#there’s like her seeming to feel too uncomfortable or too nosey to give anyone privacy around things
dumb-doll-lips · 10 months
what would happen if you told her you were saving money for a nice trip and could she contribute money towards that?
(she doesn’t have to know it is to go visit your Daddy)
Super appreciate you trying to help✨.
I don’t think that would go well. There’d be immediate questions of where I want to go, and no one would believe I’d want to go on trip by myself, and I don’t have anybody I can use as like a mom friendly cover story. But like I kinda don’t thing it’d get that far bc she’d be quick to be inviting herself. She brings up travel and going on trips a lot. She’s already heard a lot of me saying I haven’t been interested in traveling for a while (which is a little true but mostly I don’t want to go on more trips w her, it never goes well). It has felt to me that if share I want to go somewhere she’d want to plan the trip to come, and bring the whole family if she could. There’d just be a lot of questions and even if I could convince her I just want to do it alone, I feel like that would either get her like pre-worrying I’m going to die so then like all the questions (and prolly her sounding like she’d cry if I went on a trip and didn’t like immediately reply to her) or her making me feel like a shit person for not wanting to go w her (def feel like I’d get put on the spot to have to explain why I’d want to go alone).
I think my leading idea is to ask for some expensive curling iron (or set but I’ll need to specifically pick it out or she’d think anything id consider to be an improvement on what I have to be too pricey for what it is). If it’s an expensive she’ll hit the gift cap amount she has in her mind sooner and I won’t be asked to come up with as much.
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illyrianbeauty · 7 years
A Not So Chance Encounter: Chapter 8
Rhys is persuaded to attend a fundraiser by his cousin Mor. He didn’t expect to meet the girl of his dreams.
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Chapter 8: The Family Dinner
The rest of the week flew by rather uneventfully. Rhys was pretty sure that Cassian had spoken to both Amren and Az about Feyre, considering the looks he kept getting from the three of them. Nosey pricks! He, Az, Cass, and Amren were currently seated at a round table in a private little room of The Mountain, one of his favorite restaurants.  Their table was enclosed by three stone wall mosaics.  The entrance to their little alcove came equipped with an amethyst colored curtain that could be closed for more privacy.  Mor certainly never did anything half-assed, that’s for sure.  The space was undeniably beautiful.  He adjusted the lapels of his jacket again and checked his watch.  Where were they? Mor and Feyre had made plans to come together tonight and they should have been here by now.    
“Stop fidgeting. You look fine,” Az sneered.
“Oh, feeling a little nervous, are we?” Cass taunted, giving him a saccharine smile.
Leaning forward in his seat, Rhys placed his hands on the table and spat out vehemently, “Listen, you promised you would behave yourself this evening. If you can’t do that, then…” He paused to take a deep breath and to calm himself down, lest he say something he would end up regretting.  He continued, “Just be on your best behavior. Just for tonight. Please.”
Amren answered for the three of them by snickering, “Don’t worry Rhysand.  I’ll make sure the children behave themselves tonight.”  Cass and Az looked grossly offended but Rhys just chuckled at her words.  Before Cass could open up his mouth to say anything in retaliation, Mor flounced through the entrance and waltz over to the table.  She grabbed Rhys into a one armed hug, seeing that her other hand was holding tightly onto a brightly wrapped package.  When his cousin finally let him go, his eyes went straight to Feyre.   She was wearing a light blue dress that accentuated her body in all the right places.  Her hair was hanging down her back in wavy curls. She was even more beautiful than he had remembered, if that was possible.
She sauntered up to him and purred, “Happy birthday, Rhys.”  
“Glad you could make it, Feyre Darling.”  he purred right back.  Deciding it was worth the risk, he stood up and pulled her into a hug.  For just a moment, just one moment, he let himself enjoy the feeling of her being in his arms. He tried, he really did try, not to bury his face in her hair. Cauldron, she smelled divine.  He reluctantly let her go and stepped out of her tantalizing scent.  
“Here. This is for you.” she sputtered rather nervously as she handed him a large, flat, rectangular package.  
Rhys looked at her dumbfounded. “You got me a present? You didn’t have to.”  He ignored the pointed looks that his friends and cousin were giving each other, the assholes, and focused on Feyre.  To his delight, he noticed that her ears and cheeks were becoming a delicious shade of pink.  He smiled devilishly at her. She was adorable when she was nervous.
She crossed her arms and huffed, “It’s not too late for me to give the gift to Mor, you prick.”
His friends, the traitors that they were, began laughing.
“Oh, I like her,”  Amren declared enthusiastically.
Mor came and took Feyre by the arm, saying, “Come on. I’ll introduce you to everyone.”  Mor pointed in Rhys’s direction and sniffed, “You know that prick.”  Mor then motioned to the only female sitting at the table. “That’s Amren.  She’s second in command at Velaris and oversees all of the contracts.”  Feyre’s eyebrows shot up at that.
Mor grinned fiendishly.  “But not to worry. She’ll be bumped down as soon as I graduate and take her place.”
Amren just rolled her eyes and snarked, “I’d like to see you try, girl.”
Mor continued with the introductions, “Next to Amern is Cassian.  He’s in charge of security.”
Feyre shook his hand and said cordially, “Pleased to meet you, Cassian.”
“Please, call me Cass.” He smiled broadly at her and to Rhys’s horror said, “We’re excited to finally meet you.  We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“And what exactly has Mor told you about me?” Feyre asked with an amused expression.  She looked at Mor and raised a brow.   
“Well, actually…”
Before Cass could finish that damning sentence, Mor cut in, “Moving on.”  She ignored the questioning look Feyre was giving her as she pointed to Az, who was seated on Cass’s other side. “That’s Azriel. He, well, he does a lot of different things at Velaris actually.  He’s in charge of computers and technology.  He also is in charge of making sure that Rhys doesn’t kill Cassian.”
Unsurprisingly, Az did not offer his hand for Feyre to shake.  Rhys saw her glance at his hands, but if she noticed the scars she didn’t give any indication. Az smiled warmly and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Feyre.” She gave him a warm smile in return.  Az had a way of putting people at ease.  It was one of his many, many talents.  
Rhys had taken the gift from Feyre and leaned it up against the wall.  He eyed it with interest.  Through the wrapping paper, he had felt a frame of some type.  Maybe she had gotten him a picture of some sort to hang up.  Hmmm…..  it could go up in his office.  He couldn’t wait to find out what it was.  He brought his attention back to the conversation as he returned to his seat next to Az.  This left two open seats that were next to each other at the table- the one to Amren’s right and the one to Rhys’s left.  By some miracle, Mor took the chair next to Amren which left the only open seat for Feyre right next to him.  His stomach fluttered a little at the thought of being so close to her all night long.
Cassian gave her a wicked smile and taunted, “Have a seat Feyre. We don’t bite. Much.”
Feyre quirked her eyebrow and sniffed, “Hmmm…. All talk and no action.  How very disappointing.”  Cass tipped his head back and roared in laughter.
So far, so good.  Everyone seemed to be getting along. That was a good sign.  A very good sign.    
As Feyre joined them at the table, the waitress came around with the menus and took their drink orders.  Champagne for everyone- Mor had insisted.  Rhys noticed Feyre squirming in her chair and peered at her through the corner of his eyes.  She was scanning the menu, looking extremely uncomfortable.  Oh crap.  She obviously wasn’t used to going to restaurants like this and was probably concerned about the price. That was a problem that could be fixed easily.  
He leaned over and whispered into her ear, “Order whatever you want, Darling. I’m footing the bill for the evening.”
She gave him a reproachful look, “Isn’t it your birthday? Why are you the one paying?”
He smirked at her, “Because I can.”
She rolled her eyes and stated, “You are not paying for my dinner.”
“The waitress has already been told that I’m taking care of the bill.  It’s not going to do you any good to argue at this point, Feyre Darling,” he said rather merrily.  “And just in case you’re thinking of being difficult, they have my credit card on file.  I can tell the waitress to not even bring out a check. If I need to.” He gave her a pointed look.
“Seriously, though. Don’t worry about the bill. Just enjoy the evening.”
Feyre bit her bottom lip before reluctantly nodding her head. “Ok. Thank you.”
“It’s no big deal. Really.”  Rhys gave her a genuinely happy smile and offered her some truth, “I’m glad you came tonight.  So is Mor.  She’s been wanting to introduce you to the rest of the family for a while now.”       
She furrowed her brows and glanced around the table asking, “Family? I thought you said that Mor was your only family.”
Before Rhys could answer her question, the waitress returned with a tray barring glasses of champagne.  Once everyone had a glass, the she went around to take their food orders.  As per usual, Rhys was getting a steak. When Feyre’s turn came around, Rhys was expecting her to order a salad or some other inexpensive item.  What he hadn’t been expecting was for her to order the lobster, one of the most expensive dishes on the menu.  He looked at her with an incredulous expression.
“What?” she asked innocently.  “You said I could order whatever I wanted.” She gave him a devious grin as she took a sip from her champagne.  
“Right you are, Feyre Darling.”  Gods, he loved her wicked sense of humor.   
“So, back to my previous question. How are you all related?” Feyre asked.  Cassian, of course, saw this as an opportunity to butt into the conversation.
“Well, we’re not actually family by blood.  Except Rhys and Mor.  They really are cousins. The rest of us, aren’t actually related.  Az, Rhys, and I grew up together, though.  Rhys’s mom, Rhoswen, took me in when I was 7.  I had been living on the streets for a few months after my mom abandoned me.” Feyre gasped and covered her hand with her mouth, her face horror stricken.  Everyone else at the table already knew the story and were listening again with grim expressions on their faces. Cass continued, “She had become addicted to drugs and couldn’t take care of herself, let alone me.  Needless to say, the early days of my life were shit.  I woke up one day and she was just… gone.”  He shrugged his shoulders.  To anyone else, he looked like he didn’t have a care in the world.  Only those at this table, who knew him best, could tell how much telling this story hurt him.  “I never knew who my father was.  Never met the man.  After my mom left, I was on my own for a bit.  Scraping by just to survive. Then Rhoswen found me and took me in.  Gave me a home, a family.” He cocked his head towards Azriel, adding, “Az was the next stray that she took in.”  
Rhys looked around the small group of people sitting at the table and thought, not for the first time, that he was really lucky to have each and every one of them in his life.     
Feyre’s eyes darted down to Az’s hands and back up to his face.  She seemed to realize that Az wasn’t comfortable talking about the burns and didn’t ask him to explain. Instead she asked tactfully, “How old were you when you went to stay with Rhys’s family?”
Rhys watched the expression on his brother’s face carefully as he said, “I was 8 when Rhoswen rescued me and brought me to live with the family.  Reiterating what Cass had said earlier, my homelife before that was complete shit.”
Noticing Az’s discomfort, Rhys jumped in, “We all couldn’t stand each other at first. We were constantly bickering and competing for my mother’s attention.”
“Rhys, you were such a dorky little shit,” Cass crowed. “Always reading your books and comics.”    
“Like you can talk.  You were the one with the Star Wars obsession,” Az snorted.  Talking about his past never got any easier for Az.  Though Rhys hoped that one day it might.  At least he looked a little less haunted now.
“Hey! Star Wars is still way cool!” Cass declared indignantly.
Rhys rolled his eyes at his brothers and continued with the story, “It took us a few years to start getting along and became friends.  We finally figured out that we do better together than separately.”
Cass clapped Az on the back and said, “Now these two pricks are more than friends to me. They’re brothers.”  
Az glared and Cassian’s offending arm and sighed, shaking his head slightly.
Rhys pointed to Mor, saying, “This one was always hanging around the house, too.  We couldn’t seem to get rid of her, no matter how hard we tried”
“Oh, please. Like you nerds would have had any fun without me around!” she retorted.     
“Yeah, because tea parties and ponies are sooo much fun,” Cass said sarcastically, resting his elbows on the table.  Mor sat up straighter and was preparing to lay in to Cass.
Feyre must have sensed that a war was brewing between the two because she looked at Amren and said, “Did you grow up with everyone as well?”
“No, girl. I didn’t grow up with these idiots.”  
Rhys felt himself bristle at Feyre being called a girl. He would have to have words with Amren later about that. If Amren noticed his ire, she paid him no mind and continued, “I meet Cassian, Azriel, and Rhysand in college. After graduation, Rhys asked me to join Velaris. I agreed.”
Rhys couldn’t help but to roll his eyes. Short and to the point, but no less dramatic.
Enticing smells entered the room just before two gentlemen appeared with their food.  The conversation ceased for a short time as they all dug in and enjoyed their entrees.  
“How’s the lobster, Darling?”
“It’s wonderful.  Thank you again for paying. How’s your steak?”
Rhys waved his hand dismissively, “It’s no problem. I’m glad you’re enjoying it.”  He got a devious look on his face. “The steak is delicious, by the way. Just like you in that dress. I don’t think I told you how beautiful you look this evening,” Rhys purred.  Just like he had anticipated, Feyre’s cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink.  He could have sworn he heard Az fake coughing in order to conceal a laugh.  
She turned away from him muttering, “Shameless, flirting prick.”
Before he could continue the conversation, Az said, “So Feyre. Tell us a little about yourself. Mor mentioned the two of you met in an art class.”
Feyre smiled shyly before saying, “Yup. I’m an art major at the University. I’ll be graduating in May, thank the Cauldron.  I’m hoping to open my own gallery at some point in the future. I work part time at this fancy gallery downtown.  You know- trying to make connections and get my foot in the door.” She scoffed before continuing, “So far, it hasn’t worked too well though.”
Cass asked, “What do you do at the gallery? I’ll admit, I don’t know the first thing about them.”
For some reason, Feyre turned the deepest shade of red and stammered, “Umm… well, you know… paperwork and stuff.”
Cassian scented blood. “Oh come now, Feyre. You can tell us!” he cajoled.
Feyre looked utterly mortified as she mumbled, “I work as a security guard- making sure no one damages the art.”  
“I knew I liked you for a reason.  Do you know any self- defense? Did they give you any training?” Cass looked as though he had won the lottery.
Feyre glanced around the table and seemed surprised no one was mocking her. That was strange.  Rhys wondered why she seemed slightly ashamed of her job.  He was pretty sure he knew the reason why. Fucking Tamlin.  Rhys felt rage begin to consume him.  He would bet good money that he didn’t think the job was good enough for a girlfriend of his. Asshat.
Feyre looked back at Cass and said, “Well, I didn’t get much training.  We watched a video. That’s about all.”  Rhys felt himself calming down as he watched the interaction between his brother and Feyre.  
Cass grinned fiendishly at her and stated, “Well, you’re in luck. It just so happens that I’m the best in Prythian, not to mention the most handsome.” He gave her a cheeky wink, saying, “I’d be more than happy to teach you some stuff, if your interested.”
She gave him a look, considering, “I’ll think about it and let you know. I appreciate the offer, though.”   
Just when Rhys thought he couldn’t eat another bite, in walks the waitress with a gigantic chocolate cake.  Mor lead the others in a horrific rendition of Happy Birthday, which had them laughing so hard they were nearly in tears.
As they enjoyed the cake, Mor asked Feyre about her plans for the upcoming holiday.
Feyre rolled her eyes and grumbled, “I’m going to Nesta’s for dinner.  Elain is bringing her boyfriend Graysen, so it’ll be the four of us.  I think she wants to impress her boyfriend so she wants a big, traditional Thanksgiving.”
“Well, good luck. Hope you and Nesta don’t kill each other,” Mor joked.
Feyre huffed, “Honestly, I’m more concerned about Nesta killing Elain’s boyfriend.”  She shook her head.  
What intrigued Rhys, was the fact that Feyre hadn’t said anything about him joining her family for the holiday.  Knowing he may come to regret it, he asked, “So the boyfriend won’t be joining in on the family festivities? How unfortunate.”
Feyre loosed a long sigh and said bitterly, “No. He isn’t coming. He and Nesta don’t really get along. He’s going to spend the day at a friend’s house.” She shrugged as though trying to relieve the irritation she was feeling. Rhys had never met Feyre’s sisters.  She actually didn’t talk about them much. He knew there were some definite issues between Feyre and the eldest Archeron sister.  He had to admit though, his opinion of Nesta improved at hearing her dislike of Tamlin.
“What about you Mor? What are your plans?”    
“Well, the five of us: me, Rhys, Cass, Az, and Amren are going to Rhys’s place for dinner. Nothing too fancy. The usual.”
“Sounds fun. I’m kind of jealous, actually.”
Rhys interjected, “You know you can always join us if your family dinner is too stressful, Darling.”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine, Rhysee Poo. But thanks for the offer,” Feyre simpered.
Mor pushed away her plate of half- eaten birthday cake and rubbed her stomach in slow circles. “Ugh, I’m so full.”
There were nods of agrement all around the table.  
Mor suddenly sat up straighter and practically sang, “Presents! Mine first!” She leaned across the table and handed Rhys the colorful package she had brought along.  She was bouncing in her seat, barely able to contain her excitement.  Her mood was contagious.  He tore at the wrapping of the package with the enthusiasm of a child on Christmas morning.  His eyes widened at the sight of the first edition, signed copy The Hobbit, of one of his all time favorite books.  Holy shit!
“Mor, this is amazing! Thank you!”  He couldn’t believe she had gotten him that thoughtful of a gift.  She knew him so well! He stood up and wrapped her in a big bearhug.  He smacked a kiss on her cheek and said, “Thank you. I love it!”
Mor simply gave him a haughty look and said, “I knew you would.  And I expect nothing less than an absolutely amazing gift for my birthday in return.”
He grinned at her. “Deal.”
“Ok. Enough of this sappy crap. Ours next,” Cassian said as he threw an envelope at Rhys, barely missing his head. “It’s from Az and I. Happy birthday, bastard.”
Gods, they better not have gotten him something embarrassing! Both Az and Cassian had matching grins on their faces and soon Rhys found himself grinning like an idiot too.  He opened up the envelope, pulled out the card, and began reading.  He laughed in delight with his two friends and declared, “Hell ya!  This is going to be awesome”
“Ummm…. Care to fill the rest of us in?” Mor hissed.
“They’re taking me fishing,” Rhys informed them.
“Fishing?” Mor inquired.
“Well, not just fishing.” Cass explained.  “We found this badass cabin in the mountains and rented it for the three of us.  We are going to spend a week in the spring time drinking, fishing, hiking, and more drinking.” He sat back in his chair looking pleased as punch.
Mor, Feyre, and Amren all exchanged bewildered expressions.  
“It must be a man thing,” Feyre pondered. The three men looked at eachother and began laughing.
Amren sniffed, “Ugh. Definitely a man thing. Thank the Cauldon you joined our group tonight, Feyre, or Mor and I would have been completely outnumbered.”  
Mor shook her head vehemently in agreement and muttered, “Boys.”
“Who else has a gift for me?” Rhys hollered.  
“I came tonight. You’re welcome,” Amren retorted, with a serpentine smile.
Everyone at the table, Rhys included, stared at her for a solid fifteen seconds before breaking out into a round of laughter.
“Well, I guess that just leaves my gift,” Feyre stammered nervously once everyone had calmed down.  
Not that Rhys had been able to forget about the large gift for a moment all night.  He was curious about what was making her so nervous. He carefully collected the gift from where it had been resting and brought it back to the table.  He, ever so carefully, tore open the wrapping paper.  He gazed in awe at what he held in his hands.  It was a beautiful painting of the night sky.  She had painted. For him.  He could clearly see her initials FA etched on the bottom right hand corner of the canvas.  He was completely and utterly floored.  She had told him how much she loved painting but rarely had the time to indulge in anything other than school assignments.  He tore his eyes away from the masterpiece and found Feyre nervously watching him.  She was wiggling side to side in her chair in anticipation.
“If you don’t like it, I can get you something else or paint something else….”
He gave her a smile that he hoped conveyed everything he was feeling, and croaked, “It’s perfect. I love it. Thank you.”
She looked relieved and visibly relaxed.
“Happy birthday Rhys,” she said softly.  
“Let us see it, jackass,” Cassian drawled.  Rhys reluctantly passed his gift to Az so that the rest of his friends could see the painting.
He leaned over and whispered, “Thank you, Darling.” He brushed his lips against her cheek in the lightest of kisses.  Her skin felt devine!  He was just beginning to pull away when he heard her breath hitch.  His eyes shot up to meet hers. They were close enough that their breaths mingled together.  Rhys glanced down at her lips.  She was biting her lower lip again. Fuck, that was so damn sexy.  He tore his eyes away from her luscious lips and looked back at her eyes.  He couldn’t read the expression on her face.  Was it possible that she felt something for him?  She was almost close enough for him to kiss her lips. He only needed to lean forward an inch or two.
“Damn, Fey. This is amazing! I might have to get you to make me one too!” Mor shrieked.  
And just like that, the moment was gone.  Feyre jerked back in her chair and stammered, “Thanks, Mor.”
Rhys leaned back in his chair and tried to gain some semblance of his self-control back.  He glanced across the table at his friends admiring the painting and began formulating a plan in his head.  A plan that would include him seeing a lot more of Feyre.
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