#there was some g'raha stuff
neriyon · 3 months
Con done, now train ride home, some food and then I can go do more msq~ Not much con loot this time, just a few stickers, pins and couple of drinks.
All in all nice con! Covention center was veeery spacious and for the first time people stopping to greet friends didn't block like entire corridor or something. Also relatively cool temps, I was only dying of heat when I had my (plastic) mask on.
AMV contest was with weird rules (limited songs to choose so there were soooo many with the same finnish meme song) and in way too small room, and handfan workshop had literal hours of queues, but those are pretty much only thing I can complaim about. 4/5, would go again (and probably will, next year)
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A doodle from last year I never posted before.
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wildstar25 · 6 months
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MiqoMarch Day 28 - Adventure
O, what great adventure awaits beyond that horizon?
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saffyink · 2 years
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"We asked 100 WoLs... Name something the WoL wouldn't eat."
WoL's diehard fans, tonight on (Final) Fantasy Feud!
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alackofghosts · 10 months
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karoiseka · 1 month
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A secret rendezvous. <3
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nyan-binary-moths · 11 months
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Miyhu finally has a boyfriend who they don't have to look up to maintain eye contact with-
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improvised-finish · 4 months
what is lehon'a's relationship with g'raha like? as she transitioned in the middle of shadowbringers msq, i'm curious how the exarch responded to that change :]c
"Raha and I have... an interesting history, let's say. The first time we met, we were both very different people than we are now, but I suppose even then there was a little part of him that called out to me. He seemed almost... above it all. The fighting, the politics, all the stuff that I'd grown very weary of at the time. I know, ironic in hindsight, isn't it?"
"It was nice to spend time with someone who was passionate about something that wasn't going to immutably change the geopolitics of Eorzea. It felt like he'd spent every waking moment filling himself with knowledge of the Allagans, and I must've been the first person he'd met that sat still long enough to let him share some of it. In a twist of fate, that was maybe the only thing about him that seemed remotely attractive at the time." She laughs, almost in disbelief at her past judgement. "Every other word out of his mouth was some smug assertion of superiority or the type of one-liners you'd find in a 2-gil adventure book. He was honestly kind of insufferable."
"But we didn't really have much time to look behind the façade he put up, or unpack all of the stuff I had going on, so he wasn't really much more than a fleeting acquaintance at that point. When he walked through the tower gates, I thought that would be the last time I saw him. For better and for worse, that would ultimately prove untrue."
"Of course, I didn't realize who he was right away, but meeting him as the Exarch was honestly... not much better than on the Source. I had definitely not done any more of the introspection in the intervening years that I sorely needed to deal with this." She gestures to her body. "And it seems in the future he lived to see, I hadn't done it either, 'cause he definitely had some very... unrealistic expectations about what he thought I would be like. It was clear that he cared, but it was in a way that reminded me more of my early days as the Warrior: being brandished at every threat like a living weapon of mass destruction. I started to figure myself out a bit more while in Norvrandt, but it was not a pretty process. I was a mess, putting it lightly, and in that state, I honestly wasn't sure he'd be able to see past the version of me he'd read about in his books and the weapon he seemed to view me as, so... I ran. I withdrew, I just couldn't let myself get closer to anyone. I know in hindsight it was the wrong decision, and hells, even in the moment there was some part of me that knew I'd have to face it at some point. I knew there was no way to remove myself from the equation without making the situation much, much worse, so I just tried to push through."
"Unfortunately, Raha bore the brunt of it. It was easy to resent him for plucking me out of my life and treating me as he did, but... I don't know. He probably didn't deserve it, and I did apologize to him later. In a weird way, it's almost for the best that his obsession with me at that point seemed more platonic and aspirational, 'cause that person didn't exist for much longer."
"I'd mentioned it when I talked about Shtola before, but she really helped deconstruct the wall I'd built around myself, and once I tore it down, it changed the way he looked at me and the way I looked at myself. Once that myth of who I was had finally disappeared with my old appearance, he finally saw me as a person. As me. Just Lehon'a. A gal from Gridania who just wanted to help."
"It was around then when he let his true identity slip to me by mistake, and though he tried his best to deny and deflect in public, there was an understanding between us. I remember one moment especially near the end of our journey, when he spoke about his true desire to go adventuring again, like he had back in our days exploring the Crystal Tower. It was then when I realized there was some part of me that wanted to give him that happiness. I realized he was being used as a weapon of sorts, too. I couldn't properly confess anything, given the uncertain trials that lay ahead, but I promised myself I'd try my best to bring him back with us to the Source. To give him that life he desired."
"And then the events on Mt. Gulg happened, and that was when I realized what I truly felt. The heart-wrenching grief at the possibility of him simply vanishing from my life without a trace, with barely a goodbye, and then the cocktail of relief at the plan's failure and rage at Emet-Selch for taking him from us, from me. That genuinely might've been the most angry I've ever been. After meeting him in the past and thinking more on him, I've come around to understand Hades as a person, but I have rarely *hated* anyone so strongly as I did Emet-Selch back then." She stops, catching herself getting a bit worked up.
"But I digress. G'raha and I reconciled as friends after Alisaie, Beau and I ganged up on him and made him promise to stop looking for reasons to sacrifice himself. If I'd figured out that my life was worth living, I wanted to help him see that his life was, too. Things after that were immediately better. Just being able to be open with each other, our big secrets revealed, was a godsend. It felt like we were working together as true friends, not just as acquaintances or simple allies."
"I believed in his plan to bring himself and the Scions home, but I must admit I was terrified there was something he'd missed. When he turned to crystal, finally becoming part of the tower, it honestly scared me half to death. I'd never prayed so hard to anyone as I did to Menphina in that moment. But it worked. Seeing him again in Mor Dhona was one of the happiest moments in my life. I'd done it, I'd given this man who'd suffered through an isolating hell a new lease on life."
"Unfortunately we didn't get much time to celebrate before the world threatened to end again, so our true feelings went unspoken for a long time, but we... got there eventually." She laughs, recalling their awkward group confession. "Now that things have slowed down, I find myself simply basking in his presence like warm sunlight while we await our next adventure."
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snow-system-wol · 6 months
Finally, it's over.
S'ria insists on G'raha getting medical care after they leave Amaurot, even if he has to do it himself. (Lyna is very much in agreement.)
S'ria's heart had been pounding since the moment the Exarch (G'raha? He could call him that now, if he wanted) had approached after the battle. Even as G'raha responded to his name with a bit of cathartic crying, S'ria wasn't really focusing as well as he'd like on the conversation. As glad as he was to simply see everyone had survived ... There was a lot else to be focusing on.
Firstly, the last echo of Ardbert's presence, proud and satisfied, before he was no longer a distinct person. Secondly, gods, everything hurt. Nearly turning into a lightwarden and still needing to fight afterwards will do that to a body. Thirdly – G'raha. What had happened there?
Though S'ria felt sympathy over Emet-Selch's last words, it had not yet slipped his mind that he was very capable of cruelty. While they all were quite low on energy, it was a relief to watch G'raha be healed enough that he would at least not drown in The Tempest. In all honesty, he was barely in the worst three for handling the swim, in the end.
He wanted to be angry, to verbally tear this man apart for trying to sacrifice himself for S'ria's sake (never again, not a second time) – but he couldn't. Not right now.
S'ria could not help but file away every visual bit of information in an involuntary log. The cuts and bruising on his face, the blood at the corner of his mouth, the heavily torn patches of fabric, the wheezy catch of air in his throat, the obvious way his legs were not really supporting his weight. It made him feel uncomfortable to dwell on, and yet, it was difficult not to.
It was a blessing, the slightly distant reverence that the people of the Crystarium still regarded their Exarch with. The swarming and bone-crushing hugs that they'd had to gently protest against with the people of Eulmore were not a problem here. The one exception was Lyna, pulling the Exarch into a hug once they were within the tower. It was not lost on S'ria or Lyna just how badly he froze in response, not quite stifling a pained hiss.
He categorically refused to be seen receiving medical treatment, despite complaints that surely he would not be judged. Lyna's jaw clenched. S'ria got the sense that if he was in any less wretched of a state, she'd probably start trying to lecture sense into him. It was very valid. Both of them were well in agreement over not wanting the Exarch to die out of stubbornness – though this seemed to not be so dire at least.
Instead, she left S'ria to accompany the Exarch the rest of the way to his private quarters, promising to meet them there with whatever curatives she could find. ("Yes, for the last time, I won't say they're for you.")
It was bizarre, for S'ria, to know how to do things that he simply did not know. At least he understood why now – but that didn't make it feel less strange to start faintly dulling G'raha's pain with a weakly channeled spell.
He didn't much like the way it made him feel dissociated, trying to directly share his body with Menphina and let her do her work, but it was worth it at times. (And got a little easier every time.) S'ria was not sure how their tenuous grasp of healing magic worked, he wasn't even sure if Menphina truly understood herself, but her assistance was appreciated.
It was probably barely helpful, just something to do while they waited for Lyna. Even still, it made G'raha look at him in awe. S'ria wanted to ask why, given that the Exarch had all but raised him from the dead in battle before and this was barely a parlour trick in comparison. He decided just to blame the reaction on adrenaline and pain delirium.
Among the medicines left with them, there were salves that would help with surface level injuries better than a consumable medication. S'ria (S'ria-Menphina? It was truly disorientingly unclear at this point, that was very helpful, wasn't it?) asked if he'd like assistance with any such wounds, should he be comfortable with it. G'raha tensed, shoulders coming up protectively, and S'ria's heart was once again pounding just as much as it'd been in the ruins of Amaurot.
S'ria had been worried that his odd metabolism with the tower would be a problem, but the potions Lyna brought back seemed to work wonders. What a relief. The tension left Lyna's shoulders as G'raha finally began to breathe like a man whose ribs were not possibly broken.
After a while, she very begrudgingly left to make sure all was well elsewhere – with strict instructions to come get her if anything happened. Given that the Exarch no longer looked as though he may keel over, S'ria hoped nothing would come of that.
Inexplicably, G'raha had still said yes. S'ria turned away to give him some privacy. When he was allowed to look again, G'raha had removed the robe itself, but re-tied the outer drapings loosely at his waist, remaining more-or-less still half clothed. He sat on the edge of his bed, back mostly turned to S'ria.
It wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't great. It was mostly just mottled patches of bruises and scrapes that were the problem, aside from the gunshot wound that did not seem healed all the way to the surface.
(Gods, S'ria hoped it had been a clean shot through, he certainly wasn't about to surgically remove a bullet. The point was to heal him, not to hurt him worse.)
G'raha was anything but relaxed, even as S'ria did his best to touch gently, but it seemed to be helping. The muscles in his back were no longer quite so locked in place with discomfort. Good. The Exarch may have thought he could simply stubbornly push through any pain, but these things tended to heal slower when you couldn't even untense. There was not so much to be done for what remained of the bullet wound, aside from hoping any pain was dulled.
S'ria sat back and asked, as nonchalantly as possible, whether there were any other injuries he may need care for. G'raha flinched at the question and S'ria put the salve down next to him before it could slip from suddenly numb fingers. The was a strange ringing in his ears, he felt nauseous, his tongue felt like lead – but he had to ask, didn't he? (He would prefer not to.) His words came out far rougher than he would've liked.
"He didn't. He–", S'ria swallowed, throat feeling very dry. "Please tell me he didn't."
S'ria could tell the exact moment G'raha understood the question, because he quickly turned around to face him.
"No, no, gods no. Nothing like that, I swear it." He looked horrified, as if the possibility had never occurred to him, and S'ria immediately regretted bringing it up. G'raha paused, looking more shy than fearful, now that S'ria paid closer attention. "I am just quite capable of treating any other scrapes myself, as opposed to removing more of my clothing, that was all."
S'ria wasn't sure whether he felt more embarrassed or more angry at himself. Of course G'raha merely didn't necessarily want to strip down and make things weird. Of course it hadn't been anything like that. The Ascian wouldn't have gone that far and normal people would not have even thought about that –
S'ria nearly jumped out of his skin when G'raha placed his hand over S'ria's clenched fist. S'ria felt self conscious about how obvious his thoughts may have just been.
Once they began to talk, to reminisce in earnest, it was difficult to stop. They ended up speaking late into the night, hopefully the first of many more nights that this Shard would see.
"While I am quite alright, I do appreciate the concern. You are welcome to keep me company a while longer, if you do not require rest yet yourself."
It was nice, to actually catch up. Even if S'ria had known his identity for a while now, it was a relief to finally openly talk to each other. S'ria had not yet forgotten the need to insist he never pull a stunt like this again, especially not for him, but that could continue to wait until a later date.
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galpalaven · 11 months
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If you asked him, G'raha would probably say that he's the luckiest man alive... and he's okay with that, even if it's selfish.
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crystal-verse · 1 year
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this was supposed to be fancier but i got tired while drawing it
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astrxealis · 2 years
sometimes i think about g'raha tia's little speeches where he goes on about how much he wants to go on an adventure with you and take to the skies upon the eternal wind and i fall in love with him over and over again
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Hey I don’t know if it reaches the target people and I certainly don’t intend to sound intimidating, but I’d ask every other WoL haver to never use my work to insert your WoL in Vivi’s place. I don’t mean physically editing my work, that’s obviously a no-no, but even seeing my wolgraha tagged as “him & my WoL” rubs me the wrong way. I work hard to bring my WoL to life and I’d appreciate if people didn’t erase his presence from my ship art, thank you.
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bi-disastersoup · 1 year
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Hey, so... this is Ar'lihn. I've never talked about him here before I don't think... He's half Miqo'te, half Au Ra.
And I think I'm shipping him with Lyna? Maybe?
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astraveil · 1 year
welp, I've officially lost it.
I'm writing fanfic, making fanart, I've made a whole-ass playlist???
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wtf-amiru · 2 years
WIP Tag Game
Make a new post and post your latest line from your WIP & tag as many people as there are words.
I also do not have a WIP, haven't written in a hot minute and the last one i worked on was a full ass paragraph of a run on sentence so i hit the rest of my wips (i never finish them \o/) for one that at least had a coherent last sentence lmao
{A'miru lifts her head to scowl indignantly at G'raha, "No one said you could stop purring cat boy," she smiles, "least of all to dunk on my seating habits."}
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