#there still on monarch but i have pieces written there and there
solstheimtxt · 1 year
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ew-selfish-art · 11 months
DP x DC AU: Letters and Paper goods are easy to store, and therefore, easy to hide. Danny has drama to monger though.
Tim Drake becomes a ward of Bruce Wayne at the same time the Drake Corporation is crumbling, and his father's health is declining. Dana, his father's physical therapist turned new wife, isn't optimistic these days, and Tim can read the writing on the wall.
Times have changed and Bruce and Dick are treating him with kid gloves. Jason Todd is alive again, been there suffered that. Young Just-Us has proven yet again to be his true family... But Bruce 'welcomes' him home the second the fake uncle is sniffed out.
So, Tim rationalizes, If Drake Corp is going down, then so shall the reason he spent his childhood abandoned. The many, many archeology digs his parents left him for over the years and their many, many stolen historical pieces. Tim is ready and able to get rid of them all.
He first returns the artifacts that have obvious origins to the people with whom they belong. Then it starts to get a little hazy as to where each item stolen is from. The paper goods are the hardest to place.
Years later, Tim has almost completely emptied his parent's old home of their stolen goods. By now, he runs a fortune 500 company and is working as Red Robin. Going through the last of the archives means going through the very last objects his parents ever preferred over his company, and he can't wait to be rid of them.
A glowing green envelope however... this one he feels compelled to keep. He hadn't known it back when he started this project- but somehow his Parents had found objects drenched in the essence of the Lazarus Pits. And it wasn't just one letter, it was dozens and dozens.
Tim Drake knew it would be risky to move them, but he needed to get these letters to an ex-league member to understand what the language of the dead was trying to proclaim.
Danny hates a fetch quest but apparently Ghost Writer is having a bad day. It starts with Danny running by the guys library to have a chat when all of a sudden, the question of certain... ghost relations... came up. Danny is always more than thrilled to hear about how the various ancient-as-in-old ghosts interacted with the Ancients-as-in-yikes ghosts.
Ghost Writer finally admitted to the monarch in training that if he wanted to know so badly, that he could track down Clockworks old letters. They'd been scattered well before Ghost Writer could properly work on the ghost archives (read: was still alive), and it wasn't until he'd long worked on the library that such affairs were noted as missing.
The potential for gossip was just too good! A call home to Sam, Tuck and Jazz to let them know he was on an adventure, and then Danny flew off with little more than some hints by GW and an annoyed nod of cryptic agreement by CW.
Danny goes about wondering Gotham as himself, not yet seeing the need to be Phantom, when he runs into the very guy he was looking for.
"Hey- you don't happen to have a shit ton of letters written in the language of the dead do you?" Danny smiles as innocently as possible as he watches all seven stages of grief play out on the guy's face. Then something changes and Danny can tell that this guy is like, scary competent.
"I do, however, I was double crossed and a shit ton of assassins are on their way to try and take them."
"Uh... Bummer for them I guess? I'll just take them and go- I don't even really need to keep them if you want em back-"
"Assassins. They won't exactly leave empty handed."
"Huh. Well... Wanna come with? These are supposed to have some pretty juicy drama in them." Danny awkwardly places a hand on the back of his neck.
A knife being thrown in their direction was enough to get this guy to make a decision.
"Let's go spill some tea then."
Danny grins as he pulls the guy through a rapidly drawn portal, ignoring the wide eyes he makes. Turns out his name is Tim, and walking him through afterlife drama is the best- how does he know so many dead assassins??? One of these letters is about a guy who took Tim's spleen??
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Celebrating Wins
Word count: 942
Pairing: Lando norris x girlfriend!reader
Summary: As a new couple landos girlfrined celebrates his polepostion with with a playful, intimate evening, marking the start of their relationship
Request are open
The excitement from the day still lingered as we made our way back to the hotel. The buzz of the crowd, the thrill of Lando securing pole position in Q3—it was all still fresh in our minds. But now, it was just us, away from the cameras and the noise, and I had something fun and a bit silly planned for our own private celebration. I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nerves. We had only just gotten together, and this was my first chance to really show him how proud I was of him. I wanted to make the night special, something he’d remember—not just as a celebration of his pole position, but as a moment that marked the beginning of us.
As we stepped into our room, Lando immediately burst into laughter. I had covered the bed with orange and blue confetti—McLaren’s colors, of course. There were small, goofy trophies on the nightstand, the kind you’d find at a dollar store, with labels like “World’s Best Driver” and “Pole Position King” hastily scribbled on them in my handwriting. I’d even put out a cheesy plastic crown that said “Speed King” in glittery letters.
“Are you serious?” Lando asked, grinning from ear to ear as he picked up one of the trophies. “You really went all out, didn’t you?”
“Well, someone’s got to remind you how awesome you are,” I teased, reaching up to place the crown on his head. It was a bit too small, but he wore it proudly, striking a ridiculous pose.
“I feel like royalty,” he declared, holding out his hand for me to kiss, as if he were some kind of racing monarch.
Laughing, I took his hand and gave it an exaggerated, over-the-top kiss. “Your Majesty, the Speed King, shall we dine?”
He snorted, his eyes shining with amusement. “Lead the way, my loyal subject.”
We moved to the small table I’d set up near the window, where a simple dinner was waiting for us—nothing too heavy, just some of Lando’s favorite Italian dishes, including a massive bowl of pasta. I’d even ordered pizza, because who can resist pizza in Italy? And there, chilling in the ice bucket, was a bottle of his favorite champagne.
As we sat down, I grabbed a napkin and tucked it into his shirt collar like a bib. “Can’t have you getting pasta sauce on your royal robes,” I said, doing my best to keep a straight face.
Lando burst out laughing again. “You’re ridiculous! But I love it.”
We dug into the food, the atmosphere light and playful. Lando twirled his pasta dramatically, pretending to be a food critic as he took a bite. “Ah, yes, the perfect carbo-loading meal for a champion,” he said in a mock-serious tone.
“Only the best for you, your highness,” I replied, mimicking his tone.
As we finished eating, I brought out a small cake I’d hidden earlier. It was nothing fancy, just a simple cake with “Pole Position!” written in blue and orange icing, with a little toy car on top for good measure. I stuck a single sparkler in the middle and lit it, the tiny fireworks crackling and popping.
Lando’s face lit up with childlike glee as he watched the sparkler. “This is amazing. I didn’t think I could be this excited about cake.”
“Well, it’s not just any cake,” I said, grinning. “It’s the first of many celebrations this weekend, I hope.”
“Does this mean if I win tomorrow, I get another cake?” he asked, waggling his eyebrows.
“Oh, you bet,” I replied, slicing into the cake and handing him a piece. “And maybe I’ll even throw in a victory dance.”
He nearly choked on his cake from laughing so hard. “Please tell me you’re not serious about the dance.”
“I’m dead serious,” I said, trying to keep a straight face. “It’ll be legendary. You’ll win the race and I’ll be the talk of the paddock for my sweet moves.”
He shook his head, still laughing. “Now I’m even more motivated to win, just to see this ‘legendary’ dance.”
After we finished the cake, we collapsed onto the bed, both of us a little too full and a lot too happy. Lando was still wearing the plastic crown, and I couldn’t help but giggle every time I looked at him.
“You know,” he said, turning to me with a grin, “this has been the best celebration ever. No fancy dinners, no big parties—just us, being goofy.”
I leaned in, resting my head on his shoulder. “That’s because it’s real. And you deserve to enjoy every second of it, without any pressure.”
He wrapped an arm around me, pulling me close. “Thanks. I needed this. It’s easy to get caught up in everything, but tonight, I feel like I can just be me. With you.”
I reached up and took the crown off his head, placing it on mine. “Well, tomorrow, the Speed King is going to show everyone what he’s made of. And McLaren is going to be that much closer to winning it all.”
Lando grinned and leaned in to kiss me, his lips warm and soft against mine. “I couldn’t do it without you, you know. You make this all so much better.”
As the night wore on and we finally started to drift off to sleep, Lando whispered, “No matter what happens tomorrow, this is my favorite victory.”
I smiled, cuddling closer to him. “Mine too. But just so you know, I’m ready for another cake tomorrow.”
He chuckled softly. “You better start practicing that victory dance then.”
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ashleyfableblack · 3 months
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"I had this dream last night…"
Twilight lay in her wife's hooves, little spoon to Chrysalis's big spoon. This was their happy place. The couple relaxed in a lazy dreamy state reserved for the kind of lovers with nothing to do that day- or at least nothing that couldn't be put off for more important things, such as an extended snuggle.
Chrysalis raised an eyebrow. "If this is like that one where you were nibbling on a giant piece of licorice we agreed that was an accident."
"No, I-" Twilight chuckled and playfully slapped at her wife's barrel. "You butt." Chrysalis chuckled with her wife, rumbling in a sinister silky low register. She playfully rubbed at Twilight's belly, giving the alicorn to fidget and giggle under the barrage of tickling tarsomeres.
"No, Chryssi. Not that one." she paused to catch her breath. "And the jury is still out on that, you know." Contorting herself to look back to her partner she gave a playful glare. The display earned a playful mocking flicker of her wife's serpentine tongue, tickling at her snoot.
"I throw myself upon the mercy of the court." Chrysalis bellowed in a melodramatic croon. "Failing that-" she craned her neck to whisper in her partner's ear "I will bribe the judge." She gave a flirty nip to Twilight's ear, kneading with her fangs.
Twilight murred. She tucked herself back into the creche of her wife's larger bughorse body with a heavy-lidded smile that signified a silent truce would continue on the matter for now.
"No. We were fillies."
"Mnhmm. Little school-fillies. I think your wing was hurt so I was giving you a piggy-back ride to class." She dreamily played with the cracked folds in Chrysalis's hooves. "You kept nibbling on my horn and purring at me. I think we were filly-friends."
"Naturally." Chrysalis extended her tongue to playfully pat at her wife's horn, tickling the bony spiral.
Twilight beamed, simply being in the moment.
She contemplated in silence, held in the adoring embrace.
Chrysalis was ancient, recalling civilizations and species long gone. The changeling queen and her children had existed in the shadows of every species on the planet, guiding their evolution both culturally and in some cases physically. She had seen species rise to power and fall into oblivion, both of which were often orchestrated by her Hive. Much of the knowledge she had first-hoof account of Twilight had only ever read about, secrets long-forgotten, forbidden magics, cultures and creatures which pre-dated the written word.
For her part, Chryssi's body of knowledge was a constant source of fascination to Twilight. Her wife was an impossible, enchanting trove of history and a unique perspective in every subject she could imagine. Like a moth to the flame, Twilight could listen to her ruminations for hours.
She'd never broached the subject specifically as to just how old Chrysalis was. She didn't care, really. Much like Celestia or Luna, Discord in particular, It seemed that, to an immortal existence, past a certain point they stopped caring themselves. The world kept on turning. They simply walked through it, like a traveler on a ship. She was well aware that one day, she too would have a similar perspective.
But in this moment she did wonder, had Chrysalis ever been a child? Was that maybe the one bit of knowledge the one perspective she could never understand?
Her introspection must have changed the mood in the air enough to be noticed by her wife's flickering tongue and changeling sight. Chrysalis shifted. "Is something wrong, beloved?"
Twilight mused and decided to cast her line. "Honeybug… If we met when we were fillies how do you think we would have ended up?" She prodded her wife in the plated segment of her abdomen. "Would we still have… gotten together?"
Chrysalis snickered, not missing a beat.
"Pfft. You need to ask?"
The changeling monarch clasped her wife tightly in a loving embrace. Her fangs clattered as she gave a series of possessive nibbles to Twilight's horn. She craned her neck down and drew in her limbs to form herself into a weighted armored blanket of sorts, equal parts compression and affection. The cool chitin of her angular cheek hissed softly against Twilight's coat as she nuzzled her wife.
"I'd have utterly ruined you."
Twilight erupted in laughter as her bughorse bride squeezed her to her barrel. The heavy rumble of Chrysalis's cricket purr was all the answer she needed.
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queenie-official · 10 months
Chapter Fourteen: ‘Distractions’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
a/n: first of all i would like to say a big thank you to all of you 🙌 you’ve gotten me to 300+ followers 🥹 i wanted to get this out sooner as a treat but i knew it’d be much more of a gift if i waited and put all my focus into this💋 that being said this chapter has smut 👀
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one would think with three heads working on all the preparations to be done for the big day it would be fast. you quickly realized how wrong that thought was, so much to be done in such a short amount of time. you probably would of had more time had you not spent so long avoiding the problem and pushing people away but you tried your best not to dwell on something you could no longer change. No you had much more pressing matters to attend to like planning a ball and a race. oh and figuring out what to do with the now former members of the royal court who’d betrayed the kingdom.
the simple solution would be off with their heads- a solution you secretly favored, it seemed right to you. an eye for an eye kind of deal, and they did kill your father. unfortunately it was your father who’d put an end to the death penalty and to bring it back for the death of a monarch- the same monarch who spoke of his people as equals, would suggest that his murder weighed more than if someone of the Ton was murdered and their killer was caught.
which in a way his death did weigh far more but that wouldn’t make it any less of a scandal in the eyes of the people. not to mention Lady whistledown would have a field day, she was quickly becoming one of the number one tabloids for all of the hottest news. it would be easier to look over if everything she wrote wasn’t true in a sense.
so now you’re stuck with the choice of damaging Alderaan’s image, one of peace and equality or resurrecting the old image of Alderaan your father fought to change. the Clock was ticking and everyone was watching, waiting for the next course of action. to simply throw them in a prison didn’t feel severe enough for the crime that was committed, personal bias or not they killed a king.
to distract yourself from the passing time you focused your energy into working on the ball with Padme. was it working? not at all but you liked to pretend it brought you at least some piece of mind. picking out color themes and what food was to be served, you ended up consulting Anakin quite a lot to your surprise- not because he had good taste in decorating but mostly because he’d attended enough balls in Tatooine to provide you with an idea of certain differences you could possibly include.
your goal was to find a way to intertwine both Tatooine ball traditions and Alderaan ball traditions. that was the whole point of hosting the Tatooine races in Alderaan to begin with, to unite the two kingdoms and become closer ally’s outside of a simple marriage arrangement- and of course showing them that all was well. the new king still lived and what happened in the past was not affecting the current.
you’d already written to Anakin’s parents to flesh out the details, and as it so happens they would all be coming to both view the races and join in the ball. so yes maybe you also wanted to impress them, and make them feel more welcomed. this would be the first time your meeting his father and sister after all. although you weren’t really scared of meeting his father at all, it was his sister you worried about.
you knew from what Anakin told you before that she was a good person, but you also knew from what he’d told you that she wasn’t exactly keen on you yet. that was an added pressure for the day to come, but Anakin repeatedly assured you that Ahsoka would go easy on you. which to be honest did not do that much to ease your mind but as he put it you’ve done nothing wrong and shouldn’t have reason to worry. which of course is easy for him to say as he knew the full story whereas you weren’t even sure Ahsoka knew you weren’t the one who made the arrangement to marry him.
the only thing you didn’t technically have to worry about was the races, Anakin was handling all of that himself- occasionally consulting you when needed. that of course didn’t stop your mind from thinking something might got wrong. Anxieties plagued your mind more often than not.
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it was late as you found yourself mindlessly tracing circles on the desk in your new study- you couldn’t bring yourself to step back into your father’s after everything that happened, it was too much. you found grief strange in that way, what once brought you comfort as if it were a piece of him left behind was now tainted with the stains of a previously unknown tragedy. even looking at the door of it evoked a heart wrenching emotion from you. “you seem stressed” Anakin’s voice pulls you from all of the thoughts in your mind, looking up at him from where you’re sat as he enters the study closing the doors behind him.
had he even knocked? you weren’t entirely sure but even if he had you doubt you’d have heard him. “how can i not be” you huff letting out a small sarcastic chuckle before leaning into the palm of your hand, watching him as he now rounds the corner of your desk.
standing behind you he places his hands onto your shoulders, gently massaging the exposed skin. the robe that had covered them was resting on the back of the chair, you’d gotten hot with it on and didn’t think anybody would be up late enough to see you in just your nightgown. “well maybe i could help?” he offers his voice raspy from sleepiness. it brought a chill to your spin, your skin prickling with goosebumps.
“how could you possibly help?” to the defense of your oblivious nature, it truly was late in the night and you really weren’t thinking straight. your question doesn’t go unanswered even though he laughs, leaning down so that his face was at the crook of your neck.
warm breath fanning over you as he speaks “well i am your husband there’s quite a few ways i could help, the one i have in mind however could also serve as a nice distraction.” you feel your face heat up as you realize what he’s hinting at, you find yourself unsure of what to say or do.
he places a soft kiss to your neck as he waits patiently for you to react. turning in your seat to face him completely as he stares down at you, the look in his eyes making you burn. the usual pale blues swallowed by blown pupils, he was being completely serious and you felt your stomach swirl.
as a women you aren’t entirely taught as to what happens in the bedroom- society often shuns it, though thankfully for you Padme had given you a brief rundown as to what happens so you weren’t entirely left in the dark. an explanation however never translates to how it’ll truly feel, what you where currently experiencing for example was entirely new and barely anything had happened yet. it was strange but you felt thrilled in a way, excited for what could possibly come and also nervous. a very odd combination, but as the silence dragged on and the look in Anakin’s eyes burned hotter you felt your mind run blank ready to allow him to guide you completely in this moment through each new feeling.
you give him a soft nod that makes him smile, taking your hand into his and gently tugging you to your feet. “let’s take this to a more comfortable place then” he keeps hold of your hand as you walk out of the study and down the halls towards your bedroom, mindlessly rubbing circles with the rough pad of his thumb. it was silent in the castle, all of the servants sleeping.
the only thing you could really hear was the sound of your own heart pounding in your chest the closer you got to the room, you started to grow nervous again and you could only hope Anakin hadn’t noticed. ever the intuitive person the second he turns to you as you enter the room and the door closes he notices immediately. “you alright?” he asks concerned, cradling the side of your face with one of his hands.
you nod whilst leaning into his touch, he stares at you for a moment in deep thought before he speaks up again. “y/n if we’re going to do this i’m going to need you to use your words okay?” he phrased it as a question but you could tell by the tone of his voice it was a command. “okay” the response came out quieter then you’d meant, you couldn’t bring yourself to speak up though.
feeling shy from the intensity of his stare and power behind his words. “do you trust me?” he asks with a tilt of his head, moving his hand down to the base of your neck.
“this is my first time-”
he cuts you off with a chuckle “that’s not what i asked.” there’s a brief silence before you answer “i trust you Anakin.”
his eyes trail down to your lips as the words leave your mouth. “have you ever thought about it?” the question makes your face burn again, had you thought about it before? maybe a little, mostly out of curiosity. since marrying him however, well you’d be lying if you said you haven’t thought about it more often than you should.
“is it going to hurt?” you dodge his question with one of your own, his gaze returns to your eyes.
“not if i do it right.” not entirely promising in your mind, did he know how to do it right? you had to fight the urge to ask that question out loud. “we’ll take it slow” he uses his free hand to bring your hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss to the tips of your fingers. “you say you trust me, so don’t worry so much. i’ll take care of you” he adds to further reassure you, you let out a soft breath as he finally pulls you closer to him. his lips now hovering above yours “i’ve got you” he closes the gap between you both, kissing you soft and with purpose. showing you just how much he cares.
it’s slow at first, his thumb subtly tracing your jaw as you relax into his arms. that’s when it picks up, he sucks your bottom lip as he moves both his hands down to your waist pulling you flush against him.
your whole body ached for him, you couldn’t resist threading your fingers through his hair. tugging slightly on the soft curls causing him to let out a low hum of delight. guiding you towards your bed with his body, never breaking the kiss until you fall back onto the bed. panting as you catch your breath before he crawls on top of you, kissing your lips again before trailing kisses down your jawline and to your neck.
tilting your head so he has more access when he kisses the delicate skin. opening his mouth and sucking gently, the feeling makes you mewl and you can feel him smile before trailing back up to your face. he looks down to your chest, reaching up to the strings of your nightgown before looking back up to you silently asking for permission to continue. “please..”
the plea seemed to spur him on, quickly pulling the strings loose and removing the gown entirely leaving you in just your underwear. your body on full display for him, he looked over you. soaking in every detail, you thought you’d shy away from his gaze but the way he was staring. like you were the most beautiful person he’d ever laid eyes on, but then the look on his eyes changed to hunger. it made you squirm, and he couldn’t help but groan at the sight. “you don’t know what you do to me” he says in a low growl that sends heat straight to your core.
“Ani-” he cuts you off with a open mouth kiss to your right breast causing you to gasp. the sound doesn’t go unnoticed by him as he sucks gently, leaving a small hickey before kissing down your stomach stopping just above your navel.
“Are you ready for this?” he asks while looking up at you, lips swollen from kissing all over you. he looked ethereal. “we can stop at anytime.” he quickly added, wanting to make sure you felt comfortable and safe as he hooked his fingers over your underwear waiting for your answer before he pulled them down.
"I am yours to do as you please." you answer in a sudden burst of confidence, he liked that answer. pulling your underwear off with a fervor "You'll be the end of me." he mumbles as he lowers his face between your legs, gently pushing them open and taking a good look at you. he moaned at the sight. your legs spread, thighs wet with arousal that dripped down showing just how much his actions affected you.
he didn’t hesitate to dive right in, licking up the mess he’d caused. the feeling had your head spinning, an intimacy you never felt before. so passionate and pleasurable, and he was skilled.
moaning into you, sending vibrations in all the right places as his nose nudged your clit with each movement. your hands gripping the bed sheets from how intense the feeling was, moan after moan slipping out of your own mouth that just made him groan more.
it wasn’t long before he deemed you ready enough for one of his fingers, slipping it inside of you slowly not stopping until he was knuckle deep. it didn’t hurt but it felt old at first, your body adjusted quickly as he moved it. you must not have given him the reaction he wanted because he added a second finger about a moment later making you gasp. both fingers now pumping in and out of you and they reached so deliciously deep inside.
you were completely lost at this point, head growing foggier with every passing moment. you hadn’t even realized what was happening until you felt the wave crash over you. he worked you through it, before carefully pulling his fingers out.
you open your eyes panting as he moves back overtop of you, face wet with your slick. the sight alone works you back up again. he leans forward, resting his forehead against yours as he catches his own breath. “You’re doing so well.” he says softly before kissing you on the lips, he didn’t start off slow this time- instead kissing you passionately and groping your breasts.
you moan against him and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth, subconsciously beginning to arch into him. everything he did was driving you crazy in the best way, and you couldn’t help but want more. you tug on his shirt causing him to pull away from you, a string of saliva keeping you connected. “want to see you to Ani” you practically whine at him.
he’s quick to remove his sleep shirt as well as the pants he’d half hazardly tossed on when he initially went to wonder the castle leaving him solely in his underwear just as you’d been.
he gives you a moment to take him in before he finishes, you can feel him watch as you trail your eyes down his body. paying extra attention to how toned he was and the way his tanned skin seemed to only glow warmer in the candle light. god he was beautiful in every sense of the word.
“you can touch me too you know, i am yours as much as you are mine.” his statement snaps you out of your daze, looking up into his eyes with a light blush on your face. he gives you a smile, always teasing you any chance he can get. you don’t try to resist his offer though, reaching out and placing your palms against his chest. caressing his abs before testing out the waters and running your nails against him. he shuttered at the feeling, his bulge becoming a bit more obvious when you notice it twitch.
to say it escalated quickly from there would be an understatement, you didn’t even have time to process him take off his underwear before he was spreading your legs and lining himself up. “i’m going to go slow okay, if it hurts i need you to tell me okay sweetheart?” the sweetness of his words helped ease your mind.
“okay” you breath out a bit nervously before he begins to push in. the stretch of him stings, not painfully so thankfully. but it was still odd, not as odd as him being inside of you. the feeling was foreign but with each inch he sunk in further the feeling began to stir into something else.
both of you moan out once he was fully inside you, filling you up in all the right ways. you can tell he’s holding back as he looks down at you, brows creased in focus. “you doing alright pretty girl?” the nickname makes you burn, that familiar warmth going straight to your core. you nod, finding words difficult from how flustered you are.
“come on, remember what i said? you gotta use your words” he gently reminds you, cradling your face with one of his hands and gently running his thumb over your bottom lip. you wrap your legs around his waist shifting slightly to get more comfortable, the movement making you both groan.
“doing alright Ani, want you to move please.” you say with a slight pout and you feel him twitch inside of you.
he doesn’t hesitate to move after that, beginning to pump in and out of you slowly. taking his time with you, he was doing it that way for your sake but god was it practically torture. teasing you with what’s to come and when one of his hands travels down slowly tracing circles around your clit, you can’t take it anymore.
“Anakin Please, move faster” you beg, small whimpers escaping your lips in between each word. you claw at his back as he begins to pick up the pace. your eyes fall shut as the pleasure takes over, forcing yourself to take in gasps of air in between breathless moans.
"Don't close your eyes. Look at me." he demands, snapping his hips roughly. you force your eyes open doing your best to maintain eye contact as he pounds into you, bringing you closer to a second climax with each thrust. “That’s it, taking me so good sweetheart” he coos into your ear, you felt like you could cry from the pure bliss you were in. his words making your whole body flush, burning from his praise and the newfound pet names.
Anakin grabs one of your thighs pulling your leg up higher and adjusting the position your in so that he’s going even deeper, the new depth making you see white. you could feel it building this time, the familiar wave growing closer.
Anakin’s voice rasping out a string of praises, practically babbling in your ear as he grows close as well. “let go for me” that was the final push you needed for the cord to snap, your body spasming beneath him. it took you a moment to register the added feeling of his cum pouring into you. the warmth coating your insides and spilling out as he fills you up.
panting as you tried to catch your breath. he waited for you to calm down before pulling out. then he laid himself down beside you and pulled you into his arms.
you could feel how fast his heart was beating in his own chest from the exertion, your own heart beating in a similar fashion. slowly you found your thoughts again, processing the new milestone you shared as you breath him in.
Anakin kisses the top of your head before moving down and burrowing himself into the crook of your neck. “I love you y/n” he whispered against you, not wanting to raise his voice in fear of breaking the quite intimacy of the moment.
you run your fingers through his sweaty hair, scratching lightly at his scalp and feel him relax against you. “i love you too Ani”
it was safe to say he’d done what he’d set out to do. all the stress from your body was gone as you lay together, a mess of limbs.
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part 15
Tag list: @luvvfromme @gatekeepingirlboss @bimbo-baggins86 @iluvanakinskywalker @bby-imasociopath @curlycarley @burnthecheshirewitch @misscaller06 @sweetcheesecakesblog
okay a few things- first off this is my first time ever writing smut so i hope it doesn’t disappoint 😭 (it’s lowkey been eating me alive that i’d completely fail writing it) another thing i know i said chapter 14 was going to be big with all the stuff in one go but it was getting way to long for one chapter imo, so i decided to break it up into different parts. but don’t worry because i will be posting all these parts simultaneously so don’t worry the next part will be up in a few minutes (about 10-15 since i want to space them out) 💋💋 i hope you lovies enjoy 🫶🏼
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melancholyshadow · 1 year
Hello! I couldn’t help but see your post about writing for COD men! If so, could you please do one that’s Price x reader where she takes a bullet for him? Angst and Fluff. Typical scenario I know, but there’s never enough Price. If that doesn’t work that’s okay too! Thank you!!
Desk Duty
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pairing: john price x female!reader
word count: around 2.1k
content warnings: canon-level violence, injured!reader, mentions of someone getting shot, mentions of gun-shot wound, medical talk, kissing an authority figure.
an: hello! first off, thank you anon for this lovely request, hopefully you enjoy it, i am a bit rusty bc i have not written in forever. second off, to address the elephant in the room, i know this isn't marvel related, but i'm really into call of duty right now, and wanted to write for them instead. third of all, if you liked this piece, and want to request your own, my request are open! i am really only writing for cod men right now and maybe some select marvel people. thanks guys!!!!
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You never understood the saying “It happened in slow motion.” 
This was real life, nothing happened in slow motion, that was physically impossible. 
Or so you thought. 
All five of you were pinned down, trapped in a warehouse, taking massive amounts of fire. The enemy was closing in fast, and you were vastly outnumbered. It was the five of you, and a couple Marines, that’s it. This was supposed to be a run-of-the-mill mission, no one expected it to go sideways. Especially not this bad. 
“Low on ammo, Captain!” Gaz yelled, tossing an empty magazine behind him. “Conserve. Wait till they get closer!” Price barked back. “Where is air support, sir?” You asked, as the both of you crouched down to reload. “Five minutes out, we just need to make it till then.” He explained, popping back up and firing towards the building across the way. Five minutes was a long time in combat, almost too long. 
When you had this much adrenaline pumping through your body, it was natural to get tunnel vision. Only able to focus on the thing standing right in front of you, and at the moment that was about twenty enemy soldiers. Except, they weren’t all in front of you. They were obviously more well-versed in the area than you guys were, so they knew about a door to the warehouse you didn’t.
Out of your peripheral vision, you saw the sudden flood of light come from the door being ripped open. That’s when everything slowed way down. Three of them rushed inside, you were able to drop the first two, but the third one was too quick. And when his eyes landed on Price who was still facing towards the opposing building, you panicked. So, you did the first thing you could think of. 
Grabbing your Captain’s ‘oh shit’ strap on the back of his plate carrier, you pulled him to the ground and out of the line of fire. As you kneeled beside Price, the enemy’s gun repositioned on you and before you had time to raise your own weapon again, he fired. The bullet connected, causing you to fall back against the cold concrete. Just as quickly as you fell, you watched the enemy’s body fall to the same concrete. Price let two bullets rip, one into his leg and the other into his skull. You stared up at the ceiling, clutching your wound, trying to apply pressure. 
“Monarch is down!”
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You woke up in the hospital two days later. 
Apparently you passed out from blood loss. 
It had been a tricky wound to treat in the field, so you had to wait for the air support to show up. 
It was difficult for you to remember everything leading up to you being injured. You don’t remember the actual impact or being carried to the helo. It was all hazy. Gaz, Soap, and Ghost had gone over the incident with you many times, but it just never really came back to you. Not that you were complaining. No one wants to remember getting shot.
After a week and a half in the hospital, a month of physical therapy, and another month of training and sparring with your teammates to get you back in shape, you were finally cleared for the field. It was a miracle that you were able to bounce back this fast, it usually took many months to recover fully from an injury like that, but you liked to think it was solely because of how stubborn you were. 
Everyone was super happy to have you back. Well, almost. There was only one more step you had to do: submit your medical release form to Price and have him approve it. You had only seen the Captain a few times, in passing, since the incident. It felt like he was avoiding you entirely, but you chalked it up to all the paperwork he was probably buried under right now, especially when a mission went that far south. 
You walked down the familiar hallway, Price's office was at the very end. Nervousness flooded your body with every step you took. What could you possibly be nervous about? Was it because you were afraid to face him for the first time in over two months? Of course not, he was the same Price he was during that mission. Were you nervous he wasn’t going to approve you for medical release? No, he had to approve it, hell, you saved his damn life. 
As you approached the door, you took a deep breath. You noticed a shake in your hand as you brought it up to knock on the door. Three loud racks echoed down the hallway. “Come in.” He called from the otherside of the door. You gripped the doorknob, turning it and pushed the door open with your shoulder. Price, as you suspected, was looking over a mountain of paperwork. His signature cap was discarded, and he was dressed in civilian clothes. He was in on his day off. 
“Hello.” You greeted him, closing the door behind you. “Sergeant.” A man of few words, as always, but his tone seemed different. “I hate to do this, but I have some more paperwork for you.” You said with an awkward chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. “It’s my medical release form.” You added.
“Set it there.” He pointed to the only clear space on his desk. His words sounded cold. After placing down the documents, you stood there for a few more seconds, seeing if he would say anything else. You know, ask how you were doing, or something, literally anything. But to no avail. 
So, you turned on your heels to walk out without another word. As you touched the doorknob, Price cleared his throat to speak, spiking some hope into your heart. “I’m putting you on desk duty.” Almost instantly, your stomach dropped past your toes. He said it so monotoned, no ounce of emotion in his voice.
For a few moments you were stunned, left speechless. But once that initial shock wore off, anger began to bubble up in your chest. You could feel the warmth overtaking every inch of your body and your chest began rising and falling irregularly.
“W-What? But I’ve been cleared for the field.” You tried to keep your tone even, unwavering as you slowly turned around to face him. He had finally looked up, head propped up on his palm. Like his tone, there was no legible emotion on his face. No anger, sadness, or guilt. “Desk duty until further notice.” This time it sounded dismissive, like the conversation was over. What is said is done. Clicking his pen twice, his eyes landed back on the report in front of him. 
“This is bullshit!” The words climbed up your throat before you could stop them. You could feel your fists clenching and unclenching at your sides. Your words caught the Captain off guard, but he only showed it for a moment. Not once had you ever questioned Price, or his intentions. But this time was different, if he thought you were gonna take this lying down,  he was dead wrong. 
“I’d watch your tone, Sergeant.” He spoke at you more sternly than before, clearly agitated by your outburst. And what he said next only added insult to injury, literally, “After that stunt you pulled, you’re lucky I don’t reassign you.” He used his pen to point at you, reaffirming his statement. That’s when all the logic and camaraderie flew out the window.
“You mean the one where I saved your life?” You spoke with malice, like venom was dripping off your tongue. “God forbid, I interfere with you taking a bullet to the skull.” You scoffed. “Is that the stunt you’re referring to?” You mocked him, echoing the term ‘stunt,.' You were trying to get under his skin, whether you knew that at the moment or not.
The Captain was boiling, you could practically see the steam coming from his ears. As you open your mouth to further instigate the situation, he slams his fists down on his desk. He stands up quickly, his chair tumbled to the ground behind him. “Exactly that stunt!” He barks. You’re the one caught off guard this time. It was rare for the Captain to raise his voice outside the field. Especially to you. 
“You could have got yourself killed, soldier!” It only takes him a few steps to be in your face. You hold your ground even though you're terrified, you had never seen Price like this. “It’s in the job description, sir.” You rebutted between your teeth, adding the ‘sir’ to irk him more. It worked. “You were careless and clearly have no regard for your own life. You are a risk.” He spat. 
“I’d die for you, Captain. No if, ands, or buts, about it.” You said with a straight face. “ So, if that categorizes me as a ‘risk,’ so be it.” He opened his mouth to speak again, but quickly closed it, and you noticed. “Say it, Captain. You never have been one to hold his words back.” You pushed him, feeding on his anger. 
But all that anger seemed to be disintegrating. One moment it was there, and the next it was gone. Like your words flipped a switch inside him. He had this look on his face, like he was truly debating on his next words. “Say. It.” You demanded, necking craning upwards to look him in the eyes. His eyes fell closed, and a defeated huff passed his lips. 
“Having your blood on my hands is something I can’t handle…” His voice was hushed, and now his eyes refused to meet yours. That was the last thing you expected him to say. He has always kind of coddled you, he was very protective. You always thought maybe it was because you were the newest member of the Task Force, but now you’re thinking it’s for another reason. 
“W-What do you mean?” You asked, your mind went blank. All that anger was now mixed with a good dose of confusion. He didn’t speak, just ran his fingers through his hair, still avoiding eye contact. “Captain, look at me.” You uttered softly, and he didn’t listen. You’re not sure what overtook you in the moment, but your shaky hand reached towards his face.
“Please.” You begged, gripping his chin and forcing him to face you. When he didn’t pull away, you brought his face closer, your noses only inches apart. His eyes did finally flutter open, and you were greeted with a stoic, immersive shade of blue, you couldn’t look away. 
“Captain, I–” He didn’t let you finish your thought, cutting you off by leaning in closer, pressing his lips against yours. They were soft, softer than you ever imagined. Especially compared to the coarse hair of his mustache and beard against your face. You even picked up on the taste of smoke, he had smoked one of his cigars recently. 
All you could focus on at that moment was him. The way he placed your hands against his chest, you could feel his heartbeat through the soft fabric of his t-shirt. It was racing, ramming against the inside of his chest.
How his rough, calloused hands cupped the sides of your face, further melding your lips together. The way he handled you said a lot. He kissed you like he was in distress, barely giving you time to breathe between the last and next kiss, not that you were doing much breathing anyways. He made your body feel like jelly, your knees barely able to carry your body weight, so you gripped his t-shirt, tight, trying to steady yourself. 
When he finally pulled away, he kept his forehead against yours. There was no talking, just heavy pants coming from the both of you. Did that really just happen? Was this a joke? You wanted to pinch yourself, wake yourself up from this dream. That’s when he spoke, breaking the silence, “‘m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.” He apologized, trying to create more distance between the two of you. 
Luckily, you still had a hold of his shirt, stopping him. “Respectfully, Captain, shut up.” You chuckled, which earned a small smile from him as well. “Is this why you avoided me for two and a half months?” You asked, snaking your arms around his neck. “If you think I’ve only had these feelings for you for two and a half months, you're more delusional than I thought, Sergeant.” He chuckled this time, placing his hands on your hips.
“So, the real question is, am I still on desk duty?”
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topguncortez · 2 years
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Over the Rainbow | Rooster & Dragon
Opposites Attract Masterlist
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synopsis: A monarch butterfly, and mourning. The Bradshaws begin the path of moving on and creating a family. The beginning of 'Over the Rainbow' series
word count: 900
warnings: pregnancy, still birth, grief, angst
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The night was cool as you sat on the beach with your toes in the sand. The sun had just set, the earth still somewhat light with a faint purple in the sky. The ocean was hitting gently against the sand, a cool sea breeze rolling off and wrapping around you. You could hear the sounds of the patrons in the Hard Deck, one of them being your husband.
You had learned that his callsign was more than a nod to his father, but for the way he would preen around the Hard Deck like a bird with their feathers fluffed out. Usually, you’d be right by him, being the little devil on his shoulder and encouraging it, but tonight was just too much. 
Everything today reminded you of her. Everything. 
From the smell of the lavender tea Rooster made for breakfast. To the monarch butterfly that landed on your car door. Everywhere you looked there seemed to be something that made you think of her. Not that you didn’t think about her on a daily basis, some days were just worse than others.
You felt a body come sit down next to you, and didn’t even have to look to know who it was. The Hard Deck had gone a bit quieter since his presence was missing. Bradley put his arm around you and kissed your temple. The two of you sat in silence for a moment, just enjoying the warmth radiating off one another, until he spoke up, his eyes transfixed on the stars above him. 
“I saw a monarch today,” Bradley said, and you closed your eyes. “Landed right on the tip of my jet, and just sat there, opening its wings several times before flying away.” 
“I saw one today too,” You said and looked at your husband. He gave you a small smile, tears in his eyes as he leaned down to kiss you. He pulled away but kept his forehead resting against yours, “She would be six months old today.” 
“She would be,” He nodded. Your hand rested on his chest above his heart, where you knew that the thin cursive line tattoo resided. 
Ida May 
Ida May Bradshaw. 
The beautiful baby girl who was brought to this earth sleeping. 
After struggling and losing a baby with just trying to convenience naturally, you and Bradley decided to give IVF a go. You found a great doctor in the area that Val Machado had recommended. Doctor Josephine Miller, aka ‘Doctor Miracle’ had given you the greatest gift you had ever asked for. She said sometimes it was hard to get pregnant on the first round, but you and Bradley had gotten lucky. Everything had been fine, you were healthy, the baby was healthy. You and Bradley had just had your gender reveal party, when you collapsed at home that night. He called 9-1-1 immediately and never left your side, having to have hospital security physically remove him while the doctors aided you. 
Late term miscarriage. 
It had broken you and Bradley into pieces. You had never seen him so sad except for the night that you lost your first baby. He sat on your bed and held you in his arms as Doctor Miller told you the prognosis. She told you that there was nothing that you did that caused this, that sometimes it just happens. That the baby was somehow not compatible with life. Bradley had been your rock yet again, as you were induced that early morning, went through a fourteen hour labor, to give birth to your sleeping angel. He had come up with her name. 
“I saw it on a list that my mother had written when she was pregnant with me. She circled it a bunch of times.” 
Ida May 
On the day you found out you were pregnant with her, a monarch butterfly had landed right on your hand as you sat in the backyard. Rooster had cried, telling you that it was a sign from his mother, who had loved the butterfly. When you laid Ida to rest, the two of you released two monarchs into the world. And anytime you felt like you missed her, or needed a sign that she was alright, a monarch seemed to land right by you. 
“I think we should try again,” You whispered, “I. . . I have been thinking about it and then today. . . the monarch-” 
“Me too,” Bradley agreed, taking his hands in yours, “I would like to try again, too. Only if you-” 
“I want to,” You nodded your head, tears starting to roll down your cheeks, “I want to try again, but god, Bradley. . . What if I forget about her? What if I have a baby and forget all-” 
“You won’t, honey, you will never forget Ida. Moving on can be terrifying, I mean, I was terrified to sell my mom’s house, or to move out on my own. But starting over is apart of the grieving process,” You hated that Bradley knew so much about the grieving process, but there was no one better for you to have by your side than someone who was well versed in the art of grieving, “I think today, Ida was telling us that it’s alright. It felt like-” 
Bradley nodded. You looked back to the ocean and took a deep breath. Having a family with Bradley was all you had been dreaming about these past couple weeks. You wanted to make him happy. You wanted him to have a chance to be a dad. You wanted the chance to be a mom, yourself. You looked back at your husband, and grabbed his hand, bringing it up to your face and kissing the palm gently. 
“Let’s have another baby.”
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sign up for "Over the Rainbow" Baby Series taglist :) posting every Sunday
follow my library blog for more updates!
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ha-ule-nalu · 3 months
after the mission accident leaving two agents in critical condition and the revelation regarding agent 021, pua, monarch, and shizuka felt like their worlds were falling apart.
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pua, stricken with grief as she caught a glimpse of her best friend's body limp and twitching with electricity, felt like she was imploding. she floated between the medbay, her quarters, and the cell grimshaw was being held in, her ears limp against her head, sneakers squeaking through the halls as she dragged her feet. what was she supposed to do? what could she do?
her anger had long fizzled into a dull ache of loneliness. her eyes felt dry. she couldn't cry anymore.
the radiant stopped in her tracks, raising her gaze from the floor. jett stood before her, concern written in her knitted brows. pua felt her heart drop. she didn't want to talk.
"what?" nohealani muttered, the rasp in her own voice somewhat surprising her. she hadn't spoken more than a few words since the night grimshaw was detained.
"i'm worried about you," jett rubbed her arm nervously. "please.... talk to me. let me get you something to eat at least, i- lani, you've barely eaten since-"
"just leave me alone," pua aggressively shouldered past her white-haired friend, causing her to stagger. "i just wanna be alone."
the tightness in her chest was nearly unbearable. tears began welling in her eyes again, stinging her dry eyes painfully as she tried to swallow the lump growing in her throat. she would just sleep it off again. it was better than dealing with her present problems.
neon, her fest friend, on deaths doorstep. grimshaw, a man she viewed as her second father, possibly the reason why. could he really have done it? could she believe that the man who made her feel so safe, made her feel at home, have committed such a heinous crime? her gut reaction was to reject it. there was no way it was achlys. it couldn't have been. it couldn't have...
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monarch leaned against the wall of the holding cell in the dark, supervising grimshaw during some of his allowed darkness hours. she didn’t mind the shifts, having promised brimstone and viper while begging them to let him have the lights turned off for a few hours that she would be the one to keep watch. while she had lobbied for complete darkness, it was only near pitch-blackness, save for the dim LED strip outlining the door. the two of them sat in silence. after a few days, it felt like there was nothing more to say.
however, there was a slight tension hanging in the air. despite having asked him questions and getting her answers, monarch knew that grimshaw was still withholding some information about the everett-linde disaster, and how it related to the current situation. but no matter how hard they thought about it, they couldn't pin down who the real traitor could be. there was an understanding between the two of them now, after monarch had confided in him about what had happened to her on omega-earth, but despite this, there was still a piece of the puzzle missing. they grimaced. what could he still be hiding?
“achlys,” their voice was soft, the broken silence hanging heavy in the air. there was no answer, but poeiva, their eyes long adjusted to the emptiness, could see the darkness slightly form the vague silhouette of grimshaw in his shadow form inside the cell. he heard her.
“i know… you’re not the traitor.”
the silence remained.
“i know it for a fact. but i need to know. please, achlys. who is it, really?” she bit the inside of her cheek as the silence continued. why won’t he answer?
“you mentioned a ‘he’ before, when we spoke earlier. who is he, grimshaw? please… i need to know-“
“i can’t tell you,” the silhouette of his head seemingly solidified.
“and why not?” poeiva protested, stepping off the wall. “you know this is important to me. if you just gave up who he is, it would clear your name, it would solve everything!”
“it’s not that simple,” achlys kept his voice even. “you must know it will only complicate things further if i implicate another man as the traitor rather than myself.”
“you don’t know that!” poeiva felt their frustration boil in their chest. she didn’t understand why he would give up the chance to solve everything and get himself out of the hot seat, with no consequence other than the real traitor going behind bars.
“i do,” grimshaw’s voice was harsher this time. absolute. “i do know that. it’s exactly why i can’t say anything.”
poeiva opened her mouth to retort, but before she could say anything there was a knock and the door slid open, golden light from the hallway spilling into the dark room. she quickly put a hand up, eyes painfully adjusting to the change.
“mon chéri,” she heard chamber step into the room, a hand gently placed on the small of their back. “brimstone sent me to retrieve you.”
poeiva blinked, looking from chamber to the shadow in the darkest corner of the room. she wordlessly let her partner guide her out of the cell, the door sliding shut behind her. grimshaw’s answers had done nothing but unsettle her. was it her close friendship with brimstone, sage, and viper causing him to withhold the information? did he not trust her? she tightened her grip on chamber’s hand.
or was it something else?
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shizuka tapped the stack of papers on the desk before neatly placing them back in the file for what was probably the eighth time. she slipped the folder back into the filing cabinet, sighing through her mask as the drawer gently clicked shut. she had cleaned and reorganized the medbay and grimshaw's office at least eight times by now, unsure of what to do with herself now that her mentor and close friend was detained and stuck in a cell down the hall.
she stepped towards the patient beds, sliding back the curtain shielding neon's bed from view. she anxiously checked the woman's vitals and IV, knowing all the settings were the same as they were five minutes ago.
she hadn't wanted to leave the medbay. she wasn't really sure what to even think. sage and skye had both come in to try and relieve her, but she would only leave for a few hours to check on killjoy and then she would be right back in the bay. her poor girlfriend had barely left her quarters after the incident. yoru and kaya respectively had come in to keep her company on occasion, but she wasn't really in a talkative mood. her thoughts were too loud, racing. she didn't know what to do.
the memories of grimshaw being dragged from the medbay while tending to artisan played vividly behind her eyes. she remembered brimstone's anger, his disgust, viper's rage as she accused achlys of his crimes, sage's conflicted gaze passing between shizuka and her mentor. but what bothered her most of all was grimshaw's complete lack of a proper reaction.
one would think that if someone were to be accused of a crime they didn't commit by people very close to them, they would react defensively, trying to clear their name. but grimshaw barely said a word, simply allowing them to take him away.
as if he was expecting this outcome. prepared for it, even.
shizuka closed her eyes, steadying her breathing. now was not the time to begin spiraling down useless thoughts. she knew grimshaw couldn't be the traitor.... he couldn't be. she was too tired to think about it.
the pink-haired woman pushed the curtain back as the main doors slid opened, a tired-looking sage entering the medbay.
"ryuujin," she greeted, offering a small, forced smile. "i can take over for awhile. you should get some rest."
shizuka nodded. "thank you." she was grateful her mechanized voice hid her exhaustion.
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buffyfan145 · 11 months
Looks like Philippa Langley might've done it again as she's written a new book about new evidence she and other historians have found that Edward V and Prince Richard of York actually escaped and were never murdered. Her book is out now in the UK and this is one of the many articles coming out ahead of the documentary that's getting ready to air in the UK this weekend and here in the US on PBS the 22nd, and from what I'm reading these new pieces of evidence does seem to point to the boys actually making it to Europe and that both those pretenders actually were them. One of new evidence found in the Netherlands is a written confession supposedly by Richard of York in Rome detailing how he and his brother escaped. The new evidence is coming from both Italy and France and has been authenticated to the correct time period during Henry VII's reign.
They're saying the new evidence has already changed some minds about this and I'll judge for myself when I watch the doc next week (as either the book doesn't have a US release date yet or my library isn't getting it) but Philippa already was able to find Richard III's remains and get him reburied, and this has been a long thing to clear up just like they did with proving that Shakespeare and others made him more monstrous than he was. My belief was that Richard III might've ordered the princes deaths (as that was common with monarchs and who they deem as threats to the throne) and then regretted it, but maybe so many of us have been wrong this whole time. Again this proves why the whole Wars of the Roses is one of my favorite historical time periods and things are still playing out.
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darklinaforever · 2 years
To be neutral in the Black and Green conflict :
When I see people say that Rhaenyra was intentionally written by the author to be unfit to rule and a bad ruler in general, I want to tear my eyes out. Let's voluntarily forget that she was mentally impacted by everything she got in the face in a short time. Usurpation, the death of his father, his daughter, his son, the war, the coffers emptied by the Greens, and I'm sure what comes next. Not to mention the likely (no actually it's even sure) anti-Rhaenyra propaganda led by the Maesters, trying to paint her as worse than she really was.
Also, this bullshit that by reigning and dying like she did, Rhaenyra CREATED precedent and prejudice against female rulers/queen reigning, which made it much harder for women to become full monarchs. As ? Wtf? What is this bullshit? There has literally ALWAYS been precedent and prejudice against women in Westeros in general, even more so in the idea that a woman can even rule. Shit, the fucking premise of this story is that Rhaenyra was usurped on the basis of her gender. They literally tried to steal the throne from her when she had done NOTHING wrong. Rhaenyra didn't create anything against her sex as a monarch at all, it was already there. And if we had left her alone instead of ruining her life, Rhaenyra would surely have made a decent queen. Not the best, but definitely not the worst either. What happened was literally a woman was declared heiress, the misogynists said no, spent most of her life rotting her, and when she later turns out to be unable to make a great/good sovereign in the midst of war against part of her own family, under pressure, bereaved and mentally impacted by the whole affair, it cries: "You see! We were right! She was destined to hold the role of sovereign badly!" When it's literally those people who rotted it until it was broken and messed up.
Let's not even talk about adding to the debate that the leader's gender mattered enough at the time that there were obviously protests against a woman. So you're actually trying to justify the misogyny of the time?
Then, while holding aside the discourse of neutrality, while sorry, Rhaenyra should have done what exactly? Let his brother steal what was rightfully his?
Spare me too your stupid speeches of course: All this (this war) was useless, under the pretext that there is no "real winner" in the end, only survivors. That betting on a particular team is ridiculous because they all do horrible things. That war is bad. That the real enemy in this story is war. That the point is that the nobility is eaten alive, the throne cuts you to pieces, etc.
But lol, do you think that at the end of his saga George's world will become a democracy? Wake up, you're literally in a feudal world you moron. Not to mention this stupid option that the author's stories are anti-war… Lol, I'm not even going to argue about that, it's so stupid. Reassure me, you know that just wars exist? It's stupid to say "war is bad" in any kind of context, because it's not.
Yes, the dance has impacted everyone. The Kingdom, the Greens, the Blacks, etc. But why ? Eh ? WHO started this whole mess? And why ? Well the answer is simple: THE GREENS! QUITE SIMPLY !
I love this talk of neutrality, because it basically serves to hide which team you really support.
The Greens have sworn loyalty to the rightful heir, namely Rhaenyra. Then, on the basis of her gender, they engineered a power grab and theft of the throne, committing treason and unleashing a war that set the kingdom on fire. There's no "both sides doing bad things that hold up" in there.
Also no need to use the argument, "but Rhaenyra had illegitimate children". Already because if it would have been a guy, no one would have cared. But in addition, in the first version of the dance, the children of Rhaenyra had to be legitimate, and guess what? The war would still have happened! Not to mention that the plot to depose Rhaenyra began long before she had any children, rendering that argument null.
Never mind that Rhaenyra didn't turn out to be a good queen! She was the rightful heiress and was usurped solely on the basis of her gender at the time, and the conspiracy began as soon as Aegon II was born. Rhaenyra had done absolutely nothing wrong to deserve having her birthright stolen.
And even when she doesn't turn out to be a good queen later on, it's forgotten how much she got in the face and how it impacted her mentally. Rhaenyra is literally a human being who has been kicked around for years because of being a female heiress.
The case is simple. The Greens have attacked the FIRST! Without valid reasons! And the Targaryens simply fought back, fighting for their right and their heritage. Did they commit war crimes? Yes. Guess what, always less worse than the Greens, waging war much more humanely than them. (Also, it's literally almost impossible not to commit a crime in times of war, it's even almost inevitable)
Yes, the war has diminished Targaryen prestige and power with the loss of the Dragons. But why ? Once again, it was not them who started the war. IT'S THE GREENS! THEN STOP WITH YOUR FALSE NEUTRALITY! THERE IS NO NEUTRALITY IN THIS MATTER! IF YOU DO THIS, YOU ARE LITERALLY SUPPORTING/ACCEPTING MYSOGINIA AS A VALID POINT TO STARTING A WAR!
The story of the dance is not about the ravages of war, or how wrong and useless it is. It's wrong. Yes, the war will have been horrible, but the only main point of this story is misogyny. It's the fact that a woman has been usurped simply because of her sex. That's even the fucking reason there was a war! Because a woman has been named heiress! Claiming the contract is completely stupid and hypocritical.
Not to mention the fact is that admittedly both sides lose quotes in the end. Except that the Targaryen line continues all the same BY RHAENYRA and that the Greens, them, end up at one time when another by all dying out. Even though Aegon III and Viserys II are broken, they continued their legacy, while the Greens, who once again started all this shit, eventually all die. This is what is called, in fiction, a karmic punishment. What ? Do you think it's a coincidence that the author killed all the Greens at the end? Doesn't that mean anything?
Really, I'm tired of seeing there's so much bullshit about being "neutral" (knowing that usually it's an excuse to side with the Greens and sure spit Rhaenyra as I l 've demonstrated) in this case because war = bad?
It's completely stupid.
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adrasteaeydiate · 11 months
🚨🚨🚨 Miraculous World: Paris, Tales of Shadybug and Claw Noir SPOİLER ALERT 🚨🚨🚨
So as always after something THAT POWERFUL I'm still in processing mode and I'm also glad that I'm still alive because there were really many moments when I thought my heart would stop but what I can say for sure is that in my opinion THIS IS THE BEST SPECIAL EVER. If I could , I'd probably take a screenshots of the entire episode xd I'm madly in love with good Gabe's opening (his singing and whole style although the first time I was like ???? what's going on here ???) and his character in general. And Ubiquity? Hello this style fits Alya so much. And when we talk about Alya - HER FRİENDSHİP WİTH MARİ 😭😍 İ wanna have what they have. And the part where Mari recalled the beginning of school and about Alya being a good person - CRİED. But it was emo Marinette/ Shadybug who completely stole my heart in this special (btw my heart is truly in pieces after scene where Shadybug read Marinette's diary, when she started crying, when she saw her face in pieces of glass and, above all, Shadybug's conversation with Marinette and of course Claw Noir's conversation with Adrien especially ,,İ know'' and Adrien's expression there 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭).
I also really liked the scene where Hesperia turned Cat Noir into Celesticat, Ladyfly and Ladybiquity (Hatsune Miku is that you?) design and Monarch & Ladybiquity interdimensional fights (the way they presented them was both epic and hilarious XD and Stephen Starange likes this). Oh and Ladyfly and Cat Noir's acting XD. Aand whole team's ,,pound it'' ❤️
And another thing - The Supreme. I really want to know who he is. After some thought, my brain made me think it was Lila/Cerise and another alter ego of hers considering what Gabe said about Supreme - it sounded like Lila to me. But on the other hand, I have a great feeling that it has something to do with the season finale and Gabriel's "read my heart". I don't think an ordinary villain would have the power to prevent Tikki and Plag from merging into Gimmi. Maybe this also has to do with the fact that Gabriel had a feeling that one day the truth might come to light (what happened in the season finale), which is why he wanted to prevent others from summoning Gimmi. Perhaps 'read my heart' referred not to one wish but literally to 'read', i.e. everything that was 'written' there. I hope it has some to do with finale and that we will find out in next season.
Anyway, it's going to be a sleepless night for me because of all these emotions, but I'm very satisfied with this special episode 😁
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bastetwastaken · 1 year
Hiya! Congrats on the followers! 😁 they are all well deserved!
For the prompt ask, would you do #14 - "You're so warm"?
If you're open to Mobiumshipping, I'd love to see what you can do with it. But if that's not up your alley, then good ol' fashioned puzzleshipping would be amazing 💖 maybe a "fix it" AU of some kind where everyone's got their own bodies and are just reveling in the fact that they can actually *feel* each other, ya know?
Congrats again!!
Hi friend! Thank you very much for your kind words, you wonderful human <3
Oh, as someone who writes both Monarch and Puzzle I am so very open to Mobium. I love that ship and am currently maybe definitely planning a fic for it.
I love what you asked for, a wonderful opportunity for me to cram oodles of fluff and smooches and soft things into a short piece- and believe me, I really really REALLY had to reign myself in and limit my words for this one cause I could have probably just written about it until the end of time.
So enjoy a little cuddle pile, some light feelings and many smooches. <3 <3
The couch was small, but so were they. 
The three of them fit just fine provided one of them was on their back and the other two on their sides, they'd worked that out fairly quickly. 
Atem was the one on his back this time, he'd won the game they'd been playing and so earned the right to choose where he would like to be in the nightly cuddle pile. 
Yami was on his right, wedged between him and the back of the sofa, his arm folded over Atems stomach, head resting atop it. His legs were wrapped tightly around Atems' own, one thrown over both of his thighs and the other snaked around the back of his knees. 
Yugi was on the other side of him, half on top of him to save falling off the sofa, one arm tucked under Atems head, laying over his shoulders, the other against one of Atems ribs, hand resting over Yami's which sat over Atems heart. Yugi's legs intertwined with both his and Yami's and they were pressed so tightly together that it was starting to become hard to know where one of them began and another ended. 
He himself had the easiest position, his arms hugged both his partners, one hand was tucked under Yami's shirt and the other rested casually against Yugi's hip.  
Atem was content. 
He was happy. 
And that's why he felt about ready to cry. 
The situation he currently found himself in was one he never even dared dream of before. One which he had convinced himself he'd never experience.
He blinked quickly, fighting away the tears. It wouldn't be the first time he'd cried over being alive, being able to touch something, feel something. 
It was overwhelming to him still, but in the best way. Yes, he was touch-starved and he craved even the slightest interaction, but only from the two men with him now. 
Yami was much the same, content to let Atem and Yugi lavish attention on him, touch him and hug him, get close to him…but if anyone else dared to try, he'd do everything in his power to avoid them. 
Atem wasn't quite so dramatic, but he still avoided it where he could. He felt safe with these two wonderful men…that wasn’t the case with anyone outside of this space. 
But anyway- his thoughts were wandering again. 
It was in moments like this where he truly appreciated everything they'd all been through, everything which had led them to this moment, everything to come-his breath hitched.
He felt Yami move restlessly, then he shifted to sit up a little. Atem kept his arm lazily hanging around his waist though, didn't move the hand which rested under Yamis shirt against a warm back. 
"Are you okay?" Yami's voice broke through his thoughts and he turned his head only to be met with a beautiful face so full of concern. 
He managed a small smile, swallowing hard in an attempt to force down some of the emotion he was feeling but by then his other partner had noticed. 
Yugi pushed himself up, almost mirroring Yami's posture but not quite, he remained pressed tight to Atems side, his legs stayed tangled with his and Yugi's hand never moved away from where it rested over Yami's near his heart. 
"Atem?" Yugi's soft voice was a balm to his nerves. 
Yami shifted again, a soft smile on his face as his hand not being held down by Yugi slipped up and into Atems hair, the soft gesture relaxing him. 
"I'm alright." He said quietly, but his tone failed to convince his partners. 
Yami and Yugi shared a look with each other then looked back at him and their movements were so in sync it was almost unnerving. 
"We're here for you." Yugi said.
"Yeah, actually here." Yami added. 
"Talk to us." Yugi continued, his hand moving to join Yamis in his hair, fingers running slowly through the strands. 
"I just…" He started but then paused, because how did he put everything he was feeling into words? How could he possibly explain the way having both of these men here with him made him feel complete in a way he never had before? His hand flattened against Yami’s back, the other gripped Yugi’s hip. "You're so warm." 
The words were out of his mouth before he could think them through and Yugi smiled gently at him, Yami chuckled quietly and he laughed at himself. 
"I mean, uh, yeah…just both of you are so warm." He added awkwardly, knowing that explained nothing but not caring to try to correct himself.
"I understand." Yugi said with a smile, then he turned to Yami and gave him an equally soft smile and the sight made his heart melt. "It's strange, but also just really…familiar too? Right?" 
"Hm." Yami looked back to him and grinned. "I think you mean that we're real." 
"Probably." He agreed. Yami laughed softly. 
"We're all here." Yugi breathed out. Atem saw him move to intertwine his fingers with Yami's over his chest and smiled. "We're just here, and together, and…and yeah…you two are so warm." 
Yami laughed again, Atem couldn't help but join him. His hands shifted, the one under Yamis shirt moved a little higher, the other resting over Yugi's hip tightened its hold and he pulled the other two closer to him. 
"So warm." He sighed happily. "It makes me feel safe being here like this with you two." 
"I've always felt safe with you." Yami said softly. "Even before I truly knew who you were…and you.." Atem watched him turn to Yugi. "You've always kept me safe." 
Yugi blushed, and the sight was a treat to behold from the vantage point he had. 
"Because I care about you…" Yugi said. "Both of you." He added with a look between them. 
"I care about you both too." He said. “Probably more than I can ever express in words.” 
"Same." Yami added with a laugh. 
He smiled, sighing happily again, loving the feeling of the other two over him, around him, just everywhere and warm and real. 
Yugi moved, pulling Yami's hand to his lips, kissing the back and earning a surprised look from the other. He laughed as he watched Yami pout and glare jokingly, then he watched as Yugi moved again, leaning over Atem, his eyes on Yamis lips. 
When the lips of his other two partners met, he didn't feel jealousy, not anymore anyway. Perhaps at first he did, but he realised as time went on that they all cared for each other equally, and it made him just as happy to see the others together as it made him to be with them. 
He moved his hand, fingers brushing against Yami's smooth warm skin under his shirt and he felt the others laugh as he moved away from Yugi and turned to him, a smirk on his face. 
"Oh, don't worry." Yami said. "We never leave you out." 
He was about to argue that he never felt left out, to tell them that he was happy to see them happy regardless of being involved at all, but Yami moved quickly and in one smooth movement he found himself drawn into a sweet kiss. 
Yami kissed as he did all things, with passion, and by this point, they'd shared a handful of kisses now they each had their own bodies, yet still the feeling of actually being able to feel Yami like this threatened to overwhelm him. 
He felt Yugi's hand in his hair, slowly running through the strands, pulling lightly and that was another sensation he really wasn't prepared to feel. 
It was a lot, being a spirit for thousands of years then getting your own body and a second chance at life. 
Thankfully Yugi always knew how to ground him. A hand against his chest, flat over his heart and a few gentle words spoken softly into his ear had his feet firmly back on the ground. 
Yami's legs wrapped tightly around his as the kiss deepened and he was content to relax into it, to let Yami lead him so he didn't have to think too much. 
He felt a hand slip over his, pulling it away from Yami's back and holding tight and he was sure it was Yugi's touch he felt but he didn't really have the headspace to dedicate to that right now. 
Yugi moved against him, lips were pressed to his jaw and then to the side of his neck and he moved away from Yami's lips with a laugh. 
"Impatient much?" Yami teased, moving to press a quick kiss to Yugi's lips which were pulled up into a mischievous smirk. 
Then Yugi turned to him, a hand gently cupped his cheek and his lips were claimed once more. 
Yugi's kisses were a contrast to Yami's, in an amazing way. 
When Yugi kissed him it was soft and slow and tender, but no less passionate than Yami was, Yugi simply manifested that passion in a different way. 
Once again he was struck with the feeling of warmth and rightness. This right here felt right. It was just what he needed. Everything he needed. 
Touch starved as he was, this ran so much deeper than just the primal urge to touch and be touched, no, this was about the bond they shared deep within their souls. 
Their hearts had once been joined in the physical sense and now they were joined in a spiritual way, no longer did they rely on one body, one single experience, one way to interact with the world around them. Now, they could each live as they needed, could experience anything they wanted to. 
Yugi's lips left his, but before he moved away completely he placed several short kisses to his lips and cheek. Atem laughed when Yami joined in, placing quick kisses to the cheek Yugi wasn't and soon the sound of all their laughter filled the small room. 
Once the laughter calmed, Yugi and Yami settled back against him, Yami's head resting against the centre of his ribs, part way down his chest, legs around his, Yugi with his head against one of his collar bones, arm around his waist and hand holding Yami's. 
Atem wound his arms around both of them, pulling his partners closer and sighing happily.
"I'm so glad to be here with you both." He said softly. 
"I'm so glad you're both here too." Yugi said. 
"I'll be glad if you both let me sleep." Was the response from Yami and he laughed softly, closing his eyes and resting his head against Yugi's, a hand finding its way back down Yami's shirt and resting against warm skin.
Fancy asking me to write a little thing? You can find the master post with the prompts and a little info on here- Link ^.^
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the-amber-fox · 2 years
Young Royals Fic Rec List 2022 Edition
To tide you over the last four weeks of waiting for season 2 I have been making my way through the last months on AO3 and recommendations to bring you this part 2 of my fic rec list. All fanfics in this list have been published in 2022. 
Categories for this list are:
Post-canon (pre season 2)
Slightly Unhinged but worth it
The dark stuff.
So there should be one for everyone here
My Youth is Yours (Not Rated) by evakayaki Simon wants to give Wille "firsts" that every kid should experience, but missed out on because he was prince. OR: Five times Simon gives Wille a first experience and one time Wille surprises Simon.
Hope Against Hope (M) by demeterfics What happens when Simon doesn't follow Wille after his panic during Horror Movie Night? Simon has regrets, Simon frets, Simon thinks that was his one chance. Wille has a bit more of a sexual crisis, but luckily Erik is there to give some brotherly advice. Boys need to figure out how to communicate. Screwed (T) (WIP) by fandom_commitment_issues Erik lived, but things are still Royally screwed up.
Post Canon (maybe)
Wilhelm & Simon: An Interview with Sweden's Young Royal Couple by cali-chan (girls_are_weird) On the heels of Queen Kristina's announcement that she will be stepping down as monarch once her son and heir turns 35, Crown Prince Wilhelm and his longtime partner, Simon Eriksson, sit down with SVT's Signe Karlsson, for the first time since the future King publicly came out as queer and confirmed their relationship, to discuss their future and dispel any lingering misconceptions about their romance. His Royal Fucking Highness Prince Simon of Sweden (he will take none of your shit) (T) by notalotgoingonatthisinstant Simon had gone through most stages of grief over the past two days since that meeting, and his head would split open if he didn't sit down with his family and friends to let it out. He should be jumping at the opportunity to refuse the titles, so why was he so conflicted? whenever we're together (M) by waitingstar He does yoga, then shirtless yoga. He times his downward dogs for when Wilhelm is passing the lounge room, pretends he doesn’t smirk at Wilhelm's strangled “Morning”.
My Youth is Yours (Not Rated) by evakayaki                      Simon wants to give Wille "firsts" that every kid should experience, but missed out on because he was prince. OR: Five times Simon gives Wille a first experience and one time Wille surprises Simon.
Fix Its
always something left behind (T) by eleanna99That’s what love is, after all, he thinks. Always leaving something behind. or All the times Simon and Wilhelm almost call each other through the years, and one time they do.
A Royal Intervention (T) by AnxiousAnaconda Erik has made it his mission to call Wilhelm regularly and check up on him. The whole family seems to be in agreement that he is in a tumultuous and dangerous phase, that he could easily be steered in the wrong direction and cause perhaps unforeseen levels of PR damage, but Erik wonders whether his parents truly grasp how sensitive this life phase is for Wilhelm. It is a gut feeling, an inkling, that tells him to watch out for his little brother. Now more than ever. That broken piece, let go (T) by cali-chan (girls_are_weird), TheAmberFox Or five times Simon didn't communicate his true feelings + one time he did. OR Therapy Fic.
The greatest story never written (T) by NerdGirl07 writer! simon and reader wille: simon always has to try to not spontaneously combust whenever wille rambles about HIS OWN book to him
Play my song (G) by Elin98 It is 12.15 am and you’re listening to Late night Vibes with Simon on The Vibe FM, 104.6. I’m your host Simon Eriksson and I will be here with you all night. So for all you night owls, insomniacs, night shift workers, let me keep you company. I promise to only play good music and that we’ll have a good time.
Bloom where you are planted (T) by Cl0udyM1lk Wille is a plant boy, Simon has a black thumb. They both run semi-popular Instas.
There's a song in my heart (I feel like I belong) (M) by cali-chan (girls_are_weird) Concert pianist Wilhelm Berwald had no idea his entire life would change when he was paired up with pop star Simon Eriksson for a charity concert.
the way you look at me (T) by strummerjoe After spending his whole life in Bjärstad, Simon is excited to go to university. He wants to embrace all aspects of student life and he's ready for anything.Anything, except finding a disgruntled crown prince in his new bedroom.
Dancing Through Life (M) by pagegirlintraining After getting into a club fight that paints him in a less than ideal light, Wilhelm is forced into a living nightmare: being a contestant on Swedish reality tv. As if that wasn’t bad enough already, he’s supposed to dance on national television.Aka Wilhelm goes full Dancing with the Stars with Simon as his pro partner.
yellow paper daisy (T) by darlingdreamer21 Or: Wille and Simon meet in Bjärstad, under the most unnatural circumstances. Wille, who seeks solace in the sleepy town. Simon, who once escaped from the suffocating town.But with Simon's face plastered everywhere around the world in association with his successful music career, and Wille's own internal conflict and blissful solitude, they don't know how to deal with their mutual attraction.Inspired by the movie Notting Hill because these two dorks deserve their cheesy romcom story.
The Boy and the Bartender (M) by Spidaya Simon is a bartender at a local bar with a sunny smile and confident attitude that hide the darker side of his life he wishes to keep hidden. Wilhelm, the prince of Sweden, is a lonely boy with too much love to give and not getting much love in return.After they meet at a bar in not the most Prince-Charming way, their hearts are forever intertwined with each other, but not before going through the hurt, trials, and love that come with both of their lives.
Slightly unhinged - but worth it
Through Felle’s eyes (G) by crownedmoon Wille & Simon’s love story, witnessed by one of Simon’s fishes.
The Sound of you, an outlasting vibration (T) by TheAmberFox What if Wille joins the choir to be close to Simon? Only problem - he can’t sing to safe his life.
a whole new scandal (T) by EngelK Post? Wilhelm thought. He then remembers the notifications from his phone. Shakingly, he unlocks it. He saw tons of messages. Tons from Minou. He doesn’t even know what he has gotten into.
Open heart open mind never know who you will find (E) by simonscrown Wille deliberated whether he should be thanking the universe or cursing at it that a literal angel was standing in front of him, while his testicles were being tortured by a pair of objectively horrible booty shorts.
E - Rated
i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this (E) by cl0udy_mi1k Simon is Wilhelm's best friend, so when he confesses that he's insecure about his lack of experience Wille offers to help him. After all, it's what any good friend would do, isn't it?
Addicted to You (E) by yr_bb Simon missed him, of course he did. He knew nothing had really changed. But this forced separation was a new kind of torture, and he hated it. Hated that he wanted him still, but even in his whole setting boundaries thing, he hadn’t actually wanted to move on. He didn’t, he couldn’t, not if there was still a chance. Being this close was only bringing that all up again.
sorry about the blood in your mouth (i wish it was mine) (E) by witchjeons In the aftermath of the video, Simon falls apart. Wilhelm is there to put him back together.
There all along (E) by stretchoutandwait Kristina's death brings Simon back into Wilhelm's life after years apart. Wilhelm has to negotiate learning to become king and starting (or restarting?) a relationship at the same time.
The dark stuff
The spare (T) by Hannakin Erik can’t imagine anything worse than losing his little brother. He lives through his worst nightmare when Wille is horribly injured.
right where you left me. (M) by YourDemiurge When Crown Prince Wilhelm died at the early age of 18, he left three legacies behind: a video that he'd denied being in; a precautionary tale of young love; and a statue outside an otherwise unknown public school. **** Auhtors mentioned: @girls-are-weird @pagegirlintraining @simons-purplehoodie
@cl0udy-mi1k @ishotforthestars @cinnamoncoffees  @hanna-kin  @zee-has-commitment-issues @yourdemiurge
*** If you want to re-read the fic rec list part 1, you can find it here.
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akystaracer22 · 11 months
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I’ve had too many bug thoughts and had to draw a reference of my Pale King before I lose it.
Anyway reference notes and little tidbits/HC's!
The runes are written in Willowscript! It's a code created by @thealchemybook on tik tok! Go check them out because they also do other cool codes! I just usually go with Willowscript because I like the look of it and I'm currently learning to write in it.
The cloak's pin hides PK's half of the kingsoul. The pin itself is a combination of the king's brand and a complete looking kingsoul. It's kind of PK's way of trying to cleverly hide his actual piece while still going "I really really love my wife and want to show my love of her to the world."
His tail has spines of the end that are much darker than the rest of his body because I liked the contrast that they gave him. I almost made them the same sort of material as his wings but decided against it. The reason it's that dark is also because I took inspiration from Pale ore! It's got those dark bits in it (probably just ground but whatever)
His second pair of arms is not covered in fabric due to them being his "digging" pair and them typically being covered by the rest of his attire.
The way the robe flares out at the bottom was king of inspired by Grimm's neck collar thing. Also the way it parts isn't normal, it's just to show that it does part there so that when he walks he won't trip over himself.
The cape and robes being darker on the inside is purely personal preference and a need for more colours other than "Pale"
The runes are on each of his horns, with the other hidden ones being "Mind" "Ruler" "Ascended" and "Mimicker". This makes his eight (8) horns from the leftmost one in the picture around go: Knowledge, Soul, Pale, Wyrmling, Mimicker, Mind, Ruler, Ascended.
The words are present on every Wyrm, and change as one grows and changes substantially.
The reason the term Wyrmling is on the Pale King is because in wyrm year's he's not fully grown. He's close, but at the time of his rule it would have been another 150 years until he was old enough for Wyrmling to become simply Wyrm.
Mimicker is present because he changed his shape to blend into the bugs of Hallownest, mimicking them. Seeker is there because a large part of his life was him seeking something, a solution to the infection, a kingdom, loyalty, knowledge. Something.
The rest are kind of self explanatory
His wings fold into his back nicely and he can hide them using his magic.
(I also like to imagine that the monarch wing's were the remains of his wings and he had torn them apart before dragging the palace and himself into the dreamscape because he didn't want to be given the option of leaving the white palace and you kinda need the monarch wings to get through the traps but anyway-)
I'll probably draw another reference of him in battle armour because I have fun ideas for that!
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coffeebanana · 1 year
Enemies au ft. Ladrien for the ask game 👀 (hehehehe)
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@heartfulselkie @ladyofthenoodle @rosie-b
i see this is was a popular one (which is good because i'm actually dying to talk about it 😂). i haven't written much of this yet, but i DO have a complete 26-chapter outline (that i made during my writing "break"), and even though i'm trying not to get too deep into it yet because i have so many other projects, i also not-so-secretly want to be enabled. do with that what you will this fic would take place in an au that diverges from canon at some point early season 5 (post-elation at the latest but i haven't quite decided), and it's my rendition of sentiadrien being forced to help monarch. i want to play with how sentiorders might work and what loopholes might exist. but also the fact that adrien doesn't know he's a senti yet. he doesn't even understand WHY he keeps agreeing to help his father, and he hates himself for that and ladybug...is understandably not in a great place either. obviously she has more support than adrien, but she still feels the weight of the burden. she misses her kitty 😢. and even alya has some stuff going on in her life, so she can't be as available to marinette as she has been in the past
then ladybug and adrien run into each other after an akuma attack one day. and it's sort of an echo of strikeback, where she's at her lowest point, and even if adrien knows he should run away and leave her, he can't. not when she's hurting. and he starts to realize maybe he can still help her. maybe he's not useless.
and ladybug also starts to see adrien in a new light (because he's still allowed to go to lycee, he just...doesn't really talk to any of his friends anymore). she's been so distracted with her own stuff that she's pushed her feelings about him aside, but even if she can't overthrow monarch, even if chat noir is lost to her, maybe she can at least help someone she loves
so basically it's ladynoir enemies with ladrien helping each other pick up the pieces. where they both start at rock bottom but maybe they (with some help from their friends!) can start to help each other heal
i'll share the intro scene under the cut (since this is getting long) with the caveat that this is an early version i might still want to flesh out/rework/possibly rewrite completely
thanks for the ask(s)!! 💜
It was barely October. It shouldn't be cold enough for the air to burn on the way down, for each breath to feel like ice crystallizing in Ladybug's lungs. But it did. 
It felt like she'd forgotten how to breathe.
Gigantitan toddled down the street, clapping his hands and using the occasional stopped car as stepping stones. Car roofs caved in as he advanced, bringing muffled screams from those who hadn't been lucky enough to flee  in time. And Ladybug could only stand there, backing away unsteadily as she failed to come up with a plan. 
Part of her wondered if she should just give up. It would be fitting, at this point, to be taken down by a toddler. If she barely had the strength to get out of bed every morning, she certainly didn't have the energy for impromptu babysitting—even if the fate of Paris hung in the balance.
Maybe it was someone else's turn to care.
The voice in the back of her head—the one insisting she didn't really want that—wasn't loud enough to spur her heavy limbs into action. Instead she found herself wondering what the end would be like. When Monarch won, when he made the wish, would she feel the force of being torn apart, cell by cell? 
Or maybe her end would come sooner. Gigantan was getting close now, and the silhouette of Monarch's mask flash across his face. But maybe he wouldn't be swayed by Monarch's words. Perhaps he'd keep smashing through the streets, and she'd be crushed like the cars he'd already left in his wake. Or maybe—
Someone slammed into her side, protective arms wrapping around her as they flew through the air, landing roughly and rolling until they slammed into the side of a building. Even with the suit, her hip was still throbbing from the impact when they stopped, her assailant hovering over her. She kept her eyes shut tight for a moment, breathing in his familiar scent and taking comfort from the arms bracketing her body—keeping her safe, the way they always used to.
The way they shouldn't. Not anymore.
Chat Noir's breath warmed her face as he pushed himself up, and Ladybug forced her eyes open to meet a pair of wide, worried eyes. Ones that sucked away any remaining breath she had left.
How dare he look at her like that? After everything?
"Ladybug, I..." He squeezed his eyes shut, his whole body stiffening momentarily. "I'm sorry."
A shiver travelled down her spine, zapping some life back into her. By the time she noticed his hand twitching in her periphery, she was already moving. Her fist connected with his cheek as claws grazed her earlobe.
Grunting, Chat rolled off of her. She sprang to her feet, hand moving to her yo-yo as she glanced back and forth between her two foes. Adrenaline coursing through her veins, she was starting to cobble together some semblance of a plan. But she needed more time, so she tossed her yo-yo around a nearby chimney and took off through the streets. 
When she was certain she'd gotten enough distance from the fight, she stopped on a rooftop, resting against a chimney as she caught her breath, remembering the shock of green eyes boring into hers.
It shouldn't be cold enough yet for her body to feel so numb.
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blur0se · 8 months
Word Tag Game
I was tagged by @coffeebanana the other day and have finally gotten around to doing this! I was given the words breath, help, unfold, smile
Breath: this one I wrote just as a way to deal with a random episode of anxiety I was having so it's super unpolished but maybe one day it'll be reused in a bigger fic that i have rattling around in my skull.
“Are-” she sobbed. “Are you okay?” “Me?” He choked out. “Im the one with a near indestructible super suit.”  She lifted a hand to touch the spot of blood on his chest. She almost seemed to breathe easier when she was able to feel that there was no wound.
help: I feel like i have posted quite a few snippets of eyes shut tight chapter 2 vs how much I've actually written but have another one anyway!
“It's nothing that won't heal. I might need a story for why I’m limping though.” Marinette groaned. “I should have been more careful! Maybe if it didn't hurt I could have helped him get out of there before he detransformed!”
Unfold: I had to dig really hard to find this but I finally found something I'm not sure when I'll get back to this one but it's Ladynoir turning an apartment that belonged to emilie into a safe house
Unfolding the piece of paper, his first thought was that her handwriting was cute. It was clear that she had struggled to write properly on his back, so it wasn’t perfect but he could still see the way all of her letters took on a rounded appearance. His second thought was that her handle ‘Ladybirdofcrtn’ wasn’t exactly winning her any points for creativity. “Not your finest work I have to say.” He grinned at her. Ladybug crossed her arms and huffed. “Do you have any idea how many variations of the word ‘Ladybug’ are already taken.”
smile: This one is from the little bit I wrote of the fic where Marinette actually gets akumatized in elation
“Shut up.” She seethed. Her expression was much sharper and angrier than anything he had ever seen on her before as she argued with Monarch. “I know what I’m doing. If you’re so impatient why don’t you come get it yourself!?” Adrien assumed he wasn’t too happy with her for not trying to use those powers on him yet.  The outline faded and she smiled at him again.
Thank you so much for the tag! I think these are a lot of fun!! I'm not going to tag anyone though because my brain can't think of words right now hahaha
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