don’t lie, Y/N. I can tell that you’re lying. Just be honest. It’s only you and me here.” He grins at me. He’s right. It’s useless to hide it from him when he has all the information he needs about me.
“I was born on ‘6 June 2016’.”  I admitted, only to have him smile at me as he turns around with his back facing me.
“Odd. You would be only 5 years old now after 18 months.” He paused, “You’re wondering why you aged way too fast than the others, am I right? I might have the answer to your question.”
I stood up and walked over to him. “And how do you know about this?”
He brings his fingers towards me, cupping my chin in between his thumb and index finger. “Because, we might have something in common, my flower.”
My flower? I could have sworn I panicked a bit after hearing it out loud from someone other than my dreams. I brushed it away and focused on the man in front of me. He thinks he knows everything about me just because my whole life was in that file. Clearly, he was messing with the wrong person.
“What makes you think we have something in common? Sure, you know everything about me with that information of yours, you know everything about me on the outside, but not on the inside. Information and facts can be altered and fabricated with lies by anyone…… but if you want the truth…….all you have to do is ask, isn’t that right……Michael?” I smirk at him. His confident smile turned to a frown, his eyebrows furrowed in disbelief.
“I’ve been truthful to you all this time……but not you. I know the whole reason you did all of this wasn’t because of your goal of just building a new world. You needed to prove a point to the others that you are powerful than them. It is your destiny, to put it simply.
But, there’s something stopping you. I know you, Michael. Only I know that you have a weakness, and this ‘apocalypse’ you put everyone through will you be able to find it.” He doesn’t want to admit it. His facade is way too strong to break down. This isn’t the Michael he was fond very talking about or maybe all he need is a little push.
“And what is……my weakness?” He growls deeply. Judging from his voice, he’s beginning to see me as a threat. Oh honey, I’m not the one you should be threatened by, yet.
Ms. Venable had called everyone for an emergency meeting. The aura in the library was solemn and the smell of death was lingering in the air. She had announced something about having a party after the hardships we went through over the past few months, and apologizing for her harsh punishments she had implemented in The Outpost. She said that a celebration is in need, camaraderie, and that it was a gesture of goodwill. A Halloween soiree. 
As if that would lighten up my mood. I’ve never been a big fan or parties. Why now? Is it because she had a change of heart after her time with Langdon or she’s planning something without everyone knowing? It has to be the latter. She’s never really subtle about it, and she’s always keeping secrets for her own benefit. You’re going to need a lot of persuading if you want me to attend it.
The rest had already rushed back to their rooms to get ready their costumes for the party. Wasting my time was part of my daily routine as I settled on to a new book, grabbing it off from the bookcase as I returned back to my room.
Along the way, I had stumbled into something hard. I didn’t look at where I was going because the book was way too interesting than looking up. Standing in front of me was none other than the devil himself.
I lowered my head, apologising before walking pass him.
“Don’t go.” He spoke, causing me to stop in my tracks. “The party, don’t attend it.”
“Why not?” I asked him casually. I turned around to face him, and so did he. “I believe we didn’t get to complete your interview before we were interrupted by dinner time. I wish to continue it.”
“Ms. Venable will be suspicious of me if I don’t attend it. She’ll know if one of us isn’t there.” I told him.
“Then leave the party when you think it is safe without anyone knowing. Meet me in my room. They won’t find you there.” He suggested, and vanishes off the corner of the hallway.
Everyone was swaying to the music, dancing with excitement and having a great time. A pleasant feeling bloomed inside of me but it faded away when I gazed upon the wooden tub that was filled with fresh apples and apparently the only refreshments they had. Michael had warned me about the party so why wasn’t anyone feeling different about it. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves. Without anyone looking, I made my move.
Finding Michael’s room, I entered when he permitted me to go in. His room looked the same like mine did. He was sitting at his desk, typing away in a working laptop as thick files piled on his desk.
“So, what is it that you wish to continue? I’ll be honest with you. The Sanctuary is the least of my concern. The last place I want to be before I’m dead is what you call as being ‘classified’’. Who knows you’re just trying to rope people in for the wrong kind of things.” I sat at the edge of his bed, looking at my nails with a bored expression.
“Tell me, Y/N. Do you believe in reincarnations?” He asked, his voice was soft and laced with curiosity.
“I used to, but I don’t think people’s interpretations of them are facts. People mostly believe a soul moves on into another physical form once their life is over before being reborn into a new life. Some claim they see memories of their previous life, thinking that it’s theirs but I don’t think that’s highly true. Our appearance might have changed but I believe a soul is only admitted to one lifetime only and when the time comes for their judgement, they’ll either go to Heaven or Hell.
Maybe people do get to see memories of their previous life, thinking that it’s theirs but to me, that person in that memory was simply just another person that lived with the same soul. They had their own life and their own future. This is my soul now and this is my lifetime. No one else’s but mine only. 
‘Eram quod es, eris quod sum’. I was what you are, you will be what I am. And when my time comes, I will be the same as them. Six feet down in my eternal resting place.” He had a twinkle in his eyes as he listens to me speak. He had been observing the way I illiterate the meaning of the word the way I see it.
“Fascinating,” He claims. “And what about soulmates, do you believe in them too?”
“I do, to a certain extent. But not in the way other people see it as. They romanticised it far too much, thinking that there is someone out there, with their souls tied together with the red string of fate. The ones who associate them to a romantic partner are the ones who are desperate for love and I think those who claimed to find their soulmates are simply pathetic.
They never travelled the entire country to look for them. They only assume the person they just met and fell in love with is their soulmate, in the same country, city, town or neighbourhood. They didn’t venture out to look for their true pair.” I gazed down at the floor. “Soulmates are just empty hopes and dreams for those who couldn’t find love.”
“And how do you perceive soulmates as?” He questioned.
“I see them as the person who will always be honest and truthful, the one I can share all my dark secrets and fears with. A person I can be comfortable around and will treat me with the same respect I show them. A person who shares the same believes and goals as I do. A person who can accept me……as I am. Intimate or not.” He reaches out his hand and cups both my cheeks in his palms. He was cold to the touch, giving my skin a cooling sensation.
“Do you think these dreams you have, are memories that belong to the person you share your soul with in the previous life? That woman in your dreams. Do you think it’s your memories too?”
“It could be. But I never said anything about it being my memories. I could have conjured them up from watching too much television. And I didn’t say anything about being the woman in those dreams.”
“Was the woman wearing a white Victorian dress, with her soft long curls cascading down her back, reaching her bottom?
“Almost all women wore like that back then. It doesn’t prove anything.”
“She had green eyes, long curly eyelashes. Her cheeks were blushed a light pink, her lips as red as cherry. And she had a locket around her neck. It was gold in colour. There is also an engraving on it as well. ‘L+L’. Inside the locket holds a picture of the man and the woman.”
“H-how do you know that?”
“Because I have those dreams too. You don’t think that is a coincidence, right? I had them all along. It was the only thing that soothe me to sleep and I look forward to it. I don’t look like the type who could love or show love to others, but I do. And maybe what you are actually seeking is not acceptance from yourself and what you need is what I can give you.” He looks me in the eye.
I stared at him back with the same look as his. “And what do I need?”
He smiles. “Me.”
He grabs on to my arms, pulling me up to my feet. “Hide in the wardrobe. Quickly, now.” He opened the door for me as I stepped inside. “Whatever you do, do not make a noise.” I nodded.
The room grew silent before I heard Michael speak, “Ladies, I’m a little busy right now formulating my selections.”
“This won’t take long.” The voice sounded like Ms. Venable.
“What’s this?”
“We’re making the selections now, Mr. Langdon. And I’m afraid you didn’t make the cut.” It only made the long-haired male chuckle.
“I’m sorry,” he begins, “I wanted to let you have your moment but I just couldn’t hold it in.”
“You think this is funny?” Ms. Venable snaps back calmly. “I think I’m impressed, Ms. Venable. I wasn’t sure you had it in you. You’ve passed the test. You’re perfect for The Sanctuary.”
“Ms. Mead.”
“I wouldn’t do that.” Mr. Langdon proclaims. There was a short pause before Ms. Venable spoke again.
“Ms. Mead.” Her tone was stricter now.
All of a sudden, a loud gun shot could be heard. I covered my mouth to muffled my gasp.
“I don’t know why I did that. I was always loyal to her.” The tone was mixed with emotions of sadness and disbelief.
“It’s alright,” he comforts, “You were obeying commands, like you’re programmed to do. My commands.” Footsteps grew closer towards me direction.
“Did you enjoy executing the poison apples plan as much as I enjoyed coming up with it?” He questioned Ms. Mead.
“You wanted everyone dead?” She asked, her voice shaky.
“I’ve never been a fan of getting my hands dirty. Learned that from my father. Always more fun to entice men and women to dirty needs. Confirms what I’ve always believed.”
“W-what do you believe?” Ms. Mead stuttered.
From the gap between the wardrobe doors, I could see him step closer towards her, “That all people, if given the right pressures and stimulus, are real evil motherfuckers.”
Ms. Mead didn’t know how to reply him, it sounded like she was confused. “I-I am having trouble with this. I know I’m just a machine.”
“Never say that!” His voice was laced with anger, his expression soured. “You’re not just a machine, not to me.” For a second, it felt like he actually cared and had actual feelings.
“When I tasked The Cooperative’s R&D Department to have you constructed, I gave them a prototype to model.”
“Prototype?” Of who?
“Of someone from my childhood. Someone very dear to me.” A prototype? No way. Ms. Mead is a…..a robot?
“The beautiful boy.” She replies him. He smiles, his eyes started getting teary as he nods in agreement. “That was me. But I had to keep the most important part of you hidden from your mind.”
“Why?” She questions.
“To protect you, and the plan. But now it’s time to remember it all. I lost you and I couldn’t bear it. I can’t imagine a new world without you by my side. The only woman who ever really understood me.”
“Who ever really loved you.” Slowly, Michael embraces her in his arms. The sight was truly a rare thing to see, seeing as Michael was always look so cold and arrogant. He releases her from his embrace before walking towards the wardrobe.
The doors flew open and he offers me a hand. I slipped mine into his and he helped me get out the small space.
“Y/N, you were in there all this time? What are you doing in Langdon’s room?” She asked me. Suddenly she panicked. “Oh no, I could have killed you too. I’m so sorry, Mr. Langdon. I didn’t know who she was.”
“Who I was? You know me?” How could she know me if I’ve never seen her before, unless? I gazed towards Michael. He only shows me a mischievous grin. “I may or may not have told her about you. After all, I was the one who told The Cooperative to rescue you.”
Taglist: @ meeeeeeeeeps, @ habblez-the-babblez, @ snookabooforever
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moonlight-at-dawn · 8 years
My Strength Lies In You || Chapter 6
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Title: My Strength Lies in You Chapter: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 (Eventual) Pairing: Noctuna (Noctis Lucis Caelum x Lunafreya Nox Fleuret) Characters: Noctis Lucis Caelum, Lunafreya Nox Fleuret, Gladiolus Amicitia, Ignis Scientia, Prompto Argentum Rating: T Genre: Friendship, Romance (slow burn, maybe?) Summary: Noctis has come of age, and he embarks on a journey to see more of his country and of the world alongside his four closest friends. Wherever they go, they protect the people, fight monsters and daemons, and heal the Starscourge. AU where Noctis isn’t the Chosen King and there’s no war with the Empire. Author’s Note: If I thought I was sorry last time for how long it took.... lol. Thanks for being patient as I struggled through this. Here’s hoping the next chapter won’t be nearly so painful to write *crosses fingers*
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"Fresh air!" Prompto shouted, opening his arms wide as he took in the sky.
Everyone was exhausted as they came up from the mines where they had barely escaped with their lives. After Keycatrich, they hadn't thought there would be as much trouble in the next underground area they found, and for the most part it really had not been so bad.
And then a daemon that resembled a samurai of yore had attacked and thrown them off a catwalk and into a hoard of goblins.
After the attack and fall, the fight had been far more of a struggle than it should have been, and they had needed Luna to heal both Gladio and Noctis before making their escape from the mines. They had expected to spend much more time in the mines than they had, and it was still the early afternoon. Slowly making their way back to the car, Noctis frowned as a large rain drop landed on his shoulder, drawing his attention upwards. The storm that had been on the horizon had moved in much faster than he'd thought it would.
Looking out at Longwythe below them, Noctis hesitated just a moment before he climbed in the car after Luna while Gladio called to him to hurry up. "Let's just head down to Galdin Quay now," he told Ignis.
"But we haven't actually been in the town yet," Luna protested, confused as to why they would skip it.
"It's not too far, we can come back for it."
"I don't mind," Ignis spoke up, glancing in the rear view mirror at them before he turned south on the road to do as Noctis had asked, "but why?"
"I bet he just doesn't want to sleep in another dingy hotel," Gladio shook his head, smirking faintly.
"Damn right I don't," Noct grumbled, leaning against the door and looking out the window as the rain now poured down. "I'm sore, I'm gross, and I want to sleep in a good bed and get some room service. Problem?"
"Nope!" Prompto chimed, turning around to grin back at them. "I'm excited to check it out, normally I'd never get to see a place like this...!"
"The Quayside Cradle hotel is supposed to be quite grand and exquisite. It's my understanding that they have a handful of luxury suites as well. Should I ask after those, Noct?" Ignis inquired.
"Up to Luna, depends on how close she wants to be to a bunch of guys."
Luna laughed softly at the teasing way he put it, and she smiled, "I have no problems with that. In fact, it sounds nice."
"Right then. Ignis, go ahead and just book the nicest suite that'll accommodate us. For a few days."
"Woah, how long we talking?" Gladio asked, now serious in the way he questioned Noctis.
Frowning at his tone, Noctis shot him a grumpy look, "Like I just said, we're not far from that town back there, and I want to be comfortable. If there's not much to keep us busy at Galdin Quay, we'll come back up and work out of Longwythe and retire to Galdin."
"Alright. So long's you aren't planning on slacking."
"Not for that long. But I do intend to get some good quality slacking in there. It's a beach resort, after all."
"And it's raining."
"Woah! And too bad, too, I bet I could get some amazing pictures from here!" Prompto shouted, trying to snap a few photos, but the shore was on the other side of Ignis. "I definitely need a chance to take some photos there when the weather is better," he added, settling down now that they had begun a winding descent down to the coast.
A few minutes later, they slowly rolled by a small strip of buildings, shops and cheaper places to rest or grab a bite to eat when at the beach. The closer they got to the shore, the classier the businesses became, and they pulled into the large lot that served both the resort hotel and for public access to the beaches. With the rain coming down, it was impossible to take a guess at what the place might be like on a normal day, but it seemed quiet in a way that suited it and felt like its natural state.
Ignis grabbed his umbrella and went on ahead to set up the reservations. They were thankfully under a carport, keeping dry though chilled by wind as they grabbed their bags from the trunk. A bellhop from the hotel came over with a luggage cart draped with plastic, and he loaded up their bags for them, ushering them ahead. With only two umbrellas between the four of them, Noctis and Luna shared one, while Prompto tried to fit under one with Gladio without much success. Once they were all in the lobby and out of the rain, Gladio made sure to tip the man well and Luna thanked him graciously.
Waiting for Ignis to finish at the counter, they stayed out of the way, trying not to attract any attention. He came to them a few minutes later with the card keys for each of them. Once they were in the elevator, he handed them out and explained, "The suite has three bedrooms. Two of them have king beds and are attached to their own private bathrooms. The third bedroom has two full size beds, and the couch in the sitting room is a fold out, so everyone has their own place to sleep."
"Score!" Prompto cheered.
"I booked it under the assumption that Noct and Lunafreya would each take the main bedrooms. The three of us can decide who gets the couch."
"I'll take it," Gladio spoke up with a shrug as they walked up to their door.
Ignis let them in, standing aside as they each stepped in, their luggage following with the bellhop who had first helped them outside. Once they were all in, Ignis looked around and continued, "Then there's a third bathroom for the rest of us, of course."
Prompto whistled in awe, walking around the small kitchen that hadn't been mentioned, "Next you're gonna tell me there's a hot tub in this room, too."
"No. However, because this is one of their top tier suites, it comes with access to their top tier amenities. There's a separate spa and sauna just for guests in this wing."
"I don't think I'll ever get used to this high class lifestyle..."
Noctis shook his head and shrugged. He had been the one who insisted on the comfort this time, but the extra amenities didn't matter that much to him. All he really wanted was to be able to stretch his legs and to sleep on a mattress that didn't feel stuffed with rocks. Walking over to the dining table, he sat sideways in a chair and opened up the binder containing the room service menu, calling out, "Luna, you should pick whatever room has the better view. I'll be keeping my curtains closed."
"Alright, Noctis."
"And write down what you want for lunch before you go wash up," he added absently. She nodded to him, and everyone went about getting settled in and jotting down what they wanted to eat. While Prompto took the first shower, Ignis placed their order and Gladio set about making sure they were properly settled in, since they would be staying a few days.
Luna was just as glad for the reprieve as the others, and she took her sweet time cleaning up and caring for her hair and skin. The Leide region was so dry that she felt almost endlessly itchy thanks to the heat and dust in the air. Her hair was down as she let it sit with some product she had brought with her to bring moisture and health back to it. She wouldn't exactly say she was vain, but she had appearances to keep up and she liked to look nice even without the reasons, it was just no tragedy if she didn't.
Rubbing lotion over her skin, she hummed a soft melody to herself. When she finished where she could reach, she got up and pulled a robe on, opening up the door and poking her head outside. The food still had yet to arrive, and Noctis was sitting on the couch playing on his phone, alone in the main room. "Noctis?"
"Huh? What's up?" he looked up, a blink and his lips pressed tight together the only reaction he gave to her appearance.
"Would you help me to put lotion on my back?"
He hesitated, almost dropped his phone when his fingers twitched, and then he caught himself and nodded, "Ah, alright...?"
She smiled to him and nodded, stepping aside so he could join her in her room. "I'm sorry to ask you, Noctis. If you're uncomfortable, perhaps I should ask Ignis instead?"
"I'm fine," he answered a little too quickly.
She had suggested Ignis simply because he had long held a role of caretaker, but Noctis was the one she was most comfortable with, and she was glad that he agreed. Pulling her hair over her shoulder, she clutched the front of her robe closed while pulling an arm from a sleeve to bare her back to him. She peeked over her shoulder when she felt his hand pull away just before touching to her skin, his voice whispering a curse. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing, sorry. I just realized it would be cold so I tried to warm it up, and my hands soaked up most of it... Sorry..."
She giggled quietly at that and shook her head. "It's alright. You must need it, too."
"Guess so," he mumbled, and set to work. His hand was timid on her back, but he was thorough, and she felt calm under his touch.
Sighing softly when his hand pulled away and she heard him closing up the jar, she slipped her arm back in the sleeve and got up to duck behind a changing screen. "This hotel has a place to get massages, right?"
"Uh? Yeah," Noctis answered, having been about to leave until she had spoken. "I'm gonna check out the hot tub a bit after lunch, myself."
"That does sound nice, but I didn't bring a bathing suit with me...," she stepped back out, wearing a long and elegant sundress, a dark blue in color with pale flowers, a far different sort of outfit than she would usually wear.
"You didn't pack an umbrella, you didn't pack a bathing suit...," Noctis smirked, shaking his head and tsking her softly.
She pouted at the tease, "Those are for leisure time, I didn't pack anything for that."
"How do you plan on keeping dry if we're hiking in the rain?"
"I have a poncho," she stated matter-of-factly, lifting her chin defiantly though her eyes danced with humor. "A large, drab poncho that keeps me dry and my hands free. How will you stay dry and fight at the same time, Prince Noctis?"
He raised his arms in surrender, laughing, "Alright, alright, you got me there. After lunch, why don't we go check out the shops, get you a bathing suit so you can enjoy that hot tub. And hopefully the beach before we leave, too."
"We'll see if they have a poncho for you, as well," she added with a wicked grin. Covering her mouth as she giggled softly, she shook her head at him and reached out to pat his arm as he pouted at her. "Thank you, Noctis. And until then, I think it's time I write some letters home. Who knows when we'll next have as much time?"
"Makes sense. Speaking of doing some writing... You have our notebook, right?"
"Of course," she smiled, and she opened up one of her packs to pull out a slim box. Pulling off the top, she set some stationary out on the table for herself, and she held their notebook out to him.
"Thanks. I'll give it back when I'm done."
"No rush. It's yours as well as mine, Noctis."
He grinned at that and pointed at the box she had pulled it from, "And you're a lot better at keeping things safe than I am."
"...When you put it that way. I'll be sure you give it back before we check out of the hotel, at the very least."
Chuckling at the jab he had invited, he nodded to her and left her to her letter writing. Back in his room, he sat down at the desk, testing a pen on the hotel-provided notepad before he would commit to using it in the precious notebook. Satisfied, he flipped through, smiling at the memories he peeked at as he leisurely flipped through to the most recent pages. Smoothing his fingertips over the heavy grain of expensive paper, he smiled at the birthday note he found etched below the last message he had written to her before she had come to Lucis for everything. Luna had signed it with a series of stickers, a cat, a car, a chocobo, and a few hearts screened with flowers.
He smiled warmly at the note, the pride she expressed in him as he continued growing into his role. And it was just that role that he wanted to begin to write about. Taking in a breath, he tapped the pen against the scrap paper, leaving small flecks of ink as he thought on how to express himself, wanting to tell her about the shared memories and emotions he experienced when taking in his ancestors' weapons, and how it made him think so much on what kind of legacy he might leave behind.
//Tenebrae - ME 744//
"To crown the King of Light is the calling of the Crystal."
Noctis watched her face closely as Luna answered his questions about the Cosmogony. She had such pride shining in her light blue eyes, and he couldn't help but to smile in return and to feel some of that pride as well. "But we don't know when that will be, right?"
"That is correct. It could be you, or one of your children, grandchildren, or so far down the line that it's too difficult to say," she giggled quietly, holding her hands out with her palms up to show how little they really knew about the timeline. "But one day, one of the kings of Lucis will cleanse Eos of the Starscourge with the power of the Crystal and the Lucii."
"And that's why my dad is protecting it."
"And one day, that duty will fall to you. It will be up to you to see to the safety of the Crystal, to heed its advice, to know when to use its power..."
"The way you talk about the Crystal, it's almost like it's alive." He looked at her curiously, rubbing his leg absently as pain throbbed in his thigh, radiating down his knee and up his hip and back.
Luna smiled at him and set the book aside with care before hopping off the bed to kneel beside him and rub his leg. She didn't yet have a grasp on her magic to use it to heal him, but she was trained in other ways of healing. Her mother insisted that it was bad to rely on magic for everything, and she agreed, and now she was grateful for it as she could help her young and newfound friend in between his healing sessions with Sylva.
"Do you think the Crystal is sad, in Insomnia?" he spoke suddenly, surprising her with his words.
"What, what do you mean, Noctis?"
He turned to look out the large windows and she followed his gaze curiously. "There's so much life here, in Tenebrae. The grass, the trees, the flowers. There's birds, and bugs, and the wind is always moving. But Insomnia is all concrete and wires. It's people crowded together, and cars everywhere. There's hardly any wild animals, the wind can't move through all the buildings, it's... so different. The Crystal is supposed to help life, but it doesn't get to see it..."
Luna stared up at him in wonder. Thinking on her response, she gave herself time by shifting focus back to giving his leg its proper massage. He winced and hissed with pain, but otherwise he bore through it, and relief came not long after she finished and sat back beside him on the edge of the bed. "I'm so happy to hear you say that, Noctis..."
"Eh? Well, I mean, you did just say, it's my job to protect and care for it, right?"
"That's right. Perhaps you should ask it when you're back in Lucis."
"Ask it?"
"Yes. The Crystal can commune with the Kings of Lucis. But, until you wear the ring, it may not speak to you."
"I'll still try!" he promised her earnestly. "When I'm better, and back home, that's the first thing I'll do. I'll go see the Crystal, and ask how it's doing."
Luna giggled quietly at his conviction and nodded happily. "Thank you, Noctis! It means so much to me." He returned her smile, but she could see some confusion in his eyes. Without waiting for him to ask, she explained, "The Crystal is the last connection that we truly have with the Draconian, Bahamut. It may even be the last of his life force. Caring for the Crystal, it could be seen as the same as caring for Bahamut. As Oracle, I will be the connection between humanity and the Astrals. It's my calling to tell the Astrals of our will, but also to hear theirs, to aid them if they ever have our need. But I cannot do anything for Bahamut, where he is. That duty, falls to you and to yours."
Noctis took in her words with a grave expression, feeling the importance of it all. While he knew so many pieces of the history and their duties, it wasn't until Luna began reading the Cosmogony with him that he understood faith and the depth of their responsibilities, and how far spread their influence truly was. He nodded to her, and he flashed a confident smile, "Don't worry, Luna. I won't let you down. No matter what, I'll make sure it's taken care of."
She gave him a warm smile, her face beaming with gratitude, "Thank you, Noctis!"
//Present Day - ME 756 //
Noctis leaned against the wall of the elevator, his chin dropping to his chest as he yawned widely and drew Luna's attention. Grinning at her as she tried so hard to stifle a yawn, he saw the tightness of her jaw and the way her chest held tight as she struggled not to let it out. She shot him a dirty look when he laughed, and her expression quickly melted into a smile and a quiet giggle. They stepped out of the elevator and into the hotel lobby, deciding to give the gift shop a good look before venturing into the heavy rain.
"Did you finish your letters home?" Noctis asked curiously.
Luna shook her head and she shrugged, "No, but you have been quite clear that we'll be spending a few days here. I figure I ought to be able to get them done before we move on."
"Yeah. Will it be Umbra or Pryna, you think? Or you gonna put the letters in the post like common folk?"
She laughed softly at the question and realized she wasn't sure of the answer. "I suppose we'll find out, won't we? If no one is available before we leave here, though, then I will simply put them in the post. No sense in waiting on them if they're busy. They probably have more important things to do."
"Makes sense," he shrugged. Hands in his pockets, he looked around the gift shop and realized they had wandered around the whole of the small store and hadn't seen anything worth even a closer look. Shaking his head, he raised his arm, small umbrella dangling from his wrist by a thin strap, "Guess this is a bust. Shall we?"
"It seems so, if I want it for today. I hope at least the wind has died down, but being by the ocean, I won't hold my breath..."
"Same here," Noct chuckled as the two left the small shop. Walking past the restaurant and registration counter, they could hear the wind and rain beating against the drawn shutters. Ordinarily the hotel would be wide open for the view and fresh air, but with such a heavy storm, they closed everything up for safety. Stepping out from the main shelter, the wind sent rain to them even so far under cover as they were, and Luna wrapped her arms around herself, pouting as her long hair whipped around and in front of her face.
All of that madness, and there were a few people out and about with umbrellas just as they intended to be, and she glared at them as she realized they made it so she wouldn't be able to complain and go back inside.
Noctis had no such cares when it came to voicing complaints, and even as he was opening up the umbrella, he sighed, "I really hate rain..."
"Perhaps we shouldn't worry about it today, after all, then?"
He shrugged, setting the umbrella against his shoulder to cover them both, "We're here, we might as well. Then we can go back in and relax."
"You're very keen on getting me into a swimsuit, aren't you?"
"I'm keen on getting you to lighten up and mix some fun with your work," he shot back with a smirk that didn't fully cover his embarrassment. "No reason we can't enjoy the world as we explore it, right?"
"I suppose not," she teased.
They stuck close, their sides pressed tight together as they huddled under the umbrella for warmth and trying to stay dry. Walking as quickly as they dared on the slippery dock, Noctis glanced down at Luna, her arms wrapped around her chest as she was hardly dressed for the weather. Then again, neither was he, with only a short sleeve shirt and pair of jeans. "Sorry!" he called out a bit loudly to be heard over the wind and rain as it roared over the dock, seeming much heavier than he thought it was when they had stood just outside the hotel. "If I had a coat, I'd give it to you!"
She tilted her head to look up at him with a wry smile, "We should have stopped back at the room!"
"Then you could wear that sexy poncho," Noctis laughed as he recalled her way of describing it.
"It would hardly go with my dress!" she complained with a smirk.
He laughed and shook his head with comic disappointment, "No umbrella at all but you refuse to wear your poncho with your dress...!"
"Packing for long trips is very complicated!"
"Is it? Never noticed."
She pouted at him, her cheeks puffed out, and he knew he was in trouble. Luna set her hand daintily just above his on the umbrella, and with a flash of an impish smile, she snatched it out of his grip and took off running. She laughed as she ran, taking care her heels while heading towards the parking lot and shops.
"Ah! Luna!? Hey! Get back here!" Noctis shouted after her. He set off after her, his heavy steps sending water splashing back up and soaking his ankles. He wasn't trying seriously to catch up as she led them to one of the shops, and once inside, he yanked the umbrella back with a huff and shook it out. "Now I'm soaked...," he whined.
She giggled at his poor attempt to seem angry, his lips still curled up in a smirk. "We were soaked before."
"Not this bad," he sighed dramatically and shook out his arms. Looking back over his shoulder out the glass door, he shook his head, "It looks bad now, but I swear it didn't look so bad before we started walking on the dock."
"Perhaps Ramuh is playing tricks on us," Luna laughed softly, rubbing her arms dry and warm.
He shot her a grin and rubbed the back of his neck, "He's napping somewhere closeby, isn't he? Guess that might not be too far off."
She giggled at that and tapped her lips teasingly, as if to say her lips spoke only truths and secrets. His grin broadened at her playful vibe, and he felt a pang of longing when she turned away to browse the shop. Shaking his head to clear it, he huffed at himself before walking after her to help the search for the bathing suit.
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