#there was one question i was sorta 50/50 on that resulted in the fool so if u combine those two together. Yeah
darkenforcer · 5 months
tarot card personality quiz
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the emperor
You love to be in charge. Yes, you can be a bit bossy, but you have an admirable ability to stand your ground and command a room. You might seem a bit closed off because of your tough exterior, but once you let people in you’re very dependable.
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everydisneymovie · 4 years
Review #27: Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
Post #30
Next up is 1955′s Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier
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Enjoyment : [4]
With the exception of a few key scenes, this movie is rather boring. Some of the imagery in the movie is charming, and a few battles scenes had a significant level of tension. Those were probably the best parts of the movie, however it was hard to get invested because of one key issue. The lead actor playing Davy Crockett played him very mellow and calm. This was probably done to make Davy Crockett seem cool and in control even in stressful situations, but the result is a very boring performance. He looks and sounds uninvested in the events happening around him, so it’s hard to get invested in his character. A lot of this seems to stem from the Davy Crockett mythology and how a ‘real man’ remains unaffected by the hardships of life. A lot of scenes dragged because of this misconception, I would really prefer a little fire behind my protagonists. I mean he barely reacts when his wife dies (off camera after having like two lines.)
Quality : [4]
This is a passable movie. Some battle scenes are well choreographed and every so often there is an interesting shot. However this movie is very dull and colorless, mostly focusing on dry mountainsides and grey swamps. For a movie about the ‘Beauty of the American Frontier’ it doesn’t do a great job showcasing said beauty. A higher color contrast and some more establishing shots could have really sold the setting. A major structure issue with this movie is the fact that it was originally aired as a three episode miniseries recut to be released as a movie. This means it feels like three short stories with little connective tissue. Also the middle section where he goes into politics feels boring when compared to the other action packed segments.
Hold up : [2]
This movie is tinged with the racism and sexism of the time they were portraying, but it also contains a very toxic element that really drags the movie into questionable territory. It’s bad enough that the characters mock and murder Native Americans, but when Davy Crockett ‘gives them his word’ that they won’t lose their land it feels like malicious historical revisionism. Looking up the historical Davy Crockett, it seems he genuinely did try to fight for Native rights but the movie frames his actions as facts, and not the tragedy they turned out to be. This movie is just not interested in the struggles of Native Americans, it is interested in a comfy version of White American Mythology. The fact that Davy is sympathetic to the suffering of Natives is kinda muddled when he also shoots the ‘bad ones’ without much hesitation and we never really get to see their perspective beyond one character who isn’t given nearly enough screen time or depth.
Risk : [3]
Like I said in the previous category, this movie feels way too cozy to be trusted. The way this movie clings to safe depictions of the American ideal reminds me of Disney reaching for their security blanket. You can tell what Disney is comfortable writing when you look at a movie like this. The Americana this movie is drenched is noticeably false even for the time when it was made. On a more pointed note, despite the grim and violent tone of this movie, it just sorta... cuts away right before Davy Crockett dies and just abruptly starts playing the end credits. I think this is because the film makers either were forced to remove the scene were the protagonist dies, or they genuinely didn’t want to kill him off so they could make sequels. (spoilers they made a sequel to this movie.)
Extra Credit : [2]
This movie gets credit for portraying the White American generals as misguided fools and it at least TRIED to frame violence as a bad thing. Plus some of the music is catchy.
Final thoughts:
Wow this is a movie for cowards. Historically Davy Crockett fought against the trail of tears and was vocally outspoken against Andrew Jackson, and the version they portray in this movie comes off as kinda psychopathic if I had to be honest. He talks big about how violence isn’t the answer and he valiantly protects downtrodden minorities, but then also kills said minorities because it’s “the American way.” He literally just like... decides to go die at the Alamo just because he wants to be patriotic. This is one of those movies were you can feel Walts regressive joy behind and I think that drags down all the good aspects this movie tries to hold onto.
Total Score: 15/50
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briangroth27 · 7 years
Riverdale: The Most Unreliable Narrator?
Full spoilers…
Riverdale quickly became one of my favorite new shows of this season, bridging smart teen drama with a murder mystery and a darker, Film Noirish tone. The show shoots for a mix of Twin Peaks and Dawson’s Creek and absolutely nails it. I’m definitely excited by the prospect of the show leaning even farther into the Twin Peaks side, potentially introducing Lovecraftian beasts and concepts next season! Riverdale was co-created by the author of the excellent Afterlife with Archie and The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa, so a leap into that kind of horror shouldn’t be surprising.
With that in mind, I have what could be an insane theory…
Jughead narrates the series, but to my recollection, he’s never directly commented on himself when narrating. What if this isn’t just him keeping authorial distance while writing his true crime book about the events in town? At the end of the pilot, the narration even commented on an iconic scene of Archie, Jughead, Betty, and Veronica at a Pop Tate’s booth, saying “To someone on the outside peering in, it would’ve looked like there were four people in that booth. But I was there. And I can tell you, really, there were only three: a blonde girl, a raven-haired girl, and the luckiest redheaded boy in the universe.” That line has stuck with me for how odd it was that Jughead doesn’t even consider himself a person—at least not one worth mentioning—but what if Jughead isn’t speaking? What if Jughead is not the narrator?
What if the Narrator is just something with Cole Sprouse’s voice? We know Jughead was supposed to go on a road trip with Archie over the summer, but Archie ditched him to go camping with Fake Miss Grundy. Still, Jughead asked for a lawyer when questioned by Sheriff Keller and Fred Andrews gave him a fake alibi. Why would Jughead need an alibi? Is it possible he doesn’t remember what happened to him, because he was infected/possessed by whatever otherworldly beasts we might meet next season? It seemed odd to me that one blown-off road trip was enough to destroy Archie and Jughead’s friendship, but what if Archie not being there led to something horrible happening to Jughead that he can’t remember? That, I could buy driving a wedge between them like the one we saw at the beginning of the season. To leave all trappings of the grounded world of the show behind for a minute, I think one of these Lovecraftian terrors could be talking to us each week as the Narrator from within Jughead, and neither he nor we know it. It wouldn’t consider Jughead a person anymore, but a vessel it uses to walk around Riverdale.
Jughead is already something of a Lovecraft-styled hero in his detachment, isolation, and authorial pursuits. The word jughead was slang for a stupid person; clearly Jones isn’t a fool, but what if he just doesn’t realize what’s happening to him? He said in episode 10 that something was “wrong” with him, but what if that’s not just teen melodrama?  What if we haven’t seen Jughead eating many burgers (though he was scarfing them down the prequel comic) because of some side-effect of his possession? If Jughead isn’t fully Jughead and doesn’t know it, that makes him a pretty perfect match for Betty. The show revealed early on that she has some sort of dissociative disorder where she believes that she’s her sister Polly sometimes, but doesn’t remember it. I read this as her needing Polly to feel safe as a kid, and that she still needs “Polly” to cope with her parents’ pressure as a teen. If Jughead’s sorta in the same boat, I think helping each other through their issues would be a cool way to develop and deepen their relationship. Just like “Polly” broke through, what if Jughead lines like “It’s the Dark Ages…” aren’t just super-angsty declarations, but subconscious inklings of what’s really happening to him and the town around them? Is it possible that whatever’s in Jughead is not evil, but looking to save people from its own kind? If they go full, hopeless Lovecraft, probably not.
Alice Cooper made a crack about the Blossoms “worshipping some dark pagan god” in their gothic manor and in the latest episode Cheryl commented that her grandmother has gypsy blood (just as Grandma Blossom was using a crystal to correctly predict Polly is pregnant with twins). What if these aren’t throwaway lines, but hints at what’s to come; at what’s already creeping into the town? What if Jason’s death was accidental? What if it were a botched “baptism” of sorts (look at what Cheryl and Jason are wearing in those flashbacks: odd clothes to run away with your secret pregnant girlfriend in), where he was supposed to receive one of these Lovecraftian beasts? Perhaps it went south and one of his parents shot him in the head to stop it. Cheryl said Jason was “supposed to come back” early on. What if she meant “back to life” in a very literal sense (maybe temporary death is part of the process of being host to whatever they’re summoning) and not just him faking his death? If that’s true, maybe Cheryl did kill him to save him from full possession. What if Jughead happened by on his unexpectedly solo road trip, and that’s how he accidentally got the Narrator in his head? What if great grandfather Blossom killing great-grandfather Cooper was the result of a similarly failed communion with something dark, which started a feud because neither family wanted to accept blame for screwing up? Alternatively, the dark ritual could’ve been successful, starting the maple syrup company, and then Blossom really did cut Cooper out of it. Maybe Grandpa Blossom had his cut throat in a similar ritual to re-up on their demonic prosperity. I’m thinking the Lodges got the Blossoms out of trouble with the law (whether the murder of Great-grandpa Cooper was supernatural or not), and the payments the Blossoms were sending them all these years were repayment. What if the land everyone’s fighting for was the site where that original attempt went down, and the Blossoms need it to re-secure their fortune/future? That’d line up nicely with possibly-possessed Jughead actually living on the grounds for a long time. What if Undead Jason isn’t just a nod to Afterlife with Archie; isn’t just a guilt-driven hallucination, but a harbinger of these Lovecraftian beasts? What if Dilton has seen these beasts too (maybe via one of his inventions?) and that’s why he’s become a crazy survivalist? Maybe he’s training his scouts to protect them from what he knows is out there.
What if Fake Miss Grundy (a classic Greg Berlanti misdirect/repurposing of a comic book character, btw) is connected to these things and delivers teen boys to them as part of some kind of ritual? It was implied she was sleeping with Jason Blossom too and the last time we saw her, she’d already set her sights on another teenage boy; what if Fake Grundy (and possibly, possessed Jughead) killed Jason as a sacrifice or something? It’s also possible he was always intended to be the sacrifice, but was killed by someone else first. What if Archie was next, but Grundy had to wait for a preordained time or something and got kicked out of town before it could happen? Is that why he’s the “luckiest redheaded boy in the universe?” Is that why the Blossoms keep putting an unsettling amount of focus on the fact that Archie looks so much like Jason, because he was going to replace him in their ritual (either literally swapping his soul with Jason's, wherever it is, or just taking Jason's physical place in this hypothetical ritual)? I now think Cheryl’s being groomed to take Jason’s place since Archie bailed, but this could be a reason to suddenly charm Archie into their inner circle. That could imply Grundy and the Blossoms were on the same side, unless there are competing dark things out there. What if Archie’s stage fright manifestation of the jocks in werewolf masks was a result of coming into contact with magic via Miss Grundy, allowing him a glimpse behind the terrifying, sanity-shattering curtain? Though, that wouldn’t explain the mask Archie had in his drawer.
Why not go full-on crazy? What if Fake Miss Grundy is actually Real Miss Grundy given youth (or the appearance of youth) as the means to complete her side of the bargain with these theoretical beasts? What if stealing the identity of a dead woman is just a cover for an extremely long life? An old woman posing as a young one is a classic witch M.O., and we know there are witches just across the river in Greendale (Sabrina among them). I thought the Grundy storyline was the show’s one weak spot so far: it ended without enough punishment for her and without fully dealing with what this statutory rape did to Archie emotionally (as with most parent/teacher relationships on TV), but what if she’s coming back for a supernatural metaphor on that very subject?
Sure, a second season could just go full Afterlife With Archie and do zombies, but Lovecraftian beasts would be so much more original and fun in my opinion. Besides zombies feeling endgame with most everyone probably dying, everyone’s doing them nowadays. Lovecraft-esque twists on the 50s/60s-pulp monsters the Archie gang faced on Archie’s Weird Mysteries would be my dream season. And if one of those beasts drove its victims crazy, making them only see the world in “Classic Archie Vision” like Jughead’s nightmare, then I’d be all for that! What if that’s exactly what Jughead’s nightmare actually is?
I do think Jason’s killer (and likely their motive) is human, but I don’t think that eliminates the potential for events and characters around his death to be supernatural in nature. I think it’d be so easy to subtly shift context and throw the show we know into this dark supernatural world. What if the events that change Riverdale in the finale are the opening of seams between Riverdale and wherever these beasts are coming from?
What do you think? Is this crazy, or could it happen? Would you want it to?
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njmphadora · 7 years
Ok, long ramble here it goes: so yesterday I didn't have class, which resulted in me waking up at 1pm (as I usually do when I don't have school) I made 2 edits and finished my 1.7k celebration(so + 1 very shitty moodboard), which I had never done before, bc I usually don't have time for edits, and I quite like them, even though I know they aren't great, but I'm sorta proud I guess (also I forgot to paint over some of the background thingy that remains when you remove it on fred's knee) jfc: pt 1
okay the rest of your messages & my response is under the cut!
But I didn’t realize it until I had already posted it, which kinda sucks, but oh well, so I just edited the post and put them side by side instead of one on top of the other, fortunately I had no issues (I think) with the nancy edit, which is great, and also my jily edit is very few away from 500 notes, which will be the first time an edit I actually like has 500 notes (there’s this moodboard that I made and it freaks me out bc it has more than 4k notes and what the hell?? It’s shit lmao) pt. 2And speaking of things getting to things, I’m 3 away from 2.2k (and I was 12 away on wednesday, but then I said smth stupid and like 50 people said ‘I’m done with this bitch’ and left, but I’m gonna forget about that and celebrate 2.2k with people that don’t care when I say smth stupid or offensive or whatever when I don’t mean to make anyone feel bad, I’m gonna stop talking about that now, pls don’t ask, so I might make a bday page to celebrate 2.2k or maybe a q&a night pt.3Or answer questions with audio or video or gifs??? Idk, I’m gonna think about it, what do you think?? Also it’s 5am now and I haven’t had any sleep, but I’m not even that sleepy, and lmao I’ve never gotten to more than 2 parts, but this time it has been 4 parts and it’s awesome, you asked for long rambles, u gots some long rambles I ALMOST FORGOT!! TODAY I DON’T HAVE SOCIAL WORK THING!! WHICH MEANS I CAN SLEEEEPPP (even though it seems like I might just not…)
OKAY so i know i asked for long but this was longggg. so let me go through it bit by bit (also i didn’t know if this was a private thing or not but fuck it i’m posting it so i can always read over your rambles when i get lonely first of all CONGRATS ON FINISHING A CELEBRATION omg i’m so freaking jealous i’m so backtracked with all of my edits and celebrations dsufndsjfn. i feel terrible about it but i’m on like 3.3k and i’m still working through my 1.5k celebrations xD which is ridiculous and i feel so so bad but i made some progress yesterday too so i’m proud of myself for that. also i saw your edits and i loved them!!! they’re so original and interesting and cool :))))also i think your jily edit is in my queue?!! or i already posted it?!! did i already post it?!! if i did then i’ll post it again because LET’S GET IT TO 500 YOU DESERVE IT. also holyshit which moodboard has 4k notes?!!! that’s incredible omfg !!!!!also i saw that you were close to your next milestone!!! i’m so excited for you!!! i caught like glimmers of what happened the other day and think i know what it was but i won’t ask for deets dw. i just wanna say not to worry at all. we all say things and we all think things and we don’t have perfect brains. the important thing is that we learn. if we say something rude and just stick with it then obviously that’s not good but if we say something bad and then realise when people tell us then that’s learning and growing and developing and that’s important & anyone who unfollowed u because of that is a fool.birthday pages are cool btw but a lotttt of work so be prepared for that if you do it !!! but i love the q&a night suggestion a lot omggggggg (we should do one together sometime?!!?!!!)also lmao you’ll probs crash like hell later today i wish u luck for that but honestly if anyone can survive on 0 sleep i’m betting it’s you :))))
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