#there’s never a moment where I am not astounded by your beauty
hakunna-potato · 2 years
I love my boyfriend so much he is the best human being on this plant
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 🎉 30,000 Reads on Like Moths to a Flame!!!
This morning, I hit 30,000 reads on Wattpad, Like Moths to a Flame's first home, so to speak. <3 When I started writing my series on Wattpad in March 2023, I had absolutely no idea where it would take me. In fact, I thought it was only going to be a one-shot. Silly me! In the past year and half, I'm learned so much about myself. It turns out I can write 3 whole books in that relatively short period of time, alongside a plethora of one-shots, a short story, and a spin-off fic. All combined, that amounts to over 300,000 words. (I'm including the currently unpublished word count for the third book, chapters of which I'm posting weekly.)
I've also gained so much, the best of which are the wonderful, creative, and kind friends I've met along the way. Even during the hard times, just thinking of you all (you know who you are!!!) can turn my day around. <3
Some other things I've gained:
1. My writing skills have improved considerably, despite the fact that I've been writing on and off since I was a pre-teen. Writing daily will do that (haha). 2. I finally have an AO3 account! I've been reading on AO3 for over a decade but I never had my own account. I finally joined last August and I'm so glad I did! The AO3 community is so wonderful and I'm thrilled to finally be contributing to it as a writer. 3. I rejoined Tumblr. In January of this year, a reader on Wattpad recommended I check out the HL community here, so I said, why the hell not? And now look where we are. :)
4. Fan art! Last summer, a wonderful reader reached out to me on Wattpad with fanart and it snowballed from there. Every piece I receive from an artist, even to this day, I tear up in the best way. I've never been able to create art in this way (believe me, I tried for years LOL), and I am in absolute awe of all you amazing artists that can do so. The fact that so many of you have been inspired by my work and have had the courage to reach out and share your beautiful creations with me is truly astounding. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 5. Last, but certainly not least, HL rekindled my passion for writing. Prior to last spring, it had been years since I'd written something for myself. The moment I set pen to paper (yes, I wrote the first chapter in a notebook first because I wasn't sure if I was going to share it with the world!), I knew that was it for me. I was done-zo. I was sucked back into the world of writing. And I'll forever be grateful to the game for doing that for me. Finally, here's to Sebastian and Damien, who have taken on a life of their own. They're my boys, my brainrot, my children (besides my actual child - Sorry K, LOL - and yes, she may only be three but she could absolutely point out Sebastian in a lineup), and they'll hold a special place in my heart for all time.
Thanks for being on this journey with me! It's been a blast. :)
And just because, here's my Sebastien relationship playlist, which I think I've only shared here on Tumblr once before. It has a lot of fun, upbeat songs on it. Enjoy!
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Movie Musical Divas Tournament: Round 4
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Barbra Streisand (1942- ): Yentl in Yentl (1983) | Fanny Brice in Funny Girl (1968) and Funny Lady (1975) | Dolly Levi in Hello, Dolly! (1969) | Daisy Gamble, On A Clear Day You Can See Forever (1970)
"One can hardly say the word diva before someone is screaming for Barbra Streisand. And really, it’s hard to argue with that. She is chock full of magnetism, to the point where you can hardly look away. Even the weakest material feels astounding in her hands- I can say that with confidence, because I’ve watched Funny Lady XD. What more can I say? Babs is Babs." - anonymous
Judy Garland (1922-1969) Esther Smith in Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) | Vicki Lester in A Star is Born (1954) | Hannah Brown in Easter Parade (1948) | Susan Bradley in The Harvey Girls (1946)
"i am sure someone else already submitted her but i had to be sure. the icon the ravishing beauty the scrungly little gal." - anonymous
This is Round 4 of the Movie Musical Divas tournament. Additional polls in this round may be found by searching #mmround4, or by clicking the link below. Add your propaganda and support by reblogging this post.
Barbra Streisand:
"She very good in Funny Girl (which isn’t even that strong a musical) and in Hello Dolly (which IS good but the movie flopped so hard the genre has never been the same). And still! She keeps singing like the queen she is." - anonymous
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Photos submitted by: @mygreatadventurehasbegun | Video submitted by: anonymous
Judy Garland:
"I was so surprised to discover that no one has submitted propaganda for Judy Garland yet! Unless the list hasn't been updated, in which case, never mind. But either way, here are some of my favorite Judy moments:
This version of Old Man River hits me square in the feels, holy crapProof that not only was she an unbelievable singer, but she could keep up with both Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire on the dance floor!
She was such an icon and a massive inspiration for me! She definitely deserves to go far in this tournament!!" - @mygreatadventurehasbegun
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Photos and video provided by: @mygreatadventurehasbegun
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spicywarl0ck · 4 months
🥰 Happy Friday! I was too late to announce my own participation today but I can still send prompts! :D Either "I would give anything to see you smile" or "Have I ever lied to you?" - "Are you really asking me that?" for mHawke/Fenris, our mutual all-time-otp, of course <3 Whichever takes your fancy! 🥰
Thank you so much for this prompt x3 I had so much fun writing this for @dadrunkwriting beware, it turned a bit lemony (but also not really, no details) but they are unfortunately interrupted before they can do anything naughty. Pairing: male Hawke/Fenris Length: 864 Rating: M
“A ball?” Fenris arched one dark eyebrow at him, his green eyes glaring dangerously. “Don’t tell me you are serious about this Hawke.” the elf added in clear distaste, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he leaned against the wall, close to the balcony. It was hard for Hawke not to get sidetracked by the beautiful view of soft orangy light painting Fenris's white hair in the colours of the setting dawn. He’d probably never get used to his handsome husband. “The Inquisitor invited us. It would look bad not to go. Plus, I am certain it will be fun.”
“Fun? What about me gives the impression that I’ll have fun at a social gathering in Orlais?” Fenris sighed. “If I might remind you, we have been to Orlais before, it has been a disaster. You’ve been imprisoned even.”
“Only briefly!” Hawke countered. “And I still think it was fun. I certainly had fun,” he added. 
“You were the only one.” Fenris's eyes darted to the side as he took in the mountain view of Skyhold for a heartbeat. “And we are speaking about the Winter Palace Hawke. The Empress herself will be there. Do you truly think she’d allow you to bring me in?”
“Why shouldn’t she? Because you are an elf? Pfft, the Inquisitor is elven himself and brings a Tevinter Altus as his company. I think we’ll be fine.” Hawke paused a moment before he added: “Aw, come on. I am sure it’ll be fun. Have I ever lied to you?” 
“Are you really asking me that?” Fenris scoffed, his green eyes narrowing at the man with the shit-eating grin. 
“It was hypothetical.” Garret sighed. “Nevertheless, I would love to attend and walk in with you.” He closed into his grumpy husband, one arm softly wrapping around the slender elf’s waist to pull him closer.
“And I would love if you’d do me the honour to dance with me,” Hawke added softly.
“An honour yes?” Fenris chuckled as one of his hands stretched over Garret’s tunic. It was astounding how the elf still managed to make his heart beat faster with one gesture after all these years.
“Of course.” Hawke leaned in, almost close enough to kiss the man who made him the luckiest man in Thedas
But even though he initiated, Fenris closed the gap between them, his hands wrapping around Hawke’s neck to pull him closer. He deepened the kiss with a grunt before he got pinned against the wall, both lips moving against each other feverishly.
It had been a while since they shared the pleasures of intimacy and Hawke had trouble keeping his hands to himself.
He didn’t hesitate to lift Fenris within his arms, the elf’s fingers twitching where they rummaged through his black hair, tugging ever so slightly to demand more while a tongue was all too eager to pry his lips open.
Fenris was quick to invade his mouth with a feverish hunger, a sound close to a moan swallowed by each other’s mouths.
He felt every movement of Fenris's tongue as it pushed against him, every tug the elf’s fingers made against his eat and every grunt breaking loose from his lover’s lips as their hips ground against each other already.
“Bed.” Fenris broke the kiss impatiently, his voice close to a growl and demanding.
Hawke was all too happy to follow the order and set it into motion quickly as he carried his lover over to the bed, dropping him onto the soft pillows without a thought before his hands started to unbuckle his belt as he watched his lover undoing his tunic swiftly.
There was nothing that could have prevented him from ravaging Fenris right here and then, except for the knock on the door.
“I am sorry for the interruption Serah.” The ambassador's voice was muffled as it broke through the door before it creaked as she opened it. “I wanted to discuss the matters of the Ball with you…” she added before her eyes widened at the sight of two flustered and dishevelled men.
“Uh, my apologies. I am…” Josephine brushed one of her dark locks behind her ears, clearly staring at the champion whose pants slowly dropped down.
“I will wait for you in my office,” she concluded, yet it took another heartbeat before she pried her eyes away, the door closing behind her. Yet, only to open one more time with a whispered: “I am sorry.” before it fell shut again, unmoving.
“I think we should get dressed.” Fenris sounded unpleased, his fingers already moving to close his tunic.
“Or…we could continue.” Hawke offered instead. “It’s not like she’s expecting me anytime soon,” he added but admitted defeat when he saw Fenris’s expression. He didn’t stand any chance.
“And make it even more awkward?” Fenris shook his head as he stood up. “No, You should go,” he added as his hands clung firmly onto Hawke’s tunic, their lips so very close to touching again. “I will be here when you return and then…” The elf paused as he stretched onto his tippy toes, his lips brushing against Hawke’s ear.
“We can lock the door.”
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chaosgremlinmunson · 5 months
Mermaid au part two
Not sure how many more parts, I'm doing this as I have time, but I'm falling in love with this world.
Eddie was astounded at how different the cavern seemed from  the outside world.  He’d spent many moons wanting to escape the village of Hawkinsvine and now here he was all but stranded on this island, a fierce yet beautiful tribe of creatures watching his every move. He was surprised at how quickly the leader seemed to agree to let him stay until whenever the blood moon was, and what was this about a prophecy they were speaking of? His musings were interrupted when Stefania’s head  popped up in the pool near the entrance of the cavern. Once again he was blown away by her ethereal beauty, her deep caramel eyes shone in the moonlight and her moles  seemed to grow almost a gold color beneath its light. She swam closer to where he sat, her eyes tentative as she watched him.
“Eddie Munson,  you stare into the sky as though the lights hold your answers. Tell me, what do  you find within their  glow?” Her voice carried across the water as though it was a melody in the night air, and he felt the tension in his chest lessen when he turned to look at her fully.
“I don't know what brought me here to you, or these people but  I feel as  though this is where home should have always been. If we are to spend the next moons together until the ritual you spoke of  takes place I would like you to call me Eddie. On the surface where I was from it is what people who you are  close to or cared for would call each other, by their first names only. Here my last name means naught, and as I plan to never return there again I should lay the last bit of that life at the shore and begin anew.” His fingers played over the water's edge, though he did not notice the slight  glow from its waves near his fingertips. 
“Eddie.” The girl tried his  name for a moment like tasting it for the first time, “And you shall call me Ania. Stefania is what the court calls me as it’s  princess.” Eddie coughed his head whipping back  in her direction, eyes wide, “No need for that, this ritual is to see if you are the lost child we've been searching for. Our elder Wayne lost his offspring many years ago to a fisherman. We never did find him, but we know he is alive. His heart stone is still within the pools of family ties, it still glows like the rising  moon. My soul tells me that he may be you, and if it is such there is a life here for  you always as more  than just our guardian.” She sighed and looked  up to the moon,”To be honest with you  Eddie, I do so hope it to be true. I am to choose a husband soon, and maybe…” she trailed off before glancing at him, that shy smile on her lips  again before diving back beneath the waters.
Tag list: @spectrum-spectre
Part one:
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freneticfloetry · 9 months
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Lone Star fandom is starting a rewatch next week, and the Tumblr tag games are playing along! Every week, a different prompt will be posted to feed the fic rec gods.
Rules: This week’s prompt: a begins fic that you loved. A begins fic (‘begins’ coming from the 9-1-1 origin-story episodes) will delve into the backstory of a character before canon. Please feel free to use the banner above, to make your own, or to not use one at all! Finally, please use the tag ‘Rewatch Read-Along Begins’ and at the end of the week @911lonestarrewatch will post the link to the tag for the comprehensive list of fic recs!
(Header gif courtesy of @guardian-angle22!)
Okay, not only am I still wading through all the wonderful @tarlos-santa fics, I’m still making my way through this fandom’s deep back catalog. I don’t actually have many Begins fics to reference just yet, where Tarlos is concerned, but I couldn’t let this tag game go by without reccing two of my favorite fics ever far and wide. (Thanks to cig and @lemonlyman-dotcom for said tags.)
Sweet Dreams and Flying Machines by @carlos-in-glasses
There’s a very particular backstory that unfolds here for both of our boys, told through the watershed moment of 9/11. The way it shapes and changes them in the days and years that come after, colors the way they both see and show grief, is just astounding. It’s breathtaking. It’s masterclass, galaxy-brained shit. And the same can be said about the fic as a whole, which sees their separate experiences coalesce in the aftermath of TK’s fateful flight. Just gorgeous.
What Is Sown, What Is Grown by @never-blooms
Is it a question of nature vs nurture? Is it an ode to the weariness of cultural code-switching? Is it both hard look at and love letter to all the things in our blood that make us before we’re even born? All of the above, and so much more. This is Carlos, before, and during, and after, and all the ways he reconciles those states inside himself. Beth’s point of view and personal history shine through every single syllable here, no matter what language they’re in, and the result is something hauntingly beautiful and altogether unique in this fandom.
Open tag!
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dearmahiru-archive · 11 months
for ask game: 1, 2, 4, 11 for Mahiru and 3, 5, 6, 11 for Kotoko 💕
oh my hello hello!! for mahiru, i've answered 1 + 2 + 11 here and 4 here
3. favorite non-mv official illustration?
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i know i call kotoko handsome and cool and my husband every sentence but also. she's handsome and cool and my husband. gorgeous gorgeous woman!!
5. favorite voice drama line/moment?
OH I WISH WE HAD YONAH because i know there's going to be some amazing relevations there but if i must be constrained to task....
Kotoko: "Yes. I hate evil. Hurting innocent people with violence, taking away from others, killing people… I hate all this evil behaviour! The law being unable to judge some sins, there's too many of these cases in this world. Having clearly bullied and torturing the weak, but exploiting loopholes in laws, there's so many sinners who still live in such a carefree manner! Even though I want to change this world, I alone only have this much power."
i'm a huge massive sucker for characters who embody justice (hence why i immediately latched onto fuuta) so this little monologue always has me kicking my feet. she's our guard dog, she's our fangs, she'll protect those she deem weak whether they like it or not. i can see the red flags but it's so easy to get swept up in her line of thinking, and i think all of her flaws are just so beautiful.
6. favorite relationships with another character in the prison?
this is a hilarious question for kotoko because all of her relationships suck. she beat up half of the prisoners, will absolutely throw down with shidou and kazui (pun intended), and is disconnected from mu and haruka.
but to answer your question, i am forever a huge fan of the kotokoto combo 💥💥💥
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they're so insanely funny to me. you'd think the social, pretty-boy with an easy going personality and the handsome goth ice queen would naturally clash but not genuinely vying for eachother's deaths.
kotoko's like "hm, sure i'll wish you happy birthday" and then a month later is perfectly happy to execute an elbow drop on him. i mourn the a universe where they actually developed a friendship but for now i'm just delighted by them. the sillies (gone wrong) (gone violent) (the police were called)
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
ohhh there's so much stuff but kotoko's the most elusive character right now without her second mv. but if i had to praise her storytelling then the reach kotoko's influence has never failed to astound me.
the reason fuuta claims we're the same is because, through a group effort, people were seriously and almost died. if kotoko never attacked anyone, would he say this or would he have an easier time accepting his verdict?
a huge factor for shidou's innocence was so he could save the guilty prisoners. i wonder how seriously warped his music video would've been without this purpose spurring him on. like yuno and kotoko, i don't think he would've accepted his verdict and his self-loathing would only grow.
and a big factor contributing to the friendly atmosphere of the prisoner was the social prisoners chipping in their effort. it's already confirmed that mahiru would have made friends with amane if either weren't unwell, and she would probably have tried to keep things cheerful once more.
even if we do place a metaphorically place a muzzle on kotoko in trial three, i can't help but wonder what kind of domino effect it'll have!
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okamirayne · 2 years
Hi Rayne, I'm such a big fan of your writing! I've read the BtB series three times now and I'm always taken aback how amazing it is. Your talent is astounding! That series is one of my biggest writing influences and a safe place.
I hope this is not a rude question, but I wanted to ask you about your original work. Can you tell us readers and fans something about it (the world, the theme, some characters)? I know you're currently in a burnout which must suck and you should take all the time you need, but I (as many others, I'm sure) would love to know a bit about it. I'm a curious kitty, what can I say? Give a sis some details, I'm dying over here lol
Jokes aside, I wish you all the best. Forever a fan and an admirer! <3
...*reads, unsuspecting and unprepared*....
........... *takes a moment*
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2 mins later...
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So yeah, my attempt to compose a response within the same day as reading your message utterly failed, Anon. I needed more time to contain myself.
Firstly Sweetheart, I'm so thankful for your incredibly warm, personal, and downright amazingly supportive feedback. I am so chuffed you feel that way about the BtB series, and that it is a crazy ride you're happy to revisit! Thank you for giving it that love. <3
I hope this is not a rude question, but I wanted to ask you about your original work.
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Can you tell us readers and fans something about it (the world, the theme, some characters)? I know you're currently in a burnout which must suck and you should take all the time you need, but I (as many others, I'm sure) would love to know a bit about it. I'm a curious kitty, what can I say? Give a sis some details, I'm dying over here lol
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*gets steamrolled by her feels*
Yep. Lost that battle.
Oh my dear, Curious~Kitty Anon...please know, there is no universe, within the great multiverses of existence, in which your question qualifies as rude. I am moved beyond measure by your interest in my original works...I mean, if I get the warm glowy fuzzies from your interest in BtB....can you imagine what kind of supernova goes off inside my writer's heart when you express interest in my Original Works, worlds, and characters?
Do you know what that does to my crumbling British decorum?
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*behold crumbling British decorum*
Seriously though, you're an absolute sweetheart. I NEVER presume interest in my originals, which is why when a reader expresses interest...I experience myself at the event horizon of a beautiful meltdown (the good kind)...
Wow...where to start to even begin to answer your question(s)? Tropes sounds like the easiest way to go, as it's a really underrated way of bringing clarity...ha, kind of like AO3 hashtags/tags.
The world: There are several worlds floating within the dark matter inhabiting my brain, namely three big-world series I want to write in my lifetime. Though the most present WIP is the world from which Tsubasa Hibari, Tsubasa Kitori, Mizugumo, and a few other BtB cameo OCs originate. Needless to say, it's a fictional world inspired by Far East Asia; in NO way meant to represent any historical portrayal (given that it's got anachronistic elements), though leaning heavily on, and inspired by, the relevant tropes of certain eras of those times (such as samurai, ninja, feudal society, etc.). Throw in characters enhanced by a vital-energy magical system based on Asian (namely Chinese/Taoist) philosophy (not dissimilar to many fictional 'magic' systems, such as Kishimoto's Indian/East Asian inspired "chakra" system but not as high-fantasy in nature -- which is why I'd classify mine as magical-realism rather than pure fantasy)
The theme: ragtag group of heroes/anti-heroes/questionable-moral-compass-people, unite and embark upon (a.k.a. are reluctantly thrown into) an insane adventure/quest/wild-ass-ride-or-die-mission to save a divided world that is fast going down the crapper. Time is of the essence, and all that nail-biting jazz. Loyalty. Betrayal. Love. Hate. Angst. Humour. War. Passion. High-road or low-road moral drama. Oorah! I mean, hell, you've read BtB...so you know how I roll with the glorious trainwreck of humanity and enjoy stopping at all its crazy stations.
Some characters: Well you've met one of the main characters already (albeit it an extremely watered-down or BtB-altered version), Tsubasa Hibari, along with his crazy mama, Kitori, and his power-drunk father and sociopathic uncle, Fukuro and Ozuku. Although within their own world, they are of samurai/daimyo class...which would make Hibari a rōnin, rather than a rogue-nin (lol). Mizugumo features, as a ninja, and is still peddling her various poisons, little pink-pills of paradise, purgatory, and perdition. Other OCs abound, and some monikers among the characters will be familiar to BtB readers, such as the inescapable "lovebird".
I know, I've trope-ified the shit out of things, but you know what? It works. Or maybe it doesn't and Curious~Kitty is thinking "Rayne, wtf? That doesn't tell me shit." ...in which case, I gotta revise my entire "AO3 TAG" approach...and invite you to ask me whatever you want to know (my only caveat being any non-response from me is based on the grounds of SPOILER ALERT, 'HERE THERE BE DEMONS' or "IT'S A SURPRISE"...)
Thank you.
Thank you sincerely and supremely, for the amazing show of kindness, interest, love, and all-round super awesome support. And bless you, also, for your consideration of my being presently stuck in the ass-end of burnout. Messages such as yours lift my heart from that smoking black pit and grant me a flicker of the old writer's fire. That flame WILL catch again and when it does it will be in no small part thanks to readers such as yourself, who reached out like a hand in the dark. Big love here. I am an atomic wreck of appreciation. Thank you. <3
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alunyna · 2 years
. ˚♡  @fangedjustice​ asked:
"Lady Nyna," Lloyd greets, his tone and body language a bit more reserved than when he'd approached Ophelia or when speaking with Julia. It was similar to how he'd tried to go about it with Andrei, not wanting to assume any further familiarity than had been extended to him through their shared experience. "I am glad to see you are well, after everything. I...wished to thank you again. Your gift with the healing arts is astounding; if you weren't there, I'm sure we would have had a much more difficult time of it."
Where he might have been a little hesitant with some of his gifts, mostly because he wasn't exceptionally good at giving them, with this one, Lloyd was more concerned if it would taken poorly for the meaning.
"Do not feel obligated to keep hold of it, but I wanted to give you something. Not just as thanks but...well, the season, I suppose," he murmured, retrieving the small item from his jacket. 
A raven, perched solemn but proud. The wood was black and had a lovely sheen to it, adding depth in the light where there might not have been any otherwise. For the most part, the carving was smooth, but instead of an indication of ridged feathers in the wood, there was instead the blossoms of slightly rounded, star shaped flowers along the bird's wings.
"I know ravens are often seen as a bad omen or a bringer of sadness, but...they are intelligent and playful. They can form such strong bonds. I have watched them visit people over years, and I have seen how they integrate themselves with wolf packs for the better of both. They are survivors, they adapt and they learn how to thrive."
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“Ah, Sir Lloyd.”
A polite dip of her chin in greeting. Surreal, almost, to see him stand outside of the dream. Unharmed, safe -- alive and breathing despite the moments that she had feared he may be otherwise.
He produces a trinket from his pocket, holding it between them for her to see. Nyna blinks, taking in the carving in its every detail. The bird, featherless, given petals in the place of wings. It’s beautiful.
Delicately, she accepts the gift into her own hand, turning it slowly to watch as light dances over each carefully carved line. Lloyd continues, explaining his intentions further, and something like warmth swells in the frigid hollow of her chest.
A raven. All of her life she had been a rose, a dove -- something white and pure, regal as the name that she carried and the title that accompanied it. Strange, that she had never even considered that there may be other options, only ever despising herself when those laid before her became too heavy a burden.
A bad omen, he says, and yet every word to follow is contrary. Crystal gaze flickers to him, finally, swimming with a thousand unnamed emotions.
“Thank you,” words do not feel enough to express her gratitude, but she has little else to offer. “I will cherish this gift just as I have our time together. It means more than you could ever know.”
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commando-rogers · 2 years
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@smile-2-be-happy @needleinrhyme made me genuinely cry today with one of the kindest sweetest things anyone has ever done for me, sending flowers to a practical stranger from the internet for a random community theater play she’s been ranting nonsensically about. like, tears streaming down my face right now as I type kind of cry.
I’m seriously in disbelief and so happy, this is WAY too much and such an amazing nice thing to do!!!!! and they’re BEAUTIFUL, you somehow managed to include some of my favorite flowers omg???? my play opens soon and our first performance is coming up quickly, and last night’s rehearsal built up some self doubt that I was literally thinking through not minutes before these arrived so the timing is beyond perfect.
I’m terrible at receiving genuine selfless kindness like this so I’m sorry for all my flustered oh-no-you-don’t-have-to-do-that’s but oh my god, this is just so incredible and I’m going to cherish this forever. THANK YOU BOTH for taking the time to absolutely make the day (tbh make the week/month/year) of someone you’ve never met who posts late night rants on the internet about some tiny theatrical production during one of the most tumultuous times of self doubt and self discovery I’ve ever had. I’m starting to put serious work into trying to chase this as a career and every day has been such imposter syndrome and feelings of unworthiness and diminishing my own talent and accomplishments and comparing myself to others, and having people look at my insane posts about something I love to do and my tiny accomplishments in a small production and saying “this looks exciting, let’s make her happy” is kind of incomprehensible to me and making me so emotional right now. during one of the loneliest and most isolating years I’ve ever had, where I’ve been struggling with how I navigate and maintain friendships and connect with people, this show of kindness and support and friendship is beyond meaningful and astounding, I don’t really have the words to explain what it means to me. like I feel the emotions in my chest right now. I’m so grateful. THANK YOU!!! I am sending my endless love forever and ever and I hope I can be there for you for the joyful and difficult and amazing moments in your lives too!!!
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themirrormarches · 2 years
An Encounter with Commander Cosmo
- A Narrative by Pluto Galactinex, Space Pioneer -
( Editor's Note: This rendition of the story has been translated out of Quantum Script, so some things may come out wrong or silly.)
"I have seen both amazing and terrifying things during my travels. Space whales, sky sharks, and even the Daughter Of Space. But one stands out- Commander Cosmo. My first meeting with the being was by pure chance. I was exploring an unmapped region of the planet Numina. A large blast of blue light knocked me back onto the ground."
"Never, in my life, had I seen a being like Commander Cosmo! His skin was a shining blue-purple mix of hues. His hair was glowing white, along with his eyes. He was adorned in a worn, damaged space suit, shredded flag draped over his back."
"He hovered in the air not far from me, bathed in a beautiful, faint white light. I could not believe my eyes- what I was seeing could not be real! But it was. "What are you?!" I questioned the being. He stayed silent for a moment."
""I am Commander Cosmo," his voice boomed through the environment around us. I thought I saw a few small creatures scatter upon hearing his voice. I could only stare up at what I was seeing. It was too astounding to take my eyes away from. Once I managed to stand again, I strayed closer to where he was- not too close, as I didn't want to chase him away."
""What do you want of me? I have nothing for you," I told him in a rather shaky, unsure voice. "There is nothing I want of you, human," he replied. His voice was something I cannot put into words. A fearsome chill went up my spine when he spoke, his voice was purely ethereal. If I told you my heart did not skip a few beats when he spoke to me, I would be lying. "Come here.""
"I went close enough to him where I was at the point of nearly falling over the edge of the ledge I was standing on. Just standing near him seemed to slightly distort time and the surrounding world. He must have noticed I was beginning to stumble and waver, and he grabbed my right hand with a gentle firmness. As soon as he took my hand, a sudden burst of energy went through me. It made me stand bolt-upright, and my muscles were tense. "Won't you come with me, human? I could show you things your eyes have never seen, things your mind could not believe."
"I could do nothing but stammer in response. What could I say to him? Would he get angry if I rejected his offer? "I wish I could, but I am unable to. If I see you again at some other time, I'll be more than willing. But not yet," I told him. He paused for a moment, looking somewhere off in the distance. He let go of me, making sure I was steady on the ground. He bowed slightly. "I accept your response, human. I have to leave now, I have places to be. Maybe.. one day, somewhere, we'll see each other once again," he spoke with a polite, warm tone. His voice was still wonderous to listen to, it made my heart flutter."
"He looked about in different directions almost absent-mindedly, before giving me a short wave and a thin smile. I hadn't even finished waving back before he was gone, a trail of multi-colored light following him as he soared away through the stars. After he was gone for sure, I had a hard time regaining my senses. My mind was still fuzzy, my heart was fluttering, and my face was struck with wonder."
"Now, as I continue to write, I have never had another encounter with this Commander Cosmo. I don't know if I'll see him again, but I can only hope to feel that same way some day in the future."
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fading-nook · 9 months
Tint the Oath.
A warm and joyous salutation to you, my dearest, whom I hold in the highest regard. My thoughts are entwined with the threads of love, always keeping you in mind as I gaze upon the stars. The enchanting gentleman, whose words flow poetically from the pen, is none other than the embodiment of adoration and remarkable qualities.
His presence exudes a genuine and tender warmth, yearning for you to be by his side.
Cherishing essentially doesn't halt me from giving any best, worshiping in verse or letters to precise all my estimations may be a distraction from all the tiredness that I have to be drive forward. On each and every season, enable me to set the place where our hands intertwine in warmth and eyes dive into another’s. I am looking over, my paramour, have you ever heard about Noah and Allie walk home from their first date and dance in the middle of the street? Nobody mutters that love requires something majestic, even simple things harmonizes and valid if we are with the right one, and on the line of fatum your name already written next to mine. Dear someone as astounding as you, little blessings in the form of gifts that I wish will make an impression. As for the primary of memoir, I ensure you a man with a broad-minded to help everything that burdens you, warmth in the tone of every speech to your cold night, the one who never not let go of your hands in any circumstance. Creating a beautiful moments together, I discover our minutes are something worth immortalizing, similar to how Jim made a DVD montage of his life with Pam within the film ‘The Office’. And I, can't wait to create a series of memorable stories that we can watch together to remember all the amazing things about us, together with the love we granted.
Herein lies a discourse on a subject of mutual interest, this missive shall serve as a guide. Let us consider your soon-to-be beloved, Lethan, a man of refined taste in movies, music, and matters of governance. There are a few romantic films from the 2000s that still captivate my attention, and one fine day, I yearn to discover that you too hold an affinity for them, as we snuggle close beneath our cozy blanket to watch them together. The remainder of our compatibility lies in the realm of music. As time passes, you will come to understand why I hold a deep admiration for the enchanting melodies of Cigarettes After Sex and LANY. When the opportune moment arises, allow me to elucidate the myriad meanings behind these songs that beautifully encapsulate your essence.
In that place, I was the sole admirer, deeply devoted and filled with love. Until the moment you discovered me, and our paths finally crossed, I penned you three hundred and sixty five heartfelt letters, and yet, my affection for you never waned. I longed to catch a glimpse of you, and there you were, right before my eyes.
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ulfwolf · 2 years
Kaleidoscope -- Musing 301
I am a kaleidoscope   of brightly colored   broken memories 
shaken this way   one day— that way the next
Remember those amazing paper or plastic tubes with angled mirrors and pieces of colored paper or glass in the bottom, and how these colorful, amazing patterns appeared as if by magic and changed with each shake of this miracle toy? Kept me out of trouble for hours.
Today, looking back over the long years, my days could/would change as drastically, if not as beautifully. One morning, my world would be warm and brilliantly sunny as my little room’s large window faced east and had no problem letting the sun in to fill my day. And growing up in northern Sweden, in the summer this would happen at three or so in the morning.
But you get used to this and you get good at going back to sleep to resurface in a few hours.
Brightly colored, youthful kaleidoscope pieces.
Other mornings, rainy ones perhaps, clean-cool water drip-drip-dripping from the trees outside my open window, the air cool and moist and very fragrant. Easier now to turn over and head back to sleep unless your mother bangs on the door again, time to rise and shine apparently, school day and all.
Rainy, still youthful kaleidoscope pieces.
One morning, the one after my first kiss (and I can still taste it) and the kaleidoscope had gone crazy blissed. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the world—well, one thing: she was not here, for we were young and there was no sex yet or sleeping over involved. She had left shortly after that miraculous revelation of what a kiss could be, leaving me starved for more and more and more.
Later I wrote a long song called “Time” where one section reminisced about this wonder of a kiss and reads like this:
Gingerly the lips collide
the honey of the tongue
melts to form a glow
a rush, a river
 Love's forever rising tide
now innocent and young
surges in a slowly
mounting quiver
 This moment is sweet to touch
sweet to feel
 Harboring such
ever surreal
 Still, time is so hard to catch
hard to hold
 When dreams all hatch
awed by your old
mythical treasure
 I still think of her now and then, although she has to be in her seventies by now just like I am. Then, she was a wisp of a girl who for some amazing reason knew how to kiss.
Glorious kaleidoscope colors and patterns called love.
But when it comes to shaking up the kaleidoscope, truly and fully, nothing holds a candle to dreams. Nothing shakes and mixes up the pieces quite like they do.
Weirdly, I often dream of my old jobs, in various configurations, and about parking my car in places or on streets where I can never find it again.
Once I dreamed about a mountain with a wide clearing down its wooded slope and suddenly the most beautiful melody rang out from speakers the size of houses along the tree-filled sides. The melody was so beautiful that it woke me up, and with it still in mind I found a recorder and hummed the melody into it before I returned to sleep.
I have since learned how to play this melody on my flute, and I play it often.
Another melody surfaced about a month later, and ditto. I hummed it into my recorder before going back to sleep and I can play it, too, on my flute.
No dream melodies since then, though.
So many bits and so many pieces and so many colors and so many combinations. Dreams.
And then there are the images that arise now and then when I meditate. Out of nowhere, into nowhere. Like little, or not-so-little fish swimming past the aquarium window and then out the side of it, into invisibility, strangely.
Sometimes (happily) my mind manages to organize the colored flecks into poems and then they rise, unsolicited and spontaneously. This can happen at any time though mostly during my walks along the Pacific (and mostly not so pacific) shoreline (Yes, I am blessed).
Writing, too—like writing this right now—brings a host of different shakes of the kaleidoscope and sometimes, a little astounded, I read on my laptop screen what my fingers hammer out on the keyboard, seemingly on their own. Then again I am a descent touch-typist so my fingers type what I think as I think it, it’s just that I’m sometimes surprised at what I think (i.e., read on the screen).
I love writing.
I love kaleidoscopes.
P.S. If you like what you’ve read here and would like to contribute to the creative motion, as it were, you can do so via PayPal: here.
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plumbergilbert3 · 1 year
How to Deal With(a) Very Bad Plumbing Gilbert AZ
Couldn't so be astounding, however, assuming that were attainable? Here is a fast in and out model… I just purchased a delightful new Condo (new to me, it was worked in 1970), and my Complex as of now has Solar Panels on our rooftops, which I believe is extremely moderate.
Plumbing Gilbert AZ
Truth be told, I might truly want to see one bunch of the Solar Panels associated with one of the pools at my complex (unexpectedly, I would like the Solar Panels associated with MY number one pool in the complex (there are 3 - - yippee!), the one encompassed with a zillion plants and trees… like a little desert spring in the city!).
Yet, beside my own personal stake in having a beautiful warm pool the entire year, I believe it's awesome that we could utilize our Solar Energy to warm it. Consider the possibility that every one of the pools in North America were warmed with Solar Energy.
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Furthermore, assuming there were a workable method for boring into the earth to get to the Goethermal energy to change over into energy to control various parts of my Condo Complex without upsetting the region to an extreme, couldn't that be an extraordinary utilization of supportable energy? The issue could be the sheer beginning expenses included, however couldn't the expense be off-set by the general reserve funds into what's to come? Well… I'm jam-stuffed brimming with questions like that… what's more, many a lot seedier inquiries, as well, yet assuming you've perused any of my other stuff, you definitely knows that!! Haha! I can't see you haw energized (and eased) I am to have my Site back up… man, that was startling.
I was down for more than a month, however in my 'vacation', I completely revamped my totally different spot! Woo Hoo! It's dazzling… vaulted all through, which is exceptionally surprising in a 'City Condo'. Man, I cherishes me a Vaulted Ceiling! I think they cause the entire spot to feel a lot more spacious.
If you end up being in the pains of a Build, this moment, and you were considering having the conventional level ceilings,have a gaze toward the potential in your roof to Vault it. You're simply going to protect the rooftop pillars and drywall over that (gracious, I have a decent connection for this… jump into my 'Protection and Drywall Page', and you'll see a few pretty cool photos of this interaction). At any rate, the expense is insignificant, considering the way that beautiful and open your new house will be.
I've never taken a gander at Plumbing Gilbert AZ the expense of raising the roofs to make another Vault in a Renovation, yet in the event that you have no primary changes outside of raising the roof, it shouldn't cost so much, in the plan of things… however, you realize I work in 'Development Dollars', so consistently have more available than you naturally suspect it will cost, to ensure you're actually living inside your means and don't flip out when you get the bill! Alright, it's incredible to see you, once more! Did I specify how extraordinary you look? Have you shed another 10 pounds?? Not me! haha! Despite the fact that I guaranteed my Nurse-Practictioner that I would shed 10 pounds so I can remain on The Pill, since I'm almost certain that in the event that I don't continue to take 'The Pill',
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I'll exchange the 10 pounds I should lose for a 10 pound child, and that seems like poorly conceived notion for me (since God Knows I figure I could get pregnant assuming a decent looking virile man strolled past me…which helps me to remember one of my number one jokes, this year, the "Forthright, I dropped the child" Stork joke, where Frank and his Stork Buddy are 'conveying' babies…), then again, actually I am incredibly, attached to infants, so I am attempting to recall that I live in America, presently.
However much I couldn't imagine anything better than to have another child, I truly shouldn't, what with working professionally, presently, an' all! So my occupation in the following 2 months is to lose that damn 10 pounds, and make my Nurse-Practitioner happy! Hello, Apple Crumble Diet! Farewell delicious chocolate.
For More Details Click : Plumbing Gilbert AZ
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Hiya, I’ve recently found you and I’m so happy you’re still active and your request slots are open!
I’d like to request a drabble of Cloud x reader in a married/domestic setting, like waking up in the morning, looking at your spouse and feeling so loved/in disbelief/happy that you’ve married them. It doesn’t have to be that specifically — just any domestic fluff would do!
Anyways, hope you have a great day and thank you for writing for ff7. It honestly makes me and so many readers happy.
Hey there! <3 First of all, my apologies for the long wait. Secondly, thank you very much for your request, that was such a cute idea and I loved writing it. Hope you like what I came up with! Have a great day/night and stay safe. :)
Happy Ever After – Cloud Strife x gn!reader
When Cloud woke up that morning, you were still sound asleep next to him, your breathing slow and steady, a barely noticeable smile playing around the corners of your mouth. You had your arms wrapped around your pillow, and Cloud rolled over, propping himself up on his elbow, to get a better look at you as he basked in the feeling of utter peace you always radiated in moments like this. Sometimes, he still couldn’t believe that all of this was part of his life now – that you were a part of his life now. It seemed so surreal that he was married to one of the most beautiful and purest souls he had ever met, and that you really loved someone like him enough to vow to spend the rest of your life with him. 
Careful not to wake you up, Cloud reached out and brushed the back of his hand against your cheek, almost as if he needed to convince himself that you were real and not just some feverish dream. You scrunched up your nose, mumbling something in your sleep.
A soft smile flashed over his face. It truly was hard to believe that someone could be as adorable as you were right now. 
For a while, Cloud stayed like this, softly caressing your face as his mind wandered off. He had always pretended that he didn’t need anyone, that he didn’t need love or a home when in reality, he had yearned for a life like this. A life he could share with someone he loved and who loved him equally. Someone who treated him like he truly deserved all the happiness in the world. Still, your relationship had been a bit rocky in the beginning. 
Cloud still remembered how he kept pushing you away because he had been so afraid to fall in love with you, only to realize that it was already too late. You were astounding, in so many different ways. Even in a world like this, where people had to fight for their rights every day and Shinra continued to destroy their lives, you had never stopped believing in the good in man. You were gentle and kind and everything Cloud had ever wanted. 
He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt you grabbing his hand, pressing a soft kiss to the heel of his palm. “You’re staring at me again,” you said, your voice still a bit hoarse after just waking up, “What’s so interesting about me?”
“I’m just admiring you,” he replied honestly, his lips still curled into that soft smile that always made you weak in the knees. “And thinking about how lucky I am to have you in my life.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, sleepy-eyed, and shifted closer to him, so that you could rest your head on his chest. “You’re awfully sweet today,” you said with a yawn. “Is there anything you want?”
He chuckled, a low rumble in his chest, and you felt your heart skipping a beat. Even after all these years you had spent with him, you still hadn’t gotten used to hearing him laugh. When you had first met him, he had always been so serious and tense, only cracking a joke once in a blue moon. But now, he sometimes seemed like a completely new person, although you knew that he usually hid his emotions, dreams and wishes behind thick walls he had built up around him in the past. You were one of the few people he allowed to see his true self. 
You snuggled up to him, lazily throwing an arm over his stomach, listening to his calm, steady heartbeat. “I love you,” you whispered and brushed your lips against his skin in a barely-there kiss. In response, Cloud wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head. “Not as much as I love you.”
“Hah. You’re underestimating me.”
“We’re not having that discussion again, sweetheart.”
“If you say so…” With a pout, you looked up at him but soon enough, you burst into another smile. “How about this: I love you, just as much as you love me?”
“I think I can live with that.”
Thank you so much for reading! If you enjoyed it, please consider reblogging and/or commenting. I'd appreciate the support. &lt;3
Taglist: @cosmicdarlingx @thevoidwriting @fandomatakeover18 @sixdaysofsilverashes @theimaginaryheir @inkybloom-luv @randomfandomimagine
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bokuroar · 2 years
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characters: artist!kiyoomi x gn!reader (1.1k+ words)
genre: fluff + angst
mini-playlist: 1 2 3 4 5
inspired by KeoChuu’s artist!kiyoomi / @omi-boshi’s post (pls give it the love it deserves!!!!)
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sakusa kiyoomi marvels at the long stretch of gallery in front of him, and nods to himself in satisfaction on the contemporary finish of the high-ceiling room painted with cream-colored walls and accentuated with orange hues of lighting. warmth.
he takes a deep breath and two steps back on the polished wooden floor for a wider view.
this is it, kiyoomi asserts himself.
his very first exhibit opens to the public today.
after four excruciating years as an exchange student art major in france, plus a bit of soul-searching in between, the framed canvases in front of him are evidences of kiyoomi’s blood, sweat, and tears, and unceasing passion. this was his dream ever since he was a little boy in miyagi, drawing and doodling endlessly on every surface his eyes and hands can reach.
even with an opportunity to hold the exhibit internationally, kiyoomi thinks it’s just right to have his debut as an artist right where it all started. it’s time to come back home.
“you missed a spot.” a voice he knows all too well suddenly laughs beside him reeling him in from his thoughts.
i missed you.
how are you?
you changed you hair a bit.
jesus, you’re still so beautiful.
did you come here alone?
why did you come?
but all he manages is an embarrassingly astounded, “i..i did? where? how did—what?”
kiyoomi humorlessly laughs at his pathetic mumbling and scrunches his hands in his pockets trying to get rid of the painful itch to give you a hug, to shake your hand, to.. anything.
you beat him to it though. you giggle and lightly touch his cheek with the tip of your fingers, “are you running out of canvas, hm? what’s your paint doing here, omi?”
kiyoomi feels his heart jump to the skies and drop to his stomach both at once, unsure if it’s because of the painfully familiar touch on his face removing an unwanted paint streak or the beloved nickname he has been dreaming to hear once again for so long.
to your surprise, and honestly to kiyoomi’s too, he grabbed your fingers that’s touching his face. “thank you.”, he breathes out.
from his eyes that’s the softest you’ve ever seen them, you know his gratitude is pertaining to more than the previous situation.
you simply give him a smile and turn back to his paintings that make you tear up not only because of their beauty, but also because you recount that to get to where he is today, kiyoomi needed to sacrifice a lot—including you.
“you did it.” you compliment him, though it’s sent through a mere whisper, as if you’re shielding your words away from the ears of the world so it will only reach kiyoomi’s.
“you finally did it, omi.” this time louder, with fuller conviction.
“am i too late?” kiyoomi unexpectedly blurts out the same time you did.
with widened eyes, you bite your lip to restrain yourself from sobbing out of shock because you’re in a public space.
and because the last thing you want to do today is cry in front of kiyoomi like you did the last time you saw him five years ago.
you don’t want to cry again like you did while asking him if he can’t at least try long distance and he replied with what’s the point if it’s going to end anyway.
you don’t want to cry again like you did when you realized dreams coming true meant saying goodbye to the best friend you had since you were 9, the man you love.
you don’t want to cry again like you did every night since kiyoomi left because you wish he never did and then you hated yourself for wishing so.
but it goes without saying that crying is how the heart speaks, so you let your tears tell kiyoomi how much you ached without him by your side. and in spite of the noises of your pain, you hope that kiyoomi still hears how happy you are he’s home.
kiyoomi panics the moment the first drop of your tears fall. he instinctively pulls your face towards him and cradles it; your fragility surpasses every piece of artwork in the room for him.
“omi, i..i just–”
“i know, i know. it’s okay.” he gently reassures while wiping the wet marks on your cheeks. his own heart crumbling at the sight of you falling apart in front of him again.
“please don’t cry.” he pleas for his sake and yours. the look on your face when he broke the news he’s leaving everything behind still haunts him to this day. he recalls the countless times he’s struggled to pick up a brush and paint something just because he’s reminded that this opportunity cost him you.
“i missed you, omi.” you finally say while clutching kiyoomi’s hands caressing your tear-stained cheeks. “it’s still you. it’ll always be you. it will never be not you.” you kiss his palm, and laugh albeit bitterly. everybody told you it’s useless and pathetic to wait but you barely moved an inch from where kiyoomi left you—and you’re glad you did.
hearing you say you still love him is the greatest relief for what kiyoomi thought an insurmountable suffering. the five years he chose to spend without you was the stupidest decision he swears he’ll never forgive himself for making. although his career has never looked this promising, there wasn’t a day he spent in france he didn’t wish to crawl back to you.
kiyoomi thought of you when he had a good cup of coffee you would’ve loved. he saw you in the comfortable silence in the couple reading in the park bench close to his university. he looked for you when he painted because you used to read beside him when he does before. he saw you in every bright summer day and when the winter nights were too cold, he craved for your safety and warmth. he misses you terribly and not knowing if and when you’ll take him back terrified him.
pulling your face closer to his he rests his forehead on yours, closing his eyes and seizing the moment—the moment you’re back in each other’s lives, with a silent promise of never ever walking away from this again.
i missed you, he wants to say. i dreamt of you every night, i remembered you every day. i miss being yours, being loved by you. i miss you in a way i’ll never know the parts of you because we’re apart.
“i love you.” he professes instead and pressed his lips to yours delicately. because when he says he misses you it means that he loves you. the woes of missing you is a reminder how much he loves you.
“i’ll always love you.” kiyoomi kisses you once again, smiling.
this is the art of second chances, the most beautiful art of all.
it’s the chance to get things right.
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© bokuroar (2022) – do not plagiarize, modify, copy, use, translate, repost my work on other sites without permission.
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this is my first kinda full-length fic in awhile too :c i’d appreciate any form of feedback 🫶🏻
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