#there’s like 0 content tho it’s heartbreaking
cravingpepsimax · 16 days
what does it mean if i’m starting to like pinescest but only if it’s yuri
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hood-ex · 5 months
Yo you're watching jjk? That time fushiguro got asked about his type, the correct translation is he said a person with unwavering humanity. A certain someone's name has a kanji meaning the same 👀
Highly highly recommend that you watch the jjk 0 movie right after finishing season 1 so you know, what's up, who's down bad, who's coming etc.
The one anon is right about the content being dark, it is technically a tragedy horror action true, bit there's no sexual violence unless you deep it and think about what really goes on.
Oh you're also so wrong about Kurama 😂 Akutami's writing this as a tribute to shounen (mother's basement on youtube has good videos on jjk) but his main inspo are bleach and hunterxhunter, along with older stuff like ngo, yu yu hakuso etc. Naruto influences every shounen but it's not Akutami's fave. He worships bleach mangaka 😂
I don't know many good translator or meta writers on tumblr but if you have twitter check out lightningclare!
Welcome to hell tho, you're in for a lot of heartbreaks. (Beware the popular found family doesn't exist in canon, dismissed by Akutami many times, and the canonical found family is of an old villain's so they're kinda hated, like a Lot lol rip)
That's the translation I got in the sub during that scene, I believe. Lol can I just assume it's Yuji? Last time I tried to figure out the meaning of a name, I was totally wrong, and my student's mother was like uh no that's not what his name means at all, actually. So I don't trust my general Google searches for non-English names 😭.
Oh did not know there was a movie so that's veryyy good to know, thank yooou!
Yeah, I mean it's dark but not in an off-putting way. At least not to me alskdja. Idk it doesn't bother me at all. A lot of the dark stuff really pushes Yuji to be better and stronger, so I like it for that effect.
I can draw parallels between Naruto/Kurama and Yuji/Sukuna from my own perspective, but him having inspo from those older animes makes sense. I've actually never seen Bleach, and I think waaaay back in the day, I might have tried to watch the first episode of it but didn't finish it. I was way more invested in Prince of Tennis back then lmao. "Mada mada dane."
No yeah the series isn't really giving the found family vibes I would've hoped for so far (Yuji and Todo though... LOL). Yuji has been separated from the others too much, and we haven't really seen more than surface level connections between the other students so far. Although, they are watching each other's backs pretty well, so I am getting caring vibes between them.
*spoiler mentioned below*
Waaaait what do you mean the canonical found family is an old villain's? I spoiled myself on TikTok today and saw that Sukuna is apparently Yuji's uncle... or something? Something something with Sukuna's twin. Is that what you're referring to?
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coolspacequips · 6 years
all the pinned up shiro stuff coming out has me lowkey jealous :’)
vld fandom makes so many great zines but i have $0 to spare rn, RIP
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sanccharine · 3 years
Do you have any favorite writings/authors? Just wondering. :0
!!! thanks so much for this question,,,time to shower my fav writers with love :D
forstly, the paladins bc they all deliver top tier dreamcatcher content and literally it's all i’ve been reading recently thanks to the great content war :D i need to catch up tho, i’m so behind dfjhskjf
take me away series by @panda-writes-kpop – seven aus in one series, with all members of dreamcatcher, sign me in !!
neon city knights by @neon-city-dreams – a whole original world and concept with superpowers <33
star wars au by @kingmaker-a – action packed with amazing characterization of dreamcatcher, literally in love with siyeon ;-;
pirates of the caribbean au by @pabopup – i mean i don’t think i have to say anything,,,,pirates !!!
one of my all time favourite authors on this hellsite has to be @daisugu​ and lonely people’s club (for ateez hongjoong) is my favourite fic of hers. it's the type of soulmate au i like hfdkjfhsjkd but seriously, i love her writing so much i started reading her anime fics,,,,,and then started watching said anime. i think that about sums up how much i love her fics :]
next would be @neo-shitty and her fic checkmate (for stary kids jisung). by some miracle, i got the chance to meet her just as i found this fic and basically screamed about it to toffee as i read it. it’s heartbreaking but she was generous enough to expand the universe ;-;
on a more lighter note, fire alarms and hot chocolates (for ateez mingi) by @masterninjacow was one of the first ateez fics i read and i hold it close to my heart. husna is probably tired of hearing me say this lol but i love it so much. he also happens to be my favourite marvel writer as well dhkjsdhfjksd 
i rarely read for bts now but the truth between us by @gukyi and @jimlingss​ is just golden. it’s a yoongi 100k monster series and i’ve reread it multiples times and i think that about sums up how much i enjoyed it ghdsjf
thanks again for this question anon !!
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Part two of hiatus ending! (I hope!)
Time to take this blog seriously (or maybe take it with a different approach)
So I do want to get back to business with some rants, reviews, and maybe a few like, idk me talking at a camera for ages or something.
First and foremost, the queue is gonna slowly come back to life
If you love anime animation and gifs of such, pls shoot them to my messages and I'll gladly add them to my queue! Nothing crazily edited or grayscale tho
I have lost my editor to her moving and didnt want to put any pressure on her to stay. I'd love even just someone to take a cursory glance over my stuff before I post it bc author's blindness is REAL
If you're interested in that, DM me here, or even shoot me an email [email protected] OR my discord (dm for details)
I need to rework my schedule. During two moves I've lost all my anime notes to important adult paperwork, so I gotta start from scratch hahaha
I do need to catch up on shows I found to be priority contenders for the top ten/five which is my favorite post of the year and it was utter heartbreak to slash it and not do it :,^( I just didnt have the content
I'm also super down to opening a small discord server and hosting watch nights or w/e
I do work nearly full time to afford rent, and I hate to ask as I'm not doing anyone a service or personally suffering. Iffin you want to throw a buck by way or enquire about merch/media I may be trying to sell, please DM me or PayPal [email protected]. seriously, just putting it there if you feel like it DO NOT TAKE THIS AS A DEMAND I'M NOT SUFFERING!
I need to expand my blog from just the reviews for anime. I want to talk about manga, movies, special stuff that happens in Japan and in the industry. I want to talk industry news with the industry, even if they're assholes about it AGAIN (looking at you SB. Where's volume 12 of Descendants of Darkness?)
A-kon is at the end of the month! To any and everyone going to Dallas that weekend I wanna see and talk to y'all! Really I'm not shy, just wanna spout my nonsense at ya and get down and dirty with the anime talk ❤❤❤
Hmu if you're going to A-kon or tag me! Let's talk!
That was a lot of cluttered nonsense to go through, but I just wanted to get it out there. Let's talk, send questions, requests, w/e, I wanna talk so badly about the new fruits basket. Just all the things!
I am back baby!!!
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defineguilty · 6 years
BOLD for what applies totally to your muse, italic for what applies in some circumstances / some verses. repost!
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TAGGED BY:  nobody i’m really just procrastinating sleeping for 0 reason even tho im dyin TAGGING:   anyone!!
brand new snow boots. the boy next door. windowsill flowers. skating on the pond. the beauty of a snowflake. a sharp pain in your eye. a broken mirror. frosted windows. a sudden difference in a loved one. ice-cold lips upon your forehead. a pale hand against the glass. frozen flowers. the depths of midwinter. offering a sacrifice. deep, cold water. a flower garden. an unexplainable feeling of something being missing. dreaming of love. soft silk. summer air. desperate escape from a castle. a friendly raven. autumn leaves falling all around you. a knife pressed against your cheek. running for your life as time runs out. northern lights gleaming overhead. an impossible puzzle to decipher. winter passing, to become spring. seeing the world through whole new eyes.
desperately longing for a child. a drop of blood in the snow. a heartfelt wish. loss of a mother at a very young age. uncertainty and foreboding at a grand occasion. sweet singing echoing around castle walls. white doves. a terrible enemy in the guise of a friend or family member. hair as black as ebony. skin as white as snow. lips as red as blood. a practitioner of darker magic. bitter vanity. an arrow in the dark. the heart of a deer. running terrified into a dark forest. depending on the kindness of strangers. a magic mirror. an apple fallen from a pale hand. a slumber like death. a glass coffin in the middle of a wood. all the king’s horses, all the king’s men. true love’s first kiss. the sense of contentment that comes with justice having being served to a terrible person.
a blessed childhood. little mice in the walls. bluebirds. sweet and pleasant dreaming. a lifetime of scorn from your own family. being treated like a servant. invitation to a fabulous ball. barely daring to be excited. a gown ripped to shreds. crying in the courtyard. white horses. a lizard in the grass. coach and footmen. glass slippers. eyes meeting across a crowded room. the first dance with the one you love. your heart feeling like it is bursting with joy. walking arm in arm with a beloved one. a wonderful evening. the first blossom of love. the stroke of midnight. a desperate rush to be home. a secret underneath a loose floorboard. smashed glass, hopes shattered. the happiness that comes with finally having been seen for whom you truly are.
the shimmering ocean floor. brilliant blooming coral. fish with bright and shiny scales. the figurehead of a ship. sea-spray striking your face. the wind rustling in your hair on the top deck. a violent and vigorous thunderstorm. heart pounding with mingled terror and excitement. strange ripples on the water’s surface. love at first sight. a desperate bargain struck. your legs trembling as you try to walk. a terrible ache in your feet like blades with every step you take. the softness of sand. an unrequited longing. the heartbreak that comes with seeing the one you love walking arm in arm with another. a blade held tightly in your hand. a kiss pressed to your sleeping lover’s forehead. loving another more than you love yourself. unbearable suffering. sea-foam drifting on the surface of the ocean.
the aching disappointment from not being invited to a social function. an anger as deep as the forest. a terrible and malicious act against a wholly innocent person. singing softly in a cottage garden. the feeling that there is more to your life than has yet been revealed to you. the excitement of a birthday approaching. spinning wheels covered by cobwebs. a spinner’s needle, bright and sharp. the inexplicable urge to touch what you should not. (!!) a pinprick and a drop of blood. nature growing to consume all signs of human habitation. a crumbling ruin filled with roses. a nightmare that you cannot wake up from. the terrible knowledge that everything you ever knew and loved has been irreparably lost as time moved on around you.
a desperate craving for something which cannot be satisfied by anything else. being caught in the act of doing something criminal. making a bargain for the sake of another person’s welfare. a tall stone tower in the center of a forest. sweet singing from a window far above you. gently running a brush through your long hair. an unexpected visitor in the middle of the night. the bittersweet joy that comes with experiencing tenderness that you have never known before. cruel eyes watching from the shadows. pleading for another’s life. breaking the rules in order to prevent something terrible from happening, even though you’re frightened. finding someone beloved and longthought lost, and holding them tightly. your hand clasped tightly in the hand of another. knowing that you’re safe at last, as long as you’re together.
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