#there was one time in my character ai days where sanji was like
netherdevil · 3 months
will literally throw up if anyone calls me feminine honorifics but if sanji does it i'm 100% okay with it for some reaso
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ais-n · 7 years
5 + 6 for One Piece
This is for http://ais-n.tumblr.com/post/165665024616/salty-ask-list which for some reason, my tumblr always translates numbers to letters.
5/E: Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
HMMMM…. good question! The thing with One Piece is, I don’t actually ship many characters. Or at least, there are some characters I absolutely love seeing around each other and I’ll check out fanart/etc of them sometimes, but I don’t ship them the way I used to ship, say, Gundam Wing where I was like really fucking hardcore into it. Although, I say that and yet I wrote zolu fic back in the day and I used to be like GET THE FUCK AWAY SANJI YOU FUCKER when Zosan fans came around my little corner of the fandom XD
I just can’t think of any pairings I might have liked that fandom ruined for OP… I guess the only thing I can think of is yeeeeeeaaaars ago I wanted to find cute brotherly hangout fics for Ace and Luffy and ran across gay porn-type fics instead XD But it didn’t ruin anything for me, I just didn’t read them.
6/F: Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
AHAHAHA….haha……… ¬_¬ ahem.
I legit tried writing this 4 times and every time I ended up writing SO MUCH because if I try at all to explain my reasons for saying this, I end up in the longest explanation ever -_- So all I’ll say is there isn’t a pairing in OP that I previously hated that fandom made me enjoy.... there is a pairing I don’t like at all, and that is zosan to be perfectly frank. I still don’t like it at all. But fandom did make me look at zosan fanart in passing or something else without being super annoyed and see it instead as the art itself. That’s been primarily because there are some people I follow who like zosan so I had to get used to seeing that stuff and find a way to ignore it without being annoyed, so I could see the other stuff they produced and be able to value that.
There are a lot of reasons I feel this way but that’s the part I can’t explain without going crazy OP fan + up-in-arms ace/lesbian lol
But hey, if you like zosan, you like zosan, that’s just how it is. For your sake, I hope you find some zosan stories, art, or whatever that you love :)
Side note, in terms of the characters and not pairing though, I frickin love Sanji and Zoro individually. They’re both awesome.
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