#there’s countless stories of women who dressed as men and assumed male identies but not all of them would agree with the trans id
bethisblogging · 2 years
There’s another post going around vaguely shaming historians for not saying historical people were gay when the signs are there so this is a reminder that
1) the idea of gay as we modernly conceptualize it was Not a thing, historically,
2) they may have been more than friends. They may have fucked. They may have been true life partners. Or they really were just dear friends. A lot of times it’s not very easy to have all the nuance AND come out and be like “yes they were queer.”
3) just because a historian can’t declare someone as gay doesn’t mean they aren’t part of queer history!
Also this is NOT a defense of historians who ignore when someone straight up came out. Like by the time you get to the earth 20th century the modern ideas of sexuality were pretty much established. There are people who were imprisoned then for being gay. They deserve to be fully recognized with their identities.
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