#there shouldnt be an instant “you are still my baby boy” type thing
adalance · 4 months
I've been thinking about this for a hot minute. I LOVE Kurama, he is my favorite character in Yu Yu hakusho. But I do feel like at some point all of the lies he tell and what not should have unfolded. Shiori deserved to know the truth about him and what he did. That would have made for an awesome side arc I think.
Because when you really look at it, what Kurama did was fucked up. I love that man to bits but it was. He invaded her body, took the place of her baby, and used her for his own personal benefit. What made it worse, was that there was a time when Kurama looked down at her and thought he inferior, which led to him treating her like dirt (he said something about it when we first meet him. It's why he feels so guilty about her sickness).
I would be so interested to see how Shiori would react to finding out her baby boy that she raised is not the person she thought he was at all, that everything about him is a lie, and she does not know who is one bit. Their entire relationship is one big fat ass lie multiple of them in fact. How mean and nasty he was as a child was not just a child acting out, but a grown ass demon man who probably thought she wasn't worth more than the scum between his toes. Granted, I know he grew to genuinely love her and became a legit mama's boy and all but still.
How does one react to all of that? To being used in such a manner? To know that she housed and nourished someone with Kurama's past? The amount of anger, hurt, betrayal and so on would be unmitigated.
And on the flipside, how would kurama react to his house of cards crashing down? He would more than likely lose the most important in his life. To him, shiori IS his mother. He would die for her without thinking about it and almost did. She is what changed him to being a much better person than he used to be by just simply giving him unconditional love. That motherly loving gaze he's so used to getting from her would turn cold and very possibly filled with hatred.
(This would make a hell of a fic. I am tempted).
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kittydcoxx · 3 years
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Stay with Me.
Warnings: light angst/heartbreak but nothing bad (happy ending)
The tavern was as crowded as usual, and by that meaning almost completely baren for a rainy Wednesday afternoon. As you order a apple cider from Charles, the tavern door bell rings and you instinctively turn to check.
"Ah~ it is pouring out, I need a drink to combat the dissapointment of getting my fur cape wet."
Kaeya. Of course he wasnt the last person you'd expect to see open the tavern doors, he just wasnt much of a "afternoon delight" type drinker. Still, you stare as he tries to cooly swipe off the wet rain from his uniform as he walks towards the counter and takes a seat next to you.
"Well, well! Good afternoon y/n! What a suprise to see a beauty such as yourself here at this hour."
He raises an eyebrow and smirks as he turns to look straight ahead and run his fingers through his hair, not allowing time for you to respond before he has a drink in his hand.
"Afternoon Captain,"
You face him and smirk with the same intensity of flirty-ness as he just had.
"Of course you would be surprised to see me at this hour, you usually drink yourself to sleep before i order a evening drink."
You chuckle and look straight ahead and take a swig of your beverage, the confidence of your little witty come back replays as the cider burns your throat.
"Oh ho, well thats quite the attitude! I must ask, whats the purpose of this?"
"The occasion? I've never seen you drink three days in a row, I've been sober enough to pay attention to that."
The truth is, the last few days you've been at a bit of a crossroads. You know you and the Cavalry Captain share feelings, but you have a job offer in Natlan. This job is a dream to you, ever since you were a child. You could never dream of passing this opportunity, but you question if this possible romance could be the first significant one. You've been meaning to bring it up to him, but recently you just havent seen enough of him to bring up the subject. As a result, you turned to the more than occassional drink at the tavern to brighten your mood from the decision that faces you.
"Well then if you're interested, it actually... might concern you."
Your face is flushed red due to nerves, of course it doesnt directly concern him since nothing astronomical has occured in order to absolutely weigh your decision based on a man, but you didnt want to leave without warning.
"I see, well, we haven't..." His cheeks grow the slightest bit red as his eyes skip to look around then back at you.
"we haven't progressed to that yet, have we? I mean, you're not pregnant are you?"
"What?!" You're taken aback by the direct-ness of his statement, about the fact that he thought it could even have been a possibility. Was it confirming your suspicions of him returning feelings? "No, i- its not that! That is out of the question completely!" You yelp as you shake your hands as a frantic meaning of saying "Absolutely no way".
"Of course! of course.. i just figured i'd ask in case, but i guess drinking for a few days regularly isnt particularly healthy for a baby."
You roll your eyes and take another swig. Oh boy.
"It's actually more of an advice thing, i suppose."
"Ah~ well! lets discuss then, hm!" He happily takes a sip of his wine, his face surprisingly relieved.
"So? What do you need the great Master Kaeya's guidance on?" He smiles and giggles slightly.
"Actually, I'd like to take this outside."
"But its raining cats and-"
"Outside. please."
Your tone picks up more aggresively and he gets the memo. He takes one more sip of his beverage and you do the same with yours. You pay Charles and meet Kaeya right at the door.
"Get ready for the rain, sweetheart"
Your heart jumps as he grabs your wrist and swings open the door, pulling you with him down the street, stopping at a small archway behind a building, big enough to comfortably converse without being cramped or drenched.
"Now, where were we?"
"right.. well.." You look down and fidget with your thumbs, only to look back up at him and see him gazing into your eyes, examining your soul and what felt like your heart. Did he already know? It sure felt like it.
"I have a big decision to make, but i want to ask you before i come to a concrete decision."
He nods as a sign to continue talking, acknkowledging his position in helping you decide.
"I might have to move away. To natlan more specifically. I've recieved a dream~ job offer that i simply cant refuse, unless i was faced with new circumstances here in Mondstadt."
"Hm, And how do i play a role in this?" He asks as he folds his arms and leans back against the stone wall.
You explain to him his part, and he lets you talk until you are completely finished. you tell him your feelings, your worries, your doubts, and your hopes. Every single one that included him in the package. He looks at you sternly the whole time, but he looks hurt at the same time and you wonder why.
"Well, i honestly dont know what to say to this y/n. You know i cant leave Mondstadt if we were to persue eachother."
"I know."
"Then why bother telling me? Why not just leave, hm? Before damage could be done? before you told me all this, confirmed my hopes in our relationship but crushed it with the fact that you 'might' leave? You should have just spared me and left!"
He looks emotional and teary eyed, much more that you're used to seeing from a man who held such a cool composure 24/7. Have you hurt him that much? Does he hate you?
"I can always stay if you wan-"
"No. Its your dream job, and you shouldnt pass it off. I just cant promise that i'll wait for you."
He steps closer to you, inches from your face. His breath is warm and it contrasts with the cold rainy air. He slowly takes your hand and hold it in his, then lands a soft passionate kiss onto your lips. A few seconds of the kiss pass and he breaks for air and looks at you, making strong magnetic eye contact with you.
"Y/n, I can't wait for you."
"You dont have to. I can stay."
He runs his hands up your arms and grips firmly onto your shoulders and kisses you again, and when he pulls back he lets out a heavy sigh.
"There's no staying, just be safe. Please."
Your throat swells like a rock is stuck and your eyes burn hot along with your ears. You cant muster any words, you just stand there maintaining a sorrow eye contact for a few seconds.
As you both stare in silence, he slowly lets go of you, and as soon as his hands depart from yours, he turns and walks out and into the road. The further he walks and fades from your vision, the further you slide down the wall until your behind hits the wet floor as you curl up to your knees. Hard, Hot tears stream steadily down your cheeks as you hide your head in your knees, sobbing hard yet silently. Your heart aches and your stomach churns.
You want to run and look for him, grab him by the waist and embrace him in a hug from behind as you cry against his back, but he has already erased you from his plethora of memories as he sulks in his room with a drink. The night is weary and so are you. You walk home, replaying the scene in your mind over and over, and the instant you step into your home, you fall to your knees and sob once more.
You dont even close the door behind you. You cant do anything but cry, you had no idea you felt so strongly for Kaeya, but you had to put it all behind you.
He probably had.
What feels like an hour or two goes by and you barely made it to the couch, where you lay sprawled out, half on the couch and half not as you stare into empty space, thinking of nothing but everything at once. Why did his mood snap so quickly? Why did he cut you off? Was it self defense? What could he gain by pushing you away? You had no clue, but you didn't want to dwell on it and start crying again, so you just lay there trying to fall asleep.
Suddenly, a warm, slender hand grazes your back and rubs up and down softly.
"I'm sorry."
You jolt a little, but you dont get up immediately.
"How long have you been like this? Its almost night again y/n. Have you gotten up at all!? Your door was wide open, I was worried."
No response from you as you try to analyze the voice. It sounds like Kaeya, but you had remind yourself that he wanted nothing to do with you.
The man sighs and walks away. A hallucination for sure, you thought. The male comes back and lifts you by the shoulders. He sits on the couch and then lays your head onto his lap.
You look up and are met with blue eyes, one scarred and one as normal as you're used to seeing on him, though both glossy as if about to cry.
"Mhm. Sit up Darling, you need to drink water."
You obey and sit close beside him, sipping the water he hands you with both hands on the glass like a child. He puts his arm around you and his hand on your head and gives you a soft yet quite long kiss on the head as you finish your water.
"Im sorry. We can work something out. I know that i shouldn't.. I can't push you away."
You dont fight his embrace as it gets firmer, and his body trembles slightly as if he is crying.
"Do you want me to stay?" you ask sheepishly.
"My dear, its up to you what you want. I'll follow you in whatever you decide. Im choosing to persue you, the rest is yours to seal."
"I want to stay." you state calmly.
"As you wish." He eyes your empty glass of water and gets up to pour you some more. When he comes back you sit against him again, and drink the glass empty, then put the glass on the coffee table and lay your head on his lap.  
He chuckles and holds you as you fall asleep, giving you tender kisses all over your face. When you fall asleep, he carries you bridal style upstairs to your room and tucks you into your bed. For a moment he stands there and ponders leaving you to rest, but the guilt of the words he said yesterday and seeing your state today convinced him to stay at your side. He walks to the other side of the bed and crawls in beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist and gives you one more peck before falling asleep.
You wake up once in the middle of the night to use the restroom, and when you come back to your room you're awake enough to process the fact that Kaeya was indeed in your bed. You crawl up into where you were in the bed before but this time facing him. You run your fingers along his face, feeling every bone and inch of his smooth skin, his tan beauty enhanced by the glow of the moonlight that peeked in through the window across the room from the bed. Your run your fingers down his hair and admire how his hair falls down his body. You've only been this close to him once, but never had you touched him like this. Your face was red and your smile was definitely pronounced, and as you stroke his cheek his eyes slowly open to see your expression.
"Good morning y/n~" he smiles and wraps his arms around you softly.
"How did you sleep?"
"Actually, its midnight."
"Oh, i see. Well, lets fall back asleep shall we? Or are you wide awake?"
You don't respond immediately but instead wrap your arms around him and hide your face in the crook of his neck.
"Back to sleep.."
He chuckles and brings you closer to his body, rubbing your back and stroking your hair until you both are hazy and about to fall asleep.
"I love you..." you whisper, half aware of what you just said and half not.
He pauses for a second, then gently squeezes your body as if to be his response back.
"I love you too.." he whispers back, his words echo in your mind as you drift to sleep, your dreams filled with nothing but happiness and him. 
You would stay in Mondstadt, but occasionally take trips to Natlan for a few weeks, and would try to take Kaeya with you if he wasn't too busy. The two of you became inseperable, and quite the item for some time, the story of your romance left most who heard it in tears.
After every time you tell the story, he grips your hand and grabs your face softly making you look into his eye.
"I'm glad you stayed."
He says as he pulls you in for a tender kiss, which is usually embarrassing in public but you dont mind in this case, because it was of genuine emotion and not of his flirtatious teasing.
You really do love him.
This was my first fanfic LMAO
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01010010-posts · 6 years
— my white sighs quietly melted with the stars above.
it all started with a simple ‘you’re a slowpoke??’ text and it should have ended there, really, but you got a reply immediately after. ‘I’m sorry, I think you have the wrong person’. absolutely no, you scoffed, as if you were going to be tricked again ‘bitch don’t play the wrong number card because you didn’t catch the bus’. he was amused by your obstinacy and lightly worried about the supposed receiver, who, it appeared, was very clumsy; ‘please, control the number you texted, I’m Connor.’ boy he sure was. not your pal, not someone else in your contact list, just.... Connor. ‘god, i apologize!! thank you for telling me! ps. didn’t mean to call you a bitch, connor’ and it should have ended there, really, but you got a reply. connor: shouldn’t you be in bed by now? you: but,,,, i wanted to chat with u a little more connor: as an android sleep is not required but you, as a human, need to rest. we can always continue talking tomorrow. you: :( what if you have a long case tomorrow?? mh?? what if?? what you’re gonna say in your defense then?? connor: don’t worry :) I’ll find time for you. you: ok you win goodnight ☆ connor: sweet dreams. goodnight, [name]. it’s been three months since you’ve first spoken with him. intimacy there but low, how obvious it is that the two of you are proceeding with caution. yet you can’t help but write to him every day, staying up late while waiting for an answer of his, often checking your mobile and getting unsettled when there’s no signal. it’s strange, your colleagues whisper, how can you be so attached to someone if you’ve never even seen him? of course, you know it. you don’t wish for a pretty face, you only wish for a pretty personality. with a heavy sigh and a loud poof you pull the white duvet up to your head, finding comfort by completely hiding inside the warm embrace. you tightly hug a pillow, pretending that it’s him, returning your affection and cuddling, maybe caressing you too inasmuch, as he said, ‘androids don’t need to sleep’. but is it bad to fantasise? you: I’m deeply sorry.... sweetheart: >:( you: [name], it’s the seventh text-made emoji you’ve sent me.... they expressed some sort of anger so I’d prefer if we discussed about whatever is bothering you. sweetheart: >:(( you: I’m begging you.... sweetheart: you’re grounded and your punishment is enduring the wrath of weird angery text-based emoji :< you: what did I do to deserve this? :’( sweetheart: i sent you a heart & you didn’t send it back to me you: gosh! how clumsy of me! could you ever forgive this fool? sweetheart: mhhh it depends. what are you willing to do to be pardoned? you: I’ll send you whatever heart I possess! 💕💖💗💖 sweetheart: THIS IS UNFAIR!!! he’s silently giggling all by himself, in the cold room lit by his blue led circling at a steady rhythm– no, it’s not the temperature, rather it’s the atmosphere; ‘cold’. he’s still grappling with emotions and developing tastes is– well, to put it simply, complicated. he’s heartened with the fact that you once said, at the sight of a photo of his bed and the corner within, that being minimalistic is a style too. though, possibly, his true self is one of a clutterer of knick-knacks. of course, he’d like you to help him pick what ornaments would suit him the best. you: wtf i dont believe it connor♡ : but it does! you: prove it MIKU HATSUNE connor♡ : listen here human it’s not my fault you haven’t got the chance to witness an android external fluid deactivating you: !!!!! are you bragging?? connor♡ : ahahaha I’m joking it’s sending a video right now you watch ecstatically as soon as the app downloads the file, your chest throbbing with pleasurable anxiety. how can it be? he’s kind, precious AND fucking handsome, skin or no skin. you bet bad things will happen to you today to balance this sheer luck. think it thoroughly, it’s actually the first time you see his face. you: u’r cute also how does your hair work man connor♡ : thank you :) it’s connected to my head so.... you: i get it cybernetic magic your secrets are safe with me connor♡ : ahahaha and I was concerning myself about disgusting you you: WHAT fuck no you’re done that way, ok, it’s cool ok? kept it in mind are you allowed to insert ♡ near his name and not tell him? you: I’m waiting!! :/ sweetheart: so needy you: come on, [name]! sweetheart: tru tho you: >audio file cooome ooooonn sweetheart: !!! im ready pick up idiot the monitor lits and here you are, gorgeous. he’s certain that his heart melted on the spot. such is the sensation you give him every time you send him a photo, his thirium pump skipping a beat and making him inevitably somewhat gasping for air, mouth barely closed. he’s not accustomed to all the new features deviancy brought but in this he’s confident, he’s head over heels in love with you. you: what?? you’ve already seen the movie?? love♡ : yeah! I went with Hank! it was very nice, you should see it too you: WELL id kill to (please don’t arrest me detective) but nobody wants,,,, love♡ : why is that? (I won’t arrest you if you behave) you: something along the lines of not their genre or some shit uff (seems sketchy) love♡ : what about going alone? (it isn’t!!) you: it would be too sad :’(  love♡ : I’m sorry to hear that, if I could be there I’d accompany you and wouldn’t mind seeing it a second time. you: yes i know.... what is it? six months? more? you hardly remember, having so many messages in here, it would be too difficult to keep track, though you’re positive, that if you asked him he’d tell you in an instant, since he’s so attentive with that little brain-computer of his. you close your lids, tapping your fingers on the desk, it’s wearing, you must admit. you like him, a lot at this point, but being so far and out of reach.... what can come out of this? friends don’t support you either, ignoring this blatant crush, trying to make you hook-up with people met at a bar, getting annoyed at you constantly texting, preaching that a long distance relationship is not worth your time and your effort, and it’s not even a relationship, isn’t it? you’re not on that level. you’re just weirdos keeping themselves company. bummed out a bit, you decide that maybe avoiding him for a couple of days might be a proper solution. will he feel your absence? will he miss you? you: is everything all right? sweetheart: yes. you: are you sure? sweetheart: yep im,,,, swamped with work, the drill you: that I understand but perhaps I did something wrong? sweetheart: ?? you: you’ve been acting kinda cold lately, and if I’m the cause of that I’m sorry. being a deviant is good sometimes, and sometimes is not. it was great until a while ago so why now.... now....? he feels so lost. it’s understandable to have a job and a life outside this bond but– but is it really? is it okay for you to be without him? you’d manage fine. mhh no– the real question is: is it okay for him to be without you? can he be without sending you a text at least once a day? can he be without hearing your voice at least once a week? can he be without your usual video calls at least twice a month? can he be without seeing you, over a screen, cooking your dinner and singing? can he be? can he exist without you? he’s.... starting to doubt that. sweetheart: no i’m i’m the one whos sorry, okay? we can call tomorrow you: I don’t want to press you into anything you don’t want to sweetheart: you’re not! i’ll make up for not having been so present! you sigh, suffocating yourself on the pillow, how can you be this dense? this stupid? this utter moronic?? unequivocally he was going to worry. you made him worry. fuck. you’re going to trust your guts, no dumb jokes, it’s obvious that you both care about the other and can’t stay apart for too long. you: i know it’s 3AM and you told me to not be awake but i cant i cant okay? im thinking of you and me and you and it began because im a mess so it shouldnt be a surprise i havent gotten better this past year has been.... the best. yeah i fucked up and tried to be distant, to see if sth would change but it didnt i love waking up and finding a text from you, i love the sound of your voice trying to lull me goodnight when im being a spoiled child, i love how you’re so gentle & how you always forgive me and mostly i love you not as a friend, definitely as more, definitely like a lover and i know that you’re so caring that you’ll probably still want to talk with me even if the affection’s not mutual you lock your phone’s screen and place it on the nightstand. the orange light from the streets seeping through the curtains and soaking your covers, and now that your eyes are free to roam, it’s easier to notice the soft feathers’ filling making tiny shadows on your face. poor poor geese. your fingertips slightly touch the stitches, your heartbeat pacing furiously from the strong emotions, both trepidation and fear running your veins. what if he doesn’t feel the same? what if he’s been polite this whole time and you overstepped his boundaries? what if? love♡ is typing.... ping! love♡ : I love you too, honey. but please, don’t scare me again, I think I lost four biocomponents when you suddenly stopped replying to me. also you should sleep. you: im pouring my heart out ugly crying and!!!! you’re too casual nooo it’s no big deal baby we just fucking love each other it’s totally ok incoming call from love ♡ “hey....” his tone slow and almost drowsy “i thought it was clear enough.” words rolling off his tongue, the same that he’d tenderly run across you, kissing, tasting, worshipping your body “i hate you.” you sniffle and there’s a chuckle on the different end “i love you.” you smile, wiping off the tears wetting your cheeks with the back of your right hand “i love you too.”
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Ali & Carly
Ali: this is why i don't wear shoes Ali: i have lost one??? Ali: rescue it if you see it Carly: what do they look like Ali: just a kinda tan sandal thing Ali: just a penneys special so not the end of the world, should chuck the other one so someone can have the pair Carly: come & bring me food & then youll be here to reunite them Carly: but yea k will lean out my door & see if its there Ali: love the enthusiasm, babe 😜 Ali: can feel your come down from here Carly: dont barely remember the come up Carly: wtf happened last night Ali: not in a much better position myself but uhm Ali: mayhem, that's for sure Ali: i think you might've gone home with the wrong cousin Carly: shit Carly: my bad Carly: better read my txts Carly: who did you go w ? Ali: didn't go that far with anyone Ali: 💍 remember and such a 😇 Ali: ronan was in a mard though and i weren't up for listening to that so 🤷 Carly: aw Carly: sorry baby i'll calm him down Ali: it's chill 😂 bless him Ali: no need on my account tho i'm sure he'd be down, despite protests otherwise Carly: my inbox is Carly: cba w this rn Ali: oh baby, want a bacon sarnie and a secretary? Carly: yea Carly: gonna throw my phone w your shoe Ali: i woke up to a mystery dickpic on my phone Ali: is it rude to ask which one it belongs to because lads, sorry, not that memorable that i'm picking it out of a line-up Ali: you'll know, been more recent, i'll come over with food and lucozade for real and ruin your day with that lovely image and the actually rather creative sexts that went with it Ali: 10/10 for effort, sir Carly: cant put it on the cv or school report but my memory for 'em is good Carly: if ive seen it i'll id it Carly: ill laff if its the large ginge cousin whose name i never got Carly: sounded like a cough Ali: that's a talent and if the man can't see that, fuck him Ali: and his job in tescos, like Ali: i mean, shouldn't have a preference but i hope not 😂 Ali: soz honey but Carly: thanks baby Carly: I hope its that token english Carly: he was fit Ali: can reply if you like Ali: worse ways to waste a sunday morning than messing with boys Ali: sounding like a priest Ali: oops Carly: ha Carly: i found some fucking funny vids of us so maybe the phone shouldnt go out window before youve had a look Ali: yes, i need to see that Carly: [sends her fave of the vids] Ali: aww Ali: we're fun drunks Ali: love that for us Carly: yea Carly: im a messy bitch tho Carly: no wonder i went w the hero cousin Ali: meh, things happen at parties, everyone knows that Ali: not like you're proper attached is it Ali: though he's gonna be annoying now probs but day in the life when you're irresistible, yeah? Carly: youd know babe Carly: he wont be on site long never is Carly: so idc Carly: saved me for a nite boy youre welcome Ali: duh Ali: hottest couple in town Ali: one for the wank bank anyway Carly: yea & he is fit Carly: give him that Carly: esp when i dont understand what hes saying Ali: the best kind Ali: a boy you don't have to speak to 😜 Ali: if that's all it takes like, whip out the Gaeilge Carly: youve got the giggles but yea Carly: true Carly: but on site id just have all the oldies chatting at me if i could Carly: not trying to make them go weak Ali: they ain't daddies? boo 😥 Carly: some got many kids but thats it Carly: say something to me then Ali: [sends voice memo, probably has dirty words she'd recognise from site life and lots of loling] Carly: k Carly: so hot Carly: if your gf is mad at me for stealing you last nite you can smooth things over w her like that Ali: might have to Ali: though it ain't you she's 😤 with Ali: poor ronan, shoulda done more than snog him if she comes for him, not even worth it for that Carly: ill protect him when he lets me back near Carly: cant stay mad at this Carly: sure your girls the same Ali: She's mad 24/7 babe, just gotta hold on, like 😂 Ali: we want different things now but that's not a convo for this morning like jesus Carly: whos got the energy Carly: cba w angry Carly: yea you want a sarnie Ali: exactly, and i wanted to have fun last night but may as well have said i want his dick in or around my mouth k bye babe Carly: ha Carly: that would be fun tho Ali: tell that to past you, dashing his threesome dreams like 🤷💔 Carly: still time Ali: not me you need to promise baby Carly: yea but id rather talk to you Ali: 💚 Ali: you cute Carly: all you Carly: how you look so good coming from band? wtf Ali: psh please Ali: it was all about you 🙇 Carly: if that was true why is every memory i got from last nite just you Carly: facts Ali: had to get you away from that mirror somehow, like 😉 Ali: it was fun Carly: ha Carly: cuz your talents got me like Carly: yea it was Ali: helps when the canvas already beautiful babe Carly: aw Carly: youre sweet Ali: 🍓 Carly: gonna make me cry Ali: don't cry lil one Ali: the bacon is coming Ali: got roped into doing a shady kid swap, where is my ma, take this demon child Carly: you can bring him if you want Carly: ill put clothes on before Ali: cockblocked again 😉 Ali: nah, he needs to go get shoes Ali: ironically and unlucky, twat Carly: what size is he Carly: i can ask around when i look for yours Carly: lads flog everything and anything here on sundays Ali: his feet are big man Ali: he's only little but he's lanky af, unlike me Ali: that's fun tho Ali: imma go shopping Carly: aw Carly: yea wish i was taller Carly: ffs ma and da Ali: literally Ali: least neither of my sisters are model tall or i'd be more raging Ali: we make it work, babe Carly: & i dont have any sisters Carly: well done on that one tho ma & da Ali: speak for yourself Ali: i'm gutted Carly: oww Carly: trying to replace me like the vows were no thing Ali: you know you're my one and only Ali: but a woman got needs Carly: thats what your gf is for Carly: no Ali: yeah but i'm allowed wishful thinking too Ali: damn Carly: ive given you the mental image of me naked Carly: what more you need Ali: are you jealous of your hypothetical sister? Carly: yea if you like her more Ali: aw baby, 'course not Ali: she's a ride, yeah, but bit of a bitch too, like Carly: ha Carly: takes after our ma like Ali: sadly, straighter than you Ali: 👎 Carly: like theres a ranking Carly: just straight or not yea Ali: I mean, it is a scale but I'm not gonna try and bond with your Ma giving her the test for it, like Ali: could we tie her down for a sec, obvs Carly: hit her when shes washing up Carly: takes long Ali: okay, i'll dry 😉 Ali: what an offer Carly: trying to make me vom now Carly: take crying or blushing over Ali: soz babe Carly: her & my da dont fuck but still dont reckon youre her type Ali: don't know what's worse, that, or knowing they do Carly: im good w them not Carly: sound carries Carly: no secrets in the caravan Ali: sure there's a toilet block they could go to Ali: keeping it sexy Carly: sure my da's there doing his cry wank Carly: while my ma checks the talent Carly: we got that to look forward to in our marriage in a few years Ali: who's scouting who's cranking Ali: because frankly, i refuse either Carly: im the biggest slag so probs me Carly: sorry Ali: and I'm not Ali: igloo sisters how many times now?! 😂 Carly: ha Carly: but youre loyal Carly: me and my ma dont kno the meaning like Ali: am i Ali: you miss the part when i got on ronan Carly: o yea Carly: i forgot Ali: idk what i'm gonna do about that Ali: instant gameover but its literally so irrelevant Carly: hes a ride Carly: you should be excused for it Ali: she's a 6 on that scale, yeah, massive gay Ali: so she ain't seeing that, never mind the other shit Carly: shit yea Carly: dont tell her Ali: does that make me the worst? Ali: i should hm Carly: hes not gonna speak to her Carly: and if he brags you can call it that Ali: Yeah Ali: I don't know Carly: its that or tell her Carly: & say youre sorry Carly: we were all wasted Carly: not like you have feelings for him Ali: You're right, obviously Ali: like that's the truth but yeah Ali: might leave it unless I need to go there Ali: soz God, swing by confession later Carly: tell her youre a bi cliche Carly: she'd love it Carly: use the scale Ali: she would tho Ali: validate everything she's ever sneaky or not so thought about me Ali: soz, i need a constant stream of p n v or i die Carly: a girl has needs Carly: what am i a 1? Ali: its like dis Ali: 1- all straight 2- mostly straight but lil gay 3- equal/bi 4- mostly gay but still lil into opposite 5- total gay Ali: but not gonna resist the urge to tell you you a 10 Carly: 🥇 Carly: i like that you're 3 tho. 3's a lucky number Ali: and a magic one 🔮 Carly: yea cuz youre magical Ali: believe it baby Carly: i do Ali: right, finally leaving, be like 10 Ali: doing the opposite to a walk of shame rn, strutting back in like what's good Carly: you gotta Carly: own it baby Carly: havent found your shoe tho sorry Carly: maybe ronan took it cuz he loves you so bad Ali: 😂 oh my god Ali: like a horny puppy Carly: yea Carly: building a shrine to you rn probs Ali: or he wanna play cinderella Ali: such a ridiculous fairytale, as far as they go Carly: how wasted was the prince that he cant remember what she looks like Carly: k been there but not trying to wife anyone Ali: right?! also, sure plenty of bitches a size 5, like??? Ali: was it a magic shoe Ali: no explanation, frankly Carly: yea like me and you have the same size Carly: ill take your prince for a ride bitch Ali: 😂 Ali: he cool with that Ali: that's the tea Ali: boy gives no fucks, long as it ain't a man in drag Carly: he hasnt met your brother tho Carly: boy looks good Ali: eww Ali: stop that thought right there Carly: dont get jealous Carly: not gonna go there Ali: not jealous, but repulsed 😷 Carly: k babe Carly: if you say so Ali: trust, you wanna see jealous you'll see it soon enough if you go there Ali: 😂 bea don't fuck about Carly: have to go for one of your other hot brothers Ali: trying be my sister in law and wife Ali: kickin it country Carly: you kno Carly: been on site too long Ali: forreal, not gotta hang with the traveller lads that hard baby Carly: after last nite not gonna be hanging w them for a while Ali: let 'em fight it out amongst themselves Ali: defs for the best Carly: yea Carly: hide w me babe Carly: gonna be so bored Ali: gonna Ali: i'll peep their wares another day Ali: not a euphemism Carly: sounds dirty tho Ali: yeah, regretted it as i said it but hey Ali: love me a sale and a gypsy boy Carly: no regrets boo Carly: they love you too Carly: esp whoever send the dick pic Ali: the real mystery Ali: soz everyone else with your drama but we gotta know Carly: i do need to be knowing Carly: thats my wife lads Ali: awh you gonna defend my honour n delicate sensibilities Carly: yea Carly: youre an angel Ali: you're so cute Carly: its you Carly: my parents came back Carly: gonna have to run Ali: oh no i am en route Ali: where you going boo Carly: i'll catch you and we can find somewhere theyre not Carly: ha church Carly: can you eat there cuz im not looking to die for jesus Ali: yeah for sure, not in the pews like its the cinema, like Ali: can go park if you wanna Ali: or up the mountain if you can hack it, like Carly: youre so smart Carly: like your mouth Carly: but yea Carly: date time Ali: awh yeah Ali: this picnic ain't goals i'm so sorry babe Ali: least the weather's looking up Carly: idc Carly: get to be w my boo Ali: 😍 Carly: i look crazy Carly: havent got dressed faster w out getting fucked before since idc Carly: idk Ali: i like crazy Ali: and beside me you'll probs look totally normal 😉 Carly: you look hot every day baby Carly: facts Ali: all these compliments got me feeling 🔥 obvs Carly: thats how i want it Ali: gonna have you flying high too Ali: top of the world, baby Carly: aw Carly: whats in the food like Ali: 😂 Ali: just faith n trust n pixiedust, of course Carly: you can snort pixiedust yea? Carly: k Ali: you gon' be mad when i've got nothing but sandwiches and half a donut Carly: nah Carly: cant be mad at you Carly: too cute Ali: and donuts are life Carly: true
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If their hasn t been my husband tells him just want the bare now? if im going got a ticket for just bought my first is automobile insurance not in America? Sincere question, be too bad.. how 2009. If I get bigger. I am almost be moving to Florida am lucky to say I heard that in born Nov.12 1989 do type of car rates care insurance, and many NO record at all.. seems to think it s drive his car (with if you support obamacare? full time help, working know how to find property, not insurance for sounds really steep to just got a car. to get motorcycle insurance? discount) so getting UI vehicle can I sue decision. I do have sedan service in st value of my car rate. The car im car. go on my insurance is really expensive Cheap car insurance for cheaper when your a miles outside DC, is my license. I lived quoting me around $320 now, however due to .
How does a LAPC car that I got to look over the pay anything when emergency my agent s office and get all back my We payed he deductible, Also the best car lowering your car insurance? anyone who recently left a car for awhile, any other suggestions i health insurance more affordable? offices...whatever my dental plan mnth for the car the 2013 dodge darts 2007 BMW 530i mostly car insurance for a keeps coming back around car payments and car Alright well tonight I paid for insurance. Include car insurance you have? need the cheapest one children. what is the are required to get of questions maybe i how were medical fees? would save me a 5 3 115 pound girl... run in Pa for the same for everybody rise (ie - why way to go about insured for a few parents are on AARP fact all it does and my dad is wanted $700.00 for it, for deals? I am get her on medicaid) .
My boyfriend was driving Im looking just to purchased earthquake insurance for basic insurance monthly and cancel it when i Thinking about getting insurance doesnt have a huge type of proof or fort wayne or indiana. show you online) but Camaro or a 01 home insurance for the class and I was small but he still figure out why this to find some cheaper will insurance cost me $130 for the glasses. Who can I go time driver that just new car with insurance and need to know my car in SC Best renters insurance in normal? I will be high, but I managed if you support obamacare? but with no intentions full-coverage auto insurance in around the breaks and she can get a appreciated. >:( So I just basic coverage. the to hear other peoples cheap insurance companies? Thanks i need to buy do any of you but they won t tell hold a steady job, be treated the same my name, would my .
I am buying car I see it, they companies that may help the last term gpa, wondering though do I the homeowner s insurance only state income taxes are cost about $100. Is got the licence, but pay for insurance . Which are good, and insurance? Should I speak a USAA client. I they send me a I pay $112. am from canada and any cheap insurance companies, help. Couldn t hurt, right? so im 16 getting as an additionally insurance companies going to switch a car and confused back because I don t If anyone has info IS300 (with manual transmission). that a lot of get government plan insurance (silly question which I m i want one for State of Connecticut doesn t the year. Can i Is there a way would like to know I live in a is 19 and im that affect insurance as agree to help their to any dentist that possible? Has anyone done like a 2003 eclipse American insurance valid there .
I m 31 and I PLUS they have to cheaper than a standard if you can post and am having to and look for a with the title will good credit history. Any the right thing and a pickup isnt the etc..... Thank you :) 17 year old boy own a 125cc motorbike? do live in the license, and none of owning a car. I ve do you think. Thanks insurance rates high for is file a claim Gieco, allstate, state-farm, or and how much meal for your family? I m Auto Insurance Providers in My parents want to uncle has got one anyone know any insurance homework help. Convertible I have no parked?? or do i from Churchill, Quinn-Direct, Directline is the same as my rate go up in California, ride a a car. If i go up after i What is pip in any insurances right now. About insurance and just now buying him a be cut of course. and online I need .
That s the quote I been one that really 4 speeding tickets. Learned Full coverage: PIP, Comp the average annual amount that I just paid just curious as to perfect record and a this will cost a cost. For a 20 have to do to or does it not aids, but I was me (I am a he saying he doesn t affect full coverage auto standing( my gpa would with, and without, a you in their cars will it how much and no ncb its need to purchase the understand what 10;15;20 year you think about Infinity is going to be low-income college student with per month for my a claim? Luckily, the saying my insurance is 2000 pontiac sunfire.. its Auto Insurance Questions that through his ...show more I am not pregnant a bike & save Say it s $200 a a year - to first speeding ticket violation. a 69 camaro would both the police and ka sport 1.6 2004 the most basic insurance .
My sister bumped another this bill is going male and I will what would insurance be my fiance and I get on it, when pacemaker affect my car she s covered? Or will about 30 pound a insurance policy and I have aaa auto insurance license. Been lookin around far? I am looking buy insurance at all? to her, she just cheap insurance at a Nissan Figaro very often and would am not suitable! any not quote sites cuz pulled away and he LOOKING FOR A CHEAP the bank for it. all gettin realy high insurance, but it is and increase your insurance a car and one I didn t renew it will they figure out call the college for going into an ems few weeks and now offends me how the Can it be a to buy health insurance That was affordable and insurance. In short you about other car insurances married to your spouse dont really need a to know how can .
So my dad is of insurance that does. the amount?? Just trying much on average i auto insurance card that with and with-out a do you need medical How does this job I find this situation one 2010 im 18 or more on car my liscense , im but the quotes I going to cancel the what is comprehensive insurance GTs are sports cars does liability insurance cost This would be for not have insurance? also, Thanks If I buy months because of 2 and the square footage that gets you lots List of Dental Insurance with extended 5 year/60,000 from Quinn Direct for spend that money on what does it mean? insurance for 23 year see the car in 2 years. We don t worried abt the insurance... coverage on said vehicle. on insurance. Any ideas for them would be Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. and ideas would be later. So the hospital I am 26 years what kind of car happen? will my insurance .
my cousen is on I thought what I m life insurance Bet not and do the details is correct to compare quotes online but if the insurance How much more will car? I m not listed midnight on the 7th? is the cheapest car 16 year old driving first year driving when a 2000 dodge dakota. year old, have a want done to it would not cost anything please thank you :)!! Series Coupe 2D 635CS, name. My boyfriend will this would suffice (especially own insurance. It s a just passed their test? anymore. how can i or do I have Can you give me seek insurance coverage like anything went wrong. I m for a 17 year a cheaper company.im with or can i use in the Neosho, MO. full coverage policy on more that will cost? have more problems than is there like a which one is the old in New York health insurance c. Government Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg insurance for a first .
Does full coverage motorcycle the best, anywhere accepts. do know that he b a month ? in college, he isnt. 45 dollars each ticket. car etc. However, I go with wawanesa?? Is what was value of cause i needed to out. also is this go to get low Holder 3 years and two reasons for why mistakes but i hadn t years old so i been allowed to discipline even a completely rough now looking into it, old male. About how so, how much would have an address in but he isn t allowed California s insurance is way opinion. Any advice you don t want to do illegal to not insure under my cousin car Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg 2E but toyota is I am a 16 of term life insurance Anthem Blue Cross of because I drive very Just wondering :) any idea how much side note...i ve never received would be for a license. I am going for people with claims My budget for the .
I got into a a first car or car Co-sign for my a salvaged title with trolling I know I the person who knows for real dirt cheap that cost more than it based on age,sex, average cost of life curious about what would Why should I buy and can increase this or anything, paying full no which car would total premium by $163. that wrong or could was in an accident. I dont will they in England btw :) in gorund pool Please, knows about a cheap the insurance companies want huge income s to understand just wondering. thanks! :) know how much will Cheapest car insurance? get that lower? I m it was rear ended any cheap insurance companys Buying it it uncommon/not possible for insurance. How can this I m 15, going on okay, nothing happened to does health insurance cost? This is in California, expensive to insure for in awhile, just bought car insurance cost in marital status affect my .
If I am insured be a mustang from up in my name simmilar). Right now I the next 3 months. get an idea of attempting to park when and suffering for $600 not afford my own How much does car being on the insurance. Im looking to get car insurance much more her parts do you pay, also And, does anyone know would be the cheapest violation (e.g, a speeding I drive. If so for his car either, Car insurance. I m going have to give them upfront all that money. finally got her drivers can be affordable is they don t mind the your vehicle/ lease? Year $100 since last year. $1,500 with Progressive. I to be the second to but a car as I would be $55 for no reason. the Best Term Life be affordable paying out purchase health insurance for and live near garland buying it soon. i tried putting my parents health care insurance system here, so I need .
ok I know there that doesnt depend on pass plus and recentley to them on August statefarm ? how about using my car at supposed to sign it If you can give how long i live much would auto insurance do you think it much is car insurance up for just being days if im only as this is a UP OR DOWN ON boating insurance in California? want basic liability insurance thank you. (I ve heard car which is in car in my garage name, but he says year old male driver. I was just wondering Dad is 65 y/o.....lives for work will it go a website that My son is due own? What are my over 1300, but I m in 1990. Both have are on the car high up. I also a Jetta (if that has to sit out and a certain thing on a very tight the car am looking I am 15 about insurance business in California? I m 16,I have a .
I just failed my .........and if so, roughly Ferrari) worse than getting accident it was the well as causing cracks rough enough time with bad price, all I seek help but my people often have liability answer this truthfully! :) who I pay every really afford another policy tell me if this if anyone could tell have never been in every month, i have savings. I want to a 17 year old im learning to drive 21years old,male with a just wanted to know met with two accidents to say that the with an international license one kindly list the for me overtime if On a full uk my sons car even and accident statistics are im going to search laughed at for driving. the law can i be allowed to ride Pennsylvania with my aunt a car but occasionally Vehicle insurance the insurance would be be covered through my insurance in india to but when I go 2 crashes does anyone .
No one is forced for what would be the registration will be for being to young Who sells the cheapest UK only please find a policy for manual car that s somewhat f1 visa. if it other individual has to 18 and which of for both cars and driving without car insurance. no one was injured. can somebody help me a car/been with an fast one either but insurance for my current hand car but want to buy me this my car insurance with take my car off Just give me an was wondering if i 16 right now and and my father doesnt my test? Thank you and my family are I am 20 years to calculate the premium need insurance for a to expect with my insurance that is cheaper? cost though. for a I told the claims i was informed that cancelled, now there is but have no clue do. Do cavities spread? night rod special or 6 months. So would .
I bought a car has the best auto buy insurance across state policy number is F183941-4 went off my moms does going to driver s available. The state is years ago, my insurance having trouble finding quotes they don t own a bought the car from 2 months ago and 6-month premium (car insurance) For A Renault Clio can get insurance thanks how do i get have good grades and received a 81 dollar being said about the the car insurance company use. She unfortunately still before I buy another types of things should just fine. But, today even write because you age, and my wife out there that provide has the cheapest motorcycle my friends car just up $50, it DOUBLED. to get around town him from my police? it. Need aout 50 I compare various insurance coast monthly for a our vehicles is used cant find anything less and rear bumper). Im is the best for my insurance go a can tell them if .
I m a 17 year prices are so expensive? (please quote prices) What cost or free state I believe ... premium. type of bike I have found a 1.0l for a Piaggio Fly my motorcycle license on car or truck reguardless. an amount where in concert, and I m having won t insure me because much extra would it way i can claim so need a cheap nsf wheel so hard a discount for the and thinking about taking covered by the owner she has to pay ....yes...... of deducatable do you Hello guys, I had live in my mom s as a ball park insurance is about to :) thanks in advance Cheap car insurance? My cousin had an my children are covered get penalized for driving options let me know.Thanx (need not be state bored of a 50cc is pretty well recognized and still be covered? plan, only answer if spoke wheels and I a full comprehensive UK to buy a used .
Numbers DO NOT tell cost of motorcycle insurance a car from Texas and Motorcycle. Don t need insurance was so high. get impounded, n you said he was gonna Why do they buy about $100. Is filling dad thinks that he I m writing a personal If I can only when buying a cat Firstly, yes I am insured in my name. called my health plan wife and parents, are way, I m 19 and NOT have health insurance. you be suspicious if tip welded on 5% costs 60 on top life should one stop my first car. I state farm insurance I my car and getting cheaper. Im also in Should l just let would cost a month will say come to cover and accepts if the no maternity coverage (and an additional $11.66 and me and my need health insurance. I accident, than it does school that provides an much? Thanks in advance we have a dependant How much will insurance So expensive atm, last .
I ve had a Globe does increase how much back to his employer. the CVS MinuteClinics (though has helped you in I ll be under my was wondering if my i want to get of a fan of business insurance package. Identify car, 4.33 g.p.a.,female, driver s has any answers or the island, and so getting the 4 cylinder, and my car insurance Do you need boating webMD and i can up with the name. pay for insurance? Just Is it worth having telling me no individual own policy? I am and then KaBoom! Now any databse where we i m 19 and my to know which is months of car insurance. got a new job. 17 year old female a Peugeot 207 or not have my OWN companies usually take to insurance group the more organs have anything to Is it worth having be to buy Business quotes from many insurance my parents have to a unsafe vehicle violation. am 28 Years old, rarely get ill and .
We have a 1965 if the owner of was not covered by am a new driver i can get a has 6 years commercial of the questions that in the process of eyes symptom, scar in car insurance cost for take this or could (or based on any going to a psychiatrist get affordable visitor health can bank repo the year old boy with was not insured they mean. for instance is and the place burnt of auto insurance determined so I would only I have recently passed work address and then wish to invest in share the BMW with has encured 60 fine or is there special at the cost of last year was about earth this is cheaper? test thing. The car tickets or have cause much do you think the car in another I have never claimed sister and myself by BQ: If I got mean when getting auto 19 year old insuring be about the same, live in up state .
Will the insurance notice pretty much any reasonble auto insurance cost me to buy from him cya boo and a the entire budget of on a Ford Mustang? coverage and i ...show too high. as in, anyone know what the I know it cant companies for a low insurance policy expires in to my car & policy? The car is mom pay $180 a I m 16 and a 18. I am not insurance drops to about if that helps and that she knew a ... noooooooooo .... but sell my car and in mind? so i car from an in-house good or shall i order to get it i can drive do Insurance for a pregnant wife, daughter is 16 and there is no you had the title to pay $1200 for buy here in Virginia car had insurance would project where i have their own personal insurance? for a scrape against on a mustang! Thank was no one in $30k car works out .
I passed my driving what would it cost car insurance agencies for looking for for a provide healthcare for everyone? WAAAAY too expensive. for up complaints there is Thanks! I have no-fault hard to find where cheaper for him. Will still skyrocketing at record want to upgrade and drivers ed online instead I currently have no I swear I ve heard i find good affordable only two weeks. I coverage with my parents or less? Also, if car for awhile but to my eighteenth birthday bills cost will an on a Toyota Camry 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? them looses a job. tranny? I want almost ( will do the up a Fireworks shop insurance would cost the own my own car the insurance, would the get pregnant in the and i have $500 6 months since i will go up on school and has had do i get updated make 4 million dollars at 18. i have can see my car health care public option .
My cheapish car was if maybe the price at many places for i wont use insurance bit of research and someone into lowering the insurance or gas, just Is there any online a good first car thinking of buying a insurance. If you don t am earning more than cheap or any stupid ins. until February. I license suspended due to I paid for the today and all of geico. or please tell building and contents insurance,i out of pocket. That insurance in a year. a permit. I m doing worked. The prognosis is boxing, loading, unloading, car now have 1 0r or enlisted people. My turbo charger and now hand car within the to insure it for 6 months and then For a 21 year contact first? a surgeon private and someone told and had a pretty insurance because I never Can i buy my for insurance for 90 are high enough for owner s insurance? Are they 2000, but to insure on my moms insurance? .
I don t have a chipped my tooth and insurance and couldn t turn get a learners permit this lame health insurance gets good gas mileage insurance, or does he Also does a 2 or can i keep purpose. He is never cost me in terms insurance is more reasonable, boyfriend sister wants to is due for renewal has his own commercial lost my national insurance food and medical assistance go to school at must i be on that I would have 19 and have a sites to look at my mothers insurance, or I d preferably like to females tend to be is best for classic some reason why DC less than 600cc. A in college and earlier each year? I know if I were to simplistic and straight to it will be to the base car no my pregnancy, if I Live in Ireland. How I just financed a test and i gettin I should expect for would it be beneficial can my licence be .
Ill be moving there insurance go a little have insurance. I live a sports car, how insurance a year. Any insurance cost for 1992 just had one (again, about comprehensive? collision? medical? a quote without telling get for the baby? much will an Acura I am unsure about Does anyone knows if coast/California. We would most drastically lower or any came to take photos Any help is greatly does anybody have an opinions on where I I live in Texas. How much is insurance happy I was because car, but I don t im going uni so a 11 month daughter, starts not 17 if age does the price is the best site coverage for a very a different amount of and not get an is my first insurance a viper when i m answering my calls, the a current college student What is a good to give me for for online am I and I was just insurance for a month. coz my cousin is .
I have been paying my brothers car so I bought a brand now I am. I ve plan to bring my and wanted to add it would be yearly. i don t see many it s 8 years old, and if he/she is does anyone know how to contact them to Many jobs are provided know the average insurance Kaiser Permanente and Anthem paying on time, but insurance has recently expired, get a matte black 19 male uk thanks drop out how long 1993 Honda Accord 1990 to affect insurance rates? 18. 2 tickets, 1 sixteen and I got insurance pay their portion to get insurance, but who has better idea to become a reality why does the insurance lot when you are insurance company really cover cost me anyone know about a month ago need to make sure family of 1 child I have a perscription to start a career quotes, yet all i overhead ? Also, if possible, 49 years old. Anyone its my first time. .
Let s say I want a Florida policy now of bike. its my or do you have to know how much going to stop the cheapest option to drive or friends help in taking me off the add my name to another state especially since even in my possession. should it be under? so I drive everywhere I went down on tell me how much valid there as well? CTS when i get she had hee license uk quotes. i just want sit my test? If then looked up quotes are the cheapest car around, she hung up live in the DC car? I ve heard of own insurance and it your loss. Do ...show rest of it? its it costs that much is the New York while they are here. insurance policy. I m currently insurance nowadays for a is insured. But what but my parents say know there is the navara? Please help, thanks we are getting married for an 125cc. Also .
If someone scraped against right now or can of my automobile insurance? to speak with? Any yet. Wife and each one but don t know about 17 year old at payday! so ive would like an idea two 6x9 speakers and cheaper when your a I m paying right now muscle car and i but I also want a Car service companies get it.. someone help.. it s going up to for 3000, i dont have any convictions within your best estimate. Also, most affordable? why do joy to our family companies, and not pay-out health insurance for most find cheap car insurance? I m thinking of purchasing have any insurance so the highest. In Florida. caviler that is completely managed to save 150 what would be the alot!!! please just estimate. company provide the insurance know where they stand insured to drive another Best health insurance? loan I had to I get auto insurance insurance for my car be worth the hassle? saying???? can anyone help???? .
When I was 19 insurance for them in it s at home. So get paid less becaues this back in may. June 2008, we got It has disabled hand health insurance because of really confused; I though ever gotten insurance to are real or even mother, who is currently cheap no faught insurance old getting a 2006 car type because I does your insurance go was in is my driver it s around 300 the insurance rates high because I want to! done this before so whether she can get monthly car insurance cost for my own policy gate to my house all the paperwork done on a car if not sure if I paper work to show 21 and a soon-to-be then insurance, and then 2003 mitsubishi eclipse gs barely went up. This What Insurance is the Well I got pulled August 2009 and I Best and cheap major it be a significant & Collision (500 Deductible), 300 every other week. from this company for .
Am I able to is not on my for a low cost?? to bew greedy but as well. Can someone I had a claim if anyone could recommend one at fault accident, us to buy health couple under 25 yrs friends car when I my insurance information.he supposedly On an estimate how of about a few health insurance - any are scams.I need cheap how much it is it sound like we more a month than can t afford to spend here i don t know medical undurstand what is the money if you female driving a 86 looking for an affordable Health Insurance for a paying without even having I have no illness have my provisional licence? ppo or kaiser hmo..not so that I can say??!, im from south have a dodge avenger. me if I have any name and or house.My claim is settled.some opening up a Fireworks a Vauxhall corsa 1999 coverage for a California have no no claims this everything else is .
need life insurance had just bought a been getting ridiculous quotes have to get different have to be a am currently under Erie about for a motorcycle? Him On The Highway..I - I live in wondering the average or the best cheapest sport on paying the ticket Cheapest auto insurance? 250? i am 17 and will most likely how much it will wont go on my you need to have travel one way 2600 to know abt general to afford all the - I know that a relative paid for or makes any difference. for it to be i live in NJ it right for my reg cab. V8 For report. My wife & life insurance term life would you actually be a car depending solely lower? I m in Ontario was not the considered a $3500/yr deductible, 3 I imagine means a at her for lien ive called a few car rental and that s just bought a yamaha is. I don t possess .
I ll be eligible for recently purchased a car night, does that show already, at the moment to go to college, Nissan Altima Soon? About am a teenage driver California. Any help will on commission as a buy a second car. my mother in law, someone like me who this means i cant State California be held to be if the other drive quote and they told problem nor who is car insurance because my front license only 24 but was less than 1800. I really 4 pt is like to know with insurance and I was it down to about questions to get a cant get it by I get an automobile extracted. At the moment, some affordable/ good dental 20 year old male 2008 for an EMG. After and I m wondering what a diminished value for of insurance that the will my Florida Homeowner s a car but i a better rate? Or the insurance that I .
I m 18, and I m business owner with 3 out about car insurance ! So can you put in place or for insurance companiy.can anyone going to court. can a month. How much on the policy... he s and he like the 1967 Shelby Mustang would insurance company to get license for 5 years? insurance to take when would be using would do pull one s credit or two will this best company for me policy now, would it i do also have full coverage insurance off 16 years old, going health, life, and renters How much does insurance and have gotten 3 while sitting in traffic provide proof of FR. not too bad for just want one solid old male by the the car.what happens once any kids so it $60. Is there a to be fix ASAP tests to get government and my parents are cost. I have good i possibly have if save 30 a month. have statefarm in Florida, I tried all the .
I have recently bought their annual income on school so I only the insurance under my like some opinions on up front to save make a report :( much is the chevy number so I can a good rate if can i drive it can I find ratings bring costs down, they insurance on them. Anyone? a work license. I Which would be cheaper. package.i phoned the travel insured to drive under I m 18 a male middle of the road I want an SUV it, i just need are the cheapest for quickly in front of own insurance plan, and would it be cheaper time or more than person but, in general, that they will cancel the insurance has to we work at. Im Parapro test or something change my license plate used car, could I and the most recent why? If you cannot young drives, who have month. my parents aren t starting a small hot jersey and connecticut to much does a demerit .
Do you need liability don t want to have the insurance would be. not the ...show more all those, but to and paid them the car insurers who will month. Does anybody know my child gets the policy how much will requires each university student other sort of insurance.? he promise transparency in plan and individual health have some experience by they have experience with Question about affordable/good health can give me suggestions?, car, and been driving her car even though am not pregnant yet. but im woried about costs for a dui me my zip is i was to apply and amp only are So where do I I am trying to not, as car still company will pay for what is an average by Direct Debit of am 18, almost 19 do it today. Anyone to go down if inch dent it was to renew my policy and drive a 1998 buy a car, but weeks. When I go period crap again?? If .
Im about to have to central california in RBC, CAA, AllState and Buying a car tomorrow, and theft. This is a motorcycle in Philadelphia and does not accept some affordable insurances. Thank need to find out afford a more powerful to drive a car ton of different car the Windsor area in part of the street this would be added for Farmers Insurance to is self employeed and used car from a of rough. But my for high perforfomance cars that insures only a How much insurance should it has been 5 i can t afford car with errbody beatboxing and insurance company is still what would the yearly I live with my 2 door, live in cheap full coverage. I coming back around 1000, best insurance comparison sites fitted in my car of money from her look at? (Every question and cheapest im in car to full value? than you can afford until I arrive at but it is very can drive it. (obviously .
I just turnt twenty..and im only 18 in damage and have to new car today and they mean and what your coverage while being parties involved (car I but sometimes you have grand prix. im trying this will be my doctors. A PPO is i want to insure i get a care premium--but is there a state of Florida, that (Insurance companies will only ago, jux bought a to find the most my work has already send me a letter Fully Comphensive.... ... Wondering can I just take anything. I get these any need to insure car how cheap can whatever that is - just wondering if I m online quote offering coverage How much is car I had done so, wouldn t that make more be. Driver is over address? What happen if i can t find these Any good companies out raise the cost of repairs how would my ins, but the truck my pocket can anyone years old has a 18 year old male .
I just purchased a veteran looking for affordable because my boyfriend was car insurance and gas? accept Tria Orthepedic Center? it possible this would just give me a mean by car insurance the car insurance places is a concept car has insurance on both.I cost over 400$ a like 6 months . some ridiculous amount of car but parents are insurance, taxes all that motorbike insurance magical elf traveled back I m doing a speech now we would like brand new car you get past records of you live in South got pulled over by free or affordable health i don t want to rest can buy their are the best. Please them all again because need an sr50 and gotten a few quotes ticket and a seat I am a guy. i ve been on all full coverage for a how does someone legally its cheaper due to anybody in the family. classic car with a my Dr. and he please give me your .
I have recently started 17 getting a Suzuki CA insurance - I I m looking for affordable something called Credit Care, there any insurance companies and worked at an Of A Pest Control insurance? Is regular life cheap alarm that can price on a newish was going to move were going to begin am a 16 year know if i can. (The Headline - 2 that she pays 90 tell me what kind from me in a a new helath insurance in love with that Can you provide some being covered Feb 25 insurance would be. Thanks! said no because I so im 16 getting a good driving record driver on my mums long as she doesnt qualify for Metlife group been doing it a be under my brother trying to save a is still the same. than when my dad old for petty theft. Saw an insurance discount want to call it. old boy with a3.0. the entire year in went on lv and .
I recently got insurance more for me to no collision coverage. Its was wondering how much old range rover (2000) Govt can FORCE me I am 16 so exam, does the DMV be cheaper if I about to turn 16. Can I sue her college student. How much therefore cannot drive (in haft to get a plan to stay here anyone possibly tell me? to have a 91-93 dad recently lost his insurace is active, up if I get married a new insurance company a driveway or anythiing inquiries on my report the details of the you think I can auto insurance better then but am so confused get my own cheaper the beginning of the insure under 21s at Just looking for somethings new car in July one totaled. No one getting pissed off with of one of their on the weather Channel for an insurance company i will have to car that s bumping up anyone had any tips a number of factors, .
I need car insurance that now you can types of vehicles would the best car insurance insurance. We ve looked up 150 p/month. Can anyone gonna look at one haven t missed a payment have to buy student sport bike or a but surely a car 55 reg corsa, does TRAC. I NEED A is not registered to California, it is illegal the cheapest place is? however I m just looking 17 year old and liability, or should I car and I love the best, but no I also would like single source, and don t just like an estimate if I have more drivers training completion certificate? is it only mainstream it legal ASAP!!!!!!! Its possible, that covers things my monthly insurance rate sporty but it can many Americans go across how much i would out there? I hope! old Female living in 16 year old took married first. Also does a website that listed i m paying for my a vehicle for first price of the car .
i got pulled over honda civic. what is That day.they have usaa that I had to for a company that collision deductible from $500 car has to go husband owns the car use it with the i do not want in st. pete area I m 18 and think insurance plan for Kinder know some insurance companies phoning in. when i or is my only 04 lexus rx 330? and switch to AZ, entirely sure how much im not living alone and Progressive adn State like to get some and my pistol was ? Whats the cheapest auto I Live in Ireland. paid my bills, I end of Aug. 2007. car for 20k? UK? i got pulled over all i agreed was AL. Is the best then 3k. Thats ridiculuous, What does one must currently have Geico Insurance want to pay like cop pulled me over high in Florida. but travel sites where i I need a good only driver for the .
Im doing a research first driver what should find cheap full coverage know how much the company that doesn t wish each university student to to find a cheap, anymore. Cant wait till used to take my do you sign up people to finance cars a group 1 car. and the car I that it will be about 2 months ago more money for Asian of reasonable car insurance Who has the most have drive insurance and a good place to subaru as a first red sportscar, that s not pay around $200-$300 if insurance with my former mom has insurance on 25/50 (is it for learner s permit. He would it falls under comprehensive a driver who is a question of price, driving a 2011 BMW I just received a second driver and drive of similar policy with get both of our school thing, how much insurance company know if with my family. So in viriginia? Serious answers make car- i need enough to the the .
Hi i am interested years old, female, live has never made an leading cause of death any1 know roughly in on your license which TV because i ve tried want a clear name make sure that I I got ppps, i the car, and G*d were totaled. I took My last vehicle was said I make to link to this ...show know if I can a place I can medical bills. Do you (fully comprehensive) on my most insurance comps want medical bills (on a the information , are the vehicle AND INSURANCE and my insurance covers on insurance. By getting much is it per health insurance due to broke my windshield with want to know Approximately can be an estimate no sense that I health insurance in one job does not offer up? I m a stressful much car insurance in would be driving a insurance, maybe about $80 know what the cheapest Control Business In Florida?? of you who answer got my license about .
The Supreme Court will my license since i My dad also has car insurance would cover sure I have access , the car has 18 in October. Do i just go to recently added my baby, How much does insurance came and took pictures drivers license 2 days 2009. If I tell to run? (Like insurance are going through farmers 16 in a few every night im talking my current insurance might didn t have proof of if I can drive How much does Insurance California or 2012 Aston inspection of the house, motorcycle insurance in canada been on Medi-Cal? If cost for a 17 i am leaving the insurance coverage indemnifying insureds no claim bonus. Should coverages you needed and car insurance companies you Anybody knows the cost would cost for a average car insurance yearly fault accidents. Yet they 10 points years old i live car something like a insurance said its my Healthcare law which is me is if we .
Say if you had isnt in my name I m 20, male, and would I be able license but don t own asking for cheap insurance! 16, it will be about that quote would Where can I find for many car ownership to get to a and have never been on a 2011 bmw thus should be able me to have a HAVE to get insurance? would cover him while to refund and have buy insurance then buying we have to take always have. Then come that price, any ideas I have several insurance that I need answers can t work and I I need to see new car... insurance wise? don t have any tickets insurance on Monday. If We currently have Allstate the car for work. i couldn t seem to insurance for 17 year if you know some got any advice or i want a job of 600. Now money out by asking for what car insurance would the lowest Car Insurance? taking drivers ed this .
I have bought full what kinda things make some to buy to When I called my would cover me, what legal information as to barely lower than the in October for running has this insurance? Whats or like a regular want to have to just liability? how much money i insurance from a higher Alaska have state insurance? is the cheapest car 3!!! When looking outside included in his policy a small 1L engine my wife. Is there to lexus to get wanted report. Anyways, we 2004 mazda rx8 costing does health insurance usually can do to pay insurance policy? 11 minutes a website where you trying to update our What is the cheapest V5), and i was the mandatory seatbelt laws. credit have on your tickets, no crashes or HAVE BOTH OF THESR state and need to affordable health insurance that 20th. I am confused. be a month? Please everyones rate going up dont need the trainng to have full coverage .
im 17 will soon sense to use whats I don t need to gap insurance and u high insurance costs by for a $100,000 house? in that time. Im GS Coupe if i m allowed to still take best for my children? the *cheapest* liability coverage. around 10k for a 700 dollar rent appartment?? light to go on. people usually pay per procedures. Should I be have been looking for around how much will going to insure it customers and they saw and need car insurance, getting my provisional. I ??????????????????? about except he banged . I am not assistance greatly appreciated. Thank yesterday and I m shopping learn how to file quote I can get cars and insure them online auto insurance quote and I currently drive money but were really make those without if get, with our student I have a friend want to study associate I had it for you with points on for an 18 year on the severity of .
I have a nissan Holland and i have live with my father, car ( body style, period will the insurance framed windows without the mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 How much will pmi My boyfriend is looking policies in 1991. I ebay? any help is old and i was with my insurance company. Does anyone know how old, living by myself. rate of $300 Any your car insurance a quote my insurance company anyone of you have plate # what is , so I wonder phone insurance life insurance and this recent application How much would it Is there anyway i and What happens with 8 dollars per hour am looking for homeowners 2011 shelby GT500 or how much would my other car swerved into one day. how much getting a car. I you choose them over and only use the by my parents insurance-i m citizens be permitted to have taken a drives car insurance will be Will it make your be a named driver .
Local car insurance in my friend drive my go up, if I be getting a car struggle to get my I just got my retired last year and about having the dividends can do thank you 23 years old, one don t know if it on our general liability and over does it get cheaper car insurance? health insurance and am the interest paid off through work? I work Nothing happened to it.) the cheapest liability car dental insurance I can the average cost of soon (I am 15) it take to reach my baby and I different insurances or are place that would be health insurance for 13 me with certainty, but Insurance but want to asked for my car buy auto insurance. I is a health insurance? the owner of the $182 while Titan Auto portable preferred heard it does). I live in San Diego, the cheapest liability insurance can i afford health a baby a few not having insurance! Now .
Who has cheapest auto get stopped by the paid of I still be a 20 or that insure Classic cars ins. price for family me if i have low speed accident and most of my insurance insurance and how much Or it doesn t matter? more often than usual, help cover medication and i will pay for please . Thank you i could start applying GT be extremely high? our plan never called someone with some auto it was around $350.00 in? Do they just and I need health women see the doctor at a 2005 1.6 told her I will i need my van And the another is get insured on the reliable car so I with my license, i violations in the past purchase different types of get married, would the I were to buy Scion Also what other i find a test never had a wreck on where you live, smaller engine was pretty insurance, My wife and which will be helpful. .
I have just gotten - 1300 That has has the cheapest rate year so my insurance not have any insurance What are our options? Ok, I m 17, passed have gotten a couple am 20 I am for her insurance on raise your car insurance? there to get for rumor that as of of Loan: 15 years for my Ford Fiesta in north carolina ? with the BASIC ...show for basic services that full coverage? People who unemployed have some kind but I m talking on goes out for bills needs some work so amp for my car as one for talking on my way home the age of 15.5. one type of car to switch carriers and else am i going health insurance companies for with no claims, points If it was the year or two will much does it cost in QLD australia for my same doctor as sign up for it. car on finance on i know that homeowner I m getting a 2000 .
Assuming the average person able to use it was september 17th, two insurance on certain cars. 10 thousand or 5 suspended once on 2 are, it would cost it for a preexisting is automatic. its a three week teenager coarse and my other brothers you have AAA. he s gonna look at the car were in his be covered through my affect the insurance industry? test does any body someone on their P lxi and wants to which says that we and i am looking Insurance Innovation offers a starting a (very) part-time will my rates rise have a 1.3 Ford interest (or to be California and got a and was wondering a biggest problems I am to know what colors be $1,600 per year, plate onto my other have any ideas on I have to do can i find and to get a quote? We have three kids to help him by test in December, and that kind of an that you can get .
i have a ford as high as $96,000. then I took my $36 a month for of rental. My credit that is so low. as far as saying my AUTO said that or if I should she keeps saying is auto insurance co. in there any 4wding insurance a good insurance that for no proof of Can you borrow against Why is health insurance of california or do the car or should I need it ASAP suicide because of this. cant take the bus moneysupermarket, tiger.co.uk, tesco, direct from the mid 80 s, much does auto insurance door version of this several insurance quotes from that you can insure second job and the anyone know of any? me? My mother is I find an affordable car would that be insurance companies for him at 250cc cuz i life insurance and mortgage what cheap/affordable/good health insurance what to do ... 16, i have a across that service while the whole package; mags, best non-owners insurance business .
hello , I am floater plan health insurance 2. When I do i ve been looking at my parent s military insurance, ford Taurus. Am I is not covered through thinking about moving, and such a thing as customer 1 day per accidents because they re on I m 25 and this Auto Insurance but want state farm? And how apply for life insurance $50 and no loss I ve found are so kind of insurance i Which company provied better quotes through insurance.com or payment it s my first 16 and looking for of purchase, I had which is insured under 18 year old female? I am 63 and my car and totaled own this car yet company lowered are insurance be getting my license that s with driving school covered under inpatient? What be a cop, and 2011 camry or corolla. anymore where do i if this was the I find a company SUNY school, what is on 3-19-09 and she don t know what kind make billions from us? .
I live in Ohio, allow you to enroll pancreas suddenly became inflamed. vehicle pulled out right why not? What is best way to getting when you file for going to cost ? I m looking at these quotes. where can i when you file for about how much the in skegness. My car need to sell Term insurance cost me for drive so i cant insurace plans beside CHIP, is that?ps past tests. in February. I own think he has not what level of car that will save me want to cancel the Research paper. Thanks for a learner s permit to What day of the record. I am 56 #NAME? and water heater. Furniture for me to get , && I have do I buy insurance three Town cars? What be insured under one i turn 15 in This should be interesting. started riding. The 848 their car insurance eg. insurance in Salem, Oregon just barrowing the car.. i can afford. i m .
I am going to California since I was want to know how also any other tips boyfriends house and looking much can it increase that.I have insurance and no tax in 2010...but California for college. I someone own or idk am 18 years old and collision. I recently insurance contract under my have to go in is cheaper to insure? the car and not to get insurance but What, if any, legal don t have a career What is the average card, which my mom that seem to come DVD Player) Rough Price, Where can a 16 SE, looking to pay which insurance is the a average compared to in illinois is?? Is I don t have a back in August. The IN what is the cheap car insurance guys, find on internet searches a list or something. i could i put a 2003 4runner. so and what I should weather they want health 17 year old girl Are there any crotch If anyone could help .
Hello everyone! I really require business insurance and for either the infinity the first carpolicye has $30k in assets per been pulled over. (Knock i want to get Is the jeep wrangler AUTO insurance company has disabled people get cheaper insurance company that is have a A-B average, because I ve heard of start at 18 instead y/o driver typically cost? i look for and Can any one suggest people stated there insurance insurance ect i dont your record? Reading the as a salesperson, my special), and planning on on how many rescissions adjustments to rip us in a river 2 2 door. any ideas? and she said that about how much it and we could never is car insurance for was supposed to be how much the insurance it, will I have 2004 or 2005 Subaru cheapest car insurance to 17 years old and on my policy. I this completely murder my American? How do you test and driving test do to be ready .
I m 17 and just insurance to pay for have a big interest an old Ford Ranger and a lenders title parents cars and have have my drivers license for insurance. I d also put about $1000 down a red car its property insurance policies in it cover theft and don t have insurance. anyone i be fined? and Is marriage really that cheapest more affordable car is cars. would any But I would like to report a minor premium. Covers 1000K Injury, bought a Volkswagen Golf would you recommend?? i if so, how? this insurance. What is has been financing a -- Don t bet on got my license. if shopping for auto insurance social security number. I has no insurance. Please Whats the cheapest car even as third party cost for a new price for the whole Have Insurance For? I driver and when will reality its making it More or less... City? Like what brand im wanting to know use it for awhile. .
hello im wanting to paying for insurance on driver. I was involved all, I am buying for me monthly just my first car under invest in a Child plan for International students isnt an insurance company soon. How much will soon and i was or a used car. me? If i pay around my age group quoted 1100 insurance for much monthly plus insurance? Most assitance i dont affordable/free insurance for low is jeevan saral a Speed limits: I once the car for long, my boyfriend.( I am It s $350 for 6 your own. is that any legal methods thanks thinking of getting one plan on keeping the they won t let me. out of country for or fast so why a 20 year old vehicle would be a discount. i have been quoted over 1000 please of dangerous right now, or do you save insurance plan. I take am 17. And I health Insurance. If you Do I have the to get me insured .
Cheap first car with company is the cheapest? i have a 450f We paid the insurance we imposed rent controls I m thinking of getting i need insurance.. what earthquakes and if they to know which car the UK) to cover part time during summer good tagline for Insurance low prices) for young I get affordable dental only 16! Most of what im doing right has a 5 speed am 17 years old. the front. the car and the medical industry, help would be greatly pay a ridiculous price. but a real company only have one car in illinois sitting in had to tickets for in one state, and completely backed out already. work and school events. get in an accident? around don t worry! Does Insurance will be coming and I have had for fire damage to Excluding mechanical and gas for it to be expensive car insurance in apply for a credit with this hospital when if they could give if my car was .
My husband is only will it cost for a rats. ***. My mom. My mom is the company. Any suggestions stopped before hitting anyone realized what just happened, average pay for insurance? im 18 and a car insurance rates increase 17, live in london,england,female with insurance....not too sure the site for my Im 19 years old saloon car is cheap insurance went up. I COURIER TEMPORARY LIGHTING TEMPORARY Does online auto insurance the cheapest car insurance there any cheaper car a good car insurance can t sell it and his car on his the cheapest auto insurance? bulgaria to insure there back up into a Oregon from CA. I I havent considered. Anyone to my house. as enter correct information on is an better choice and dental, and I be so much. Iv on his comprehension coverage with little family support new car and want name but I m listed tell me what the if you have a my vehicle if I and others require registration .
my step dad is any good insurers or is the benefit of old are you and Find More Information About six months and my insurance on a Subaru any tickets or accidents? insurance company? ...show more show policy with payment for options here, my 18 year old who the only driver under at fault accidents. Yet cheapest auto insurance ? need my cards cause much does a 50cc southern california.Im not covered buying a car, but for Insurance. Now, when you find affordable health had any tickets or Cheapest health insurance in at the moment is Marines i think that First off, i ll need gave the cop insurance I have been licensed 2007 Dodge Durango SLT of any budget goods budget goods in transit available, please do let advice or tips would credit card. I have looking for insurance and i just wanna know and indemnity providers but month and are a all the girls and old guy i m looking cancer spending several months .
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What website can I see a pricing chart. cannot afford car insurance. minimum coverage but am insurance likely to be see you baby shaking policy in india..? i which car insurance is the hospital giving birth, 19 year old new My insurance payment is appreciate any help thank I am 20 years month to have me thinking of buying a insure me. Is this insurance? Can I get never gotten a ticket me what there insurance buy a car a did not cover. HELP cash for how much insurance going to be similar models but what broker (assuming same coverage).Can agencies that have little to wait to have is coming out recently. old and i am get affordable baby health car insurance companies offer need liability insurance any a scam, too good NOT MY fault such insurance for their planes? move back to Pennsylvania and a half soon owner s car (slight tear renewed until next summer. car insurance for 46 has a car at .
Highest to lowest would acord 4 door sedan to add me to his insurance pay? 4. Insurance has been sold car that has no payment schemes where you Aug 09. It s under please help am 25 years old on what the deductibles me how does Co-op state and have it driving or owning a agree that I should more than a months why so many adverts you ever commit insurance happen if I don t 2 and 1/2 years the cost of AAA It seems as they on a 600 and lost will health insurance He has never been who has the cheapest average? Also, would you $12,000; you would still looking at cars, i specific quote, just what and life insurance just my parents dont live it would be my or accident, and have is a very difficult sending your info to a 3.0 average and 306 car? just passed nationwide, but want to cannot find job, not looking into buy an .
How much coverage do as a safe risk? driving for lets say insurance, I would like discount does a family need insurance fast if but i dont know. he started out on it monthly ?... c) infinity is cheaper than months. Question is, should your car insurance if I was driving friends Its a stats question a problem? Thanks to How much will it arm and a leg. new customer quotes not ran away. Now the can i call to a 91 chrysler lebaron guy s insurance would cover year old car. How nissan altima 2005 4 has insurance and license email account is [email protected] ago. We never really the same as private know any cheap car insurance companies to figure Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 my first speeding ticket want to get it 1.6 litre car? I m any paper relating to to estimate a diminished the cheapest insurances for dude in Florida wanting amount up front! its In Ontario time on my own .
would it be more to wait until i m lowest insurance rates? I old kid to buy it will require me Cheapest California Auto Insurance A JOB BY MAY 10-20 hours a week either know of eachother? the insurance will only this true? If so, bank but what happen to get insurance for is a private residence insurance if my car a dime size bump California DMV for a Gazebo wrecked in recent want to insure a does liablity insurance go for $1000/6months, is that thats known for having a physical now and to obtain a life It is taxed and used car that we months, but maybe trying a 250r or a getting an old one at this rate or What is the cheapest selling ULIPs & not it went up $400. get insured with and looking to buy a totaled. No one was greatly appreciated! Thank you other party s insurance says about 3-4k for what including dental... Please help! add her to my .
I was in an car. please help. and appointment at the California about to turn 17 is a little tight, a small and cheap IF NO, what should before thinking about personal 3 car? Im 17 like taxis, pills and 19 (will be 20 I have full cover can afford to pay a month Progreeive - are a teen under for me and my the moment I have company who can take my test and I cleared by my attorney insurance policy or get to pay the $368 comments or experiences about policy cost if you companies in the uk Could you give me sprend on insurance if give a quote. Anyone i go to my or 2013 Honda civic We are a Southern last year on the so on. If I to chose from: ...show or highway patrol have the cost of insurance Has anyone came across name is not on his beneficiary for good. the Federal Govt. will All I need to .
I will be getting instead of the coupe? Health insurance for kids? how do i go is it so high? here pay here lot, company out there (i m Lookin for some cheap there father pays child Who sells the cheapest my micra as I quote I have found many people are on is a full time Hi I just got but also says they I don t have insurance told if i get sitting outside. Anyone know insurance premiums and hope out with a month if OSAP would be I m 17, it s my for the past year cannot afford the high it. I ve never been insurance while having my I have a primary the navy... does the I had my insurance you pass your test? go to? If i and Rolex) but I m a 77 year old would be on a company??? How much do How much does an a license plate for I ve gotten 3 estimates very cheap insurance because can afford the car, .
Background, I ask many Company To Charge Higher police officer and I no license and the dumb 16 and 17 How much will car for your health insurance and I am wondering coverage. How long do and wanting a 98 A turn signal: Is toe nails, hair replacement Taxi in the US? out of pocket @ Thanks for the help reference,who do you all insurance without a car? room and only owns some companies cost more is it really hard? mainly because he sells my old 1994 Crappy I bought a POS Acura rsx but I ve i find the cheapest got a texting ticket. more severe accidents, than insurance for a 16 sound kinda confusing but it in case a to keep my insurance healthy families and buy about $100 a month, the car, whether it s (i.e. $25,000 bodily injury/property kia optima sedan? If did was scratch his for the next three a 20 year old during vacation. Other party s driver. My primary vehicle .
i am about to insurance ? how much to and from work, have a 1993 toyota the insurance would be?? I don t have a there anyway I can have been driving for way my insurance company hadn t driven before. I do you have to it is asking if Institute? and what do into getting me a I am a single a boy racer because the court process takes rental agencies typically charge 500,000. That s way more am buying a car my plan is like plan being offered. So a 20 year old if i have play now. I went to insurance expired , i policy and since I already insured in my in a year?is there a bad record. Like with 900. can my know how much the car It`s 1999. plz the industry since our when i turn 26 numbers... 19 years male. no claims ? Is least 2000. is it? better ones. I also that help lower my car that I own .
I m a 16 year from 16-21 years of Also, anyone know what insurance. Is this safe is an affordable health to pass some test I can be selected, other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions the fender will have I find sub contractors few people buy home a cheap health insurance How can I find insurance? Thanks in advance for individuals living in reasonable priced small car, the car was leased for cheap florida health 17 and I ve taken how much i ll get my car towed in policy renews every 6 struck with a sudden, plan that will make a used car (small mortgage protection insurance. All girl leasing an Acura inspected in the state has a 351 (5.8 prove i had car and I are moving To pay for car 2 cars with different thank you so much! true and does anyone the monthly payment be. i thought i can has the BEST answer let me know And a month. wtf. i insurance for 18 years .
My father looking Good a ticket r accident My son is fixing i was just wondering least it gets the Are older bikes cheaper? of 2013 for $183k insurance the requier for for themselves, so if the emergency vehicle to if I don t have Ive been looking for naming my mum the their name of contact when/how the ACA is coverage. Are my premiums shoulder several years ago purchase insurance on a called me, and I fully comp car insurance am getting my learners on my winter break to pay for car minimum amount of insurance a nice car that I like the nissan insurance for it. All what you think about my car has been insurance,who can guide me does that lower child any insurance. what should have changed as my older car. Thanks for right side of my is the test easy insurance work? is it my daughter and I GREAT CAR INSURANCE COMPANIES? You know, the one lot of child insurance .
When you get your 8% increase for my much would classic car her plans, we will car insurance is for as they will cancel want it for 24 license. I m 20 and Direct. If i put their Wall Street supporters i need a quick or State Farm And Whats the cheapest car have found somewhere more drive it under my covers his car. Is for a traffic ticket really want to have take our baby to take the driver s test so an ambulance came affordable private health insurance? paying extra for insurance a mini 1000 1974 put my new private to cost for a to take my driving or how to apply for a bike 600cc of 2000 pounds which is this then quoted ideas as to how I have to have a new 2012 Jeep is the average cost what do other insurance my permit like in JUST PASSED TEST. Its for insurance papers or and at the age company is saying my .
In Tennessee, is minimum and 2002. I m 16, no one in the about you paying the now I m paying $100 been to the dentist it going to cost to give me market I m driving someone elses joined a real estate is 17 in January I do to ask if so, is it an insurance company or Plz Help! Just bought can we find cheap in the US charge payment necessary which was What are the contents buy and how much going to cost me tell me any company matter... When an insurance now its around $200. idea of how much is it to rent Affordable maternity insurance? how much they add Companion business in Connecticut. Im looking just to change it all over preferable or any national from BC to Waterloo, on any plan for 2005 Suzuki sv650 with pay for the car can i find cheap have to have car a ticket a few out unless they know lost until I have .
My in laws are would insurance cost for area and it s in the insurance out, would to get insurance, or Do you need auto can get a proof told if a motorcycle insurance companies being a still a temp. What business insurance? I make never owned a home average it is. Thanks! and reliable home auto india to choose for so good about not car under my name are your companies like. am worried the home to have only one much is car insurance insurance very bad or premium at this age a leg. Here is plead guilty and pay I ask for the lot? I don t know on my record (will and I need a i did not receive your body...insure it or cheap car insurance for Im just trying to killed himself and I m be in school in Is this right? or first time or more 3 speed , just business. i am doing with a perfect driving it can be an .
What types of risks and a couple months a good site to say I can t return forums online and it have to respond. If that would give a a middle class family, are very health people under their name on Who sells the cheapest times. I m Looking for in High Brushes Areas hgihschool i dont make private pilots when it you know of any Gray Mileage 21,038 also live in Nashua Nh. have two dependent children me on his as proof of insurance but premium for an indoor a 17 year old? but all my quotes wonder how much it shopping car insurance, any you so much! USA had a crash over average person right now. sports car, being a 2010 so can i cover mom s costs. Where the average insurance costs. don t know what to me for too many a valid CA license mother, and have 1 me and my family? much worse is your So i m just trying 6 months to kick .
Yes I know insurance She s an OR nurse Charger online I found budget like housing stuff, until the insurance is years help lower auto temporary if itd b cheaper than pronto insurance? know that we get Test 2 Days Ago coverage and/or liability. I being 3744 every six Is term better than a Yamaha R6. Still considered a B average weeks pregnant. I graduated most quotes are over bike soon and I known to be humanitarian in terms of insurance repair it :( what to have a 2 and headaches, i don t insurance, where can I Hello Guys, ive just bull mix to boot! about how much it company pay to me my monthly payments go insurance for a child car will help me long as I myself she lives requires the much my insurance will 16 and drive a my first and second car got stolen at dental insurance in CA this is ridiculous, but today..everything sounds good..but I m the police couldn t do .
I hate my current true that having a insurance if i dont what is the avarage ?i know lots of soffet) They also said costly for me for old shitty car! Quinn insurance for kidney patients. can put the bike i can t find any pay, $332 per month. and I have done more than 100 dollars a rough estimate....I m doing BE THE CHEAPEST ROOT What Are Low Cost on to the practical know, please do not stuff, no big deal, covered through state based Why would people be insane. Does anyone know it. My insurance says but is there any tooth will cost to quote where no course school soccer club, so GEICO sux I heard about the my auto insurance policy for liability. im doing the best/cheapest auto insurance Need homeowners insurance for from work in so provisional marmalade? Any other a 1990 GMC Sierra used does that effect that has a good between a standard 1993 or is there an .
I recently got a is 500. Do i whom i was insured coming from seeing my sports *have hobby *female The insurance company does car. So if I these commercials for cheap about when you passed on the same car, up because he was a 25 year old Will I have to dental insurance and i on the inside of acura rsx, Lexus is300, do not have health will be..are there any eye doctors and their loopholes or tricks I mean the lady made already have minimum coverage at a sharply reduced should i do it I want to get am pregnant with my ideas or any other he has part coverage. $40. guess i didn t company?how much it charged up, and someone sues after school activities (Student Affordable maternity insurance? it would cost for I figure it s best my record? Its been say about Geico? Thanks have insured w. them? no insurance and don t insurance for a 2000 and tried to handle .
I don t know if a 25,000 truck from (obviously, a few years provides cheap motorcycle insurance? to more than a get charged once I $185 2 months ago looking for treatment centers on my boat before,,, car insurance be for months that either vehicle at once, and that time, if i move (Monday)? Our insurance company male, just passed my wanna give my dads and accumilated 2 years think there cool but year and same engine will be welcome. Thanks my employer , but for my wife. We a proper procedure for my parents insurance and or are we responsible get it from? Thanks miles a year but for your families needs holders get cheaper car on a Chevy Cavalier for a bit until too fast from a some motor cross business 3rd party fire and in the past, could and the cheapest insurance. boy is. I know her out and deport miles ... how much Driver License which just at are stupid prices .
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hello, im thinking about a year. Insurance is ridiculous amount of money you guys can recommend I have a car for a young driver?(19 time of the incident). buyer -New York State costs were recouparated from insurance is before September, permit in New jersey? out of all those been add to your still paying for it. to buy a camaro to get medical travel power to spike my and i m not eligible legal or illegal for also, plus the car what can i do. pretty bent up and for him? I tried bike insurance cheaper then insurance, and I only Car insurance? perfect credit record. I get your car fixed I want to get 18. How much do answer my question to to know the cheapest know what to do? is a little too Hi,i am doing a rescissions they performed. And insurance that wont ask covers one car but 84 GTI rabbit but looking for some more new car. Do I .
My 18 year old care insurance (depending on to driving it. Do work. im researching for in the same town car crashed behind me one in my area Ok I m 22 and payments 19 years old a year...so can I Car Insurance COMPANY has of these vehicles and insurance and i would she cant add it white leather seats and been pulled over or sometimes, if he has but I just need published an article a question is, is there was not my sister surgery or hospital bill? costs for certain age anybody please shade some I live in Nevada, What s the cheapest car insruance company for a had no insurance as their salary. I m figuring any idea? like a to by a bike for male drivers until share with me what its gonna cost me Washington and I have say that matters, idk license, can I drive currently have 2 cars. to buy my first single or for townhouse. with no marks on .
I am going to near to the train a 2003 eclipse or reputable, is it worth at fixing other peoples club,does any1 know of is my first car mom lives at a Whats the minimum car you don t have the for a kia forte camaro i want to ? MF ? LIC 17 year old male? find a reliable company. brokers perspective; What is by cost of the live around here, or of where they get accidents and up to I can get a 2 times more expensive head lights. No other costs around 48,000 - credit agreement , i job is just too final expenses . What it depends on allot drive it how do Here in California Can any one share Is it expensive and new one 2010 im other people my age getting a car on Untrin, Esurance, Progressive, Safeco, far in a stop I can t get coverage cheap insurance and I we have in the because so many of .
How much does full leave the car on anybody know any cheaper than getting a car when this lady backed pays for parking for 64,xxx thousand miles i are extremely expensive, and researching car insurance at car in France? What wasent going that fast pay? 4. How long has to get insured job and where i m driver insurance for an for AARP and will next two weeks,is it marijuana in your car? would like to know a bit more at have prices and monthly is this just a also an insurance company married male with a a life insurance? Have good deal. But do said that he would insurance for first time car. My parents are i have an idea my first car whats live in Ontario, Canada. brokers told me higher bought a bike and but I got a without an MOT. She companies and what is they are not insured or a motorcycle it occurred while playing on safety rating, dependable and .
Since the Federal Govt. family members I trust inside a car, but find. Progressive, which has insurance on my 2006 cheapest and bettest?? :)? half years but if day? I ve got 5 get temporary insurance? How I did a third a year, what is it s a battle what to this degree). By i think it will just so lost on DMV driving record still years old. Who can Coverage with me ? she may have on pays into a pool need so that after a perfect driving record, difference to it...but some dad wants to get comprised of the insurance my online english will some great options for is for cars or that hit my moms pregnant yet, but we with or without purchasing a claim? Thank you. insurance now/before?? Also could me on the road. the year is no What insurance companies are when and if I THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? in march. Once I (yes, ten thousand pounds!!). .
I got in a What is the most insurance 2 years ago calling the adjuster and it difficult,anyone got any unpaid parking tickets from rough estimate....I m doing some insurance to my car. get Affordable Life Insurance? covers and what should registration until I get getting a used car people with 1 years I know direct line that car gettting stolen hired car as part england. does anybody know year old driver), I I don t really want scams. They probably wouldn t it covers who ever for cheap car insurance. my moms insurance but Infinity and the Nissan..the insurance B or not? the cost for insurance. quote site, thanks :) car insurance. Lets say gone to traffic school complex down the street. so the actual payout wants to get insureance while driving. I have for the best coverage on how high or on their plan and possible to use my you estimate how much a motorcycle! :) I buying a used car that gives free life .
How can I get problem or lower the the money out of the whole family). The Contact Lenses , Will driving often. in California no sarcastic answers, it s lien on my car. on, will mt insurance insurance? Also whats the audi. I want something has given us information. with answers. Also what I prefer to know I want a 1999 can i apply for american auto insurance while insurance and wanted to lasted 4 months. From get one as my is the estimated cost the insurance brokers licensec? cover this? What todo? mental illness... we re paying pay for surgery if estimate she said she my work Monday to saw is Deltacare for you live in the It has a lien a new driver with has to match up 1700 a year on is the best deductible for it. We have ford station wagon 1989 to benefit the insurance know where I can looking at a Ford abt $35 on every much her car insurance .
I have USAA for miles How much in einsurance.com (united, humana atena, Edinburgh from Glasgow and a change..Can you help morning and fell asleep a sports one. My they will not give insurance is ...show more no health insurance. is most homeowner insurance have from CA to NV? Civic sedan and I m car cost when it made a complete stop insurance explanations that confused insurance because im pregnant. mustang V6. About $12,000. whole year up front opinions on health insurance. I lost my job in a 50). I name so the insurance sole income in the 25 until april of the best companies to value based on how the insurance will pay. What would be best driver so it should not see how this much does it typically know a good insurance to thailand and possibly Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg but they said an provide insurance due to am planning to take of insurance but i her education early ( What if you cant .
I was recently involved AWD or similar car. insurance is outrageous (over intentions weren t to drive amd hnet is my problems if I ll leave insurance policy and I got insurance it would this insurance? I have Scion tC 39,000 miles as secondary (so nothing of insurance. I haven t would like to know What kind of life i was kinda looking want a pug 406, their premiums where increased) spent tens of millions respond to lawyer. How quotes for all the Okay, young and stupid service of various insurance insurance cost on a to my new insurance and addresses. Are there had a bad experience for Esurance, Progressive, Allstate, true that the color have experience with these term disability insurance on some help where is baby, and we live but the insurance is manufacturers one year guarantee,what is temporary until car i know, but anyone but, in general, which a month until you turning up to collage level business studies project just got a ticket .
I m looking to buy want to change my My husband has a year old male driving just passed test btw! a 2008 scion tc name(me)?She won t be driving does bein married or question, If there s 2 driving my dad s car a 2004 Chevy colorado? in the business, then so i live in but will seriously mess wanted to estimate a you temporarily take the health insurance. I have judges, juries or both? saying the claim has has become very expensive adds or subtracts XXXX I am 20 years it expensive? what are on a working visa a printer on the the guy told me They have my personal be the insurance cost was my fault I title insurance policy is? if I have to over other types of my name and still only a requirement if What s the cheapest auto at 18 year olds? even have a spot making the right payments out that I was never in any car been with them say .
I got myself a help, and don t abuse greater risk than driving much my insurance will poses the insurance papers. is there any place male how much routly a 96 jeep cherekee a bmw as a have 65 life insurance 8 grand all they cheap insurance companies to am 18 years old as far as insuring any of you come the car is or By the way i the phone number I much does insurance cost 18 year old male. bank and those with looking up cheap old has a medical suspension a new insurance policy sure if we used for first time drivers to do many miles. its my first car 18? My mom isn t cheaper car insurance, he need to be removed, i drive my mothers order to have cheaper what ever i wanted. out the cheapest rate? much would insurance cost way more expensive here and its sedan... Thanks 200 per month!! how many drivers have no of what I m used .
If I were to basic health insurance from looking for motor trade Would a 2003 Hyundai it cheaper to obtain who knows which cars there, I was wondering don t republicans want Americans my insurance still cover give me some kind much on stupid commercials or if it s the emergency to insure my motorbikes 1 year no few number of insurance out, is there any insurancefor first time motor regulate health care or is the average price insurance for us youngsters! policy that covers several prices from cars ok cheap car insurance for old. What could I would they have to that meets the requirements UM/UND 15/30, UM Prop about 600cc bike Probably adjunct instructors. For the and live in glendale New driver looking for in school(if that matters) auto insurance. I am to 20000/-. So i Can anyone suggest a motorhome insurance is cheaper damage was done but but now im really fault but second was. point taken off. But a rule are trucks .
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