#there was also a discussion about my apparently obvious hostility towards authority figures. which i think is completely justified but
devilsminionpdf · 6 months
your lifelong habit of lying and reckless disregard for the safety of yourself and others has bewitched me body and soul
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black-wolf066 · 7 years
The Conundrum That is Regina Mills and WishRealm Killian Jones
Not sure if i can call these comments prompts or not, but they definitely “prompted” me to write, so *shrugs* (i’m not good at all with tumblr and adding actual quotes from others, so i pretty much just rewrote what they said verbatim, hope you guys don’t mind) 
So an Anon and @killian-whump had been talking and the Anon had said: “It’s honestly, a real long shot, but how fucking amazing would it be if both Henry’s mothers got swept off their feet by a dashing Rapscallion? He’d have TWO badass pirate step dads! And Alice as a step sister! (Even though Alice seems a little hostile towards him…) But it would be cool! Regina needs a good man and who better than Killian Jones?”
Killian-whump replied with “you know, at first I was thinking that would be the one super awkward thing about Hooked Queen in S7 but after thinking about it in a twins sort of way… Hey, why the hell not?! And YES. I have always wanted Regina to find a good man who is her equal and that she can have sass-offs with, haha, and Killian would totally be that :D and today I can’t stop thinking about how close she was with him when Henry and Ella came back from Wonderland… and how close she STAYED while they were there… and how they left the tent and she was still there with him, still RIGHT at his side… and there wasn’t even any discussion about it, it just WAS… and there’s something so intimate about that unspoken connection and her unspoken role as his caretaker and comforter… and I am ALL FOR IT.”
there was also another comment by @cogentranting “If Hooked Queen did happen it would be really kind of funny because then both of Henry’s mom’s would have married Captain Hook, and Henry would have two step-dads who are sorta the same person but also not. And that’s really the sort of bizarre scenario I watch Once for.”
So, rather than wait to see if someone actually writes it, i decided to give it a go. 
I know by the time the show progresses this will be completely AU for a lot of things (like Alice and possibly the story line with Ella, Henry and Lucy), but after reading these comments, the idea just wouldn’t leave me alone and I had to try my hand at it. I’m a fan of all ships (fandom just wouldn’t be as fun for me otherwise) and though i like Captain Swan and Outlaw Queen the best, this Hooked Queen thing would NOT leave me ALONE (I blame you three for my suffering right now)!!! So, if this isn’t you’re cup of tea, than i ask that you please kindly move on.
Also fair warning: I’m not good at writing (seriously not at all… pretty sure I failed spectacularly with this little one-shot), and even though English is my first language “I don’t word good” (quoting Markiplier here for that one) nor do I “Grammar good” so please don’t complain to me about it, because you have been warned. I’ll happily fix mistakes pointed out to me, but rude comments will be fed to my cats.))
Without farther ado, i give you the mess that is my attempt at a one-shot....
         The Conundrum that is Regina Mills and WishRealm Killian Jones
                   Or in which Henry asks “What even is my life anymore?”
Henry couldn’t, for the life of him, figure out when things had shifted between his mother and the man who shared his step-father’s face (and he was the bloody author who was supposed to notice these things for crying out loud!). With the years spent helping the resistance and helping Ella raise and protect their daughter, Henry hadn’t really had time to notice much else.
That is until a passing comment from Alice, and a not so innocent question from Lucy, had it staring him in the face and refusing to be ignored any longer.
Seriously, what even was his life anymore? And why, after everything he’s survived through, did it surprise him now?
He remembered back in Storybrooke, the antagonistic alliance Regina and Killian had shared when Aunt Zelena had been nothing more than a giant green thorn in everyone’s side (and even before then, when they had ventured to Neverland to save him). They had come a long way, from enemies, to tentative allies, to somewhat begrudging friends, but the thing that had remained consistent during his years back home was the sassing remarks and his mother’s constant need to call the pirate every nickname that wasn’t his actual given name.
So, it figured that when presented with Wish Hook, it would be no different. The sarcastic quips, the eye rolling and the name calling had continued as they helped the resistance with their plight. It was something Henry didn’t even bat an eye at for how ‘normal’ the behavior was.  
What wasn’t ‘normal’ was the way their sassing eventually turned to banter, or how the nicknames slowly became pet names without either of them even realizing it (well, he was sure his mother did, for Regina wasn’t one for playing coy, but this Killian was definitely different from his step-dad in regards to safeguarding his feelings, and after hearing what Gothel did, he honestly couldn’t blame him). What also wasn’t ‘normal’ was why it had taken him 8 freaking years and two comments to finally notice whatever this ‘thing’ was between his mother and the man he had come to think of as an ‘uncle’ (or how obvious it had been to everyone else… but him apparently).
“This is weird, right?” Henry couldn’t help but voice to Ella as they settled down for the night.
“Says the man with a tangled spider web for a family tree.” She remarked with a chuckle. “I don’t see what the big deal is? Love is love, and who are we to begrudge them that?”
“No, I know, they both deserve to be happy after everything they’ve gone through, but I just… never saw something like this coming.” He sighed. “It’s going to make Thanksgiving dinners awkward, that’s for sure.”
With the curse broken, their battles won, and travel for everyone made possible again; Henry and his family finally ventured home, where he grinned at the thunderstruck faces of his grandparents and the wide eyed, slack-jawed expressions of his mother and step-father when they saw Regina with her arm linked snugly through Wish Hook’s as Alice excitedly started the introductions.  
And as Alice and Lucy happily began to catch their family up on the last 11 years (which had only been 5 years here, if his little half-sister was any indication to the timeline), Henry smiled when his step-father and Emma fell into step beside him on their way to Granny’s.
“This is weird, right?” Killian unknowingly echoed his words from what felt like so long ago.
And he barked out a laugh as he replied to them both. “When has our family ever not been weird?”
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sugarbat · 7 years
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Day 1: Garrison/Voltron
Not to be that kind of Lance fan but I can just imagine, earlier in the series, around the time that they started boding and getting to know more about each other, everyone having their doubts about Lance. 
Especially Allura and Shiro.
It’s not that they really mean to, but it’s hard to believe that he’s taking anything seriously with how he acts. In the beginning Lance was unnecessarily hostile to Keith for no apparent reason, and it wasn’t just a one time thing. Lance kept bothering and provoking Keith multiple times in the first episode alone. He kept goading him on, questioning everything he says and does, and just being rude to Keith in general. 
Which was also when Lance kept flirting with Allura, too. I mean, the first thing she saw of Lance after coming out of the cyropod was him flirting with her (and continuing to do so after she rejects him) so I don’t doubt that it’s left some bad impressions on her of him.
And Shiro, being the leader, might find this really childish that even during missions and battles, Lance keeps trying to compete with Keith. So I feel like Shiro might think that Lance isn’t taking this seriously.
Which, lead to me drawing this. 
And now, a small fanfic of what might happen some time after that scene:
A frustrated sigh leaves his lips as he watches Lance throw insults at Keith during their current training exercise. He decided to pair them up to try and get them to work together but it seems that plan is backfiring on him. The moment he saw Lance open his mouth, he knew this wasn’t going to end well.
He watches with a blank expression as Keith rounds on Lance to argue back at him, then winces as Keith takes the gladiator’s staff to the side. It sends Keith flying across the training room and away from the battle. He continues to watch as the gladiator advances on Lance, easily dodging his uncoordinated and panicked shots, before the gladiator swipes him away as well. 
Shiro sighs as the gladiator shuts off automatically, sensing no threat nor opponents, before it disappears into the floor.
With steady strides, he makes his way over to Keith and helps him up before checking to make sure he’s okay. When he sees that he’s okay, he goes to check on Lance. Who is currently sulking on the ground but seems to be otherwise okay.
“Keith, go cool off,” he says with a hint of authority, refusing to take no as an answer. He sees the red paladin grumble under his breath, sees him wanting to defend himself and ask what Lance’s problem is, before stalking out of the training room; hopefully going to take a shower. There will be a time when they can all sit down and discuss this as a team but for now, Shiro knows Lance doesn’t want to deal with that after his humiliation. 
He sees Lance trying to escape as well, crawling away from where Shiro stands, and stops him with a stern “Lance.” There’s no mistaking the way Lance flinches at that but he makes sure to stay in the room, plopping his butt back down on the floor and awaiting whatever punishment he thinks he’s going to get. 
Which has Shiro relaxing, running his prosthetic hand through his hair before shaking his head. “What was that about?”
“What was what about,” Lance replies to his question with one of his own. It’s a defense mechanism and Shiro can see it a mile away, can see it in the way Lance crosses his arms over his chest, so he humours him with an answer to hopefully get one of his own.
“The way you were picking a fight with Keith,” he says patiently.
Lance would appreciate it if he wasn’t feeling useless already, “I wasn’t picking a fight with him,” he mumbles, shuffling on his feet.
“Then what were you doing?”
“I,” Lance starts, wanting to defend himself, but seeing Shiro’s expression he deflates and mutters under his breath. “I wasn’t trying to pick a fight with him.” He pauses but when Shiro doesn’t say anything further, he squirms in the long stretch of silence before letting out an explosive sigh. 
“I was trying to get him to pick a fight with me.”
Now that has Shiro’s brows raising in surprise. “What,” he asks dumbly.
“I wanted Keith to pick a fight with me!”
Lance flinches, and turns around just slightly, but otherwise says nothing.
Shiro lets the silence stretch on, hoping to get Lance to speak again but when it’s obvious Lance won’t say anything, he crouches down to sit near Lance instead of towering over him.
“Lance, what is this about?”
Lance doesn’t say anything but with the way he curls into himself, Shiro knows something’s wrong.
He hears Lance whisper but his words are too soft for him to hear. 
“I’m sorry?”
“I said,” Lance says loudly but there’s no heat in his tone, “that I heard you and Allura talking. About me. About how...” His words fade off into silence.
Realization hits Shiro and he can’t help but feel annoyed. Lance was picking fights with Keith, a completely innocent person in this situation, because he overheard him and Allura talking about him? Their words suddenly come to mind and this just proves that what was said about Lance is right. 
In any other case, Shiro would’ve felt guilt about what was said about the Blue Paladin but with how Lance was treating an innocent person, he can’t help but feel like his words were justified. And since Lance already knows how they feel, that saves him the trouble breaking it to him any other way.
Shiro stands up with an air of disappointment and Lance curls into himself more. 
“Listen, Lance. If you want us to take you seriously, you can’t keep picking fights with Keith. What has Keith ever done to you to warrant such behaviour? If you can tell me honestly where Keith has ever wronged you, I’ll talk to him about it. But if you can’t tell me a single instance where Keith has ever done anything to you, personally, then I don’t want to hear it.”
Lance wants to point out Shiro is being biased, taking Keith’s side like that, but he bites his tongue. There’s no use disappointing Shiro further and proving their words even more true. Shiro is his idol, and his crush, and the last thing he wants to do is ruin whatever chances he still has left at being an asset to the team, and maybe something more to Shiro.
Shiro shakes his head. If Lance refuses see the error in his ways, in his behaviour, then there’s no point in trying to tell him. 
And to think he was starting to think he could rely on Lance. 
If Lance had stayed a little longer during his eavesdropping, he would’ve heard Shiro vouch for him, saying that maybe smaller missions would help the Blue Paladin gain experience before jumping into something bigger; but it’s obvious that Lance only heard a small part of the whole conversation. 
Shiro turns on his heel, ready to be done with this, before he pauses and turns back toward Lance. He can see the tears in Lance’s eyes but can’t muster up the energy to feel sorry for him, not after seeing him treat Keith like a villain for the nth time and getting Keith hurt over some trivial squabbling.
“Maybe you should figure out what’s more important to you, Lance. Is it your petty grudge against Keith or is it saving the universe -- saving Earth, saving your family, saving all of our families -- from Zarkon and the Galra Empire? We can’t afford to have a Paladin who would rather risk the lives of their team for some grudge, instead of focusing on what’s more important.”
The ‘or we will have to find another Paladin’ goes unsaid as Shiro turns again and exits the training room, purposely ignoring the quiet sobs he hears behind him.
In case you can’t read cursive or my handwriting:
“Lance?” “I don’t think he’s ready.” “He doesn’t take this seriously.” “Lives are at stake but all he does is joke around.”
You can decide who says what, it’s open-ended. I just wanted to put some text that shows their doubts.
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