#there’s a Reason why the dragon does not appear tho
gay-for-zoya · 3 months
Can you rant about Morgana?
I think I should apologise in advance I'm very hyperfixated. I'm halfway through writing this and I have no idea if any of it makes sense. I've just finished writing it you don't have to read all this if you don't want to it's a bit incoherent but yeah here you go!!
Omg my girl Morgana. I love Morgana and I don't think what she did was right by any means but I completely understand why she did it. Like can you imagine your dad being the leader of an opressive group, regularly killing members of the oppressed group, and constantly showing mistrust and distain towards them. Only to then find out you are one of them. I would be terrified. She had to watch as people of magic where killed or hunted knowing that was her. Knowing that that could one day be her fate. Also you cannot convince me season 2 Morgana was running of nearly enough sleep, she was having regular prophetic nightmares about her brother dying. Anyway speaking of Arthur I kinda get why she didn't go to him for help when her powers first appeared. If we're using the magic is gay idea then I know how scary it is to come out to people even if I know there supportive. It's still terrifying. I can't imagine that fear but somewhere where being gay is illegal. Knowing your coming out to someone supportive but knowing that if that information got out you could be killed or imprisoned. If you had a falling out they could use that information against you and basically ruin your life. Saying the words I am gay (or in Morgana's case I have magic) in an environment like that must be so scary. It's not Arthur's fault at all but just something I was thinking. I also do think Uther would have punished her in some way for having magic. We've seen through the first two seasons he's ok with imprisoning her and grabbing her by the neck so I don't think it's to fare fetched to say he would have reacted badly. ANYWAY Morgause, I wish we had seen more of her and Morgana between seasons 2 and 3. Her manipulation. I feel like it wouldn't have been hard to do Morgana was probably quite scared and lonely "I don't want to be brave, I just want to be myself. I don't want to be alone anymore." Which would have made things easy for Morgause. I'd still loved to have seen it tho, like are the mandrake theory's true? But all that aside by the time of season 3 those seeds of mistrust and resentment have been planted. I loved Morgana and merlin in season 3 tho they where so funny.
Ok I'm thinking to make this less of a massive block of text new paragraph!! So I feel like I don't have to much to say on season 3 Morgana other than omg I need her wardrobe. It was painful though seeing one of the first things she does as queen is execute people (which I think can be used as a parallel to Uther but I feel like we don't know enough about Uther to be 100% sure). Tbf tho she could have got that follow me or die mentality from Uther or Morgause. Season 4 Morgana again not much to say. I feel really bad for her in the opening scenes when she kills Morgause. She didn't look happy about it to say the least. And can you imagine how she felt after the plan didn't even work?? Also this is where emrys is first mentioned to her. Anyway she spends most of the season alone with growing fears about emrys. But she does meat Aithusa. I love her and Aithusa's friendship!! I think it also shows that the old Morgana is not dead, not completely anyway. In S5 ep8 Arthur is having dinner with the Sarrum and he says the only reason Morgana didn't use magic against him was due to Aithusa. Morgana loved the dragon so much she would let herself suffer for years just to keep her safe. I think the quote was something like "her love for the creature cause her more suffering than she could have imagined". I think this was important to mention because it shows she is still capable of love. Despite everything that has happened her old self is still there. But her capture definitely plays massively into her character in season 5. She was held in a old well, hands manacled above her head in complete darkness. No wonder she went mad. Can you imagine being left alone with only your thoughts for just under 3 years? Then she meets Mordred again and she is so happy. Finally the person she loved like a son, the one person alive who should understand her and her motive, who has also suffered due to Camelot. But she has changed. She is angry and bitter and this drives him away. She drove him right to the people she hated. Her face in the scene where Mordred stabs her breaks my heart omg. (Not blaming Mordred but it's something I wanted to mention.) I would get into the dark tower episode with Gwen as well as there parallels to Morgause and Morgana in the early seasons but this post is already so long I might do it in another. But yeah her death broken my heart. She ruined herself for nothing. She failed at all her goals and died alone and hated by everyone that once loved her. And yes I did cry at the final episode my incredibly smart mind decided the best thing to do after watching it was listen to mitski, this did not end well.
Tysm for the ask!! I'm so sorry this post is so long I have a lot of thoughts about her.
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glassjoe · 8 months
combining my bg3 nerdism with my punchout obsession
all of them would be monks in some way bc. panching. but theyd be multiclassed and use it during their fight, with the exceptions of glass joe and sandman as i think it makes more sense for them to just be monks as first and last bosses
i made this a while ago and dont remember most of my reasoning for the subclasses. just go with it. OH and i wanted only one for each multiclass, so no repeats.
if i fucked up dnd lore look AWAY im a bg3 and d20 boy im not hardcore
this is super lazy
glass joe- monk (way of mercy)
like i said, hes just a monk with no multiclass since hes the starting/warmup boss. he hasnt got enough exp yet
von kaiser- monk (way of the sun soul) & fighter (battle master)
i mean, with his soldier-y theme, both in appearance and voice, i feel him being a fighter is just the obvious choice. plus it feels like an easy jump from solo monk to fighter-monk
disco kid- monk (way of the shadow) & bard (college of valour)
hes groovin, and his dance theme is more prominent than flamenco's so it feels more appropriate to give it to disco. plus his headphones. enough about bards who play music give me interpretive dance bards
king hippo- monk (way of the ascendant dragon) & wizard (transmutation)
okay king hippo was the last one i chose a multiclass for and wizard was the last free class. ig he could be artificier but wizard felt more regal, like royal wizard. not too much reasoning for this one tho sorry lol
piston hondo- monk (way of the long death) & paladin (devotion)
another one i feel is relatively obvious. hes dedicated to what he does and seems to do nothing but train according to cutscenes. idk what to say hes just. paladin
bear hugger- monk (way of the sun soul) & druid (circle of the land)
i mean dudes best friend is a bear and he brings a squirrel into the ring. hes already a bear in two senses of the word, why not add a third and make it more literal? sure hed love to chill with mrs bear
great tiger- monk (way of the four elements) & sorcerer (wild magic)
i remember my subclass reasoning and it was just. three clones and him in his cutscene equals four. and they seem to have different "elements" associated with each. that said sorcerer feels like The Most obvious choice of the lot. he uses his magic naturally and deftly, but his knockout cutscene betrays a sort of lack of control he may have, so i went with wild magic. i could just as easily see draconic though and give him some cool tiger-like face scales.
don flamenco- monk (way of the open hand) & ranger (beast master)
hes a toreador and punts a bull into space, a class with an advantage over animals is the easy choice. plus based on vibes alone, rangers feel patient and wait for prey like he does in his fight
aran ryan- monk (way of the kensei) & rogue (arcane trickster)
honestly all the rogue subclasseses work with aran but i went with tricksger bc i felt more general. i dont think hed actually kill someone and theif was too specific for the general mayhem he causes. plus hed absolutely use illegal magicks in the ring.
soda popinski- monk (way of the drunken master) & cleric (war domain)
obvious subclass is obvious. cleric bc he heals himself in battle by drinking soda. war domain bc none of the others rlly fitt
bald bull- monk (way of the long death) & barbarian (wildheart)
okay a *lot* of the boxers could be barbarians but i feel like bull is the one with the most obvious "rage" mechanic, being his charge. wildheart bc bull theme
super macho man- monk (way of the astral self) & warlock (the archfiend)
i think smm was another one i did last but him selling his soul to be a rich and famous pro boxer feels fitting. i dont remember my reasoning for his astral subclass but i remember i really liked it so take my word
mr sandman- monk (way of the open hand)
again as i said before, i wanted him to be a "back to basics" sort of fighter. taking what mac should know most intimately and putting him through a ringer of all the typical "monk" things. open hand also feels like the most "basic" but powerful monk Thing so.
also. mac would be a monk but his multiclass would be up to the player, if they multiclassed him at all, and doc would be a way of mercy monk and a knowledge domain cleric, bc hes macs mentor, was a champion so he knows a lot. and heals mac if needed. (also a folk hero. dodnt do backgrounds for other characters but thar u go)
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forgive me if I sent this before sdfg But I sorta have this headcanon about the Gerudo? Gender is fucking weird to me anyways, so my brain looks at "they only have a man every 100 years and he's destined to be king" and i'm like 'but why tho'. I like to think their view of gender just doesn't translate well into Hyrulian/a language with gender binary. There are technically trans* people born into the Gerudo (*everyone is assigned 'female' at birth) so they are able to sustain themselves just fine. But the role of like, champion or king or whatever you want to call it, there's a distinction from the average person. Ganondorf isn't special because of his, err, equipment or anything. But this nuance is lost on Hylians, and centuries of misunderstanding contributed to this idea of "ah gerudo only have 1 man" (always did find it backwards that divinity is feminine in this series, yet it's almost always Zelda's father The King who is in charge and gets to be a character)
Ohhh the famed question of Gender Among Gerudo!!!
Okay, so. I think I'm a little weird in that regard. First, I think I need to be a little transparent about how I write, because it changes the way I go about this sort of things. I tend to be the sort of person that kind of gravitates around fictional cultures with really weird gender components and pressure points and then want to scratch at them and push them to their breaking point, because it interests me to see characters struggling to make sense of their identity in these contexts.
Again, all of this is about my own approach/my own creative curiosity and not at all a rebuttal of any other approach!! I'm super interested to see gerudos interpreted across the fandom, it's always so endlessly fascinating!!
(I'm putting it under the cut because I don't know if my own approach interests you, so just in case!)
So. While I think that it would also make sense for gerudo to think of gender in way that are radically different than hylians, I'm personally interested to take the claims at face value and see what sort of people that would create --for better and for worse. I am a big fan of the gerudos, but I also see gender (and especially masculinity) as one of their messiest pressure points.
The reason why that interests me is that an enormous part of Descant's subtext is Ganondorf being completely overwhelmed by the notion of masculinity and its expectations. Having no real blueprint to even understand what being a man is even supposed to imply beyond old legends about kings long dead, more myth than people, the contradictory, vague and messy expectations of the gerudos women who hardly know any better than him (but might say that they do, right Koume&Kotake), and hylian men who are literal threats to his life, actively hated by his people and who get imprisonned/killed if they ever get inside gerudo lands... How in the world are you expected to construct a stable perception of yourself in a context like this? And that's excluding the differences between hylian and gerudo perception of masculinity, or the insane stuff that hylians do project upon him based on their own understanding of gender and gender dynamics. In the end (in Descant), it's Darunia who does the most for him in that regard, though pretty much without realizing it nor the importance that it holds for Ganondorf, and then uhhh everything goes well forever and nobody's people gets eaten by a reanimated dragon very importantly.
I am taking a rather dark interpretation of the gerudos in OoT by taking their situation so literally, buuut I'm that kind of writer unfortunately for everybody involved. :((( This makes their relationship with hylians and their own brithrates very very dire in a war context, makes Ganondorf's appearance in the equation all the more important --but also very... questionable in a lot of ways. Extreme arbitrary gendered power combined with absolutely crushing gender expectations you can't really run away from, and expectations that are far from neutral (that's some wild shit to project onto a literal newborn is all I'll say). I think a Ganondorf raised in such a context might try to do anything for his people, buuut a part of him might also cultivate some resentment for the role bestowed upon him and the fact that he can't just be. This would have uhh implications once he gets a whiff that divine power (so self-definition at its most absolute) is a goal he can strive for.
What can I say, I'm interested in the mess!!!
But I also think trans gerudos are completely fair game, I wouldn't be surprised if there was a social space for trans gerudo to exist without this kind of pressure, especially when, culturally, masculinity is also a function --but I also think sheikahs might be much, much better at the whole gender thing than gerudos are as a culture tbh.
And as far as Goddesses being feminine while Zelda not holding actual power... I agree that it feels weird. I decided to handle this as hylians using it as an excuse to have the Goddesses relegated as religious passivity --blessed symbols of balance-- while having the concrete messiness of down-to-earth power be the domain of men; less pure and heavenly, but also, by definition, more power.
(I think this also changes a lot across Hyrule's history, but again I'm talking OoT era)
Thank you so much for your ask!! I hope I didn't overspill with my own headcanons haha
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mypromptlair · 2 years
TCF Prompt 25
38 year old Kim Rok Soo has lived a hard, tiring life on earth, all he wants to do with the rest of his life is to slack and live a comfortable life.
So when he awakens in a new body(and name), in a forest next to a beautiful field, with a system and some elementals by his side he takes it surprisingly in stride. There was nothing left for him on earth after all, but perhaps with this he can finally achieve his dream! Especially with how well his goods, etc eventually sell for.
Is what he thought. He should have known it was a giant red flag when things started off so well. Now he is suddenly a guardian to 3 kids(2 cats and a dragon he somehow saved), has a persistent protective knight/ex-hero(who also transmigrated here, and isn't that a story in itself...A old hero forgotten for 100 years who defeated a man known as the white star), a ex-assassin and his son who is a chef who moved themselves in without asking, a crown prince who is insistent on forming a contract with for his wares(hello golden plaque), along with many others.
Aigoo, his poor life.
He goes by "Cale Thames" at first, he is not blood related to the Henituse's. But when Deruth meets him when he goes to set up his farm, etc, he believes him to be his old friend Jours son, so has him put under his protection, etc. And he becomes Cale Henituse if wanted.
Choi Han defeated the White Star when he first transmigrated, however he never seemed to age and eventually left normal society and soon became nothing more but a old tale for children. One day he had fallen and hurt his foot after saving two kittens from the Cat Tribe, which eventually lead them to Cale.(He does find out Cale was formally Kim Rok Soo. He is both happy and sad, as he was friends with his nephew who had passed).
The AP's are the elementals/cheats Cale was given. The System was created by GoD.
Cale still has his 'adventures', but there's no big war he has to fight(tho somehow he helps the civil wars with Toonka and the Whales, ugh). He still overworks himself and coughs up blood and makes himself sick on occasion much to the worry of everyone around him.
He doesn't know why Ron and Beacrox suddenly appeared and moved in to help, but they are not leaving anytime soon..at least he has delicious food...the lemons..not so much and he could do without. But...it's..kind of nice..to be taken care of in such a way...
Cale is still adopted by Eruhaben, Ron and Fredo(and Henituse fam).
Cale and Alberu are sibling and scammer team goals.
Lots of fluff, hurt/comfort, and of everyone finally finding a family and a place to call home(and if they happen to all slowly heal from all their past traumas along the way, then even the better).
....Cloeph still somehow tries to start a religion for whatever reason. Cale is not impressed.
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residentmara · 7 months
a little context for smth, the Astral Express Crew is this train of ppl, not really many ppl keep that in mind (ha, mind), that travels on the path of The Hunt, but the path they travel on isn't important, but they are following in the path of this Aeon (basically like, gods in the game but they're also not gods ?) who had died (I personally believe that the Aeon of The Trailblaze, the one they're following the path of didn't die, because there is nobody who knows how they died, it's unknown if it was at the hands of another Aeon even tho thats a popular theory in game, or if it was killed by a human or what) and they're just following in that guy's path and stopping at worlds when they can't pass, usually bc of a stellaron (cancer of all worlds) on the planets, and they help those planets and continue on their path
Mind (March and Dan Heng)
Mind would be March because of more like her backstory, she was found floating through space in a block of six-phased ice (I believe it was that or it was some 'eternal ice' but I am p sure it was six-phased) which Welt spent ages to get her out of, and I did get my facts a little wrong when I was being autism in dms earlier, her name is March 7th because that's the day the Astral Express Crew (which at the time I believe consisted of Himeko, Welt, and pom-pom (? for Pom-pom)) freed her from the ice, and she didn't even know who she was, so they took to calling her March 7th since that was the date, she canonically puts out this happy, bubbly, personality to cover up this like anxiety and sadness I believe is what Himeko says when you ask about March, but she puts on that personality and smile to cover up those feelings
and Dan Heng because he's smart.. and he also has things in his past that he's running from, he's generally a mysterious kinda guy (HELP IM REACHING DISCORD LIMIT ALR,, THE PRICE OF TYPING THIS ORIGINALL ON DISCORD WTF) theres not many lore rooted reasons that I'm saying Dan Heng for, though he does live in the file room (I think it was called.. words aren't wording but it is like 8:34 at night) and keeps things nice and filed n stuff for the express, he knows a lot about it, he also joined it because he was running from people from his past life / past (I say past life because even though he normally looks human, he's from this dragon looking species I can't spell the name of for the life of me who goes through this rebirth process) and he refuses to really talk to anyone about it, and if you in game ask Himeko about him she doesn't give you much information
Heart (Kafka)
I won't go deep into lore because I don't think we know much of Kafka's lore or she doesn't have too much to go into ig, but Kafka is one of these Stellaron hunters who's goal (you'll never guess it) is to get stellarons, Kafka can appear as this nice person but really she's kinda violent and slightly manipulative (though it is kind of for the 'greater good' in some sense depending on where your morals lie when it comes to lore of the entire game) also she uses a gun canonically when you use her ultimate.. enough proof there /silly
Soul as Himeko or the Trailblazer
tbh I'd mainly say Himeko, we don't really know too much about Himeko, only what you can get from asking Welt, but she found the express when she was a kid blah blah that's not imporant to why Soul would be her, she was there from the start, she knows like everything about everyone on the express, at least all there really is to know, she's the real owner of it, but she is generally who keeps things kinda calm on the express, she's who you trust (which when you put hms as pathos, logos, and ethos, we know who is what, Heart is Pathos, Mind is Logos, and Soul would be Ethos, and if you were to characterize Himeko as one of those, she'd be Ethos because you know you can trust her) + she has red hair
I'd say Soul as the Trailblazer (the Main Character) because that is also the only character you can be 100% sure of in the whole story, also I can kind of draw a connection from the Stellaron that is inside of the Trailblazer (they are generally supposed to just be a storage for it, we don't know why yet because that lore isn't rlly out yet) to the void seen on Soul in like the videos, they both have something that can like 'take over' them in some sense
and Whole as Welt
Welt is someone who also knows a lot about people on the express (not as much as Himeko though) but he generally is like this character that is like the 'dad' of the express, at least in my eyes (that I totally have shh I'm not a Heart fictive what) this is smth you can argue that Welt would be Soul for but he is in and out of the Astral Express this like peace keeper, there is a lot more of lore to Welt because he is a reoccuring in like another Honkai game (I think there is only one other ? but if not he's in the two others, but I cannot remember how mant there is) and I remember seeing something about a comic, but basically if you were to put a face on the express it'd probably be Welt or Himeko, Himeko because she is the actual owner but Welt because he is this powerful figure that has this cohesive story if any of my reasoning for Whole as Welt makes sense
Boom autism explosion pt 2, now I’m very sleeby so goodnight !! -💕
this is unironically the direct reason i got into honkai: star rail
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sibillascribbles08 · 2 years
Okay buckling down and doing this now.
Here’s my propaganda about why Donnie is the most like his dad featuring solid points and some arguable points.
First statement, this isn’t me saying ONLY Donnie is like his dad. All the boys share traits with their father that I’ve noticed (an essay for another time perhaps) I think Donnie just racks up the most points.
Going under a cut tho because long.
So first thing I want to talk about is a lot of people attach Leo as being exactly like his dad, mostly because they have the same vibes on a surface level, but I still argue that Donnie picks up more pieces. The only reason it’s not obvious is because Donnie is very book and technical smart while Lou named turtles Green and Green 2.
Tossing aside some surface level factors (i.e. those eyebrows are 100% inspired from Lou Jitsu and I won’t hear otherwise) some of their shared traits are fairly obvious.
Donnie, much like Leo, not only has an ego (regarding his mind) but is also very vain. While it’s not to a point he acts like he’s the prettiest boy in the room, there are a handful of points he draws attention to his appearance. (”You are the hunkiest” Drawing on eyebrows for nine years, making a titanium bust of himself etc). Even after being mutated, Splinter hasn’t lost a lot of this.
One that was pointed out to me from another post, Splinter and Donnie both have a form of screen addiction. Though seeking it out in different ways, Splinter is often glued to the TV while Donnie panics without having his phone nearby.
Donnie obvs got his love of dancing from his dad. Tragic you don’t see Splinter doing it a lot but he evidently did a bunch of it back before he got mutated. (Also the 80s jams always get you huh Donnie?? interesting)
This technically applies to all the bros tbh, but Donnie is fairly protective. I think Splinter’s desire to break his vow of no more fighting for some turtles he just met gets extended to all the boys and Donnie is no exception. He often seems very aloof, and doesn’t invest a lot of concern into people they deem as their enemies, but he puts a lot of subtle effort into building tech that will keep his family safe.
Mikey already pointed out the freebie in Breaking Purple with that photo comparison. But just to be clear when Splinter’s temper gets the better of him (essp. because his ego of all things is being attacked) the first thing he does is ground the boys. Donnie’s first instincts with Shelldon are the same thing (and with his own father apparently)
Speaking of which: “Oh Papá, if you surrender now there shant be any consequences!” “Hah, that is a lie. I taught him that one.”
I’m not totally sure how good Splinter’s recent memory is, but the show does have him state he remembers all of the names of the stuntmen he worked with. Donnie’s memory is also shown to be extremely on point (”the brain is nature’s notepad”). In some ways because he exercises it so much, but still.
Here’s a fun one. They’re both bad liars (in certain situations). It’s always interesting to me people just flat out say Donnie is a bad liar despite how fast he was with a fake name toward the purple dragons and his attempt to scam Repo out of the mystic armor piece. It seems that given at least some space to plan he can lie just fine, it’s more sudden scenarios where he falters. (”We are just normal humans on our way to a convention.”) But also, despite being trained as an actor, Splinter is also sometimes... very bad at lying. (”I am Randal and I am a normal teenage boy!”) Literally in that episode Splinter and Donnie just have an exchange of a terrible lie. (”I can’t believe he fell for that.” “I can’t believe they fell for that.”)
Oh yeah speaking of actor, Donnie’s flair for the dramatics holy SHIT. I don’t think he’s necessarily brilliant at acting (or at the very least doesn’t have it come as naturally as Leo does) but wow some of the speeches he gives when he’s despondent.... boy.
Some other short point. “You’re so cute but so mean why do I always fall for your type?” (gee, wonder if this is part of the reason Lou was into Big Mama). And also I’m p sure they both snore.
Okay here’s my big wammy one though. Both Donnie and his father are very approval seeking. They may seek it from different sources but it’s very prominent and influences a lot of their decisions. While Lou turned away from his family and their traditions, I imagine there was a part of him that was frustrated that his grandfather (his only parental figure it seems) wouldn’t approve of anything he did outside of their family legacy. Lou decides to go out and be a movie star, lives for the camera, the fame, the attention, and even when trapped in the battle nexus seems to have some fond memories attached to the cheering crowds. He seeks out approval from a bunch of strangers because he was never able to get it from his family. (And on top of that, you sometimes see him desperate for the approval of his sons and get very frustrated when they look up to other people).
Donnie’s in a similar boat. He states multiple times he wants the approval of a parental figure (either Splinter fell out of showing his pride or does it in ways that Donnie doesn’t understand) and in some cases is easily won over by the right kind of compliments being thrown his way. He also seems to want approval from his siblings (making big shows about showing off new inventions. “And applause, and applause, and still waiting for your applause.”) though maybe not to the same degree as from someone he could consider a role model. He attaches his self worth to what he can do, and notes that if his family decides his tech is useless, they may think the same way about him.
You could make arguments that all the boys have this issue but I don’t think it’s to the same degree as Donnie. Sure they all have moments they want to prove themselves, but there’s plenty of other occasions they make it clear they don’t give a flip what the others think.
Anyway much to Donnie’s horror and disgust I think he’s the most like his dad, despite how different they appear at first glances, and so far I’m having a fantastic time playing with that idea.
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fiddlepot · 1 year
What have I been up to?
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Rigorous twink drawing, that's what.
This guy's chosen name is Solon and he's 50% a dragon. I've been enjoying my micron pens
And I've also been enjoying scanning from my sketch book it's really fulfilling I do recommend
Here's a little bit about him bc I'm feeling silly and want to ramble. Ik my original content doesn't get as many notes but I really don't have much motivation for otherwise rn and I don't want to shut up about him. (Anon in my drafts your ask will be answered soon)
Also since I've been feeling demon slayer a lot he will be in my crossover au, particularly with doma bc tbh I kind of ship that guy with most of my ocs these days.... May make a doma x ryūshi!reader soon so watch out for that or whatever..... I still ship kokudouma tho............
He but honestly not him!
He was born of a dragon father and a human mother. The father was a deadbeat just like mine. 💀 He was also the one who gave Solon the name "solon," but upon literally fucking leaving he was left with a western-seeming given name and a Japanese last name because dad never got married to mom. But mom calls him ryūshi (龍子) which means "child of a dragon" or "dragon child"
Which... He is. But he kinda hates it. Hates the meaning and hates the bullying he received for having "demon-like" features...which are literally just traits he inherited from dragons in my ou (Who wouldn't?)
So he goes by his father's name and tells anyone he meets of his western name instead. Which weirds people out when they realize that yeah, he is Japanese lmao! But he usually explains it by saying he studied abroad for a period of time and adopted a western name as a result.
That aside... What traits does he have?
Eyes. (Heterochromic, his right eye a direct juxtaposition to his left eye. One is draconic and the other is... Normal 💀)
Bioluminescent marks. Dont ask how.
Carnivorous tendencies. All he'll eat is anything with meat this guy is a vegan's worst nightmare
And he hides all of these to the best of his ability!
Noticeably sharp teeth? Yeah I think I'll just not speak often. Let's throw on a mask to boot and never open my mouth wide when I don't have one.
Carnivorous tendencies? My bad bro I'm just a meat lover (both kinds)
As for his marks, they tend to fizzle out for most of the year, and reappear around the same time his birthday month is right around the corner... Or already there.
He can't control the glow so he kinda just goes into solitary confinement and when he isn't doing that he's bundling up to cover said glow 💀
He's also at his strongest around the time the marks appear. Stronger than he can manage. There's a lot of money spending around those times because if he does literally anything too hard his possessions can and will shatter to pieces.
As far as like, the KNY universe is concerned and his involvement with it?
Mightve considered becoming a slayer, but he instead chose against it because the occupation seemed very risky. You know. In spite of his unusually high endurance. And general hardiness.
He has no reason to become involved with a battle for others when he's battling himself ig
But that's not to say he hasn't bounced around the option.
He's only encountered a demon once and that demon mistook him for another demon. They never saw each other again.
But he has come across slayers plenty of times, and he admires their resolve to protect those around them.
Not exactly sure why nobody knows about them. But he doesn't have the courage to inform, lest he sound more insane than he already looks.
Oh yeah, he has really bad self esteem. And even worse self perception.
His mom wasn't exactly cruel to him all the time, but she was cruel about giving him the name ryūshi given he literally is one.
Although he isn't a doormat and will fight back, he is afraid to most of the time—not necessarily out of kindness (although he doesn't really want to hurt anyone too badly) but rather fear of being reprimanded for self defense. He can't exactly control how strong he is yet.
But dear God, does he hope he'll be able to soon. 💀
Okay. Um. I'll probably post a few more parts to this since he's relatively new and I'm still figuring him out but so far I'm loving him! Hope y'all do too, idk. ☠️
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quitealotofsodapop · 1 year
Finally watched the entirety of The Monkey King 2023 and I have opinions/thoughts/theories. Spoilers below.
Voice acting amazing. Jimmy O Yang really gave this Monkey a heart and vunerability. Also loved Bowen Yang as the Dragon King. Did not expect the Buddha to be Dr Henry Wu (BD Wong) but it felt right.
Art amazing, esp the 2d sequence and the fight scenes. Loved Monkey and the Dragon King's designs. Not so much for the gods tho; They looked too much like Illumination characters at times - tho it did give them a little uncanniness you'd expect from a celestial.
This version of Wangmu is def the Jade Emperor's mom or something, and not his wife. The Queen Mother of the West deserves an absolutely show-stoppingly regal design, not a cartoony witch vibe.
From the poisoned peach scene I can confirm; this SWK is a flirty drunk and has the worst pickup lines. "You must be from the Dang Dynasty!" anyone? X3
No Master Subodhi, Stalwart Generals, Brotherhood, Erlang, or the Furnace in this version sadly, but I have my theories below. Monkey does mark/pee on the Buddha's hand tho so they kept that part in. XD
Theories + future character ideas below read more >;3
The four baby monkeys we see at the beginning listening to the Elder are the Stalwart Generals. It was their childhood group name and sometimes they even included Monkey/Shihou (Monkey would die for them for this brief act of kindness). The one that got taken by the Demon of Havoc either got away/was saved, or is tied to the idea that "Marshal Liu = Liu'er Mihou/Six Eared Macaque", potientially giving Netflix Macaque a personal grudge against his Monkey King (he indirectly ruined/ended his life).
Lin is 100% a Golden Cicada incarnation. Girl was personally chosen at the to act as the Buddha's voice to the Monkey King. Plus her being the last face Monkey sees before the mountain is sealed mirroring how Tripitaka is the first to greet him 500 years later?
Hc that Monkey did have a Brotherhood of demons during his 100 Demon slaying binge, but it fell apart badly like a rock band. Hence why he's seen defeating his DBK in the 2d sequence.
The reason why we don't see Master Subodhi, is because this Monkey needs to have his "awakening to nothingness" while on the Journey, and not before. Hence why he's never called Sun Wukong (atleast in the english version), since "Sun Wukong" literally means = "monkey awakened to nothingness". It's likely this Tripitaka will be the one to name Monkey, if Subodhi doesn't appear in any hypothetical sequel that is.
I fear that it might mean that the Furnace and Erlang may play a huge role in Monkey's future character arc if they ever makes an appearance. We do see a similar looking cauldron in Wangmu's lab (I guess they gave her Lao Tzu's job), so hopefully its not a red herring.
Someone pointed out that Netflix Monkey's hair looks like a Prince Rupert Drop (aka an extremely hard tadpole/tear shaped drop of molten glass that distintergrates if the tail is damaged) and thats such a cool character design thing. From this, his LEM counterpart def should have an obsidian (sharp, hard, but brittle quickly cooling lava) theme going on to both contrast and compare to Monkey's glass. I love me the rock imagery in the film.
Bajie's brief appearance looked pretty young/piglet-esque. I hear that there's an upcoming Xiyouji film about Bajie, so maybe this form is still currently a young recently-reincarnated piglet instead of a whole hog.
I would love for a reappearance of Red Girl in the future. Let this baby go Samadhi Fire on a monkey.
I hope for a hypothetical Netflix version of Ao Lie/Bai Longma that is an actual character, and not just a pretty prop. Maybe tie in his connection to the Dragon King (maybe he's Ao Lie's uncle or dad) in the film?
I am obsessing now.
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blockofhoney · 1 year
okay so as i have previously established, in my au / hc c!wilbur's origins are kinda scuffed. she hatched out of the dragon egg on phil's hardcore world n b/c of that, has the ability to mimic.... whatever au puts aur mind to, really. (granted, he doesn't shift At All during the various arcs of the dsmp but i Have A Reason For That. n will elaborate at............ a later date.)
now!! how does this tie into ghostbur? simple!!
while not being All of wilbur, ghostbur is still Part of him, n given that death mechanics on the server are. More Than A Little Fucked, we'll say, she leans more into the glitchiness that wilbur wasn't able to tap into while being alive. vo is a sort of shadow figure that tends to glitch a lot n doesn't have much control over that mimic ability, so their appearance will usually mimic whatever hu's thinking about at that moment. so, in my recent drawing, ghostbur is thinking about her blue, n is starting to uh. well. become it. just a little bit. that's why the glitching effect on his lower half is blue, n why the arm holding the handful of blue is sticking to itself ever so slightly. au is becoming more of a sticky consistency in that moment n will probably become a bit more fluid-like in a couple more moments!! tho none of this shifting hurts, mind you- honestly i think it'd hurt to Not shift- it's just mildly inconvenient when gi is hanging out w/ dear old dad n suddenly sprouts almost-wings when phil. well. doesn't have them anymore. (awkward.)
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cyberfairyblog · 1 year
Just finished episode 3, and me and my friends are shipping Morg and Michael hard right now-
Really hoping that "brother" morg threw in there was a camaraderie brother and not them being actually siblings-
That one blind demon was also kinda adorable to me, especially how he got a little worried when Michael got quiet when he attacked-
I have an overwhelming urge to grab the blind demon by the scruff of his wrinkly neck and carry him off that island.
The Teen Aged Starting Puberty Shreck (TASPS as I will now call that imp) while annoying, is starting to grow on me. I also find it interesting that in this show demons are actually given a chance to join heaven's forces. Most teachings I was used to growing up was "You go to hell, you stay in hell! Forgive everyone but never forgive yourself!" Type of deal. Little me watching Bible man wished the demons would get a chance to not be defeated and be redeemed, so Angel Wars gave 7 year old me some peace with that.
As much as me and my friends make fun of the art style (mainly for the lighting and the explosions being better than the actual animation at times) this is a gem of a show.
Still questioning if morg ate Satan himself tho, bc I think the lord might have been satan-
No. The demon Morg is a different entity called Krak. Satan is referred to as "The Dragon." He never makes a physical appearance.
I like Jaza his backstory is interesting. Honestly that scene makes me wonder if there's a tiny part of him that still has humanity left, or maybe he was just stunned he actually took down an archangel. I wish he appeared in more episodes.
I also like how demons are given a second chance. It's makes the fallen Angel parallels more deep and show that bad people can be redeemed if they CHOOSE it. That's what made Morg's death all the more meaningful. It wasn't a tragic "ne realizes he did do but just as he does he slips by accident" or giving up his life because he genuinely feels it's too late so he lets go as last repentance to give michael a chance to escape. No he flat out rejects Michael's peace offering! We love to talk how heroes can't save everyone but rarely do we point out how some folks don't want to be saved. But that don't mean we can't save anyone at all
I think more Christian shows could greatly improved on redeeming some of their villains. Even in the bible you had figures who were soldiers, thieves, prostitutes, adulterers, tax collectors etc who were able to rebuild their life. Bible even made a point that refusing to give someone a chance/playing the moral high ground is wrong. Ofc those people also had to choose to reinvent themselves. Even the first bibleman was a Capitalist Pig before his switch so would it make sense for him to also try to help antagonists like him? Cuz now I think about them most of them come off as emotionally immature adults who need a lot of guidance.
I dunno, everyone talks about how they miss a good unambiguously unrepentant villain, that's fair. I love a good villain. But at the same time we can't write off EVERY single one as irredeemable. Some ppl need help and a 2nd chance. So that's one of many reasons why i like Angel Wars so much.
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captainaikus · 2 years
Oh thank goodness. I was so scared I’d made you uncomfortable. Glad to know that’s not the case. Also currently getting ready to watch the latest episode of Blue Lock cause watching gay soccer players is the perfect way to distract myself from crying because of gay delinquents aka Tokyo Revengers 😌✨. I swear the number of edits I’ve saved to my phone these last two weeks is insane. You should totally pick it up again whenever you have the time (and ofc only if you want to) 👀. Izana brainrot has escalated to reading the fanfics under the character x reader tag. That’s when I know I’m down bad 💀💀💀. Anywho. You should absolutely catch up on Lore Olympus I just caught up yesterday and uhhhhh a lot has happened 👀. And everyone needs themselves a man like Hades like SIR IM- . Oh man I love yoo takes me back. I stopped reading it awhile ago cause I think it was being dragged out and I kinda lost the plot somewhere. I don’t like when the story keeps continuing when it’s just for the sake of it and it doesn’t work with the plot. There are very few exceptions to this. Tokyo Revengers obv being one of them cause I would seriously be so happy if it went on forever and I got to see what the daily lives of all my beloved characters were like. I have a love hate relationship with Ken Wakui 😤🤧😭. OH ALSO as sad as I am abt the ending I’m so excited for the second season in January (Black Dragons arc is my favorite). Have you seen the trailer? ALSO there was an announcement right after the release of the final chapter saying that Wakui was gonna be doing a special arc abt the Toman founders and I really hope it’s in the reset timeline with Takemitchy cause I need to see how him and Mikey did it all and just their relationship with everyone (adding childhood-friends trope to the number of reasons why this ship has everything). And it also included the announcement of Wakui saying he’s working on multiple spin-offs and I was like AFJBGFDJKHHHGGHGGG YES GIMME *ahem* also I haven’t read the Bajifuyu Letter from Baji Keisuke spin off yet but I was gonna wait until after the manga ended as a source of comfort yknow so I gotta do that eventually. EGGNOID MY DEAR COLD-BLOODED KING SIRENS LAMENTS LETS PLAY. I LOVE ALL OF THESE SO MUCH. Haven’t read them in a while tho 😅 (besides Lore Olympus atm). I recommend Brimstone and Roses, Unlovable Replacement, Midnight Poppy Land, SubZero, Down to Earth, and The Kiss Bet. They’re all on webtoons. OH and i heard that Nagi makes an appearance in the latest ep so I’m excited not cause I’m falling for him or anything ofc. How’s life? Good I hope? And I’m happy that my description was somewhat on point and that it didn’t make you uncomfortable. Oh and also love your sketches so much they look so good 🤩!!! Uh question. Just to double check. The constant asks aren’t a bother are they? I know you said you like interacting but I just wanna make sure it’s not annoying having to respond to constant asks from the same person all the time. If that makes sense? Anyways I hope you sleep well/wake up refreshed!! It’s night time here atm. As always take care of yourself! *sends virtual hugs*
- ✨ anon
I finished reading the latest chapters of the manga (and I'm amazed at the fact that I've managed to keep up with it so far; are we ever gonna get shirtless aiku and i wanna see him with the italian team)
my only motive in life atp (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
I love yoo does make me feel nostalgic; but yeah as much as I love the whole story, the plot did get dragged out. So like here's the thing, I've watched a lot of k dramas and some of them are really lengthy. Like whats wrong with secretary kim had a good plot and everything, so did suspicious partners but this new one I watched (the penthouse) it got dragged out for so long that I didn't even want to watch season 3; even if it was interesting i'm being pushed to watch hospital playlist even with let's play when Sam and Charles were being dragged with Marshall in the bg i... dropped it. No ill will intended against the author and their artwork; cause they are amazing, but i lose interest with complicated plots. me watching he is a psychometric
The coincidence! I was literally asking abt the black dragons today (wanted to know if Shinichiro is there or not and turns out he is!) I wanna see the whole thing with Mitsuya, Hakkai and Taiju - me having a tr brainrot and thinking if i should work on it or will people get annoyed with me ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾ I like manga omakes- they can even be turned into mini eps cause of it - esp with the trio and their pet shop business! (Me thinking of the moment when Baji's handwriting is so bad that Chifuyu had to show him how to write and teach him- he really thought wearing glasses would make him smart smh) and if i do read tr I'm gonna start uploading manga panels on my blog as well- so be prepared to be annoyed ig ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾
I'll definitely check out the webtoons you sent me (kiss the bet seems interesting and midnight poppy land has popped into my recs a couple of times). I have to watch the next ep of blue lock - curious to know if Nagi's voice is how I pictured it.
I'm doing alright! Working on wips and clearing them, studying, watching shows *sips coke* and listening to music; we hit another mini milestone - 1.2k (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و so I'm working on two fics; angst comfort
istg the way you guys might come at me for this ʕ·ᴥ·ʔ
I just wanted to do something fun on the blog hehe- responding to comments with art. It's not very well done, yea but i'm not used to drawing digitally nor anime that often since I sketch paintings and statues... but its just to good around with my followers and to let people know that i do read their comments (๑•͈ᴗ•͈)
Honestly? I don't get interaction on my blog apart from you, 💙 anon and a few more - and - I like talking to you; esp when you mentioned abt having consistency while having to talk to someone? cause that's how it should be- and i don't regret saying this but the number of times i have unfollowed moots cause of this (big author or not; I'm not gonna engage in conversations if i'm going one sided abt this). So now I just prefer to chat with my followers and anyone who wants to drop in my inbox. And no, I don't find you annoying bb; you're very fun to talk to and I look forward to your visits- no matter how many times! This is probably the most interaction I've received in my entire writing experience and actually being treated like a person on the other side of the screen rather than being asked to write a part two (after its already been discussed many times) or asking to be tagged without my work being interacted with- and by interaction i mean telling me and describing to me what you liked about the fic and all that yk. And there used to be some days when I had my askbox closed so this is a pleasant change from that
૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა ♡
so yeah feel free to send as many asks as you want - i'd be happy to see them ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
*sending back warm hugs*
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volfoss · 1 year
3, 15, or 18 for erm thae witcher
oh i am about to be the biggest hater known to man im so sorry
to preface. i avoid the witcher tags for the most part because its me and my 3 witcher mutuals against the world and everyone has bad takes all the time otherwise. so i do not have a TON of experience w fanon there but i have explored it a few times.
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
surprising amt of geralt is a nepo baby fanfics last time i checked the tag. i stay blissfully unaware a lot of the time w stuff. ACTUALLY. netflix witcher exclusive. when people are constantly talking about how geralt is such a good dad there when he has interacted w ciri maybe 3 times because they removed the really good bonding scenes from the books. i have to be a hater about it bc i think every other adaptation has handled their relationship better and i dont see the appeal of ohhh their found family (with geralt yennefer and ciri) in the shows. in the books yeah. but thats because they actually get time to spend together there. and they didnt make geralt suck as a character. also not on tumblr but the fucking team yenn team triss people on reddit. are we really going to ignore what triss did to that man?????
15. that one thing you see in fanart all the time
i dodge the tags like as much as i can but i feel a big thing is u can TELL what someone is consuming to be into this series because all netflix fanarts have been very um. weird about jaskier in a fetishizing gay men way (how they hc him not how i do etc). also sick of seeing 20 million fanarts where they completely erase every scar the characters have. if u draw geralt or ciri or even TRISS without their scars that are yk. supposed to be defining parts of their faces/character appearances i am blowing you up. stop yassifying grandpa please.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
there are two things that apply here imo:
1. the hexer adaptations. you guys just hate fun. in what world is an early 2000s short tv series that has the worst dragon cg due to a very small budget. it is one of the best adaptations of the first 2 books in terms of characters being in character and how they handle the source material. also outside of the one polish comic (the Betrayal/Zdrada issue of Prószyński i S-ka) it is the only adaptation to show geralt's past. it is also really fun with costuming too! they have a lot of clear inspiration but also like. objectively w their budget sometimes it looks bad. its charming to me tho and im SO sick of the netflix witcher hype. sorry #1 henry cavill hater for the role.
2. my BEST FRIEND angouleme. yeah she was only in 2 books but she is one of the characters of all time. to me she is such a good example of both geralts tendency to save people when he does not need to and how they will just let kids be so comfortable and safe around him. she is also just so fucking cool man and again w her being book only (for good reason but im dreading when those get adapted and people are weird about her) character i get why she doesn't get much hype but STILL. she is so fun she will see an insanely old vampire and be like hmm. nickname time for him. yes he could kill me but i stay silly about it.
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saclarclay · 2 years
Gw2 is so stupidly easy at making me smile, like today is supposed to be one of the--what do they call sidang in english...basically something that has to do with my thesis n i get so upset about it cus i'm just so not ready and i just startedbto think about a one au where commander really end up with laranthir cus i love him o(-(
Like like like just like when trahearne believed in my commander, the commander believed in laranthir n choose to help him find the other missing sylvari
N after mordremoth event, Orinvia decided to stay in Orr for awhile to help with papers n stuff since the current seat for pact marshal is empty n she doesn't want to take it. Both of them help each other a lot n just grew close that way
I know i've probably talked about it before but shh let me have it again
Laranthir in my mind is such a hopeless romantic, kek the moment that he confess to orinvia he already accepted the chance she might reject him or doesn't see him the same way but he would still love her (and the vigil) as a friend
But then orinvia actually felt the same way n laranthir was excited to bring her back to the groove for a short break from all that work n they both totally need that
N idk why but in my mind he is the type to introduce his lover to the mother tree even though the pale tree already knew who they were kek he's ust happy to officially introduce his lover like "mother, i've come to introduce you to my dearheart-- insert romantic sweet words that would get his lover to just blush-"
Kek Orinvia already met the pale tree before but laranthir just had to introduce her this time as his lover n the pale tree just chuckle n play along o(-(
Hhhh n i swear everything i imagined with laranthir x commander is just all sweet stuff, sweeter than what i had in mind with Trahearne
N it's all just because of that one line where he would like to find someone to love
Tho most of their relationships would mostly be done in ldr, after the commander got a message from taimi, laranthir knew he couldn't stop her n probably said something like he would go after her to help once he settled down with his 'problem' at the grove
But we all know that he never came anyway 😂 he still exchanged letters with orinvia from time to time, no he would send a whole bunch of letters every month
He knows how persistent the commander is when it comes to helping people n if she should fight another dragon again to stop the world from collapsing, no one can stop her n that is one of the reason why he always admires her
I feel like almost all sylvari would do this but laranthir is totally one of those who would write or say something like "no matter how far you are, know there is always someone waiting for you, my dearheart." But again more romantic n poetic
Like he just wrote the sweetest stuff ever
In my mind at least---
Like idk he just does that when he's so in love with someone
N that time after the battle at the jade sea and Laranthir finally comes back to join the battle with the pact, logan gave her a message saying someone is excited to meet her
Logan didn't know that the two of them are together, all he knew was that laranthir wouldn't stop worrying about the commander n his own appearance
But when orinvia just saw him and the ship passing by she immediately went to the ship, glide fly, idk what's better--n landed on the ship. Logan greet her but she just dash pass him n jump at laranthir who immediately caught her in his arms n spin her around before a kiss AAAA
N logan's just standing there trying to process everything that just happened n he look at the others like
"...they were together?"
Queue logan being the proud dad friend to ori as always, he would tear up//slap
Orinvia would force him to stay in Cantha for a few days cus they finally got some day off, no more heroism no more troubles--at least from world ending crisis--romantic boat date in cantha through the what is that tunnel called again lmao love tunnel, bar date at canach's club
N i just imagine they would attend jory n kas' wedding together n it occurs to him that could he really ask her to marry him, the soft gaze as he imagined her in a wedding dress
Also random oot thoughts i honestly kinda dislike the wedding outfit look for the male sylvari idk why
Laranthir curiously asked if she would like to, yknow do it the human's tradition way, but she just jokingly said "I thought we were already married when you reintroduced me to the pale tree."
Cus he did make an oath how they're finally together as one
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crepusculum-rattus · 2 years
35 but can i request ur rambling bc about your hardcore phil. i want to know more about him always
you Can :D!!! i love rambling abt this guy.. i’ve got so much just sitting in my notes app about Him. also i was getting ready for work while writing this so it took a Minute :P
so My hardcore phil.. hes my pathetic and fucked up cat who is dunked in milk daily❤️ okay haha! i’ll actually ramble about the beginnings of his story bc i think it provides the best Insight abt Him..
so when i was on vacation w my family i was like “hrmmm i want an excuse to write ender and phil interacting.” and it just Snowballed from there. bc i had to find my way through Why they would interact and how to characterize ender.
the idea was that phil is entirely new to a hardcore style world (in the logistics where players can choose the type of server they enter ehhh it’s best not to worry abt this part tbh). he’s good at surviving, he’s good at being alone (he claims). but he keeps stumbling upon structures that were clearly built By someone (cough cough it was the gods). and he’s like “haha Weird” bc sometimes he’s a bit of an idiot and thinks nothing of it… he just keeps on exploring and progressing, working on his base and all that stuff.
aaaand he’s finds his way into the nether, and manages to Stumble upon the blaze empress. and they just Don’t get along. so he gets and bad first impression of the deities (since she’s the first deity he actually Talks to). it’s not rlly the empress’ fault, she’s just Stressed bc ender has always been a little bitch, and she doesn’t trust this random guy who claims he just stumbled into her domain (even tho that’s fr what happened).
but like Whatever.. he’s like “okay fine jeez i’ll fucking leave.” and decides to take it Personally that she doesn’t like him, and tries his best to avoid the nether all together after that. luckily he’s got most of what he needs already.. since his goal IS to earn wings in this world which you usually get from going to the end and killing the dragon. soooo he’s just an entirely human dude for most of this. literally just a Guy
and eventually he finds himself in the end. and it’s .. Wrong. he knows it is. he stands in the center of all the pillars for what feels like hours and no dragon appears. it’s just overwhelmingly Silent…….. and then the fucking bitch bastard, ender, appears. and he can very clearly Tell that he’s a god, and is immediately like “before you say anything, i’m Trying to leave but i fucking can’t yet. so shut up. i get it.” but ender just smiles and phil, the idiot, takes it as a good thing that ender appears to be polite and isn’t yelling at him to leave his realm.
there’s a strange lingering feeling around ender but he just takes it as general weirdness from a god. but he ends up talking to ender because the god seems curious as to why phil is There. when phil tells him he’s trying to earn wings (which you usually get from killing the dragon lmao) ender offers for him to stay. it’s not like phil can exactly Leave since he doesn’t really have a way to get out, but the offer is nice. so he takes it :)
aaanddddd that’s the beginning of Him and his time in his hardcore world. very fun very good,, he’s not in danger at all. and it’s not like he’s Stupid, i mean he’s surviving hardcore, he just hasn’t interacted with a lot of people in general. so he’s not.. Great at knowing when someone is just using him. plus he can be pretty stubborn in his opinions of people, so he’s like.. always weary of the blaze empress even later when he needs her help. the same stubbornness is also what makes it Hard for him later once he finally knows ender better. smile.
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curiositybox · 2 years
OKAY! So welcome to my Season 2 of Fate: The Winx Saga series on Netflix! Recap!
Disclaimer: I do not associate Fate: TWS with Winx Club (animated) in any way besides relation by names/ locations/ lore and things like that.
My view on the Fate series is that someone took the concept of Winx and made their version of it mixed with a CW show. That does not mean that I do not make comparisons to the animated Winx Club however. Take it as you will!
Spoilers will be below! Talking positives, negatives, questions and loose ends about every character and the stories!
Bonus: some of my fav quotes that I can remember from the show!
P.S.: It is long and I am sorry, if you do read any of it and think I simply missed a point in the story that led to my confusion please do message me, I would love to talk about it!
The Positives!
Overall, I don’t know if it’s just me or other people that have been/ live in Ireland appreciate and notice this but I love how the humour and the vibe at times felt *INCREDIBLY* Irish???
And I mean that in the best way possible!!
Like i am convinced that for one of the ep they literally just told the cast to go have fun in a pub and filmed it. It was quite enjoyable to watch them just have fun??? Even if it was cut short lol.
The accents by the actor Éanna Hardwicke (plays Sebastian Valtor) I just live for that man’s accent, it is brilliant. Just brilliant. So is Robert James-Collier (Saul Silva). This might be just a personal obsession tho it just honestly made things so much more fun for me.
I understand that it’s not the most liked thing that there is a significantly increased level of swearing in the series, most likely as they are trying to make it appear as a more mature show (ie my CW joke) + to be honest in the final ep with the monster shown at moments it gave me Slenderman x AHS House latex monster vibes for the making of a horror show and i am not entirely against but would appreciate a warning! It kind of took me by surprise! I assume and have seen others make the same speculations that, that might be lord Darkar in the making? Possibly?
I am loving the fact that they introduced a type of witches??? Like FINALLY! THANK YOU! And the full reveal of the Dragon Flame. But I am so excited to actually see them explore more witch stuff??? Like pLEASE??? And Bea. (Beatrix) aaaah I love Bea and they better bring her back cause like they already revealed she had 2 sisters??? (hello Isabella and Darcy??) Like i want to see it.
Then there is the fact that the general writing of the season felt better??? Like season 1 was all over the place, it was missing key lore information and it highly depended on very lame fat jokes and degrading comedy that was.. it was just not funny? But this time around it properly felt like they listened to the fans that were actually interested in seeing this show try and be something good? They made proper lore references to the Winx lore. They made writing that made sense 70% of the time. They fixed the humour and entirely the continuity of the plot? It made some plot twists that were not always expected but very welcome and well executed may I add. For example the Sebastian reveal, the Grey reveal, how they handled Musa’s hate for her magic, how they handled the Bea x Riven x Dane trouple/ trouple fallout or Terra’s coming out. I do feel like they were handled well.
And lastly a small thing: I loved the fact that the characters have phones… AND THEY ACTUALLY REMEMBERED TO USE THEM FOR PLOT SPECIFIC REASONS?! Like I am sorry I understand that may seem minor or stupid but in modern shows the characters forget phones exists so often it is absolutely frustrating. Having them actually use their phones for an actively plot related reason that helps them felt like a breath of fresh air.
Things I disliked:
Okay so the clothes. Just why? Just no. The only one with any fashion sense is Bea and I will stand on that. Some of the gala dresses were okay but all the clothes look like trash??? Like what was Musa even wearing all of the time?? and Stella always wearing crocks?? And like for the trial they put 16/17 year old characters in suits that made them look 40??? Who decided these outfits just why??? Please, i beg of you if a S3 happens, fix the damn wardrobe. Jeesus!!!
I do not care if it’s just me but if I see one more show portraying characters on their beds WITH SHOES ON, I WILL SCREAM (spoiler: i do in fact scream.)
I hated that queen Luna made the whole incident where Bloom killed Rosalind a witches vs fairies. I am not surprised by it! but I still hate it. And what I hate about it even more, is that when Farah was temporarily back, they just released Bloom and everyone was still treating her as an escaped convict and blaming the witches??? Even tho EVERYONE AT THE SCHOOL KNEW THAT IT WAS BLOOM THAT KILLED ROSALIND?? And no witch was involved? LIKE?? WHAT??? It was just made as a giant fairies hate witches thing when it really didn’t need to be? Like way to make conflict without needing to.
Let’s talk CGI. The concept behind the wings was cool and all, I enjoyed the fact that all of their wings had different designs however, I am sorry but the CGI FOR THE WINGS was absolute barf. Like the wings just being on them is not the worst??? Like it’s pretty nice actually but the transformations for the wings??? That looked like such freaking trash like I am so sorry to the artists that worked on those transformations but just… just no…
Especially cause the CGI for the magic up to that point actually looked pretty decent? With them using spells and the fire and the convergence experiment with the crystal and all the scrapers, it was so well done It made me look forward to the transformations when they were hinting at them. But then actually seeing the transformation? Just no, I’m sorry just no.
Also a few of the plot points felt like they never got resolved but just pushed away and forgotten simply because bigger plot points happened? Like from last season Rosalind felt like such a big character and she kept being treated as such? Especially because of all the experiments and the actual mind erasing spells?? Like Riven couldn’t remember anything from her office at all? And then Saul suddenly being on her side when they were all against her? Like it felt like they diverged the attention from her and forgot that she wasn’t to be trusted? Because bigger issues? And then when they got reminded that “hey by the way she is evil? did you forget?” Bloom ends up frying her and.. we just never learn what the her whole point was? Like with the dragon flame? Did she just want a war? was it something else? Guess we won’t know!
Or Andreas, who was Sky’s father, was there for a couple of episodes and played a big role before he was just used as a puppet and then killed off? Like Sky didn’t develop much connection with him besides a little bit of subtle acceptance and then he’s the one that is left to kill him and choose who to save. It felt kind of rushed for me.
I love the fact that they introduced a Flora character and I love the fact that her personality is so different than the (animated Flora as Terra kinda has that) but also the rest of the group? She is a very to the point person and I definitely see that as beneficial at times. And also! that she is not whitewashed even though again, i do not compare it to the animated series but sometimes it just pops to mind. She does feel a tad reckless at times in a sense that she does not fully think things through as she is trying to just achieve a goal even if it may end up backfiring or hurting her. Unfortunately she did get a little sidelined at times but here’s hoping we get to see more of her!!
I am actually so happy that they gave us more backstory on her character??? Why she was so upset and angry with Riven. Why she feels odd at times around people. AND THE REVEAL! I am so happy for her :333 That was lovely I won’t lie. I do love that. It was great. I honestly think it was also handled well? Because it was all focused on her and just letting her friends know? And then move on as if everything is normal. BECAUSE IT IS!? I do feel like Terra did grow a bit in the season and it was lovely to see. The confrontations she had with Flora that just pushed her further into just growth. It wasn’t perfect in any way but i still really loved it.
Bloom is.. okay? but at times I feel like she gets the “stupid for no apparent reason let’s just switch the story to make it interesting because im the protagonist” vibes. Again not to compare but for those that know, kinda like OG Bloom from Season…. 6 onwards? or 5? depends on your view really. Where Bloom’s character was just switching her mind on decisions based on purely the fact that she’s seen as the main character and conflict is needed? No other reason. Her relationship with Sky felt a little weird… at moments…? I do think that they bring the best out from each other in the sense that they treat each other with respect and talk about things? And I’m sorry but I LOVED The Taylor Swift Wildest Dreams horse ride.
Love the back and forth with the antagonists (they kept changing! haha) and with Valtor Sebastian, that definitely was like a very examining the situation type of mentality and while the final decisions sometimes were based on something stupid the logic wasn’t horribly portrayed. I do wonder if the person she found in the Dark realm will end up being Daphne (assuming they’ll use another OG Winx character) or her mother? Hope to see!!
SO emm.. I do not condone violent physically painful “control your child” literal chips being actively implanted into you to control you because that was fucked up. Just saying. Her relationship with Belatrix was some of the most wholesome ever like.. the vibe? 10/10. Just yes. I was however incredibly pissed for the longest time that she would not tell the others about the chip. I understand she didn’t want the pity but like you can talk through that and move on, not telling them just makes you seem like more of a bitch in times when they need you and you blow them off for no good reason (because they don’t know). Like seriously by the end she was a tad more open with them and i sure as hell hope the character development sticks.
Aisha of course shown as the semi leader due to her calculated and focused calm nature. She was given a love interest in the season and it was so cute to watch actually? But it was heartbreaking to see the fall through :/ Maybe they will be better later tho?? MAYBE??? i can hope okay???? cause i actually really enjoyed Grey’s character? Even the BW (blood witch) reveal?? Like i kinda loved that! I love even more the fact that he chose Aisha in the end because he understood the weight of things. That he cared more about Aisha than his own problems and Sebastian’s goals. Definitely portraying the change in the times (in regards to the political and fairies vs witches thing) in a way. But I am so happy that we got more lore on Aisha’s background and her family and everything. It was little but it was still great to see!
Musa left for semi last because i have the most to talk about okay! Firstly I was so pissed at her the first few eps??? Like YOU CANT JUST TAKE PEOPLES ANGER AWAY WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT!! Like I understand that she had the best intentions, I also understand that she learned the lesson later on but I was so mad. Like they need to know these things, you can’t just do it!! But she learned her lesson.
rip Musa x Sam. (not the biggest fan of it like it was cute but meh) But the fact that they literally had her CHOOSE to give up her powers to the crawlers??? That looked so heartbreaking but like I also get it? Like she has been saying how painful her powers are to her so when we learned that she chose to give them up it made sense? Even though it looked so sad. But heeeey! Riven!!! RivenxMusa has started off :33
I 100% agree with him snapping at her for wanting to become a specialist like, they train their whole lives and are specially chosen to be specialists you can’t JUST START!!! Like it is good that she will continue to train but I understood his point of view. You could def see him care for her and not wanting to see her get hurt, and saying that literally out of love. It was amazing and I loved it. And them just sitting on the track field after Terra accidentally grounded her there xD That was the absolute best scene ever?? And I am quite happy to see that in the end he literally brought her the magic restraint bracelets? Like how did they never think of that before lol She is definitely doing her best tho. I think there was actual character development there which again, hopefully it sticks xD
While talking about Musa, onto Riven as well! He changed so much from S1 and more so from ep1 of S2?? Like he was happy in the trouple with Dane and Bea but it did take Bea betraying him to see how toxic that relationship was not just for him but how much more toxic it was making him? He was much more nicer to Terra and to all the girls and I won’t lie I kind of enjoyed the friendship he had with Flora? It was fun to watch! And that he is still trying to be friends with Dane like I get that Dane will still be upset because Riven doesn’t love him but he is trying. A for effort! Hope to see more content with Musa!!
Sky is another story that.. I’m sorry he is so bland????? Like on his own he is either Bloom or daddy issues. Like hate Saul, want to make Andreas happy, console Saul dad, get close with Andreas, kill Andreas, be mad at Saul like the daddy issues on this one are almost as big as Serena Van der Woodsen’s from Gossip Girl (i don’t mean this as an insult to SVW I love GG just reference). Now I’m not saying they’re not important, I just feel like they could’ve been handled better???? And it was either that or Bloom. That was his character. The entire season. Like… why. The haircut was an improvement tho so I will take that.
Beatrix! <3
Then there is Beatrix! My love, my absolute perfection. I understand that she is technically seen as a wishy washy villain cause sometimes she helps the protagonists and sometimes helps the antagonists but the truth is, that as she said, she always does what she has to, to survive. And who she helps is entirely based on what she needs at the time. So it makes perfect sense for her to be like that. Truth is she was never playing good or bad side, she was playing her own side. And she never hid that. She was if nothing else 100% open about the fact that she does what she needs to just survive. Her goal and focus never changed. I love the fact that she stands her ground and her character is just great I love her. I do wonder if they will change her character if they bring her back because i really hope not! I also absolutely love her friendship with Stella?? Like goals pls. And the fact that they revealed she had sisters?! Hello Isabella and Darcy!
Now let’s cover the ever changing antagonist! Firstly -> Rosalind: the antagonist not really antagonist but truly is antagonist character xD
Confusing I know! For the first 1-2episodes or till the gala basically there was no hints at any point that she was not the one behind every attack and everything bad happening and then suddenly they made her the most trustworthy character by the full cast of protagonists. It was a flip for sure but an interesting one none the less that I definitely did not see coming. I do wish we got to find out what her end goal was going to be however, once she had Bloom or the dragon flame on her side. Like was it going to be: eliminate all blood witches? Was it have power and control over everyone? We shall never know now!
Then there is Sebastian and the Blood witches. As already said, I love this man and he was amazing and any single time he was on screen it just brought me joy to listen and watch. And some of his lines were just pure perfection ??? Like I’m sorry but find some of my favs in my fav quotes listed bellow! Otherwise, I did not see the “him being the villain” at the start being a thing, the twist definitely caught me off guard. But I absolutely think that he executed it greatly. The role, the villain portrayal he definitely did amazingly. I do however feel like he was cheated on an early death as he did have grand plans! But it was the end of the road and unfortunately his story is now done (i do however wonder if they will bring him back in any way). I truly enjoyed how manipulative he was yet fully like “oops i guess you know now, oh well” kind of way? And despite the fact that he got found he still sat down and chatted with Bloom? And actually gave her so much information, whether she realises/ realised it or not. I shall miss him
Firstly, darn this show and making me love its antagonists so much! As Beatrix and Sebastian were my favourite 2 characters from S2. I’d say Riven was a close 3rd.
There obviously are issues with the show, I will never deny that but it is good to see that they actually listened to the feedback of the fans? and the people that want to see the show succeed or at the very least be able to enjoy the show more. I’d personally say, because it gives me CW vibes, I do enjoy it more than I do Riverdale. Personally of course.
I do get annoyed at points about some small things like dropping a plot line or Bloom randomly changing her mind without enough context to make sense or who knows what else.
I def like the more “irish-ised” vibe to all of it and I do not know if that’s just because it was filmed in Ireland or if it had Irish influences by cast members/ writer but I hope they keep at it!!
Overall I def enjoyed S2 more than S1, I. . did not realise I binged all of it in one sitting so it was definitely unexpected but i did not regret it! I had a fun day :33
And I hope you enjoyed my recap! If you read all the way to hear I thank you and I salute you! And I also greatly appreciate you! If you believe that i got anything wrong or if you think that I missed something important please please please message and let me know, I would absolutely love to talk about it!!!
My fav quotes that I can remember:
“at first glance romeo and juliet is a great story. Tragic love at its finest. Then you realise, Juliet’s 13, Romeo’s a dick and the whole mess could’ve been avoided with just a little more communication” -Sebastian
“But you’re also a fucking teenager” -Sebastian
“Life’s fucked up and guess what? It doesn’t give a shit about your plans” - Saul
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batarangsoundsdumb · 3 years
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guess fucking what? my inbox is so fucking full right now i'm unloading all of this shit in one post.
For the 11th gotham memes: gothamites react to bruce being jacked in a tiktok he made with kids, like super yoked, ripped as hell
fucking hilarious thanks. i think i did it in one meme post, but i genuinely don't remember which one
i dunno which of the batfam would do this but one time i was sleeping over at a friends house and ended up on the floor bc the bed was so very small and i just stayed there because the rug was soft
that's a drunk jason move i don't know what to tell you
tim and jason are "i listen to pop punk" solidarity. whenever jason highjacks the batmobile theyll go on long ass car rides blaring mcr and paramore and then never talk about it again
as they should!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tim: no jason it's my turn using the aux cord i gotta put on my jams jason: don't you dare put on weird shit tim: don't worry, you're gonna love this *plays fearless (taylor's version)
hear me out hear me out, red hood stans 🤝 nightwing stans t h i g h s
holy shit yes.
SNL au: Bruce breaks character when pretending to superman and says something like "I'm not superman! You've seen his gps!! It's from 2001!!!" @sabeanybabe
superman flies past the snl building the next day just to say 'actually it's from 2005, i'm not a heathen'
does your back hurt from carrying the batfam fandom
it hurts more from the exotic rock collection i keep in my backpack, but thanks for the concern.
I love your posts by why would you always leave the best parts in the tags?
as a treat for the people that check the tags ;) (and also because i'm committed to the short post aesthetic)
somehow your playlist was everything i never knew i needed. i mean it. this is my new favorite playlist.
and don't you dare get a new favourite playlist!
babe ur stoner tim playlist is exactly too perfect, earth is literally blessed by ur existence
babe thanks so much! i love my stoner tim playlist because it's just my usual playlist but people think it's an artistic choice that i put taylor swift and britney spears in there, when it's just what i unironically like listening to
again it's not even an ironic choice, i know every single word and i genuinely like the song
The last chapter of Fundamentals of Casework has me crying at work. Thanks I love it @dudelookitsalesbian
oh babe, i'm sorry, but also, not sorry i love chapter 4 so much it's my lovechild with the 'mental illness' tag
soooo....stumbled on your tumblr by some stroke of fate??? read your DC fanfic first. which is PHENOMENAL btw. then found all the batmemes; the funniest thing EVER bc everyone forgets about regular old gothamites. kept scrolling and your blog pops up as recommended. clicked on the ao3 for shits and giggles and waddaya know?!?!? it's YOU!!! you're LEGEND!!!! ever seen that meme? it's a video of a cat that got into a baseball field and the two announcers get really invested in his escape attempt and start giving a play by play of the cat instead of the game. memeable moment: "GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!"
i seriously think about this ask every single day and it's so fucking funny to me that i've never seen the meme you're referencing, but i still find myself going 'GREAT stuff from the Cat!!!' whenever i see something funny. but wow i'm glad you liked this steaming pile of garbage
Fav dc character overall? And fav batfamily character?
don't ask me to pick between the loves of my life, but i can tell you i've cried about every single batfamily member and also wally west (my beloved)
What's your opinion on fans having a problem with batfam being "too big"? And some even claim that batfam is just "Bruce Alfred Dick Damian" and the rest of them are just "friends and allies" (source: reddit) Personally, I like batfam because of this reason but idk
stupid. a family can never be too big. i'm not that big a fan of like huge batfam stuff with everybody from every single universe, because as much as it's funny for bruce to have like 30 kids, it just feels a little too OOC for me.
This is the best tag I've seen involving the batfam, thanks for thinking of it
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This is canon now @nctxrejects
lmao yeah i think at that point alfred has had to sit through like at least a dozen coming out talks and just has a pride flag collection in the attic that he pulls out whenever a kid comes out
idk why batfam hits different as compared to any other superhero family
bc it's found family and usually the other superhero families are almost all genetically related in one way or another
I don't know if you watch the umbrella academy but I saw your last post about batcest and saw the similarities. But the thing is (although I think it's weird) in TUA, they addressed it by saying "they were raised as weapons, not siblings" or something along those lines, which is simply not the case with batfam.
yeah i watched tua but i also thought it was ridiculous and they still treated each other as siblings so i didn't like the luthor/allison thing, and am glad they stopped doing that shit bc it fucking sucked.
Hot take: Batcest shippers are the same people who believe adopted siblings are not actual siblings
smoking hot take: batcest shippers are the people who watch 'my sister got stuck in the washing machine' porn
Duke was adopted by Bruce?
not technically no, but do i, tumblr user batarangsoundsdumb, look like i care?
True story but I had to change my freaking name because it used to be "Damien" and most people would go "OH LIKE DAMIAN WAYNE" like please I'm just tryna live
true story, but i don't actually think of damian when i hear the name damian, literally the first thing that pops up is damian darkh like bruh what?
apparently dc comics company supported comic stores by giving out new titles and stuff during the beginning of the pandemic to help them run and I just think that's wholesome
ah yeah that's so fucking cool, still don't like dc, the company, because this world is a capitalist hellhole and we're all owned by warner brothers or disney with no in between.
ayo looking at tumblr head canons and finding out bruce is actually a terrible father is a punch in the gut
lmao yes, in like 50% of comics bruce is a terrible father and it gives me whiplash
oooh I just saw the jason todd vs winter soldier post and the real question is: batman vs iron man
while iron man has like hundreds of cases of armor, batman could throw out an emp and have the guy dropping out of the sky in 2 seconds.
dickfast = fastdick = quickdick = quickie
magnum hot take
hey bata(?) just thought I'd let you know I have copied the obnoxious emoji and Billy Ray post for use on simping men going forth
thank you 😘🌷 (@spacebarsidecar)
why would you do that to your followers???? i get why i did it, but why would you???
what is scarecrow made the nightwing funko pop himself, like those diy-ers that paint over other ones
oh god no, horrible take, horrible take, that's a disgusting thought oh no
I see your HC that Bruce and Oliver fucked and raise you this: Dick and Roy ALSO fucked
yes they did and it was a horrible moment for jason to find out dick has fucked both of his best friends
"at this rate bruce adds like 1 child to his family every decade or so" Duke is introduced in 2013, Damian as Damian, not as an unnamed child, in 2006. And he is already 14 years old, Robins rarely remain Robins after 16 😬 It looks like a new Robin and Batkid will appear in a couple of years
i mean i can't wait? but somebody will probably die first tho, we're due for another major character death. my money's on either cass or duke this time.
BRO you're so right all of your Bruce's ex headcanons are amazing but they aren't ships, that's kinda wild. Like I don't want any peeks into how their relationship was I just want to see everyone make fun of them
lmao YES it's just i love bruce being a slut, like good for him.
I am in love with your posts your honour thank you
omg thanks are we like,, gonna kiss now?
The justice league needs to have a meeting to discuss how many of their members/partners have slept with bruce. Because through a combination of cannon & fannon (if DC wasn’t homophobic) we have AT LEAST: 1) clark 2) lois 3) oliver 4) dinah 5) john
Thats not counting villains or random civilians @dudelookitsalesbian
yes yes yes, they'll have a yearly meeting about how many of their collective exes could be out for revenge and batman's list just keeps getting longer.
tim was like "i'm drake now" and everyone was like ahh so your fursona is a dragon and tim was like pffffft no. ducks.
and what about it?
when steph's fighting livewire and she zaps her with lighting and nothing happens and then they both just. stand there awkwardly for a second and talk. yeah i couldn't stop laughing at that batgirl steph is the BEST
oh yeah that was fucking hilarious and i think it would be so cool and sexy of dc to give steph a little comic series,,, as a treat
Hi I absolutely adore all of yours "Bruce and Oliver very badly pretending they didn't fuck each other" memes
lmao i do too
I need you to know that “Bruce Wayne had frosted tips” is one of my favorite Bruce takes of all time it’s so galaxy brained. you’re right and you should say it
he also painted his hair blonde once when he was travelling and in conclusion, this is why he's being blackmailed by the gotham gazette.
you know my thing about gordon being branded as the only good cop in gotham is its a load of shit like arguably he's a good person and not working to screw people over or anything but the fact that he also works w. batman makes him a shit cop. like yea batman is better than the mob but its still illegal its still an abuse of power he just not making bank
babe, all cops are bad cops. (but yeah youre absolutely right, working with vigilantes makes you a shit cop, but also working against vigilantes just makes you an asshole cop yanno?)
ruh roh i think i’m about to add “so not yeehaw” every time i don’t like something
that's a very good vocabulary upgrade
somehow i feel like steph already knew. like babs obviously knew but i feel like bruce got high/drunk in front of steph and started telling his boarding school stories and steph was just like “oh you fucked up i’m never gonna forget this”
steph and bruce have weird uncle/rebellious niece dynamic and they just hang out sometimes and bruce will be like 'i once broke my arm when i tripped over a hedge when i was drunk so oliver drove me to the hospital on an electric scooter' and steph will just have to sit there with that knowledge in her head.
Hello I just wanted to tell you you are So right in all your steph opinions bc she is, in fact amazing and I think that's very sexy of you. Ps. Your Bruce/Oliver fic is hilarious
babe, thank you so much and yes steph is amazing and i love her and she deserves the world and she's the best member of the batfam hands down. also thanks
In Supersons we see a couple of kids that are implied to be Damian and Jon's children and the boy has laser eyes and can fly, so I asume he's not adopted. The girl, who calls Bruce grandpa, can also fly, btw. So it's canon (probably by accident) that Jon can have kids and he must have married one of Bruce's kids. (I'm hoping for Damian, mostly because any other of his children would be waaaaaaaaaaaaay too old.) @artemisa97
lmao that was probably an accident seeing as jon is a 17 year old superhero in the year 3000 (by the jonas brothers)
You know, I'm a die hard fan of your memes, but I gotta say one thing: if Gothamites actually took gas mask everywhere with them, then the Scarecrow would just be a weird dude in a weird costume, and not a villain oh so scary. DC really should just takes notes from you.
bold of you to assume there's no gothamite anti-maskers
How does it feel being the funniest person on this app?
horrible, next question.
I can't listen to Green Day or Billy Joel without thinking of your post about how Bruce got arrested at a Billy Joel concert @nightwings-kid
yeah that's your mistake, i on the other hand can't enjoy billy joel without thinking about the glee rendition of 'uptown girl'
I've FINALLY been watching the Batman animated series and I gotta say, after watching "the gray ghost" I am CONVINCED that Batman is a closeted super hero geek who was 100% freaking out the first time he met Superman and is just REALLY good at hiding it.
superman: so what do you do in your free time? batman, thinking about the superman fanfiction he's writing on the batcomputer: i have no free time
bruce and oliver be like boyfriends to co-workers 401k (do the justice leagues get 401ks??? not that bruce and ollie would need them, but-)
lmao yes just 400 thousand words of bruce realising 'oh dip oliver is such a fucking dumbass' (also i don't know what a 401 k is but i assume they don't?)
Gothamites would totally boo superman as he saves Gotham while batman is out. @meenje
he's like 'okay think about that next time you want to be saved from an alien octopus'
I just took long break from dc comics and I come back to see ric grayson ??
i think it's very cool and sexy of dc to see dick and just think 'you know what? let's just give him a traumatic brain injury' and then didn't develop his character in any real way
SPEAKING OF RIC GRAYSON, gothamites making confused memes out of ric grayson is much needed
'dick grayson is my taxi driver? can anyone explain what the fuck happened he looks like an italian plumber?'
i hate to say it but batfam are def "marvel characters" in that sense they are characters who are human but become superheroes unlike most dc characters who are gods trying to be human maybe this is why I like batfam
fair enough
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