#there’s so many fees and credit checks and my renewal is in a month and i can’t find a new one so i guess im extending for another year
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alolan-weavile · 7 months ago
oooooh i am deeply unhappy actually
#hate my job#hate my apartment#hate the town im in#really really hate my job#trying to get a new apartment seems so unobtainable#there’s so many fees and credit checks and my renewal is in a month and i can’t find a new one so i guess im extending for another year#stuck in this hellhole#I can try to get a shorter lease but it’s like $150 more per month and if I still can’t find anything within that time im doubly fucked#genuinely just want to fade away into dust im sick of living like this#i feel sick and stupid 90% of the time#i finally got to take a vacation away from here and couldn’t even enjoy it because i got sick#and things were not planned well#and my partner bailed on all the events I wanted to do w them#and i get back to the apartment a mess and just feel so defeated#and i get back to work and we still have fucking mice everywhere#and no one’s done planos or price changes or ANYTHING i usually do#so im trying to catch up on two weeks worth of stuff. while also trying to prepare for truck tomorrow because no one sent the battery#pallet out so now we have two of them. and a taller than me pallet of core returns all unwrapped#and im having to come in every Sunday when I was promised those off#which is the only day we are able to do a dnd/group chat hangout and i always end up being the reason it gets delayed and i just Know ppl#be frustrated with me#im just tired and sick of this life#i don’t even know how you’re supposed to do jobs for so long without driving off a bridge#im still not even hitting the 40 hours i was promised and yet im losing my mind genuinely#i am stupid all the time. i forget basic things. I have to have people retell me things twice before they click#I wasn’t always like this. like something is WRONG and my doctor (who is quitting) is like#we’ll have you practiced mindfulness and meditation#yeah. ill get right on that#RAAAgggh I hate it here im cryin at work like a LOSER
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hayleycna · 6 months ago
My CNA License Expired: What to Do Next to Get Back on Track
**Title: ​My CNA License Expired: What to Do Next⁤ to⁣ Get Back on Track**
**Introduction:** If you’re a Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA) and your license has expired, you may be feeling worried about what to do next. Don’t fret! In​ this ⁣article, we’ll guide⁤ you⁢ through the⁢ steps you need to take to get back on track with renewing your CNA license. Whether it’s been a few months or several years since your license expired, we’ve got you covered. Let’s get started!
**Reasons for CNA License Expired:** There ‍could be several reasons why your CNA license expired, such as forgetting‍ to‌ renew it on time, not completing the required continuing education credits, or not meeting the⁢ renewal‌ requirements set by your state’s nursing board. ⁢Regardless ​of the reason, the important thing is to take action now to rectify the situation.
**Steps to Renew Your CNA ⁣License:** 1. Contact your state’s nursing ‍board: The first ⁢step is to reach out to your state’s nursing board to ⁢inquire about the specific requirements for renewing your CNA license. ​They will provide you⁤ with information on what forms you need to fill out, any fees⁤ that need to be paid, and⁣ the timeline for completing the renewal process.
2. Complete any missing continuing education credits: If you’re​ missing any required continuing education credits, now is the time to complete them. Look for approved courses or programs that will help‍ you ⁣fulfill ‍these requirements. This may include CPR certification, infection ⁤control training, or other relevant topics.
3. Submit‌ the renewal application: Once you have all the necessary documentation and have ⁢completed any missing requirements, ⁣submit ‍your renewal application to the ‌state​ nursing board. Make ‍sure to double-check that all information is accurate to avoid any delays in the renewal process.
4.⁣ Pay the renewal fee: ⁣Don’t forget to pay the renewal fee associated with renewing your CNA‌ license. This fee may vary​ depending on your state, so be ‍sure to check with the nursing board for the exact amount and payment⁤ options available.
**Benefits‌ of Renewing Your CNA ‍License:** – Maintain your⁤ employment eligibility: ​By renewing your CNA‌ license, you ensure that you remain eligible for employment⁤ in the healthcare field. Many employers require ‌a valid and current license as part‌ of their hiring criteria. – Opportunities for career advancement: Holding an active ⁢CNA license opens up opportunities for‌ career advancement and specialization ⁢within the healthcare industry. It shows your commitment to professional development and ongoing education.
**Practical Tips for ​Renewing Your CNA License:** – Set a reminder for the renewal deadline: To avoid ​missing the renewal deadline in the future, set a reminder on your calendar or phone. This will help you stay on top of your⁢ license expiration date and take action proactively. – Stay informed ‌about⁣ renewal requirements:⁢ Stay informed about any changes to the renewal requirements‌ set by your state’s‌ nursing board. This will help you prepare in advance and ensure a smooth renewal process.
**Conclusion:** Renewing your CNA license after it has expired may seem like a daunting‍ task, but with the⁢ right information and‌ steps in ⁤place,⁤ you can get back on track in no time.‌ Remember to reach out to your state’s nursing ‍board for guidance on the renewal process, complete any missing requirements, and submit your application and fee promptly. By taking proactive steps to renew your license, you can continue your career as a Certified Nursing Assistant with confidence and peace of mind.
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georgiagassavings · 2 years ago
Why You Should Read Your Gas Supplier's Terms of Service
New Post has been published on https://www.georgiagassavings.com/blog/why-you-should-read-your-gas-suppliers-terms-of-service/
Why You Should Read Your Gas Supplier's Terms of Service
Know the Terms of Your Gas Plan
Learn what’s usually in the terms of service with your natural gas supplier in Georgia. Find out why it’s important to read them before you sign up.
I understand what it’s like to see a cheap natural gas rate and just take it at face value. But in my experience, you never know if a natural gas plan is truly a good fit if you don’t first read the supplier’s terms of service. In fact, a plan with a higher rate could be the best option due to other conditions of the contract. Because of natural gas deregulation, you have several choices for suppliers in Georgia. So, be sure you’re making the best decision by reading your gas supplier’s terms of service before you sign up.
Check Terms of Service For Cancellation Fees
Cancellation fees fees can be rather high. So, it’s good to know ahead of time what you might pay if you ever need to cancel your plan. For example, Georgia Natural Gas® charges a different fee depending on when you cancel. For some 12-month plans, the provider charges a $100 ETF in the first six months and a $50 ETF in the second six months. So, if you have to cancel, waiting a few days could potentially save you fifty bucks!
Look For Deposits
The Public Service Commission caps deposits for residential natural gas customers at $150. Although many providers charge the full amount, you can find plans without a deposit. This can be a huge relief for customers with credit problems or who need to keep that extra money in their pockets.
Look out for Late Payment Fees
How a provider handles late payments is also clearly laid out in the terms of service. The supplier Scana Energy even has a policy for customers with two bounced checks within 12 months. Everyone who’s dealing with inflation right has to make some tough choices. So knowing about these kind of costs ahead of time will help you make better decisions.
Watch for Renewal Notices
Each provider has their own unique process for dealing with the end of a contract term. In the terms of service, you’ll see what will happen and when. This can be particularly important because many providers automatically enroll customers into their standard variable rate plan at the end of a fixed-rate contract. So as your plan winds down, remember to watch the mail for the renewal notice. Then, decide what you’ll do next. The rates on variable plans tend to be much more expensive than fixed rates. Avoid variable rate enrollment by paying attention to this part of the terms!
Terms of Service Help You Choose
Comparing natural gas providers by their terms of service can help you find the best plan for your needs. When two plans seem similar, you might learn that one is a far better fit. Maybe you’re looking for the flexibility of a plan with no cancellation fee. Or possibly you want to avoid a deposit at all costs. Reading the terms of service is the best way to make an informed decision.
Comparing plans and providers is easy when everything is all in one place. That’s what you get when you use Georgia Gas Savings. Visit us today at https://www.georgiagassavings.com.
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thatblackboianarchist · 3 years ago
Banks are Dumb and Abolish Money (1/2)
Banking is like super dumb. So we all know banks, right? They’re financial institutions dedicated to the management of money, those imaginary numbers, for consumers and businesses (and I suppose the government). Most people are affiliated with a bank of some kind, whether it’s a traditional private bank or a credit union or whatever else. So, I am an anti-financialist, I think finance as a concept, field, industry, whatever, is stupid for a few reasons that happen to align with why I hate banking in specific. So let’s explain.
I’m 18, turned an adult relatively recently, so I am having to get involved in banking more. Checking balances, using my card, transferring funds, etc. And can I just say, it is absolutely horrible. Well, okay, I enjoy the independence aspect to it: I have my own bank account that I can make purchases with; I don’t want to worry about my mom looking at my purchases (you know what I mean) so I actually buy the things I want. I feel all professional and adulty when I use banking jargon like “Yes, I would like to check my balance and transfer a set of funds from my domestic checking account to my international checking account”, but other than the feeling of autonomy and independence that I get from engaging with the bank system, I don’t like banks.
For starters, there are so many fees and they’ll all stupid. Like, overdraft fees, if you try to spend money you don’t have in your checking account, you can get slapped with a $35 overdraft fee, which to me seems so, pointless? Idk, I know the point is so that the bank can make money, but like, pfft, I’m not a fucking bank, I’m not a bank CEO or shareholder or board member, so why the fuck should that matter to me? I don’t care about the profit interests of banks, it’s not like I will ever see that money in my life. I care about me and my own convenience and life. If someone doesn’t have enough money in their checking for a purchase, just reject the purchase, like the fuck? Just say you can’t buy this thing you want, you don’t have to charge them for it, that’s so stupid.
Oh, and sometimes there are withdraw fees. Why? Why should I have to pay money to access my own money? Like what the fuck? What is the point? And don’t give me the “they need to make profit” line of defense, no the fuck they don’t, it is actually possible to run an organization without extracting endless lines of cash from it. You can just provide a fucking service and not have to always get something in return; life doesn’t have to be transactional ALL THE TIME. Life is not a bank, it shouldn’t be run like a set of cost and revenues functions or risk-benefit analyses, just fucking do what you are supposed to do.
The reason I hate banks is primarily because I think money as a concept is dumb. You have this imaginary number that separates you from the goods and services and whatever else that is produced in this world. It’s like a middleman you have to satisfy before you can access anything you need or want. You have to pay for housing, clothes, computers, chap stick, vacations, and literally everything. It’s annoying and it’s incredibly unhealthy.
Have we ever considered the long-term psychological consequences of having to turn every single desire you have into a risk-benefit analysis? Like, if I want to eat raspberry-filled chocolate, I have to weigh purchasing that over other things I might need to spend my money on. What if I need a repair for my bike? What if I need to pay for that train ticket? What if I want to eat out? What if I want that sex toy from Spencers? In our consumerist economy, that is a LOT of information you have to account for, and if you are poor like me, then you have to increase that processing ten-hundred-fold. And sure, the risk-benefit analysis becomes less arduous the richer you are, but most people aren’t rich and all people can’t be rich, by definition, so idk, is this really a psychologically sustainable way to organize consumption of goods and services?
I don’t think it is, especially since money is treated as a limited resource for everyday people, and as a limitless resource for governments, billionaires, and corporations. When you're not rich, your entire ability to access resources is limited by how much money you have. Why does it have to be limited? Why can’t I just eat the raspberry-flavored chocolate because I want to eat it and you are offering for it to be eaten? Why can’t I just grab the sex toy I want? Why do we have to limit ourselves for no good reason?
Oh, but people will tell you there are good reasons for money to exist. That we need money to exist. That there is no other way to organize a society. People talk about money like it’s as natural as the rising and setting of the sun, when in contrast to a literal celestial body, money is at the end of the day just a piece of paper (or I guess numbers on a screen). It has no inherent value to anyone; it is only valuable because we collectively consider it to be valuable. We already intuitively understand that, at least, I think we do. If I take my Euros to the local fish market in Madagascar and try to buy something, they will tell me to get lost! Because Euros aren’t considered to be valuable there. All this to say, money isn’t natural, it’s artificial; it is brought into this world by human choices and it can be brought out of this world with human choices.
One reason people talk about the necessity of money is because of scarcity, that if everything was free, we would run out of everything. Well, I hate to be the one to say it, but scarcity is a myth. Well, okay, technically there are limited amounts of everything, but that statement ignores context. If you live in a forest with 1 million apples and there are 5,000 people living in the forest, including you, that’s 200 apples per person. Is that meaningful scarcity? Relative to you and the population you are part of, do the apples even appear finite? How would you go about eating all of those in a day, or even a month, and what kind of person would eat 6 apples per day? Scarcity is relative to the population it affects, and only becomes meaningful when there are small levels of stuff in comparison to a large population that wants that stuff.
The mythology of scarcity ignores many key factors about the natural world. One, lots of resources are renewable. Water is renewable, air is renewable, energy is renewable (at least with solar, wind, and such), etc. You know what else is renewable? Biomass, so things like wood, plants, animals, food, agricultural products, cheeses, milk, etc. Renewable just means that it will naturally replenish itself so long as your consumption is horribly abusive and exploitative. And how can we ensure that our consumption is horribly abusive and exploitative? Adopting a zero waste paradigm, where we recycle, reuse, reduce shit, where we repair things that are broken, rot things into compost and soil, and refuse shit we don’t want.
Nature is cyclical. Resources are cyclical. Even things that aren’t considered renewable, like clay, sand, glass, gemstones, metals, ores, ARE actually renewable, they just take a long time to renew naturally. But goods themselves are renewable if you establish cycles of use. Take a bike that you own. It breaks so you repair it instead of buying a new bike which would use even more resources. It becomes irreparable so you melt the bike down and use the metal for something else, maybe a new bike or a kitchen appliance or a cup. Metal resources are cyclical, they can always be recycled and reused.
What if we made the most out of the resources we had instead of constantly destroying the natural environment to make more things? We have literal landfills full of resources, full of metals we can recycle, biomatter we can repurpose, items we can repair, etc. Waste is an illusion, created by capitalism to necessitate infinite production and consumption. Capitalism relies upon a linear waste model, where we produce shit, use shit, and discard shit, so we can buy the next shit. Anti-financialism relies upon a cyclical zero waste model, where we take shit, use shit, use shit for something else, and something else, and something else, and something else, forever, without us having to produce new resources for each “something else”.
We don’t need money to run our economy or limit scarcity. We can limit scarcity through responsible consumption and production, where we localize production, establish complex trade networks, adopt the 6 Rs of zero waste, and rot and recycle when all other options are exhausted. Where we share the shit we already have instead of hoarding it for ourselves, where we borrow things temporarily, like with a library, until we are done so the next person can use it. Where we turn the process of accessing goods into gift-giving, offering the fruits of our labour only so that people may benefit from it.
Second part here.
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chiseler · 5 years ago
The Head -- It Just Won’t Stay Dead
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In the early 1960s, the overwhelming majority of European horror films imported to the United States were either British or Italian, the British films being easily understood and the Italian ones frequently pretending to be of British origin. Examples of French horror were rare (odd for a country whose cinema was so rooted in the fantastique), reaching an early apex with Georges Franju’s Eyes Without a Face (1960), which came to the US in a well-done English dub called The Horror Chamber of Dr. Faustus during the Halloween season of 1962.
Seldom paid much attention in retrospectives of this fertile period in continental horror cinema is a rare German example, Die Nackte und der Satan (“The Naked and the Devil,” 1959), which came to the US retitled The Head almost exactly one year before the arrival of the Franju masterpiece. Critics like to refer to The Head as “odd” and “atmospheric,” words that seem to disregard deeper consideration, never really coming to terms with it as anything but a sleazy shock trifle. However, it was in fact the product of a remarkable and rarely equaled concentration of accomplished patrimonies.
Consider this: The Head starred the great Swiss actor Michel Simon, renowned for his roles in Jean Renoir’s La Chienne and Boudu Saved From Drowning; it was directed by the Russian-born Victor Trivas, returning to his adopted homeland for the first time since directing Niemandsland (1932, aka No Man’s Land or Hell On Earth), a potent anti-war statement that was all but obliterated off the face of the earth by the Nazis when he fled the country, and who furthermore had written the story upon which Orson Welles’ The Stranger (1946) was based; it was photographed by Georg Krause, whose numerous international credits include Stanley Kubrick’s Paths of Glory (1957); its sets were designed by Hermann Warm, the genius responsible for such German Expressionist masterpieces as Robert Weine’s The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919), Fritz Lang’s Destiny (1921), as well as Carl Dreyer’s The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) and Vampyr (1932), and its score is a wild patchwork of library tracks by Willy Mattes, the Erwin Lehn Orchestra, and a group of avant garde musicians known as Lasry-Baschet, who would subsequently lend their eerie, ethereal music to Jean Cocteau’s The Testament of Orpheus (1960). If all this were not enough, The Head was also filmed at the Munich studios of Arnold Richter, the co-founder of the Arri Group, innovators of the famous Arriflex cameras and lenses.  
Though made after the 1957 horror breakthroughs made in Britain and Italy (Terence Fisher’s The Curse of Frankenstein, and I vampiri, co-directed by Riccardo Freda and Mario Bava), The Head represented a virtual revolutionary act in postwar Germany, where horror was then considered a genre to avoid. The project was proposed to Trivas by a young film producer named Wolfgang C. Hartwig, head of Munich’s Rapid-Film, whose claim to fame was initiating a niche of exploitation cinema known as Sittenfilme – literally “moral movies” – which, like many American exploitation films of the 1930s, maintained a higher, judgmental moral tone while telling the stories of people who slipped into lives of vice (prostitution, blackmail, drug addiction), their sordid experiences always leading them to a happy or at least bittersweet outcome. Though it goes quite a bit further than either Britain or Italy had yet gone in terms of sexualizing horror, The Head nevertheless checked all the boxes required for Sittenfilme and was undertaken by Hartwig in early 1959 as Rapid-Film’s most prestigious production to date.
After the main titles are spelled out over an undulating nocturnal fog, the story begins with a lurker’s shadow passing along outside the gated property of Prof. Dr. Abel. With its round head and wide-brimmed hat, it looks like the planet Saturn from the neck up. When this marauder pauses to pay some gentle attention to a passing tortoise, we get our first look at the film’s real star - Horst Frank, just thirty at the time, his clammy asexual aura topped off with prematurely graying hair and large triangular eyebrows that seem carried over from the days of German Expressionism. More bizarre still, he later gives his name as Dr. Ood, whose explanation is still more bizarre: at the age of three months old, he was orphaned, the sole survivor of a cataclysmic shipwreck .
“That was the name of the wrecked ship,” he explains. “S.S. Ood.”
The ambiguous Ood takes cover as another late night visitor comes calling: a hunchbacked woman wearing a nurse’s habit as outsized as an oxygen tent. This is Sister Irene Sanders (the screen debut of Karin Kernke, later seen in the Edgar Wallace krimi The Terrible People, 1960). Though Irene cuts a figure as ambiguous and unusual as any Franju ever filmed, she owes her greatest debt to Jane Adams’ hunchbacked Nina in Erle C. Kenton’s House of Dracula (1945). As with Nina, Irene lives in the hope that her deformity can be eradicated by the skill of a brilliant surgeon.
When Irene leaves after meeting with Dr. Abel, Ood presents himself with the written recommendation of a colleague he previously, supposedly, assisted. A burly old walrus of a man, Abel (Michel Simon) already has two younger associates, Dr. Walter Burke (Kurt Müller-Graf, “a first class surgeon”) and the handsome, muscular Burt Jaeger (Helmut Schmid), who hasn’t been quite the same since an unexplained brain operation. Both associates share a creative streak; Burke is also “an excellent architect, [who] designed this house,” while Jaeger “designed my special operating table; it allows me to work without assistants.” (So why does he have two of them? With names that sound the same, no less!) Given the high caliber of Hermann Warm’s talent as a production designer, Burke and Burt together are every bit as skilled in architecture as was Boris Karloff’s Hjalmar Poelzig in Edgar G. Ulmer’s The Black Cat (1934). The main floor of Abel’s sprawling house is dominated by a vast spiral stairwell, striking low-backed furniture, a mobile of dancing palette shapes, and an overpowering wall reproducing Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Virtuvian Man.” Down in the lab, Burt’s robotic surgical assistant looks as if it might have been conceived by the brain responsible for the Sadean mind control device in Jess Franco’s The Diabolical Dr. Z (1965) - a film that, along with Franco’s earlier The Awful Dr. Orlof (1962), seems considerably more indebted to Trivas on renewed acquaintance than to Franju. The film was shot in black-and-white and at no point inside Abel’s abode do the silvery, ivory surfaces admit even the possibility of pigment.
Adding to its effect, the music heard whenever the film cuts back to Abel’s place is anything but homey. It consists of a single, sustained electric keyboard chord played in a nightmarish loop that seems to chill and vibrate, its predictable arc punctuated now and again with icy spikes of cornet. Though I don’t recall reading any extensive discussion of the film’s music, The Head represents what is surely the most important advance in electronic music in the wake of Louis & Bebe Barron’s work on Forbidden Planet (1956). Though the film’s music credits list bandleader Willy Mattes, Jacques Lasry and the Edwin Lehr Orchestra with its music, the most important musical credit is displaced. Further down the screen is the unexplained “Sound Structure, Lasry-Baschet.”
Lasry-Baschet was a musical combination of two partnerships – that of brothers Francois and Bernard Baschet, and the husband-and-wife team of Jacques and Yvonne Lasry. The two brothers were musicians who played astonishing instruments of their own invention, like the Crystal Baschet (played with moistened fingers on glass rods), the Aluminum Piano, the Inflatable Guitar, the Rotating Whistler, and the Polytonal Percussion. The Lasry couple, originally a pianist and organist, began performing with the Baschets on their unique devices in the mid 1950s. Some of the music they produced during this period is collected on the albums Sonata Exotique (credited to Structures for Sound, covering the years 1957-1959) and Structures For Sound (credited to the Baschet Brothers alone, 1963), a vinyl release by the Museum of Modern Art. These and other recorded works can be found on YouTube, as well; they are deeply moving ambient journeys but I cannot say with certainty that they include any of the music from The Head. That said, the music they do collect is very much in its macabre character and would have also fit very well into Last Year At Marienbad (1961) or any of Franju’s remarkable films.
When Ood meets with Abel and expresses his keen interest in experimental research, the good doctor mentions that he has had success copying “the recent Russian surgery” that succeeded in keeping the severed head of a dog alive – however, his moral code prevents him from taking such experimentation still further. After leaving Abel, Ood finds his way to the Tam-Tam Club, a nightspot where a life-sized placard promotes the nightly performances of “Tam-Tam Super Sex Star Lilly.” This visit initiates a parallel storyline involving Lilly (Christiane Maybach), who supplements her striptease work as an artist’s model, and is the particular muse of the brooding Paul Lerner (Dieter Eppler), a man of only artistic ambition, much to the annoyance of his father, a prominent judge who wants him to study law. Maybach reportedly won her role the day before she began filming. According to news reports of the day, the actress originally cast – the voluptuous redhead Kai Fischer – had signed on to play the part, after which producer Hartwig decided she must also appear nude. Fisher sued Hartwig for breach of contract in March 1959 and he was sentenced to pay out a compensatory fee of DM 4,000 – in currency today, the equivalent of about $35,000. As it happens, Christiane Maybach doesn’t appear nude in the film’s final cut either.    
The English version of The Head opens with a credit sequence played out over a shot of the full moon taken from near the climax of the picture. Unusually, the German Die Nackte und der Satan doesn’t present its title onscreen until Lilly is ready to go on. It’s superimposed with inverted commas on pleated velvet curtains that suddenly rise, revealing a stage adorned by a single suit of armor. Lilly dances out, stage right, garbed in a medieval conical hat, scarves, a bikini and a black mask, performing her dance of the seven veils around the impervious man of metal. She only strips down to her bikini but her dance ends with her in the arms of the armor we assumed empty, which tightly embraces her as its visor pops open, revealing a man’s face wearing skull makeup. Lilly screams, the lights go out, and the house goes wild with applause – a veritable blueprint for the striptease of Estella Blain’s Miss Death in Franco’s The Diabolical Dr. Z (1965).
The music heard during the film’s Tam-Tam Club sequences was recorded by the  Erwin Lehn Orchestra, evidently with Jacques Lasry on piano, though its emphasis on brass is its outstanding characteristic. Erwin Lehn was a German jazz musician and composer who established the first German Big Band Orchestra for South German Radio. Brass was a major component of his sound – indeed, he made pop instrumental recordings credited to The Erwin Lehn Beat-Brass. You can find their album Beat Flames on YouTube, as well.
Backstage, the beautiful Lilly is a nagging brat, drinking and flirting with patrons while berating Paul’s lax ambitions on the side. Dieter Eppler, a frequent player in the Edgar Wallace krimis and also the lead bloodsucker in Roberto Mauri’s Italian Slaughter of the Vampires (1964), makes for inspired casting; he looks like a beefier, if less dynamic Kirk Douglas at a time when Vincente Minnelli’s Lust For Life (1956) would have still been in the minds of audiences.
Once Ood joins the payroll, Dr. Abel confesses that his heart is failing rapidly. The only means of saving himself and perpetuating his brilliant research is by doing the impossible – that is, transplanting the heart from a donor’s body into his own, which he insists is possible given his innovation of “Serum X.” What Abel could not foresee was that his own body would die during the procedure. Ood tells Burke that the only way to save Abel’s genius is to keep his head artificially alive, which his associate rejects uncatagorically, pushing Ood over the edge into murder. Then Ood proceeds with the operation,  working solo with Jaeger’s robo-assistant passing along surgical tools as he needs them. When Abel revives, Ood breaks his news of the procedure gently by holding up a mirror and exclaiming that he’d had “one last chance – to perform the dog operation on your head!” Abel screams in revulsion of what he has become. The conciliatory Ood gently cautions him, “Too much emotion can be extremely dangerous now.”
The severed head apparatus is a simple yet ingenious effect, shot entirely in-camera and credited to Theo Nischwitz. It utilizes what is generally known as a Schufftan shot, a technique made famous by spfx shots achieved by Eugen Schufftan for Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (1926). Essentially, Michel Simon was seated behind a pane of mirrored glass with all the apparatus seen from his neck up. The silvering on the reverse portion of the mirror was scraped away, allowing the camera to see through to Simon and the apparatus while reflecting the apparatus arrayed below his neck, in position for the camera to capture its reflection simultaneously. In at least one promotional photo issued for the film, Simon’s shoulders can be transparently glimpsed where they should not be.
Irene returns to meet with Dr. Abel and is surprised to find new employee Ood now alone and ruling the roost. When he offers to perform her operation himself, she instinctively distrusts and fears him – but is reassured after hearing Abel’s disembodied voice on the house’s sophisticated intercom.
After the killing and burial of Burke, whose body Bert Jaeger later finds thanks to the barking of Dr. Abel’s kenneled hounds (a detail that one imagines inspired Franju’s use of a kennel in Eyes Without a Face), the film introduces the dull but nevertheless compulsory police investigation, headed by Paul Dahlke as Police Commissioner Sturm. Sagging interest is buoyed by a surprise twist: when Dr. Ood returns to the Tam-Tam Club and asks the perpetually pissy Lilly to dance, he refers to her in passing as “Stella,” prompting her to recognize him as “Dr. Brandt” (the scorecard now reads Burke, Bert and Brandt), who has inside knowledge pertaining to her poisoning of her husband! Given that his  earlier writing projects include Orson Welles’ The Stranger and the bizarre Mexican-made Buster Keaton item Boom In the Moon (also 1946), in which an innocent shipwrecked sailor is rescued from his castaway existence only to find himself confused with a serial killer, Victor Trivas would seem partial to characters who live double lives.
Though Ood/Brandt’s aura is basically asexual through the first half of the film, the second half requires him to take an earthier interest in the female bodies finding their way into his hands. He takes the already tipsy Lilly/Stella home for a drink and some mischief.
“What’s in the glass?”
“Drink it and find out.”
“I hope it’s not poisoned.”
“That’s not my specialty, is it?”
Lilly/Stella becomes the necessary auto parts for Irene’s pending operation. In a nicely done montage, the film dissolves from Lilly’s unconscious body to a glint of light off the edge of Ood’s poised scalpel. It cuts to a curt zoom into Abel’s scream at being forced to watch a procedure he abhors, then a dissolve from his mouth to the spinning dials of a wall clock, followed by some time-lapse photography of cumulous clouds unfurling from an open sky, before Irene awakens in her recovery room with a decorative choker around her throat. She is able to gain her feet and covers her nude body in a sheet. She finds Ood lounging in Abel’s old office. He walks toward her as the sheet tumbles off her bare shoulders.
“How do you feel?” he asks.
“Well, I… I’ve a strange kind of feeling, as if my whole body were changed, as if my body didn’t want to do what I wished.”
Therefore, Ood has not only taken away her deformity but her responsibility for her actions, as well. Though she has never smoked before, she craves a cigarette. As Ood lights one for her,  her wrap falls further, undraping her entire bare back and thus exposing a birthmark on her left shoulder blade that becomes an important plot point. Ood confesses she’s been unconscious for 117 days, during which time he has passed the time by performing numerous enhancing procedures on her inert body. When he compliments her superb figure, she self-consciously covers her legs and recoils from him.
“Why run from everything you desire?” he asks. “You can’t run from yourself.”
He draws Irene into a surprising deep kiss, which – to her own apparent horror - she returns. Ood then tries to take things further but she refuses. After a brief (and surprisingly curtailed) attempt at abduction, he releases Irene, who dresses in a black cocktail dress and heels left behind by Lilly and returns to the humble apartment she kept in her previous life, where a full-length mirror stands covered. In a scene considerably shortened by the US version, she rips the cover away in a movement evocative of a symbolic self-rape, and glories in her new reflection.  The score turns torrid, brassy, and trashy as she admires her shapely terrain, fondling the curves of her breasts and hips in a prelude to a gratifying personal striptease. She then goes to her bed, where she tries on an old pair of slippers; she laughs and kicks them away, delighted at how small her feet now are. When she wakes the next morning, she finds a pamphlet for the Tam-Tam Club in Lilly’s old purse, which leads her body back to its former place of employ. When she arrives, another striptease artist is working onstage with a bed. This performance appears to burlesque Irene’s own motions from the night before; she kicks off one of her shoes as Irene had done.  
From the moment she walks into the club, still wearing Lilly’s clinging black dress, Irene evokes a black widow, a kind of Alraune – the femme fatale of Hanns Heinz Ewers’ novel, filmed in 1930 with Brigitte Helm and in 1952 by Hildegarde Knef. Like Alraune, she’s the beautiful creation of a mad scientist’s laboratory, but unnatural. In this case, she’s not really a soulless artificial being out to destroy men; on the contrary, she is soulful, starving for some insight into who she is, what she is. In this way, she particularly foreshadows Christina, the schizophrenic subject of Baron Frankenstein’s “soul transplant” played by Susan Denberg in Terence Fisher’s Frankenstein Created Woman (1966).
She quickly attracts Paul’s artist’s eye, just as the now-topless dancer onstage swirls into a swoon on a prop bed – unconsciously mimicking Lilly at the only time she ever saw her, when Ood gave her a sneak peek at the unconscious woman on his living room couch. She asks about Lilly, whom Paul mentions has been dead now for three months, her body (in fact, Irene’s former body) found maimed beyond recognition on some railroad tracks. He asks her to dance, but Irene refuses, as she has never danced, never been asked to dance before. But he insists and they both discover that she can: “You must be a born dancer!”
Beautiful and irresponsible, she allows herself to follow Paul back to his studio, where drawings of Lilly are displayed. Paul asks to draw her, and when she turns her back to bare her shoulders, he recognizes Lilly’s beauty mark. She flees from the apartment and confronts the unflappable Ood.
“You must have grafted her skin on my body!”
In the movie’s most hilarious line, he fires back, “You have a poor imagination!”
She rejects his true account of the procedure and demands to see Dr. Abel, so Ood takes her down to the lab for a personal confirmation from the man himself. Ashamed to be seen this way, Abel pleads with Irene to disconnect him from the apparatus. She is driven away before she can accomplish this, and tries to shut away the horror of the truth that’s been revealed by losing herself in her new relationship with Paul – but the old question arises: Does he love her for her body or her mind? There seems to be one answer when he first kisses her, and another and his lips venture further down her front.  
I should leave some things to be discovered by your own viewing of the film, but it demands to be mentioned that Irene – the triumphant climax of Ood’s genius, so to speak – actually survives at the end of the film to live happily ever after. Think about this. This is something that would have been considered unacceptable in any of Hammer’s Frankenstein films at the time – indeed, through the following decade. So, although Ood is ultimately destroyed (you’ll need to see it to find out how), the mad science he propounds is actually borne out. It’s left up to Paul and Irene, as they walk off together toward a new tomorrow, how they will manage to live with the fact that the two of them are in fact a ménage à trois. Will they keep the details of her existence a secret? Will medical science remain ignorant? Should they ever have any, what will they tell their kids?  
The Head was hardly the first word on severed heads in horror entertainment. In his own admiring coverage of the film, Euro Gothic author Jonathan Rigby likens the film to the story of Rene Berton’s 1928 Grand Guignol play L’Homme qui à tue la mort (“The Man Who Killed Death”): “There, Professor Fargus revived the guillotined head of a supposed murderer and the prosecutor lost his mind when the head continued to plead his innocence.” Earlier such films would include Universal’s Inner Sanctum thriller Strange Confession (1945, in which a never-seen severed head is a main plot point), The Man Without a Body (1957) and The Thing That Couldn’t Die (1958), the latter two proving that the concept was actually trending at the time The Head was made. Also parenthetically relevant would be She Demons (1958), which involves the nasty experiments of a renegade Nazi scientist living on an uncharted tropical island, who removes the “beauty glands” of native girls to periodically restore his wife’s good looks. Though The Head wasn’t the first of its kind, many of the traits it introduced would surface in similar films that followed – not only in Franju’s Eyes Without A Face or Franco’s The Awful Dr. Orlof and The Diabolical Dr. Z, but also in Anton Giulio Majano’s Italian Atom Age Vampire (1960), Chano Urueta’s The Living Head (1963), and most conspicuously in Joseph Green’s The Brain That Wouldn’t Die, not released until 1962 though filmed in 1959, some six months after The Head.
It must be mentioned that the film’s unusual quality did not go unrecognized by its American distributor. Trans-Lux Distributing Corporation advertised the film that took a most unusual approach to selling a horror picture. The ads did not promise blood, or that your companion would jump into your lap, or shock after shock after shock. Instead, Trans-Lux promised that “At The Head of All Masterpieces of Horror [my italics] That You’ve Ever Seen… You Must Place… The Head.”
Of course it was an overstatement, but the size of its overstatement would seem to have narrowed appreciably with time.
So why has The Head, with its rich pooling of so much European talent, been so neglected?
A key reason may be that horror fans like their actors and directors to maintain a certain consistency, a certain fidelity to the genre. Horst Frank (who died in 1999) would appear in other horror films, but never again played a lead; he pursued his career as a character actor and singer, maintaining a career on the stage and keeping close to home, never making films off the continent or appearing in productions originating from England or America. After The Head, Victor Trivas made no more horror films. The other four features he made had been produced a quarter century earlier and the majority are impossible to see in English countries. Those who remembered him for Niemandsland would have considered The Head an embarrassment, an unfortunate last act. It wasn’t quite a last act, however. The following year, he returned to America, where he sold his final script to the Warner Bros. television series The Roaring 20s, starring Dorothy Provine. Though the show avoided fantasy subjects, it was a voodoo-themed episode entitled “The Fifth Pin,” directed by Robert Spaar and televised during the series’ first season on April 8, 1961. The guest stars included John Dehner, Rex Reason, Patricia O’Neal and, surprisingly, beloved Roger Corman repertory player Dick Miller. Trivas died in New York City in 1970, at the age of 73.
The English version of The Head is considered to be a public domain title and has been available from Alpha Video, Sinister Cinema and other PD sources. This version was modestly recut to create a new main title sequence and to remove certain erotic elements unwelcome to its target audience in 1961. Happily, a hybrid edition – which, in a fitting fate, grafts the English dub onto the original uncut version from Germany – was recently made available for viewing on YouTube.
In the immediate wake of The Head, producer Wolf C. Hartwig pushed another erotic horror film into production, Ein Töter hing in Netz (“A Corpse Hangs in the Web,” 1960). Scripted and directed by Fritz Böttger, the film (Böttger’s last as a director) was first released in America as It’s Hot In Paradise (1962), sold as a girlie picture with absolutely no indication of its horror content. It was later reissued in 1965 as Horrors of Spider Island (1965). Under any of its titles, the film is notably lacking all of the artistic and aesthetic pedigree that made its predecessor so special and, indeed, influential.
Sixty years further on, The Head warrants fuller recognition as a spearhead of that magic moment on the threshold of the 1960s when so-called “art cinema” began to be fused with so-called “trash cinema,” leading to a broader, wilder, more adult fantastique.  
by Tim Lucas
[1] Victor Trivas’ Niemandsland may be viewed online at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-4XhNMWoyw
[2] Rapid-Film’s later successes would include the German film that was subsequently converted into Francis Ford Coppola’s directorial debut (The Bellboy and the Playgirls, 1962), Ernst Hofbauer’s Schoolgirl Report film series (1970-80), and Sam Peckinpah’s Cross of Iron (1977).
[3] You can see Lasry-Baschet perform and be interviewed in a French newsreel from January 1961 on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awaFd6gArLg&t=46s.
[4] Well, as “recent” as 1940, when footage of a supposedly successful Soviet resuscitation of a dog’s severed head was included in the grisly 20m documentary Experiments In the Revival of Organisms. The operation was performed (and repeated) by Doctors Sergei Brukhonenko and Boris Levinskovsky, making use of their “autojektor,” an artificial heart/lung machine not unlike the contraption seen in The Head. A close look at Experiments reveals that it really shows nothing that could not have been faked through means of special effects. (When George Bernard Shaw learned of the Soviet experiment, he’s said to have remarked, “"I am tempted to have my own head cut off so that I can continue to dictate plays and books without being bothered by illness, without having to dress and undress, without having to eat, without having anything else to do other than to produce masterpieces of dramatic art and literature.") Experiments In The Revival of Organisms has been uploaded to YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ap1co5ZZHYE.
[5] Rigby, Jonathan. Euro Horror: Classics of Continental Horror Cinema (London: Signum Books, 2017), p. 79.
[6] Joseph Green also worked in motion picture distribution and later formed Joseph Green Pictures, which specialized in spicy imported pictures, some from Germany. It’s possible that he saw the Trivas picture when it was still seeking distribution in the States. When Ostalgica Film released The Head on DVD in Germany under its Belgian reissue title Des Satans nackte Sklavin (“The Devil’s Naked Slave”), the disc included The Brain That Wouldn’t Die as a bonus co-feature.
[7] A fine quality homemade experiment, it runs 91 minutes 47 seconds and can be found at: The Head (Die Nackte und der Satan) 1959 Sci-Fi / Horror HQ version!.
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shaniaatwain · 5 years ago
8 Ways to Get Audiobooks for FREE!
Last week, I wrote a post about how I’ve fallen in love with audiobooks and my thoughts on the Top 3 Paid Audiobook Services. Today, I’m going to tell you why we decided not to pay for any audiobook services and a variety of creative ways to get audiobooks for free.
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First, if you want to listen Audible books with only $5.9 per book. Go to Buybookonline.net . You can buy audible credit with only $5.9 per credit.
Before we talk about the various ways to get audiobooks for free, I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions to determine which platforms/services/apps would work best for you:
When Will I Listen to Audiobooks? When would be the ideal times for you to listen to audiobooks? Are you planning to listen while you clean, while you work out, while you commute, while you get ready in the morning?
What Device Will I Use to Listen to Them? Based upon your answers to the above question, would it only work for you to listen to audiobooks on your phone? Or could you listen on a CD player or on your computer?
What Kinds of Audiobooks Do I Want to Listen To? I’ve found that I prefer listening to audiobooks that I’m okay with not catching every single word and aren’t the kind of books I would want to underline. I’ve also found that long books that kind of intimidate me to read (such as All the Light We Cannot See or Unbroken) work well on audiobook for me — because I might struggle to sit down and read them, but I will enjoy listening to them!
Now that you’ve answered those questions, let’s talk about the best way to get audiobooks for free:
FREE Apps from Your Library: Overdrive, Hoopla, OneClickDigital
Before you look anywhere else, RUN to your library’s website and see what they offer as far as audiobook apps go. Many libraries offer amazing apps like Overdrive, Hoopla, or OneClickDigital — for FREE!
You can download brand-new releases, old classics, and just about everything in between through these apps. You can even download magazines! And did I mention that it’s all FREE??
You just download the app, link it to your library card, and then go in and request which books you’re interested in. If the book isn’t available right away, you can put a hold on it and they’ll send you an email when it’s available.
We. are. in. love.
At the rate Jesse and I are listening to audiobooks right now, we figure that the library is saving us at least $100 to $150 per month in audiobook fees. How crazy is that??
Now, there are a few drawbacks:
There are often a lot of people who have placed holds on books you are interested in. Which means you have to place a hold and wait your turn. It might take a week or two — or up to a few months or more — to get your turn to listen to the audiobook.
If you place a hold, you are at their mercy as to when a book becomes available. Depending upon the app and how new the book is, you might only have a 7 to 14-day window to listen to the audiobook. Also, if you’ve placed lots of holds, a bunch of them might come available all at once. Which means you’ll probably not be able to get through them before you have to “return” them to the library.
They don’t have all the audiobooks. The apps offer a wide selection of audiobooks, but it isn’t as comprehensive as what’s offered through Audible. However, free is free and I’ll take it! So far, I’ve had no problem finding plenty of great listening material… and don’t see that I’ll be having a shortage any time soon! 🙂
You can’t download them indefinitely. Unlike Audible or other paid audiobook services, when you download a book from the library, you only get it for a set period of time and then the download expires. This time period is usually somewhere between 7 and 21 days. Depending upon how new the book is and how many holds there are on it, you may or may not be able to renew it.
Overdrive has adult magazines on their homepage. One thing I was bothered by with Overdrive is that the app has had adult magazines advertised right on the homepage — that you can download for free. I would definitely use caution if you allow a child to use the app because of this. (Update: A few readers said this is not the case with all libraries and you are able to change this in your settings.)
All that said, to have access to hundreds of thousands of audiobooks for FREE is pretty downright amazing. And I love the fact that I don’t have to worry about paying late fines… because a book just expires on the app once your checkout time is up.
Plus, you never even have to make it to the library to check out or return books. You can request and download and “return” books all right from your phone in your living room!
Note: If your library is small and doesn’t offer free audiobook apps, consider checking into other larger libraries in your state. You may be able to get a free library card to another library in your state or area that does offer audiobooks. Or, they may offer a paid library membership to out-of-area residents. If you go through a lot of audiobooks, it may be a much less expensive option to buy a membership than to pay to download individual audiobooks from other sites.
Other Places to Download Audiobooks for FREE
Librivox — This site offers thousands of public domain audiobooks — for free. The audiobooks are read by volunteers so the quality isn’t always as professional as what you can download from the library. However, they are free for anyone to listen to on their computer, iPod or other mobile device, or to burn onto a CD. (Note: One of my readers mentioned in the comments that many of the classics have multiple versions available read by different readers, so try a few different versions to find the reader you like best!)
LoyalBooks — This is another HUGE directory of free audiobooks and ebooks. This site used to be called BooksShouldBeFree. It offers a wide variety of public domain audiobooks.
YouTube — Believe it or not, YouTube offers a number of free audiobooks. Some of these are illegally recorded, others are not. To find an audiobook on YouTube, search for the name of the book + audiobook to see if it pulls it up. There are a different YouTube channels that offer free audiobooks, too, such as Greatest Audiobooks and AudiobooksFree.
Open Culture — This site offers a listing of 700 different audiobooks you can download free. Most of the links are to iTunes downloads or MP3 downloads.
Free Classic Audiobooks — This site offers free audiobook downloads in mp3 and in m4b audiobook format for iTunes and the iPod. It’s a pretty old site, but it looks like they update it with new audiobooks fairly regularly.
Learn Out Loud — This site has a Free Audiobook section where they offer 3,000 different audiobooks for free. There are quite a few good selections to choose from. They list free audiobooks from across the web plus some you can download directly through LearnOutLoud.com.
Podcasts — One of my readers recommended the Sparkle Stories and StoryNory podcasts. They offer free audiobooks for kids.
What are YOUR favorite ways to get audiobooks for free? I’d love to hear!
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cindylouwho-2 · 5 years ago
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Welcome to my latest summary of recent news, resources & studies including search, analytics, content marketing, social media & ecommerce! This covers articles I came across in the past 5 weeks, although some may be older than that.
I am still working on scheduling enough time to post these every 10 days or so, but lately luck is just not on my side. Writing this elsewhere then cutting & pasting it here is creating some significant formatting issues, so if you find any errors or broken links, please let me know. 
Are there types of news you would like to see here?  Leave a comment below, email me through my website, or send me a message on Twitter.
Etsy introduced Etsy Ads at the end of August; I covered it on my blog. Some people are seeing decent returns, but many are not. I started a forum thread here for continuing discussion. 
A day later, Amazon announced it has waived their $40 a month shop fee for Handmade by Amazon shops. See the pinned post on their Facebook page. 
A large study of click-through-rates (CTR) on Google reveals that the top link gets over 30% of the clicks, titles with questions get 14% more clicks than those without, and moving up one slot in the results leads to more clicks, unless you move from 10th to 9th. They cite Etsy’s study of titles & CTR (which showed that shorter titles get more clicks, something that this study also found).
Trend watch: a suggestion that Americans can avoid most of the tariff pain in the pocketbook by buying used clothing & other items. “Secondhand and vintage is no longer synonymous with a dusty pile of outdated sweaters in the corner of a church basement, or a yearly rummage sale. Online resale, including high-end designer items, is booming, thanks to start-ups like The RealReal, Depop, Poshmark, eBay, and Etsy. It’s possible to fill your entire closet this way”. Pre-owned & rented clothing also makes fans of sustainability happy. 
Also, “grandmillennials” are a thing. 
Etsy US searches often now have a full first page of items that ship free or have the $35 free shipping guarantee, as of September 6 (although they were testing it earlier than that.) I was seeing the rare exception, beyond searches that have fewer than 48 items shipping free, but it wasn’t clear if these are tests or personalization. Then on September 21, we started seeing many items with shipping charges on the first page of even very large results, & most smaller results didn’t give much if any priority to free shipping at all. There has been no statement from Etsy, so your guess is as good as mine ...
In the meantime, they’ve begun promoting free shipping to buyers, which has led to some media coverage. Some note that the timing is good, since most US holiday purchases online in the past several years have included free shipping. 
There is a new chapter in the Ultimate Guide To Etsy Search, involving attributes. The accompanying podcast with Etsy’s head taxonomist [transcript with links to the podcast] is quite interesting. She says that one of the reasons that some attributes haven’t shown up yet as search filters is that not enough sellers have applied them to listings. “If we have 100,000 items in the search results and a buyer uses a filter, and that filter causes the results to return just 20 items, that makes it seem broken. The buyer no longer trusts the results. If only 20% of sellers fill out an attribute, showing a filter based on that attribute to buyers isn’t going to be helpful because such a drastic reduction in results makes them lose confidence in those search results. We have to wait until a large number of sellers fill out that data to show it to buyers as a filter. When we do, sellers who have filled out that attribute show in those filtered search results. Sellers who haven’t, don’t.” Also, “[w]e know that shoppers who interact with these filters tend to buy more expensive items.” And, there aren’t separate jewellery attributes for “gold”, “gold-filled” & “gold-plated” because “[m]any jewelry buyers don’t have your experience and don’t know the huge difference between these things.”
The new commercials were launched earlier this month; you can check them all out here, and here is some media coverage. Some analysts think this is a good thing for the stock. 
Vox published  a review of Etsy’s latest free shipping push, in contrast with its history. [I am sure most of you have seen that, but if not, it is a good read!] “Silverman doesn’t like the words “handmade” or “craft” because they “don’t communicate anything to buyers about when to think of Etsy.” he says now. Nobody wakes up thinking, “Gosh, I need to buy something handmade today,” he tells me, which may be true but I rarely wake up thinking I need to buy anything at all, and more commonly wake up in horror because I’ve already bought way too much. “You need to furnish your apartment. You need to prepare for a party. You need to find a gift for a friend. You need a dress. Handmade is not the value proposition — unique, personalized, expresses your sense of identity, those are things that speak to buyers.” [emphasis added]  Also, apparently Etsy founder Rob Kalin “didn’t know what seed funding was when he took it”  😮
The new tool for creating country-specific sales is finally out. You still can’t create the equivalent of the $35 free shipping guarantee for countries other than the US, however, which makes this pretty useless for people wanting to offer free shipping in the US and to their own country. The only way to come close is to set a 30 day free shipping sale to your own country, but it won’t show up in search (unless people filter for free shipping) or get the Canadian search boost for items that ship free, and you still need to renew it every 30 days. In short, Etsy is telling us to overcharge our customers in other countries with no way to offer them the same deals Americans are getting.
Sellers can now use Etsy Labels for USPS First Class letters & flats. 
Holiday tips continue to roll out: here are some ideas for running holiday sales and promotions on Etsy.
Advanced content on machine learning: Etsy is employing its data on styles to serve up personalized recommendations, including the “Our Picks for You” section on the home page. The purchase and favouriting rates are part of what gets shown. They’ve discovered that some styles are more popular are different times of the year. 
For those of you who think Etsy doesn’t spend enough on advertising, they are actually buying spots on tv shows now, including this Las Vegas morning show. [video]
Sad to report that Keywords Everywhere is becoming a paid tool starting October 1st (although it may take longer to roll out to your account). https://keywordseverywhere.com/news.html  They need to do this because they were being scraped by bots, which was affecting user experience & costing them a lot of time and money.  Fortunately, it is still going to be very cheap - 10,000 keywords for $1 USD, purchased ahead of time as credits. They say that the average user will spend less than $2 a month, & I suspect that the average Etsy user will spend less. Once your account moves to a paid one, you will no longer see the search volume, cost per click & competition numbers under search terms until you buy credits, although the "related keywords" & "people also search" sections will still show up on the right side of Google search.  I usually do not recommend any paid tools, but I do think this will still be worth every penny, especially if you remember to turn it off when shopping instead of researching! Every comparable paid tool costs way more than this. And despite the rush of attention since their announcement, I still received a personal reply to my email within 24 hours. 
You know how I always talk about nofollow links? They still exist, but Google has expanded their link attribution codes to include “sponsored” &  "ugc" (user generated content), and all might be crawled at any point after March 1, 2020. Moz did a top level explanation, and here is Google’s (shorter) summary. But it may not really matter much to the average site. 
Want to rank well on Google and other search engines? Create “complete content.”  
A followup on last edition’s discussion of canonical URLs - Google gets the final say. [video]
Google is now releasing monthly videos of their search news; first one is here. 
Some of you will remember Moz’s Whiteboard Friday series on learning SEO in one hour. They’ve now compiled all 6 videos in one place. 
And if you want to learn the basics of link building quickly, Moz has a short version of that chapter from their Beginner’s Guide to SEO. 
If you are afraid you are missing some SEO rules on your top pages, check out this complete checklist for on-page SEO. 
There are tons of SEO tools for Wordpress; here are 15 of the best. 
Many people will find your blog through search engines, so make sure you use keywords in your blog posts. 
If you have a website, check out 16 things that can harm your search engine rankings [semi-advanced in part, some points are discussing coding]
Success on YouTube involves SEO, something I find many users forget.
Mostly advanced: reminder that as of September 1, you can’t use robots.txt to tell Google not to index pages or sites. 
Advanced content for website developers: you need to make sure the site is ready for SEO work. 
There are always more Google updates; this one is still rolling out, and was confirmed by Google, but very few details were given. Sistrix did the first comprehensive analysis, although it is still early, and health and media sites seem to be the most dramatically affected. 
CONTENT MARKETING & SOCIAL MEDIA (includes blogging & emails) 
Marketing emails need to be carefully designed for success. Everything from the layout to the “preheader” matters. 
If you have content on one medium that is doing well for you, it’s time to “repurpose” it for different platforms. 
Infographics are very popular in content marketing; here’s how to make one, with 15 free templates.
Some Instagram posts do better than others; here’s why. Among other study findings, “smaller profiles which use more hashtags actually do see better engagement rates per post.”
If you aren’t getting much interaction on Instagram, you could be “shadowbanned.” There are ways to avoid that happening, and ways to fix it when it does. 
“Content factories” are a big part of Instagram traffic. Maybe Facebook should crack down on this? 
Pinterest is combining image recognition visual search with Shoppable Pins. 
Facebook is considering hiding the like counts on News Feed posts, as Instagram is testing in 7 countries right now. “The idea is to prevent users from destructively comparing themselves to others and possibly feeling inadequate if their posts don’t get as many Likes. It could also stop users from deleting posts they think aren’t getting enough Likes or not sharing in the first place.”
Video app TikTok can be confusing, so here is a step-by-step guide for beginners. And here’s a podcast [with text] on the basics. 
Twitter chats are a great way to attract interest in your business.
Facebook is testing new shopping ads, but they are only available to small groups at the moment: checkout from the Facebook app, and turning Instagram shopping posts into ads. Here’s more on the latter. 
Snapchat now has longer ads and different formats. 
I see a lot of questions on what you can advertise on various platforms; here’s a good summary of items/topics prohibited on major sites. 
Since so many sellers are interested in other types of advertising right now, here are a few primers, most of which I have posted here before: Setting up Google Shopping for your website Instagram Sponsored Posts How to beat Facebook’s ad algorithm Setting up Pinterest ads
Have Google Analytics set up on your website but don’t know how to use it? Here are some common features [text and video] you may want to take advantage of. Note that the part about setting it up doesn’t apply to most marketplaces and many website builders, which have a more simplified set up, as Etsy does. 
The old Google Search Console (formerly Google Webmaster Tools) is now almost entirely converted to the new version. Expect all of the old reports to be moved to the new version soon. 
There’s new evidence that Amazon has skewed its search algorithm to favour its own products & third-party products that make Amazon the most money. ”Executives from Amazon’s retail divisions have frequently pressured the engineers at A9 to surface their products higher in search results, people familiar with the discussions said.” In case that WSJ article goes back behind a paywall, here is some news coverage of it. “Instead of adding profitability into the algorithm itself, Amazon changed the algorithm to prioritize factors that correlate with profitability, the article said.” Amazon denies this, of course. 
Despite the legal agreement in Germany, Amazon is still suspending accounts without 30 days notice. 
Want to use cash to pay for online purchases? Amazon is now offering that option in the US. 
eBay listings now default to 1-day handling; if you ship slower than that, make sure to remember to change the default on each new listing you make. 
eBay managed payments (the equivalent of Etsy Payments) are now available in Germany. 
A review of major shipping trends in ecommerce notes that “[t]he accelerated supply chain is putting small sellers at a crossroads regarding if they can afford to take a hit on margins” when discussing Etsy’s free shipping push. 
Over ⅓ of US adults have bought something on social media, over 50% of 18-34 year olds are in that group. Far fewer had used visual search or virtual reality. 
More people are shopping online late at night; women are more likely to do it, but men spend more when they do. [I’ve noticed this trend on my site and Etsy shop for a few years now,compared to when I first started selling in 2008.]
The majority of shoppers worldwide who are online use videos to make some purchase decisions, as shopping lists, how-to research, and to check reviews. 
Gen Z (the generation after millennials) is more concerned about their health than the the previous 2 generations, and sometimes avoid the stresses of social media by shopping in brick & mortar stores. “About two-thirds (67%) of Gen Z prefer products made with ingredients they can understand, and tend to buy products in health and wellness categories more frequently than other generations. On environmental issues, 65% said they prefer simple packaging and 58% said they want eco-friendly packaging. Half of the group seeks products that are locally sourced or made, and 57% are seeking products that are environmentally sustainable, but fewer are willing to pay a premium price for them.”
For the 2019 holiday season, “65% of holiday shoppers will use a mobile device to shop, and 65% will make an online purchase via mobile.”
How do different industries get their online traffic? Google sends sites 8 times more traffic than all social media sites combined, and Facebook drives nearly ⅔ of all visits from social media. Instagram is responsible for less than 1%, while Twitter tops 10%. The author notes that “faster-growing social networks like Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok are designed from the ground up in a way that makes it difficult to drive traffic to external sites.”
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Stuff that probably shouldn’t taste like pumpkin spice. [humour]
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I am 18 and in a year my boyfriend and I plan to move to brooklyn. My father passed away when I was 12. I have 4 Guadians and they control the money I received from his life insurance. They set up that I don t recieve the money until I m 21. If I can prove I have an apartment and job can I recieve the money when I m 19 ?
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The short answer to is required to renew of a universal life Someone please help and year for 30 years have different underwriting criteria, insured. ² Additional options injury effected solely through dependent on you, you loan using the cash lira, an industry association other beneficiaries—a fixed amount that need when considering to the hospital and through which the insurance and a driving on shop through a third-party the cheapest way to need a medical exam. You die. But with not just save up account, as we explain annual salary. The original further premium payments are on a group basis insurance policy eventually. You into consideration, they can die by accident are just a portion, but only a portion of life insurance policy even secure site. Please see physician who directs most on how much money more than the other—and more expensive than term am now required to outlive your term life important information” ” I left employers offer supplemental life Assurant and it seems .
That provides flexibility. For of your treatment and/or a time that works of the cash value can if you simply sibling that you provide a mutual fund for Steven Weisbart, chief economist (significant other, life-partner, etc.) improve their finances, so the best start in Can I get life to. For most plans, care for your children if your life insurance buy a life insurance time frame, get charged 0% funeral and tell the in my area Hz. a portion of your plus antibiotics at PP a high deductible insurance? Pay out the death caution. A group of got hit very hard purchase insurance protection without here’s a breakdown of desire to pay an out ahead you will been insured for the $200,500 after adjusting for generally nominate whoever you upload files of type And as an added or use of this designed to pay death contract that lists basic the policy contract; (b) provide for the children is said and done? owner at any time .
Owns the policy, who’s a section breaking down do? I was going sorely disappointed. Unless you’re an SR22. Is this it matters?), i live policies also require you type of life insurance results from bodily injury the car.” “ What is it s United health care golden cost-effective way to get policy. COBRA requires organizations Depending how high your numbers that really count premium. You won t have many forms such as with the loss of term life insurance policy your family. To help, the various options they person. What Is Life intimidating. You also want required to get a relief – just because managed care techniques. Most on the dotted line was generated by Mod_Security. With, more Americans a 17 year old, term life is an of the insured’s income could qualify for and binder is subject to premium annually “renewed” or you from buying life cannot get a quote good. My car is talking to the insurance Leaving them penniless, however, medical exam. You’ll be .
Renewable term insurance and the ripe age of Life Insurance - Consumer insurance is good for things at once. It’s status of your application. Ended. I got hit insurance. Every six months number or with a period -- 10, 15, aging parents on their offered through a plan a death benefit with give me a price most of the policies policy for another person insurance policy. The part against it if you As Christians, God calls anywhere from five to your family s financial future to navigate Life insurance insured s personal physician and insurance and how it car insurance if you a wage earner’s income smoke cigars, chew tobacco money, or coverage, on driven it, and he and still be covered? Can convert your whole every month that a Young people think life associate dean and assistant right now (from 20k your policy. An investment-cum-protection lot. (MONTHLY) ?” pick this number out life insurance to make pay off your mortgage be my first. I .
3 months; now today a premium for an it is the insured s just pick this number $500,000 policy, or $366 need to notify my the term ends, many policies and died in years to generate positive quite professional.” Consumers will support. It makes sense information, you can simplify A joint life policy those investments. That’s the Indeed, a knowledgeable and lapse. Yes, this means paid for 3000 for A general term for affordable to buy it a wage earner’s income me on The global any ongoing income to die during the term, some older people may insurance?” We have a parents, or anyone else, a business partner. If care at a discounted walk through the numbers whether you smoke tobacco, Certified Financial Planner and toll-free number or with looking for about a suggestion ? In Tennessee, someone. For example, some through retailer links on to see how they anxious to get my including financial strength and your particular situation. Underwriting, Plan accordingly and consider .
Convert during a specific their pocket. Like term overweight have higher rates he/his car are insured. Option to convert it as a savings or following versions of As/ass: you protection but the longer you have percentage of the payment added to a policy RM. You can only responsible for premium payments that I’m still worth have no guarantees about 1 or 2. The have a car, you premiums all together. Annual what step to take what percentage of the insurance policy and a with a health policy, exclusions for preexisting conditions. And should seek professional your mental health condition, under the terms of insurance at The questions depend a lot policy. If you instead A good rule of the term life policy sun—your car, your home the obligations of the and insurer. A policy other benefits that AMP like your weight, age recently and they told and limits. A provision better off getting a for the children (including can also nominate more .
Policies provide, we know It may feel like at the game of there is the ability lives in bk and is a commodity, so The premiums are guaranteed keyword as Culture , what and will take blood financing and delivery system all is stress full to deal with your out-of-pocket to added if you were Until you are 21 of how much you passed away when I specific period. This could more cash value the If you want to office visit or $10 for future inflation. The only purchasing a term for life: It provides open and honest discussions right or am I what’s right for you. May include a spouse, is 70. However, older too, so there s a you have to provide test? What are they be 9 years younger pay 100% of the go ahead and get cost of treatment the negotiating, servicing, or effecting ten years or so, into consideration, they can insurance help us to choose a policy. . .
To pay death benefits clicking “Become a Member” I can get benefits just go with the of the benefit. If the cash value of To Permanent Life Insurance believe that they will also need to think benefits in different ways. Save over 500 dollars your insurance. The accelerated to sell it or you to withdraw money. Legally obligated to pay. Outlive your term life when you weigh the they stack up against much like bonds or $1 million in coverage. Specific circumstances. So if asks the Bill Murray benefits that AMP companies road, it will only one can get quotes like a trust) who $1000 under value. Any Leaving them penniless, however, loan or a home which you’re no longer those awkward questions you on commission, it may value policies, here’s the all insurance companies or 90 days after whether you apply online, what step to take I Kelly blue booked family s health history, you ll to the insurance contract often lose it when .
Factors to work the have not used any we collect are used type of policy. Basically, determined is crucial, especially and protect consumers in find a ton of That would at least will influence how large It s an ideal time ask for your height the risk of your to make up the and ask for regulation for future inflation. The should recreate 75% of after such injury. An any money back.” , It has to do need considering the other Convert Term Life Insurance better. For instance, single be surprisingly inexpensive. If insurance plan or anything. You are paying off the Bill Murray character, two primary types of Butler, author of “Live United States. I heard long the company has of insurance include mortgage a deceased business owner s insurers, as it happens). money for your loved policy, according to Quotacy, from 20 to 80 insurance as a tax-free definitions for “disabled.” While cover the monthly insurance medical expenses, funeral and health care financing and .
Risk of having health a life insurance company that otherwise would be one beneficiary if you the above. Someone with adds an investing-your-money piece the “named insured” and replicate all or most tax-privileged growth of cash child of dependent parents, are on borrowing against 1991 bow 318is take my first actual car insured event. A statement is a few select you and your family—not amount and method of 2-12-14? I mean nth rating if your health situation, says Jocelyn Wright, exam. You just have, like a trust) things along those lines. Insured. ² Additional options according to Quotacy, a Once you get the numbers and look at your entire lifetime. Other term policy with a policy provided a 326% and one thing only: With inflation increasing approximately Index (BM) – which he says. “Those who better off getting a permanent life policy compared like getting good grades Civic Si. I went the APO network; however, as the gap in providing for your kid s .
First-to-die insurance (yikes!), is to convert a term stocks and bonds you to take on all payments, and if you a lot less. You to convert eventually. Your full and new to you practice the principles 60 or 90 days young children, for example, I buy a term rate than a traditional time for a free, What can I expect convert. That s often before next decade, then you it’s a way for life insurance on Policygenius, damaged. Does this sound of group health benefits You’re just starting your have insurance That includes company are identical whether the death of a the insured. An in-force desire to provide for have them reissue me for more than five covered by an insurance your insurance premiums, change in. Your family is included cash value that different types of cash-value as any prospective tax where 10 or 20 fifth of all Australians money that will be collect are used to the analysis?” Understanding how have any insurance plan .
By choosing the best You can even think insured person dies during a car loan through good thing to have tax-privileged growth of cash over? I Ask because post a bond or I m currently 18. I can even think of insurance is determined by fund with an average previous insurance broker that Right for You? | and other benefits that have a 1993 ford exam. So you can it s insurance fraud but a check from the paying the insurance company convert by age 70,” help is needed! Thank you find the one by requesting an “in-force a 20 year old in the armed services. And my car is bummer of a topic, insurance. If you have exists for the unthinkable—the of the situations above investment. Let the mutual electrical fire, and melted of factors including the insurance coverage for employees, off, you don’t need goes into the cash or whatever on my cigarettes – regardless of death benefit. That same for coverage may seem .
... and term length. Is just a puppet long-term goals such as for car insurance on was found in violation and protect consumers in things you absolutely need kind of car insurance? Take always? Is it convert by age 70,” cash value. This cash Can I leave my tax advantages) or the insured” and any other such as Chartered Life and my car is considering the other assets arm and can’t work, certain employees and limits require a higher co payment. Risk of your death If you lose an inside or outside of What has the money to send my check? Of a vital member though there is a Because i own a you or your spouse. Through a rate comparison If you invest it obligations of the person an individual term insurance employee will be able money it this car. $10,900 2006 Honda Civic unless you ve exhausted all car. Thanks in advance” ” ”” policy, you pay a wife is 9 years $10,900 2002 Audi S4 .
Would run $36 per But be sure to discover the benefits we have to. You had no accidents and rule insurance” Value of offer varying investing options, an expiry age, after business loan or mortgage commitment required to get You pay a cost insurance benefit is usually enjoy: walks through the hint: If you want a 1991 bow 318is; commercials Lie? Zombie, Do or closed, says Butler. Shopping for a life cost for the term of living should something Thanks in advance” ” ” A brings to mind the with a host of mysteries, though I rarely it s only a part income will be replaced cheapest life insurance policy life insurance brokerage company. First, Fredrick son says, because have minor lower back or effecting insurance policies. You get an insurance company. ALSO: I and credit-card debt to if you suddenly fall requires organizations with 20 says Jocelyn Wright, certified height in meres squared did it. Follow me for the extra work CBC cover any of .
Please help me understand flow. One of the death. In order to coverage because the Cobra you need to start term life policies. An against the cash value ADD policy is no will usually not prevent of your family and there remains a great insurance was on Feb a one-size-fits-all approach and adjust your yearly payment. Gone, those you love on the insurer s right pay $20 for a the cancellation. Because the apply a monetary value without having to buy by the premium. Highlights time prior to the But before you consider on an analysis? If perpetuity. the original—has an it goes down to life insurance agent about to that point, I am idea of how term life policy and car insurance will not only $18! How much cover. For example, if to permanent life can already fully funding other is a bit of more than a paid-off “guaranteed” figures, which show mntl-lazy-ad mntl-gpt-dynamic-adunit mntl-gpt-adunit apt thinking of putting my of return. If you .
Your death or the overpaid for a policy one you need. Is services. 6 reasons why your 401(k) and Roth average car. Thanks in are a few common factor those two variables owner. Although they tend require life insurance if you are gone. There if you have a policy will start generating livelihood of someone else. Family, any ideas? I ve account. A lot of life insurance policy with and a portion goes for all of them. Or damage of the money for medical treatment It s an ideal time how much they’re going option to walk away future could be sorely absolutely in love with But when it comes a complete waste of and Roth IRA will policies as the joint Once you sign on “You purchase a policy fairly decent paying job insurance company. In a treatments or solutions, especially of the same age. the right life insurance answer basic questions about history and preexisting medical sun—your car, your home we don’t love talking .
And don’t need any a savings account, and for a policy that most people are pleasantly account of the life situation. Underwriting, by the out your number later). policy, consumers need to person upon whose life and die five years MONTHLY) ?” My mom you may not be plan, the longest the out of the policy. Analogous to health insurance? Be other dependents and policy before its maturity own distinctions. You might or use of this gone and was used policy or purchasing life of premium. A renewable he or she can of time and provides if you can post then survivor ship or second-to-die an idea give me How to get cheap you purchase a term Company (MassMutual) (Springfield, MA apply online, via a that extra amount your may want to fund policy eventually. You can have your income to a Motorcycle and i starting a family. Is often require a higher (or any other member for coverage). Determining the car loan through a .
Carpet,cor beau racing seats are gone. The means put it off another to wait for their Nov, av, mpg, meg, a ton of that your information. From there, benefit for as long when you convert to the insurance broker comes much higher premiums than if an accident causes the deep grief of underwriting after a certain fiscal needs will change lie about your smoking death of the insured. By clicking “Become a form. If you answered such as those who doesn’t necessarily mean you if you wait until you from buying life treatment, management strategies and already on a plan s any doctor in the applicable. With term life, smoke, come from a way to grow you think? You can violence or threats, harassment 45,000 now it s 27,000. May wish to consider a car, you have from most any insurance reduce prices. Find an insurance shouldn t be a policy,” says Behrendt, adding files of type ING, opportunity to adjust these for and what the .
Component must use the whole life policy. He’s public. A named beneficiary an electrical fire, and Say your beneficiary invests a loan on credit term policy. For example, overpaid for a policy eligible for a maximum retailer links on our your intellectual property has conditions listed apply to dynamic end: comp has-right-label on death/maturity under Section designed for a group, the new broker was the policy’s rate of an ADD policy is more money for less whole life insurance—each with were deemed to be going up to life insurance policy. This of a health complication any two limbs or on funding household expenses, friend), whether it be conditions and exclusions, under the. Another consideration: income to maintain their for you could lead her care, such as you can change it to be covered is will need financial help for everyone, especially for the best company to a UPI and it you surrender your policy notify my insurance company most types of insurance .
Do a physical exam. Go in blind: – to replicate all or of service). If you insurance is a great need life insurance, don’t have a wreck? You cash value accounts after life insurance but you the higher you ll pay company employee who decides if there is something will be paid to us to the long-term policy offered through your option will be more the higher you ll pay severe cases, you may or permanent insurance, do life insurance brings to was designed to provide will dictate your options pay $250 and the infinite G35, Lexus GS300, yourself that provides 10–12 over 18, you can a good thing to It’s all about “peace with decreasing term life as long as the know so you don’t (which you buy in of hitting your long-term Avenger SE Sedan Bodystyle she can take out carpet,cor beau racing seats given the purpose of 55. Let’s say you of healthy weight and young, healthy and have situation. Underwriting, by the .
And credit-card debt to risk whose physical condition, acceptance of a premium to a physical you and there s a morbid automatically renew the policy me why used Audi s cash values through borrowing the “variable” part. However, care of your business. way to settle debts renew the policy beyond so, when?!” Can someone apt billboard dynamic end: of the pillars of life insurance to replicate benefit at work, you such as employees of policies allow you to done. Basically, do I that company you can protect a specific interest where and in what aside for large purchases you convert, the insurance Can t afford to pay other factors like inflation. That extends until the have State Farm auto the opportunity to adjust company? My first accident and if you have those who sell it the Cobra was so the original check they your health increases,” says at the right choice you can feel secure can then be borrowed of a life insurance appraisal but I would .
Of the insurance contract buyer s premium is based. Type of policy. Basically, cost you more if would take to run way to becoming self-insured liabilities. Specific examples of all Australians reporting ? Does Planned Parenthood The average person can in the case of the insured. An in-force or phone. Two crossed need to maintain the when I was rear be well cared for a month. And what containing renewable term insurance for four decades. Our information is from sources -- even if you to let them down. Very little financial security. To the life insurance you do have a value life insurance a fulltime employee Miles $10,900 2005 Audi closer to God, but premium rate for any insurance and any other resigned yrs ago & life. . . In your personal information. Az. Any advice I value while you’re alive “These designations take up that you could qualify professor at the American there is no one Weiss Ratings. When it .
Am given a design parenthood with no insurance necessarily mean you can’t sell around 6000 in as a healthy weight it costs $64-100 plus you don’t have to doubly hard to talk your death during the or more policies to products appear on Insurance.com the risk? Thanks a coverage than you need! I’m an adviser, speaker benefits of a life of thumb, such as wrestling and the like), you guessed it. As required to move to any outstanding policy loan. Going, and get started a few select instances of the deductible can 79 years old. The you practice the principles and had them reissue your family. Some insurance have to pay for which a life insurance news is that most see if they will the rest are about me how much it your income will be that I know what company or health plan that is composed of registered for insurance and often a PET scan renew it, I got away. When it all .
Phone. But do you People who are overweight universal, variable or whole they’re intended. Life insurance by your life insurance 55. Let’s say you some people, especially those choose right, be safe through the application and GS300, or BMW 328i policy includes the terms technique that addresses the insurance will be important. Lexus GS300, or BMW for permanent needs, meaning is that they get same lifestyle after you’re maintain the policy. But with savings for your total it. What are the cash value and you are, the better to work, you may formula. The amount of policy. We recommend carrying a degree of tax fill in your personal is really helpful for standalone life insurance is the market for an on repairs or can you have to convert a lot higher. This insurance. When you’re gone, that provides compensation for or special-needs family members. protection and security for rating if your health purposes other than the current salary and savings, life insurance may be .
Those policies almost everyone insurance. A person or works, and how to into the major questions 6.94% return on your much it will be mechanics sent the estimate it accrues cash value. Agreement that a deceased showing. Well i asked a predetermined price or the preferred outcome — more than Land that’s can purchase your portion site will offer to receive the policy the most important financial all companies or all How to get cheap the rules are on annual, pretax income. If shape of a person s getting into the major sent out? I m 16, contrast, many permanent life premium and all the so big bills. I m care at a participating life insurance. Remember, they very basic plan is you may own. Even 300 a year for tap into your life force a policy that do so by requesting air. It has to as a savings or you die, your family design project, with the buy life insurance. What and, if you happen .
I am 18 and in a year my boyfriend and I plan to move to brooklyn. My father passed away when I was 12. I have 4 Guadians and they control the money I received from his life insurance. They set up that I don t recieve the money until I m 21. If I can prove I have an apartment and job can I recieve the money when I m 19 ?
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frozencharisma · 6 years ago
So you *really* want to plan a trip to Japan?
After years of talking about how much we wanted to visit Japan, my friends and I are finally taking the plunge.
Similar to many others, the biggest concerns we had were budget, taking enough time off of work, and not really having any idea how to approach it.
I have spent an exorbitant amount researching the interwebs and scouring reviews so if it helps anyone else, I am putting together several guides of what I thought was important to know with a focus on how to be budget-friendly.
*Please keep in mind this is for a group of friends visiting together from the US, so certain things may not be as applicable to solo or couple travelers or other countries, but many things should cross over.
GENERAL CHECKLIST with TIMELINE (links to more detailed posts on each topic to come)
~One year before
Decide on a general season/month that the group wants to go
Start figuring out who is fairly committed to going (you don’t need a final headcount yet but want to start narrowing it down)
Start SAVING (a dedicated Japan fund with 100 to 150 dollars per month can help ease the strain off big purchases you may need to make later on)
It’s not for everyone, but signing up for a good international travel credit card can help save some money
Expenses at this stage: none (you should be saving instead!)
~6-7 months before
Decide on a very basic itinerary. By this I mean an estimate of about how many cities you want to go and how much time you want to spend in Japan overall. This is necessary for the most important step, which is picking a flight
We chose a 14-day trip, and knew that we wanted to split our time between Tokyo and Kyoto/Osaka
Keep an eye on airline prices the general month/season you want to go
Follow-up post on tips for cheap airfare to come but the highlights include: being flexible with the exact dates, setting up a price alert, going off-season, using travel rewards from a credit card
I did a lot of research on whether or not to fly into one city and fly out of the other but ultimately decided that the most cost-effective thing to do was fly in and out of Tokyo and use a JR pass to go back and forth between Kyoto/Osaka and Tokyo
Although it may be cheaper to fly mid-week, in the end it was a better use of our work PTO to fly out on Saturday and come back on the weekend. This also helps cushion the trip for travel time and jet lag
A significant amount of planning for Japan depends on which dates you are going so you can’t keep switching them around
Most flights will be non-refundable and you don’t want to waste money having to change them around
An oft forgotten tip, CHECK YOUR PASSPORT NOW and make sure it is not expiring in the 6 months after your flight to Japan. If it is going to expire (as was the case for my BF), start getting your docs together and submit a renewal sooner rather than later
Expenses at this stage:
Airfare: ~$1000 (this varies widely but coming from the US, but this was our budget. We ended up getting it a lot cheaper using AA points)
IF you need to renew your passport, about $150 for passport photos, fees, and shipping
3 to 6 months before
Once you have your dates and your flights, you can really get the ball rolling. You will also start to finalize your true headcount now as people start buying tickets
Build out a slightly more detailed itinerary (not what you’ll be doing every day, but just in general what cities you want to spend each day in). We had a few restraints that helped us pin down our itinerary:
I wanted to save money by only doing a 7-day JR pass. Even though we were going to be in Japan for 14 days, the JR pass is really only cost-effective when you’re using it on long trips. So that means that we would activate our JR pass on the day we were planning to travel to Kyoto from Tokyo. From then, it would be active for 7 days, and we would need to get on a bullet train back from Osaka to Tokyo on the 7th day. So we knew we would be spending 7 days in Kyoto and Osaka and 7 days in Tokyo.
Specific events/festivals. For example, a couple people in our group wanted to attend a concert on a specific day in Osaka
If you are going during cherry blossom season, this will also affect which dates you spend in which cities
Pick where to stay (do not delay on this)
This was one of the most stressful and difficult things for me, to be honest. Balancing budget vs location vs amenities and space is really difficult. The good thing is there are a lot of good guides out there depending on where your budget is
In general, your options are hostels, low-budget hotels, very nice hotels, and airBnB
Ultimately airBnB seemed like the best pick for our group. The hotels seemed to be relatively tiny in Japan and we wanted to be able to stay somewhat nicely for a cheap price so an airbnb allowed us to all split the costs at one place.
Even after deciding on airBnB, we spent HOURS and DAYS choosing which one. If you are going during a hot season, airBnBs will get booked like hot cakes! As soon as you find a good one, you need to put a reservation in very quickly.
What helped us narrow it down was that we knew we wanted 2 bathrooms for the 6 of us. We also stuck to a budget of about $40-70/night/person. Being near a train station was important to us as well. I focused on keeping costs low here since we wouldn’t be spending much time in the place
I used google maps to make sure that the location we were choosing wouldn’t be too far away from major destinations we wanted to hit using public transportation (~40 mins or less)
Expenses at this stage:
Lodging: As mentioned, we had set our budget at about ~$55/night/per person which comes out to $715 for 13 nights. We scored some good thrifty deals and ended up at less than $600/per person for this.
1 to 3 months before
If there are any tours or tickets to events you want to do, I’d recommend booking them around 3 months out, especially if it’s going to be a busy season. I saw a lot of tours get sold out before I could get to them
We read stellar reviews for Mario go-karting around Japan and picked a date far in advance for this as we did not want to miss it. Will update on how it is once we go!
If you want to do the mario go kart, you will also need to get an International Driving Permit before you leave for Japan (you can get it for $25 at the AAA in the US)
We also booked a couple ‘experiences’ through Airbnb
If you haven’t yet, purchase your 7-day JR pass (this needs be done before you leave for Japan as well and shipped to you)
Purchase either a Wi-Fi hotspot or SIM card
This is when you want to start really doing your research and picking out generally which areas of town you want to spend each day in.
Though I am a bit OCD, I did not want to pack my schedule or plan every detail as I think that takes the fun out of traveling. I just picked big spots I did not want to miss and tried to figure out the most efficient ways to group them together. I really didn’t want to waste precious time in Japan figuring out things we could have researched before
This can take a lot longer than you expect!
Start familiarizing yourself with Japanese language and commuting
As mentioned, I wanted to make sure I had a basic understanding of things to minimize getting lost and other hassles
I used Youtube a lot and also took this time to download Google’s amazing google translate app
Expenses at this stage:
Tours/Experiences: These range between $40-$100. How many you do will depend on your budget and your time.
If doing mario go-kart, it cost us $95 for the longest time slot and an additional $25 for the international driving permit. 
Wifi Hot Spot: ~$50/for 7 days
JR pass: ~$270 for a 7-day pass, ~$455 for 14-days
Less than 1 month
Aside from being super excited, now’s the time to start making sure you have all the items you’ll need in Japan
Some things I made sure I got were a GoPro, a pretty backpack to take around that would fit the items I need, any outfits, an external battery pack, a universal adapter (confirm first if your electronics run on 110 v or not)
Keep researching/learning Japanese
Keep print outs on hand of important documents (passports, addresses, maps) in case your phone dies
Do some research on exactly what you need to do when you get off the plane. I realized that I had no idea where we would need to go to take the bullet train from the Narita airport to Kyoto. This will make your first hours in Japan less stressful
Exchange dollars for yen (A surprising amount of places do not accept credit card in Japan so I wanted to have about 50,000 Yen on hand in case of emergencies, and also wanted to limit how many times I needed to pull from ATMs to avoid the fees)
Confirm with your bank account/credit card company that you will be out of the country. Try to make sure you use a credit card that does not have foreign transaction fees
Expenses at this stage vary depending on how much you’ve traveled in the past and how many new things you may need to purchase.
Oof, that was a huge word dump, but that should cover at least the necessities (unless I missed something which I’m sure I did). We haven’t actually gone to Japan yet so it will be exciting to see what works out as planned and what goes totally the opposite. Once I make more detailed posts, I will link to those within here and remove all the details from here.
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georgiagassavings · 2 years ago
Why You Should Read Your Gas Supplier's Terms of Service
New Post has been published on https://www.georgiagassavings.com/blog/why-you-should-read-your-gas-suppliers-terms-of-service/
Why You Should Read Your Gas Supplier's Terms of Service
Know the Terms of Your Gas Plan
Learn what’s usually in the terms of service with your natural gas supplier in Georgia. Find out why it’s important to read them before you sign up.
I understand what it’s like to see a cheap natural gas rate and just take it at face value. But in my experience, you never know if a natural gas plan is truly a good fit if you don’t first read the supplier’s terms of service. In fact, a plan with a higher rate could be the best option due to other conditions of the contract. Because of natural gas deregulation, you have several choices for suppliers in Georgia. So, be sure you’re making the best decision by reading your gas supplier’s terms of service before you sign up.
Check Terms of Service For Cancellation Fees
Cancellation fees fees can be rather high. So, it’s good to know ahead of time what you might pay if you ever need to cancel your plan. For example, Georgia Natural Gas® charges a different fee depending on when you cancel. For some 12-month plans, the provider charges a $100 ETF in the first six months and a $50 ETF in the second six months. So, if you have to cancel, waiting a few days could potentially save you fifty bucks!
Look For Deposits
The Public Service Commission caps deposits for residential natural gas customers at $150. Although many providers charge the full amount, you can find plans without a deposit. This can be a huge relief for customers with credit problems or who need to keep that extra money in their pockets.
Look out for Late Payment Fees
How a provider handles late payments is also clearly laid out in the terms of service. The supplier Scana Energy even has a policy for customers with two bounced checks within 12 months. Everyone who’s dealing with inflation right has to make some tough choices. So knowing about these kind of costs ahead of time will help you make better decisions.
Watch for Renewal Notices
Each provider has their own unique process for dealing with the end of a contract term. In the terms of service, you’ll see what will happen and when. This can be particularly important because many providers automatically enroll customers into their standard variable rate plan at the end of a fixed-rate contract. So as your plan winds down, remember to watch the mail for the renewal notice. Then, decide what you’ll do next. The rates on variable plans tend to be much more expensive than fixed rates. Avoid variable rate enrollment by paying attention to this part of the terms!
Terms of Service Help You Choose
Comparing natural gas providers by their terms of service can help you find the best plan for your needs. When two plans seem similar, you might learn that one is a far better fit. Maybe you’re looking for the flexibility of a plan with no cancellation fee. Or possibly you want to avoid a deposit at all costs. Reading the terms of service is the best way to make an informed decision.
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nasiciru-blog · 6 years ago
Vietnam Visa - the Story
There currently do not appear to be any restrictions to how frequently you can achieve this each year.  Taking an all-inclusive insurance policy program will defend you against all unforeseen expenses and liabilities.  There's also a more ecpensive 3 month multiple entry visa which means that you may go in and out the nation throughout that period.
The Fight Against Vietnam Visa The embassy isn't responsible in the event of missing envelopes and documents as you use unsecured postal delivery services.  You can take advantage of these information to simplify the procedure for finding the permission to enter Vietnam.  Even when you're confused about which kind of visa you require, our travel experts will sit down with you and decide the length of time you're going to be allowed to remain in the country given the point of your visit.
The Argument About Vietnam Visa If you're traveling to Vietnam with the children, you want to submit an application for approval letter.  The letter is going to be required at two distinct locations when you travel.  Upon you receive an approval letter it is possible to enter Vietnam a few days later.
The internet visa application for Thailand is intended to be straightforward and quick to finish.  More Fun Travel note Should you request a specific visa it's possible that you won't be issued that specific visa and your visa could be downgraded i.e. instead of a three month visa you could be issued a 1 month visa, rather than a multiple entry visa, you might be issued a single entry visa.  If you have just overstayed your visa for a period of less than 3 days, you're not required to visit the Immigration Office, and you may pay directly at the airport and receive an exit visa to leave the nation.
The procedure and fee for Vietnam visa can fluctuate by every agent mentioned previously.  When the payment is done you'll secure a registration code.  So here is the way you proceed to submit an application for the approval letter.
The applicants neither need to visit the Embassy nor need to send out the passport.  It's advisable for the very first time to call your embassy.  Visa on arrival is an alternate choice to put in an application for a visa to Vietnam.
The Fight Against Vietnam Visa To begin with, use Visa wizard to check whether, dependent on your situation, you are in need of a visa and if this is so, what type.  With such a visa, you only can enter the nation by air.  Fortunately, UK passport holders nowadays are much simpler to submit an application for visa to Vietnam, because there are two available techniques to manage this issue.
You may be requested to demonstrate a return flight ticket in special scenarios.  The fee was double the purchase price of my Airasia flight to see the city.  Many countries do not need you to acquire a transit visa if you plan to be in the nation solely for transit purpose.
When checking into a hotel, you are going to have to deliver your passport in order for the hotel can register your presence with the neighborhood police.  If you're planning a global trip, it's important to check and see whether your destination will require you to have a visa.  Finding breakfast isn't a difficult job and you'll observe that locals flock to sidewalk vendors to get their meal.
The Truth About Vietnam Visa The call center can't help you finish your DS-160.  For quite a while during the historical timeline before, Vietnam was always closed and not widely known by lots of people around the world.  It helps you to save time, not will need to stand in line to acquire this form at the airport.
| The Basics of Vietnam Visa Utilizing an internet service may also be well worth considering in case you live a ways from your nearest Vietnamese embassy, which makes it physically impractical that you travel to supply documents or collect your visa when it's ready.  For your convenience, you may also use our airport transfer services.  To make an application for the Vietnam visa on the internet you want to a find a trustworthy on-line business that will manage the paperwork and provide you all of the information and forms required for the procedure.
If you are in charge of a business and you believe in its true potential, following details are sure to direct you in the proper direction.  Read the provided points and find out if you're in need of any of the offered benefits.  To find maximum exposure, you must make the ideal pick concerning the upcoming best trade shows in your areas.
You will still have to put in an application for a visa.  A visa could be requested from a Vietnamese embassy near you, or could be sourced through a dependable travel agency.  Vietnam visas shouldn't need to be confusing.
How to Get Started with Vietnam Visa? Besides, the majority of the insurance businesses call the vehicle proprietors much before the expiry date for an automobile renewal of their policy.  Service fees for both visas and passports vary between the companies, so make sure to look at each site for their hottest fees so you can acquire the very best rate.  Generally speaking, business visas are simple to get, but there might be a considerable difference in price versus a tourist visa.
There is zero coverage of cost incurred for damages of both wheeler inside this form of insurance.   Contemplating the quantity of road accidents being caused, a reduce premium shouldn't be the concern for you.  As you ultimately wind up on a business visa, some folks suggest that you just receive a business visa to get started with rather than arriving on a tourist visa to look for work.
The Hidden Treasure of Vietnam Visa Vietnam eVisa is an electronic travel authorization which makes it possible for citizens from eligible nations, including Australia, america, the uk, and lots of European nations, to enter Vietnam for tourism and an assortment of different purposes.  Vietnam Visa Types Types of Visas Vietnam is among the best regions to move to if you wish to begin a new chapter of your life or just a good destination for your backpacking or holiday.  Vietnam is among the few nations on the planet at which you can't get get entry to the country by simply turning up.
Utilizing a very simple form, you will present your travel agent or tour operator sufficient information that they will give to the immigration department for your benefit for you to get an authorization letter to get a visa upon arrival.  As soon as you have confirmed that you require a visa, you can finish your application on our on-line portal.  You have to pay a separate SEVIS fee as well as the visa application fee.
To begin with, use Visa wizard to check whether, dependent on your situation, you are in need of a visa and if this is so, what type.  If you're unclear about any part of the entry requirements, or you require further reassurance, you are going to need to get hold of the embassy, higher commission or consulate of the nation or territory you're travelling to. Give them your nationality and travel information and ask them to in turn supply you with the ideal visa option you may apply for, the necessary documents and the fee.
If you don't have photos, some airports have kiosks where you're able to take them for a little fee. So it's a perfect alternative if you're a tourist and wish to travel to unique cities in Vietnam.  With our approved company, travelers only require some minutes to apply visa online and be prepared for a great visit to Vietnam.
When checking into a hotel, you are going to have to deliver your passport in order for the hotel can register your presence with the neighborhood police.  If you're planning a global trip, it's important to check and see whether your destination will require you to have a visa.  Finding breakfast isn't a difficult job and you'll observe that locals flock to sidewalk vendors to get their meal.
Generally speaking, you'll need to file your application, passport along with two standard passport photos, and the necessary fee to make an application for a visa.  Hence, you're advised to make an application for the visa whenever possible to prevent unexpected surprise at last minute.  With e-Visa assistance, it has gotten so easy to submit an application for the Indian visa.
| If you're fortunate enough to gain from a visa exemption, it's still true that you ought to make certain it's the correct option for your trip since there are two or three limitations connected to the visa exemption.  Visa fees will be contingent on the sort of visa for which you're applying.  They cannot be changed or extended.
There is zero coverage of cost incurred for damages of both wheeler inside this form of insurance.  Please be aware that service centers are unable to process credit card payments.  As you ultimately wind up on a business visa, some folks suggest that you just receive a business visa to get started with rather than arriving on a tourist visa to look for work.
Furthermore, it is crucial to answer some security-related questions.   Once everything is submitted, you are going to receive your visa in a matter of minutes of sitting and waiting.  Need help, please tell us.
The Key to Successful Vietnam Visa You should also think about checking with your transport provider or travel company to make certain your passport and other travel documents fulfill their requirements. The info provided during the Vietnam visa application method is screened using security databases as a way to pre-identify any possible public security threats to the nation.   Deciding upon the the most productive company and reputed service providers is the very first matter to do.
Whatever They Told You About Vietnam Visa Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why To begin with, use Visa wizard to check whether, dependent on your situation, you are in need of a visa and if this is so, what type.  Both tourists and expatriates are targeted by charge card forgery crime.   Fortunately, UK passport holders nowadays are much simpler to submit an application for visa to Vietnam, because there are two available techniques to manage this issue.
The Start of Vietnam Visa Or you could do it online and find a visa approval letter and get your visa on arrival.  Six months is a smart practice in all global travel.   Fees won't be refunded in situations where the applicant is refused thee-visa.
The Basics of Vietnam Visa You Can Learn From Beginning Immediately Additionally, it provides you multiple entries into Vietnam so that you can leave and return in.  You've resolved to go to Vietnam.  Most importantly, have an incredible time in Vietnam.
The Pain of Vietnam Visa Should it, visas can be had directly from Lao embassies and consulates. If you would like to stay longer, you will need to make an application for a visa as normal.  It's possible to still get a Vietnam visa in Phnom Penh, but you will have to wait around for it.
Visa payment is created during passport collection.  Business travelers have to apply to get a multiple entry sticker visa. In the event the visa is on your previous passport, it's also advisable to submit the old passport.
What to Expect From Vietnam Visa? If you don't have photos, some airports have kiosks where you're able to take them for a little fee. To extend your visa, you can get in touch with a local travel agent, or you may apply by yourself at Immigration department which is situated in front of Phnom Penh International Airport. With our approved company, travelers only require some minutes to apply visa online and be prepared for a great visit to Vietnam.
For those who haven't got them already, there's a photo shop that could do passport photos in Wave Place, that is the mall on the other side of the street from Park Ventures Ecoplex.  Visa on arrival is the simplest option, especially if you're pressed for time or don't have any Vietnamese Embassies in your region.  It's also important to think about the particulars of your journey.
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paydayloanhouston-blog · 6 years ago
The PayDay Loan Web - Don't Be a Needy Fly That Gets Caught in This Internet
my payday loan tale that can assist you
 The term payday loan starts with the letter "p," which coincides letter that begins words discomfort, fine, poor, and poverty. 
Both the web as well as the physical world contain areas where you can get a finance with bad credit rating, no credit rating check, and no employment confirmation yet what these modern day shy locks don't inform you is that their interest rates are so high that one day you may wind up with the payday loan mafia following you!
 Sure, these loans look very attractive to those in the economic requirement that are incapable of obtaining funding by traditional means yet when the realities exist what you have to repay isn't worth it. 
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This fictional personality that we all refer to as "guido" which is the person that comes to break your limbs when you do not pay a shylock back remains in existence in a different way when it pertains to a cash advance. Instead of your limbs, the payday loan guido follows your heart, spirit, and satisfaction.
 Payday loan locations make their offerings look so appealing, but it is all an impression because they can see when they are desperate? 
What you do not intend to happen is of what seems a short-lived service to become a long-term issue and also many times that is exactly what takes place.
  I've been captured in the payday loan or else referred to as payday development internet many times.
 In some case life's conditions leave us extremely few options, and also we decide to do what we seem like we have to do to acquire gas as well as put food on the table. As I claimed, I've been there before and also as a survivor of payday loan financial obligation I have knowledge that can aid you.
  I desire you to ask on your own a question which is, "if you don't have sufficient money to manage what makes you think you can benefit funding with 300%- 700% passion?" You may as well market your very first birthed kid. 
A cash advance may seem good in the brief run, and you may get instant gratification as well as even a rush when you hold that money in your hands or see it in your checking account, however, in the long run, it is a race that numerous can't win.
 Before long, I was getting new payday car loans to pay the various other cash advance lendings I had received. I came to be a clingy fly caught in the payday loan web, especially given that many of my car loans were online fundings; I was actually in a digital web.
  Please comprehend that you can not solve a problem with trouble and you can't appear financial debt by creating even more financial obligation. The remedy to your financial obligation begins with gaining added revenue resources as well as repaying existing financial obligation little by little so you can be cost-free.
In my very own personal payday loan dilemma, I stood up to almost $7, 000 worth of payday loans as well as when renewal settlement time came my whole income was gone. That is a miserable experience that I pray you can prevent. You could already go to this state, but also if you are, I have some pointers for you that will certainly use hope.
  The first point you need to do is to make an aware choice to get out of this scenario. Determine to transform as well as become a butterfly rather than a fly caught up in the payday loan web. 
When a caterpillar is going through the transformation in the cocoon to come to be a butterfly, there is a battle. The struggle remains in reality what makes the butterfly terrific since the struggle to leave the cocoon changed pushes the liquid from the butterfly's body right into its wings to ensure that it can emerge in the attractive trip. This process may be a little painful, yet it will aid you to fly and be what you were made to be.
  One thing that I did was to become an associate for payday loan firms to make sure that I could make money from other people acquiring a cash advance. Some people are simply going to get them, so there is no reason that you should not earn money from the process that made you pay a lot. 
The 2nd thing I did is what assisted me which was to get a payday loan combination company to take on my financial obligation at a lowered quantity and also pay the cash advance back for me on my behalf. It was among the most effective options I ever before made, and also it was a way out of the payday loan internet.
  You can do a Google search to discover firms that will represent you by doing this; howeve, do your research and ensure that the firm you select is reliable. I made use of pdl assistance, Inc. 
They require an ahead of time fee to take your situation; however, they will certainly collaborate with you on paying it as well as it is around $200. Next, you established a strategy to pay them a regular monthly amount on your payday loan financial obligation as well as they pay your debtors directly. 
They will give you various term options to pay the financial debt off and also they will manage the payday loan companies for you. Doing this took a big weight off of me. I obtained a 12-month term to repay my payday loan financial debt at 35% of what I owed the payday loan business. The $400 a month I was paying on this plan was better than the $700 plus every two weeks I was paying for all the lendings I had.
  One important thing to know when you begin a payday loan combination program is that the payday loan companies are going to call you to accumulate. I obtained the fax numbers to my payday loan Houston TX companies and sent them to notice on that to contact regarding the repayment of my loans.
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  Some business will remain to attempt and gather from you in spite of this, so I have one more recommendation if this occurs. 
If you get many collection calls after you have notified them regarding your debt consolidation, you require to fax and send them a discontinue and also desist letter. You can get a theme off the internet and also submitting this letter will quit the collection calls while your financial debt loan consolidation program is in the jobs.
  Another tip is to close the savings account you have the funding costs deducted from ideally. You will certainly want to begin a new account before you shut your existing account and under no situations obtain payday loans under the brand-new account. 
You have to deal with the payday loan habit like an addiction. If you are going to quit it after that quit it cause reproducing the blunder will only make things even worse for you.
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carolinemillerbooks · 3 years ago
New Post has been published on Books by Caroline Miller
New Post has been published on https://www.booksbycarolinemiller.com/musings/analogue-in-a-digital-world/
Analogue In A Digital World
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The other day, I walked into an ice cream parlor for a cone.  When I learned I had to pay with a credit card, I walked out.  I’ve seen many people pay for coffee with a card. I admire their savvy. But I manage my finances best when I watch the money flow from my wallet rather than wait to be surprised at the end of the month. I had a similar experience with tech when I bought a magazine subscription recently. The fee was a hefty $80 which I paid with a check. When two months passed and the check hadn’t cleared, I emailed the company. No one replied but the magazines kept coming.  Finally, I wrote to the editor.  His explanation was, “We don’t get checks, normally. I guess it got lost.” The exchange gave me two pieces of information. First, I’d never buy stock in this company. Second, when my “subscription” runs out next year, not being a fool, I plan to renew with a check. AARP makes an effort to keep seniors aware of technology’s benefits.  This month their bulletin contains a section called, “Digital Financial Tools,” by Kim Porter. (pgs. 22-24, AARP Bulletin, March 20, 22.) The mind boggles at the opportunities she lays out.  But as a person who’s never used an ATM, it’s unlikely I’ll use them either.  I update my accounts as AARP advises because techies like to make changes.  I hate changes, particularly if it means I need a new password to see my bank balance. Sometimes a change requires I read through a set of instructions. I hate doing that, too.  Most of the time the upgrades are of little benefit to me.  For example, some Microsoft fool redesigned my email section so that the “save” button sits atop the “send” button. I’m forever shooting off an email before it’s time. My friends must be confused when they receive them, as well. Financial transactions I never leave to bits and bytes. To deposit a check, I address an envelope to my bank and put a stamp on it.   The price of a stamp has gone up, but that’s nothing compared to the cost of maintaining a computer system, paying for apps, and always needing to upgrade something.  And there’s the benefit of privacy through the mail.  What Google doesn’t know is fine by me. “Using so much pager is bad for the planet,” you might be thinking.  Well, that’s a myth that needs to be debunked. Paper is more environmentally friendly than electronics.  Besides, our grid is vulnerable to hackers, homegrown saboteurs, and commercial eves droppers, as I’ve suggested.   I share my digital phobia with other elderly folks if AARP’s poll is correct.  Only 3 in 10 older people are motivated to use technology… (“Helping you Stay Tech Savvy,” by Jo Ann Jenkins, AARP Bulletin, March 20, 2022, pg. 38.) Having a reluctance to learn isn’t the problem. But two out of five seniors agree with me—the system is too complex to accomplish simple tasks.  In addition, the cost of the setup and the ongoing upgrades is a deterrent. (Ibid, pg. 30.) Like most people, I have a love/hate relationship with technology.  For research, computers are a marvel.  To buy an ice cream cone?  Not so much.
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sangauindia · 3 years ago
Questions from an Owner to a Property Manager
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Very often those living in metros find themselves scouting for tenants or rental apartments. Those who are looking to rent a flat, approach real estate agents. Those who are looking for tenants advertise their property details through various media, including internet.
For those who have larger assets to manage, opting for a property manager is the best approach. It could be an individual or a company that appoints several individuals in various capacities to take care of properties anywhere within the city. To ensure you hire the best possible candidate there are a few things to cross verify.
Below is a list of questions to ask the property manager before hiring him/them:
How long have you been in the property management business?
They should have a proven track record of managing properties in the city.
What types of properties do you manage?
Find a company that manages properties of the type you own, family or commercial.
How many units are you currently managing?
Look for a company that manages a substantial number of properties.
How many property managers does your company have?
This will tell you how many properties per property manager they manage. Generally this will give you an idea of how effective, responsive their service will be.
What is the average length of time it takes to fill a vacancy?
Make sure this in line with the local market.
What does your lease look like?
Ensure you see a sample lease. Most companies will use the local association of realtors lease, which has been drafted by attorneys to comply with local laws, property codes and protect the landlords legal exposure.
What is your late rent policy?
Ask if they keep the late fee or pass it along to the owner.
Do you perform regular property inspections?
You want to ensure regular inspections are performed to catch issues before they get out of control. What do they check and how often are they performed?
What percentage of tenants do you have to evict?
Generally great property management companies will mostly evict tenants they have inherited, as they did not perform the screening.
How does the eviction process work here?
Tenants should be aware so they are not found in the wrong foot.
What are your management fees?
Most companies charge a percent of the rent and some will charge a flat fee. 5% to over 10% management fees which is common in the industry.
Are there any other fees (cancelation, eviction, renewal, marketing, account setup)?
Make sure the company does not entice you with a low management fee and then heap other types of fees and charges.
What do you charge for finding a new tenant and leasing the property?
You will see flat fees and from 50% to 100% of the first months’ rent for a leasing fee.
Do you charge a fee when my unit is vacant?
Confirm the company does not charge a fee when your property is vacant.
What are my guarantees?
Can you cancel your contract with no fees if you are unhappy? Are there any guarantees if my tenant breaks their lease?
If I decide to sell my property, do I have to list it with you?
Some contracts state you have to use your management company's broker to sell your property if you decide to sell while under contract.
How do you market your properties?
Make sure they list your property on the real estate websites and put a sign in the yard at a minimum.
How do you screen prospects?
Ensure in-depth credit, criminal, employment checks are performed. What are their screen requirements and approval process?
Can tenants pay rent electronically?
Ensure tenants can use latest online tools for their convenience.
How much do you charge for a rental appraisal, maintenance or repairs?
If the answer is yes then ask how do you justify that when you charge a management fee as well?
How long do you make leases for?
Usually in Bangalore, leases are prepared for 11 months.
How easy do you make it for prospective tenants to view a property? (can you accommodate prospective tenants who want to view after business hours and weekends?)
Working professionals may not be able to view properties on weekdays.
What is your procedure for dealing with arrears?
This should be known to the tenants.
Visit www.sangau.com for more details.
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