#there used to be two busses because there’s a good amount of people and it’d be comfortable for everyone
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okcoolthanks · 2 months ago
They took one of the busses from my line!!!
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jd07201990 · 6 years ago
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(First Pic by @texanstrong) Trevor might not have been the humblest dancer at the school, but he was the most talented. The dance academy he was attending was mostly for the rich, but he’d managed to get in on skill and talent, having been seen practicing at a park in town. However, because he was middle class, while the rest of the boys were quite well off, he tried too hard to stand out. Being cocky, arrogant, putting the other boys down when they’d make a minor mistake. One of the boys he targeted most was his rival, Kyle. Kyle was of equal talent, but came from the most powerful family in the city. Rich, spoiled, he was used to getting everything he wanted, and when Trevor would one up him, or steal the attention with some flashy show of skill or prowess, he would fume, sometimes even exploding into a signature rich boy tantrum. He vowed he’d get rid of Trevor, one way or another. His chance came one day while Trevor was practicing alone in the open studio. Twirling, jumping, going into hip crushing splits with ease, he wasn’t paying attention, the music too lout for him to hear the door open, and footsteps coming closer. Trevor Started to whirl around on his toes, lifting his leg up at a 90-degree angle to gain speed, when his foot collided with something solid and he went crashing down to the floor. He found Kyle, sputtering next to him, blood gushing from his face. His nose looked crooked, with a harsh bump in the bridge. Obviously Broken, Kyle was screaming, hurling threats, when the security guard on duty came running in. Kyle immediately found his opportunity! His demeaner changed instantly, from rage to painful, desperate plea. The guard asked what happened, and before Trevor had a chance to explain he accident, Kyle said that Trevor had roundhouse kicked him in the face, after he’d tried to help him with his balance. He told the guard Trevor flew into a rage, and broke his nose, telling him he was a pretty boy and needed to be taken down a notch. Of course the Guard, being employed by Kyles parents, believe the story. He called the police, restraining Trevor until they came to arrest him. He spent days in the county jail waiting for his court date, not being able to afford bail. His public defender was useless, and so, with all the money and power backing Kyle and his family, Trevor was sentenced to, “1 year – 175lbs” Neither His parents or Trevor knew what this meant. Only finding out when He’d been bussed out of town to a remote facility that looked like an old Military base, hauled inside, and met with the people who’d be running his life for a year.
He’d been shocked at first to see that all the other inmates were massive. The entire building reeked of stale locker room funk. They ranged in age from 18-25, but looked to be the size of a professional, and sometimes offseason lifetime bodybuilder. Some where shy, some more aggressive. Some seemed to change, their personality being warped by whatever was happening to them. Trevor would find out exactly what that something was. Given his uniform, He went through the orientation, they explained that, by the time he left, he’d be 300lbs. The weight the judge had sentenced him to finally made sense. He’d be turned into one of these massive muscle freaks! Losing his cool, he fought, screaming about his future dance career, how this was illegal and so on, until they sedated him, put him into his cell, and started the Hormone infusion. A cocktail of drugs designed to speed up growth, send his body into a second puberty of sorts, and coupled with his new routine, He’d grow into the hulking brute this facility specialized in. He had moments where he’d lose it, crying, or screaming at his instructors, he learned quickly not to, as the punishments were brutal, often life altering and permeant. His first, was a dose of something they called B-O 120. It was a set of shots given under the arms, and just above his cock. For days he had no idea what it’d do, but after a week, he realized its effect. He woke up one morning in a cold sweat, shivering, but noticed immediately the funk that filled his cell. He thought maybe one of the other boys had come in, they always seemed to stink. But realized with horror, it was him. He was sweating like a pig, and the musky scent was coming from his underarms, which, even more to his horror, were filled with a dense wiry bush of matted hair.
Another punishment had been less physical. A few months in, after he’d gained a considerable amount of bulk, he threatened the laundry attendant, because his clothes always came back with the deep pit stains he’d grown accustomed to. This got him a week of “classes” which was really him, sitting in a cold metal chair, staring at some stupid movie about behavior. However, he never really knew what the movie was about, always waking up yawning when the instructor slammed a ruler on his desk. The effects were slow, but soon he realized what they were doing.
The movie was changing his natural behavior. He was starting to walk differently, swaggering, swinging his arms heftily, and worse, scratching at himself unconsciously. A grope at his shorts, or a quick pit scratch, even a long scratch or pulling at his shirts where they’d crawl up his newly beefed up muscle butt. Worse, He vocabulary seemed to include more than his typical level of cursing. Nearly every sentence riddled with swearing, like the dumb meatheads he hated from school. Finally, the words Dude, Bro, Bruh, and so on became common, he knew it, heard it, and hated it, but he couldn’t stop. One final infraction, against another inmate, had sent him to the facility barber, who sat him in the chair, strapped him in, and lowered what looked to be a hair drier helmet down over his head. The barber himself never touched his head, but with a few buttons, the machine went to work. His head felt on fire, heat spread over his scalp, while tingling sharp pains shot over his skin like 1000 mosquito bites. The barber had to gag at one point as his yelps and shrieks of fear were getting too loud. An hour later, the helmet released, lifting off his head, to reveal a brutal new haircut, and his hair was a totally different color. No more classic dark wavy locks. Now, he had his hair in a brutish fauxhawk style, longer and floppy, and brightened into an orangey brown color. To his horror, he was told this was permeant. He’d be able to grow it out, but the color was his forever.
The year went on. He’d outgrown his uniforms like clockwork. Week after week, having to be issued new, larger sizes. The jockstraps and boxers they forced him to wear seemed to be the fastest to be replaced. He wouldn’t admit it, but he knew his cock and balls were growing. He’d been average, not small, but now he had a salami and two large chicken eggs dangling between his thickly beefed thighs. He blushed every time he sat down, having to immediately go onto a lewd, “man spread” legs held wide to not crush his goods.
He smelled worse than some of the boys, obviously the result of his first punishment, and he was only allowed to shower at the end of each day. Having to go through classes, morning workout, the hard labor in the yard, more classes, another workout, and dinner before having 5 minutes to shower under the cold water and go to bed.
Finally, his year was nearly up. He’d gained all the weight he’d been sentenced to. The instructors had even followed the side notes in the court order to focus attention on his legs. He was massive. Bulky, his thighs as thick as a mid-sized tree trunk. His calved were like footballs. His torso was not spared though. HE was built bigger than most NFL players. Arms like ham hocks, hands calloused from all the lifting. His tshirt sleeves seem to always bunch up under his arms, soaked in reeking sweat. He was forced to lumber around, almost waddling from the sheer bulk of his body. He was eating like a starved man, easily consuming enough to easily feed a family of four. He was a brute. A big, smelly, brute. Although he hadn’t lost any of his intelligence, his personality and mind were his own, you’d never know it from the swearing, crude Bro-talk he’d been programmed with, and his ever-present lewd gestures of scratching at his mass. Groping his massive cock, adjusting his lemon sized balls. He was, on the outside, the epitome of what he hated most. A big, Dumb, Meathead.
A week before his release, he was brought to a room with an obvious one-way mirror. Told to stand still and left alone for 20 minutes. On the other side of the glass, Kyle, his accuser, was cackling at what had been done to his rival. There was no way he could dance, that talent scout was going to pick him now that the best dancer in the school had been bloated up into a monster. He was delighted, but his cruelty was ever growing. He gave Trevor a once over, head to toe, then smiled up at the Facility manager, handing him an envelope with cash, and a letter promising more funding from his family if his demands were met. “I think Trevor needs one more thing, just to make sure he can’t manage to learn to dance with that bulky body. Is it possible to make his feet, more, disproportionate? Bigger?” Kyle asked with malice. “Of course. We’ve got compounds and treatments that can do just about anything. This,” The manager waved the stack of cash, “should cover it.” Kyle shook the man’s hand and left, while Trevor was collected from the room and brought to the Facility treatment center. He was told to relax, as they strapped him onto a table, locking his legs in stirrups. He struggled just a little but was too afraid to misbehave. He asked questions, what was happening, why, but no one talked to him as a few of the treatment staff put an IV into his arm, and then started to strip his sneakers, socks, then started to rub and massage his already large size 17’s with a warm grey looking goop.
It took no time at all for him to feel the dull, aching pain he’d come accustomed to, as “growing pains” from his year of forced growth. His toes splayed, and he grunted, as the IV pumped the activator through his veins. The goop was soaking into his feet, his muscle, his bones, and was starting the near instant process. He felt his bones pop, then crack, screamed at the sudden sharp pains, but watched horrified as his feet grew, and grew. 18, 19, 20, 21, stopping, minutes later, at a whopping size 22 wide. The second side effect took only a few seconds to manifest. A sudden, musty, strong stink filled the room, as the goop soaked in and forced his feet to sweat profusely. He’d soon find that he’d be going through several pairs of socks per day, drenching them, and filling his sneakers with foot stench, no matter how clean he kept them. He cried, his deep voice bellowing dumbly as he wiggled his thick sausage toes now and knew for certain he’d never dance again.
It took the rest of the week for him to readjust to his massive new feet. They made him clumsy, oafish, and he knew if he ever tried to balance and spin on his toes, they’d snap under his immense bulk. They released him back to his parents, who cried and threatened to sue for what they’d done to their baby, but it was no sue. Trevor was shortly picked up by the local college, and had no choice to bot give up dancing, take the scholarship they offered, and play football as the big, bulky brute he is.
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andy-abroad · 8 years ago
June.20.2017 Hello, hello! Today was a much better day than yesterday. A little shaky, but much better. In the middle of the night, I was woken up by a large crash. Apparently someone fell down the stairs, which much have hurt a lot, as the stairs are concrete. I'm not sure if they were drunk or not, but I heard a lot of moaning and scrambling to help him. It sounded crowded so I didn't go out to investigate. After that I found it hard to sleep - a good sign. I was hungry! Planning for this, I actually had a smoothie juice by my bed. I drank it slowly, and then went to bed, a little fuller. I woke up for good in the morning, and got ready. Brushed my teeth and all of that. My time in the bathroom still wasn't very pleasant, but all I had to eat yesterday was juice and a granola bar, so I wasn't expecting much. I went downstairs and ate a bunch of bread. 1, because I was hungry, and 2, because I knew it would help settle my stomach. I had a long day planned and I didn't want to take any chances! I left the hostel and decided to give the busses one more chance. I waited for what seemed like forever (30 minutes) and the bus never came, so I gave up and called and Uber. I figured this was the day to spoil myself and Uber around because I was taking it easy. The Uber took just as long to get to me, but then we were on our way! First stop was wat arun - temple of the dawn. I heard it was under construction, but I still wanted to check it out, and I'm glad I did. The white ceramic tiles were really beautiful, and it being on the water made it pretty special. I walked around and found their souvenirs shop and picked up some post cards. The woman was trying to charge me 100 baht, so I left and found a stall two from hers that charged me 10 for 2 of the exact same cards. Go figure! I exited the temple and then called another Uber. While waiting, I went to a 7-11 to find some Gatorade. I didn't actually find Gatorade but I found a sports drink with some vitamins and some sodium in it. I figured it would help hydrate me. I also picked up a plain croissant and a water. I ate the croissant while waiting and then hopped into the Uber. Next stop was the jam factory! The jam factory was by recommendation of mama. It was this old warehouse that was restored and turned into this design collaborative. It was really cool and super hip. There was a store, a shopping area, cafes, restaurants, a gallery, and even an architecture office! I wasn't brace enough to ask if I could go in, but I looked through their windows, haha. I wandered around and took some photos, and then sat at a cafe to have a drink. I wanted a cup of tea, but for some reason they were all out? So I got a San Peligrino sparkling water instead. I sipped on my water and read my book to cool off and enjoy the fun atmosphere. They were playing jazz music! I could also see a lot of foreigners around. If I was hungrier I would have definitely ate, but I was still a little turned off by the smell of food. When the water was done and the bill paid.. you guessed it, I called another Uber. I had really wanted to see the golden spire and the jade Buddha, so I waited and got into my car. What I didn't know is that the temple housing the jade Buddha is within the walls of he grand palace. I had really no interest in going to see it, as it was very touristy and expensive, but when I got there, I felt like it'd be a waste not to go in. I almost wish I didn't. First of all, the traffic situation around the grand palace is extremely annoying. They basically cut off all traffic in a one block ring around the palace. It's huge and you have to walk all the way around! So annoying. Also, it costs about 15 USD to get in, which isn't s terrible amount of money, but for what you can see, it is. You can't enter the palace or see up close, you can only kind of walk around it. Also, it's so overrun by tourists is claustrophobic. I ended up really speedily going through all of it and leaving disappointed. I will say that what's interesting is how these sites are tourist attractions but also operate as normal temples. The people come and use the temples for prayer and for blessings. In the grand palace, locals wear all black and a silver ribbon to honor the dead king. It was really interesting to see the royal family on postcards and posters. There was even an exhibit about the king in one of the buildings. Although this was interesting, the worst part is that there was a sign advertising a postal service, which I was excited about since I wouldn't have to look it up, but they were "closed". I left and walked to get out of the palace. I actually had to wait about 15 minutes as they were preforming their "changing of the guards" and no one could leave or enter. Again. Annoying, as it wasn't even that impressive! I finally got out and to my surprise found a post office. I mailed my postcards, again, more hopeful for this one, and rewarded myself with an ice cream! I sat down and took a break, drank some sport drink, and called yet another Uber. This Uber was to take me home, where I would then go on a train to my final destination. The Uber took a really long time to come (not his fault, the traffic pattern is weird, like I said), but when he pulled over, it was strange. I opened the back door like normal to confirm his identity and for him to confirm mine, but he was nervous and told me to get in the front seat. I was confused and hesitated, and he closed the back window. I didn't realize my thumb was in the window until it was pinched between the glass and the frame. I yanked it out and got in the seat, really annoyed. He apologized a lot and explained that Uber is banned in that district and the fines are really crazy. I was trying to be understanding, but in the moment I was really angry so I just kept quiet. I really don't like sitting in the front seat, and it was clear he felt really badly. Just a very awkward ride. He got me to my hostel safely, and I said goodbye. The last place I wanted to visit, again, a mama cho recommendation was Benjakitti park. I had to take a short metro ride there (thankfully) and before I knew it, I was at my stop. The metro is so clean and has A.C. The people are really polite on transit (waiting for everyone to get off before entering, offering seats to the elderly and to monks). It was a quick walk to the park and entrance was free! I thought about doing an entire loop, but it was about 2.5k, and I didn't think I had it in me - hot and I was tired. I found a little bench to sit and enjoy some time. I read my book, drank the rest of my sports drink, and people watched. It was amazing to see how many people used the track to actually exercise. The adults ran, the kids hung out, and the elderly chatted and walked around the park. It was a park to break up how busy the city is, and it did just that. A great spot to kind of get away. While on the bench, I researched some places to eat. Originally, I had wanted a big, juicy burger, but they were all far away and not reviewed positively. I just googled 'restaurants' and there was a Korean BBQ restaurant close. I didn't really want KBBQ, at least in Bangkok (will save for Korea!) so I searched other Korean restaurants. There was one close to a stop on the same line, so I got on and went hunting for some food. The sky opened up while I was on the train - poured for a few minutes and then switched to a drizzle. I scurried to the restaurant which was only a block away, and was seated immediately. I was a bit disappointed in the menu. I really wanted 된장찌개, but they didn't have any. I didn't want any of the other soups so I got 돌솥 비빔밥 which came with miso soup. It was pretty tasty, and I talked to the owner who is Korean! He was really nice and so was the food when it came. The rice was so hot! I usually like plain, because I can eat it faster, but oh well! I am hoping this food will help get me back into the swing of eating food. Am kind of nervous. Maybe should have eaten something more plain! Haha. I paid my bill and went back on the train home. I got to my room, said hello to everyone. The guy from India actually has a sore throat now. He came yesterday when I was really sick. Maybe my throat thing started in India? He is from Mumbai. Anyways, I cleaned up my area, packed, and then showered. It felt good to wash the humidity off, as always, and climb into bed. I'm here now and going to sleep soon. Trying to get as much rest as I can before the beach, as it's a party beach! And plus, I still want to take it easy on my body. Looking forward to calling mama and papa when I wake up! Until whenever --
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ask-informant-belarus · 8 years ago
Mun here, this time it’s not a quick thing.
So yesterday I asked if ya’ll would like to see me stream in Picarto, and some of you said yes!  Don’t worry, I’ll still stream. I couldn’t do it yesterday ‘cause I collapsed (I’m fine now, it happens from time to time) and the day went by with no stream. I’m probably going to stream today tho.
But the main thing I wanted to talk about is way longer, so if you have a bit of time, then please keep reading. It’s an explanation as to why I might dissappear from the blog suddenly for some days, though it’s not certain and I hope it doesn’t happen.
Ok so first off, don’t worry. It doesn’t affect me personally (at least I hope it doesn’t) and by that I mean it has nothing to do with my personal life. That out of the way, let me tell you about the actual issue.
So some of you (if not all) may know I live in Perú.  Y’know, that Latinamerican country with Machu Picchu in it, the llamas, the alpacas, the good food, where the Incas come from, etc.
I live in Lima, Perú’s capital and largest city. Lima is located in the central coastal part of the country with access to the Pacific Ocean. It’s also located in the valleys of three rivers: Chillón, Rímac, and Lurín. But Lima is a desert, meaning rain is not a thing here, and no one sells umbrellas and all that stuff. Almost no houses have gable roofs (and if they do, it’s only for decoration), so no one is prepared for heavy rains. Which are happening now.
You see, Perú used to have winds that moved along the coast and carried the storm clouds away, cooling down the ocean and all that stuff (I’m not an expert, so forgive me if this is wrong). But the winds have stopped, and now the ocean is warmer. The warm water evaporates and advances in-land to the mountain range (also where Machu Picchu is, for a better perspective) and then it falls down in rain. The problem is, that now it’s raining more than ever in areas where it wasn’t supposed to rain that much.
Let me give you an example: Perú is divided into regions. One of the north regions is called Lambayeque, and there’s a city in Lambayeque called Chiclayo. In Chiclayo, there’s 40 liters of rain per square meter yearly. No more than a week ago, that same amount of water rained in a single night.
This absurd amount of rain we’re having all across the country has made the goverment declare us in emergency state. Last night, the news lady didn’t welcome us with a “good night, everyone” because there was just no good news at all, and they even started earlier and ended later ‘cause there was too much to cover.
And because of the heavy rains, many places are flodding. Houses have water to the knees, roads are covered or partially destroyed. And also because of the rains, there’s an even bigger issue happening.
Huaycos. Huaycos are in Perú what in the snowy mountains are avalaches, it’s just that huaycos are avalanches of mud and dirt and threes and anything an overflowed river can drag along until it reaches the sea. Last night news had videos the local people sent in which they were trying to get pigs out of the brown river. There was also a lady trapped in there, along with three cows. The river even dragged a cargo container.
Tons of roads have been closed because the huaycos and rivers are coming down so strongly they can (and have already) drag busses and trucks along.
I’m really lucky and grateful I live in the middle of two really separated rivers, so none of this is happening to me. But due to all the caos, the goverment has even cancelled classes until monday. They’re also cutting the water distribuition to 27 districts (which thankfully doesn’t include mine). Thunderstorms are taking place in areas they aren’t supposed to affect. So it’s possible they might also cut us the light. To everyone in Lima.
And that can happen any moment now. I just wanted to warn about this. I might dissappear suddenly. I hope we don’t get to the point were they cut the light, but who knows. Watching news every night has become pretty much like watching an end of the world movie. I’m really worried.
Thanks for taking your time to read this whole thing.  It turned out longer than what I expected. I could put photos and videos or gifs about the situation, but I just thought it’d make this even longer. But if any of you want me to keep you guys up with what’s going on in Perú, I’d be glad to.
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Diamond car insurance for women?!?
"Diamond car insurance for women?!?
What is with that advert Diamond Car Insurance for Women? Women are meant to be the safest drivers. According to statistics""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where do I find the insurance group number on a Kaiser Permanente insurance card?
I am trying to waive my school's insurance because I want to use my own than paying for theirs. One question asked what is your 'Insurance group number'? I'm having difficulty finding the answer hopefully you can help me!
Can Hit and Run increase my insurance rate?
I parked my car on the street and found on the next morning that it was hit. If I report this to the insurance company, will my premium get increased? It wasnt really my fault that somebody hit me. I have a perfect driving records and no accidents in the past 6 years.""
List of top insurance companies in USA?
Can u pls list down top 20 US companies in each category of insurance ... Car Home Life Health Property Marine General etc.
If you have two insurances...?
We have two medical insurances on our children. Should there still be a copay? Should having 2 insurances cancel out the copay?
How are car insurance companies regulated?
Are car insurance companies regulated by any state or federal offices?
Car insurance?
i am 17 and have been driving about a year and a half i go to marine boot camp in july is there any way i can cancel my insurance and keep my license until i get done with all my training. Live in North Carolina
How much does school bus insurance cost?
my friends and i are pitching in to buy a school bus. it seat 22 people, and we are just wondering how much insurance for this might cost. what do busses usually insure for?""
I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ?
So my car was parked in-front of a SUV Lexus in a parking lot. Then, i left my friend's house and started to drive. I stepped on the gas pedal to drive forward but i forgot that the car was still in Reverse mode. So i hit the Lexus car which was behind my car and luckily no one was in that car. There is damage on that car's left side headlight and left-side of the bumper. I wonder how many points will my insurance raise ? i just got the license like a few months ago and this is my fist accident. The SUV Lexus car's parts and labor fee is really expensive so i might don't have enough cash to pay them thou. (estimate $3000-$5000)""
How much will my car insurance be?
I'm 17, female, in Nova Scotia. I've taken a drivers ed course. Me and my dad are on the prowl for a used Toyota Corolla, maybe an '08 or something, but if we can't find one for cheap then I'm probably going to end up with his '97 Lexus ES300. My road test is next week, so it won't be a little while yet, but I'm just curious, because I'm going to university next year and I'm going to need my own car, so I might as well budget now. Ballpark, can anyone figure how much my insurance will end up costing me? Or is there some kind of online calculator I can use to figure it out? Thank you! :)""
Health insurance plans?
I live in Florida and I'm a college student. I want to know what are good affordable insurance companies for college students or people in general. I prefer to know about those that are well known and have a long record history and not some sketchy insurance company. Thank you!
Why am I forced to buy health insurance?
I do not want to buy any type of insurance and am willing to live with the potential risk this involves. I respect that others might want to buy insurance, but do not force me to buy it. I respect the decisions of others when they decide to be insured, so in return they should respect that I do not want to be insured and live with the risk this involves. It would then be my own fault if I come into a situation where I would find myself unable to pay health-care costs and succumb to my disease/injuries. So why do some people and the government continue not to respect my way of life if I respect theirs? And please do not say that because public hospitals would be forced to treat uninsured people like me - the government should immediately repeal this socialistic law/practice, too!""
Is there affordable Health Insurance for a jobless 23 year old?
Hi. I'm a 23 year old female college student and I don't have a job. I turned 23, May 23 and am untterly confused about how to obtain health insurance. I don't have a job (not from lack of trying) and I desprately need to see a dentist. I don't know how this insurance thing goes. I usually just ask my mom who to go see and I go and see them, but since I'm cut off this is difficult/impossible. I appreciate all answers (though I beg you to make them useful answers). Thank you!""
Help please with health insurance?
I am new resident in usa and I am 25 y.old.I have valicocele problems and its already 7years that i still have it . It didnt heart before but now my pain increasing. I dont know where to go and what to do becouse I dont have any insurance yet and I dont know will insurance cover my sergery if need sergery. Please give some information what kind of insurance do I need . I also heard about colorado indigent care program(cicp) . And I dont know will it cover to go to doctor or to have sergery. I will really presuate if you can help me . Thanks
How much would a mustang cost for a 17 year old? ?
So I've tried googling this a lot of times but it hasn't really helped me so I'm just gonna ask myself... First off, I'm 17 but will be 18 in 2 months maximum. (not that it would really matter, but just putting that out there.) and I've had insurance on my parents car for about a year and a half now; never had any wrecks or anything. And their car is a year like 2009 Pontiac G8, V6. But I only have to pay $80. And I do believe my mother told me that we have Allstate... But as for the car I'm hoping to buy, it's nothing fancy. Just a 2000 mustang. It's not a convertible. I'm just hoping it won't be anymore expensive than what I pay now. And I've also had my license since I was 16. So I think that covers all the info but it'd really help if someone gave me like a range of what I might be paying for that. Thanks! :)""
Low-cost health insurance company?
I have been trying to do research on the state of health insurance in the US and am not getting much informative stuff. What is stopping a private, non- or for-profit company setting up a lower-premium health insurance company? these are the possible problems i have come up with so far: - the insurance claims will far exhaust the float (is this true?) - the demand will be overwhelming (but this shouldn't be too bad considering the insurance business is not heavy on capital expenditures?) - it would be difficult to cover the high costs of drugs and specialist medical costs with lower premiums - getting hands on enough and reliable data in order to calculate proper costs, probabilities of claims against a potential pool of funds, etc. possible solutions would of course begin with restricting the pool of people granted insurance (restrict by probability of claiming insurance) until more data can be gathered to offer insurance to less healthy candidates.""
Why Do I Pay More For Health Insurance Now?
I'm a recent graduate, female, non-smoker with a healthy weight and eating/fitness habits. I'm not rich by any means, but my health insurance rates have gone up a lot since ...show more""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old now?
hi im sixteen i dont know where to look for the amount every site i go too wants too much information if you can find one for me my zip is 17325 or give me an estimate. thanks!
Cheap car insurance places in michigan?
i am currently relocating and i need to find a very cheap insurance for my husband asap. he is 21 clean record and doesn't have much of a credit started. does anyone know what car insurance places that would be cheap less than 150 a month i know it varies for different people but I'm stuck and need a few ideas.
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
What is average Annual homeowners insurance premium in pennsylvania?
For single or for townhouse.
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
Car insurance???????????????
im 17 and bout 2 insure my car, iv got 1 year no claims bonus on a moped, can that be used to save money on my car insurance.??""
Car insurance recommendations?
hi im 16 and trying very hard to get emancipated i havent told my mom yet though because it seems like a great idea not to get kicked out first, but anyways i have locked in a steady job at a clothing store but i am only working part time for now. What would your recommendation be for cheap car insurance i have no idea where to even start but if i can get cheap insurance than i will be able to spend more on an appartment or trailer. plz give me your recommendations and any advice on how to accomplish my goal. and please no bad comments i just want advice.""
How much will it cost (roughly) for a 21 year old to insure a new Audi A1 S-line 1.2?
its in the 1-10 band for the insurance which is the lowest group. the audi a1 is number 9. but i want to know what i would be expecting to pay insurance wise! would appreciate any comments.
Diamond car insurance for women?!?
What is with that advert Diamond Car Insurance for Women? Women are meant to be the safest drivers. According to statistics""
On getting a quote for car insurance I am not sure if i qualify for no claims bonus.?
I have been down as my granddads named mobility driver as in hes the main driver and im his named driver, I have been in this situation for 3 years with no crashes bumps speeding tickets, no problems what so ever, Now im finally trying to get car insurance for myself can i claim that I have had 3 years no claims ?""
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Can i get my parents Life Insurance?
Were can i get life Insurance for my parents? Im gonna be a Lawyer and they get good money. Also i want my parents to leave me money when they pass away. Im gonna be happy with money. I live in the Bay Area. what is the most that life insurance could give you? How much will you pay a month for the highest one?
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
Home insurance cost in auburndale ny zip code 11358?
I am in the process of purchasing a new house in auburndale, queens ny. i wonder how much is the average home insurance cost in this area? it is a tudor building, 2 and half floors.""
What are the best cars for insurance?
i am a 17 year old male living in the u.k. so far the best car i have found is a 1978 austin morris mini. insurance is 1600. btw, cars like saxo's and corsa's are around 2500 for me. basically, does anyone have any ideas for cars. i have already looked at putting my mum as a named driver, but it does not make much of a difference. any help would be brilliant, thanks""
Best location for insurance agency?
I'm very early in the stages of starting an insurance agency in Lafayette IN. Where do you think is a better location? There are reasonable prices in downtown lafayette, but also on the east side, which is has a lot of offices, retail stores, and restaurants. Where do you think more people would likely to meet a beginning independent insurance agency?""
""A question about car registration, insurance, etc?""
If I purchased a used car from a private seller, or even a dealer, the title was given to me and I go to the DMV to register it under my name, etc what happens next? Am I allowed to drive the car while waiting for the registration tags to come in and for me to find insurance for the car, or is my car supposed to sit in my driveway until all the registration paperwork with the DMV is completed?""
Help with Car Insurance quote?
Hey there, I just wondered if someone could help me with a query on car insurance. Does anyone know how much I could end up paying for Insurance for a Vauxhall Corsa? I'm 23, and passed my test in January and was thinking off buying a car in a month or 2. Ive tried various sites for insurance quotes but they all ask for your number and I don't want to get hassled. The details of the type of car I'd like is as follows: Transmission: manual Fuel: petrol Engine size: 1.2L Doors: 5 Not much I know but this is the site I got the details from: http://www.arnoldclark.co.uk/detail.html?ac_reg=blk_u31kotjueau0i8uc&$ac_sr=0&$ac_pp=10&$blk=1&$franchiselist=vaux&$model=Corsa&$franchise=vaux&$model=Corsa I realise I probably wont get an exact amount but even an idea of how much I might end up paying a month. Thanks for any help :)""
What does it mean when you take the 6 mos. payment option on a car insurance rate?
Im about to buy a car, and the insurance is $1,500, and the 6 month payment plan with $500 down payment, puts me at $200/mo. Does my insurance end after the 6 mos., or does it end after 1 year? how long is it good for? It's Esurance and Geico that I have been looking into.""
Car insurance for 16 year old 4.0 gpa?
How much would it be total if I was titled under my dads name, and my parents are divorced and the car is under my moms name is there a way I could still be under my dads, and if not thats ok, how much would the cost be added to my dads insurance costs?""
Different Types of car insurance?
i know of state farm progressive and Geico. what else is there?
Insurance for a minor?
Ok im turning 17years old and i am going to buy a bmw m3 2003 Whats the best way i can get insurance, i dont know how exactly it works but i wanted to go under my dad. what is the cheapest and best way to get the insurance for my car. and how much will it cost""
Car insurance price for the second year?
My Car insurance price for the first year was 2,250 which I think is absolutely redic considering my parents pay like 300 for the whole year. I've got one more monthly payment to make then my years claim will be finished in March. I'm with insurethebox and I'm a good careful driver so they'll have that on record. Anyone with around about the same price as me for their first year what did you get quoted for your second year? I just need ideas. I'm hoping for around 800-1200. No answers like We'd have no idea Could be anything I just need some idea what i will be paying. I'm 20 years old, but will it be worth waiting till I'm 21, will it make much of a difference? I turn it 3 weeks after my years claim finishes""
Auto Insurance forcing me on parents car insurance?
I got my g2 but my parents auto insurance company is forcing me to pay insurance on my moms car even though I will never use it. This is in a city where insurance is really expensive and them doing this will cause financial hardship and I can barely pay it. Is there some law allowing them to do this?
Car insurance????? ?????????
ok i turn 17 very shortly and want a peugeot 106 diesel(which is a 1.5) it is insurance group 3 and good mpg, but would it cost much for me to insure and could i get an insurance quote from a insurance brokers at 16 without owning the car first? i hope it won't cost much but one off my mates has the peugeot 106 gti quicksilver and that's a 1.1 and his insurance is 2500 while another mate has a corsa 1.1 3 door fully mod with subs,amps,alloys head unit all covered 3rd party fire and theft at 880 a year so surely a diesel 1.5 shouldn't cost much? right.lol""
What does 1000 or 500 deductible mean when you're getting car insurance?
Before I get my car insurance I would like to know what this means,and what is better.""
My friend applying for education loan of 20 lacs.Bank manager said we need to take insurance equivalent to 20l?
The repayment period of the loan is 9 years. 1) Which insurance company has one time payment and coverage upto 20 lacs for a period of 9 years? 2) What other options like paying more than once(non one time payment) but very affordable cost for covering 20 lacs? 3) I want the amount to be paid for 1 lac 4) PLease give the plan name, and the insurance company Thanks a lot in advance.""
Why do car insurance dealers seek to punish Innocent people.?
no one has car insurance because it is unconstitutional to prove you're innocence. be honest with other drivers and do not pay for car insurance. no one can force me or my family to buy what the are advertising. THE MAIN QUESTION IS: what do you think about car insurance dealers? .
Can my License Plates be suspended under the mandatory insurance law even if I did not drive the car?
My sister was arressted for driving my car with no insurance and now my plates are suspended. I thought it was only if you were driving your own car they would suspend it? Help!
Would insurance for a 2006 dodge charger be lower than 300$ p/m for a 16 year old male?
Would insurance for a 2006 dodge charger be lower than 300$ p/m for a 16 year old male?
Car accident with no insurance in FL?
I was in a car accident where the other driver admitted it was her fault, and i had a witness - as well as the officer saying it was my right away. However, I did not have insurance.. I assumed I was still under my parents name but my dad took me off their insurance a couple months ago. My car is totaled, and im in some pain ( nothing minor, just very sore )Where can I go from here? is my only option to call a lawyer or can i directly go to her insurance? all i want is a rental for the time being and to get money to buy a new car ( so w.e money my totaled car was worth) i want to make this as easy and fast as possible which is why i dont want a laywer involved. is that basically my only choice though? Thanks""
Car insurance?
I heard that you will pay less for auto insurance if you have your license and a clean record even when you nor our family memeber have a car. IS that ture? I mean like you didnt buy a car or insurance when you first get ur license.
What is the best car insurance?
What is the bestt car insurance for an 18 year old?
""What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
What is the cheapest car insurance in los angeles, ca?""
Diamond car insurance for women?!?
What is with that advert Diamond Car Insurance for Women? Women are meant to be the safest drivers. According to statistics""
Is it cheaper to add a car to my insurance or get a new incurance for the 2nd car?
I have a 1989 trans-am it is modified and i was wondering if it would be cheaper to add it to my insurance company or get a second insurance company just for that car. Andy help???
Insurance differences based on Gender?
I'm curious... If insurance companies made you pay a different amount of Insurance on your Car based on race, would that not be racist ? ie. How does this differ from Women and Men paying different Insurance rates ? How is that not Sexist ?""
Is motorcycle insurance usually more costly than auto insurance? whats usually the median cost?
I want to get a motorcycle and I have a car. I am selling my car and buying the bike. Am not worried about passing the licensing test or anything like that. Am wondering about how much motorcycle insurance runs. Anyone that can help with some examples or ratios in their personal life of how much a bike costs compared to a car?
If i dont have insurance and i drive a friends car in which he has insurance on it.?
What would happen? would my friend be liable, and would he have to pay everything? or would his insurance cover his car?""
Car Insurance in Northern NJ?
Hello, How much do a couple pay on an average for car insurance premiums in Northern NJ? I am insured with liberty mutual and my monthly commitment is close to $140, I have a clean driving history and no claims in the past. Culd you suggest how I cut down on my premiums? Also the best car insurance company in the tri state area.""
Dallas cheapest auto insurances?
I just moved to Dallas and looking for a good auto insurance. Thanks
How much would car insurance be in boca raton fl?
i am a 21 female, toyota corolla s 2006, 31,000 miles ... how much would insurance be? i have a clean driving record... also my car is currently registered in PA .. how do i transfer my car and license to florida ?? ...""
""How much do you think my car insurance will be, rough estimate?
im 21 years old. i have 2 speeding tickets on my record both of 11 over in the past year. i live in kansas and i am planning on buying a 1998 dodge viper gts with 490 torque 450 horse power. just curious if someone could give me an idea of what my insurance would be monthly.
How much should I expect to pay for car insurance? 19 year old African American in Georgia.?
Driving a 1999 jeep grand cherokee or a 99 honda civic. What do you think I should expect to pay?
Can I get car insurance if I only have my G1.?
I currently have my G1, and have passed a driver training Program and have a couple months left untill I can take my G2 road test. I recently had a car given to me and it is in my name sitting in my driveway, so is it possible to get insurance and be able to drive while having somebody in the car with me with the experience needed? Has anyone done this before does it work can I do it? ...Thank you for the help.""
Which is the best insurance policy for premium of 10 or 12k?
life insurance
What's the cheapest new car in terms of insurance?
Strictly in terms of insuring the vehicle, which new vehicle would be the cheapest? Preferably an SUV, but a sedan would do as well.""
What does chips health insurance cover in texas?
does it cover gynecologist visits non pregnancy related? braces? i read pamplets over and over and i dont seem to get a grip on it,can anyone help please?""
Are there any programs for college kids to get cheap dental insurance?
In college, not covered by my parent's insurance and can't get it at my job. Is there any sort of programs where College age students can get a relatively cheap dental insurance, or dental work done on the cheap? If it helps, I'm in Oklahoma.""
2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS. Need Reviews & Insurance prices?
Hi, im 16 I am thinking of buying a 2000 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS Mileage: 72,130 Transmission: AUTO $3,960 Is this car good for a teen? Is maintenance expensive? Will my insurance rate be higher than usual? Thank you.""
Insurance quote for first car?
Hey guys I've been saving up for a while and have come to a conclusion of what i want for my first car 2006 Porsche cayman s iam16 at the moment and am making just a smudge under $900 a month and from my calculations i should have enough money by the time I am 20-21 so i was wondering how much my insurance would cost. I have my g1 and am getting my g2 in November and will be a occasional driver and would be driving my brothers car an Acura rl and would be getting a cayman as soon as i have enough money. My family is insured by TD and BMO so a quote from them would be preferred but if i can get a quote from another place that is cheaper but still provides full coverage it would be nice plus i will be going to uni and working so it will be daily driven and garage parked 50% of the time (other fifty will be my brothers/dads/moms car) and will NOT be winter driven I live in Brampton On thanks
""Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Cheapest car insurance in St.Cloud, MN?""
Who needs life insurance?
At what point in life should one stop buying term insurance?
Which car insurance doesn't charge for points?
I went to traffic school for two speeding tickets last year, however when I received a quote they ran my drivers license and saw I had two points on my driving record and my rates sky rocketed. The speeding infractions remained on my DMV record but I do not reflect any points because I completed traffic school. I heard that some car insurers don't necessarily go by the points, but they go by infractions... WHICH car insurer will ignore the points as a result of my completing traffic school? ps. i live in california Thanks in advance.""
Where is the best place for cheap car insurance for young drivers?
Hi there, I just bought a Renault Clio 1.2 Expression 52 plate and when i try get insurance just on my name its giving me quotes like 4555 is it becuase i am only 19 years old and i just passed my test 4 month ago ? i have been trying loads of comparassion websites but now that i have checked so many websites admiral, bell and elephant have stopped giving me quotes. could somebody recommend any good car insurance companys ? Thanks""
When will health insurance become affordable?
If the insurance companies and pharmaceuticals won't reign in costs, then we need to go to socialized medicine. It is ludicrous that insurance costs so much for individuals.""
Where can i get the cheapest car insurance?
i live in virginia
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
Does anyone know any affordable health insurance for a college student?
What is an insurance deductible?
What exactly is a medical insurance deductible?
Buyin a car? Insurance driving it back?
Hi i may be purchasing a car this evening. Can any1 tell me how i get it back do i need some sort of cover note? I am 19 and was a named driver on my uncles insurance on my previous car. Now don't have a car but buyin this one tonight its only 10mins drive. will i be ok or not ?
Diamond car insurance for women?!?
What is with that advert Diamond Car Insurance for Women? Women are meant to be the safest drivers. According to statistics""
Car insurance claim failed. I am totally innocent and will not give up. Where do I stand with this?
The accident happened on a roundabout I was already on, someone pulled out on me and I T-boned the side of their car. An 'independent' assessor has looked at my car and wrote a damage report which went to the other drivers insurance company (who I am personally claiming from as my insurance is 3rd party cover only). Their company have now wrote to me saying they are denying my claim because: They can't understand why the whole front of the car is damaged (erm..because I T-boned the other car!) They can't understand why the nearside wing is damaged (erm..because she kept driving for a few seconds, which tried to drag my car to one side. The chassis went out of line and it moved the wing out of position). They can't understand how the nearside door is damaged (erm..it isn't!). Is there much else I can do other than write to argue their statement? A solicitor or small-claims court would not be cost effective as I'm only claiming approx 400. What can I do?""
Insurance for a 17 year old?
Hello I'm a 17 year old male that lives in Palm Springs, California that is curious to know how much insurance would cost for these cars. 1.) 1999 Porsche 911 Carrera 2.) 2005 Nissan 350Z 3.) 1999 Jaguar XK8 4.) 2007 Infiniti G35 5.) 2005 BMW 545i If you can help me by giving an estimate would help greatly. Thank you, Asker""
Do i qualify for VA insurance?
I just found out that i am pregnant last week and we don't qualify for state insurance because we make too much. But my husband just got out of the marine corp in August so does anyone know if we can get insurance through the VA even though he's already out even if we have to pay a little a month. Or if anyone knows of any insurance i can get for cheap, by the way i don't know if it helps but my husband is unemployed right now. Thank you.""
What are the NON-LIFE INSURANCE PRODUCTS offered by Private insurance Companies?
Can some one tell me where i can find various non life insurance policies offered by private companies???
Health care insurance?
My husband is on SSI and gets a weekly workers comp check? His income is non taxable . We did not qualify through the affordable marketplace for insurance for myself and son and did not qualify in Indiana for CHIPS for our child? We had been perviously purchasing our own private insurance but now I see you can't even do this anymore our current plan runs out in March of 2014 , and all thay offer now is temporary health care plans. Anyone out there finding them-self in this situation? Any advice ? Thanks?""
What is the average cost to add a 16 year old to auto insurance?
I am 16 and I am trying to get my parents to let me get my license and put me on the insurance, but they think it will cost to much. I know it will cost more, but I don't know how much and I have an A average at school and I am a girl so that has discounts. I asked the insurance place but they asked to many questions so if you have a rough estimate that would be great.""
What is the average repair cost to homeowner for property damage caused by a typical earthquake in California?
We are considering buying an earthquake insurance for a resident home in California. But the earthquake policy typically covers only 85% of the house rebuild cost, homeowners first have to pay the 15% of that (the deductible). Say the house insured for $300K, then homeowners have to pay $45K first before the insurance comes in to cover the rest for $255K. If the average repair cost is more than $45K, then it may by worth buying earthquake insurance to us.""
Where should I go for auto insurance?
I'm looking for an auto insurance agency in Cupertino Ca, I'm new to the area and not sure who I should go with. Any suggestions?""
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
How do insurance companies determine a vehicle's value in a crash? Do they look at the Kelly Blue Book Value?
Non owners insurance?
what is the best non-owners insurance business (or agency) in Houston?
Proof of insurance in Georgia?
If I will be driving someone elses car and they have auto insurance do I have to have insurance as well?
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
Teens: how much is your car insurance a month?
I need health insurance.how do i get it?
i live in albuquerque and i work part time so i dont have insurance.my tooth is starting to bother me and i think i really need to go to the dentist but i dont have insurance.how do i get one? please help :(
Car insurance?
is it possible to have two inurance policies on one car?im wanting to get insured to drive my brothers car so do i have to be a named driver on his insurance policy or can i have my own?thanks!
Insurance estimate?15?Sportbike?
I will be 15 and 9 months with a permit. I will have a Honda CBR 600RR and i was wondering how much would my insurance be? What the chapest and how can i get the cheapest. ill be a carefull rider.
UK: how does the ncb function for car insurance?
The insurer of my new(ish) car wants a proof of no claim. I already have a insurance on a first car with ncb of 9 years, protected. How come I can't use this ncb for the second car? the cost of insuracne is outrageously expansive if I start again from zero year ncb for the second car... how does this work? why can't I carry on having the ncb for the second car too?""
""I am looking for car insurance in uk,can you recommend one?""
Every year,my insurance goes up even with 5 years no claim and same car. Why? It should have been cheaper surely, I heard of quidco,is it worth the hassle?""
I'm disabled a on social security. Is there a cheaper auto insurance that I can apply to in Florida?
Im moving to flordia on March 3ed. An I need to find cheap auto insurance. Here in NJ we have a program called Dollar a day. But its only for people on Medicaid or Medicare. Does Fl have any programs?
How much will my insurance be if im 16?
Well im 16 and I just got my license 2 days ago and I want to get insurance on a 2005 wrx sti sedan and we just got this car no one is insured on this car yet and I want to know how much the insurace will be per month or year, I havent had any tickets yet and never crashed. Can someone please help more or atleast give me an estimate or educated guess if you dont know. Thanks to anyone who helps.""
Was car insurance affordable before it was mandated by law ?
Why or why not ?
What is the best auto insurance carrier?
Hi everyone. I am shopping for car insurance and want to know the best but most affordable out there. My mother thought to put me on her policy with Progressive and I would pay her for the insurance, but they were going to charge her over $500.00 to do so. My friend has gotten into two accidents and hasn't had to pay nearly that much , and neither did her dad when he put her on his policy. So my question is, which is the best, most affordable insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. :D""
How much will it cost to add me to car insurance?
how much will it cost for my parents to add me on there insurance? I know you can't give me an exact number but just a rough estimate. We have allstate and we have 2 cars but I will be added to my moms car a ford taurus not sure what year it is. I live in West Palm Beach, FL and I'm 17. Just an estimate or how much you think it will cost. Thanks guys!""
How much would insurance be for a 17 year old girl driving a 2003 350z?
how much would insurance be for a 17 year old female driver...for a 2003 nissan 350z.
""This is the time to renewal of my auto insurance, but do not want to continue the same company.?""
So I purchase a new policy from other company, but my previous insurance company sending me e-mail and mail me, that insurance gap will u cost and it might harm me financially. But as I already purchased new policy and will start as soon as previous one expire. so do I need to worry? ( is the current insurance company doing their job to aware me or they to threat me so I go back to them)""
Diamond car insurance for women?!?
What is with that advert Diamond Car Insurance for Women? Women are meant to be the safest drivers. According to statistics""
0 notes
junker-town · 8 years ago
LeBron James unveils his plans to eventually own an NBA team
But how will LeBron actually find his way in?
LeBron James is 32 with the body of a 19-year-old. He’s led two franchises each to four championship runs and has made his seventh straight NBA Finals appearance with an end to his streak nowhere in sight.
At this rate, James could play into his mid-50s before reaching his prime. But whenever The King does decide to call it quits, he knows exactly what he wants the next phase of his basketball career will be: Ownership.
"I will own a team someday," James said according to The Athletic’s Ken Berger. "That's my next thing.
"Why do I want to own team? I think it'll be cool. I'll stay part of the game and still be able to put people in positions of power. I've always loved that, putting people in a position of power to feel like they can make a change and make things happen."
This isn’t the first time James has mentioned the idea of future ownership in a league he’s dominated for more than a decade. On The Uninterrupted podcast, he cited his “unique” basketball brain and said he would love to be part of a franchise, if not at the top.
“I have a feel like I have a good eye for not only talent, because we all see a lot of talent, but the things that make the talent, the chemistry, what type of guy he is, his work ethic, his passion, the basketball IQ side of things, because talent only goes so far,” James said.
It takes an obscene amount of money to one person to buy an NBA franchise outright.
The New York Knicks come in as the league’s most valuable franchise, valued at $3.3 billion. The Los Angeles Lakers aren’t far behind at $3 billion, and each the Warriors, Celtics, Clippers and Nets range between $2 and $2.6 billion.
A quick math check reminds us that there’s a thousand million in a billion, and most players don’t haul in more than $100 million over the course of their careers. That was before the spike in TV revenue that ballooned NBA salaries to ridiculous amounts. Just when we thought Mike Conley’s $153 million deal was disgustingly lucrative, certain players are in line to sign five-year deals worth more than $200 million.
James is one of those players, and his on-court salary might not even be his primary source of income. LeBron’s got a lifetime deal with Nike reportedly worth $1 billion. Between his endorsements, past earnings and don’t forget the movie hits, James was ranked Forbes’ 39th richest entrepreneur under 40 with a net worth of $275 million.
But even at this rate, he’d have to multiply his net worth a few times to reach $1 billion. That’d likely mean finding additional streams of income to crack the seven-digit plateau sooner than later, and/or partnering with other multi-millionaires.
Say he does that. Which team could he actually buy?
Ownership turnover is a rare occurrence. It took leaked tapes of Donald Sterling’s racially charged remarks to force him out as Clippers owner, and Mikhail Prokhorov was able to scoop up the Nets during their transition from New Jersey to Brooklyn.
In all, 17 of the 30 NBA owners have been in place more than 10 years, and with the spike in TV revenue, there’s little-to-no incentive to sell any time soon.
It’d make sense for James to purchase the Cleveland Cavaliers team he brought to prominence by delivering the franchise’s first-ever NBA championship. But Dan Gilbert’s only 55 years old with kids equally interested in sports business. Waiting him out probably isn’t an option.
Neither is buying teams in the biggest markets — New York and Los Angeles. Those teams are profitable on location alone, exponentially more so when the team is winning. It would take a ridiculous offer to convince a Jeanie Buss or a James Dolan to part with the franchise so dear to their hearts.
That would leave a smaller market team — someone like the Minnesota Timberwolves, whose majority owner, Glen Taylor, is 76. Perhaps the Nets? Prokhorov sold a 49 percent stake in the team in April. If he gets tired of basketball, he could sell the other half of the team.
0 notes
alltheroadsmusic · 8 years ago
Things to do in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam lat10.77179 long106.70556
It is really easy to cross the boarder from Cambodia to Vietnam. There are loads of companies that serve different routes between those two countries. We started out from Kampot and decided to go to Ho Chi Minh City (formerly Saigon); it seemed a logical choice as we wanted to go north and, eventually, take a bus to Laos (spoiler: that didn’t work out).
The ride in itself wasn’t that bad. We started off in a minivan that took us to the boarder (around 4h from Kampot). The boarder crossing was one of the easiest we experienced so far. Our driver took our passports, went away to get us stamped out of Cambodia. Then we walked over to Vietnam, filled in a medical form and got stamped into Vietnam. Most EU citizens get a free visa for 15 days, so no way you can ripped off. Easy peasy.
From there, it got a bit .. boring. We were dropped off in a small town near the border and had to wait for another mini van that took us to a bus station where we took a sleeper bus to Ho Chi Minh City (or HCMC). By the time we arrived there, night had already fallen and although we had spent all day napping in all kinds of busses, we were exhausted.
HCMC is overwhelming as a city. It is the biggest city in Vietnam and is currently inhabited by more than 10 million people (suburbs included). As the city has grown (and still grows) suburbs and the city merge together and become one giant metropolitan area.
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Most tourists stay in or around District 1 as it is not only conveniently close to major sights but also hosts a great amount of hostels, guesthouses, bars and restaurants. Expect to pay $5 - $9 for a bed in a dorm and $12 + for a private room.
What to do in HCMC?
Obviously, if you tried to see or do everything there is, it would take you weeks. Not only is there an abundance of historical monuments, museums and markets in the city itself, but there are also quite a few day trips that are definitely worth looking into.
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We spent 3 days visiting the city and here are some of our highlights.
The War Remnants Museum. An absolute must-do when you’re in HCMC. It is safe to say that a great majority of people knows next to nothing about the Vietnam War, unless you’re really into foreign history or have relatives who lived through it. The exhibitions displayed in the museum will leave you shocked and amazed at the same time. The Vietnam War is an infinitely important part of the country’s recent history so there is no way around visiting the museum and learning more about it.
At 15.000 VND (around 70 cts) for a ticket, this is the one of the cheapest and at the same time most compelling attractions we’ve been to!
One thing to keep in mind when you plan your visit, the museum closes between noon and 1:30 pm. There is a small café across the street where you can wait but if you’re pressed for time it’d be silly to waste an hour and a half just sitting around.
Having a drink above the city. The evening we spent at Eon51 (the highest Sky bar in HCMC) is one of our most amazing memories. Maybe it was more special to us because we had never been to a Sky bar outside of Paris but HCMC is a beautiful city to look at from above - especially just before Vietnamese New Year. There were lights everywhere and a huge flower exposition right below us.
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There is a number of Sky Bars around Ho Chi Minh. Quite a few of them do Happy Hours until 7 or 8 pm (50% of drinks for instance); Eon51 does not have a Happy Hour anymore although you can still find websites saying so. Most of the bars upload their drink menu onto their website so it is worth doing your research if you’re on a budget.
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Ben Thanh Market. The centrally located market is everything you are looking for in an Asian market. It is so big that you can easily get lost if you don’t keep track of where you’re going and so crowded that you can easily feel claustrophobic. Walking in there as a tourist, vendors will throw themselves at you constantly and offering you everything from dried food, clothes and local food over handbags and jewellery to fresh juices, souvenirs and other edible and non edible items. You can find pretty cheap food stalls and juices, anything else needs to be haggled for. It is a great place to improve your negotiation skills as especially souvenirs are incredibly overpriced. For one of the souvenirs we bought we negotiated the price down to 1/5th of what it originally was (and we probably still paid too much) so don’t hesitate to walk away and don’t give into their “quality and expensive material” crap.
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Cu Chi Tunnels. In order to see the Cu Chi Tunnels we needed to book a day trip as they are a 2 hour drive from the city centre (it’s only about 40 km but that’s how driving in Vietnam works). Fortunately, our hostel offered a half day trip at 5$ per person (not including the entrance fee of 110.000 VND).
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Cu Chi is the name of the district in which the tunnels are located. The network of tunnels that served as refuge and military base for the North Vietnamese and the Viet Cong troops during Vietnam war expanded over 250 km at its peak.
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Nowadays, a small part of the tunnel system is open to public and offers an insight into the life of a Viet Cong soldier and their families as well as their fighting techniques and their role in the war.
Walking around HCMC you will find many more places that are worth a visit such as the Independence Palace, Notre Dame Cathedral, the City Hall or the Opera House. A walk along the river can be a nice afternoon activity and there is an abundance of museums to choose from. It sure didn’t get boring!
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But all good things need to come to an end and so we booked a bus to Nha Trang on Vietnamese New Year’s Eve.
Nha Trang is a coastal city inhabited by a bit less than half a million people. We didn’t really know what to expect as our only criteria for choosing this destination was that Nha Trang lies more or less half way between HCMC and Hoi An.
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We thought it quite difficult to grow fond of the city. In terms of cultural sights the city itself doesn’t have much to offer except for Po Nagar Cham and a Pagoda.
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There also is a waterfall about 20 km outside of the city. The rest consists mainly of travel agencies, coffee shops, restaurants and hotels. What struck us was the amount of Russian tourists. There are so many of them that shop owners talked to us in Russian instead of English. It got to the point where restaurants didn’t have menus in English - but in Russian - and that people turned away from us when they noticed we weren’t Russian. Overall, not the greatest experience we had in Vietnam. The beach was quite nice but we found the prices to be quite inflated so probably better to stick to other destinations by the beach.
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Our first week in Vietnam was better than we had hoped (especially because it was Vietnamese New Year). Upon arrival in Vietnam we were a little prejudiced against the country and its people as we had read some rather discouraging accounts but after the first day already we fell in love with the culture and the Vietnamese hospitality.
From a random stranger who bought us rain coats when we were stuck under the pouring rain to being invited to dinner at our guesthouse for New Year’s, the Vietnamese proved to be one of the kindest people we have met in just a couple of days.  
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chroniclesofamiddlechild · 8 years ago
today was going to be my only full day in kyoto and i had planned a lot of good stuff such as: going to the golden pavilion and then going to the ryoanji zen garden and then making my way to the north east side of kyoto to have a cup of green tea at nanzenj and then walk around gion and go back to eikan-do for the night time illuminations. quite an AGGRESSIVE plan that i BRACED myself for. BUT DID NOT GO AS PLANNED. 
first of all, i left the hostel before 9am today. DIDNT SEE THE CUTE GUY in the olive green rain jacket. DIDNT SEE THE CUTE GUY THAT WORKS THERE EITHER. -.- before i left canada, today was the day that i planned to buy a bus and subway day pass, but since i was so successful with bussing the previous day, i opted to buy a bus pass to save some money. lol. so BEFORE i hopped on the bus to go to KINKAKU-JI (golden pavilion), i went to the convenience store to get a 500ML bottle of water and an onigri. the family mart was right outside the bus stop which was nice. so when i got on the bus, a few stops later, I NOTICED I WAS ON THE WRONG BUS -____-. so i got off AS SOON AS I COULD and went to a bus stop that would take me to the right place. luckily that bus was coming soon so i just waited and THEN HOPPED RIGHT ON :P. AND THEN THE BUS WENT OUT OF SERVICE SO EVERYONE HAD TO GET OFF. LIKE WTFFFFFFF -__- AND THIS BUS STOP WAS RIGHT ACROSS FROM THE FAMILY MART I HAD MY MORNING ONIGRI AT... WHICH MEANT THAT I WAS ON THE WRONG SIDE OF THE STREET WHEN I FIRST BOARDED THE BUS. anyways, so then i just went on the next bus, since it was the same bus number. THEN I HAD TO GET OFF SOMEWHERE TO TRANSFER, which i did. HOWEVER, i transferred to the WRONG BUS. the final bus that i was on had “ginkaku-ji” on it BUT I TOOK IT AS KINKAKU-JI because “g” and “k” are often interchangeable in asian countries. (i.e. eunkwang, the leader in btob, is sometimes referred to as eungwang. also another example is the guy from infinite - sometimes he is sunggyu and sometimes he is sungkyu.) but DON’T MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE AS ME! so i i just rode the bus leading to ginkaku-ji until i hit the destination. once i got off the bus, it was around 11am. it took me 2 hours to reach this place -_____-. and I DIDNT EVEN KNOW I WAS AT THE WRONG PAVILION UNTIL I WHATSAPPED A PICTURE TO MY FAMILY AND THEY NOTIFIED ME I WAS AT THE SILVER PAVILION AND NOT THE GOLDEN PAVILION. LIKE FML. SO MORAL OF THE STORY: GINKAKU AND KINKAKU ARE NOT THE SAME!!! 
but i still went inside the silver pavilion which was 500 yen. 
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pretty leaves and trees, but the pavilion itself is a little underwhelming. like WHERE IS THE SILVER?! i think if you are tight on time in kyoto, this is somewhere you should skip. the trees/foilage is pretty but i cant imagine going to the silver pavilion when its not fall and when all the trees are green and boring. 
after leaving the silver pavilion, i walked along the philosopher’s path. during march and early april, the philosopher’s path is where all the cherry blossoms are. but during the fall the trees are a bit bare. its a little bit of a dreary path but i kinda liked it. 
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there were a lot of cool shops along the path. i went into one and i bought this really pretty accordion style scrapbook. i dont plan to use it, but the cover is a cherry blossom design, and its just a nice souvenir. there were a lot of other cool sights along the path. a lot of old people painting and i saw some cute japanese girl wearing a beret practicing her flute. def the type of girl some of my guy friends would lust over haha. 
so after my leisurely stroll along the philosopher’s path, i decided to go to eikan-do in the day time instead of night time because I NEEDED TO BUY STUFF AKA GREEN TEA before THE SHOPS CLOSE since EVERYTHING CLOSES EARLY IN KYOTO. and I ALSO decided to not go to nanzen-ji because BY THE TIME THAT I FINISH NANZEN-JI AND EIKAN-DO then it’d be too late to go to kinkaku-ji (MY ACTUAL FIRST DESTINATION FOR THE DAY) and why go to kyoto if you dont go to the GOLDEN TEMPLE?!!?! 
so eikan-do is SO GORGEOUS. it is quite pricy at 1000 yen (around $13 CAD), but totally WORTH. when you walk in, its just a colossal of colours just hitting your eyes since the trees are red, orange and yellow. 
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this is the entrance of eikan-do. pls take in all the TOURISTS there. x.x. with all the tourists, it was a little difficult to walk around and take pics but i managed. 
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so fricking pretty. i dont know what that stone monument is and/or what it means, but i liked it. 
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look at the colours! so gorgeoussss~ the key to having pics with no people in it is to take pics of random things, or just random small paths inside the temple. there is a pagoda inside this area, but when you go to the pagoda, you have to walk up some NARROW STEPS. i was EXTREMELY SCARED but i dont advise people with weak legs to walk up those steps. VERY NARROW and the STEPS ARE VERY SMALL!  that was the only thing beside the massive amount of tourists that i didn’t like. 
after eikan-do i was going to go to kinkaku. BUT ONCE AGAIN, I GOT LOST GOING TO KINKAKU. GODDAMN, i really HATE BUSSING. google maps IS SO UNCLEAR WITH WHERE THE BUS STOPS ARE. i think that part is a little inaccurate in kyoto. so i walked to some BUS STOP as per GOOGLE MAPS and then I TOOK THE BUS, AND IT LED ME BACK TO EIKAN-DO. like WTF?! so i asked the bus driver if i was on the wrong bus and he was like yeah, SO I GOT OFF. and then I JUST WALKED BACK TO WHERE I WENT to go on the WRONG bus, and then walked more to another BUS STOP and then FINALLY, I WAS ON THE RIGHT BUS. thankfully i DID NOT HAVE TO TRANSFER. so i just rode the bus until i hit the GOLDEN PAVILION. phew. PHEW. when i got off the bus stop, i was STARVED. there was a udon resto right outside the bus stop, but i looked it up and the google reviews didn’t look that good AND PLUS THERE WAS NO ONE INSIDE. but i had an okonimiyaki on a stick. i dont think it was particularly good since it was geared towards tourists, BUT I WAS JUST SO HUNGRY I DIDNT CARE. 
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so after wolfing down that okonomiyaki on a stick, i entered the golden pavilion and realized HOW BIG THE DIFFERENCE IS BETWEEN THE TWO PAVILIONS. the golden pavilion is just SO GOLD. ITS GORGEOUS! 
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i wish it was a less cloudy when i went so i could see the sun bouncing off the gold of the pavilion and then the reflection in the water would be prettier. but still, it was so pretty. NOW THATS A PAVILION. i walked around the whole pond just to get the pic at different angles. there were A BUNCH OF PEOPLE EVERYWHERE. november is truly peak season for kyoto -.- . theres a few things to do after looking at the golden temple - there is a coin toss monument and some other souvenir shops. at most of the temples/shrines in japan, you can write down your wish and or get your fortune. i got my fortune for 100 yen from a machine. 
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haha i was so happy when i got this fortune cos its SO GOOD!!!! BUT i dont think its very accurate because my luck has been quite poor since coming back from japan. but who am i to rely on a piece of paper from a machine to give me luck?! 
i spent around ~1 hour at the golden temple and by the time i was done walking around it was about 4:30pm. MY NEXT DESTINATION WAS TO GO TO GION FOR SOME ICECREAM AT GION KINANA. but AS YOU CAN IMAGINE. GETTING TO GION WAS NOOOO FUN. LIKE OMG I KEPT ON GOING TO THE WRONG BUS STOP AS PER GOOGLE MAPS. i had to ask around and the girls that i asked told me that i was at the wrong stop. -.- BUT WHEN i finally got on the RIGHT BUS AND IT WAS PACKED. SOO PACKED. SO THAT WAS VERY UNAMUSING. but luckily i got to transfer buses BUT WHEN I TRANSFERRED THE BUS, IT WAS JUST AS PACKED AND WAS PICKING UP EVEN MORE PEOPLE. SO I WAS EVEN MORE JAMMED. UGH. just thinking about it IS SO FRUSTRATING BECAUSE 1) I HATE BUSSING 2) I KEPT ON GOING ON THE WRONG BUS THE WHOLE DAY AND WASTED SO MUCH TIME BEING LOST 3) IM ON A SUPER PACKED LIKE SARDINES BUS. ughhhUGHHH. eventually I GOT TO GION. BUT WHEN I GOT THERE, it was just too late to see any geishas walking around :(. 
but when i got to gion, i noticed there were a lot of mainland chinese tourists. I SAW ONE OF THEM PICK THEIR NOSE WHEN CROSSING THE STREET. LIKE OMG...so gross. anyways, my main intention in gion was to go to gion kinana which is famous for their roasted soy bean ice cream. SO I FOLLOWED THE DIRECTIONS TO IT using google maps OF COURSE. and it led me to these dark alley ways in gion which was a little scary since it was night time. but google maps told me that i had reached my destination. i looked at my destination and i saw 7 GIRLS IN KIMONOS ENTER THE SHOP FOLLOWED BY 2 MEN IN SUITS. LIKE WTF? DID GOOGLE SEND ME TO SOME GEISHA HOUSE OR SOMETHING? I WAS SO CONFUSED and i WALKED AROUND to make sure that google was right and GOOGLE WAS RIGHT!! THAT WAS THE ICE CREAM SHOP. but when i got in, i noticed that the 7 girls in kimonos were not related to the 2 men in suits. they were each their own party. haha. PHEW. 
so at gion kinana, they make all their ice cream IN SHOP. i was FRICKING EXCITED and i ordered a taster of 3 flavours. there was a bunch of other items in the menu but I REALLY WANTED ICE CREAM!!!!
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all of the orders come with their hojicha tea which really goes well with sweets. the ice cream flavours that i had were what was available for the day which was brown sugar, vanilla and roasted soy bean. i was so disappointed when they told me that i had vanilla because vanilla is such a BORING flavour, but it was pretty good. it wasnt too sweet and not too creamy which i liked. the roasted soy bean was BOMB tho :P. the one that i didn’t really like was the brown sugar. it just had a weird after taste. thankfully i ate that first and didn’t save it for last. that would have made me really sad. i think this shop is a MUST VISIT for kyoto! I WANT TO GO BACK and try more flavours of their ice cream and i wanted to try some of their parfaits too BUT I CAN ONLY EAT SO MUCH AS A PERSON. next time.. next time...
after gion kinana, i wanted to try some kyoto style sushi which i heard is pickled sushi. i went to izuju sushi which is famous of their kyoto style sushi, but it was PACKED. there was no way i was gonna be able to get in before closing and i was kinda full anyways so i just walked around. i wanted to find a container to hold some green tea leaves, but i couldnt find one that i liked and was of a size that i wanted. :( i also, walked past the mannequin restaurant, and was standing outside of the restaurant deliberating whether or not i should eat there. the restaurant only serves one type of dish which is the kyoto style okonomiyaki. i saw the chef make it but as i was looking inside the restaurant, looking RIGHT AT THE MANNEQUINS, I WAS STARTING TO GET REALLY SCARED. I WAS IMAGINING EATING MY FOOD, AND THEN THE MANNEQUINS STARTING TO MOVE. that thought really made me lose my appetite so i just left and walked more around gion. but the next time i go to kyoto and if im not by myself, i will DEF GO TO THIS RESTAURANT!! 
after walking around gion, i went back to kyoto station as i had to buy a bunch of stuff like TEA. getting back to kyoto station is EZ by bus because there are a bunch of buses for kyoto station. PHEW so i didn’t get lost getting there. when the bus dropped me off at the bus stop, you can see kyoto tower in the background which i recognized from an instagram pic of hyunsik’s. <3 aka i WAS WHERE HYUNSIK WAS <3 anyways, i went to kyoto station and i bought a lot of tea from nakamura toichi (aka matcha buckwheat noodle restaurant) and fukuguen. buying all that tea really took up a lot of time cos i had to buy for gifts and others. and i had to smell the tea too to make sure that i liked it. after buying a lot of tea, i went to daiso and this daiso was amazing. IT WAS SO BRIGHT AND CLEAN AND SPACIOUS!!! this daiso was outside kyoto station and it was at the mall that i went to the day before with uniqlo. i bought a lot of random things from daiso like cloth covers for bento boxes and instant miso soup. so fun fun, but to this date, i have not opened the cloth covers for the bent boxes and truthfully, i cant even remember where i put it... -_____- 
so after shopping for tea and other souvenirs I WAS STARVED. but the only thing that is opened past 9pm at kyoto station is ramen street. THIS TIME I WAS ABLE TO FIND RAMEN STREET! (you have to take the elevator at the south side of isetan.)ramen street is CRAZY. LIKE THE WHOLE FLOOR IS FILLED WITH RAMEN RESTAURANTS. i really didnt know what to get since everything looked the same to me EXCEPT ONE RESTAURANT, the tsukemen restaurant. i prefer tsukemen over ramen cos i just dont like submerged meats that much. most of the ramen restaurants on this floor required you to order from the machine. and most of the machines had an english option which was blessed. at this restaurant, i just ordered the small size of the tsukemen and i ordered gyoza too cos i was so starved. 
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the gyoza was gyoza..pretty standard. but OMGZ. i love the tsukemen. the flavour of the broth was so strong, the noodles were JUST AL DENTE. SOO GOOD. the broth was PIPING HOT and it was STILL HOT even though i took so long to eat my noodles. ugh this is something im missing from japan. i had tsukemen in toronto recently, and it wasn’t comparable to this. :( i purposely ordered the small size, because i was hoping to try another ramen restaurant afterwards. but i COULDNT COS I WAS TOO FULL AND PLUS since i eat so slowly, by the time i was done, it was almost 10pm which was closing time. SO SAD. tried to be ambitious, but i failed :( 
after finishing my tsukemen, i went back to the hostel to pack my purchases since i was going to nagoya the next day. i washed up and just relaxed and then fell asleep. and if you are wondering, i did not SEE ANY OF THE CUTE GUYS. which was good cos acne attacks dont go away in one day. 
what i learned today: kinkaku and ginkaku are NOT THE SAME. G AND K ARE NOT INTERCHANGEABLE IN THIS SCENARIO. also, kyoto is a beautiful city and next time, i need to be in kyoto for longer. theres so much more i want to do there. 
high point: kinkaku-ji. so pretty. and im glad i still went even though i went to the wrong pavilion initially. 
low point: just the bussing. getting from one place to another was so difficult. it was also my fault cos i would get too anxious and i would just go on a bus without checking the numbers and asking around. 
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