#there’s a wide spectrum of human emotion I think women should be allowed to explore that actually
rigginsstreet · 9 months
The problem with how so many female characters are written, especially middle aged women, is that there is such a desperate need to spin a feminist narrative of “she’s never done anything wrong, she’s a Strong Female Lead, don’t you wanna be just like her? Isn’t she so likable?” Is that you strip them the right to have any flaws, from being complex, from being wrong.
You all claim you want female anti heroes like the men or just female characters who are terrible and no good but the second you get that you do everything in your power to make them victims and show how they’re just misunderstood or everyone else just doesn’t “get her” and it’s so so annoying
None of you can handle actually flawed female characters and it shows. Your fucking heads explode and your brain leaks out your ears every time you come in contact with one
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